Tuesday, April 10, 2012


New thread.


Kay said...

Nice new thread, Steve ! Thanks ! I'll call the other over.....

Mema Jo said...

Hello Kay - Good of you to ask me to join you over here.

Thanks you Steve for this Tuesday thread. it is such a beautiful day outside but full of allergy thingys.
Tomorrow is your special day Kay and I
am praying that you will be painless for a long long time.

Whole family is in the nest! Pretty greenery for all and looks like Belle has a new fish. Kinda hard getting up out of that egg cup

Kay said...

Hi JO ! Where are the others ? I've done a catch up and wound up with teary eyes upon reading the loving, caring words directed at me by you and others. Had a very rough night, but slept through the morning hours after an early morning dose of meds.

LYNN, sorry about your antsiness--if it helps, you have company. I can hardly stand the wait for tomorrow's injection. Wishing there were a magic injection for you, dear heart !

Kay said...

Guess that's Shep standing by with his precious lump of comatose eaglets in front of him. I don't see Belle's inverted V and those feet look like Shep's. Wish he'd dip his head a bit so we can see the black spot or NOT, if it's Belle.

Mema Jo said...

I would need to guess which adult is on the nest since I can't see the spot! I like the cam up this close but wish it could go back enough to see around the rim of the whole nest..

Kay said...

SANDI, I do hope your Mom give the TENS a good chance. It only masks the pain, but that's a nice relief. I tend to tire of it and can do without it for a while when the painkillers kick in well. Thanks for the P.I.G.'s site--wonderful work being done there ! A great place for young folks in that area to volunteer, too.

MARGY, prayers continual for your BIL. I'm sure your visit did the family a world of good. God bless you ! Glad you had some Kidster time, too !

PAULA, thanks for the good cam page update !

Mema Jo said...

Daughter just got a call in to us from England where they are spending their son's spring break. She is sending some pics tonight and their son has probably put some of the soccer game up on FB. She was at the Lennox Gardens! They are having a great time.

hedgie said...

It WAS Belle keeping watch, as Shep just flew in.

Kay, prayers for total relief tomorrow!

Jo, what a nice trip for the kids! Which ones? Carol or Kristen?

Kay said...

JO, marvelous, happy news from your daughter !


Kay said...

Hey, LYNN ! Are you eating well today---is the antsyness gone ?

Thinking of HODA and hoping we hear from her soon.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie it's my Catonsville family. My second oldest daughter.
I am glad to see you here with Kay and me! Are you gals going to do anything for your dinners.

Mema Jo said...

I think we have NEW shows on TV this evening. Ncis, and Ncis:LA and then I've been watching Unforgotten.

Kay said...

DANAMO, guess the family is winding up there at the cave. Hope it was a good day. Tell us about the new dynamics of just having Adam and Annemarie for this outing. Safe travel as you head for home. What time on Friday will you be having the procedure you have scheduled ? Prayers !

LORI, safe travel for you, too, as you bid the Bahamas farewell !

Kay said...

JO, I'm thinking a Marie Callendar chicken pot pie will fill the bill, er' my gullet, nicely. How about you ?

Kay said...

I'm so glad when you gals let me know about new episodes on TV. I get so tired of the number of reruns all the shows seem to have now, don't you ?

Kay said...


Kay said...


Kay said...


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve, for a new thread and thanks, Kay for the call over. So glad to see you on the blog today, Kay!!

Lynn, damn it (forgive my language)!!!! I feel so helpless and am so sad that you are STILL not feeling well!!

Jo, thanks for forwarding the Blackwater newsletter!

Mema Jo said...

The Baltimore O's and the NY Yankees have a game this evening. Baseball is in full swing.

Kay said...

Hi SANDI ! Nice to "see" you and hope it was a good day in the classroom--or are you on vacation this week--CRS time !

I'm about to feel the need to leave this idyllic scene for some chow and meds. Then will settle in for the news, Jeopardy and the evening shows. Will check in toward the end of DWTS to see who they kick off this evening. I'm guessing Gavin, but it's hard to tell since he may have a larger fan base than I'm aware of.

Sandi said...

Kay, I am on spring break - ALL WEEK!!!! Life is good! 8)

Kay said...

Oh, yeah, baseball ! When all else fails there is always a game to enjoy ! Happy to have my second favorite sport back. 1st fav ? Nascar !!!!

