Thursday, November 17, 2011


New thread.


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T-Bird said...

That's right Eagle-Eye. She has got to keep him in his place. She is definitely a woman who knows what she wants.

Kay said...

THELMA, it looks kind of like Debra Winger. Were they in a movie together ?

Sounds like the crew is moving in !

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Thelma...Artsy is a word and my avatar is a sort of ad for Tom Selleck Sandwiches. Lynn likes sandwiches and Tom, so I thought I was killing 2 birds with one stone:)

Who is the lady in your avatar. Very steamy kiss!

Kay said...

Both eagles have POOFED and the guys are closing in the nest !

Costume Lady said...

I hear the truck and sounds like the tree workers!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Darn live cams keep timing out way TOO FAST!!! Anyone else??? And they apparently left while I was refreshing. Glad some of you got to see them!!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I guess if I went down there, Steve wouldn't let me in!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited!!

stronghunter said...

Geesh, Hunter is still wearing the light jacket. I said that he really needs the warm one this morning, but he said,"I'm fine," and rushed out the door. He is so stubborn.

Kay said...

Hunter is definitely the kind of kid reverse psychology was "invented" for, SHIRLEY ! LOL

stronghunter said...

I hear something. I would love to see them climb the tree this morning, but I have to go now. Please take pictures.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm thought they would have waited for the birds to depart.

stronghunter said...

I hear voices.

stronghunter said...

Perhaps we will hear from the school. They might wonder if Hunter owns a warm jacket. He does. It is on the sofa.

Kay said...

Some of you need to check your sound, we've been hearing trucks n' voices since 8:13. I'm so glad MARGY and LORI, figured out my sound problem !!!!

Kay said...

PAULA, good morning ! I guess they know the birds will depart when they move in, no harm, no foul. Big noise, no fowl !

T-Bird said...

Seems like it is taking him a very long time to get up the tree. ?

T-Bird said...

Kay, it looks like it could be Debra Winger to me too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whoohoo! Branch gone!

Kay said...

Hurray !!!! Suckers gone !!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now cleaning the lens, not a new camera.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Gorilla tape?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is that a woman? Nu with long hair? A mystery person?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That is NU!!! Just saw his face!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Goodbye NU! We love you!!!

T-Bird said...

Good to see Nu.

hedgie said...

Caught the back of Nu's head on the FROZEN cam as he was leaving, I guess. Darn it all. Well, glad some of you got to watch!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I wsanted to catch that picture of his face in camera and my fingers messed up dang It is Nu cause of the long hair in the back.

Kay said...

Not the best Vu of Nu. I'd much rather see him in warm weather, wouldn't Yu ?

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm no new cam...

magpie said...


Lynn, I missed Nu also, cam up but wasn't refreshed..
well, I guess I can blame it on being at work !
Probably just as well I missed it...might not have been able to concentrate on my work !

Joy that it was HE....

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that one picture was TRULY a good one of Nu if I just could have caught it...darn.

Face right in the camera!!! missed it!!!

Good Morning Our Lovely Back Home To WV-Hedgesville Lady Lynn ♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

I can look through my monitor screens and see Carolyn directly across from me ☺
Of course she is already hard at work

ttfn ♥

Kay said...

Hmmm, indeed. They did say maintenance. Seemed to consist of sucker removal and lens cleaning only. Big effort and expense just for that, but I'm glad that much was done, at least !

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Nu we all love you and how you take care of the eagles nest and cam for us!!!!!!!!!! I know you probably had to climb some because the bucket doesn't reach...but your the BEST!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you NCTC for gettting rid of that limb and cleaning the cam. I guess you just need to do or have done the direct wiring.

Kay said...

MARGY, tell Carolyn we love her dearly ! She did a great job of keeping us informed !

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Margy!!! (: Hi Caroly !!!! (:

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hopefully they have replaced the power source??

Costume Lady said...

I'm not at all sure that is NU, now if he would just take his jacket and shirt off, we would know for sure!;)

Kay said...

Maybe he did something from behind the cam before swinging around and into the nest ????

magpie said...

Sure will deliver those messages to Caro...all through the day today ☺ ♥

must disappear being paid to work on the other computer screens now !!

