Monday, April 02, 2012


New week thread.

Wanted to do a quick plug for a program that NCTC hosts each year at NCTC called SC3.  This is a weeklong event that brings talented high school kids from across the nation to Shepherdstown.  This year there is a great speaker list, including the great writer, Barry Lopez, and a host of scientists, filmmakers, photographers and sustainable building experts.  Students take the skills they learn back to their schools and communities.

 If you know a high school student who might be interested, or a teacher that may have interested students, please take a look at the SC3 website:


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Mema Jo said...

Final plans for our Nest Visit Weekend Events

Friday Evening Dinner at Rumsey Tavern in the Clarion Inn at 7:00 pm
Saturday NCTC nest visit time is 8am to noon: you may arrive any time during those hours
Saturday Lunch from the Eagle Express by the nest at 11:00

Noon to 4:30 pm Free Time - Suggestions:
* Megan has extended an invite to her GH Plant/Flower Land
Car pool only – Megan hopes to be at the nest and will lead you over or
will give you the directions – Best part is that you can purchase her plants.
* Excursion to Swinging Bridge Eagle Express or Car Pooling (tbd)
Travel time is 1 hr to the Bridge Visit for 2 hours at Bridge Return time is 1 hr
* Yankauer Nature Preserve Whiting's Neck Road just north of Shepherdstown, WV
two miles of easy walking trails.
* Morgan's Grove Park Rt 480 Mainly picnic/playground area
* Shopping in unique stores in Shepherdstown, WV

Saturday evening dinner at the Tuscany Grill in the Clarion
4:30 pm Guest Arrival/Servers take Drink Orders
5:00 pm Dinner Orders taken
Raffle tickets sold and your wishes selected
Also voting as to where monies will be donated: Come with suggestions
Dinner and Raffle ending 9:00 pm

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Having some toast and tea. Sleep has not found me yet.

stronghunter said...

Good night again. Hope I can fall asleep now.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the schedule, Jo.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

We finally got home from the desert house at about 4:30 today. Boy, oh boy, somebody really partied there! Thank God, they did not break any of the glass patio sliders or back windows! We are not sure HOW they got in the house!

Yeesh, what a mess! There were all kinds of glass liquor bottles lying around.
They had burned a couple of the phone books in the fireplace. They had gone through all the boxes of my parents' books in the garage, and quite a few of them are missing. Must've sold them for quick cash. I think some may have been first editions. They destroyed my dad's rolltop desk that was in the garage--the drawers had been locked, and they used something like a tire iron to pry them open. The desk is now torn apart into 3 pieces. There was a bag of frozen fish rotting on the kitchen counter, and a plastic half-gallon container of rotten milk. The bathrooms are a disaster! There must have been about 10 people, judging from the (thankfully, not too large) graffiti on the wall ("Kony and his army," with drawings of 9 stick people). All of them used the toilets to do #2s,
but first, they unrolled about 2 rolls of toilet paper into the toilets, rendering them unflushable. There was a huge pile of you-know-what in each toilet.
The guy who came out to board up any broken windows (there were none) got paid to clean up the mess in the toilets. He was gagging his guts up, poor guy! There was also a huge, defunct rat in the garage, creating an unholy stink. The toilets are stained so badly (literally black inside) that they may have to be replaced!
Will take bleach up there tomorrow to try to clean them up. Taking a VERY thick pair of rubber gloves, too! The idiots had moved a box of books into the middle of the living room to use as a table, and they had a hookah sitting on it, along with all kinds of candles and incense. They burned a black spot the size of a silver dollar in the new carpet, but I think that can be patched. One wall in the living room has what I can only call slash marks in it. It looks like someone whacked it with a machete! I hope they don't come back--that hookah they left behind certainly wasn't cheap! I bet it cost $100 or more. It's trash now, I'm afraid. They put slashes in the door leading to the garage, but I think all the slashes can be patched, then painted over. Gotta say, the smell of the dead rat in the garage had us worried--we actually checked for a dead body!
That's what it smelled like out there! We're taking our shop vac and lots of cleaning supplies up there tomorrow (another day off work for Kubby). Will do a speedy clean-up, then head home to pick up Emma before noon. She's still at puppy camp tonight. Figured we'd better leave her there, rather than stress her out by bringing her home, then taking her back. They're giving her a bath in the morning! She'll like that!