Kay said...

Ah, happy for you SANDI ! This is the week for Seth's Spring Break, too. However he had a few hours of play practice every day. He's playing the king in the Greek tragedy, Antigone, with play dates May 10th and 11th. I think that's really heavy fare for H.S., but he, of course, is thrilled with it !

Lolly said...

Want to take a peek in the cardinal nest?

Kay said...

Going into lurk mode now.

Thinking of and praying for all in need ! Saying thanks for all you good prayer partners, too !


Kay said...

Oops, not so fast Kay. Yes, LOLLY, yes ! Show us the cardinal's !!!!

Lolly said...

Click on that link...it will take you to the nest.

Kay said...

Oh, how sweet ! How many are there, LOLLY ? I can't tell if there are three or four ????

Lolly said...

Have been in the yard working. Just before coming in I took a peek as the parents did not seem to be around. Jack fussed at me for disturbing them, but parents were not there!

Lolly said...

There are four.

Lolly said...

So tiny and have fuzz! Do not know how long to the time they fledge, but we leave Friday and will be gone 10 days.

Kay said...

How special ! Will watch for further updates on those dear little redbirds ! Hawkwood is looking soooo beautiful, LOLLY ! You and the Ramblin' Wreck have created your own special paradise. Here's hoping last years drought conditions are not repeated !

Lolly said...

Thanks, Kay! So far this spring we are way ahead of last year in rain fall and lakes are full.

Kay said...

Oh, yes, there will be be changes in them before you return. They may even have fledged as the time is much shorter for small birds.

Sandi said...

Love watching Shep hand off food to Belle to feed to the kids! What a happy family!!

Kay said...


Lolly said...

I am afraid they will probably be gone when we return. We shall see!

Kay said...

Now making good on my earlier plan for the evening. God Bless All ! ♥

Lolly said...

Whoops...Jack just said, " I guess you have posted your birdie picture for all to see, now you can go sit outside with me." Can not pass up that invite as it includes a glass of wine.

(((Hugs))) Kay! I am off to the back yard!!!!

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY so absolutely amazing...they are incredible all clustered together like that!!!

I am back from the stress test. The chap was very good about explaining and he listened well. I had to have a test with puffing into a contraption with a nasal clip on anmd IO had to puff out and sudden inhale and hold and then he gave me an inhaler thing and had to do it over again and again and again till I got dizzy it seemed like!!! Dizzy was not the purpose however.
My tubes are inflamed he concluded after telling the lap top all my answeres to the questions he was asking...I think this is diagnosis by computer is what it is...he showed me a chart and a whole bunch of numbers and with the inhaler I improved 14% and that to him was significant...so he had two suggestions take the inhaler for two months and if it improves well I have asthma!! Don't take the inhaler for two months and if it improves well I have a viral infection and I do not need asthma medication...I did not say HUH??? I listened and the asthma medication has steroids in it which makes it something I would rather not use...It will take him three weeks to send the report to my doctor!!! He is booking another lung stress test for me in June!!!He got a base line today...
With the inhaler he gave me during the test I felt light headed and as if I have had three cups of espresso coffee...I feel hyper and my hands are shaking!!! Yikes don't like that at all...

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, I wish you had a cardinal cam - That is one full nest!

JudyEddy said...

I see new thread just as I get home


Sandi said...

DanaMo, sure hope your diet resolution wasn't based on that photo of Lori! You were punk'd!! Did you have a fun day at the cave?

DanaMo said...

Back from the cave and my diet resolve only lasted until 3:00.

Now I see my resolve was possibly based on "falseness"? HUMPH!!!

JudyEddy said...

I finally bought me a new binocular today after work got a 16x 50mm was the highest in zoom we had yeah now I can see the eagles when I go to the park My broke ones I left up there at Margy to throw away they were only about 25yrs old and broke

JudyEddy said...

I finally bought me a new binocular today after work got a 16x 50mm was the highest in zoom we had yeah now I can see the eagles when I go to the park My broke ones I left up there at Margy to throw away they were only about 25yrs old and broke

Mema Jo said...

Hoda,, the pulmonary tests you were doing is what I do once a year. I huff and puff and huff and puff until I feel like I will fall off the seat! The nasal clip is what I have a hard time getting use to.Best of luck finding out if it is allergies or bronchitis.

Lolly said...

