Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Fresh thread.


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CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...

From the old thread:

Funny (now) about the booklets - When I started printing the first one to see how it looked I clicked print and went to do something else. It seemed to be printing a long time, so went to check on it and there was a glitch somewhere and it was printing 123 pages of strange little marks. Opps!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. Have hollered for the others.

Hoda, the truth is this has been a particularly challenging group. Consequently, the exam is difficult and I hope some of them suffer. Sorry. Teachers are human, too.

Lolly, yes, we have adopted Audrey and Grace. then click on show all cats/animals then click on list all animals. Scroll down to see Audrey's web page and Grace's web page. They are very sweet, gentle, playful, and in heat.

I do hope when Red returns he will forgive my memory lapse. Wishing quick healing and a quick return to biscuits and gravy.

Jo, enjoy some nice fresh air and sunshine. As for not getting a copy of the recipe book, I'm not giving mine up - so there!

Hi Margy. Hope work is quiet today. Say hi to Carolyn if you see her.


Lolly said...

Thanks for the new thread and thanks for the call over. I am off to mow. No problem, I can ride a mower just fine. The lines may be a bit wavy. LOL

Later Gators!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - you should wear a Mask to keep the allergies out of your nose - I can see you now "The Mad Masked Lawn Repairer" I wish I had a picture -well I do in my mind so I am laughing out loud! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Steve you always take care of our needs - New Thread is greatly appreciated. Steve, Chelsea was a very good representative of NCTC to be with our group on Saturday! We really loved having the large scope at the site. Please accept our compliments for her.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and thanks for the call over JUDIE

Its another nice cool day after the cold front was about 56 last nite had windows open BRRR

Remember I mentioned Benny waking me up in morning before alarms go off well I closed the door last nite and the nite before and not let them in Well Benny tore up a rug that I had in front of my door trying to dig his way in Won't do that again thank goodness it wasn't the carpet and just the rug

I've been busy sewing I made Jordyns baby doll bed a mattress, mattress pad, sheet and blanket out of her old blanket and mattresspad Turned out pretty good now I just have one more bed
to do Its a cradle rocker

JudyEddy said...

I also have a new 2"scratch on my big toe and foot from them running super fast and didn't know I was coming out of bath room when they were running from the bedroom to the kitchen via the living room That is another reason I wanted the door closed at nite because of the running around like banshee's

Hoda said...

Good project day at your place JUDYE. Sorry about the rug.

Busy day here with three back to back activities. Yoga is included in there too thank God.

Talk to you all later...
I hope the day brings healingand gratitude.


movin said...


Good Morning, Everyone.


We are overcast now in So Cal,
but there's rain coming this afternoon and tonight.

Take a look at the PH nest. The young chick is in the open now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good good morning Sharon - Love your new do. Be sure at the end of May you get it trimmed just like now so that you will be the Beautiful Mother of the Groom that you are! ♥

Judy - Bennie and Jet are taking over your house I can tell. The bedding you did for the doll's bed looks great. I saw it over on FB. Hope you are enjoying you vacation days.

Costume Lady said...

I just LOVE our gift from CAROLANNE. I was going to try to bind it myself...but afraid I will mess it up...Didn't know Office Max did binding. What do they charge for that...anyone know?

I also love my decorative bird house...putting it on my deck as a centerpiece on the table (protected there) Don't know who donated it, probably LORI.
Also, want to donate my $100 prize (from KAY) to a local charity...haven't decided which. I'm leaning toward abused children
Safe House. First thought was our Soup Kitchen, but thought that was a bit selfish. ABUSED CHILDREN ASSN. has an article in today's paper. I can get more ifo from that~

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Judie and CarolAnne for the call over! So, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, is it? I surely wouldn't know! For me, it's another day of state testing ALL day long!!!

Judie, congrats on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this semester!! I'm envious!

Haven't heard anything from Lynn or Kay today - praying they are having a good day!

Mema Jo said...

It is a bit difficult to tell our eaglets apart when they are both sitting with their back ends towards the cam. I do love those 2 and I am very happy with our 2012 season! ♥

Taking a break....

magpie said...

Thh baby eagles, yeah right, Baby...!

make me think it would feel like chenille, their feathers and coats....
soft and fuzzy

magpie said...

So seriously hoping that folks are okay here and there, in all our Eagle Corners.

Back to what I was doing...


stronghunter said...

Wanda, a loose-leaf notebook will work for the cookbook. If you put the pages into plastic sleeves, they will stay a lot cleaner. I sometimes have a problem with dropping ingredients on pages in my cookbooks.

magpie said...

I should have bought stock in plastic sheet protectors and zip lock bags years ago....rely on them heavily for many things...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Hoping you are having a good day.

Judie thanks for the call over.

Been sleeping on and off from the new medicine. Doctor took me out of the pool excersiing for awhile.

I think Office Max will do a great job and not charge a lot Wanda.

Nice thought Wanda about the $100.00.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Please pray for our dear Lynn. She is on her way to the hospital after having passed out. Carolyn will update us as soon as she can. :(

CarolAnne said...

I am thinking there is more going on with Lynn's health than just the cancer treatment. I pray that they keep her until they find a definite solution.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie tried checked out the website. Can not find the two cats you have unless I'm doing something wrong.

Prayers that Red's hip surgery goes as well as the other did.

Watch out for those frosty mornings.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

CarolAnne, you've got mail.

Lolly said...

Yard is finished and I am bathed and shampooed and I survived!!!!

OH, dear...definitely prayers for Lynn. Not good....!!!

Lolly said...

WANDA, it was just a little over $4 for me to have my cookbook spiral bound with sheet of plastic front and back. I had mine done at Office Depot but I am sure Office Max would do it as well.

DanaMo said...

It's been that kind of week already...Sorry I haven't been around, haven't even been lurking. :(

Lolly said...

I feel a nap sneaking up on me.....

