Friday, June 01, 2012


TGIF Thread.


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T-Bird said...

So glad to hear about Josh Sandi.

DanaMo said...

So sorry Thelma. Losing your sister must have been so hard, I just can't imagine. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

DanaMo said...

Sandi-Looks like I missed what is going on with Josh, but glad he is recovering well.

I need to keep up! Geez...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning DanaMo


DanaMo where did you zip line at?

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Oh Grannyblt I love woodpeckers and yours brought the kids to the feeder. Now how neat is that !! :)
Glad you got to see your osprey and your branching eaglets.

Paula and bro safe at Paradise.
Man now that is something when your
brother walks through water to make
sure it is safe for you to drive thru. Glad you are both safe at "Paradise". :)

Thanks Lynne2 for up date on the eaglet at Delta 2. Sad :(

JudyE cute avatar of Jordyn.
Great osprey video thanks for posting.

Sandi said...

DanaMo, Josh is a student of mine with spina bifida. He had surgery to straighten his spine at Shriner's Hospital a few weeks ago. There was a chance that the surgery would leave him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Without the surgery, his spine would continue to curve and compromise his lung function until it ultimately killed him. His folks opted for the surgery and it was successful - and he's up and walking! I'm hoping that he'll make it to our graduation ceremony on Monday, even though he'd be in a wheelchair.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks Dana - But not until end of month.

Its a missing Dad month with his birthday &fathers day - so I never get to excited about my BD.

And this year dealing with dysfunctual family issues; a rewritten will;POA and impossible relatives.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi I had heard earlier about Josh have given God the PRAISE!!!

Hope Margy's back and legs feel beter today.

Lynne2 also hope your back feels better.

When visiting with nephew at his shop. I sat on a bar no no should not have done that. I know better was just so excited to see him. Now my back is giving me a terrible problem. Oh well no meds here.

SANDI when is your Birthday and when is your hubby Dennis's Birthday????

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Linda I see we shared the same problems with dogs and our husbands. Ed always gave them foods they should not have and if Ed ate a piece of candy. They each got a tiny piece, a chip they got a chip and so on. I love your comment about rebhabilitate dogs and TRAIN people lol good one!!

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday CarolAnne. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend. Sounds like it is rough for you. Prayers and love your way.

T-Bird said...

That is early birthday CarolAnne. Sorry I missed that. : )

T-Bird said...

DanaMo, Donna was my partner of 19 years. She was Sharon and Beverly's sister. That is how we are sister-in-laws.

T-Bird said...

Looks like the sun is out in Shepherdstown this morning. : )

T-Bird said...

I pray all those with aches and pains feel better today. Lynne2 and Magpie I didn't know you were aching.

CarolAnne said...

Speaking of birthdays - today is my Mom's 88th birthday.

So thankful she is healthy & strong & independent.

She's too busy today to celebrate with us - LOL
Tomorrow we will be at her house for her birthday. Gotta love her!

CarolAnne said...

Here's Mom & Dad (avatar)

T-Bird said...

Wow, great picture CarolAnne.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks T-Bird,
That was taken a few years back.
Dad was recovering from a cancer battle and had lost all his red hair. Mom has barely changed since then - hair a bit grayer, but otherwise people thinks she's about 68 instead of 88. She says its because she always eats her vegetables LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Happy 88th Birthday to CarolAnne's Mother. Beautiful avartar !! My Mother's was May 8th she was 86 still mows her own grass. I think the healthiness comes from when they were kids. The foods did not have all these preservatives on them. Home grown foods.

Great bird sounding memory Thelma :)

I just walked up the street to a yard sale. Today and tomorrow in here is the Community Yard Sale.

Seen my daddy Bluebird getting water then he went into the nest box.

CarolAnne said...

Thinking about the onset of the recent aches & pains for several Momsters and wondering how much the weather has to do with it. Must have been lots of barometric pressure changes as the storm systems moved thru their areas. Know I am more apt to have a headache just prior to a major weather change.

Heck - last weekend we needed A/C as it was near 90 & humid. By this weekend there were freeze warnings here and a windchill on June 1st.

Sandi said...

Latest on my mom:
The bad:
1. Her AC has not been working right since the day she moved in. Repair guy said the compressor needs replacing. Seller will not pay for it - he said, "It was working when your home inspection took place. Sorry!" Mom's agent has agreed to cover the repair and pay for a home warranty that will cover other appliances (aside from the kitchen ones that are brand new) for a year.

2. The home inspection was done on her old place and the inspector found something called polybutylene water pipes and the buyer is asking that they be replaced. Apparently these pipes were used in the construction of millions of homes in the US in the 80s and early 90s and some have developed leaks from the chlorine levels in municipal water systems. Waiting for an estimate but Denny is guessing that replacement would be thousands of dollars. Mom doesn't have to agree to replace them b/c they aren't leaking. But if she doesn't, the buyer could walk away from the deal. MTBR.