Back inside..beautiful day today!

Dana...what did you think of the cave?

Mema Jo said...

MISS BIG has her wing over on MR. LIL' BIT - Good way to keep warm as it is really chilling down outside.

Margy was headed down to see Dwain & the family at the Winchester Hospital after work. May be quite a while until we hear from her.


DanaMo said...

The cave was great. Really enjoyed it! I love going to our National Parks they are a real treasure!

Mema Jo said...

Looking on FB: Dana has fantastic pictures of the cave they hiked through and the Lunch area in the cave is really cool.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back at 11...looks like Belle

Chicks tangled up in the greenery, LOL

Hoda said...

Belle in with more greenery.She wakes up the little ones, they are still sleepy heads though...LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot from the little guy and some preening. Missy is picking at the greener, it was just in her face ☺

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Great pictures DANAMO on Facebook Thanks for posting them

Belle Poofs little muchkins are squabbling!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Little guy with a golf ball on his chest ☺

Hoda said...

Their crops are soooooooo full

Lolly said...

Glad you liked it, Dana. We did not! Guess Carlsbad Cavern has us spoiled as it is just beautiful.

17 confirmed tornadoes in our area last week.

Hoda said...

OK I am going to try to see how I get along with yoga again this evening...The black spots on Big Gal are increasing on a daily basis I am sure they are more prominent now than they were in the morning.

Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes when I went for my test. HUGS♥

JudyEddy said...

you really can see the dark feathers on the one wow what a difference

JudyEddy said...

I love how they peck at the greens

JudyEddy said...

gonna upload the video I did today and then TV

JudyEddy said...

big girl just sat up Oh I can a pic of them both sitting up and down they are again

JudyEddy said...

will try later for a pic I guess the wind is keeping them lo huh

JudyEddy said...

BELLE in with greens again

JudyEddy said...

I love how they wag their tails so cute

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is digging big time wow almost flew backwards pulling on flugg

JudyEddy said...

she is digging for something it seems digging to China LOL and the wind is so fierce WOW

JudyEddy said...

I recorded the digging espisode I will wait for dark to upload video incase I record anything else ok now to tv like I said and didn't do

Mema Jo said...

Heading into my Terrific Tuesday TV shows. I'll check in during commercials to see that all is well.

JudyEddy said...

got a pic of them up everytime I was on they were down

JudyEddy said...

gonna go down load the videos now being its getting dark The wind is so bad hold tight eagles

Lynne2 said...

HiDeeHO y'all!

Oh Lynn, so sorry you are still feeling puny. Maybe tomorrow....

...and maybe tomorrow KAY will be up and running! Sorry to hear you had a bad night Kay.

Love Dana's pictures of their spelunking adventure today!

And Lolly, oh my gosh the babies are precious!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, what a choice you must make! I've had to use inhalers during attacks of bronchitis for most of my life, and while they work well, it does take some getting used to with the steroids. However, at least with the take home inhalers I've used, they are not quite as potent as the breathing treatments done at the Dr.

Lynne2 said...

guess I was a bit over due to change from my Easter picture! Pink Dogwoods now!

Lolly said...

We leave Friday and will be home in 10 days, about the time they will fledge. Annie will be at camp, so I sort of hope they fledge while she is gone.

Lynne2 said...

oh, I forgot you were going on a trip Lolly! And I forget where.

What's my name again....??

Lolly said...

We have a family reunion this coming weekend in Gonzales, TX. Then the following weekend is a class reunion at Kerrville, TX, both in the Hill Country. Going to be in Kerrville all next week with my brother and his wife and sister and her hubby, having fun waiting for the all years class reunion. We are all going!

The family reunion is a SARGEANT family reunion, 15 of us cousins and what children and grandchildren that can be there. Neither of my two can make it.

hedgie said...

Hoda, sorry about the test. Jo and I have had plenty of them..no fun. Hope you and thr dr. can solve the problem.

I am going to bed. Sorry, can't stay awake, so will hope for a better day tomorrow. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

The family reunion is going to be at a church campground/retreat center. They have rv hookups, so six of us are going to be in rv's. The rest have rooms. Going to be about 80 or so of us there.

Lolly said...

Nite Lynn. Sorry you had a rough day. Wish I lived closer. I would come and try to help in some way! Love you!

Lolly said...

