Monday, April 23, 2012


Fresh thread.


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Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new Monday thread. Thanks also for allowing us on the grounds on Saturday - the experience was AWESOME!!! How lucky you are to be able to walk outside and see those magnificent creatures at work!!

I'll call the others over!

glo said...

"How lucky you are to be able to walk outside and see those magnificent creatures at work!!" Isn't that the truth :-)

Good morning everyone. Let me know when I want to watch the cam again. Bless their hearts. Glad Belle got a bit of a break and also glad Shep arrived with breakfast.

Have a good day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the call over Sandi! Good morning Glo and everyone else out there in eagle land!!

Sandi said...

Today's quote from is a good one, so I'm passing it along:

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. ”

Bev, Lori has pics from Sat. on her blog - they are AWESOME! BTW, I'll be happy to confirm your FB frined request when I get home - can't get onto FB at school!

magpie said...

Good Wet West Virginia Morning, Eagle Pals

Sissy: Lori's pictures are on her blog spot...

Thinking of Lynn♥ and Kay ♥
and Everyone Else !!

Thanks for the New Thread, Steve and the Call over Sandi...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

LOL - Sandi's is one step ahead of me, Bev !

Love that quote, is very pertinent these days for me...
Thank You !
It was a wonderful treat to meet you and Dennis Friday happy all your week-end activities were successful...

magpie said...

Big Shake off and Poof from Belle..
what devoted Royal Parents we have !

magpie said...

Big white baby quirt !
Those big yellow talons are remarkable...

Momma Belle is back...

Glo...Hello and to Dex and your Coffee Treat neighbors also !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my lovely eagle budlets! Snowing in Bluefield. I have had a titmouse and a chickadee at my new birdfeeder so far. I have wet snow in my bird bath. This is just nuts.

magpie said...

Can't stay long...
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One...

have much to do, and not so much time to do it in...

ttfn xoxo (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

In other years, not to terribly uncommon to get this kind of weather late...BUT this year with this kind of winter and this kind of Spring....Wonky for sure !!!

Hi Sharon !

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Hope you day is a good one. I think Chelsa has something to tell you lol

Hi to All
Margy :) Always nice to see you in here♥

Lynne also has pictures on her blog.

Did not get back on Sunday. After church. Went out to dinner. Was very nice and relaxing.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

"Nuther fish, this must be for brunch.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Thanks for the call-over Sandi.

And thanks for the new thread and for making it possible for us to visit the nest on Saturday.

Shep arrives with a fish. I was about to say he looks dry, but his head is very wet.

wvgal_dana said...

Shep you can cover I think it is Missy out there in the rain. hint hint

stronghunter said...

Not the kind of day to be out in just a sweatshirt and jeans in Fredericksburg. I couldn't find my jacket and I really missed it when the wind picked up out there.

stronghunter said...

45 degrees here

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Found Lori's pics! Awesome!!! I need that camera in my life!!

Mema Jo said...

Good wet Monday morning to all -
I had to check out our eagles as soon as my feet hit the floor - oh so wet
but hanging in there. Then I checked out the Cornell Cam of the RTH whose eggs are hatching in the sleet and the snow filled nest. I pray she doesn't lose them.
I am still hoping around looking at all of the wonderful pictures from the weekend. Such happy memories ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sandi for today's quote -
Peace be with you all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have seen some pics of Lori's, Linda's. Lowreeda's and Lynne's. I think that is all. Sis where are yours?

Mema Jo said...

Lil' Bro does not like to get wet - he always tucks himself under mom or dad.
It is really cold out there.

Thanks Steve for this new thread!
Hope your drive to BWI was not too bad in the rain...

JudyEddy said...

Good morninge eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

Good morninge eagle buds

Mema Jo said...

Lori and Dana and Linda - your eagle pics are really superb. All of the people pictures and raffle items are so real life looking. Thanks so much and
When you have time - please post on the albums in the EM

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Sissy's are on FB

Wanda & Loretta's photos are great!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, our poor eagles. Have not really seen them for over a week and now they are so huddled together that I can not really see them. And poor Belle, just look at her! Poor baby!

hedgie said...

A soggy Monday AM to all. What lousy weather, but NO SNOW here!

SLept well, but having a slow start to my day. A little dizzy for some reason. Just finished eating so maybe it will go away.
Have had my bath. This afternoon is my healing session and BACK massage so looking forward to that. Shel is so good with the massage!

Everyone settling back into their routine schedules after our great weekend, I see. Hope yur week is off to a fantastic start.

Linda, thanks for posting your prayer. I will go read it shortly.
I bet Dennis was glad to have you home!!

