Friday, June 01, 2012


TGIF Thread.


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movin said...

Thanks much for the new thread, Steve. I have notified them on the previous page.

It's great to see the eaglets growing out of control and looking healthy. Won't be long before they fly the nest and begin their journey to maturity and a nest of their own.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Lori O. said...

JIM, gets the feather today! Thanks for the call over, JIM.

Steve, thank you for the new thread and hope you have a nice weekend planned!

Mema Jo said...

Jim got the feather yesterday I do believe! H=Jim you are on a roll!

Good morning Thelma - didn't go to FB to tell you that yet ♥

June 1 - Temps sure have dropped - I'm sure the storms will be here sometime
today. GD said that NC had storm this
morning but it rolled right along and finished up.....

Mema Jo said...

Steve, thank you for the fresh thread

JudyEddy said...

just back with Jordyn now nap time

Judie said...

Good just afternoon.

Shirley, enjoy being outside and sure hope you get done what you want to. I think dog eating watermelon rind should be an outdoor sport.

Lynne, you have given away Daisy's secret influence on Luna. Too funny to think of Daisy cheering on the scrapple-eating Luna.

Linda, sure do wish you could find a cure for those migraines. So sorry you have them so often.

Hi to Paula, Thelma, Jo, and JudyE.

Must organize a posse to check out Kay's situation and Red, also.

wvgal_dana said...

Been lurking for awhile.

Was looking some things up like about the guy in Miami that the police had to kill. Other guy in hospital I would imiage critical.

Plus was outside for awhile. Set out there watching my "Bluebirds" working again on a nest. That will make two times this year so far for eggs and babes.

Flowers are blooming beautiful. I am so Bless with them.

Then talked to sister in law for awhile. That was nice :)

Need to read the last few comments on other thread.

JudyEddy said...

I feel the same way selfish being able to see them now I love it I love just staring at them all laid back in the nest They almost look comatose LOL A pretty bird is singing to them tooo Jordyn is out like a light

Judie said...

Super-happy news is that Grace passed her incision inspection and is now without her Elizabethan collar. Not sure which of us is happier. All she needs is distemper a booster next week. Audrey is completely healed, is current on all shots but Vet detected a heart murmur. Need to keep on top of that.

Laundry is started and time for a cup of coffee.

Lolly, nice that Laurel school year is over and she will spend some time with you.

Lynne, do hope your back will feel better quickly.


JudyEddy said...

Figured I would put up the pic I took this am of the feeding and all in the nest won't be seeing this much longer

Judie said...

Oh my, had to return. Forgot my manners.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Friday thread and thank you Jim for the call over and congratulations on getting a feather.

JudyEddy said...

gonna go put a load of cloths on BBIAM

wvgal_dana said...

Starting to sprinkle here.

Mema Jo said...

Judy the pic from this morning of the family get together is so special.

Mema Jo said...

Something on our lens - small leaf maybe

JudyEddy said...

we have a bug on the lens with our eagles I got a pic of it

CarolAnne said...

Morning all or afternoon, as it may be,

This week has just zoomed by.
Sure wish those 2 beautiful birds came with GPS units. So want to know their future adventures.

Heavy duty prayers for those recovering or approaching surgery.

Linda, have you ever kept a food diary to see if there is some food that triggers your migraines? My Dad's were triggered by fresh tomatoes (took forever to figure out why he had so many migranes in the late summer/fall.) Processed tomato products didn't have the same effect.

Had Thanksgiving in May at the in-laws last night. The most delicious turkey, oiled & wrapped in foil, then cooked on the grill. So-o-o moist. YUM!

Wishing good things for everyone with the start of this fresh, new month.

Mema Jo said...

Judi this is Red's message from 5/27

I'm home today for a 3 hour visit. Need one more week in rehab with my new hip. Sure am looking forward to being home full time again. After my surgery I went to rehab for two days then had to return to the hospital with pneumonia for 5 days. Now I'm back in rehab but 5 days behind schedule.

May soon he will be here! ♥

JudyEddy said...

WOW SHARON you were lucky finding it

JudyEddy said...

this is odd I just got a comment in my email box from SHARON on Tues post about her loosing and finding her ATM CARD

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

This is the post I got in the email
Eagle-Eyed Shar has left a new comment on the post "Tuesday":

Good afternoon from the WV Turnpike. Got a late start. Didn't get off work on time and then I couldn't find my debit card. St. Anthony helped me find it in the trash. :-)

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Posted by Eagle-Eyed Shar to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Friday, June 01, 2012 12:47:00 PM I think she is lost on the road and shouldn't be blogging LOL

JudyEddy said...

chicks are still plozed but are making chirping They can't be hungry one of them need to eat that ant of the lens

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading the video I took this am of all 4 in the nest I love it that I found I can post right from youtube to the blog to the nest page tooo cool ok another load needs to get ready

Mema Jo said...