Now for the good:
1. Mom has said she LOVES her new walk-in shower with a seat, rather than stepping into a bathtub!

2. She says she loves her compact kitchen b/c she has to do very little walking to prepare food, so she's eating better!

3. She's doing more walking throughout the day. At the old place, once she came downstairs in the morning, she was limited to the living room (with the TV) and the kitchen. She was reluctant to go outside b/c there was a step from the living room to a small porch and then another step from the porch to the sidewalk and neither had a railing for her to hold onto. In the new place, there are no stairs to get to any part of the inside and to get outside, she just opens her french doors and walks out onto her patio and to her car. She has even said, "I still miss my house and my neighbors, but I sure don't miss those stairs!!"

4. It seems like everyone around her has a dog to walk so Mom keeps a container of dog treats on the patio and is starting to meet her 2-legged and 4-legged neighbors.

CarolAnne said...

Sandi - The goods news makes the bad news a bit easier to handle.

Yea for your Mom and her rapid adjustment!!

CarolAnne said...

Sandi - maybe the buyer can be soothed with an agreement to buy a water filter for the faucet. Much cheaper alternative.

CarolAnne said...

I think its unfair to request replacement because they MIGHT leak. That sounds like asking for the roof to be replaced as it MIGHT leak someday.

Sandi said...

CarolAnne and WVDana, My BFF Karen lost her dad last Thursday. Obviously, she is very sad (her mom died about 15 years ago). But he was 91. I keep thinking to myself that, if my mom makes it to 91, I will have been really blessed. A lady I play tennis with (who is in her 70s) still has her mom living and she just turned 100!

wvgal_dana said...

CarolAnne sorry for your BFF loss of her Dad.

When is your Birthday/date and when is hubby Dennis's?

The good does make the bad sound so good.

Might try telling buyer you will give $1000 towards. Try that offer. He might just take it.

Sandi said...

CarolAnne, That's exactly what I said to the realtor! The windows are all 19 years old - does she want Mom to replace them b/c they might leak?? What about the copper piping in the rest of the house? It could leak; should she be expected to replace it? But, if you do a Google search of polybutylene pipe, you'll see that there were all kinds of class action suits against the manufacturers in the early 90s when folks started finding out that these pipes are more prone to leaks as they age. It's a mess! Still, my mom has already agreed to give the buyer an additional $6000 toward closing AND pay for a home warranty on all of the appliances in the house b/c they're 19 years old. My opinion is that Mom has already been generous enough. If the buyer wants the pipes replaced, then she can pay the additional $6000 at closing and Mom will give her $6000 for the pipe replacement. It literally involves taking up about 20 feet of flooring inside the house, breaking up the concrete slab the house is built on, replacing the pipes, and then repairing the concrete and replacing the floor!

wvgal_dana said...

Opps Sandi for the good sounds good for your Mother.

Rest of comment above is for you too. Yes that is an idea get a filter for the facuet it takes out chlorine. Even my Brita pitcher does.

CarolAnne said...

Did you know you can get a free poster from Cornell Lab of Ornithology - cavity nesting birds?
Or join a NestWatch Project? So many interesting subjects on their site.

Cornell Lab

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Sandi your Mother giving the $6000 towards a home warranty which when I sold cost me $400.00. I would think the buyers should be happy!!

CarolAnne said...

As they say - give some people an inch and they want a mile.

Prayers for the real estate dealings work out.

Love all your Mom';s reasons for enjoying her new place. Sometimes wish I lived like that - no upkeep, more time to play!

Sandi said...

Dana, my birthday is 8/18. Dennis's is 7/1.

OK, time to get started with my day. There is a women's pro tennis tournament in the area from 6/9 - 6/16. I have offered our 4 extra bedrooms for some of the girls and their moms so they don't have to stay in a hotel. So, I need to do a lot of dusting and vacuuming and bathroom freshening up! The extra rooms don't get cleaned during the off-season, but in the summer, it's like a bed and breakfast around here! Sometimes, I have guests leaving and other s arriving on the same day and have just enough time to wash the sheets and get them back on the beds.

Hey, either Missy has flown up to the branch that the cam is on, or a parent has arrived!

HAGD all!

wvgal_dana said...

Bro is watching Missy up on that branch.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi have a wonderful day :)

CarolAnne said...

Enjoy your day Sandi - generous lady that you are.

Don't work too hard.

Best be starting my day here too.

Sandi said...

Carol Anne, the warranty is about $400. The $6000 is help with closing costs - in addition to the warranty. Again, a very generous offer I think! Anyone buying a 19 year old house has to expect that there will be things that break/wear out/need replacing.

I'm gone!

wvgal_dana said...

Earlier when Missy was up on the stump. She flew down into Bro. Was ontop of him and they brickered and nipped each other.

wvgal_dana said...

Missy is still up there. Although I thought when the wind got up. It might have moved her to another branch but you can hear her up there. Bro keeps looking up at Missy.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Have not read back completely.

