Tuesday, April 03, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...


Thank You....for the New Thread...
I wish I were a high school student for the SC3 program...

Good Morning...and I hope you have a good day !

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I emailed your email address to Loretta, if you want to go back and clear that out of the blog...
sometimes there are spammers or woofers or phishers on here...
just a suggestion we often make regarding email addresses here.

Best wishes with your and Annemarie's conference with the Coach today....(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Totally horrified after reading Andrea's damage report...
a family here here in Berkeley County, insurance does not cover squat after a home is unoccupied for 30 days...though they had continued to pay premiums for months....
homeowners here had a place up for sale, damage costs equalled the costs of their prior renovations getting it ready for sale.
Guess it's all in the small print

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve!

Thanks for the call over, MARGY!

Good morning Margy, Judy and the rest of this
wonderful Eagle Family!

magpie said...

Sounds so neat about the Great Horned Owls...I'd like to hear that.
Only one I hear is on my Audubon clock at 12 o'clock, twice a day

magpie said...

Hey there Morning Glori
I read the update regarding Kate's Mother...hope each day is better than the one before, for everyone

magpie said...

Morning pre-work stuff is encroaching :(

Best wishes for a Good Day,
Every One !

ttfn xoxo ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Lori. Just heard you. Is this the request line? TRAIN please. :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Adam Levine is hot too! Lol

DanaMo said...

I'm not worried about the email address. It's out there everywhere and I already get tons of spam. I've had this email for over 10 years the only way I'm going to eliminate spam is to change it which I really don't want to do! Thanks for the concern.

magpie said...

OK-dokey DanaMo

Goooood Morning Sharon...
(( Hugs sent your way for everyone there ♥ ))

gotta go 'bye, get my few minutes of bee-bopping Music in the car...

xoxo ♥

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Just logged on at school and saw it!

Andy (whenever you get on the blog), I discussed your situation with my husband this AM b/c I found the insurance thing so upsetting. Dennis owns his own property management company here in Bethany and obviously, this is a resort town. Many homes sit unoccupied during the winter and Dennis manages about 20 homes while folks are away for the off season. If one of the houses was vandalized, Dennis - as well as the owners - would expect the damage/repairs to be covered by a person's homeowner's insurance! I'm sure there are different rules in different states and I know there are different kinds of policies, but I would absolutely double and triple check the policy to see what it says before you just give up and pay for the repairs yourself!

Lori O. said...

LOL, Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, I think it's a shame that the insurance company won't cover those damages...I'd better check mine for the beach house!

So sorry for the damage they did...you have got to feel violated!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep and Belle both in the nest.

hedgie said...

Lots of nest activity at the moment! Busy eagles!

Morning all!

I am totally appalled at Andy's report. Just so awful and senseless. Makes me sick to just read it.....I would have had a nervous breakdown in person.
Totally unbelievable about insurance coverage. Have one suggestion, Andy, about the "misssing" relative: let the estate attorney be the one to do the search--that's part of his/her job.
Wishing you a better day. Just horrified about the damage a nd the total insanity of it all. :(

hedgie said...

Sharon, hope Thelma is feeling better today. SO glad that she can't sign herself out. Don't take her anger be personally--you are doing the right thing. Love you both!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle was digging in the nest, cleaning up nestovers, she had a piece in her beak and took off to the right. Shep followed her.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep is back.

hedgie said...

Belle and Shep are in and out like revolving doors!!! Geesh!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks snoozing in the cup...no adults in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Someone landed in the attic

DanaMo said...

Checking in from school. Look at those babies all tuckered out!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Looks like its a busy nest morning indeed. Dex and i are meeting a Cam Club friend at a new spot today still not too far from my home. I am hoping maybe those Pelicans photos will happen today. MTBR Have a great day everyone.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Steve, thank you for the new thread. Have a lovely day.

Andy, so sorry about the damage done to the desert home. Senseless. Hateful. So very sorry about the insurance situation. If only I had a magic wand...

See the babes were home alone when I looked a minute or two ago. To say they are growing and healthy would be an understatement.

