JO, I just watched last week's episode last night! Wanted to watch it before tonight's episode comes on. The answer is yes, I am PLANNING to watch it - we'll see what my body decides when I sit down on the sofa!
LYNN, dinner was delish!! I had some shredded cheddar jack cheese that we sprinkled on them!! I'll have to let Red know I'm hooked!
OK, I'm headed to the bathtub before House and Alcatraz come on! I sure have enjoyed spending my day off with my eagle friends! Goodnight all!
Our fish was delicious. Now I will head back to the couch and start a new book. Finished one before dinner and I'm going to start the next one. I don't have to wonder where my daughter gets it, and I get it from my dad! Love to read, love my Kindle. See you all in the morning ♥
WOW back from dinner with son and have lots to read chatty bunch are we LOL Red Lobster was delicious as always sooo full now and brought home some biscuits tooo
I did post the one video before I left its on the the blog to where she was calling him
I didn't post the other because Tommy called me and you can hear us talking the one of the two of the talking to each other I didn't post it because of our conversation hard to hear the eagle talk you can go on my blog and see the one I posted it is to were Belle is vocalizing I put it on the FB pages also OK now to finish reading I just read to where HODA mentioned the video didn't know if she saw I posted it at 5:27 only 5 people have view it according to the count on YT page 2 would have been me grabbing the link to it at there is one 7 views So post your that way all can see the cute conversation that they were having I loved it even with me talking to Tommy I can hear them he as such a soft little voice for a eagle I wonder if it will change when he get older
I love Deewerms work and always compliment her on her videos OK NOW TO finsih reading BBIALW after I have caught up
Check your email I sent a question out any input will be helpful Thanks you guys are the bomb and the reason Tommy didn't want me to have cheese biscuits I was having a back up issue from toooo much cheese already and he said he was trying to save me from the cheese LOL funny kid I have and he bought a extra 6 biscuits to take home A girl at work says the Bisquick cheese biscuit are close to them has anyone tried them I really doubt they are as good
Thanks for reporting of the switch again as always still reading odd how the last couple of night that Shep comes in and relives her just before sunset He is such a good egg
LYNNE2 we miss you if and when you read this at work just know we are thinking of you always you are family to all of us ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪WE are family I got all my sister with me♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
I feel so alone LOL I am heading for TV land caught up on the blog again LM LM and can't see a thing on the black black nest oopsjust saw head light and a white head Odd how the tree branches you can see still
HODA please post the link to the one where Shep landed and they had a conversation it is soo cute the one I have is but you can hear me and Tommy talking OK and thanks in advance I have such a tummy ache eating to much I guess ok now like I said a while ago check your email and let me know your opinion and now to tv land
DIann, so glad you checked in! Hope things are finally on the bright side for you!
Judie, glad you had a nice it was beautiful out there!!! You GO girl! Retirement looms!
Shirley, Kat done good!!! Hurray.
Have had my bath, and pedi is done. Will do mani after Liesl is in bed.....and she is begging already for the final lap time. She has been so very patient with me...what a good pup she is! BBIALW.
Jo, I think you're being modest, bet you got more than a few right on Jeopardy
About the peanut butter jar, well it's a Party of One here, but, when I have to try get INSIDE a new jar with that impossible cardboard seal, I either use plyers, or cut a circle around the entire thing with a paring knife.
JudyE, I was are in the same county with the Dunedin Osprey Cam....ever thought of checking it with your own two eyes? I hope you are starting to enjoy your Staycation more and more each minute !
Moon is going "new" in the morning which means it is completely invisible to us...but in a few days, watch for its beautiful infancy in the WEST, and then Venus and Jupiter will have a little romance with it also on those first few days....
before you know it will be March 8 and going Full for us ☺
Darn it, totally forgot about the American Experience program on WETA mostly about Clinton's Administration I guess... started at 9 guess it might show another time another day
JO I have another household thing... why is it that the Kleenexes will pop up from the box one after another until you get about 2/3 down into the box ??? Then, I have to dig down into the box to get them one at a time or in clumps. Drives me crazier than I already am
PA Nana Diann: I know you stop by here different times of day and night I'd like to share this Birthday Greeting for your Jim tomorrow... ☺ Happy Birthday in Advance, Jim
Well, gang, my evening is winding down. Feeling fairly decent right now. Heading for the pillows shortly. I missed the probably have to catch up more after I post this one.
Sandi, glad your dinner turned out well!! JudyE---Bisquik biscuits are NO where near as good!
DanaMo, my Christie is also hooked on books on her whatever-device she has! I created a monster passing my love of reading to her!!
Yes, Diann...happy birthday to your Jim tomorrow. It is also my Pop's birthday (Mom's Dad). He would be 127! Yikes. Been gone since '79.
Margy and Jo, I always pierce the PB thing with a knife and then tear it off from the center. Usually gets the entore foil rim thingy that way! And tissues are also a pet-peeve for me.
Shar---hope the stove doesn't go out tonight!!!!!! Fill that thing up full!
Goodnight all. See that Irene left her mark....but hasn't posted. Hi, Irene!!!
Loretta---short but sweet---goodnight!!!! Park tomorrow??
Yes, JO---I am PLANNING on going tomorrow----sure hope that I wake up to a good day.
Sister is going to have her former massage/healing buddy come do some some healing work on me....probably over the weekend. More on that another time......some history behind it.
Love to all. Prayers for those in need. And thanks for yours. Peace.
Belle is up and she rolled the eggs. She was tucked in when I returend and she is facing ten. She is looking around and tilets her hed up...she is settled qgin now and is tucked in again...This is the darkest moon of the year.... I like MARGY look forward to the light returning after tonight...gradually but on its journey back.
JUDYE post your video on th blog, you do a GREAT job.I am glad you had a good supper at Red Lobster...
Hi all! Have been watching tv tonight and giving myself a manicure. Laughing at the conversation concerning Kleenex boxes. I find it always hard to get just one when I first open it up.
It is so very dark on the cam, but at least it seems to be peaceful.
Tomorrow or Wed we are going to Laurel's. Tomorrow is Joey's birthday, but the boys have basketball and baseball practice. However, there is a chance they will cancel because of wet fields. We will go tomorrow if baseball is cancelled, Wed. if it is not. Got that? LOL We are ready to provide a steak dinner either of the nights.