CarolAnne said...

Sharon - have read it and replied.

CarolAnne said...

Speaking of mail: KAY - I was hoping that inclusion would make you smile"

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Lynn

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - prayers

Lori O. said...

Prayers for LYNN. Hope you're feeling much better, very, very soon. Stay there if they want you to.

Mema Jo said...

FYI Sharon 3:30 pm comment
Please pray for our dear Lynn. She is on her way to the hospital after having passed out. Carolyn will update us as soon as she can. Caro was with her. 3:06 p.m. She is being directly admitted to oncology.

Prayers Prayers Prayers

Kay said...

Tears are flowing and I'm praying for our dear LYNN. I hope it turns out that she is just a bit dehydrated and/or that she overdid a bit this past weekend. God bless and comfort her, Caro, Christie, the SIL's and grands. This is traumatic for all.

JO, here's hoping you've fully recovered from the Pretend Open House. You and the whole committee did an outstanding job and I'm grateful to you all for sharing the joy with we stay at homes !

Kay said...

Prayers for RED. Hoping this 2nd hip replacement goes as well as the 1st. That will mean he's back at the cafe for biscuits and gravy in about 2 weeks !

Lots o' praying to do. Adding Kathryn, LOLLY and Annie to my list.

LOLLY, have you ever tried a Neti Pot ? Mine works great for clearing up sinus infections, pronto !

CarolAnne said...

My prayer for Lynn:

Dear God,
Our worries are in Your hands.
We ask that You restore Lynn to health again.
Allow us the grace to acknowledge Your will and help us to understand.

CarolAnne said...

Hoping we hear sometime this week how Red is doing. Those of you with recipe booklets, be sure and look at ALL of his contributions. Such a sense of humor.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my, I came on at just the wrong/right time. So glad Carolyn was with LYNN when she passed out and glad she was taken directly to the hospital It just pains my soul to read this news.

Thanks, JO, for the update and will keep watching this evening for the GOOD news that LYNN is getting the care she needs.

Mema Jo said...

Just got off the phone with Margy who is off work and has been in touch with Carolyn. Lynn's daughters are with her. Lynn is going to have a CT of the brain area - Lynn is in grave condition so please krrp praying for her - that is all that can be done by us at this time. We can't speculate in any way and Sharon or Margy will get information to us.

WV sUSAn said...

On a happy note, I just want to say how wonderful it was to see "new" faces this past weekend and particularly, how refreshing it was to meet the kids and grands who accompanied the group.

Every one of them was such a delight... so bright and helpful, absolutely engaging. We are always proud of our "own" and I was also so proud of the impressive job our nest family is doing with the next generation.

Everybody reach around and give yourself a big pat on the back because you surely deserve it :-)

PS -- Sorry to be so long here but I had a mush moment and wanted to share. xoxo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((HUGS))))) to everyone and I love you so!

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks JO!

CarolAnne - thank you, dear, for all the work you did on the recipe book. I looked through and have a bunch I'm so excited to try. Everybody loved it!

WV sUSAn said...

Yes, HUGS to Sharon and all. Sweet, sweet Lynn.

CarolAnne said...

WV Susan - I think one of the get togethers should be a potluck & everyone bring their favorite recipe. LOL

Glad it was liked. Lots of diversity in it,and I had fun trying to find pics to go with the recipes. Hope I didn't offend anyone!!

WV sUSAn said...

CarolAnne, it was GREAT! Also, the idea of the pot luck is a fabulous idea. We would have a feast fit for the family of the Sycamore Palace!!

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Our Lovely Lady Lynn has left us to
Shine in Glory above

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Love you all with my whole heart!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((HUGS)))) to everyone! :*(***

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Grace and dignity--our precious Lynn. My heart is breaking!

CarolAnne said...

She has received the utmost reward and no longer suffers.

Prayers now for her family and friends.

Though I cannot yet comprehend it.

Prolonged hugs to everyone.

WV sUSAn said...

Ohhhhh tears here... Lynn is at rest. Thoughts now go to Carolyn and Christy and all. So glad we had this weekend. Every precious moment.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No words can express how grateful I am to have had this past weekend with Hedgie! What a blessing she has been to me in my life!

Judie said...

With the deepest sadness I say farewell to Lynn, one of the nicest and kindest ladies I have ever known. Sympathy is offered to Carolyn and Christie and all of Lynn's family. She is soaring with the eagles.

glo said...

I am sad. very sad. Nuff said. I loved her and she knew it. For that I am glad.

Lori O. said...

You're so right, Sharon.
What a blessing to have
had the weekend with Lynn,
and have had her want to
spend it with us.

Special prayers of comfort
for Christi and Carolyn
and all the Momster family.
Big Hugs for everyone.

Kay said...

Our hearts are breaking, but yes, our precious Lynn has received the ultimate promotion. She was determined to be in on the joy of last weekend, but is now free to soar with the wings of an angel.

For Lynn, our dear angel..

Butterflies and Eagles

Quite often, my faith is like
Delicate butterfly wings,
I hover close to the ground,
Too afraid of higher things.

Oh, how I wish my faith were
Like an eagle's wings on high !
So strong, sure and capable,
Never faltering in flight.

Well, my faith may be fragile,
But the Lord can do all things,
For He is the wind beneath,
Butterfly, eagle and angel wings.

(Steven Michael Schumacher, poet)

Mema Jo said...

I loved our Special Lady - I referred to her as my Best Friend Forever - I think Lynn picked her time to leave - No more will she have weakness or pain.
God is Good and he has selected our Lady Lynn aka Hedgie to come home! Each time I look to the skies - I'll know she is soaring with the best! ♥

CarolAnne said...

Watch for those pennies on the ground - they will be sent by our angel, Lynn, to let you know she is thinking of you.

floralgirl said...

