Tuesday, June 12, 2012


New thread.


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glo said...

THANK YOU for the new thread and MY eagle feather LOL

CarolAnne said...

Congrats Glo

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Glo.

And thank you for your wise words, Judie. Again, you make very good sense.

Mema Jo said...

Lucky you! Thanks for the fresh new thread Steve!

MT nest.. The rain has stopped and it is bright out.. not sure if there is any sunshine but it is still very humid

stronghunter said...

I have my sound turned way down, so I did not hear anything, but there was a mighty shake of the cam just now, either that or Shepherdstown just had an earthquake.

CarolAnne said...

Lori is on the old thread -- make her come over!!

CarolAnne said...

Lori -- the author of those books has a facebook page and is a really friendly lady. My cousin & hubby are on a cruise (3rd one) up to Alaska and will be stopping in to see her. They became email friends after my cousin wrote her to comment on how she enjoyed her book. The lady responded and since then email regularly.

Enjoy your ME time!

CarolAnne said...

Must have been an earthquake I see no eagles, though thats a pretty big shadow on the left side of nest.

Lori O. said...

I'm here....had to get caught up.

Bringing this over so it all makes sense:

Lori said...
CarolAnne, - thanks for the book recommendations! I'm taking time for myself this weekend and going to the beach, so maybe one of those will be good for me to read!

Lolly said...

I think it is time for a group (((hug))).

I see an empty nest.

We have had lots of thunder, the temp is 78, it is dark, BUT no rain to speak of. Dern!!

I am send lots of love to many in this group!!!!♥

Lolly said...

Ohh, Lori....shame...you said the b____ word!

stronghunter said...

Sending the love right back, Lolly. And a big hug for everyone, too.

I just put together four bags of clothes for Freecycle. I hope they disappear quickly.

Wish I were close enough to contribute them to your clothes closet, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Another big cam shake. I heard something that time.

CarolAnne said...

Heard something too!

Mema Jo said...


Lori O. said...

I loved that big group hug! Thanks everyone!

Lolly said...

I was over on fb and heard the eagles. They are not being nice!!!

Sandi said...

"Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, I'm free at last!!" Can ya tell I'm happy about the school year being over?? Woohoo!

Now, on a more serious note, I wish I hadn't even bothered to catch up on the posts since this morning! Geez! I LOVE hearing about what's going on in the lives of those I've met on this blog, whether it's related to eagles, or recipes, or babies being born, or gardening, or pets, or weddings,or great accomplishments of grandchildren, or even sad events that folks bring to the blog to ask for help to get them through. The only thing I DON'T love is this occasional "attack mode" nonsense! It won't make me leave but I sure don't enjoy or need it in my life!

Jo, it is not your job to be the blog police! We are all adults; if we act as such, then all will be well!

I ♥ us!

CarolAnne said...

SANDI - Welcome to summer!
Hope its filled with great joy.

Lori O. said...

A summer off sounds so wonderful! Great for you, Sandi!

floralgirl said...

A summer off at the beach sounds divine :)

CarolAnne said...

I see two and they're behaving.

Lori O. said...

Megan! Sweet Peas are just starting to bud up. I'm so excited. Thanks for sharing them.

Hoda said...

Sorry about not checking in earlier. An unexpected kind of a day...Breakfast meeting where we formed a hiking group to go out Thursdays and we decided on the hikes and the details of things.

Lunch Friends of the Library Lunch and meeting where we decided on our summer meetings in the park and received lovely book marks...

In a little while I will sign off and go to yoga with a new teacher as the tw regular teachers are on holidays.

I have not read back. I hope all are well.

CarolAnne said...

My grandma always planted her sweet peas on Good Friday before Easter. If there was snow, Dad had to shovel it away. Always had beautiful sweet peas. I on the other hand cannot get them to grow.

floralgirl said...

Oh, that's great, Lori! They are finicky to grow around here. When we lived in New England we had better luck. They like the cooler temps, but if you keep them watered and fertilized they can keep blooming for while.

Lori O. said...

I grew them in spring in California like wild...I miss them and can't wait to see these!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work will check box to read the blog got lots to catch up on

Sandi said...

