Friday, May 25, 2012


Sorry for the delay, been in training class this week.  Dr. Jim Siegel has noticed a few times that one of the eaglets has been hopping up onto a limb out of the nest. 

He is heading over soon to confirm that that is the case this time.

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Has not yet come down -- She has been up or Out of the nest for about 38 min.

JudyEddy said...

we can't tell if she is up the tree because of the sun and shadows I see her now got a video of her coming down now

JudyEddy said...

looks like fish delivery and Bro got it and Poof parent went to the 9 branch

JudyEddy said...

Missy is thinking I dropped down for nothing

Mema Jo said...

FUNNY Belle came in with food - Bro came right over to her. Shadow appeared up at 9
It took Missy a while to Jump (FLOP) down and not land on any of them.

Back to the pic and it looks like Missy has it down and Belle/Shep has gone..

JudyEddy said...

I don't know which parent it was will look at video after I get back from work later I heard the arrival and turned on the cam in time to see her come down

JudyEddy said...

I love how Missy keeps looking at him Ok I need to get back to work will download the video when I get home

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back later today

Take care ♥

Red said...

For those of you who have wondered where I disappeared to, I'm still in rehab with my hip replacement. I had a delay or setback shortly after my surgery. I went to rehab on schedule then two days later caught pneumonia and had to return to the hospital for 5 days. I'm home for a visit today and will be coming home permanant next Saturday. Have missed y'all a lot.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Red. so good to hear from you. We have missed you. Glad to see that things are better for you now.

Costume Lady said...

OMG, sorry to hear of all the problems following your surgery, RED:( Did they stick you in a Nursing Home? Did you mind that? How is your OTHER hip doing...the old, new hip? LOL

Judie said...

Hello in eagle land!

Red! How good to have you stop by. Wondered where you got to. Reassured you are having a "guy" day out. All the best with the remaining rehab time. Please be keep us up-to-date. Good wishes coming your way.

Shirley, so sorry Luna is having eye problems. So troubling. Hope Kathryn and Hunter and Luna have a nice time at Rivah House and that you enjoy some time to yourself.

Jo, do love the new avatar!

Time is near when we will watch our babes leave to begin their own lives. A special time watching the two bobble heads grow up.

Been lazy. Really hot and humid. Grateful for air conditioning. Using Neosporin on Grace's incision (surprise recommendation from vet).

There are a gazillion motorcycles everywhere -- Rolling Thunder. Always very impressive. Have some friends that participate.

My thoughts have been with you all. Wishing Carolyn and Margy and all the 911 people a quiet weekend.


stronghunter said...

Howdy, Judie!

One of my students, a young lady, wrote a prize-winning essay in a POW/MiA contest. She was a great fan of motorcycles and Rolling Thunder. I always think of her when I see the motorcycles on TV.

stronghunter said...

Well, has Missy taken off again? I thought there were two eagles in the nest, but now I see only one.

Hoda said...

Good to see KAY on today and ten more days before can do it KAY. PRAYERS.

RED so sorry to hear that you had to go back to the hospital and yet you sounded well today and this is a good thing...keep healing.

JO what an adorable baby...the avatar is just perfect and I am glad you got to hold him and give him lots of loving.

I have not seen a post from SHARON today and I hope all is well...Thinking of you SHAR HUGS♥

Very good day of Dragon Boating and we had 50 new people who wanted to try the boat and we made 6 trips with those who wanted to try it. We had coffee and muffins and fruit to serve to all the participants and there was some left over. A good time was had by all.

I see Bro is in the nest and JO'S point is very well taken we might not see Missy fledge as she might just do it from the branch...I have to admit I felt disappointed at that thought as I thought they would go from the launching pad...but it is certainly a possibility.

stronghunter said...

I remember Hidey's fledge. It was late at night, and she just disappeared from the nest. We eventually heard from a couple of people who had seen her get blown from the nest on a windy night. She did return later on. That was the day that I first posted on this blog.

Hoda said...

Oh SHIRLEY that would be very dramatic!!! Hidey, I am glad she returned to the nest!!!My heart would stop I would rather think!!!

Hoda said...

Bro wants to be close to missy sleeping hugging nine branch...I just saw Missy's wing, she stretched twice.