Just heartbreaking news, hugs to all.
So glad Lynn got to spend time with all her eagle family this past weekend :)
RIP dear sweet Lynn

WV sUSAn said...

JO, I contacted Susan M in the UK and she is calling Chrissy. The Loch of the Lowes' Villagers send their condolences and prayers to all. Chrissy had shared Lynn with Susan M so she knew the sadness and loss. :-(

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Susan I also sent an email to Chrissy but that will be a much more personal way to contact her. Thanks again..♥

wvgal_dana said...

My heart just breaks with tears for all of us that loved that beautiful and wonderful lady Lynn/e-Hedgie.
It was so good to have shared a friendship with her. She wanted the suffering to end and she was given that special GIFT to be with the Angels. She was an angel herself even here on earth. I am glad we had the weekend together for hugs and talk. I ache for Carolyn, Christie and the rest of the family and other friends. She will be missed so much.^j^ ^j^

Sandi said...

Just got home from school, checked my email, and there was one from Jo. When I read it, I thought I must not be understanding something. I am beyond speechless! I feel so blessed to have met Lynn in person this past weekend, but just cannot wrap my head around the fact that she is gone!! She was the very first person on the blog to reach out to me via email when I joined the blog. It was immediately obvious that she was a wonderful, caring, giving lady.

I will pray for Carolyn and Christie and their families to find the strength they need to get through this difficult time. I will also pray for those on the blog who have known and loved Lynn for a long time, and who must be truly heartbroken right now.

Linda said...

I'm speechless..........

To think just a few days ago we all kissed and hugged Lynn, knowing it would be our last, yet still hoping a miracle was yet to come for her.

Oh, how I loved Lynn and I am deeply saddened for our loss, yet feel a HUGE sense of JOY that Lynn will not suffer to a bitter end.

I know where she is now and I am absolutely positive she held out for our gathering.

God Bless Her Soul as she sees the face of Jesus!

Praying for Carolyn and Christie as they come to terms with the loss of their loving mother.

((((((( GROUP HUGS )))))))

I have to leave for church, but will be back later tonight!!

Love and peace to each of you!

xoxoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...


Mema Jo said...

When ever we are informed by Lynn's girls of the final arrangement wishes of their mother - we can as a group send flowers or money to whatever is designated. Depending what it is we can act as a group or individual...

paula eagleholic said...

I am so shocked, I don't know what to say. The tears are flowing. I can only hope that she was at peace and not in any pain.

My heart goes out to Carolyn, Christie and their spouses, and the gkids.

DanaMo said...

Too sad for words. I just got Jo's emails and I'm so grateful that I was able to meet Lynn on Friday night. What a wonderful, sweet woman. My heart goes out to Christie and Carolyn.

NatureNut said...

I just gone on to talk about silly stuff at work today and see the somber messeage about our Dear Lynn.God Bless her and keep here as an Angel.

I don't know if it's a message, but we just saw the first boy hummingbird out the kitchen window!!
I'm sure you can believe how cherishing it is to have seen Lynn Saturday. Before leaving, we hugged and I told her when her tummy feels OK to nibble some food. She said, "I'll try."

Being a cancer survivor too, Lynn emailed me a few months ago and said she didn't think she would survive this time and would probably be gone before summer. I didn't want to believe her. She was such a Dear Friend.
I wish I had that Isaiah prayer memorized about eagle wings, as that should be for Lynn!!
Blessings to Carolyn, Christie and all the Family.

paula eagleholic said...

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

NatureNut said...

TY, Paula.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG! I just am so heartbroken. I, too, knew as we all hugged and kissed Lynn Saturday night that it would be the last but I hoped against hope for a miracle for her. She was such a special person that had a way of making us all feel so special. She would come on FB to ask me about my stupid knee when she was suffering so, bless her heart. I can't stop the tears and wouldn't want to if I could.

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I just got back from the hospital. Of course, Lynn was gone before we could tell her goodbye~
We met with Carolyn and Christie and their husbands, and Margy was there, as well. We all huged and wept was very theraputic to let our sorrows out with one another.

There will be no funeral or viewing, but CAROLYN and CHRISTIE will plan a memorial service. These were pretty much LYNN'S wishes.

The girls are saddened and were not ready to let their Momma go, but are also grateful that she is no longer suffering.

More will be revealed later.

Please pray for the girls, that they will find peace in their hearts, they loved their Mother so very much♥

More later~

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Feeling a little overwhelmed here. I am sad to the deepest parts of my soul but I know our Lynn is at peace and in pain no more!!!

My question: Wonder if God had a gin and tonic waiting on her? :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had a feeling our Lynn wouldn't want a viewing or funeral!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Our last post from our Hedgie was yesterday afternoon - she was always thinking about all of us! </3

hedgie said...
I am laying low and feeling really bad. Not going to post again today but sorry for all ailing and in pain and prayers for healing and relief.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:49:00 PM

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wanda, I am so glad you, Gene, and Margy were there with girls. The Momsters were well represented with you three. I love you.

I am absolutely CERTAIN God had a gin and tonic waiting on her when she got there.

FuzzleMT said...

This blog just won't be the same without "Hedgie"- she always made me feel welcome.It was Lynn who made arrangements when I was able to visit the nest where I met her and Wanda and had beautiful Belle do a flyover for us. It was Lynn who e-mailed me all the way across the country when I moved from Boston to Montana. I will miss my eagle friend and I am so sorry we must share such loss.

WV sUSAn said...

Sharon, I hear ya about G&T and viewing. That's our girl.

Lori O. said...

I don't know what to do or say, even,
but being with my Momster friends
is the only thing that feels
right and good at the moment.

Thank you Wanda for relaying the message about Lynn's wishes. I'm sure the girls were relieved to have you near.

glo said...

