Thursday, November 17, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Time to head upstairs. I will see you all tomorrow. Rest well everyone.

Kay said...

Just checking back in to see if LYNN did the deed. Hurray ! I see they were heading home at 8:05. What good news !

It has certainly been a day of memories and reflections on this blog. Interesting that each day has it's own personality. Glad we can infuse a bit of humor, no matter what. A sense of humor is God given and vital to our survival !

HODA, wish we'd all been there to bake a cake and help you celebrate ! Hope it was a good day in spite of the snow, the need to dig the car out, etc..♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Thinking of you all wtih love and the hope that you'll each be able to get a good nights sleep ! See you on the other side of midnight and before noon, I hope. zzzzzz....

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn has left the building...thank you, thank you very much!

JudyEddy said...

Home for Angies YEP JORYDN got excited when she saw them and we split as soon as they poofed So cute sitting on the couch tonight she took my hand and
Angies hand and held both our hands watching TV and then she had me hold Angies hand she is such a delightful child

My daughter got Direct TV just recently and guess what I discovered I watch a lot of the YouTube video on it tonight ones that Paula has put on as well as others if you have Direct TV and the IE you can view any Youtube channel on it DID you all know that Now I want direct TV I watch the March 11 one with the fight and so sad to see POJ Jordyn thought it was funny to see on her big TV

JudyEddy said...

WOW I have over one hundred comments to catch up on but first I need a shower and the tube time so I shall return as a new and clean woman BBL

Lolly said...

Wanda, Laurel's church owns a home in Pagosa Springs, Co. (In the mountains of southern CO.) It is a 2 story, 5 bedroom, 2 bath, little lodge. lol Oh, and a 3 car garage! We have it for the full week of Thanksgiving. Oh, and there are bears!!!!!

Judie said...

Lynn is, indeed, very close to being in her own roost. Carolyn has assured me that she and Christie will be there to make sure Lynn doesn't do anything stuuuupid. They will also attend to Liesl's needs when she returns to her mom.

The sandperson is making stealthy noises coming down the hallway so I have turned on the night light for all who may need to arise in the darkness. Restful sleep for all and welcome home hugs and love for Lynn.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So glad to see that Lynn is on her way home. I know she is more than ready. Wonder how long until Liesl gets to come home?

Lynne2 said...

good grief, the Swamp People are hunting for Swampsgiving Dinner......
Snapping turtle, Gar, Rabbit sausage. Oh dear....

oh, and now that hunk Bruce is hunting for frogs.....

Wonder if Lynn will be up to coming on tonight? Better she rest. So glad she is home!

Lynne2 said...

Leonid meteor shower tonight....may take a peek before I crash.

Heading for the shower. will pop back in before I go to bed to see if maybe Lynn chimes in.

magpie said...

Good Evening Precious Pals....

See a heavy duty need for prayers for Linda's Mother....and her entire family going through this difficulty.
I agree, we have angels in heaven who can boost our prayers up "to the next level"

So many of you have such warm and encouraging, uplifting, spiritual words to share....

Many heartwarming yet sad posts here today....the loss of young ones too early....

and older ones, too many of us are affected...

((Hugs ♥ )) with the Prayers, Friends

and the Lynn entourage is probably not too far from Lynn's Lair by now...
Whee Doggy! Hallelujah !

magpie said...

Would have been nice to have a big fancy warm, cozy, and comfortable limousine to transport them all home...and someone else to drive Christie's car....

magpie said...

My mother had seven children, five girls and two boys...then two miscarriages, then ME, then two more miscarriages.
Only one made it far enough along, that they knew it was a boy, his name was Thomas Finley Hoogland.....I don't know where he is buried...

magpie said...

If it was not so late, I would drive over and test drive those cookies that DanaMo made ☺

Jewels said...

Whooohooo made it to Charles Town!!!! Will try to get on when I get home. Christie wil be taking mom on to her house and I will just take moms truck home tonight since I will be going to get house tomorrow evening.

magpie said...

Thanks for the Leonid Meteor shower alert, Suzan...I knew it was close but this got away from me...usually, they are the BEST meteors...and the skies are clear,
might try to have a peek sometime before daybreak....

and maybe hear some Swans also !!

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

If Carolyn is not going to get much sleep, well, hey why not, we can be sleep-deprived together Friday

Wishes sent out Hedgesville way to Lynn, Carolyn and Christie...

xo ttfn need a shower now ♥

magpie said...

Okay Jewels!!!

Closer by the minute and by the mile !!

Sounds like a good plan, scan the roads for deer, all of you...

Lolly said...

There is no TV, no radio, no wifi. My cell phone receives a weak signal. It is going to be a week of hiking in the woods, looking for hidden treasure, and playing games. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

magpie said...