Lolly said...

I was wondering if Missy was up to her branch and then saw her wing. Thanks, Missy, for the reassurance!

Home from buying a few grosssseries from the grossssery store. I would be rich if it wasn't for eating!

JO, love the picture! See that he has at least one little ear, and a cute little nose as well as the ten fingers and ten toes. LOL

Yea!!!! Great to hear from RED. Have been wondering about you. Sorry about the trip back to the hospital. Glad you will be home in a week.

Costume Lady said...

Early this morning, we had a cute surprise outside our patio window...Mama coon was carrying her baby, in Mama Cat fashion, down the steps and onto our patio. She continued on around the storage building and the shop. Apparently, she was relocating for some unknown reason. I was awake enough to think to grab the camera and get a few shots. She went back and forth, over a 2 hour period, carrying 4 babies to their new home. It was such a special moment and so glad Gene and I both got to see it!
I have posted 4 or 5 photos on WANDA'S WISHES if you would like to see this furry moving van:)

Hoda said...

Great photos WANDA...I enjoyed how she was carrying them firmly but also with care...I wish them well in their new home.

Hoda said...

I see Missy's wing again on the nine branch...she is still there. Time for her to come down before it gets dark...must be overcast at the nest...

Costume Lady said...

What a sweet moment for MEMA JO, to be able to hold that GGrandson.

If things go the way they are supposed to, I will get to see my newest GGson, Brantley tomorrow, along with his Mama, Rachael and in addition my sweetheart, Jayden:) And, of course, Grandson, Dustin, along with Karla and Donny.

Must charge the batteries in our cameras~

glo said...

Got called into work for half a day. It turned out really well as the newborn of 3 months ago was ready for his 3 mo old photos so i just brought my camera with me. Lets just say boy are they ever expressive at 3 mo. Mom is doing really well has a nice sitter and working hard to get a permanent nice roof over their heads. We are very proud of this woman. Sounds like Missy has been pretty busy today too but may have missed supper hmmm. Wanda Enjoy your visit with all those great grands and I know there will be fresh batteries and lots of great photos.

Hoda said...

Missy again stretches her wing, nine branch

Hoda said...

Bro is at the launch pad.

Lolly said...

Glo, that is so special that you take pictures of the baby. I am sure the mom is very appreciative.

Wanda, loved your coon pics. So cute!

Hoda said...

Bro is back at nine branch.

In flies Shep, Bro goes there and I am not sure if Shep brought food. Missy is still branching... Shep is feeding so there is food.

Hoda said...

Fish for supper it looks large too down comes Missyand she is at launching pad and hops to where the feeding is taking place and awaits her turn...Shep is also eating...

Hoda said...

Missy does not seem to be able to get Shep's attention she hopps to seven and goes to two and back to seven now at five...Bro is being well fed.She has got quite the wing span our Missy, she looks like a real Juvie now...I think JO is right, Wednesday is a good day to fledge...

JudyEddy said...

I posted on FB fan page and on the blog the short video I have of Missy coming down from the 9 branch today One was when Belle arrived with a fist at 3
Missy hops from the 9 branch

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic to hear from you Red. I had begun to worry - thought you were on a vacation climbing mountains. Prayers that those lungs keep up with you! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda you got some very "Wild & Wonderful" pic of the Momma coon and kids. They were pretty good sized kids.

Hoping your get together with family will be full of love and giggles!

Glo you are right that it is amazing how an infant changes and what they pick up in a few months..

wvgal_dana said...

I started my holiday by taking Mother to a special place for breakfast so was up early.

I got home about 45 minutes ago.

Went other places with Mother.

Then by myself to Swinging Bridge. A car that had to kayak holders. They must have been down stream. Another vehicle but no one swimming.
More on to my "favorite spot" DeHaven's Deep Water". Where we use to car the car into the water and wash it then pull on across creek and picnic and swim. People in the water there. I yelled to the kids, "they got excited because someone was talking to them. They laugh and said they love the water it felt so good". That is my favorite spot. Seen a heron, squirrel, many birds, cat crossing road, and a ground hog. All seen from the comfort of the car.
Got to see people there I haven't see in years. Relatives of my 2nd husband. We all hugged and talked and talked. I so enjoyed my day.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo it is wonderful to hear "success" stories. Since so many go back. Thank the Lord she is getting it together. Prayers for her. :)

Mema Jo said...