Lynn taught us all well that if you love some one and they have touched your lives then tell them while they are alive. I am actually also at peace with the info that there will be no viewing or funeral. Lynn was about life. She touched all of ours. I was looking through some old emails. One was about "See you in the New Jerusalem". She sent that one in Feb. I have her Christmas card sitting here with me now. It was to Dex and I. "So Lynn" It has a beautiful eagle head framed by its wings. Says Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All on the inside. Once again So Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn found the posts on FB about Lynn and told me.

I am so sad, but relieved that her suffering is over. I am glad that she got to come to our gathering.

I think we all knew that it would be our last time with her here on earth.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lori, you are right, this is the only place that feels "right" now. I must go and help Tom and Justin finish getting ready for the big fishing trip. I will check back with you all in a bit. The babies are kicked back peaceful at the nest. God is good, all the time.

grannyblt said...

Oh my but I am saddened by this news.

WV sUSAn said...


I can’t think of any other word but ”Happy”,, as Lynn is now home and out of pain,,,selfish yes,, because I’m crying for a friend I’ll never speak to again,, but so darn grateful for the selfless friendship she gave back to me over the years, and to others too,,
We have all lost a very special Lady,, they don’t make them like Lynn to often,,

Thank you pet for getting back to me so quickly when I know you need to be over at Momsters,,
so kind pet,,

Will you PLEASE give everyone there my love and tell them I’m sharing with them tonight,,, and that I love them dearly,,

let me know what is to happen too please ,,,

DanaMo said...

I really think that Lynn was holding on to make it to our gathering. ♥ I'm so glad that she was with us.

stronghunter said...

Not too long ago, Lynn called me because she noticed that I had not been on the blog as much, and she wanted to know if everything was okay.

I was just involved in a bunch of Scrabble games and we laughed about that.

Lynn was always so thoughtful and considerate.

DanaMo said...

Thoughts and prayers for Christie and Carolyn. You could just see how dedicated and loving they were towards their mother and how much I am sure they are going to miss her.

Mema Jo said...

'We are family' and therefore we must bond together to find the strength we need to go on with our Lovely Lady Lynn.

I have asked Carol Anne to prepare a booklet with all the comments here on the blog and those received in emails.
I sent her a few photos that are dear to my heart of Lynn and her girls. Carol Anne hopes to put them on line for all of you to print your own copy.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I think Lynn was determined to make it to our gathering. She needed us and we needed her.

So thankful that this "pretend open house" came together when it did. Almost like divine intervention that we had our gathering in the spring this time.

FuzzleMT said...

Thank you, Jo and Carol Anne - that would be a very loving tribute.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes for the first year we did not gather togather in October. A lot were disappointed. I was thrilled it was April because we would get to see the chicks in the nest. I had no idea God had HIS plan. That was for Lynn to be with us sharing love, togetherness which she believed in, laughter, hugs, and her beautiful smile. He knew what her time was and she was ready to go to HIM. ^j^ ^j^ Love you Lynn/e-Hedgie♥

WV sUSAn said...

CarolAnne, please tell me if I can help you. Wouuld love to assist in compilation. Can help to email or bind and send.

WV sUSAn said...

So right, WV Dana!

JudyEddy said...

For dear sweet LYNN HEDGIE
For sweet LYNN

glo said...

Sounds very nice MeMa Jo Many of us will learn how very busy Lynn was in so many ways in each of our lives. She reached out, She loved and She touched everyone who crossed her path in life. What a legacy indeed.

WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, that was beautiful. So appropriate.

glo said...

Hoda has linked Wind Beneath My Wings on FB also. Another beautiful song that speaks to all our hearts tonight in a beautiful way.

CarolAnne said...

WVSusan, thanks for the offer. Will see how it comes together (9 pages & counting already).

Possible solution will be to put it on my blog for anyone to click on. From there they can read it, copy & paste to their own file, or print out.

I will keep everyone posted as it progresses.

Lolly said...

I am feeling numb. I read this on the blog just before dinner. Jack has been so sweet and understanding. We chatted about Lynn, our nurse. My heart is breaking and find it so hard to believe. I feared this would be the outcome but hoped for a miracle. Praise the Lord she did not linger and suffer. She had suffered so much all ready. I am so thankful she had the weekend with all of you. What a blessing!
I do believe it is time for a group (((hug}}}Love you all!

grannyblt said...

Lynn was always very gracious and kind to me. We exchanged emails a few times, even last week when we were having trouble trying to post from our Kindles. She had a great sense of humor and was always thinking of others before herself.

Kay said...

It's comforting to read all your posts about our dear Lynn. Whether we knew her a very long time or a short time, one thing is clear, she got to all our hearts. Like many of you, I counted on her for sound medical advice. When I was hospitalized she headed up the posse to find out where I was. She loved us all and much of her time was dedicated to us and our fine Eagles.

Thank you CarolAnne for once again serving as our group compilation expert. I look forward to your booklet in whatever form you choose, but think something we can each download would be great and cost saving.♥

Prayers for all as it seems like this first night without Lynn will be a long one. Praying God is comforting her dear mother, sister, the girls and their families. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Such sad news. Lynn was the first one to welcome me to the blog and she kept in touch via email. She also called when I didn't post for a while.

So glad she was able to meet with the momsters/dadsters one more time. She was our Nurse Momster and will be missed terribly.

I offer my prayers for her family as they deal with their grief.

To my fellow monsters/dadsters, may God grant us the strength dealing with the loss of another member to this great group.

Rest in peace, Lynn. We love you!

JudyB said...

I am so sorry to hear the news about Lynn - my heart goes out to her family, and to all of her friends here.

Hugs, ~JudyB

Lynne2 said...

I have no words. This was not what I expected to find when I got home. What I expected and had hoped for was a call from Lynn. I emailed her on Monday and had asked if she was up to it to call us this week because we were so sorry to not have been able to see her this past weekend and had hoped she might be up to company.

So, after reading the news and crying with Steve, I needed to get outside and just do some mindless yard work to settle myself. Instead, I just beat myself up over not being able to get to the dinner. I knew there wasn't much time left for her, but I though there would be enough.