Megan, Just came in from the garden. As much as i want to cut back the dying foliage from my daffodils that didn't bloom this spring, I am resisting!!! I am just letting it die on its own! VERY hard for me to do!! Also, there are little slugs on my daylilies - eating holes in the flowers!!! Grrr!! Advice?

floralgirl said...

Sandi, saucer of beer is an oldie but a goodie for slugs, also if you eat eggs, wash the shells and break them up to form a barrier around your plants, they will cut into the slugs when they crawl over them. Hubby has cut some of our daffodil foliage already, they died back quick here I guess cause it got so hot.
Lori, just wait until you smell the sweet pea blossoms, one of my favorite scents!

Sandi said...

Thx, Megan! I remember that we had sweet peas growing all along one side of the fence when I was growing up. Also remember another part of the fence was covered with honeysuckle. To this day, if I smell either one of those 2 scents, it makes me stop and smile!!

Hoda said...


I just read the blogue.

I am glad I was not on in the morning.

I am sad that I missed an opportunity to agree LINDA, SHAR, MEGAN, SISSY, GLO, CAROLYN, JUDIE, C/A SHIRLEY and oh my even an attack on MEMA JO!!! You act as a leader here for me JO and I respect and I defer to your being and your kind hearted knowing and generous heart.


JudyEddy said...

WANDA 85peeps wow that's a lot looks like you are added more each week Kudos I admire for what you do there both the Capt. and you ..
GLO I love all your pictures that you take on KK

JO and CA and LINDA MEGAN SHARON SISSY GLO and other that have spoke out (if I forgot to mention I am sorry) I appreciate what you said about the blog I was not going to say anything but I also feel that way I stumbled on this blog for the eagles and stayed for the friends but I don't like all this drama I don't need it or want it It bothers me that a adult acts like a child We as the human race have so many emotions and they don't belong on the blog

I really would hate to quit the blog for something so stupid but I don't need any drama Sometimes personalities don't mix so everyone doesn't have to been friends with each other that is just the way the world is

JO there couldn't be a better leader than you

Hoda said...

DRAGON BOAT on the POTOMAC!!! SIGN ME UP FOR SURE...I would love to visit DC and VIRGINIA and yes I think the passport works for both areas...thanks. What really works is the group of wonderful friends I have here...

I Came For The Eagles and I Stayed For The Friendships I Made

CHRISTIE sent me a plaque and I truly feel a blessing and a friendhip. I have the plaque on my Prayer table along with a sense of gratitude for the IDEALS that this blog represents...

JudyEddy said...

I see Glo got the feather Its your first huh I have three now not enough enough for a head dress yet LOL I hope no one takes us serious HEY its better that the WAX wow I ran out of wax LOL

floralgirl said...

My Mom always grew sweet peas in our garden when I was a kid, every year I say I won't bother with them, and every year, I can't resist :)

JudyEddy said...

My boss gave me the nicest compliment before I left she thanked me for all I have done in the past and the last couple of days getting ready for a big visit tomorrow I was surprised that she did that I think she could tell I was surprised tooo

Hoda said...

MT nest heavy and sad heart...

JudyEddy said...

I use to love chucking peas from our garded I think I also ate more that we canned raw LOL

JudyEddy said...

How many of you all have gardens ??????? Food ones that is we know most have flower I want to know the food kind

JudyEddy said...

garded is suppose to be garden big boo boo there on spelling I did hit spell check and the word is spelled right just not the right word LOL

Hoda said...

Sweet peas are oh so wonderful MEGAN.

You are an AWESOME worker JUDYE and they are lucky that you agree to work for them...I am glad there was some recognition to this fact.

We are all here waiting with you DELPHIA...

JudyEddy said...

I thought I was caught up on the blog then I just realized I have to read this page since I didn't see it till I got home OK back to reading and the news is starting so I will watch it first

TTFN as Margy says LM LM

CarolAnne said...

JudyE - we have several small raised bed garden plots. It varies from year to year what we plant -- this year we have one for potatoes, one with a few tomatoe plants, a garlic & onion combination one, one that has 2 bush cucumber plants, some romaine lettuce, spinach, and climbing green beans

stronghunter said...

Judy, I am trying to have a food garden. I will post a picture in a bit.

Sandi said...

