Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Snow!? Thread.


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DanaMo said...

OH my no one knows about the new thread.
Lunch time break for me.
Thanks, Steve!

DanaMo said...

I had an observer this morning! Whew, never expected she was going to stay until lunch! Perspective parent who apparently is checking out several schools. Found out after she left that she used to be a principal. I can't believe how long she stayed and now I'm exhausted.

DanaMo said...

Maybe a little "over the top" for kindergarten, no???

Mema Jo said...

Thanks DanaMo! You must have put on a good show to keep her there that length of time. Thanks for the call over!

Thank you Steve for the Snow Thread!
Tomorrow we will get the Sun Thread!
Just a word - our male eagle is doing
a great job!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Light snowy one. Thank you DanaMo for the call over.

magpie said...

shep and a fish

Whee !!!

magpie said...


Looks like the changing of the Guard might be upon us

Shep already gave up his gift of fish food

Mema Jo said...

2 eagles in one nest and 1 uncovered egg
Is this the afternoon switch..??

Mema Jo said...

He comes SHEP
His Turn

magpie said...

I think Belle ate some iot and might have taken off with the rest....
It was a sleek shiny looking fish

HI Jo !!!

Mema Jo said...

Getting some leftovers first!
Sounded like Belle landed up on the limb

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy!

magpie said...

You're my ears, Jo.....
I don't have sound at the office

will be watching

Praying for good outcomes for Sissy...saw info from other thread

Thanks for the New Thread Steve

Schools dismissed two hours early in berkeley and jefferson, probably morgan co also

ttfn xoxox

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if DanaMo in Hagerstown, Washington county MD gets out early!

magpie said...

There is another update
Feb 7
on the Eagle Cam Page....
here's the link:

Nest Update

magpie said...

maybe that was already posted or discussed

Hoda said...

Good morning / good afternoon all...

I was here for the changing of the guard and smiled as I thought Shep was going to start in on the fish he was sooooo tempted!!! Belle finally got up and poor chap had to clean up nestovers before he took his turn on the egg...nothing was left of the fish that was brought in as Belle literally swallowed it all up...he seems to be incubating nicely now with the snow coming down...

Hoda said...

KAY I do not know why WVDANA thinks the dog is abused except for my saying that when I was bitten the girl hit him and yet she stopped when I said STOP. I think the girl was trying to tell the dog he did the wrong thing...The dog had a good healthy coat and he listened to the girl right away as he sat on hind heals while she and I were talking...
I thank you for your prayers WV DANA and want you to not be too concernend that the dog is abused.

Thank You WVDANA for also visiting the nest yesterday and for being our eyes on the ground...while you were there you reported that there were no intruder eagles. This is good news. Thank you.

DanaMo said...

I wish! No early dismissal here :(

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch and i see snow

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Margy - don't think anyone had found that yet.

DanaMo said...

Morgan isn't listed, neither is Wash. Co. I'm so done today. It's been a crazy 2 weeks.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Snow, LOL. It is winter, after all :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in with a fish...great news!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Ann Schonhans
45 minutes ago
Sitting with Tori, Alyssa stopped in to see Tor. No word on extubating it will either be today or definitely tomorrow, just depends on X-ray and how weened from sedation she is.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Lea Crisco Farley
8 minutes ago near Bluefield, WV

They are admitting Beverly Crisco Riffe for testing. Hopefully they will get to the root of all of this pain.

Mema Jo said...

Break time for me


Hoda said...

Prayers for BEV...

Has LYNN been on? Did I miss her? I hope all is well.

mariadangeloart said...

Poor Sheppy, he's getting snowed on....

Hoda said...

It is all OK ...I went back and found several entries from LYNN...It is OK and all is good.

JudyEddy said...

is that shep or belle from the side I cant see

Kay said...

Hi, Buds ! Looks like Shep is sitting in Columbus--only expecting about an inch here. He is really doing a stellar job so far, but I don't think he'll get a big thumbs up until about July when he will have a full season of fatherhood under his 'belt'. LOL

Fervent prayers being said for BEV and TORI !

