Saturday, February 25, 2012


Weekend thread.


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Linda said...

Thank you for the New Thread, Steve!!

Windy, Snowing and barely any internet, here!!

Will call the others!

magpie said...

Right here behind you Linda...
Thanksa Bunch

Thank You Steve...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Linda! I thought you were out
getting sap for syrup from your trees.
Don't you let Dennis have all the fun!

THANK YOU Steve for our weekend thread
Hope you have an enjoyable time

Linda said...

Looks like we only lost one of our buckets collecting sap last night from the wind!!

Don't think it is warm enough for it to start flowing today, so we shall see.

I can't dial out on my phone and my internet speed is about the same as dial-up!! Remember that??

Praying for Lynn, today as she has her PET scan. Praying that things disappear!! ♥

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and for the call-over, Linda.

Mema Jo said...

I despise Dial Up. It blows my mind
while I am waiting and waiting and
waiting. Hope your phone and internet
soon get fixed.

stronghunter said...

Was windy enough to blow away a bucket last night for sure, Linda.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Lynn.

Linda said...

Asking for fervent prayers, wishes, positive thoughts, positive energy or whatever you can send Lynn's way today!!

Momster prayers are mighty powerful!! Praying for major healing power from above!!

Linda said...

Shirley, Dennis said he put the buckets on the south side of the trees and the winds came mostly from the north. Guess that is why we still have most of them.

I would have brought them all in, but he's the Sap Collector!! I wouldn't dare overrule in that dept!!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Lynn continuously and
praying for a miracle.

Break time for street clothes...

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the weekend thread and LINDA for the call over!

Back from tennis and JO, as much as I complain about the cold, I don't know why you would even THINK I'd be playing outdoors. Outdoor season starts about May, sometimes a day here or there in April. Until then, I'm indoors!!

Glad to see that RED was on for a minute and is on the mend!

I sent LYNN an email this morning with a photo attached of Bella's absolute favorite stuffed toy. It's actually the only one she plays with and she has it with her constantly. It's a stuffed hedgehog! LYNN emailed back while I was at tennis. She said that today is another "not good day" and asked that I tell everyone she said hi. My heart hurts so much for LYNN!

OK, I promised myself that I would be productive this weekend and not sit on the computer forever, though that's exactly what I want to do. So, I am off to clean the upstairs bathrooms and dust and vacuum our bedroom and the hall and get started on the laundry. I'll check in every once in a while as my reward for getting a chore finished. How does it feel to know that you all are my reward?? =)

Sounds like life is boring at the nest - I love boring at the nest!!

Sandi said...

Decided to check my FB before starting to work - MISTAKE!! A friend posted this link - an AWESOME video!! WOW! Could watch it again and again! I didn't even know there was such a thing as an eagle owl!!!

Eagle Owl

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, boring at the nest is good...for now!

DanaMo said...

WOW Steve, thanks, we didn't even fill up the old one ☺

Good to hear from Red!! Glad all is going well with rehab.

Sandi, I might try and get some cleaning done too, or maybe not! LOL! Gotta vacuum the dog hair but other than that I'm not so sure.

DanaMo said...

If it wasn't for the wind sound and the clock moving sometimes it's hard to know if the cam has frozen. Shep looks comfy.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi I really did have you figured
right - lol

Thanks for the message from Lynn

I am so sadden and pray so much for
a miracle! ♥

DanaMo said...

Here's one from me.
mamma bear

Mema Jo said...

DanaMO I never tire of watching that
video - you can't tell me that he wasn't
having FUN Those cubs are so cute.
Jewels cubs aren't quite that large but
I love looking at their Feetsies!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for passing on the message from Lynn, Sandi. Prayers continue for her. Hoping that good days will be here soon.

Linda said...

♥ Jo - Me too..

Mema Jo said...

Lazy day here..... BBL

Mema Jo said...

BTW - Shep on the afternoon shift
for incubating those 2 beautiful eagle


Lolly said...

Headed home! J won last night, lost today by 3 pts. Another game at 3. We decided to head home.
Sorry to read Lynn is having another rough day! (((hugs))) Lynn! We are here for you!

JudyEddy said...

Sat home for lunch and find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE

Lolly said...

Linda, we are curious! Approx how much sap can you expect from each tree?

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, dear Eagle Buds !

SANDI, thanks for relaying LYNN's message. So sorry it's another bad day---praying for R-E-L-I-E-F and soon !

Glad to have some good news items, as in LORETTA's daughter, Sherry, and her accomplishments and RED's brief, but reassuring post ! ! !

Good videos, gals !

BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

WV sUSAn said...

Egg roll, quick, and a wiggle and down.