I think that Tom is driving so they should be ok. No, I don't understand
her post - The first part is ok - so glad St Anthony helped her out.

Mema Jo said...

BBILW So happy that Missy and Bro prefer to lay low today!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tom is driving. We were supposed to leave at 11 and got a late start.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

try again
Waitress works 20 yrs same place waiting on her Federal Income Tax Refund

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

Thank you for the report of the nest feedings and vocalizing this morning.

JUDIE so glad Audrey is now fine and sorry about the heart murmur...not good.

SHAR lost your ATM card??? That would be scary. Thank you St Anthony!

No water here today...shut off the water main till noon...UGH glad I had water in bottles and jugs even though I did not know about it.

Enjoy the bachelorette party SHAR.

I am headed off to yoga in a while and will be back later the afternoon...

JudyEddy said...

GOOD to know you are not blogging and driving LOL Just kidding The ant is not leaving the lens. I am going through my t shirt eagle ones All I own. I have bought 6 new ones in the past week so need to get rid of some with little holes in them. Odd maybe moths, I do get those drywall moths. Who knows!

Jordyn was thrilled when I got three shirts today We went to the mall to go to Pants Town to look at his book to order some shirts and Steve wasn't there so didn't get to order them the other guy couldn't find the book, Almost a wasted trip But Sears has a sale on them 4.99 Reg 15.00 Got a red one so now I have to red eagle t shirts for Fri

Judie said...

Thank you, Jo. I remember Red was dealing with pneumonia but had hoped he/Diane would check in with an update.

Shar, so glad you found your debit card. Now, enjoy tonight!


Hoda said...

I can not get on on issue the message says...

JudyEddy said...

I just checked I can get on it HODA I am always signed on it

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn was so funny when I said we were going shopping She wanted a necklace as we walked by Claire's I told her ok She asked for two things and I said yes Well they were having a sale on two clearance racks 10 items 10 Wow she was so excited, she even got Angie some earring She picked them up and I said they were for big people not kids and she said I buy for mommy she's not a kid So cute she was She got several necklace and bracelets and hair accessories LOVE IT

JudyEddy said...

OH and as I was laying next to her to get her down for her nap I pretended to be asleep and she wispers "I love you" I didn't want her to know I was awake soo sweet that gal.

JudyEddy said...

Missy up to the9 attic

stronghunter said...


I put together my garden frame thingy. Not going to put in the soil or plant anything outdoors today, though. It really sounds like we could have some bad storms. Don't think it would hurt the frames, but don't want soil or plants out there.

Just this minute started raining. I am going to listen closely to the weather later on. They are saying it will be bad between four and eleven. Hunter usually gets home at 3:50. I will pick him up a bit early if it seems necessary.

Geesh, something on the camera lens. It just moved.

Our eaglets are both in the nest. They were both flat and in the center, but one is now up and did a poop shoot. Windy there.

Okay, one just flew up to the nine o'clock branch.

stronghunter said...

Pouring big time here.

Glad that Gracie is okay, Judie.

wvgal_dana said...

Can't go to pool from my last ortho appointment May 24th until I see him again July 6th. I had not been going because of the pain. Pain when I walk in the pool or even out of the pool.

If what he is doing works. I won't need surgery on my left knee or the left leg.

wvgal_dana said...

Batten down the hatches Shirley!!!

Lynne2 said...

Heads up Maryland from Frederick Co west, WV panhandle, north/west/central VA and far eastern WV and south central PA...

Tornado Watch in effect

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

Missy is went up then down and now back up Get down now MISSY in the wind

JudyEddy said...

She just may be leaving today like it or not being out there in the wind with her wing spread eagle Silly eagle

JudyEddy said...

the ant just went for a walk-a-bout on the lens

wvgal_dana said...

Well I can't go to pool from my othro appointment May 24th until I see him again on July 6th. I had not been going anyhow. Due to when I walk in pool or even out of pool. Left leg and knee very painful. If what he is doing works. I won't need surgery on my left knee or left leg.

Lynne2 said...

Glad Gracie is finally out of her Cone of Shame!

As for Audrey...did the vet give a grade on the murmur? Also, it's not uncommon to detect slight murmurs in young cats that just go away as they get older.

Daisy was VERY happy to know that she is NOT the only Food Thieving Hound Dog. LOL!

JudyEddy said...

I put the video of this am feeding with all four in the nest It was nice seeing all of them together may not have to many more opportunities to see here is the video to it

This am family gathering for a few min

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, Luna is a big food thief, sweet doggy that she is.

Hidey got blown out of the nest in 2009. That was how Hidey fledged.

Severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch here.

stronghunter said...

Going to get prepared to pick up the kid--just in case I need to.

JudyEddy said...

Interesting fact Thanks SHIRLEY

CarolAnne said...

Hope the weather fizzles out before it gets nasty by any of you.

Lolly said...

In from working in the yard. It is mowed, edged, clipped, trimmed, blower used....come on over. Treats of your choice in the garden!!!

