Tuesday, October 11, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

I can be first if you dare not to be, Jim

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread

Mema Jo said...

I was watching Momma Owl preening her owlets!

Red Panda is hiding inside the box

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon! Thanks for joining me!

I swear I thought JIM advised us of the new thread - but now I can't find his Post - Margy must have holler at us - But where are you Margy?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He did Jo. It is in my email!

Mema Jo said...

I had the wrong date up
It was JIM not Margy who called us over
I really thought I had lost it
However it is Lunch time and I will

Mema Jo said...

FYI For Judy at Lunch

No email from NCTC yet - keeping my eye on my inbox and also junk mail just in case I will alert you all when it comes in

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim for the call over. Steve thank you for the new thread.

Brought over from other thread


YOU. I put 2 in Shepherdstown
which is closest to the nest.
Plus I put 2 for in Martinsburg.
Other information on there
about Shepherdstown also.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to run some errands.

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Bob! How are you?

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Jo. I'm fair to cloudy. Can't seem to shake this head thing.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Daggone Bob, this has been a really tough ordeal, huh? We just never know when our life can be changed forever! Praying for you, my Rumpelstiltskin buddy!

Bob Quinn said...

No worries Sharon. Could be worse. Life is grand!

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you for the new thread Steve.


Checking in before heading home. Had hoped for an update on Dennis. Maybe by the time I get home.

Missed a bunch of comments by skimming so hope all is well with others. The panther palace has been peaceful. Stella has demonstrated her cabinet door opening skills and Naomi like Popeye's chicken. Just one adventure after another.


Hoda said...

Good morning and it is good to hear that DENNIS was up and walking last night and that LINDA is on her way to the hospital and will check in with us when she can...PRAYERS PRAYERS PRAYERS go their way.

Hoda said...

Well here we go again!!! I had not logged out and it asked me to log on to post my last comment!!! I had not tried to post any comments on anyone's blogs and of late I have had to click twice to make any comment post!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like Stella and Naomi are making themselves right at home

Didn't mean to run away Bob... That has to be annoying not to be able to get rid
of the head thingy. I'm sure you have
investigated into it with your drs. Prayers for you!

I suppose without her truck that Judy didn't come home for lunch.

Hello Thelma!

Hoda said...

Now it says "we are sorry we are unable to complete your request" yet the comments were posted!!!.

Panther Palace sounds like good progress...

BOB I like the positive statement of LIFE IS GOOD...it sure is and I am sure you are handling the head thing the best you can.

Lori O. said...

Hello Bob!

Hello JO!

Hello Ms. HODA!

Lori O. said...

BOB, are you able to get out and take pictures? Your work is so beautiful.
I'm certain a flurry of prayers will be coming your way now.

It's so nice to "see" you! :)

Lori O. said...

I just finished mowing and I can definitely say the leaves are in full change mode! Hoda, you would love it because it only gets prettier from this point. Wondering if I'm up for another year of mowing leaves - seems like so many. Don't remember this feeling before.

Jo, I'm going to have to keep a better eye on those owlets. I bet their adorable now. It's wonderful seeing the Sycamore Palace at the top of the page!

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread. Hope to see you next week. Of course, if you're busy we understand.

Lori O. said...

Duh, they're...

Costume Lady said...

BOB, sorry to hear that a problem is still lingering from your (fall?) (hit with a baseball) or (too many feathers in your ear). Sorry, I really am concerned for you and pray for it to go away♥

Kay said...

I'm baaack ! Just skimmed through back posts and sure I missed some things, but....

LINDA, so sorry your dear Dennis is now a heart patient, but so glad you got him to ER in time ! It sounds like he's on the mend now. Thank you God !

LYNN, my heart goes out to Vanny's family and friends. Two amongst our Momster acquaintences succumbing to Leukemia in the last few days. Very sad !

JUDYE, I'm positively Green With Envy ! Wishing you safe travels and a super duper good time.

My Eileen left about an hour ago. Boo-hoo ! It was grand having her here. She helped switch things from my Spring/Summer closet to my Fall/Winter closet. In doing so we got a huge bag of stuff together for Volunteers of America and took it there. She also cleaned the deck and garage, putting away the summer furniture, umbrella, etc.. She and Julie got a chance for a shopping trip on Sunday and on Monday we three went to Penney's---socks and undies for them and new p.j's n' robe for me. Then it was to P.F. Changs for a great lunch. Last night I took them and Seth to Red Lobster for dinner. Hmmm good !

I'm feeling better every day ! Thanks again for all the prayers, good thoughts and wishes---Momster prayers are a vital ingredient !


DanaMo said...

Conferences complete! Yipee! All went well.

Costume Lady said...

We had a visitor, this morning. BOB's post reminded me...we had a fox, I believe it was KIT KAT, with all the dark fur on his front and back, to visit. Black mama cat ran him off from the feeding station...er, I mean from the compost pile...so he sat up in the woods for 30 mins. waiting his turn. I'm sure the trail cam picked his video up. I will pull the card and look at it when I come home from GG's. Running late, hope she doesn't fuss at me;)

Costume Lady said...

GOOD TO SEE YOU, KAY...must run!


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - In all these years I have never
once clicked on the SIGN OUT under this comment block for the Google Account. I just click up on the menu line's 'x' to shut it down.

Mema Jo said...

You sure are traveling around well, Kay
Daughters are great in helping/doing with all the things you mentioned.
Hope you enjoyed your Red Lobster trip I love it there!

Good Work DanaMo! I love those feelings of accomplishment.

Wanda, I'll be anxious to see your cam tape. Hope you find GG well and not upset with your tardiness. Perhaps she will nap until you get there.

Hoda said...

