Wednesday, April 04, 2012


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Costume Lady said...


Bringing over from the last thread:

I have posted a copy of the menu that we will be chosing our dinner
from on Saturday 21st, at the Clarion Hotel on MOMSTERS MAIL and on my BLOG...SMILES:)
Check it out and be thinking about what you would like to order.

We need a head count so that the staff at the Clarion will know how many of us will be there.
Also, if you have a Raffle Item that you would like to donate, please tell Jo or me so that we can make all the necessary arrangements for our display. You may mail it or bring it with you.
HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE 20th and 21st!
Don't forget the Friday evening MEET AND GREET DINNER at 7pm in the Rumsey Tavern Room, also at the Clarion Hotel. Need head count for that, also~

Costume Lady said...

I'm getting ready to take GG to her PAIN MGMT. DOCTOR, will be back this evening.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Wanda.

Brought this over:

stronghunter said...
Awhile back, I posted a link to a very interesting store selling birding products. Now I can't find it. Did anyone save it?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

Mema Jo said...

Good Almost Afternoon - just home from
having lab work done and boy the waiting room was filled and flowed out into the hallway. I found out that I could have made an appointment and walked right in and out within 15 minutes. I'll do that next time.

Headcounts are coming in to me. We will have a good show of Momsters/Dadsters and Kidsters! I'll publish soon - would have been sooner but I am getting much wanted Add On's Love IT

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So the only thing on the menu for our dinner that I would eat is the New York Strip steak and it really sucked last time. I really wish they would let us order a hamburger. Might have to smuggle one in.

Mema Jo said...

Going over to previous thread to see what I have missed

Thank you Wanda for publishing menu
for Saturday evening.

hedgie said...

TaDa!!!!! Just responded to an email on the Kindle! Easy as pie!

Hi, Wanda, Shirley and Shar!

Shirley, I missed that post---sorry. Go to old thread and do F5 and then type in key word and enter, and it will show you where it is.

Mema Jo said...

I see Belle has lunch time duty in the heavenly bed of flugg. Looks a lot better but I bet it smells the same...

Mema Jo said...

Sharon when I call in the headcount I will remind them to check out their steaks for the evening so not to repeat last year's catastrophe !! I think our table got the tail end of the steer!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ask them if they could add a a nice burger to the menu?????

Mema Jo said...

Before I leave for a few I must say that the feeding is wonderful as I see Little Johnny Jump Up grabbing his lunch

Lolly said...

Wanda, thanks for the call over. (((Hugs))) for GG and hope the appointment goes well.

Time to start my day, need to eat and then walk before heading out.

Have a great day!☺

magpie said...

I have that bookmarked saved, etc..BUT I have that at home not here at the office

can it wait til I get home later to send it along to you??

thanks for the new thread, Steve
the new thread alert, AND
all the info here

Hi Lynn, Congratus on
your Ta-Da!!!

magpie said...

So Wanda double thanks to you

the new thread alert
the dinner menu selections

How about buttered toast and applesauce, two orders of each, that's the only thing I ever used to order when I was a youngster

magpie said...

wow, I never knew that about finding something from the older posts, Lynn

now I do know!

okay back to work...
before I start thinking I can close my eyes for a bit...

Sandi said...

Saw that we had a new thread (thanks Steve and thanks Wanda for the call over) and decided to use the web version of the blog (the one I always used to use) rather than using the mobile version that Sharon hooked me up with when the check box disappeared. The check box to email follow-up comments to my inbox is at the bottom of the screen, right under the comment box. =) Think I'll keep the mobile version bookmarked just in case the box disappears in the future. Boy Scout motto - "Always Prepared" comes to mind.

Back to the classroom! TTFN!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My bird inventory for today (so far): Nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, cardinals, mourning doves, squirrels (oh, wait), Mr. and Mrs. Towhee, Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch, blue jays, house sparrows, robins, downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker and a partridge in a pear tree! :) Well, maybe not the partridge but if I only had a pear tree.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dark-eyed juncos, chipping sparrows.

magpie said...

I can picture all this in my mind and in my ears, Sharon...

I heard a single towhee the other night

and saw a yellow-bellied sapsucker too !

Okay, been nice, but I must "go make dough"

magpie said...

and them too ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

Judie said...

Good almost afternoon.

Lunch time at the nest. Those babes are growing by the minute. So fun to watch.

Shirley, hope you're awake and having a good day.

Hope Margy is having a good day at work.

Lynn, congratulations. Will someday have to finish my techie degree so I can join the 21st century.

Wanda, many thanks for the menu. #1 jimmy, caprese salad, maybe shrimp or crab cakes. Yummy! Sure hope the steak offered is tender and tasty this year.

Give GG a hug from me. Hope the pain doc. can offer more help.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, hi, I saved that site. hold on I will get it for you.

CarolAnne said...

Sharon -- your partridge comment reminds me of a near heart attack story.

the purpose of our walk is to end it at the field at the end of our street. Its sort of the neighborhood dog park/potty station. City goes thru & cuts it once in a while. Anyhow one morning as the dogs & I are tromping thru the long grass a grouse takes off practically underfoot. I almost dropped dead on the spot, even the dogs were so startled they didn't know what to do. Now its funny, at the moment it wasn't!!

