Wednesday, November 09, 2011


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Yesterday when I went to my Mothers. She was in a lot of pain. Could not use her hands very well. Things she needed opened I did for her. She had not ate yet. So I went out and got us something to eat. She was happy with that.

I have some ideas for her door knobs. So she can open them without so much pain. She wants me to wait awhile until she sees if this goes away. I just do as she decides.

Other things she needed I helped with those.

She keeps getting mail from this hearing aid place. So I took the mail and when I went to town yesterday. I stopped by the plae and handed them nicely the envelope and ask no more mailings please. Mother said she would be happy if they did not mail her anymore. Hopes they listen to me.

I am just taking this day by day. Doing as she needs me. Letting her make her own decisons.

She is still very capable of doing that. She always reads her electric meter and calls it in. She can even tell you how much her bill will be when it comes. lol Then she shows it to me and yep it is exactly how she figured the cost would be. Smart LADY!!!

wvgal_dana said...

My dentist has sent a crown back several times before also. If it isn't the right fit. He isn't putting it in my mouth. So Linda if it is too high she needs to send it back if filing it down is not an option.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda thank you for putting up the
beautiful poem.

Found out that my friend in Chambersburg Pa. Their church also has a clothes closet and feed the homeless.

Our Gene and Wanda do a great job...Gods Job ....and their helpers.

hedgie said...

Weather guy says we had flurries this morning. Glad I didn't see them!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers that due to this cold winds we are having. I can't help but to wonder and worry about Steve and Lynne2. Lord please please make that landlord fix the heating system in there or replace it. Whatever needs to be done so they are warm. Now that has made me think of the "homeless". Out trying to live in this cold. Oh Lord put warmth around them too.

magpie said...

Google has a nice graphic today

Brief Good Morning again...
from work

DanaWV, there are little rubber thingys that go on doorknobs....
good for stroke victims

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have snow on the ground.

magpie said...

wheeeee Sharon..does not surprise me...

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers that Bev's (Sissy's) finger heal fast. Praying for any pain she may be in.

So many need prayers God you know all of them. From the biggest prayer need to the smallest. I land them at your feet and asking for you to take care of all of them without me mentioning each one. Thank You LORD, MY GOD AND SAVIOR IN THE NAME OF JESUS I ASK amen.

magpie said...

nice pic Shirley ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Margy about the rubber thingys that go on door knobs. I had them for Ed. I tried them with Mother. It does not work for her.
Once she lets me I already have a plan for the door knobs. It makes the door knob like a handle that is on the set of say patio door. She would only have to press down on the handle. Would not have to make a round sharpe that hurts her hands and fingers.

I have to wait until she allows me to fix that problem. In time Lord in time.

Kay said...

Good Morning from this Eagle Bud with erratic sleeping habits ! Thanks for the good eagle vist reportage` this morning. A wonderful Veteran's Day visit with Belle and our R.E.M. !

Nice to read about all the Vets we are honoring today. The Vets I've known in my life go back to uncles who served in WWI and relatives, both male and female who've served in every war and conflict since. Of course, my all time favorite is my late husband, Stan, a Navy vet who served during the Cuban Crisis era. God Bless all our Vets, past, present and future !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Month of thankfulness avatar change. This is Max Philip, Eileen's 22 year old son and my first grandchild. Max graduated from Michigan State in June. An Anthropology major, he'll soon be pursueing a Master Degree at the U of Oklahoma. He's doin' us proud !

wvgal_dana said...

For anyone new or that does not have the cam that shows near where Sharon lives here it is:


Kay said...

DANAMO, once again you and I were in sync. I fell asleep on Grey's at about the same time you did. No loss in missing the Mentalist since LYNN says it was a rerun.

LYNN, how cute it is that the dogs always find that cozy warm spot in your home !

LINDA, like the others, I'm glad you saw the ENT, so one thing is ruled out. Good luck in the next step toward solution !

Will be back for another catch up session this afternoon after Julie and I lunch together. HAGD all !!!

hedgie said...

Good looking young man, Kay!!!! Know you are proud!!

Glad you are sleeping later!

Wow----wind really howling here. Too bad live cam isn't up so you can see & hear it!

Good Veteran's Day to all with loads of thanks to all who served. Not too many in my family. Don't know anything about why my paternal grandfather didn't serve; my Dad was deemed disabled. My maternal grandpa worked at Ft. Leavenworth as secy to the warden during WWI, so guess a federal job protected him.
Mom had two maternal uncles who were in France during that time. A third was in China with the Merchant Marines in the 30's and died there of pneumonia. My ex was active duty Air Guard Reserve but never had any overseas or combat involvement. SIL Charlie was Air Guard for 14 yrs. as a firefighter. My Bill was, too, for three yrs. back in the 60's.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn saw the opening of Grey's Anatomy last night and cringed. I turned if off. Too graphic for her.