WV sUSAn said...

LINDA, that vid is great. That's the same owl that is on the pot plant owl cam in Africa.

LYNN, much love and many healing hugs coming your way.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI thanks for the Lynn message I hope she starts to feel better soon

Loved reading CA message in my inbox she sounds so excited can't wait to see picture

Glad to see RED checking in HI RED!

Linda said...

Lolly - It depends on the diameter of the tree and how many taps you are able to put in any one tree.

We only put one tap per tree, even if the tree is big enough for two or three.

Some seasons are better than others. Anywhere from 10-20 gallons of sap per tree. (10 gallons will produce 1 quart of maple syrup)

One year, Dennis had difficulty keeping up with the flow, and years like last year it was barely enough to bother with. I think we started too late last year.

The temperatures should be below 32° at night and above 32° in the day time. Bright sunny days after a good cold night are the best!!

Linda said...

Susan - That was Sandi who posted the video of the Eagle Owl!!

This summer, however, I sent that same video through the EM mail!! LOL

WV sUSAn said...

Oooops, thanks SANDI :-)

NatureNut said...

Happy Saturday Afternoon! Windy & chilly here by the river, but some sun!!!Pretty busy w/Safe Boating class and about 300 doing a marathon at other end of Park.Cash register/'puter is almost dead because summer camp registration at all the rec. ctrs. began this AM.
Boss was here & was told about 'puter malfunction & said "Bye" & went home!
Back to work~~~Prayers continue for Lynn ^j^

WV sUSAn said...

That's it Linda. I saw it first when you posted. Awesome

Linda said...

Oh, sorry Susan!!

Don't get me confused!! LOL

WV sUSAn said...

Uh oh, Honey is awake. Sounds like she's licking on something. Maybe her feet.

WV sUSAn said...

Linda, I watched that vid over and over when I first saw.

WV sUSAn said...

Honey's licking has Lucky awake. That will probably tick her off. ha

JudyEddy said...

Back to work I go see you after 6

Sandi said...

Just finished booking our flight to Tanzania for this July! The VISA account balance is considerably higher now, but I'm still psyched!! Tentative itinerary includes Ras Kutani (beach resort south of Dar) ----> Serengeti ----> Norongoro ----> maybe Zanzibar. We leave on July 13 and return on July 23! OK, back to housework. C/A sounds like she's having an eagleawesome weekend!! Can't wait to see her photos!!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is in for a switch.

Sandi said...


WV sUSAn said...


WV sUSAn said...

Lucky is up raking straw. Honey is really getting ticked now.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Linda! You are educating Jack and me!! Find it fascinating!

WV sUSAn said...

Honey is blustery times ten! Lots of growling and clacking.

Linda said...

LOLLY - It is fun!! I wish we had the room and storage to do more of the trees.

To do a large quantity, you really should boil it outside because the quantity is too much. Once it is reduced to a manageable size, you can bring it in to finish.

We have an 18qt and a 16qt pot we can fit on the stove, but no more than that much at a time. We just continue to keep them filled with the sap and boil it all down to the end.

WV sUSAn said...

Linda, yes, very interesting about the trees and collecting sap.

Linda said...

Using the wood stove to boil down the sap doesn't cost us any more in utilities, since we are burning wood anyway!! Dennis likes that a lot!!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle just did another egg roll and back down.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Thank you for the new thread, Steve! Hope you have a nice weekend.

Checking in before going back to work on transcription again. Got another big envelope of work from the doctor this morning.

Have been thinking of and praying for Lynn all morning. Praying for her scan today. Hope some stuff just disappears!

Sandi, LOVE the eagle owl video! Just awesome!

Well, gotta go get on the phone and try to find a place--hopefully close to home--that still has the ink for my printer! All of a sudden nobody seems to carry it!
Hope I don't have to buy a new printer just to be able to buy ink for it! Will check back in later... :o]

Costume Lady said...

Hello there...
It is a busy Saturday here at Woodwright. Leaves are blowing down from the woods and Limbs and sticks are falling in the front yard. I do hope that when the time comes for Spring cleaning, Capt. Gene's gouty hand and my new knee are in 100% ship shop shape condition!

