Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Some much needed rain...

Fresh thread.


T-Bird said...

Wow, the first one over. I'll go get everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone - Hello T-Bird
Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.
Going back to read the old thread...
And I just got my first cup of coffee - so I'll be ready to go pretty soon.

Lori O. said...

Good rainy morning everyone!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thank you, THELMA, for the call over. ♥

T-Bird said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

T-Bird said...

Lori and Mema Jo, good to see you!!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve, for the new thread and thanks to Shirley and Thelma for the call over. Proctoring state testing for 4 hours again today.

Jo, I didn't know the word proctoring was obsolete? It's what we still call it here in Sussex County, DE when our kids are taking the state test and we're overseeing it. What else would you call it?

Sandi said...

Got the dreaded note in my mailbox this morning that I'm being observed next Tuesday. Doesn't matter how many years I've been doing this job (this is my 28th), that note still gives me a queasy feeling! My lesson will be just fine, but we have a whole new process for evaluating teachers in DE as of this year, and the paperwork that needs to be done before the observation has quadrupled!! Geez - just what I need at this point in my career!!

hedgie said...

Morning all. Thank you so much for all prayers and well-wishes.
Hanging in far so good today, but still very weak a nd shaky.
Had a few more episodes last night, but ok since 2:30am, so hopefully it's over.
Skimmed through posts.....holding MArgy in prayer now as they lay Dwain to rest. I'll be in lurk mode mostly.
Love you all.

hedgie said...

Babies are SO dark.....might be a bit wet, too, as it is raining.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Hedgie, good to see you on here. Getting ready to start my work day. Two more days until Shepherdstown!!!!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the new rainy day thread.

Lynn, so glad you were able to go home and that, so far, you are doing better. Thinking of you constantly.

Hello to Sharon, Thelma, Jo, Sandi, Lori.

Sandi, I think all of us can appreciate that evaluation feeling. Of course, nothing for you to be concerned about.

Wanda, sounds as if meatloaf is more work than worth it. Maybe hamburgers next time? Still, the soup kitchen is a great success and you have lots of customers.


stronghunter said...

TRAIN on Rachael Ray this morning.

Lolly said...

Lynn, so good to see you on here. I feel so out of touch. Are you home? I think Jack may have the laptop up and running.....outside!!!!

Wahooooo! I just got a good dose of Momster love!!! Jo called!!!

Really enjoyed Wildseed Farm yesterday. Big purchase of red poppy seed and a new large flower pot.

Today we are being visited by a cousin and we are all going out to eat.

Love to all! BIG hugs!

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you here, too, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Understand the feeling, Sandi.

Mema Jo said...

Well, My Lady Lynn has been here so now I am happy.

Tears from the skies means the Angels are sad - Warm thought to Margy and her family.

Love your tulips, Lori....

Sandi - I just don't have any connections to the teachers around my area - they may still say Proctoring.
You will ACE that observation next week. You have to be Good or they wouldn't have left you stay around so long. That is called Dedication!

movin said...


GooD MorninG,


We're in for a "warm" spell here in So Cal.

I see you must be getting some rain back East. We could use some more yet this season, but it's unpredictable.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody needs to find better sticks. They are killing me! They are going to hang the babies with the stick. CRAP!!!

Hoda said...

Good morning everyone.

LYNN very good to see you on this morning and I am glad it improved since 2:30 AM. I hope it continues.

Good luck with proctoring SANDI. This is what we call it here too. I very much hear you on the evaluation and I was just the same after 30 years of teaching!!!

Good I am glad Belle looks as if she wants to move this big stick it he middle of the nest. It was so cute when Bro was trying to do it...there it is out of the way.

CAROLYN let us know about CHARLIE'S appointment results.

Thinking of MARGY and FAMILY. Sending prayers.

Hoda said...

White feather stuck on Belle's beak. She is trying to shake it off so funny!

Hoda said...

I like it how they snuggle to their Mom

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out to get my 'do' done.
Same old style! I'm waiting for more grey to appear.


Hoda said...

poof Belle

hedgie said...

Going to try some chicken noodle soup......wish me luck!

Hi to all coming on board and thanks for more well-wishes.

That stick scared me, too....couldn't watch!

hedgie said...

Look at those wing flaps from Big Girl!!

hedgie said...

And now Lil Boy, too! Monkey see, monkey do?

Judie said...