JO I do not sign out either since you told me about it a few months ago. I jsut shut down the window when I sign off for the night. I go to the red X box upper right hand corner...it is probably just a glitch as I am able to post OK now.

Hoda said...

LYNN They are offering free flu shots here and I am wondering if I should take one. I only had a flew shot once when I was working and I got sick...now because I volunteer they tell me it is a good idea to have a flu shot. What do you think.
I hope your appointment is going well and that you find something to eat on the vegetarian menu.
Let me know what you think please.

I am off to yoga and will bbl.

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - This goes back to a fall down the stairs back in May. At least that's what they think is the source. No permanent dain bramage. I'm told it can take up to a year to clear up.

Bob Quinn said...

Lori - About 3/4 of the Blackwater wildlife is closed for repairs for a couple of months as well as the Visitor Center so between that and the brain fog I haven't been inspired to get over to the refuge much.

We did get a new kitty on Saturday so I started taking photos of little Lena, a 6 month old black kitty from the Humane Society (our eldest cat, Bonnie, passed a few weeks back from cancer). Lena is quite entertaining, a real pistol.

Bob Quinn said...

Here's Lena and the crew:


stronghunter said...

stronghunter said...

Have been out of touch just a bit the past few days.

Trying to read back as much as possible.

Linda, I am so sorry to read about the heart attack Dennis had. I am praying that he will recover quickly. And that you will find the strength you need.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:42:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Brought the previous comment over from the other thread.

stronghunter said...

Bob, I hope you continue to heal from your fall. Please take good care of yourself.

stronghunter said...

Naomi and Stella--glad to see that they are adjusting . . . or that Judie and Darth are adjusting.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I am not an expert, but I got a flu shot. I have come down with the flu after having had one, but I believe it was a different strain of flu.

stronghunter said...

Kay, it sounds like you're getting stronger every day.

Lori O. said...

KAY! So wonderful to have you back. You have been missed!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bob, she looks striped. Beautiful!

Lori O. said...

Love, love the photos. Lena is very pretty. Which is which? Bridget and Chloe? Is one a silver tabby? They are really a beautiful bunch. God love you for taking Lena from the shelter!
Hope you're feeling better before May!
Momster prayers are pretty powerful, so get ready! :)

Lori O. said...

Sharon, how are you feeling?

hedgie said...

Good afternoon! FInished the old thread!

Happy Birthday to Belle and to Mason, too.

Labwork was a snap---in and out in less than 10 min.!!!
Lunch was really quite good. A few strange looking things on the salad.....but I picked them off!!!

Wanda...you were the only one who even answered my trivia---and you were VERY close. Rudd Weatherwax was the owner AND trainer of many generations of Lassie!!!! As a kid, I was not only a Lassie lover, but I was quite taken by his name!!!! Unique!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm feeling okay. They put me on Savella for depression and I got a little nauseated shortly after taking it yesterday evening. I am going to take it right at bedtime and maybe that will help. I just don't ever have any energy and with the pain I experience in my back, hips, legs and feet, it gets aggravating. Hopefully this med will help with some of it.

hedgie said...

Not to worry, Dana....I WILL keep the ortho apptmt. Knee is NOT good today!

Jim, you surprised us again with an other early visit!!!

Lori O. said...

Gosh, is there a worse foe than Iran? You cannot have a sane thought on the same continent with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. God Bless the agencies and individuals who who broke up the plot.

hedgie said...

JudyE probably should go ahead and find a place to stay in Martinsburg. By the time she gets to S'town, there probably won't be any vacancies....that is Shepherd's homecoming weekend and bet they are all booked solid for at least Sat. night.

hedgie said...

Oh, Bob, good to see you. I still pray for complete resolution of your symptoms. How long has it been now??? 6 months? :(

Lori O. said...

Sharon, Sorry you're having so much pain. I take Hylauronic Acid for joint pain and it helps a lot, for me anyway. I haven't heard of Savella.
Make sure to take it with lots of water and FOOD! I always have problems trying to remember to take something just before bed. I wake up and remember that I forgot. You know what I mean. :)

hedgie said...

Oh, Lori....if MOWING was ALL I had to do to leaves, I wouldn't mind one bit!!! But I have as much, if not more, gravel and mulched areas than "grass."

Been after Charlie to get me some gravel or SOMETHING to put along one side of the garage that didn't have any to stop the mud-splash on the clean garage. Had not gotten around to it. Saw an ad for a little local Amish market selling rubber mulch! Ran into Charlie at post office and asked him about it. He had never heard of it, either....so we went to the place, checked it out, bought 6 bags and he came and spraed it out. Job DONE---and it's red like my regualr mulch!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Have sort of caught up here, but only scanned through the posts, so hope I didn't miss anything important. Fell asleep in front of the TV last night. That sandman must have ambushed me!
We picked up Emma from the doggy camp yesterday at noon. Boy, we thought she would wiggle out of her skin! She looked all fluffy from being blow-dried after her bath. We sure were glad to see her, too! The people said she was a very good dog for them, and they all agreed that she is a HAPPY dog.
So nice to be back to our usual routine, with our puppy at home!

Before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Belle and to Mason!! Hope you are both having a SPECTACULAR day!

Lynn, sorry to hear that Vanny has passed. Prayers for his family, for Bill, and for you!

Oh, Linda! Wow, what a day you had yesterday! SO grateful that Dennis is doing OK. Prayers for him, and for you! Hang in there! We are here for you!

Well, need to run to the P.O. and pick up our mail. Will be back in a while. Hope everyone is having a good day! :o]

hedgie said...

Hey Kay!!! Good to see you, and so glad that your visit from Eileen was so fun!!!! Sounds like you got a lot of stuff done that would have been a real chore for you alone! And good dining, too! What did you get at Red Lobster? Love their food! Great to hear that you are getting back to normal----have you gotten the CT report yet???

hedgie said...