Judy, I garden for beauty, not for sustenance! The grocery store supplies the food for my family, not me! =)

Glo, I always thought, when you referred to Kritter Kaptures, that you would go out and rescue animals. I had no idea that you were capturing them with your camera! I recently told someone that we are going to Africa to hunt big game! When the person got wide-eyed, I admitted that we will be hunting them with a Nikon!!

Lori O. said...

Oh, fresh green beans! Yummy, CA!

JudyEddy said...

CA I am cheating I just read the comment you wrote instead of the beginning of the blog I laughed when you started out with One potato and of course I said two potatoes and three etc I know only funny to me LOL ok now the new I must step away from the puter It has ahold of my mind I can't stop blogging you guys are worse than a drug LOL a good drug that is

magpie said...

Slug? I have Scareslug, he's pretty worn out but still available for service, Sandi...
it's a long story...just trust me !

I'll try to find a picture from the past, he's dressed in Yellow so that will remind me of Kay

I saw wild Sweet Peas awhile back alongside the roadways, and they were beauteous!

Megan, My nicotiana plants are doing nicely! Beautiful color, pale pink, and violet but they got a little waterlogged this morning

Hello Eagle Pals
xo ♥

magpie said...

Got me a Jewels Hug at Shift change today ☺
Hoping for the best with Charlie...when he's a well man, maybe things will become better all the way around

Hoda said...

JUDYE I do a herb garden and flowers and once tried tomatoes but the season here is too short as I have only morning sun.

I will plant it after I return from my trip to the USA

floralgirl said...

Hey there, Margy :) Glad to hear the nicotiana are doing so well, I just love them, another plant with a wonderful fragrance. the sphinx moths have been visiting ours when they open at night, the moths are much earlier this year.

We grow mostly flowers, Judy, but sneak in tomatoes, lettuce and parsley and basil. We sometimes grow beans and pumpkins, but the stink bugs have made that difficult the past couple of years. Lucky for me I have a good selection of veggies to buy every Sunday at market!

CarolAnne said...

JUDYE - now you did it. I can't get it out of my head: one potato, two potato, three potato, four, five potato, six potato, seven potato, more . . . .

Anyone grow Hellebores (flower). I hear they are semi deer resistant and long flowering.

magpie said...

Presenting ScareSlug!
I think Lolly coined this name ☺
a play on Scarecrow...

He really just sat there in the garden and looked cute...but I DID notice a reduction in the Slug population

I'm hoping the Flowering Tobacco aka Nicotiana takes off like it has done the last two years, Megan...full like bushes last year !

glo said...

Sandi Oh wow on safari with a Nikon. Next best thing to being on safari with a Canon :-) kidding

magpie said...

Got some work to do, "home work"
I'm caught up on the posts...

Good to SEE you folks, and

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, Our Families, Friends and Pets....
and for Peace and Serenity

God Bless This Nest, though mostly empty, and God Bless Us,
Every One

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

CA - I've tried Hellebores twice without much luck. Don't know what was wrong. If you get the secret, let me know.

Hoda said...

Good one GLO...either way I am glad this sort of hunting is safe for the animals...

When do you leave SANDI?

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

I can tell I'm getting closed to bedtime... will see you all in the morning!

I love you all - we made it today!

I love us!

magpie said...

Thundering here in Martinsburg....think the clouds aren't done raining yet

PS The LARGE clothes are ones that my nieces and nephews said I could share with the Clothes Closet...were my brother in law's...

stronghunter said...

Hunter decided he wanted dessert this evening, and there was really nothing to have, so he made a whipped-cream burrito.

magpie said...

(( Hugs All Around ))
and Thanks, Lori !

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lori.

Hoda said...

Way to go HUNTER!!! A dessert man who does not get stomped when thre is no dessert!!!

LORI HUGS and yes we did make it through today!!! it must count for something...

floralgirl said...

Oh thanks for the heads up, hadn't checked the radar in a while. Looks like the first batch of storms might miss me, but more severe thunderstorms behind it. Gonna go slam some more plants into the ground and maybe mother nature will water them in for me!

JudyEddy said...