Hope no one had any serious damage from the storms yesterday and last night. Pleased to know Paula is safe in her paradise.

Happy Birthday to Adam. I'm sure it will be a fun day.

Hoda, have a super-successful walk-a-thon!

Sandi, so sorry about the issues with your mom's new and former home. I hear the sound of greed.

Off to begin my day and wishing everyone else a very good one!

magpie said...

Ok, checking in first to see if Missy is accounted for and it seems from your posts that she is...

magpie said...

I had that kind of pipe, Sandi...
had to have it least I think it was that kind of pipe, there was actually a class action issue and most of the repair was paid for.
the plastic, in my case...apparently was left out in a train yard during intense heat
and that ruined a bunch of it

magpie said...

Always good to see you...hope all the dogs are behaving for you, I
read your posts this morning with compassion and love

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, legs are back in order, good to be upright...
just something that acts up once in awhile, nothing like it used to be (the back) several years ago

Lynne2: I sure hope you got some relief or will soon...

CarolAnne: like your recommendation about least one of my migraine meds in the past included high doses of caffeine...
hope these suggestions work for Linda....Migraines....are so disabling....

magpie said...

so far, from those who could get on and talk about it...."we" got through the storms and high water..
hope Comcast can put the fix on Wanda and Gene's computer today !!!

Thinking of Sharon on her visit to Charleston..

magpie said...

Yes to Hoda,
and Yes to Lori, and all those involved in the Cancer walks, relays for life, all those very imiportant things...

must go make some dough,
T-bird...can you help me with that ??
That would be Double-Dough !!

Oh, lastly, I heard a fox arfing
at my brother in law's late last night...

xoxo Have a Good Day, Every One !
I hope that it is...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Judie and Margy :)

Judie I am so very happy Grace has that collar off. Is she running around like "I'm free, I'm free".

Margy so good to hear from you. Have you in prayers. (((Hugs)))

wvgal_dana said...

I am not hearing for awhile anything from Missy??????

T-Bird said...

I sure can Magpie. That is so funny.

wvgal_dana said...

I am wondering if Missy has fledged?? I still have not heard anything anymore out of her up there???????

Bro is sacked out in the nest.

T-Bird said...

Yes, the dogs are behaving Magpie. :)

T-Bird said...

That is with the dough Magpie.

Linda said...

Good MIGRAINE FREE Morning!!

Thanks to so many of you who commented and were praying for me......Andy, Lori, CarolAnne, Judie and others.....

Any day I wake up without a migraine is a great one!!

Happy Birthday to CarolAnne's Mom!!

CarolAnne - I have not heard of the things to try that you mentioned you looked up. Thank you so very much. Hopefully the caffeine wouldn't keep me up, but it is sure worth a try.

Interesting about elevating the head and shoulders......
I did that for a while for Reflux, but the wedge I was using caussed lower back pain. Then I got risers for the head of the bed, but Dennis said he felt like he was slipping out of the bed!! LOL

So happy to read that Paula got to the beach okay last night.

We lost power just after 8pm and didn't get it back till about 2am. I tried to post from my iphone, but it said I had the wrong password......which I didn't!!

It was a quiet night of reading on my ipad, which was kind of nice. Just no internet!

Need to do a more detailed "read back"

Also, CarolAnne, we can just celebrate YOU all month!! Sounds good to me!! Who says a birthday has to be just one day??

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I hear someone in the attic I also see a shadow so we still have to in the nest so to speak Got to get busy to go to Angies for the recital Busy busy busy

Linda said...

Love you, Thelma!!

So touching what you wrote about Donna and about the love, support and friendship of this group.

Although I was not on this blog back in '07, I sure feel that with those on here now. It seems that the people on this blog are so incredibly special and kind hearted!!

That includes YOU!!


Linda said...

MARGY - Hope you have a better day today, Dear One.....

You are always caring for others and rarely mention your own ailments. I sure wish you would not be so modest and keep us informed about YOU...... We can pray for you......And you know about those Momster prayers!!

LYNNE - Hope your back is feeling better today! That is no fun.

Lolly said...

Good morning! No time to read the blog, but had to check on the eaglets. I see one in the nest and is that a shadow of one? Wish the shadow would move! Bird or Stump?

We are off to Denton for the day. Ball game is at 10, if they loose the season is over. If they win they play again at 12.

Gotta leave now to eat breakfast and then off we go.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

Linda so happy you woke with no migraine....prayers answered :)

JudyE rushing for recital.

Thelma I remember about Donna and the loss of her your partner in 07.I even recall gifts she brought for the 2 kids. She did go peacefully I remember. Still such a great loss for you. Glad you are thinking of the good memories. They do help not all the time though because there is still that loss. ((hugs))

wvgal_dana said...

Did anyone see Missy leave the branch on the cam branch and go over to the stump???????

JudyEddy said...

