Friday, May 25, 2012


Sorry for the delay, been in training class this week.  Dr. Jim Siegel has noticed a few times that one of the eaglets has been hopping up onto a limb out of the nest. 

He is heading over soon to confirm that that is the case this time.

New thread.


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Jewels said...

New thread, Thank you Steve!!!!

Jewels said...

Happy Memorial Weekend! Hope everyone has a safe weekend! I must get caught up since I took a nap!!

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread and the call over on the day; that Missy has left the nest almost a hour and she still is not in the nest I have a short video I am uploading now

wvgal_dana said...

Humm Steve say's a "limb out of the nest". Still would not be fledging though.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Thank you Jewels for the call over. Congrs. on the feather!!! :)

wvgal_dana said...

I have seen Missy's wings a couple of times. Tried to get a picture of her wings up on that stump but have not been successful.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jewels got a feather!!!! Whoohoo!

Hoda said...

I do not know who Dr. Jim Siegle is, but the chicks have NOT hopped over to the branch before today. This is a first. Shep goes up there and so does Belle, but NOT a chick...
Thanks for the new thread Steve and enjoy your conference...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just posted a pic of Bro's wings outstretched and Missy's shadow outstretched!

Hoda said...

Thanks JEWELS for the call over...enjoy your FEATHER...

Hoda said...

Missy Branching

I thought I would bring it over from the old thread.

Jewels said...

Yes I got a feather on the 25th day of May. Exactly a month to the day... actually 4 weeks and two days. How I miss Mom!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I know you do Jewels! :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh yeah, that pic I was speaking of is on Facebook and on my blog under My Wildlife.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just saw the shadow of her wings flapping.

Lolly said...

So, she is still branched out. She is enjoying this new perch or maybe she is afraid to hop back down. LOL

Lolly said...

Have finished the yard work and have showered. Plumber still not here but called and is on his way.

magpie said...

maybe it just wasn't noticed...
could be it happened when no one could watch or see


Thanks Sharon for getting the info and request to Steve

Thanks Steve for the New Thread...
and to Jewels to the callover

DanaWV.. I AM at work

Lolly said...

Bro should take advantage of having the nest to himself and do some good wing flaps and trampoline jumps.

Lolly said...

I agree with you, Hoda. Do not think she has branched before now. We monitor this cam way too closely to have missed that! Even when we are chit chatting about this and that, we have an eye on the nest.

magpie said...

I would expect that Dr. Jim Siegel is on the staff at NCTC

will be good to hear the latest when he has a look-see

Hoda said...

She just spread her wing and I could see the shadow on the nest...she is still safely perched up there...I bet you she comes down when food is delivered!!! LOL!!!

Jewels said...

Margy, sorry someone went home ill! Holding my breath I don't get a call in!! ON call till midnight. :(

Hoda said...

LOLLY I checked with the Hancock Folks and they too watch closely and they say this is a first. Several sites watch and all say this is a first...I think the good doctor is mistaken...
I did not mean to be rude and I hopoe I did not come across as such...I am very grateful for NCTC and all they do to maintain the nest and study the eagles and educate about the this situation the good doctor is wrong.

Hoda said...

I love your video JUDYE and the words are an extra bonus...well documented...

Steve Chase said...

Jim just called. The other bird is about two feet above the nest, perched comfortably on a limb. No problems.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve. I have seen her wings flap a couple of times in the shadows. Time for her to come on back down now.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

I posted the short about40sec video on blog
Missy jump or flight to the branch at 9 at 11:24am this morning

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I see tail feathers.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if she is too scared to jump down in the nest

JudyEddy said...

SHAR go up there and pull on them tail feather and get her back in the nest poor bro is lonley LOL

JudyEddy said...

I agree I think one of us would have seen as much as we are on it and all the other that do video to hasn't see her I see wings flapping I thinks she is scared

JudyEddy said...

Bro looks up when she flaps

JudyEddy said...