Nite Nite Glory LORI see you in the morning but not as a early bird I don't go to work till 9 Sweet dreams (((((((hugs)))))))
Thinking of KAY hope she is doing better

SHIRLEY I was thinking the same thing I have lots of cloths that are to big on me since I lost the weight and I don't want to keep them in the house that way I hope not to gain the weight back and they are sized 18 and some 20 I am down in 16 and a 14 on something's would be nice to give to WANDA for her closet I am taking the pants to work to see if any associates want them I asked if I could just leave in the break room with a FREE sign on them Might as well since they are all khaki and brown work colors I have given some tops away already to a sweet gal at work She is a single mom and I thought it would help her out And I want to sue the person who invented the CAP SLEEVE my arms are to flabby for them I gave away 7 tops with them on it Its so hard to find a nice top without cap sleeves now days

JudyEddy said...

Still watching news was on commercial back on BBIALW Love to all

stronghunter said...

Do we sound indulgent?

We did limit the amount of whipped cream.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I agree on the sleeves, Judy!! And the puffy ones that look like they belong on little girls.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I guess I should have spelt out names when I got upset that some right after I ask for
prayer did not say anything: ie; Mema Jo, Lolly, Bless Janet's heart she was right there for
a prayer asking, Sharon who will ask for prayer and I have jumped right in and she did not
return the favor. I should have expected that one. These (Mema Jo, Sharon, Sissy, Lolly a few others)have expressed no love for me. Those is whom I was upset
with. NOT EVERYONE !!!! Never you Carolyn your plate is overflowing!!! Margy's is too!!!!

Lynn would not be turning her back on me. She being with the Lord knows ALL THE TRUTH NOW. I miss her
TO HER BACK THEN. I knew you all at the April Dinner had lied enough to Lynn to keep her from
me. So of course she was going by what she thought was TRUE friends telling her stuff and what she thought of me back then. LIKE I SAID YOU CAN NO LONGER TELL THE LIES IN HEAVEN SHE KNOWS







Love you Margy, Carolyn, a lot that are not on here any longer due to this kind of stuff happening to them...I love you and thank you for letting me know the truth about Megan telling people it was her I was asking prayer for.
I love a lot of others on here too. There are some I am trying to like but it is hard.

Remember as JudyE says not this but something like this. You are not the only one fighting some kind of battle. There are others that are fighting battles too they just might not bring them up on the blog.

magpie said...

By the way:
Bravo JudyE -
It's always nice when Excellence is Recognized !!

Hoda said...

LOL SHIRLEY!!! Creative teen ager rather!!!

Hoda said...

Anyone seen any esquimos around???

JudyEddy said...

I hear noise in the attic do we have mice LOL Come on down I need a eagle fix I am jonesen for eagle

JudyEddy said...

Judy News reporter here on our news coming up they are going to talk about the lady that had her baby stolen by a dingo and I guess its on the babies death certificate now Remember years ago I can't wait to see what they have to say You know the teasers they show of the news on later tongth just to get you to watch it LOL

JudyEddy said...

HODA do you still have snow?????

JudyEddy said...

on another issue Has anything been said about next years OPEN house or NON open house??? just curious

JudyEddy said...

I just saw the prettiest yellow and black butterfly land on my porch out side but by the time I got the camera unscrewed from the tripod it was gone Dern it!!! I think I am heading outside for a bit soak in some sun and nature

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

I bet those two eaglets are sitting up high in the tree on those two separate branches.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh JudyE that sounds like such a beautiful butterfly. Wished you had gotten a picture.

floralgirl said...

Sorry dana, but with each post you sound more desperate. There's so much crap in your post I don't have boots big enough to wade through it. You seem to think that it was wrong of me to tell people about your visit and that you were ranting about me, but you were not wrong in any of your actions. Totally false and quite delusional. If people don't want to talk to you, it's your own fault, stop blaming me, it's getting quite old, and again, this blog is no place for it.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I think that is so wonderful that you gave those cloths to that single Mom. Your the BEST!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thinking of Kay and hoping she is feeling less pain today. Hoping she can soon get to rehab.

JudyEddy said...

OK so much for nature it tooooo hotttt out back in I am time for a shower and the butterfly was no were to be found I even called it LOL

wvgal_dana said...

link to dingo stole baby
dingo really took baby

magpie said...

Excuse me, but I don't reveal confidences....if I knew of anything, I kept it close to the vest...
I do not know what your reference to me was, Dana...please don't start throwing us all under the bus.

I wish you some peace with us,
and thus, perhaps,the rest of us

Can we please let it go,
as in NOW ?

