Thursday, November 17, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Hello Steve....

See this Fresh New Thread...
thank You!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the call over MARGY

STEVE thanks for the new thread any idea what time the tree will be climbed

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so we'll have to whip up a batch of margaritas ☺

JudyE, we'll just have to keep watching the live feed....don't know what time they have the tree climb scheduled for.

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread and thanks MARGY for the call over.

SHIRLEY, do keep us posted as to how you are with all the wires and monitors and such...what does it feel like?

LYNN might go home today JUDIE says...I know she will be more comfortable in her home.

JudyEddy said...

since I have been off the blog for a while I am poking and looking at pictures my last new word for the day was
hyphewoo What the hey?? funny now we need to come up with a definition for it LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok back to laundry I guess

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my lovely eagle budlets!

JudyEddy said...

Hey not for sure if yu all have seen this but I have thw Wildlife as one of my favorites like Paula so when a new video is added they let you know Well when Paula notice came to me this one did also was from Nov 8 added and you may have seen it but with me not having a boobtube I hadn't seen it It is Buddys new home done in fast motion Pretty cool

Buddy new home in fast motion

magpie said...

G'Afternoon Sharon...☺

Here's a treat:
Megan has been hearing Tundra Swans today! She can't see them for the clouds but sure is hearing them~! YAY !

going to sneak outside for a few mins...would love to hear some

DanaMo said...

Sissy I have been thinking of you all day since your post this morning. I just can't get it off my mind. Do you mind me asking how the fire started? Did you and Tom have other children? If I'm being too nosy just tell me to MYOB. Like I said, I've just been thinking about you all day.

JudyEddy said...

That offending limb looks like it is vibrating in the breeze I like it brown now
and I noticed I can't find the man in the limb any more ;^(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMO, I will answer for my Sis. They never determined the exact cause but think it was electrical. They did not have other children but they did play a big part in helping me raise Andrew and now with Mattie.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday to you Hoda! Have a fantabulous day!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, we haven't seen any daytime visits..still just morning and evening.

magpie said...

Big difference in temps today over yesterday.....
Hoda's area is covered in snow; she's having a White Birthday !

Hoda said...

I just came in from digging my car out...The Yaris is such a small Toyota it does not take too long to dig it out, but there was a lot of snow on it. I am glad for the snow tires they came in handy last night when it was so icy...

Off to yoga. Will see you all soon. Look forward to hearing from LYNN or to hearing about LYNN.

PRAYERS and WISHEs for knowing of gratitude today and every day.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the feedback on the visit during day PAULA I was just wondering because the eagle nest here in St Pete the one in the cell tower get several visit all day long I wonder why?? the difference

JudyEddy said...

The temp here is lo 80°

JudyEddy said...

Rain has come and gone

JudyEddy said...

Hey PAULA you should post your video of this am visit on the Facebook page of the nest the one from today I can't get it to share from my end

JudyEddy said...

when I had my puter at the shop He downloaded Speccy and Auslogic Disc Frag I wonder if he left them on thinking I was going to bring it back to him if it acted up again any one have a clue what they are I have disc frag that comes with my vista I will google it BBL LM again

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, nesting season in Florida starts sooner than up here..they should be getting ready to lay eggs soon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - Hubby picked up leaves
earlier and now he could really to it
again NOT.
I have things to do but no desire to do them. Guess it is called laziness or

Shirley, rest well.

Tree visit - I just hope the ground is
hard enough to hold the bucket truck.

I feel a nap coming on but I hate that the time doing so is like wasted.. That is what retirement is all about!

DanaMo said...

Okay Sharon, I was trying to figure out Mattie. That makes sense now.I get people confused and mixed up on the blog and have to refer to pictures and such,but don't always take the time to go over to everyone's profiles. Thanks for answering.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone,

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTDAY, HODA!!! Prayers that this will be a SPECTACULAR day for you!! Love you!

