The good ole' girl is going to eat the whole thing! Then maybe a poop shoot and she'll be off in the wind.
Thanks Glo and Hoda for all the reporting. I am busy getting myself presentable to go to dinner for my gs graduation. The graduation is this late afternoon but minimum tickets in this day and age are few.
I see Missy still won't share any food and Bro is reluctant to get too tough with her!! At least he is trying!!!
This is when I wish that Belle or Shep would bring in another fish, so there are two fish in the nest at once! Oh well, maybe this is what Bro needs to get tough enough to get what he needs....
I can not believe she ate that WHOLE fish...she only let Bro have one bite and she is not even hungry anymore but she does not want to leave it because he will get the left overs...
Bless your heart Shep he brings in a little fish for Bro and Miss PORKY leaves her fish and wants to take the new one...Bro gets it and my God did she take it away from him??? I think so, she is manteling and he is behind her cowering...she will explode this is very upsetting to me...that would be one huge fish and two small ones that she has claimed today in a matter of a few hours...
HODA - There was a lot of that fish left when Missy left full. Bro picked it up and went over to the 4-5 position and has been eating for almost 15 minutes now.
OK you all I have to admit it: I do NOT repeat I do NOT like Missy...she is rude and pushy and piggy and has no redeeming qualities except that she is an eagle...right now I DO NOT LIKE HER AT ALL
HODA - She is certainly Miss PORKY, but you know that is how God made them. Some are more aggressive than others. Do you remember when Shep used to bring in fish for Belle and she would just grab it from him and walk over to another area of the nest and eat it?
Missy certainly seems capable of defending herself out there on her own and for that I am thankful!
At least Bro is still eating and getting every bit of what he can from what is left. It looked to me like there was plenty left to eat when he got it, but maybe you had a better look at it.
I didn't see the fish delivery to see how big it was!
Hi all! What a gorgeous day outside! Hoda, LOL! Once upon a time, many said the same about Shep - that he had no redeeming qualities! And look what a great mate and parent he has turned out to be! Pushy and Piggy is exactly what Missy will need to be when she leaves the nest and has to establish a territory and fend for herself. Bro is the one I woory about when he finally fledges!
LINDA this is Miss PORKY eating it is not Bro...he is plotzed over at ten...she grabbed the new fish from him and has been eating it ever since...I hope she blows up!!!
I have to shut her down I am getting too emotional over this behaviour...I will go to the park and the lake instead and maybe I will see an eagle in the wild...
LINDA and SANDI you are right in what you say...she will survive and God help anyone who gets in her way...I hope she does not try to take someone else's nest...see how emotional I am? Time to log off...
((((HODA)))) Bro did get some food. A meal. No he is not full BUT he is not starving. It is hard to watch but once he leaves that nest there will be no eagles walking away from even the skinny part. He must grab and devour too. Hunger will teach him to do that. In her own way she is teaching a lesson while there is still atleast some food supply. Hang tough. We all hang with you. Ask anyone blogging for over 4 years or even one year how I handle hunger. Its not good. I so understand.
Linda The wings spread out is mantling. It protects their food source. It was good to see 2 of them in that same posture for just a bit. Bro was not protecting what Missy was but he was protecting and feeding himself fine. I watched him take many many bites as I too was about to shut down when he finally got some food.
This is the first year I have watched more than one eaglet in the nest. When there was only one, we remarked on how much fuss the one eaglet made. They would jump around and scream loudly, sometimes almost knocking the parent out of the nest.
I don't think we see as many eagle fits of that kind now. I am guessing it is because there are two eaglets and the aggression is taken out on Bro.
GLO - Thanks for that. I thought "mantling" was grabbing the fish with their talons to eat. It did look like they were each "mantling" a piece of their own. If you look away for a second, sometimes things change!!
I also thought by the white spots on the right wing, that Bro was eating when I posted as I thought I saw Missy back off and walk away and go up to the 12 position of the nest.
Now I am all confused!! LOL
Well at least we can say.......
They're both in the nest. They both look content. Their parents continue to bring food. They are healthy! So what more could we ask for, right??
If Bro was the one napping at the 12 position and Missy was in the middle of the nest, then Bro grabbed the fish from Shep. He may have eaten it all at once because it was small.
Can anyone tell them apart in this light right now?
I think I had them mixed up earlier based on Hoda's correction.
Checking in. MemaJo/Judy: got the friend request and absolutely accepted 100% :) :) :) Thanks!
Its been a quiet day. Livvy is at Nashville shores (waterpark) with her older sister, niece and nephew. Been Tom, me and the furbabes most of the day. Almost dinner time for the dogs.
I have a rotisserie chicken cooking (I have one of those set it and forget it cookers advertised YEARS ago and love the thing!) Think I'll make some gravey, jasmine rice, green beans, asparagus and some fruit with it. Anyone hungry yet, lol?
I have been able to work in my yard a little. I bought some covering for my fig tree so I can protect my figs from the birds and squirrels . I don't mind sharing...but they forget to share with ME......
I have a tomato turning red outside! So excited!
Watching the Nascar race....30 some laps to go. Ahhh, nice, quiet Sunday afternoon!
Know EXACTLY what you mean, JANET about the birds and squirrels sharing with US!!
Dennis is about fed up with the squirrels and chipmunks and voles destroying either the bird feeders, the berries or the soil. He was NOT a happy camper today and threatened to take in all the feeders. :(
LOLLY - So happy Laurel and Jacob will be coming over for a few days to visit. Should be fun!!
JO - Hope you have fun at your gs graduation dinner.
Wow been over an hour since someone posted You alll getting a storm up there from what it looks like Wow Missy was almost in flight going up and down at least 8 times over the nest in the wind Bro was watching her head up and down with her up and down was funny I did record it tooooo
I think Missy was flying up and down and the wind picked her up but she did get to the 9 branch I saw the tip of her wing She needs to come down in this wind
JANET I had a pecan tree I had never got on off the tree and the bad thing is the stinking squirrelw would eat only half and throw the rest at us Missy is back in the nest Yeah OH I had the tree cut down also was rubbing on the roof and would make the biggest mess in drive tooo So I showed the squirrels LOL Missy is having a blast in this wind up and down and back to the 9 again
Wow, it's been a while getting caught up here!! You guys have been exceeding the speed limit, although I can understand why.