Rest, rest, relax and more, Lynn....

xox ☺

Lolly said...

Well, I see I missed all the action this morning. I see that the annoying little branch is gone!

Annie has gone to camp. Jack will be back shortly from taking her.

See ya in a little over a week!

Lori O. said...

Lynn, my cam keeps timing out quickly, too. That darn circling arrow comes up and have to refresh.

Lori O. said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lolly. Safe travels for everyone.

Lolly said...

Skimmed the blog really fast gotta go, however first....

GOOD MORNING LYNN....all is well with the world, you are baaaack! Do be a good patient now! Lots of love and hugs for you. Glad to see the eagles welcomed you home. ☺

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!


Lynne2 said...

Safe, fun trip Lolly!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I hope the hookup to electric will take care of the night vision and make it more effective.

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good and safe trip Lolly.

Hope before Nu got into nest he did a direct electric hook up. That is what they said needed to be done. Maybe he just hooked a wire to cam and throw the other end down.

Pictures in album of all I got from
yesterday AM plus this morning Am and with Nu.Mema Jo you might have a couple before mine to move around or Paula. Sorry with finger like they are I just came home yesterday and went to bed.Back to bed this morning but woke in time to see Nu.

wvgal_dana said...

I hear men still down around the area.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - didn't get to see NU but
don't see the branch. Maybe someone got
a picture - even the back of his head is better then nothing! lol

Our blog is complete this morning!!!
Hurray for our Lynn to be here with us. Praying for your recovery! ♥

Lolly - enjoy! Have a blessed Thanksgiving ♥

Linda - News is better than you expected I think. Exploratory surgery isn't any picnic, I'm sure. Prayers!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I posted 4 pics on my blog under My Wildlife.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sharon! So happy to see Nu!

wvgal_dana said...

MEMA JO LOOK AT ALBUM you might have to move 3 pictures before I started from 11 17 but Nu is in the album!!!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


Lori O. said...

AWESOME photos, Sharon! It never ceases to amaze me how truly huge the nest is and how big our eagles must be to fill up half of it when they're both in it! Thanks for sharing, Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pic in EM album now.

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning Eagle friends!

Linda, I am so happy that your Mom came through the surgery and that they could not find anything wrong. Not out of the woods yet but closer I hope.

Lynn!!!! You are home. And eating real food. That is great.

This works for me so I want to pass it on...if I can catch when the clock stops at 14 min and 55 sec. then hit the play button I can get a couple of hours of viewing time on the cam. So far it has worked. There is nothing worse than waqtching a cam and realing it has stopped. Makes me feel so dumb!

Linda said...

No time to catch up with what is going on, but wanted to let you know I am flying to FL today and will be there tonight.

Will check in if I can.

Love you all......

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels, Linda. (((Hugs)))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, our thoughts and prayers are with you! ((((HUGS))))

NCSuzan said...

Linda, safe travels for you and prayers for you and your family.

Lori O. said...

Linda, safe travel blessings. Please keep us posted on your mother and you. Prayers for you, your mother and your family. We'll be thinking of you.

wvgal_dana said...

Linda prayers continue for your Mother. Now that you have left for Florida...prayers for your safe travels. God's Blessing on you and your brothers. May he give Peace to your Mother as to help with the anxiety and other things.
God's Speed.HUGS♥

wvgal_dana said...

Since no pill work for this pain. I am trying that Honey and Cinnamon in Hot Water..maybe it will help some. Suppose to help Arthritic patients so maybe will help the nerves throughout my body.
Still need to watch and take blood sugars cause I'm a diabetic. I will watch closely.

hedgie said...

Hello again. Checking back in.

Linda, so very soprry to read about your Mom..... hopew your travel is uneventful and that you and the brothers can all band together in a way that will give you all the support you need through this ordeal. Praying for your Mom and the whole family.
Dennis is staying home???

Lolly and Jack---have a wonderful TG trip!!!

Suzan, seems like my live cam does the time-out 2 or 3 times, and then will go forup to 20 hrs! No rhyme or reason.

Well, whatever has or hasn't been done to the cam, it doesn't appear that the view is going to be any different. At least the live cam is a little closer-up that the still cam is....just hope that SOMEONE operated the zoom when important to do so.