FB Sharon is up at Clayter Lake with the family.

JudyEddy said...

dern it turned around and she went back up I see wing tips

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Wanda to the "moving of the babies"...Loved Mother Coon. :)

wvgal_dana said...

I put two pic in album Missy branching and Bro getting air.

Hoda said...

She does like that perch JUDYE it seems like...nothing is left from the fish...

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I just love the upside down picture I am going to scan it into my puter Are you going to put on the blog the pictures????? I want to share on facebook I just love it

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda that is really neat taking the new people out in the Dragon Boat. I am sure they just loved it!!

wvgal_dana said...

Red I think we were all thinking something must be wrong since we did not hear anything. Sorry you caught pneumonia just after getting into rehab. VERY GLAD they got it cleared up :) Happy Happy :)
Nice to have a day at home. Then go back finish rehab and be home for sure !! :) We've missed you very much.!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I am enjoying your new avatar. :)

JudyEddy said...

I just saw somthing fly from the 9 to the 12 branch I wonder if it was her?????????????????????????????????

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I seen the same thing....I just saw wings is all.....all wings!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I was seeing things.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE was you still recording it?

wvgal_dana said...

Gene drive to the tree and let us know where Missy is "pretty please".

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley prayers for Luna's eye.

Hoda said...

Missed that JUDYE, I am watching Bro who does not seem too steady on his talons and he looks like he could tumble out of the thest at any moment now!!!I hope not, there are moments where I worry about him and think it unwarranted though...

wvgal_dana said...

I was thinking would it be dark by the time I drove to the nest. Then I thought well it really would be for myself cause most would believe what I would come home and comment about. So I think I will just stay here and rest.

wvgal_dana said...

I was suppose to be "most would not believe what I would come home and comment about".

wvgal_dana said...

I ♥ this group :)

Hoda said...

No Missy is still on nine branch...I just saw her wing...she did not fly back as I have been watching closely, so it is not her wings that you saw going to twelve branch JUDYE.

Hoda said...

In comes Missy hopped in from number nine branch...

Mema Jo said...

WOWSER That sure is a Head's Up
Missy almost landed head first!

wvgal_dana said...

Well there Missy lands in nest. From where the limb a different branch or where I do not know. That is my story and I'm sticking to it lol

Hoda said...

I think perhaps our girl is hungry??? Shep did feed her some too and there was some self feeding earlier on so I think she is alright she is picking on nest left overs.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi a "special angel" was watching over you when you was driving your Mother's car. So glad the moving is coming along so well.

Hoda said...

I saw that JO it was funny, to see her with her head down...too much excitement she is having...

Mema Jo said...

Goodness Dana - any of the locals that drove to the nest and come back to report what they saw would be believable! But you have had a busy day
and already gave us a good report
on Swinging Bridge...

Mema Jo said...

I think for now we can tell BRO by the downy white feather on his back..

Hoda said...

Hop she goes again and flaps her wings from up on nine branch too!!! OH MY!!!

Hoda said...

I wonder if she is thinking she will sleep up there tonight???
I see her wing spread first and then a tiny portion at the edge of the screen...gone now

JudyEddy said...

I was recording and the phone rang and guess what I got it on cam year The thing is 13min and its just on the very end so I will have to trim it and the phone conversation oh well Ok gonna go trim it now and post upload to youtube

OH DANA I was in the shower when you called NO I was not recording when I saw someone fly must have been a parent I guess OK BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

that last comment should have been I had the cam on and got it YEAH not year I have trimmed it and now uploading to youtube

Mema Jo said...

Well, if Missy is sleeping up on the 9 branch -that is ok BUT if she isn't, she best come down into the nest before the night light comes on.

Taking a break...... BBILW

JudyEddy said...

YES JO we always told our kids make sure they were in before the streets lights came on The same applies to the eagles Missy you better listen to MemaJO

JudyEddy said...

I think LILBRO likes all the room in the nest the way he is spread out

T-Bird said...

How long has Missy been on the branch?

Hoda said...