Judie said...

Now, to let you know how ingenious the wannabe adults are: I tried to submit my paper on line but it didn't show up and you gave me a zero BUT I can prove the paper was finished on time. So, what they do is change the date/time on their laptops, go to the document and make a minor change, then save. Now it looks as if the paper was done on time. They then go back and adjust the date/time to what is the current date.

They think they are so clever and I, of course, am too stuuuuuupid to know what they are doing. Problem: I cannot prove it. Grrrrr! This has been a dreadful semester. Only three more weeks then final exams. Can't wait.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, cannot find my paper on how to do a link. Sorry. It is...

NCSuzan said...


Cannot spell nor type nor remember.

CarolAnne said...

Judie, sounds like those wannabes need a general lecture on how it will be in the "real world". Deadlines are deadlines!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just found out that Andrew and Kelsey are in an Easter Cantata. I will be attending that on Sunday! YAY!!! Weekend just keeps getting busier! :)

Judie said...

Andy, still so sorry for all your mess of trouble. Yes, let an attorney deal with the absent family member. Also very relieved to know your family in TX is safe and accounted for.

Sandi, what an adventure. Yes, it is to laugh after the fact.

Okay, back to work on tomorrow's lecture.


CarolAnne said...

Hark, I hear a herald angel . .. ahh, no - just the buzzer letting me know THERE ARE THINGS TO BE DONE!

Have a good day!

Judie said...

Okay, doing a Margy, again.

CarolAnne, wouldn't do any good. They grew up getting their way any way they can. That is the truly discouraging aspect of teaching. So many just do not have an internalized sense of integrity.

Okay, bye.

paula eagleholic said...

Finding more and more stuff that doesn't work because of the electrical issues!!! ARGGGGH!

Thanks for letting me vent!!☺

Mema Jo said...

I knew that a poop shoot was going to happen......

Mema Jo said...

Is there anyone on here right now watching the cam that thinks it is time to zoom back the cam? Truthfully I'd need to looks at some pictures to see how far away it zooms back.......

Hoda said...

Goodmorning/ Good afternoon.

I had to clcik HOME to go back to front page as Newer post was not an option this morning!!!

Jo with the chicklets being lleft alone so much I am not sure I want them to zoom the camera out just yet...this is just me though and i hear many others want it zoomed out.

Adult comes down from the attic at ten position and chicklets are right there... wanting food?

Your weekend sounds good SHARON.

Good on you LYNN for email through Kindle.

Sorry for the technical trouble PAULA.

Adult just poofed

Hoda said...

Belle in from seven

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Judie, back when computers were newer in schools, I had students who would print two copies of the same assignment and turn them in as two separate papers. So, when I found Joe's paper and Jim's paper with exactly the same errors, I would point out the cheating to them. But they have gotten a lot more sophisticated now. Probably some of the same people, though.

It is so sad that they have no internal sense of integrity.

Sandi said...

Dear Sharon ... a squirrel is not a bird. Sorry to disappoint. Haven't you noticed they seem to have more trouble with the flying thing?

Judie, agreed! Frustrating to teach kids who have a strong sense of entitlement and a weak sense of intrinsic reward and integrity.

magpie said...

have too many employees at 2 pm and not enough work at 2 I'll disappear into another room away from computers, sort of

Judie, simply amazing, you nailed it with your comment on integrity.
dear oh dear oh dear....

ttfn - see you fine friends later on....

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Suzan. I am shopping there now.

Hoda said...


Snowing here right now!

I have an appointment to change my snow tires next Wednesday. I hope snow is done by then!!! It is late this year...

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Suzan. I am shopping there now.

Well, some squirrels fly--kind of.

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch to check box truck didn't start angie brought me home bbl

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Some squirrels fly when they are attached to eagle talons. Ugh! Sorry. And then there are flying squirrels.

Last year, one fell from the sky or so it seemed. Apparently it got too close to a robin's nest and the robin knocked it out of the tree. I have a little playground in the backyard with a tarp covering it and it bounced off the tarp and apparently didn't get hurt.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, are you feeling better today? (((HUGS))))

stronghunter said...

Susan just posted this on FB:

I was at the Humane Society thrift store today, I dropped off a donation and then decided to look around. I found a nice, soft purple bunny that was 25 cents. When I was checking out, another shopper asked me about the bunny, she said, "wow that is a nice bunny, are you going to give it to a kid?" I said, "no, actually I will give it to orphaned raccoons." She was very shocked! I guess that isn't something you hear everyday :)


So typical of my Suzi.

stronghunter said...

I will BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Very good - I was beginning to think that Biggy Gal was constipated but that was a great poop shoot.
I can't tell if any adult is on the railing.

Hoda said...

SHARON, actually I do not feel so good, but the stuff in my chest is coming out and with the nasal spray and the Buckley's cough and congestion medication is working...I feel like going back to bed and so I will take a nap later on today. I cancelled from the Grans to Grans meeting and from yoga today. I think I am contagious so do not want to go is not there either...I did sleep very well though and I was rested from my sleep.

