Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Snow!? Thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 610   Newer›   Newest»
JudyEddy said...

Ok gonna go watch some TV BBL

JudyEddy said...

OH I am uploading a funny video of the cats playing on my rocker I will let you know when it is ready it will go to facebook on its own I check the box for it to go there

DanaMo said...

The good news is, if she picks us she was impressed, thus making me look good ☺. On the other side of that, if she picks us, I'm stuck with her next year!

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...

I stuttered.

hedgie said...

I am seeing nest quite well here....but no sound, of course.

DanaMo---have your Amstel and put the day behind you!

CBS: Bon Jovi interview coming up.
Yep, New Criminal Minds and CSI, and REVENGE!!!!! Think I heard that it's the season finale?? Doesn't say so on the guide.

Wanda, you are a brave soul. I will not let them do staples. I think they are absurdly barbaric.
Too bad you can't continue your PT at home. How often will you have to go??? Such a pain to get dressed and made-up to GO someplace all the time.

hedgie said...

Sissy......sure hope the tests show SOMETHING so they know what to do for you. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, happy to hear of your Dr report. I thought you were doing Out patient therapy already.

hedgie said...

Not doing anything here anymore. Cold......I think we MIGHT have close to an inch, but it didn't lay om everything. I would say we lucked out again!

NatureNut said...

Hi ya, Jo & everyone else. Idol is just cutting the number of performers in half, so I can hear them back here.
Gonna read some more & hit good old spider solitaire!
Every time I check the nest, it doesn't really look like there's more snow. Hope not & Belle, Do Not Lay an Egg Tonight!!

DanaMo said...

It's nice to have so many understanding friends. Thanks for letting me vent.♥

I'm off to my room. "See" you in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

I see a split - how far behind me is it?

Mema Jo said...

Only 12 comments behind!

hedgie said...

So glad your eagles are both there, Loretta! Love the pics!

magpie said...

We are SPLITTING !!!

Mema Jo said...

I preferred for the broken leg to have PT at home.
Nice long hallway was great and the side
steps outside the kitchen door with a
sturdy hand railing was good. I agree with you Lynn that Home PT is more conducive to recovery. Especially during the winter weather.

magpie said...

oh I see I am 15 posts late on that one...this crazy 200 getting on my nerves

magpie said...

Guess What !!!

The Moon is oootching its way out of the clouds here in Martinsburg West by God Virginia ☺

NatureNut said...

Thx, Lynn! I was shocked!!!In the AM, I see nothing, but she might be in there & head is hidden from the "walls". I kind of judge by NCTC nest schedule. Since we're a little South, I think she should have eggs.

Just think!!Less than a month for 1st osprey!!!I gotta ask Greg Sat., when they're getting cam online.

magpie said...

JO you and I were almost neck in neck on SPLITTING and thinking we were the first ones LOL

been working on Valentine's Cards for James to sign seal and sticker up Thursday night....and there is one that is getting a Raptor Stamp !
Heavy envelope for his father.....

magpie said...

Loretta ,
I also rushed immediately to see your pictures....and they are great !! As usual !!
and in the course of things tonight I came across some pictures from the April 2009 ( think it was '09) visit to Patuxent River Park ! And there was Greg manning the pontoon boat ☺
And the Barred Owl in the trees...

Sandi said...

School work finally finished - making a study guide for my kids to get them ready for their upcoming US history test! Off to the bathtub.

Prayers for LOLLY and KAY's daughter that their surgeries go well tomorrow (hope I have the day right).

Prayers also for BEV that the doctors figure out what's going on and then find a fix for it.

Finally, prayers for TORI that her healing continues.

Goodnight eagle friends! Goodnight Miss Belle! Goodnight egglet! See you in the AM!

magpie said...

my eagle-watching eagle mug is in the dishwasher...
the one I am using now is cobalt blue glass with a pewter armadillo on it...(a gift from Florida Fred)

that's for YOU, and your cataract surgery tomorrow...
but you'd probably rather it was a pewter Red-Shouldered or -Tailed Hawk, or an Eagle for that matter.

magpie said...

