Tuesday, June 12, 2012


New thread.


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CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...

WVSusan - last year we were helpless when we saw (via the security camera) the deer dig up our potato patch at the cottage. I sat in front of the computer yelling at them to stop (as if they could hear me) LOL

And yes, they snacked on the hostas too (they were out of sight of the camera.

Lolly said...

LOL C/A I would have been yelling at the computer, too!

WV sUSAn said...

Signing off. Peace and love to all.

Nice light show.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Judy - I love it too.

I am just about ready to close down
Want to check out my FB and my emails.

Margy - email me the address for Iris
I have Lynn's original list and have been keeping it updated plus adding cell#'s. I'll send it out soon to all.

Wanda there is an email waiting for you. Thanks for an answer in advance..
Wanda you just made me cry - I just read your comment. I guess I have had it up to here with today's happenings on this blog and your 'I Love you" broke my camel's back. I love you back, Wanda and then some more ♥

Linda said...

CarolAnne - Not sure which grandson this is (Carter??), but he is so adorable.

Can I have him for a couple weeks, pleeze???

Linda said...

I promise to bring him back!!

Have had my hot shower. Felt great!

No towels wrapped around my head and body, though!

CarolAnne said...

Linda - yep that's Carter, youngest grandson. He was a ring bearer at a wedding this past weekend. He is really adorable, articulate and funny as all get-out. But he was very hard to come by - so Mom & Dad don't lend him out. LOL

Lolly said...

Well....how selfish! LOL He is a cutie. Maybe I could borrow a girl from someone?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Facebook chat was nice. Thanks ladies!

CarolAnne said...

Lolly - check out my blog pics of the Tae Kwon Do & Dance recital. His cute girl cousin is on there and I'm sure her older brother would lend her out . . .indefinitely! LOL

stronghunter said...

Have to put the sheets back on my bed, so I must go upstairs and take care of that.

I will see you good people tomorrow.

Rest well, everyone.

CarolAnne said...

Winding down here - things to do before that sandman gets here.

May tomorrow dawn fresh & bright for everyone.

PS - Wish the sandman would bring the rainmaker with him for a short visit.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

I love **** ** US!

Mema Jo said...

Rain maker is here tonight - My plants just may drown. Oh My! I just looked at my calendar and good thing I did because Lynne used to always remind me of my hair do days - tomorrow. Wow!

Speaking of Lynne - she said she yesterday that she had a very long day at work. FYI Lynne - all is calm on the Snowman Cam....

Mema Jo said...

Good night my friends
Prayers for all our needs
Especially for our Kay ♥
((((Hugs for all))))


Lynn♥ Carolyn♥ Christie♥

JudyEddy said...

Poping in to say good night and hope for a calm day tomorrow I love us ♥ and hate feeling the way I do right now I just dislike feeling like this

JO remember we love you Hey we could always start our own blog if this contiunes I would hate to leave you all over this SED and I hope for a peaceful night for all

KAY we are thinking of you and hope you get over this quizy tummy

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

OOPS forgot something SHARON if possible can I have the link to your TRAIN appearance I was telling a friend about it and would love to have it again Thanks in advance
So funny I have had Drive By stuck in my head for days Great song Night again (((((((HUGS)))))))

JudyEddy said...

the video you are in I forgot to say I'm sure you probable knew that LOL

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Momma said there'd be days like this...

There'd be days like this, Momma said...♫♫

T-Bird said...

Good night and love to all my eagle peeps.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and NO ONE will ever keep me from being here...NO ONE!!

wvgal_dana said...

Right on Paula :)

Jewels said...

after busy night at work, and all the reading on here, I am plum tired.

Please, I know the truth as my mother talked to me daily... I hate to say this, because I don't want ill words spoken of my mother, But in all honesty mom liked you in the beginning Dana, it was when all this stuff happened last yr that things took a turn and her feelings changed about you.She was nice to you to be civil, to not cause conflict in anyones life. She wanted shielded from you, she didn't want to be confronted and smothered by you. She indeed was civil as she knew deep down that this was her last gathering with you all. It pains me deeply to be forward and mean. I did not want to do this. BUT this bashing of the select few that My mother loved dearly, WILL Stop!!!! I too hate to become null and void on this blog, but throwing people under the bus and bringing my Mom up in this the way you have pains me more than it does you.

I love the eagles and I love this bunch.
please for the sake of friendships, and this blog that many have come to love, just stop, or go if you must.