Those two eaglets sure have been busy! I will also be glad when Missy has fledged (it sounds as if she actually has made it official)and flown far enough away that Bro can get all the fish brought to the nest. I totally understand how nature works, but my tender heart can't help but feel sorry for him!
It's been a busy weekend for Ken and me--we fed the bulldogs an early dinner, and went to the Angels/Texas Rangers baseball game last night. We promised the kids that we would, because they were giving away free Angels cowboy hats. We each got one, and will mail them to Texas ASAP. The game was a really fantastic one, and the Angels won it! Also, we helped to set a new Guinness World Record--the largest number of people wearing cowboy hats at the same time! (35,671 people!) The total crowd was 44,227--you should've seen the parking lot after the game!! :o{ Needless to say, it was a sold out game! Never saw SO many people in the stands, and boy, when we all started making noise, it was awesome! At one point, we were all supposed to yell AND jump up and down, and we got a little worried--we were in the front row on the view level, and it actually felt like an earthquake! Pretty crazy. We had the time of our lives, though. Best ballgame we've been to in ages!
Today we've been watching the coverage of the Queen's celebration in London. Boy, they really know how to plan a shindig, don't they? Really special! We've thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
I am uploading the hover that Missy did in the wind and also a video of Shep in the nest for a few sec at 2 ish when I was home for lunch uploading now
Does anyone else think the eaglets look evil when the do the wing manteling funny at lunch they both had their wings out looked wicked
ANDY the game sounded fun I have been to one Rays game and enjoyed it only went to see the Wiggles with Jordyn but did enjoy the game Do you have any pictures I would love to see all the hats
Well, gotta get busy on doctor's reports again, but want you to know that I've been updating my prayer list, and praying accordingly. Just not enough time to make a list of everything. Love all of you, and you can be sure that I truly care about what's going on with all of you! I'll check back in later tonight. Have a good evening, everyone!
Angie found a size 5T yellow suit at Walmart now we just got to do the rhinestones to do it I was thinking of telling Angie she needs to make then do it for no charge at the studio after alll they didin't even ask for the kids sizes they just guessed and guess most all the kids wrong But we did get another suit if need be I can do the rhinestones I guess
Hey CA I have a question regards the books you made Are the easy to do? Do you have to do all at once or a little at a time? the reason I ask the later is that I am getting Junes kids input with pic and things for the book and it may take a while to do it totally. I sent them the link of the books that you made Jermey had a three page thing wrote and read it June read it to me last nite. It was sooooo beautiful what he had said I want to add it to the book to be the first thing in it
Sorry about walking off!!! I think I am fortunate to be able to watch them all together that I put out my human emotions on them big time and forgot that they are eagles and they do what they have to do...I just could not watch any more so it was wise to log off. Sorry Folks. GLO I am so glad of your comment that Bro got plenty of food and as LINDA says he will have to survive once he has fledged...Good points LINDA AND GLO Sorry LINDA if I confused things today as you were clear and then you wrote that maybe my posts led you to self doubt...we can all only watch and I was in a place of emotions so your observations LINDA were more accurate than mine.
Hi, JudyE, Here's a quick view of the field at the game, and part of the stands. Will have to try to edit one or two pictures tomorrow when I have more time. Might have one that shows all the hats better. Later, alligators!
I walked to the lqake and on the beach and to where the Ospray nest is and I wondered if there were chicks. I only saw an adult ospray and it took off and circled the nest then crossed the lake and came back to the nest. Lovely to watch... It is raining here now...
Loved all the pictures sis and I did leave a comment had a hard time but got it done I couldn't find the publish button after I did the robot thing
also people can click on your name and it takes them to your blog page so you can always announce like I have that there are pic on a specific blog I ususally say nest video since I have I think 6 blogs I had more that than I took off because ran out of space in the google storage Picasa albums
Thanks for the peek at the field ANDY I have one video posted on FB and the blog still waiting for the other to be done Is anyone else watching her doing her wind gliding toooo cool Cool Beans
An eaglette, I thought Bro went up to nine branch stayed up there for a while...when he decided to come down he got caught in an air current and could not get his feet to touch. He lifted up and started to screech...he came down and now both are in the nest...
Janet I tried to leave a comment but the submit would not come up. Beautiful pictures thank you for sharing. I love the large pink flower. What is it called? A hibitus?
WVAGALDANA I also had a hard time couldn't find the submit button but somehow I don't know how after retrying other robot # and clicking on the x it took I probably won't beable to figure it out again LOL
Hey, any Tony Stewart NASCAR fans out there? I saw his tractor trailer going down Route 50, just past the Bay Bridge tonight. Guess he was at the race in Dover.
Hoda, the eaglets seem to get more and more possesive over food the older they get. I remember one time at the nest, when we had 3 of the eaglets got the fish from the adult, and stood over it in the nest for nearly an HOUR, protecting his meal, and peeping away the whole time. He was making sure that none of his siblings were going to steal the fish.
Don't know if that question made sense or not, but I thought the parents would bring food back to the nest and the Juvies would come back to the nest to feed.
Welcome home PAULA... Thanks for the comments about getting possessive about food. That certainly was the case today... I heard that after the fledge the parents take on teaching them how to fish and catch their own that correct PAULA?
KAY and DELPHIA both had the sixth as an important day if I remember correctly so I pray for their well being both.
I wished we would hear from RED and that he soon will be out of rehab and spending more time at home...he was at home for three hours a long while ago...I hope his healing is going well...
Welcome home Paula. How lucky for you to find Berger cookies outside of Balmer! We won some at Momster dinner and Fubby found website & ordered online! I have one package left in the fridge that is part vof B'Day presents for daughter! Mailing tomorrow w/lots of bubble wrap! I'll get some more as Greg K's B'Day is end of June & he's the world's champion chocoholic!