Hoda...yes, Ma'am.....I encourage everyone to get a flu shot!! Most definitely!!!!!!! Can't say it strongly enough!
I had a panini made with roasted red pepper, onion, feta and some other kind of cheese. It was on some thin grainy bread. The salad was mostly arugula, with onion, carrot, cuke, and sprouty things along with golden raisins and a creamy goddess dressing.

hedgie said...

Oh, Bob, sorry about Bonnie. :( Too many pet tragedies lately, but also good new adoption stories. Lena is a pretty kitten!! All of them are!

hedgie said...

And there's Andy, too!!!! I'm sure you're glad to be home, especially to have Emma with you again!! I'm sure that your trip was very good for both of you, tho'! You certainly deserved a long vacation!

Mema Jo said...

Bob - I am going to have to come after you with my new, bigger eagle cane-- You are teasing us with your permanent
dain bramage aren't you???????
I sure hope that on April 22 you will be in Shepherdstown so I can check you out in person!!

Love Love the cats! Little Lena is precious and I am sooooo sorry you lost Bonnie. ♥

stronghunter said...


Back again after getting Hunter through his math homework, but need to get dinner started. Some days, I think I am busier than when I was teaching.

Kay said...

LYNN, I've been craving salmon so had their wood grilled half portion w/coleslaw, steamed broccoli and wild rice. Eileen had coconut shrimp, Julie a baked white fish ???, Seth, what else, fish n' chips. We all love the biscuits and had happy tummies ! The panini you had today sounds sooo good. I'm feeling so good had forgotten all about the CT--too late to call today, but will tomorrow.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I know that feeling. There I times when I wonder how I ever had to to work ! Can't imagine why some folks think we retirees just sit around twiddlin' our thumbs.

Kay said...

LYNN, that mulch sounds great. Glad Charlie is a "let's get er' done kind of guy". What a great SIL !

hedgie said...

Kay, I could make a meal off the biscuits alone!!!! I had Endless Shrimp when we went last week....I got coconut shrimp in popcorn size, and the sweet and spicy grilled shrimp.

Kay said...

LORI, are you feeling good again ? Cold all gone ?

Kay said...

LYNN, oh yeah, those biscuits are to die for ! They were a Stan favorite and we always took some home. No Red Lobster in our little Colorado River town, but about once a month we drove 90 miles to Vegas for major shopping and his VA medical care. A stop at Henderson, NV RL, for dinner on the way out of town was a must !

DanaMo said...

Hey Kay, how are you feeling?

Kay said...

SHARON, I am sooo hoping the medicos figure out exactly what is causing all that pain and then exactly what to do about it ! Prayers !!!!!

Kay said...

DANAMO, I'm really feeling quite good, thank you ! Still feel mighty tired by nightfall, but have dropped the daily naps. That's progress ! Has Aric returned to DU ?

DanaMo said...

Yes, Monte took him back on Sunday and went to see customers yesterday and today. I am hoping to make the trip back at Thanksgiving break. Maybe we can try again to meet. This time I will promise to find the right place!!

I'm glad you are feeling better! Personally, I enjoy a good afternoon nap! :)

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay, Charlie is not usually so eager to work!! (Sorry, Carolyn!)

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the fresh tread Steve

Hello one and all home for the day didn't come home for lunch as you all may know No truck till after lunch when the courtesy vehicle picked me up

Hoda said...

Good to read KAY Is feeling much better.

LYNN lunch sounds really good. Thanks for your opinion on the flu shot...I will go this week and get it done. It is free after all, actually covered by the Health Care System because I volunteer.

SHIRLEY said she got he flu after she go the shot, but was a different strain she thought...I hope that does not happen to me as it will make me lose confidence in the shot I got!!!

BOB the cats are BEAUTIFUL.

LORI The insantiy that is IRAN's way of thinking is a source of great concern for me as it is spreading I am afraid...I thinkthey will find out that in Egypt the army people who killed the Christian demonstrators are somehow connected to the Moslem Brotherhood...

Yoga was a good practice and boy are we having rain...it is coming down in sheetof it.

I had a good cup of soup for my lunch pea soup...yum yum yum!!!

JudyEddy said...

I'm cheating I am reading new thread first before I tackle the other thread which is in my email box

I too have to click twice for it to post HODA so don't feel left out or bad When I click publish the cursor jumps to the begining of my comments and I have to click again Not for sure why

JudyEddy said...

I made reservations at the place that DANA suggested in Shep they have some rooms left YEAH ME lol
The Clarion Hotel
233 Lowe Drive
Shepherdstown, WV

JudyEddy said...

I have read the new thread now to go to read about 66 that will be a peice of cake for me LOL

But I want to start over the 6 news BBL

JudyEddy said...

I just called back the hotel in will be in room 121

Costume Lady said...

PERFECT, Judy! Very centrally located to every place you want to go. Costs a lot more than the SANDMAN'S motel in St. Pete, but a lot nicer, I'm sure. LOL that is also where we have our dinners and parties when we have OPEN HOUSE. Good choice!

hedgie said...

JudyE, you were lucky to get a room at The Clarion!!!

Hoda, the flu SHOT is a dead virus so it can't give you the flu. The nasal mist is a live version, but they don't give it to people our age! If you get sick after getting the shot, it means you had already been previously infected. Or a VERY different strain. And, of course, remember "flu" is a respiratory illness, not a gastrointestinal one!

Mema Jo said...

I just had a cup of soup - potato

Yes, Hoda do get your Flu shot.