WANDA, hope the staple removal went or will go smoothly !

JUDY, ♫♫ B,B,B Benny and the Jet ! ♪♫. When I read the names I thought, "she's an Elton John fan"☺

Linda said...

Doing a quick pass by to say Hello and off again for a while.

Had to work this morning and need to leave with Dennis in about an hour to help someone from our church load a truck to move. I am nervous about him overdoing it, so I decided to go along, even though I should stay home and work. He is more important!

Then we are going to dinner with some friends from church.....

Don't know what time I will be back, or if I can check in from my phone, but if I can, I will!!

Happy to see all is well in the nest.

Praying for Tori's day to go well today.....or if it is better to wait until tomorrow, then so be it! She is on the road to recovery and no need to rush it, right?

Praying Bev is okay, Wanda gets those staples out with no problems, Julie does okay today and any other healing prayers that are needed.....are lifted up to Him!!

Have a wonderful afternoon!!

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Ok time for me to head back to work see you about 6 its my friday yeah still don't know who is in nest I made a video just now on the snow falling and uploading it by the time I get home he or she will be covered I can't tell who it is

mariadangeloart said...

JudyE it's Shep.

Kay said...

Malcolm and I have had a nap, a good walk and now here he comes with his LORI tug. Playtime ! BBL

Hoda said...

SHEP JUDYE...he brought a fish in for Belle and she swalloed it up and took off and he ate laft overs and have been incubating since.

hedgie said...

Back again.
Finally...a news report about Mon's. schoolbus wreck: no injuries on the bus. One occupant of the card that hit it was treated and released at hospital. He was cited fro driving too fast for conditions )25 mph posted limit on a curve), and failure to control (when he slammed on brakes and slid into bus).

stronghunter said...

Snow is sticking on the nest and on Shep.

hedgie said...

Pooor DanaMo.......kind of unfair to have that interruption for so long.......and that you weren't amde aware ahead of time that she was a former principle. :(

Oh, no--admitting Sissy? ARGH!! Prayers for a quick diagnosis and treatment.

Irene, Hagerstown is even closer!!! I completely forgot that your sister was there!!!!

DanaMo said...

If anyone needs to stay in Hagerstown for the gathering in April I would be happy to help with transportation if needed. We are only 25 minutes from the nest, and I live on the north end, so it's even shorter if you stay somewhere "in town" or by the mall.

I don't know if anyone else knew she was a former principal. A mom who was at the front desk recognized the name when I mentioned she was here.

DanaMo said...

OH MY prayers for Bev. I hope she is okay, not fun when you don't know what is causing pain.

hedgie said...

Snow is quite heavy here.....everything is covered except the road and driveway.
Sure miss my luncheon opportunity.....and REALLY needed to talk to Dr., but surely understand his sad situation.....and I'll live until apptmt. is rescheduled.

I am being TOO lazy. Have not even gotten dressed! Shame on me. I just may not!!

Hoda said...

OK I am off to start my activities for the day...enjoy!
Prayers to all.

SHEP is doing a fine job...

Hoda said...

Heavy snowy days are the perfect days to stay in PJ's all day LYNN!!! LOL!!! ENJOY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I agree, keep the PJ's on....I would if I could :)

Shep keeping the egg covered, but he doesn't know how to tent yet :)

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about Sissy!

Ms Bookworm said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Thank you, Steve!

Sharon, sorry to hear about Bev! Hope they find out what's causing the pain, pronto! Prayers!!

Linda, thank you for the info about Tori. Prayers continue!

Awww, look at Shep, bless his heart! That snow's really coming down!

Ms Bookworm said...

Stay in those jammies! I won't tell if you don't! :oD

Mema Jo said...

I got my jammies on too!
Remember we used to have the PJ club in our early years? lol

Timer on the cam is gerky!

Here comes an egg roll

Mema Jo said...