And you are baaaaaaack in West-by-God Virginia ♥

magpie said...

ISS will be weak in the morning "hereabouts" but rousing and bright on Saturday morning, before dawn...

Lolly - check the schedules for during your trip !!

Lolly said...

Yea for Lynn!! Almost home!

Hoda said...

a very good conditioning class, I can not beleive we have already done five classes and only three more to go...

I need to read back on the blog.

magpie said...

My father was buried....
22 years ago, he died Nov 13, 1989 at the age of 80.
Here is his picture on my avatar, when he was 6 years old.....
crazy little outfit for a little boy...
He was really a neat person...☺

magpie said...

You have five more hours of Birthday Glory!

Enjoy xoxo ♥

NOW ttfn xox ♥ I hear bubbles a'brewin'

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, they were not expecting it to be a big meteor show. There are not too many city lights where i live so I am hooping to see a little light show1

magpie said...

Thanks Suzan....see your post just now...
I have a lot of town lights here too....
but I'll take a few peeks

I've seen some good ones from these showers...but maybe not this year...

All your posts earlier...very informative, straightforward, and encouraging...God Bless You for the Best Health things from here on out...xoxo ♥

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, so glad you are headed home. Please let your love ones take care of you. I know it's hard but you need to rest, heal and get your strength back. Of course, looking at Mr. Selleck on here is not going to conserve anyone's energy!!LOL! Some ladies on here have quite the imagination!

magpie said...

I know one thing from all the earlier posts....if ANY of has trouble making water...we have plenty of suggestions on how to do it NOW ☺

Love you all, better go get my shower in...

Hoda said...

MARGY it is a BEAUTIFUL picture of youre six year old father...he was blessed to have you for a daughter. I am sorry you do not know where your little brother is buried, but you do know his soul is in heaven...

LYNN and her AWESOME DUAGHTERS are on their way home...good thing.Will be good to hear from LYNN when she settles in and as she knows more information she will let us know...I am so appreciative of Carolyn and Christie...

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, thank you.

magpie said...

I am saddened by the loss of your Uncle dear that you received that email communication from him....

magpie said...

Thank you Hoda...I am going to work on trying to find out where little Thomas is buried...

this photo is of a series of six portraits...a formal kind of thing that was done in those days...

back a little later to see you folks and get the latest news

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, is Lolly going to be hunting for Tom bears?

Lynn, please get some rest tonight! We will have plenty of time to chat!

Linda said...

Yay!! Lynn is almost home. So happy to hear you will be sleeping in your own bed tonight. Please be extra careful, Lynn. We love you!!

Well the cat scan shows that my Mom has some perforation in her digestive track. Don’t know if it was from the diverticulita or if something happened when they intubated her and put in a feeding tube. They’re saying it’s complicated.

They are going to operate on her tonight in about an hour or two. They are going to start with a small incision at the top and the bottom of her abdomen and go in with a camera to see if it is bile or feces or what it is. It will be difficult because they don’t know where the damage is. She may have to have a colostomy bag or a stoma depending on where the damage is. They are giving her something to thicken the blood right now before surgery. That is why they are waiting until so late.

So we pray and we wait…..

NCSuzan – Thanks for your hopeful comments about my Mom. We can certainly ask God to keep His Hand on her throughout tonight and into the days and hours to come. She is going to have a tough road ahead of her. Nine days on a ventilator is a long time. Do you remember when the tube was removed? Were you frightened? I just can’t imagine. Thank you for sharing and I’m so thankful you’re gaining strength and doing so much better. ♥

Loretta – Thank you, too and so sorry to hear about your Uncle. You’re just never really ready for these things.

Lynne – You have to quit cold turkey!!! Dennis did it 6 years ago because he had/has bladder cancer and it is directly related to smoking!

NCSuzan said...

Linda, will be thinking of your Mom during surgery and after. Hope it is not as serious as it sounds.

I thought it was going to be awful to take out the tubes but it was over so fast there was no time to be worried. One tube did some damage in my throat and I no longer have a voice. I sound like I have laryngitis all the time.

Now the doctors are talking to me about a transplant. Do not think it is a road I will travel but I will do the best I can until I die.

Lynne2. you HAVE to quit cold turkey. Any other method is just feeding your habit. You can do it. I have faith in you.

Lynne2 said...

oh Linda, prayers prayers prayers for you mother. I'll hopefully be able to check in in the morrow from work as I'll be "front desking it" all day and hopefully we won't be too busy.

OK, heading to be. Thought I'd try some Vick Vapo Rub and it's very soothing...and maybe a bit strong! It seems to be quite helpful...don't know why I haven't tried this in the past.

Will take a peek outside before heading up and look for some shooting starts....

Good night and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

I myself could quit cold turkey, I'm sure. It's not easy to try though with Steve smoking too. SO, only outside will at least be a start....