Bev, what can I say? Prayers are with you & Tom, and the whole family. Kubby & I lost our youngest daughter, and Jen lost her Sis, Heather Nicole ("Nicke") Young, at age 15 years on October
7, 1992, to Wegener's Granulomatosis. It blindsided us, because she had been doing quite well at the time, but she had a massive brain hemorrhage that morning when God called her home. We thank God that she was home with us, resting in our bed, and not in the hospital, when she was taken from us. We, like you, try not to dwell on the fact that we lost her, and rather thank God that He loaned her to us for a while. We thank Him for His Grace that has gotten us through it all. We miss her each and every day, but we, too, rest assured that we WILL see her again. (We know what a wonderful place she is in now!) God bless you and Tom, and your family! Love you guys! (((HUGS)))!!!

WV Dana, THANK YOU for the link to the song, "Precious Child"--it's SO very special!

Linda said...

Sharon - Mattie is your sister Becky's daughter?

I'm getting things straight along with DanaMo!!

Linda said...

Anxious to hear how Lynn is progressing today.....

Jewels said...

Hey gals..... Just sitting here. Mom is doing well. Has only had one pain pill. Not walking as much as I think she should. But for now all its still well. Hire and 15 min. Catheter comes out. Yea!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am SO HABBY that LYNN will most likely go home tonight!!! Keep those clear liquids coming, so she can do a #1!!!!! LOVE YOU, LYNN!!!!

Have been very, very busy trying to catch up on the blog--sorry I missed this morning's visit,'cause sounds like it was really something! Miss Emma is demanding some attention from me right now, and need to take care of some laundry.

Shirley, hope the Holter monitor isn't too much of a PIA for you. It will definitely be a big help to your doctor. Hope you are able to get some good rest. I have trouble sleeping every so often too. (Guess you, me, and Hoda are all in the same boat!) Okay, Emma,I'm coming... Will check back in here a little later. HAGD, everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, Becky is the daughter of my oldest sister, Donna, who we lost in 2007, so Mattie is my great-niece and of course, Beverly is my sister as I am sure you all know.

Kay said...

Back from the errands and mammo. I hope you gals all get one regularly and hope your imaging centers have state of the art equipment like mine. No squishing, no pain and the tech and I can see the images on screen immediately. Happy to say I won't be returning til' Nov. 2012 !

Think I'm up to date on's hoping LYNN is the pee-n-ist this afternoon and gets to spend the night in her own bed !

SISSY, I do so appreciate the love and trust you place in us when you tell your story. It is profoundly inspiring to hear how you, Tom and your families have triumphed over one of the saddest losses imaginable. Our loss here on earth was Heaven's gain--thinking of four joyous and precious angels on high !

PAULA, thanks for the wonderful video of this morning's nestoration session. Especially nice for those of us who missed it.

CAROL-ANN, what a lovely poem and avatar. Thank You and All who've mentioned my dear ones on their birthdays. We never stop missing those who've received that ultimate promotion, but can take joy in the image of their happy life in Heaven !

Kay said...

ANDY, it helps us all when the ANDY's and the SISSY's in our lives tell their stories of loss and recovery. It makes us realize we aren't alone in our grief and that we really honor the departed best by moving on and enjoying life to the fullest.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s full of love for you, Ken, Sissy and Tom !

stronghunter said...

No-squish mammo. Would like to know more about that.

Lolly said...

Yes, I would like to know about that no squish, too. I have and appointment a week from Monday for mine. The day after that the yearly with gyn. More fun!

Okay, everyone...think of running water. Let's help Lynn out! lol

Lolly said...

We have run errands, packed, watered, banked...not much more to do. Not leaving too early in the morn. No need to rush out. Going to take two short days to get there.

Lolly said...

CarolAnne...have been meaning to email you. I love the way your lurk and then just pop in with words of wisdom.☺ You do not say much but I know you are there.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news, Jewels. Looking forward to more good reports on Lynn!

Heading to get my do done...will see ya later this evening.

Hope our couple graces us with their presence!

Lolly said...

42 years ago tomorrow I lost my daddy. I was 25, he was 58 and it was the day my Michael turned 10 months old. Way to early to loose a daddy!

Lori O. said...

Thirty minutes and Lynn's catheter comes out...good idea, Lolly, about thinking of running water! How long will you be gone - I do remember reading that you're hoping to check in on DIL's i-pad.