Christie left to gegt my pain RX filled....she's fixing grilled cheese for lunch when she gets back! Yummmm---getting hungry!!

Back to sofa I go now. BBL!

Seeing more and more of the great Selleck a'' did great selecting. He's on tonight!!!
And Kay with my ice cream!!! How funny!

hedgie said...

P.S. Never saw Cooley or any other Skin during my stay!!! :(

Mema Jo said...

That's because they knocked you out just when Cooley arrived lol ♥

JudyEddy said...

BRR ok I know 59° is not cold for some put Jordyn and I say its colds winds gust up to 24mph keeps it colder Angies thermometer on car just said 59 as we pulled in I don't think it will make it to 70° today like they said today
She is out like a lite fell asleep as soon as we pulled out of chick fil a had to carry her in Boy is she getting heavy I need to start reading the blog about 130 to read I am so curious is they could be seen in nest if so hope someone got pictures ok now to start reading I will catch up see ya in a bit

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Finally got on! Hee hee! You thought you got rid of me! We are rolling along!

Prayers for Linda!

Mema Jo said...

Good On You, Lolly! You tested just fine

Linda - safe flight to FL and pray that
your presence will be the calming factor
for the family. ♥

Lolly said...

Beautiful day! Making good time.

Good to see you on the blog, Lynn! ;)

Kay said...

LYNN, so wonderful good to "see" you ! Grilled cheese ? Love it ! Eat hearty, gain strength and HEAL !

LINDA, your mother and brothers will be comforted by your presence. Prayers going right along with you !

LOLLY, our prayers are with you and Jack as you travel north ! Enjoy !

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY i hope you have a grand time on your adventure I love roughing it no tv etc that is what a real vacation is that is the way I like it also DOWN time big time loose touch with the real world for a while always is nice

I think the picture is so much clearer or is it just me-I didn't think we were getting a new camera Just the new hard wires like Steve said a while back that way it will run when solar is not enough I think

Today at the park they had Christmas music playing there

Moving right along on the blog I am at the point of NU and his new do only 50 more to read gonna rewind the news to watch be back in a few

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Getting here later than I wanted to--missed seeing Nu! :o[

GOOD MORNING, LYNN!!! Glad you're getting hungry. That's always a good sign! Love you!

Linda, glad to hear that your Mom apparently didn't have anything wrong with her intestines. Glad they are watching her carefully, though. Sounds like they are taking good care of her. Prayers!
Also, prayers for your journey. Is Dennis going with you?

Have been paying bills online (Maxine got it right: "Money talks to me. It says, 'So long, sucker!'") and wrapping stuff that needs to be mailed to the kids for Christmas and Jen's Christmas Birthday.
It's neat weather here today: High of 61 expected, slight breeze, cloudy, no rain expected until tomorrow.

Lolly, hope you & Jack have a great trip, and a fantastic Thanksgiving! Will be hoping that you can get here once or twice while you're gone!

Well, back to the work of the day for me--got a lot that needs to get done. Grossery shopping this afternoon, too. Will check in as much as possible. Praying for everyone, especially LYNN, Linda's Mom, and WV Dana and her Mom! Oh--Bev & Tom and the whole family, too--of course! HAGD, everyone.

Hoda said...

Good morning/Good afternoon everyone.

TWO visits this morning. Thanks for the reports.

Camera maintenance also took place THANK YOU NCTC.

LINDA safe travels and I hope DENNIS does not over do it and that you both remember to not drain with the family gathering. PRAYERS.

JEWELS I do hope you pace yorself today at work and that it is not a high demand day...Thinking of you and thanking you again for your reports on our wonderful LYNN.

Will see you all later...I hope to make it back for the evening visit...


JudyEddy said...

I had issue with the cam and the circling arrow thing I just closed and opened another window and it seem to work better like it didn't like that particular IE LOL

I love the picture of the man in the nest SISSY be sure you put in album toooooo

JudyEddy said...

Angie is on her way here I will return

Lolly said...

My tush is already numb!

magpie said...

checked your pics in Wildlife..
wow..up close and personal...
I have mnentioned this before,
MU is about MY size....height-wise that is...