While I was outside, for the first time this spring, I heard my beloved Wood Thrush singing. And I got goosebumps having heard it on this of all days, just after reading the news. That was no coincidence.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you, and to Lynn's precious girls and her family, especially her dear mother. She has been a very good friend to us, encouraging and supportive. She and Steve had a great time when we were at her place about a year and a half ago....they have a very strong passion for the Civil War, and the South, and had great discussion!

CarolAnne, I will send some pictures to you from our visit. Thank you for doing this.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had to take a break for a little while. I went to see Nila's sister Sharon. It just felt like the right thing to do.

The only I can say tonight is that I love you and I know we will get through this together. My thoughts and prayers are with girls, grandkids, sister and her mom and the rest of her family!


Hoda said...

Thinking of LYNN♥
Praying for LYNN'S SOUL♥

I thank her and cherish her friendship. What an awesome role model and what an example of how to be a Lady of dignity, beauty, grace and strength.

Thank you Precious Lady LYNN you have earned your wings...soar on HIGH I will never forget you.

...and the above is my prayer of gratitude for Lynn.

God's grace be with her CAROLYN and her CHRISTIE, her MOM and her sister and also with us her BLOG FAMILY.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you JudyE I added that to my facebook page. Lynn would like that ^j^ ♥

Judie said...

Good night everyone. Hugs for all. Don't need the night light. There seems to be a bright light shining without it.

Sandi said...

I have been re-reading emails from Lynn to me. My heart just hurts too much to post a lot tonight. Tonight, my prayers are for Lynn's family, especially for her mom and sister and for Christie and Carolyn and their children, and for all on the blog as we cope with this enormous loss. Lynn doesn't need our prayers anymore b/c we all know that she is just fine. Goodnight, my eagle friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Felt the need to change my name! Good night and I love you!

glo said...

Shep You have some special talons to continue to fill. A special sort of "feathered" friend has gone to be with our Maker BUT she carries in her the knowledge that you were given the name she so wanted for you to have. You stand for the place of a special nest that has united folks from across the country and around the world and also for Lynn I know you stand for the Good Shepherd who loves us all and gave us all to each other for a time. You continue to do her proud now and take care of Belle and the babes. I know she found great joy in watching you take up the role of Dad this year.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was deeply saddened to see on FB of the passing of our wonderful Lynn. So glad that you that could, had a visit with her one last time this past weekend. She was such a thoughtful and caring person; always concerned about others. I think we were all hoping for a miracle, but at least we know she is now at peace, no more hurts or worries, and with God. My prayers go out to her family that God helps them get through this very sad time in their lives. It was good to hear that Wanda, Gene and Margie were there to console the family. Lynn will always be with us in our minds and hearts. She touched each and every one of us in her own special way. May God bless you Lynn and hold you in the palm of his hand. You will surely be missed by all<3

CarolAnne said...

Good night everyone.
May we find peace tonight with the realization that Lynn suffers no more.

May we suffer our loss with as much dignity and caring as Lynn lived her life. Make her proud!

Hugs & love to you all.

Mema Jo said...

All of your comments are so heart warming. It is a very sorrowful evening for us with the loss of Lynn. It will seem so strange in the morning to open the blog and not to quickly scroll all the comments just to see if Lynn had said Good Morning. I Loved Judie's remark about the night light! ♥

I came for the EAGLES but I stayed
for the FRIENDSHIPS I have MADE ♥
(((((((((((GROUP HUGS)))))))))))))

FuzzleMT said...

I hope y'all have a good night's sleep - I, and maybe Hoda, have a few hours to go before calling it a night. Tomorrow is going to be rough as the shock wears off.

AZPatti said...

I never thought this sad news would be what convinced me to come in out of lurk mode. I'm so sorry for your (our) loss and my thoughts and prayers are with each of you and Lynn's family. I will miss her optimism and unending thoughts for everyone else. (((((Big Hugs)))))

Lynne2 said...

For our Lynn, an Irish blessing poem....

God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be. So He put His arms around you and whispered “come to me.”
With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

Goodnight everyone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good night my wonderful friends. Many prayers for Lynn's family tonight. God bless us all! Love and hugs!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful Glo. I too am grateful for the name Shep. It did mean so much to her and that is one of the reasons it was so important to me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

AZPatti, won't you stay with us now? So glad you posted tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Welcome Patti
I will be keeping HEDGIE FAMILY in my thoughts and know this is going to be a hard time for them
She is no longer in pain RIP LYNN

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

AZPatti said...

Thanks Sharon and JudyE. I've been here for a while and don't plan to go anywhere. Such a loving group of people. I'll say good night for now. Wishing everyone a restful night.

Lolly said...

Welcome Patti! I know Lynn is smiling that you are on here.She would like that, for sure.

I think I am going to call it a night too. Prayers, hugs, and much love go out to Lynn's family.

Times like this I feel so far away, but I certainly feel the love on here. I love you!!

NatureNut said...

Just reading and Thank You JudyE for the link to the Eagle Wing song!
CarolAnne, I'll get some pictures I have together and email tomorrow. That's a wonderful idea. Wish I had more!Most are from Momster meetings.
I know many people have mentioned this also, but when you first met Lynn, or emailed, she made you an instant friend like you had known each other forever! She WAS the Momster Medical expert and I never doubted her advice.
I'll be looking for that hummingbird tomorrow! ☺

God Bless Angel Lynn and all of her family and friends ;>)

Robyn said...

Just reading the comments has me crying again. Lynn will be missed but she will always be in our hearts.

I also found her Christmas Card and was reading it the other day. Tori also has cards from Lynn we will take out keep them visible.

Mom, me and Tori were so glad to have spent Saturday with her, of course everyone else but to see Lynn, was wonderful. Lynn would take the time and send me messages inquiring about Tori it always warmed my heart how caring she was and knowing what she was going thru.