Good Night, Sandi

See You in the Early Eagle-Watching Morning! xoxo

hedgie said...

Sky is SO cloudy---not one hint of the moonie. But the snow is so white that I can still see tree shadows on it. Cool!

magpie said...

have the Amstel, relax, and get a well-deserved and hard-fought-for good night's sleep ♥
What a day....but we all know you came through with Flying Colors ...
That's your style !

magpie said...


How are you feeling tonight?
Have any good chow?

Fred and "the girls" are working on tastefully calorie-loaded concoctions to fatten him up a little..he needs his strengh for his PT.
Tonight they were going to tackle Scrabble, things are looking up, and Roanoke Mary is going to stay maybe a week or so more...
What a Blessing she has been able to be there and help out.

hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in. Rest well. You've had busy days, teachers!!!

HODA---when you return: I;ve been meaning to ask you----when your are walking through Nelson or sitting at an outdoor cafe, do you get lots of ave's from former students or their parents?

NatureNut said...

Sorry, capslock. I swear this newer
'puter keyboard must be smaller. We both are making more typos!
I miss my folks good old Underwood typewriter!!

magpie said...

Kids upstairs are noticeably more quiet.
Bet they are miserable.
The parents probably are too.

magpie said...

I have a problem with typos when blogging from work, Loretta....the screen is sooo far away from my keyboard...I have trouble seeing what I am typing...
was really hard for me to stay on task today - with watching the eagles...

hedgie said...

Feeling okay, Margy, thanks. Not great, but not bad! Nothing special to eat today, but I am looking forward to a piece of carrot cake soon!
Is all quiet on the home front?
Great that Mary can stay on longer in FL. SO great that Fred is making a good recovery.

hedgie said...

To sofa for Criminal Minds and to get Liesl settled for the night. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Off to Criminal Minds


NatureNut said...

If Lolly hits the hay early, Prayers for your eye surgery tomorrow. I guess Jim told you all about it!
We go to new eye Dr. next week for check ups. Our old faithful retired.

Margy, I often think of the PRP Momster trip. I was thinking today of when the bus drove by the nest and people (mostly Sharon) screamed, "there are three chicks"!!!! I need to ask Greg if the barred owls are still up the creek!

magpie said...

Greg "brought the house down" when he did his Owl calling and brought that one, like that! Loretta...
very wonderful trip it was....

ttfn - need a shower, chow, and all that boring kind of stuff

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

called that one in, the Owl, I mean

JudyEddy said...

I took a short video not ever 30sec long of the cats playing in my rocker chair they wanted to stop when they saw me recording silly cats Cats playing what they do all day and night

Lynne2 said...

BBBRRRRRRR I am chilled to the bone tonight, and have to take the dogs out for a last quick one.

Margy, heavy envelope for James father? How mysterious.....

Glad Fred is doing so well!

WV sUSAn said...

It look all is quiet at the white palace.

grannyblt said...

Evening eagle watchers.
Coming to you from my new computer. Today was one of those just forget about it days. I skidded into a gardrail on the interstate on the way to pick this computer up, but made it safely there. Decided to take the state roads home and had a very harrowing trip ice and snow wise. The check engine light came on and the truck stalls at every light. I think I knocked something loose.
Decided if I made it home in one piece I would wait until tomorrow to take in for repairs. Got this box hooked up and the nursing home called saying the Dr. wanted Mom to go to the emergency room to check out her symptoms. I spent 4 hours in the ER with her. She has pneumonia and a urinary infection, but says she feels all right.She was admitted. I am bushed. I hope our eagle family is doing well and all of you too. See you manana.

WV sUSAn said...

Good Grief Granny, I'm surprised you even have the energy to type. What a day. Glad the computer is up and running and that YOU are safe. Hope your mother is doing better soon.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynne, what an awful day. Sure glad you are OK, and I pray your mom will be, too.

WV sUSAn said...

Norfolk nest is empty right now. Pa has been seen mating with 3 or 4 different females. Shazaam

grannyblt said...