Ok there are two other video I put on the one I didn't want to because of me talking to Tommy but you still can hear our couple having a lovely conversation I love how they speak to each other
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I am still not sleepy maybe my body knows its on vacation and I don't have to get up early
I have a MAMO appt at 3 tomorrow and I want to go to the SS office just to see what I would get if I decided to retire wmt I will remember to give tom ssn also he get 2100 a month now I know there is now way I would get that but if I get half of his that may help
This has been a particularly good day for me. No pain with my exercises, got a load of laundry done, fixed supper and had a heart-warming visit with GG. I am off to bed...
Lynne1, so sorry to hear about your Mother. My heart goes out to you! ((HUGS)) and prayers for you and your family.
Missed getting on here this morning, but got an early start on a busy day. Kubby and I met my Sis-in-law and 2 of her grandkids, Ian and Chloe, and we went and got a bite to eat, then went to Cal Poly Pomona. We saw a lot of brand new lambs and baby goats, some pigs, and of course, the Kellogg Arabians!!! That place is horse lover's heaven!!! Oh, how I wish that you didn't have to be a Cal Poly student to volunteer to work in the stables! They have SO many truly gorgeous Arabians, it's difficult to keep one's composure! And guess what--one of their beautiful grey mares just foaled on Saturday--a bay filly, who's going to be a real show stopper! We're hoping to go back there on April 1st for the Sunday horse show, and to see more babies. They say they should have about 10 of them by that time! I promise to take my camera along on that trip!
LOL...You should have seen Emma when we got back home! She just about went nuts, with all the new and interesting smells on us! Oh, my!
Well, going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Lynn, sure hoping & praying that you feel ALL better tomorrow! Love you! Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]
Just wrapped Aric's CARE package and I'm ready to send it to Dayton. He will be home in a little over a week for "spring" break. Although with the weather the way it's been it will be like spring break. It's only a long weekend though, and then he goes back.
Good Morning Ladies. I'm gone for a couple days and all heck breaks loose!!! What a big day on Saturday. Read back and watched vid. WOW Sounds like there was one anxious intruder looking for a nest. Hope she stays AWAY!
Nice, early morning bird that sings in my neighborhood... A Cardinal! Can't wait to start hearing the Robins sing too. won't be long ! Waiting on the Mourning Dove to start at NCTC...
Hoping to see Susan on here with a full report on her trip to Canaan!
Loving that post from Andrea, and the trip to Cal Poly Pamona, Too funny, Emma being to "enthusiastic" about all the Animal Scents she and kubby brought home Way Cool, Andy !
We had 14 out for the Canaan trip and, while we did NOT get any snow, it was a fab wkend with friends. Some skied, some ran around the area and we all ate very well. Our Sunday Spanish-themed dinner was fun. Paella, tostado de setas, sangria, flan, etc. made for a fun evening.
I ended up cooking much of Sunday and did not get to fish. That was all good, too. Left early yesterday to get back to town to go to doc appt with friend.
We had dinner at White Grass Saturday night and it was FAB, as always.
Lots of deer and squirrels, red tail hawks... and something I saw while en route. A large bird perched in a tree with a very white chest and dark brown or black wings. Couldn't ID at 70 MPH. ha Still has me puzzled.
Besides a rabbit brought in before the hatches, and the Snow Goose after the hatches....have not seen any FISH or anything else come in to Blackwater.... maybe today
Margy, I'll watch to see if Loretta has any ideas. I was thinking maybe a juvie in colors I didn't recognize. He looked like he was wearing a white shirt and jacket. Couldn't tell much about the head. lol
Margy you know how we had Red go up and talk to Shep and everything after that went so well. I think his bigboy/bigman voice came from Red being in rehab not going home. Red is down there yelling so Shep decided since Red talked with him to show Red he/Shep can yell too We love you Red. (:
WVsUSAn Red had his hip replacement everything went very good. Don't know if you know this or not. They had him stay instead of going home at the rehab place. We emailed notes and Red's wife Diane is going to take them to him. He of course wanted to come home and do outpatient rehab. That is why I say he is probably yelling lol
You know I was just thinking. When these eggs hatch. I can't wait to see Shep helping to feed the tiny chicks. A kid eagle that didn't even know how to do HP right. To a Dad that is so caring to lay on those eggs. (: Does warm your heart doesn't it.
Good Morning ! Nice to bring the cam up to see Shep basking in the ☼ and caring for his egglets.
Think I've caught up with the posts.
JUDY, thanks for the R.L. biscuit offer ! LOL Stan and I always brought some home back in the day.
MARGY, enjoyed your plea for house calls by Kathryn, the Plumber and LYNN, the Mani/Pedi artist ! Sure would be nice if we all lived closed enough to do some bartering ! Many of you are sooooo talented !
JO, switch to Puff's to avoid those Kleenex box woes. ☺
LYNN, you and I enter a new jar of PB the same way. It's a good seal, but do any of those PB producers ever try to get into their own product ???
ANDY, what a beautiful picture you paint of the CalPoly Pomona experience ! Will look forward to pics when you return in April ! Wonder what kind of images Emma conjured up with her detective nose ? LOL
Having assured myself all is well with my dear Early Bird Buds and our Regal Eagles, I'm off to deal with a "pile" of e-mails, several newspapers, a few household chores......BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I went to school at Cal Poly Pomona! The beautiful tree lined drive into the main campus is a memory I'll keep forever. I grew up 15 minutes from there.
I have been wondering too about Emma. Wouldn't it be neat if we was able to see the pictures going through her mind and she smelt the different smells. lol
Time for me to go too. defroster has the frost off the windshield now, Song Sparrow outside crooning like crazy!
Kay - I'll try Puffs...☺
Best Wishes to Wanda, Gene and all their Church Family on the Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet this afternoon....Wanda...I know you will behave yourself....☺ everyone will be sooooo happy to see you there...
Hear woodpecker drumming a little distant from the nest....