I have even showered and shampooed. No sweaty smell on me!☺

Ant is having a great time on the cam lens. He is gone at the moment, but will be back, I am sure!

Lolly said...

A lot of mess in the nest. Whoops there is that ant again...much better than Spidey as ants do not spin webs!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Buddy asks: yes, but can Luna and Daisy open a refrigerator and oven door?

Lolly said...

Laurel just called, she is home and out for the summer. Wahooo! I still know the feeling of walking out of the school for the summer. However, it certainly took me longer to clean up and organize my room. Laurel says she has no piles and has little to do. The benefit of teaching an older grade!

Judie said...

Storm has arrived from Shirley's place. Lots of rain and wind. Lost satellite for a while, also. Y'all be careful. I see someone posted tornado warning.

Lynne, the vet did not give a number. Just said she'd monitor carefully in case the cardiologist is needed. Lord have mercy, never in my life heard of a feline cardiologist. $$$$$$

Hope Laurel has a wonderful TX summer.

Shutting down until later. Pouring rain, thunder, lightening. Bye

CarolAnne said...

Chilly, but not storming inmidwest


CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...


JudyEddy said...


CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...

Weekend prep beckons . . .

Sandi said...

Happy weekend all! Home to find a new thread and STILL 2 eaglets in the nest! Frankly, I'm not in any hurry for them to fledge - they'll be gone soon enough and we'll be back to looking at an MT nest and hoping for a glimpse of Belle and Shep every once in a while!

Picked up some great dalhias at the Giant marked WAY down for clearance - need to get them into pots. BBL!

Sandi said...

Judie, I had never heard of a veterinary oral surgeon til Bella needed all her teeth removed. Took 6 installments to pay THAT bill!! Glad to hear that Grace is all healed!

Shirley, laughed out loud this AM at the Luna breakfast stealing story!

Lynne, sorry to hear about your back giving you such problems. Thanks for the weather warnings - still sunny here but there is a chance of severe weather from 5pm til midnight.

OK, caught up on my reading, now to do some playing in the dirt outside!

JudyEddy said...

Missy jumped down and was not being nice

JudyEddy said...

both in nest wingersize

Lynne2 said...

We have escaped, so far, any weather. Power is out at work and everyone is in the basement. Getting updates via co-worker Kim cell phone. Tornado touch down very close to there. Lots of trees and lines down.

JudyEddy said...

eagles are having a tiff again

JudyEddy said...

Stay safe Lynne2

JudyEddy said...

both eaglets are in nest one at 9 and the ofter 4 Missy was on 9 but just jumped down At least they arent fighting picking for nestovers I guess

JudyEddy said...

Got me a shower and Jordyn one tooo Going to go get pictures taken this evening at 6 before tomorrow dance recital

Mema Jo said...

No bad weather here other then some rain earlier - I'm still keeping the cats in the house.

Really happy the eaglets are still here!

JudyEddy said...

BRO has his neck all cocked looking around out of the nest looks unconfortable

JudyEddy said...

We will talk at ya later after I get back we are gonna go out for dinner after the photo shoot

Mema Jo said...

Smile Pretty ♥

Just Vicky said...

Those silly birds love this wind!! Making a nervous wreck out of me :(

Mema Jo said...

Vicky did you see if Missy flew up to the left to the stump?

I am eating dinner....

Mema Jo said...

We are getting heavy downpour now with lightening/thunder.

Mema Jo said...

Hurray Just saw wing tips at stump

Just Vicky said...

No, doggone it Jo I missed seeing :(

Just Vicky said...


Lynne2 said...

time to air out the underarms

Lynne2 said...

think we are about to get clobbered....oh yes, I hear BIG rain drops, maybe hail....BBL!

glo said...

Sharon I use Debut Professional now to record. To be honest I liked Snag it better but the version I purchased won't work on a windows 7 and I wasn't going to buy it again. This one has a 30 day free trial too and some folks manage to keep it running for free after 30 days. I ended up paying for it after 30 days. :-( . Can't remember how much but I wanted something on here to record when I wanted to so here it is LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for anyone traveling this evening. An big time prayers for Missy and Bro to hang out at the nest tonight!


Hoda said...

I hope you are all safe and that no tornadoes are touching down where you all are...

It looks wet at the nest.
I saw Missy's wing so know she is still up there...

A bit cold here had to wear a shoes though still have my sandals.

I miss WANDA'S posts I hope the computer chap fixes things soon. I would have loved to see her writing on the 85 people for the soup kitchen...Way to go WANDA and the Captain.

Is PAULA going to Paradise this weekend? I have not seen anything about that either...

I need a cup of green tea...

stronghunter said...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Mr. Brown is a wonder.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Mr. Brown makes thunder!

Splat! Splat! Splat!
He makes lightning too, and it's very, very hard to make a sound like that!

I still remember my Dr. Seuss.

The result of raising 4 children.

Kathryn is safely home. Will said he expected to be here by 6, so anytime now . . .