Update on my therapy...2 new exercises have been added to my routine. A pull rope (much like the ones that LORI made for the Momster Dogs) is wrapped around my foot as I lie down on the table, and as I hold the ends of the rope, I have to pull my foot up as far as I can, towards my butt. I can almost get it up to my butt! The second one; I have to stand on my 'new knee' leg without holding on for 5 seconds, switch legs and do that on the good leg, 30 times. I do have to grab on to the table to get my balance a few times.
I still cannot WALK BACKWARDS on the treadmill!! I tried really hard to accomplish that but that 19 year old show-off intimidated me!
I fear doing that more than I did the surgery:)
I was pleased that I could stay on the bicycle as long as I did, this time...3miles!! That kinda made up for the walking backward on the treadmill fiasco:)

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, I was reading your comments about making maple syrup. That always fascinated me, as a child, that syrup was made that way. Always wanted to try it, just for fun. We do have a maple tree on our property but I think it is not a sugar maple...turns yellow in the fall instead of the beautiful red of the sugar maple.
Something to give thought to...bring a pint of the syrup to the Pretend Open House and we could use it as a Raffle Prize. I'll bet it will be a very popular item! Give it some thought, Please:)

WV sUSAn said...

Wanda, congrats on another great session of therapy. Your hard work now will really pay off in the long run. Mother's surely has and at 85, she is doing great! Don't let a 19 yr old intimidate ya, girl ;-)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - your exercises sound good to me!
It's sure ok to hesitate a little - I
have faith that you will be walking
backwards but I don't know how you will
see where you are going! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and Jack used to harvest Pecans!
Had so many they had to freeze them.

Now we have maple syrup makers!

Our group is so versatile !

Costume Lady said...

Susan, congrats to your 85 year old Mother! Ask her sometime, if she had to walk backwards~

Jo, my instructer makes sure I don't run into anyone or anything;)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda, I think I would need to concentrate on doing it . Sometimes
I can't think in reverse ♥

Hoda said...

My post got eaten.

Too long to repeat.


Three feet of snow on the hill. A foot of snow in town.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, and BTW, some of you were commenting on a Tens" device yesterday and I asked my therapist if that is what is put on my leg/knee after exercises were finished for the day, and it is. It is supposed to help with the swelling. Knee scar is looking really good...not quite like Frankenstein anymore:) Not very tender as therapist massages it to break up scar tissue.

Hoda said...

Now I have to sign in to get on!!! so I do!!!

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WV sUSAn said...

Great idea, Wanda. Some home made maple syrup would be amazing.

BELLE continues for sit on the windy nest.

Honey continues to rake and lick and Lucky, well he just wants to sleep

WV sUSAn said...

Wanda, of all the rehab she did after surgery on two knees, I don't EVER remember her walking backwards. Good luck with that. I knoow you will do it.

Costume Lady said...

sUSAn, I'm thinking that I wouldn't even open the syrup if I won the bid, I would just set it somewhere in the kitchen as decoration, made by our Momster, Linda:)

WV sUSAn said...

I think mother was 75 when she had her knees replaced. Had one done, then three months later had the other done. Was like a miracle for her, I'm happy to say as she is very active and involved in church and community. She had lots of things to do and now the knees don't hold her back.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh Wanda, I'd have to eat the syrup and save the jar. hahaha

Hoda, you have really gotten the snow at your place.

Costume Lady said...

OK, sUSAn, that's what I will do, use the syrup and fill it b ack up with something that looks like syrup:) Oh, I have to win the bid first...I'm going for it if she brings it:)

WV sUSAn said...

Belle in the the egg roll and a wiggle back down. Facing 1.

WV sUSAn said...

Funny, Lucky looks like he's sleeping but you can see his eye open, keeping watch on his antsy roomie.

WV sUSAn said...

Wanda, are we suppose to bring door prizes? Is it a raffle or what?

Jewels said...

Hi ya gang, Mom didn't say anything to me about the pet scan. I was in town and grabbed her some pecan wheels and some chocolate cupcakes with colored buttercream icing. Took them to her and she ate two of the pecan wheels. Thats 200 calories in her since the other day with damn SB incident!! Wish I could have stayed longer with her, I had the kids and one was itching to get home. I could stay away from "home" for a long time. :( Thats another story, no need to get into that one. It will wear you out!! I so worry about Mom...I wish I could take it all away and she could go about life normal!!! Thanks so much for the prayers and thoughts and hugs, they mean so much to her and to me too!! Love to all of you!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, no, sUSAn...door-prizes are NOT a requirement! Only if you happen to have something that you might want to donate. You know... " geesh, I don't want this but I don't want to throw it away" item
something that pertains to our favorite birds or our Momsters/Dadsters. Things that we talk about quite a bit...
Certainly not a requirement!

WV sUSAn said...

Another egg roll by Belle of our two lovely eggs.

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Wanda , I'll give that some thought.

CAROLYN, so good to see you here as we all have been so concerned for your momma LYNN. Many hugs to you and take your time getting home. ;-)

Sandi said...

