Yes, you answered the question very well. I would not have thought of the draft dodgers living there, or that you would have remnants of the drug culture of the 1960s. Those 60s hippies have aged a bit by now. They are still protesting?
Suz thanks for the info, however several in this group have sent out Christmas cards with eagles over the years. They are around. Will check out the one you found. Thanks, again!
Suzan, many of us get Eagle cards from various wildlife sites (American Eagle Foundation, National Wildlife Foundation, etc.). So many lovely ones. I'll check out W/D to see if it's unique to what I've used before!! COngrats on the split---Lynne ewill have to let you know the prize: either WAX or poop-shoot facial. I can't keep them straight!!
Hoda, have to respect the Occupiers for showing the Vets the respect THEY deserve!!
Yes SHIRLEY, beads, long hair and at times even bell bottoms!!!We have several second hand stores in town and some cater only to the hippie culture...very funny. Some of the draft dodgers have joined the business comunity and are doing very well financially. Yet when it comes to a protest they do go out...
Every five years or so they have a Draft Dodgers Conference with ones who returned to the US and faced the piper coming across the border to join in. Most recently we have had young ones from the Iraq and the Afghanistan war also come to claim refugee status. Several were turned down and escorted across the border to US authorities.
well Congrats Suz! Now, I have become confused myself about the prizes...I believe that Poop Shoot Facial was actually the prize for the first post of the new thread. Wax is the 100th post, and the FishyCure is for the person who does the callover to the new thread. So if you callover, you get FishyCure, but if you also make the first post on the new thread you get both FishyCure and a Poop Shoop Facial.
More burned fingers?? If it is a trend, I think I will stay away from curling irons and cooking!! I don NOT like curling irons specifically for that reason!
Wanda – Habby to hear you have a date for your new knee!! Yipee!! Lots of Vets in my Family – My Maternal Grandfather was a WW1 Veteran and so was my Maternal Grand MOTHER!! She was like a celebrity at the Veteran’s hospital when she was in her late 80’s. There were so few vets still around then!! Plus she was such a sweetie!!
My Paternal Grandfather, My Dad (Navy Pilot), and three of my brothers are Vets too!
Thanks to all our military young and old for their service to our country! May God Bless them one and all!
well, it's official. Landlord Kyle has gone camping. No return call and his truck is gone. Steve said his wife made a snotty remark about it today because she is annoyed that he is going because so much needs to be done at the pool and their house, but no mention of our heat needing to be done. So no heat for the weekend. The colder I get, the hotter I get. Clearly our heat is not their priority. We will say nothing to them on the subject. It's better they think we will just sit back and take it. But trust me, in the end, they will be very sorry they treated us so poorly. It' not nice to break the law.
Hoda – I can’t imagine living in conditions like that. That must have been so scary. I know how those childhood sounds can stay with you for such a long time. I continued to be fearful of thunderstorms and high winds for years after we were caught in a tornado that took the second floor off our home off while I was in it. I am glad you were saved by the Grace of our Loving God!!
Andy – Glad to Kubby heard from Marq about his Dad. Praying he continues to make progress.
Yeah, I remember some of the info that Kathryn brought home called the problem TMD.
She went all the way to Culpeper to find a doctor to treat her TMJ/D that would take her insurance, only to have the insurance company say it was a pre-existing condition, even though it was not. They wanted Kathryn to prove that it was not pre-existing, but finally gave in and paid a total of about $4.00.
But the doctor's office people were very nice and very understanding, and I got to see someone I knew from my teaching days at the middle school while we were there, so it wasn't a total loss.
LYNNE I am noe VERY ANXIOUS. You DO have a source of heat don't you? I will not be able to sleep if you say no!!! I remember you saying you had heaters at one point...Please use them and while they are not perfect they are better than no heat at all. How many heaters do you have?I wished there was something I could do to help...Layer your you have hot water? take a hot bath to warm up...I am upset...
LINDA Thank you for your comment on the bombs and your knowing of GOD'S Grace in my life. This is what I focus on when I have a reminder of those times...God'S GRACE is always present in my life.
I checked the weather map in Maryland and it is as low as 47 degrees and as high as 50 degrees. Too cold to not have heat...Please God let LYNNE and STEVE use their heaters...