Robyn said...

I can't wait until the 21st. It has been a while since Tori attended a nest visit or dinner.

We should be home close to 2 or 3 Friday and the weather is suppose to be low 70's and sunny, who could ask for a better day.

Hoda said...

Shep in for a feeding. Came in at seven and the chicklettes coolected around him right away. Feeding is at eleven.

hedgie said...

Checking in....these babies are venturing too far to make me comfortable! But Shep just arrived so hope he corrals them a bit. Oh, yeah---making their way right to him for FOOD!!!

Had to break down and take a real pain pill for first time in a couple of weeks, so had a drug-induced nap!
Last load of laundry in the dryer now.

I am so thrilled to be able to read a book again! An easy reading one so making short work of it. Amazing what a difference the new glasses have made.

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad you are lossening up that junk and feeling a little better. Yes, best to stay home. Sorry about more snow. :(

Suzi is so much into her animal work, Shirley. Kudos to her! Makes me proud!

I'm undecided on zoom out yet or not, Jo! Love seeing them up close for a little longer, but they ARE growing SO fast!

hedgie said...

Robyn, I am getting so excited for you and Tori....don't know how you can stand the waiting!!!!!! RED LETTER FRIDAY for sure!!!!!

Hoda said...

Moved feeding to six branch...shep feeding and they are hungry!!!

grannyblt said...

Wanda, check your Facebook messages, I have a wrong email for you.

Hoda said...

LYNN take a picture of you with the new glasses...I bet you they are very elegant...I am glad they are working well.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, nothing like seeing better!

I left my glasses home when I was at the beach last weekend. I usually put them on for an hour or two before I put my contacts in...and sometimes down at the beach, I just wear them all weekend...especially while working around messy stuff.

So I had to look around without glasses Saturday morning...ugh! Put my contacts in right away on Sunday! I can't stand not being able to see properly!

Hoda said...

In comes Belle with lots more flugg...the family is gathered in the nest and the chicklettes are sitting up cute...

Hoda said...

Shep poof and the little ones cute so very very cute...

Hoda said...

Hoda said...

So so cute they just go to their MAMA because they missed her...they want to be close not eatingjust close...she tries to feed them but they are stuffed...

Hoda said...

Chicklettes are asleep and Ma Belle continues to stand guard at eleven. The are staying close to her.

Hoda said...

Belle is feeding from noon.A bit windy at the nest.

DanaMo said...

Have we heard from Kay today? I sent her an email and I haven't heard from her.

Hoda said...

DANA I do not remember seeing a post by KAY...

The chicklettes are getting much bigger bites now...little one had a mouth full but he handled it and gigger one is so happy to be fed by MAMA she is on her belly with mouth wide very cute...

Hoda said...

KAY however was on MOMSTER email DANAMO

Hoda said...

Being sick is a good opportunity to do the publicity announcements for three organizations.
The Grans to Grans are having a movie night to deal with AIDS and dying on the 20th of April.
CFUW is having their meeting ont he 21st and I also wrote an article as they have been active in Nelson for 45 years this year.
The Friends of the Library are asking for book donations and also announce thier book sale to take place ont eh 28th of April...
I completed all the online notices and some cable TV anouncements and will wait till the end of the week to do the printed papers.
It was not too bad. I just had to be organized to remember which ones I have done...lists are good.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here pretty late today--slept in this morning, and it felt good! Have cleaned up the house pretty well, and spent some time with Emma. She wants to go for a walk, so think that will be next on the agenda. Hoda, glad you slept well last night, and things are loosening up. Prayers continue for healing!

Lynn, would love to see a picture of you in your new glasses. Glad they work so well for you, 'cause it sure makes a big difference!
Have some online bills to pay, so will be back later tonight, after dinner. HAGD, everyone! :o]

Lori O. said...

Hoda, I'm so bummed you're not feeling great,
but happy you're getting a lot done! Big Get Well Hugs!

Wanda and Jo, thanks for all your work on the
Momsmter Weekend!
I'm so excited for it!

Lori O. said...

I got my do done today - actually chopped
off my hair. It hasn't been this short
since third grade! I like it though.
Will take me a little while to learn to do the do right! :)

Judie said...

Babes plotzed. Must be full.

Hoda, only you could think of so many productive activities while being so ill. You are amazing! Hope the snows stops flying so you can get those tires changed.

Lynn, hoping the pain pill and nap helped.

Oh wow, Shirley. Had my heart racing for a moment until I realized the purple bunny was not to be used as food. May the raccoons play on.

Sharon, congrats to Andrew and Kelsey on the Easter Cantata. Enjoy!

To the kitchen to look for inspiration and enthusiasm.

Hoda said...

LORI you MUST put short is your hair and did you change the colour? You are always so fashionable...Good on you.

Lolly said...

Hi all!!! Home from shopping, had a successful sandals, new purse, navy slacks, and black ankle pants. I am good to go what with 2 new tops yesterday. Now, need to do an inventory of spring clothes to make sure I am ready for everything!