;aknsapijne l/samsdopije


Love from Audrey and Grace

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bakatcha Audrey and Grace!!! :)

Hoda said...

Belle back in and no food in the nest...she is digging in the grasses pulling up big clumps to cover sticks I wonder???

PRAYERS at 1:00 for LYNN...stop and take a moment to breathe and focus your energy to breinging her healing and strength.

Hoda said...

Poof Belle

Hoda said...

Putting Dear LYNN in prayers and bringing forth our wishes for healing and strength. We surround you with LOVE and with Heart knowing of each of our individual connections to this healing prayer for you LYNN.May you be completely healed and once more overcome and truimph over this disease.

Since we all have our individual connections to the DIVINE POWER, in what ever name, I ask that each one of us reach in to this connection and ask that LYNN be sustained and supported and Surrounded by DIVINE GRACE and DIVINE HEALING. AMEN

NCSuzan said...

With you Hoda....

Hoda said...

Love you LYNN.You are a PRECIOUS and a DEAR friend and I thank you for being you and for being my friend.

Hoda said...

I am headed off to yoga and some errands...I know it is too early to start looking for my passport in the post but I have to admit I am looking for it and then again there is the something that CAROLANNE sent and wonder of wonders will it arrive today and also my college roommate sent me a package and will it arrive today? So exciting to go to the post office...
I will log off now and see you all later the day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love and hugs, Hoda! Beautiful prayer!

Lori O. said...

Just got home from work and having taxes done. Don't owe anything so it was okay, and the place was empty! Nice!

Sorry that I missed a prayer
gathering for LYNN, but I said my own as soon as I read about it. Thank you, HODA.

Feels good to be home.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Lynn and her daughters and hoping that today is good.

Sandi said...

Hoda, lovely prayer! I was reading test questions to a student at 1pm, but have added my own prayers for Lynn.

Lynn, hope your day keeps getting better and better!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just put a pic on my blog, Facebook and the Eaglet Momsters album of the wing span of Missy! Unbelievable.

Mema Jo said...

Love you Lynn and Thank you Hoda. Amen

I think this Saturday is just the right time for the Nest Visit - We should see some Wingercising and some jumps!

Don't Forget: Binoculars Road Chair
Rain Gear Camera Bring one of each

Lori O. said...

Jo, what is the dress like for dinners?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

HEY someone one needs to make sure that they set up a tripod and have a camera recording of the whole group from time to time That was no one will have to worry about holding the camera just check to make sure batteries are okk I have done that at two weddings I recorded for had Three tripods set up with three cameras and just walked around from time to time to make sure batteries and memory wasn't full JUST A SUGGESTION that way those of us that can't attend can see

JudyEddy said...

Belle is in the nest with chicks Thought she was going to step on one they are trying to get udner her

JudyEddy said...

she has something black on her beak

JudyEddy said...

I forgot what time I punched out drat I shop for a few min so I guess I should head back

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, Judy!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Daggone, I started to write Lib in with a fish. Hmmm!

Shep just arrived with a fish and Belle is at it. Babies are wanting it! She does have something dark on her beak. Hope it is just residual of lunch and not some kind of injury.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now the kids aren't acting like they are too interested.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is feeding Lil Abner now so I am guessing her beak isn't injured.

stronghunter said...

Dick Clark has passed away. He was 83.

stronghunter said...

One of those people you would think was going to be around forever.

stronghunter said...

Oh, now they say he was 82.

Sandi said...

Poor little wet eaglets!! How funny is it that one is trying to wiggle his/her way underneath Belle! Can't tell which one it is.

hedgie said...

Too bad about Dick Clark..... :(

Thanks for the wonderful blessing/prayer, Hoda, and to all who joined in.

Belle is barely shielding these kids from the sprinkles!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sad about Dick Clark. Said he died of a massive heart attack this morning. I always loved him!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, dress is casual!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh I meant to answer Lori too. Formal evening wear! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So funny seeing the little eaglet tail coming out from under Belle.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She just stood up and shook off some water.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She just stepped on one of their heads and it has a white stripe on its head now.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon !

Do I hear raindrops hitting the cam ? Hard to do a mombrella as large as our peaglets are, but it looks like Belle would like to try.