I need to go take a hot shower and get into the flannel sheets. It's up to about 60 but we can't leave the space heaters on all night. Not looking forward to the electric bill. I hate to keep harping on all of this. But I just really cannot wrap my brain around the fact that they are being so rude. We keep our house clean, we clean up after our dogs, we are quite, we keep the yard nice, we pay our rent on time....I've lived on this property for 12 years!! I try and try to come up with the reason for this blatant disrespect of us and I've got nothing. They sent us the letter telling us that they were making this change back in MARCH!!! That's EIGHT MONTHS they have had to separate the heating systems!!! What an incredible slap in the face to us for him to just up and go away this weekend when this work is not done! I just don't get it. And I will not bring it up any more but thank you for listening to me vent.
we have 2 space heaters Hoda, but they are not supposed to be a heat source, only a supplement. We have to run them for hours at a time and they are not meant for that kind of use. Now it's just getting too cold in here for them to offer much help. We are wearing layers and have extra blankets.
oh Hoda, I'm anxious too! I hate when I cannot understand things and being treated so poorly by people who used to be so friendly with us is disturbing. I'm trying to keep sight of the fact that I am not supposed to know God's Plan and that I need to trust that this will all work out in His way, in His time.
I think it is medical, Linda. I don't think you should have a problem with that. But I am not an expert.
Kathryn had a lapse in her insurance because her soon-to-be-ex decided to drop her off his policy and did not tell her. Therefore, when she found out, the new insurance did not have to cover pre-existing conditions.
You are wise LYNNE...You are not alone and WE LOVE YOU AND STEVE. It is indeed hard to try to understand them and their inconsideration. You are good teneants and they are lucky you live ther. I hope it comes to a resolution soon.{{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Lynne2, do not hesitate to vent. But you have to contact authorities. Landlords have legal obligations to provide heat and water, etc. to their tenants. Sounds like you have been too nice and tolerant for too long.
I have been looking at all Cards on the internet - WOW! some are outrageously priced. I need to keep looking. What Suzan found is so far the best deal & the prettiest card.
(((Hugs))) Lynne, understand that you are in a very difficult situation needing the work that Steve is doing for the landlord. Just remember to document everything! In the meantime we need to all pray that Steve gets a great job and then they can deal with that landlord.
Leaving early in the morning for Joseph's last soccer game. Hope to go to Dallas in the afternoon, but not sure of those plans. So, I will be scarce around here tomorrow.
Linda, dentist is correct: TMJoint as opposed to TMdisease!!! Or as some say DISJOINT!! Sure hope that chewing does rememdy your situation. Glad you checked in!
Lynne2----it definitely IS against the what are you going to do??? So, so wrong.....
Blue Bloods was a really tense story. Whew!
Nationals catcher Wilson Ramos has been found alive and safe in Venezuela!! Apparently police rescued him...but no info as to whether the kidnappers were arrested or killed, just that the rescue was "violent."
Family Friday was fun this evening, except that GG was sick and throwing up. I did manage to get her to drink about a half cup of Butternut Squash soup. She was able to keep that down...went back to bed and slept the rest of the time that we were there. Jayden was almost as entertaining as a Broadway Show. Denise and I both forgot our cameras, but Karla did get some cute ones!
Our church is having it's Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday, Food will be prepared tomorrow. Gene and I are going in to help. Need some extra sleep tonight, so I will say Good Night, sweet Dreams God Bless you all♥
Suz, it is illegal, but we are not in a position to move and if we make waves there is nothing to protect us from them telling us we have to move.
As our year lease was not renewed because, well, they didn't give us one...we are on a month to month now legally speaking. SO we have no long term protection, so to speak. They are however, breaking the law. We have to be very careful how we proceed. But this is not the only law they are breaking....... ;)
Authorities are investigating a report that gunshots were fired in the vicinity of The White House. Sgt. David Schlosser of the U.S. Park Police said Friday evening that the agency received a report of shots fired near 16th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, between The White House and the Washington Monument, at about 9:30 p.m.
Well we know the President wasn't home He's out on the big ship watching the game.
Guess I will say my goodnights to all. I am is 36° now---fire needs more wood. Hoping that tomorrow is NOT windy so I can do the leaves again. One good thing is that the wind HAS kind of deposited them in pockets and piles. Should make it easier this go round.
Sleep tight. Prayers for all for health, wellness, warmth and peace.
Oh, Hoda, not to worry.....gunshots are not unusual any place in DC!! Ha----not here, either. I don't think a day goes by that I don't hear scanner traffic of "gun shots fired" and end result being "nothing found."
Wanda, sorry GG is not feeling well. Hope she will be fine by morning.
Had a wonderful time at the wedding...the reception was held at Dutch's Daughter...."orders", as Lolly would say included spinach dip and crab dip...entree was salad, spicy sauteed shrimp, chicken something, broccoli and cauliflower, twice baked potatoes, and prime rib. And the cake was delicious too. Congrats Debbie and Gary!!
My neighbor came in and fed Nick and let him out...I guess he missed me...he brought my bed pillow downstairs to the sofa! Didn't chew it, but must have been laying on it. ♥ He's a happy camper now that I'm home.