Linda said...

Thanks, Sharon....

You sure have had some tragedy in your family. Thank God for your strong faith through the many trials you've endured.

Kay said...

The "machine" I stepped up to looked a like the old, but the process was accomplished without squishing, the top "shelf" just settled down softly. The tech didn't have to say, "tell me if this hurts". Also, no holding the breath necessary--I was told to stand still, but to breathe normally. The tech stepped behind a plastic or glass screen and both watched as the image appeared. None of this, "sit a minute and I'll see if we have what we need". Very interesting. There were several streaks of white, looking like a crooked little streams or roads. She told me those are calcium deposits, says they are rare, but of no concern.

Lolly said...

We will arrive back home the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so we will be gone 10 days.

Lolly said...

I will be using my iphone while traveling.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now I would like to say this - I found my beloved eagle buddies in 2006. In that winter, I developed a liver abscess and almost didn't make it. You all loved me through it. I got out of the hospital on Christmas Eve. In January 2007, just a couple of weeks later, my sister, Donna, died. You all loved me through it. In August of the same year, I lost my Mommy and you all loved me through it. Two weeks to the day later, my brother died and you all loved me through it. I can't say I would have made it through without the love, prayers and support of my friends on here.

"I came for the eagles but I stayed for the friendships I have made". We definitely have history! :)

Lori O. said...

Whoa, nice Lolly!

Lori O. said...

Oh, Sharon! We are blessed to still have you! What a tough road you've had. ((Big HUG))

Linda said...

Well, I have to ask for prayers once again my dearest prayer warriors.....

My Mom has been in the hospital for about 10 days and against our wishes was intubated a few moments ago. She has advanced pulmonary fibrosis and this is not good.

She originally went in because of another problem - and was diagnosed with diverticulitis. Somehow when her system finally started cleaning out, she got anxious and her blood oxygen went down.

She's been in CCU and has been heavily sedated to keep her anxiety level down and pain down. I just don't understand. Yesterday while resting her oxygen saturation was 98% with a full oxygen mask.

They keep telling us she keeps having these panic attacks and if she can't settle down, they will have to intubate.

While we were trying to get a message to the doctor to talk with us (you always miss them at the hospital) she had another episode and supposedly agreed that she wanted the tube to breathe.

I fear it will not be removed and our time is limited. My brother is on the way to the hospital now and I am getting things caught up in case I need to make yet another trip to FL.....

Please pray for peace in my Mom's heart and mind as I believe she is very fearful of the process of dying.

Thank you ♥

Kay said...

SHARON, love your phrase, "loved me through it" ! What an amazing group this is. You've all "loved me through" a very scary time and I promise I'll be here to love each of you through any trial or tribulation that comes along !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((LINDA HUGS))))) Prayers starting now.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Dear Linda I have read your message and am lifting your mom up in prayers now. Sounds like a very difficult time indeed. Prayers for you and your brother too. Keep the faith.

Mema Jo said...

Linda - I am praying for your mom and the family. I know you will be on your
way to where you are needed. Praying for you the strength a daughter needs in a time of this. ♥

Kay said...

LINDA, you've had way too much on your plate for the last few months. We are going to pray for your mother and "love you through it" !♥♥♥!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - You and your wonderful family have a gracious Thanksgiving! Safe travels all the way there and back home.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - you know that if anything, even the smallest anything happens,
We are here to L♥ve you through it! ♥

Mema Jo said...

It's almost catheter time
It's almost catheter time
Whoa - let it flow, let it flow
Let it FLOW.........

Give it all you got, Lynn
Just relax and think of a waterfall or the ocean's surf......

I love you!!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Jo! And, I would appreciate prayers for safe travel, especially since my whole family will be traveling. Laurel, Joey and the boys are driving straight through on Sunday. Michael, Ashley, and Zach are flying Wednesday but have an hours drive in the dark on unfamiliar roads once they get there.

Linda, prayers for your mom. Prayers and (((hugs))) for you. We will love you through this!!

JudyEddy said...