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Lynn is home and tucked into bed now.

Heading for the covers here.

((( Hugs for all )))♥

NCSuzan said...

Lynne2, I understand. I live with two smokers. And yes, they smoke outside or in the garage but the smell of smoke still is on them when they come in the house. It's hard but you can do it.

NCSuzan said...

Been an emotional day for so many momsters. Prayers for Lynn and family and for Linda's Mom and family. And prayers for all our other needs and safety and friends and family and situations. Frankly Lord, we need blessings in all aspects of our lives.

Goodnight everyone. Hope rest is right around the corner.

Linda said...

Suzan - They talked about the possibility of a lung transplant for my Mom last year, too, but she is 76 and I don't think she was a good candidate for it.

If she wakes up with a colostomy bag and on a ventilator, she will be devastated, if she is aware of it.

She is a terrible patient with very minimal tolerance for pain and suffering. Her will to live is just not there. It makes it very difficult for her family.

I pray God's will for her life and ours as a family. He is in charge and it will be His choice as to what happens in her life. I pray she finds peace and comfort in Him.

Lolly said...

Hugs, Linda! Prayers for your mom and for you. Was she bleeding from the diverticulitis? Diverticulitis was my father's problem. They did exploritory surgery. So, I know what you are talking about.

Lolly said...

PP was very good. Heavy stuff!

Mema Jo said...

Linda - prayers are with you and the family and I am thankful that you put your faith in God's will as to what will be. My heart just aches for
you at this time. Love to all ♥

NCSuzan said...

Linda, I know it is hard especially when she may not have the energy to fight anymore. I will agree with you in your prayer for God's hand in this. Hang in there. My heart goes out to your Mom. Life can change so quickly.

Mema Jo said...

This has been quite a day - I need to rest my head..

Good Night everyone
Prayers for so so many needs but also
for so so many thankful things.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Linda said...

Thank you so much, LOLLY, SUZAN and JO!

Your support and the support of the Momsters is such a source of comfort to me!

Night to you!

Mema Jo said...

** Hoping DanaWV is ok - hasn't been on since around noon today. Perhaps with her mom.

Hoda said...

LINDA I am praying that what ever comes your way that you will be able to handle it and that you will see GOD'S GRACE in it all. I wish the same for yoiur MOM.

NC SUZAN You are also in my prayers and I will trust that the decision you take in regards the transplant will be the decision that comes from your heart and connects you to the true meaning and essence of your life...

I look at my day and the comfor t and the Joy you all bring to my life and I say PRAYERS of GRATITUDE for you all being who you are and the love you show towards your families is an inspiration. I thank you for making my day and I love you. {{{{{♥H♥U♥G♥S♥}}}}}

Linda said...

Love you, too, HODA......our Birthday Lady of the Day!!

Wishing you a year filled with many blessings from God, much happiness and good health!!

Linda said...

I think I will sign off for tonight unless I end up back downstairs. My brother is calling and texting me through the night with updates and what is going on.

We are waiting for them to take Mom to surgery now......

Wishing Lynn a comfortable and restful sleep in her own bed tonight.

Wishing all of you peaceful and restful sleep!

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love... xoxo ♥♥♥

Thank you for the precious friendships here.......

Night ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Realized how late it already is, and had better get here now to say goodnight.

Loretta, must've missed your earlier post somehow. Very sorry to hear that your Uncle Lew passed. Prayers and (((HUGS)))!

Linda, praying for your Mom and her surgery tonight. Pray that they can find where the problem is easily, and fix it! (((HUGS))) for you, too!

So happy that Lynn will get to sleep in her own roost tonight! Maybe she can get some REAL rest!
Hospitals are a terrible place to try to rest! LOVE YOU, LYNN!!! Don't try to do too much, too soon--let your daughters help out, please. :o]

Neglected to say earlier, Sharon, I am so proud of you! Love you!

Well, I'm gonna head to the living room and watch Private Practice.
Should be a Doozie! Have said prayers for everyone, and for SO many needs and situations, for people and critters. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone, ESPECIALLY LYNN! God bless, and goodnight. Love ALL of you! :o]

Jewels said...

Mom is home resting comfy on the couch since she isn't doing all the steps she has to get to her bed.... Christie is with her tonight. I am home about to tell my wonderful hubby night night and I am going to bed.... Along with Margy,I too report for 911 duties at 8 am!! Only I am there till 8pm...oh my long day it will be! Night all
Prayers going out to all of you!! Linda you all are getting some power prayers too. Again Hoda happy birthday!

NatureNut said...