Will have to try and catch up tomorrow...have lots of yard work to try and accomplish this weekend...leaves, cutting back perennials and putting away the deck furniture.
Aw Nick just want to lie on your pillow and get comfy! Glad you had a nice time at the wedding. I've only been to Dutch's Daughter once. Nice place. Monte took me there for my 40th birthday,
Good morning DANAMO.Why are you up on Saturday morning...?I have not been able to sleep. I did give my bed two tries to sleep and it eludes me...I hope the eagles come for a visit.
My body doesn't know the difference between a week day and Saturday and neither do the 3 flying labs. They like to get up and eat. So here I am...Sometimes I go back to bed after awhile and manage to get a couple of more hours of sleep. I don't mind being up. The house is quiet and peaceful.
I have to take the Boy Scouts to the start point of their hike this morning. So maybe I will go back to bed after that. They are hiking the Appalachian trail and sleeping overnight.
Train has a song - When I look to the sky, something tells me you're here with me and that makes everything alright. And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me And I can always find my way when you are here.
Avatar: James sitting on a wall in the State Park in Berkeley Springs...when he sat amongst these Hedges..he said "Hey! This reminds me of Hedgie" ☺ He knows Hedgie....! So, Grateful Avatar of the day for me ☺ Brings to mind two of my dearest people ♥
Yes SHARON I had a picture of a fly in and a fly out and God knows what all else...It was good to share with you all. I am not able to read the blog at the time that I post it seems like too much back and forth for me
Sounds like a good day for that hiking trip, DanaMo...a little Brrrrry tonight perhaps
Reading from Wanda that GG was not feeling so great last night, but that they had a great visit with Jayden also.... Hope that GG will be up to par today!
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone.... It's my FRIDAY, and JudyE's MONDAY! xoxo ♥
Thanks Hoda.... and I would if I could type out all the instructions for posting pictures, into the E-M album...but alas....I would not be able to complete that in the time I have before workday... I am sure you will get some instuctions, and/or I can try later on this evening... but you can post to your blogspot like you do your other pictures, I believe Hope you get some Sleep ! xoxo ♥
Well I uploaded 12 pictures in a new album called November 12 Morning Eagle I can not find it!!! LOL. I was going to say it is as easy as pie but then again I do not find making pies easy. The instructions seemed to be clear they automatically send an email or should I have found a place to tell it to email??? HMMM the mystery of it all.
Well I created another album called: hoda 11/12 morning visit and I can not figure out how to tell it to send with attachments... I'll go to bed now and try again later on if I find instructions. PLEASE. THANKS.
Roses grow in Heaven, Lord, pick a bunch for me~ Place them in my dad's arms & tell him they're from me~Tell him that I love & miss him & when he turns to smile place a kiss upon his cheek & hold him for a while - Miss you Dad (gone 9 years)
Gee, DanaMo, sure hope those boys are VERY well-layered for tonight! It is 26° here now.....brrrr. Hope they will be able to use the shelters along the trail---that would be a little better than tenting it!! Sure glad YOU don't have to go along!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUZAN! Hope it's a really spectacular day for you!
Sorry, fell asleep in front of the TV last night, and didn't make it back here. Got almost all our grossery shopping done with Kubby last night, and we are all stocked up on Emma's food and biscuits and treats. Have to look for a couple of items we couldn't find, but no hurry.
It's raining here--hard enough that Emma had to shake like mad to dry off when I took her out to potty. Our newly-seeded lawns and patio plants are habby!
Am going to have to stay on task with my work for a while. Praying for everyone, and all creatures. Will check back in later. Oh--found out that Bro-in-law Joe had rotator cuff surgery yesterday. Praying that he's doing well. Have a great Saturday! BBL...
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1289 Newer› Newest»Yes, you answered the question very well. I would not have thought of the draft dodgers living there, or that you would have remnants of the drug culture of the 1960s. Those 60s hippies have aged a bit by now. They are still protesting?
FYI...on my FB page I have posted some NFL angel ornament pictures. They are beautiful. If any of you football fans are interested, let me know!
Suz thanks for the info, however several in this group have sent out Christmas cards with eagles over the years. They are around. Will check out the one you found.
Thanks, again!
Suzan, many of us get Eagle cards from various wildlife sites (American Eagle Foundation, National Wildlife Foundation, etc.). So many lovely ones. I'll check out W/D to see if it's unique to what I've used before!!
COngrats on the split---Lynne ewill have to let you know the prize: either WAX or poop-shoot facial. I can't keep them straight!!
Hoda, have to respect the Occupiers for showing the Vets the respect THEY deserve!!
Yes SHIRLEY, beads, long hair and at times even bell bottoms!!!We have several second hand stores in town and some cater only to the hippie culture...very funny.