Shep did very very well on the egg roll and the wiggle wiggle down!

Mema Jo said...

Back to my show.......

Ms Bookworm said...

Have a couple of chores to finish. Will BBL... :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just found the new thread! :)

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy! TV all hooked up????

You all convinced me!! Not only am I still in my nightgown...but I even took a nice long soak in the tub and got some reading done!!
Thought it best to get it done and leave the water in just in case there's a power issue!!!
Still snowing---harder here than at nest at the moment. Shep is tending well....hope BElle is having fun doing whatever she is doing!

Lolly said...

I am back, hair all beautiful. LOL Ran a couple of errands, one to the grossssserie store. Got home, ready to settle down and there is a message. Would you believe they "misplaced" one of the tubes of blood I gave them yesterday. So, back to the hospital to get stuck again!!! I let them know, in a nice way, that they better get me in with NO waiting and they did!

See that a little snow has accumulated but it looks like it has stopped. Shep looks sad sitting there. I really think Belle is taing advantage of her young mate. LOL

Lolly said...

Great concern for Bev. Anxious to hear more.

Lolly said...

Really good sale on strawberries at the groserie store. Going to go have some with yogurt.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, poor Shep is "earning his wings" this week ... incubating in the snow.

paula eagleholic said...

How are the berries, Lolly? Do they come from California, too?

Ms Bookworm said...

YES! We have our new TV all hooked up! The Geek Squad guy even got all the remotes programmed, and the DVD player and VCR are all hooked up, too--as well as the surround sound system we already had. We are good to go! PHEW! Now I need to contact DirecTV and get them to come out and fix their cables, which were never nailed (or whatever they do to connect them) to the eaves. Now that we've had several bouts with 80-mph winds, they are all just hanging off the roof--all the way to the ground, on one side of the house!
AARGH! Wish they had done the job correctly! Geek Squad said if I e-mail DirecTV's online C/S and send a picture or two, they should respond quickly. Going to do that now...later, alligators!

Mema Jo said...

I think I missed an egg roll.....

Sandi said...

Haven't checked the nest since this AM - surprised to see it white!! Will keep reminding myself of what JO and KAY said last night - eagles are fine with the snow! Eagles live in Alaska! Don't humanize eagles! The fact that I would be cold if I was sitting on the nest does NOT mean that Belle and Shep are cold! OK, now to get some comfy clothes on and read back.

Lolly said...

Actually. the strawberries are a product of Mexico. They are very good. Having them with yogurt and a little granola sprinkled on top. Yummy! The were only 98 cents!!!

Sandi said...

Cam froze after just a few minutes and, now that I've refreshed, I have no sound! Hmm ...

Lolly said...

Sandi, I had to refresh, too. Can not tell if I have sound or not.

hedgie said...

Shar---any update on Sissy?

Still snowing.... :(
Temp 33° now. Liesl is laying in front of one of the supplemental heaters in the sunroom. Spoiled!!!

Getting hungry---hurry up dinner time! Good night for soup!

DanaMo said...

The first thing I do when I get home is put my pj's on!

Snow still coming down, but not sticking to the roads.

My sound is off as well.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, sorry you missed your Cracker Barrel lunch..... Perhaps this upcoming week........ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I had restarted my cam and then hit the play button at 14:59...
I wish we could have a counter of how many hits are on the cam.....

Guess the moon, unless it stops snowing, won't give us very much light tonight.

Lolly said...

Going to "walk" now. I am getting chilled sitting here and need to warm up. Nice to walk and watch the nest.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, what a PIA. Hope you didn't have far to go to give them that extra tube of blood. :( Incompetence.

Shep is being very patient, isn't he?? Good boy!

Sandi said...

Gotta give Shep some props for today - bringing food for Miss Belle, egg sitting in the snow for a LONG time now!!

DMO, glad to hear it's not just me who lost sound. I had it when the page first loaded!

stronghunter said...