He is spreading his wings and looking up at her like can I come tooooo

JudyEddy said...

she is back in the nest

Jewels said...

She is back in the nest!!!!

Jewels said...

Shew!!! I feel better!!

JudyEddy said...

she is like a statue now funny

JudyEddy said...

and she starts hopping to Bro now and looking at him I wonder if she is telling him about it LOL

Hoda said...

Welcome back Missy, she moved her wings about and turned her feet as I could tell from her shadow movements and then here she is...and it was not even food that brought her down...came to visit Bro!!!

JudyEddy said...

I love how he has his wings NOW

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

poop shoot that why she came down LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is back.

JudyEddy said...

lunch is in ????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

guess not parent came in eagles ran over as a matter of fact Missy pecked at the parent Now on the branch at 9

JudyEddy said...

I think it was shep

Hoda said...

Shep comes in and Missy Mantles yet I see no food...

Hoda said...

Yes there is something in her mouth a small fish...Shep did bring in a small fish, this is what the mantlling was about...

JudyEddy said...

Missy has her talon on something Did he bring that in ????? when Sehp landed???

JudyEddy said...

and she isn't sharing it with bro

magpie said...

Thank you, Steve and to Dr Siegel also
Thanks again Sharon for sending the email...
much appreciated x-3

I see both eaglets are in the home roost again

JudyEddy said...

I didn't see where you posted a small fish HODA she needs to share it lOL

JudyEddy said...

bro stole it

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Bro just stole the fish! :)

JudyEddy said...

now Missy is looking at him

Lolly said...

LOl She turned her back on the small fish for a sec and Bro jumped on it quick.

JudyEddy said...

Missy is at bottom of the 9 branch I thinks she like it up there and she is letting him finish it up I guess what ever it was

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Judy, that isn't considered a fledge. She was just branching.

JudyEddy said...

stole it back funny

CarolAnne said...

Branching - what an exciting start to the holiday weekend. Brings on a smile as if it was one of my own taking their first step.

JudyEddy said...

or I should say she try to steal it back but wasn't sucessfull

JudyEddy said...

looks like she wants to go up the branch from the bottom

Hoda said...

I am off to yoga...enjoy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone,

Oh, I'm so glad that Missy has decided to return to the nest! Be still, my heart!

Sorry I wasn't here last night--fell asleep after dinner, and woke up pretty late. Decided to just drag myself to bed.

Shar, prayers for your friend, Lori Woods, and for her upcoming surgery. Prayers continue for Kristen and family.

Shirley, prayers for Kathryn, and for George.

Delphia, praying for you, too!

Shar, so sorry to hear of the girl at Mattie's school. Incredibly sad that she didn't feel there was any other solution to her problems.
(((HUGS))) for Mattie, please!

Welcome back to Mema Jo! I've missed you!!

Well, must run now. There's so much to do on Friday! Grossery shopping--yuck, but somebody's got to do it! Will check in later tonight.

(((HUGS))) to Carolyn & Christie!!

♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

another food delivery

JudyEddy said...

on the nest blog and the video of todays jump is pic of the Hawks that were at the park today two juvies they stayed so close to the nest tree the whole time and sat on the fence for the longest time

JudyEddy said...

Missy got done and let LiL bro that the rest of the fish They share so good

Lynne2 said...

ARRRGGGHHHHHH &*$#*&#&@^^(%()#*&#@&

My day started with STINKBUG night from hell.

We've had THREE euthanasias today so far, and one more at least to come.

I am surrounded by 2 pregnant women, 2 coworkers having knee replacement and faciectomy respectively, 3 that are settling on the sales of their home, and one planning a wedding for 2 weeks from now. Yep, no stress here.....HA!

REALLY?????? WHERE ARE MY M n M's ???????

Lynne2 said...

and HELLO!

Lolly said...

HELLO AND GOODBYE! We are leaving shortly for Denton. Be back late tongight. Think I will let Jack drive my "new" car. ha! It is new and smells new, that is nice.