LINDAI will be praying for you and your family and your mom

CarolAnne said...

Ahhh, the prayer needs continue.
Have many family angels in heaven, will ask them to boost our prayer power for all our needs.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your mother and for your whole family, Linda. Bless you and your loved ones.

Lolly said...

See.....there you are, CarolAnne, peeking in!! (((Hugs)))☺

Lolly said...

It is that time of day. Waiting for our eagles!

CarolAnne said...

Yes Lolly, I am here.
It is my nature to be a sort of 'behind the scenes' kind of person.

stronghunter said...

On the Holter thing: It pokes me when I bend over to pick something up, but I can deal with that.

Hauled in three 40-pound bags of potting soil. So it hasn't hampered my activities too much.

Got one batch of bulbs put into a window box and placed it out by the fence. I still have lots of bulbs to plant.

Will probably need more potting soil and pots. This is not the best time of year to find these things in the store.

The lady at the garden store took me behind a curtain and found some items in a storage area. She was very nice. They are busy setting up Christmas things now.

Jewels said...

Linda, oh my gosh girl, I am so including your mom, you and the family in my prayers....I am so sorry to hear this!

Lolly said...

Shirley, it is good that you are doing strenuous things while wearing that thing. I had that one time years ago. Hated it! Made me feel like I was really sick!

We still have not had a freeze. Have petunias, pentas, periwinkles, begonias, roses, dasies, impatients, and mums still blooming. Oh, and have the pansies I planted recently. Also, the hanging baskets of ferns that we are not saving are still hanging outside. Grass is still green though covered with leaves.

Lolly said...

Quite a bit of wind at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Supposed to drop into the 20s here tonight.

Jewels said...

Catheter out at 4pm!!! Still no flow of the water :( just ranted Mema Jo's song!! Told her to drink, drink drink!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jewels! I hope it works! ♥

stronghunter said...

Yay! Catheter is out.

Mema Jo said...

BBILW Short run out

Hope Lynn will soon be on her way home.

Lolly said...

Give her a coke to drink! Does it to me fast every time!

stronghunter said...


Check the sound on the cam.

Just a thought, Lori.

Lori O. said...

Tinkle time, Lynn!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Shirley. I tried it and still no sound. Dang!

Jewels said...

Linda, mom sends her prayers and (((((( hugs ))))))

stronghunter said...

Got a strange message on my OC message board. I think I will not answer it.

I do not usually use that message board.

stronghunter said...

I hear the wind blowing there, Lori.

stronghunter said...

Had a George escape this evening. Hunter and I were out front looking for him when he popped his head out from underneath the front steps.

JudyEddy said...

Look like no visit

glo said...

Its potty time YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Kay said...

The catheter is out. I'm tickled pink. You go girl. No, I really mean it, You GO, Girl !☺

LORI, I have yet to get sound at the nest even though most say they do. ????

Reported the mammo to my girls and learned Julie has an appt. for one on Tuesday and Eileen early next month. Yeah ! I've trained them well !

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is on my lap we are waiting to see if they show up before we head to her house

JudyEddy said...

make her put her hands in water to go might help

JudyEddy said...

make her put her hands in water to go might help

Kay said...

Come on Belle n' REM. Show up for Jordyn, puhleeeeeezz !

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Kay said...

Can you believe that, they landed at the same time just as I asked using my polite word !!!!! LOL

JudyEddy said...

they showed up just as you asked KAY

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

They look soooooo purty ! Poof one and Poof two !

stronghunter said...

Poof and poof.

stronghunter said...

Gotta get dinner ready.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And gone! Lynn says hello Belle and Shep!

Costume Lady said...


Kay said...

I reckon they wanted Jordyn to see them, mission accomplished and so long !

Lolly said...

Well, that was not a long visit. I was on the phone with Laurel, but I saw them! My first time to see actual moving eagles on the active live feed!. LOL

Costume Lady said...

The nest is beginning to look more like it should...taking shape very nicely:)

NCSuzan said...

Linda, I was on a vent for nine days, not expected to live. I have end stage COPD. That was two years ago. So I am having very positive thought for your Mom's good health and prayers for you and your family.