JEWELS, thanks for touching base with us about your mom. I'm sure the pecan wheels tasted a 1000 times better than a SB (and stayed down better too)! We all wish we could make her better - if prayers and positive energy can do it, we sure are sending a HUGE dose of them her way!! She is on our minds and in our hearts every day, as are you and the rest of the family. Stay strong!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm ba-a-a-ck! Found my printer ink that I needed at Fry's, which is only 2 miles from home. So now I'm good to go for a while! Better go back to being busy again.

Jewels, thanks for the update on your Mom! Glad she ate those pecan wheels! Prayers for her continue nonstop! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jewels! In other words - there wasn't a PET scan today?????

If at any time you want or need or can
suggest anything large or small that any of us could do, Please Do!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to head out the door.
Mass with lots of prayers for our
Momsters especially Lynn


Linda said...

Sorry....I disappeared there for a bit!!

WANDA - That is a good idea about the syrup. I'll just have to pray we get enough!!

Dennis said almost any variety of maple tree can produce sap for syrup. We have a few out front that turn a bright yellow, too and I think there is a tap in one of them right now.

He said you have to look at the bark and the leaf to determine if it is a sugar maple or not.

Linda said...

JEWELS....aka Carolyn....

We are here for you, too! ♥


Costume Lady said...

LINDA, Gene (also named Dennis) just told me that our maple tree IS A SYRUP making tree. We got it from his Grandmother's many years ago and planted it out front. His grandfather had a number of maple trees that he tapped and it made just enough for their use.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle on yet another egg roll.

Hoda said...


Linda said...

Awesome, WANDA!! You could be tapping too!! Maybe next year when you are getting around a little better.

I have heard that as long as the tree is healthy it can produce sap for generations and generations to come!!

Linda said...

My Dennis (no other name!!) thought when you said the leaves turned yellow that it was probably a sugar maple!

Get some taps!!

Jewels said...

Thank you! I don't think she went anywhere herself and my sister was at work, so I don't think she had a pet scan today.
Oh gosh, anything to eat is better than that nasty SB. Yuck!!!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon.

I haven't lurked much lately but so glad to 'see' Lynn and Lynne2 have checked in.

Also glad that 'Tiger' Wanda is doing so well. Give that PT h-e-double L, Wanda. Love ya

Also glad Red checked in and is on his way to run a race with Wanda. ☺

DanaMo good luck with your studies. Just spoke to daughter and she's taking course online for her masters. When I asked if it was worth it, she tells me "no one with hire an old fart." Of course, I welcomed her to the class. LOL!

(((((hugs)))))♥♥♥♥♥ to our Lynn.
Have entered her on the prayer list for St. Peregrine.

Linda, I see what's shakin' (or drippin) in them there hills. We have a Silver Maple but doubt very much it'll give up anything as sweet.

Carolanne is having a great time and will be looking forward to her pictures.

Will be lurking between movies on Hallmark Movie Channel.

Hoda said...

Agree Carolyn ♥ ♥ ♥

Hoda said...

Shep brings more grasses and gives it to Belle...she takes it and backs off the nest and flies off from four. Shep incubating facing five

Linda said...

Yes, DIANN, I hear Silver Maple trees have a lower sugar content. Maybe they need more concentration than the sugar maples if you have the patience!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Home from work...took Nick out to play...

See Shep on the nest, facing 5

paula eagleholic said...

Derek and Savannah at CRC have a chick!!

Linda said...

Praying they have a better year this year, too!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello all. Back from a day of shopping at the mall. I found my outfit for the wedding. It is not a dress but I love it. It is a pant suit and Kelsey approved so we are good. I don't think Andrew cares what I wear as long as I wear something. :)

My wedding outfit

Hoda said...

Shep facing three...Time for Belle to take the night shift...

Lori O. said...

Thank You for the new thread, STEVE!

Gracias, Linda, for the call over!

I'm back after a long
morning and an afternoon nap.
Ann is all settled in at her sister's house
and it all went really smooth. This is a better place for Ann.
90 year old Mom isn't
up to caring for 51 yr old
with Down's anymore.
Thanks for your wishes for
a good transition
Sandi, Judie and Margy!

AWESOME to hear from RED! Glad he sounds well.

stronghunter said...


Belle has arrived.

Hoda said...

VERY NICE SHARON...I like tehe lines and the flow of the pants and the top...I bet you will look smashing in it...Well Done you...

Belle arrives with food and is eating. Shep gets up and does an egg roll

Hoda said...

Belle takes off from five and Shep continues to roll the eggs...what's up with that? Is he taking the night shift?

Hoda said...

I am off to go to yoga in the to you all later...I love the outfit SHARON...

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, yyou will have mail

PA Nana said...