Janet said...

Good evening to one and to all.....guess I'll tempt sticking my toe into the pond. Whew! Read the blog (yes I lurk a lot).....whew! That's all I have to say.

Getting ready for our vacation Why does getting ready include so much stress? I am glad I had today off....I feel like I was able to accomplish a lot. I got the house cleaned up.....baked a cheesecake for my daughter's bday (which is actually Monday, but we celebrated today because Monday we will be in Florida).....and I got some packing done.

We sure could use some rain! I am jealous of those getting rain, how about shipping a bit my way.

Got my first tomatoes yesterday and today. They were yummy. Some radishes as well. My granddaughter picked them for me. She loves to help her moogie!

Anyway, just wanted to say hi......hope everyone is doing okay.....wishing light and peace to all. Good night. See you in the a.m.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Wednesday City Dog Sitter (no really name of show) but it will be on and I love it!!!! Great show!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of tomatoes, I don't even have flowers yet! Guess they will come in time!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I so love you Jewels.

grannyblt said...

Evening all. Like Janet said PHEW.

I have 7 tomato plants, some green and wax beans and a cucumber vine. Since I live in NW PA, they have only been in the ground a couple of weeks. The tomatoes have blooms, but I think it is usually too cool at night for the fruit to set. When I lived in TX my DH would plant a couple of dozen hot pepper plants.We made tons of hot sweet onion relish.

Hugs and prayers for all.

Hoda said...

Well spoken JEWELS. I send love and respect to you and to your MOMMA our PRECIOUS LYNN

Hoda said...

Thanks SANDI...I won't countthe days but will send you extra good thoughts on the day you travel...Enjoy.

LINDA thanks for KAY news and I am praying for better outcome for her the coming few days.

I love you JO♥

I love you JUDIE♥

I love you LINDA♥

I love you JEWELS♥

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed

(((SED Love and hugs to all)))♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well Howdie Hodie!!

Hoda said...

NC SUZAN You asked about Egypt. I am very concerned so is my family and the circle of friends we have in Egypt. The outcome of the trial is a sham and Moubarak should have not been given life in prison. They went against the evidence and testimony given in the trial. The verdict is political...
There is an awful lot of money being poured into Egypt from Saudi Arabia and Qatar to try to make Egypt into a Moslem Republic. This I am afraid they are going to achieve and I fear that the way of dealing with issues will not be through the rule of law and the constitution but rather through suicide bombings and intimidation tactics. I see the writing on the wall and women, education, free speach and equality rights are going to be forsaken in favour of a few misguided men who call themselves Moslem yet do not live the teachings of Islam...I fear for the Christians and the Jews in Egypt under their rule and I fear for Moslems who will not support the Islamic Republic that is being set up there. The constitution is going to be rewritten and that does not bode well for the coming years. The youth who started all this will come to regret it as the rights that they imagined will not be even allowed to be dreamt of...
Thank you for asking my thoughts on the situation in Egypt NC SUZAN...

Hoda said...

I love you SHAR♥ Howdie from Hodie!!!

Lolly said...

Snow leopard kitties on Letterman.

Hoda said...

Awwwwweeeee must be cute as get all...

Lolly said...

Now a Siberian Lynx. So cute!

Carolyn, well said!!! (((hugs)))

Heading to the shower and then to bed.

Nite all!!!! SED!!!!

Lolly said...

Sorry you could not see them, Hoda!

(((hugs))) just for you, Hoda! Nite!

Jewels said...

I am stuck at work. Another 4 hrs... one called out sick, two returned calls saying they couldn't come in, one could have but technically should not since he is a supervisor, so I am here. I volunteered. I am woman hear me roar!!! I love you gals too.
I am so super sleepy!! no reading my terrific book tonight, ugh!!! I have 20 plus chapters to read on my days off. I think I can, I think I can!!!

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...



Jewels said...

Night nite Hoda!!! Pleasant dreams!!!

Lori O. said...

Oh darn, I missed you Jewels! Hope you have a great day and get lots of rest!

Lori O. said...

Jewels, your courage and honesty is admirable. Your mother would be proud. ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! I am gonna MAKE this a good day. We have an empty nest this morning. Pandas are sleeping, loon cam still down.

Me and Mattie are heading to the camper tomorrow. It has been weeks since we have been there and man I miss it. That place just soothes my soul.

Tom's back is a little better this morning, just still really stiff. At least it is improving a little each day, that gives us hope.