Lolly said...

Had a coughing fit about 4:30 this morning and presently having trouble....feeling a wee bit dizzy. Jack has gone to get Annie.

Sad about my cardinals. Went to look at the nest and couldn't find it but found a few sticks. Looked on the ground and found it. Will never know what happened or when. We have a lot of leaves and twigs on the ground. Need to ask the neighbors if it was wind or hail.

JudyEddy said...

two fish were they both delevered now??

Lolly said...

Lynn, I guess we can be dizzy together! I am so glad you were able to go this weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lolly, sorry about your cardinals :(

Will try to get my cell phone pics on tonight...I was lacking the proper cord at home...will bring it home tonight from work...much easier to do that way, transfer from the phone right to my computer.

Lolly said...

No, the fish on the right was there when I first got on. Shep brought in the one on the left just now.

JudyEddy said...

are they having a arguement LOL

JudyEddy said...

Belle takes the one she wants I guess

JudyEddy said...

Shep goes get the other fish and Belle watches him

JudyEddy said...

both are digging in on the fish tearing them up

Lolly said...

Family dinner time!

hedgie said...

The whole family is in the nest and it's wushi time!

JudyEddy said...

both are feeding the eaglet

JudyEddy said...

I love the peeping and talkind during dinner time

magpie said...

Simply amazing....
considering the rain, the Potomac might be a little cloudy, but it doesn't seem to affect Shep's fishing abilities !

According to DNR calendar for WV,
today is a GREAT fishing day..
also the start of Spring Gobbler season in selected counties..

Good Morning More Eagle Pals....!
Including Lynn♥ and Lolly♥

so sorry about the cardinals, Lolly....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love the way they both feed the kids!!

magpie said...

love the thought of those massages Lynn !

And if I am thinking straight, Carolyn is on her days OFF ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning to everyone I missed!!

magpie said...

I am temporarily in possession of a beautiful crystal Eagle....which was my brother in law's - -
when we figure out who it came from, it might find a new home

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Did you get to go to any of the eagle activities this weekend?

magpie said...

and there's the red stuff! Yummy
for the Eagles !

JudyEddy said...

poof shep

paula eagleholic said...

That is some wushie fo sure! Shep just poofed. Belle eating at the launch pad.

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful writing from Robyn on Tori's

stronghunter said...

Got a capture of the family having brunch at the nest.

Love hearing the little chirps. When they become teenagers, they will be screaming at their parents.

magpie said...

I attended the Friday Night Dinner, and met new folks Linda, Sandi, and Dennis, and Monte....
and the others I already knew...
it was wonderful....
had to miss everything else due to other commitments, including work
and helping out my nieces and nephews...
But with all the narratives and pictures, well, I feel like I was THERE !
knowing of course, we were ALL there in Spirit...

Hope YOU feel better pronto! and that Annie is a good girl when she returns (( Hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

They are so much darker than a week ago!!!

Lolly said...

(((hugs))) right backatcha, Margy! I am so glad you got to go Friday night. Yes, the pictures are wonderful!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks looks like they are drying out a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Michael couldn't get over how big their feet were

Belle shaking it off, flew to the noon spot, big shake

magpie said...

Thank you, for your post about Robyn's entry on Caringbridge....
which also reminds me:

I think the choices on where to donate monies, are perfect...
I was not there to contribute, but think I can still do that through one of you in charge of those things.
xo ♥

magpie said...

Must disappear now, may not be on too much in the next few days, but no Silver Alerts needed....I'll keep in touch....and try to keep up with the happenins'.....
still working with the nieces and nephews on things regarding their Dad....
three of the five have returned to their homes, the other two....will be leaving this week
Take Care, Precious Pals !
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Very sorry about your cardinals.. Was
there anything of the nest or babies on the ground below?
I hope Lynne's Blue Bird Babies are ok. She posted a pic and those babies are already blue! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I did post Linda's dinner prayer on a Momster email to all. Paula could you put the prayer on a Momster file for 2012 Nest Visit Dinner Prayer?

Lolly said...

Loon Blog, very interesting

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

LYNN and LOLLY sorry you are feeling dizzy. I hope it improves through the day.

LOLLY sorry about the cardinals.

Missy is tucked in and Bro is standing there. Belle had her wing up for him to tcuk in but he is just standing there!!! Does he want omore to eat? They all look soaked!!!Also Shep when he was in...

Good day here. I will head out to sort books in preparation for our book sale this weekend. The Friends of the Library is the we/our...Donations have been coming in and we have been soritng them and this is the last lot of books so a couple of us will go in to sort.The book sale is on Saturday.

