Monday, February 20, 2012


New thread.  Hopefully things are calming down...


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JudyEddy said...

Now it seems to be a little better not as sluggish I dislike ghost writing

JudyEddy said...

I need to go get a shower and no deodrant I hate that part of it also need to go to Walmart I will go to the neighbor market not my store I don't step foot in my store when I am on staycation I also should go to the social security office I need to call to see if a appt is needed I guess

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE...will send the recipe

Sandi said...

Hi all, checking in from the medium schoolhouse. Robyn's post about Tori made me cry! How wonderful! Glad to hear all is well with our eagles - haven't checked the cam since I got to school. Later!

JudyEddy said...

PAUALA Got the recipe and printed it and saved it to desktop and in documents I can't wait to try it I will give a copy to my son He probably can talk his dad in to making them

FuzzleMT said...

Hi, Judy, for these parts it's been a mild winter - even so, spring will be welcome.

Sandi said...

BTW, you all may know this but I don't recall reading it on the blog over the weekend. I had the Decorah nest on for my kids when they came into the room this AM (they like to see the different nests). There was a parent switch while the cam was up and they are incubating 2 eggs as well (I had read about the first egg on FB)! Seems to be a pattern this winter - 2 at Blackwater, 2 at Richmond, 2 (so far) at Decorah, 2 in Shepherdstown ...

Lolly said...

Oh, wow...the wind! Getting that 3-D effect today!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

I see Shep has built himself a really high rim around the cup area...eggs are snug...

Happy Birthday JOEY and JIM.

Lolly said...

Howdy Hoda! ☺

Lolly said...

Hang on to your hat! I expect the wind to come blowing out of the monitor any second now!

Hoda said...

Howdy LOLLY is the baseball game cancelled for wet fields in Texas...? I love the sound of wet fields in Texas:^)

hedgie said...

Excellent news about Tori. God is Great.
Such a shame that the venue is so small and tickets so limited. WOuld love to be there to cheer her on as she graduates.

O2 guy came to do maintenance on the machine. Walked in the door. Liesl barked once, sniffed his shoes, jumped up and licked his hand, then lay down and rolled on her back for a belly rub. HAS NEVER warmed up to a man like that before!! Asked if he loved dogs (Yes) and if he had a dog: yes, just got an 11 week old bully on Fri.!!

Lolly said...

It is amazing to see water standing after being dry for so long. They gave a lake report last night. Some lakes are at full capacity, one or two over but a lot are still way below normal. May the rain continue!! I will hate the bog in my back yard but I know this too shall pass. LOL I just want the lakes full, everyone to have drinking water, no fire conditions, and I can water when I want. Do not want much!!

Lolly said...

Do not know about the fields yet. Just waiting to hear from Laurel and Joey.

JudyEddy said...

Just got a quick note from my lawyer asking if any progress I emailed him back with a NO have heard nothing that our Human Resource office is no longer there waiting but we will get another one Don't know what else to tell him I told him that I didn't want to bring it up that the longer I keep my money and job the better for me and maybe they; have read my emails to the HR office and market manager Will just wait and see I guess

Lori O. said...





JudyEddy said...

LYNN cute about Liesl

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, how I would love to rub a Liesl tummy!!! Looking at all the puppy pictures recently has made me want a dog. However, that is not in the cards. Maybe some day!

Lolly said...





hedgie said...

I, too, had to turn down the volume......wind is so irritating!!

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful news about Tori's progress
God Is Good All The Time ♥

Happy Birthday to James and Joey!

Earlier I had my Kinkling Fix.
Jenny brought them and said I could have one - I said you mean one now and
one later! Kristen laughed at me.
I do need to watch my sugar..

hedgie said...

Carolyn will be here shortly. We're heading to Christie's for Pancake lunner!
See you all this evening.

Leona said...


magpie said...

♥ Guess I better catch up here before headed to that Old New Thread

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...