WVAGALDANA So glad you like the videoof the osprey Jordyn even got her camera out and took pictures of it They sure were upset with us stopping It is right in the middle of a golf course so I think they would get people all the time

CA give your mom a big Bday hug from me So nice you still have your mom

JudyEddy said...

I have to go to WallyWorld Angie can't find her pink tights and did anyone see that in the air for a while

magpie said...

oh that is so spectacular !

magpie said...

the jumping, and flapping, and hopping, and being lifted by the winds....

magpie said...

shadow play with the sun and clouds ain't oo shabby either...

just can't watch much...busy here at work

CarolAnne said...

Here's a HA HA (that I received in an email)to start your day:

Miracle of Toilet Paper

Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror
Complaining to my husband that my breasts are too Small. Instead of characteristically telling me it's not so, He uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion.

"If you want your breasts to grow, then every day Take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between your Breasts for a few seconds."

Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet Paper and stand in front of the mirror, rubbing it Between my breasts.

"How long will this take?" I asked.

"They will grow larger over a period of years," my Husband replies.
I stopped. "Do you really think rubbing a piece of Toilet paper between my breasts every day will make My breasts larger over the years?"
Without missing a beat he says: "Worked for your Butt, didn't it?"


Linda said...

Happy 17th Birthday to DanaMo's ADAM!!

SANDI - Great news on Josh's coming home and recovery. Sure hope he heals well and can live a normal life.

So sorry to hear about the prospective buyers of your Mom's place being quite unreasonable about the pipes....

THRILLED to hear your Mom is adjusting and enjoying being able to safely bathe, walk all around her home and even outside her home. Sounds like she will be happy there!!!

You must feel so good about the past couple months and all the work and effort you and your sister put into this move for her.

Linda said...

Too Funny, CAROLANNE!!!!

You must have forgot the end of the story when she rightfully turned around and SLAPPED HIM!! LOL

Linda said...

Both in the nest, but it looks like Missy is really flying!!

She flew from the stump over to the branch at 6 all above the nest, so you could only see her wings before she started to come down to the bottom part of the nest.

Then she looked to be engaging Bro for a minute. Bro is at the edge of the nest at 12 and Missy is at the edge of the nest at 6

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I was worried about Missy since she was not in the nest when I first checked this morning.

But she is certainly there now. Came down and there was a struggle with Bro. Went back up and came down for a second go-around.

Linda said...

Missy has attacked Bro twice, yet he has no food...

Bro is cowering and facing away from the middle of the nest. He is surely submissive to her.

Missy must be hungry. Have not read of any food deliveries this morning. Maybe she is hungry.

Missy went back to the 6 position after her second encounter with Bro and looks to be laying down with her left wing out.

Linda said...

I thought Missy was going to knock Bro right out of the nest....

Linda said...

I do worry about Bro's gentle nature out in the wild.

I think I'll just go get him and bring him home with me....

I'll buy a cam so you can see him whenever you want and I will provide plenty of good food for him.

Yeah, that's my plan!

stronghunter said...

Well, Hunter and Kathryn are off to baseball this morning. I opted to stay home.

When Hunter picked up his baseball cleats, he walked by the chairside table where I had my coffee cup and bumped it, sloshing coffee out. I grabbed the cup and Kathryn said something to him about bumping the table. Hunter commented that he thought I was upset over the sand. Kathryn said that he had sloshed the coffee out.

After they left, I took a sip of coffee and then noticed the table was gritty. Dumped coffee. Sand on the bottom of the cup. Yuck. I now have a clean cup and and fresh coffee.

Do they make medication for the parents and grandparents of ADHD kids?

Well, he did TRY to tell us about the sand. In his fashion.

Once had a student who stopped by after class to tell me that he wanted me to know that they were throwing little balls of paper around the classroom and he saw one go into my coke can. I thanked him profusely. Still remember him. Teacher's kid, he was. Maybe that had something to do with it.

Linda said...

BRO hops over right next to Missy to pick at some nestovers. MISSY is watching him, but doesn't seem to be too bothered.......yet!!

SHIRLEY - Eeeewwww!! Poor Hunter!! He's just coming into that clumbsy age, I guess!! He sure is a cutie, though!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I was afraid that Bro might get knocked out of the nest, too. Of course, at this point, I hope he would spread his wings and fly.

Oh my, I need to do something about the goldfinch feeder. It is guaranteed. If squirrels chew it up, they will fix it. Well guess what.

And I just saw a goldfinch checking out my other feeder. Maybe I'll add some of their little seeds to the mix in that one. It really has prevented the squirrels from getting anything.

My bluejay and the squirrels have been looking for their peanuts this morning.

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow! Something going on outside the nest.

Linda said...

Missy and Bro are watching something flying over head. Not sure of the sound as I don't seem to get it upstairs on my tv.

They have been watching for about a minute.....

stronghunter said...

What is going on?

Linda said...