So, we talked for awhile. Conversation with your daughter: Better than any television program.

stronghunter said...

Cozy warm spot--Flash likes to sleep buy the fireplace when there's a cozy fire burning.

stronghunter said...

Wind has picked up here.

I told Hunter that he should wear his warm jacket this morning. As usual, he checked by opening the back door. Decided he needed only a light jacket.

He is one stubborn kid. Weather forecast was saying "gusty." Not gusty at the moment here, so off he went with the light jacket. I do not know if they will have recess outdoors today.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I should have suggested the light jacket. Once I did, and he wore the heavy one.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----that's a kid for you. Reverse psychology is usually a winner!!
So Kat has a weak stomach for blood and guts?? Surprising considering the other things you've mentioned that she likes to watch!

stronghunter said...

Hunter's teachers have said that he is "all boy." That is certainly true. He is also a stubborn boy. I guess I can be thankful that he thinks for himself. But sometimes his thinking is flawed. Maybe he will someday appreciate Grandma's ideas. But maybe not.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, Kathryn did not like the blood. It was pretty gruesome.

stronghunter said...

Just figured out why so much cold air is coming in around the back door.

There is a missing screw on the latch, so the door is not being held tightly closed. Not even a hole for the screw.

I can fix that.

Knew those guys I hired were not doing a good job.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning and don't blow away out there. Not many leaves are going to be left on my trees in the yard. It is cold
out so with those conditions I will eat
lunch at my own table.
The Bluefield snow has begun! I only wish you could keep it out there!

I need to finish taking my meds and will then return.. I had a restless sleep with the sporadic coughing.


Mema Jo said...

BTW Shirley, Your Take Off picture is a real prize winner.

stronghunter said...

I was lucky to get it, Jo, It took me awhile to find it on my computer. It was on my Picasa file.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Jo. Hope your coughing does not last.

DanaMo said...

So tired today. Kids are busy so I can be on the computer. They are getting a religion class with a special visitor.

Have lots of Veterans day activities to do today and I really need to get going on my Thanksgiving activities.

Seems like it will be here before I know it and then it will be time to prepare for Christmas. Then we get TWO full weeks off at Christmas. Yahoo, except of course I will be going to SD :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

HAPPY VETERANS DAY!!! A huge THANK YOU to all our Veterans--Kubby is an Army vet,and his Dad was a Marine who fought in Okinawa and Iwo Jima during WWII. My Dad was an Army vet during WWII. Our oldest nephew is a retired career Marine (Sergeant Major). Semper fi! Jim, thanks to you, and all our other Dadster/Momster vets! Feeling most grateful for the freedom we have here in the good old USA!

Still not completely caught up here yet, but really need to stay on task with work today, so just praying for everyone on our prayer list, and trusting God to sort it all out. WV Dana, AMEN to your prayer in today's 9:02 am post!

Hoda, thank you for the beautiful poem you posted in honor of our veterans. Much appreciated!

Sharon, prayers continue for Kris, his family, and friends. Thank you for sharing his posts.

Lynn, prayers continue for you, my friend! Did notice your post about Liesl finding that warm spot. Emma's "warm spot" is my (or Kubby's) lap! She makes a really sweet, furry hot water bottle, too!

Thanks to the "early birds" for the posts about the eagles' early visit! Nearly as good as seeing them myself!

Gotta get busy with work, since I need to do a lot of grossery shopping today, too. Will check in here when possible, maybe at lunchtime. Have a great Red Veterans Day Friday! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a "Margy" here; have an update Kubby forwarded to me about Marq's Dad:

Hi Ken,
Thanks for checking in on us. It's kind of a mixed report....
On the one hand Don still has many remaining issues (the two infections and the blood clots in his arm and legs), but
On the other hand, he is breathing completely on his own now, has passed his "swallow test" and has started on soft foods while they wean him off the feeding tube, and is making great strides in his physical therapy.
The challenge I have now is that he is totally clear and aware of everything and - - - IS BORED TO DEATH!
It's like having a sick toddler......I'm taking him books-on-tape, crossword puzzles, an IPod, and anything else I can think of! :)
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers - - - it's working!

Thanks to all of you for your Momster/Dadster prayers! As you can see, they are working! :o]

stronghunter said...

Need to do my bowling practice today.

stronghunter said...

A bored patient can be good thing in the long run, for sure.

Costume Lady said...


My Gubby, Capt. Gene, served in the Army during the Berlin Crisis, Bay of Pigs and during the Vietnam era. Denise and I lived off Base when he was stationed at Ft. Meade, Md. I didn't like it there, but it was a great experience. Denise was only 2 1/2, but remembers parts of that stay. She used to hide under the table when airplanes would fly over our house..she thought they were going to drop bombs (too much TV). Because of Gene's service during waring times, he is now enjoying the services of the VA Medical Center, here in Martinsburg, after serving 15 years in the Military. They have discovered problems that we did not know about, such as High Blood Pressure (he could have had a stroke without the proper care and meds). Everything is under control and all he has to pay for is his a very minimal cost. I am so grateful
for these services. It allows our retirement years to be a little less stressful, costly and enjoyable.
If you have not been a wife or husband or child of a Military person, you have no idea what all they must go through, especially if they were or are serving in a Foriegn Country. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SERVICE!♥

stronghunter said...

