Have been reading the comments on the NBG cam page this morning. It appears that the female that the male was seen mating with in early Jan. - the one that then disappeared and was presumed dead - came back to the nest yesterday and was seen in the nest with the male, and she is also back in the nest with the male this morning! Now THAT is some drama! The male has been seen in the nest with both females within the past few days and has not been overly aggressive with either of them!!
OM goodness with the NBG nest shocker for sure I went to the couch by myself they are playing they were rubbing against me earlier to be petted so I must have missed my opportunity lol
ok I am now going to watch the news and if I get company on the couch I wil pet them but they are still chasing each other all over the house bouncing of walls almost sooooo funny
I thought NBG had determined the dead eagle they found was the female from the nest. Sandi, do they now think it wasn't, that she is back and new female is still there, too???? Now that is some drama.
JUDYE....your new furbabies are so pretty! i know they appreciate a good home with food, warmth, a place to play and lots of love. even though mine drive me bonkers some days.....(i have enough for you me and someone else, too, i'm afraid) i can't imagine life with out them....
my "kids" are getting moved. been an adventure so far. the packers came on thursday, had everything packed, in the truck and rolled down the drive with a delivery date for friday. easy right? NOT> the townhouse complex called not 30 min later and told them they could not move in, there was a massive water main break UNDER the floor of the new place and they would be jackhammering and they could not move in til tuesday! so my son in law, chris, to the rescue. he headed down there and figured out they could simply move into the townhouse right next door. as they were having things delivered etc, over the next couple of days, that works okay....
so yesterday, friday, they got my granddaughter enrolled in school. prek however is full so jack wont' be able to attend the rest of this year. :( sad for him.....BUT......it isn't forever. and they got started on the unpacking.... a bit anyway.
i picked up the grandkids @ 2:30 after work, and we went and played at the playground in front of olivia's school (youngest daughter) til she got out of school....
livvy (aka olivia, or liv) was supposed to have Saturday school today, but she woke up with a sore throat and fever, so i'm keeping her home. i will cook bacon and eggs for breakfast in a few min and then the kids will have a decent start to the day before they go unpack. we will keep the grandkids today......easier to unpack without the i'm bored! mom he touched me! mom she's being me...patrol....they are my perfect grandkids, lol, but they are just kids. and i agree, packing and unpacking are BORING for kids.
i was going to a class today, an energy balancing class, but that has been postponed. rain today, so i see a quiet day on tap. think i'll make lasange for dinner. :)
well, let me get started on my day. yeeee hawww. i will touch base later as i can. i peeked into the nest...no eggs. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm told judy, feel like an expectant father in the waiting room, lol.
everyone, i wish you a happy and wonderful day! SMILES
There are two ways to spread light; to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.
Susan, based on what I've read from yesterday, last night, and this AM, they believe the female that was IN the nest yesterday is the one from earlier in Jan. that was presumed dead. What's so interesting to me is that the male has allowed BOTH females in the nest! A gal named Rhoda posted a link to video footage that she has showing one female in the nest with the male on 1/24 and then a different female in the nest with him yesterday! One of the moderators said there will be a line of photographers a mile long waiting to get into NBG today to try to capture the ongoing drama!
Sandi - what a story. I'll have to start following them closer with the events and players changing every day. wow Just have to wander how in the world they will have eggs/eaglets this year. Gonna be crowded on the nest with Pa Norfolk's harem.
Susan, someone posted on FB last night, "Daddy's got some 'splainin to do!!" For sure! I agree that, with all this drama AND 2 new females, it could be a tough year for the possibility of eaglets!
My daughter came in from work yesterday to find her cat had a shattered shoulder, probably from a fall? Unknown. Took Pookie to the vet with a dangling leg and the vet wanted to send her to the Rainbow or amputate. Well, Andrea is picking up her now three-legged Pookie this morning. WOW Poor baby, both of them. We were already going to her house for a Super Bowl sleepover so I'm so glad We will be with her this weekend.
WOW! So Shep brought food to the nest for Belle?? That's terrific! I've been sitting here all morning but went to get a load of laundry and they came back!
Susan, I have a friend whose cat lost a hind leg. Once she recovered, she scaled her scratching post and ran and jumped like she always had. Still, I'm sure this is traumatic for your daughter and Pookie!
Susan, so sorry about Pookie, but I'll just bet he'll adjust just fine to being on 3 legs....most animals do!
Sandi, last year we learned during the intrusion at our nest, that females will fight other females, males other males, but the sexes don't fight each other. The gals at NBG will have to fight it out between them. That pair is probably NOT very bonded yet as the female was new to the male, and he will probably stay out of it as there are no eggs to protect.
LYNNE2, someone on the moderated comments asked about the male mating with 2 different females since eagles mate for life. Their response, like you say, was that the male at NBG really hasn't formed a strong bond with any female yet. PAULA, you are correct that there was no definitive word on the dead eagle being the one everyone was seeing with the male; it was just a presumption made when a new female was seen mating with the male. All so fascinating to me, the things we are able to witness and learn from watching nature from the comfort of our home!
LYNNE, Bandit has been back on the Dasuquin (sp?) that I had run out of and not gotten a new bottle of (I had bought something less expensive at the pet store) and back on FortiFlora (he has had bouts of colitis off and on for most of his life). I'm wondering if either the arthritis in his hips or stomach spasms were making him grouchy. It's been 2 months since his last urinalysis, which showed no new crystals or stones, so I want to have that checked as well.
Morning all from the northwoods. Pics of timber clearing on blog.
See Belle is keeping everyone on pins & needles. Such a tease. Can hardly wait!!
WV Susan - we had a stray cat under our porch one year. Finally caught it and discovered a broken leg/shoulder. Vet had to amputate. Daughter & family gave it a home. At the time she had 2 large dogs & 2 small children. Cat stayed only one night at vets. From the day they took the cat she was inseparable from the kids - stiches & all. Now - several years later - she plays w/dogs & kids - loves up any company & is best buddies with the 8 month old - tolerates anything & everyone. Best of luck!
Glad to see all with ailments/operations are doing well. How fortunate to have the medical advancements of today!
OMG----I just woke up 20 mins. ago! WOW. Can't believe that Liesl wasn't howling for chow long ago! Guess I needed it, and I DID sleep very well! Feeling GOOD! Guess I needed to store up energy in order to build and tend toa fire this afternoon, with wet weather coming! Will I ever get caught up with you all???
Good Morning Lori, Margy, DanaMo, Sandi,JudyE, WVSusan, Janet, telma, Lynne2, and Paula.
Hoping Andy can get an electrician soon.
Shirley 2 felines between your legs. Now that doesn't sound just right lol I am happy Bennie and Girly decided they needed their Mommy during the night. Yea!!