Now they are both screeching by the looks of their beaks! I could definitely see Bro calling out.

They both walked to the right side of the nest and looked down and now Bro is at the 3 position and Missy is at the 9 position at the edges of the nest.

stronghunter said...

I am trying to tell if the squawking is coming from the eaglets or elsewhere. They are doing some of it.

Linda said...

I wonder if the parents are flying around trying to get them to fledge?

Is that a possibility?

I don't have sound, so I can't tell if there are any sounds outside the nest.

I think I will go downstairs and fire up my desktop so I can listen....

I still see Bro opening his beak from time to time.

stronghunter said...

Bro is hollering big time.

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - So you think there are eagle calls from outside the nest as well??

Linda said...

Yes, I can see that. Bro hops over to the 12 position.

stronghunter said...

I am not sure. It was the same sound that Bro made. Maybe it was just the eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Well a squirrel is trying to get into my birdfeeder again. It is one of the ones that locks up when a squirrel gets on it. He is getting frustrated.

CarolAnne said...

Great article in the Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine about turkey vultures (this months issue is not online yet). Love this quote:

Its not chipper like a chickadee or regal like a bald eagle. It lacks the elegance of a snowy egret or the brilliance of a scarlet tanager. It can't sing like a winter wren or fly with the zip of a hummingbird. What this bird can do like no other is soar. On a 5 1/2 ft wingspan, it commands the sky with effortless grace and elegance, often staying aloft for hours, carried by the wind".

Linda said...

Interesting, CarolAnne!!

Both settled down for a bit side by side .

Now Missy is hopping around the nest and Bro is laying in the middle of the nest.

stronghunter said...

I need to go fill up the feeder and put out squirrel goodies, now that the eagle drama has subsided for the moment.

Pretty and sunny out there now.

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning to everyone! I was happy to see both in the nest when I signed in - but don't know how many more days that will be the case.

I really read all your comments from Josh's height - Sandi's bed & breakfast soon to be - DanaMO's b-day for Adam & duck are under the watchful eyes of the Sisters of St Mary - DanaWV sitting on a bar stool way up high - CarolAnne answering my question and then getting lots of wishes for a not so far away b-day - Congratulations on your mom's b-day and real nice of her to celebrate with family -would love to meet her-
Paula going thru puddles to get to paradise - my good friend Thelma reminiscing in such a good way about Donna - JudyE enjoy dance recital, I get to go Saturday the 16th -granddaughters are fun and sure do make you proud- Linda I am so glad you awoke all perky this morning- Judie We need to meet - Lori I love the Finish Line excitement of accomplishment - Margy make all the dough you can today & then get out of there and relax.

I am not ever again writing so much for you to read - ♥

Linda said...

I think we have those Turkey Vulture here and I often wonder if I am seeing an immature Bald Eagle or a TV when we drive down by the creek where I saw a Bald Eagle.

When we see a few of them at a time, I am convinced it is a Turkey Vulture.

Do they fly as high as an eagle does/?

I would love to read the online article on that one and learn to ID some of those high flying birds. The hawks are easier because of their lighter colors underneath

stronghunter said...

We see plenty of turkey vultures around here.

Must go tend to my wildlife.

stronghunter said...

Turkey vultures have their wings in a "V." Bald eagles hold their wings straight out. Paula told me that.

Linda said...

Love you, JO!

Linda said...

I remember PAULA telling me that, too, Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Also need to get the rest of the sand off the table. Geesh!

Will came upstairs to complain that Hunter needed to stop stomping around so much. (Will resides in the basement.) He said that Hunter was causing things to fall off the shelves down there.

Funny thing is that I had not even noticed the stomping.

Mema Jo said...

I am also awaiting a mail delivery of
my chart from Cornell. I am taking it to my little birders in Hedgesville.

stronghunter said...

As to the sand, Kathryn stopped Hunter before he dumped the sand from inside the shoe on the floor. Geesh again!!

stronghunter said...

Now, is that Bro calling or something else?

Mema Jo said...

Very peaceful in the nest at this time

Mema Jo said...

Time to check out FB and see what my kids are doing!

Mema Jo said...

Happy birthday to my friend Char Smith We became friends over on the
forum from Washington State. Still have contact on FB - Momsters are great!
Have a special day Char

paula eagleholic said...

linda the vultures look headless as well when viewed from below

Pretty here..nice breeze

Water was def high out front last night...we found 6 turtle eggs that were washed out of a nest...they are no longer viable

stronghunter said...

Now he has his wings spread. He is calling. Parent nearby?

stronghunter said...

Wings spread in the blowing wind. He could have the same kind of fledge that Hidey had.

Mema Jo said...

I've been thinking that when Missy fledges that Bro may go right behind her

FB - check out the ducklings on DanaMO's page.... You won't believe it!
3 bright yellow and 1 pure silky black.
They are beautiful!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all...trying to read back and post as I go.