Some of the draft dodgers have joined the business comunity and are doing very well financially. Yet when it comes to a protest they do go out...
Oh, Suzan...that is a beauty! Love Blaylock's stuff....he always does a fantastic job!!! Did you order them???
Every five years or so they have a Draft Dodgers Conference with ones who returned to the US and faced the piper coming across the border to join in. Most recently we have had young ones from the Iraq and the Afghanistan war also come to claim refugee status. Several were turned down and escorted across the border to US authorities.
OMG That card is beautiful! Everyone check it out. It has an eagles nest with little bobble heads!
Christmas Card
well Congrats Suz! Now, I have become confused myself about the prizes...I believe that Poop Shoot Facial was actually the prize for the first post of the new thread. Wax is the 100th post, and the FishyCure is for the person who does the callover to the new thread. So if you callover, you get FishyCure, but if you also make the first post on the new thread you get both FishyCure and a Poop Shoop Facial.
There will be a quiz tomorrow.
wow, that IS a beautiful card!
Just give me an F now! lol
The sentiment in the card is also beautiful!
Someone send me the card. I send out so many I can not afford those. lol
why do you need and F?
Well, if you give us a quiz tomorrow, I am bound to fail!!
Well, if you give us a quiz tomorrow, I am bound to fail!!
Look! You made me stutter! lol
I might fail it! LOL!
Time for the pillows here
Sure was nice to see Megan flit in and out for a brief bit....☺
Also nice to read what everyone has had to say....
Sure Hope NCTC Steve is doing okay....
kinda miss seeing that "New Thread" notice he puts up...
Lynne2, I sure hope you have gotten warmed up...
Praying that Wellness and Healing Prevails....
Good Night Precious Pals...
Thanks again to all our Veterans...and their families...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Forgot the Hero Dog Awards was on at 8 tonight. UGH. Cute movie coming on at 10 on Hallmark called You Lucky Dog.
More burned fingers?? If it is a trend, I think I will stay away from curling irons and cooking!! I don NOT like curling irons specifically for that reason!
Wanda – Habby to hear you have a date for your new knee!! Yipee!!
Lots of Vets in my Family – My Maternal Grandfather was a WW1 Veteran and so was my Maternal Grand MOTHER!! She was like a celebrity at the Veteran’s hospital when she was in her late 80’s. There were so few vets still around then!! Plus she was such a sweetie!!
My Paternal Grandfather, My Dad (Navy Pilot), and three of my brothers are Vets too!
Thanks to all our military young and old for their service to our country! May God Bless them one and all!
Loretta – Good choice on whether to work or NOT!!
Lynne – So sorry you’re still without HEAT! :(
Trying to catch up… ♥
Hi! guys. glad you enjoyyou guys have found cards before now. I have not had that luck!ed the card. don't know whether to buy them or not.
Lolly, I am not surprised that other cards have been found. I am always a little behind! LOL!
Lynne2, I would fail your test too!
Went to the dentist today to get the crown cemented permanently and I think all went well.
Saw 9 dead deer in 7 miles on the side of the road on the interstate. I hate to see that. It's in an area of state gamelands.
Dentist doesn't treat TMJ - or as she corrected me TMD, but said it is probably going to get better once I start chewing on both sides again.
It's kind of weird because I have NOT chewed on the right side for so long, I have to remind myself to do so!!
Bite seems good so far..... I guess I can hope to start seeing some improvement beginning now. We shall see.....
well, it's official. Landlord Kyle has gone camping. No return call and his truck is gone. Steve said his wife made a snotty remark about it today because she is annoyed that he is going because so much needs to be done at the pool and their house, but no mention of our heat needing to be done. So no heat for the weekend. The colder I get, the hotter I get. Clearly our heat is not their priority. We will say nothing to them on the subject. It's better they think we will just sit back and take it. But trust me, in the end, they will be very sorry they treated us so poorly. It' not nice to break the law.
Oh Linda, so glad it's done and hopefully NOW you will know for sure if that is what's been causing the most pain for you.
Hoda – I can’t imagine living in conditions like that. That must have been so scary. I know how those childhood sounds can stay with you for such a long time. I continued to be fearful of thunderstorms and high winds for years after we were caught in a tornado that took the second floor off our home off while I was in it. I am glad you were saved by the Grace of our Loving God!!
Andy – Glad to Kubby heard from Marq about his Dad. Praying he continues to make progress.
Yeah, I remember some of the info that Kathryn brought home called the problem TMD.
She went all the way to Culpeper to find a doctor to treat her TMJ/D that would take her insurance, only to have the insurance company say it was a pre-existing condition, even though it was not. They wanted Kathryn to prove that it was not pre-existing, but finally gave in and paid a total of about $4.00.