I mentioned my brother earlier. He served as a member of the US Marines in Vietnam---Fred S. Hunter, III.

My uncle, Ernest Hunter, was in the US Navy in WW II.

My children's grandfather (my former father-in-law) served in the US Air Force.

hedgie said...

Tom Selleck on The View!!!! Looks like he's lost some weight----he needed to do that!!

magpie said...


magpie said...

Five us at work all tryhing to photograph our computer clocks....
Jewels got the exact one

the rest of us blew it by a second or two before or after

stronghunter said...

Nice avatar, Margy.

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO, are you traveling to SD in your travel trailer? We loved South Dakota...would like to go back and explore more, someday.

stronghunter said...


Costume Lady said...
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Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

ROFL Wanda Talk about great

magpie said...
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Costume Lady said...

JO, we know our minds are GREAT, now everybody knows;) LOL
Megans journey with those hummers has been so fascinating and I'm so glad she has been taking photos and sharing with us!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Megan's pictures and "story" are fantastic! What an experience and she has shared it with all of us.

We slept late...what has gotten in to me? I have never been a late sleeper, but I am now. We got up at 8:30 and that is late for us.

Have to be in Denton for a game at 9. Will have to set an alarm. lol

Not many veterans in our family. My daddy was busy as a farm implement dealer. His job was deemed important to keep the farmers going. We lived in the Rio Grand Valley....far south of the palm trees and the bright sunshine!☼ Fields and fields of food crops! Jack was not in the service....he was in the defense industry. Then my brother was in the Natl Guard until his asthma got too bad.

Lolly said...

Yes, Wanda, we already knew you and Jo have great minds!

hedgie said...
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hedgie said...

More great service stories!

Lolly, if you were to be in Denton at 9---you missed it!!! Did you mean tomorrow??

Mema Jo said...

I'm out of here to meet Jenny/Jim for lunch! I must wear RED especially for
this Friday........


hedgie said...

Enjoy, Jo!!! Bundle up!

hedgie said...

LOCALS!!!! Lori's LOO is on Ch. 9 news!!!

hedgie said...

Loo is promoting the USO---a Turkey for Troops telethon!!!

floralgirl said...

Hello :) Hey you guys, can you remove that specific info you put up about my birds? Thanks, I explain why on FB.

wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

Shirley, you need to remove your "share" of Megan's pictures and info on fb.

Yes, I meant tomorrow for the soccer game.

stronghunter said...

Done, Lolly.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, and sorry, not trying to be a pain, just nervous about too many people...
And also, hello and hope everyone is doing fine.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, hello our floralgirl. Fancy meeting you here!

stronghunter said...

Megan, I sent you a message on FB.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Megan nice to see you.

I will check out fb after I eat something and take a nap. This 4am waking and trying to go back to sleep. I need a panda nap.

Hi Sharon

How is SISSY??

stronghunter said...

Not going bowling after all. I was getting ready curling my hair and grabbed the wrong end of the curling iron. Burned my thumb and finger. Dipping them in ice water.

Lolly said...

Gee, that was fun to see floragirl's name on the blog.☺

I am off to start my day. It has been a very interesting day reading about the hummers. Now, I need to get busy.

Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Megan, I would be worried about FB!!

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley!!! So, sorry!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly. I think it will be okay, but not wise to grasp a bowling ball with those digits right now. Probably would be quite painful.

Lolly said...

One time Jack took Laurel to the doctor. I think she had a sports injury. The doctor questioned her about the burns on her legs. (Child abuse!)

Silly girl had the habit of sitting cross legged on the floor in front on the mirror on her closet door to use her curling iron. She dropped in on her leg, not once but twice!!!

stronghunter said...

Twice? Yikes!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory today: No hummers. Titmice, chickadees, blue jays, cardinals, nuthatch, house sparrow, junco and a red-bellied woodpecker. Pretty soon it will be a partridge in a pear tree.

stronghunter said...

I screamed and threw the curling iron on the floor. You might have heard me. It was a pretty loud scream.

Lolly said...

LOL Slow learner? Actually, very smart but a teenager. What can I say!

I am off! Put something on those fingers. Got aloe vera?

stronghunter said...

Eventually, I'll put something on them. Right now, ice water feels good.

stronghunter said...

Think there is aloe vera in the refrigerator.

stronghunter said...

Also wanted to plant bulbs today, but maybe not now. I think I will give myself a day to heal.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, you just want to be like Sissy when you grow up, right?