LINDA thank you for posting the prayer on your blog. It is touching and heart warming. Blessings to you.

SANDI the quote is so true a big challenge at times but a good way to be...Thanks.

I will go to facebook today to look at SHARON'S and BEV'S pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Missy is standing there like a little
tin soldier! She will definitely survive out there in the Real World!

Lolly said...

Jo, after I found the nest on the ground, I did not look anymore. If I found anything, it would not have been pleasant!!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I can do that!

Thanks for the loon blog link...change is happening everywhere!

Lolly said...

I must say, I do appreciate the color on our cam. It is great!

magpie said...

My goodness! It sounds like the Day Care Children are out in this weather, and having fun !!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Larry needs to put out 2 platforms so that all this fighting will stop between the loons.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone! I see our nest is still very soggy :((

The Cornell Red Tailed hawk had hatching yesterday! Check it out:

Mema Jo said...

Delphia - do you think the RTH hatchling will survive in the weather they are having at the nest??????

Hoda said...

Belle poofed and I lost the cam

headed out now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Every time Belle moves, Lil Abner moves with her. He has no desire to be out from under her.

JudyEddy said...

Belle is backin she landed picked at flugg and now is sitting with chicklets

Bird Girl said...

Yes, they will be fine. Just like we use down comforters to keep us warm, Big Red will keep the area underneath her warm. There is no confirmed sighting of the hatchling(s), but the pipping was observed and we can hear peeps.

The Great Blue herons are socked in, too:

Judie said...

Good almost afternoon.

So enjoyed seeing the pictures posted by Lowreeda and Wanda. Thank you both.

Raining here again and a chilly 42º

Looks as if the breakfast/lunch menu has been pretty much devoured.

Lolly, I am sorry about the cardinal nest. Disappointing. Still, glad you and Jack had a nice time.

It seems as if we are a tad late with the scheduled spaying. Miss Baker (Grace) is in heat and I would suspect her sister will soon join her. Hopefully, this will not be an extended process, especially the chattering other sounds.

Anyone remember Dark Shadows? Was a real favorite of mine. John Frid (Barnabus) has died. Didn't know he lived in Canada.

I have a draft of a research paper to read, two exams to proof-read, and then to review tomorrow's lecture.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Judie, I saw the other day where "Barnabus" had died but forgot to mention it. I do remember Dark Shadows!

wvgal_dana said...

I like what Larry writes:
The loons are writing the script to this play.

They are also the directors and actors.

JudyE I loved the video of Benny and his ball.♥
Thank everyone that worked to pull the nest visit and the two dinners together.

I think Chelsea that works at NCTC is so sweet. I enjoyed her smiling face and laughter so much.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne I have Bluebirds in my blue bird box again this year. They skipped one year.

Would like to thank Gene and Wanda for have the Eagle Express there. Although I was not hungry. It was nice to get cool for awhile. Thank you and hugs to you both.

Thanks Robyn sorry about that Jason. It didn't sound right when I typed it. Due to I thought of Bluefield Justin. So it was great having you at the dinner Jason :)
Friday night for awhile Justin from
Bluefield sat beside me. He has a lot of accidents from what he was telling. lol
Of course again Happy 18th!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

@ Margy can you see the pictures if they aren't on people's blogs but on FB?

wvgal_dana said...

I want to thank Robyn for asking the monies be split between American Cancer Society and to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

The last is what my Ed had and I am sure a lot of us know someone that the monies will help with the other.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all checking in from work!

Steve was a basket case this morning! I'm hoping he has calmed down by now....hoping he gets a chance to call on his lunch break to tell me how the job is going!

Lolly said...

So sorry Lynne that Steve was so nervous about this new job. Thinking of him and hoping all goes well.

I think I have crashed. I had to keep going even though sick. I now can not move from my chair. Yikes! And, I have so much to do!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaWV, Robyn asked that the donation go to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation instead of Tori's medical expenses. My suggestion for donations was the American Cancer Society and Tori's medical expenses, which she asked to go to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tomorrow is another day Lolly! REST!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I'm sure Steve will do fine! I told him he had a graaaaaavy job!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about the Cardinals, Lolly, Probably took in hit in the bad weather you had while away.

Lynne2 said...

fell better Lolly!

LOL Paula....I don't know about a GRAVY job! But hopefully not too stressful!

Judie said...

Lolly, sorry you are still feeling puny. Not to worry. Dust bunnies will wait for you.