School day for me. Off to talk about domestic violence.

Have a great day everyone!

Lolly said...

Good morning! We certainly need a cam on the Sycamore Palace...I hear someone in the attic.

Andy and Ken, so very sorry about the dh and the vandalism. That is just so sick!!! It is curious how they got in.

I am thinking about shopping today. We have storms coming, not a good day to work in the yard.

movin said...


GooD MorninG,


It should reach the mid-70's with a good share of sun and little melodrama in So Cal today.

I hope you all have a good one.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Reading the papers was MUCH easier today!

Hi, Jim, Paula, Jusie, Lolly and Glo! Good luck on your pelican adventure.

Costume Lady said...

Watching the chicklets as I get ready to leave for Soup Kitchen.
One is or was snuggling up to Dad as closely as it could get, the other looked to be begging for food.
Little did Shep know, last Spring, when he took over the role of Belle's mate, that he would now, be babysitting a good part of his life away...not to mention, providing food for a family of four:)


JudyEddy said...

HOME FOR LUNCH and whats up not to many comment to read today is everyone enjoying this beautiful weather in the mid to upper 80 here

Lolly said...

I'll be right there for soup kitchen. Sounds yummy!

Ready to head out for the day but going to walk first.

Bird Girl said...

Wow! I go away for a week and the eaglets are HUGE and the webcam page got a makeover!

hedgie said...

Apricot upside down cake sounds GOOD!

Hi, Delphia! Huge babies, aren't they?

JudyEddy said...

JUSIE is a new person LOL ????????

JudyEddy said...

looks like the one wants to go under Shep

Bird Girl said...

Hedgie, yes!!! I'm amazed by how quickly they have grown. Shep seems to have really figured things out :)

JudyEddy said...

you can see their little hearts beating so fast or is it breathing fast panting?????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nice poop shoot right at the camera.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON did you think it was going to hit you I ducked LOL

JudyEddy said...

I tried a pic grab but didn't work darnit

JudyEddy said...

Shep babe to the edge watch him

JudyEddy said...

nono little guy stretching his neck to look over edge of nest

JudyEddy said...

funny how one is awake and the other asleep

Bird Girl said...

Whoa, little fella! Don't get too close to that edge!!!

JudyEddy said...

the one chick is so close to the edge his head goes out of range of the screen

JudyEddy said...

DELPHIA don't you just want to go push him back in

JudyEddy said...

Maybe he's waiting for Belle to deliver the nest meal I don't like them to close to the edge I wish I knew how much more was nest on the outside of the frame of the cam Can;t be much

Bird Girl said...

It does make me very nervous, I want to poke him back where he belongs LOL

JudyEddy said...

there are hundreds of flies of that pile of fish wow wow

Bird Girl said...

Maybe Belle will put the next meal on the other side of the nest and draw the wanderer back to safety.

JudyEddy said...

did she bring anything I did see

Bird Girl said...

Wonder what she's looking at?

JudyEddy said...

she is cocking her neck as if she see something

JudyEddy said...

I just started recording when shep made the nosie right before she landed

JudyEddy said...

something has her intrest BABES alone both poofed

Bird Girl said...

Hm...wonder what's going on?

Love that little stretch the eaglet just did!

Mema Jo said...

Bringing over from the previous thread

Final plans for our Nest Visit Weekend Events

Friday Evening Dinner at Rumsey Tavern in the Clarion Inn at 7:00 pm

Saturday NCTC nest visit time is 8am to noon: you may arrive any time during those hours
Saturday Lunch from the Eagle Express by the nest at 11:00

Noon to 4:30 pm Free Time - Suggestions:
* Megan has extended an invite to her GH Plant/Flower Land
Car pool only – Megan hopes to be at the nest and will lead you over or
will give you the directions – Best part is that you can purchase her plants.
* Excursion to Swinging Bridge Eagle Express or Car Pooling (tbd)
Travel time is 1 hr to the Bridge Visit for 2 hours at Bridge Return time is 1 hr
* Yankauer Nature Preserve Whiting's Neck Road just north of Shepherdstown, WV
two miles of easy walking trails.
* Morgan's Grove Park Rt 480 Mainly picnic/playground area
* Shopping in unique stores in Shepherdstown, WV