Good day to have stayed home, Lynne. But you are missing the excitement of hiding in the basement.

Hoda said...

One of the chicks at the Delta nest is happened over night. David Hancock posts that it might have bee a stick bone in its crop...a first for the Hancock Foundation no deaths ever seen on camera till today. Sad.

Hoda said...

On further reading the Delta chick could have also died from food poisoning. They will not remove the carcass as they do not want the parents to abanson the nest for next year. He will do an autopsy if somehow the carcas, 6 to 8 pounds, falls out of the nest!!! David Hancock wants to be called if that happens.

stronghunter said...

Oh, that is sad, Hoda. A stuck bone in the crop?

Will is home.

Time to check on the ham. Hoping to be able to eat soon. Hunter already ate. When Kathryn got home, she made him get off the X-Box.

As soon as he stopped playing computer games, he realized that he was so hungry that he had to eat immediately, so he found some leftovers in the fridge.

stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

Just saw Missy's wingtip....

Waiting for the rain to let up so I can pack the car...heading to Paradise this weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Down into the nest, and right back up

Linda said...

GloThanks for the info on the video recording program you use. I was the one who asked, though Sharon may have as well. Interesting that Snagit did not work for you in Win 7. You would have thought the program would have had an update for it. The one I downloaded worked on Windows 7. Hmmmm

Judie - Thanks for the comment about my migraines. It may be time to readdress the frequency of them again soon. They are still not nearly as severe or frequent as they were at their worst, so I am thrilled for that.

CarolAnne - I have kept a food diary in the past and couldn't come up with anything. May have to try it again to see if there is something that is triggering them. Ny neurologist called them nocturnal migraines. That could be because they seem to wake me up in the wee hours of the mornngs, but rarely start in the daytime.

Lynne - So are you feeling any better yet??

Shirley - I, too, laughed out loud reading your post about Luna snarfing Hunter's breakfast!! Riley is a food hound, too, but would NEVER take the food from the table, even if it was left on a coffee table. He will sit there and stare at it without blinking for as long as it takes, but won't take a bite until he is given the a-ok!!

Riley just about stares Dennis down at every meal, which I can't stand!! Dennis always gives him something, so it is NOT Riley's fault, it is Dennis'. Riley NEVER does that to me because he knows I won't tolerate it.

Like that Dog Whisperer says, "I rehabilitate dogs and TRAIN people!!!" It is we that are the problem in many of the pet issues.

Judie - YAY for Gracie!!!!! I am beyond happy that she is free of that collar. Not happy about the heart murmor possibility on Audrey, but hopefully she will outgrow it like Lynne says she may!!

paula eagleholic said...

Will check in later, have a great evening!

Linda said...

Safe travels, PAULA!

stronghunter said...

Sun is shining now, but more storms to come. Just got more sever storm warnings.

Well, Missy is playing games in the wind.

stronghunter said...

Tornado warnings in parts of WV panhandle. Hang in there, folks.

stronghunter said...

Hunter's plate was on the coffee table. He was more interested in his video game than he was in eating breakfast.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everybody! Couldn't get online when I got home. Was dying to see if all our people and birds made it through the storms.
They made us leave work at 4 PM. Good timing~~~rain started here after 4:30, but was done in about an hour.VERY windy. At least no hail---so nothing got clocked.
I see Paula is ready to hit the road to Paradise! Lucky you---hope good weather.
Shirley, dog misbehaving! Funny. They always mention theser storms in VA. Hope you're OK.
Linda, hope you're feeling good!
And hope Lynne2's back gets better.
Judie, so glad Grace is on the mend.
Good to hear from Red~~get home soon!

stronghunter said...

Luna is a sweet doggy, but she is not going to pass up a good opportunity to sneak a snack. Even if it is on the counter. Bassets are amazingly tall when they get on their hind legs.

NatureNut said...

Juyst turned on nest~~~very windy w/just one peaglet. Missy, get downstairs!!

Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA...

I wished Missy would come down from nine branch it is too windy up there it seems like...

Lynne2 said...

WOOO HOOOO it's been raining like MAD!

Lynne2 said...

Oh Paula, you'll be driving in storms....lots of road 511 for traffic updates and PLEASE be careful...

Hoda said...

I wished Missy would show as a wing tip or come down or something to let us know she is still up there...I do not like this wind.

Lynne2 said...

Trees, power lines down, quite a few roads closed, flooding.....MORE to come

Hoda said...

OK pouring down rain and now blowing, Missy get down in that nest will ya?

Lynne2 said...

Geesh, trees on houses, trees THROUGH very sad. No reports of any serious injuries thank GOD!

Hoda said...

Bro goes to the middle of the nest and lays low...where is she? Camera switches to black and white and no sign of Missy for quite a while now.

Hoda said...

Oh I see her wing she is flapping her wings in thsi storm!!! My oh my oh my MISSY what are you thinking???

Hoda said...