But the doctor's office people were very nice and very understanding, and I got to see someone I knew from my teaching days at the middle school while we were there, so it wasn't a total loss.
Lynne, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this problem. It is no fun to be cold.
Geeze Lynne - That is just horrible! I am so sorry you're having to deal with slumlords!
Thanks Lynne - I am hoping things get better soon. I'm ready for it!
Christmas cards
If all of you read that one - I'll have no reason to send it to you! lol
Suzan they are beautiful! I always try to find "Eagle" cards.
BTW: Suzan - Tomorrow is your
special day! Happy Birthday! May the
year ahead hold many remarkable things for you ♥
LYNNE I am noe VERY ANXIOUS. You DO have a source of heat don't you? I will not be able to sleep if you say no!!! I remember you saying you had heaters at one point...Please use them and while they are not perfect they are better than no heat at all. How many heaters do you have?I wished there was something I could do to help...Layer your you have hot water? take a hot bath to warm up...I am upset...
LINDA Thank you for your comment on the bombs and your knowing of GOD'S Grace in my life. This is what I focus on when I have a reminder of those times...God'S GRACE is always present in my life.
I checked the weather map in Maryland and it is as low as 47 degrees and as high as 50 degrees. Too cold to not have heat...Please God let LYNNE and STEVE use their heaters...
I need to go take a hot shower and get into the flannel sheets. It's up to about 60 but we can't leave the space heaters on all night. Not looking forward to the electric bill. I hate to keep harping on all of this. But I just really cannot wrap my brain around the fact that they are being so rude. We keep our house clean, we clean up after our dogs, we are quite, we keep the yard nice, we pay our rent on time....I've lived on this property for 12 years!! I try and try to come up with the reason for this blatant disrespect of us and I've got nothing. They sent us the letter telling us that they were making this change back in MARCH!!! That's EIGHT MONTHS they have had to separate the heating systems!!! What an incredible slap in the face to us for him to just up and go away this weekend when this work is not done! I just don't get it. And I will not bring it up any more but thank you for listening to me vent.
we have 2 space heaters Hoda, but they are not supposed to be a heat source, only a supplement. We have to run them for hours at a time and they are not meant for that kind of use. Now it's just getting too cold in here for them to offer much help. We are wearing layers and have extra blankets.
NO NO NO LYNNE You MUST continue to bring it up because in sharing you are not alone and we are with you. I just became anxious and I am sorry.
oh Hoda, I'm anxious too! I hate when I cannot understand things and being treated so poorly by people who used to be so friendly with us is disturbing. I'm trying to keep sight of the fact that I am not supposed to know God's Plan and that I need to trust that this will all work out in His way, in His time.
Shirley - I hope I won't have to look high and low to find help with this TMJ/TMD like Kathryn did. My hope is it will resolve itself.
I figured medical insurance companies will try to say it's dental and dental insurance will say it's medical.
I think it is medical, Linda. I don't think you should have a problem with that. But I am not an expert.
Kathryn had a lapse in her insurance because her soon-to-be-ex decided to drop her off his policy and did not tell her. Therefore, when she found out, the new insurance did not have to cover pre-existing conditions.
You are wise LYNNE...You are not alone and WE LOVE YOU AND STEVE. It is indeed hard to try to understand them and their inconsideration. You are good teneants and they are lucky you live ther. I hope it comes to a resolution soon.{{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Her employer got really frustrated with that insurance and changed to a new company. I hope things will improve for her.
Yes, Shirley - Lynn told me it would be considered medical, too. Hopefully I won't have t pursue it further!
I hope things improve for Kathryn, too.
I think it will improve soon.
Jo, thank you for the salutations! It is kind of you to remember.
Lynne2, do not hesitate to vent. But you have to contact authorities. Landlords have legal obligations to provide heat and water, etc. to their tenants. Sounds like you have been too nice and tolerant for too long.
CNN is saying that the kidnapped baseball player has been found and is okay.
If the pipes freeze, you won't have water and there might be damage to the plumbing the landlord will have to fix.
NCSuzan - Hoping your day will be very special filled with all the things you love!! Happy Almost Birthday!!
Baseball Player Rescued
Shirley, you are right, but at the rate those landlords are now, I bet they would be in no rush to fix frozen pipes.
That is good news that the ballplayer was found.
And I wish extra emotional strength for Kathryn. I know it is tough for her.
Gotta go. Hope everyone has a restful evening.
Thanks, Linda.
Time to head upstairs. I will see you all tomorrow.
I will turn on the night light just in case Judie doesn't make it tonight.
Rest well, my friends.
Happy almost Birthday Suzanne. Enjoy your day tomorrow.