Sorry so late to tell you, and I love and agree with your advice to Linda.
Prayers for Linda's Mom
and bedtime prayers for our Lynn, who should be tucked away in her lair!! ☺
TY for sympathy for my Uncle ^j^
Gotta hit the hay before I turn into a pumpkin LOL, so
Prayers for all and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed. I might find a minute to get on in the morning, but if not HAPPY THANKSGIING! Take care of Lynn for me. Linda, take care of yourself.

I will try to pop in when I can.

Love you all! I am proud to know this awesome group. (((hugs)))

Nite! sweet dreams!

magpie said...

It's almost Tomorrow here in Berkeley County...hoping that our former "Fairfax Gals" will be resting their pretty heads on their pillows before too long, Christie and Lynn at Lynn's Lair, and Carolyn in the comfort or her Roost with husband and children...

Prayers for all our many precious needs....

Will See you in the Morning....
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

LOLLY I wish you and JACK and FAMILY a GREAT trip. Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to your posts when you can. I'll be looking to see a report on your adventures on Sunday the 27th of November.SAFE TRAVELS.

Hoda said...

WANDA any more news as to your surgery date?Thinking of you and sending PRAYERS.Sorry for the loss of the children. Blessings to you and the CAPTAIN.

Lolly said...

Whoops! Just saw Carolyn's post.

Thanks so much for getting on and giving us a report. I wondered about her bed being in the loft. You take care of yourself. It is going to be a long day for you!! (((hugs)))

magpie said...

Well Hallelujah Again...
There is Jewels with the answer to our wonderings....
Great Work.....You Shine, Carolyn

Thank You For Giving Us the Final Report of the Day....

God Bless You and Yours xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

WOW was PP great OK do you thing she is PG this time???

I download a quick video of Jordyn and I waiting for the eagles funny you can hear the excitement in her voice when she repeats eagle eagle

I can't bleive it is this late so I am heading to bed see ya in the am



See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

Yes Lolly Godspeed.....and Happy Trails, Bon Voyage and all that Jazz!
Prayers for Safe Travels for all....
xo Goooooood Night,
Precious Pals

I see you Andrea!
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Hoda said...

THANKS CAROLYN. I wish you well with your long day tomorrow. You are a PRECIOUS DAUGHTER and a TERRIFIC friend. Sleep well.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY so sorry for your loss

LINDA prayers for your mom and family

JEWELs your name suits you. You are a jewel for sure Your Mom raised some good eggs you are a angle of a daughter
LYNN hope you have a restful nite

for got to put the link of Jordyns and the nest visit before hitting the hay still have lots to read in the am

JORDYN SEE THe eagle visit this evening

nite nite

Hoda said...

Good night. God Bless.

Linda said...

Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS flow......

God does indeed answer prayer!

Mom had a long surgery, but is out and in recovery now. They took her in at 11:51pm and the doctor came out to report to my brothers at 3:30am!

First and foremost she survived the surgery!! Hallelujah! Secondly, the surgeon said he went through every inch of her intestines, colon, stomach and whatever else was in there looking for a break or a tear and found NOTHING!

He had to cut her from top to bottom to be sure he checked everything, but there is no bile, feces or any other liquid in her abdomen either.

It doesn't make sense where this air pocket came from or why she swelled up the way she did, so they will continue to watch her closely.

She is still on the ventilator and still very critical, but she is still with us!

I don't know what is next other than we keep praying that we make progress from here.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your heartfelt prayers and love!

JEWELS - Thank you for the report on your precious Mom! So happy to hear she made it home safely. YOU take care of yourself, too. I am sure you're exhausted and have a long day ahead of you.

LOLLY - Wishing you and Jack and the family safe travels and an absolutely wonderful trip!! Be safe!

Good Morning to the Sycamore Palace Early Birds. Hope our Eagles grace you once again with their presence this morning!

I'm off to get some sleep now.....

Love to all ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family...

Wishing Lolly and family a beautiful Thansgiving trip to CO...and praying for Linda's mother and her doctors to find her problem and relieve her fears.

Our beautiful LYNN is home!!!!
If it makes you feel better LYNN, I slept on the couch last night, too. I hope you're feeling bright and happy to be back in your clean and comfy home. Lots of
(((BIG HUGS)))!

Thank you so much to Jewel and Christie for taking such good care of LYNN and keeping us up-to-date.
Good Girls!

Loretta, sorry about your Uncle Lew, but what a special gift that email from him this month must be to you. Prayers for you and his family who will surely miss him.

For so long I haven't switched insurance companies because when I hit ice and a road barrier with my truck several years ago they were fabulous and fast. Well, I got a call yesterday and they think my car should be ready a week from today! That's 2 1/2 weeks! My truck had more damage and was out in a week! I know there are lots of deer accidents now, but I think this is excessive. I don't mind the rental car, so really it's no big deal...but miss my XM radio! :)

Lynn, take a look at my avatar and how big CHRIS COOLEY's legs are...bigger than both our heads put together.