Thinking good thoughts for Lolly tomorrow..
Lolly you will be home as soon as it is over and seeing better really soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Granny, that sounds like a terrible horrible no good day today. Hope the truck doesn't cost too much to fix, and hope your Mom gets better soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the egg roll, Belle facing 3ish now.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow and fast recovery! You'll be seeing with EAGLE eyes!

Speaking of which...wonder what Belle is looking at!

BEagle said...

Hello Everyone,

Has the second egg arrived yet?

The article about the eagle feathers was awesome. I had no idea they had so much control over their feathers! Wow.

Thank you Sandi.

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Lolly.

Lynne2 said...

No BEagle, no second egg as far as we can tell. Still possible though!

Lynne2 said...

Something certainly seems to have our Belle's attention....

BEagle said...

Hi Lynne2!

There she goes. Belle is looking down!

BEagle said...


Lolly said...

Hi all! You are so sweet! Thanks! This is my second eye to be done and I am so ready!! Just a little concerned because last time did not go smoothly. We shall see!

Lynne2 said...

or maybe she's dozing off now!

Lolly, I'm sure things will go much better this time! Do you think you'll be able to check in tomorrow, or have Jack check in and update us?

JudyEddy said...

Looks like Belle is saying Now I lay me down to sleep LOL

LYNNE so sorry about your bad day all around I bet you wanted to go back to bed and pull the cover over your head Hope your mom is ok and so glad you are safe at home Hope the truck doesn't cost a arm and a legg to fix and glad you got a new puter

Lynne2 said...

woop, she up again looking!

JudyEddy said...

WOW the begining of CM was a shocker ok back to it I had to rewind it got a phone call and missed a lot Later

Lolly said...

Watching Mobbed on TV and crying like a baby. Great show!

magpie said...

looked like she made a sound...
when she looked up a minute ago...
too bad we can't hear anything ..

BEagle said...


Lolly said...

As soon as we get home, I will attempt to get on. And let you know.

BEagle said...

Oh now she's looking the other way!

Lolly said...

Lynne, you did have a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. Bless you!

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Lynne2.

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, Mobbed was great tonight!

Kay said...

Back for a few.

WANDA, so glad the staples are out and the doc is pleased with his work ! Good luck with the PT !!

BEV, sorry you are back in the hospital, but hope you get a good answer as to why this is happening. Prayers !

LOLLY, will be thinking of you tomorrow. When I get home from Julie's I'll update you all on her and look to see if JACK has given us a condition report on you.

DANAMO, I may have missed something in my attempt to catch up with the posts quickly. However, I don't understand. Did your visitor NOT have to check in at the principals office and were you not informed, introduced, etc.? Maybe that all took place and she just stayed way too long and got overly involved ??? In any case, I hope tomorrow (today by the time you read this) is a better day. You are a great teacher and as you can tell, we don't like your having been put in that situation ! As a professional she should be aware that every classroom has ups and downs, ebbs and flows in the course of a day. I have developed such a motherly feeling for some of you young women--I feel like one of my own has been under attack ! Grrrrrr.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, I have sat in the chair too long here....I have a crick in my back and I can't get up. &%$##$%^*&)()&%#

magpie said...

Best wishes Kay, for all things with Julie Thursday morning...
so great you can be at the helm for her and the fellas

Lolly - get yourself a good night's sleep and best wishes for you too !!!

Can't wait until you can "see us" again and we, you...xoxo

hedgie said...

Kay, if you peek in in th ewee hours, best of luck for Julie on her procedure. Prayers that it goes smoothly and that all is well.

Lolly, good luck on your cataract removal, too! Prayers for you as well.

Lynne1---what an awful day. So glad YOU weren't hurt---didn't we tell you to be careful??!! Hope the car is a simple fix. So sorry about your Momma---hope they have got it early and that she'll respond to treatment quickly and completely. Glad you got the computer running. Do be careful tomorrow when you go see your Mom and deal with the car.

hedgie said...

Yep, that PAX river adventure with Loretta was VERY special and fun!

magpie said...

Staples ought to be scolded big time for dragging its feet on grannyblt's computer...hence putting her out on this kind of day...
so sorry Lynne1, and prayers for your Mother and a quick recovery with her ailments

Lolly said...

Yes, Susan...mobbed was really special. You could not help but cry.