Paula, cool! And I've been wanting to go to OC! LOL
BTW, I was thinking about horseshoe crabs because we went to a beach in DE where they come out just once a year. It's always full moon at start of June.Dover Races were that weekend. We went there a week after I got my Sony camera in '06 and I had a ball. So0me were zipping along to go to the water & I even took a video.
Thanks PAULA for the information on RED and for answering LINDA'S question about parents bringing in food after they fledge.
I wonder will there be Berger cookies in Maine? I have to ask Carol if they have such a thing in Connecticut also...I would like to "find" some as PAULA did...What colour is the package...I get overwhelmed in large stores and see things that are familiar through the colour of the American family always thought it was a strange way to shop!!! LOL!!!
LINDA I am on the lookout for those who have yet to check in...
Just returning from Ellicott City where a joyous group had dinner to celebrate gs graduation from Mt St Joe High School. He is headed to OC for a week with 9 of his school mates. Then he works Merriweather during the summer before he starts at the University of MD
I have the hic cups! I am reading backwards.. Glad you made it home safely Paula. Thanks for the alert on Red.
Tomorrow I get my annual CT of my lungs. I pray for a miracle but will be satisfied that there isn't any change and that would be good.
Praying for a good appointment JO...The miracle is tht they can see inside of us and try to do the best to bring us comfort...I hope you are holding your own...
My goal, Hoda isn't to get better but not to get any worse. It is what it is and I am determined to get a few more years, BE the Good Lord Willing.
Prayers for Delphia, Kay on the 6th and on the 7th prayers for gd Melissa Jo to gain info from Specialist.
Hoda you are very very special and just so you know that your feelings towards Missy are the very same as were my feelings in 2006 for Ms Inbetween! I felt so bad for Big Boy and Spunky that they had to wait to grab food from her.
JUDYE: thanks for the info. i'll learn all of this...eventually. lol
WVAGAL; the flower is a mandavilla. it is very viney and will grow beautifully on mailboxes and such. they come in many colors, i wanted a red one but it was $30!!! this pink one was $10.....still very pretty.
for anyone who looks at my blog, i have it set to do /accept any comments.....i don't know beyond that. my son in law is my computer guru...but is on his 2 weeks for the army/national guard reserves.....and i hate to bother him with every little thing.....
should be in bed, i know. we had a staff meeting tonight, so i'm amped. i am having a glass of wine (or two) and maybe a snack? tom's falling asleep beside me in his recliner.....hope i get sleepy soon......six a.m. comes early!
have a great night to one and to all! sweet dreams
Oh, I forgot to report that our osprey chicks at the beach have hatched! My neighbor got out her scope, and we were able to see that she was feeding! However, Dad was sitting right in our line of sight, and we never got to see the chick(s). The feeding lasted for about 15 minutes, so I suspect there are at least 2 chicks that are a week old!
I was watching all I could find on Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.
JO I love you and I wish you well with the doctor and indeed BE GOD WILLING.♥
Thank you for your words about my feelings towards Missy today...I remind myself she is an eagle and I put my emotions in check...You, The Momsters and the Dadsters, are very precious in my life JO. I reserve a special spot in my heart for you and for LYNN...♥♥
Again I am sorry for expressing my emotional response to the feeding experiences at the nest today. It is indeed amazing that we get to watch them at all. I am very pleased and very proud to be a part of this group. I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendships I made ♥LYNN♥ I appreciate using her quote... God Bless us all, Missy included.
I will be on later on in the morning as I have an optometrist appointment first thing in the morning 8:25AM!!! and then when I am there I will run some errands.
Hi, Everyone, I'm back for a bit. JudyE, my avatar is a closeup of some of the fans wearing the cowboy hats. Have to really zoom in on my pictures to see them well.
Hoda, I'm on the same page as you regarding the eaglets' behavior. My HEAD says that their disagreements and food mantling are normal, and nature can be cruel. My HEART makes me want to go climb the tree and break up the disagreement, and make sure everyone is getting equal amounts of food! Don't feel bad about feeling the way you do--that's one of the many reasons I love you so much! I will just be glad when both of them have successfully fledged, and we can imagine them soaring on the thermals and fishing with the best of them! Maybe it's for the best that our nest's eaglets are not banded or otherwise identifiable. That way, if something should happen to one of them down the road (God forbid!), we'll never know about it!
Well, it's getting very late here, and I'd better call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. I'm turning on the porch light, and both security systems have been enabled. Prayers that everyone has restful sleep, and the sweetest eagle dreams. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥ I ♥ us!
Good "last Monday with kids" morning all! Looks like I'm the first morning person to post. I see a wing tip from the stump every once in a while and the 2nd is on the branch right under the camera, so both are kinda in the nest this morning.
Paula, the Giant close to us sells Berger cookies, though I try to walk past them without touching! =)
Boy, it was such a gorgeous weekend for being outside! So many of my shrubs are blooming - sweet bay magnolia, hydrangeas, hypericum, privet (love the smell), knockout roses, virginia sweetspire,and a few of my perennials are just starting - veronica, cone flowers, coral bells. Stella d'oros are going crazy already! Some might think my gardens are "too busy" but I love seeing different colors everywhere!
Prayers for comfort for Kay as she counts down to her "suregery" on Wed., and for Delphia for a good outcome. Prayers too for Jo - hope you get a good report from the pulmonary doc today!
Heard a crested flycatcher at the courts yesterday morning, so they're back in the area. Hoping that my pair returns to the nestbox right outside my sunroom window. The pics I took last year were dated 6/5.
Time to get ready for my day. We have our 8th grade recognition ceremony today (we don't do a full fledged graduation). Sure hope Josh makes an appearance.
Good morning everyone! Have one of the eaglets fledged or is it on a branch? The one in the nest now just did a fly over and came back in!! Wow, exciting, scary times! Have a great day everyone! I will be checking out the action all day (as usual)!! Love and hugs!!
One eaglet is back in the nest, didn't see which direction it came from though. This pesky job gets in the way of my cam watching. Flew off at the 1 o'clock position just now.