Kay said...

LYNN is home, Hip Hip Hooray ! Here's hoping you've had a good night and that the couch suited you better than a hospital bed ! Hope you feel up to watching the cam today. There is supposed to be some action, perhaps Nu, in the tree !

LINDA, what a night your family had ! Prayers continueing for your mother with hopes her condition will improve dramatically today. These intricate bods do some puzzling things, even stumping the medical profession at times.

LORI, what did I miss ? Marilyn is on the air and you have the day off ? What ? Hope you're feeling okay. {{{{{{{gLORI}}}}}}}}. What time does the Christmas music start ? They are starting the day off with the usual fare--good stuff, but I'm ready for some holiday spirit via 97.1 FM !

JUDY, enjoyed Jordyn's sweet voice and reaction to the eagles ! Nice for those of us who weren't at NCTC with you to hear your voice, too. Hope you and Jordyn have a lot of fun today !

Kay said...

Sorry, Loo, but I'm turning you off. It's just not the same without our LORI there ! Besides I tuned in hoping to hear the Bells of Christmas !

Kay said...

Hey, LORI, there you are ! Don't blame you for the CRV fix aggravation. Did they have to order a part or sumthin' ?

Kay said...

LOLLY, you thought you might get a minute for a last minute message. If so I want to add my good wishes. "No TV, no radio, no wifi", just a big house in the woods and surrounded by family. Sounds heavenly. Watch those bears from a safe distance and watch out for bares as well !!!! Have fun. Will see you on the other side of the holiday, so Happy Thanksgiving, LOLLY and JACK ! ♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY!!!!
Yep, I have a day off...Christmas music starts at 8...well, shortly after. I can't wait! So happy you're up early.

Kay said...

Lights just flashed on the tree. Perhaps Security checking to see if any of us are lurking in hopes of a close encounter with Nu ? LOL

Lori O. said...

Kay, I have to feed the cats before they get FloBear started making his noises and waking up the neighborhood. I've got to make a video of him doing that! BB in 20 min. Oh, he's starting already...nose nudges on my leg.

Kay said...

LORI, glad you have a long weekend, doing anything special ? I wish I was as happy to be up early as you are to see me up early ! Happy to be with you, but still frustrated over my strange sleeping habits. I'm concerned about how it's going to effect me at Lee's next week. Guess I'll just have to read or play electronic Scrabble. Certainly can't roam the house or find a puter to play with. Rufus the Shepadoodle would join me and we'd make too much noise !!

Lori O. said...

Kay, just ask them to sleep with their door'll be quiet anyway, but you and Rufus can have some special time. I'm sure someone has a laptop you can borrow and stay in your room, if you would rather.

Kay said...

Everyone in their house sleeps with their doors closed, but I'm afraid 2 year old Rufus is still too rambunctious. We'll see ! Beth's father, Keith, will be there, too, in his late 80's he has senority over me and so gets the guest room with queen size bed, TV and computer. I'm glad he'll be with us, this first holiday without his beloved Judy. I'll be in Lauren's room. It's going to seem strange not to have her there. She, by the way, is sick and tired of Beijing, it's polluted air and "boring" food. She'll be home by Christmas and heading back to Pitzer U. in January.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Went to sleep saying my rosary last night for everyone here that needs prayers. So many to mention. Please know that I keep everyone in my heart and prayers, but I can't keep it all straight to name everyone. I just never seem to get caught up on all the comment with my brief visits in the morning and evening.

So...let's see some eagles! I was so psyched yesterday that the kids got to see them. I hope this group gets as excited as last years group. And the teacher they have now pulled it up on her screen for that class.

Kay said...

29° here this morning, brrrrrr. Guess that will take care of my one Boston Fern and 2 geraniums that have survived this far into November. I hope it takes care of the gnat population. Their numbers have decreased drastically thanks to me, the executioner, but I still see one now and then.

DanaMo said...

My classroom assistant is so excited for WASH this morning and Christmas music. She also says she loves the Hanuka song that you guys play!

DanaMo said...

You're off Lori? You've left Loo to do the Christmas music? I was hoping to hear your beautiful voice this morning!
Enjoy your day off. We only have students for a half day today. End of trimester.

Kay said...

Good morning, DANAMO ! How great it is that you are nurturing young eagle watchers--the Momsters and Dadsters of the future ! Hopefully they all enjoy watching someone go into the tree today for the scheduled maintenance work. Yes, our prayer list is extensive. I'm glad God can keep them straight when I can't !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo!

I took the day off without realizing it was "the big day!"

Kay, how wonderful that Keith will be with you, and I'm sure that having you there will be a great comfort for him, too.

Kay said...