WOW Both Momma and Poppa Owls were at the Planted Pop! Also saw one of the
little Owlets very clearly peeking out from under Momma's wing.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE the birthday girl when was the last time she was heard from ? I see she live in WVA from my cheat cheat which I still refer It is soo wrinkled I need to laminate it Good idea I just thought of and yes thanks to the makers of the list we salute you ♥

Fl is now installing cameras on school bus stop signs I guess there is a growing epidemic of people that don't stop and no one has to pay for it now the company that is installing is doing so and will just get some of the revenue from the tickets Nice company I say


hedgie said...

No rain here yet. But think it is imminent.
Well, Miss Bossy is making sofa hints.....so will BBL. Think I can use a nap, too. Up too early this AM, and tomorrow will be worse...CT is scheduled for 10!

JudyEddy said...

teading in between commercials only draw back to start over you have to watch the commercials BBL

JudyEddy said...

reading not teading saw just as i clicked LOL

Mema Jo said...

JudyE The Clarion in their main lobby have computer/nternet.
Be sure you know our url for the blog & you can check us out & let us know when
you arrive safely.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - Sun 10 - 1:00 Farmer's market
Apple cider, apples and a pumpkin
decorating contest.

FB - Shepherdstown Farmers Market

JudyEddy said...

So good seeing KAY on here today Kudos Kays keep up the good work

Cool with the internet I know last Oct when I went to NC I stopped in SC and they had IE also I logged on the facebook boy was that a pain you had to go through a bunch of identifying other people pictures Lucky I love looking at pictures and had no issue It was just a PIA I wonder if google will be the same way Guess I will find out Or has anyone out there used another puter at hotel I believe you all have your own laptops but thought I would ask

JudyEddy said...

as you can see another commercial

Mema Jo said...

I and others have used the computer at the Clarion and we got on easily.

Remember to go down into town on Sun
and get your Honey Crisp Apples....

Mema Jo said...

Owls - Momma has gone to find her dinner
2 owlets and 1 egg are visible (Egg is too old to hatch)

Terrific Tuesday TV Tonight

JudyEddy said...

Thanks you WVAGAL DANA for the phone numbers to the hotel they said they had about 25 rooms left so I was lucky (((Hugs)))

I love potato soups Campbell condensed kind I don't like soups unless it the old fashion kind mushroom and bean and bacon are some of my favs

I went on FB and Liked the Market thanks for the info MEMAJO
I have copied and pasted the info on words and will print before I leave leaving open in case anymore suggestions come in the more the merrier

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals....
sure is good to read the good reports from Kay, Lynn,
hoping that Sharon feels much much better, very very soon !
Glad to think of Linda with Dennis, and hope to read a glowing report when she checks back in....if she as time and energy to do so

and sure hoping that Bob gets totally back to his former self!
Great pictures of the Kitty crew, but so sorry to read of Bonnie's passing away....

magpie said...

sounds like DanaMo had a much better day today...!

and JudyE got her reservation at the Clarion, how fortunate!

Water Main break up the street, a BIG ONE - notices on the door to boil water for two days....guess I'll just have a little birdy bath tonight. Sure glad I have all the bottled water from Berkeley Springs !

magpie said...

I'm about to go upstairs and address TWO bowling balls rolling around, this is ridiculous!

magpie said...

earlier I heard:
"Excuse me, there is a baby walking down the street....."
several adults two buildings up NOT paying attention.
But they did come down and get the kid.
This once was a nice neighborhood

magpie said...

great description of your meal today, Lynn....

magpie said...

Don't think we'll see the Full Moon hereabouts Wednesday, nor Megan's giving us the Full Moon names, so I shall take care of it on her behalf:
October Full Moon
The Full Hunter's Moon, Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon. (from the Farmer's Almanac, there are probably other names from other sources)

Hunter's Moon has a great ring to it!! But I still kind of like the Columbus Moon, or the Mema Jo Moon ☺

magpie said...

doctor appointment for me Wednesday afternoon, hope I get some news on this finger that hurts...also some bloodwork and a general check up...
am going in to work at 7 am and leaving at 3 - so I'm headed to bed pretty soon, after the birdy bath;
and maybe after a tomato sandwich, since I picked two red ones today ☺

Prayers for Wellness...
Hope everyone has a nice evening

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!!!
This AM saw about 8 great egrets waaaay out in the marshy plants of Jug Bay (next to River channel).
Outside in the small trees behind Vis. Ctr. were tiny birds flitting around. One I saw pretty well was a female ruby crowned kinglet, I think.Tried to get pics by just aiming at trees. Have to check.

The best true story of the day was from man that closes Park 3 nights a week. Many of you probably have heard of a floating dock. It's a small dock or platform at river edge held in place by poles on 2 sides. The dock has large rings that go around poles so that dock can rise and fall with the tide, but stay in place.One that Park has about 10 miles north at 4H Center is a canoe/kayak launch, free to visitors. After Irene and tropical storm Lee, we heard the dock was lifted above the top of the poles and was seen in the woods among some trees at side of River! Last night at about 5:30, our closer, Butch, went to boat ramp and in the middle of the Riover was the Dock, floating!!!!He said if he had a rope, he could have lassoed it!!!No one else was there to help with a boat, so it must be floating back & forth.I'm sure there will be a search & rescue!!

magpie said...

neat story, Loretta !
You could use a couple of cowboys or cowgirls there to help with the lassoing !

and great bird sightings...

magpie said...

Dana WV
I saw your comment about your Mother and her sore finger, I will let you know what I find out.
I am an incurable klutz, I might have just stoved it and don't realize it...

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Kay, glad you had such fun with Eieen!

Bob, so sorry you are still having side effects of your fall, and I hope it clears up soon!

Judie, I haven't read back too far (this working every day thing is really messing up my blog time) but it seems thing are going more smoothly now?

Margy, prayers for your finger!