Morning Glo! Looks like it just me and you so far this morning. They have been coming and going all morning, been gone a bit now. Little loon under its parents wing, cute as can be!!
I see we have an MT nest this morning. Oh well, the sunlight looks pretty.
Loon baby is adorable. Escaped momentarily until Mom gave it the evil eye. One of the Kestrel Kids is contemplating departure by sitting in the nest box opening. Bears are safe but Big Harry is on the prowl. Pete's Pond is still off air.
Much to do today. Laundry, flower planting, another recommendation letter. Good news is the butterfly weed survived and the butterfly bush is in bloom.
I am doing well. Back to walking, almost as before. I can feel my ankle after I walk, so I am not pushing it. Don't want back in that boot for sure. We are gearing up for the big wedding this weekend. Sharon is going up tomorrow and the rest of us are going Thursday. Very exciting time for our family.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 766 of 766Bro mantling may have got another nibble
The good ole' girl is going to eat the whole thing! Then maybe a poop shoot and she'll be off in the wind.
Thanks Glo and Hoda for all the reporting. I am busy getting myself
presentable to go to dinner for my gs
graduation. The graduation is this late afternoon but minimum tickets in this day and age are few.
Bro needs to get a little more "spunk"
Home for lunch Good afternoon eagle buds I see our two eaglets are still hear YEAH SELFISH ME
Cute little loon at the Loon Cam.
lol Tug of war
tug o war Bro is getting frustrated go Bro get some food!
LOL Missy has the fish stuck on a branch
she remains in control Just turned around and eats fish around the stick
JO I just sent Janet your info on facebook to friend request OKDOKEY
Think I just saw a food fight between the eaglets!
Back from church and have had lunch.
Thanks for the great reporting!!!
I see Missy still won't share any food and Bro is reluctant to get too tough with her!! At least he is trying!!!
This is when I wish that Belle or Shep would bring in another fish, so there are two fish in the nest at once! Oh well, maybe this is what Bro needs to get tough enough to get what he needs....
Still breaks my human heart ♥
Bro definitely bringing up the rear about now Wind also piking upc
FINALLY Missy is full He didn't fight for it but he has it right now
Wow about 200 posts today? What's the news?
Justt saw an osprey catch a fish out front
Wow, Did I see Missy back away and Bro take over with the fish??
Sure looks that way!!
Whoo Hoo!
Looks like Bro has found a bit of something to eat.
Ok fish fight lol
Glad bro is eating now
Sounds like we have lots of branching today
Saw Shep fly in out of the corner of my eye.
Eaglets are fighting over something, but not sure if he brought in new food or not.
Yes, PAULA and possibility even a short fledge by Missy.
More food brought in I think by Belle. Everybody mantling or saying grace :-) Nobody hungry after this afternoon.
It seems as they both have a piece of food they are protecting...
LOL Glo!!
That was Shep. I saw his spot!!!
Bro is so funny. He is all hovered over his piece and isn't moving until he is sure Missy is GONE!!
I can not believe she ate that WHOLE fish...she only let Bro have one bite and she is not even hungry anymore but she does not want to leave it because he will get the left overs...
Bless your heart Shep he brings in a little fish for Bro and Miss PORKY leaves her fish and wants to take the new one...Bro gets it and my God did she take it away from him??? I think so, she is manteling and he is behind her cowering...she will explode this is very upsetting to me...that would be one huge fish and two small ones that she has claimed today in a matter of a few hours...
I can't say I have ever seen them eat with their wings spread out like that before!!!
He is getting smart!!
HODA - There was a lot of that fish left when Missy left full. Bro picked it up and went over to the 4-5 position and has been eating for almost 15 minutes now.
Missy is going to take a nap.
OK you all I have to admit it:
I do NOT repeat I do NOT like Missy...she is rude and pushy and piggy and has no redeeming qualities except that she is an eagle...right now I DO NOT LIKE HER AT ALL
It was the skinny part of the fish that was left over LINDA this was a huge fat fish and MISS PORKY ate it all!!! I wished she would just go away!!!
HODA - She is certainly Miss PORKY, but you know that is how God made them. Some are more aggressive than others. Do you remember when Shep used to bring in fish for Belle and she would just grab it from him and walk over to another area of the nest and eat it?
Missy certainly seems capable of defending herself out there on her own and for that I am thankful!
At least Bro is still eating and getting every bit of what he can from what is left. It looked to me like there was plenty left to eat when he got it, but maybe you had a better look at it.
I didn't see the fish delivery to see how big it was!
Gotta go fold some laundry.....
Hi all! What a gorgeous day outside! Hoda, LOL! Once upon a time, many said the same about Shep - that he had no redeeming qualities! And look what a great mate and parent he has turned out to be! Pushy and Piggy is exactly what Missy will need to be when she leaves the nest and has to establish a territory and fend for herself. Bro is the one I woory about when he finally fledges!
Thanks Judy - I didn't know Janet's last name!
LINDA this is Miss PORKY eating it is not Bro...he is plotzed over at ten...she grabbed the new fish from him and has been eating it ever since...I hope she blows up!!!
I have to shut her down I am getting too emotional over this behaviour...I will go to the park and the lake instead and maybe I will see an eagle in the wild...
LINDA and SANDI you are right in what you say...she will survive and God help anyone who gets in her way...I hope she does not try to take someone else's nest...see how emotional I am? Time to log off...
((((HODA)))) Bro did get some food. A meal. No he is not full BUT he is not starving. It is hard to watch but once he leaves that nest there will be no eagles walking away from even the skinny part. He must grab and devour too. Hunger will teach him to do that. In her own way she is teaching a lesson while there is still atleast some food supply. Hang tough. We all hang with you. Ask anyone blogging for over 4 years or even one year how I handle hunger. Its not good. I so understand.
Little Loony is visible
Linda The wings spread out is mantling. It protects their food source. It was good to see 2 of them in that same posture for just a bit. Bro was not protecting what Missy was but he was protecting and feeding himself fine. I watched him take many many bites as I too was about to shut down when he finally got some food.