Well, my computer continues to tell me that it is not happy about the power cord. I called Dell and spoke with Raghab, and after much discussion and a session in which he connected to my computer, he determined that I need a new motherboard.

It's covered by warranty, but if I want it fixed for free, I have to send it away for 10-14 days. For $40, a tech will come here and install it. I do not want to go two weeks without the computer. So I will pay.

My sons might be able to do the motherboard installation. I have never had to pay a tech, but I don't want to cause a warranty problem, nor do I want to wait until they can come install the thing.

Meanwhile, I can still use the computer as long as I keep it plugged in. The battery just does not charge.

Oh, I see a snow-covered eagle.

Mema Jo said...

Just confirmed my vote for Mr Nicks' shelter in WV - they are way ahead of all the rest!

DanaMo said...

Shirley the exact same thing happened to me and I paid the $40 bucks there was no way I was going without my computer for that long. The guy who came was very nice, and accommodating. He called me at school before he was ready to leave the customer he was with, when I told him it wasn't a good time for me to leave school he said he would go to someone else and call back again. It worked out great and it was well worth the money!!!

Sandi said...

JO, thanks for the reminder to vote for Nick's shelter - hadn't done that yet today. Just tried going to the cam page with IE, still no sound for me! Grrr!! Don't miss that buzzing sound but I LOVE to hear the eagles talking to one another and the geese flying nearby. =(

DanaMo said...

I have a hard time not "humanizing" how the eagles feel too Sandi.

DanaMo said...

I love hearing them "talk" too and the clunks on the cam to alert to incoming. Oh well. Nothing we can do about it! If we are all without sound then it's not our computers.

DanaMo said...

I had sound just before I left school so it happened between there and here :(

wvgal_dana said...

I"m still in my pj's too. (:

Does anyone have sound?

Don't let anyone mess with the mother board but them it will ruin your warranty. Pay the $40 and have the come to house. It is a good deal.

Sandi said...

Just reading on FB about the harem at NBG! I'm with JO, they can have ALL the drama this year!! I'll take a quiet, routine nesting season, thank you very much!!

How long has our young man been sitting there now? And have any of you with sound heard him call for a switch??

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Girls! Just got in and catching up. I want to take Shep and big bowl of hot fish stew. Bless his heart, he is getting broken in fast.

Sharon - I hope Bev is getting some answers AND some relief.

No sound here either and no snow. Someone said we had sleet earlier.

Sandi said...

And she returns!!

WV sUSAn said...

Sandi, I'm with you. A nice, quiet, average season on the nest would be a blessing.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh I missed the switch. Cam stopped at 14:45. So glad Shep got relieved. Belle can now start on a fresh blanket of snow.

Mema Jo said...

Bury that egg deep deep down!

Curl those talons

Wiggle wiggle down

Now, I was eating dinner
Is that still Shep?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, It is Belle

Is anyone thinking there could be another egg by morning?

Mema Jo said...

Snow here in the valley is slacking off
Very fine and should stop soon.

Kay said...

Just caught up in time to see Belle return and work with the big limb. Shep wasted no time getting out for a big stretch, bless his heart ! Belle looks like she's ready to settle in for the long night ahead.

You've all convinced me, I'm going to take a hot shower and don the p.j.'s. Must be up at 5 tomorrow morning and want to be set to get ready in a hurry. Picking Julie up at 6:10.

Hope to have reports on BEV, TORI and WANDA when I return later this evening ! Hugs.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

I was waiting to see if someone else said No Sound....because I don't have it either :(
I see so far WV Susan says so....still going backwards to catch up
Hello Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

egg and fluff tending now

Lolly said...

Have finished my walking and that did warm me up. Saw Belle bring in that stick. Shep wasted no time flapping his wings and then taking off. I got a little concerned when she drug the stick from one side of the nest to the other, worried about the egg. That stick had lots of twigs!

Sandi said...

Moving flugg; looks like Belle doesn't think that egg cup is quite deep enough ... or maybe she knows it's going to need to be a little bigger??? Hmmm ...