I saw Missy's wing..
In she comes into the nest...

wvgal_dana said...

I thought 911 was going to get a phone call while I was pumping gas today in Berkeley County. This couple on a motorcycle drove up. The girl stayed on the back of the bike while the guy went to use the bathroom. The guy pumping gas beside me. Stopped pumping an actually went over flirting with this girl. y She told him, "go back to pumping your gas and leave me alone". The guy proceeded to try charming her. She was having nothing to do with it but she didn't want to leave the bike. I had my cell phone ready in case she needed help. Then I seen the guy that drove the bike in walking towards them. I said Lord don't let a fight break out here please. I heard the girl tell him about the guy standing there. The nice looking clean cut guy that drove the bike. Just told him, "Look guy she doesn't want you bothering her and I would like you to leave us alone". I could hear the two men going at it a little back and forth. Finally the guy driving the bike just pulled off. The idoit walked back over by me where he had been pumping. I finished and left fast. Boy you just don't know what people are going to do these days. Glad those two got out of there safely cause that man wasn't moving away from that girl. grrr on him

JudyEddy said...

7:32 is when she went up Buts she is down now She heard Mema JO LOL

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on just in time MISSY

T-Bird said...


JudyEddy said...

I love the glo of the nest this time of the day soooo pretty

stronghunter said...

Well, there she is!! Missy is home.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo glad you told Missy to get her butt down here...funny the light came on. lol

T-Bird said...

Someone looks a little tired. : )

Hoda said...

I think Thelma it has varried in length of time today...from one hour, once two and a bit hours, and just now a bit over half an hour...

NatureNut said...

Happy Holiday Weekend! Praise and Prayers for all our military, past and present.

I sure hope peaglets are all tucked in for the night!! They really pigged out to get so big. I remember 2 years ago when we visited nest on 6-12 and Hidey was still there. Think he branched in a couple days.

Worked at Chelsea for a few hours~~no real wildlife except goose family which now has 4 goslings :>( .
This PM, had a peeping squirrel in the dining room window!! Went out w/more peanuts!

Hoda said...

I keep losing the live cam!!!

Costume Lady said...

On the subject of Mama coon and baby...I'm hoping the Trail Cam picked up the action of the two of them coming out of the woods! Will see tomorrow:) It was so special to see them wobbling down the steps and across the patio~

Saying good night now in case I fall asleep...I'm very tired, outdoors too much today...heat was stiffling!

Lynne2 said...

CAROLYN JUST POSTED THIS ON FB, and asked me to let you all know....

Taking Jess on in to the ER. Her hand is red, swollen and cant move her finger. Ought to be a nice bill with no insurance. Damn!!!!!!!

magpie said...

I was losing the cam all day at work, realized I could not afford to lose my MIND so I just turned that program off completely

Good Evening Eagle Pals....

sounds like some nice activities amongst us today

So Glad to See Red Pop in ! Hope the recovery progresses along now with no bumps in the road

magpie said...

Now JudyE ! You should explain that the Eagle Feather that I sent was...

yes, you may do as you with the scanning and posting, I'll get some pictures up one of these days.

Good, Swinging Bridge, DanaWV, hope you saw some Cedar Waxwings as I did last week

magpie said...

Well, that certainly is not good news, Lynne...thanks for letting us know....hope the ER is not overly busy...Saturday night, just could be.

Prayers on that one...

magpie said...

Wonder if it's bug bite or something...and I don't mean Spider!
Heaven Forbid....

Lynne2 said...

I sure hope it's not Margy....I'll let you know when she makes a follow up post. Sounds like the bit got infected.

Lynne2 said...

No she got bitten yesterday by her friend's dog.

magpie said...

Thanks Lynne,
I'm gonna hop in one of the three tubby/showers here and I'll check back in a little while

GREAT picture on your avatar, Jo !

Hope Luna is doing okay, Shirley

kind of too tired to add any more posts right now....


magpie said...

oh, did not know that....don't exactly like the sound of that...thanks again Lynne...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynne - Prayers going up.

Lolly said...

Spent a pleasant evening outside...walking around, plucking a weed here and there, turning sprinkers on and enjoying the rewards of our efforts.

Now having popcorn and a G & T!