Sandi our cat learned when she was a kitten to stop getting up on the counter. So you can teach them not to do that. I am so happy that Bandit is not as grouchy and you can brush his teeth and pet him. Hoping the urine sample will tell the story and hope it isn't a bad story. Just one that needs meds (:
I think Shep is confused!! He see Belle eating in nest. Doesn't he get the idea he has to bring in food. So he flys out like,"I'm the perfect guy to do this for Belle". Flys back in with flugg and looks at Belle like,"Aren't you proud of me your big Man?" lol Belle looks back at him like, "Dummy your suppose to have brought in this fish that I did. So I don't have to bring in food"!!!
Ladies you are talking about at NBG possible 2 females with 1 male. They had that for a long time at West End Nest.
WVSusan sorry to hear about your daughters cat Pookie. We had a dog that it large femur was broken. Vet said he will not put a pen in because it would cause her later to have arthritis. She learned to run and play and it never bothered or stopped her from stairs or anything with the 3 legs. Fourth leg just dangled and would sometimes swing like a broken leg. She would actually put in down sometimes and walk or run on it. I was sad for but learned not to be. She was as happy or happier than any dog I ever seen. Good though that you all will be there for support for daughter. Cause I remember crying and crying. Your daughter will go through a rough time for awhile.
Sandi, I KNOW Pookie will be fine...maybe a bit awkward during recovery, but they really do adjust very well in a short time. But as DanaWV said, no doubt it's hard on her people!
Good morning! I see Belle chowing down. Have been reading the blog and saw Shep leave and come back with a stick. His leaving was beautiful as you could see him way below the nest. Cool!
Very interesting about the NBG nest. Are they sister wives? Is that what they call it? LOL
Oh, poor Pookie. Wonder what he did? Annie is not a climber, never has been. It is like she is afraid to jump. Fine with me. She has never jumped on the counter and we could keep her out of the living room with just a child's gate across the opening. On the other hand we had Misty who liked to get on top of the refrig. She jumped from there at "9 mo pg" and lost some of the kitties.
Time to read the paper. We leave in about an hour for basketball.
DANAWV, where is there a video showing the fish that was brought in? Susan is saying she saw Shep bring it and, if so, that's HUGE b/c it's something I've been concerned about! LYNNE2, we noticed an improvement in Bandit's playfulness about a month after he started on the Dasaquin. But, when the bottle ran out, I looked for a less expensive alternative. Hope that was just a mistake on my part. I'm waiting to hear from Denny (he does the walks) that Bandit is willing to take longer walks; that will be an encouraging sign as well that the grouchiness has been arthritis-pain related.
Dana, vet said the wound appeared impailed (sp). Golf ball sized hole with shattered bones at shoulder. Yikes. Maybe jumped out of a tree and landed on something? Bless her heart, she is such a sweetie.
Again, so glad to hear of the success stories shared.
Sounds like I have missed something with NBG....geesh. Don't need this drama. And Goldens at BW....and now WE have THREE again???? (snicker, snicker...).
Jan works at MANCHESTER!!!! What a funny small world! Don't know why it's taken me this long to make the connection! She works at MVS on Wednesdays, and 2 or 3 Fridays a month!
Oh, Shirley, poor Susan---so painful. I presume the x-ray was negative??? Know she HATES the thought of missing a day. Hope she feels better fast!
Wanda, darlin', getting the staples out will make worlds of difference!!!! Come on, Weds.!!!
I agree with Margy and DanaWV---would love an IHOP here. WOuld rather have that than the Olive Garden....I make better Italian than they do! Yummm---Janet is making Lasagna tonight! I COULD, but probaby a bit too rich for me yet. :(
Yep, Lori, I was thinking that Belle probably decided to use her last moonlit night of freedom to soar up and down the river!!!! With rain tonight, and egg imminent, she was just enjoying her last few moments of no responsibility!!!!
JudyE--and Sandi for Mom if she decided she would like a cat: a squirt bottle of water does the training trick!!!!! That's what Christie used!
1 year ago for Boo to have gone and for you Panda lovers it was two years ago today, we said farewell to Tai Shan and Mei Lan. We miss them both. I am glad they are are both healthy and happy in China.
Busy and lots of info on this page of the blog. Benny & Jet seem to be doing well as I think Pookie will also!
GOOD MORNING, LADIES... I have been reading our blog for so long (this morning) and it has been so enjoyable for this HOME BOUND Momster. It is like watching THE VIEW, with much more interesting characters and subjects/situations. I can picture each and everyone of you sitting in a large, comfy room, with a fire in the fireplace, drinking coffee and tea and watching our nest on a big screen TV. Don't go anywhere, LOLLY and JACK may pop in any minute with breakfast. Love you all...you make my day!♥
Just glanced out to the deck and there is a beautiful downy woodpecker getting some seeds. His colorings are so vibrant. Yesterday I had a blue jay and a lady cardinal and lots of Titmouse and Juncos. Of course the squirrels ruled. Driving home yesterday coming down the ramp my hubby literally slowed to a stop and I thought something was in the road. But he was pointing up and out of his window and there up high in a tree was a beautiful red tail hawk. So proud of how my training & love of the birds is taking hold of my entire family.
She has been putting in very long hours trying to get the store in shape. She said that the stockroom is a mess, and she has been trying to organize it. She said that running the store will be a "piece of cake" once things are organized. I hope so.
She did say that she does not feel too bad about taking a day off since she has far exceeded a 40-hour work week.
Kathryn just talked with her. She is obeying doctor's orders and taking it easy today.
JO, Capt. Gene will do my PT today. Mel will not be back until Monday and PT MUST be done everyday. This is going to be a hoot!:) Soon as pain pill takes affect (effect, Shirley?) 1 HOUR OF 30 reps of 8 different exercises. I don't use the walker at all now...just MR. EAGLE or nothing:)
Peeked at OC forum....see that the Sharon poster lives 3 miles from the nest.
Need to check email and FB and get on the newspapers! So far behind today. Want to get all the wind debris blown off the deck, too, before they get wet again.
All the SuperBowl hype is wearing thin...I just don't give a darn this year. Will tape it so I can fast-mo to ads....but not planning to watch game. Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales have a new ad!!! Can't wait to see it!
It is just so hard, when you do your very best in everything at life only to be blasted at by someone who hasn't a clue and is affected by years of drug abuse.
I still love my brother, but he is up to his tricks again trying to get my brother in KY to help him and I worry about everyone involved!
Being the peacemaker I have always been, I am trying to protect the brother in KY, too!
I just got a very nasty email from the drug affected brother telling me I am a fake and that he hopes a crisis comes my way so everyone can see how the "high and mighty" handles it. This is the very same brother that called me and asked me to come to FL when he was in the hospital last June. I was there in 12 hours.
It is very involved and has been going on for 8 years. We lost his daughter who is now 6 because he wouldn't let the family adopt her to save her from having to go to strangers. They signed away their rights and allowed strangers to adopt her. That is another long story. I miss that child so much!
Okay, I am venting and not working!!
Thanks for the love and support. Momsters are so incredibly supporting.....each and every one!!
I just have to put it out of my mind and think higher thoughts!!
Threesome in NBG is very much a drama and along with the drama of a possible eviction scenario from the airport they will have their hands full over there...
