Wednesday, June 27, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...

Hellooooo Sandi, sounds great, the water and the cool breezes...but WOOF for Mitch's home situation, lots of that going on around here too...

magpie said...

Well I was not thinking SPLIT....

I hope NCTC STEVE is okay, he was probably in the Stormin' War Zone also

magpie said...

I am convinced that people that "invent" these fancy things do NOT test drive them ...
lots of things fall into that category.
A no-king hose...then there is the situation when the hose is in the sun and Wow can that water be HOT HOT HOT when it first comes out.....

magpie said...

no-king = NO KINK Hose...

Mema Jo said...

Wow It is nice to be 600 - nice and round number! Sandi and Linda have hubbies with the name Dennis

The car is packed - will leave from
Bob Evans as soon as we get something in our bellies. I guess I best put on my sneaks and get my teeth! lol
Hoping that Judie and Lynne soon check in. I'm sure it is the electric.

I'll be thinking of you - see you next week...... I ♥ US ♥♥

magpie said...

Happy Trails, Jo...and Safe Traveling Wishes and Prayers....sure am going to miss you !!!

I am with you, our gals are without power most likely, and they are resourceful, heck they are MOMSTERS !

(( Beach Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

just tried Paula's cell luck on that, call could not be completed....
I'm pretty sure she and Nick are well cared for and safe...

magpie said...

oh I used the cell phone that I de-activated last night - DUH !
I had to keep it on because I am editing contacts.
Paula is Fine !!

Has power, is preparing to go from one Paradise to the other...

magpie said...

Sure was nice to hear Paula's voice !
And a chuckle or two....

said the storm went through with a vengeance at the turned on a dime so to speak...

magpie said...

I had to stake my two green pepper plants and fortify my tomato plants, I have one tomato ready to pick but I have promised the first tomato to Tom Sweetie ☺

My New England Asters are five feet tall, I had to fortify them also, they were nearly horizontal Saturday morning

magpie said...

running off at the mouth here, got some Iced Mocha coursing through my system...

Going to attend to some HomeWork here for awhile...
Oh Lolly: Great narrative on the Dallas Cowboy festivities at Laurel's !

ttfn ♥

magpie said...

I've been scouring every email I can find around certain dates that Judie has sent emails...
but cannot locate that cell phone number, however, even at that, with no power, no way to charge up the phone

Okay, I'll get "home" early enough to try it later if I can find it...

stronghunter said...

Hi, just came back downstairs. I decided that I had to take a nap. I know that some of the land lines up in Judie's way were not working after the storm.

I don't think I have her cell number, but will check.

stronghunter said...

I tried a number starting with 691 in the 703 area code. Got a message that the call cannot be completed at this time.

stronghunter said...

I remember Lynn's calling me a whirling dervish at some time in the past, Margy.

Hearing meowing coming from somewhere. Must be a cat shut up in a room. Gotta check.

stronghunter said...

George wanted in from outdoors. Should have checked that first.

stronghunter said...

Sent Judie an e-mail, just in case she can get it somehow.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for trying the call MARGY!

I hope you're ejoying your birthday and you remember it as something more than being a super hot day! Big Hugs! ♥♥♥

magpie said...

You're welcome, Lori...I'm headed out to The Other Place pretty soon, maybe I can find that cell phone number...

Shirley: The first three 703 matches, the second three, are different from the landline number I have for it could have been a cell phone....

We'll just keep keeping the Faith....

magpie said...

Well, on that note, Precious Pals, I am going to make like a baby and head out...

Thinking of all,
With Much Love....
And Thanks for the Friendship and Fellowship here, it's like having a Birthday Every Day !
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

MARGY check your email I sent the # that is on the address list for JUDIE

magpie said...

10-4 thanks Judy and emailed you as with Shirley says the number is not in service...depending on the cell phone carrier that could be why also...
verizon, for example...lots of outages..
But Thanks !

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Thanks for your efforts, Judy....You are a Prize and get A+++ for your checking...

okay, 'bye !

Thanks again for all the nice Birthday means a lot ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Really sad when we can not get in touch with our pals!! Thanks for trying guys!

