Friday, April 27, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

First entry on the new thread wins the eagle feather.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh shucks, that was me. I didn't have a clue. Thank you, thank you, *bowing* thank you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have lit a candle in memory of Lynn and one in honor of her lovely family.

Candles in memory of Lynn and in honor of her family

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

WV sUSAn - Next Thursday night, May 3, at 7:30, I am going to be at WV State University for Andrew's spring jazz ensemble performance. I would love it if you could come!

Mema Jo said...

I don't know who set down that
Feather Rule... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Morning Everyone Thank you for the fresh thread Steve. I need to go back to previous thread to see my early bird friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Steve has it posted in the rules and regulations of the blog. :)

glo said...

Feather rule. Is there some kind of a feather rule. Who knew? I think the person who came the longest by car should win that feather. JMHO and MTBR Darn weatherman I almost had this wrapped up. oh wait did Lolly drive. OK Then I will do a timeshare if she did. If not well it ain't over til the fat lady sings and I hear she has joined a circus with no music allowed.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Donna aka Mauley ♥
I hope you have a good day and that your family helps you to Celebrate

WV sUSAn said...

Brought over from prev thread...

Good morning everybody. So glad to see Carolyn has been on and getting RX, chocolate and friend therapies. All so good. Hope you and Charlie have kissed and made up <3

What I have missed!!! Love the avatar, Shar... perfect!

Congrats to Seth. So proud as I remember my daughter's ceremony, as well.

Sorry Red's surg was canceled and even more sorry it's followed up by a colo. yikes

Bluebird porn AND cow porn?!? wowa

Hoping today is yet another day of healing and coming to grips... cried off and on all day yesterday... ok and today.

LOVE you all so much and thrilled to see so many folks come out of the woodwork. Awesome and Welcome!


Shar, thanks so much and I want a raincheck! Will be at the beach on my much-needed girls' trip. woohooo

WV sUSAn said...

Happy birthday DONNA. Another year younger ;-)

Sandi said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve! Just checking in from school ... and another day of state testing kids! Back to work!

Mema Jo said...

Sad to say that I don't see any feather at 6:00 I guess Wanda really did go up that tree and grabbed it last night.
Darn it all!

WV sUSAn said...
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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Susan, did you see my earlier post about next week? 9:47 a.m. post

WV sUSAn said...
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WV sUSAn said...

Wanda's new knee has certainly done her right. I don't see the feather either, Jo. I hope Gene got pictures. hahahahahaha

Sharon, I will be at the beach next week. I want a raincheck!!

WV sUSAn said...

I am having stuttering probs today. oooops

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okie dokie Susan.

Hey Megan, WV sUSAn said the "b" word! :(

CarolAnne said...

MemaJo & Patti - watch your mailbox on Monday. Enjoy!

ALL POINTS BULLETIN: Individual seen climbing tree in middle of night. Believe now in possession of wayward item. Not believed to be previous indvidual who was giving sex talk high amongst the branches. MTBR

Mema Jo said...

I will be watching Carol Anne - I love surprises.
Too many deletes on this fresh thread. Let's hold it down!


Thinking of you Lynn with a smile on my face as my heart break heals. ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Oh CarolAnne, that's funny.

Lori O. said...

Hello Best Eagle Friends!

I'm home and ready to start the weekend....after a nap.

WV sUSAn said...

Sorry, Jo, I'll do better. :-)

Mema Jo said...

Welcome to your weekend Lori!
Hope your nap is enjoyable.

I am waiting for a 'lunch date' phone call from the Ft Bragg Bunch. They are here enroute to Hershey Park tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Susan I am glad you know I was joking around about the deletes!!! I just hope everyone else here on the blog knows it!

movin said...




I think we are all missing Lynn today and are conscious of the empty place in our hearts where she lived.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes....we did drive, so the feather is mine!!!!!Where is it? Wanda got it???? I can get it from her!!!!!

I love us!!!

I really feel better today. Had one coughing spell when I woke up, still lots of yuck, BUT I am going to survive.

movin said...

There's a lot of adult, chick action on several Channel Island nest now if you're interested.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Hope you have a nice weekend.

I put a picture of Shep in the album because Shep is the name Lynn wanted.

Did not sleep well. So was up doing shredding of papers again. Got a 30 gal. bag for the Rescue Mission and some cardboard.

I did call Norma Lynn's name doesn't ring a bell to her.

Carolyn and Christie come in here anytime and babble....that is what we are doing babbling. :)

I love all of you and I pray for all your friendship towards me and me toward "all" of you. I know that is what Lynn would want.♥

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, glad you are feeling better.

Enjoy your lunch, JO. What a treat to get to visit!

wvgal_dana said...

I have a small card Lynn sent me the year my Ed passed. I have it setting right here with a small battery operatored candle burning. In Lynn's honor♥

WV sUSAn said...

Dana, the mission will appreciate your sleeplessness.

wvgal_dana said...

Catch any fish WVsUSAn?

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn will like that, Dana.