Have a great day my friends. I will be lurking around but trying to work at the same time. I love us!!!

Lori O. said...

Oh Bev, I've been craving a
camping trip - I'm jealous!

T-Bird said...

Me too Eagle Eyed Sissy.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Miss Thelma and Buddy!

Is it as pretty there as it is here this morning. Just a beautiful morning here.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Thelma, and Bev! I see the sun is out at our MT nest - hope it makes its way here today. It rained all night but no thunder and lightning. Amazingly, the 8 singles matches that were scheduled for yesterday were all completed, but b/c of rain delays, the doubles matches didn't finish. That means one of my young ladies will play her singles match this morning and then finish her doubles match this afternoon. But she's 18 - should be no problem for her young legs!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lori, you need to come on down and go camping with us! You are welcome anytime. Good morning Thelma and Sandi too!! We have an open door policy at our camper. Everyone is welcome but it is a drama - free zone and we reserve the right to evict drama!! LOL!

Sandi said...

Bev, we have that same policy here in Bethany - all are welcome but leave the drama at home!

Hoping that Kay is able to turn a corner today and start feeling better.

Also praying that Delphia gets good news about her biopsy.

Carolyn, you not only roar, you ROCK girl!!! =)

floralgirl said...

wow, I agree, Carolyn, you are brave and a strong woman, you are just like your Mom!
Good morning to everyone here! Going to be a nice day here today, the sun is already shining.

Lori O. said...

Bev, sometime when I'm not working 7 days a week, or don't have to take my work with me, I'll be there camping with you all!!! I would love it!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I was just reading Larry's blog for the loon cam. Looks like the cam may be down for the year, a storm took out the server. But he has seen the chick and both adults and they are doing fine. They are so beautiful. We see them at the lake from time to time but have not seen a chick there. Would love to find their nest, as well as the eagle's nest. Cannot wait to get out on the water and look for the big birds!!

Janet said...

good morning to everyone! :D

wednesday, and boy the week is flying by.

having chelsea and her crew (2 kids and 2 dogs) stay with us the past week and a half has certainly upped the energy level in the house! her husband will be home from his 2 weeks national guard duty on friday. i am glad. we are leaving Friday.

its Wednesday and we all know that means i have private clients today. one canceled, which is unusual for him. he is heading out of town so i will see him when i return. no worries! but then this afternoon i get my hair done! :) :) :) i'm gonna tell her i wanna be extra purdy for vacay! lol.

hope everyone has a fantastic day.

light and good thoughts to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


If you all get a chance, go check out my nephew's photography. He is very talented and trying to make a go of a photography business. He has an eye for a great shot like I wish I had. I don't know how to do the link thing so you just have to copy and paste!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just talked to our friend Lori about her sister, Kristin, the one that was burned so badly. It has been 4 weeks today and she said she is not doing well at all. The infection is spreading. They have done skin grafts and they are not healing. She has developed an irregular heart rhythm now. So much suffering. It is so sad. Please lift them up in your prayers. They are such wonderful people and are living a nightmare.

CarolAnne said...

Morning everyone,
Sissy - your nephews photography are breathtaking. Love the added notes from a photographers point of view. Best of luck to him!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Soon I am off to coffee and dog treats. Then its time to photograph a Great Dane and a Chihuahua yes in the same family. That should be fun and could be downright funny.

Prayers for Kay what a long road she is on. Its so time to turn that corner. Bless her heart. HAGD everyone. Off to see a photography site Sissy

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Breakfast in the nest!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Belle brought it in but it got snatched away quickly!!!

Sandi said...

Woohoo! One juvie and 1 parent arrived together! Belle? Juvie is standing over something and making some noise!

Sandi said...

Turtle?? Belle poofs!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What is that eaglet eating?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Is it a turtle? It is something round, turtle makes sense.

Sandi said...

Boy, windy at the nest this AM. And I would think that eating a turtle would pose quite a challenge for a young eagle!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both of the kids in the nest this morning. That makes my heart happy!!!

floralgirl said...

It always looks like a wild ride in that nest when the wind is blowing. Supposed to be 10 to 15 mph winds here today, the breeze feels nice out there.

JudyEddy said...

Waiting for the coffee to get done I didn't push the auto button last nite Silly Me Need to go get caught up

paula eagleholic said...

2 juvies in the nest, looks like Missy is eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie not eating took off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Bro back from the 2 spot!

JudyEddy said...