DANAMO, I just noticed that your Tom is not only bare, but on the phone. Hmmmmm, wonder if he's talking to LYNN ?

DanaMo said...

Too funny!

Kay said...

Good sunlight at the nest now. Yesterday evening Belle and REM came when I said, please, so... Please come to the nest you two beautiful birds ! Pretty please !

DanaMo said...

I hope they don't plan to climb the tree until later today. I wouldn't want them to interrupt a nice long visit like the one we had yesterday.

Kay said...

With sugar on it !!!!!

DanaMo said...

I'm installing update so I may have to leave. Not sure if it will help my sound situation. It didn't help at school.

Lori O. said...

DanaMO, Kay and I are having the same problem with getting nest sound. Let us know if it works.
What else have you tried?

Kay said...

I haven't had sound since the cam came back up. Can't find the reason as I get sound with everything else. I was watching the African elephants earlier and heard good sound as a couple of them enjoyed a bath. Couldn't get the Potted Owl cam to come on, so went to the elephants, available at the same site.

Lori O. said...

The nest is beginning to look so deep...or are they really building it up that much?

DanaMo said...

Eagle in from the 5:00

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Yes, I think they are buiding up those crib rails. It's looking good !

EAGLE has landed !

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...


Kay said...

It's REM, can see a bit of black on the head. First messing with nest cup, now moving to bottom and working at getting a chunky piece of limb into the rail.

DanaMo said...

restart will have to wait now. Although I need to go get the kids rolling. Keep it going ladies. I will return soon!

Kay said...

Belle joins him !

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Watching Pals...
Kay, DanaMo

I updated Adobe...makea sure you do a restart after that....
I have sound this morning....

Kay said...

Both wanting to fuss with nest cup and look like they're about to have a little spat over it !

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Hi MARGY ! I'll try the adobe updating after the visit. This computer is so new I can't imagine needing an update yet, especially since I get sound at other sites. But, it's worth a try ! Thanks !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Get em' young and train them the way you want em', huh, BELLE ?REM POOFS !

Kay said...

She sure got rid of him, now sitting in the middle of HER nest !

magpie said...

undestand, Kay...
don't ruin your view by doing a restart now...
sent you and DanaMo both an email about "Hardware Acceleration..."

I still have the Dinosaur and these things worked for me...

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Belle is becoming her old self: ♫♪♫WHATEVER BELLE WANTS, BELLE GETS!♫♪♫

Kay said...



magpie said...

NOW...if we could hear some Tundra Swans flying through, that would really be nice....
through the day, not just now !

reading backwards and getting ready for work

You'd think with the cold those birds would be getting cozy not fussy with each other !

Lori O. said...

Kay, can you forward me Margy's email on Hardware Acceleration. I want my nest sound!!! :)

Kay said...

MARGY, as I started to say, "what do you hear from the nest area now ?" Thanks for the e-mail. I'll check it out ! I'll forward it to LORI---she's having problems, too.

Hello, dear WANDA ! Ready for some action ? ☺

magpie said...

OH, RED Friday by the way, in case no one has mentioned it....

God Bless Our Military, today, everyday !

Lori O. said...

Kay, can you ask Julie where she buys her soap making supplies, or is there a website she likes on the topic? I'm going back and forth between making soap or candles, but they are sort of similar...lots of places sell supplies for both, exclusively.

Lori O. said...

Hello Wanda! Good Early Morning!

magpie said...

and don't forget to refresh the live feed after 14 mins and something seconds...

Kay said...

Here comes color at the nest ! Thanks for the RED FRIDAY reminder, MARGY and yes, "God Bless Our Troops" ! Tried the accelorator tip, but no go. Will have to give updating Jave and Adobe a try. Thanks for the e-mail !

LORI, yes, I will ask Julie about the soap making supplies.

DanaMo said...

Just did the same Margy and still no nest sound that I can tell.

Something is in the air. Barometric pressure changing or something. Sneezing like crazy. I hate when this happens!

Costume Lady said...

Once again, Good Morning...after posting, my screen went black and I had to reboot??
1st time for that, hope it's the last! I did get to see the eagles before they disappeared:)

Lori O. said...

Okay, going to Adobe update site.

Costume Lady said...

What a sweet, old photo, member?

Lori O. said...

I just downloaded Adobe Flash Player 11x and I now have sound!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to Everyone (:

Pictures from yesterday I did Not put in album and I have some from this visit we just had.

I went to Mothers helped her. Got my cervica and spinal stenosis started up badly. So everything in my body is hurting. It is hard to type. So I won't be on commenting. I will have to get pictures in whenever I can and maybe Paula or Jo can move them around to their right place...sorry.