I'm off work today and need to give the lawn mower a workout. wink wink Stepping out to the yard for a bit. BBL

Love and Hugs to All!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Ok It is obviously time for an All Points Bulletin UPDATE Hotline tip from "yet unnamed" sources says a Sweet innocent younger looking lady with new knee is a suspect in a missing valuable item believed removed from a well guarded location sometime in the middle of the night. Beware she may have an accomplice who is quite dapper himself and goes by the alias of Capt. They could be armed with an eagle cane and if approached should indeed be considered taloned and somewhat dangerous. Not Too Fear though there are ways to melt their hearts!!! Gimme that feather!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Lolly said...

Love it Glo!!!! Love you!

I am now off to start my day! Have a good one!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I wanted to stop in for a moment. Didn't sleep much last night and want to catch a nap while I can.


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I wanted to stop in for a moment. Didn't sleep much last night and want to catch a nap while I can.


Mema Jo said...

Shirley catch your nap - you are stuttering and you need to get into the recliner - fast! Love you ♥

Mema Jo said...

I emailed my friend Steve at NCTC and told his about my feather and asked if
he would please to under the nest tree and pick it up ♥

Off to lunch with my Bragg Bunch ♥

wvgal_dana said...

That was so so funny Glo. Good one!! :)

Jewels said...

Glo that is funny!

Mema Jo said...

Glo - that was very good........♥
The Spirit is still here........♥


Lynne2 said...

WOW, When I took the dogs out this morning and you'll NEVER guess what I found!!! AN EAGLE FEATHER!!! Must have blow in on the westerlies last night! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

So you can all stop talking about it now...IT'S MINE!!

Mema Jo said...

Prove it! Take a pic and post it
In your hand! lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I will call the federal thorities and give them your address! :)

Lynne2 said...

Will be on my FB page shortly....

Lynne2 said...

oh crap, I see a DNR van pulling up

paula eagleholic said...

I think whomever climbs that tree gets the feather!

paula eagleholic said...

What, did it blow out?

glo said...

I suspect some kind of cover up.

JudyEddy said...

home from the parks with Jordyn and we off course saw the eagle today and we saw them last nite at her dance school that was beautiful when they flew over last nite Jordyn is down for a nap I was laying with her and got up before I snoozed with her

Lynne2 said...

the proof is on the FB page....

glo said...

LOL well yes it sort of is. Hoda be warned.

glo said...

Hoda Be advised IF you should ever find that desired item Do NOT post a photo of yourself holding it onto FB. Just sayin. Some of us are blonder than others.

Lynne2 said...

LOL! and some of us are just CLEAR!

JudyEddy said...

Happy Arbor Day

Lynne2 said...

Happy Arbor Day! Hey, I even have a tree to plant! A friend gave me a 4 ft cedar tree that she had noplace to plant. Been trying to figure out where to put it!

Hoda said...

Well, the only thing I know is SHAR is taking bows and clap clap clapping away!!! and I feel very happy for her and then I hear she has laid claim to the eagle feather??? Say what Helllloooooo? What happened to friendly USA and Canadian relations? and I thought for sure you all will let me have the feather!!!and even pick up the cost of the fine!!!LOL!!!

I have not read back yet...the first two entries on this thread that is all...

Running behind. On my way out to Yoga and errands.Busy day, preparations for the book sale, and then tomorrow busy with the actual book sale.

Will catch up when I come back/

PRAYING all is well and manageable today...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I really love us!

JudyEddy said...





Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Gang!

Getting a bit of a late start today. Didn't sleep too well last night, but fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma after Kubby left for work. Got about 3 hours sleep, thank God. May nap later, I hope.

It's a beautiful day here in SoCal. The sun's out, and it's going to warm up to the low 70s.
I am happy to say that our Black-crowned Night Herons are back in our big Ficus trees, busily repairing last year's nests. The "Pterodactyls" have returned!

Glad to hear that Lolly feels better today. Hope the trend continues! Don't overdo--as Margy always says, germs HATE rest!

Hoping that Kay didn't overdo yesterday, although I know there was NO WAY she would've missed such a wonderful occasion! Prayers for your comfort!

Hoping that Red is OK too, and after that miserable test, he will be able to have his other hip replaced! Prayers!

Well, have much to do today. Must find my RED SHIRT, so it will be Red Friday! Gotta go do the weekly pilgrimage to Wally World, and Miss Emma is overdue for a bath. Since it will be fairly warm today, now would be a good time to get that done. I hope that by keeping very busy I can get through the day. Still missing Lynn so very moment at a time, I guess. Sigh...Time for a
(((GROUP HUG)))!!!! I love us!

Lynne2 said...

I'm so glad to see joking and laughing today! It helps between the tears, and Lynn would love it!

Lynne2 said...

Guess I'll be going on the lamb....I will be in touch when it's safe. LOL!

Lolly said...

Yes, she would!!!! Lynne, that is really a great picture of you on fb. Good to see you my friend!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Shirley,
I hope Kathryn is feeling better today. Hope that whatever she is battling decides to skip the rest of you! Prayers for healing!

Well, gotta go get busy. So much to do, and so little time! Will check back in later. Emma says, "Woof, woof, rowf!"