Sharon....I surely have missed what is going on with you. Prayer for some resolution to your pain. And let me know so I can fix mine too!

magpie said...

And Welcome Home Emma to your happy home ! Bet all three of you are doing the Happy Hop ☺

Lolly ! Hope you and Jack had a great choo choo-ing day today...
and thank you! I have received two post cards ☺
Two beautiful ones at that.... !

Goooooood Night, all
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

It is a quiet afternoon here and yes I WILL GO GET A FLU SHOT. Thanks LYNN and JO...

I spoke to my sister in Cairo and the happenings in Egypt are even more upsetting than what the news here makes it to be. I do not know what will happen and yet I feel better after talking with her for an hour. It is quiet there today.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, so so SO glad you'll get to meet some of the MOMSTERS next week! I will look forward to pictures and stories!

Prayers continue as we wait for word from Linda on Dennis tonight. I totally lost it on the way to work this morning over that....OMG. I just cannot imagine.....

Mema Jo said...

Margy I hope you get the message across about latching the doors up high on the inside...... No excuse NOT to watch a little one - it is only one child - right? Perhaps next time the police should be called........

Headed in to the TV...... Be Back during commercials........

stronghunter said...

Good that you can talk with your family, Hoda. Prayers that things will become more calm there very soon.

Lynne2 said...

So Andy, Emma had the FULL BLOW WIGGLE on when you picked her up, huh!! That's so cute!

Thanks Margy for the Moon Names for October! I had hoped to post on that last night but never got to it.

Steve had to go to the dentist last night...another tooth pulled. It just keeps getting better and better...

Lynne2 said...

I'll be getting a flu shot this year....the county is having a free drive through clinic on the 29th! Steve will get his at the VA.

According to JudyE, we are now blogging on a fresh TREAD! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

neat story LORETTA hope the get it

LOLLY choo choo cool pictures on FB

JudyEddy said...

NCIS is starting I can RW it

Lynne2 said...

how's this for an avatar!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

ok, trying this again....

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I think Stella and Naomi are starting to like their new home and their owners. ( :

Hi Bob even though you was on earlier.
Prayers for your head thingy to suddenly disappear-through the HANDS OF GOD.
Bob sorry for the loss of Bonnie but
happy for Lena has a nice person to
care and love her. I am sure there
will be pictures of Lena. ( :

DanaMo glad your conference is over and all went well ( :

Kay so happy to hear you are feeling better.
It sure sounds like Eileen was a BIG HELP!! Plus you had some good food yummy!!

Now Hedgie-Lynn/e rubber mulch now that is a new one on me. Happy Charlie got it spread around for you ( : I'v never heard of it before.

Oh Andy you are home with the wigging tail happy Emma. ♥

JudyE glad you got a room at the Clarion. ( :

Hoda said...

MARGY I am bewildered as to how a child can find their way out to the street on their own...I agree with JO maybe the next time the police should be called in....
I keep thinking that soon LINDA will check in to let us know how DENNIS is getting along. I hope they had a good day today and that he is out of ICU.
LYNNE 2 Sorry STEVE had to have another tooth pulled. I am glad you are both going to have a flu shot...
ENJOY watching your TV programs, those who have headed out to the couch...

Hoda said...

JUDYE how is your truck? Did you get it back or did the courtesy car drive you home from work? How did you get to work in the morning anyhow??? Did ANGIE give you a ride? You are leaving Thursday right?

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 Pretty funny new avatar...I smiled at the eagle with the hat and the broom...

hedgie said...

JudyE----school bus law scofflaws here get a free pass unless a cop SEES them break the law. Getting a license number doesn't matter, because there's no way to prove WHO was driving the vehicle. Crazy, huh???

hedgie said...

Margy, a boil-water advisory is for drinking/cooking....not bathing!!!! Just don't get it in your eyes!

hedgie said...

Margy, hope the finger diagnosis is a quick one with immediate relief!!

Lynne, I THINK that MAYBE I used that avatar one Halloween....but I'm not going back to look!!!

Dana, Bob DID post a link to pics of Lena.

JudyEddy said...

love my rubber mulch I installed it about 7 years

HODA got the truck now Just have to call them the drivers seat is hard to slide up since they put new seat belts in it Will let them know and when I come back they can look at it I can do it from inside but from out side to hard to slide and it use to move easy Don;t think it will hurt anything just have slide up when in seat Courtesy car picked me up at 1:15 got back to work at 2:25 he had other people to pick up also he apologized for picking me up first when they told him Wal-Mart he thought I was shopping no biggie I told him just worked over 15 to make up lost time they don't care I walked to work it was a nice walk I go through residential areas 2miles in 25 min not bad I think! I would love to walk to work but the walk back in heat of day and at the end of the day would suck big time

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


wvgal_dana said...

Loretta love the story from the Park. Nice sighting of 8 egrets. Who is Stanley?

Margy glad you got an appointment for your finger.
I looked at Mothers today and her finger is the thumb. It seems to be getting better. Sorry you got the bowling ball problem upstairs.
Plus oh those people not watching the other kid in the units. TERRIBLE!!!!

Linda said...

Hello my Dear Eagle Family!

I am finally home after a rather long day at the hospital with Dennis. Of course, there was no place I would rather be that with my husband who is very much alive today. Praise God!

Today was a good day. They moved him from ICT to the Telemetry floor this afternoon and let him take a quasi shower, which was all he wanted since he sweated so very much before and during his heart attacks yesterday.

I missed the doctor and Dennis didn't think to ask some of the questions we have, but we will get them answered soon enough.

The doctor did say that based on the EKG's they have done since the procedure and the monitoring of him with all those things on his chest, he has a very strong heart!! He said he wouldn't be surprised to find minimal damage because of the strength of his heart and the fact that the left coronary artery was completely open!!