Lolly said...

Lynn, we are just right off the interstate and the hospital is just 15 minutes from our house to walking in the door. No problem with traffic. I just did not want any sitting and waiting there. They got right to it, no problem. But, it is a little scary that they lost a vial of blood. Yikes!

magpie said...

going to miss those honking geese tonight and, even the hummmmm of the camera

have to watch clock to see when it stops at the 14-something mark

I'm in my pajamas ☺

magpie said...

Yep that's pretty crazy, Lolly, glad you are back and getting all cozied up now
(( Hugs )) as you head for Tomorrow...

magpie said...

OC folks mention no sound either...
now what in the world would cause that to happen...

magpie said...

glad your loooooooooong day is over, but sure you did a great job with the visiting Mom-Principal

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the snow has just about stopped, or is very light and fine, I think.

Nest is getting the bluish look

magpie said...

we still have a pretty steady, small snowflaking going on in Martinsburg

Bluish is right, Paula...
and pretty

magpie said...

Saw a good number of T-Vultures roosting on some trees pretty close to here, on the edge of some quarry property; it's about mating season for them ☺

DanaMo said...

I'm glad my day is over too! Apparently this mom-principal is visiting a number of private schools as well as the school in her district. Geez...I hope I performed well enough, then again, do I really want her child next year????

DanaMo said...

Still coming down steady here, but nothing sticking on the road. I kinda think we could still end up with a delay because it is very wet. Could we end up with "slick spots". Oh we teachers never give up hope.

magpie said...

interesting point, Dana...
good question ...
it's also interesting though that a parent cares that much to shop around I guess

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WV sUSAn said...

Dana/Margy, I shopped around but did not visit classrooms... more community talk and any stats listed on schools in my area.

DanaMo said...

My delete. I had a moment of paranoia. I worry about my comment, I wouldn't want anyone at my school to find me on the blog and not like what I say about things at school. With so many watching the nest, could they find their way over here? I don't remember how I got here! LOL!

Lolly said...

Can't say I had a Principal's child but I did have an assist superintendent's grandchild, make that grandchildren. Had one and then the other. Mother also taught at the middle school. However, the scariest I had was the granddaughter of the director of kindergartens in a school district just north of us. She liked me, thank goodness!! She visited my class to read to the kids and at the end gave me the big book she brought as well as the big book easel. She had had them made for all her kinder teachers. Come to find out she had gone to our principal before school had started. A real honor to have her placed in my class, but SCARY!!

magpie said...

two eagles at BWE -
time for a switch there I think

magpie said...

blue changed to WHITE at our nest
snow white

WV sUSAn said...

Nothing bad has been said nor taken. Just sharing some thoughts after a big day. It's all good.

magpie said...

EGG roll, at the Palace

hedgie said...

Light on---for a little bit!!! No sound here, either.

Oh, Shirley, I would pay, too---I couldn't be without a puter for 10+ days!!

CBS tonight: Person to Person. 8 eastern. Segment about Jon Bon Jovi! He's a great interview!!!!

Eating my soup...just chicken noodle, but it tastes good---and hot!!

hedgie said...

Belle getting the flugg re-adjusted HER way!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is standing and working on flugg around the egg cup.

GGoing to meet some friends for dinner. Enjoy and BBL

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm....that's NOT Belle----it's Shep again!

magpie said...

The roosting eagle at BWE is not giving up her spot ! Maybe Dad will put some grass on her...

Belle looks a little crouched, looking around....

magpie said...

switch DID occar at BWE

Hedgie, I think it's still Belle at the Palace

JudyEddy said...

When I was home at lunch I took a video of Shep on the egg in the snow it had just started snowing and its on the blog and FB now if anyone wants to see it Is that Shep again on Eggbert
Shep in the snow

JudyEddy said...

Yieks I have 177 emails to read again better start other wise I will never catch up I still need to retire so I can stay home

hedgie said... haven't said anything of a derogatory nature. Not to worry!! Your words just show your dedication and qualms, like everyone has!!

hedgie said...