Lynne2 said...

thanks Lolly.

We are just having a bit of a goof off here at the moment. Day started with a euthanasia, there have been 2 mores since, and one more possible this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic pic Lynne! I think you should block certain parties out...Feds

Hubby and I had a delightful lunch with the Bragg Gals.
Now my feet are going up for a bit!


Mema Jo said...

BTW - Look who turns 4 today-"Buddy" the eagle. He was born here at Norfolk Botanical Garden four years ago. This famous eagle is an eagle ambassador and is expected to make a live appearance at the Eagle Festival May 5, 2012. Happy Birthday Buddy!

Mema Jo said...

Jennifer Vallandingham (Jo's Gal)

Hummingbird came today...I had been waiting on him.

Linda said...

Good Afternoon Friends!

Much work and more deadlines to handle today, but wanted to chime in and tell you all I love you!!

Thinking of Lynn and missing her terribly here... ♥

Missing MARGY today ♥ and looking forward to hearing from you soon...

Praying KAY ♥ is doing okay today. Would feel better to see a post from her, too!

Keeping JEWELS and CHRISTIE in thought and prayer as the hours of each day pass and the memories flow of their dear mother and our friend, LYNN ♥

Happy to see some humor today with the "feather." We need some light-hearted chat, too!! It's good for the soul!!


Lolly said...

Yes, I think we are all waiting to hear from Kay.

I have worked in the yard a little. Taking a mini break.

(((Hugs)))Lynne...know that is rought! Annie is my companion in the yard. Shhhh...she does not know I took a mini break.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone! That nap was just what I needed!

Lolly, glad you're feeling better
today. I was thinking about you and
wondered if you got your 300
Caladiums planted? BIG job!

JO, thanks for the heads up on Buddy's
Birthday! What a great job WCV has done to improve his life!

wvsUSAn, don't get too good a workout
with that mower. I have a feeling you get enough
exercise! ;)

HODA, I hope you yoga-ed well! ♥

Hoping to hear from Margy and Kay today, too.

T-Bird said...

Hello my fine eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Linda! How is your life going now that tax season is over, or is it?

Lori O. said...

THELMA!!! Good afternoon. How ya doing?

Lolly said...

Yes, Lori....we planted all the caladium bulbs. Now I working on planting impatients, begonias, colius and spreading mulch. Will take pictures when the caladiums are up!

Hi T-Bird! Bye T-Bird! I am heading back outside!☺

JudyEddy said...

OH GOOD they are up maybe I can get a pic of them not sleeping for today

T-Bird said...

Doing good Lori. Still having computer problems so I'm on Sharon's right now.
Bye and hi Lolly. : )

T-Bird said...

I've missed being with everyone.

JudyEddy said...

they are taking turns good today eating

Lori O. said...

What are you up to this weekend,

LOLLY, I would love to see the garden pics when you're done!

Hello JUDYE!

JudyEddy said...

Speaking of Buddy here is a new video of him today Buddy Hatchday

Hey back at ya LORI gotta get ready to have Jordyn at Angies at 425

Lynne2 said...

Very quiet here for a Friay PM....waiting for the flood of calls and walk ins!

It has been tough today, but we've found fun, and BERGER COOKIES!!! That helps!

Lynne2 said...

WOW, Jenny's got a hummer! Hoping mine will FINALLY appear this weekend!

T-Bird said...

Lori-I will be meeting up with my sister, two of my aunts and an uncle tomorrow for dinner. Two are driving from Indiana. : ) What about you?

Hello JudyE and Lynne2.

CarolAnne said...

I can't stop shaking . . .
The mail just came and I got a package from LYNN!

Practically with her final breath she was thinking of others.

Lori O. said...

THELMA, that sounds like a great family fun day! They're coming a long way to see you, eh?

I think I will use the weekend to recoup and sleep! This will be my first weekend home in a while so I'm happy to be here! I'm a home-body anyway.

Still waiting to hear from KAY and MARGY.

Lori O. said...

Carolanne, are you okay?

CarolAnne said...

Was spooked,but now feeling elated & blessed, so I'm okay.

Was a heart stopper at first - but definitely a moment I shall treasure always.

That's our Lynn!!

JudyEddy said...

OH CA do telll what is in it????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

waiting with baited breath

Costume Lady said...

On my way to GG's and hopefully see my Karla and Jayden...don't send an APB out on me:)

CarolAnne said...

Oh JudyE -

as they say, its the thought that counts BUT in this case it was the 'sender' that counts most.


I put a pic on my blog :o)

JudyEddy said...

CA I got the disc of the recipes and yeah I can open it Thanks bunches

Lynne2 said...


Getting ready to check out from work, will see you this evening. Hoping Kay checks in and Kathryn is feeling better.

glo said...

Tears Carol Anne What a treasure that will be for always.

Sandi said...


Brought my eagle plaque home and have created my Lynn Memorial.

Need to read back - BBL!

Mema Jo said...