I hope all the Puny Feelings anyone has had were left behind in the darkness of night , never to return ! And Best Wishes on all Shrove Tuesday happenings... Lent Starts Wednesday, Ash Wednesday
Well I am waiting for TV to be delivered and the wooden stand it goes on. They are going to have to put the stand together for me. I can't. Of course had to pay extra for that. My hands can hardly hold a coffee cup. Did something the dr. wanted me to try. He and I both decided it made things WORSE..set off the neck and the spine. Although I had to give it a try since he ask me too. Doctor so wishes I could take pain medication. He has tried all different kinds, different strengths and they all give me hallucinations. We did laugh he and I when he tried a pediatric pain drug and it still made me hallucinate. So me neck, hands, arm, spine and legs have not been feeling too good. I just figure like this "it could be worse"...that is the only way I get through it. Of course with the Helping Hand Of God.
good morning one and all.....have been popping in here and there but haven't had a moment to post, really.
last friday started a few hectic days; my dobie woke up in severe pain. she has a lipoma under her left leg and its huge...goes from the posterior portion to the anterior portion, under the a big fat pillow of liquid under there. so took her to the vet; she is basically on hospice care....pain meds daily. it hasn't stoned her out....but she is acting normal again....still has interest in eating, we have her for a bit longer. thankfully the doc felt like i did, with her being 12, poking, prodding, and running labs just weren't waranted. just keep her comfy. she said there is a change, it happens often enough to mention that a malginant sacroma could be present under the like i said, she is on pain meds.
and some other stressful things happened friday night, and so, yeah, was glad when friday left.
weekend was busy. i am home today, my young en has an ear ache...again. same ear. will call the dr in a bit and get her in. she's been complaining about it being 'stuff' we shall see.
anyway, will try to catch up on posts as i can today.
smiles to all. wishing everyone a fabulous day!!!!
Sharon, If it were me I'd call a little early to beat the crowd! :)
Lynn, I was a Political Science major...still need to finish that up but was never in one place long enough to do it. Was thinking I could try finishing online!
Janet, so sorry about your dobie. I had a bulldog that had a histiocytic (sp) sarcoma. Was very hard to watch that thing grow. Prayers for her comfort and you. Hope your little one's ear gets to feeling better, fast!
Morning all, quick check in before we head out again - possibly w/o internet from Thurs - Mon.
Expecting everyone to hold their own or improve as the case may be. No dramas, please.
With Tori, donors, etc always in mind noticed an interesting/inspiring story about the kidney donor program. They were able to document 17 cases of "paying it forward" from one donation. The first recipients family, in thankfulness for a strangers kidney donation, matched & donated a kidney to a stranger, that recipients extended family had a member match & donate a kidney, and on & on 17 times. How cool is that!!
On another note, I think I have removed the need to disprove you are a robot when looking at my blog pics. One can only hope.
Good Morniing to all that came in while I was napping again lol
Janet I am sorry to hear about dobie. I am glad not in pain.
Lori yes yes yes take those classes online if you can. My daughter is so happy she has started. Just wished she wasn't working so many hours. Soon her long drive will end. They will get a place closer when lease it up. May I think. That will help so much.
Between the end of Feb. and mid-March, there will be controlled burns at NCTC to clear brush, etc. Appx. 33 acres will be involved. Due to weather conditions, advance notice of burn days will not be available. So if you see smoke, don't be alarmed!!
Ha, ha, ha. The blog is really screwed up ... I checked out the 'earliest' comments on this thread, and now I have to write another comment to return to section I was in originally.
Thanks for asking, Dana. Both eyes are doing very well, and they are getting better every day as the lenses "settle in."
I think I can read (even fine print) better than I could for some time before I was aware there was anything wrong. Only problem with that is that I have to hold the printed matter almost at arm's length to see it clearly, so some of the very smallest print is out of range.
But that kind of thing is changing a little each day too, so it's not possible to say exactly where it will be by March 8th, my next appointment. I think the doctor will decide whether I should get glasses on that visit.
I'm extremely happy with the results of the surgeries, and I think I'm cured for all practical purposes now.
I haven't been driving for 3-4 months, at least, and I am anxious to get back to it, but I have to get the car worked on first... I should get started on that.
Journal TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 9:33 AM, EST Notifications Stand up bed Dr. Iacono came in yesterday and said Tori's lungs have opened up (expanded fully) and working perfectly!!!!
It has been a good weekend, Tori had a few visitors Sunday, Peggy and John (jen's mom and dad) and Hoff. Tori also decided it was time to try out her laptop again and she did, straight to world of warcraft lol. Tori also posted on FB and read the guestbook on CB but has yet to post.
Tori is now off the last of her major pain meds and just on the meds she will need. Tori is also on some insulin due to her steroids and other meds over the course of 8 weeks. They say it is normal for her sugars to be a bit high at this time and it should go away.
Tori also is looking forward to getting up to walk and get to step down which is the next place down from ICU. Today she received a bed that allows are to stand up and start making her leg muscles stronger.
Tor also spoke to her homebound teacher Mary Perry and mentioned she would like to start her school work, I believe she is wanting to graduate with her class so I will ask if Tori can walk with her graduating Class of 2012 and receive her diploma when she completes her course work for this semester. I am so proud of her, there is nothing in this world Tori can't do...
Read Journal History Sign My Guestbook Read Tributes
I usually just lurk and read comments to keep up with what is happening. But the info about Tori made my heart sing!! She has been in my prayers for quite a while now, and it is so wonderful to hear how well she is doing. I can just see her walking with her graduating class with the biggest smile ever. Keeping all in prayers. Genie
Sounds like Tori is doing just what God wants her. It is so wonderful to hear such good news about Tori. She is surely and extraordinary girl. Wanting school work so she can graduate with her class. Wouldn't that be just wonderful!!!
I do hope Tori is able to complete her school work. If she is not able to complete it by the end of the year they should go ahead and let her walk with her class...and then complete her work.
Sitting here at the puter and all of asudden a pom pom flies and hits the screen silly cats good this it is soft Benny get to throwing them up high and far now I need to go buy more of them I am tired of always looking for them
ODD I just was filling out my envelope for my taxes and for some reason I always thought it was GA not TX to send it to I always had a envelope that came with book in past Guess I just never noticed it
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 425 Newer› Newest»The night light is set to turn on at 11:00pm and the sandperson will begin to make visits shortly after.
Restful sleep for all.