See you later...keep an eye on these crazy birds. No telling what will happen next.

Lynne, sorry about the stink bugs, but keep 'em there!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I wish I could stretch my wings like they do. I tend to go into a cramp when I start to do a really good stretch.

CarolAnne said...

Had some birds visit a bit ago. Not sure what they are.

Size of a sparrow, but a bit slimmer. Bill has a bit of a hook on it. White wing bars, Varying degrees of orange-ish red on head and/or body. Under wing tips on back is a patch of a lighter shade.

Few pics on blog - not real clear.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

CarolAnne, that is an oriole.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks Shar - I thought it might be some kind of immature goldfinch or something on that order.

Never noticed them around before.
Gonna have to keep a better eye out. Hope they stick around.

magpie said...

See you all later on, Eagle PaLS

Hope you all have a nice week-end xo

CarolAnne said...

WV mail has reached Wisconsin.

Thank you!
Sure do miss that dear sweet lady on here.

magpie said...

Be careful,
enjoy your family time or whatever else is on your dance cards

(( Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

fish delivery again

JudyEddy said...

this time the chicks didn't get it Being feed now by Shep

JudyEddy said...

wow they are telling him they are starvin chirping big time

CarolAnne said...

Bubby has called - he is headed home.
Time to finish the packing.
Everyone have a safe weekend.

Eyes to the skies! :o)

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

wow some serious shot hops accross the nest going on and I have the cam going tooo

Hoda said...

Good afternoon / Good evening all...

Very pleasant day and I feel a sense of wellness and gratitude.

Bought a new table and a CD holder as things were getting a bit messy in my computer room. Created good space and new energy and it feels good.

For all who are travelling this weekend have a safe and enjoyable weekend and Blessings on Memorial Day...May we all remember those who have had their Big Promotion♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Missy is giving me a heart attack!!! Facing outward spreads her wings and hops to the edge picks on sticks and comes back in the nest...doing nestorations trying to fledge? I am sitting at the edge of my seat...oh my oh my this needs a cup of tea for sure but an unable to leave to prepare it as I am not sure what she is up to? Someone ought to tell her enough excitement for one day already!!!

Hoda said...

Is anyone else on? I do really need a cup of tea!!!

JudyEddy said...

I feel the same way HODA

I am uploading a video of her flying across the nest she has been quite active and its been hair graying

JudyEddy said...

that was quite a jump she did a few min ago I thinks its odd how different they are He is more layed back LOL a day or so younger makes a difference huh

JudyEddy said...

ok I think they are settling down gonna go watch the new while cam is up if anything exciting happens i am LM

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

Heading to the beach!

I saw a juvenile eagle in Emmitsburg this morning, best part of the day!

Love and hugs, will check in later.

Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA...

magpie said...

I'm on, sort of...these two bit baby eagles really need to play nicely these days, no wing tussles...
don't want to see them go a'tumbling wing over wing

My week-end Dog duty has begun...
Bella, a Vizsla, 8 or 9 years old and full of energy...

Good Evening Eagle Pals :)

magpie said...

Yes, I wish Paula safe travels too..hope traffic is friendly
and all the people in all the vehicles on the highway

Betting Wanda and The Friday Night Fun Gang are overjoyed with the time together tonight

and that Jo is aglow with baby bonding

magpie said...

glad you got yourself some new
things..nothing like having your things the way you want them, where you want them

magpie said...

I think the Eaglets are getting some glimpses of Eagle Freedom these days, and dreams of Soaring...

ttfn Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Every One...

xoxo (( Week-end Hugs ))

Hoda said...

MARGY Baby sitting TWO DOGS...what size? that could be a handful?

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE Vizslas!!! You lucky duck! They are SOOOOO smart, and yes FULL of energy!

Lynne2 said...

Paula saw a Juvie? WOO HOO! Bet it was Hidey!