Heavy rain and again Missy is flapping her wings.
Oh she comes down in the nest and has a hard time landing the wind kept her airborn.
I think we are in danger of losing the cam...this is not good it is too stormy and I got the twirly signal twice now...

Hoda said...

She lifts off as she flaps her wings and comes dangerously close to the edge and she has a hard time landing...what is she thinking? SHe lands on Bro and he too is up now looking over the edge. I am nervous.

Hoda said...

Oh she spreads her wings and goes back up to nine branch...she was airborn rather and she flapped up there for a while before she stopped which I assume was a landing!!! At least I hope it iwas a landing!!!

Hoda said...

It is now calmer at the nest but still raining. The wind is not blowing so hard. I have not seen Missy since I last posted about her 7:48 PM EDT

stronghunter said...

Yes, only one of the eaglets in the nest. I do not know where Missy is.

stronghunter said...

Yes, only one of the eaglets in the nest. I do not know where Missy is.

magpie said...

Bella the Vizsla stole a chicken nugget off James's plate the other day.
AND while we were out, she reached onto the counter and tore apart a very nice loaf of Cranberry Raisin Bread ! I thought I had put it far enough out of reach

Good Evening Eagle I am not caught up, just passing through from my roost for a bit.
Wowser of a Storm in these parts for sure, seems to be over now...
at least, For now.

magpie said...

Hope I am computer-side long enough to see TWO eaglets settle on that nest for the night.

Lolly said...

Dinner is almost ready. Having filets tonight. Yum! Excellent recipe. The filets will be topped with asparagus, blue cheese and sauce. OMG! We have not had this in a long time!

Went to the grosssssery store this afternoon. Just before I left I saw the storm at the nest. One was plotzed and the other flapping in the wind. Yikes!

magpie said...

Good Golly Miss Molly!
I saw Just Vicky on this Thread !

Yay !

I threw a set of car keys in the trash once....don't know what makes us to these things except for being busy and thinking of a dozen or so other things same time....

magpie said...

in reference to Sharon throwing here ATM card in the trash...Saint Anthony Strikes again !

Judie, glad about Grace...

Hoda said...

The Delta eaglette, known as GW who died this morning or overnight, seems to have died of food poisoning. Its sibling was seen upchucking a large mass of food 48 hours earlier and they were all hoping GW would do the same but it did not happen...sad.

magpie said...

Oh Lolly, that meal sounds so totally delicious, I love all those things you mentioned...
Drooling big time -
I'll probably have cold cereal again.

magpie said...

Thanks for the update on RED!
Thanks to Jo, that is...
yes, a wonk in the road with the delay getting home for good, but sure look forward to his return...

magpie said...

laptop has an air card, or whatever those things are called, data card..which is tied in with brother in law's cell phone which most likely is not current I might get it configured for MY cell phone.
easy enough and not too pricey

magpie said...

Also read about CarolAnne's Thanksgiving in May...
drooled over that one also !
CA: Thank you for the card and labels...I recognize some Cricket work perhaps ??
(( Thank You Hugs ))

Hoda said...

LOLLY wait up I am on my way to your place for sounds delicious...

Hoda said...

MARGY do you have your BIL's lap top for keeps?

Lynne2 said...

Good grief, they have interrupted the Halmark Channel for a TORNADO WARNING!!!

magpie said...

I use the laptop when I am at my brother in law's - the kids left it there for me to use....

magpie said...

I'm Jonesin' to see Missy return!

and I would like to hear that fox while I am here at a computer with sounds...

Lynne2: sorry about the legs were giving me problems all week, finally gave me enough problem to take off work today, had a hard time moving...
much better now after many hours in the horizontal and a little medicine.

magpie said...

Loving all the gardening go girl! Too hilarious about Hunter "losing his breakfast."
And also about the watermelon-rind eating dogs !

Lynne2 said...

So sad about the Delta eaglet....

Lynne2 said...

oh no Margy, what's wrong with your legs....? because of YOUR back? I stayed home today too....hope you keep feeling better. I finally had to break down and take a Trammie.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, gardening talk. Will and I discussed placement of the garden. I have the frame in the middle of the yard right now, but he thinks maybe nearer to the fence might be better. There would be more sun in the middle of the yard, though.

I have not cleared out the grass yet; kind of hoping that Will might take over that project, or at least help me. Then I will need help moving the bags of soil, or at least help would be nice.

Wish Missy would return to the nest. I do not know how windy it might have been earlier.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are much rested and feeling a lot better from your day of rest, Margy.

stronghunter said...

So sorry about the Delta eaglet. Food poisoning? I wonder what it takes to make an eagle get sick. They do eat some pretty yucky stuff.

Hoda said...

It is now 9:22 PM EDT and I see Bro at five position on the railing and Missy was up the nine branch the last I saw her...I have not seen any signs of her since 7:48 PM EDT...
It is getting dark at the nest no moon rays yet and yet it is not blowing a storm as it was earlier and I am not hearing any rain either.

magpie said...

long phone call,
too long

Lynne2 - yes probably related to back, sciatica, ergonomics, osteoporosis, and being an old lady !

magpie said...

and not much chance of Moonshine on the nest anytime toon

Hoda said...