LYNN so glad you had a long and restful sleep...this is a good sign.
Is super bowl this weekend? I had better go do some homework then Ney York and who are playing? Is it New York? I think so...
I go to an earlier yoga class today so I will go get ready.
I might have posted this article before, but it is a good one. It was in the Washington Post in 2000, so it has been awhile now. I am glad I was able to find it again.
I do remember seeing "The Beast" in the school's parking lot. I really do not know what has happened to it since 2000. Or the mice. Or the snake. Hmm. Now you will have to read the article.
PRAYERS LINDA... He is sick. Don't take on what he says when he is in such a state...He is sick and you can not rescue him...don't put yourself in a situation where his words hurt you...
Okay---so the potassium is orange and mildly flavored. Tolerable in water. Sure can't see mixing it in "your favorite morning beverage" as they state. Might be okay in tea....or OJ if I drank it, but I don't. This is like Tang.
Oh, Linda, I am sorry that you have to deal with this. Many of us can empathize with you. My father-in-law was an alcoholic. Many times he was a wonderful person, but not when he was drinking.
He finally overcame it and became active in AA. There is hope, but the person has to make his or her own decision about it.
Tee hee, Lynn. I think it is funny that you will record the game so that you can fast-forward to the commercials. I expect you aren't the only one who will do this, but it is still amusing.
Unfortunately my brother is also a pathological liar, a major scam artist, and involved in drugs of some sort. He can scam the best. It is so much more than the drugs and he has no conscience or care of who he steals from - meaning his own family.
He stole my Mom's credit cards and checks when they put her on a respirator (which should have never been in the hospital in the first place) and ran up thousands of dollars of bills. He has been stealing from my Mom for 8 years. Now he has to find someone else to scam......
Hopefully my brother in KY is prepared for what he is getting into. He has agreed to let Bobby (the drug brother) come to KY and he is going to give him a job and help him. I worry for the KY brother(Brian) and his family.
Good Morning CarolAnne, Lynn, Lolly, Mema Jo, Wanda, Linda. Hoda. By the time I get this pasted as a comment I will have to be leaving lol
Paula I am so happy that for you. You must have known not to wait long and you needed a dog and I'm glad it was Nick. He sure has been the best and perfect dog for you and you for him,♥♥
Oh Margy I agree IHOP instead of Olive Garden. Which I will eat at but no salad. Darn I hate not being able not to eat salads.grrrrr
Linda I added your brother to my prayer list back when your Mother was in the hospital. For his addition problem with drugs. It is very hard on family members also. So I have the entire family on the prayer list. Linda there is NOTHING NO NOT NOTHING you can do to help this brother on drugs. Other than leaving him hit his own rock button. Which you may have thought at time he did. He has not hit HIS rock bottom which is the only thing that will make him seek help for himself and stay with the program. Love you Honey but you are always trying to help the other brother that is not on drugs to not enable the one that is. That still takes a toll on you sweetheart. Linda if brother on drugs called you "a chair". You of course now you are not a chair. See he is only trying to hurt you with words. Don't read his email. That makes it like a ball game when you read or talk on phone with him. If you read it and send him a note back. It is like he pitches the ball and you pitch it back. Then he is going to at some point in time. Pitch that ball right back again. Now you will know why I have you and family on prayer list.
Oh Lynn I love the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales ads!!!!!! Don't know if I will be taping the game or watching it.
Lori you are so funny. From my comment I mistaken Shirley for JudyE having the cats. I love your comment to Shirley. "Shirley, I wondered how you were going to feel finding out you had two cats you didn't know, sleepling with you last night". Oh Lori you make me SICLMBO=Sit In Chair Laughing My Butt Off!!!!!!!!
JudyE I love your two cats sleeping with you whether between your legs, at the foot of the bed, at the head of the bed or beside you in bed. Love hearing about Benny and Jet.♥♥
I appreciate your concern, Linda. It sounds like a treatment center is in order.
My father-in-law had to go through more than one session at more than one center. He was at Hazelden for awhile. I think that was the place that finally turned him around.
Hmmm . . . I was kind of leaning towards Ben & Jerry (Jeri) for the cats . . . you know - like ice cream :o)
Hedgie - nest was in a blue bird house. Do not know who actually built nest - did not see any bluebirds around. The bottom of nest is moss and the rest is built out of pet hair. We always toss the hair out of the pet brush into the yard. Very soft.
PAULA, IHOP in Frederick is on 80 in the big newer shopping center where the movie theatres are...just south of 270. There's also a Coldwater Creek, Macaroni Grill and Chico's in there.
PAULA - Brian in KY is as aware as we can make him. I have emailed Brian to let him the more recent scams Bobby has been up to, so he goes into this thing with his eyes wide open.
Brian has a soft heart, but hopefully isn't stupid. I don't think it will be too long before he washes his hands of Bobby, but I fear the damage that could be done during that time he is there. Brian is a big boy and has to make his own decisions and he is well aware of the nightmares we have all struggled with over the last 8 years.
I have kept my distance and only on a few occasions have I helped financially with my other brothers, but every time we have tried, it failed.
I won't do anymore for Bobby I truly believe he absolutely must do this on his own and not with the help of his family. Bobby just wants people to do for him.
It really is sad. Thanks for the advice. We all have some of this in our families somewhere along the line. This has just been a roller coaster with Bobby and I really felt it contributed to my mother's death. He definitely put so much stress on her, that her health couldn't handle it.
They just put a MiMi's Cafe, cute little chain place in there. I used to eat there all the time in LA, but haven't tried this one yet. It's great for salads and comfort foods.
Shirley, glad that Susie IS staying off her foot. GOod that she has positive vibes about "her" store....she'll get it whipped into shape in no time!!
WIll read the article about John in a little while.
Linda, do NOT pay one bit of attention to the hurtful words. They are meaningless babblings of an addict who wants to blame everyone else for his failings. Crises??? As if you HAVEN'T had more than anyone should have to deal with......and let the KY bro fight HIS own battle with him. You can't do it all. What a crying shame about the little niece. My heart breaks for her and you.
Thanks, Hoda. Feeling pretty decent!! Just pacing myself not to overdo. Thinking I will take after you and have a sweet tater for dinner....have some luscious pumpkin butter Christie and I found at the store that should be tasty with it and alittle brown sugar, huh??
Wanda, you are such a delight to our hearts!!! Your determination will have even Mr. Eagle cane thrown to the side in no time!! Hope the Capt. is a gentle therapist, but not TOO easy on you!!!
My trick to get to the newest page is not working this morning - so I just jump in with both feet and catch up with you. My click on red Friday letters and then to the newest update only bring me to 200 page.
Linda, Your brother makes my "unreasonable" brother look like a saint. Not really, but a little. He causes my mother so much grief that I, too, worry for her health. He's moved back in with her and while he doesn't steal her $$, he steals her spirit with his bad decisions. No matter how old the "kids" are, a mother will always worry, especially when they're back living at home. I hope for the sake of all, that both of our brothers soon find their way.