Lovely, Sharon!! That shouldn't outshine the bride. Are you counting the days yet?

hedgie said...

Good evening, gang. Just ate half a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

Shar---the outfit is very becoming!!! Glad you found something you like and that is reasonablly priced!!!

NO PET scan.....purpose of it would have been to determine how well the rad and chemo had worked.....rather irrelavent since it has spread.

Been on sofa all day. Dozing some but catching up on recorded shows that I slept through last week.

It was nice to see my girlies for a little while.

Wind chill is currently 22°---no wonder house feels so chilly. No energy to build or maintain the woodstove. Have turned up the heat....and think I'll climb in bed and turn on the blankie for awhile.

CarolAnne must be in 7th heaven!

And an eagle at a suet feeder...WOW!

You go, D'Mo, on that course-work! You'll do fine.

Hurray to the syrup masters!!!! Yum!

Wanda, sounds like you are making wonderful progress!!!! Love you, gal!

Great that Red checked in....too bad that he has to be in the rehab place another week or so... :(

Will try to check with you all later.

Good to hear form so many---and thanks for all prayers and love. ♥ ♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite on

Lori O. said...

Niiiiice wedding outfit, SHARON! You'll look beautiful!

HODA, I bet you're using your snow poles in that 1' of snow! Be careful of unknowing dogs! ♥

JEWELS, thanks so much for the update on your wonderful Mom! Like someone else said, we're here for you, too! {{{Big Hugs}}}

Lori O. said...

LYNN, it's always so exciting to see you've felt well enough to check in on the blog! Hope you warm up and get to feeling a lot better soon! Prayers, prayers, prayers. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Hi Hoda, Paula & Lori.

Linda, this old Silver Maple has caused some damages and it's limbs over the house and pumphouse have been trimmed drastically.
Jimbo won't allow me to have it topped. :-( Though is has provided a lot of shade and leaves in the fall. We're just getting to old. Believe this tree is as old as us - 60s.

Sandi said...

SHARON, lovely outfit at a great price!! When and where is the wedding? BTW, how's Mopsy doing?

LYNN, so happy that you checked in!

LORI, glad the move with Ann went smoothly and everyone seems happy.

Shep looks all tucked in for a long winter's nap! Hmmm ... Oops - the geese woke him!

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


PA Nana said...

Sharon, didnt' finish my post on your outfit. You'll look superb!!

Lynn, glad you checked in and Jewels was able to update us.

Hoda, you tire me out!! Have a good yoga.

Hi, Lori.

Keep getting interrupted when I type so I'll go and wait for delivery with the guys.


JudyEddy said...

WANDA great news with the therapy keep up the good work gal

OH CAROLYN you are such a great daughter and I wish I could take her pain always also just not fair again Give her a big hug from me(((((((HUG))))))) but don't hurt her when you do being she has lost so much weight

SHARON I love the B&W outfit and you can use it after wards just beautiful you will look stunning

JudyEddy said...

just got home and started to read


JudyEddy said...

LORI so happy thing went well with the transition

Lori O. said...

Hi Diann! So happy to see you on tonight! How is it going?

Lori O. said...

Thanks JudyE! It was a long day for Ann, so she will sleep well tonight. She's so funny, too.

magpie said...

Lots more Eagle Pals are here!

Venus and Moon, if you can see it....
Spectacular...Jupiter is the other bright object nearby
tomorrow should be equally interesting...
THIS Moon will be the Hatchling Moon ...we sure hope....!! (That's my made-up name for it...)
xoxo (( Evening Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Happy and Heartwarming about Ann, Lori.. ♥

Sharon: I love it, think it will be very comfortable, AND dazzling !

JudyEddy said...

Oh my back is killing me from first day back I guess lazy all week shows now its ugly face gonna go up load a couple of video I did of the nest the past couple of days that hadn't had time to do this mornin Belle eating and last night also bBIALW

magpie said...

(( Warming Hugs ♥ )) Lynn, so happy you could check in and visit awhile xoxo

magpie said...

Was watching the almost-switch and then the real Switch, saw Shep moving his beak, but didn't hear his Little Big Boy Voice

magpie said...

I finally saw a friendly little flock of about 7 Robins today
Think they are Spring Robins ☺

magpie said...

I don't do lifting and moving labor at work but I always come home with Computer Neck and Shoulders
hope you feel better soon !

Lolly said...

Have been reading the blog. Again, Linda, thanks for all the info on the syrup. Still thinking about moving in with you!!☺ And, Jack just might come, too!

SHARON, I really like the pants outfit. You are so smart to find it, and such a great price too.
Look forward to seeing a picture of you in it!

So, happy to see Lynn and Carolyn have made comments. (((hugs))) for both of you!

