Tuesday, October 11, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Well its time for me to hit the road

Linda said...

Good Morning Early Birds......still here!

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☼rning Early Birds ! There are so many of you on here this morning, I'm not going to name you one by one. Here's a {{{{{{Group}}}}}} instead ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

MARGY, did I miss something ? What did the annoying people upstairs have to say about the bowling infractions ?

HODA, glad the long talk with your sister was soothing. Much better than relying on what the mainstream media decides to report.

LINDA, so glad Dennis is doing better ! Your nerves should now begin to settle down. I say go for some comfort food---for me that would be mac n' cheese or ice cream ! Prayers being sent up for both of you !

JUDIE, thanks for sending Mr. Sandman by last night ! He's a really good guy !

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday Jo. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend. (((hugs)))

Kay said...

JUDYE, Bon Voyage` ! Hope you have smooth sailing in that newly serviced truck ! I'll look forward to hearing the nest area gals talk about your visit !

JudyEddy said...

PS I won't be home for lunch I will do my shopping during lunch because I need to go to Angies after work

Linda said...

♪♫Happy Happy Birthday Jo! ♪♫

Wishing you a day filled with love and laughter. Such a special lady deserves a very special day!

Second time I posted this message. Guess the first one got lost in space!

stronghunter said...

We are going to miss you, Judy.

Linda said...

Also wanted to thank you earlier birds for your love, prayers, support and ((((HUGS)))).

hedgie said...


Love You!!! Hope your special day is as special as you are!!

T-Bird said...

Bakatcha Linda.

Kay said...

It's raining, it's pouring, in Columbus. The roofers completed their work on my building at 2pm yesterday and the rain began about 2am this morning. Whew !!!!

stronghunter said...

Heard rain coming down hard here in the middle of the night, too, Kay.

Linda said...

Thanks, Thelma! :)

I think I need to find the coffee!

Kay said...

LORI, a few days ago you asked if granddaughter Lauren would be coming home from China for Grandma Judy's memorial service. I said I didn't think it financially feasible, but I was wrong. She will join the family in Lincoln, NE for the November 5th services. I'm so happy for her---just wishing it were physically possible for me to be there, too. Not !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, cute avatar ! Put yellow flowers with anything and I'm gonna love it !

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

More importantly, there is rain in Texas!

Weather at Lolly and Jack's House

Kay said...

LOLLY, SHIRLEY is the bearer of good tidings ! You may not be in TX to enjoy the moisture, but I'm sure your grass n' plants are loving it !

hedgie said...

Morning all!!

Diann, happy late 47th anniversary to you and Jim!!! Congrats!!! Oh, definitely a sip of spirits was called for!

Margy---oops, my bad! Never heard of such a thing as boiling bath water. I'll have to ask Mits if Montgomery Co. issued that warning when they had the huge main break a couple of years ago! A mighty impossible task!!

hedgie said...

ARGH!!! I got up too late to eat. Completely forgot that no food four hours before CT...tummy is not going to be happy in an hour or two! Two days in a row :(

Lori O. said...

Hellloooooooo EVERYONE!

There's so many here this morning I'm in disbelief! But, I love it!

Can ya'll be here every morning this early?

((((Big GROUP Hug)))

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lynn! What time is the CT scan?

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lori! I am usually up by 6:30, but sometimes things are happening around here.

Lori O. said...

I understand, Shirley. Getting a kid ready for school can be hectic. I home school my kids - LOL! No kids, just 5 cats, 3 foster kittens and 2 bulldogs.

hedgie said...

Kay, you're an early bird today, aren't you??!!! SO glad the roofing is done--just in time!
We had a shower or two last night, and some sprinkles, but nothing significant yet. Gloomy for sure. 55°. And the LEAVES are falling much too fast. :(

stronghunter said...

Well, there are two dogs and two cats here. They contribute to many of the happenings.

hedgie said...

Shirley, sorry you had more mess to clean up. Ugh!