Lynne2, Paula has a good point. Remembering Steve's slim and trim physique, he can afford a gravy job. He's going to be just fine.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes very true you did Paula ask that the monies go toward Tori's medical bills and I was going to write all of that. I just wrote the last part (sorry I shortened it).

wvgal_dana said...

Hoping Steve's nerves calm down as he begins his work. Maybe just doing the work will calm them down. Happy Happy for Steve and Lynne. :)


Lynne2 said...

it is BEYOND ANYTHING I can comprehend, my Stubby's phyysique, given the ENORMOUS amount of food the man consumes from sunup to sundown! Never seeen anything like it! And very strong, too. It's werid!

Mema Jo said...

I lunched and now I may just nap
I am about to turn some heat on besides the bathroom........


Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday to an Original Momster from CA, AnneMarie

Judie said...

Oooo, Lordy. Wingersizing close to the crib rail. Heart palpitations time has arrived.

Mema Jo said...

Missy is doing a 'Shake Off' and giving that fish the evil eye

Mema Jo said...

Momma just arrived

CarolAnne said...

Happy Monday to everyone,
thankfully sunny & dry here in WI. Sorry about the wet & snow some are experiencing. (If only we could all be as resilient as our eagles and just shake off whatever comes our way.)

Heads up to JUDYE, LYNNE in PA, AND RED (after surgery)- the recipes are in the mail and should show up on Thursday. Hope HODA'S shows up soon, it was mailed on April 14th.

Any other recipe booklet requests, let me know. To clarify - you did not have to submit a recipe(s) to get a booklet. Makes good reading even if you don't cook or like TOFU (as I've heard from many say). LOL

Day is getting away from me. Enjoy it everyone!!

WV sUSAn said...

Happy Monday eagle lovers. I wanted to jump on here and say what a great weekend I had with our eagle family. So wonderful to see some more faces and to meet kids and grandkids. Thanks to all who contributed toward making our gathering so special.

I already shot a mail to Linda but will share with you as well. I got home yesterday and could not wait to try Linda's maple syrup so I fixed French toast for dinner. Oh my gosh, what a delicious treat. Crumbled crispy bacon on top. Yummers!!!! Thanks again Linda!!

Mema Jo said...

Such a beautiful tent !

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the report on Linda & Dennis' maple syrup --- I may need to have pancakes for dinner tonight!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everybody on a Misty Moisty Monday! Checked nest and one chick under a wing, came out next to parent.
Trying to get my act together to do sightseeing set of pictures. Been reading lots of pamphlets, but will try to condense info to go w/pictures. Duh The more I read the more I wish I were still there!
BBL~~~hope everyone is having a great day ☺

Lolly said...

Something has Belle calling out. She has poofed!

WV sUSAn said...

I love breakfast for dinner, Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I have had a fun afternoon. My sugar dropped and my butt had to go to bed. Feeling a lot better now.

stronghunter said...

Something has gotten Belle riled up. She made lots of calls and took off over 3:00.

Lolly said...

OMG Susan! What a treat..very special maple syrup!!!

Hoda said...

I am back. Belle stopped in for all of a minute and then she took off again.

I heard landing and the camera shook twice since then.

Chicklettes alone untended and seem fine...

I cnnot wait for my cook book to arrive CAROLANNE. Canada Post is usually a bit slow. I hope this week it will get here...from the eastern USA it usually takes ten to twelve days...

We got a lot done for the book sale sorting and when we were leaving a new shift came in and so I think we will get it all done today...I can not beleive the books people donate, almost new you could hardly tell they have been read. I thin we will make good money from our book sale on Saturday...We had some antique books too and they are on the internet for 500 dollars and we are selling them for 250...from 1912 and 1914...I am sure the book seller from Idaho will snap them up. He comes in Friday night and stays all day Saturday...

I had a good coffee today with the woman who sorted with me and we laughed a lot at life in Nelson...such a wide variety of people live here and never a dull moment...some pretty amazing outfits on people in the coffee shop called Oso Negro...very trendy and very interesting in the clientelle...

Windy at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Two eaglets are hunkered down. There are fish remnants and fresh greens in the nest and the wind is a-blowin'.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I would really prefer it if they would hunker down and stop trying to stand while the wind is blowing so hard. They are getting ready to investigate eating a fish on their own I think. Missy just drug it a little ways. Then she backed up flapping her wings. Someone is in the attic. Lil Abner is picking at its tail a little bit.

Kay said...

Good Mid-Afternoon Eagle Birds ! That same stiff wind is blowing here today, too---hope it blows all chances of snow and rain away.