Lolly said...

As soon as we got home from bb game, we headed outside. Worked for a couple of hours in the yard. Laurel was sending us texts on Joseph's games. They won the game at 3, then had another game at 5 and won it!! Woo Woo! Maybe we are bad luck! LOL Anyway, they now have a game next Friday.

Lolly said...

I see Belle is all tucked. LOL Wish I was! I have already showered and in my pj's. Yard work is so dirty this time of year!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lolly, I remember those long days of BB tournaments

Glad Jewels and Lynn checked in

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, glad everything went well with Ann

Sharon..nice outfit...and no, Andrew probably doesn't care what you wear!

Mema Jo said...

Back from Mass
Had Pizza for dinner with son and 2
great grandgals. We are having a sleep
over! Whoo Hoo! They put the tent up in
the basement!

Sharon - the pants outfit is really great looking - and the best part is that you can move around in that and feel comfy. Good choice.

magpie said...

Oh Sleepovers, that's great Jo...
they might find you early in the morning and say:

It's the Day, It's the Morning....☺

JudyEddy said...

JO most people have sausage or pepperoni and soda with their pizza LOL

magpie said...

Really good and detailed report from Wanda....
wow, 3 miles on the bicycle...soon as weather warms up a bit, I might be riding a bike 3 miles to work...and back...
Good for the Cardiovascular, and for the money-savings

magpie said...

OH JudyE: That's a good LOL...!!
Good catch !

magpie said...

grilled cheese and tomato soup here, I'm a day late for Friday...

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else having problems with FB tonight...can't get on

Lori O. said...

PAULA, I've been on FB for a few hours for problems.

magpie said...

Not problems with FB ☺

(sorry though for you Paula....)

JudyEddy said...

Just went over to facebook to check and no problem getting on its my home page so I am always logged in

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Mighty habby to see that Lynn felt well enough to get on here and say hello! Good going too, Lynn, that you ate half a bowl of soup. Sure beats a stink bug!(You've gotta quit eating those pesky critters--they don't have enough protein in 'em!)LOL ;o] (((BIG HUG)))!!!
Love you SO much! Bet Liesl would make a perfect furry hot water bottle.

It's really nice to not have my printer whining about low ink any more! Making good progress on the work to be done, too. Guess I'd better get back to it now. Glad the nest activity has been routine, not stressful. Will check in later....

JudyEddy said...

Whats your problem with it Paula can't log on ????

JudyEddy said...

I had two hot dogs for dinner

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, almost forgot! Sharon, I LOVE your outfit, and you will look beautiful in it! Bet it's comfy, too!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is still tucked in I see her little white head and tail

JudyEddy said...

Both cats are passed out must have played most of the day odd they are usually running around

magpie said...

I've been thinking morning and evening at twilight/ Boris and his kin are most welcomely NOT missed at the nest

( think most know, Boris is one of Spidey's aka's)

magpie said...

we're real galloping gourmet cooks, aren't we Judy!

Good Basketball reports on the boys' games, Lolly.....
of course you are not bad luck, Lolly !! Sure they were playing for You and Jack as much as for their team-mates....

magpie said...

It's the Night, It's the Evening....
Checking out here, going to do some reading...
and not setting any alarm clocks tonight

The Planets are still visible here, but setting towards the horizon....

Prayers for Wellness and Comfort amongst us, our loved ones, and all pets
(( Hugs Lynn ♥ )

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

The nest is still noisy, but the winds really ARE dwindling down now, Thank Goodness !!

JudyEddy said...

I have to tell you a funny story about Angie On Thursday when I got to her house she says "MOM you have a nail in your front passenger tire and it didn't seem to be leaking at all and she would take it to Lorenzo next to her work on Fri On the way home I drove so carefully thinking I am going to have a blow out both hands on the wheel and no radio wanted to hear it if it happened well go home and no issue then on the way to her work Fri same thing Now I didn't look for the nail Well she had called me Fri and said mom your are never going to believe this with a snicker in her voice The nail turned out to be a ACORN Funny huh silly gal 100% I should have looked I guess Live and learn

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the heads up on the nest winds I had to sound turned off all the way now will turn up some

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go see what I can find to watch on TV I have so much to get caught up on

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, they rescued an eagle near the Metro

DC eagle

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks I can get on FB,,,go figure!

Lori O. said...

Wow sad about that eagle. I hope it gets the right help it needs there. So used to the big wigs at WCV!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I went to see Nila today and she is not doing so good. I could tell by her voice in the past couple of days that things were good but when you ask her, she says "I'm doing pretty good". She slept most of the time I was there. #CANCERSUCKS

Lolly said...