Thelma, I'm so glad you have found the joy in the birds singing. You know, some of us don't know of yours and Donna's story. I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love to hear more about you and her, and so if you would find it helpful to talk about her to us, we sure are ready to be here for you!!!

stronghunter said...

Missy's shadow shows us where she is. Sitting on her favorite branch. Bro is hollering and wingersizing.

Mema Jo said...

That was a dance and a half Bro settle down..........

movin said...




It's going to be an overcast, coolish day (67°) in So Cal today. Not too bad.

I hope you are having a good weekend wherever you are.

[:~D] Jim

magpie said...

You are a treat !
I could never synopsize things that way....
Love the idea of the Cornell birding chart going to the Hedgesvillers....

magpie said...

We've been mega-busy since 0800 and looks like that will continue...two extra staffers coming in at 1200 including Jewels ☺♥ because of an event in the county....

movin said...

Mema Jo, have you heard anything about the Kent nest or pair in recent times??

[:~D] Jim

magpie said...

So on that note, I am going to disappear....sure wish I could say something about everything but amongst the lot of us, I think we got all the encouragement corners covered !!

back to make the second batch of dough....ok T-Bird...still need your help ! Thanks !! ♥☺

(( All-Day Hugs ))

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out to do some yardwork...have a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Jim, not this season - I used to email with them over the years. Then the year that a new nest was being built and their cam was down - I guess I just haven't checked with them. There is a difference between Kent nest and the Lake Washington nest - so I have no news

Mema Jo said...

Margie I hope everything in the county
get under control

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, what GREAT news about Josh!!!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday to Dana's Adam!

Congrats to AnneMarie!! I well remember my 8th Grade Graduation from St. Mary's (in my hometown). There are pictures on my FB page!

Lynne2 said...

and a very HAPPY 88th to your mom CA!!! too busy to celebrated with you today? LMBO!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, Sandi...just read about the bad on the "mom" things...GRRRRR!!! But the good stuff is REALLY good! Love the walk in shower thing and NO STAIRS....oh how I dream of such a place! Eating better, meeting 2 and 4 legged friends...all BIG pluses. And thankfully the weather has cooled now so hopefully by the time the "Marazon" (that's what I call the MD. hot humid days) returns, the AC will be OK!

CarolAnne said...

In for a quick break - stump grinding today:

Linda - the Turkey Vulture article talks about IDing them in flight:
A soaring TV shows a black body & black feathers on front part of wings, giving the impression of a large black triangle. The wingtips usually show individual feathers, used for flight balance.
* * *
Back tpo a quick scan of comments, then back outside.

Lynne2 said...

My gosh Hoda...what a big jam packed day you usual!

stronghunter said...

Some really good views of the perch Sissy is using on DanaMo's blog pictures.

Precious little ducklings on her FB page.

Lynne2 said...

well Shirley, looks like you've had your hands full this morning with wildlife and wild Hunter...LOL!

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Hunter will be with his dad until tomorrow. Kathryn will be off with friends most of the time. She found some friends in her separation/divorce support group. They are enjoying being together. I did the same thing with my group several years ago.

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching Bro at the launch pad - not flapping his wings,,

Not enough sunshine to see shadow on Stump 9
I haven't seen any wing tips for a while

Mema Jo said...

Up on the branch

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo. I haven't checked Kent for quite awhile either. Maybe I will soon, but I don't have the time right now.

Everybody have a good day....

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Had a phone call - what did I miss?

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget that the loon egg is expected to hatch at anytime now.

Mema Jo said...

Missy lying down at launch pad and Bro standing right beside her

Mema Jo said...

I really don't think our 2 critters have any idea of leaving today.
Who was it that said June 3 - Sharon?
She may be right!

Linda said...

I agree with you Jo on Bro! I think since he is always following her and seems to like being next to her (even though she is nasty to him), he will follow her right out of the nest.

Hopefully he will learn to get tough because she certainly won't be sharing any food with him out there!

Linda said...

Bro was wingersizing a bit and Missy awoke from her rest.

Missy jumped up and down a few times....

Currently flapping her wings on the stump.

Linda said...



Linda said...



Don't know if she is still there or not......

Linda said...

Although Bro looks alert and is looking around, he does look up towards the camera every once in a maybe Missy is up there.

Linda said...

Whew......hearing a little rattling on the camera, so feeling more like Missy may be up there.

Bro is looking down...

Costume Lady said...


About one hour before the Comcast Serviceman was to be at our house, my computer just started working. I was happy about that...but now, I'm afraid that whatever it was that had me down since Tuesday will happen again, then I will have to wait 4 or 5 more days for a repairman! Never had anything like this happen before...

So, how is everyone and has Missy and Bro fledged yet? Haven't read back. I had 192 emails to read and facebook photos to catch up on.

Now, I have bills to pay...a gals work is never done:)

Linda said...

WANDA - As of 25 minutes ago, we still had two eaglets in the nest.