Think I am going to read a while.

Saw that on fb about the dog bite. Yesterday when she said it was swollen, I thought that did not sound good. Prayers that they have a good antibiotic.

Lolly said...

Spent a pleasant evening outside...walking around, plucking a weed here and there, turning sprinkers on and enjoying the rewards of our efforts.

Now having popcorn and a G & T!

Think I am going to read a while.

Saw that on fb about the dog bite. Yesterday when she said it was swollen, I thought that did not sound good. Prayers that they have a good antibiotic.

Jewels said...

Thanks Lynne for posting. I could not while on the road. Yes, Jess was bit by her best friends dog. It doesn't look good but I don't think its serious serious. I pray not. Do not like being this er I mean. It had forever changed my look on this er. Just not good memories if you know what I mean. Ugh... Wil update when I can.

Hoda said...

Thanks JEWELs for posting...yes the ER rather is a tough place to be I can understand that. Keep us posted please.

Mema Jo said...

You're a good girl, Missy! At least our minds will be at ease until tomorrow

Hoping Jess' hand is just infected and that an antibiotic will do the trick.
It is very emotional for Carolyn being
at that ER - too many unpleasant memories. Hope it is a quick visit.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Jess's hand is ok...eve3ryone here watching a movie

Caught an eel thios eve but no other fish

Having crabs tomorrow

Had fun today...swam and layed on the beach

Cath ya'll tomorrow

Glad Red is on the mend

magpie said...

We have you and Jess encircled with Love and Momster Prayers, me if you need anything...(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

G'night Paula,
sounds wonderful...

Good Beach weather.
And Good Claytor Lake Weather for Sharon I hope, sure is some kind of BEACH here :)

Mema Jo said...

I think that all my traveling yesterday made me a lazy bum all day today.
And I am ready to hit the pillows.

Going over to FB - will probably see Carolyn for a while.

Good night & God Bless
Prayers for all in need...
Here is my new love of my life...

** (((Lynn))) ***
Carolyn & Jess Christie ♥

Lolly said...

Heading to shower and then to bed. Enjoyed reading for a while. Interesting book and it makes me think of all of you. Will explain later.

Nite all! SED!!!!

magpie said...

I see that new picture of Vincent Jo..I'll say Classic!

Good Night Precious Pals, at least for now

Long day, long week....

Prayers for Wellness and Healing Amongst Us....
Families, Friends, and Pets

God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One

Jewels said...

Ok we are out. Xray cleared ny broken bone or tooth left in. tetnus, and two antibiotics. Circled redness to see if it enlargens or gets smaller. Thank u for prayers and love my family!!! Love you all!

Hoda said...

MARGY I found an App on my iphone that shows me the Night sky in my area with all the planets and it has a compass on it...very exciting indeed...

Hoda said...

Good news JEWELS...Glad you ar eout of there and it sounds like you are satisfied with the treatment JESSE received...

Hoda said...

Good night.


magpie said...

Okay Jewels and Jess...Let the Healing Begin...
Good Night,Hope Sleep is Especially Sweet......

xo Good Night, Every One...

Kay said...

Up for my mid-night meds--feel like screaming, but it wouldn't do any good. Great time to catch up with Saturday posts.

JEWELS, what a relief to get to your last post---tension was building as I read of your trip to ER with Jess. Hoping the treatment given will do the trick. Dog bites are nasty things ! Can understand what going to that particular ER meant for you. ♥

LOLLY, I've missed soooo much over the last couple of weeks. So tell me dear, what does SED stand for ?

JO, what a doll Vincent is ! I envy you, WANDA and anyone with great grands. Don't think I'll live to see the day and I love babies more than anything !

MARGY, I'm glad you're using that priceless Memorial Day pic of the Kidster ! How precious !

Sure wish we could see more of our Sycamore Palace ala the way NBG can scan a large area. It's a joy when you can see eaglets graduate to each new step. However, this has been a joyous year for us with Missy and Bro looking so healthy, getting along with each other so well and with Shep stepping up to the plate with his first offspring. It's going to make watching him and Belle so much more enjoyable as time goes on !

Missing my dear LORI and DANAMO. Hope they are just out making the most of this summer kick off weekend.