Saturday evening dinner at the Tuscany Grill in the Clarion
4:30 pm Guest Arrival/Servers take Drink Orders
5:00 pm Dinner Orders taken
Raffle tickets sold and your wishes selected
Also voting as to where monies will be donated: Come with suggestions
Dinner and Raffle ending 9:00 pm

JudyEddy said...

around and around he goes

JudyEddy said...

picking on the other butt

Bird Girl said...

Wow, I'm getting really nervous now :(

JudyEddy said...

I have the cam going Oh come on go to the middle of the nest please

Mema Jo said...

Deadline is April 9th for headcounts for the Fri and the Sat dinners.

I will send out the list of those
attending the events ........soon.

JudyEddy said...

me tooo and I need to head back to work

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Feel a nap coming on, so will see you later.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like Double Trouble in the nest

Back it up Jack

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!
Beautiful day and I pray it will last.

Andy - my heart goes out to you and I
have a fear that it could happen to us at our summer home.
Insurance -what a loop hole! It sucks!
In all my 72 years I have never met up with individuals such as were in your home and I know they are out there BUT I pray I never meet them. I would need more then my eagle cane to defend myself!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beach mumbrella this time, shading from the sun! Sure would love to see from the other side.

stronghunter said...


I see the mumbrella this afternoon. Such a good mom.

stronghunter said...

So sorry about all of the damage and the insurance mess, Andy.

stronghunter said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle buds.

Andy, what a mess, but as you said it could have been worse, I guess. When I was contemplating leaving my TX house to come here to PA, the insurance situation was the clincher that made me sell.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just arrived with a whale.

Hoda said...

Belle poofed after Shep arrived and he is now busy feeding.

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

If there is someone checking the property the insurance pay...DENNIS checks on the propeerties he manages and of course the insurance pays...this is how it is here...someone has to check bi weekly...

I have a full case of bronchitis!!! Coughing green gook head about to explode it hurts so much when I cough...now what LYNN I hope you see this...

Judie said...

Jusie here!

Afternoon everyone.

Lynn, will your new spectacles also help with typing? lol Hope you are having a good nap and feeling good again today.

Shep was feeding the babes. Yes, I suppose he is now wondering if all the HP fun was worth it as his days of fun are over for a while yet.

Hoda, so sorry you are all gooked up. Sure hope you can get rid of whatever it is very quickly.

What absolutely fantastic news about Tori. She really is a miracle and what a trooper. Congrats on her amazing progress.

Now back to a bit of work before heading home.


Lolly said...

I am home now. Weather too scary. Tornados touching down. Touched down in Joshua a few miles southwest. Jumped over us and then damage done in Arlington northeast of us. We are watching the radar and keeping a close eye out. I was in town when it touched down just south of us. Sirens went off and they hearded us to dressing rooms away from the front of the store.

Lolly said...

Okay, sirens going off again. Bye!

Hoda said...


Lori O. said...

Oh LOLLY, how scary! I was just coming to get on the blog and tell you about the tornados! So glad you are safe! ♥

Lolly said...

Another cell just passed over us. Got dark as night and poured. No hail, thank goodness and no tornado. Damage is east of us. All schools have children in position, but a nursing home has damage.

Hoda said...


I do not knowq what else to say...

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Laurel just texted me. She stayed home today for AC repair. She is at the boys school and they are in lock down. I am so glad she is with them!

Sandi said...

Home - 2 down and 2 to go!!

Lolly said...

Tornado in Addison. Ashley's office is there.

Hoda said...

Have you contacted ASHLEY...shewuld not be in a high rise in this weather would she? Where is Michael and Zacharouski...
Very glad LAUREL is with her boys...

Sandi said...

Lolly - Saw the news headlines when I opened my Google home page and thought of you. Stay safe!! Take your laptop with you when/if you have to take shelter in the bathtub! =)

Lolly said...