He didn't sleep last night, so I think tonight he will have a better night. I think we both will!

Thank you ALL for your love and support as you waited for word today. I didn't take my laptop with me today.

Linda said...

I think I am going to take an early shower and try to unwind a bit.

Every time I eat, my stomach gets upset. It's weird because I am hungry. Then I eat and then my stomach hurts! Probably nerves!


Judie said...

Hi Bob. So sorry the head issue is still giving you trouble. Really hope it resolves soon. Oh, by the way, please return my panther. Really, Lena is an exact replica of Stella and Naomi. Enjoy your new addition. I'm sorry about Bonnie.

Lynn, sorry you knee is still aching. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Hi Kay. Glad you and Eileen had a nice visit and you got winterized. Just keep improving, please.

Sharon, sorry you are still healing. My thoughts are with you.

Margy, hope the finger pain turns out to be minor. Can empathize. Not fun.

Judy, please use caution when putting personal information on the blog, e.g., hotel room, etc. We have many lurkers.

Andy, so glad Emma wagged herself silly with excitement to be with her mom and dad. Glad you had a nice few days away from routine.

Hoda, glad you were able to speak with your sister. Pray she stays safe. It is a frightening time.

Judie said...

It is still early but I am very tired tonight. Have asked the sandperson to let me finish my good nights.

Do wish we had an update from Linda.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark and for those on the West coast. The sandperson says there are many stops to make tonight after leaving me. Hoda, you and Kay are on the list. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Sandperson says I can make a final comment.

Linda, please get some rest. Try some clear soup and sip slowly. Very relieved to have the update on Dennis. He is going to be just fine and with you for many years to come.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Have managed to get reasonably well caught up here. Went and picked up our accumulated mail at the post office, and it took me a good 2+ hours to sort through it! (Don't you just HATE junk mail?!)
Miss Emma has certainly been a happy girl to be home! She is truly a Velcro puppy! We missed her SOOO much, we're thinking of taking her with us next time, and boarding her in South Lake Tahoe, so we can see her every day, and take her on day trips with us! The Marriott has a place they recommend, and we will ask our friend Andrea D. to check it out for us first. She loves Emma, too!

Prayers for Bob Quinn for his "head thing." Hoping it gets better very soon! Sorry to hear that your cat, Bonnie, has passed away. Love the cat pictures, and Lena is a little beauty! What a fortunate kitty to be adopted by you and your wife!

Judie, good to hear that things are relatively calm at the panther palace. I can see that Stella and Naomi have claimed the house as their own, and are just allowing you and Darth to live in it. Tell Naomi that I like Popeye's chicken, too!

Prayers & more prayers for Dennis and Linda. Glad he is out of the ICU! Hope you both sleep better tonight!

hedgie said...

Linda, try a glass of wine. That might help settle your nerves and your stomach. Great that Dennis is doing so well. Bet that shower felt really great to him---and will help him sleep.

Judie, hope tomorrow is a day of rest for you. Let the sandman take you away!!!

Loretta, really fun story about the floating dock! Hope it sticks around to be rescued and doesn't float downstream!

Hoda, sure glad that you feel a bit reassured after talking to your sister. The whole situation is so very sad. Isn't it baffling that almost of the world's strife is because of misguided religious biases? The story of history, isn't it? :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Hoda, prayers for your sister and brother-in-law's safety! Sure glad it was quiet there today!

Lynne2, sorry to hear that Steve had to have another tooth pulled. Hope it doesn't hurt too much! Prayers for him!...I like your new avatar!

Lynn, have seen rubber mulch at Walmart here, but have not used it.
Seems as if it would last a long time.

Well, Kubby went to bed an hour earlier than usual tonight, and I think I'll hit the hay early too. I got a boatload of reports to transcribe in the mail, so need to hit the road running tomorrow, so to speak. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature. Sleep well, with sweet dreams, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lolly said...

Just got on and ran through the blog looking for a comment from Linda.

LINDA...it is sounding good. Do pray that you continue to get good reports from the doctor.

KAY....sorry you daughter is gone now, but know you had a great time. Sounds like she was very helpful! Now, since she is experienced, she can come and help me with switching clothes from summer to fall/winter. LOL

Lolly said...

We had yet anther fantastic day today. The train ride was fun and the scenery was awesome.

Our dinner is almost ready. Will have to leave and come back and tell you about our day.

hedgie said...

Rain has started here. :(

hedgie said...

Rain has started here. :(

Lynne2 said...

Great news Linda! I'm sure your nerves will calm soon as Dennis does better each day!

Heading to bed, good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Andy, I think you need to stay in your chair at the puter tomorrow rather than running on the road! LOL!

Lolly, glad your day was another good one.

Good to hear that JudyE has rubber mulch that's been down for 6 yrs.! I told Charlie that if this stays place, I'll do all of the mulch beds with it if we can buy it by the truckload!

hedgie said...

Hey, gang, remember the last time we were at the Clarion on Homecoming game day? All those opposing team footballers milling around at the Clarion? Hunks!!

Hoda said...

LINDA Thank you for checking in and i agree with Judie sip on soup...I do hope that both of you have a good sleep tonight.

Lynn you are right about how religion as a cause has been the basis of many of the strifes going about.

WE have not heard from PAULA tonight...I hope she checks in soon.

It is raining with thunder and lightening, pouring more than raining it is a sheet of water descending actually...Bouncing off the pavement from the sound of it. We have had rain for part of the day since the 26 th of September and I am beginning to think I will forget what the sun looks like, blue skies too are but a memory...

NatureNut said...

My Gosh, it's getting Late again!!!
I can't believe I'm still aweake!