Hoda said...

Oh so that is what I heard????MY THE SCREAM was loud!!!SHIRLEY all kidding aside I am sorry yoiu burnt your fingers...I am glad you are looking after them and agree bowling would have been painful.



Cold here but no snow on the goround. SHARON are you going to take pictures???

stronghunter said...

Thought about her, Sharon. How is she?

Hoda said...

Thank you for the reporting on the eagles TWO visits. With the still cam it is difficult to tell which one is which. I am glad your posts held LORI. Sorry you lost the first post you posted.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

@Shirley - Well, one finger is hardly sore at all but the other is still pretty sore with a blister.

@Hoda - most of it has melted now.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Shirley for your poor burnt fingers. No I would think NOT of putting those fingers in a bowling ball. (((HUS)))

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Shirley!!! Not another burn victim. Ouch. Gonna put you and Sissy in time-outs from hot items. :(

hedgie said...

Shar--glad the snow is gone!!

Howdy, Hoda!!! What is on your plate today, active lady?

stronghunter said...

Hope she heals quickly, Sharon.

Hoda said...

LYNN I am headed off to my Yoga practice today and then I have to do vacuuming and cleaning today because there won't be enough time to do it the weekend or next week. Sunday I there is the African Dinner for Stephen Lewis Foundation and then I go listen to Judy Collins...Did you know she is 71 years old? I am so respectful that she is still touring...I can not wait...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ahhh, Judy Collins. I am envious!

Mema Jo said...

Cyclone Shirley - is it time for a perm! Then you wouldn't need the curling iron.

I hope they stop hurting! ♥

Here is a list of don't ---
Don't use ice. Putting ice directly on a burn can cause a burn victim's body to become too cold and cause further damage to the wound.
Don't apply butter or ointments to the burn. This could cause infection.
Don't break blisters. Broken blisters are more vulnerable to infection.

hedgie said...

Hoda, I thought that concert was coming up soon!!!! Yes, I knew she was 71! I know you will enjoy it! Saw her a few weeks ago on Anderson Cooper's new show; she is very good friends with his Mom, Gloria Vanderbilt....and her rendition of Amazing Grace is Gloria's most favorite song. It was a wonderful show.

Mema Jo said...

As you can tell I am back from lunch at Panera-- soup and sandwich.

Time for my feet to go up
I bet Kay already has her feet up..


stronghunter said...

Didn't put ice on my fingers, Jo. I put my fingers in a dish of water with ice cubes. That is what they did for me when I once went to the ER for a burned hand.

I had a perm 6 weeks ago, but I always curl my hair, even when I have had a recent perm.

My fingers are much better, now.

stronghunter said...

I did not leave my fingers in the cold water too long. Took them out whenever it felt too cold. I haven't developed any blisters yet.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I am pleased to tell you the Dr. Knutson will be doing my surgery. Consultation Dec. 5. I am now a habby camper:)

Costume Lady said...

I have heard that if you put something cold on a burn that it will cool down the burning process quickly and keep the burn from going any further. You know how pasta continues to cook after it is removed from the heat...well it is said that your skin does the same thing with a burn, for a few moments.
Help us out here, Nurse Lynn.

stronghunter said...

I ran cold water over it for awhile, then put it in the bowl of ice water. It is a lot better now.

stronghunter said...

I have heard the same thing, Wanda.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Stopping in to see what's happening. Am about to take a fast shower and hit the road to Walmart for some weekly shopping.

Neat info about your hummers, Megan! Good to see you stopping by here, too! Miss you!

Shirley, so sorry about your burned fingers! Golly, hope they feel better, pronto! Prayers!

Well, better run. So much to do, but so little time! Will BBL. :o]

Kay said...

JO, you have gotten to know me well ! Got back after lunch and errands with Julie and had to put the feet up before coming here to catch up. Had Lo Mein n' veggies at China Dynasty---hmmmm good !

WOW, there are some close calls at the corner of Jefferson and College in Bluefield ! Saw a cop barreling through, left to right, in hot pursuit of someone or something. Looks like a beautiful town nestled in the hills of WV ! SHARON, loved your cute comment about our burn girls, SISSY and SHIRLEY ! Curling irons, hot pans, guess it's true, more accidents happen at home than anywhere else ! Hope all those fingers heal quickly !

HODA, love the poem you shared.

ANDY, Don is much better if he says he's bored ! Good to hear !

MARGY, sounds like our JEWELS is a "timely" girl !

Phooey, I missed Megan's birds. I'd be a lot more worried about wide spread exposure on FB. There is a distinct lack of privacy there. The gal I lunched with Wed. says her family has a closed FB set up with a password only they know. That sounds good.

DanaMo said...

I want to put my feet up! I'm home and I'm going to do that too and maybe even close my eyes.

NatureNut said...