From all reports: The Hummers have Arrived - Put those feeders out all you

CarolAnne- you will treasure your plaque
forever. I would even want to keep the
Postal Box! I LOVE US ♥

Hoda said...

A blessing indeed CAROLANNE...LYNN♥

You all have gone out of control about the feather...LAUGHING my head awesome...I loved it{{{{HUGS♥}}}}

LORI Yoga was very good and I enjoyed the poses as they were challenging and at the same time empowering and I left feeling strong and refreshed.

CAROLANNE I got a package from you today and am waiting on the tea kettle to boil so I can sit and visit with a cup of tea when I open it...THANK YOU VERY MUCH...You are a gem.

Kay said...

Oh, my dear, sweet Eagle Buds ! Thanks for all the congrats and the prayers ! ♥

Enjoyed catching up with your posts--love the feather talk and think GLO is quite the detective !☺

I was thoroughly zapped by the outing, but it was, indeed, worth it. Of course I got all teary eyed watching Seth cross the stage at the pinning ceremony. It was fun to watch him socialize at the reception afterward and to glory in the fact that he's come so far and is maturing and blossoming so well.

JEWELS, the thoughts you've shared with us are truly touching. I♥U ! So happy to know where darling little Liesl is and that your Mom had the foresight to place her in such good hands.

RED, sorry for the surgery delay, but sounds like it was a good catch and am praying for you, too !

S'wonderful to see Missy and Bro happily snuggled. Love our eagles and like all of you---I love us !


Sandi said...

Have updated my avatar - borrowing Lori's idea! Larger pic is on my blog.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, Eagle Pals.....That should cover it !

Been right busy, work and not at work time....Had a little talk time with Carolyn earlier this morning, and might get another talk in tonight....
I keep thinking of more and more special things about Lynn....

magpie said...

I will straight out admit I have not caught up on the blog,
since sometime last evening,
except for just the last few comments....

But I Know You Are Here...and will look forward to reading about everyone's doins' soon as I can.
Am pulling a little extra duty for the nieces and nephews, will be starting on Thank You cards for the funeral flowers soon. Snail Mail, that's about my speed these days.

Must move along now, will "see" you in the morning....and hold you all in my Heart all the time.

With Much Love, and Best Wishes to Every One in ALL our Eagle Corners...

(( Forever Hugs ♥ )) and
God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I will have NO bail money for anything regarding [feathers]

CarolAnne said...


Just received an email supposedly concerning my Verizon account (I don't have Verizon, but do have a sneaky step-daughter).


It is a malicious computer attack.
Thankfully Norton caught it.

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, I know how thrilled you are with that package from LYNN--she was so amazing in the way she thought of others right up to the end. Okay, you got my tear ducts all charged up again. ♥ I have one of the plaques on my fridge and am reminded of LYNN and her love daily. She sent it and an American Eagle Foundation key chain to me when the Fall Open House was canceled and our plans were dashed.

My reservation for this past weekend included staying over on Sunday so she and I could unwind together, do some sightseeing and enjoy a good meal or two together. Of course, those plans had been altered due to her illness even before it was clear I'd not be able to attend. We used to talk of her driving through Columbus on the way to and from seeing her Mom and sis in MO. She was going to stay over and we were going to the 94th Air Squadron for dinner. Plans that never panned out for us...We'll catch up with each other in Heaven some day.♥

The memories just keep coming, even for those of us who never got to put our arms around her. LYNN had a way of making you feel loved, through the blog, e-mail and by phone. We've lost such a precious friend, but she'd love seeing us progress back to having fun and enjoying our nesting family together ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

CarolAnne said...

I will indeed keep even the postal box. It has a postage meter stamp of April 25th on it, plus Lynn's handwriting.

HODA - I hope you enjoy your tea & your package - you figure prominently in it.

Happy to hear those receiving discs lately have not had a problem with them (Sorry LOLLY)

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all.

CarolAnne, how nice to get a gift from Lynn!

Heading to the beach, will check in later.

DanaMo said...

Enjoying pizza and beer after a very long, tiring, emotional week!

DanaMo said...

I have my eagle plaque from Lynn right here at my computer, always at my side.

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm home, and Daisy escaped out the door. She is currently God knows where running amok. The breeze kept the door from closing all the way and I didn't realize it before it was too late. Followed her as long as we could see her, but she is AWOL.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE I hope she returns home soon

AZPatti said...

Good evening, all! Posted on the old thread that I had to catch up. Realized the error but didn't take the time to correct it.

LOLLY, if you look closely at the picture of our "mountain beach", there's a glass 'o wine waiting for my fellow Texan. :)

MEMA JO, Don't let Mubby hear you say the good-looking part; it might go to his head!

Thanks for the package, CAROLANNE, I'll keep my eyes pealed.

LYNNE, so sorry you had such a rough day. And now, Daisy. Hope she comes home soon.

So glad to see all the banter today. It definitely helps!