Have not heard from Ash. Zach should be home with is other grandmother. She is not in a high rise, maybe 3rd floor. Michael is in downtown Dallas on the 44th floor.

Sirens going off in Denton. Laurel says it is getting really hot.

hedgie said...

Hoda, get thee to the doctor post haste. You need antibiotics STAT!
Please feel better fast.

Lolly, so worried about your weather situation......be safe!

Jusie/Judie: typos happen regardless!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Ash said it was too close to her office for comfort. She talked to Michael and he was in his office and she could hear hail hitting his windows. Crazy boy! Zach in in closet with his Nana.

Lolly said...

Hoda, just saw where you are sick. Yes, get to a doctor...NOW!

Lolly said...

Minor injuries at the nursing home/rehab center.

Arlington has declared a disaster.

Hoda said...

The doctor is booked till Friday next week and her office told her I phoned and she says it is viral..nothing to do but take aspirin and sleep and drink a lot of liquid.UGH!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work Love getting off early

JudyEddy said...

HODA do you have Walgreen they have clinic here

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so sorry to hear of all the bad weather today

JudyEddy said...

I think the kids have grown since this afternoon Eating again as always

JudyEddy said...

I love this pic of their wings out soooooo cute

JudyEddy said...

Chicks turn around and say where did dad go he was feeding us and now he went to the other side of the nest

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

SHEP is fluffing up the flugg in the cup area digging digging and the chicks are at 6 on top of the fish No one turned around and is looking at him

JudyEddy said...

aww going over to daddy in the cup trying to get under him lol tooo big

Barbara said...

It looks like Dad taught the kiddos a new trick -- they are eating directly off the fish. Maybe two grow faster than three in the nest...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Laurel is home. She is worried about her sub at school. LOL I am sure not much teaching was done this afternoon. Tornado has now hit a high school, NE of Dallas.

Judie said...

Home now.

Lolly, please you and all the family take whatever precautions you can. Stay safe!

Hoda, yes, try a Walmart or other location that might have a nurse or nurse practitioner to give you some help/relief. Feel better soon.

Babes are looking good. Plotzed.

glo said...

Oh dear weather in TX scares me. Hope Lolly checks in with us later. Dex and I enjoyed our outings today. Found Pelicans :-) and many other kinds of birds. Beautiful morning in many ways.

hedgie said...

Too scary, Lolly....... :(

Hoda, she can't know that it's viral without doing some bloodwork!

Hello, Barbara..don't remember you but welcome.

Glo, congrats on a successful day!

Hoda said...

Welcome Barbara. I did not see that!!! Chicklettes are not feeding themselves yet. They sleep on the food and from my observations still require an adult to shred the food for them.
I ill however watch for the next feeding. Did you take a picture or a video?

Mema Jo said...

I don't like Mother Nature when she
has all these destructive devices. Praying for you and all your family members Lolly. Such a fear! ♥

JudyEddy said...

They just showed some damage in TX a St Pete lady is at the airport there and just called our news fox 13 she was there when the tornado went over the airport LOLLY I pray your family and friends are safe

Hoda said...

She did the blood work in March LYNN...They took six viles of blood andI am still bruised from it...I do not want to go back for more blood work.

We do not have medical services in stores in my town.

Chicklet numer two has fluff all over him. cute...

I am going to go for a nap.

JudyEddy said...

the one at 6 looks huge so big

Lolly said...

Glad to see the little peaglets move. It looked like the nest had been ravaged!

Lolly said...

Glo and everyone....all the family and friends that I know of are safe. The storm has now passed our area south of Fort Worth and now passed Dallas.

Did you see the video someone got of trailers (big rig trailers) blowing in the wind like small pieces of trash? Scary!!!

glo said...

Glad to hear storms have passed Lolly. Time to download some photos.

JudyEddy said...

that was agood poop shoot and I got on video just looked like he was going to so turned on the cam and got it

JudyEddy said...

going to down load video and I did get a pic from the video tooo

I put more pic from today in the EM album

hedgie said...