And yes, you and your needs are included in my prayers...

Sandi said...

When my BFF and I play password on the beach, we have a signal word - "disregard!! It's a signal to pay no attention to the last clue that was given. I think I'll evoke that right now - DISREGARD!

Sandi said...

Hoda, Unlike you, I am not counting the days til we go to Africa. Even though I'm excited about the trip, I sure don't want to wish the start of my summer away - know what I mean? I just enjoy each day, one at a time! But we leave on 7/13 - you can count the days, but please don't tell me how many, OK? =)

WV sUSAn said...

My oh my, what a DAY!!! Love and Peace to you all. Life is short!

I don't blog much but want to throw in my two cents. So much going on. Let's take a lesson from my dear mother and enjoy the day. She called me this morning and just wanted to tell me about her Monday night dance lessons.

That's practice for when she "cuts the rug" on Thursdays and Fridays. hahaha A ball of fire, that one.

She's been in her lessons for 3 weeks, has lost 5 lbs and told me she'd tightened her abs. Who can't love that!!

Long story not so long. "I LOVE US!" Life really is short and I want us all to be dancing happily together when we're 85, bless you Momma and bless you all.

Group HUG!!! xoxo

Sandi said...

Hey Susan, how the heck are ya! Long time, no "see!"

WV sUSAn said...

Sandi, I am doing much better, thank you. Single and starting a new chapter, I'm happy to say. everybody has a story, huh? hahaha

Life is good. Glad to hear you are beginning your summer job.... YOU!! ;-)

WV sUSAn said...

Sandi, funny you'd say "enjoy each day." Live it!! Sounds like you have some excitement ahead. So jealous of the Africa trip.

stronghunter said...

Good to hear that things are going well for you Susan. I know all about becoming single and starting a new life. Freedom is a good thing.

Lolly said...

In for the evening but really need to think of something for dinner. LOL

No vegetable garden here, Judy. I do have a beautiful herb garden with oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, sage, parsley and chives. We used to have a large vegetable garden but in the 39 years we have been here our oak trees have grown and we have too much shade.

Oh, Jack does have fennel just to feed caterpillars. The caterpillars produce beautiful black and blue butterflys. I saw a butterfly flitting around our parsley. Sure enough, we found three caterpillars tonight on the parsley. That is a no no. Moved them across the yard to the fennel.

Lolly said...

Sandi...feel your joy for being out for the summer! Yea!

Lolly said...

Love the picture, Margy, of Scareslug!!! He is a cutie!

Lolly said...

Ok, really need to think of something for dinner. I think I have brain rot!

WV sUSAn said...

Shirley, it's great. Very freeing, indeed. whew

Sandi said...

Susan, I hope your new chapter is a long and happy one and has whatever kind of ending you want it to have!

Well all, I think I'll watch some mindless TV!

As those of you on FB already know, the 2 young ladies staying at my house who are still in the tournament have to play against one another tomorrow morning! I'm so bummed that they are matched up against one another in the first round! I wanted at least 1 day to cheer for each of them to win!

Goodnight all!

magpie said...

Keep your eyes out Baby Girls (and Guys)
There is some kind of eagle-rattlin' going on

Howdy there Susan...
thanks...and best wishes....

WV sUSAn said...

Someone is in the attic.

magpie said...

Congrats Sandi..
You DID It !

stronghunter said...

Took me awhile to realize and appreciate that I had been set free, Susan.

WV sUSAn said...

Ohhh sorry bout the pairing, Sandi. Cheer LOUD!!

Margy, is the visitor going to show themself? We know someone is up there. lol Nice you could share the much needed chothes with Wanda :-)

stronghunter said...

Oh my, something is going on in this household. Kathryn told Hunter to close all of his drawers, and it seems he did not do it properly. Smart kid, but does not know how to close drawers.

Never a dull moment around here.

WV sUSAn said...


stronghunter said...

Wore myself out today. Dozed off while watching TV. Loud commercial came on and I almost jumped out of the recliner.

magpie said...

I'm thinking maybe a juvenile was on the branch cleaning off its beak after enjoying some fresh fish from the Potomac ☺
but for now we are being stood up !

Well, Eagle Pals... time for me to close up shop here....