I know SHIRLEY they eat some amazing stuff and not so fresh either so I do not know what it took to poison GW at Delta nest...lead? mercury? I am not sure and they have not said on the Hancock site.

Hoda said...

Sorry about the back and leg problems MARGY...I thought it was wise of LYNNE to take the day off today with her back issues too. Smart ladies you two are.

magpie said...

great little story about Joseph..
Happy 5th Grade Graduation to Him, and best wishes to all the family with the traveling, visiting and so on...
Need to close out for the night....
I know there is so much more to comment on and tell you all that I care about...
but Tempus is Fugitting...
and the Night Bandit isn't helping any either...

Hoping that Jewels is having an okay night at the work place...
Yay - everyone returns to 8-hour shifts this week-end...there are pluses and minuses to that, but overall, probably a good thing

magpie said...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, for a good week-end, for those traveling, and those staying home...

Good Night, Precious Pals...
"See You Tomorrow !"

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Bravo on the Grans to Grans...
very beautiful ministry...
(( Hugs ♥ ))


Hoda said...

Sleep well MARGY...Ciao till tomorrow ...SED

stronghunter said...

Yes, chemicals would be a problem. Interesting that the other one barfed.

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. Hope all those affected by weather as safe and sound. We had downpours and east of here the tornado warnings.
Yesterday birding friend and I figured osprey nest we know about is about 5 miles from where we saw. The fish caught. Do they have a territory that big? I frankly think they must be nesting closer. We also saw "our" branching eagles. This morning the daddy hairy woodpecker brought the kids to the feeder.
I hope this posts because I am on my kindle. Fire. And it has that annoying auto keyboard

stronghunter said...

It posted, GB. Yes, I hope along with you that everyone is safe from the weather tonight.

Very sleepy here. I am going to call it quits. Saying good night and God bless. I will see you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I had the pc off while the weather was so bad. Happy there were no tornadoes
that came close.

It was funny in the first downpour at the nest - Bro had his wings out stretched as though he was enjoying the rain.

Lynne and Margy I hope you both feel better - back and leg problems are no fun at all.

CarolAnne said...

Safe evening to everyone whether traveling or wicked weather.

Carsick doggie, otherwise uneventful travels north.

LINDA - because I love to look up things (I should find a job that pays me to do that) I read up on "nocturnal migraines" (a term I had never heard of.) A study (Mayo Clinic??) suggested that 5 oz of coffee or black tea or can of coke prior to bedtime worked for some to keep migraines to a minimum. Another suggestion was elevating the head & shoulders to relieve pressure. You probably know all these things already, but I did find it interesting. Wishing you relief soon and for a long time to come.

Magpie - no Cricket (don't I wish - lol). All just purchased or printed, a dab of glue and a trusty scissors.

Just found out my kids are having a "not so surprise" birthday party for me later this month. The Big 60! Here at the cottage - praying for a sunny day. Cannot fit many people in cottage - it is tiny!!
Had Mom's 85th here - weather cooperted beautifully that day.
Fingers crossed for the same.

Baseball on radio, dogs down for the night, glass of wine and quiet in the north woods . . . ahhh!

Lolly said...

Ahhhh!The big 60. Faye, Laurel's MIL turned 60 before me. She told Laurel that she(Laurel) was going to give a party for her. LOL So, Laurel did give a party for Faye. My 60th was 6 months later. I told Jack, NO PARTY! LOL He took me to Hawaii!!!

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - what day in June did you enter this world?

Hoda said...

Interesting reseaarch C/ is wonderful how you always find things.
Sorry about the dog upchucking.
Sounds like a good plan for your b-day party...I too hope the weather co-operates...

Lolly said...

We have had a wonderful evening. Weather is so nice. First, we sat out in the swing and enjoyed the evening. Then we cooked a delicious dinner. I said earlier filet, but meant tenderloin. OMG, it was so good. Then we went to the garden and enjoyed the rest of the evening finishing the rest of the bottle of wine. Now, I am giving myself a pedicure. Wanda would approve!!!

JudyEddy said...

Got back from Angies a little bit ago watching the news putting pic on FB and a video of osprey telling us to move on when we stopped to take a pic of them. I have taken so many pic but that time of the evening they don't turn out The video did this time its on the nest video if anyone want to see I put on the Great Backyard Bird count tooo

This is a pic of Jordyn in her outfit that is toooo small she is 4yrs old and they bought a 4T she wears a 5-6 now so its tight and it was suppose to be a one peice and they couldn't find one Last min shopping I am sure That is a disorganized dance school big time

Angie knew that Carl wouldn't be happy with the outfit a 2peice He asked when she gets the rest of it lOL

JudyEddy said...

they had a profesional do the pic we weren't allowed in the room Afraid we would take pic of them I guess But we took lots of all the kids before while they were getting ready

JudyEddy said...