I had to turn the TV up to watch Blue Bloods because Dennis was snoring so loud! Looks like next week's show is going to be good, too!
I think it's time to take him upstairs and let him finish his night's rest in bed!!
Sleep well everyone! Cuddle up to Steve and stay warm, Lynne....
Saying prayers for all.....
May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love xoxo ♥♥♥
Night ♥
I have been looking at all Cards on the internet - WOW! some are outrageously priced. I need to keep looking. What
Suzan found is so far the best deal & the prettiest card.
(((Hugs))) Lynne, understand that you are in a very difficult situation needing the work that Steve is doing for the landlord. Just remember to document everything! In the meantime we need to all pray that Steve gets a great job and then they can deal with that landlord.
Leaving early in the morning for Joseph's last soccer game. Hope to go to Dallas in the afternoon, but not sure of those plans. So, I will be scarce around here tomorrow.
Did I do it? Trying for
11-11-11 pm post
Well, Guess I was an early bird......
Linda, dentist is correct: TMJoint as opposed to TMdisease!!! Or as some say DISJOINT!! Sure hope that chewing does rememdy your situation. Glad you checked in!
Lynne2----it definitely IS against the what are you going to do??? So, so wrong.....
Blue Bloods was a really tense story. Whew!
Nationals catcher Wilson Ramos has been found alive and safe in Venezuela!! Apparently police rescued him...but no info as to whether the kidnappers were arrested or killed, just that the rescue was "violent."
Family Friday was fun this evening, except that GG was sick and throwing up. I did manage to get her to drink about a half cup of Butternut Squash soup. She was able to keep that down...went back to bed and slept the rest of the time that we were there.
Jayden was almost as entertaining as a Broadway Show. Denise and I both forgot our cameras, but Karla did get some cute ones!
Our church is having it's Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday, Food will be prepared tomorrow. Gene and I are going in to help.
Need some extra sleep tonight, so I will say Good Night, sweet Dreams
God Bless you all♥
OH NO! Poor GG....hope she feels better quickly.
Wanda, our church is having Thanksgiving dinner Sunday, too.
Think I am going to get up early Sunday to do my sweet potatoes.
LOL Linda on Dennis LOUD snoring!!! Thank you GOD for letting you hear that sound!
Do not let GG get dehydrated! Poor GG!
It has been a busy day here on the blog
Hoping that all will have a restful night and awaken with a good attitude to start their day.
Good night everyone
Prayers for all - sure hope GG will feel better soon.
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
So glad to hear the ball player has been rescued!!
Shirley, hasn't gone below freezing yet so no worries on the pipes freezing, thank goodness.
Jo, you did post at 11:11 on 11/11/11!
and...good on you!!!
Secret to use so pipes don't freeze:
Let a trickle of water run from the
Suz, it is illegal, but we are not in a position to move and if we make waves there is nothing to protect us from them telling us we have to move.
As our year lease was not renewed because, well, they didn't give us one...we are on a month to month now legally speaking. SO we have no long term protection, so to speak. They are however, breaking the law. We have to be very careful how we proceed. But this is not the only law they are breaking....... ;)
I am ready to head to bed. Have to get up by 7. LOL That is early for me!
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Authorities are investigating a report that gunshots were fired in the vicinity of The White House. Sgt. David Schlosser of the U.S. Park Police said Friday evening that the agency received a report of shots fired near 16th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, between The White House and the Washington Monument, at about 9:30 p.m.
Well we know the President wasn't home
He's out on the big ship watching the game.
I second JO's suggestion for keeping pipes from freezing. I tried it and it works.
I must stop imitating Margy by coming back in --- need to get ready to go
to bed... Night
OH NO JO!!! This is NOT good news...I hope it was not related to your President.
Guess I will say my goodnights to all. I am is 36° now---fire needs more wood. Hoping that tomorrow is NOT windy so I can do the leaves again. One good thing is that the wind HAS kind of deposited them in pockets and piles. Should make it easier this go round.
Sleep tight. Prayers for all for health, wellness, warmth and peace.
Thinking the shots fired near the White House were likely some idiot hoodlums and not anyone trying to harm the Pres.
Heading for bed....must leave the warmth of this blog and hit the flannels. good nigh and prayers for all!
Oh, Hoda, not to worry.....gunshots are not unusual any place in DC!! Ha----not here, either. I don't think a day goes by that I don't hear scanner traffic of "gun shots fired" and end result being "nothing found."
Wanda, sorry GG is not feeling well. Hope she will be fine by morning.
Bye again!
I hpoe GG is better in the morning.
WANDA I am glad things are OK for your surgery.
Sleep well everyone and sweet dreams.
I take it PAULA was not travelling tonight as she said she was going to a wedding.