LYNN, so sorry to read about your E.R. trip yesterday, but hope you've doing okay by now and so glad you were able to get home for the night ! God bless you and your dear daughters !♥♥♥

Hate to even report on myself as my malady is trivial compared to those of LYNN and others amongst us. However, I know many of you are praying and I do so appreciate your doing so. Today is one of great pain--got a haircut and went to Kroger, the P.O. and dry cleaners yesterday and am paying for it today. That's a very short list and I was only gone from 12:30 to 3:45--what a bummer ! Tomorrow I'm calling my primary for a referral to a neurosurgeon and will want to consider several avenues of care before opting for surgery or treatment. Time to get that ball rolling again.

stronghunter said...

Kay, I hope you find pain relief very soon.

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen Belle try to shelter more than one before. She is working at it, but not easy.

Kay said...

Oh, hard to imagine watching the ball drop on New Year's Eve without Dick Clark ! May he RIP !

LORI, dress may be casual, per JO, but all will be looking to see those purty toes, so better dress them up a bit !;o) I want good pictures of SHARON in her evening gown, please !

Kay said...

Thank you, SHIRLEY !

I went to the candles to relight mine for LYNN. Read all and found my name mentioned several times. Again, thank you so much for caring dear Eagle Buds !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, I pray you get a solution and relief soon.

I will make sure you get pics of me in my evening gown! :) So sad you don't get to come but totally understand.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I must rush out and purchase a gown.

Actually, I am washing my jeans for the weekend.

stronghunter said...

And Shep arrives. He is wet.

stronghunter said...

Did Shep bring in that grey blob?

stronghunter said...

Shep poofs. Mom and kids look very wet.

Sandi said...

Happy to hear the dress is casual for the weekend, since that's how I was dressing anyway. Actually, I will be dressed up b/c, on the weekends, I ONLY wear sweats, but will be wearing jeans for the big event!

Kay, happy to see you on the blog today but so sorry that you have had another painful day. It's saying something to hear that you are ready to contact a neurosurgeon.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Mighty glad that Lynn is feeling better, and pray that her strength returns, pronto! Happy that she was able to go back home! Hope to hear soon about Charlie. Hope his appt. went well! Prayers for Carolyn & Christie!

Pretty doggone busy here today--got another batch of work from the doctor. Will be back later tonight, hopefully.

Oh--Judie, love the post by Audrey and Grace! Emma says "Woof!" to them!

HAGD, everyone, it's BTWIG! :o]

Sandi said...

Shirley, Hoda, Lolly, and any other retired teachers that I've forgotten - you would not BELIEVE the volume of paperwork that I have to complete in preparation for my observation lesson!!!!! And I only teach one 30-minute class each day; the rest of the time, I'm the 2nd teacher in another teacher's classroom. So, I have to do all this paperwork for a 30-minute observation!!!! It will take me 4-5 hours to fill out all the forms!! I DID get the vice principal to agree to observe me on Wed. rather than Tues. I explained to him that, even if I got all the paperwork completed tonight and tomorrow night in preparation for my "pre-observation conference," I'm not going to be in school Friday to give it to him.

This is such bull#&@t!!! I wish I had enough years in to tell them where they can stick this paperwork and observation!!

It's a good thing I only have to do this "dog and pony show" crap once a year! I would much prefer they just walk into my room unannounced, sit down and watch me in action! Any idiot can teach one good lesson a year when they know that someone is coming in to watch them - it's so fake!

Kay said...

JUDIE, my readiness to go to a neurosurgeon is largely due to your influence and I thank you. So happy Audrey and Grace have checked in with us. Hope to see them tripping the light fantastic oer' the keyboard again soon ! So glad I took that course in Itcayatinlay !

stronghunter said...

Suppertime at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, I have lost the live cam.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, I have lost the live cam.

Kay said...

Me, too, SHIRLEY. Gives me a good reason to leave for rest, dinner, news, Jeopardy and mindless TV fare.

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me three Shirley.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - My feet went up and I didn't see your question.

Now I am going out to UNO's......


magpie said...

I don't think the Still Cam is keeping up either....

Thinking of Lynn♥ and Kay ♥ and all others in great need of many kinds of relief....
xoxo Hello Afternoon Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I have been known to wear bib overalls to one or two of the dinners...
I try to dress them up with a nice blouse ☺

magpie said...

I want to thank each and every one of you for your dear thoughts and prayers for my brother-in-law and his family and for me and my family.
The Visitation and the Funeral Services were beautifully conducted, many many people were at both.
Rain, yes as Jo said the Tears of Angels....
mixed with our tears of mourning and joyfulness.....Dwain's children certainly have "done him proud" in these last many days since his injury and death.
God Bless You, All...
xo ♥

Sandi said...