So glad to hear from Linda and that Dennis is doing well!! Prayers to both of you!

Bob Q., hoping and praying your head gets clear. How awful to have that last this long. You have to get perfect so you'll be able to find the Rumsey!!☺ Love the new kitty~~pics are wonderful. So sorry about Bonnie. Pets are like our children.
Lolly, your trip just sounds better and better! I'm really enjoying "traveling" with you and Jack!!
Hope Lynn's knee and Margy's finger get better!
Hoda, prayers for your sister and family in Egypt. That's one of the 2 places I always wanted to visit and can't believe what's happening there. I have been to Greece. I just love the ancient history of both places. Fascinating.
DanaWV, Flat Stanley is a cut out figure sent out by first graders to have a friend or relative take pictures or tell of his adventures in a different place. It's really a social studies and geography lesson.They will mark a map to show places Stanley visited.
Prayers for all ailing and
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Linda said...

Thanks for the advice, Ladies!!

And you're right.......it is such good news today about Dennis. I am so blessed!

My shower felt pretty good, too, and I think I am going to try and get a better night's sleep tonight.

Thanks again for all the love, support, prayers and for all the momster caring!! You're truly amazing and a blessing from GOD in my life.

Love to you all.......

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love ...... xoxo ♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

I knew I would have some reading to do on here after watching 3 TV shows
They were all really really good.

Give me a minute to check things out before I say good night........

stronghunter said...


Yawning big time here. Time to go upstairs.

So glad to hear from Linda that Dennis is out of intensive care and on the mend.

Good that you are back home after a nice vacation, Andy.

Lynn, I hope you are feeling better now.

Will try to catch up some more tomorrow.

Good night.

stronghunter said...

When he did the Flat Stanley activity, Hunter sent Flat Stanley to his Great Uncle Jimmy in Colorado.

Our group could do a great Flat Stanley trip now.

Lolly said...

Loretta...are you sending Flat Stanley back to the student? I am always available to entertain a Flat Stanley!

Yummy dinner!

Okay, here is today's story. We got up early to head to the train station. We boarded and found our reserved seats. We were in the parlor car, the last car,where we had a great attendant. I started to take a picture and the card was NOT in my camera. I jumped off the train, ran to the first gift shop. She told me to go to the second gift shop and then I had to wait in line. Got it and ran back to the train. What a way to start a day trip!

Great company on the car, we had fun. Saw fantastic scenery. Silverton is a very small, old mining town. Very picturesque. However, about this time my camera batter was running low. So switched to my phone to take picture. Had a great lunch and took the return trip to Durango.

I am going to leave now and down load pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Linda - thankful for your update on Dennis. Hopefully you are sleeping by now - soundly I pray. You need your rest
I'm surprised they didn't give Dennis something mild to help him sleep.
No - not a glass of wine.

I misunderstood about what child was wandering out on the street - thought it was Margy's upstairs child. Guess she went upstairs because of noise.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta You should have sent Stanley
with Lolly on her trip! Train ride and all!

I can just picture Emma greeting Andy from vacation.

Mema Jo said...

I must depart your company .....

Good night my Friends
Prayers for many
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Right, Jo---you got it straight now!

Lolly, glad the gift shop had the card for your camera!
Oh, yeah, Flat Stanley would have had fun with you---he's on his way back to TN now. Check Loretta's pics on her blog!

Saying goodnight....sleepy....and gotta set alarm again....ugh!

Prayers for all.

Hoda said...

I watched this program on The Cascade Mountains of British COlumbia. It is 45 minutes long. I tried to put it on my blog and failed so I will try here and you could save it and watch it when you have time. Stunning photography of wildlife, birds, bears, wolves and coyotes,deer and so on... The Cascade Mountains of British Columbia

Lolly said...

I am too pooped to pop! Have downloaded pictures and posted some in an album on fb.

Heading to the shower and my warm pj's!

Wildlife report....prarie dogs and deer. And, of course, no pics. Never ready with the camera!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Oh...Joey report. Scan showed that his previous fusion is fine. Now he has to have a MRI.

Hoda said...

Good night, sweet dreams and God Bless. God Protect us all and the Creatures too...

PAULA did not check in and I hope she is alright, so I send many prayers her way.

Costume Lady said...

I am checking in and going to check out...Sandman gave me an extra dose of fairy dust:)


Lori O. said...

LINDA, GREAT NEWS about Dennis from the doctor! Try to take in a bit of nature to calm your nerves…nature and wine when you have time.  Praise God that Dennis has a strong heart – hoping that info will keep you from worrying as much. (((BIG HUGS)))

MARGY, big bummer about the water main break and bowling upstairs. Too bad they can’t just move into a ground floor apartment not next door to you!
I’m anxious to hear the report on your finger. Hope your appointment and tests go well today.

ANDY, I loved your story of Emma wiggling out of her skin when she saw you. Of course, there was no doubt she would. Welcome home! Hope you hit the road running as you wanted to this morning and got all your work done.

Lori O. said...

HODA, so glad you were able to talk with your sister and get real time information. So sad about situation in Egypt after coming such a long way out of revolution…it continues.

JO, I like the Mema Jo Moon name Margy suggested. It has a nice ring to it!

LYNNE, the eagle on the broomstick avatar is one of the cutest ever! Where are you finding these lately?

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, did I miss pictures of Stella and Naomi? I would love to see these two! Hope you and Darth are both well.

LYNN, let me know how you like the rubber mulch. I would need so much, but if it’s worth it…on the other hand it doesn’t put any minerals into the soil because it doesn’t break down. Hmmm. Then again, regular mulch sucks nitrogen from the soil to break down the wood. Hmmm Hmmm.

LORETTA, once again you get the best job award – 8 great egrets and a floating dock!!!