Jo, I was having the same problem and it finally began showing the NEWEST option where I could see the most recent posts. Was such a pain jumping around trying to post and read. Then, it just came back and worked properly. Thank goodness.
Well, I'm going to pack up the netbook and head out to see my three-legged grandcat. Andrea says she is resting and doing well and Andrea sounds good, too. Can't wait to see them all.
Everyone have a blessed day and I'll check back later.
LYNN - I know you are right and I so appreciate your kind words! It just hurts when you open your email to find something like that. He had lost my email for a while and it was nice not getting nonsense emails from him. If they continue, I will block his email from my inbox. Thanks! ♥
WVsUSAn - Oh....the stories I could tell you about this brother and his scams. I found out through looking at his bank account that he must have found some kind of payday advance online loans and scammed them out of about $1200 last month. Then he closed his bank account so they couldn't draft his account for pay backs. I could tell you years of stories like that.
Years ago, he refinanced a condo that he and his ex-wife owned and took out $80k in equity and somehow forged his ex-wife's signature and by the time she found out, the cash was long gone.
Even more years back when we thought he was respectable, he stole about $10k from the little kids football league he was president of.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 778 of 778SANDI, I hope the urinalysis gives the some answers. I think it's good you're still socializing him.
He is banging on the door LOL
HP is on the blog now again only 21 sec long and what is he banging with
HP again
JudyE, love that avatar. Just think how many of us will be in the one in April! Are you coming up?
good news about Bandit SANDI
Have been reading the comments on the NBG cam page this morning. It appears that the female that the male was seen mating with in early Jan. - the one that then disappeared and was presumed dead - came back to the nest yesterday and was seen in the nest with the male, and she is also back in the nest with the male this morning! Now THAT is some drama! The male has been seen in the nest with both females within the past few days and has not been overly aggressive with either of them!!
Since it's not Open House anymore in April, we can call it the Momster Eagle Festival or something!
I don't think I can make it with me possible taking a pay cut I have to watch my pennys so to speak EAGLE CALL
I am heading to the couch so I can pet my new family
Angie should help you JudyE for being such a wonderful Grandma to Jordyn! :)
Good Morning Ladies! I think all that clunking sound was Shep practicing HP on the camera. haha Man, that boy is rough on a gal.
OM goodness with the NBG nest shocker for sure I went to the couch by myself they are playing they were rubbing against me earlier to be petted so I must have missed my opportunity lol
Angie and Carl live from pay check to pay check as it is
I love it humping the camera in other words LOL
I am still laughing out loud good thing the camera isn't rolling LOL
I think so JudyE
ok I am now going to watch the news and if I get company on the couch I wil pet them but they are still chasing each other all over the house bouncing of walls almost sooooo funny
I thought NBG had determined the dead eagle they found was the female from the nest. Sandi, do they now think it wasn't, that she is back and new female is still there, too???? Now that is some drama.
Good bright Saturday morning to one and to all!
JUDYE....your new furbabies are so pretty! i know they appreciate a good home with food, warmth, a place to play and lots of love. even though mine drive me bonkers some days.....(i have enough for you me and someone else, too, i'm afraid) i can't imagine life with out them....
my "kids" are getting moved. been an adventure so far. the packers came on thursday, had everything packed, in the truck and rolled down the drive with a delivery date for friday. easy right? NOT> the townhouse complex called not 30 min later and told them they could not move in, there was a massive water main break UNDER the floor of the new place and they would be jackhammering and they could not move in til tuesday! so my son in law, chris, to the rescue. he headed down there and figured out they could simply move into the townhouse right next door. as they were having things delivered etc, over the next couple of days, that works okay....
so yesterday, friday, they got my granddaughter enrolled in school. prek however is full so jack wont' be able to attend the rest of this year. :( sad for him.....BUT......it isn't forever. and they got started on the unpacking.... a bit anyway.
i picked up the grandkids @ 2:30 after work, and we went and played at the playground in front of olivia's school (youngest daughter) til she got out of school....
livvy (aka olivia, or liv) was supposed to have Saturday school today, but she woke up with a sore throat and fever, so i'm keeping her home. i will cook bacon and eggs for breakfast in a few min and then the kids will have a decent start to the day before they go unpack. we will keep the grandkids today......easier to unpack without the i'm bored! mom he touched me! mom she's being me...patrol....they are my perfect grandkids, lol, but they are just kids. and i agree, packing and unpacking are BORING for kids.
i was going to a class today, an energy balancing class, but that has been postponed. rain today, so i see a quiet day on tap. think i'll make lasange for dinner. :)
well, let me get started on my day. yeeee hawww. i will touch base later as i can. i peeked into the nest...no eggs. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm told judy, feel like an expectant father in the waiting room, lol.
everyone, i wish you a happy and wonderful day! SMILES
There are two ways to spread light; to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton
Benny is intrested in the bird calls over the cam funny he keeps looking around
Susan, based on what I've read from yesterday, last night, and this AM, they believe the female that was IN the nest yesterday is the one from earlier in Jan. that was presumed dead. What's so interesting to me is that the male has allowed BOTH females in the nest! A gal named Rhoda posted a link to video footage that she has showing one female in the nest with the male on 1/24 and then a different female in the nest with him yesterday! One of the moderators said there will be a line of photographers a mile long waiting to get into NBG today to try to capture the ongoing drama!
Lori, Sandi, JudyE Why didn't you wake me?
I put pic in the album this am of the action print of hp and a few I grabbed with still got to get ready for work
Sandi - what a story. I'll have to start following them closer with the events and players changing every day. wow Just have to wander how in the world they will have eggs/eaglets this year. Gonna be crowded on the nest with Pa Norfolk's harem.
Susan, someone posted on FB last night, "Daddy's got some 'splainin to do!!" For sure! I agree that, with all this drama AND 2 new females, it could be a tough year for the possibility of eaglets!
My daughter came in from work yesterday to find her cat had a shattered shoulder, probably from a fall? Unknown. Took Pookie to the vet with a dangling leg and the vet wanted to send her to the Rainbow or amputate. Well, Andrea is picking up her now three-legged Pookie this morning. WOW Poor baby, both of them. We were already going to her house for a Super Bowl sleepover so I'm so glad We will be with her this weekend.
Good Morning T-Bird
I "see You " ☺
That is terrible WV sUSAn. Prayers your way.
Thanks TBird. Just spoke with her and they are on their way home now. Will be an interesting couple days. Again, glad I'll be there.
same as you, hate it when I refresh cam instead of the Blog !
Susan, hope the recovery for your daughter's cat goes well....
Good Morning All the More Eagle Pals....
..from work, my Other Roost.
in silent watching mode...
xoxo Best Wishes for a Good Day
to everyone in all our Eagle corners...
Thanks Margy. Quiet at the nest.
Oh Susan, that is so sad...poor Pookie.
I know, DanaMo. I'm going to jump in the shower so I can get over to A's place in Ohio. BBL
Finally!!!!! A fish delivery!
Fish delivery???