Keeping you all close to my heart...

ta ta for now ...
probably until tomorrow....
xo ♥

ON second thought hearing that rattling again, might watch for a bit more while packing up

WV sUSAn said...

That was your cardio for the day. hahahaha

Movement upstairs again.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet in nest

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Everyone. What a most excellent nesting season this has been. But I must admit to empty nest syndrome!

Lolly, did you know that the camera is back online for Deshutes?

Hoda, forgive me if I am overstepping. Have not seen you comment on the elections in Egypt or on the trial of Mubarak. These are historical events in your homeland. Our world changes constantly, doesn't it?

Jo, I am so happy to hear that you are doing well. Do you think it is the new med? My pulmonologist refused to put me on it. That's ok. We decided "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" LOL.

Even though I don't participate, I am here everyday. I care about the wonderful people here, their trials and tribulations, their joys and sorrows, their humor and wisdom. BECAUSE of the eagles, we are family. Please do not let the words and actions of one destroy what has been built by all.

magpie said...

Wheeeee Doggy, there's a sight for sore eyes !!

WV sUSAn said...

One has arrived in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY come back we have one in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Margy eaglet is here for you :)

JudyEddy said...

OH I see you didn't leave

Mema Jo said...

One down into the nest

magpie said...

NC: I could use your address....
your mailing address...could you zip over on my blog and send that to me at some point ?
I wanted to send you the memorial program for Lynn's service on May 12
Good to See You !!

JudyEddy said...

Now we need the other and the parents I need a eagle fix One won't do!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

and back to 9er

JudyEddy said...

I see tip of tail of wing

WV sUSAn said...

Juvie has flown.

JudyEddy said...

but someone is on the cam beside the 9

wvgal_dana said...

NCSusan why did you pulmonologist not want to put you on the new med Red is taking and now Jo is taking?

JudyEddy said...

He is teasing us with his feather peeking in on the side of the frame LOL

WV sUSAn said...

Well said, Suzan.

JudyEddy said...

Kudos Susan

WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, where did it go? On the branch?

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, email coming your way.

JudyEddy said...

on the 9er branch yep and there is one on the cam I hear

JudyEddy said...

Need to step away and go get dressed sitting with a towel on the head and wrapped around me

Mema Jo said...

Judy - Heck of a big towel there gal!

Mema Jo said...

Susan and Suzan I have been thinking of you gals and missing you. You two are suppose to holler when you need us! ♥

NCSuzan said...

Dana, she just felt it was too big a risk.

WV sUSAn said...

Jo, funny. Get yo'self dressed, Judy!

NCSuzan said...

Jo, you are always needed!

glo said...

Thanks for what you shared WV Susan. Nice story and lots of good advice there indeed. I am closing off the blog for tonight and sending a group hug. I have never seen a day like today on here. Maybe we could all light a candle as we do when times are tough for one or some of us, and spend a little time reflecting on how we have spent today. We only get to spend each day once. SED and AOYP. GN my feathered friends. I love us. {{{{Group Hug))))))

JudyEddy said...

TWO towels!! I made a hair towel like a turban easy to sew Funny JO I can picture myself with a towel wrapped around my head and body that would be awkward would definitely be uncomfortable LOL

I am thinking of putting in for vacation in Aug the RNC is going to be in Tampa and St Pete It will be a zoo They are advising peeps to go on vaca and rent their homes out No renting out for me but may consider vacation Poor Angie will have to drive by the dome the day they will be in St Pete I guess most hotels are already booked

WV sUSAn said...

Jo, you were all there whether you knew it or not. The wkend in Shep'town was so wonderful and timely in many ways.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - I sent you an email but my delivery failed. I must not have your
correct email......... Email me...

JudyEddy said...

I too am going in to LM and watch TV will check back in if the eagle show up always one eye on the nest maybe that why I have to rewind some shows LOL

NCSuzan said...

OK JO. Hold on!

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, your e-mail waas returned to me. Let me check my spelling.

Judie said...

Going to say an early goodnight.

I am weary beyond words from the drama created by DanaWV over the past year.

DANA: Back off! In my opinion, you are a destructive person and your hatred and menacing anger and vindictiveness are beyond comprehension in an emotionally healthy adult. Lynn despised you! Get it? Lynn despised your vindictive hateful poisonous personality. Why else would a dozen of us have been asked to shield her from you at the dinner? You are delusional in thinking that others are to blame for your difficulties. You are responsible for your the consequences of your own behavior. Please, get some professional help.