Saw the video of the trucks, Lolly, on the news. Yikes.

I give up posting on the Kindle. Just doesn't work! I posted three times "Look at those big feetsies." and it's not on the blog there or here. ARGH!

JudyEddy said...

they can't possible be hungry they look like they are about to explode growing right in front of us LOVE IT ♥

JudyEddy said...

BELLE looks down on them with such sweetness

JudyEddy said...

she says I can't believe they are full LOL she does have food in her beak

JudyEddy said...

she has picked up the fish and moved to 5 and eating her self that has gotten the attention of the chicklets and they have moved in for the kill LOL

JudyEddy said...

she is now just looking around the chicklets are just sitting there one has a twig in his beak LOL

JudyEddy said...

they both has somewhat passed out again and Belle is just sitting there the flies are all over yuk

JudyEddy said...



BELLE IS STILL AT 5 and yes the chicklets are still overstuffed passed out to the max in the pile of flyridden fish so I am uploading the videos and will be back BBIALW

Lolly said...

OMG! You can imagine...our TV is nothing but coverage of damage. One house the second floor was swept away...clean sweep. Only floor tile left of the bathroom. Saw a lady walk up the stairs and look around.

Lolly said...

Oh, nice fish, Shep! You are a good Daddy!!

Lolly said...

Sorry you are having trouble posting with the Kindle. However, you can see the cam, right? And, have you downloaded a book yet?

Kay said...

In for a quick, "Hi !". Felt up to running the electric broom all round the house today, so, of course, now all I want to do is have dinner and get settled into my recliner for the evening. Can't figure out who will get the ax at DWTS tonight. They are all so good this time, so it pretty much boils down to the fan base and their call in votes.

I see all's well n' swell at Sycamore Palace ! Belle is looking quite gorgeous today.

LOLLY, hope all your family and friends are out of harms way. I won't know about several cousins and a niece by marriage for several days, but pray they're okay.

We've had a couple of thunderstorms roll through today and more predicted. Ugh.

LYNN, sorry the Kindle is proving to be a PIA ! Hope the girls can help with it soon !

Shep with another fish ! He seems to be asking for some kind of recognition of his remarkable fishing skill ! ☺

Praying for all in need ! I♥U

In fact, I♥♥♥♥♥♥♥U !!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am here but I am busy getting some more Nest Visit details in order.

Lolly hope the storms are over & don't come back.

Judy Thanks for all the photos and videos you put out there for everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good to see Belle, Shep and their 2 little ones with one wide awake and one sound asleep ♥

All repeats this evening for me!


Lynne2 said...

Holy Mother pray for Texas...just got home to see the destruction. Glad you and yours are all safe Lolly! My aunt and her grown children and families live in different areas of Dallas...have sent an email, will call if I don't hear anything.

JudyEddy said...

look under Shep head check out his sort of v like Belles rubbing off on him sort of do you see it

stronghunter said...

Thinking about you, Lolly. Rus had posted the video of the tractor trailers. When I heard "south of Dallas" I knew I had to come to the blog.

Have been gone most of the day. I have e-mailed the first mortgage company to tell them I am talking to someone else. We will see what happens next. I will be glad when this is over.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo---repeats: ugh! Think it will be an early-to-bed night for me!

Just ate a big slice of left-over pizza! Think it tasted better tonight than yesterday.

Cam is LOVERLY on the Kindle! And I've learned my email, too, but haven't tried answering there yet!

Full nest.....including flies!!

magpie said...

Oh dear such frightening weather reports, Lolly, very glad to see that you and your family and friends are okay


Thanks Steve, and whoever was a part of this "fix "

Hello Eagle Pals xoxox

magpie said...

All the Royal Family members are just sort of..doing nothing !

magpie said...

So sorry to hear of your raging case of bronchitis....I never knew THAT to be viral...I sure hope you can get some medicines, and some relief !

JudyEddy said...

MY live cam looks like poop

Judie said...

Glad your family and friends are all safe, Lolly. The destruction is incredible.