This just on the news Do you hate to make up your bed????
Check this out
The smart Bed makes it self

JudyEddy said...

WOW SISSY I like the facebook page the pictures are fantastic I wish him luck in his endeavors and so sorry about you friend Healing thought heading their way

JudyEddy said...

I love all the peep peeping in the nest still can hear over the wind

JudyEddy said...

I got this picture of facebook Love the colors

grannyblt said...

Good Eagle morning friends. Very happy to see both of our kids in the nest. Lil Bro is having his usual hard time getting a tasty morsel from Missy. So glad there was plenty of food this year for both. The ME eagle cam did not have a happy outcome in that regard.

Thanks HODA, for letting us know about the situation in Egypt.

The weatherman promised us a perfect day today--maybe I can get out to do some birding...HAGD everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Missy is really working hard on that turtle! She's getting it. Bro still in the nest.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Sunshine and breeze after a night of rain -- sorry Lolly.

Sure wish the news about Kay were more positive but I believe she will be just fine. No doubt, Julie is in there having "discussions" with the nurses and doctors.

WVsUSAn, not aware of any details but blog snippets suggest you are experiencing a new beginning. I wish you well.

Sissy, glad Tom's back is some better but very sorry about Kristen's condition. Sending prayers.

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Doing a Margy

Wanda, glad the soup kitchen had a good number of customers and that Margy's clothes contribution disappeared along with the lasagna. 'Course I have to wonder if the fight was over clothes, food, or both. Hmmmm, maybe the guys were fighting over you?

CarolAnn, Carter is adorable. Since we have James the Wise, how about Carter the Cute?

Ah, speaking of deer. The amazing incredible inflatable Audrey and Grace. Grace and Audrey (both doing well, thank you for asking Shirley) were in the kitchen bay window yesterday and have now experienced deer in the back yard. First time hearing them growl and they puffed up like inflatable toys. Audrey, being more into self-preservation, ran upstairs. Grace stood her ground.

Shirley, hope you get the trees planted today (or soon). Is your garden security system completed?

Need coffee and newspaper. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

One eaglet left in the nest..hear cam clunks, think someone just left the tree

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet landed on the 9 branch, then flew into the nest

paula eagleholic said...

They are perusing for nestovers....

Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Frineds!

We have quite a busy group of early risers this morning, happy and ready to start a fresh happy day!!

Off to work I to today, but will have you in my heart all day!!

Wishing everyone a joyful and peaceful day today!!

Will check in later if my day isn't too long.

Missing Lynne! Hoping she survived her 12 hour day yesterday and maybe has a day off today???

Prayers for a better day for KAY today!! May she feel hungry and full of energy today!!

Love you all!

glo said...

OK off to enjoy those critters. I think I will sit the Chihuahua between the front legs of the Great Dane IF the Dane is older and mellow I don't want a photo of squashed chihuahua hmmm

Mema Jo said...

Turtle - who said turtle? Can I have it?

Good morning everyone & it is a refreshing morning today - a little cooler then the last couple of days. Maybe I won't need to take an allergy pill this morning.

I with everyone else have my thought centered on Kay. Hoping she gets meds straighten out and get to her rehab.

Mema Jo said...

Their feathers are being ruffled!

I am going to tell my beautician to make me look glamorous just like Janet is doing.

Wow - my cam didn't stay up very long!

I want to view Riffe's pics.

Mema Jo said...

lol Glo, that would be a good one!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Two plotzed eaglets.

I just talked to my baby boy. They are in St. Thomas and having a blast. Today they will get off the boat, shop and then ride a power boat. Around 2 they will board the ship and get in the pool. It was so good hearing his voice.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That is not a turtle. It is an eagle helmet.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I really slept in this morning, then came downstairs.

Hunter is mad at me; wants to move to China, so he is upstairs in his mother's room watching cartoons because I turned off the X-Box. I am waiting awhile before suggesting that we can go plant trees.

stronghunter said...

Ok, he is back downstairs. Offered to fix him some eggs, but he wants a "salad burrito."

Oh, Lordy, it could be a long summer.

stronghunter said...

Ok, he is back downstairs. Offered to fix him some eggs, but he wants a "salad burrito."

Oh, Lordy, it could be a long summer.

stronghunter said...

Please excuse the double post.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, good luck!

stronghunter said...

I think Hunter and I will be on a tree-planting project soon. He is now speaking to me without growling. That is a good thing.

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning!