Kay said...

That was really uncanny. Thank you, Belle n' REM ! I'll try to remember my pleases and my thank yous from now on. ;0)

Costume Lady said...

I do hope Jordyn was looking!

Lolly said...

Laurel said we are NOT to put any food outside at the lodge. Family there recently made bird feeders with peanut butter. Next morning they had a bear on the picnic table on the deck. hee hee Think I will take peanut butter. LOL

Kay said...

LOLLY, I don't know where your picture of Tom was taken, but it looks like he's saying, "It's me bare" !

Kay said...

JUDY, did Jordyn get excited ?

Costume Lady said...

We have a church member with COPD, very bad, and he is 94-95 yrs. old. Has had the illness for at least 5 years now, still smokes as does his daughter, with whom he lives. She also has COPD and her Doctor told her she would die soon if she didn't quit. She only smokes half a cigarette now...not good enough, she MUST quit! I just can't understand it:(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Kay, that was so freaking funny! :-)

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, it is the hardest thing I have ever done, quit smoking. But it is the best thing I have done for my health. At least I feel a little better and can breathe better. You have to want to do it for yourself first. And he is in his nineties? I am not even sixty.

Kay said...

SHARON, I love it when I can make you laugh !

WANDA, it is so sad to watch people who refuse to take care of themselves. She probably figures her dad made it all the way into his 90's, so what the heck. Foolish woman. My Stan succumbed to COPD--he stopped smoking as soon as he got the diagnosis and lived another three years, but it was just too late, I guess.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, most of you know my history as a recovering addict. I do not want drugs every day but I certainly want a cigarette most days and I am 3 years out from smoking. Really hard task but one I take a day at a time.

NCSuzan said...

CO2 will start building in her lungs and her brain will begin to not function as well as it is not getting enough oxygen and the co2 is poisoning her. It is not a pretty way to die. I hope she quits. She will be amazed at how much better she will feel. She will still be sick but she will feel better. COPD used to be the fourth leading cause of death in the US. Now it is #3.

Kay said...

SHARON, we're loving you through it ! Every ex-smoker I've known says the craving never leaves you. It has to be one of the hardest addictions to overcome. My dad smoked til' he got religion, when I was about 12 years old. He put a New Testement in his "cigarette pocket" and every time he reached for one, there it was to remind him. The church I grew up in did not allow us to "smoke, drink, dance or chew or run around with folks that do". ;o)

NCSuzan said...

Sharon, congratulations! I told my pulmonologist the other day that if she had a cigarette I would fight her for it! That urge doesn't seem to go away!

Kay said...

Are heart disease and cancer #'s 1 and 2, Suzan ?

Kay said...

Well, I think I'll pop a Marie Callender Chicken Pot Pie in the mircrowave and eat it while watching the news. Hope Grey's and the Mentalist are not reruns tonight. I hate to fall asleep on reruns.☺ Anybody know ? Jo ?

NCSuzan said...

I believe heart disease is #1 but I do not remember #2. Let me see if I saved that report......

Lolly said...

LOL Kay, that brings all new meaning to "It's me, bear", and I will think of "It's me bare!"

Lolly said... Grey's tonight. It is a 2 hour Private Practice.

NCSuzan said...

I did not save that report but if my memory serves me at all I think strokes were #2. So many cancers are more treatable today than in years passed. My mother died at 42 from heart disease and you do not see that now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Can't you just hear Tom saying that now? I love it! Forever changed in my mind!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I keep chuckling every time I think about it. People are going to think I am more nuts than I really am.

Lolly said...

Well, I do hope Lynn has tinkled by now. Have not heard from Jewels for a while. Hope they are headed home!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't think she has. :(

Lolly said...

Not good!

Lolly said...

Lynn, drink two cokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kay said...

LOLLY, thanks ! I can tolerate a 2 hour PP, even if it does cut into The Mentalist. I'll probably be asleep in front of the TV by 10 anyway.

SUZAN, sounds right to me when thinking of some losses amongst friends. Keep on taking care of yourself and beating the odds !!!!

NCSuzan said...