Love you all. May God's richest blessings abide upon you. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

T-Bird said...

I suppose one is up yet but good morning any way. Harry got me up way too early and I can't go back to sleep yet.

T-Bird said...

Our eagles look extra fine this morning. I hope they will be okay taking their first flight soon.

T-Bird said...

I'm always a little scared around this time.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds just turned on the screen to see Missy go to the 9 branch and Lil Bro I wonder if he will make the leap today toooo

JudyEddy said...

looks like he want to go up

T-Bird said...

It sure does look like it JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

Almost looks like the nest is empty when he hides behind the 6 branch

JudyEddy said...

I do have three video from yesterday that Iput on the nest blog and on FB of Missy on and off the branch I didn't have my delay pushed on the coffee pot now to go get a cup it just got done

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if LORI has any activity of the vultures so far
I was just looking at the chick pictures from last year

T-Bird said...

I didn't see the leap up but I know it sure looked like a fledge day. I sure wish I hadn't looked away.

T-Bird said...

I don't see the shadow.

JudyEddy said...

LIL Bro is still hiding behind the 6 branch in the nest he blends in with it every now and then you can see movenemt just above the branch s

JudyEddy said...

The shadows aren't as dark now I just saw a white feather float down from 9

T-Bird said...

Okay, I feather just flew. She's up there.

T-Bird said...

...a feather I mean.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning To All Eagle People.

I see Jewels posted nothing broken and no doggie tooth left in. I pray Jess's healing started last night and heals fast.

I see bro at launch pad and I guess Missy up that tree limb.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay I feel so badly you were up for pain meds. I am counting the days with you and keeping you in prayer.

JudyEddy said...

Now I am caught up KAY SED is Sweet Eagle Dreams I think HODA said it was from the forum not for sure So not much longer and we hope you can get releif of the pain

JudyEddy said...

YOU can see the shadow move now

JudyEddy said...

I just saw the tip of the wing

JudyEddy said...

What is that I hear at the nest geese?????? continuous it seems

JudyEddy said...

LIL Bro is out of hiding

JudyEddy said...

Big hop by Lil Bro and he goes to the bottom of the 8 branch and bac and forth from one side of the nest to the other

Sandi said...

Hi all, just checking in from my sister's again. Not even going to try to catch up but I see a nest with only 1 eaglet in it.

Yesterday was spent getting the last boxes packed up and moved at Mom's old place and the refrigerator cleaned out. That house is D-O-N-E!!!! We have gotten about 95% of the boxes unpacked at the new place.

The Comcast guy came and got the internet and cable TV set up and the tub-to-shower guy came and started on the shower conversion.

Hope all is well with everyone! HAGD my eagle friends!

JudyEddy said...

that was to be 9 branch finger oops

JudyEddy said...

wow he is going bonkers

wvgal_dana said...

I also see Missy's shadow as Bro jumps around nest hopping and flapping his wings.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi it sure sounds like you won't have to be going back to your Mother's old house to do anything. Do you?

JudyEddy said...

Shep is in and Missy is down and he poofs

JudyEddy said...

It looked like Shep and Missy landed in the nest at the same time

JudyEddy said...

I was recording and now will have to head to work will upload later

wvgal_dana said...

I added two pictures to album.

wvgal_dana said...

Did Shep bring any food in anyone?

wvgal_dana said...

Missy is acting like she is eating something and Bro just went and pulled a stringy piece away from her. I am not sure if it was leftover or not though.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE hope you day at work is a good one.

wvgal_dana said...

Whatever Missy is eating is small. Bro tried to get a piece and they each had ahold of it. Bro is at 6 branch watching her picking at it. Still trying to get a little piece. I think he just got a tiny piece of the small whatever she has.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I read your post at 10:51pm hee hee did you have 1 or 2 G & T with popcorn. lol just kidding due to double post :)

wvgal_dana said...

oops make that 10:21pm

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning Eagle Pals...

As Lynn would say: You are Whirling Dervish !! Awesome, what you and the Family have accomplished these last few weeks...BRAVO !

Getting a running start here..

Best Wishes for a Wonderful Day...
Hope that Wellness, Swells and that those in pain and discomfort start to feel better, Pronto !

xoxox ttfn

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Margy :)

Where are you at?

wvgal_dana said...