Lynn, I hope you enjoyed your dinner and your tummy stays happy.
Time for bed... goodnight all! See you in the morning. ♥
Judie, very cool that you and Darth are considering such a nice retirement area. Sleep well.
Hello again Eagle Family (:
Been a GREAT Day!!!!
Sandi You going to stay awake
this evening for Alcatraz?
Judie, sounds like you are close to a decision on where you are going to settle. Are you thinking of retirement now?
JO, I just watched last week's episode last night! Wanted to watch it before tonight's episode comes on. The answer is yes, I am PLANNING to watch it - we'll see what my body decides when I sit down on the sofa!
LYNN, dinner was delish!! I had some shredded cheddar jack cheese that we sprinkled on them!! I'll have to let Red know I'm hooked!
OK, I'm headed to the bathtub before House and Alcatraz come on! I sure have enjoyed spending my day off with my eagle friends! Goodnight all!
Headed off to yoga...
You all split before I read all your comments.......
Pitch dark on our nest cam
Temps are up for the week
I really hope also that the groundhogs
were all wrong
I want Spring.
Just watched Jeopardy Got a few right
Taking a break
Our fish was delicious. Now I will head back to the couch and start a new book. Finished one before dinner and I'm going to start the next one. I don't have to wonder where my daughter gets it, and I get it from my dad! Love to read, love my Kindle.
See you all in the morning ♥
WOW back from dinner with son and have lots to read chatty bunch are we LOL Red Lobster was delicious as always sooo full now and brought home some biscuits tooo
I did post the one video before I left its on the the blog to where she was calling him
I didn't post the other because Tommy called me and you can hear us talking the one of the two of the talking to each other I didn't post it because of our conversation hard to hear the eagle talk you can go on my blog and see the one I posted it is to were Belle is vocalizing I put it on the FB pages also OK now to finish reading I just read to where HODA mentioned the video didn't know if she saw I posted it at 5:27 only 5 people have view it according to the count on YT page 2 would have been me grabbing the link to it at there is one 7 views So post your that way all can see the cute conversation that they were having I loved it even with me talking to
Tommy I can hear them he as such a soft little voice for a eagle I wonder if it will change when he get older
I love Deewerms work and always compliment her on her videos OK NOW TO finsih reading BBIALW after I have caught up
Check your email I sent a question out any input will be helpful Thanks you guys are the bomb and the reason Tommy didn't want me to have cheese biscuits I was having a back up issue from toooo much cheese already and he said he was trying to save me from the cheese LOL funny kid I have and he bought a extra 6 biscuits to take home A girl at work says the Bisquick cheese biscuit are close to them has anyone tried them I really doubt they are as good
Who turned out the light at the nest it is oooooh soooo dark out there I can just barely see her head just barley
Thanks for reporting of the switch again as always still reading odd how the last couple of night that Shep comes in and relives her just before sunset He is such a good egg
LYNNE2 we miss you if and when you read this at work just know we are thinking of you always you are family to all of us ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪WE are family I got all my sister with me♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
KAY do you want a biscuit I brought three home and I will share with you all LOL
OH and I still have sausage gravy in frig from last night dinner Will be good tomorrow I hope
HI Diann welcome back
I feel so alone LOL I am heading for TV land caught up on the blog again LM LM and can't see a thing on the black black nest oopsjust saw head light and a white head Odd how the tree branches you can see still
HODA please post the link to the one where Shep landed and they had a conversation it is soo cute the one I have is but you can hear me and Tommy talking OK and thanks in advance I have such a tummy ache eating to much I guess ok now like I said a while ago check your email and let me know your opinion and now to tv land
DIann, so glad you checked in! Hope things are finally on the bright side for you!
Judie, glad you had a nice it was beautiful out there!!! You GO girl! Retirement looms!
Shirley, Kat done good!!! Hurray.
Have had my bath, and pedi is done. Will do mani after Liesl is in bed.....and she is begging already for the final lap time. She has been so very patient with me...what a good pup she is! BBIALW.
just wanted to tell you Benny jumped up on my lap while I was sitting on rocker AWWWW so sweet either he thought it was empty or he wanted petted LOL
Judie, sounds stupendous. Be SURE the sandman does not get your address there if you move...AND, I KNOW how to get to Solomon's Island...☺
Shirley: for you...does Kathryn make house calls ?? I see a new career or additional career in her future
xo Hello Eagle Pals xo
Well Lynn I could use a Pedi and a YOU do make house calls?
xo Hope your evening is superb...
yours and Liesl's
Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!
I love us!!!
Jo, I think you're being modest, bet you got more than a few right on Jeopardy
About the peanut butter jar, well it's a Party of One here, but, when I have to try get INSIDE a new jar with that impossible cardboard seal, I either use plyers, or cut a circle around the entire thing with a paring knife.
Wow fell asleep in front of tv. Have caught up on comments.
JudyE, I was are in the same county with the Dunedin Osprey Cam....ever thought of checking it with your own two eyes?
I hope you are starting to enjoy your Staycation more and more each minute !
Moon is going "new" in the morning which means it is completely invisible to us...but in a few days, watch for its beautiful infancy in the WEST, and then Venus and Jupiter will have a little romance with it also on those first few days....
before you know it will be March 8 and going Full for us ☺
G'Night Sharon... and all the inhabitants at YOUR ROOST...
share the mourning dove with you in the morning xoxoxo
Time to get squeaky clean here
ttfn Eagle Pals xox
Finished watching Alcatraz - I am enjoying the show and I know at first
I said it didn't look too good.
JudyE - Bennie surprised you - did he
stay very long?
Lynn - you're sounding perkier! What
color polish did you use? Yoy plan on going for Pancakes tomorrow?
I think I will go to IHOPS for mine!
Margy what is ttfn
Talk To ................?
ta ta for now, JO
sorry, I picked that up from Brother Prairie Dog John's wife ☺
Darn it, totally forgot about the American Experience program on WETA
mostly about Clinton's Administration I guess...
started at 9
guess it might show another time another day
Watching Hawaii Five O
I have another household thing...
why is it that the Kleenexes will pop up from the box one after another until you get about 2/3 down into the box ??? Then, I have to dig down into the box to get them one at a time or in clumps.