Just read that the Leonid Meteor Shower tonight after midnight but not going to be too spectacular. the Geminids(sp) on Dec. 14th are supposed to be very good if we can withstand the cold! Got my info from

Kay said...

SHARON, just tell em' the truth, that your thinking about Tom Selleck in the nude. They won't think you're nuts, they'll just think you're perverted ! LOL

NCSuzan said...

Yhank you Kay.

Gettin' hungry! Goin to check out the fridge!

Kay said...

Pot pie is done. BBL if I don't crash. Praying for all in need and that LYNN got er' done and is on the way home !!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

CarolAnne said...

RE: Lynn/tinkle
Once when hospitalized I could not leave until I could tinkle, so the nurse suggested I take a shower & go in the shower. It worked and home I went. Doubt Lynn is up to standing in the shower - it will happen if meant to be.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

DanaMo, I just saw your post. We really don't know how the fire started. They thought it was faulty wiring in the kitchen. We couldn't have any more children, but we were blessed to help raise Sharon's son Andrew and our precious Mattie (our great niece). The fire happened around this time of day, 5:30 or so, and it is hard some years around this time. Get that feeling in my heart, smell of smoke in the air.

But, thank you all for all the love. Eaglet Momsters cannot be too nosy and we ARE each other's business.

Lolly said...

Occupy Dallas has been ousted!

NatureNut said...

Good PM to everyone! Had both cameras on & reading blog, so didn't see if they arrived or I was little late!
Had teeth cleaning apppt., stores to visit, a little cooking, aso missed whole day on here. This AM got email that my dear 91 yr. old Uncle Lew passed yesterday.Was eventually expected, but I didn't think just yet. He dictated an email for my cousin to send to me about week & 1/2 ago. At least we had some communication. He was married to my late Aunt Ann and was happy about Sherry finding the sapphire from the ring they had given me!They're the ones I've talked about that lived overseas.All three cousins were sent to US for college and the family home was then established in VT.

Linda, prayers for your Mom & you & family.You've had it tough since summer.
Prayers for Bev, Tom, Sharon and all your family.
AND, am waiting to hear when our Lynn gets sprung from Fairfax!
Prayers that her clear liquid works!
Love all of you (((HUGS))) & thankful I got brave enough to join a Blog!!!

Jewels said...

Still here, mom has yet to use bathroom..... She doesn't drink sodas.... Just water and tea.... And off course some booze.... Lol

Linda said...

Thank you ALL so very much for your prayers and comments. I know you will hold my hand and love me through whatever is ahead.

They did an x-ray after intubating my Mom and saw an air picket in her abdomen. Not Good!

There is a chance that a diverticula (sp) may have perforated her bowel, so they have taken her down for a cat scan. One of my brothers who works in a pathology lab in Syracuse, NY explained what that could mean.

If there is a perforation, they will probably have to do surgery, but at this point I have no idea what they are looking for or what exactly they will find.

The brother that is at the hospital is very emotional and is having difficulty explaining what is happening right now.

Lots of phone calls back and forth between my 4 brothers and me. One brother, Billy, is in Heaven. He is the one who would have been on top of all of this.

Thanks for the love and hugs from LYNN, too, and JEWELS, too! You have enough on your plates.

I just love all of you so very much!

Lynne2 said...

home finally....didn't get a chance to pop in from work.

I hate to keep gushing over you Bev, but I HAVE to! I'm just so proud of you for opening up to us, and letting us love all over you this time of year! Oh, gosh, you guys wer SO young to have such a terrible thing happen. Wish I could hug you in person tomorrow!

DanaMo said...

I can't believe I missed the visit and I had the cam up. I was busy making Andrew's cookies and I made a mistake on them! I put too much salt. Do you think the cookies will taste different?

Lolly said...

Well, tell her it is time to change.....drink that coke!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

How much..."too much salt"?

Lynne2 said...

and Linda, I haven't read back but a couple of post but I see there are more prayers needed for you and your family, especially your mom. I know how hard this has been for you, especially with Bill in Heaven. But I suspect he doing what he can from there~!

DanaMo said...

Lynn would you please go pee!