Happy Veterans to all. Had the option of working or not. I picked NOT! Can always go in to Chelsea for a couple houes over the weekend.
Doing more shopping on 'puter and phone. Found out some online catalog sites are not up to date. Got better results on phone. Had one email that something I ordered was NOT there. On phone lady found the last item! I hope it's mine & I got $10 credit to boot for the trouble.

Need a break. Saw Shirley's eagle flight pic! I swear I'll catch them yet!
Avatar is my Uncle Johnny, one of at least 3 uncles in WWII. He was Mom's youngest brother from Pittsburgh area & they called him Baby Johnny & he got carted around in baby buggy by all the sisters! He passed a couple years ago, but we still have the other two w/us.
Frank was w/Army--got drafted for Bay of Pigs!

NatureNut said...

DAY --left out of 1st line. Mea Culpa

Kay said...

Oh, DANAMO, I can assure you JO and I close our eyes when we put our feet up ! It's an automatic reflex. ;o)

Costume Lady said...

Don't put ANYTHING on facebook that you don't want others to see...they (whoever THEY are) will see it someway or another, eventually. My GG always told me not to write anything down that I wouldn't want others to see or know. Ask Capt. Gene about that!:)

Kay said...

LORETTA, thanks for sharing the hint about on line vs. phone shopping ! I'm going to try the phone next time I get that "out of stock" message. I'm enjoying pics and stories about the veterans in our lives. What a neat picture to have of your Uncle Johnny.

DanaMo said...

Well pigged out on junk food and now I'm going to the couch! Might even change out of my clothes and put pajamas on!

Kay said...

WANDA, do share The Captain's FB story !

Costume Lady said...

Not facebook, Kay. A letter I sent to him when he was in the Army and I was a shorthand whiz (thought I was). Wrote all kinds of extrememly mushy stuff, nothing vulgar, but things I was too timid to tell him in person. He sent the letter to his Aunt and she transcribed it for him! I was so humiliated!! Thus, GG's advice, DON'T WRITE ANYTHING THAT YOU DON'T WANT OTHERS TO SEE:)

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo---you covered burn therapy DON'T's well!!! Hope your lunch was yummy!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Been busy day at work...

Just wanted to let ya'll know I'm headed out for the evening for a wedding...will check in much later.

Hope we have an eagle visit tonight!

Kay said...

LOL, WANDA and good advice GG ! You survived that "my face is red" incident. It's clear to me that you and Gene have wonderful, long term marriage. It always thrills me to see a love like yours !

hedgie said...

Hurray, Wanda!!! You will love Tom Knutson!! He's another Tom Sweetie! As far as I know, he's still single, too!
Too bad they couldn't give you the apptmt. time I just canceled for next Tues.!!!!

Shirley, I always use the iron, too, to style my hair!

paula eagleholic said...


The polls are up!

I split the names into 2 alphabetical lists, with the similar names split between the polls. (The first poll is somewhat out of order!)

You can vote for 5 names on each poll....and you can change your vote until the poll ends.

Poll ends this Saturday night at Midnight, PST, or until I get up on Sunday and close the poll!

You must sign in with your Yahoo id and password to vote on the group site.

hedgie said...

Yes, Wanda, true----skin will continue to cook if not cooled down right away! Hopefully, Shirley won't blister......but I did recently from the steam burn and last year from picking up hot skewers from the grill, despite immediately getting under the cold water!!

stronghunter said...

No blisters and almost no pain now, kind of numb, actually. I think I will be able to bowl soon, but it would not have been fun earlier.

stronghunter said...

I am always burning my ears or my neck with the curling iron.

hedgie said...

Wanda-----IDEA!!!! Take Denise with you for your apptmt. with Tom!!! Let's do some matchmaking!!!

Cute story about your shorthand!!!
Blush, blush!

Loretta, sure hope the last item is yours!!!! Good to know to try that when something is listed as out of stock! Will remember to do that!

DanaMo----make sure one of the kids tries to wake you periodically! We don't need a Momster losing consciousness from junk food overload=hyperglycemia!!!

Andy, did mean to tell you that prayers continue for Don's improvement and recovery.

Kay, glad you and Julie had a nice afternoon.

hedgie said...

Me, too, Shirley! And I drop the stupid thing too often, too, and jump to avoid getting a burned

hedgie said...

Paula, Carolyn is going to a wedding tonight, too. My nearby farm's manager is getting married. His sister is Carolyn's BFF--the mother of her godson.
Margy----it's Eric Gray, Diane's son.

Hoda said...

I am back and glad to read SHIRLEY'S hfingers are better.

I am glad there are comments that indicate liking IN FLANDERS FIELDS.It is one of the first poems I read when I became a Canadian that tell me about the valiant efforts of those who fought. It is written by a Canadian during WWI. Here is what Wikepedia says about that:

"In Flanders Fields" is one of the most notable poems written during World War I, created in the form of a French rondeau. It has been called "the most popular poem" produced during that period.[1] Canadian physician and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote it on 3 May 1915 (see 1915 in poetry), after he witnessed the death of his friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, 22 years old, the day before.