Lolly said...

Oh, and the sky today is bright blue with hardly any clouds and a wonderful 75. My kind of day!!

Lolly said...

I see the peaglets are sleeping in the shade.

Lori O. said...

Hoda, I didn't change the colors, but it's pretty short for me. No one here now to take a picture, but it looks pretty ratty after taking a nap! lol

Lolly said...

I like my new iphone. You can take a picture of yourself. LOL I pulled it the other day and used it as a mirror. Laurel was amazed, said she had never thought of using it that way.

JudyEddy said...

I am proud owner of a new battery LOL Had to walk to work this am truck didn't want to start I knew something was odd yesterday and I should have looked at it them MY X Husband came over and put it on a charger it started at luch and took it to work to where I bought a new battery Fl heat is bad on batteries and it was under warranty tooo yeah

JudyEddy said...

MARGY my hand is ok now I wore a brace thing on my hand because it hurt when I put pressure on it so not bad now and I can type it doesn't hurt unless I put pressure on it Had the hardest time keeping it bandage up today sweaty hands that work- hard to keep on I guess Thanks for asking stupid thing I did

JudyEddy said...

LORI you must post a pic of your short hair cut SELF TIMER on your camera

Sandi said...

Home - FINALLY! Long day - the boys track team won big, but the girls lost big. I'm hungry and beat!! BBL!

Hoda said...

JUDYE so glad that your hand is feeling better. Sorry you had to walk to work and I hope you did not arrive were not planning on walking or were you?

My live feed keeps freezing!!!

Belle is feeding again. Hope little chicklet does not decide to do a poop shoot!!! He will get his sister if he does!!! The way they are sitting is so funny...

Hoda said...

Belle is defuring something...I thought her beak was too blody for a fish...did she bring whatever it is in or did Shep...I did not see that...anyone else?

Hoda said...

Shep lands on cam and calling out...Chicklets zonked out after their meal and Belle is still at eleven.

Hoda said...

Camera shakes again

Kay said...

Aha, I'm just in time for dinner I see ! Always a sweet thing to view.

LYNN, happy to see you're here today ! Prayers continue !

SOUTHERN DELEGATION to join us for the nest visit. Hurray !

HODA, sorry you're ailing. I'm praying !

Can't say it's a good day here, but I'm still alive and kickin', so guess I shouldn't complain !

Good golly Miss Molly ! The peaglets can sure eat !

Going in search of something to fill my belly. Sounds like Shep is in the attic and wishing he could take over nest duty.

Praying for all in need !


Hoda said...

Good to see youKAY...DANAMO was looking for you...did you two connect? I hope you find a good supper...

LYNN and SHARON My lung stress test is now on the 10th of April. Hopsital let me know....bureaucracy is mind boggling...the Nelson hospital can not book the appointment!!! I had to go to the hospital in Trail, a town two hours away, to book an appointment in Nelson. I told them how dumbfounding it all is and they agreed...some hospotal administrator made the decision I guess!!!

Hoda said...

In comes Shep with a small fishand he starts to eat it. Belle is still feeding at eleven, Shep is eating at six

Kay said...

Thanks, HODA. I just checked my e-mail and see that DANAMO hasn't responded to the message I sent her about an hour ago. Came back to say: DANAMO check your mail ! We are getting set with our plans for meeting Monday morning for breakfast. I do not care to be a Cracker Barrel greeter this time ! ☺ They didn't pay me for my services. Can you believe that ?

magpie said...

Hello Evening Eagle Pals !
And there is a good collection of you here !

BWO Osprey cam is back up...
been down for a few days

Kay said...

I think that is a squirrel Belle is stuffing her chicklets with. They should be all set for the night after this protein rich meal ! Night, night again ! zzzzzz

Hoda said...

Belle poofs, Shep still eating and chicklets zonked

hedgie said...

Been napping off and on all afternoon, and then had a brief visit from a friend. Now time for dinner....still not feeling real good, but maybe food will help!

Wind is fierce here...and at nest, too, it sounds like! Shep better get closer to those little guys!

magpie said...

Good to see you there Lynn, Kay, Hoda...glad you are feeling well enough to spread some of your Sunshine ☼
(well I do see you said SNOW, Hoda)

Sandi, Yay for the boys track, tough that the girls lost though...

Spring Break getting closer and closer by the minute ! ☺

Hoda said...

I am stunned that Cracke rBarrell did not pay you for being a greeter last autumn KAY!!! How dare they and I am sure you were friendly to everyone coming in as you were expecting DANAMO and MONTY!!!
I hope you two meet this time.

JudyEddy said...

HODA my cam freezes also
and it turned itslef
off and went to the big
arrow to click on

And yep I was a half a hour
late I work a little over
two miles from here and took
me almost 30min to walk
first I had to call work
to tell them I will be late

magpie said...

okay there Hedgie...
hope some chow gives you a pick up

Hope Paula has escaped the electrical madness....

Thanks for all the nestcapates reporting, friends...

might be time for some chow here for me too....