Lynne2 said...

oh Loretta, so sorry to hear of your Uncle's passing. (((HUGS)))

Geesh, the only thing that really sucks about our love and support for each other here is that we can't be together for what would be a much needed group HUG in perosn!

Lynne2 said...

********LYNN ELLEN*********

(c'mom y'all, sing it with me)


Lolly said...

Maybe we can get Lynn to laughing so hard that we can get good results. Hold that pillow, Lynn!!!

Lynne2 said...

OH! Hoda has snow!!! Hope it's not slowing you down Hoda!

Shirley, how soon will they give you the results from the Holter?

Megan is hearing Tundra Swans!! WOO OOO hey Paula, bet they'll be in PARADISE!!

Lolly said...

Not only did Megan hear swans...she saw 2 adult eagles fly over together. Like to think they were ours!

Lynne2 said...

Oh my gosh.....ANDY....I didn't realize YOU had lost a child as well. I'm so sorry the anniversary of her passing came and went without me knowing. So sorry, dear girl, and Hugs for you and Kubby!

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, I am so far behind I think I'm in first place....


Costume Lady said...

CAROLYN...tell Mom to get a pitcher of warm water, sit on the potty and pour the water slowly over herself...(not on her head!)

Lynne2 said...

Kay, praying that the mammogram today will reveal nothing but healthy tissue!

OMG Sharon, I was not aware of the actual timeline for all of those things in your life...I wasn't yet on the blog to support you then, but you know I am here with everyone now~!

Costume Lady said...

Now, tell me what you all think...I have 3 babies in you think I will have to change diapers when I get there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You might not have been here yet Lynne, but you were well on your way!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No diapers, just loving Wanda.

DanaMo said...

I am more and more in awe of all of you wonderful ladies each day as I hear the stories you share about your lives. Your strength, love and faith amaze me! I am so glad that I am a part of this group.

Prayers to all who need them tonight.

And has Lynn peed yet?

Costume Lady said...

Do you think that you and your spouse will be together in heaven?

CarolAnne said...

As much as we all want Lynn to be back in her roost tonight, isn't it getting a bit late in the day for that. The paperwork & instructions, blab, blab, blab; the actual trip home, getting settled in. Seems that would be a bit much late in the day.

Lynne2 said...

LMBO Kay.....Tom's saying "it's me BARE". LOL LOL LOL!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes I do Wanda.

Lynne - isn't that just great! It's me bare, it's me! Cannot stop laughing.

DanaMo said...

a 1/2 teaspoon too much...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMO, I don't think a half a teaspoon is going to make that much difference. I will take them if nobody else wants them! :)

Costume Lady said...

CarolAnne...I was thinking on those same lines. That trip is going to be hard on her. I feel certain that she would be better off waiting til morning. Then, maybe she could stop at McDonalds and get a Cheesburger:)

Hoda said...

Prayers for LINDa and her MOM and the wqhole family.

SHARON and BEV you have had many tough experiences in your lives and so many losses. Prayers that your inner strength and God's Grace see you through the rough spots and bring you the LIGHT of HIS Peace.

Jewels thanks for the updates on your MAMA I much appreciate them.

The road crews are out in force sanding and removing snow, so things are more manageable in terms of driving.

Need to go cook lunch as I have not eaten it yet... BBL

Lynne2 said...

SMOKING.....GROOOSSSSSS!!! Worst thing I ever did to myself.
We are in "Phase 1" of cutting back to quit at some point. No more smoking in the house.

Lolly said...

I agree with you, CarolAnne. It is 6:30 there and dark. A bit late. Probably best for Lynn to spend another night. I was surprised that they took the catheter out so late.

Lynne2 said...

OH Wanda.....maybe you WILL change your precious little one's diapers in Heaven, but it would be the best dang diaper changing you've ever done!!!

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, I hope so...

Hoda said...

I can not believe this!!! LYNN PRECIOUS LYNN just sent me a BIRTHDAY CARD!!! THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH LYNN

I also got wonderful cards from JO and WVDANA. Thank you so much all for your birthday wishes on the blog and in cards...I am blessed in my friends.{{{{{♥♥♥♥♥♥♥}}}}}

Costume Lady said...