Hoda said...

No Eagle visit yet. I hope they come this evening as I have not seen them for a few days now... They came early last evening...

Hoda said...

Eagle, The male arrived in the nest and moved up the cup

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

I have been known to grab it when I drop it. Not a good idea. Better to let it hit the floor.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

That was a quick visit.

hedgie said...

I don't see an eagle.... :( guess I missed it by seconds.....was just going to post that night light was on.

Hoda, we had to memorize and recite In Flanders Fields when I was in school!

NatureNut said...

Nuts. I missed again! Fubby just mentioned how he hates it dark so early & I flew in here. But.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I missed that visit

Hoda said...

I wished I had remembered to take a picture...sorry.

NatureNut said...

Dumb Blogger made me sign in again!! And then said it couldn't accept my name, but posted anyway! Double Duh!

Hoda said...

LYNN In Flanders Fielsds is how all Remeberance Days Assemblies started, in the schools were I worked. The school's Student Council President got to read the poem and last post was sounded. I had it as one of the options for poems to recite in French and to do a three dimensional project representing a sentiment from the poem. The kids liked this assignment.

hedgie said...

That is a great assignment, Hoda!

Shirley, forgot to tell you how great your capture was this morning!! Good job!

hedgie said...

Loretta, we sure are finding out how dumb the blogger cop is, aren't we???!!!

Wonder what Lori is up to??? Assume she knew that Loo was on the noon news....too bad it wasn't HER!!

hedgie said...

WhooHoo....a DC high school has a female football coach! How cool is that???!!!! You go, girl!

wvgal_dana said...

Just seen her on news 9 Lynn.

Hoda said...

This is exciting LYNN...I wish her well the female coach to a football team in DC...

I wish The Penn State football team well in their game tomorrow. It has to be a tough game with all the firings and the mix up there.

Hoda said...

OK THAT IS IT!!! I have to go take my vacuum cleaner for a walk around the flat and under the bed and the couch and the armed chair, and all around the corners...BBL

Mema Jo said...

DagNabbit! I missed the visit because at 5:30 I started staring at the nest and I didn't read comments as I was here busy at the table.

Grilled cheese/ham & applesauce Iced tea
That should fill the bill since I had
lunch out!


Lori O. said...

Blogger ate that post...

Oh well, here I am, Lynn!

I missed seeing Loo since I was napping. I could have gone with him, but it was last minute and I did not dress for it today.

Just finished a great salad for dinner. Think I'm a salad addict. Yummy. With tummy troubles it's the best dinner for me.

hedgie said...

She's been there for 20 mos. And the football team has a mandatory study hall. Good idea.

I think the Penn State game is tonight, Hoda. Surely pray that people behave.

wvgal_dana said...

They are dressing in all "blue" for the football game at Penn State tomorrow. Representing a picture of their mascot and a ribbon with Stop Child Abuse. Police are ready in case of any drinking or any problems start. Although a lot of the students are not causing any problems.

wvgal_dana said...

I thought it was tonight also but on tv they said tonight then later they said tomorrow night?????? So wheneven it is.

hedgie said...

Down to 42 here already....and wind continues to blow.

Sounds like a good dinner, Jo. I'm having a Marie Callendar's pot pie.

wvgal_dana said...

Doesn't the still cam night light work?

wvgal_dana said...

Mothers brother served in Army.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm....wonder why the news crews are at the stadium now and talking about 100,000 people being there soon???? Strange.....

wvgal_dana said...

Oh just remembered daughters friend is in Air Force. Has re-enlisted twice now.

Her other friend that brought her from the airport to view her Daddy. Is in the Air Force also.

My first husband was in Vietnam.

hedgie said...

Stadium lights are on......rally, maybe???

hedgie said...

Sorry, Hoda!!!!! My mistake!

wvgal_dana said...

Looked up Penn State Football Schedule is 11/12 Penn vs Nebraska

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda good you have
the consultation set
for Dec 5 with
Dr. Knutson for your
knee. Prayers already
being sent up.

hedgie said...

Sure hope Linda is feeling better today.

hedgie said...

Good pot pie---only two small pieces of carrot and one of celery!

stronghunter said...

George and I are having spaghetti and meat sauce tonight. Kathryn and Hunter are having dinner out with friends.

Funny story--Door bell rang. It was cute little Tavon from down the street. He said. "May I please pass through your yard. I forgot my gloves at my friend's house." I let Tavon go through the house with a reminder to close the gate.

I have bought locks, but I have not put them on the gates. It is just as well. I would have been going out to open the gate for Tavon.

It pays to be polite, little, and cute.

But, oh my, can you picture all the kids who were passing through the yard now passing through the HOUSE. That cannot happen. I am nice, but I am not THAT nice.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....would love to type but my fingers are freezing. It's only 55 degrees here in the house. Going to read back and warm up....