Having popcorn right now. Can not eat after 12, but boy, I can eat now!☺

BEagle said...

Prayers for Lynne1.

magpie said...

Lynne, if you can't get up, I guess you're STUCK with us awhile longer...hope you are unstuck soon..
the envelope, is a card, picture of James and a magnetic floppy frame to put it in, hence the extra ounces weight

BEagle said...

Belle is up

Lolly said...

I think, I think I saw 2 eggs. Can not swear by it but....

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up for an egg roll.

hedgie said...

Saving the rest of my shows for later viewing. Heading for bed. Last night was not restful at all, and I am ready for sleep.

Prayers and peace. Love you all.

WV sUSAn said...

Still one little lovely

Lolly said...

Just saw one right now.

Kay said...

SANDI, thank you, you do have the day right ! That was an excellent tutorial on eagle feathers. They are well equipped for all kinds of weather !

MARGY, grand news on Fred's recuperation ! Hurray ! I missed something, you said:

"Kids upstairs are noticeably more quiet.
Bet they are miserable.
The parents probably are too." What's that all about ?

Belle is doing egg roll !

WV sUSAn said...


Lolly said...

Certainly do wish we had sound!

Lolly said...

Kay, I was wondering the same thing. Did Margy say something to the powers that be about the young bowling ball?

magpie said...

sure was slow-mo and herky-jerky

We need that Moon !!

Kay, I spoke to the upstairs folks for the 3rd time about the intolerable noise...from the kids thumping, banging, stomping and squealing

BEagle said...


magpie said...

so I suspect the adjustments are difficult...

magpie said...

sorry about all that, it's really not blog talk....
I just hope for hold

Good Night to Lynn....hope tonight is restful and sweet for you
((Hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

I thought there was just there more than one kiddo?

magpie said...

I'm glad to see that Belle finally moved around a little, and hope she settles in for some sweet sleep herself !
BWE eagle has been konked out for hours

WV sUSAn said...

I have a great view of the nest tonight. Belle is resting but I have yet to see her tucked.

magpie said...

an extra kid and her mother moved in three months ago

children are 4 and 7, both girls....

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, praying all goes well for you tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Margy, right now we are watching Belle and there really is not a lot that we can say about her. LOL

So, anything goes in the way of conversation around here. We love you, and want you to get your rest. such thing as "not blog talk".

magpie said...

Time to head for the pillows here, folks...though I would like to sit and watch the nest for awhile...

Prayers for Wellness....
hoping to hear Bev is improving and feeling better...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

my crick is finally uncricking! Too much time in one spot, I guess!

Margy...good grief, what a PIA upstairs. Sure wish you had your very own little cabin in the woods!

BEagle said...

She is up again

Lolly said...

Thank you, Paula.

Belle is up again. Looks like another egg roll.

Lynne2 said...

Belle is up, OOOOOOOOOOO maybe it's TIME!!

Kay said...

MARGY, good for you ! I hope this will be the last time you have to give them a talking to. They should have to move to a 1st floor apt., but I know you can't force that.

LYNN, just missed you, but hope you have a restful night and thanks again for thinking of Julie.

LYNNE1, hate to read about the day you had ! A nightmare. Adding your mom to the prayer list and hope tomorrow is a better day for both of you !

Heading for bed in preparation for an early start. Hope I can rest--have those motherly jitters we never outgrow !

Belle seems to have some of those jitters, too. Maybe we'll wake up to see another egg. Hope so !


WV sUSAn said...

Belle did a wing flap, some digging and an egg roll. Then took a seat on the egg.

Lynne2 said...

or not!

BEagle said...

Did anyone get a clear view of what is under Belle?

Lynne2 said...

I do think she is a b it restless....not overly so, but enough to make me wonder if maybe egg two might just arrive in the wee hours!

Lolly said...

Wish something would happen when you are here, Lynn. She looks like it could happen.

Lynne2 said...

BEagle, I know I saw one egg for sure. Really hard to tell, but I don't think anyone has report any sort of "labor" so far.

Lolly said...