Lynne2 said...

Wondering if the Dr from NCTC was at a strange angle when observing the nest and THOUGH he saw one on the branch? Well, we've been pretty observant, and you'd think one of us would see it, but maybe we missed!

Lynne2 said...

Got a disturbing update on the young eagles up at Piney Run near here...on of the bird watchers on the MD Osprey site saw one of them take a bad landing onto a branch, and then fall to the ground, or so he assumed. We are RIGHT to be having the vapors during this stage of OUR babies lives.....

Hoda said...

No ONE dog not two for MARGY this weekend...I will google the type of a dog form y answer...Lynne likes the breed so now I am curious too.

I thanks Dr Jim Siegle, from NCTC for his observations today on ground and reporting the hight of the perch and that all is well. I think he got it wrong about branching earlier, they lifted before but did not branch...three sites agree on that point today was the first branching...

Hoda said...

Vizsla, looks with beautiful lines and lovely colour coat, but from the pictures I saw seems high strung to me...Good luck MARGY you are too tiney to be pulled by this creature...They say it is a friendly dog though...

magpie said...

She is a sweetheart, so far...she can have the run of the house when I am at work, she is used to doing that from the past when my brother in law was living here....her family is traveling to Toledo Ohio tonight to check out a house,they are transfering, with the Coast Guard in a few weeks....

magpie said...

she runs around the yard like crazy but comes back when it's time...I am always out with her when she is outside, for sure !

magpie said...

she's parked at my feet now.

okay, enjoy the evening, I hope you do..everyone...sure is hot out, guess that's on the menu for the next few days


Lynne2 said...

Hoda, they are EXTREMELY active dogs for sure! Need a lot of things to keep them busy. Sadly, we have a client at work who has one, and all she does is complain about the poor dog. She doesn't do ANYTHING with him. Another unfortunate case of someone NOT researching a breed before getting one.

They are very popular in hunting games, obedience and agility games.

Lynne2 said... she gone for the weekend???

I just looked at the bird pictures she posted, and those, I am pretty sure, are NOT Orioles.....look closer, think beyond the box!

Jewels said...

Good evening.... home from Mom's with nothing accomplished. Oh well, there is another day.... aiming for Wednesday. Am really worried that I will get called in to work tomorrow. I have planned to go to my GodSons graduation in the morning and then to a bull riding event in the evening. I came home from Mom's and had a message from a supervisor reminding me that I was on a short week next week and that they have only 3 pple working tom evening/night. to keep my phone on. Hmmmmm.....

Lynne2 said...

You may not think you accomplished much Carolyn, but I'll be it was sort of comforting to be there, in her home and amongst her things....comforting in a bittersweet sort of way.

JudyEddy said...

lots of flapping poor Lil Bro in middle has been jumped over and over by Missy

Lynne2 said...

Margy, you still here? Doc Watson is in the hospital in critical condition :(
What is wrong has not been released...

Love this one!
Tennesse Stud sung by Doc Watson

Jewels said...

Lynne yes it is, but also its just like we do not feel right to dis assemble her things and box stuff up. I hate this so much. It was not supposed to be like this.

glo said...

Just stopping by to wish all of you a good and safe Memorial weekend. Grateful to all who served. Remembering those who are gone from us.

Lynne2 said...

geesh, Earl Scruggs just passed in March, and then Doug Dillard last week....

magpie said...

Lynne...I am very fond of everything Doc Watson,saw him and Merle play years ago at the OLD Charles Town Races...was so heartbreaking when Merle died....
and Tennessee Stud is one my all time favorites...

this is one artist whose "LP" vinyls I still have !!!

Thank you for the news and song link...though the news is sad

Lynne2 said...

I know Carolyn, I's SO not fair. I wish I could make it better for you. (((♥♥♥♥)))

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to mail you my Cosmic Bluegrass story Margy....don't want to bore the others with it....

magpie said...

Good to see you Glo, and your message is just right

Thank you....

magpie said...