WOW! So Shep brought food to the nest for Belle?? That's terrific! I've been sitting here all morning but went to get a load of laundry and they came back!
Susan & Lynne2, you're sure that you saw Shep bring the food in?? If so, that's such a great sign!
Shep brought food? I sure hope so! Good boy!
And NBG...2 females...wow. Maybe we'll have another West End nest!
I think Shep hopped up to the 9 trunk, but not positive
PAULA, brief summary of West End nest? Did they have 2 females with one male? How did it work out?
Susan, sorry about Pookie, but glad they could save him. Kitty will learn to adjust to 3 legs.
It worked out great....I watched them in 06 and 07...I think the second female disappeared in 08, they never have seen her since.
Also, there was a 3 threesome down in Texas as well. It might have been the Llano pair that Lolly saw.
Shep back with lots of fluff! Good boy!
Susan, I have a friend whose cat lost a hind leg. Once she recovered, she scaled her scratching post and ran and jumped like she always had. Still, I'm sure this is traumatic for your daughter and Pookie!
I didn't think could really determine whether the dead eagle at NBG was the first female or not.
Susan, so sorry about Pookie, but I'll just bet he'll adjust just fine to being on 3 legs....most animals do!
Sandi, last year we learned during the intrusion at our nest, that females will fight other females, males other males, but the sexes don't fight each other. The gals at NBG will have to fight it out between them. That pair is probably NOT very bonded yet as the female was new to the male, and he will probably stay out of it as there are no eggs to protect.
OH and one nest had a "three's compay situation.....I can't remember who though!
Eagle trios that I have heard about are always 1 male and 2 females.
I'm not sure Sandi, about the fish...I heard the squawking and came running, but it appeared that it was BELLE eating so I'm hopeful!
Belle has stopped eating and has been watching Shep do nestorations. He's up at the back now on the rails.
Gotta hop in the shower, going to work for awhile today.
Bird singing in the background at the nest.
LYNNE2, someone on the moderated comments asked about the male mating with 2 different females since eagles mate for life. Their response, like you say, was that the male at NBG really hasn't formed a strong bond with any female yet. PAULA, you are correct that there was no definitive word on the dead eagle being the one everyone was seeing with the male; it was just a presumption made when a new female was seen mating with the male. All so fascinating to me, the things we are able to witness and learn from watching nature from the comfort of our home!
WOW Janet....what a mess! Why can't moving EVER be a simple thing?! Sure hope Livvy feels better soon!
Glad Bandit is having a better week Sandi! I've not caught up on everything....what do you think has made the difference?
Good morning!I see our two eagles. Belle is eating and Shep is watching from the 11:00 position.
I went to bed early last night, last peek before 10 I think, and our nest was empty....did Belle come back to spend the night?
Lovely fly-off by Shep.
And return.
Shep is back.
LYNNE, Bandit has been back on the Dasuquin (sp?) that I had run out of and not gotten a new bottle of (I had bought something less expensive at the pet store) and back on FortiFlora (he has had bouts of colitis off and on for most of his life). I'm wondering if either the arthritis in his hips or stomach spasms were making him grouchy. It's been 2 months since his last urinalysis, which showed no new crystals or stones, so I want to have that checked as well.
LYNNE, the nest was MT until this morning at their normal time, around 6:45AM.
The nest was empty last night at approximately 11:30.
Morning all from the northwoods. Pics of timber clearing on blog.
See Belle is keeping everyone on pins & needles. Such a tease. Can hardly wait!!
WV Susan - we had a stray cat under our porch one year. Finally caught it and discovered a broken leg/shoulder. Vet had to amputate. Daughter & family gave it a home. At the time she had 2 large dogs & 2 small children. Cat stayed only one night at vets. From the day they took the cat she was inseparable from the kids - stiches & all. Now - several years later - she plays w/dogs & kids - loves up any company & is best buddies with the 8 month old - tolerates anything & everyone. Best of luck!
Glad to see all with ailments/operations are doing well. How fortunate to have the medical advancements of today!
OMG----I just woke up 20 mins. ago! WOW. Can't believe that Liesl wasn't howling for chow long ago! Guess I needed it, and I DID sleep very well! Feeling GOOD! Guess I needed to store up energy in order to build and tend toa fire this afternoon, with wet weather coming!
Will I ever get caught up with you all???
I see Belle and Shep both in attendance. Bow to see WHEN they arrived.
wow Sandi....that Dasaquin must be amazing stuff. We have clients who use it on their dogs and they swear by it! Glad he's doing better!
Good Morning Lori, Margy, DanaMo, Sandi,JudyE, WVSusan, Janet,
telma, Lynne2, and Paula.
Hoping Andy can get an electrician soon.
Shirley 2 felines between your legs.
Now that doesn't sound just right lol
I am happy Bennie and Girly decided
they needed their Mommy during the
night. Yea!!
Sandi our cat learned when she was
a kitten to stop getting up on the
counter. So you can teach them not
to do that.
I am so happy that Bandit is not as
grouchy and you can brush his teeth and pet him. Hoping the urine sample will tell the story and hope it isn't a bad story. Just one that needs meds (:
Please re-check video when Belle flew in she meddled right away. I am thinking she brought her own fish in.
I think Shep is confused!! He see Belle eating in nest. Doesn't he get the idea he has to bring in food. So he flys out like,"I'm the perfect guy to do this for Belle". Flys back in with flugg and looks at Belle like,"Aren't you proud of
me your big Man?" lol
Belle looks back at him like, "Dummy your suppose to have brought in this fish that
I did. So I don't have to bring in food"!!!
Ladies you are talking about at NBG possible 2 females with 1 male. They had that for
a long time at West End Nest.
WVSusan sorry to hear about your daughters cat Pookie. We had a dog that it large femur was broken. Vet said he will not put a pen in because it would cause her
later to have arthritis. She learned to run and play and it never bothered or stopped
her from stairs or anything with the 3 legs. Fourth leg just dangled and would sometimes swing like a broken leg. She would actually put in down sometimes and walk or run on it. I was sad for but learned not to be. She
was as happy or happier than any dog I ever seen.
Good though that you all will be there for support for daughter. Cause I remember crying and crying. Your daughter will go through a rough time for awhile.
WVSusan how do they think it happened?
Shep is finishing up the nestovers at the 6 spot, Belle at the top of the bowl
Susan, thanks for confirming that Shep provided the fish!
Sorry how that typed out I wrote it on the notepad. All fines was full with words when I posted.
@Paula Please read my comment at 9:39am.
Thanks so much for all the encouraging words. I'll pass along to Andrea and Pookie.
Yes, I thought B was on the nest and Shep flew in with it and Belle immediately snatched.
Sandi, I KNOW Pookie will be fine...maybe a bit awkward during recovery, but they really do adjust very well in a short time. But as DanaWV said, no doubt it's hard on her people!
Good morning! I see Belle chowing down. Have been reading the blog and saw Shep leave and come back with a stick. His leaving was beautiful as you could see him way below the nest. Cool!