I can't get the cam page to load either!

Margy, you had better wear your bibs - how else will I recognize you?? =)

magpie said...

wonky hair and wrinkles, Sandi.
and maybe socks with sandals!
Love you...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Things to be grateful for: That we don't always have to rely on the still cam for updates on our babies! 30-second refresh sucks! Who remembers only the still cam at the beginning?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Do they make bibbed evening gowns?

stronghunter said...

I was not here back when there was only the still cam, Sharon.

Trying to imagine a bibbed evening gown.

magpie said...

I remember the first year, Still Cam only....I was a lurker, but I sure enjoyed watching the Momsters Chatter!

Bib evening gowns: there must be!
If not, someone here can craft one for sure!

Still Cam is working again I think

magpie said...

oh but the rainbowy thing is across the top, not a good sign....
on the Still Cam, I have not made it to the Live Feed yet...

catching up slowly....

I see where Audrey and Grace made a post earlier ! And now I am feeling like having a kitty nap!

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, they are talking about tolls for I-95. Already not my favorite highway.

Sandi said...

Shirley, Here ya go: =)

Carhartt bib overall gown

magpie said...

Here is something you will like.
One of my nieces had a flower arrangement made up specially for her father....he was a teacher at Hedgesville High School for decades...
the mascot: Bald Eagle
Flower arrangement:
A Bald Eagle....unbelieveable...
I tried to get one picture, will check it out later to see if it is postable.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I see what you mean about the rainbow thing, Margy.

magpie said...

Oh Sandi..I don't know where to look on that link....
but I do see a sock monkey!

Sandi said...

Oh, when you click on the link, you have to go to Sept.2010 on the guy's blog to see the pic of the Carhartt mermaid gown. Not my style, but ...

stronghunter said...

Not sure it is really working, either. Either that or none of the eagles moved in the past thirty seconds.

magpie said...

I am thinking this Rain today might have helped Megan's flowers a wee bit at least....sure hope so!
and helped to wet down the brush to hold down on the wildfires for a day or so....

Hoda said...

SHARON pretty wonderful to know that the evening events are formal...only the best for our groups. I laughed as SANDI and SHIRLEY said how formal is formal and all is indeed well...Oshkosh Begoshe's and Jeans sounds great...

I got my passport. From the time I filled it till it returned it took 18 days,postal delivery and weekends included. I think they did a terrific job such a good service and short period of time too...I did not ask for rushed I am now one step closer to my USA trip. I feel very happy. My photo changed when they digitalized it but they know what they are doing and I have never used my passport to enter any beauty contests so all is indeed well.

I go the package from my college roommate also. I spoke to her this morning and she wants to come up to Canada for a visit soon. She will tell me when this evening...she is such an easy house guest that I actually don't fuss at all when she is here.

I too don't have the live feed and I wonder if it is at NCTC or are we all cut off?

LYNN how did it go with the chicken noodle soup...I hope it stayed with you.♥

Yoga was very good today and we had a full class...18 people in the studio and it was challenging and it was fun to do the poses and I kept my balance till I laughed and then came out of funny.

Raining here too and I wore a coat, but it is all good and my windows are open and it is fresh in the flat...I like it that way.

Time to go prepare a cup of tea...

magpie said...

That's a Hoot! Quite attractive and sounds very Practical...
not sure it would like THAT on Me!

dinner with my sister Roanoke Mary coming up, Cracker Barrel....
going to sign off and check back later

I am hoping and praying that our Lynn and our Kay are doing okay, this afternoon and evening....

(( Hugs♥ )) and ta ta for now

magpie said...

(not sure it would LOOK like that on me is what I meant to type)

Hi Hoda, all sounds good !
The countdown continues....

stronghunter said...

I will be leaving soon to play bridge with my friends.

Hoda said...

I was in half moon pose when I came out of balance, that is standing on one foot and one hand with the other foot and the other hand up towards the sky...this is why I could not manage laughing at the same time!!! just sayin' so you would not think I am a total clutz!!!

Hoda said...

KAY I was very happy to see your posts and I too pray for healing and some other solution to the pain...BLESSINGS TO YOU♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I would laugh even trying to get in that position. I really want to be like you when I grow up!