Sharon, so sorry to hear that concerning Nila. Bless her!

I guess with the eagle population booming, we are going to hear of more injured eagles. Going to be fun to see C/A's pictures.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I also got a black dress with chiffon sleeves today. Sissy says it would be better for the wedding and the pant suit for the rehearsal dinner. Just needs accessorized. More will be revealed.

Linda said...

Back for a few....

Sharon - I LOVE the outfit you decided to wear for the wedding. I liked the other one, but I really love this one!! Good On You!!

Lori - Happy to hear things went well with Ann making another family move today. Hope that she settles in and is happier as well. So kind of you to be there to help.

Lynn - Good On You - for getting something in your tummy. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always ♥.

Lolly - Come on up!! We would both love to have you and Jack!! We would sure have some fun together!

Margy - Hope you get some good rest, if you don't pop back in later!!

Off to take my shower....

Judie said...

Hi Lynn. Thanks for stopping by to visit. Come back when you feel like another visit.

Lori, very happy the transition went smoothly. Hope all will be okay.

Wanda, keep up the good recovery work. Amazing isn't it how much progress you've made? Congratulations.

Sharon, lovely outfit for the wedding. You will be stunning.

Margy, cannot believe you mentioned Boris. Was thinking of him this afternoon and wondered if he would appear again. Maybe in the Spring.

Sharon, I'm sorry about Nila. She has certainly been strong throughout this.

Wonder if the DC eagle was one from the St. Elizabeth's nest? Need to go to Paula's link.

Linda said...

Oh SHAR - sorry to hear Nila is not doing so well. She sure has had more time than expected, which certainly has been a blessing.

Whatever you decide to wear will be beautiful...... I'm sure!!

Lori O. said...

SHARON, so sorry that NILA is not doing well. Glad you have the wedding to keep your mind occupied!
Prayers for Nila and you, sweetie.

Tomorrow's NEST WEATHER will be much improved:

Sunny, with a high near 48. Northwest wind 5 - 8 mph.

Judie said...

Well, would think the location would suggest the DC eagle was more likely from down around the Ft. Belvoir or the Lorton area both near the Potomac. There is a wildlife area in Lorton where Shirley and I watched an eagle release.

Sharon, might be a good plan for the pants suit for the dinner and dress for the ceremony. Either way, you will look beautiful.

JudyEddy said...

I put two video on the blog short one with music since the winds are a little loud yesterday evening and this am visit both are in the nest Shep brought in a fish this am and Belle ate some of it then flew off to finish it I guess

Two short videos

JudyEddy said...

PAULA thanks for the link on the poor eagle he What a good picture that they took

WHO IS BORIS?? before my time I think.

SHARON so sorry NILA has turned for the worse So happy she has had some good days IS THE dress the one you shared a while back I loved it also

OH LORI so glad the wind will be calmer maybe I can turn up the sound

JudyEddy said...

Watchng Criminal Mind from the other night BBIALW

Hoda said...

I am back and caught up with the blog and had a lentil soup for my supper...

Thank you VERY MUCH LYNN for checking in...Do please keep us posted as to treatment plan when it starts and what times...I would like to focus my prayers and I have a lot of love and respect for you and your wishes...H♥U♥G♥S to you and your awesome daughters...I am glad they visited, and ofcourse they would they love their MOMMA...

WANDA very pleased with your progress and it is amazing the task you have to go through and how well you are about them. Your reports are very revealing and full of information I would have not thought of...Good on you WANDA.

Glad you have access to Facebook PAULA, sometimes I do not really understand when one thing or the other does not work there, but they tend to fix it...

Enjoy the sleep over JO...glad you enjoyed supper.

LINDA I might just have to get some Maple Syrup from the co-op tomorrow...with all the talk of it I can actually taste it...I am glad you and Dennis work so well with one antoher with the maple syrup project...

CAROLEANNE's eagles very exciting...I look forward to pictures, but mostly am glad to know that they made a safe trip...

Speaking of safe trips I wish you a very uneventful trip tomorrow PAULA. I hpe the roads are clear and not too much wind for the truck to contend with on the highway...Big Hugs to you LYNNE STEVE DAISEY and NICK of course...

Thank you SANDI for the confirmation that BELLE is on for the night shift.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE Watch out for those acorns!
Angie is a very good daughter & tried to
keep you from having any troubles! lol

Sharon - You will be a beautiful mother
of the groom both at the rehearsal dinner and at the wedding. Lots of
photos please! ♥

Prayers continue for Nila - She has been so strong - CANCERSUCKS

Mema Jo said...

JudyE Boris is a spider that in years past, gets on the lens of the cam and
interferes with our vision of the nest.