Very interesting about the NBG nest. Are they sister wives? Is that what they call it? LOL
Oh, poor Pookie. Wonder what he did? Annie is not a climber, never has been. It is like she is afraid to jump. Fine with me. She has never jumped on the counter and we could keep her out of the living room with just a child's gate across the opening. On the other hand we had Misty who liked to get on top of the refrig. She jumped from there at "9 mo pg" and lost some of the kitties.
Time to read the paper. We leave in about an hour for basketball.
I have a pictue of her fly in and I will be putting it in the album. I still believe Belle brought in her own fish
LOL DanaWV, maybe she is trying to SHOW him what he needs to do!
The gkids were very happy to see Nick last night...I am so thankful I have him. It was a year ago today that I lost Boo.
DANAWV, where is there a video showing the fish that was brought in? Susan is saying she saw Shep bring it and, if so, that's HUGE b/c it's something I've been concerned about!
LYNNE2, we noticed an improvement in Bandit's playfulness about a month after he started on the Dasaquin. But, when the bottle ran out, I looked for a less expensive alternative. Hope that was just a mistake on my part. I'm waiting to hear from Denny (he does the walks) that Bandit is willing to take longer walks; that will be an encouraging sign as well that the grouchiness has been arthritis-pain related.
Dana, vet said the wound appeared impailed (sp). Golf ball sized hole with shattered bones at shoulder. Yikes. Maybe jumped out of a tree and landed on something? Bless her heart, she is such a sweetie.
Again, so glad to hear of the success stories shared.
Lynn, so glad you had a good nights sleep and feel good. Now...both you and Liesl chow down!!!
aw Paula, it doesn't even seem that long. (((HUGS)))
Hey, is there a vet named Jan Wimer at your vet's?
Lynne2, I thought the same thing. Shep has probably never had a mate, so there is a learning curve there!
I sure hope so Sandi! I've never heard such kudos with other joint supplements like Cosequin!
yes, and maybe red needs to draw him another picture to help! LOL!
Lynn2, yes there is!
Oh, Susan, how terrible about Pookie. Hope he'll recover well. 3-legged animals usually accommodate well. Were he and the pup playing chase, maybe?
Janet....so the townhouse next door to the original is the one that the kids will keep?? What a lousy greeting that was!
Sounds like I have missed something with NBG....geesh. Don't need this drama. And Goldens at BW....and now WE have THREE again???? (snicker, snicker...).
Shep is still eating. Must have been a big fish to feed 2 eagles.
Back to a party of One
Jan works at MANCHESTER!!!! What a funny small world! Don't know why it's taken me this long to make the connection! She works at MVS on Wednesdays, and 2 or 3 Fridays a month!
Lynn, Pookie was out and Eve was kenneled inside. With that sized wound, is difficult to know the how.
I remember that...about Boo....and it is sad to this day....
(( Hugs ♥ ))
so glad you have dear Nick
MT nest
Small world,, Lynne2
Party of NONE at the Palace now
Good Morning Friends
I am coming in on the '200 comments page' hoping to land to where you are. Just saw eagles in nest and then poofing!
She's a good vet, Lynne2, I like her, but I don't usually see her...cause of the PT hours
Nice you slept in, Lynn
a number of us did some
sleepwalking nestwatching and back to bedding
I am chowing down now now, Lolly! Raisin bread toast with PB!!
Sandi, glad that Bandit is doing better. And Bella, too.
Gee, Paula---hugs.....doesn't seem like it's been a year. :( So glad you have Nick!
Think I saw NCSusan and Thelma.....hi, gals!!!
Gotta go back before the split, then I'll be lost again!!
I love her Paula, she is really good, and.....she likes to bake and bring goodies to work!! And she is HILARIOUS!
Lynn, you missed a bunch at NBG! Hope you feel good this morning!
Paula, I can't believe its been a year. Hugs to you.
Trying to keep up. Glad that you are having something good to eat, Lynn.
Had to go out awhile ago and put out some squirrel breakfast. The little critters were looking for it.
Hugs, Paula. It really does not seem like it has been a year since you lost Boo. It been an eventful year, though.
So happy that you have found Nick.
So I am not the only one who refreshes the nest cam when I mean to refresh the blog.
well, I'm outa here....going to clean a house! Have a good day everyone and see ya later!
Bye, Lynne. See you later.
PS...put some new pics on my blog
Oh, Dana, I wasn't the one with the two cats in my bed.
So sorry to learn about Pookie's accident.
Oh, Shirley, poor Susan---so painful. I presume the x-ray was negative??? Know she HATES the thought of missing a day. Hope she feels better fast!
Wanda, darlin', getting the staples out will make worlds of difference!!!! Come on, Weds.!!!
I agree with Margy and DanaWV---would love an IHOP here. WOuld rather have that than the Olive Garden....I make better Italian than they do! Yummm---Janet is making Lasagna tonight! I COULD, but probaby a bit too rich for me yet. :(
Yep, Lori, I was thinking that Belle probably decided to use her last moonlit night of freedom to soar up and down the river!!!! With rain tonight, and egg imminent, she was just enjoying her last few moments of no responsibility!!!!
JudyE--and Sandi for Mom if she decided she would like a cat: a squirt bottle of water does the training trick!!!!! That's what Christie used!
1 year ago for Boo to have gone and
for you Panda lovers it was two years ago today, we said farewell to Tai Shan and Mei Lan. We miss them both. I am glad they are are both healthy and happy in China.
Busy and lots of info on this page of the blog. Benny & Jet seem to be doing well as I think Pookie will also!
I have been reading our blog for so long (this morning) and it has been so enjoyable for this HOME BOUND Momster. It is like watching THE VIEW, with much more interesting characters and subjects/situations. I can picture each and everyone of you sitting in a large, comfy room, with a fire in the fireplace, drinking coffee and tea and watching our nest on a big screen TV.
Don't go anywhere, LOLLY and JACK may pop in any minute with breakfast.
Love you all...you make my day!♥
No No No, You Make OUR day, Wanda...
Have a rip roarin' knee-happy day
xoxo (( Hugs to you
and Gene both ♥ ))
Speaking of Knees and Happy Days...
Brother Fred has returned to his Home Roost....was able to amble in on his own steam (with a walker)
and eat real food and sleep in a real bed...
Thanks for All the Prayers !!
Just glanced out to the deck and there
is a beautiful downy woodpecker getting some seeds. His colorings are so vibrant.
Yesterday I had a blue jay and a lady
cardinal and lots of Titmouse and Juncos. Of course the squirrels ruled.
Driving home yesterday coming down the ramp my hubby literally slowed to a stop and I thought something was in the road. But he was pointing up and out of his window and there up high in a tree was a beautiful red tail hawk. So proud of how my training & love of the birds is taking hold of my entire family.
Well, good morning New Kneester Gal!
What are you up to today. Do you have
PT on the weekends? It is so good to
welcome you back, Wanda
Yeah, Lynn, Susan's toe was not broken.