I'd like to refresh cam to see if that brought the sound back, but think it better to NOT tempt fate!!!!

magpie said...

very very very still, hardly any movement....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn what makes you think it is Shep
It is too late for Belle to switch out
for the night.

magpie said...

I did see some illusions, black things beyond her Head that at times looked like Shep's famous spot...on her head...

but Belle has the neck smudgies

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley you have mail

magpie said...

like right now for example

magpie said...

should I reach for an Oatmeal Creme Pie ?

Sandi said...

DMO, you didn't say anything that seems the least bit offensive to any of us on the blog. But I was just at a faculty meeting today where I was cautioned not to include a student's whole name in an email if I use gmail (which I do) b/c Google products are not secure like our school email!! Even with my school email, I am cautious and only use a student's initials in the subject line of an email, then use the name in the body. I really shouldn't have shared as much info. as I did about the kid whose IEP I was struggling with over the weekend but, at this point, I figure it's pretty well buried in the "blog archives."

Mema Jo said...

Belle also has the larger body and more than fills the egg cup with some off to
the sides.

I truly believe it is Belle.
Until I see the black mark I wouldn't change my mind.......

paula eagleholic said...

Is she in an odd position or what?

Mema Jo said...

Belle's head is tilted back towards her wings. Not tucked but may be soon
Snow has stopped and perhaps it is ok now to sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Head is back up... Neck feathers look like Belle's.

magpie said...

things seem awfullly slo-mo
yes, weird position it was...

I didn't mean to refresh the live feed but I did by mistake....
still no sound :(

paula eagleholic said...

She still has a slightly dirty spot on the top of her head, which is more prominent when she is wet....but that is Belle....they switched a little while ago.

JudyEddy said...

SICK SICK KIDS A young man 19 and his 14 year old friend killed is grandmother in Lake Wales, stabbed her 93 times first shot her in the head with a crossbow the stabbed her time 58 times in the back and 34 times in front 1 time in the face and after wards he took a pipe wrench he talked to the kid about it before hand and while his grandmother was dead he sat with his dad and his friend and ate dinner then the next day today he called his dad and told him what he did calmly he was made at his Uncle and was going to kill him but thought it would hurt the uncle more to kill the GM all over revenge SICK SICK just on the new SO SAD SO SAD

hedgie said...

Carolyn made it to work okay....morning may be a little trickier. Early school dismissal was a cruel joke for her---all the neighbor kids came there because their parents weren't home. Jess didn't do a very good job of keeping things quiet, so Caro lost a couple of hours of sleep. :(

paula eagleholic said...

We'll have to see if we get the sound back, last year it used to refresh once an hour.

Lolly said...

It is Belle and a few minutes ago she was tucked! That is early, maybe she knows it is going to be a rough night.

magpie said...

I'd like to see her shake the snow off her tail feathers....
but maybe she does not want to risk getting that into the nest cup

JudyEddy said...

I have no sound either after I reopen and refresh

magpie said...

that's no fun, Lynn...
sorry about that for Carolyn

hedgie said...

Kept seeing the black spot, Jo---but now can see that's something behind her! Snow makes things look strange!! See now that it plainly is Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to watch the international news show.

paula eagleholic said...

I think my sound is back, can someone else see if there's is back...hard to tell here at work

JudyEddy said...

Got the email WVDANA it was a book LOL I want my sound back Still haven't read any of the blog petting cat and was on phone now the darn thing is ringing Gonna go answer it and watch news SICK NEWS or not

JudyEddy said...

no sound here at all I have reopend it also

Sandi said...

PAULA, have tried loading the cam page using FF and IE - no sound for me!! =(

magpie said...

mind is not back Paula....
an I did refresh now I have to watch for 14-something again

JudyEddy said...

could the weather have anything to do with NO SOUND frozen or water in cam Just a thought

hedgie said...