Drives me crazier than I already am
bought a box of Fastnachts to take to work Tuesday ☺
I forgot about the Ta Ta
One of the girl's I worked with always
said that as she left work each day...
Kleenex drives me crazy also! My fingers
at times won't even reach that far down to pull one out!
Oh the woes of life.
I am getting my pj's on
PA Nana Diann:
I know you stop by here different times of day and night
I'd like to share this
Birthday Greeting for your Jim tomorrow... ☺
Happy Birthday in Advance, Jim
Checking in to say Good Night.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health for All ;>)
Well, gang, my evening is winding down. Feeling fairly decent right now. Heading for the pillows shortly.
I missed the probably have to catch up more after I post this one.
Sandi, glad your dinner turned out well!!
JudyE---Bisquik biscuits are NO where near as good!
DanaMo, my Christie is also hooked on books on her whatever-device she has! I created a monster passing my love of reading to her!!
Good Night, Loretta...
you can tell Greg K that the Snow Goose fed the BWE eaglets and their parents many times today
Sandperson is here. I am calling it quits. See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.
Glad you are feeling better, Lynn.
Yes, Diann...happy birthday to your Jim tomorrow. It is also my Pop's birthday (Mom's Dad). He would be 127! Yikes. Been gone since '79.
Margy and Jo, I always pierce the PB thing with a knife and then tear it off from the center. Usually gets the entore foil rim thingy that way! And tissues are also a pet-peeve for me.
'Night Lynn, and Shirley, same here for me soon too...Hope Hunter is doing well...Sandperson took the jet from your place to mine...
workday Tuesday
Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative, everyone
Good Night, Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness, Comfort and Peace..
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Shar---hope the stove doesn't go out tonight!!!!!! Fill that thing up full!
Goodnight all. See that Irene left her mark....but hasn't posted. Hi, Irene!!!
Loretta---short but sweet---goodnight!!!! Park tomorrow??
Yes, JO---I am PLANNING on going tomorrow----sure hope that I wake up to a good day.
Sister is going to have her former massage/healing buddy come do some some healing work on me....probably over the weekend. More on that another time......some history behind it.
Love to all. Prayers for those in need. And thanks for yours. Peace.
Belle is up and she rolled the eggs. She was tucked in when I returend and she is facing ten. She is looking around and tilets her hed up...she is settled qgin now and is tucked in again...This is the darkest moon of the year.... I like MARGY look forward to the light returning after tonight...gradually but on its journey back.
JUDYE post your video on th blog, you do a GREAT job.I am glad you had a good supper at Red Lobster...
I am closing down for the day
I am looking for Hoda........
Good Night One & All
Prayers for all needs
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Can someone send me Grannyblt Lynne1 email addy. Thank you.
Margy & Lynn, I'll tell jim of your wishes. He's in bed after a 12 hr day.
I'm heading that way too, so saying my goodnights to all for a restful sleep.
God bless us!
P.S. I got the final question on Jeopardy! Lucky guess...
Hi all! Have been watching tv tonight and giving myself a manicure. Laughing at the conversation concerning Kleenex boxes. I find it always hard to get just one when I first open it up.
It is so very dark on the cam, but at least it seems to be peaceful.
Tomorrow or Wed we are going to Laurel's. Tomorrow is Joey's birthday, but the boys have basketball and baseball practice. However, there is a chance they will cancel because of wet fields. We will go tomorrow if baseball is cancelled, Wed. if it is not. Got that? LOL We are ready to provide a steak dinner either of the nights.
I think I am going to call it a night. Hope Lynne2 can pop in tomorrow. Miss her smiling face!!
Lynn, keep on feeling better, will ya?!
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Ok there are two other video I put on the one I didn't want to because of me talking to Tommy but you still can hear our couple having a lovely conversation I love how they speak to each other
two more video four total of todays including noon at the bottom Now its time for me to hit the bed
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Lolly, glad you had fun getting muddy ☺
Judie, lunch with friends is nice...hope you enjoyed the visit to the community
I got home, fed Nick, then took him for a walk...then went up and had some wings and couple of beers at the Ott House...nice evening out
Yes, Missing Lynne2 too!
Oh JudyE, Red Lobster, Yum. I sent around a recipe for their biscuits. They are pretty darn good. Let me know if you want it.
Diann, glad you are feeling better and can join us. Enjoy your dinner out! Happy Birthday to Jim!
Glad you are feeling better, Lynn.
I can barely see Belle's head, bbut looks like she is facing 10ish.
Heading to bed! Love you all♥
(((Hugs for all)))
OH PAULA I would love the recipe
I am still not sleepy maybe my body knows its on vacation and I don't have to get up early
I have a MAMO appt at 3 tomorrow and I want to go to the SS office just to see what I would get if I decided to retire wmt I will remember to give tom ssn also he get 2100 a month now I know there is now way I would get that but if I get half of his that may help
OK I will try to sleep The word IS TRY
Belle is awake facing eleven and chirping...her head is tracking ...she stops chirping and rolls the eggs.
This has been a particularly good day for me. No pain with my exercises, got a load of laundry done, fixed supper and had a heart-warming visit with GG.
I am off to bed...
Wanda so good to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing really GREAT. Hugs to you.
I am headed to bed I just fell asleep again. In front of tv.
Night to all
Well wishes to everyone.
Hi, Everyone,
Boy, am I glad that things seem fairly normal at the nest. Hope the trend continues.
Lynne1, so sorry to hear about your Mother. My heart goes out to you! ((HUGS)) and prayers for you and your family.
Missed getting on here this morning, but got an early start on a busy day. Kubby and I met my Sis-in-law and 2 of her grandkids, Ian and Chloe, and we went and got a bite to eat, then went to Cal Poly Pomona. We saw a lot of brand new lambs and baby goats, some pigs, and of course, the Kellogg Arabians!!! That place is horse lover's heaven!!! Oh, how I wish that you didn't have to be a Cal Poly student to volunteer to work in the stables! They have SO many truly gorgeous Arabians, it's difficult to keep one's composure!
And guess what--one of their beautiful grey mares just foaled on Saturday--a bay filly, who's going to be a real show stopper!
We're hoping to go back there on April 1st for the Sunday horse show, and to see more babies. They say they should have about 10 of them by that time! I promise to take my camera along on that trip!