Cam still down and I don't think the still cam is updating or at least it is in a loop. :(

WVJerry said...

Well it's been a while since I checked in here. Can't get the cam to work. I'm guessing the little ones are getting larger now. I have been feeling pretty ill the last several days but still been working. As far as I know I will be at the nest visit this Saturday. I hope to be there at 9:00AM. Should I meet everyone at the hotel in Shepherdstown and follow out the Conservation Center or just go the Center and go from there. I will not be able to attend the dinner Friday and will have to leave about 10:30AM on Saturday. Thanks for any and all help. I'll check back later. I'll also try to get back on Friday or Saturday to see if there are any changes.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...



Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

Good to see you'll be joing us for a while Sat. Jerry! Paula or Jo can email you directions, etc.

Lynne2 said...

Steve will be thrilled to have a fellow FISHERMAN to BS with!

hedgie said...

Hi again. Such fun chatter about formal wear! And Hoda laughing right out of your pose.
Glad your passport came with plenty of time to spare!

Margy, enjoy your dinner with Mary. Glad the day went as well as could be expected. Hope you felt our love.

So far so good here... toast with PB and jelly for dinner.

No live cam here, either. :(

Hoda said...

YEAYYY for PB and Jelly for supper LYNN...I feel genuinely happy when you eat things that you like and I am still counting on your trip to British Columbia so I can buy you a super fantastic top of the line Alberta Steak with potatoes or what ever else you want but NO VEGETABLES...the potato counts!!!LOL!!!♥

magpie said...

Yes Ma'am Lynn♥ I sure did!
and thank you ALL so much for all of that.....
Good to see you here....hope your evening goes well, enjoy that PBJ...

guess the Still Cam fooled is not working either as has been stated by others :(
oh dear, hope we will get fixed up live and still soon!

ttfn again...xoxox ♥

WVJerry said...

Thanks Lynne2. I know how to get to the Center not real sure where everyone will be once I get there. Never been on the grounds. Be glad to talk fishing but I most likely will be listening to him. My friend at work might let me borrow his binocs so I can see better.

JudyEddy said...

DID WE LOOSE THE CAMERA ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


JudyEddy said...

I went to the park and watch the cell phone tower eagle for 30 min right after work Still cam seems to be working???? with the exception of the rainbow lines

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jerry, if you go to the guard's station, they can point you in the right direction as to where we will be. It is by the barn.

Lynne2 said...

geesh, better find my directions! Not good to wait til the last minute!

WVJerry said...

E-E Sharon. OK and thanks.

Lynne2 said...

You can share our binos, Jerry!

Lynne2 said...

Geez now I better make a list of things I need to remember to bring. Can't trust this memory! BINOS, CAMERA.

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE we lost the live feed cam. The still cam is not really working from the consensus of what I have seen written is going around in a loop...I miss seeing the nest and I hope it is back on again for the weeken when they are all will be very tough for me otherwise. I already so much wished I was there with everyone already.

Lynne2 said...

Judy, that's a good idea, to get some videos during the gathering!

Mema Jo said...

Just came back home - dinner and some shopping. I needed a rain jacket and I
got one on sale. We ate at the Cracker Barrel and I had chicken/dumplings.

Sorry to see the Live feed cam is off
There is a picture on the still cam.

Hoda said...

LYNNE how long a drive is it for you and STEVE? Travel well you two.

Hoda said...

JO The still cam can not be working. It is showing 8:07 PM EDT and it is bright day light on the picture.
What colour is your new coat? ...and today you had a hair cut too...busy lady and how geat it is to be spoilt. I am glad you enjoyed supper. It sounds delicious.

JudyEddy said...

Watchin AI

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, we are an hour and a half from S'town.

Lynne2 said...

I suppose the Outdoor Channel must be the problem with the live feed since they have posted a message there?

Lynne2 said...

UGH....60% chance of T'storms in S'town after 2pm on Saturday.

Lynne2 said...

think I'll go to the sofa and read my newest Reminisce magazine. Very tired. Been having some weird dreams and night sweats. OH JOY what a LOVELY time of a woman's life!!

In case I crash...prayers for you all!

JudyEddy said...

are there any Dill pickle fans on the blog???????

JudyEddy said...

They reason I ask is we got in a new item today to go on the pickle modular. Our mod isn't set yet so I put them on clip strip in the pickle area and also in the two areas we have Popsicles.

JudyEddy said...