Missy flew to the stump and back a few times and then she flew from the stump to the camera location!!

Don't know if they have ever done that before or not as I haven't been here in prior seasons.

I am hearing a very slight rattling of the camera and am not sure if it is the wind or if Missy is still up there.

I am holding my breath waiting for her to drop down, if she is in fact up there......

Linda said...


Linda said...

Bro is following something above him.

Just heard some rattling on the camera, but to light for a landing....

Linda said...

That would be "too."

Linda said...

BRO calling out - sitting at the edge of the nest at the 3 position facing out.....

Linda said...

BRO stretches and looking all around...

Spreads his wings and does a little jumping around the nest...

Linda said...

BRO seems a bit unsettled....

I do have the recorder going, but don't have sound....

Linda said...

Parent returns.....

Looks like Shep.

Heard a little rattling on the camera.


Linda said...


I don't believe Shep brought food. If he did, it is under Bro at the moment....

I'm just happy to know Missy is okay and was just above the camera....

CarolAnne said...

Woo Hoo - think our local eaglet has fledged. A calling/squawking overhead caused us to look up and there it was. Flying a bit unsteadily in the winds we're having today, but circling over the trees & back over the waters edge. Eyes to the skies - hope we see it again. Camera ready!

Linda said...

Obviously, SHEP brought no food.

Missy has decided to take a nap at the 12 position.

Bro is sitting at 3 facing out watching.....

Linda said...

CORRECTION - SHEP did bring in a very small fish. Bro ate it.

Bro grabbed it from him and snarfed it all down without even mantling it. Maybe it was a partial piece of something, but I reviewed my video and saw that Bro definitely grabbed something from Shep and I could see it in Bro's mouth. A couple chews and it was GONE!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Wanda Good to hear you again!

Thanks Linda for keeping an eye on our critters

I've been busy - in and out watching!

magpie said...

Yes, so glad to see you are HERE AGAIN WANDA !

Crazy how things just..start working again sometimes...

Linda said...

Missy flies up to the Stump again!

Linda said...

Bro is just behind the tree branch at the 6 position.

Linda said...

Someone's in the Attic....

Not sure if Missy flew from the stump to the attic or if that was a parent..

Linda said...

It must be Missy in the Attic.

Bro is watching her.

Lots of shaking now...


Mema Jo said...

Linda - when you say Attic do you mean the Stump at 9

Linda said...

No, I mean on top of the camera.....

Linda said...

She flew from the stump directly over to above the 5 position.

You can hear her on the camera or on a branch that rattles the camera.

Linda said...

This is the second time she did this.

If you can see Bro's face, he is all tilted looking up at her.

Linda said...

Taking a look at that tree in the pictures we took in April, it looks like there is a long branch just to the right of where the camera is attached to the vertical branch. I am wondering if Missy is on that horizontal branch just behind the camera.

Kay said...

Just a quick check in. Don't even have the stamina needed to catch up with your posts. If I'm missing anything important, please e-mail me---I do check that at least once a day. I'm taking full dosage of Percocet, keeping the pain down, but fuzzing up my mind. I've had to be off Meloxicam for arthritis since last Sunday in preparation for surgery. I now know how effective that Rx is and can't wait to get back on it ! Thank you for prayers as June 6 approaches ! I'm praying for all Momsters/Dadsters in need of God's blessings. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Linda said...

Oh, so wonderful to hear from our Dear ♥ KAY ♥.

We are praying for you and can't wait until your surgery on Wednesday.

Hang in there......


Linda said...

Bro continues to call out.......

No one is listening to him out there.... :-(

Hoda said...

Very good to read KAY and I am sorry that you are not feeling up to par, but relief is coming soon...hang in there KAY.

YAY WANDA IS BACK...missed you and maybe it was something the techniciens had to work on that put you back on the internet... hope it does not repeat.

Very goodmorning and both events were active and successful The meeting I sat with a cup of tea and a cookie and it was all good. One event we were supposed to have on the 24th is cancelled which means now I can start focusing on getting ready for my trip...

Some lunches to attend and some meetings to go to also and a trip to the optometrist but it is all working out to giving me more time to do the errands I need to do...

Hoda said...

I need lunch and tea so will be lurking for a while now.

Thelma it was good to read your posts about your partner DONNA and what a precious heart connection you have...

C/A I appreciate the avatar of your parents and Happy birthday to your MOM.

Linda said...

MISSY has been branching above or around the camera for an hour and 15 minutes now.

I'd love to see where in the tree she is. I keep hearing a little rattling of the camera, so I am assuming she is still there and not venturing any further!

I think she likes her new spot!!

HODA - Glad you had a good morning!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to Mass

I will be praying for all & for our critters ♥


Linda said...

Lost the cam for a minute and see that MISSY is back in the nest....

Hoda said...

Both in the nest now looking for food and vocalizing periodically.

I enjoyed my lunch and will top it off with an avocado and chia seeds...having green tea at the moment...