LOL...You should have seen Emma when we got back home! She just about went nuts, with all the new and interesting smells on us! Oh, my!
Well, going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Lynn, sure hoping & praying that you feel ALL better tomorrow! Love you! Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]
All is quiet at the nest. I will log off.
Good night and God Bless.
Early Bird checkin' in.
Good Morning Lori and Hoda (:
Lynne1 Grannyblt so deeply sorry for the loss of your Mother.
Good morning
Hi DanaMo and the flying labs. Have you got your coffee?
Good morning, DanaMo and DanaWV!
Good Morning Lori (:
Morning Lori, Dana, and Dana! Am I seeing a spot on an eagle's head? Is this Shep sitting on the eggs already this morning?
On my second cup DanaWV
Just wrapped Aric's CARE package and I'm ready to send it to Dayton. He will be home in a little over a week for "spring" break. Although with the weather the way it's been it will be like spring break. It's only a long weekend though, and then he goes back.
Sounds like it's switch time!! And Shep is using his big boy voice in the tree! Happy talking.
Hmmm ... wonder why Shep hasn't landed to relieve Belle? I'm sure she's ready! And I have to get ready for school so, let's get a move on eagles!!
Good Morning Sandi (:
Sorry I fell asleep. Our eagle in nest calling out woke me up (: Now that is a nice wakeup hee hee
I think maybe Belle in nest not for sure.
Belle is up and stretching. Calling Shep and he's answering. Belle off!
Two little eeglets sittin' in a tree ...Oh dear daddy, where can you be?
Shep in!!
Ahh, morning swich is done. I'm off! HAGD!
Belle flew out and Shep came in
Sandi and DanaMo have a good day at the school house.
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
That was a nice switch a short time ago...
guess Belle is going out for Breakfast at the Potomac
I see NO SCHOOL in Mercer County, home of the Southern Delegation, Wahooo for Mattie and Justin, and all the school kids and teachers !
Blackwater Babies being tended to..
breakfast time for them too
Just realized my "Monday" lesson plans are actually my "Tuesday" lesson plans. Oh how those Monday holidays can throw me off.
Happy Birthday to Two Important "Js":
Lolly's Joey, and
Pa Nana Diann's Jim
Best wishes for a Super Birthday to Both ! xoxox ♥☺♥☺
Yes, nice thing though DanaMo
a Four Day Work Week for You...well School Work that is...
Same as for Sandi! Yeah!
And our other Teachers here...
Exciting, Aric will be home for a visit soon ☺
Good Morning Ladies. I'm gone for a couple days and all heck breaks loose!!! What a big day on Saturday. Read back and watched vid. WOW Sounds like there was one anxious intruder looking for a nest. Hope she stays AWAY!
Nice, early morning bird that sings in my neighborhood...
A Cardinal!
Can't wait to start hearing the Robins sing too. won't be long !
Waiting on the Mourning Dove to start at NCTC...
Hoping to see Susan on here with a full report on her trip to Canaan!
Margy, that was an early switch. Don't they know they're suppose to wait until I get up at 6:30? hehe
Loving that post from Andrea, and the trip to Cal Poly Pamona,
Too funny, Emma being to "enthusiastic" about all the Animal Scents she and kubby brought home
Way Cool, Andy !
Well, there you are Susan !
Yes how thoughtless of this Royal Pair !
Sunrise and Sunsets, earlier and later every day ! Loving it !!
So, was the fishing and Wildlifing good, Susan?
We had 14 out for the Canaan trip and, while we did NOT get any snow, it was a fab wkend with friends. Some skied, some ran around the area and we all ate very well. Our Sunday Spanish-themed dinner was fun. Paella, tostado de setas, sangria, flan, etc. made for a fun evening.
New babies for you to see, Susan...
Two at Blackwater, hatched Saturday and Sunday..
looking good !
wonderful Susan...must tell you, there was a three-eagle tussle at the nest Saturday around 3:45 pm ...
all seems pretty good now, it was probably the Stranger from Jan 24...
you can maybe check back to that date, and get to some links for pictures...
I ended up cooking much of Sunday and did not get to fish. That was all good, too. Left early yesterday to get back to town to go to doc appt with friend.
one thing we can thank any Strangers for at NCTC -
they are helping Shep get his Big Boy Voice....
getting ready for work here....
Best Wishes for a Good Day to Every One
xoxo be back before I leave....
I remember now that you were going to do that Susan....♥
very glad to hear you had a nice time, we missed you....
ttfn xo
We had dinner at White Grass Saturday night and it was FAB, as always.
Lots of deer and squirrels, red tail hawks... and something I saw while en route. A large bird perched in a tree with a very white chest and dark brown or black wings. Couldn't ID at 70 MPH. ha Still has me puzzled.
Besides a rabbit brought in before the hatches, and the Snow Goose after the hatches....have not seen any FISH or anything else come in to Blackwater....
maybe today
Margy, I checked in Saturday evening and was horrified at the reports. What a hot mess of eagles on that nest just before 4pm. DANG
You'll probably get some suggestions on that Susan...maybe some kind of Hawk, if Loretta sees your post...she might be On It !
Good Morning Margy (:
I left a nice big comment for you and had to re-boot.
Cake is beautiful thought it was for Master James.
Just glad to see our eagles and eggs in tact.
Hi WVsUSAn so very nice to have you back. Good Morning (:
Sounds like a lot of fun had by all.
Yes, the cake on the avatar is form James's birthday Dana...
now it's up for Diann's Jim ☺
Yes BW chicks have been fed well. I sent Lisa a feeding picture this morning. So cute and tiny awww
Shep rolling those 2 eggs
Margy, I'll watch to see if Loretta has any ideas. I was thinking maybe a juvie in colors I didn't recognize. He looked like he was wearing a white shirt and jacket. Couldn't tell much about the head. lol
Shep is tenderly rolling the eggs.
Margy you know how we had Red go up and talk to Shep and everything after that went so well. I think his bigboy/bigman voice came from Red being in rehab not going home. Red is down there yelling so Shep decided since Red talked with him to show Red he/Shep can yell too We love you Red. (:
Frost is on the pumpkin/car 20 degrees out there at my place this morning.
Sun starting to hit the nest.