I'm done!

Linda said...

♥♥♥ KAY UPDATE ♥♥♥

Just spoke briefly with Julie to check on Kay this evening.

She is still in the hospital and still nauseous. They are not sure what is causing the nausea, according to Julie. Every time Kay tries to eat the ends throwing it back up.

Kay is getting weaker without food and hydration. Julie felt she needed IV fluids yesterday, but nothing was ordered.

Today they have agreed she is dehydrated and have decided to put her back on IV fluids.

It is likely she will stay in the hospital for another couple days so she can gain her strength back and be strong enough for rehab.

I asked Julie to tell Kay we were all thinking of her, wishing her wellness and were sending healing prayers her way

I feel so badly that she is having a rough time. I didn't ask about the pain level, but hopefully that is being managed without problems. I did ask if the pain meds were making her sick to her stomach and Julie said they didn't know what was causing this.

Linda said...

Very happy to see our WV sUSAn and NCSuzan join us this evening.

You have been missed and it is wonderful to "see" you.

WVSusan - Wishing you happiness in your new chapter in life. It was such a pleasure to meet you in April. Such a beauty, you are!!

Lolly said...

Linda, thank you for the Kay update. My heart is breaking for her! Can not believe that they did not get her on an IV yesterday!

WV sUSAn said...

Pain meds + hunger = Nausea. ugghh Gall bladder?

Lolly said...

Jack save us...for dinner. He came up with the idea of Papas Con Juevos. We had flour tortillas, eggs and hash browns. Viola...dinner quick. Oh, and bacon.

Linda said...

That is why it is so important to have a patient advocate there with you. I am sure Julie is doing her best, but ultimately you are at the mercy of the once a day visits from the doctors when you are not in an emergency status.

Hopefully KAY will start gaining strength very soon.

NCSuzan said...

Thanks Linda. I think of you often. Know this has been an unusually rough year for you and I hope things are evening out some. I worry about your headaches.

wvgal_dana said...



Prayers for all that need them whether human or animal

Linda said...

LOLLY - You should have had whipped cream burritos for dessert!! LOL

Hunter could be our next gourmet chef!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Linda, so very nice to see you. :-) Looking forward to another gathering of the nest!!

NCSuzan said...

My kitty, Olivia, just joined me. He, yes he, has been sleeping on the clean sheets and he smells of fabric softener! Wonder how long that will last?

magpie said...

Suzan...Received...I got your addresses. Thank You !!
and sent a response back...

NCSuzan said...

Hunter should be on that show, Sweet Genius.

magpie said...

Linda...thank you for the update on Kay...not the best news...but I truly feel she will turn the corner SOON...

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, that sounds delish.

magpie said...

Every morning I pass a parked car with this personalized tag:


kind of gives me a chuckle before work

Time to make like a juvenile Eagle and disappear....don't look for any wingtips!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

NC Suzan and WV sUSAn it is so good to see you both on the blog :)

Lolly said...

Lots of thunder, wind, darkness....and a total of 1/10 tenth of an inch of rain. Geeesh!

NCSuzan said...

It is good to "see" everyone. Must go for now. Take care.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I do not really want to get into this, but Dana, you have gone too far. It is not Judie who does not know when to drop something.

She is telling you the plain and simple truth.

wvgal_dana said...

My dear Ed would take the medication they gave him in the hospital. He would eat and throw up. Doctor ran all kinds of test. Then he decided to add to his IV. Which I would have thought they had KaY on (Bless her heart). The doctor changed no meds by mouth all meds through IV. That stopped Ed's throwing up. I hope they woulod try that with Kay. Linda if you or anyone talks to Julie please mention this it might help Kay a lot please.

Lolly said...

That does not look right. LOL forget the "tenth".

Costume Lady said...

Oh, no...poor Kay. I was hoping for a lot more than this for her after all the suffering she has gone through. There is so much that can be done these days for nausea and pain and can't help but wonder why relief hasn't been found for this dear lady:(

SOUP KITCHEN was very low key today. We had 30 guests as opposed to our 85 last time. Food was good and plenty of it. Last time, we had a small fight and had to call the police. Gene and our Pastor threw them out befor the police got there. We really enjoyed the peace and quiet of today!
MARGY's clothes are all gone (very nice things).