Need to leave for church. Might be back then again might be tonight.

Hope everyone has a good day.

glo said...

Stopped in quickly to say Hi and check on the nesters and their fans ;-). I see Missy has made her presence known in a very heads up way. It won't be long now for this pair to find their 'real wings of flight".

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see one eaglet on the nest and a shadow of another eaglet that is sitting above the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I see Shep and 1 eaglet in the nest. Shep is eating and Bro (I guess) isn't paying any attention to him

Mema Jo said...

From a shadow I just saw up on the 9 branch - maybe Missy will come down for food.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Missy plopped down for food

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We just saw an eagle do a poop shoot while flying over the lake. Looked like a crop duster.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Sharon - how cool is that! ♥ Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - is your day quiet with Kathryn and Hunter and Luna away?

DanaMO and family on FB are having a
great time at the water.

Not sure about Lori - wishing we would hear from her. 97.1 was great when we
traveled to the beach - didn't fade out once.

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Crop duster....LOL!


This was seen on another blog, I liked it and adopted it!

Shhhh! Do not tell anyone (I am feeling guilty) but I played hookie from church this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Did you sleep your time away? I felt guilty for not going also - I was so tired yesterday - all that riding did me in.

Mema Jo said...

Bro is all alone in nest again
Missy only comes down to get fed
It won't be long before she goes to
Fishing School!

Lolly said...

I see Bro alone in the nest, but standing near Missy, who is undoubtably on that stump or branch.

Jo, love the picture of you holding your new ggs. That is so awesome! I only hope I am still around and able to hold my grandson's children. On mother's 90th birthday she got to hold Zach, who was 2 1/2 months old. She was so excited!

Lolly said...

No, Jo, I got my 8 hours sleep and woke up. I just did not feel like dressing for church. Our minister is not there...I guess when the cat's away.....!!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

The youngest ggs will turn 2 this year. Two years is too long to go without holding a newborn.

Jenny is here - going to take a break and visit with her.


Lolly said...

CAROLYN, so sorry about your unpleasant trip to the ER, but so glad you got that hand taken care of. Hoping she mends fast!!

Lolly said...

Jo, (I know you are gone right now) I think you and I feel the same way. Holding a new born is so very special. They smell so sweet.

Lolly said...

I am now off to start my day. Going to do a little house cleaning and then going to make some Best Hot Fudge Sauce Ever!! I think my boys would like that on ice cream today!

Mema Jo said...

Missy is up on 9 branch flapping and flapping away! I see the shadow
Bro is looking up at her

Lolly said...

Do not know what that is in the middle of the nest but it resembles two tiny eggs in an egg cup. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Bro has come down to 6

No shadow of wings up on 9

movin said...




I see the young eaglet beating his wings convincingly, and then I see the shadow of his big sister doing the same thing more confidently just above him on the branch at 9 o'clock. They must be getting fairly close to fledging. How old are they now??

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim - Missy is just 3 days shy of 11 weeks
Bro is 4 days shy of 11 weeks

Won't be much longer.

movin said...

I believe BWO is feeding the chicks now.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo.
About another week, week and a half maybe for the younger one.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Sounds right - Then we'll wait to see if they return so that we know they made it ok. You know the statistics on
successful fledging.

movin said...

They're feeding at the WE nest right now, and the littlest one, which was about half the size of the second one less than a week ago, and which had practically no feathers yet, is nearly the size of and has nearly as many feathers as his brother now. It's spooky.

It also looks as though they have more fish available at the moment. Dr. Sharpe was saying the food fish supply had been down this season earlier.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Hoda said...

Happy Memorial Day, in remebering those who have gotten their big promotion...much love and Light

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

Beautiful day here and there is a bit of a breeze.

30 more sleeps

KAY so very glad you chimed in and sorry for wanting to scream...not much longer now hang in there...HUGS♥

Is LORI travelling to go see her MOM??? I have not seen a post to that effect but am wondering as she is silent.

SANDI way to go for the amount of work you are doing to move your MOM...BLESSINGS and HUGS♥

Glad LOLLY set the record straight as to SED...I copied from her.
Sweet expression.