Shar is at the hospital with Sissy. She's getting some relief, but they still don't have a diagnosis.

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello! Did my usual konk out last night, but got a couple SURPRISE pics at the Park yesterday afternoon. They're in the Nook! Enjoy!


Costume Lady said...

Back home from doctor and GG visit.
Doctor pulled staples out with something that resembled needle nose pliers. First 2 staples had skin growing over them and hurt just a LITTLE bit. Pulled the rest out without incident. Xrayed knee and it looks the way it should, good. I was given more pain meds.
Doctor agreed that OUT patient therapy should begin next monday.
He was very pleased with his work:)

wvgal_dana said...

Wished I had some ice cream to eat. I burnt my tough eating hot soup. Have use a cloth in zip lock bag. Darn that things is a ouchy!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda where will you take out patient therapy?

NatureNut said...

Oh, good grief. Snow in the nest. Doesn't look like too much, but has it stopped, I hope????

When I drove home about an hour ago, windshield looked like mix of flakes and rain, but don't see any white.

Lolly said...

Well, looking at the cam now, if we get an egg tonight it will be hard to tell.

magpie said...

GREAT Report, Wanda, except for the Owies...
"Steady as she goes "

magpie said...

agree, Lolly, I really can't see Squat...
we need the Moon...but not sure when it will appear from behind the clouds....
The Still cam has a slightly lighter view

JudyEddy said...

How much snow do you think fell at the nest area???? just curious I guess

I hope they find out what is wrong with SISSY and I hope its nothing big

I cringed when you mentioned the skin on the staples I remember when they took them out of my neck I could hear them pull still get the willies with thinking about it But glad you got them out WANDA

WVDana so sorry about your burt tongue I hate that when I happens blow first LOL

Loved the eagle pic LORETTA they are great

I read some backwards and some from earlier I sill have 108 to read I will be back

JudyEddy said...

Danamo should be called Buttons I love you avatar and all the buttons I don't think I told you that ok back to the news I shall return

Hoda said...

WANDA good news on your progress. Glad it went well and that the doctor is pleased.

Thanks for the reports and comments on the nest activity. Much appreciate it. Belle has her head tucked in now and she looks comfortable...I would like to have their insulation system.

I will be going to evening yoga tonight and the roads are clear and that is good. It spoke of snow but we have not gotten much of anything...

JudyEddy said...

I don't like not having sound my cam stopped at 14 something and I forgot to hit play till just now DUMMY ME

JudyEddy said...

I don't like not having sound my cam stopped at 14 something and I forgot to hit play till just now DUMMY ME

JudyEddy said...

belle just got up and strected her wings

magpie said...

Oooh that's better....

paula eagleholic said...

Standing over the egg...interesting....keep watching folks

wvgal_dana said...

I tried rebooting for sound just thought I would let you know DID NOT HELP STILL NO SOUND.

wvgal_dana said...

I just watch the last Hawaii Five O. It was a good one!!

wvgal_dana said...

If you pull your laptop screen towawrd you it helps you see better. Almost looks like the egg is right at her chest but probably something else. I know it is not snow.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading for home, catch ya on the flip side

wvgal_dana said...

Iam wondering if she is trying to lay another egg??

Mema Jo said...

I see the egg.......
You going to put another one in that egg cup Gal?

I rebooted and NO sound.......
All my volumes turned up high...

wvgal_dana said...

I think she is too Mema Jo. I just hope with the lighting we get to see it.

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe
Laying here at PCH, still having quite a bit of chest pain. I must say this sux a lot!! Supposed to go down for a CT scan tonight, stress test and more tomorrow. I will try to let you know when I know more or Sharon will. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Love you all.
· · 6 minutes

magpie said...