Jewels...I know my nieces and nephews have gone through this experience...with many of the same feelings....and did not accomplish it all, only what they could do when they were all in for the funeral and a few days afterward...there is still so much to be done...

We're with you...and, maybe...if there is no immediate deadline...just,take your time until the time is right to push forward....
Your Mom....we love her so, and you and Christie know, I hope you can feel some comfort from our wishes and prayers....knowing, we wish we could do so much more

Jewels said...

I know you all are with us. No real rush I don't guess. Well with the exception of the house being empty and risk of it being broke into. CHristie and I love you all too!

magpie said...

I'm lovin' it...Jewels reminded me of one of my long time ago nicknames:

Uniquie Eagle Rock... !! thanks Jewels I needed that...

thank you, that is, to
MistyDeerInField :)

got some mailings to work on...
bbl (( Hugs ya'know ))

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Jewels what you said is the only worry that does concern me. It takes time...the time that you and Christie feel you can do each thing. Ed passed Nov. 25, 2009 he loved his Western books. So there were two tall huge bookcases. I just 2 days ago boxed them up. I didn't want them sold. I wanted them to go to someone that would appreciate them (some were leatherbacks) and take care of them. So you can see just by that. It takes time to do what you two need to do with Moms/Lynn's things.
It isn't easy I know from my own experience I am going through.
I love you and care and pray for all you too wonderful women are going through as you take each step whenever you take it.♥♥

magpie said...

Nice Youngster Moon out tonight...

The dog has claimed a resting spot on the big bed

:) Guess I won't sleep alone tonight...

magpie said...

Nice Youngster Moon out tonight...

The dog has claimed a resting spot on the big bed

:) Guess I won't sleep alone tonight...

NatureNut said...

Late Good Evening.
Had a Panda nap, but won't matter if I stay up late---no early work in AM, but I should go to Chelsea.
Saw CarolAnne's birds. They do look like white-winged crossbills. We don't see them :>(.
Still "window shopping" on 'puter! That will close your eyes!

Margy, I got mail from WV! Thank you so much for your generous efforts! ☺

Love Steve's message about branching!!! I think that may be what's happening at the Park with adult squawking and only pic I got of nest was maybe MT. Too darn many leaves in the way!

Gotta eat some more and if I'm not back soon, please have Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health ;>)
Blessings on Lynn's Family ♥♥

CarolAnne said...

Thanks to Lynne2 and NatureNut -- white winged crossbills would never have crossed my mind. I've never seen one. Googled them and I'm pretty sure that is what I saw. By the pictures I'd say there was 1 female and 3 males. Hope they stick around!!

Oh, good evening all. Have arrived at our woodland paradise.
Our neighborhood duck immediately came out of the woods while we were unpacking the car, and shortly after we spotted a turtle.
Saw an eagle with a catch(?) fly over the car on the way here. Will check out the area nest this weekend. Hope we can see some branching too!

Have fed the deeer & birds - waiting to see if the bear is still in the area!

stronghunter said...

Wow, I missed the branching today.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

C/A I am very glad you made a safe trip.
PAULA posted a picture on FB so I think she is already at the beach house.
DANAMO also posted on FB and they are having a good time judging by the pictures.
Waiting on JO as she said it will be after ten before she gets back...
SANDI was going to go to her mother if I am not mistaken and I hope she made a safe trip too.
LOLLY posted on FB and all seems to be well in her world.

I think the rest of us are staying put...

wvgal_dana said...

Washington DC decided to bring the beach to those that couldn't get away to the beach. They brought in 70 tons of sand. People are loving it.

Lynne2 said...

It's my dream to see a real live bear in the wild!

So, Crossbills it is then! Those beaks just looked too curved to be Orioles, so I went looking. Glad Loretta was here to verify!

Lynne2 said...

wow CarolAnne, that's quite a lot of nature already that you've seen!