This is the first year I have watched more than one eaglet in the nest. When there was only one, we remarked on how much fuss the one eaglet made. They would jump around and scream loudly, sometimes almost knocking the parent out of the nest.
I don't think we see as many eagle fits of that kind now. I am guessing it is because there are two eaglets and the aggression is taken out on Bro.
Kind of interesting.
In from watering. Laurel called, she and Jacob will be here tomorrow afternoon and stay until Wed. Yea!
GLO - Thanks for that. I thought "mantling" was grabbing the fish with their talons to eat. It did look like they were each "mantling" a piece of their own. If you look away for a second, sometimes things change!!
I also thought by the white spots on the right wing, that Bro was eating when I posted as I thought I saw Missy back off and walk away and go up to the 12 position of the nest.
Now I am all confused!! LOL
Well at least we can say.......
They're both in the nest. They both look content. Their parents continue to bring food. They are healthy! So what more could we ask for, right??
Just saw little loonie for the first time. He is on the right side of mom!
Siesta time in the our nest.
Shep in with another delivery.
Shep...he must have brought more food.
Not sure which one has it....
It was a small fish...
I do not know who is who in the nest and do not see either of them eating.
If Bro was the one napping at the 12 position and Missy was in the middle of the nest, then Bro grabbed the fish from Shep. He may have eaten it all at once because it was small.
Can anyone tell them apart in this light right now?
I think I had them mixed up earlier based on Hoda's correction.
They are both still watching overhead. Maybe Belle or Shep is flying around up there.
I'm leaving now down the road towards Baltimore...
Be back around 9 - maybe
Keep your eyes on the birds..
He does have a little live fish underneath his left talon.
I saw it moving!!
I am guessing Bro is in the middle with the fish and Missy is at the 6 position.
Bro just moved closer to the upper part of the nest away from Missy with the fish in his left talon.
Sounds like there is a parent in the attic on the camera....
Missy trying to approach Bro again. She is now at the 8 position on the edge.
Maybe Bro is waiting for the fish to stop wiggling before he eats it. He is also very mindful of Miss Porky behind him!!
He starts to peck at the fish....
Hoda should be seeing this.
Time for me to mop floors as Jack vacuumed.
Looks like both have a tidbit, but one mantling anyway!!!
One jumped up to the stump.
A PS & up on the stump!
Little loonie is in clear view, out from under Momma!
Hi all.
Checking in. MemaJo/Judy: got the friend request and absolutely accepted 100% :) :) :) Thanks!
Its been a quiet day. Livvy is at Nashville shores (waterpark) with her older sister, niece and nephew. Been Tom, me and the furbabes most of the day. Almost dinner time for the dogs.
I have a rotisserie chicken cooking (I have one of those set it and forget it cookers advertised YEARS ago and love the thing!) Think I'll make some gravey, jasmine rice, green beans, asparagus and some fruit with it. Anyone hungry yet, lol?
I have been able to work in my yard a little. I bought some covering for my fig tree so I can protect my figs from the birds and squirrels . I don't mind sharing...but they forget to share with ME......
I have a tomato turning red outside! So excited!
Watching the Nascar race....30 some laps to go. Ahhh, nice, quiet Sunday afternoon!
Smiles to all!
Know EXACTLY what you mean, JANET about the birds and squirrels sharing with US!!
Dennis is about fed up with the squirrels and chipmunks and voles destroying either the bird feeders, the berries or the soil. He was NOT a happy camper today and threatened to take in all the feeders. :(
LOLLY - So happy Laurel and Jacob will be coming over for a few days to visit. Should be fun!!
JO - Hope you have fun at your gs graduation dinner.
Time to think about dinner preparations......
Missy's crop is so full she has storage for a week LOL
getting windy both eagle in nest now Missy was on 9 but either she got blown down or came down Windy big time
Wow been over an hour since someone posted You alll getting a storm up there from what it looks like Wow Missy was almost in flight going up and down at least 8 times over the nest in the wind Bro was watching her head up and down with her up and down was funny I did record it tooooo
I think Missy was flying up and down and the wind picked her up but she did get to the 9 branch I saw the tip of her wing She needs to come down in this wind
JANET I had a pecan tree I had never got on off the tree and the bad thing is the stinking squirrelw would eat only half and throw the rest at us Missy is back in the nest Yeah OH I had the tree cut down also was rubbing on the roof and would make the biggest mess in drive tooo So I showed the squirrels LOL Missy is having a blast in this wind up and down and back to the 9 again
Missy is back down again
I think she is deciding to stay lo yeah its about time she wised up
Hi, Everyone,
Wow, it's been a while getting caught up here!! You guys have been exceeding the speed limit, although I can understand why.
Those two eaglets sure have been busy! I will also be glad when Missy has fledged (it sounds as if she actually has made it official)and flown far enough away that Bro can get all the fish brought to the nest. I totally understand how nature works, but my tender heart can't help but feel sorry for him!
It's been a busy weekend for Ken and me--we fed the bulldogs an early dinner, and went to the Angels/Texas Rangers baseball game last night. We promised the kids that we would, because they were giving away free Angels cowboy hats. We each got one, and will mail them to Texas ASAP. The game was a really fantastic one, and the Angels won it! Also, we helped to set a new Guinness World Record--the largest number of people wearing cowboy hats at the same time! (35,671 people!) The total crowd was 44,227--you should've seen the parking lot after the game!! :o{ Needless to say, it was a sold out game! Never saw SO many people in the stands, and boy, when we all started making noise, it was awesome! At one point, we were all supposed to yell AND jump up and down, and we got a little worried--we were in the front row on the view level, and it actually felt like an earthquake! Pretty crazy. We had the time of our lives, though. Best ballgame we've been to in ages!
Today we've been watching the coverage of the Queen's celebration in London. Boy, they really know how to plan a shindig, don't they? Really special! We've thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
Almost forgot--Happy Birthday to Char Smith! Hope you're having a really special day!