I talked to lot of customers in regards to them and two people said that their childs baseball team eats them after a game For the athletic kind of person

NatureNut said...

Happy Wed. Evening! Did someone get rain? We got a couple drops. I had to water some wilted outside plants before work.

On my way home, I saw something interesting. Got pics---will get them on before midnight!!!LOL
Gotta eat~~

JudyEddy said...

I use to drink pickle juice from the pickle jar when I was little I thought my mom didn't know but she did LOL funny things you remember

I only got two good reactions out of dozens of people my bosses face was unreal I went up to people and said we got a new item in today and I bet I could make you make a funny face with it - I wish I could of taken pictures of their faces

NatureNut said...

WOW! JudyE, Dill Pickle Popsicles!!
I think I luv them!!

JudyEddy said...

We are suppose to get severe weather on Sat and Sun and Angies is thinking about rescheduling it for nest Sat

Janet said...

judy e. was that her home made pickles? man those were GOOOD.....

hedgie said...

Calling it a day here. Hoping to sleep well in bed.....sofa wasn't very comfortable last night!
See you all tomorrow.
Enjoyed your banter since my last post!
Love you all. Prayers and thanks for yours, as always.

Jewels said...

GOod late evening.... Charlie's appt went well. Dr wants a ultrasound of his arm to make sure blood clot is gone. Another bloodwork to check g=his coumadin levels. Gearing up to get his gall bladder out in about a month. Weight is 210, size 38 jeans... Dr doesn't want him any smaller, and weight no less than 190-200. He needs to get up and get moving and build up muscle as he has lost so much of that. Tlked about getting him out in the community and volunteering to make him more active and feel better about himself. I think that went in one ear and out the other as Charlie is not a people person.
Got to bed about 1pm... got a phone call at 3:45 about needing someone at work... I took the midnight to 6 am shift. So.... Change of plans for me, Jessica has to go get her shot in the morning for a routine vaccine instead of me taking her today after school. She gets to be late for school, so she should be happy about that. Margy, you are still in my thoughts and prayers.. Mommy is you get on later, call me at work if u is awake. Love u and all of u!!

JudyEddy said...

I love Dill pickles and sour popsicles but they are 2.92 for 6
I'm sure your local Wmt will have them

JudyEddy said...

yep home made pickles SIS Hey its after the 16th

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I hope you have a peaceful nite Healing thought always coming your way Sweet dreams

Sandi said...

Calling it a night all!

Lynn, prayers that you sleep well!

Will see everyone in the morning!

Janet said...

JUDYE. yes i know. supposd to be on the market (per the emails from connie) on the 20th.

i am giving the attorney til friday. if i do not hear from her by friday i will shoot her an email

she said she would be in contact when she had a contract on the that makes me wonder....we i will start googling that company to see if it is listed anywhere i think....

hoping hoping hoping....but at least we KNOW the law is on our side and we do not have to take the nonsense. we can push and go to court if necessary.

Janet said...

calling it a night. everyone: have a beautiful tomorrow and sweet dreams tonight! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Dill them! Not sure about the popsicles tho!

magpie said...

Hoping your accomplished your objective when you got home, Paula ♥

I see Jo and I were Cracker Barrel Buddies tonight, just not in the same town !

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn♥ and hoping Sleep is Sweet...same wish for everyone here...

Darn it! Jewels got snagged for a shift, I can't stand the thought of that! :(
BUT, the county will be that much safer with her on duty !!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - your wild dreams - You aren't wearing a Nicotine Patch are you?

magpie said...

I'm winding down fast...think I'll head to bed and look at pictures in a magazine, that's about my speed tonight

Thinking of many pals seen and unseen tonight...
Hope Shirley trumped everyone at Bridge tonight!

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us All

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest
and God Bless Us, Every One
(( All-Night Hugs ♥ )) xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hello Margy - that would have been very nice to be eating together - so let's do that Friday Evening - are you free?
I'll bring your scarf...... Perhaps Sharon will bring your umbrella....

Lolly said...

Howdy! Able to get on the blog this evening. Had a fantastic day with my cousin and his wife. They are from Michigan and visiting their son in San Antonio. They drove here for today. Ate lunch at this beautiful restaurant on a hill overlooking the country side.

However....I am sick. Started day before yesterday with a raw throat. Today I developed a cough and now I have laryngitis. Do not feel so great! We have taken it easy this evening and will do the same tomorrow and maybe by Friday afternoon I will be better.