Goodnight and God Bless everyone.
Evening, all!
Had a wonderful time at the wedding...the reception was held at Dutch's Daughter...."orders", as Lolly would say included spinach dip and crab dip...entree was salad, spicy sauteed shrimp, chicken something, broccoli and cauliflower, twice baked potatoes, and prime rib. And the cake was delicious too. Congrats Debbie and Gary!!
My neighbor came in and fed Nick and let him out...I guess he missed me...he brought my bed pillow downstairs to the sofa! Didn't chew it, but must have been laying on it. ♥ He's a happy camper now that I'm home.
Will have to try and catch up tomorrow...have lots of yard work to try and accomplish this weekend...leaves, cutting back perennials and putting away the deck furniture.
Hope everyone is well this evening!
Don't forget to vote!!
PAULA that is so sweet about Nick and the pillow...glad he did not chew it...
Decided to check on the eagles for a morning visit, but neither one is in. The nest looks beautiful with light and shadows.
SUZAN ♪♫♪♫♫♪
May your special day, and retirement too, be better than you ever dreamed!
WOW 1088 comments. Big thread!
Good morning. Anyone awake on this Saturday morning?
Aw Nick just want to lie on your pillow and get comfy! Glad you had a nice time at the wedding. I've only been to Dutch's Daughter once. Nice place. Monte took me there for my 40th birthday,
Good morning DANAMO.Why are you up on Saturday morning...?I have not been able to sleep. I did give my bed two tries to sleep and it eludes me...I hope the eagles come for a visit.
My body doesn't know the difference between a week day and Saturday and neither do the 3 flying labs. They like to get up and eat. So here I am...Sometimes I go back to bed after awhile and manage to get a couple of more hours of sleep. I don't mind being up. The house is quiet and peaceful.
I have to take the Boy Scouts to the start point of their hike this morning. So maybe I will go back to bed after that. They are hiking the Appalachian trail and sleeping overnight.
When I was teaching I also woke up at the same time as school days.LOL
I like all your stories about the Flying Labs...
How many suprevisors do they have with them and how big a group is it?
You got your wish, Hoda !!
Birthday Eagles for NCSuzan:
Happy Birthay Suzan....may this be your very best birthday EVER ! xoxo ☺
Glad you posted that! I would not have opened the window yet. It seems so early!
I see you already know that. I am up to add more pellets to the hopper and am going back to bed. Belle is in the middle and ____ is at 11-12 o'clock.
Fire going again, back to bed I go. Lori, the post for Happy Birthday Suzan is still on here. Maybe if you put tags in all of them they will stay.
Belle has a white spot on her back. Wish it would stay and then there would be a identifying them without question.
Now they are both looking out at the 9-10 o'clock position.
Really going back to bed now.
Post 1111. :)
I see Lori's Happy Birthday post to Suzan also, Lori and Sharon
Good Morning....Eagle Pals...
Hoda, someone will walk you through posting those pics....
now, not such a good time to try that
She is gone and he is at the middle of the nest.
Good morning magpie. I am pulling a you.
She is back.
but not for long !
That was a nice but fuzzy flyin
they are pretty impossible to walk away from Sharon ☺
What's a tag, Sharon? Is it the apostrophe?
Train has a song - When I look to the sky, something tells me you're here with me and that makes everything alright. And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me And I can always find my way when you are here.
Just got a shot of the fly out.
Lori, like to italicize it or bold it.
Hoda, did you get the fly out?
Going back to lie down. Will bring up the cam on my phone. He just stood up a little, maybe getting ready to leave?
Thanks Sharon! I will try.
Do you think those rascally Eagles KNOW when that color is going to come on and leave just to tease us ??
NICE nest visit, and good reporting Hoda !!
but then again, they might be back ☺
James sitting on a wall in the State Park in Berkeley Springs...when he sat amongst these Hedges..he said "Hey! This reminds me of Hedgie" ☺
He knows Hedgie....!
So, Grateful Avatar of the day for me ☺ Brings to mind two of my dearest people ♥
Yes SHARON I had a picture of a fly in and a fly out and God knows what all else...It was good to share with you all. I am not able to read the blog at the time that I post it seems like too much back and forth for me
Only 6 guys hiking Hoda and two adults. Not a big troop and not alot of participation. Kids are involved in so many things.
Glad to see a new picture of JAMES THE young man "This reminds me of Hedgie"
Sounds like a good day for that hiking trip, DanaMo...a little Brrrrry tonight perhaps
Reading from Wanda that GG was not feeling so great last night, but that they had a great visit with Jayden also....
Hope that GG will be up to par today!
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone....