I am uploading the hover that Missy did in the wind and also a video of Shep in the nest for a few sec at 2 ish when I was home for lunch uploading now
Does anyone else think the eaglets look evil when the do the wing manteling funny at lunch they both had their wings out looked wicked
ANDY the game sounded fun I have been to one Rays game and enjoyed it only went to see the Wiggles with Jordyn but did enjoy the game Do you have any pictures I would love to see all the hats
Well, gotta get busy on doctor's reports again, but want you to know that I've been updating my prayer list, and praying accordingly. Just not enough time to make a list of everything. Love all of you, and you can be sure that I truly care about what's going on with all of you! I'll check back in later tonight. Have a good evening, everyone!
Angie found a size 5T yellow suit at Walmart now we just got to do the rhinestones to do it I was thinking of telling Angie she needs to make then do it for no charge at the studio after alll they didin't even ask for the kids sizes they just guessed and guess most all the kids wrong But we did get another suit if need be I can do the rhinestones I guess
Hey CA I have a question regards the books you made Are the easy to do? Do you have to do all at once or a little at a time? the reason I ask the later is that I am getting Junes kids input with pic and things for the book and it may take a while to do it totally. I sent them the link of the books that you made Jermey had a three page thing wrote and read it June read it to me last nite. It was sooooo beautiful what he had said I want to add it to the book to be the first thing in it
Sorry about walking off!!! I think I am fortunate to be able to watch them all together that I put out my human emotions on them big time and forgot that they are eagles and they do what they have to do...I just could not watch any more so it was wise to log off. Sorry Folks.
GLO I am so glad of your comment that Bro got plenty of food and as LINDA says he will have to survive once he has fledged...Good points LINDA AND GLO Sorry LINDA if I confused things today as you were clear and then you wrote that maybe my posts led you to self doubt...we can all only watch and I was in a place of emotions so your observations LINDA were more accurate than mine.
Hi, JudyE,
Here's a quick view of the field at the game, and part of the stands. Will have to try to edit one or two pictures tomorrow when I have more time. Might have one that shows all the hats better.
Later, alligators!
I walked to the lqake and on the beach and to where the Ospray nest is and I wondered if there were chicks. I only saw an adult ospray and it took off and circled the nest then crossed the lake and came back to the nest. Lovely to watch...
It is raining here now...
Just a quick note: blogged today. If interested:
Here we go....
Just do a copy and paste to your browser...
Gotta run to work.;... Have a great evening!
Loved all the pictures sis and I did leave a comment had a hard time but got it done I couldn't find the publish button after I did the robot thing
also people can click on your name and it takes them to your blog page so you can always announce like I have that there are pic on a specific blog I ususally say nest video since I have I think 6 blogs I had more that than I took off because ran out of space in the google storage Picasa albums
Thanks for the peek at the field ANDY I have one video posted on FB and the blog still waiting for the other to be done Is anyone else watching her doing her wind gliding toooo cool Cool Beans
so happy she is down I had the recording going tooo or the cam I should say
An eaglette, I thought Bro went up to nine branch stayed up there for a while...when he decided to come down he got caught in an air current and could not get his feet to touch. He lifted up and started to screech...he came down and now both are in the nest...
Janet I tried to leave a comment but the submit would not come up.
Beautiful pictures thank you for sharing. I love the large pink flower. What is it called? A hibitus?
HODA I posted that video on the blog and facebook its under the nest video blog off course
I think some one likes the wind LOL
very entertaining but scary in the wind
both are looking at something
WVAGALDANA I also had a hard time couldn't find the submit button but somehow I don't know how after retrying other robot # and clicking on the x it took I probably won't beable to figure it out again LOL
two eagle still in nest YEAH
Well I guess I will say see ya later gonna go try to find something on the boob tube LM LM
HODA - No apologies necessary!! I felt much the same as you in my heart, but knew I couldn't view what was happening through my human eyes!!!
No, no, no problem, Dear Friend. I felt badly for you and knew you were very upset watching Missy's behavior.
You made a good decision to walk away for a while!! Good on You!!
It was rather interesting that they started getting along shortly after you left. Probably because Missy was so stuffed she couldn't move!! LOL
It's all good!! We do come to love them like pets and forget that they are wild animals and do things as God planned!!
Love you, HODA!! You have such a kind loving heart......
There's the heavy breather again!LOL
The fox den must be close for us to hear him every evening. It is such a funny "bark".
Hoda, I will think of you and heavy breathers every time I hear a fox. LOL
OH LINDA Thank you for understanding!!!
LOLLY!!! LOL on the fox association!!!Rather an scary sound is it not???I turned my live feed off when it happened!!!
Evening, all!
Safely home from the beach.
Thought we would have a new thread by now!
Do I see 2 eaglets in the nest...cloudy here, didn't think I would be able to see a thing.
I see one laying at the 10-122 spot, the other seems to be perched at 7
Hoda, I was LOL at your heavy breather comment the other night, too!
Hi Lolly, how are you?
Oh Boy. Another decade! LOL
Think I see 2 big babies in nest.
How is Kay doing? Is her surgery still set for the 6th?
Oh, found a 2 pack of Berger Cookies tonight! That's good, so I won't over-indulge, LOL
Hey, any Tony Stewart NASCAR fans out there? I saw his tractor trailer going down Route 50, just past the Bay Bridge tonight. Guess he was at the race in Dover.
Heavy Breather Fox again!
Hoda, the eaglets seem to get more and more possesive over food the older they get. I remember one time at the nest, when we had 3 of the eaglets got the fish from the adult, and stood over it in the nest for nearly an HOUR, protecting his meal, and peeping away the whole time. He was making sure that none of his siblings were going to steal the fish.
PAULA - After they fledge, do the parents bring food to the nest for them to come back and eat for a while?
Don't know if that question made sense or not, but I thought the parents would bring food back to the nest and the Juvies would come back to the nest to feed.
Is that correct?
Haven't heard from LYNNE today......
LYNNE - Hope you're feeling okay!
Missing MARGY, too......
Hoping WANDA will check in a bit later...
I am not long for this world tonight...
Welcome home PAULA...
Thanks for the comments about getting possessive about food. That certainly was the case today...