Babes are too cute. One still plotzed and the other, first time I've seen, has begun to wingersize. Romper Room time just around the corner.

Hi Barbara. Welcome. Great group of friends here. Will be a while yet before the babes are able to tackle their own feeding.

Darth has a meeting so I'm home alone. Dinner will be easy - grilled cheese, maybe.

JudyEddy said...

is yours ok mine is lineie

magpie said...

Now the Royal trio, Shep took a hike, maybe just a spin around the block

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, everyone...
ttfn but watching
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

My live cam looks great Judy,
my still cam has some static on it
from time to time

magpie said...

Hu Judie
Enjoy that evening meal!
good choice....
only thing better once the season gets rolling:
BLT's !
okay 'bye

Lolly said...

It just keeps getting worse the reports. So scary! So sad!

Lolly said...

Still just minor injuries. PTL!!

DanaMo said...

Look at all those flies! Yuck! And the babies are sleeping so close to those dead fish!

DanaMo said...

got my vote in today!

Hoda said...

Yes LOLLY PTL indeed...glad you and yours are safe. Thinking of ANDY'S family who are also in TEXAS.

I went to the pharmacy and got some tylenol and some nasal decongestant and chest decongestant. Phoned the doctor and said I wanted to be put on the waiting list for this week.
My head is better with teh tylenol.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Just heard about the Texas tornadoes, glad Lolly and family are safe, hope Andy's family is too.

Belle in the nest chicks plotzed near 6

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are snoozing on the fluffered fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting day at work...had a computer issue I can't solve til tomorrow...then our power blew about 2:30. We only had 2/3 of our power, parts of store and warehouse and office without lights.

Called Allegheny, they came out 2 hours later...tried to fix...but it blew again. They have to dig up from the street pole to the transformer by the building, they think a wire is broken. So we had to shut down the store early cause they turned off the power. They say they will have it fixed by the morning. They will call us when it's done.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice warm day here...gonna grab a bite to eat and take Nick for a walk.

JudyEddy said...

DID YOU HEAR ME SCREAMM I cut my self with a exto knife Bad knife now i know why I don't like them IN THE PAD JUST UNDER THE POINTER FINGER HURTS

Lynne2 said...

geez, the coverage is disturbing to watch...where is Andy's family?? Just heard from my aunt and all 3 families are safe!

Hoda said...

OH NO JUDYE!!! So very sorry to hear about that...

Judie said...

Hey Paula, maybe you can get a few hours off tomorrow. Sleep late and more Nick time.

Hey to you too Margy. Night off? Late shift?

Shirley, bet you can get a good deal with the competition. Hope so. How about Alley Cats for a new team name?

Okay, bye.

Judie said...

Ooops, sorry JudyE. Keep that wound clean, please.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Barbara and Welcome!

I don't doubt that the chicks may have pecked at the fish, but they are aways off from tearing it apart and eating it.

paula eagleholic said...

Alley Cats, excellent name for a bowling team, Judie!

Judie said...

Gosh, brain dead. Can't wait to hear about the Soup Kitchen. Bet that menu will be a huge success.

Hoda, glad you got some meds.

Lolly, where in TX is Andy's family? Near the tornado area? Hope they are all safe.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy thanks for the heads up on the still cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Time to feed the chicklets.

Lynne2 said...

changes to Blogs.

New Blogger Stuff

You can go to your current blog right now for a preview! just type /view at the end of the address in the search bar thing. You can see all the different ways you can view it.

paula eagleholic said...

Edlest is eating, other is watching.....oh the little one just got a bite...but now his nead it burried...my gosh look at the crop n Biggie...

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting, Lynne! And that article is over a year old! Doesn't do much for this blog, however. Had to view in FF, it didn't like IE 8.

Lynne2 said...

I checked out my blog...interesting, but I like my personalizations, like my backgrounds and stuff. I didn't realize that article was a year ago!! I think I got to it via my blog....I haven't made any new posts since last weekend, but when you click the add a post, the way you do it looks different now. Only HOW different it is to use, I have yet to discover!