CT is at 10.....leave here about 9:20.

T-Bird said...

Hi Lori. Good morning Linda, Kay, Stronghunter, and Hedgie.

Costume Lady said...

˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜

Costume Lady said...

What a gloomy day...59°, sprinkles and only going up to 61°.

Not a good day for Costume shopping:(

stronghunter said...

We have to keep the dogs out of the cat food and the cat out of the dog food.

George has a very delicate digestive system and is on prescription cat food, but he really wants to eat dog food.

One time he got into an unopened bag of dog food when I was not home and ended up in the kitty cat hospital. He will intimidate the dogs and take their food, or he will eat their leftovers. He will even fish little pieces of dog food out of the water dish.

We spend a lot of time guarding dog food.

Kay said...

LYNN, good luck on the scan !

Gotta' get ready for an appt. with my banker. Just need to move some money around--had an appt. for the Friday I wound up in the hospital and just now getting back around to it. I hate dealing with these kinds of details !


T-Bird said...

I'll catch you all later.

hedgie said...

Okay, gang, gonna shut 'er down. Need to let Liesl out and then put her in her crate and then I'll be outta here. Later, gators!

stronghunter said...

Bye, Thelma.

Bye, Lynn. I hope it goes well.

wvgal_dana said...


stronghunter said...

Bye, Kay. So glad that you are well enough to take care of the banking today.

Lori O. said...

Bye Kay, Lynn and Thelma. It was so wonderful, spectacular, exciting to have you all here this morning!

Shirley, Poor you and poor George. He sounds like he's obsessed with dog food! Funny though. Freddy likes to lick the plastic bags you get at the grocery store. He's like an addict with them. Remember a friend's cat who liked to lick pictures. So, at least George likes something edible. :)

Lori O. said...

Before I sign off to get things cleaned up here and head home, let me say again:

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, J O !

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I know you have already left for your CT Scan. Sending prayers they find out what is causing your pain. HUGS

Linda said...

Just spoke to Dennis.

The doctor came in and said he wants to keep him at least another day. His cardiac enzymes are still high and since he had a pretty major event Monday, they would like to keep monitoring him.

He explained what they think happened, how it happened and mentioned that it was a little puzzling why it happened because he was otherwise pretty healthy.

Right now he is having a echocardiogram, which I am sure will give them more information on how he is doing.

He desperately wants to come home, but I know it's better he is there under the care of the pros!

I have had a constant headache since Monday (guess why?), and just can't get rid of it. Ugh! I would imagine when Dennis is home and we are settled, the headache will subside!

Rain is expected here today and I can't leave Riley alone in any rain as he will scratch walls (through the drywall) to try to escape. I am afraid he will pull his teeth out if I crate him. He is getting worse. So I will keep him with me today. I'll go to work for a while and do what is crucial and then come back and figure out what to do next!

Maybe if there is a break in the weather I can go to the hospital. I'd just rather be there sitting with him. Weird, huh?

Wishing all of you a terrific day! It's Wednesday.............half way through the M-F work week!!

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Linda good to see you my friend. So glad Dennis is doing so well. That is an answer to PRAYERS. I can understand you needing to be with Riley. Maybe the rain will ease up and you can go be with Dennis for a little while. HUGS and LOVE YOU and Dennis both. (((((((HUGS)))))))
I continue to keep you both on my prayer list.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay I am so happy the roof got done in time for the rain.

Margy your doctors appt for your finger is today.
Praying the doctor can tell you what is going on and can help.

Hoda I have added to my prayer list for your family in Egypt to be kept "SAFE". Glad you got to talk with them.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann one day late Happy 47th ANNIVERSARY to you and Jim. I see a family reunion coming up on the 22nd. That should be a lot of fun and laughter.

Some of you are so artistic on this blog. DanaMo I see your dog. Lori puts up neat things. Then there is JudyE with her fun
design for Happy Birthday.

wvgal_dana said...

I see one of the white baby potted owlets. It is so cute.

stronghunter said...