Bummed that Flat Stanley is gone. I wanted to take him to the station! Whoever gets one next, send him my way.

DANAMO, glad all your parent meetings went well and they're done! YAY!

Prayers continue for Bob, Dennis and Linda, Kay, Sharon’s pain, Lynn’s knee.

PA Nana said...

Hey, it's Wednesday morning. Good morning.

I'm waiting for sleep to stop by. Sandman was a bit light on the sleep dust first time around so waiting for 2nd comin'

Been busy the past few days and will be the rest of this week. Jim & I celebrated(?) #47. Actually wnet out to eat at a new place. I had a margarita and he his domestic beer. Don't usually order a 'spirit' drink but what the hay...

Tonight it was doing the grossery shopping. Boy, he's a GRUMP to take there. He grumbles the whole time. Told him I might leave him home next time. That'll be the day!! Can't shop by myself.
Anyway that's done hopefully for another 2 weeks. Family is coming for the family reunion the 22nd so we'll have to feed them and then must make a covered dish. Have no idea what but I did pull out Lolly's recipe. Just not sure????

Who's here with me? Anyone?

PA Nana said...

Okay, he's back with more sleepy dust.

Have a blessed day everyone and don't forget your umbrellas.
God bless! ♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday to YOU ♥
Happy BIrthday to YOU ♥
Happy BIrthday Dear JO ♥
Happy BIrthday to YOU ♥
♪ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪ ♪and MANY MORE ♫ ♫ ♫

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...


•''¯)░B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♫♪

DanaMo said...

o_/6 /#\
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Happy Birthday Mema Jo from Dana Mo and the 3 flying labs. I hope my doggy shows up. I have trouble getting designs to post so if something funny is above my words you know it didn't work! I tried.

DanaMo said...

Well...it looks a little bit like a dog :(

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori

Lori O. said...

Hi DanaMo! I see the dog!
I had to delete my first one that was to have been a birthday cake! lol.
The things we do because we love our JO!!!

magpie said...

Goooood Morning Eagle Pals, and

Happy Birthday Jo...May this day be Every Bit as Special as You Are, and Then Some ! xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers for my doctor app't today, check up AND this finger thingy....
I can still type but there are a lot of things that hurt to do

Hope the Day is a Good One...rain or shine...
This is the Day the Lord has Made

magpie said...

water notice DID say to boil before bathing....that's a lot of boiling! Hence, the little birdy bath...
Pretty neat, the water department put notices on LOTS of doors in this neighborhood

magpie said...

What a wonderful, glowing report from Linda ♥
Prayers for continued upbeat news

magpie said...

Praying also for Peace in Egypt, and especially for safety for Hoda's sister and family

magpie said...


Happy 47th Anniversary, Jim and Diann ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺
Go for another 47 !


magpie said...

I'm outta time, work starts at 7 for me...

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

See you much much later on
xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Had to jump over here and wish our very own Mema Jo a very Happy Birthday!!! Hope the day is as wonderful as you are!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Magpie!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And Lori and DanaMo and whoever else I missed!!!!

Lori O. said...

Hi Bev! Nice to see you. :) Everything OK?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah Lori, everything is okay, doing fine. Thanks for asking. Getting ready for a weekend getaway with the women of the Riffe family to the Smokies! Should be beautiful this weekend, fall foliage at peak color.

DanaMo said...

Sounds wonderful Bev. Boy could I use a weekend away. We never even took our camper out this year. Need to close the pool this weekend and probably close the camper as well. It doesn't look like we will get out this fall...

DanaMo said...

Not feeling good this morning. I'm wondering if I took my medicine twice last night by accident.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That sux DanaMo!!! I am so grateful that we have gotten to go to the camper about every weekend all summer. I dread closing it down so bad. I think we are going to wait until November to do it, get every minute we can!! Come on and go with us to the Smokies!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, GO! You'll get some fresh air and girl time!

PA Nana said...

Good morning everyone!

May this be he best one yet.

Have to catch up on all the eagle news, but wanted to just say mornin'. Now must get back to catch more zzzzzs.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DIANN and THELMA!!!

Buddy, too.

JudyEddy said...


Clearwater Marina home of Winter the Dolphin has made a record in attendance since the movie came out FR SA and SU attendance was a little over 6400 that is a 669% increase since the opened WOW A star is born LOL

JudyEddy said...

wow today is my last day YEAH

JudyEddy said...

Have to run to Angies after work to get the camera and I pushing that haven't gotten batteries for it yet I guess I will have to just back to store tonight YUK I want rechargeable one for sure instead of buying reg ones

JudyEddy said...

so good to hear the Dennis is doing better LINDA

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Happy birthday, Jo!!!

Judie, if you e-mail pictures of your panthers, I will put them on my blog.

I see the cute little doggy, DanaMo.

Hope all goes well at the doctor's Margy. I missed the reason for having to boil your water. Wow. What a mess.

Things are normal around here. I already had to clean up after George. He was trying to eat dog food.

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, It sounds like both you and I need to use one of those pill things with little sections for each day. I have several; just haven't put the pills in.

Kay said...

♫♫♪ Happy Birthday to you, MEMA J☺ ! ♪♪♫ Today is special because it's your birthday and I hope every moment is as special as you are ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

A song for JO Happy Birthday

JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


DanaMo said...

You are right Shirley and I have one to, now let me see if I can put my hand on it and I will do that right now!!! I feel lousy.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see that it was a water main break for Margy.

JudyEddy said...

I have so much to buy at work today Got to get NORTON He keeps reminding me I now have 4 days left I didn't want to download to early because its a year from the day you download they don't add the days you have left

JudyEddy said...

This will be my next to the last day of blogging for about two weeks

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...