Judie: Three More Weeks ?
Woof !!!!!
Hope it moves along without too many hitches

magpie said...

kids are plotzed, parents taking an opportunity for some housekeeping

Hoda said...

Belle in with more branches and flugg. Shep was feeding the chicklets at eleven after she left and they want to sleep but Belle keeps picking on something between them. Nest looks so very fluffy and there is a good family gatheringf going on right now.All is well...Poof Shep

JudyEddy said...

BELLE Is probably telling the kids to eat some more we don't get red meat that much

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

Nice to see our chicks, haven't peeked in all day.

Red meat for dinnner? Good!

Hoda said...

Good to see you PAULA...wondered where you were because you had not stopped in even once...I hope the computer problems at work are solved.
The red meat was a furry creature, not sure who brought it in I missed that part.

Hoda said...

You all in the USA have the MOST DELICIOUS organic artichoke...The health food store sells it here and I am preparing one right now as I have not had lunch... We get it from California...ANDY do you see it in your stores? DELICIOUS simply DELICIOUS...

Sandi said...

Kay, so happy that you checked in but I'm sad that you're still having such a tough time with the pain!

Lynn, hope the food helps!

DanaMo, now my stitches have itches! I know it means I'm healing but it's pretty annoying! BTW, just one more half day for you, right?

Judie, is this your final semester of teaching?

The vet called with the results of Bandit's blood work. The adjective he used was "amazing" to describe the physical shape that Bandit is in. It's just his brain that's falling apart! Will be picking up the new dog food tomorrow that may help with his cognitive function.

Read on FB that Tori may be going home tomorrow after PT! Amazing! Very happy for Robyn and Tori!

Mema Jo said...

Tori and her mother and her grandparents will be at the Sat Dinner.

magpie said...

Wonderful Jo....
and thanks to ALL who are sharing the Tori Story with the rest of us....

magpie said...

call ahead next time

I got called in with a group of
12 last time I had bloodwork
but I was the FIRST one in the
lucky, that's all

Sandi...hoping that you find what helps Bandit's cognitive good to hear he is in such Amazing Shape...
Good Upbringing ☺☺

magpie said...

Some kind of approaching-full Moon Up in the East....

April 6 3:19 pm DST...
The Full Pink Moon !
That is, Good Friday......

magpie said...

performing an unusual kitchen chore here
well, heating up frozen Chinese, and cooking Rice...

Nice bird sound, think a starling making that whistling trill
we hear from time to time.
The nest is definitely, Fluffy !!
I had a typo first,
typed the MEST

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for identfying the bird MARGY I don't know one from the other I love all the different ones we get on the cam

JudyEddy said...

I haven't done but one pic of the children today wasn't home during lunch just to pick up the turck and they have been mostly alseepin the corener What did Belle just jab at in the nest

JudyEddy said...

kids are up and gonna eat I thik Belle picked up some food

DanaMo said...

Sorry Kay, I have answered. I "crashed" after pigging out after school. Routine behavior for me! LOL!

magpie said...

sorry about your truck, but glad you got things taken care of,
and also that your hand/finger is doing better...
how about some lightweight cotton gloves to work in, well never mind
your Week-end is upon you !
didn't see what Belle jabbed at.

stronghunter said...

Will took Hunter to baseball practice. I am enjoying some time alone.

I did put a folding lawn chair out for Will to take along, but he rejected it because, according to him, the color is "hideous."

It is white and chartreuse. Only thing I can figure is that Will is not so fond of bright colors. I think he found a different chair. He can jolly well stand up if he's going to be so critical of my color choices!

I see two sleeping baby eagles and the bottom part of an adult standing over them.

Oh, now I got a glimpse of the head. Looks to be Belle.

I think that must be the red meat at about 12:00.

Some sibling rivalry going on there.

Kathryn just texted that she will be home soon. She went up to Northern Virginia to participate in a survey thing today. They pay well, so she took a day off from work.

DanaMo said...

Yes, Sandi, 4 more hours of teaching!!!!!

My son should be landing any minute now. Glad Monte is able to pick him up from the airport and I didn't have to travel.

Making hot dogs on the grill for the rest of us.

Can't wait to see Aric after the comments regarding school/major on his way out the door last time. Hopefully, we will be able to sit and talk, although I know Monte and he probably won't give the child any peace on the way home talking about ideas and suggestions! He can be exasperating!(That is the right word, right?)

JudyEddy said...

so cute they are huddling cuddling together

DanaMo said...

I am so far behind on this blog I will NEVER catch up!

DanaMo said...

Hm...not bad the directions to the campground in Columbus says 5:49.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep back...with food?

magpie said...

he (or she) had to lean on his brother(or sister) to send that one flying !

Hoda said...

In comes Shep...did he bring food? Not sure...he is facing five

Sandi said...

Would ya look at the full crop on that peaglet!!

Hoda said...

Wind is getting stronger at the nest...

magpie said...

I didn't see if Shep brought in food Paula
I am trying not to burn my dinner !

DanaMo: Happy that Aric will be home soon ! How Joyful !

magpie said...

funny, Shirley
about Will.
Also, nice he will be setting up residence there for awhile with you....
xoxo ttfn

JudyEddy said...

walking up to dad whatchaya doing

Sandi said...