Have spent a good hour or more going over all the magnificent pictures. Must bring up all blogs as you attendees post, so I'm sure not to miss a thing.

LINDA, your beautiful prayer was touching and the pictures superb !

Our darling chicks are preenin' n' poopin' and look like they're ready for Mama or Papa to feed them again. Ha, they are already getting the hang of trying to feed themselves. They still have to figure out how to hold the fish down with a foot. Soooo cute !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just found this. I had recorded it using Fraps back in the day and Glo pieced it together for us.

Spunky's Storm

Hoda said...

Pretty amazing video SHARON and GLO...

Kay said...

LORI, I love the Eagle blouse you wore Saturday evening ! Some of the pics also showed the beautiful Eagle necklaces better than I've seen before. Am looking forward to the day when I can visit and earn mine ! Does WANDA make them ?

Having another bad day and asking for more prayers. I'm so afraid of falling and I know that would be a gross violation of Momster rules and regs. I'm using the cane and sidling along the walls, so that I can, hopefully, just slide down to a sitting position if the legs go out from under me. I wear my cellphone all the times as the kids have ordered me to do, so that I can call for help. I know God listens to our Momster prayers and He's watching over me. So, thanks much gals !

LYNN, it is NOT all about me. How are you feeling today ? I do so enjoy seeing the pics of you and your dear JEWELS. She has such bright eyes and a winning smile ! Just to see her is to love her. What a blessing those daughters are and the good upbringing you gave them is paying off ! I♥U !

Kay said...

Thanks for the video of Spunky SHARON and GLO !

That was a year and a half before I started watching the nest.

Amazing and it makes me want to paraphrase a favorite hymn--

♫ ♪ For His eye is on the eaglet~
and I know He watches me ♪♫

Hoda said...

PRAYERS♥ are right follow the Momster rule about no falling, which ever way you do it I admire your creativity of using the walls for support

Bro is trying to pull food off of the fish and is not having much luck...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Parent just in. I think maybe Belle. No new food.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, I pray for a solution for you soon! I know this has to be complete misery 24/7.

Hoda said...

Adult eagle in nest for a short while and goes up to cam...I could not tell which one it was.

Hoda said...

They fight over the fish and Bro is playing dead...Missy gets a piece of fish...she tries to pull the whole fish away from Bro but it is too big for her. Bro is playing is uner him...

Sandi said...

Hi all! Have not done any reading back but, if you look right now, Missy is definitely pulling chunks off the fish in the nest and eating them. She is up on thise feetsies and gettin' herself a little snack if you ask me!!!

Hoda said...

Missy moves away, Bro takes a yawn.

Kay said...

Thanks HODA and SHARON ! Your prayers and concern mean a lot to me !

I have a feeling Belle and/or Shep is watching and deliberately letting the chicks get the hang of feeding themselves. Wonderful to watch this Ultimate Reality Show !

Hoda said...

I saw that SANDI and I wonder if it is the piece that Bro has been spending a considerable time trying to tear was loosened for sure...

Kay said...

Mercy on us ! That was one heck of a poop shoot !

Hoda said...

It is so funny there is a piece of loose fish at four if the youngsters could only find it...Missy found a little left over fish and she is doing all the right motions but is not getting much off of it...she is getting stronger thought and a lot more balanced. Bro is doing the same thing on another left over and he is getting a bit more, but not much. I am excited by their balance standing on the smaller portions. In flies Miss Belle.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lord have mercy, Missy was trying to eat the whole piece of fish in one bite. I was afraid she was going to choke. Silly girl.

Hoda said...

Belle goes to where the youngsters are and helps them cut the food into manageable portions...

Yes KAY!!! LOL!!!

Kay said...

SANDI, that's a gorgeous avatar ! Did you take pictures at the WV event ?

Sandi said...

Kay, listening to you sounds like listening to my Mom talk about her pain and problems with walking - it makes me very sad to hear that things have gotten no better for you.

Lynn, the little eagle plaque with the "We came for the eagles ..." saying is now sitting right next to my computer monitor at school! Maybe I should take my button and my eagle beads in as well - my students think I'm crazy. But they sure LOVED the pics I was able to show them that are posted on folks' blogs!!

If these aren't the fattest 2 eaglets I have ever seen!!

OK, gotta get to work on my lesson plan for my observation lesson! BBL!

Hoda said...

Bro is trying to go under Missy for shelter!!! LOL Belle is right there but she had her back to him...He unbalanced Missy and now they are both preening...

Hoda said...

Good luck SANDI with the lesson plan...

Sandi said...