Jack is grilling hamburgers. Need to get into the kitchen and do my part. Bacon cheese burgers...and that reminds us, too, of Lynn!☺ Good memories!!!

JudyEddy said...

I was a bad girl but I am hooked on BK pulled pork sandwich without the coleslaw on it and sweet pot fries

NatureNut said...

Howdy Friends. Can't believe it's July!!!Of course, the weather has for awhile!
See that Lynne and Judie have been missing. We are lucky~~~news last night said it may be a week before some are back because damage so extensive. We need to meet up half way to nest and tie our orange juice can strings together!!!!Think I can find their homes!

Gotta get busy cleaning/eating crabs. I need a helper!
Much later ☺ ~~~

Lolly said...

I will help with the eating...never have cleaned a crab, so will skip that!

We need Judie, we need her creative mind to write a missing person article for herself and Lynne. LOL

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

HOLY MOTHER OF OUR LORD what a storm. Hundreds of thousands still without power and could be til the end of the week. We are VERY lucky. It was a bit warm, and an adventure, but we did fine. SO many BIG trees down in these parts, many roads blocked but are now back open. No terrible damage of a big pine broke off....seems like many tress broke off at the tops. Lots and LOTS of branches and debris all over.

Lynne2 said...

We are on a well, so no running water either. And much to my dismay, FIOS telephone only has a backup battery life of several hours. Around 3pm yesterday, I tried to make some calls, on to find a dead line. My cell is almost out of minutes, and Steve's ran out of charge. We were isolated from the outside world!

Lynne2 said...

Steve had to work Saturday, and the kennel had no power either. He drove to DC and said it looked like a war zone in parts, and what would normally have been a 4 hour trip around took eight due to massive traffic problems because the power was out in most places. He couldn't believe the size of the trees that were felled.

Lynne2 said...

We have a spring a couple of miles from here, so we made two trips for water, to flush, to wash up, do dishes. Kept a bag of Ice in the freezer to keep things cold, like water and lunchmeat. Had "Luggable Loo" and the camp stove and grill. We opened all the windows at night and kept them closed during the heat of the day, and downstairs it never got about 80, so it was not too bad. It was, for all intents and purposes, a camping trip at home!

Lynne2 said...

We lost quite a bit of food, but it could have been worse. We'll be eating PBJs for the rest of the week! Sadly, we treated ourselves to ice cream, but the ice cream didn't make it in the freezer.

I took some pictures that I'll post later.

We aren't comfy with the electric being back on just yet, as they said there may be some interruptions as they get power back up to others....but no biggie!

Lynne2 said...

oh, and of course we had our camp lantern, flash lights and weather radio! For some reason, however, the weather radio...actually BOTH of them, are no longer picking up the broadcasts, since yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

I'm happy to be back online...but we were absolutely prepared to have no power for the rest of the week.

But I have to say, I hope I NEVER see another storm like that for a LONG time. It hit hard and fast and the sounds coming from outside were so scary. Even Puddles and Brother Cat were nervous. And poor heartbreaking. She just shook and shook.

Lynne2 said...

I've read back enough to see that everyone seems to be accounted for but Judie....I'm sure she is still without power and I hope they get it back SOON.

Mother Carolyn is safely encamped at Dave's sister's house where there is power, but I feel terrible for all of the elderly who have no place to go.

Lynne2 said...

anyway, I've taken enough space here. I guess everyone is watching Sunday night shows! I need to get in the shower and get a GOOD SCRUB now!

Lynne2 said...

and while I hate to be the messenger here, many of you are now under a Severe T'storm Watch


Linda said...

Welcome Back, Lynne!!!

Sooooo happy to hear from you and that you are okay.

Sounds like you had to be creative to "make do" but since you like to camp, you knew what to do!!

Enjoy your shower!!!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Gotta read and get caught up, BUT:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARGY!!! Hope your day has been as special as you are!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NILLA!!! Hope your day has been spectacular, too!!!
(((More HUGS)))!!!

Wanted to make sure I got those wishes in before it's tomorrow back east! BBIALW....

glo said...

NEW THREAD Head on over.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...