Lynne2 said...

now she's out back but wont' come to us. I really love her, she's great in the house, and pretty good on the leash. But It's not fun having a dog that won't come when you call it. We have done all of the things the trainer and my research has advised to no avail. Now that Steve is working again, and once we get caught up on some things, it will be time to have the trainer come to teach her with the zapper collar. She is not one to advise using it, but in Daisy's case, it is needed. She looks like she is so happy, running and leaping around off leash, and the field is a good place to let her do so, but it would be nice to let her just GO in the yard, and let her explore. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

Hi JudyE and Patti and DanaMo hope you enjoyed your pizza and beer! Hello anyone else who is lurking....come join us, we don't bite. Much. LOL!!

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels Paula, hope the weather will be good!

Lynne2 said...

Meanwhile, I had to bushwack across the street through chest high grass and bush trying to find her. So far no ticks found, had my pants tucked in....UGH.

I'll be needing some ice cream tonight.

I miss our Lynn. Hoping Christie and Caro got some rest last night.

AZPatti said...

LYNNE, so glad she's home safe. We have the same problem with Zena. Thank goodness we have a fairly large, fenced yard so they both have plenty of room to run. We have to keep padlocks on the gates because all the little girlfriends in the neighborhood want to "take her out to play". Zena's a sucker for any female child.

Lynne2 said...

I have been thinking of Lynn's mother today a lot. I hope she is OK, too.

I'll stop babbling.....

Lynne2 said...

I saw your picutures Patti, those are gorgeous dogs! Our fenced filed is fairly large, maybe a square half acre. And she loves to run in it, but geesh....she can get bored easily. She still won't come in the house. But she IS still in the yard.

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Lynne. They can be a handful. I'm off here in a bit to try the next step in introducing them to Kitty. I've put a picture of her on my blog. She's now used to her carrier/crate. So with the dogs leashed up so their movements are restricted, I'll bring Kitty, inside her carrier, close to them. I do not hold out much hope (I think their prey drive is too much) but she wants to come inside and be part of the pack so badly that I have to try.

Lynne2 said...

she is adorable Patti! We had problems with both of our dogs regarding the cats. But they have worked it out. The cats have the spare room blocked from the dogs with a baby gate so they have a place to go if things get to be too much, but the dogs rarely bother them anymore.

AZPatti said...

Lynne, have you tried calling to her with her favorite toy, a treat, something in your hand, and then turning to walk away? The couple of times Zena had gotten out, that worked. She thought I was leaving her. Something I'd never do, of course. :)

AZPatti said...

Lynne, I'm hoping I can at least get them to the point where Kitty is no longer something new and they will just leave her alone. Now, they will stare at her thru the fence and I have to keep breaking that prey concentration.

Judie said...

I have received a "polite" request to make an appearance at the Fairfax County police headquarters. It seems the detectives wish to question me regarding my knowledge of a woman who may have driven to WV through the darkness while singing the Texas State anthem; what do I know about a woman who has recently received a new knee and has been seen with a man using the alias "Capt," (those two were recently spotted hiding out in a large motor home; what do I know about a great grandmother who drives over a mountain to visit a bird's nest in a large tree while skulking around looking for turtle shells, and another person of interest is a woman who disguises herself in bib overalls while wearing socks and sandals.

I asked if there were any other persons of interest and was given the typical evasive detective answer -- just the facts, maam, just the facts!

I shall return, I hope. If not, please be sure to watch Judge Judy.

Lolly said...

Patti....I will be right over for the wine!! LOL

We are in for the day. Steaks soon to be on the grill, and a nice bottle of red wine will soon be open. What was it Jack said? Something like I have a unbelievable yard. ☺ It is shaping up and looking good.

Tomorrow no yard work. Heading to Denton for a Joseph baseball game. Wahoooo! I will be seeing my boys!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Judie....roflmbo!!!!! I love us!

wvgal_dana said...

I love all of you♥ All this kidding around about a feather that was in the nest. What really happened was as Steve said once. My place is 10 minutes or less for the eagles to fly too. As I was leaving and locking the door. A eagle feather floated with the breeze and landed on my shoulder.
I will not say what I have done with it due to any investigation that might be taking place. Mum the word here :)

AZPatti said...

LOLLY, the bottle is always open! HA!

And enjoy those steaks, and the view of your beautiful yard that you two work so hard for.

OK, now I'm really off for the kitty/pups testing.

wvgal_dana said...

AZPatti I have told Lolly over the years. Her house should be on the House and Garden Tour. So beautiful :)

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I'll post your bail any time!!
Thanks for not blowing anyone's cover!

wvgal_dana said...

AZPatti we once had a pure bred
Malamute living beside us. It usually did not bark but made a noise that sounded almost like a baby crying. Have you ever heard one do that?

Hoda said...

JUDIE you are hilarious!♥

CAROLANNE Thank you very much. I love it and the flower and the butterfly and the awesome card. You did a TERRIFIC job there C/A.
I think it was LYNN that started calling you C/A cool...

WVJerry said...