I'd love to have a trail cam one day. Sure would be cool to see what is lurking out there in the woods in the night!

magpie said...

Yes indeedy,CarolAnne, glad you are safely ensconced at the Woodland Paradise

and thanks Hoda for giving an overview of some of the other Eagle Pals' doins Will look for some more smiling posts at first light....

You are welcome, Loretta....
enjoy your Saturday off, I cannot believe you have a Saturday off !!
Good Night, Precious Pals.
Hope that Sleep is Sweet.

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

Lynne2 said...

Enjoy your "one dog night" Margy! LOL! Ours are not allowed on the bed at night. However, they always jump up on it in the morning for snuggles!

Guess I'll be heading up soon...I intend to RELAX this weekend, even if it kills me.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey all at the beach safe and sound..w.aiting on bro and family...other bro not here

Hoda said...

Relax and do it without the violant part LYNNE. SED.

Hoda said...

When is Michael and Anjy arriving PAULA tomorrow? Sorry other bro is not there...I hope he has a balanced journey to first bro and family. I liked your picture on FB

Hoda said...

make that when are Michael and Anjy...

Hoda said...

Oh my it is passed midnight and JO has not checked in...I hope she is safe and sound in her roost...
JUDIE has not chimed in either but I do not think she was travelling.

Lolly said...

We are home! We ordered pizza for supper, went to the ball game, and then to Braums for ice cream. It was a good day!

Lolly said...

Time to shower and get ready for bed. Need to grosssssery shop tomorrow. Family coming for ribs on Sunday. Since they still have a few days of school next week Laurel did not want to come Monday.

Night all!


Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Oh I forgot to say that tomorrow I might not check in till the afternoon. I will go to Dragon Boating early in the morning and then we are taking the boat across the lake to give free rides to Nelsonites...then we have to take it back and collect the cars and return home...So I will post then...

Costume Lady said...

Family Friday was such fun tonight,even though we were -minus- Karla and Jayden. They are coming over Sunday:) Brandon brought his newly graduated from college, girlfriend and Denise brought her SPECIAL friend:)

Would you look at the time, no wonder I'm sleepy.
Good Night to all of you, sleep soundly, my prayers are with you and yours~

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (Late) Evening, Everyone!

Getting here really late. Gosh, that Missy is going to give all of us such a case of nerves! I'm sprouting more gray hairs, for sure!

I may not check in until later tomorrow, too. We are meeting Sis-in-law for breakfast, and going to eat at Ruby's on the pier in Huntington Beach, I think. Supposed to be cool tomorrow, so better take warm jackets.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those on the prayer list. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, everyone, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥Special blessings for Carolyn & Christie♥ Love both of you!
I ♥ us!!

paula eagleholic said...

Late night here too..finally everyone is in bed...all caught up and ready for bed too

Soo exciting about Missy branching!!

Love and hugs...will check in when I can

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

glad that all checked into the Roost at Paula's - late though it was....

and will be watching for that first post from Jo today....

Wanda, sounds great, and congratulations to Brandon's girlfriend...she is a lovely gal...
Hey, don't suppose Q came along, eh?

Bella was out and running, but first she was barking at two deer, that looked quite a lot like her !!

they ran off, then she did her galloping around then back yard..
I mean is a large yard !


magpie said...

eaglet just branched right outta sight!! Off to the left...
while the other is non-plussed and eating...

magpie said...

I guess it was Missy...I am not sure which is who these sign of the tail a'wagging or anything else..

magpie said...

Now I see some wing flapping off to the left...

she just sailed up onto that branch

magpie said...

Guess there is probably a parent perched up higher watching all this...

like we you think THEY get nervous at these times ??

magpie said...

oh parent just arrived !!

magpie said...

I think it is Belle, arrived without food, and is gazing towards that branch to the left

magpie said...

Nice...the eaglet just sailed back onto the nests

Belle is trying to get some of the chow but Bro is not exactly sharing

magpie said...