Kay, Dennis DID take pics but we got back so late yesterday I didn't have time to download them and get them on my blog. Probably won't have time tonight either, unless I can whip thru this lesson plan crap a lot faster than I expect to! We also took pics of Posey and Sir Bryan (Brian's and Lynnis's pig and donkey), so will also put them on the blog when I have time - I promise!! OK, lesson plans for me!! Bye!

Kay said...

SANDI, I think your Mom and I are at about the same age and stage of life. I went through downsizing and getting into a small, single level condo a little over 4 years ago. I love my place and hope it stalls my going into a senior care facility for quite some time.

Kay said...

SANDI, take your time. I'm just so happy to know we have even more pics coming soon ! We'll enjoy seeing Posey and Sir Bryan, too !

Kay said...

Spaghetti time at Sycamore Palace !

Hoda said...

Beele feeding and someone fliesa close to her nest she is upset and calls....eagle lands on camera as it shakes and she resumes feeding...must be Shep

Hoda said...

My but that Missy sure can stuff it in there!!! She grabs and swollows whole huge pieces.

Hoda said...

Camera shakes twice Belle looks up and continues feeding in earnest.

Hoda said...

Missy has had enough she backs off for a poop shoot Her crop is about to burst. Bro stands around waiting for more but Belle moves away so he moves also...they finished one of the fish...totally gone...

Kay said...

Glad you're here to report HODA. Talking to SANDI reminded me I needed to order some supplies for my TENS unit. The chicks look fat n' happy now !

Hoda said...

Yes KAY...I hope the supplies you need get to you pronto ans LYNN would say.

Hoda said...

I had better correct it before JUDIE catches it...
My, but that Missy sure can eat...
My but, that Missy sure can eat...
I wrote it without a coma the first time around LOL!!!

Judie said...

Ha! Caught 'cha Hoda. Promise I won't tell Shirley the retired English teacher, though.

Sharon, glad you're feeling better and thank you so much for the video of Spunky. Before I joined the blog. I'm sure there were many who were nearly unable to breath watching that babe in the storm.

Kay, I cannot say how very sorry I am about your continued pain. I admit I cannot remember exactly but do hope your doctor appointment is soon -- as in really soon. Please be very careful.

Exams completed, proofed, and ready to be copied. Research paper read, marked up, and stared at in disbelief. How do students get to a university without the most basic writing skills? I just cannot comprehend.

Okay, headed to the kitchen after I check the nest again.


Costume Lady said...

I have posted some photos on my blog: JUST FOR FUN...they are also on facebook. Still having difficulty posting video on blog. I will let you know when it is successful:)

Hoda said...

Thanks WANDA for the new pictures. Great simply great.
Video would be the icing on the cake I would think.

JUDIE!!! WOW!!! My mind would not even think of SHIRLEY ENGLISH teacher with my mistake...I am sure she would shake her head and laugh...

Bro went up for more food when Belle started to feed herself. He is full now and went back next to Missy and is totally zonked. Belle poofs and Shep comes in with a new fish. He is eating next to the zonekd chicklettes.

Hoda said...

Bro is eating again. This time Shep feeding him...Missy looks on and is too stuffed to even move...LOL

Linda said...

Good Late Afternoon My Eagle Friends!!

Had a LAZY morning today and have been busy washing EVERYTHING to be sure there are no TICKS in my belongings. Dennis said the dryer will kill anything. Yeah, and it will shrink everything, too! Hmmmm maybe that is a hint!!

I miss you all already...

LOLLY - So sorry about the cardinal nest. I was so looking forward to pictures of the little ones as they grew.

KAY - It aches me to see you in so much pain. My heart breaks for you living that way. I will be in fervent prayer for your upcoming appointment. Something HAS to be done. This is certainly no way to live. Bless you, dear one! ♥

Kay said...

WANDA, wonderful pictures ! Wow, what a beautiful array of Raffle items ! So happy with the grand total for two fine charities.

JUDIE, I see the neurosurgeon next Monday at 11:30 a.m.. Am being very cautious this week and so looking forward to that day !

hedgie said...

Afternoon has been up and down. Feeling good and then not.
Had my healing and massage, and the kids were here for a while. Can't catch up, sorry.
Really feeling need for a nap but Caro forgot her jacket so Charlie coming back for it, I guess. And he doesn't have a will have to wait until he comes.

Rain has finally stopped, but still windy and chilly.

Hope everyone is okay.

Hoda said...

Bro major poop shoot and stands up to continue eating...they are doing short shrift of that fresh fish Shep had brought in just a little while ago...

Linda said...

Have posted pictures of "Goodies we all received," and Raffle Items I won on my Blog.