She will always be with us.

Linda said...

Back from church and reading through the beautiful comments for our beautiful friend, LYNN.

As so many have mentioned, Lynn welcomed everyone! Right from the start, she did so with me as well and we developed a close friendship through email and phone calls. It was such a privilege to spend time with her this weekend. She was tired and weak, but so determined to be there with us. She is one fine lady.

Lynn was so supportive during my losses last year with frequent phone calls to check on me and always to tell me she loved me. She was like the big sister/young mother I never had!! What a blessing she was to me!

I will miss you, my Dear Friend!

Now, I only hope I can return that favor and be there to love and support her daughters through their loss. Having people who care makes everything in life easier to deal with.

MARGY - I know you are there holding their hands, loving and supporting Christie and Carolyn through things tonight. God Bless You, Margy. You are dealing with difficult losses back to back.

I am so honored to be part of such a loving group and my heart is broken right along with each of yours tonight.

We celebrate LYNN's zest for life and the life she led here on earth as well as the glorious journey she is now embarking upon!! I know GOD welcomed her with open arms saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant." She was a true joy!

WANDA, JO, SHARON - Thanks for keeping us up to date today and being there for the family.

Wishing each of you peace and comfort tonight as you turn in. It is a night like no other here on the blog.

May God Bless and Keep You!

I love each of YOU!

Night ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I love the Irish Blessing ty

AZPatti - stay with us -'We Are Family'

JudyE - NO way for me to listen to Eagles Wings this evening - I would go so far into my sorrow that I would need so much time to return.

I really don't want to sign off this evening - I don't want to feel alone and staying on the blog brings me comfort. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sorry friends that I have not been here this evening. Had plans to have dinner with a friend. Decided to go, since I didn't want to be here alone. I'm glad I went. It's nice to know that you have friends that care, as it's our family and friends that provide us with strength and support through our darkest hours.

Hug those whom you hold dear to your heart, and tell them how much you love them.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all and Prayers for Peace in all our hearts.
** (((Lynn))) **

Kay said...

JO, you aren't alone. My meds relaxed me for a while, but they've worn off. The next dose has been taken, but until it kicks in again I just had to come here.

LYNNE2, I love that Irish blessing and coincidentally I just got through mailing it, with it's second verse to CAROLANNE in case she can use it in LYNN's memory book.

I also sent a personal e-mail to Caro and Christie and am so hoping they'll be regular visitors to the blog as we watch the eagles their mother loved so much. They've taken such good care of her through this illness--it's a beautiful thing to see !

Kay said...

Oh, PAULA, you are so right about friends and how they bring us through these things.

"Hug those whom you hold dear to your heart, and tell them how much you love them." Amen to that !



Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I have to say good night. It has been a difficult day.

God bless and good night.

I will see you tomorrow.

PattiO said...

Good Evening Everyone,

I've come to off my sincere sympathies to all of you on Lynn's passing. Hoda posted the news on the WOW (WindowOnWildlife) forum but I didn't realize at first that Lynn was Hedgie. :(

My prayers to her family - and to all of you. She had great friends here!

Kay said...

Excuse my deletes---posted the last message 3 times---must have a nervous index finger.

Love and prayers as "tomorrow" arrives. May we all find peace and comfort today. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hello Kay and Patti and Jo.

Kay, hope the meds kick in soon and you can get some rest.

And Welcome AZPatti, pleased to have you post this evening.

PattiO said...

Hi Paula ... we miss you. Stop by one of these days! I do believe you had some Birthday messages not too long ago. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, PattiO, yes I am long overdue!

(((Love and Hugs to all)))♥

Costume Lady said...

We all lost a precious friend tonight. She was like a sister that I never had, a best friend and sometimes, a partner in crime:)

I miss her so much, already. The thought of never having her post on here again is too much to even think about. No more 4th of July parties at GG's, no more getting stopped for speeding in Sharpsburg, No more getting us lost in Frederick, even though she had a GPS in her truck! Oh, I wish we could have spent more time together...always too busy!

Dear friend, your long awaited sleep has come, rest well, rest well♥

Jewels said...

I am at a loss for words, all that comes is tears, tears of sadness and tears of joy, knowing Mom is in a better place and is no longer suffering. How I wish, I prayed things turned out differently. It was not supposed to end like this. I ask why, when I am only to trust that God knows best. Yet I still ask WHY? I don't know what to do, I don't know how to go on. You all were such a blessing to my Mom. Oh how she loved you all. I too am sooo forever greatful that she had the weekend with you all. I am glad that you had the chance to meet my sister and me too. I will be here... I may pull a AzPatti at times, which thank you AzPatti for coming onto the blog tonight as well as PattiO. My mom was a ONE SPECIAL LADY for sure, one of a kind. I see the same traits in you all that she had. I am proud to know you and be a Momster. Mom did not want a funeral or service. She wanted to be cremated and her ashes going half in the ocean and half in Sleepy Creek grounds. She has this Huge and I am talking need a crane to lift and a huge truck to haul concrete Frog in her driveway circle.... I want to get that to my house and plant Daffodils and Hyacinth and many other flowers all around it, have a nice sitting bench, maybe the one on her front porch to go with it and have that as a special sitting area to talk to her and be close to her. I live on the Sleepy Creek Mountain, so I am thinking some ashes to go under the frog. I am at peace knowing she is, but I have to be honest, I have no idea how I am going to go thru each and every day not hearing her voice and talking to her. I seriously would pick up the phone about the most off the wall things to just talk to her, how does one go on without doing that anymore?? I have my candle lit with her picture behind it, well off to the side of it..Am thinking I better buy a life supply of votive candles! Thank you, each one of you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, your devotion and dedication to my MOM. You will never know how much your kindness, your love meant to her and to my sis and I.
I knew when we left Saturday, that that was going to be the last time you seen her. I felt it and I think Megan and Sharon felt it too when they walked us out. I am so so very sorry that you have lost your Hedgie, Lynn. I wish we could have done more to save her. My heart goes out to you all as your goes out to Christie and me. Much love and many (((((((HUGS)))))))

Lori O. said...