Keep enjoying the lake SHAR...exciting to see the eagle poop shoot or not.

movin said...

The statistics on fledging might not be as good as the apparent 100% we've had at the Sheptown nest, Mema Jo.

I can't think of one that hasn't returned to the nest ... usually a bunch of times. CAn you?

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

Back to the WE nest. The good Dr. Sharpe must have been there and banded the chicks, but I see he didn't put the wing markers on the littlest one. I wonder if he's going back in a week or two.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi everyone been speed reading through...on our way to friend Dave and Wendy's for BBQ and some of the Walleye the boys caught on the fishing trip!

It's hotter than a two dollar pistol out there. UGH.

Have a good day all!

Hey, haven't seen Diann check in in quite a while, and there's been no activity on her FB book for a couple of weeks.....

stronghunter said...

Pretty quiet here, Jo. Will and I have set up the canopy in the back yard. Actually, Will did most of the work. Wow, it is hot out there.

A good bit of noise out of Lucky. He is hollering at the top of the steps. He misses Kathryn. Sounds almost like a baby crying. (He is Kathryn's kitty.)

JudyEddy said...

Missy is on the 9 branch making all kinds of noises chirps odd LilBro keeps looking up

Lolly said...

Eaglet was making some noise. I think Bro is really jealous of Missy's perch. Just saw her wing stretch out and he is watching her.

Laurel and boys should be here soon. They want to drag out the Slip & Slide!

NatureNut said...

Happy Holiday Sunday to Everyone.
Been watching "single chick nest" for awhile. Just heard a small clunk on the mic. Must be from Missy above.Now is when we need a remote control cam or road spotters!
Jo, I love your GS picture!!Adorable!
Been out playing w/plants. Had to dead head some & everybody got water again! I never saw a petunia wilt before! Had to trim some of the dead looking twigs on azaleas and the lilac is taking over the whole front!!!
Gotta do some other stuff~~
BBL ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I am so glad you heard her too squealing the way she was Maybe she is telling him to come on up He should be able to do it also now ya think????

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA you heard a clunk maybe its one of the parents and that is what all the squealing was I see her wing every once in a while she is still on 9

JudyEddy said...

I just saw her wing again

JudyEddy said...

Did ya alll notice how green the tree and the vines are around the nest Its almost getting to where you can't see the ground

JudyEddy said...

Its that time again for me to head back to work

NatureNut said...

Just saw a wingtip at about 11 o'clock!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have a 100% success rate for our fledglings returning to the nest.

NatureNut said...

Two in the nest!! Calmness returns! LOL ☺

Jewels said...

Good late afternoon. Hope everyone having these high temps that we are, are staying cool!! I have slept my day away pretty much. Felt good to sleep, but it sure did not help my back!! Ouch!! Jessica's hand is already looking better. She had a Grandma moment at the hospital that she told me about on the way home!! She said she did not believe in that sort of thing either till then. We were up the registering desk where they take your ins info. She felt a breeze come thru. She looked all around and noone was there, noone walked by her. Then she said she had a image of Grandma there with her arm around her. What a awwwwe moment!!!! I so love MOM!!!

NatureNut said...

Wow, Carolyn!! That is an amazing story. So glad Jessica's hand is getting better.
Blessings on your family and to ♥♥Lynn♥♥.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! I disappeared for four hrs. It's not hard to do if you find a good movie
and sit in a comfy recliner.

I see both eaglets in the nest - Did anyone see food come in? That is usually the reason that Missy is there.

We have had 100% successful fledges. It must have something to do with the
Sycamore Palace! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I'll confess - Maybe your mom was making the rounds yesterday - on my
left arm it was like someone touched me I mean really pushed up against me! I know who it was and don't you think I don't! I am glad Jess felt her grandmother's presence.

With that said, Ed and I are going out and about and find us a Memorial Day hamburger! To hot for me out there - I'll eat inside - I just might have a bacon cheeseburger in honor of a special friend. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Franchitti has won the Indianapolis for the third time. Were you watching

See you all later.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Carolyn Jess had Lynn right there with her ^j^ Angels Amongst Us. ^j^

JudyEddy said...

Home from lunch and I see Missy is still up a tree and poor bro is all alone

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...