You will have to go to Lori's Blog to see the beautiful basket she made for the raffle. I won that, too, but gave it to Tori as she loves creative things. She may make one for next year!

Linda said...

Great pictures, Wanda. They are so clear!!

I think I will try to learn how to use the camera other than auto focus for next year!

Lynn - sorry you hare having a tough day today. Keeping you in thought and prayer ♥

Must go figure out something for dinner....... My least favorite job!!

Kay said...

Thank you LINDA ! You're words match those of my Primary Physician after I asked her to just go ahead and break it to me if I should expect to live this way. Hope the neurosurgeon is as emphatheic and feels treatment should begin immediately.

Linda said...

Oh, yeah, and I posted the items given to all of us and my raffle items on the 4/21/2012 Dinner folder in the EM album.

If you don't want them there, JO or PAULA, just delete them!!

So many places to remember to post to!!

Hoda said...

Oh LYNN I am glad you had company and a healing massage. I hope CHARLIE soon gets here so you can take your nap.
I feel so pleased how well you look in the weekend pictures, so, as you heal you will put on the weight and how great will all that be. JUST GREAT.

Linda said...

I sure hope so too, Kay!! When is your appointment?

Hoda said...

LYNN don't worry about catching up...if there is something really going on we will send you an email or a facebook messag or we could even phone you...we are just chatty and commenting on the goings on of the nest...Kay is not feeling as well as we would like her to be and SANDI is preparing lesson plans.

Hoda said...

LINDA KAY said he rappointment is next Monday at 11:30...MAJOR HEALING PRAYERS for KAY♥

Linda said...

Thanks, HODA!

LYNNE - Anxious for a report on Steve's day today!! Hope it was a good one and he felt right at home working today!! Sorry about the nerves!! We've all been there, right?

LYNNE - I have no idea how I made borders on my pictures! Your guess is as good as mine. The other changes with fonts, etc were done under DESIGN, TEMPLATE, then CUSTOMIZE and then ADVANCED. I didn't understand all of what I was doing, but I did get a few things changed.

You must already know all that. You've got a fancy blog with backgrounds and all sorts of stuff.


Kay said...

Again, thank you, HODA ! You're so kind and thoughtful.

I've run out of gas, so am going to refuel, don my p.j.'s and unlax for the evening. Wonder if I can stay awake for DWTS---well, I'll give it the old college try.

LINDA, wonderful pics of goodies for everyone items and your own treasure trove of Raffle items ! Just can't get over what a grand occasion it was and love you all for sharing each of the three events with those of us who had to stay home.

Prayers for LYNN and all in need !


Linda said...

Back for a minute or two......

KAY - LORI and I kept saying over and over again how much we missed your being there. We were so looking forward to meeting the face that goes with that wonderful loving personality we "see" through the Blog!!

So many others specifically mentioned YOU and HODA and JUDYE because we knew how badly you wanted to be with us!!

You spirit!

Mema Jo said...

Linda the display of the items that went home with you is fantastic! ♥

Hoda said...

Thank you LINDA...when Canada Pension and Old Age Security cheques kick in I will be able to come to one of our gatherings. November 2013...not too far off...
It was very good for me to share through all of your energy and your willingness to include me and the others.

Hoda said...

I just went to your blog again LINDA and saw the raffle items and the gifts...I enjoyed looking at them.

Lori O. said...

I think Linda said it earlier,

I miss you all so much already!!!

KAY, prayers have already been said and I'll keep working on whatever I can do to make you feel better!

LINDA, your pictures were terrific and it was so nice of you to post them all that way so those who weren't there could see. That statue is really something beautiful!

JO, have you recuperated sufficiently from your weekend duties?

Thanks to WANDA and JO for all their hard work in planning. I hope I didn't forget any other planners.

Thanks to Capt. Gene for always keeping the Eagle Express nearby and ready for anything.

And, thanks to ALL for a most wonderful weekend. I love you all!

Hoda said...

We all love you back LORI...You seemed to be in the centre of all things MOMSTER and it was terrific for me to see your energy and your smile in all the photos...Impressive camera you have lady!

Hoda said...

Continues to be very windy at the nest and I hope this dries things off a bit...everyones' feathers seem totally dry already...I hope it does not rain tonight...I have to go check on the right back.

Hoda said...

20% chance of percipitation and 30 degrees temperature...that does not sound too good to me...BRRRR

Hoda said...

Shep starts to eat on the half of the fish that was left over...the chicklettes are zonked out in the middle of the nest.

Hoda said...