Have not read the blog. How has Lynn been today?

Lolly said...

I have scanned the blog really quickly but I am now heading to bed. Feel really yucky! Drat it all!!!!!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY so sad to hear you are sick...I hope you heal soon.PRAYERS♥

Mema Jo said...

Loretta that was a beautiful red fox.
Hope later on you will see some kits.

Lolly I think that is our 2nd rule - You don't get sick on vacation! Hope it leaves you as quickly as it came.

Closing down for the evening
God Bless Each and Everyone of You
** (((HUGS))) **

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, sorry you are not feeling well...terrible thing to happen on a vacation:(
Sounds like the same ailment I have had for the past 10 days.
Worse cough I have ever had...coughed til I threw up several times a day. Allegra D helped.

American Idol kids sang their hearts out tonight...I have no favorite, like them all:)

Good to see you on here this evening, LYNN:) Nity nite to you♥


Hoda said...

WANDA I am glad you are feeling better after those ten days...The soup kitchen work was intensive and I have a lot of admiration for you and for your resilience and creativity...

Hoda said...

Oh dear here we go again!!! Wide awake and no sign of sleep...JUDIE must not be sending the sandperson up to Canada or else you all are keeping him down there...LOL

Hoda said...

Ok I am going to log off and see what happens for the rest of this night.

Good night


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm just about to head to bed myself. Hope Lynn enjoyed her dinner, and that she sleeps soundly tonight.

Lynne2, hope you get a good night's sleep, too!

Hoda, hope you can get to sleep and stay asleep tonight! Gracious, why are so many having trouble sleeping?!

Lolly, so sorry to hear that you are feeling yucky! Prayers for a speedy healing! Hope you can manage to get a good night's sleep, too!

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those in need of healing. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

NatureNut said...

Konked out watching the News! Did put 2 sets of pics in Nook.
Now that I've had a Panda nap,have to find something on TV to knock me out again.
Hoda, if you see the sandperson, please send him back East!
Sorry to hear some others are under the weather. Lolly & Wanda, get well!
Hope everyone is having Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) Prayers for Good Healtyh, esp. our Lynn ♥

Lori O. said...

HODA, hope you get some rest early enough tonight/this morning.

KAY, glad to hear you're going to the back surgeon and that Judy was helpful. I pray you'll have less pain today and more smiles! Big Hugs!

ANDY, haven't seen your nighttime post yet, so I'm hoping you got all your new work from the doc done.

Thank you SHARON and PAULA for the dress codes! I like casual best!
SANDI, I would do sweats if we could, too! Jeans it will be.

MARGY, sandals with socks is so comfy! I've been thinking a lot about you lately. Hope you're doing okay.

LOLLY, so sorry you're feeling puny on your vacation. That's just wrong! Prayers you'll be up and at 'em ASAP!

Lori O. said...

OH LOOK, Loretta and Andy posted while I was typing.

Good Morning gals!

Jewels said...

Good morning from Central!!
Margy, how sweet, the county is safe even if I wasn't working. I trust all the ones who work here. :)
Lolly, so sorry you are feeling crummy. I would cry if I had laryngitis. I like to yell too much...LOL

Jewels said...

Wanda, I too have a hard time picking just one idol.
Your feeling ill too or just exauhsted? Get well everyone... we have a important weekend!! How I wish I could meet you all!!
Wamda, send me some info on your soup kitchen, I want to talk Charlie into coming to help out. Can't say when or if he will, but I want to try to get him involved in something.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi and DanaMo!
Did you postpone your easter egg hunt DanaMo?

Sandi, are you proctoring again today?

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DanaMo and Jewels!! It's quasi-Friday for me!! Taking the day off from school tomorrow - YAY!!!!!

Raining here this morning, and no live cam I see!

Lynn and Kay, hoping today is a good day for both of you!

Sandi said...

Lolly, sorry you have gotten sick on your vacation! Hope you can find some meds that help with your symptoms - feel better in a hurry!!

Loretta, I've said it before but will say it again - what a great job you have!!! All I see are adolescents all day long!!

Lori, yes, test proctoring again, plus trying to get a head start on the paperwork for next week's observation!

Judy, is this your last work day before your 10 day staycation starts??

Jewels, I think I will miss meeting you this weekend! =( If I recall, Christie will be with your mom on Friday night, am I right?