Lynne2 said...

OK, here is an Easter picture of my brother and me, I'm thinking around 1967 or 68!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh that's cute, Lynne

Lynne2 said...

I know, isn't my brother quite the little man, all dapper in his suit and hat...like the hat my grandpap had! My mother made my suit herself!

Off to shower...

paula eagleholic said...

Bedtime snack for #2

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang. Might have some new pics (much later). Subjects are not new, but both in AM and PM, Dad eagle was on branch near nest on guard!
However, Fubby tried to set up new tv and can't program the remote, so it's useless. I may be forced to get a techie degree. The older one had funny colors. I kept wondering if Jeff Gordon's car Sunday had a khaki color in honor of the military!!!! Wrong!
Oh well, gotta get din din~~Later

paula eagleholic said...

Belle chirping and looking around

stronghunter said...

Oh, I like Alley Cats. The name chosen at this point is Lady Strikers, but I like Alley Cats better.

I suggested Happy Hookers. One lady liked it, the other one was horrified.

Looked over the list of names today. Out of ten teams, six have company names. They have company sponsors, so we are in the minority because we don't have a sponsor.

We beat the #1 team today! Didn't knock them out of first place or move us up any, but it was fun anyway. We clobbered them.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle alarm calling...chicks snugged in the bowl

Hoda said...

Belle is upset, someone flying over her nest? Gutural sound she made...

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Shirley and Team!

Lolly said...

Belle fussing at something!

Lolly said...

Andy's family is probably okay. They live up near Denton, just east. Granddaughter lives in Dallas. Tornados touched down in Arlington, Lancaster, and Forney.

Lolly said...

The peaglets, when they sleep, look really limp. Too funny!

hedgie said...

Hoda, thank you for getting on the "waiting" list ,and g lad you got some meds.

I like Alley Cats, too, Shirley! Cool that you beat the #1's!

grilled cheese is your ol' standby, huh, Judie? Can't go wrong with that!

JudyE, sorry about that nasty xacto knife wound. NEOSPORIN!

hedgie said...

Paula, did you get to come home early, too?

Moon is lovely tonight---take a look-see! Hope the clouds don't roll in.

Back to my book for a little while until the DWTS results show. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

No Lynn, I left about 5:45, usual time or so

stronghunter said...

Watching CNN at the moment. Wolf Blitzer just mentioned Burleson as a place where there were tornadoes.

Judie said...

Uh, to hook, well could be a golfer's mistake or it could be ...

Congratulations on the win, Shirley. Feels so good doesn't it?

As for the grilled cheese, it was good tonight. However, I have been known to mess that up on occasion.

Relieved to know Andy's family is likely okay. That lady does NOT need more drama in her life right now. Sure hope she checks in with an update tonight.

Moon is bright. Took some stale bread out to throw around and could see almost like daylight.

Checked the babes. All quiet. Missed the alarm so glad Belle and babes are okay.

Hi Lowreeda. Let me know when you sign up for that techie class. May have to join you.

Off to see if I can find a crime show.


magpie said...

Oh Lynne! that is precious!

magpie said...

Big craza doin's at your work place Paula....how disruptive!
will make for some catching up when everything gets all powered up again

magpie said...

new word

Venus and Pleaides are at it again!
Oh so close, I think one of the Seven Sisters is gobbled up behind Venus....still checking it out.


magpie said...

no actually it is not gobbled up, one of the stars is kind of right overhead to Venus....but due to the brightness and city lights here, I can only count six stars....looks like a tiny little dipper

stronghunter said...

A word with a "c" and a "z," Margy. Good for Scrabble??

magpie said...

I missed a whole bunch of posts there for a minute...
Alley Cats, that's one of my favorites.

Shirley, the Eaglet Momsters could sponsor your team ☺

magpie said...


magpie said...

Still very frightening, the tornado news....
am so sorry for all those affected...Lolly, so joyful to see you, but what a scary day....

magpie said...

You would know Scrabble words, Shirley!

I saw that you snuck on here Lynn ! ♥

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...