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
cherishing all the information on the Veterans amongst us...

My father, three brothers-in-law, six nephews, (and maybe more...)and one sister who was with the American Red Cross, in VietNam...
and James's paternal grandfather...

Thank You, Veterans ♥

magpie said...

(( Hugs ♥ )) for warmth...wish I could get my little ceramic heater to you and couple of heated blankets

Lynne2 said...

GOing to post as I read back....

DanaMo....oh my, I feel for you with your Holiday conundrum. I don't suppose there is any chance that your parents could go with you to SD? ANd your question about the eagles being able to successfully mate this season is NOT a stupid one. I have had the same thought many times myself. I guess only time will tell. Truth be told, I am preparing myself for the idea that there may not be babies this season....

magpie said...

our family surely were part of the Veterans is not just the soldiers in uniform...
God Bless Your Heritage ♥

Hoda, always enjoy your recounts of the past.....
truly inspiring, Thank You !

magpie said...

Lolly, sorry..meant to say
YOUR family, not OUR family

I remember black-out curtains...we never had to use them, but we had them

magpie said...

I think they were left over from WWII, because my memory goes back to the early 50's

My mother took here then-five ( of an eventual 8 children,) to the end of the war, Big Parade in New York, and could not believe all the confetti !

magpie said...

Moon has to rise a bit and get out of the clouds for us to have some Moonshine at the nest

Hoda said...

Vacuuming is done and am I glad to have it all clean. I like cleaning the vacuum cleaner too after this job is done...headed towards the bathroom and I will see you all after that...

LYNN when you said stadium lights were on was it at PENN STATE?Thanks for letting me know it is Saturday.

Moon light at the nest again, earlier it was dark.Full moon was lastnight.

It is still day light here and the snow is turning into rain in my part of Nelson. Uphill and Rosemont both have six inches of snow...I am closer to the lake so it turns into rain here...Gray all day.

Sorry the temperatures are on the low side at your house LYNNE...I layer when I find myslef in these situations so I would not feel miserable...


magpie said...

my picture from work
was 11:11:10 on Nov 11, 2011...missed it by one second!

magpie said...

we have a girl at work that wears gloves can get rather chilly in there, has to be with all the computers

I live with my neck scarves around me (they did NOT shrink this year ☺ )

Lynne2 said...

OMG....I almost forgot!

Happy Veteran's Day to our vets! And THANK YOU!

(Candy's son is in active duty, BTW, with the...hmmmm, I THINK the 82nd Airborne, but possibly the 101st aka the Screaming Eagles! OR, as the guys of the 82nd, in which Stubby served, call them...the Pukin' Buzzards!)

magpie said...

I think you Veterans avatar was the first one up last night...
so you got an earlier start than you think ♥

Lynne2 said...

SO many of our Momster/Dadster family and extended family have served. Hope everyone has thanked a Vet today!

Hoda said...

OH I read back about black outs. During the Suez Canal war in 1956 We used to have to paint our windows with a blue dye that did not allow the light to be seen outside. We had a black cloth on the radion and we had no lights in the flat save a candle...I still remember the sound of whistling bombs as they drop...they flew over the nile and got their markings from there....There but for the GRACE OF GOD go is still a mystery to me why we were never hit, others were...

Lynne2 said...

oh shoot, have to run for a bit, BBL.

magpie said...

Stepping aside, not going to run this long long thread up any more than need be

(( Hugs ♥ )) and love to all,
including the Newlyweds, Lynn's and Carolyn's friends...

ttfn xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

well, I thought that was Steve pulling in but it wasn't. Called my landlord. Got voicemail. There was some talk overheard by husband at work that Kyle is going for his annual camping weekend with his guy friends. This would mean of course that no work will be done on the heat this weekend. I certainly hope this is not the case.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Ran some errands today. When I got back home decided to mow. Mowed the whole acre, mulching leaves. Then did a little hand watering. Jack and I sat on the patio for our evening relax time. Jack was busy in his workshop. He built a new bookcase for Laurel's classroom. She will be surprised!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Hoda, that must have been horrible hearing the bombs so close.....

Lolly said...

Oh, and Jack "smoked" today. He smoked some ribs, brats, and a hen. Yummy in the tummy tonight!!!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, sorry your mother is still having trouble. The changing of the doorknobs sounds like an excellent idea. Sometimes, you just have to DO things for people whether they think you should or not. This sounds like maybe one of those things. Would not be a good thing if she were to get stuck behind a closed door and not be able to open it again.

Lynne2 said...

Andy, glad to see the report on Marq's dad and prayers continue!

OH SHIRLEY....geez, sucks about the curling iron.

Listen people. We need to get Lynn through this surgery next week I am WARNING ALL OF US....NO MORE INJURY, NO MORE ILLNESS!!!! At least for a little while!