Typed this when I woke at 5am on my notepad so it might not come out on lines right:

Linda prayers for your Mother,
you and your brothers. Sorry
you are going through this.
(((HUGS))) Thankful Mother
made it through surgery. Now
prayers for the rough time
ahead for her and all of you.

Loretta's sorry about your Uncle
Lew's passing.So glad he dictated
that email abut a week or so
to you. Nice you two had some
time together even if it was
through an email. Prayers for
you & family, his wife and children
and friends.

Prayers for Lolly's family in
this time of travel and Lolly & Jack
too. Oh you want to see another bear.
Since I don't think you said about the
other bear, "It's me bear". So you want
another crack at it Lolly, Well you say
"It's Me Bear or It's me bare"??? Due
to some of he pics of Tom. lol

Thanks JudyE for the video of Buddy's
new home. I had seen pictures of it.
Although this video was great!!! ty
Hugs and again ty. (:

Praise God Lynn is home Christie staying
with her. Prayers for Carolyn to get some
sleep due in to work in AM for a long shift.

Sharon has been a strong person through the Arms of God. Throughout her many trails. I kow how strong the feeling of wanting to smoke is. I quit in 1973 and sometimes get the wanting of a cig.
I always keep her in my prayers.

Becky is a good cook from me remember way back when she was coming to the house and cooking.

Sissy and Tom have been through a tradic loss. I am thankful that God continues to keep them together and bring them through this...especially this time of the year.

Jordans going to be our future eagle watcher lol

Sorry for miscarriages and Shirleys loss also. God continues to care for our ANGELS HE HAS. From my early miscarriage to my loss of family and of my SWEETHEART ED. Ed liked that song
even though it was abut a woman a man lost. Ed said play that song and remember I am watching over Raschida and you. I know HE IS!!

Holes In the Floor of Heaven

Now I need to go back to bed...the pain is just too much. Maybe the Arthristic pain med like Tylenol will kick in and help just a little.

(((((((HUGS I LOVE YOU ALL)))))))))

magpie said...

It's my father when he was about 6 years old, Wanda... wish I could have made it a little easier to see....
crazy little outfit for a little guy, but that's the way they did things in the old days...☺
This would have been about 1915.

Kay said...

LORI, did you have to do a restart after the download of 11x ?

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING eAGLE bUDS LOOKS LIKE WE HAD ANOTHER VISIT BRR its chilly this am windy wiht gust up to 24 high uper 70° today I hear geese on cam

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I hear geese at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Kay, I didn't have to restart... here is the link.

Adobe Flash Player sound fix

magpie said...

Yes on the Adobe Flash Player also

I should have mentioned that...

Hear those geese ? Canada ones...

What a complete detail from Linda on her mother's surgery...
sounds like a good medical team there for her...
Prayers for continued progress...
DanaWV, so sorry your mother is still in such discomfort, a blessing that you are here to help her.

Kay said...

JUDY, are you talking about 70° at the nest or at your roost ? Brrrr ? LOL

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

I love it when things are easy...Google should take a hint with disappearing posts! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Somewhere, Margy, is a photo of my Dad with a dress on, scalloped hem. He was around 8 or 9 mos. old.
Yes, it was the style back then:)

Lori O. said...

Good Morning and welcome Early Birds JudyE and Thelma!

T-Bird and Sharon, going to try to get your tugs for the other dogs (sorry Buddy) in the mail today.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to get this holter device off. Some of the attached thingys are irritating my skin.

magpie said...

Hoping to hear that Lynn got some Sweeeet Sleep last night...
I think I will get reports through the day from my co-worker Jewels !

JudyE sorry I keep missing posting with you...thanks, about my Dad...he was a good man, died in 1989....

Hi T-Bird !
Lori, Enjoy your day off !!thanks for the reminder about Adobe Flash Player also

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone....

Time for work, how inconvenient !

xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a busy day at the nest area. Like Jo said, I hope the ground is not too soft for the truck to navagate to the tree.

LOTS of geese this morning!

JudyEddy said...

This pic is from last nite when she insisted on holding both out hands cpuldn't get me in the picture arm not long enough

hedgie said...

Good Morning to all from WV!!!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I didn't read about your STRESS was it, what are your thoughts on that type of test?

stronghunter said...

I see that there was an eagle visit this morning.

hedgie said...

I am home and settled----got home shortly before 11 last night. Had a relatively comfortable night, and only had to wake Chris once to get the recliner down. Taking my pain pills--and threw in muscle relaxant besides. Had REAL food on the the way home via Mickey's drive thru!!! Have a lot to catch up on and don't know how fast I'll do that, but I'll TRY! Thank you all for your love, support, prayers, cards and gifts. You are a wonderful group of wonderful friends and I love you!!!

Kay said...