Dana, that's funny about Red and Shep. Thanks Red.
WVsUSAn Red had his hip replacement everything went very good. Don't know if you know this or not. They had him stay instead of going home at the rehab place.
We emailed notes and Red's wife Diane is going to take them to him.
He of course wanted to come home and do outpatient rehab. That is why I say he is probably yelling lol
Staying at the rehab facility that first few days to a week is key. Glad Red is doing so well.
You know I was just thinking. When these eggs hatch. I can't wait to see Shep helping to feed the tiny chicks. A kid eagle that didn't even know how to do HP right. To a Dad that is so caring to lay on those eggs. (: Does warm your heart doesn't it.
Good Morning ! Nice to bring the cam up to see Shep basking in the ☼ and caring for his egglets.
Think I've caught up with the posts.
JUDY, thanks for the R.L. biscuit offer ! LOL Stan and I always brought some home back in the day.
MARGY, enjoyed your plea for house calls by Kathryn, the Plumber and LYNN, the Mani/Pedi artist ! Sure would be nice if we all lived closed enough to do some bartering ! Many of you are sooooo talented !
JO, switch to Puff's to avoid those Kleenex box woes. ☺
LYNN, you and I enter a new jar of PB the same way. It's a good seal, but do any of those PB producers ever try to get into their own product ???
♫ Happy Birthday ♫ to Diann's Jim and Lolly's sil, Joey aka Elvis !
Birthday wishes to Jim and Elvis.
Dana, agree with Shep's progress. He is going to be sooooo thrilled when the eggs hatch.
ANDY, what a beautiful picture you paint of the CalPoly Pomona experience ! Will look forward to pics when you return in April ! Wonder what kind of images Emma conjured up with her detective nose ? LOL
Having assured myself all is well with my dear Early Bird Buds and our Regal Eagles, I'm off to deal with a "pile" of e-mails, several newspapers, a few household chores......BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I went to school at Cal Poly Pomona! The beautiful tree lined drive into the main campus is a memory I'll keep forever. I grew up 15 minutes from there.
Kay good eagle morning to you (:
I have been wondering too about Emma. Wouldn't it be neat if we was able to see the pictures going through her mind and she smelt the different smells. lol
Happy Birthday to Diann's Jim and to Joey
Time for me to go too.
defroster has the frost off the windshield now, Song Sparrow outside crooning like crazy!
Kay - I'll try Puffs...☺
Best Wishes to Wanda, Gene and all their Church Family on the Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet this afternoon....Wanda...I know you will behave yourself....☺
everyone will be sooooo happy to see you there...
Hear woodpecker drumming a little distant from the nest....
I hope all the Puny Feelings anyone has had were left behind in the darkness of night , never to return !
And Best Wishes on all Shrove Tuesday happenings...
Lent Starts Wednesday, Ash Wednesday
xoxo ttfn ☺
I look forward to my be-bopping radio time on the way to work ♀ ♫
I look forward to your listening, Margy! I can use that picture of your sunny smile in my head. :)
Good day to all the smiling faces. Must get out to the office. Healing thoughts to those in need and hoping everyone has great day.
Well I am waiting for TV to be delivered and the wooden stand it goes on. They are going to have to put the stand together for me. I can't. Of course had to pay extra for that. My hands can hardly hold a coffee cup. Did something the dr. wanted me to try. He and I both decided it made things WORSE..set off the neck and the spine. Although I had to give it a try since he ask me too. Doctor so wishes I could take pain medication. He has tried all different kinds, different strengths and they all give me hallucinations. We did laugh he and I when he tried a pediatric pain drug and it still made me hallucinate. So me neck, hands, arm, spine and legs have not been feeling too good. I just figure like this "it could be worse"...that is the only way I get through it. Of course with the Helping Hand Of God.
Off you go Margy riding with the songs helping you bee blob along.
Good morning everyone.
Have a wonderful day.
I think that should have been bee bopping to the music.
Good Morning Judie (:
How is Darth?
good morning one and all.....have been popping in here and there but haven't had a moment to post, really.
last friday started a few hectic days; my dobie woke up in severe pain. she has a lipoma under her left leg and its huge...goes from the posterior portion to the anterior portion, under the a big fat pillow of liquid under there. so took her to the vet; she is basically on hospice care....pain meds daily. it hasn't stoned her out....but she is acting normal again....still has interest in eating, we have her for a bit longer. thankfully the doc felt like i did, with her being 12, poking, prodding, and running labs just weren't waranted. just keep her comfy. she said there is a change, it happens often enough to mention that a malginant sacroma could be present under the like i said, she is on pain meds.
and some other stressful things happened friday night, and so, yeah, was glad when friday left.
weekend was busy. i am home today, my young en has an ear ache...again. same ear. will call the dr in a bit and get her in. she's been complaining about it being 'stuff' we shall see.
anyway, will try to catch up on posts as i can today.
smiles to all. wishing everyone a fabulous day!!!!
Good morning my eagle budlets!
Good Shrove Tuesday morning all. What are you giving up for Lent??
Looks like Mardi Gras is in full swing in the Big Easy.
Happy B-day to the J' Pop was also a James!
Kay, I use Puffs, too....but they also have their problems sometimes!
Feeling decent so far this morning, but need to head to the tub....had a sweaty night!
sUSAn, sounds like a super-fun weekend.
And Andy, what a great day you had yesterday. Wish I had been there!
Lori, cool that you went to school at Cal Poly.....what was your major?
Well, crap, I didn't get through on the 8:05 call. Lori, how in the world does anybody get through?
Sharon, If it were me I'd call a little early to beat the crowd! :)
Lynn, I was a Political Science major...still need to finish that up but was never in one place long enough to do it. Was thinking I could try finishing online!
Janet, so sorry about your dobie. I had a bulldog that had a histiocytic (sp) sarcoma. Was very hard to watch that thing grow. Prayers for her comfort and you. Hope your little one's ear gets to feeling better, fast!
Belle just dropped in, standing in the nest, Shep still on eggs
She is diggin in the far end of the bowl, Shep finally gets up and flies to the 9 branch...think he took off....Belle moves to the eggs
Morning all, quick check in before we head out again - possibly w/o internet from Thurs - Mon.