Going to watch DWTS and give myself a manicure. Work in the yard today ruined them. Yes, had on gloves but I get holes fast!! Grrrrrrr!

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like a great time Lolly!

Sleep well Lynn!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Sleep well, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Hope that tomorrow is better for you, Lynn.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Sorry I'm on so late. I thought it was going to be a nice calm day at Park & I'd get to read blog. But No. The phone is going in the River!!First thing noticed was NO water. Had to drive down the hill to boat ramp for Porta Potties! Just like the good old days! ☺
I had a Panda nap after a pre dinner snack & never really ate dinner. Duh!
Had a neat experience on way out of Park. Put today's pics in Nook.
I've got a lot of reading to do~~~

Hoda said...

Well I am back and yoga class was worth going to for me...she has such a very different style of teaching and it is about exploring ...I did alright.

LYNN I am hooping the virus just goes away...Three weeks before the doctor gets the report seems to me sufficient time to be clear of this thing that I have had since February!!! Enough already I say...
I am so sorry that you and JO have had to go through this...the test really made me dizzy and I am still shaking from the inhaler...So LYNNE I do not think I could get used to that I would be a nervous reck

I feel so bad that you are not feeling well LYNN...Prayers♥...
KAY Prayers go to you too.

Too dark at the nest at the moment I can barely see Belle's head...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, I got the paperwork done for our tax preparation, and we had our appt. tonight. Silly me forgot about the interest on my student loans, and the cost of my books last year! Will look all that up tomorrow and take it in. We will be getting a nice refund! YAY!

I am so full of antihistamines I feel like my brain is running in reverse today! Doing somewhat better, and hope the trend continues.

Lynn, so sorry to hear that you were feeling puny again today! Hope a really good night's sleep will help. Prayers for healing continue! Love you lots!!! (((HUGS)))!!!

Heard from Granddaughter Courtney that she and her mom went to the Holocaust Museum with Courtney's class today. Made quite an impression on her. Wish I could've seen it too!

Well, need to get to bed earlier tonight. Trying to stay well rested so I beat this allergy thing quicker.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially Lynn, Margy's BIL, Kay, and all those in need of healing.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

Mema Jo said...

I finished watching my TV shows. It is hard for me to sit still for 3 hours. Whenever I run out to do something I miss too much. The shows were all good.

Hoda I am glad you went to Yoga and enjoyed it so much.

Lynn - I pray for you a good day tomorrow and that you do rest well through tonight.

Lynne2 said...

Going to hit the hay....

Have put 2 new posts on my blog if you'd like to see.

Good night and prayers for all....especially for Lynn to feel better tomorrow, Kay's procedure tomorrow, and for Margy, her BIL and family. And for Linda as the last frantic days of tax season have arrived! And for safe travels for Lori tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down.. Very tired.. Looks as though Belle may be sitting on the rim of the nest around 11:00..

Many prayers for everyone and special
prayers for those with dire needs. I love you all, my friends.

** (((HUGS TO ALL))) **

Lolly said...

News is over and time for me to close down, too.

Night all! Prayers for Lynn and Kay, as well as Margy's BIL.

Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Lea Crisco Farley on FB
Snowing in Bluefield.
· about a minute ago near Bluefield, WV

Hoda said...

Good Lord!!! Bluefield is getting as bad as Alberta!!! It is snowing there too tonight!!! Thank God NOT in Nelson...Bundle up SHARON!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh wow, snow.

Been working on taxes...have my extensions ready...waiting for some more info, but everything I have is entered at least.

Time for bed for me!

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh yes, TAXES...have to finish up GG's. Her's is a bit complicated and takes a bit longer to pull together than mine.
No Karla & company visit today. She is not feeling well. Going to try again tomorrow after GG gets her do done~


Hoda said...



magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Baby Eagles are awake and preening

Hope the Morning Light brings a good day for everyone ☺

xo ♥

Sandi said...

Good morning all!

Lynn, hoping and praying that today is a better day for you!

Kay, 12:45!!! Hope that shot works FAST!

Margy, continued prayers for your brother-in law.


magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn ♥
and Kay ♥ and that today especially is a better day...

magpie said...

oh dear a birthday and I missed it!
Tnanks Sandi for the reminder:

Happy Birthday to our dear Paula... !! xoxox ♥

magpie said...

missed it snail-mail wise that is,
I'm slipping...

sorry to read that Wanda's daughter Karla aka SWEET PEA was not feeling too well either...