I heard that after the fledge the parents take on teaching them how to fish and catch their own that correct PAULA?
KAY and DELPHIA both had the sixth as an important day if I remember correctly so I pray for their well being both.
I wished we would hear from RED and that he soon will be out of rehab and spending more time at home...he was at home for three hours a long while ago...I hope his healing is going well...
Me too LINDA in regards those MIA I wished they would check in...LYNNE and her back are a real concern...
HODA - I think Kay did make one post yesterday afternoon and she is still on schedule for the 6th.
Unfortunately she said she is taking percocet round the clock. I feel so badly for her and the months of pain she has been suffering with.
Waiting for JO to check in as well from her gs graduation celebration!
I am fading fast.
Dennis is downstairs watching a movie that has too much violence in it for me, so I am upstairs.
I am falling asleep, so I think I will sign off and check back in tomorrow morning.
HODA - Watch out for our MIA, okay??
Prayers for all in this roost and beyond......
Yes, Linda, they will continue to feed the eaglets for 4-6 weeks.
Welcome home Paula. How lucky for you to find Berger cookies outside of Balmer! We won some at Momster dinner and Fubby found website & ordered online! I have one package left in the fridge that is part vof B'Day presents for daughter! Mailing tomorrow w/lots of bubble wrap! I'll get some more as Greg K's B'Day is end of June & he's the world's champion chocoholic!
Hoda, Red just posted on FB that he is at Home! Finally!
Lowreeda, I find them in Salisbury! They are at the Royal Farms convenience/gas stores!
Great News that Red is home!
Prayers for Kay to help her hang on until the 6th & for Delphia, too. Hope Lynne2 is feeling better.
If I konk out before I get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all,
Blessings for ♥♥Lynn's♥♥ family ;>)
Paula, cool! And I've been wanting to go to OC! LOL
BTW, I was thinking about horseshoe crabs because we went to a beach in DE where they come out just once a year. It's always full moon at start of June.Dover Races were that weekend. We went there a week after I got my Sony camera in '06 and I had a ball. So0me were zipping along to go to the water & I even took a video.
Thanks PAULA for the information on RED and for answering LINDA'S question about parents bringing in food after they fledge.
I wonder will there be Berger cookies in Maine? I have to ask Carol if they have such a thing in Connecticut also...I would like to "find" some as PAULA did...What colour is the package...I get overwhelmed in large stores and see things that are familiar through the colour of the American family always thought it was a strange way to shop!!! LOL!!!
LINDA I am on the lookout for those who have yet to check in...
Just returning from Ellicott City where a joyous group had dinner to celebrate
gs graduation from Mt St Joe High School. He is headed to OC for a week with 9 of his school mates. Then he works Merriweather during the summer before he starts at the University of MD
I have the hic cups! I am reading backwards.. Glad you made it home safely Paula. Thanks for the alert on Red.
Tomorrow I get my annual CT of my lungs. I pray for a miracle but will be satisfied that there isn't any change and that would be good.
Praying for a good appointment JO...The miracle is tht they can see inside of us and try to do the best to bring us comfort...I hope you are holding your own...
Thanks so much for all the comments about our eaglets. Tomorrow is another day and could be first flight day!!
My goal, Hoda isn't to get better but not to get any worse. It is what it is and I am determined to get a few more years, BE the Good Lord Willing.
Prayers for Delphia, Kay on the 6th and on the 7th prayers for gd Melissa Jo to gain info from Specialist.
Hoda you are very very special and just so you know that your feelings towards Missy are the very same as were my feelings in 2006 for Ms Inbetween! I felt so bad for Big Boy and Spunky that they had to wait to grab food from her.
Hoda, Berger cookies are local to this area! You won't be able to find them in Connecticut or Mass.
Lowreeda, my neighbor at the beach put back a mating pair of horseshoe crabs into the water this weekend. They were flipped upside down on the beach!
Oh, and saw another turtle on the beach as well!
Time to say good night until tomorrow. Rest well, my friends.
good evening all!
JUDYE: thanks for the info. i'll learn all of this...eventually. lol
WVAGAL; the flower is a mandavilla. it is very viney and will grow beautifully on mailboxes and such. they come in many colors, i wanted a red one but it was $30!!! this pink one was $10.....still very pretty.
for anyone who looks at my blog, i have it set to do /accept any comments.....i don't know beyond that. my son in law is my computer guru...but is on his 2 weeks for the army/national guard reserves.....and i hate to bother him with every little thing.....
should be in bed, i know. we had a staff meeting tonight, so i'm amped. i am having a glass of wine (or two) and maybe a snack? tom's falling asleep beside me in his recliner.....hope i get sleepy soon......six a.m. comes early!
have a great night to one and to all! sweet dreams
Oh, I forgot to report that our osprey chicks at the beach have hatched! My neighbor got out her scope, and we were able to see that she was feeding! However, Dad was sitting right in our line of sight, and we never got to see the chick(s). The feeding lasted for about 15 minutes, so I suspect there are at least 2 chicks that are a week old!
Time for me to get some shut eye, hope to be back tomorrow night!
(((SED and Love and Hugs for all!)))♥
Hoda, you have mail w/pic anyway!
Nighty night!
Computer is still acting PUNEY, so I will say good night while I still can. Love and prayers for all ♥
Wanda, Jayden's brother sure is cute.
Thanks for the pic......
I am closing down for this evening
Everyone sleep well and awaken happy
Prayers for all!
Thinking of Lynn ♥♥
Carolyn ♥♥ Christie ♥♥
Hi and Bye, Paula! Lost myself in my book this evening. Meant to do a little house straightening, but that will just have to wait til tomorrow.
Time to head to the shower and ready for bed.
Nite all! SED!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Andy...we watched that Ranger game. So happy for you that you got to go and have fun! I would have looked for you. LOL
Yikes....there is the heavy breather again! LOL I was shutting down fb when I heard the fox again.
I was watching all I could find on Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.