She has been putting in very long hours trying to get the store in shape. She said that the stockroom is a mess, and she has been trying to organize it. She said that running the store will be a "piece of cake" once things are organized. I hope so.
She did say that she does not feel too bad about taking a day off since she has far exceeded a 40-hour work week.
Kathryn just talked with her. She is obeying doctor's orders and taking it easy today.
Good Late Saturday Morning, Friends!
Don't have time to do much more than wish everyone a Happy Saturday as I have much work to do.
Have a difficult situation with my eldest brother (the one with the drug problems) going on as well.
Haven't caught up or been to the nest yet, but will have it up on my desk as I try to put "problems" out of my mind and get my work done.
xoxo ♥
Hi Wanda, good to see you.
Hi Linda, sorry about your brother's problems.
As one of my friends from work would say, have a reasonable day.
Hi Linda, sorry about your brother's problems.
As one of my friends from work would say, have a reasonable day.
LINDA, prayers your day will brighten into a happy day with answers to problems for all! Don't overdo yourself! {{{Big Hug}}}
Cute, Shirley!!
Margy, such good news about Fred!!
JO, Capt. Gene will do my PT today. Mel will not be back until Monday and PT MUST be done everyday. This is going to be a hoot!:) Soon as pain pill takes affect (effect, Shirley?) 1 HOUR OF 30 reps of 8 different exercises. I don't use the walker at all now...just MR. EAGLE or nothing:)
Peeked at OC forum....see that the Sharon poster lives 3 miles from the nest.
Need to check email and FB and get on the newspapers! So far behind today. Want to get all the wind debris blown off the deck, too, before they get wet again.
All the SuperBowl hype is wearing thin...I just don't give a darn this year. Will tape it so I can fast-mo to ads....but not planning to watch game. Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales have a new ad!!! Can't wait to see it!
Shirley, I wondered how you were going to feel finding out you had two cats you didn't know, sleeping with you last night. LOL.
LYNN, are you feeling well, today? Just want for you to have healing and a long period of normalcy!
PAULA, fond memories of Boo & you.
Hi MARGY, at your other roost! Loved your "hearos" stories!
John Boyd--he retired a bit before I did--would often wish everyone a reasonable day.
He and his wife Beth raised triplets. They know a lot about being reasonable.
WANDA, you are so amazing with your healing! You can always have someone video you and Capt. Father Gene doing PT!
Thanks, Lori! I needed that!!
It is just so hard, when you do your very best in everything at life only to be blasted at by someone who hasn't a clue and is affected by years of drug abuse.
I still love my brother, but he is up to his tricks again trying to get my brother in KY to help him and I worry about everyone involved!
Being the peacemaker I have always been, I am trying to protect the brother in KY, too!
I just got a very nasty email from the drug affected brother telling me I am a fake and that he hopes a crisis comes my way so everyone can see how the "high and mighty" handles it. This is the very same brother that called me and asked me to come to FL when he was in the hospital last June. I was there in 12 hours.
It is very involved and has been going on for 8 years. We lost his daughter who is now 6 because he wouldn't let the family adopt her to save her from having to go to strangers. They signed away their rights and allowed strangers to adopt her. That is another long story. I miss that child so much!
Okay, I am venting and not working!!
Thanks for the love and support. Momsters are so incredibly supporting.....each and every one!!
I just have to put it out of my mind and think higher thoughts!!
Good morning all.
Threesome in NBG is very much a drama and along with the drama of a possible eviction scenario from the airport they will have their hands full over there...
LYNN so glad you had a long and restful sleep...this is a good sign.
Is super bowl this weekend? I had better go do some homework then Ney York and who are playing? Is it New York? I think so...
I go to an earlier yoga class today so I will go get ready.
Enjoy the day...it is lovely again here.
HODA - The New York Giants are playing the New England Patriots. The Game is in Indianapolis.
John Boyd
I might have posted this article before, but it is a good one. It was in the Washington Post in 2000, so it has been awhile now. I am glad I was able to find it again.
I do remember seeing "The Beast" in the school's parking lot. I really do not know what has happened to it since 2000. Or the mice. Or the snake. Hmm. Now you will have to read the article.
He is sick. Don't take on what he says when he is in such a state...He is sick and you can not rescue him...don't put yourself in a situation where his words hurt you...
Okay---so the potassium is orange and mildly flavored. Tolerable in water. Sure can't see mixing it in "your favorite morning beverage" as they state. Might be okay in tea....or OJ if I drank it, but I don't. This is like Tang.
See you all later the day.♥ to all.
Thank you, HODA! ♥
I'm working on it.....
Oh, Linda, I am sorry that you have to deal with this. Many of us can empathize with you. My father-in-law was an alcoholic. Many times he was a wonderful person, but not when he was drinking.
He finally overcame it and became active in AA. There is hope, but the person has to make his or her own decision about it.
Tee hee, Lynn. I think it is funny that you will record the game so that you can fast-forward to the commercials. I expect you aren't the only one who will do this, but it is still amusing.
Yes, Shirley, that is so true.
Unfortunately my brother is also a pathological liar, a major scam artist, and involved in drugs of some sort. He can scam the best. It is so much more than the drugs and he has no conscience or care of who he steals from - meaning his own family.
He stole my Mom's credit cards and checks when they put her on a respirator (which should have never been in the hospital in the first place) and ran up thousands of dollars of bills. He has been stealing from my Mom for 8 years. Now he has to find someone else to scam......
Hopefully my brother in KY is prepared for what he is getting into. He has agreed to let Bobby (the drug brother) come to KY and he is going to give him a job and help him. I worry for the KY brother(Brian) and his family.
Good Morning CarolAnne, Lynn, Lolly, Mema Jo, Wanda, Linda. Hoda.
By the time I get this pasted as
a comment I will have to be leaving lol
Paula I am so happy that for you.
You must have known not to wait
long and you needed a dog and I'm
glad it was Nick. He sure has been
the best and perfect dog for you and you for him,♥♥
Oh Margy I agree IHOP instead of Olive Garden. Which I will eat at but no salad. Darn I hate not being able not to eat salads.grrrrr
@JudyE the comment about having to felines between your legs was funny lol
I still love the names Benny and Jet♥♥
Margy PRAISES that Fred is home now!! (:
Linda I added your brother to my
prayer list back when your Mother
was in the hospital. For his addition problem with drugs. It is very hard on family members also. So I have the entire family on the prayer list.
Linda there is NOTHING NO NOT NOTHING you can do to help this brother on drugs. Other than leaving him hit his own rock button. Which you may have
thought at time he did. He has not
hit HIS rock bottom which is the only thing that will make him seek help for himself and stay with the program.
Love you Honey but you are always
trying to help the other brother that is not on drugs to not enable the one that is. That still takes a toll on you sweetheart. Linda if brother on drugs called you "a chair". You of course now you are not a chair.
See he is only trying to hurt you
with words. Don't read his email.
That makes it like a ball game when you read or talk on phone with him.
If you read it and send him a note
back. It is like he pitches the ball and you pitch it back. Then he is going to at some point in time. Pitch that ball right back again.