No, Belle has not provided us with a clear view. One time I "thought" I saw two, but not a clear view. Wishful thinking, on my part. To me it looks like she is fluffed up and squirming.

Lynne2 said...

I have analyzed my hopes regarding the egg situation...I'd like to see 2. I think with 2 that Shep can handle it OK if both are viable, but also that if one isn't viable for some reason, hopefully the other would be, whereas with only one...well....

BEagle said...

Squirming and concentrating. She will probably lay when no ones looking.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you think so too Lolly! That's what I think, but I've not had opportunity to watch as much at night. Or any time. Why is it that I have to work again?? LOL! I do have the cam up at work, but geez, I never get more than a peek here and there!

Lolly said...

And, while you are expressing your deep thoughts , Lynne, Jack and I are discussing what makes popcorn different from other corn. And, isn't it amazing all that white fluggy stuff comes from inside a teeny kernel of corn. Our deep thoughts for today! roflmbo Just see that I typed fluggy instead of fluffy!!!

Lynne2 said...

You know, I wonder the same thing about popcorn......!LOL

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne, work is rather bothersome! LOL Prevents us from doing what we would rather be doing. Oh, but I am retired and no longer tired!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOO what's she doing

BEagle said...

She's up again.

Lolly said...

Belle is squirming again. I really think we may be getting an egg, girls!

paula eagleholic said...

Did you see that, she just did a poop shoot!

Look at those wings spread now, pretty.

BEagle said...

Oh, she's tenting.

Lynne2 said...

push it out push it out WAAAAAY OUT!

Lolly said...

I got a picture...just in case it really is egg 2.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks promising...

Lolly said...

Come on Belle, your fan club is waiting!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

side to side rocking

Lolly said...

Oh, I feel really sure now, Paula. Look at that!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle sure is squirmy.

Lynne2 said...

the moon just broke through!!!! what a picture this is!

Hoda said...

Well I am back and had a very good yoga class with a young teacher who knows a lot...I like it when the below thirty age group have confidence and relate not from ego but rather from their centre.

LYNN You asked if I meet students when I walk or go to the Café's. When I retired I moved away from the province where I taught most of my career. Yet Nelson is such a touristy area that it has happened that I ran into a colleague or an ex student during the summer months...I moved because I did not want to keep relating to the old stories from school and I wanted to discover new aspects of myself away from my teaching character which I had embraced for over thirty years,if you count teacher training days...Thankfully my answer to your question is No...not on a regular basis I have never taught in British Columbia...

paula eagleholic said...

I think the moon is coming out.

JudyEddy said...

shh I am recording is this is????

paula eagleholic said...

She's moving....

JudyEddy said...

here she goese will she show us two

BEagle said...

She's up again.

JudyEddy said...

that should have been goes

Lolly said...

Come on Belle, give us a peek!

paula eagleholic said...

Seemed to adjust egg, now standing over cup with wings spread slightly

paula eagleholic said...

Now tenting....she is down, but didn't wiggle down.

Lynne2 said...

I have my magnifying glass ready!

Lolly said...

I think there is a very good chance that egg 2 is under her now. Look how she is sitting, certainly not low in the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Is she resting because the egg is out, or resting for one last big push to come!

BEagle said...

Would you say about 10:45pm?

Lolly said...

Now she has stopped her wiggling and squirming. She is holding still like a statue.

Lynne2 said...

Oh i wish she'd give us a peek!

BEagle said...

Me too.

paula eagleholic said...

Bev, I say about 10:48-49....I recorded, but haven't looked at yet, it will have the time on there

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne2, she would be resting because the egg is out, if that is what happened.

Lolly said...

I agree, Paula. And, her actions now seem appropriate.

Lynne2 said...

OK Paula, thanks...that's what I figured! So glad I was here with you all for the big event!

paula eagleholic said...

I got the egg laying video, hopefully she will give us a peek soon....might be awhile

Lynne2 said...

a well deserved break for momma, but GEEZ, I wanna see the egg!!!!!

Lolly said...

Great, Paula! I have a couple of pics for the album. Hope we are correct. LOL

BEagle said...

My eyelids keep drooping.

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, I really gotta take the dogs out ......UGH!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eggs!!!!