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, habby to read of your consultation on Dec 5 but I guess you'll wait til AFTER the Holidays for surgery? LOVE the story about the mushy letter to Capt Gene!!!!

Hoda said...

LYNNE sounds of sirens always used to make me panic. When the siens went during the war it became a feeling of not knowing what will happen next. When I first came to North America I found it very civilized that when motorists heard a siren they pull off to the side of the road to allow the first repsonders to pass throught. I always say a prayer when I am driving and hear a siren and pull off to let them through...a sense of May God help those who are in need and Thank you God for living in a place where the first responders are so well trained and ever so willing to help...SO THANK YOU MARGY for being part of that team...

I am off to cook supper...what will go with Kale and Blue potatoes? I think I have some Vegan sausage that I will use is very spicey though...there is also yogurt for later on...

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hoda. Hearing the whistle of bombs. Only on television or the movies have I heard such a thing.

stronghunter said...

Something we are all thankful for--our 911 teams. Those who answer the phones and those who come to help.

stronghunter said...

Not so very long until we will split again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Just got home from grossery shopping, and got Emma fed & out to go potty. Kubby & I are headed out to Petco now. Will BBL! :o]

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY, There is something unrel about living in North america...except for Pearl Harbour and 9/11 We have not had experiences that many in the rest of the world, especially from our generation and older, who have heard those bombs dropping. I used to think that all born North Americans had to be required to get off the continent at least once every five years so you all would get to know the privilige you are born into...

Mema Jo said...

Headed in to watch some TV


Mema Jo said...

Guess we are going for 1000

hedgie said...

Hoda, American's aren't so much civilized as all that! Law requires them to pull over for emergency equipment-----and it's amazing the number who don't. SO maddening.

hedgie said...

Can't imagine what it would be like to live with the fear that so many other country's citizens do. Constant turmoil, war, and very sad.

Hoda said...

LYNN for my forty five years in North America I have not had the experience of people not clearing the road for the first responders...This summer it will be forty years in Canada, and yes it is the law, and a very civilized one at that...My American family speak of this same gratitude that people pull up to let the first responders by...The majority do. There are the few rotten apples in every bunch...

hedgie said...

Well, Hoda, we either have a lot of dolts or deaf and blind people driving around here. It is very maddening. And, of course, in the congestion of the DC metro area, there's no place for vehicles to go to get out of the way so much of the time....I know how angry the firefighters and EMT's get over it.

Hoda said...

I have to let you know what I observed in Nelson over the past two days. The Occupy Nelson Protestors started to dismantle their tents and worked on cleaning the area infront of City Hall. The signs remained up. Today when I passed by the signs were down and the Veterans were out in force...over one thousand people, of all ages, braved the bad weather to walk from infront of the legion down to City Hall where the ceremonies took place...The word is the Occupy Nelson Protestors will return to City Hall tomorrow and the Mayor is not amused...

stronghunter said...

Why are they attracted to Nelson, Hoda?

Hoda said...

The difference LYNN might be that I live in a smaller town of no more than 10 thousand people in Nelson and surrounding areas. You live in a more cosmopolitan setting and DC is an International City with a gridlock that sounds like New York...

hedgie said...

That's probably what makes the difference, Hoda.
Did the authorities force the Occupy folks to vacate for the veteran ceremonies?

Hoda said...

Shirley, Nelson is a throw back to the 60's in many ways...There are many hippies old and young alike that live here. They like to protest. The drug culture, marijuana primarily is very strong here too and it drives the underground economy. The protestors are primarily from this group and any excuse for a protest is up their alley...The homeless are attracted to that area also and while we have not had any drug overdosages like they have in Vancouver the police has issued a few sitations. City Hall is right next to the Court House so they won't have far to go to deal with the sitations...It is a part of Nelson that I know exists and I try very hard to avoid having any interactions with thembecause it comes with them always looking for ways to break the law and I have a respect to a society that supports and respects the laws...I do not know if all that answers your question SHIRLEY.

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Everybody. Just dropping in to say that Walter, under the stationery tab has Christmas cards. On page five is a lovely Eagle, yes Eagle card with a beautiful sentiment. Do not think I have ever seen an Eagle Christmas card. Had to pass it on.

NCSuzan said...

Hey! My first split!

Hoda said...

NO LYNN what was amazing is the protestors did it for the Veterans. Many of the hippie community were draft doggers from the US during the Vietnam War and they made good here. It was their idea to dismantle the camps for the veterans and they actually cleaned the place up with brooms and hoses and it looked wonderful today...they did that on thieer own I did not see city workers doing the cleaning...What will happen after the municipal elections on the 19th might be another story as the Mayor is definitely not amused...I rather think that once the vote is in the stance is going to be different also with the new City Councill and Mayor secure in their mandate.

Hoda said...

Draft Dodgers is what I meant to write in my last post. Sorry about all the typos.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...