Just want to check in since I've been off the blog most of this week. I did get a peek at the cam this morning and got to read some posts as well. I saw where "Jewels" lost her Mom. I would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to go along with all the others here. Also, want to say I am sorry for her loss. I haven't been around here very long but I feel she has a good place to come for support. Looking at the youngsters one looks ready to take up flight soon. My boss will be back in the store Monday and my week is almost over. Already got 42 hours in and only 7 1/2 to go. Take care all. I thought I saw this morning where contributions could be made in "Jewels" Mom's honor. I would like to help...even if it's in a small way...if someone can give me a head's up on the plans. Take care all.

Linda said...

Just got done with today's quarterly payroll tax returns!! Have a couple more to do tomorrow!

Going to take a shower before CSI and Tom Sweetie. I certainly wouldn't miss the season finale in honor of LYNN.

Such a witty group we have!!

Love GLO, CAROLANNE and JUDIE's minds...... It could be dangerous, but they sure are ever so witty and hilarious!!


wvgal_dana said...

Glad you got that done Linda. Now you can take a breather. You got that right they are witty and hilarious like you said. lol

wvgal_dana said...

This little candle light is flickering just as a candle would. It reflects off the card Lynn sent me. Love you Lynn♥

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope that Paula took an extra quilt or heater and some Long Johns
It is going to be freezing cold!!
Just wondering if Nick will get in the
water ----brrrrrrr!

Great for you to come in and say hello, Margy. Just wanted to know you were ok ♥

Hoda said...

Belle is in the nest.

Judie said...

Ring Ring! Ring Ring! Hello? I have to make this quick even though I know they are watching me from behind that stupid mirror mirror on the wall. The detectives are already into torture. Told me I would never see another carton of Butter Pecan unless I cooperate and tell all I know about a feather. I keep telling them I do not own a parakeet and, therefore, know nothing of any feather. Of course, they haven't yet asked about the secret place. Shhhhh!

wvgal_dana said...

lol Judie

wvgal_dana said...

lol Judie

Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA and NICK.

LYNN has some very DELICIOUS sounding recipes in the cook book. I will try them all...thanks again C/A

Hoda said...

OK JUDIE...PROMISE not to tell!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Brought my mulch today from the Boy Scouts.

Costume Lady said...

Well now, Judie...Margie can hide her bibs and Jo can say "What mountain", but how in the world can I hide my motor home?
Going to see if I have a LARGE tarp around here somewhere!
Love you girl♥

CarolAnne said...

Yes there are many terrific recipes. I tended to lean towards the chocolate this, and the caramel that, but your salmon recipe is a definte "gotta try" recipe.

I loved Red's humor with the Gracie Allen pot roast recipe.

Mema Jo said...

Please Judie, don't spill the beans

Mema Jo said...

DanaWV - You should have kept those Boy Scouts around to spread that mulch!

CarolAnne said...

Wanda - to hide a motor home . . .turn it into a driveway. Get it? LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hee hee I just ate some Busch's beans lol

Costume Lady said...

I had forgotten that LYNN took PAULA to Berkeley springs to adopt Nick...she was so thoughtful, an amazing lady~

So glad she found love with Liesl after the trying time she had with Mai. I think about her telling us that it was lap time for Liesl and she lay there til her bedtime. Wonderful to have heard all those heartwarming stories.

Costume Lady said...

CarolAnne, I could put it in the driveway across the road from us...the house is vacant! Yes, that's what I'll do!:)

wvgal_dana said...

Sh Wanda don't give your secret away. Those that Judie talked about investigating could be lurking here. "wink"

Judie said...

Well, here I am waiting to be treated to a small, a very small overnight accommodation. These stuuuuupid detectives just will not believe I have no knowledge about some stuuuuupid feather. Told them if I were a detective, I'd be headed to Nelson, BC to check out some dragon boat that might be a hidey place for missing items.

So, I must say goodnight to you all. The sandperson will be making rounds later on. The night light is on. Rest and peace for all.

AZPatti said...

What a happy bunch! Love it! :) No detectives allowed in Arizona!

WVDana, Zena has incredible vocal dexterity. I've not heard her do the baby crying but there is another full-blood Husky in the neighborhood and he makes that type of sound when the sirens go by.

AZPatti said...

Off to feed the critters and evening routine. If I don't make it back, sweet dreams to all and prayers for those in need.

glo said...

Yes there is indeed a cover up. Check the closets at the Soup Kitchen. That's my suggestion. Some folks have been gone somewhere all day. Time for them to do almost anything. Then of course we now have a " jail bird".

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
I'm off tomorrow, so hope I can get caught up on reading! Yard work to do also.
I see there are some folks being secretive of the law!
I see Wanda may have to hide the EE????Maybe you can find a cover colored as a school bus!

Have to tell you a cutie that I saw at Chelsea today.Grass is cut near the house, but they let the whole front field grow for the summer as "home for wildlife"~~saves gas.I saw thru window, top half of a goose walking in the tall grass towards the lawn. I wondered what is one goose doing in the field??I went to next room to look out a side window and saw another goose already on the lawn under a tree.They finally both walked toward side of house with the & goslings waddling along!!!!!Way past the front field is a containment pond. We think this family originated there and have led the chicks all thru that big field to the pond behind our house!!!!Talk about camouflage!

CarolAnne said...

Calling it a day here. Glad we were able to produce a few smiles amongst us.