Shirley, "Sweet Genius" is one of those shows where pastry chefs compete against each other in order to win a prize. Just thought Hunter was being creative but I see now that his focus is 1,000 ways to fill a burrito! Still creative!

Hoda, what a moving statement from you on your country. We are so fortunate to have people from all over to benefit from their unique perspectives. My heart goes out to you and you family and fellow countrymen. Thank you so much.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Sharon. I will need it.

When you are the grandma and the child-care provider, things sometimes get complicated, especially with a pre-teen going through all kinds of growing pains.

Patience, patience . . .

stronghunter said...

Oh, okay, Suzan. It is possible I have watched that show without knowing its name. Kathryn and Hunter have introduced me to many new programs.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I have only run across it in the never ending game of channel surfing! Know you have your hands full with a young man around!

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I appreciate your insight on the events in Egypt. Things happening in that whole part of the world are very troubling right now.

NCSuzan said...

And Poof! in the nest!

stronghunter said...

I have a yard full of blackbirds right now. I think I am going to have to stop filling the feeders for awhile.

NCSuzan said...

Oops. Those guys are tricky! Have to leave now and be industrious. Everyone take care.

CarolAnne said...

Morning again, at least I think I was here early today . . .or was that yesterday?

Keeping fingers crossed that we hear all kinds of good medical news today.

Does Hunter not know that Gram does not run a restaurant? Grandma's offer 2 choices, take it or leave it. :o)

Getting excited about the upcoming trips of HODA & SANDI. Bravo to those that are camping. I am not a camper -- worry about too many things. That goes for traveling too.

James the Wise and Carter the Cutie -- I like that!

The best to all of you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Next Friday, June 22, my baby boy will be 23 years old. Lord have mercy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

CarolAnne said...

So Shar -- if he's going to be 23, you must have been a very young mother. :o)

Neat to think that 23 years ago you were involved in a miracle!

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ Good morning! ♪♫♪ Could not believe I was seeing two eaglets when I first brought up the cam! Now it is M T!!

Shirley, we slept good too, we woke up at 9. Wow! I took a muscle relaxer last night, that is why I slept in. Don't know about Jubby! LOL

Lolly said...

23? He is still a baby, Sharon. Michael is 43!!!! THAT kills me, and Laurel is 39. Wow! C/A, I was really young. LOL

CarolAnne said...

Isn't it a wonder how our children age, but we don't?? lol

Lolly said...

Thinking of Kay this morning and will be anxious to get an update. I do appreciate all of you who are in touch with Julie.

stronghunter said...

I was surprised when I saw that it was after nine and I was still in bed, Lolly. Now to fix myself some breakfast and get dressed.

Had a need to check the blog and make sure that everyone was okay this morning.

Lolly said...

Yes, I will soon be younger than both of my kids!☺ Now, figure that one out!!

Lolly said...

I have not read the paper or had breakfast! Was anxious to talk with my eagle buds and make sure everyone is okay, too. Great to see our Megan on this morning. Glo is off to shoot dogs.(with her camera!) LOL

Lolly said...

Shirley, it is going to be a long summer. Is Hunter going to any sport camps? Joseph had his week in Colorado last week. Laurel and Jacob did Jacob things. This week is Bible School for both and Laurel is teaching. Then basketball camp starts for both boys. She is keeping them really busy!

Lolly said...

Shep just brought something into the nest. An eaglet closely followed and is coveting the food.

stronghunter said...

We looked at the list of sports camps, etc., through parks and rec, but haven't signed him up yet.

At one time, he was interested in tennis, and I thought that would be good, but he said that he only wants to play sports that "normal" people play. (He does not know any tennis players.)

One of my friends has her grandson with her for the summer, and I think she has signed him up for a canoeing camp or something like that.

There are lots of kids in the neighborhood, but many of them have working parents and can't play outside with him, at least that is what Hunter is saying, and I know that he is right about some of them.

stronghunter said...

i see one juvie in the nest. Eating.

Well, as soon as I got my eggs fixed, Hunter came down asking if I had fixed eggs for him, even though he said he did not want any.

He said that his mom would have fixed enough for him, even if he said he didn't want to. Not necessarily true, and he does not want them fixed the way I like them.

stronghunter said...

Juvie eating a turtle. I got a good look.

stronghunter said...

What am I seeing at 2:00?

stronghunter said...

Maybe closer to 1:00?

stronghunter said...

Maybe a tree trunk?

stronghunter said...