Our weather seemed chilly this evening I guess all the rain on and off all day did it

HEY my still cam *black as it is Matches the live cam black from the night I wonder if Steve knows the still is not working???

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Great avatar of JORDYN JUDYE.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you arrived safe CA...sorry about carsick dog thought.

Lynne, no idea about how large an Osprey territory is. I'll have to google that. I sure wish our woodpeckers here would bring babies to the feeder!

Here is the post from David Hancock regarding the Delta 2 eaglet death.

From David Hancock

this does NOT show the nest, and don't go there...the eaglet's remains are still there. The post from DH is very interesting...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, I'm going to go to bed also.
We really need some sunshine tomorrow!

Good night my friends
Prayers for all our needs

♥♥ Lynn ♥♥ Carolyn ♥♥ Christie


Robyn said...

Hi everyone, just popping in to send some love to all...

Me :)

Hoda said...

Good night JO SED to you and praying for sunshine for you tomorrow maybe???

LYNNE thank you for bringing the Hancock link over.

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to bed...sure hope this back thing is GONE in the AM! I must admit that I am a bit worried about this. The Trammie helped a little, but not much.

It's going to be pretty here tomorrow, mid 70s, sunny (after morning fog) and breezy.

Good night a prayers for all!

Hoping to see Paula check in soon...

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, it'll be interesting to see what will happen next. I am afraid, well, because eagles are, well, what they are....about the remains in the nest. And that not know HOW for sure it died....well, I think you know where I'm going with this. Not to mention that the flies, etc, should it remain there....eeewwwwww. I'm praying it falls out, and that they can do a necropsy.

Hoda said...

I had the same thought LYNNE about the eaglet at Delta. I would almost risk the eagles abandoning this nest to simply remove the carcass...I hope they block their cam too but their is another eaglet there and the parent eagles are still coming in...

paula eagleholic said...

Checking in

Long ride...rained most of the way...still raining here

Road had water on it..Bro got ou and walked thru it...was nut rushing drove thru ok...willrinse car off tomorrow

All is good

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Glad you made a safe trip Paula. Thank you for your post.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, what I don't get is...why they think the parents would abandon? They band eaglets with no problems...maybe this one is too young? MTBR for sure.

Paula, so glad you have arrived safely! It was very kind of your Bro to put his life on the line by walking through the water to make sure it was safe to DRIVE through....LOL!

REALLY going to bed now.

Lynne2 said...

OH! Forgot to mention....Snowman Cam posted on FB a couple of days ago that a Momma bear and 2 cubbies had visited late in the keep a watch if you happen to be up...I'd LOVE to see them!

Hoda said...

LYNNE good night...I am hoping a parent eagle picks it up from the nest and drops it off somewhere...the alternative is gruesome to me...I do not know why David Hancock thought they would abandon the nest but he did mention it.

Lolly said...

Nite all! Lost in a good book!


But, I remembered my mannera and came to say good night!☺♥

Hoda said...

Good night


Hoda said...

Good morning gLORI and morning café group.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here very late, but I guess better late than never!LOL

Got Sis-in-law to LAX airport OK this morning, and Ken got a text from her that she arrived in Honolulu OK. Bro-in-law, nephew Sean, and his 2 kids all went on a different flight that left this afternoon. They'll be there for 9 days, the lucky ducks! They deserve a good vacation, though. I'm taking care of the bulldogs while they're gone. I was tired when I got home, so took a panda nap. Didn't do weekly Walmart shopping, so must do that tomorrow.
Got Trader Joe's shopping and Petco shopping done, though.

Golly, prayers for Lynne2 and Margy! Sure hope you both feel better in the morning! Lynne, hope your co-workers stayed safe, and made it out of the basement! Those are some storms that are happening back there.

Judie, so glad to hear that Gracie is doing so well! I think I must be happier than both of you that the collar of shame is gone! Prayers that Audrey will lose the heart murmur as she gets older.

Linda, hope you can find out what's causing those migraines! Prayers that you will get rid of them!

JudyE, Jordyn is a real cutie! Nice avatar!

Shirley, you had me laughing with the story of the stolen breakfast!
Know what you mean about those Bassets being taller that you'd think! Our daughter Jen's two Bassets have been officially banned from the kitchen!

Well, it's getting late here, so think I'll call it a day. Need to get an early start tomorrow. The Walmart near us can be a 3-ring circus on Saturdays!

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those in need of healing--humans AND critters. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Hoping that everyone has a great night's sleep, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Lynn♥♥ forever!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥LOVE♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all of Eagledom!

So glad the weather has calmed down.
It was so bizarre having all those tornado warnings yesterday!
The basement stayed dry with all the rain, but
I doubt there's much grass seed left, and just as I was
starting to see some sprouts!!!