Okay, we need a Feeling-Good kind of day for our pals here and there and everywhere !

magpie said...

I appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts for my brother in law and his family...Thank You, one and all...
things are no better, maybe worse, another bleed in the brain....
the kids met with the doctors last night...going over treatment options, these are especially difficult days for them.
I'm grateful they have each other and a strong family support network....some of them are staying in a Hospitality House on the hospital campus, which helps them out a great deal
except for one, they are all away from their faraway families, so the cell phone circuits are busy all the time with them

magpie said...

sounds like quite a breathing testing "ordeal" for you, and I pray that the best solution rises to the surface quickly for you....

glad that Yoga was good for you
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Sandi said...

Denny is having a routine colonoscopy today and I am his chauffeur. Gotta be there by 9:30.

Lynne2, enjoyed the new pics and your commentary to accompany them!

Loretta, I know I've said it before but whatta great job you have!! To see eagles in their nest every day - wow!!

Speaking of eagles, our 2 parents are still MIA , or at least out of camera range. Kids are dozing.

magpie said...

Best wishes to everyone with the tax preparations...
Hope extra cash lands in your pockets $$$$$

time for me to get ready for work....

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh, the colonoscopy....hope that all goes well, Sandi....
am sure the last 24 hours were...
not exactly fun, and I bet he is right hungry right about now !

Prayers for Perfect Results !

Sandi said...

Belle arrives. Now, where is Shep with breakfast. No more huge stockpile of fish with these 2 hungry kids!!

Sandi said...

Belle is checking out the pantry ... hmmm, pretty slim pickins!!

Sandi said...

I can read her mind! "Helllllooo ... honey ... bring food ... fast!!!

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds.

Today is the day that Lynn and Kay will feel better, along with all who ail. That is my prayer.

Sandi said...

Belle digs around through the greenery in the pantry and pulls out an old fish. Lil is up and in mom's face for breakfast. Uh oh, now Big is up and taking a few steps on her big old feetsies!

magpie said...

Good Morning Lynn1 grannyblt,
always a TREAT to see you here...
I hope you have a good day too....
wee bit cooler, feels more like Spring rather than Summer

xoxox ttfn (( All-Day Hugs ♥ )) to Everyone !

Janet said...

Wed. morning! Good morning to one and to all. Typical busy week here.....hard to beleive it is Wednesday already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping everyone who is not feeling well has a better day today....

Got chilly here in Nashville last night, 37 this morning. Cool again tonight, a few plants to cover.

Going to six flags over GA this weekend to celebrate the granddaughtetr's 6th birthday. I love rollarcoasters, but haven't rode a REAL one since the back problems....thinking as much as I would love to...kind of nervous to try that . Sure don't want to reinjure things...

Otherwise things are calm. Spring break is over. Kids went back to school yesterday. Home stretch now....end of May school is out and summer break begins again.

Last weekend of bowling coming up (til Sept)...

Have finished a book by Deepak Chopra (FINALLY) and LOVE his work...oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so insightful!

Have a super day to one and all....
hugs, smiles and peace to all.

Sandi said...

Belle is standing on the rails at 1, feeding both kids, I guess from an old fish.

I'm off to get ready for Denny's big day. While he's being scoped, I'm off to Lowes to buy bathroom accessories!

Hope everyone has a great day!!


DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Still no fish I see...When will breakfast arrive. Maybe I will see it come in this morning. I always seem to miss that!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

wow took a while but got them back

JudyEddy said...


.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

JudyEddy said...


.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

DanaMo said...

Is that little one making any sound or just flapping it's beak!?

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Morning all. Cloudy here but sure glad there's no snow....hope Bluefield didn't get more than a skiff!

hedgie said...

Margy, sorry there' s not better news about Dwain. :(

JudyEddy said...


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Off to coffee and dog treats soon. Busy day yesterday but a little more time to watch our growing family some today.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, Paula!!

Trying to get the cobwebs out of my brain with some coffee.

Will be very busy today. We leave for Virginia Beach this afternoon.

It is good that Will is staying here now, as he will be able to care for the various critters.

Still have some tax stuff to do. Hardest thing is gathering all of the information. Somehow, I have misplaced some things.

stronghunter said...

I see those dark feathers coming in. It is really easy to identify the older of the two eaglets right now.

hedgie said...