Well, LYNNE, it is said that you will have no worries or cares or pain, in heaven, so I guess it will be a fun reunion:)

Jewels said...

Ladies and gents hold on to your seats, the queen has made water!!!!

Lolly said...

I have a baby grandaughter, named Samantha.....I am going to put a bow in her hair and rock and cuddle her in heaven.

Lolly said...

roflmbo Lynn, we are not going to let you forget this!!!!1

Jewels said...

Hoda, mom says your so welcome!

Mema Jo said...

9-11:00 New Private Practice WMAR Chn 2

9-10:00 New Bones Wttg Fox Chn 5

9-10:00 New Person of Interest Chn 9
10-11:00 New The Mentalist Chn 9

10-11:00 New Prime Suspect Chn 11

Channels may be different for you....

Jewels said...

Whooohooo, waiting on doc, maybe he will come talk to us, but guess we are waiting on discharge papers!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yayayay!! The Water Queen!

Lynne2 said...

oh it will Wanda....can you just IMAGINE!!

WOOOOO HOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good on you, Lynn~!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, I didn't know you had lost 3 babies. ((((HUGS)))) My mom, I think, had as many miscarriages as she did live births. If some of them had made it, I might not be here as I am the baby.

Lynne2 said...

oh gosh Lolly...didn't know you had a grandbaby in Heaven! Awww, bet she can't wait to have you rock her!

Lynne2 said...

wow Sharon....that's a heck of a thought, isn't it?

Lynne2 said...

Hey JudyE! Glad to see you are back with us again and I hope it STAYS that way!

Mema Jo said...


Carolyn, you and Christie drive your
mother home safely. Put the heat on in
the car as it is one cold night. We need you to keep in touch even when you get our friend home and settled in as to her daily care with which you need
help. Bless you daughters!

Lolly said...

Ashley and Michael had a little girl. Ashley spent from about Thanksgiving to Christmas in bed trying to keep her. Then she lost all her amniotic fluid. They had to induce labor. Ashley got to hold her. We had a beautiful little service in the infant garden at the hospital.

Lolly said...

We are getting ready to split in about 15 comments.

Time for me to go prepare some dinner.


paula eagleholic said...

I can hear that airplane at the nest!

stronghunter said...


Prayers for all of those who have lost children.

Dinner has been eaten and I am watching Wheel of Fortune. Kathryn and Hunter are walking the dogs.

Kathryn came home a bit early tonight. She immediately started a fire in the fireplace. Nice and cozy in here now.

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, so sorry to hear about your Mom's condition...hope they can find the problem with the cat scan.

I guess Lynn will pee when she has to go!

DanaMo, bake the cookies anyway and see how they taste! they should be OK!

Bare Tom, Love it!

Yay Lynn!

Lolly, so sorry for Michael and Ashley's loss...and you and Jack as well.

Lolly said...

Dinner is over! Cozy fire going here, too, Shirley! PP does not come on for another hour. Need to get my kindle ready for the week, clean my purse, etc.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn has been discharged! ♥ ♥

Headed Home Sweet Home

Hoda said...

OK I am off to get conditioned. See you all later...{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Hoda said...


Costume Lady said...

I think LYNN will have a cozy fire when she gets home, too. She banked her woodstove and has it all ready to lite as soon as she gets in the door. She left no leaf unturned (literally). Last thing she did was blow the leaves off her deck. Hope they didn't fall on it again, while she was gone:)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I haven't been with the where are you going?
Sounds like fun no matter where, with the whole family joining together!

Jewels said...

Just left the hospital, long time waiting for the wheel chair! Mom did not have time to bank the fire before we left so fire tonight. Leaves are must likely on the deck again.

stronghunter said...

Very quiet on here this evening, but we are about to split.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know that Lynn has left the hospital. I have to agree that there are probably lots of leaves on her deck. They fell off the trees here big time in the past few days. My beautiful dogwood has lost most of its leaves now.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jewels - hear from you later ♥

stronghunter said...

Split time is upon us.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...