Big hugs back to you, Caro!
I'm so sorry for your loss
and pain, yet so glad we got
to know you and that your Mom suffers no more.

We will always be here for you
and since you're a Momster anyway,
you will always be here for us!

Please try to get some rest,
dear Jewels. You have some
hectic days ahead of you.
More big hugs and all
the love you need to get you

Hoda said...

OH Blessed Child of God, Blessed sweet sweet child of our LYNN our do your mother proud CAROLYN you do your MOTHER PROUD.

Tears will not stop...God keep you and Christie...


Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hello, Momsters and Dadsters,

My heart is breaking! I cannot express how incredibly sad I am that we have lost our dear friend Lynn. I am so glad that she was able to make it to the gathering last weekend, though. I know how much it must have meant to her. I'm sure it meant the world to all of you who got to see her there, too. I am comforted by the fact that I know she is in the arms of Jesus, and suffers no more. I know that some day we will each see her again, but somehow my heart is still breaking right now. I guess I'm in shock like the rest of you. Maybe things will look a teeny bit better with the morning light. I certainly hope so. My heart and prayers go out to Lynn's mom, her sister, to Carolyn and Christie, and to the rest of her family, which includes all of us. May God comfort you, and keep you in the palm of His hand.

I need to attempt to get some sleep, since it is getting very late here. Judie, you are right about the night light not being necessary tonight! Goodnight, and God bless all of you! I love each and every one of you SO much! (((GROUP HUG)))!!

Jewels said...

Everyone has gone to bed I guess... maybe I should try too. Goodnight dear friends. XOXO

Lori O. said...

Jewels, if you're still awake, I am here.

Jewels said...

I am here
I have not made it to lay down.

Jewels said...

But I am going to lay down now... My eyes are swollen and hurt. I have to be up and out of here by 10am.

Jewels said...

Hugs to you all

Lori O. said...

Sleep will serve you well, Caro. Rest well and know your Mother is watching over you. Prayers and hugs for you and your family.

Hoda said...

...and for LYNN♥

adult eagle chirping in the attic.

floralgirl said...

((HUGS))Carolyn, we love you!

DanaMo said...

Crying again reading all the comments. How I wish I could have made it Saturday night and had a little more time. I have my "I came for the Eagles but I stayed for the Friendships I have made" right here at the computer and will think of Lynn every time we are all together on the blog. She will always be right here with us.

Sandi said...

I rolled over at 4:30am and looked at the clock and my very first thought was that the world is a sadder place this morning because Lynn Riner is no longer in it. Never went back to sleep - have spent the past hour thinking about this woman who touched my life for such a short time, yet in such a meaningful way.

Jewels, my prayers are with you and your family today.

Good morning Lori and DanaMo, and anyone else who may be up especially early this morning thinking of Lynn. ♥

Hoda said...

"...Up this morning for LYNN".This is exactly what it is like, standing on guard, providing her with an honour guard...

Hoda said...

...again the chirpping of an eagle.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning seems very hollow this morning my friends. Just read Jewels post and my heart is broken. Learning to live in a world without your mom is a very hard thing to do. I am so grateful to have found this wonderful group of family. I may not post on here very much anymore but believe me, you all are my family and I love you so much. I have to get to work, so I will be lurking with a heavy heart today.

Hoda said...

...Shep arrives at the nest Bro gets up...

Hoda said...

Shep poofs...

We are with you Sissy...

Lori O. said...

Hello Sissy and Hoda.
It does feel like a very
lonely, and sad, morning.

Big ((((GROUP HUG)))))

I needed that.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I'm back, after an essentially sleepless few hours.
Count me in on that group hug, please, Lori. Gosh, I still can't quite believe that Lynn is gone.
Guess I'm still in shock. I sure am glad that I have all of you to lean on! I'm hoping that we can somehow love each other through this. Don't know what I'd do without all of you!

Hoda said...

In comes Shep with a huge fish and in comes Belle too...Belle is whimpering and geese are passing. Shep leaves the fish for Belle and takes off...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lying in bed, reading posts and tears flowing again. Thinking about Jewels and Christie. It is so scary to be in this life without your mom. So grateful that she had such loving daughters looking out for her. Hugs to everyone on this sad day.

Hoda said...

LORI you are so right it is a lonely and sad morning because it is a sadder world with LYNN gone...

Hoda said...


Ms Bookworm said...

(((HUGS))), Shar! I'm sitting here with my copy of Gray's Anatomy. Lynn had an extra copy, and sent it to me when she learned that I didn't have one. Isn't that just like her?! I will treasure it always.

Kay said...

Yes, ANDY, that is SO like LYNN ! I know we're each pulling up special memories of her this morning. She sent an e-note a few days ago saying she'd try to call me over the weekend before the doc appt. on Monday. In spite of the fact that she was battling that horrible disease, she asked for a set of my MRI pics, the report and Julie's account of our visit with the ortho surgeon. She reviewed all and wrote back at length and I know she was pleased I am taking JUDIE's advice in seeing a neurosurgeon. My central point is, no matter how bad things were for her, she was thinking of each of us and our needs right up to the end. God bless her precious soul.

CARO, I do so love hearing what your mother's wishes were for cremation and the scattering of ashes. Just exactly the kind of send off I've asked the kids to give me ! The sitting area with the big frog sounds lovely and I hope you can bring it to life in her memory. We love you---it's clear you are a "chip off the ol' block" and it will bless us all to have you stick with us as we enjoy our precious eagles, our memories of LYNN and the profoundly wonderful friendships the blog brings us.

Hoda said...