Expecting everyone to hold their own or improve as the case may be. No dramas, please.
With Tori, donors, etc always in mind noticed an interesting/inspiring story about the kidney donor program. They were able to document 17 cases of "paying it forward" from one donation. The first recipients family, in thankfulness for a strangers kidney donation, matched & donated a kidney to a stranger, that recipients extended family had a member match & donate a kidney, and on & on 17 times. How cool is that!!
On another note, I think I have removed the need to disprove you are a robot when looking at my blog pics. One can only hope.
Take care all, will lurk as time allows.
Good Morniing to all that came in while I was napping again lol
Janet I am sorry to hear about dobie. I am glad not in pain.
Lori yes yes yes take those classes online if you can.
My daughter is so happy she has started. Just wished she wasn't working so many hours. Soon her long drive will end. They will get a place closer when lease it up. May I think. That will help so much.
Between the end of Feb. and mid-March, there will be controlled burns at NCTC to clear brush, etc. Appx. 33 acres will be involved. Due to weather conditions, advance notice of burn days will not be available.
So if you see smoke, don't be alarmed!!
GooD MorNiNG, aLL.
[:~D] Jim
Hey Lori, are you on Twitter?
Hi Jim !!!
How are the eyes doing?
Ha, ha, ha. The blog is really screwed up ... I checked out the 'earliest' comments on this thread, and now I have to write another comment to return to section I was in originally.
[:~D] Jim
No, barely on FB, Sharon.
Lori - gotcha! I am everydaggonewhere!
Good "Fat Tuesday" Morning to all!
My feet have hit the floor and I am
in front of my computer already just
to see that all is well......
They best not burn near our Sycamore Palace But then they won't due to the Barn being right in front of it.
Not to worry - BRB
Coffee sipping time!
They have probably done these burns many times. We just never knew about them.
Thanks for asking, Dana. Both eyes are doing very well, and they are getting better every day as the lenses "settle in."
I think I can read (even fine print) better than I could for some time before I was aware there was anything wrong. Only problem with that is that I have to hold the printed matter almost at arm's length to see it clearly, so some of the very smallest print is out of range.
But that kind of thing is changing a little each day too, so it's not possible to say exactly where it will be by March 8th, my next appointment. I think the doctor will decide whether I should get glasses on that visit.
I'm extremely happy with the results of the surgeries, and I think I'm cured for all practical purposes now.
I haven't been driving for 3-4 months, at least, and I am anxious to get back to it, but I have to get the car worked on first... I should get started on that.
[:~D] Jim
From Robyn:
Journal TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 9:33 AM, EST
Stand up bed
Dr. Iacono came in yesterday and said Tori's lungs have opened up (expanded fully) and working perfectly!!!!
It has been a good weekend, Tori had a few visitors Sunday, Peggy and John (jen's mom and dad) and Hoff. Tori also decided it was time to try out her laptop again and she did, straight to world of warcraft lol. Tori also posted on FB and read the guestbook on CB but has yet to post.
Tori is now off the last of her major pain meds and just on the meds she will need. Tori is also on some insulin due to her steroids and other meds over the course of 8 weeks. They say it is normal for her sugars to be a bit high at this time and it should go away.
Tori also is looking forward to getting up to walk and get to step down which is the next place down from ICU. Today she received a bed that allows are to stand up and start making her leg muscles stronger.
Tor also spoke to her homebound teacher Mary Perry and mentioned she would like to start her school work, I believe she is wanting to graduate with her class so I will ask if Tori can walk with her graduating Class of 2012 and receive her diploma when she completes her course work for this semester. I am so proud of her, there is nothing in this world Tori can't do...
Read Journal History Sign My Guestbook Read Tributes
Morning everyone. What is that I see next to the eagle?
Also, has anyone been able to see that both eggs are there and seemingly fine?
I usually just lurk and read comments to keep up with what is happening. But the info about Tori made my heart sing!! She has been in my prayers for quite a while now, and it is so wonderful to hear how well she is doing. I can just see her walking with her graduating class with the biggest smile ever. Keeping all in prayers. Genie
Sounds like Tori is doing just what God wants her. It is so wonderful to hear such good news about Tori. She is surely and extraordinary girl.
Wanting school work so she can graduate with her class. Wouldn't that be just wonderful!!!
Delphia both eggs are there and doing just fine (:
Nice to meet you, Genie!
Delphia, both eggs are fine.
That is just some sort of nesting material next to Belle.
Missed the train again Lori! :)
Good morning! I was wondering about the white stuff next to Belle, too. Sounds like a very windy day at the nest.
It was in the 30's here this morning and headed back up to the 60's. High 70's later on this week.
God is good all the time!! Tori is rocking this life!!!!!
Hi Genie,
Nice to hear from you.
I do hope Tori is able to complete her school work. If she is not able to complete it by the end of the year they should go ahead and let her walk with her class...and then complete her work.
Lolly, I think that is what they are planning on doing.
And a fine windy day at the nest morning to all the eagle buds
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Lolly's Joey, and
Pa Nana Diann's Jim
OH sis so sorry about your dobie
so neat that you found a hospice for dogs I saw the thing on FB you posted
YEAH for TORI thanks for posting the post sounds like she is doing great and that is good to hear
Good late morning everyone.
HI Genie welcome and pop in more often we are addicting
About daggone time you are getting up T-Bird!
Sitting here at the puter and all of asudden a pom pom flies and hits the screen silly cats good this it is soft Benny get to throwing them up high and far now I need to go buy more of them I am tired of always looking for them
New short video of Jewel and one of the cubs. Really cute!
Jewel and Cub
Good Morning! Finally RAIN in the forecast and up to 41 today in Montana.
ODD I just was filling out my envelope for my taxes and for some reason I always thought it was GA not TX to send it to I always had a envelope that came with book in past Guess I just never noticed it
Heat wave huh IRENE
Belle calling out, up off the eggs
Up and off to the left
Geesh, blogger is slow as Molasses today.
She must have been calling out because Shep had arrived....he flew down from the tree
We sure do have some good parents.
So glad you said that PAULA I thought it was just me and maybe NORTON running a scan
PLEASE PLEASE CAN I have the biscuit recipe I posted it last night but may have been missed that I would love to have it
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