Linda said...

A little sparring in the nest between the eaglets.

I don't like this...

Linda said...

I believe Missy is in the middle and Bro is at the 3 position, but with the sun the way it is right now, it is difficult to tell.

Bro seems to be trying to stay away from Missy!

Hoda said...

WOW What is with Missy!!!??? SHe is certainly pushing Bro out of the nest and he is strong enough to not take her pushes yet he was on the edge and she was giving it her all to get him to get out of the nest!!! NOT NICE MISSY

Linda said...

He seems quite submissive around his Big Sis!

Look how he lowers his head, too.

Linda said...

I believe she is hungry and wants some FOOD!!

I don't see where anyone reported a food delivery this morning, but maybe because it is Saturday it was missed!

Linda said...

Shep returns with food.

Missy obviously is hoarding it and has her wings spread out so no one can get it.

I can't see what he brought yet....

Linda said...

Bro continues to call out...

Hoda said...

Belle comes in with a fish and MISS AGGRESSIVE PUSHY MISSY mantles and screeches and takes it...Belle takes off and Bro did try but he did not get it and is cowering at five

Linda said...

Missy is still all puffed out on guard.

Don't know if there is food beneath her or not...

Linda said...

I thought that was Shep. Could it have been something very small that she just ate right away, HODA?

I still don't see Missy eating anything.

Linda said...

Looks like MISSY is eating now.

So it definitely was a fish delivery that she will keep to herself!!

Linda said...

Would love to see another good size delivery so Bro can eat, too, and maybe Missy would be busy eating her own that she would leave him alone!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everybody. I am home from a wonderful time. I went to bed at 2:30 this morning. This body is not made for that anymore. So glad I went.

I see both are babes are in the nest and have read where Missy has been branching some. Tomorrow may just be the day! :) Donna's birthday.

Linda said...

Wow, that would be special!!

Glad you had a good time, SHARON!

Looks like BRO may try to steal a piece...

CarolAnne said...

Do you have health coverage/insurance that will work in the states? I ask because my cousin makes 2 trips annually to Canada, taking boys dealing with cancer, fishing, and last year one of the other men had chest pains and the facility he went to would not take his insurance. He ended up paying with a credit card.

Linda said...

That must be Bro calling. He has been doing it most of the day!!

Lolly said...

I have read through the blog very quickly, and see two in the nest.

I feel wiped out! Two ball games today. Joseph's team won the first game, so they had a second game. They lost it by one point, so now they are through. Proud of Joseph, he played a great game!

We came on home. Laurel had to do some shopping for Joseph and needed to get him packed for his trip to CO.

Welcome back, Wanda. You have been missed.

Glad to see Kay's comments. We will be praying for you!!!

Lolly said...

We are nearing a aware!!!

Hoda said...

C/A I will buy private insurance for my USA trip...something with Blue Cross I would presume...I will get it from BCAA, which is British Columbia's AAA...I think Canada Health would ask me to pay out of pocket and then when I prove that I could not come home for the treatment they would reimburse me...yet the cost of medical treatment is so so so much higher in the USA than here and they will only pay what it would cost for me to be treated in to be on the safe side I will buy some private health coverage that would work in the USA and hope I do not have to use it.Thanks for the thought...

Hoda said...

Both eaglettes plotzed in the nest.

Linda said...

See how Bro keeps shaking his head with his mouth open - almost like he is gagging a bit??

He has been doing that all day and has me worried since we heard about that Delta 2 Eaglet who they thought had something caught in his crop, but came to the conclusion it was food poisoning.

Right now he is shaking so hard stuff is coming out of his mouth. Hopefully he can shake whatever it is loose. I do think he is okay, but something is aggravating his throat or crop or whatever.

Linda said...

Been rather quiet her today except for me commenting. Everyone must be out and about busy with activities!!

Sorry for so many comments, but just wanted to report what they were doing!

Missy's big accomplishment was flying from the stump at the 9 position to somewhere above the camera!

Gotta go take care of dinner and a little ironing!


Linda said...

Maybe that was Missy shaking her head this last time.

Every time Bro starts wingersizing in the nest, Missy kind of attacks him.

There she goes again shaking some stuff out of her mouth.


Hoda said...

Honestly it is time for Missy to go...she is so mean and again Belle comes in and she mantles and even kicks Belle off the nest...what is with her any way??? It is a wonder Bro is still around...

Hoda said...

LINDA I just think she is overstuffed yet she took the new fish delivery out of meanness...she can not be hungry no way, while Bro has not yet eaten...she is again eating...enough already...I hope she goes soon as in tomorrow!!!!Sorry I am not pleased with her behaviour at all today...

Hoda said...

Here is Bro approaching Missy to try to get a bite and she snaps and he cowers...she is picking on the food and her back is to the camerahe is now at ten looking for a piece of something to eat...

Hoda said...

Breaking 400 after this post

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...