Looks like Big is begging for me - not sure how s/he can even sit upright!

Sandi said...

for more, not for me!

JudyEddy said...

love the wingersize

DanaMo said...

Look at him/her flapping it's wings!!

JudyEddy said...

looks like one is trying to go udner the other

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Belle is fluffing up the flugg on the side

Lynne2 said...

Good evening, and a beautiful one it is here in these parts! Nice breeze, warmish, peepers peeping and a moon!

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go watch TV and put the screen on full screen I got a couple of poop shoots in the two video I did download now BBL

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

YES LYNNE2 lets celebrate LOL

Hoda said...

Is Belle going to stay with her babies tonight? Nest is so fluffy and shicklettes in the cup she close to them...are the chicklettes beaking or picking on each cute so very cute...

paula eagleholic said...

I think Shep was standing over that stick at the launch pad,,looked like food under him

Chicks are snugged together in the cup, Belle standing at 11

Sandi said...

Well all, I am beat again - hope I can stay awake to watch Survivor! I will see everyone in the AM - so excited that, after tomorrow, I can pretend I'm retired for 10 whole days!!

Prayers for Lynn, Kay, and Thelma!


DanaMo said...

Me too Sandi!!

hedgie said...

Kay, glad to see you on and hope tomorrow is an even better day.

Hoda, don't work too hard while you're sick and confined!

I'm going to go ahead and log off for the night. It's jammie time, and hoping I can stay awake for CBS shows, but have doubts.

See you in the morning light. Peace and prayers for all.

Lynne2 said...

Sleep well Lynn!

Lynne2 said...

I see there has been another person claiming to be the MD winner of the lottery. Bet this is the real one...had my doubts about Ms. McDonalds Lady.

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN.
Goodnight to you ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh really Lynne? I just read about the McDonald's lady this afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, a woman in Mississippi claims her son who lives in Glen Burnie, MD, is the winner. And the strange lady who came forward first had a press conference today, with her lawyer who says he hasn't seen and doesn't want to see the ticket, and she is claiming the ticket is hidden at the McDs where she works! LOL! I think she didn't win, I think she is NUTS. But no one has come forward to the MD lottery to prove anything yet.

Lynne2 said...

well, gas prices came down a few cents today. That's how I know the stock market isn't doing well. Stock market up, gas prices up. Stock market down, gas prices down.

Mema Jo said...

Check out this list for 4/20 dinner
Friday Dinner (email me corrections)

Susan Hill
Kay Moffett
Linda Salisberry
Wanda Wright
Capt Gene Wright
Margy Hoogland
Sandi Roberts
Dennis Roberts
Dana Hilmoe
Monte Hilmoe
Jo Lennox
Michael Lennox
Dana Meyer
Lori Olivieri
Shirley Phillips
Kathryn Cowger
Hunter Cowger
Lynn Riner
Christie Riner Reed

Mema Jo said...

Check this out for Saturday Nest/Lunch

Saturday Lunch
Susan Hill
Kay Moffett
Linda Salsberry
Wanda Wright
Capt Gene Wright
Suzanne Hall
Megan Webber
Beverly Riffe
Mattie Kessler
Justin Kessler
Sharon Farley
Thelma Farley
Dana Meyer
Robyn Schonhans
Bobbie Schonhans
Tori Chakwin
Kristen Leaf
Jo Lennox
Michael Lennox
Jennifer Vallandingham
Joseph Mastrangelo
Anthony Mastrangelo
Sophia Mastrangelo
Lori Olivieri
Paula Compton
Lynne Soper
Steve Soper
Sandi Roberts
Dennis Roberts
Shirley Phillips
Kathryn Cowger
Hunter Cowger

Mema Jo said...

Check this out for Sat 4/21 Dinner

Saturday Dinner
Susan Hill
Kay Moffett
Linda Salsberry
Wanda Wright
Capt Gene Wright
Margy Hoogland
Suzanne Hall
Megan Webber
Judie Vajda
Lynn Riner
Carolyn Smith
Beverly Riffe
Mattie Kessler
Justin Kessler
Sharon Farley
Thelma Farley
Loretta Lunholm
Frank Lunholm
Robyn Schonhans
Bobbie Schonhans
Ted Schonhans
Victoria Chakwin
Shirley Phillips
Susan Phillips
Kathryn Cowger
Hunter Cowger
Jo Lennox
Michael Lennox
Jennifer Vallandingham
Dana Meyer
Lori Olivieri
Paula Compton

Mema Jo said...

Watching Criminal Minds and then I will return

Hoda said...

How I wished I was coming too!!!
I wish you all a wonderful time and you must write about your experiences. An Awesome gathering.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Bee4n copying Wanda's dinner menu!!! I'm starved!
Worked late at Chel;sea---those who needed to use computers were out of luck!The techies came and instead of fixing things that don't work, they upgraded all the Windows units from XP to 7!! Lost all our stuff---like desktops, picture, doc. files, etc! I stayed a 1/2 hour trying to find spider solitaire~~ won't download. Guess we're out of luck on any break time! I'll be helping our leader who's never seen Win. 7!
It sounds like there is NO Idol on opur TV!!!! Have to move to basement w/my dinner!!
Fill in at Park tomorrow. Now I know to take pics of nest even if it looks MT. Might catch some bobbleheads like Tuesday!!!Soon the leaves will cover everything.