It's my FRIDAY, and JudyE's MONDAY!
xoxo ♥
Thanks Hoda....
and I would if I could type out all the instructions for posting pictures, into the E-M album...but alas....I would not be able to complete that in the time I have before workday...
I am sure you will get some instuctions, and/or I can try later on this evening...
but you can post to your blogspot like you do your other pictures, I believe
Hope you get some Sleep !
xoxo ♥
I posted eleven pictures of the morning visit on my blog
I will await some instructions as to how to put them on the momster blog. I will try to figure it out too mean while.
THANKS MARGY. Have a great day at work. See you when you come home...ENJOY
Well I uploaded 12 pictures in a new album called November 12 Morning Eagle I can not find it!!! LOL. I was going to say it is as easy as pie but then again I do not find making pies easy. The instructions seemed to be clear they automatically send an email or should I have found a place to tell it to email??? HMMM the mystery of it all.
Well I created another album called: hoda 11/12 morning visit and I can not figure out how to tell it to send with attachments...
I'll go to bed now and try again later on if I find instructions. PLEASE. THANKS.
Good morning my eagle peeps.
Roses grow in Heaven, Lord, pick a bunch for me~ Place them in my dad's arms & tell him they're from me~Tell him that I love & miss him & when he turns to smile place a kiss upon his cheek & hold him for a while - Miss you Dad (gone 9 years)
Good morning THELMA and CAROLANNE.
God's Blessing on you and your DAD CAROLANNE...Lovely sentiment in your poem...may you have many wonderful memories of him today and always
CarolAnne, thanks for sharing.
Good morning all.
Awwww.....cute James the Wise thinking of me when he sat in the hedges!!!
Hoda....will send you an email about the pics.
by the time i signed in, only one there now
Happy, happy birthday NCSuzan. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.
absolutely, Lynn......
James thinks HIGHLY of you ! xoxo ♥
Gee, DanaMo, sure hope those boys are VERY well-layered for tonight! It is 26° here now.....brrrr. Hope they will be able to use the shelters along the trail---that would be a little better than tenting it!! Sure glad YOU don't have to go along!
((Hugs ♥ )) CarolAnne...
missed you yesterday...xo
there's an eagle in the nest for you...
this is classic...two in the nest
and Sunshine on Their Shoulders....
I see TWO
Nice start to the day!
male there now, close to the front
NCSusan hope you got your
Both were doing nestorations. I think that was the male that left and came back. Yes he is closest to us
Belle left male still in nest
Sharing the joy with you, Carolanne ♥
2 in the nest - Birthday present for NCSuzan - hopes it a great one
Oh that was spectacular, that fly in !!!
Male flew back in
CarolAnne, somber day of remembrance for you, isn't it? I knowhow you feel, as most of us here do. There's just nothing quite as special as a Daddy!
Good Morning!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUZAN! Hope it's a really spectacular day for you!
Sorry, fell asleep in front of the TV last night, and didn't make it back here. Got almost all our grossery shopping done with Kubby last night, and we are all stocked up on Emma's food and biscuits and treats. Have to look for a couple of items we couldn't find, but no hurry.
It's raining here--hard enough that Emma had to shake like mad to dry off when I took her out to potty. Our newly-seeded lawns and patio plants are habby!
Am going to have to stay on task with my work for a while. Praying for everyone, and all creatures. Will check back in later. Oh--found out that Bro-in-law Joe had rotator cuff surgery yesterday. Praying that he's doing well.
Have a great Saturday! BBL...
Good morning!
Admiring the eagles with you.
They are both just chillaxing in the cold nest---hope the sun feels warm to them!
Be still my heart!
Loverly eagles in the nest!
Happy birthday, Suzan! I hope that is a very good day for you.
Morning all - have only good memories of my dad, so that is what fills my mind today. In & out today - son, DI
L & grandson here :o)
Posted pic of flyin on my blog/
Great day all!
POOF one...
Belle poofed
One has poofed.
Eagle back...beaking
Moving around the nest cup, now both facing noon
One facing noon, the other digging in the cup
digging in egg cup
Belle in the bowl, looking to the right
She's facing us now
kBelle in front
What a great visit this morning.
Male flew out
It is sooooo stunning to see them again.
Both and then poof one again.....I did get a pic of them together looking like they were "necking!"
see under her chin the v in the white feathers
I can not believe how long a visit they have paid us twice this morning already...So Excited.
Belle still sitting in nest looking around
You would see so much more going on with live feed. Can't wait till they get it up and going!!!!!
split time again!!
Andy, don't work TOO hard today! Did you see our eagles???? Is Kubby working today?? YOU need a day off.
It is very uplifting to simply see Belle looking so very Regal.
Does Lori have more posts missing this morning?? I only see 2....???
And split AGAIN!! THis is getting burdensome. :(
Belle left
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