JO I love you and I wish you well with the doctor and indeed BE GOD WILLING.♥
Thank you for your words about my feelings towards Missy today...I remind myself she is an eagle and I put my emotions in check...You, The Momsters and the Dadsters, are very precious in my life JO. I reserve a special spot in my heart for you and for LYNN...♥♥
WANDA very good to see you on, yes indeed JAYDEN'S BRO is a sweetie.
JUDIE has not checked in either...LYNNE where are you?
Good night LOLLY. Enjoy your time with LAUREL and JACOB these coming few days.
Again I am sorry for expressing my emotional response to the feeding experiences at the nest today. It is indeed amazing that we get to watch them at all. I am very pleased and very proud to be a part of this group.
I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendships I made
♥LYNN♥ I appreciate using her quote...
God Bless us all, Missy included.
I will be on later on in the morning as I have an optometrist appointment first thing in the morning 8:25AM!!! and then when I am there I will run some errands.
Good night.
Hi, Everyone,
I'm back for a bit. JudyE, my avatar is a closeup of some of the fans wearing the cowboy hats. Have to really zoom in on my pictures to see them well.
Hoda, I'm on the same page as you regarding the eaglets' behavior. My HEAD says that their disagreements and food mantling are normal, and nature can be cruel. My HEART makes me want to go climb the tree and break up the disagreement, and make sure everyone is getting equal amounts of food! Don't feel bad about feeling the way you do--that's one of the many reasons I love you so much! I will just be glad when both of them have successfully fledged, and we can imagine them soaring on the thermals and fishing with the best of them! Maybe it's for the best that our nest's eaglets are not banded or otherwise identifiable. That way, if something should happen to one of them down the road (God forbid!), we'll never know about it!
Well, it's getting very late here, and I'd better call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
I'm turning on the porch light, and both security systems have been enabled. Prayers that everyone has restful sleep, and the sweetest eagle dreams. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!
Good "last Monday with kids" morning all! Looks like I'm the first morning person to post. I see a wing tip from the stump every once in a while and the 2nd is on the branch right under the camera, so both are kinda in the nest this morning.
Paula, the Giant close to us sells Berger cookies, though I try to walk past them without touching! =)
Boy, it was such a gorgeous weekend for being outside! So many of my shrubs are blooming - sweet bay magnolia, hydrangeas, hypericum, privet (love the smell), knockout roses, virginia sweetspire,and a few of my perennials are just starting - veronica, cone flowers, coral bells. Stella d'oros are going crazy already! Some might think my gardens are "too busy" but I love seeing different colors everywhere!
Prayers for comfort for Kay as she counts down to her "suregery" on Wed., and for Delphia for a good outcome. Prayers too for Jo - hope you get a good report from the pulmonary doc today!
Heard a crested flycatcher at the courts yesterday morning, so they're back in the area. Hoping that my pair returns to the nestbox right outside my sunroom window. The pics I took last year were dated 6/5.
Time to get ready for my day. We have our 8th grade recognition ceremony today (we don't do a full fledged graduation). Sure hope Josh makes an appearance.
HAGD all!
Good morning everyone! Have one of the eaglets fledged or is it on a branch? The one in the nest now just did a fly over and came back in!! Wow, exciting, scary times! Have a great day everyone! I will be checking out the action all day (as usual)!! Love and hugs!! of the loons hatched yesterday! They are the cutest little things ever!!!
We have an empty nest!!!
Where is everyone this morning? Why am I all alone? Come back!! LOL!
One eaglet is back in the nest, didn't see which direction it came from though. This pesky job gets in the way of my cam watching. Flew off at the 1 o'clock position just now.
Back again, from the 2 o'clock position. Must be branching. I don't think I have ever seen them fledge and come back within minutes.
Gone again! Lost of action this morning, lots of comings and goings!
Eagle flew off to right just like yesterday. Not sure which one BUT we do have one taking flight very easily now. GM everyone
Good MONDAY morning ya'll.
Nashville: Fan Fest Week down town (avoid)....Bonnaroo is Manchester (double avoid!)..... Good thing I plan a normal, quiet week. lol.
Great weekend. Back to it today. It is cloudy and rainy. :) My plants like that.
I have a tomato trying to turn red out side. Will have to keep an eye on it.
Bought netting for the fig tree, have to USE It now. Got sidetracked yesterday.
Everyone, have a super day! :) Hugs, smiles, light and healing!
Good morning,
I am seeing an MT nest this morning.
Hello Sissy, Janet, and Glo.
And Sandi!
Morning Glo! Looks like it just me and you so far this morning. They have been coming and going all morning, been gone a bit now. Little loon under its parents wing, cute as can be!!
There's Shirley! Good morning Shirley!!
And Janet!! I see y'all are waking up this morning! Have a good one!
Missed Sandi this morning! Have a great day everyone. I am gonna watch but not blog or I will never get off work. Holler if I miss something!
Good morning to everyone!
I see we have an MT nest this morning. Oh well, the sunlight looks pretty.
Loon baby is adorable. Escaped momentarily until Mom gave it the evil eye. One of the Kestrel Kids is contemplating departure by sitting in the nest box opening. Bears are safe but Big Harry is on the prowl. Pete's Pond is still off air.
Much to do today. Laundry, flower planting, another recommendation letter. Good news is the butterfly weed survived and the butterfly bush is in bloom.
Wishing a lovely day for everyone.
How are you this morning, Sissy?
Looks like you have all gone loony :-) HAGD everyone. Off to coffee and dog treats. Nest is quiet at the moment.
I wish I would have been up glo.
Doing a Margy:
Jo, so glad the celebration was so much fun. Wishing for a good doctor's report.
Hoda, wishing a good eye exam for you today. Not to worry about the eaglets. They are doing eaglet things just as they should be about now.
Good morning everyone.
I am doing well. Back to walking, almost as before. I can feel my ankle after I walk, so I am not pushing it. Don't want back in that boot for sure. We are gearing up for the big wedding this weekend. Sharon is going up tomorrow and the rest of us are going Thursday. Very exciting time for our family.
GOOD MORNING Eagle Buds I hear someone in the attic
Loved the pic of the hats ANDY pretty cool hats tooo
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