Saw 2 deer via the security camera check out the feeder- its empty - they then proceeded to wander up to the side of the cottage and nibble on my hostas just emerging thru the ground. Must get a microphone at this end & speakers at that end so I can yell at them!
They do not seem to hear me when I yell at the computer screen.

Wishing everyone a restful night with pleasant dreams and a bright tomorrow.

glo said...

Good night everyone. It was good to share a few smiles today. We all know our hearts are missing our Lynn and our prayers continue for her family as well. She would be glad we found some good times to share as well thanks to our Royal Family. How cool is that?

Red said...

Good evening everyone. Looks like my surgery got canceled for only a small vitamin deficency. Found out my blood count is low due to needing more iron in my system. Guess I'll be on iron pills for awhile. Thanks for all the words of concern. I love every one of y'all.
Many thanks to Carol Anne for the recipe disk. Will be trying some new vittles soon.
I'm hoping to get my hip surgery resheduled ASAP. Maybe in the next week or two.

NatureNut said...

Been waiting to put an even crazier happening in the Nook.
Called "Beware of the Mail!"
Will put goslings on soon.

Good Night CarolAnne! Pray for speakers! LOL

Red said...

Good evening everyone. Looks like my surgery got canceled for only a small vitamin deficency. Found out my blood count is low due to needing more iron in my system. Guess I'll be on iron pills for awhile. Thanks for all the words of concern. I love every one of y'all.
Many thanks to Carol Anne for the recipe disk. Will be trying some new vittles soon.
I'm hoping to get my hip surgery resheduled ASAP. Maybe in the next week or two.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Red. So glad you have a pretty quick fix before your surgery! Fingers xxxed for you! ☺

Linda said...

Time for Tom Sweetie.....

I'm sure Lynn is watching from Heaven!! LOL

I'll always think of Lynn when I see Tom Selleck!!

Hoda said...

OH NOOOO you don't JUDIE!!! There are no laws in Canada covering feathers so keep me out of this...LOL...

Red said...

OH NO, I just read about Hedgie's passing. She was such a wonderful friend. She even sent me a get well card on my last hip replacement. I'll miss her greatly.

Linda said...

Red, it is so tragic and sad, but many of us had the privilege of seeing her at our weekend just days before she passed and she looked beautiful.

She was definitely getting weaker and feeling horrible. We are all thankful she didn't suffer any longer, but we will miss her dearly.

She sure was a gem!

Linda said...

Hopefully they won't extradite you for questioning, HODA!!

It happened here in the states.....

Hoda said...

Oh My!!!
Look at what I found!!!


Possession of wildlife
33 - (2) A person commits an offence if the person has dead wildlife or "a part of any wildlife" in his or her possession except as authorized under a licence or permit or as provided by regulation.

Wildlife (defined as)
(a) means raptors, threatened species, endangered species, game and other species of vertebrates prescribed by regulation

Raptor - means a bird of the order Falconiformes known as vultures, eagles, falcons and hawks or the order Strigiformes known as owls, and includes its eggs;

Ignorance of the law is no defence So what to do???JUDIE any advice?OK OK OK I remember you are a jail bird so I can not contact you for a while.

Linda said...

I'd say you need to lay low, HODA.

Keep a low profile for the next few days until things "blow" over.

Hoda said...


Taxes are done and the Canadian GOvernment owes me money!!! I am a happy camper...deadline is Monday.

Mema Jo said...

I am starting to slow down for the evening - Today was very heartwarming with all of you - family. I do Love Us♥

Praying for Carolyn and Christie to remember all the good thoughts about their momma and find a reason to smile and feel all the love she left for you.

Good night all
Prayers for Kay's comfort
Love to all ♥

AZPatti said...

Oh no, things might not be looking too good for Hoda. :)

Red, glad it appears to be an easy fix for the next hip replacement.

C/A, I'm with Nature Nut on the speakers and microphone for the deer and your hostas. Mine are just peeking up, too.

Nature Nut (I'm working on my cheat sheet for names), I had to go check out the "mail" and went a bit further in your pics. Loved the ones you posted from S'Town. So much history, so little time. One of these days, I'll be over there with all the time in world to explore. Hopefully, anyway. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed them.

Linda said...

Good On You, HODA!!

Night Jo! Sweet Dreams ♥ xoxo

Linda said...

I'm winding down as well and will sign off for the night.

Thank you for the friendships we share here.....

CAROLYN & CHRISTIE - Holding your hand and loving you every step of the way. We are here for you........ ♥

Missing LYNN ♥

KAY - Hope you get some good rest tonight and feel much better tomorrow!

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond.

Night ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Quick check in...att the beach...the moon is shining on the water

AZPatti said...

Gonna call it a night here, too. Prayers for all in need. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I love this place. :)

Sandi said...

Have had no time to chat tonight - worked in the garden, paid bills, balanced checkbooks (am I the only person who still does that???), getting ready for a property owner's meeting in the AM, chatting with the realtor, my mom, and my sister about the latest on the condo contract. Now time to hit the bathtub and the bed.