Voila`, thank you MARGY and LORI. I've got sound ! How sweet it is !
I'll take your word that I'm hearing geese---sounds like men talking on radios. LOL

Good morning, THELMA and SHIRLEY ! You missed a visit, but hope they'll return just for you !!!!!

I have some old pics that show baby boys and toddler boys in those outfits, too. Kinda glad that fad faded !☺

T-Bird said...

Good morning Hedgie. How grateful to see you here with us this morning. Prayers continue for you and yours.

T-Bird said...

How are you feeling?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgesville finally has her Most Valuable Asset back home! Welcome home Lynn! I love you so very much!

stronghunter said...

Stress test this time was less stressful than the one I had a few weeks ago, Wanda. They stopped it when my heartbeat got to a certain point. 128 beats as I recall. They did some calculations, etc. I do not know all of the results yet. I guess I will get to review them with the doctor.

Previously, they had me keep going until I had to stop because I was so tired.

T-Bird said...

Sorry Hedgie hadn't read. I can go back and see how you are. : )

hedgie said...

Oh, and, of course, thanks for Judie's visits!!!! What a great thing to have a friend close-by. And Carolyn and Christie loved her as much as we do!!!!!

Kay said...

LYNN, we sure love you, too. You can't imagine how good it is to see you back here where you belong ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Take it easy. You have lots of time for catching up with us---there has been a lot of TOMfoolery going on and we hope you'll get a big kick out of it !

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lynn.

Good morning to you!

Glad you are home and that you had some more pleasurable food.

I would not stress too much over reading every little thing we have posted the past few days. Just know that we are happy that you are back home.

T-Bird said...

I hope so too Kay. It's not looking good for the home team.

glo said...

FIRST STOP>usy day for me. Will check in this evening at some point.

grannyblt said...

Good morning to this AWESOME group. I'm so glad I am a small part of it. Prayers and good thoughts to all of you.

I saw our couple early this morning--live!!

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA so sorry about your Uncle

I had a brother that I never knew My mom when she was in Germany before she came to the states she had a boy BUTCHIE was his name he died of diphtheria he was only couplemonths old and in my mom obt my sister did add his name

I am all most catching up just to get behind again later but isn't that life in the blog LOL

no wonder I am chilly it is 58 out now

Ok I am getting dressed to go get Jordyn and head to the park

Kay said...

WOW, THELMA, that is one steamy pic of Tom and who ????

JudyEddy said...


T-Bird said...


stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

two eagle and I can hear them

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagles with food! Belle is eating and Shep is watching.

stronghunter said...

They came in together. He is on the edge at 12:00. She is near the center . Eating?

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I am sitting hear and see both but I still need to get dressed

Kay said...

Ha ! I'm battin' a thousand ! They heard me wish for their return ! LOL

Will happily sit back and watch now that there are other reporters on duty ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Hmm. I think he wants some.

stronghunter said...

She is not sharing.

stronghunter said...

I hope that is just a stick that got mixed up with the food.

JudyEddy said...

that what I get for procrastinating got to see the eagles first poof

stronghunter said...

Male poofed.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He just flew out and she is still eating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nope, finished it off.

JudyEddy said...

and hes back we for got to add boomerrang to the list

stronghunter said...

Male back.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He is back maybe with a twig.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A little spat there. He has a lot of learning to do. She is the daggone boss of this nest.

stronghunter said...

I have to fix Hunter's lunch and get ready to go to the doctor's office. BBL.

JudyEddy said...

my live cam just froze up litle thing in middle

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if they are going in the treee today

stronghunter said...

Mine too, Judy. I refreshed and it is fine now.

magpie said...

< Hello Hedgie!
Welcome back we have missed you so!

Shirley, hope you will be out of discomfort pronto!

Taking a very large amount of MOMSTERS AND DADSTERS HUGS to Carolyn!! Might take me all day to deliver them...


♥ ☺

JudyEddy said...

BBL gonna get Jordyn

Lori O. said...

LYNN! Welcome Home. So wonderful to have you back! Take it easy - no chores for you today. :)
When will Leisl come home?

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Girlfriend! It's good to have you back. Hope you got a lot of rest & sleep last night.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what is your pain level, this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle left and he is at 11:30 position.

Costume Lady said...

Was it JUDYE who asked about Private Practice's Addison?
My take on all this is that she is not pregnant, but it will be learned that Amelia is pregnant and will give the baby to Addison

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle just came back with timber. Girlfriend knows what she wants.

Costume Lady said...

BIG stick Belle is trying to place:)

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is having nestovers.

hedgie said...

Both EAGLES in the sunny nest!!!

T-Bird said...

I'm not sure how that is Kay. : )

Costume Lady said...

They were here earlier, LYNN, but have come back, now, just for you:)

T-Bird said...

Wanda, that avatar is artsy. Is that even a word? ; )

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...