Well, just lost the live feed.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn called. Hunter is invited to spend the night with a friend and go with him to the pool tomorrow. Not China, but away from grandma for awhile.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay for Grandma!

Lolly said...

Joseph fixes his own breakfast. He can cook a mean omelet. Teach him to cook, Shirley.

stronghunter said...

I suggested that he could fix some scrambled eggs, but at the moment he is not interested. I will try again later.

Funny--I noticed that the coleslaw ingredients--cabbage and carrots--was out and had been torn open. I asked Hunter about it, and it is what he was using for his salad burrito. When I said that it was coleslaw, he said "gross." He did not know what it was, and now won't eat any more. Oh my.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

That is funny, Shirley!

One eaglet in the nest and hiding behind the trunk of the tree.

I have finished my coffee and read the paper.

Now off to start my day! Wishing all of you a great day!

magpie said...

oh wow
two juvies
must be lunch time, or so they think!

grannyblt said...

Shirley, my 13 yr old grandson has been at a biathlon day camp and evidently LOVES it. Sometimes it can be hard to find something that these kids are interested in.

magpie said...

Good Morning and Afternoon Eagle Pals...

sounds like some good nestcapades today, good reporting

eatle helmet, eh, Sharon? that's a good one

I saw three Wild Turkey Hen and six wild turkeylets this morning...had never seen baby turkeys before

sooo cute !

magpie said...

new creature


of course I Meant eagle

Powerful downpour last night after I signed off...pretty good one, hope everyone got just the right amnount of water for their gardens

magpie said...

time to go back to making dough\

would like to have enough to make a nice pie or two

Best Wishes for a Good Day Everyone...


CarolAnne said...

Hmmph . . .what are these words you people keep using: downpour, rain, water for gardens, sprinkles,

magpie said...

wooops sorry CarolAnne...

CarolAnne said...

Magpie -- LOL

Just had a CLEAR moment.
Heard a phone ringing here in the house (not the house phone). Discovered Bubby forgot his work cellphone on the counter. So I picked up the house phone and proceeded to call his cellphone to let him know his phone was still at home. Duh! :o)

Gonna go find some lunch -- maybe my brain cells are hungry.

Jewels said...

Good Afternoon... so glad that the sun is shining and the rain in not falling. I am in need of sunshine today and I am going after it... of course all the while I am driving to go see my Grandmother. She is in a nursing home now for rehabilitation. Then who knows where I will end up, maybe a pedicure and eyebrow waxing. I am in no rush today and I pray that I do not get paged as I am on call.
Have a great afternoon everyone. My thoughts are with everyone and yes prayers to the ones in need...Esp Kay and Kristen. I can only imagine the pain and discomfort.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

Yesit is indeed good to see the juvies in the nest.

I laughed at the HUNTER stories and know that GRANDMA would miss him much if he went to China!!!

sUSAn thinking of you much in transitions and knowing you will have the flow and the grace to be gentle with yourself and to celebrate yourself...transitions a process of awareness, so easy some good and some difficult.

Thanks C/A and NCSUZAN and SHIRLEY for comments on Egypt.

Today a day with yoga practice and doing some business letters.

Juvie off from seven and landed on something and the other is at five and poof it goes.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, Howdie Hodie!!!!

Hoda said...

Sounds like a good day CAROLYN...

Off to yoga BBL


Hoda said...

Howdie SHAR from Hodie!!!
A big smile comes to my face!!!
I ♥ us

CarolAnne said...

Just had an email from the Wisconsin DNR regarding a bat disease. I never knew there were rules for visiting caves with special decontamination guidelines. I thought you could just go in a cave, for whatever reason, and then just leave. Very informative.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eaglet plotzed in the shade.

stronghunter said...

Gotta go dig holes. Hunter is not into tree-planting today.

Sandi said...

Hi all! After my tennis match this morning, i watched Lena (Ukraine) and Kelsey (USA) play. Lena won the match in straight sets. Now, if the tennis gods are on my side, Kelsey will win her doubles match this afternoon and both girls will still be in the tournament! Came home to take a shower, change clothes, and get some sunscreen, then I'll head back to watch the afternoon tennis! So glad to hear that everyone is enjoying his/her day today and that all is peaceful on the blog!

Sending positive energy to Kay and to Delphia!


JudyEddy said...








magpie said...

Wowser, hope Jewels is really really enjoying here day....
I see that she worked over...

CarolAnne, good phone story...
had a chuckle with that one !

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...