Fish is at six Bro is at eight. Shep takes a bite from the fish and walks to the reclined Bro and feeds him, he repeats... Bro gets up for a poop shoot and is now standing and Shep is feeding him...the whimpering little sound is happening...Missy is still reclined but is awake and she now faces Shep but is too full to stan up to eat.LOL

Hoda said...

OK Missy sits up since Bro is being fed and she crowds herself in there and pushes him completely out of the way and she is gobbling again...may I suggest that her name be gobble gobble??? I actually like Missy a lot. Bro goes to lie down in the middle of the nest and Missy walks over to where he is and plops herself down. Shep is eating.

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Hoda. YOU were missed very much.

Hoda said...

Shep continues to eat and Missy crawls to wehre he is for a bite...he stops eating and goes closer to Bro. He just poofed.

Lolly said...

Trailer has been cleaned and returned to it's home. I would work and then rest. I certainly wish I felt better!

I love all the talk of the weekend.

Shep in with a load of flugg.

Hoda said...

In comes Shepf from ten with grasses and he puts them on the zonekd out chicklettes. So cute!

Hoda said...

I hope you did not over do it LOLLY. How is ANNIE?

Lolly said...

Annie is great, Hoda! She is is not doing her usual crying she does on returning home. They remarked on how much she ate and how frequently they had to change her box. So, I guess that is where we will take her from now on.

DanaMo said...

WOW a new thread with 179 comments. Not sure if I'm even going to be able to catch up here, never mind the old thread!

DanaMo said...

Too tired, will come back later. Going to hit the couch.

stronghunter said...

I see my name mentioned in relation to someone's error in grammar or some such thing. I would have to read back to see what has happened. However, I will not make fun of your errors if you will not make fun of mine . . . or, at least if I make fun, it will be good-natured fun in keeping with momster tradition.

stronghunter said...

There is some flugg on the eaglets. Not enough to keep them warm, though.

Hoda said...

Camera shakes and Shep opens his beak and is tracking the skies. Chicklettes are asleep with some flugg on them. Shep poofs.

Hoda said...

Camera shakes again I hear eagles vocalizing and the chicklettes are asleep

Hoda said...

...and it is in good jest that I thought you would make your comments SHIRLEY...I anticipated your laughter and good humour...It is all good.

stronghunter said...

Some kind of respiratory illness has struck Kathryn's workplace and she is not feeling too well herself. She has an appointment with the surgeon about her gall bladder problem tomorrow. I am wondering if she will be going into work at all.

Hunter does have baseball practice tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Some kind of respiratory illness has struck Kathryn's workplace and she is not feeling too well herself. She has an appointment with the surgeon about her gall bladder problem tomorrow. I am wondering if she will be going into work at all.

Hunter does have baseball practice tomorrow.

Hoda said...

headed off to yoga...see you all later...

stronghunter said...

Little ones trying to get underneath Belle. Cute little tail waggle.

Sandi said...

OK, paperwork for observation lesson is finished and I posted some new pics on my blog. One set is from the nest visit - most are the same ones captured by others, but Denny did get a couple of good shots of Shep taking off and heading for the Potomac. The pic of the barn in the foreground was just b/c i wanted one with the barn in it.

The second set has pics of my grand-donkey and my grand-pig, as well as a photo taken of the front of Brian's and Lynnis's house in Ranson (they have renters living in it while they're in Africa).

Lolly, so sad that your cardinal nest is no more! Maybe it was blown out AFTER the babies fledged?

I too am anxious to hear about Steve's first day at his new job! Lynne2, where are you??

Lori, your basket was beautiful!!

Linda, you cleaned up at the raffle, girl!! I will definitely have to make sure I attend the Saturday evening dinner and raffle next year! I've really enjoyed seeing the pics and reading about the evening!

stronghunter said...

Something went by the nest. Belle watched it. I am guessing it was Shep.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to watch some programs on TV - one that I taped last evening.


Lynne2 said...

I'm here, talking to Steve, eating, catching up...will be back in a bit with the FULL report!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, our eagles are pretty well dried off!

Looking forward to hearing about Steve's day, Lynne!

paula eagleholic said...

I am having my Stown dinner leftovers tonight. :)

Oh, Judie's chocolate chip cookies were great!

Lolly said...

Love your pictures, Sandi. Yes, waiting to hear about Steves day. In the mean time I need to rustle up something for us to eat. Really not hungry!

stronghunter said...

Judie's cookies were yummy!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - all the pictures are good and I enjoyed seeing the critters from PIGS
The take off by Shep is beautiful!

Mema Jo said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 436   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...