Have I told you how much I love the Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet?

Have I told you how much I love you, JO? You know I do!♥

Linda said...

Thanks, Susan. I think I know what contributes to them......

I can feel that today! I am going to go take a hot shower and unwind now to try and relieve the stress and tension.

They say catching a migraine before it comes is the key!!

WVDana - Judie is right. The truth hurts, but the truth is the truth. Peace and love cannot exist on the blog with your anger, hostility and vindictiveness.

I love you, My Eagle Friends....

Special prayers for Kay tonight, for Delphia, for all in this roost and beyond!!

Night ♥

Lolly said...

Shirley, when are the trees going to be planted?

stronghunter said...

Soon, I hope, Lolly. If necessary, I can dig holes deep enough to plant trees.

Lolly said...

Nite...Linda! (((Hugs)))

Wish you could drop over!!!

Linda said...

I am sure the meds through the IV will help with the nausea, but they may be trying to wean her off IV meds so she can go to the Rehab Center as soon as possible.

They may have to rethink that to get the nausea under control.

Linda said...

Oh, LOLLY, you know I would LOVE to.

We could put our husbands to work doing the house cleaning and we could sip wine on the patio!! haha!!

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, have I told you lately how much I love you? Well you know I do!♥

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Kay, too. Hoping that things will be better very soon. Don't know what else to say about that.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I seen the pictures the other day of the trees. I think you got a wonderful buy. They are going to be nice in the back yard.

Hope Hunter or Will can give you a hand doing the digging job.

stronghunter said...

Suzan, I do not know about that show.

magpie said...

Guess What I didn't leave.
Been trying to gather up a few more addresses regarding the Memorial program for Lynn....
and from Iris:
She sends her greetings and love, is very busy, not much time to email nor blog..but she and Dubby are okay !

stronghunter said...

The trees spent the day in the rain. I am sure they enjoyed it.

WV sUSAn said...

Wanda, your menu is magnficent.

Having leftover Greek meat pies my daughter made. Home made tzazaki. yummers Glad she paid attention in the kitchen. lol

magpie said...

that is a seriously awesome dinner for tonight!
Low turnout, maybe from the heat...
but Too Bad for those not there !

Will have more clothes, big men's and dainty lady's - by the next Soup Kitchen time.

Thanks for what you folks do for those in need ..

Linda said...

WANDA - I am so touched!! Thank you! I needed to hear that and if I haven't told you lately....... I love you, dearly!!

LOLLY Love and (((( HUGS )))) to you, too. You are special to me!!

magpie said...

Now it is way past time....gotta outrun the Sandperson AND the Night Bandit...

'G'night everyone !!

xo (( All Night Hugs )) ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh my, dealing with fights on top of handing out food. Good on you and Gene, Wanda.

Linda said...

<Sometimes love and hugs come a just the right time!

Your timing was perfect!!

stronghunter said...

A good time to share our love on this blog . . .

wvgal_dana said...

WVsUSAn I love you avatar :)

You look so happy. I like that!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Nite Margy. Sweet eagle dreams.

Who IS that upstairs?

wvgal_dana said...

Margy AOYP=Angels On Your Pillows

Keeping you and all that is going on in your world in prayer. Love you♥

JudyEddy said...

after today I think we all need this
What a wonderful world I love US

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CarolAnne said...

s i g h . . .
Stepped away from the blog for awhile to go to in-laws. Hope the nit picking, which is intolerable, is gone by morning. Or those who can't refrain from "score keeping" find something else to do.

Anyhow, the trip to the in-laws was to dig up some dirt, (the real kind) from the back of the farm to hill the potatoes. Got to see some baby turkeys (a first). They appeared to be just learning how to roost in trees. Really wobbly. And no camera. ;o(

stronghunter said...

I do not think that will happen, Sharon.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh dear, BIG downpour at the nest.

CarolAnne said...

Sharon, if that happens we can blog by email. Nice and private that way too.

WV sUSAn said...

CaroleAnne, so cool about turkeys and potatoes! Have dug a few myself. No turkeys in my hood but plenty of hosta-eating deer.

stronghunter said...

Lightning at the nest.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...