Mema Jo said...

If they are looking for someone to claim the money I could put it to very good use.

Mema Jo said...

Criminal Minds ended with a weird scene

Linda said...

Just hoppin' in to say a quick Hi to my Dear Eagle Friends!!

My time is so limited these days, but want you to know I think of you often and wish I were HERE!!

Looking forward to our gathering in just over a couple weeks. What a celebration we will have!!

You're in my heart, in my prayers and on my mind throughout my days!!

Those eaglets are getting sooooo big!! I check in on them from time to time as well.

Love to you all............

Hoda said...

Good to read your post LINDS PRAYERS♥

Lynne2 said...

Fireflies have been report on the MD Birding list in Silver Spring/Tacoma Park area...

Lolly said...

It isn't fair, is it, Hoda? It is fun though to watch the nest cam when the momsters are at the nest. You can listen for the laughter. Give them a call and tell them what you are seeing in the nest. Since I am going to be at a reunion, I may not be able to do that this year.

Judie said...

Okay, the sandperson has not so gently reminded me I have an earlier than usual morning at the big school house.

Sandi, I'll keep my commitment to the Fall semester. Spring 2013, if I feel up to it, will likely be the last. Darth and I are finalizing plans to move into a continuing care retirement community.

Okay, tired and sleepy. The babes are sleeping. Have turned on the night light. Wishing everyone a restful night of sleep.

Lynne2 said...

well, time for bed here. Geesh, I'm am so tired lately. We are postponing our intended trip to MILs this weekend. Looking forward to a relaxing 3 day weekend. NOT looking forward to what a crazy day tomorrow will be at work!

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Linda said...

Thank you, Hoda! You take care of that cold and I pray you are feeling better tomorrow!!

Happy to hear Lynn got her new glasses and can put that Kindle Fire to good use! ♥

I am heading to bed!! Lifting up my dear friends in prayer with complete confidence in the healing power of the Holy Spirit!!

Night ♥

Hoda said...

JUDIE have you found a new home for the panthers?

I hear you LOLLY...I do hope they all have a great time at the reunion. Saturday I have a CFUW meeting and then Yoga...I would have loved to get on the phone with them there though...I won't be near the computer most of Saturday...

LYNNE I hope it is not too crazy at work tomorrow.
How is Steve's sister and I hope she is getting the care she is needing. I think of her often.I am glad you two are taking time out this weekend.

magpie said...

Big Woof Computer Stuff at Loretta's workplace...nothing could have been THAT broken for such an unfriendly solution.
Just my personal opinion!

Jo, wow impressive lists you posted, Thank You! How much can I pay someone to work my Saturday dayshift, I'm wondering!

magpie said...

Okay - time for those Wellness Prayers to keep kicking in, one day at a time, each one better than the last....

Oh how I wish I could be a student in Judie's classes on that last Fall-Spring semester !!

magpie said...

time for sleep soon...
hoping maybe to see an update in the morning from Lori, on how things are going with Kate's Mother, and
also from Wanda, on GG's doctor visit today....

glad things seem settled and quiet at The Royal Nest tonight

Good Night, Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness,
Thinking of Lynn♥, and many others

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

News time already~~~gotta hit the hay soon.
Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health for all, esp. Lynn ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Got a call from Jen earlier. She spent a couple of dicey hours at her work yesterday during a tornado warning. They had strong winds, rain, and baseball-sized hail! Thank God, she only got one ding in her car from the hail. Some of the skylights in their warehouse got broken. One person at her work had major damage to their home. Granddaughter Jay had to deal with a power outage in Dallas, but was OK otherwise.

I'm planning to go to the desert house in the morning. Will leave early, but time it so I arrive once there's daylight. May check in with Security first, and make sure they've checked on the house very recently. We did turn in paperwork saying we're on vacation, so they will check on the place hourly. I might inquire at one real estate company up there that also does property management. If the cost isn't too high, it might be worth it. Don't know whether that would help with insurance coverage, but it would mean more peace of mind for us.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, hope you sleep like a baby tonight, and wake up totally refreshed in the morning! Love & hugs coming your way! Prayers for your healing continue!

Hoda, hope you feel ever so much better tomorrow! Prayers for you too! (((Hugs)))

Just had a thought--I think I may take our Dyson vacuum to the desert with me. It would do a fantastic job of getting stuff out of the carpet.

Can't get over how huge the peaglets are! No wonder--they're eating an amazing amount of food!

Well, think I'd better try to get to bed earlier than usual tonight. Plan on leaving at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow, which should put me at the desert house by 7 a.m. Should only take a couple hours at most to clean, and will get home to Emma before she bursts her bladder.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those needing healing.
Special prayers for Lynn, Kay, Hoda, Thelma, Sharon, and Tori.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!:o]

Lolly said...