Lynne2 said...


WV sUSAn said...

EGG #2

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Belle and Shep!!!!

Hoda said...


BEagle said...

I see two

Lolly said...

She is up! Come on, Belle...let us see, please. Two?!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Lynne2 said...


BEagle said...


Lolly said...



Lynne2 said...

BEagle, glad your eyes weren't all the way drooped yet!

BEagle said...

Have a peaceful sleep!


WV sUSAn said...

Way to go, Belle and Shep. He is going to be eggcited when he sees TWO!!

Lynne2 said...

nite BEagle!

Lolly said...

Way to go, Belle! Good on you! Congratulations all around to Momsters/DADSTERS!

Lynne2 said...

SO glad the moon broke through when it did so we got such good light to see!!! I'm so glad I was here!

Lynne2 said...

well, I REALLY have to get these dogs out and get to bed....

once more...prayers for your surgery tomorrow Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you got here in time HODA!

Lynne2 said...

Good night and prayers for all!

WV sUSAn said...

Good girl, time for a little rest.

Lolly said...

Lynne, glad you were here!! Wahoo! Love you all, I am so happy to share this time with you. I am going to be fine tomorrow and will be thinking of this time as I try to relax. I will certainly have a smile on my face.

Mema Jo said...

Wow Momsters - 2 hrs of TV and 145 comments to read - but I may skim so I can go to bed.


FuzzleMT said...

TWO EGGS, MEMA JO!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...


Whoo Hoo Ms Belle

There were some Great coaches on here for that 2nd egg!


JudyEddy said...

Cool Beans is all I can say now I put pic in album and on facebook that was tooo cool for school

JudyEddy said...

I got videos also and will have to put on youtube but seems slow uploading stilldoing ones I did earlier keeping getting error for some reason

Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

My cats are going bonkers I opened up Jordyn door to the extra bedroom they haven't been it it well all of a sudden a battery operated toy a tractor came on and both cats rans as fast as they could out of the room soooo funny I don't think they will go in there for a while LOL

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 I was watching all along not believing that I was seeing what I was seeing and hoped I was seeing right!!!LOL

Costume Lady said...


WV sUSAn said...

So glad we were here for 2nd egg. WOOHOOOOO Good times but I must head to Dream Land.

Lolly, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

G'nite Belle and All.

Lolly said...

So happy you made it home for the happy event, Hoda! The moon really lit up the nest.

JudyEddy said...

I sure wish we had a nite lite on the cam Some one need to bring it up to Steve that we are willing to contribute to it someone mentioned 5.00 and I think there are 194 members that says on the album page that would help I know I could swing 25.00 at least that much Just a thought Would be nice to watch at nite because we know that it is pitch black without the moon

Lolly said...

You got a great picture of the two eggs, Judy. Saw it on the album. I added two while she was laying the egg and another when she was resting.

JudyEddy said...

Belle looks exhausted as I am

JudyEddy said...

and I didn't push a egg out of me LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Ha ha JudyE, that is tooo funny about the cats running from Jordyn's room!

Got my video done, it is saving now, then will load to youtube! I am so happy I got to see this 2nd egg! I am happy with 2..... a third would be a real bonus!

and it was so fun watchign with everyone!

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading the video with the eggs exposed on Youtube now the long ll mim one will have to wait till tomorrow other wise I will do a faceplant on my keyboard

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Susan!

paula eagleholic said...

I will grab a couple of picss off the video too, for the album, after the movie is done.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, how wonderful it will be to watch little chicks in the nest again...2 especially!

JudyEddy said...

says 20 min till it is done I think I will go to the couch and wait it out and just let the long one do its thing over nite I said it earlier if you subscribe to my youtube channel you will get a notice in your email when they are done I know WVGALDANA subscribed today to it and I only put the eagles on and an occasional cat one I use to put Jordyn dance on it but haven't in a long time No shows lately

JudyEddy said...

OK I am heading to bed see ya in the am
from my to your



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Rolling the eggs again

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA and JUDYE for the videos...will you be able to leave a link here too?
Belle rolling her eggs!!! WAY TO GO BELLE!!!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...