Thanks for the update, Jo, from Sharon about Bev...
praying for good outcomes, and Quick Relief.....(( Hugs, Gals ♥ ))

I think the Moon is surely UP but behind the clouds, but also powerful enough to bring some light to the nest...

magpie said...

well, sorry, that was a message from BEV herself, just re-read it...
Thanks Jo

JudyEddy said...

just got a email I guess you can't listen to music while videoing the nest copyright infringements the video will still be on the channel but I got a warning funny thing is the music was from a YouTube video odd huh I was just listening to it at the time I was taping it That is what happened with Jordyn's dance also One of the songs that they played at the dance came up the same way odd huh

JudyEddy said...

on 57 more to read I have read backwards and forwards and I dizzy gonna run out for a bit BBL DID you just see a LIGHT ON AT TH E NEST

DanaMo said...

YAY Wanda! Glad to hear your therapy will be outpatient. I'm sure you will do great. Sorry for the ouchies.

DanaMo said...

JudyE-not sure if anyone answered but we got around an inch, maybe.

DanaMo said...

The visitor also "helped" with my reading groups. I think I failed to mention that! Walked around and looked at the students papers too, stopped at desks and helped students. Made me feel like I wasn't doing enough for my 17 students! Oh there I go again...sorry.

paula eagleholic said...

Home, no sound here.

DanaMo said...

All snuggled in the nest. Wonder if they feel the cold?

DanaMo said...

I think it's a new Criminal Minds tonight,right?

Hoda said...

off to yoga...see you all when I come back...♥

Mema Jo said...

Right 9:00 A scary one, I guess.....

Mema Jo said...

At 10:00 you can get Law & Orders or CSI

What do you all watch at 8:00?

Sandi said...

JO, I'm at the computer doing schoolwork but Denny has Idol on so I'm listening to TV! Hope to be finished schoolwork and a bath by 9 so I can watch Criminal Minds.

NatureNut said...

BTW, I don't have sound on Live cam either.What could you hear?
Checking back in before Idol (I think).
Glad to read message from Sissy, but sorry she had pain.
And Ms. Wanda, sounds like you're doing great & will go to PT!! You'll run circles around them!

DanaMo, how sneaky to have a former principal checking your room! & she's not working for ed anymore!!??
BBL I Hope

DanaMo said...

Nothing at 8, I'm sitting here playing games on FB and chatting. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Great idea to bathe and be done by 9:00

Hi Loretta.........

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! So, no second egg today, yet?

I can't believe Bev is back in the hospital again...hope something gets figured out soon!

Glad for your good report Wanda!

DanaWV....OUCH....maybe some ICE CREAM will help take the sting out!

Sandi said...

DMO, this will make you feel better for Belle and Shep sitting there:
"Bald eagles have 7,000 feathers. Eagle feathers are lightweight yet extremely strong, hollow yet highly flexible. They protect the bird from the cold as well as the heat of the sun, by trapping layers of air. To maintain its body temperature an eagle simply changes the position of its feathers. While an eagle suns itself on a cold morning, it ruffles and rotates its feathers so that the air pockets are either opened to the air or drawn together to reduce the insulating effect. Feathers also provide waterproofing and protection, and are crucial for flight. Feather structure makes pliability possible. Overlapping feathers can form a dense covering, which the birds can open or close at will. The bald eagle has several layers of feathers, each serving a different function. Under the outer layer of feathers is an inner layer of down or smaller feathers."

DanaMo said...

And I have a couple of kinders that will play into the attention of others. So they were at their neediest today. The more I think about it the more agitated I get. Maybe an Amstel will help. Of course I also have one who doesn't sit in his chair and doesn't do any of his work, which I kind of just have started to let go. Then he loses recess to do his work. Well she was hovering around him, kneeing down next to him helping him write his sentences. Oh yea...just what he needed, attention for his lack of attention.

Lynne2 said...

Not as much snow here at home as was at work, but no driving problems on the way home. Sure looks pretty out there!

DanaMo said...

Hi Loretta! Good to see you this evening. I think I usually miss you!

Great information Sandi. I could use some of those feathers! ☺

JudyEddy said...

WOW SANDI thanks for the info on the eagles I too was soo worried I know they addapt they are not human

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...