Will be glad to just hop online today
and not worry about thunder and lightening. :)

Today is another busy day.
Have to leave here at 6 this morning
to catch my ride into DC as Loo and I will
host and announce the finish line at the Koman Race for the Cure.

Then, of course, there's the weekend online
work that I still have to do. Can't wait until they train
someone else
to do it, but I don't see it
happening soon.

Lori O. said...

YAY, ANDY has the BULLDOGS again!
Hope you will post some pics, ANDY!

Prayers for health, healing &
no pain for KAY, LINDA and LYNNE.

Hoda said...

Good morning LORI. Good luck with the weekend work related tasks.
I can not sleep.
I will not be on in the morning.i go to Dragon boats in the morning first thing and then to the park for the five kometer walk for HIV/AIDS raises money for Africa.
Then the Grans have a meeting .
If Misst fledged I hope there is a video.

Lori O. said...

Hello HODA!!!

Sorry you can't sleep. Sounds like you have a
super-duper busy weekend, too!

Hopefully someone will Snagit
if Missy fledges!
Still, I hope she waits at
least another day so we
can see it. ♥

Lori O. said...

Good luck with the Walk-A-Thon, HODA.
I hope you raise lots of money!
AND, keep an eye to the sky
during dragon boating for any eagles. :)
You're so fortunate to live
in such a lovely area.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning all! No severe weather here at the beach last night, though we got a good soaking! Clearing up and cooler today and sunny and in the 70s tomorrow. Should be a great weekend at the beach! It's not full-on tourist season yet, but Bethany is def. not a sleepy little town anymore. Lots of locals hate the vacationers - I don't! I know the back roads to avoid most of the traffic jams and I love seeing people dog-walking and jogging and bike riding and strolling past the house.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori and Sandi :)

Didn't get in until 10:38pm last night. After grocery shopping for Mom. Went visiting nephew and neice. OH HAPPY TIMES !!!

See wings at stump and other in nest near bottom of stump

Need to catch up.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi I would enjoy being at the beach and watching all the people. What they do and all. Hearing the waves in the back ground.

wvgal_dana said...

I think landing in the nest after she does fledge and comes back will be a ok landing. She really gets her exerscise by flying to the stump and down. lol

wvgal_dana said...

I see Hoda has a busy day - her walk, dragon boats and meeting with Grans.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy has bulldog watch.

Glad to hear Grace is out of the collar Judie. :)

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I woke up awful early this morning but it is wonderful to hear the early birds. I remember grieving over Donna dying and cursing the sound. She loved to feed the birds. This was before I was a momster but I sure did learn about the generosity and love of you eagle momsters and dadsters through Eagle-Eyed Shar's friendship with you all. I thought I would be in perpetual grief. There is still not an hour that goes by that I don't think of her but at least it is mostly good memories now. No perpetual grief. : ) Anyways I digress. I love you all and I love our eagles. That is for sure!

CarolAnne said...

Morning early birders,
No animal visitors last night. Thinking enough natural food in woods & new babies keeping them away from population.

Saw one roadkill fawn on the way here. Seems awful early for fawns to be moving around.

Hoping everyone awakens to a great, pain free day.

Mema Jo - 28th

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Thelma I know where you are coming from with daily and hourly memories that come into my mind of my Sweetheart Ed. Glad you are thinking of the wonderful memories of Donna :) ♥♥

I have been thinking of Sharon all morning. What a wonderful time she must have had at the party. So great the relationship she has with Kesley's family. It is all GOOD :)

Sandi said...

Morning WVDana and Thelma! Thelma, how long has Donna been gone? I assume Donna is Sharon's and Bev's sister who died?

Hoping that Lynne and Margy are feeling better today. Also hoping that Kay pops on at some point over the weekend! Coming down the home stretch for that surgery, lady!! I know you're counting the minutes!

BTW, Josh is home from the hospital! He's still in pain when he walks but he IS walking (with a walker). The docs say his recovery is going great! One of the kids has been to see him and says that, when Josh stands, he's so much taller b/c his legs and spine are not bent! How great is that!?

T-Bird said...

Memories sure are flooding this morning. I remember when I used to open at McDonald's and having to be at work at 4:30. Along about opening time, 5:30, the birds would sound so beautiful. What a good memory. Who would'a thunk opening at 4:30 would be such a good memory. : )

T-Bird said...

Sandi, she died in '07.

DanaMo said...

Good morning.

Making my list of all the things I need to do today.

I decided to let the good Sisters of St. Mary's keep an eye on the ducks. I will be going back and forth too I'm sure. I need to go that way to go to target and I left my Kindle in my classroom so I need to get that before my hair and nail appointments.

Today is Adam's 17th birthday and Annemarie graduates 8th grade tomorrow. Only 2 more days with students. Our graduation for kindergarten is on Tuesday so I will only have them for a couple of hours. Finally, the year will be over. Public school here ended yesterday which really burns me. I want to whine and scream NOT FAIR! LOL

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...