Belle prevails...

now everyone is getting a little bit :)

magpie said...

Have a Good Day, Everyone....

time for me to start getting for work and head out....

(( All Day Hug ))

magpie said...

getting ready for work that would be...

90-degree temps predictions hereabouts the next four days...

Happy Dragon Boating, Hoda...

Oh, ISS receives a capsule with 1000 pounds of food and supplies today, hatches to open at 0700

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird and Buddy !!

You're in charge....

I'm heading out now..

one last little leashed walk for Bella the visiting dog...


T-Bird said...

I'm in charge or I'm all alone Magpie. ; )

Sandi said...

Morning all! Checking in from my sister's where we slept last night. Settlement went smoothly yesterday except that, when I parked Mom's car, I had to push really hard on the brakes (the car was fine while we were driving). When we came out of building and approached Mom's car, there was a huge puddle of something under the car - turned out to be brake fluid! Had to have the car towed - fortunately, the brake line didn't break until I was parking, NOT while I was driving!

Got 95% of Mom's stuff moved out of her old place (going back this AM to finish - ran out of boxes so we had to empty some and then go back). I'd say we got her about 30% unpacked yesterday. There is a lot of stuff that she insisted on bringing that there just is no room for at the new place which is smaller so, NOW we're simply donating to a different Good Will store!

Time to get back to Mom's - the tub to shower guy comes at 8 and the cable guy at noon!

I will never get caught up but have done enough speed reading to know that one of our eaglets has started branching! Growing up, they are!!

HAGD all!! Will check in when I can!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all, quiet here this morning before all the weekenders start stirring.

Watching the eagles this morning and thinking how most would not recognize them as young eagles (as the people last evening,with preteen boy, hadn't a clue why they should leave the turtle to finish her mission away from the lake).

Non-eaglers sure don't know what they're missing.

CarolAnne said...

Animal count: duck, turtle, raven,1 woodtick (UGH)

Have to check the camera chip to see if any creatures ventured out in spite of the extra people and vehicles around this weekend.

CarolAnne said...

Missed the action - only one in the nest

JudyEddy said...


Seems we are missing one eagle again she must be out on the limb

CarolAnne said...

See an eagle shadow across the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Kids have already been up and perch so far

CarolAnne said...

Gotta ask -- Is Bro OK?
Lots of panting, only stretching one wing

magpie said...

Two eaglets in the closest to "us" is kind of camouflaged by the limb

Good Morning from work, Eagle Pals

t-bird, you and Buddy did a Fine Job !!

magpie said...

can't get live feed
and stil cam view is awful

magpie said...

gusss that is a sign....time to go make dough....
more dough, been making it since 0800

be back later xo

Lolly said...

Good morning! I think I see only one eaglet in the nest and it is partially hidden by the tree trunk. Think I see shadow of other eaglet on the left. Waiting for it to move to make sure.

Read paper on the patio, came in to say hello and then I am going back out to water pots.

Jacob liked our rent car. Wished we would buy it. LOL I told him we would certainly be crowded in it going to the beach and we could not pull the trailer. Promised the boys ribs tomorrow...that will get them here with bells on!!!!☺

Sure wish I could stand below and look up at the Sycamore Palace. I can hear an eagle near the cam. What a sight...eagle in the nest, eagle on the stump, and an adult eagle higher up!!!

Lolly said...

A little jealous of all folks going to the beach this weekend, but at the same time I do enjoy being at home and working in the yard. Caladiums are really coming up now. Yea! Wish you could come over and have a walk around my yard with me!

Mema Jo said...

Good "hot" morning! My apologies for not checking in last night. I didn't even turn on the computer - I was butt beat from riding 8 hrs (4 up & 4 back)
but it was sooooooo worth it all & I would do it again.
Vicent Harrison was Perfect! A little bit of fuzzy hair (looked so even like he had gotten a hair cut) Ten toes and ten fingers! lol
Jennifer was able to go up with my sil and me. I had to fight her for a turn to hold him. She loves baby's as much as I do. All in all it was a wonderful trip but tiring.