Thelma, it was good to see you on here today. Enjoy your family!

CarolAnne, what a lovely surprise for you to get something from Lynn in the mail!

Red, happy to hear that you'll be ready for that 2nd new hip soon!

Patti, you are fitting right in - good on you!!

Paula, enjoy Paradise!! Chilly weekend forecast!

Kay, doctor's appt. on Monday, right?

Shirley, hope Kathryn is feeling better!

Lolly, need to see photos of all that hard work on your gardens!!

Thinking of Lynn ♥ and praying for Carolyn and Christie. One step at a time, Jewels!

Goodnight my eagle friends! See you in the morning!

Hoda said...

Glad you made a safe trip PAULA.

SANDI I still balance cheque books and do it monthly!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I still balance my checkbook ttoo

Temp here is 53 at present...not bad

Transplanted plants look good, the grass has grown, more sand on the beach

Thinking of Lynn here as well...

Hoda said...

Of course you are PAULA. Someone, I think it was LINDA, who mentioned that LYNN met you to go get Nick...I remember when you made the plans. God Bless her soul and comfort her daughters.

paula eagleholic said...

Lol ay JBudies posts...the feather escapade
Yes Lynn went with me to get Nick last summer...was so hoping she would feel better so she could come down to my beach

magpie said...

howdy from a borrowed laptop.I think Lynn would be proud of me for trying something new.
I would make a Smiley Face if I knew how...

But I can type GOOD NIGHT, Prayers for all, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo
Thinking of Carolyn and Christie and all the Family...

(( All-Night Hugs ))

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Margy...we miss you....hope you are doing OK

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Margy, I hope you pull a MARGY and come back on here. I wanted you to see Jayden and I putting together his "BOB-BOB" puzzle. He brought it into the kitchen, placed it on the table and said "help, please", so we spread the pieces out on the table and all took turns placing pieces. It was quite a lot of fun...when we got all done, two pieces were missing and Jayden said "uh oh", pointing to the missing spaces:)
Thank you dear girl for giving that puzzle to us♥

Lolly said...

What a cute story about Jayden!

Fell asleep with the puter on my lap and wine glass in my hands. uh oh!!!

I have news....I am feeling great! Except for need of sleep. LOL Laurel just called and game has been moved to 10 so we leave here a couple hours earlier than planned. That is really better for lunch out at Subway!

Sorry to read that Judie is now a jailbird and Hoda is having to lay low. I can just see the Canadian Mounties chasing after her!!!!

Great that Red peeked in. Have been wondering about you, Red.

Great that C/A got mail from Lynn. Was thinking that my postcard to Lynn got there too late. Dern!!!!

Going to go shower now. I am so ready to close these eyes!! And, Patti, it is really so great to have you on here. I think you know us well! LOL

Prayers for Lynn's girls! Love you two!!!♥ We are here for you.

Lolly said...

Night all!!

Sweet dreams!! Group ((Hug))

NatureNut said...

Puter is starting to turn into a pumpkin (maybe there's something inside!)
Margy, you're getting techie!
Paula, have a great time at the beach.
Wanda, that's such a cute story!
Time to say Good Night and prayers for all that are under the weather.
Blessings for Carolyn, Christie, all the family and we Love Lynn forever ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yes very happy all is good with Red...hope they can reschedule the surgery soon

Lolly glad you are finally feeling better

Hoda said...

Great story WANDA

Glad you are better LOLLY. Enjoy the Grand Kids tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Loved my visit with Karla, Jayden and Aaron (Jillian had to work).
Haven't seen them for 2 or 3 weeks, not sure? Missing my Denise...she will be gone a month:(



Hoda said...




Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. Checking in from Bedford. Up way too late. I hope everyone is okay. Love you!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have finally finished getting caught up here!

Hoping that they release Judie in the morning! Hoda, better lay low!
Wanda, hope the EE is under a tarp!
LOL! WV Dana, if the doorbell rings, don't answer it! Pretend you're not home!

Red, so happy to hear that all you need is some iron in your system! If you have a cast iron skillet, start using it! When you prepare food in it, some of the iron in the pan soaks into the food!

Lynne2, really glad that Daisy did come home, and hope you were able to coax her into the house! I'm afraid that if Emma ever got loose, she'd be very much like Daisy! She is definitely scent-driven, but we've discovered that if she finds a new, interesting scent, her legs are no longer connected to her brain! She just takes off as fast as she can, until she hits the end of the leash! Yikes!

Kay, so good to hear from you! Hope a good night's sleep will help. Prayers for you continue!

CarolAnne, how wonderful to receive a package from our Lynn!
What a treasure!--both the package, AND dear Lynn!

Margy, so good to hear from you!
(((HUGE HUGS))) back atcha!

There are several others I'm glad to see here too--Glo, Linda, AZPatti, Jerry, WV sUSAn, et al.

Well, I'm running out of steam, so going to hit the hay. Prayers have been said for everyone, but especially for Carolyn & Christie, Charlie, and Lynn's mom. Also all those still in pain and those in need of healing. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you, and I love us!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...