My mom is going with my sister to look at condos in Howard County today. Fingers crossed that she finds something that knocks her socks off and gets her excited about the idea of moving!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Yes, Sandi I postponed. We will be going to the park on Friday. My understanding is that it should be a beautiful day.

Looks like we may have rain on Saturday, I'm sure it won't dampen our spirits though.

It's been a long week. I guess it's hard for everyone to get going after the break. And it's going to be a busy weekend so no lying around doing nothing.

Buttons are printed off. Going to go cut them out before I get ready for school.

Have a great day everyone!

DanaMo said...

No cam???

magpie said...

No DanaMo
No cams, no live, no still....the still cam pictures is stuck on yesterday

Bravo on the buttons....I know you will clunking down on the crimping soon now that you have your pictures all ready!

Good Morning Eagle Pals
Thinking of Lynn♥ and
also Kay, Lolly, Wanda...and all with ailments...

Sandi said...

Will check in from school today - HAGD my eagle friends!

magpie said...

Two ospreys at the Fin-Ferry nest in Finland.

Lynn, have you been checking the overseas storks nest ?
I think things are a'happening there also

Jewels: thanks for all your updates, best wishes on Charlie's progress, and how neat, if he would be available for the Soup Kitchen...he will fall in love with Wanda and Gene ! LOL ☺☺

short time between now and going to work:

Best Wishes to Every One for a Good Day xo

JudyEddy said...

DRAT and GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS no cam this am Got up late forgot later that I should have Almost time to get Jordyn

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JudyE!
Have a great day with Jordyn.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so sorry you are ill on vaca not fair

WANDA I most certainly agree on AI they sang their hearts out and I also have no fav I haven't voted in years

Our weather man says its sprinkling in certain parts of Pinellas Co and of course its where I live looks damp out

JudyEddy said...

I sure hope that fix the cam before Sat

Jewels said...

Sandy, Christie with her on Friday and I am with her Saturday.
I agree Margy!! But Charlie is still whining over the fact the DR wants him doing stuff like that. IDK.... I doubt he will ever go. :(

hedgie said...


Hope you have a great day!!!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LYNN! How ya feeling?

hedgie said...

Weak, Lori, but otherwise status quo here.

hedgie said...

GOing to take a bath.....need to get warmed up a bit! Wish the sun would come out.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lynn, sure hope you were able to enjoy a good night of sleep. Please also have a good day today.

Lowreeda, we had light rain most of yesterday.

JudyE, momsters helped me out with pickle recipes last year as we had a bountiful cucumber crop. Really delish!

Lolly, sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope whatever it is disappears quickly.

Kay, so pleased you will see a nerve specialist. If, as I think, you have a herniated disc, surgery will take care of that pain. If that is your decision, I will hold your hand.

Shirley, hope bridge was fun last night.

Judie said...

Speed reading so know I've missed many. Good morning to everyone, again.

Sandi, so sorry you have so much to prepare just for an observation. Seems absurd, really.

Oh my, I see formal wear is expected for dinner. Well, guess I'll have to make a quick stop at the local Goodwill. Need bibs, sandals, and socks.

Audrey and Grace said to send meows to Emma.

Speaking of Audrey and Grace, we may attempt name changes as their personalities become more evident. Grace is a kneader so maybe Muffin and Audrey is more mottled with peach to maybe Peaches. We'll see.

Okay, time to get ready to spend my third to last day with the wannabe adults. Yippee!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Oh, thank you Lynn. Glad you are okay this morning. And thank you for the birthday reminder.

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANN♪♫ Wishing you a special day.


Sandi said...

Hey all, we have a NEW THREAD!!!!


C'MON over!!!

NatureNut said...

Happy Thursday to all. Cooler today, but nice sun.I just remembered to get out the hummer feeder. Hardly any flowers blooming anywhere. I guess I should start checking the plant store.
I may not have to go to work tommorrow, as they're low on vinyl jobs, so I might have time to construct a "blind" for the middle of the field! Maybe a green box? Hope to get lots better pictures of the little rascals!
Hope all with aiments will feel much better today. God Bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, Belle just arrived, think she about landed on Shep! She brout flugg.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep just poofed off the back

think the kids are looking for dinner...Shep was eating nestovers from the front

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just poofed

Lynne2 said...


WOO HOO only 2 more sleeps!
Praying for safe travels for everyone!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...