Poof Belle after she covered the fish with flugg. An eagle lands on the cam. Camera shakes and talon scratches.

Kay said...

HODA, do you think she just flew up to the camera for some scratchin' n' shakin' ?

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Kay said...

In looking at the weekend pictures, over and over again. It seems hard to see the camera and what I think is the camera looks too small for a landing, but they certainly get very close to it. What does it look like when you are right there with it, or when zooming in with binocs, anyone ?

Kay said...

Good Morning JUDYE. This is the first morning in quite a while that I've joined you Early Birds. Of course, you all know why sleep evades me. Have just taken another dose of meds and once they grab I'll be off for more zzzz's.

Hoda said...

KAY!!! I only heard ONE Eagle!!! LOL and HUGS♥

Your story of LYNN and her concern for you touches my heart so very much. Thank you for sharing it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Kay, hope you are able to get some serious rest. Prayers for pain relief, pronto!...I agree--Lynn always thought of others before herself. What an amazing lady!

Kay said...

I haven't been out of the house in a week, but must gather some special oomph for this evening. My dear Seth will be inducted into The National Honor Society tonight and I just can't miss it. This is such a joyous occasion, as he's faced so many challenges and we never dreamed of such success. LYNN knew of this honor and of his starring role in the school play on May 10th and 11th. She rejoiced with me over both--another "isn't that just like her" moment. ♥

Kay said...

Those little lumps of sleeping peaglets thrill my soul ! And, I'm reminded of the joy I experienced yesterday just before our sad news. I can finally see two eaglets peeking up and over the side of the Columbus eagle nest. The camera is placed below the nest and out far enough to see a lot of the tree. So, when they get a bit bigger and then when they begin to branch in that big old sycamore tree, it's going to be quite the show. They look like they may be a couple of weeks younger than our little ones and it is my assumption that there are only two. More will be revealed as our dear SHAR often says !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hoda, I hate to leave you here, but I really need to attempt to at least get a short nap. I'm supposed to go in for a routine blood test this morning. I was there 2 days ago, and the vampires did the usual bunch of tests, except for the test for cholesterol. I thought I was only going in to test my blood sugar, and hadn't fasted quite long enough for a cholesterol test. Gotta fast for 14 hours for that one! No problem today--I find that I really don't have an appetite this morning. I will check back in later, after I'm back home. Already have the results from all the other blood tests, and they are all fine. (((HUGE HUGS)))! BBL.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Kay!
Please pass along my congratulations to Seth! Wow, what a wonderful accomplishment! No wonder you're so proud!

Okay, I'm going to try to find some really boring TV show, and hope it puts me to sleep for a while.

Kay said...

ANDY, here's hoping today's test is also fine ! ♥♥♥

SANDI, I know you're interested in the Columbus Peregrine Falcons, too. There are three eggs and hatching should begin about May 6. These are the things that keep us going, even when we've suffered a huge loss and feel so sad. LYNN would agree. ☺

Hoda said...

Get some rest ANDY...Keeping you in prayer with your tests.

Very exciting news KAY about the eaglettes you spotted...keep us posted.

SETH'S honours not to be missed. I hope your medication works well and that you are able to rest so you would have enough umph to attend it.

I read on facebook DANAMO went jogging and did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes...way to go DANAMO...this will help you with the school day I am sure...

Kay said...

Hmmm, boring TV, that may do it for me, too, ANDY. See you all here later.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

WV sUSAn said...

Getting ready for work and still reeling from the loss of dear, dear, Lynn.

GROUP HUG to all at the Sycamore this morning and especially to Carolyn, Christie and family.

We are a lucky lot to have each other. Much love to all.

Hoda said...

KAY...Yes LYNN would agree and all what is happening on the blog right now is FOR LYNN and our love for her...

Hoda said...

sUSAn {{{{HUGS}}}}♥...I hope your work day goes well...

Judie said...

Wishing Carolyn and Christie and their families a day of beginning to heal and accept. There are no words I can add to those who have already spoken. The rain this morning seems symbolic of our collective tears.

Hoda said...

KAY some of the ones who have been to the nest will be able to answer if the eagles actually land on the camera or close to it...your comment on the pictures we saw is spot on...Is the camera large enough for them to land on it?

Judie said...

Congratulations to Seth on all his accomplishments, Kay. So hope you can get the pain under control so you can truly enjoy the induction ceremony.

Kay said...

LORI, thinking of you with love this morning. I'm sure it's all you can do to manage work with our LYNN on your mind. When you do check in I want you to know I♥U, mucho grande !

Bravo, dear DANAMO, your run is the right Rx for this kind of morning. Love you, too. Again reminded of SHAR with her, "I love us". And, I do !!!!

Sounds like CARO is planning on returning to work this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with you, JEWELS.

Now, this time my MARGY moment is over and I'll BBL ! xxxoooxxxooo !

Hoda said...

Speaking of MARGY I wished she would check in...HUGS MARGY♥

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks sweet Hoda.

Lori O. said...

I love you all so much...just glad we can be together on the blog.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom and Justin are down at the water loading the boat. The others will be here at 9 or so and they will head down the road. This is an annual fishing trip for the Riffe men and now many of their friends and their families have made it their annual fishing trip too. Tom is the last of his brothers to be going on this trip. His dad started it many, many years ago and they have migrated from Rogersville, Tennessee to Buggs Island in Boydton, VA. Tom says he doesn't know if he will go next year and that makes my heart hurt. Hopefully, he will get down there and get the "fishing fever". His brother Doug was the one who had been organizing everything for many years. He passed a few years ago and it just has not been the same. Today is Doug's birthday, so it is fitting that they are leaving today for the trip.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have to tell you I am really looking forward to some alone time for the next couple of days. It seems like we have been running for weeks on end and I need some down time. Being here at the camper just puts me in such a spiritual place in my soul. Love it.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Last comment posted twice, hmm.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...