Now you will know why I have you
and family on prayer list.
Oh Lynn I love the Anheuser-Busch
Clydesdales ads!!!!!! Don't know
if I will be taping the game or
watching it.
Lori you are so funny. From my
comment I mistaken Shirley for
JudyE having the cats. I love
your comment to Shirley. "Shirley,
I wondered how you were going to
feel finding out you had two cats
you didn't know, sleepling with
you last night". Oh Lori you make
me SICLMBO=Sit In Chair Laughing
My Butt Off!!!!!!!!
JudyE I love your two cats sleeping
with you whether between your legs, at the foot of the bed, at the head of the bed or beside you in bed.
Love hearing about Benny and Jet.♥♥
SHARON - are you playing with your new computer yet?
JudyE, I too, like Benny and Jet for names!
I appreciate your concern, Linda. It sounds like a treatment center is in order.
My father-in-law had to go through more than one session at more than one center. He was at Hazelden for awhile. I think that was the place that finally turned him around.
Thank you, WVDana! He didn't call me a "chair" LOL
I think you must have had a typo, or I did??
He called me a fake!!
Either way, I will not enable him, nor respond to his emails. All I can do is pray for him and for my younger brother that wants to try and help.
Hmmm . . . I was kind of leaning towards Ben & Jerry (Jeri) for the cats . . . you know - like ice cream :o)
Hedgie - nest was in a blue bird house. Do not know who actually built nest - did not see any bluebirds around. The bottom of nest is moss and the rest is built out of pet hair. We always toss the hair out of the pet brush into the yard. Very soft.
CA, the Ben and Jeri is very cute! Perfect for a boy and girl, or Girly in this case!
LindaNo I did mean a chair. It is something you learn in Al-Anon program which is for people that are affected my someone elses drinking problem.
Shirley, sorry about Susan's toe! Those toe injuries are painful!
Jo, where is the IHOP in Frederick?
Margy, that is awesome news about Fred! Hurray!
Linda, is the KY brother aware of the druggie brothers scams and stealing from your Mom? If he is, then he knows he should protect his stuff....
And it does play on you mentally trying to deal with a sibling or parent that is an alcoholic...sometimes you have to step back...
PAULA, IHOP in Frederick is on 80 in the big newer shopping center where the movie theatres are...just south of 270.
There's also a Coldwater Creek, Macaroni Grill and Chico's in there.
PAULA - Brian in KY is as aware as we can make him. I have emailed Brian to let him the more recent scams Bobby has been up to, so he goes into this thing with his eyes wide open.
Brian has a soft heart, but hopefully isn't stupid. I don't think it will be too long before he washes his hands of Bobby, but I fear the damage that could be done during that time he is there. Brian is a big boy and has to make his own decisions and he is well aware of the nightmares we have all struggled with over the last 8 years.
I have kept my distance and only on a few occasions have I helped financially with my other brothers, but every time we have tried, it failed.
I won't do anymore for Bobby I truly believe he absolutely must do this on his own and not with the help of his family. Bobby just wants people to do for him.
It really is sad. Thanks for the advice. We all have some of this in our families somewhere along the line. This has just been a roller coaster with Bobby and I really felt it contributed to my mother's death. He definitely put so much stress on her, that her health couldn't handle it.
They just put a MiMi's Cafe, cute little chain place in there. I used to eat there all the time in LA, but haven't tried this one yet. It's great for salads and comfort foods.
Thanks, Lori, I know just where you are talking about~!
Linda, glad your bro has open eyes...best of luck to him, and god bless him for trying...
Yea, haven't been there yet either, Lori.
Shirley, glad that Susie IS staying off her foot. GOod that she has positive vibes about "her" store....she'll get it whipped into shape in no time!!
WIll read the article about John in a little while.
Linda, do NOT pay one bit of attention to the hurtful words. They are meaningless babblings of an addict who wants to blame everyone else for his failings. Crises??? As if you HAVEN'T had more than anyone should have to deal with......and let the KY bro fight HIS own battle with him. You can't do it all.
What a crying shame about the little niece. My heart breaks for her and you.
Thanks, Hoda. Feeling pretty decent!! Just pacing myself not to overdo. Thinking I will take after you and have a sweet tater for dinner....have some luscious pumpkin butter Christie and I found at the store that should be tasty with it and alittle brown sugar, huh??
Wanda, you are such a delight to our hearts!!! Your determination will have even Mr. Eagle cane thrown to the side in no time!! Hope the Capt. is a gentle therapist, but not TOO easy on you!!!
MARGY--praise to God that Fred is at home! Now he can really recover!!!! Is Mary still down there?
My trick to get to the newest page is not working this morning - so I just jump in with both feet and catch up with you. My click on red Friday letters and then to the newest update only bring me to 200 page.
Watch out - here I come
Flash Mob is loaded onto Facebook. I'm still trying to get it to blogger.
Linda, Your brother makes my "unreasonable" brother look like a saint. Not really, but a little. He causes my mother so much grief that I, too, worry for her health. He's moved back in with her and while he doesn't steal her $$, he steals her spirit with his bad decisions. No matter how old the "kids" are, a mother will always worry, especially when they're back living at home. I hope for the sake of all, that both of our brothers soon find their way.
Geesh, Shirley.....that is quite a story.......can't believe the Beast would even pass inspection. I think someone needs to get a reality check!!!
Jo, I was having the same problem and it finally began showing the NEWEST option where I could see the most recent posts. Was such a pain jumping around trying to post and read. Then, it just came back and worked properly. Thank goodness.
It is quite a story. The Boyds are very reasonable people. I always enjoy them.
The story is 12 years old now, and I don't know what has happened to The Beast.
The article does say they have other vehicles to drive. That is a good thing.
Wanda, I am just thrilled that your rehab and recovery is going so well. What a relief for you. Hugs to you and Gene, you ace Physical Therapist!
Dana didn't yet find the FB video of the Flash Mob.. still looking..
See You there !
xo ☺
Well, I'm going to pack up the netbook and head out to see my three-legged grandcat. Andrea says she is resting and doing well and Andrea sounds good, too. Can't wait to see them all.
Everyone have a blessed day and I'll check back later.
LYNN - I know you are right and I so appreciate your kind words! It just hurts when you open your email to find something like that. He had lost my email for a while and it was nice not getting nonsense emails from him. If they continue, I will block his email from my inbox. Thanks! ♥
WVsUSAn - Oh....the stories I could tell you about this brother and his scams. I found out through looking at his bank account that he must have found some kind of payday advance online loans and scammed them out of about $1200 last month. Then he closed his bank account so they couldn't draft his account for pay backs. I could tell you years of stories like that.
Years ago, he refinanced a condo that he and his ex-wife owned and took out $80k in equity and somehow forged his ex-wife's signature and by the time she found out, the cash was long gone.
Even more years back when we thought he was respectable, he stole about $10k from the little kids football league he was president of.
Need I say more.....
See You there !
xo ☺
Okay.....now I see
Decks blown off. It is RAW out there at 39°.
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