Oh--found out that the insurance company is NOT going to pay for anything! They said that since no one has occupied the house for 45 days, vandalism is not covered. We are just grateful to GOD that no patio sliders or windows were broken! That would have been expensive to replace! We found some bedsheets, and tacked them up over all the back windows so nobody can see in. We left all the porch lights on. We left lights on inside the house, hoping they'll think that someone is moving in.
All the doors are locked for sure.
Please pray that those low-lifes don't return!! Sure hope we can manage to get that house sold! Way too much stress!! Gotta say, though, that it could have been ever so much WORSE!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, that's great that your new glasses make such a difference! It's nice to actually be able to see things, isn't it?! Glad you're feeling better, too! Love and hugs!!! Prayers, too!!

Judie, thanks so much for the website! I'll definitely try it, and will see if Social Security can help, too.

Well, I'd better get to bed. We are going to leave VERY early tomorrow to journey to the desert, so gotta get some sleep. We're out of here by 5:30 a.m. tomorrow! Doubt you'll hear from me in the morning, but will be back after we get home. Sure hope those toilets can be cleaned up! They WERE brand new!

Have said prayers for everyone. Special prayers for Lynn, Thelma, Sharon, Kay, and Tori. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. (Gee, a security system might be an idea for the desert house! Or maybe "nanny cams"!) Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! Thank you for your prayers!

Hoda said...

It sounds awful ANDY. I am so very sorry.
Can you have a neighbour go in the house once every two weeks or so so that the insurance would cover it if there is a next time...these are the rules up here. Sorry for your loses and the rudness of it all...

Hoda said...

All is well at the nest. Belle and the chicklets are up and I think she is feeding is what I was going to say, but I am not sure it is thatThe little ones are up and active...but still in the cup.

Hoda said...

I will say good night.


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Oh, ANDY, it makes me sick to read about what those sicko's did to the house. Impossible to understand such mentality or lack of mentality.

LYNN, happy to hear that your new glasses help and that you enjoyed a yummy dinner and beer with Christie !

LORI, I see you peeked in while getting ready for work. I'm just up for meds and heading back to bed. Will be with you Early Birds in spirit ! ☺

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DMo!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.
Good Morning. Three days til vacation!
I have two suggestions so far for the buttons:
We are Family
Bless this Nest

It looks like Loretta has a slogan as well but I haven't gotten it from her yet. If you have a suggestion please send it to

DanaMo said...

OMGosh Andy how awful! I can't believe the insurance doesn't cover it! Wow sometimes I wonder how insurance companies get away with so many loopholes!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi and DMo!

That is awful about insurance coverage for Andy's place, Sandi. You said it right, makes you wonder what they do cover and how they get away with so many loopholes!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Boys am I tired

Sandi said...

To add to the dictionary:
Areas of the nest:
launch pad

Love Margy's slogan suggestion - We are Family!

Jo, thanks for the itinerary for the weekend!

Andy, what a God awful mess to clean up! And if homeowners is covering nothing, shame on them!! Have you double checked your policy?? I think I'd even check with an attorney if you have access to one - it seems criminal that your homeowner's wouldn't cover repairing the damage!

Lynn, hope today is even better than yesterday for you!

Kay, hope the pain meds helped and you got a good night's sleep.

Prayers for Thelma.

My great horned owls are talking to one another right now! Back and forth - must be close by!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so sorry the insurnace co is not covering BELLE chirping

magpie said...

Good Tuesday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥
and of all of you, and our families and dear ones


xo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...


Mema Jo said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...