Have been watching tv. Enjoyed AI tonight, like the song choices.

Also watching the news and tornado stories. They were showing owners being reunited with pets. Made me think we need to update our inventory. Going to walk around the interior of the house and out with the video camera. The distruction is just unbelievable. We have much to be thankful for!

paula eagleholic said...

Probably not a bad idea, Lolly. I need to do the same!

Can't wait to see everyone on the 21st!

Heading to bed.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...

Going to head to the shower. Busy day tomorrow. We are going to Denton tomorrow to a baseball game for Joseph. Since it is a weekday visit I will be cooking dinner up there. Might get up there in time to walk the boys home from school. I always like doing that.

See you in the morning.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all my Blogger Friends
Bless you and yours
** (((HUGS TO ALL))) **

Lolly said...

Had to come back and leave this. I have not been watching the bear cam much recently. This is one of the latest videos and it is so cute. Will make you feel good!

Jewel and cubs

Nite again!

Hoda said...

Lovely video LOlly. How they have grown...Thanks for posting it.

Hoda said...



All is well at the nest. Belle is still on the nest close to the chicklets. She tucked in several times but has been awake for a while now.Moonlit nest.

Lori O. said...

All caught up, but not much time. It's so exciting to see all the talk of the Pretend Open House coming up!

Judy, glad your truck is working again!

HODA, hope you get to feeling better today.

Prayers for Lynn, Kay, Hoda and Thelma.

Love you all! ♥

Lori O. said...

Funny that today my new, short haircut looks
nothing like it did yesterday
when the stylist did it!

Oh well, I've accepted this is a
learning curve for me and it'll take
a while.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DanaMo! Hey, DMo, it's almost break time!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi!

DanaMo said...

Oh Lori, did you post a picture? Short and sassy you!

Just a few more hours until spring Lord...finally!

DanaMo said...

No students for you, right, Sandi?

DanaMo said...

I know I'm behind the times....but Sandi that is a really good picture of Mom, Dad, and the babies eating that is on your blog. I think that is the one I will use for the buttons.
We've had:
Bless this nest
We are family
As the egg rolls

still looking for ideas...

Sandi said...

DMo, I have students today. We have 30 minute classes in the morning, then going to the cafeteria to give out certificates for students who earned them for the marking period, then lunch, then the kids are watching Hugo as their end of marking period celebration, then they go to their exploratory classes. Easy day! Will your kids go to Mass this AM?

I would be flattered to have my pic on the buttons! My vote would be for We are Family!

Lori O. said...

No picture yet, DMo. I gotta learn how to do this do! I'm hoping to have it down by Open House time.

How about Eaglet Momsters for the buttons? Make a few that say Eaglet Dadster for any men who come.

Lori O. said...

10 more posts until we hit the 200 deadend.

DanaMo said...

With that particular picture I like "We are family" the eagles are and all of us are...then I could put the date on the bottom.

DanaMo said...

Ah...just tell Loo to take your picture ☺

DanaMo said...

Going to take it easy today. I have one "special" this morning. We are going to start with a craft that needs to dry, then go to specials, then break, finish the craft (hopefully), watch a movie, color, maybe do Math, and maybe a little reading. They are having such a hard time recognizing asking and telling sentences and what punctuation to use. They can't seem to pick out questions. Seems so easy but they are being really hard headed!!

Lori O. said...

LOL, those hardheaded kindies!

Your idea for the button is good, DMo! I like having the date on it, too. Do you need help making them. I've always wanted to make buttons.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Thinking of Lynn ♥

Lori: It's exactly the same with me a new haircut the first day, and then I wonder, why can't I do it that way !

I like your suggestion of
Eaglet Momster and a few Eaglet Dadster buttons, we might have to factor in a few Kidsters also ☺


magpie said...

Best wishes to all our Teachers for whom this is your Last Day before Spring Break

Holy Thursday today....the solemn days before Easter Sunday commence.....

magpie said...

I like
Bless This Nest also

and that picture Sandi has on her blog, is Spot On !

Babies have the nest to themselves right now and we have color !

Lori O. said...

Good morning, MARGY! I'll get an update on Kate's Mom later today. Thanks for asking.

Judie said...

Good early morning, for me anyway.

Have a meeting at the big school house so must be out and about by 8am.

Lori, no time at all and you'll have that "do" doing what you want.

Lowreeda, hope work situation is better today.

Andy, safe travels and thinking of you. Glad the family is okay.

DanaMo, guess what? Students still can't spell, punctuate, or write a simple sentence when I get them. Have even had papers submitted with their text abbreviations.

Hoda, I have waited to post about the panthers to give me time to adjust. The people we adopted from did not want them back (understandably) so we surrendered them to the animal shelter two weeks ago. Turns out the daughter had signed an adoption contract that she would return them to the original rescue shelter and pay $200 if they didn't work out. Well, the daughter and her parents would not honor the contract. We paid. The decision was extremely difficult and sad for us. We will try again.

Off to try to make myself less scary looking.

Have a good day everyone.

Oh, babes were sound asleep when I looked.


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...