Heard that news, Judy---they are e xpecting another tsunami. Quake was 8.8.

hedgie said...

Hi GLo and Shirley. A good day to you both, and safe trip Shirley. ENJOY! You deserve a break!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

Oh Shirley
I am so excited....about your trip to Virginia Beach, lots of neat things there to see
including THE OCEAN !!

magpie said...

Notice I did not say THE BEACH

Hi Sharon !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Margy, but you did say Virginia BEACH! :)

stronghunter said...

We like the lazy river in this particular hotel. We had lots of fun there before. And saw lots of dolphins playing in the ocean. We will be there through Friday and then will go to visit some friends on the river for the weekend.

Oh, eaglets are doing nestorations.

DanaMo said...

Have a great trip to the beach, Shirley!! I love the beach!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULA♪♫♪ Hope the day will be special for you.

Shirley, safe travel and enjoy the the sun and sand (I also did not say BEACH). Been gone so many years I can no longer recommend anything special. Just enjoy whatever you do.

Margy, I am sorry the news is not more optimistic for your brother-in-law. Prayers for him and for you and all his family.

Hoda, I do hope you are able to get some diagnosis after that test yesterday. Don't know about inhalers but hope it helps.

Lynn, I am so wanting you to have a good day today. Hugs for you.

Going to get my "do" did this morning. Babes were sleeping when I checked.


DanaMo said...

Packing up here in KY stopping over in West By God Virgina tonight so we don't have a 9.5 hour ride on Thursday.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry. Shouldn't have mentioned the b****. Got Sharon all riled up.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning all!

Can see the beginnings of min feathers on Lil Man! He was preening his sis, too cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, enjoy your trip to the beach! Sounds fantastic!

Anyone know when Lori will be back?

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, pin feathers not min feathers! Mini feathers would work, tho!

paula eagleholic said...

Wish I could say it would be a great day at work..but have to leave around noon or so for a meeting in Baltimore, don't know what time I'll be home.

stronghunter said...

Want to get my do done before the nest visit. No time before beach trip.

Sandi said...

Shirley, enjoy your time in Virginia Beach!! I bet Hunter will go in the ocean - I see kids in the ocean here in April and this water is cold!!!

Just read a post on FB from Lynnis (daughter-in-law) that, IF there is a tsunami from this latest quake, it could reach them in Tanzania - and they live right on the coast! Yikes!!

Lynn, hope you're feeling OK this morning!!

OK, we're off! HAGD all!!

stronghunter said...

Thinking of your family today, Margy. Hoping it is a good day for them.

Sorry about the long day, Paula.

Will have to look closely for pin feathers on Little Man.

magpie said...

Well it was not Loo and Lori on the radio this morning, think they are headed back today

they should be airborne now

Brrr chilly temps back here compared to the Bahamas

magpie said...

Yes Paula...hope there are special Birthday Moments during your long work day....

and thanks Everyone for your
support, cares, and prayers

magpie said...

Good Morning Judie.....
hope all the wannabe academicians are on their best behaviors these days....

here's a crazy thing, over 900 college acceptance letters sent out in error from UCLA -

hedgie said...

Irene is coming today to give my hair a trim, so hope nothing interferes. I am shaggy!

Parent finally arrives but not with food. Hmmmm....
It's Belle.

Oh, my, Sandi.Prayers for the kids safety...hope they are headed for high ground.

hedgie said...

And poof, she's gone. KIds watch and cam is shaking......

paula eagleholic said...

Oh is that a squirrel?

magpie said...

My goodness! Not sure, but a large fish....
and quite the commotion over food
dragging and mantling...
I think I see a long skinny tail on the furry thing

Soudns great Lynn....a "do"
God Bless Irene !

magpie said...

Four beautiful eggs at the Kestrel cam, the most beautiful brown colors

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

Still have not caught up. Feel like I haven't stopped since I left Sunday morning at 5...and got home this morning at 2, so I was off work today! Whas a fiasco - American Airlines and an 8 hour layover in Miami!

I hope and pray all is well here.

Lori O. said...

Can't wait to bring up the nest...which I'll do right now...and see how big our babies are now.

Lori O. said...

Oh my gosh, they look like condor chicks they're so big. I haven't
seen them since Saturday night! WOW! They've grown so much!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

As Wanda said





3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...