Lolly, if you have been ROFLMBO'ing, you should not be hving this numbness problem ☺
Have fun!

magpie said...

can't type...
NU !!

magpie said...

I sure hope Linda got a little bit of sleep at least before flying out...

Prayers for your Journey, Linda...for you, your mom, Dennis and all the family...
Hope the ear pain for you is improving also....

thinking of everyone....
nice crisp cool sunny afternoon in Berkeley County ☼

JudyEddy said...

It is absolutely gorgeous out side so nice and breezy and yep it warmed up in the lo 70 now I was out side talking to my resident mockingbird taking her picture she is sitting on my eagles head and thought a pic was needed OH I saw a red headed woodpecker at the park was on top of the slide and it was in the tree no more than 15 feet from me

JudyEddy said...

I wish blogger or google would do something about having to sign back in after you have to jump through hoops to comment on someone blog what a PIA of course its only certain blogs unless they fix like some of us did to avoid the situation Still waiting for Angie I thought she was closer that she is should be here shortly

magpie said...

when I get settled in back home tonight I will be checking out some of your things that you have talked about posting.....
Enjoy the rest of your "week-end."

I might not back it back on before end of my workday...
Happy Rest of the Day and Traveling Wishes.....for everyone...

just made another pot of coffee for Carolyn, me, and some other folks on the work team today...

xoxoxo ☺

magpie said...

Thanks to Steve and NCTC staff and all those involved, for The Maintenance work this morning at the Sycamore Palace......hope your goals were met with complete satisfaction ☺

JudyEddy said...

I POSTED a picture of NU in nest on FB and on our nest page also posted on other eagle cam pages

JudyEddy said...

what is the thing bump on the larger lower limb looks like it has a hole in it also Its where our head use to be

Mema Jo said...

Judy I always use my back arrow

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE what did you do to your blog so people didn't have to sign in again??

Hi Margy oh coffee will help Carolyn (:

Lynn/Hedgie hope you will be able at some point to eat that cheeseburger you wanted. I will look back for the cheeseburger link just incase you didn't get to see it. HUGS AND SENDING LOVE AND SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR HEALING ((HUGS)). I know Chrisit is taking GOOD CARE OF YOU...Thank you Christie.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon put it in the Eagle-Momster album it is good!!! WOW!!!! (: She also has it on her blog page pictures of NU!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly glad you dropped in and you and Jack are making good time. Why is your butt getting numb? You ride in the RV or are you standing up all the time in the RV LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Not the cheeseburger link but something we all might want to kmow about:
McDonald's Dumps McMuffin Egg Factory Over Health Concerns

JudyEddy said...

WVAGALDANA you already have the comment box on yours just like the one we type in that is the full page not the pop up like mine was and Sissy is like the old way to where google wants you to sign in to Thieu acct to comment Yours is ok as long as you have a comment box like this Remember some blogs that you comment right under the picture and have to choose a acct that is the one that is a PIA still Hope you understand You don't need fixed I just looked at your blog

Anyone else wants to fix their comment box to look like the one we type in its is really easy to fix I just had to refresh myself by going and checking it out again go in to Comment Rab, Settings Tab, under it comments tab and check the full page for comments you can either have or not have the work scramble or not just check no if you don't want it

wvgal_dana said...

I don't have the play/pause button or the time button on the live feed.

I have moved my mouse over it..nothing shows up have even hit in that area...nothing?

Anyone else have that problem??

DanaMo said...

Home from school and vacuumed up the stray dog.

Now it's off to get my hair refreshed. Just a little trim.

Any eagle sightings since this morning?

How's our Lynn?

Guess I will need to read back to catch up.

Lolly said...

Tumbling tumbleweeds! Wind is really blowing! In Amarillo.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula fixed the candle link for us you might want to check and re-light your candle here is the link


wvgal_dana said...

I found the link Lynn/Hedgie for your cheeseburger....hee hee I will put it up just click on the blue link AND SCORLL DOWN THE PAGE A LITTLE ok (:


wvgal_dana said...

I got my buttons back on the live feed HAPPY HAPPY smiley face...

DanaMo said...

New thread.

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while