I think NU cleaned our cam lens last
time up....

JudyEddy said...

Lentil soup HODA My mom use to make the best lentil soup Do you make it yourself from dried lentils???

JudyEddy said...

JO for clearing up Boris So glad we don't see him and haven't seen to many ants this year either

Mema Jo said...

Lori - Compliments on your day of moving
Ann - I think your being there would
make it a great move for her! Hope Kate's mom is ok.

Anxious for tomorrow for Lynne to
be on here. Paula what time are you
going down the road?

paula eagleholic said...

I don't remember seeing Boris at all last year!

Hoda, it will be a breeze getting to Lynne and Steve's. Ha, no pun intended! The winds should be a lot less tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Cats are back to their runing around like crazy Guess they just need a nap WOW CM was great I just love that show

I told Angie I told you all her story We say if you can't laugh at yourself then you are in trouble I chuckly everytime I see a acorn in the drive way now they are

JudyEddy said...

not as bad this year got left behind to finish that sentence LOL

JudyEddy said...

Belle was up for a second and now is tucked back in

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I am going to try and leave by should take me about 45 minutes to get there...I'll post on here right before I leave.

Hoda said...

LOL PAULA no pun intended indeed...a breeze.

JUDYE yes I make my own lentil soup. It is a childhood food for me.

SHARON I too look forward to pictures it is exciting that there are two events connected to the wedding and you will be beautiful because of the love in your heart for your son and your future daughter in law...You also have chosen a very attractive outfit and so we will all celebrate with you throught he photos.

Hoda said...

LORI what a terrific day you have had helping and sharing and settling ANNE. I wish her well and she is blessed that you spent your weekend helping Kate and her family out...You are a wonderful friend.

JudyEddy said...

Miss Belle is awake and moving looks like Wiggle now

JudyEddy said...

Lo tonight 53° I guess the cold front is comin with rain tomorrow 60% and 50% MOn with high again in lo 80°

Wow the nationwide race looks like it was a demo derby highlights coming on news they showed a sneak preview

Mema Jo said...

Paula that sounds like a plan
I bet Nick and Daisy hit it off!
I voted for Nick's shelter today.Voting
is until March 18, I think,

I am about to take a break and fill
my am and pm pill containers....


JudyEddy said...

Hey do you all know why election day was made on Tuesday just on the news

In the day of the horse and wagon it would take at least one day by wagon and they couldn't travel on the Sabbath so Tues is the day that was picked Wed is the day they would go and buy their dry goods Odd never knew that They are thinking about moving the day to the weeknds but they seriously doubt it will pass Just a story I thought was interesting

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, I'm beat.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Judie said...

Ah Boris, we hardly knew ye. I think Boris was disposed of before last season. That spider should could spin a web.

Speaking of webs, the sandperson has been here and dropped a web of sleep over my head and has now departed for other stops along the blog trail.

Restful sleep for all and especially Belle and Shep.

stronghunter said...


Looked at the weather map and saw a little snow cloud heading toward Middleburg.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Yes, we don't really miss Boris, do we?

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, double posted again. Sorry about that.

stronghunter said...

Boris was quite something when he/she plunked himself/herself across the lens. First time I saw that, I had to remind myself that things seen on the cam lens appear much larger than they really are.

JudyEddy said...

How Well I think I am heading to bed also not waiting on the sandman going without him tonight LOL



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Judy that makes sense........But I
never knew it before. Thanks for that
bit of Trivia.... Could help someone

Mema Jo said...

Shirley & Judie and all other Seniors

Don't miss the bus

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day - hitting the pillows

Good night all
Prayers for Lynn and Nila and all others
in need.......
Hugs for all! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

I'll be here for awhile tomorrow morning, but then I will be meeting a friend in Culpeper for lunch and maybe bowling.

Roseanna was one of my closest friends when I taught there. She retired a year before I did.

She lost her husband in January. I happened to look at her Facebook page yesterday and saw that her little dog, a 16-year-old Jack Russell died this week, so I called her today.

I will check in to see how the computer delivery and doggy visit goes tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Good night.
LYNN♥ ♥♥

Lolly said...

I have been absent this evening. Jack and I got hooked on Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theatre. We had recorded it and were watching it this evening.

Ahhh....Boris! What not so wonderful memories. That silly spider really blocked our view! Always thought it fascinating that during the day we could see but once the light came on forget seeing anything! That is one good thing about not having a night light! We may gripe about no light but that spider web was almost as bad!

magpie said...

We remember Roseanna and her loss, and your being there for her, then dear you can be with her again Sunday, so sorry for her most recent loss
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...


magpie said...

Good Point Lolly !!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...