Mema Jo said...

With this branching we may not see Missy take off. :( :(
She just won't be in the nest & I guess that is how we will know. Thank you Steve and Dr Siegel for giving us information from the ground.

magpie said...

good to see you, and Good Report, Jo

sounds just wonderful

magpie said...

Hey there Lolly...
I am sure you will be keeping your promise to the boys....

Haev a ncie week-end.
I am not going to the beach, unless it would happen to be the Swinging Bridge Beach ☺

depends on what James is up to the next couple of days

magpie said...

while I have the live feed up, I think I am seeing two eagles...both at the 4-5 position
trying to hide in what little shade that tree brunk/branch might offer ???

magpie said...

and what appears to be one upside down turtle shell in the middle of the nest.

appears to be

ttfn - -work to do

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy...I was thinking of you working today. Love ya!

Jo, I hope you fought for your turn to hold that baby. And, so happy about the 10 toes and 10 fingers. Sounds like a keeper. LOL

Okay, I just saw two in the nest. They are both hiding behind the trunk. Unbelievable that the nest extends so far to the right, but apparently it does. There are two eaglets over there. Wild!

Lolly said...

Time to start my day. Jack has already watered his pots. Yes, we devide up the job. We have three hoses. He waters two areas and I do one. I take my time and water more with my hose. Then I go get one of his hoses and water more in his area. I am picky!

So....I am off!

Now you can see both eaglets, they have emerged from behind the trunk.

paula eagleholic said...

Carolanne...eaglets and eagles do pant when they. Are hot...and spread their wings too

Lovely day here...awesome breeze

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

We definitely have two eaglets in the nest. Both clearly visible now.

stronghunter said...

Was up late last night and slept in this morning.

Luna is having eye problems. I gave her her special drops in addition to the regular ones last night. After talking with Kathryn, I gave her a pill as well, but things still do not look good.

Thank goodness, Kathryn is home to take care of it now. She may need to go to the doggy eye specialist today.

Some big-time wingersizing in the nest. Missy may take off again.

stronghunter said...

Lots of panting, too. It is a hot day.

I am afraid I do not know which is who.

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon...just missed 'Morning':)

I was watching Missy (I thinki) flapping her wings and slapping Bro upside the head, all the while, she was looking him right in the eyes...she was tormenting him! Bad girl:)

Yes, it is hot...89° going up to 91°.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter have left for the Rivah House. They took Luna with them.

Mema Jo said...

This is Vincent Harrison
One week old being held by his mother,
my granddaughter Heather...

Kay said...

Just a quick check in. Keeping busy watching Missy, Bro and my 3 Columbus eaglets. All at the same stage of branching or close to it. A very interesting stage in the life of an eagle ! ☺

Having a couple of bad pain days, but only have another 10 days to go. Yeah !

Can't begin to catch up with you all, but pray for all in need !


Mema Jo said...

Good to have you check in, Kay.
You're day is coming up pretty fast!
Prayers for you!

Mema Jo said...

Safe travels Kathryn, Hunter & Luna!

Mema Jo said...

I am taking a break - going to check out what the heat is by sticking my head out of the door.


Mema Jo said...

Missy is up on branch at 9:00 and Bro
is watching her........

Mema Jo said...

I'm not certain just how long when Missy branches as to when she comes down. I can't confirm that she is still up on that branch - shadow isn't there now. Guess when a food drop comes we'll
know where she is.

Mema Jo said...

Split will be here in 2 more

JudyEddy said...

Just got home for lunch

JudyEddy said...

I got me a eagles feather in the mail and a pretty pretty picture of a swinging bridge THANKS MARGY LOVE the turtle picture tooooo

JudyEddy said...

I see Missy is still out of the nest must go read to see if she has come down I am sure she has just need to read it

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...