Would you believe I am still researching fencing companies? My neighbor had this one, but this is what one online review had to say--and this was the more complementary review:

"They were fast and had a nice product. As a bonus, if you call for a repair service, they may respond with a deluge of profanity, cursing you, your family, your politics, and toss in various other non-sequiturs. It was quite entertaining. They may be able to contain your pets, but they sure can't contain their emotions. the guy just probably needed a hug. Good luck."

Interesting . . . I am kind of afraid to call them.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley Don't get the white vinyl fencing. It is really pretty. Problems when you weedeat around the fence. The grass stains the white vinyl and you have to scrub the fencing or power wash it down. You probably should be looking for a fence that does down into the ground. So the dogs can't get under it!!

stronghunter said...

Have an appointment for tomorrow with a fence guy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the advice, DanaWV. I will remember what you said.

Lolly said...



Lolly said...

Good morning! What a fantastic day! Beautiful day here and rain at home. Was not expecting that. Will certainly be interesting to see the rain gauge when we get home!! Wahooooooo!

Today we are driving to Pagosa Springs. That is where we are going next month for Thanksgiving. Going to check the local deli about a Thanksgiving meal. We shall see!! LOL

LINDA......the reports continue to sound good. Glad the doctor is keeping him another day although I understand the desire to have him home.

My wonderful jubby has been doing a load of laundry this morning while I did my morning getting beautiful and blogging. He is the best!

Now I need to leave and eat breakfast. One last day of fun and then two long days of driving home. ugh! Oh, well....!

Have a great day! Like that,Kay...group (((HUG)))!!!

Lolly said...

Shirley...we saw the funniest sight...sad, but funny looking. In west Texas we saw where there had been a fire and the white plastic fence had melted! Really strange looking and they had it around acreage.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning and what a special day it
is with alllllllllll the b-day wishes.
72 isn't so bad when you have friends like I do on this blog!

Thank you one and all

Hoda said...

Thank you for the prayer wishes for my family in Egypt. I too pray for peace every where in the world.

Good morning one and all.

LINDA do take care of the headache and I am so glad that Dennis had a talk with his doctor and that they will keep him for another day.

Thinking of MARGY and the doctor's appointment, and water advisory is a good thing with the water main busted...

DANAMO I am worried that you are not feeling well because you thought you took your medication twice...was that insulin???Don't you need to go to the hospital for that?

hedgie said...

I'm home, had a bite to eat, and now reading papers! It is raining!

hedgie said...

I, too, am also having to click on publish comment TWICE now. Stoopid blogger cop.

hedgie said...

Linda, don't be alarmed about the cardiac enzymes. They often don't peak until 48-72 hrs. after the event. They'll be coming down soon.

Shirley, if you let George get up om furniture, put his food up high where dogs can't get it. And dog dishes should be taken up if the dog hasn't finished his food in 10 minutes. Dog food is very dangerous for cats. And cat food, while not harmful, has basically no nutritional value for dogs.

hedgie said...

Linda, poor Riley. Did you get a thunder shirt yet? Please do...well worth a try. PetSmart stocks them now. Even if there is no thunder, it might help if he gets upset just at rain. Poor dog. :(
And poor you with the headache. Sure hope it eases soon.

Hoda said...

Did I miss something? Does anyone have news of PAULA? She has not been on for over a day now??? I hope all is well.I need to check back to see when was the last time she was on...

stronghunter said...

That would be quite a sight, Lolly. A melted fence.

Lynn, we usually put George's dish on the washer. He isn't supposed to be on the other counters, etc., but we allow him on the washer.

Problem is that he sometimes upchucks there, and it was a mess, so I tried putting him on the floor because he is pretty intimidating to the dogs, but they got to hovering because they wanted to lick his dish when George finished, and so I went back to the washer.

The dogs were used to having food in their dish at all times, but when they came here, that had to change.

We try tempting them to eat faster by mixing a little canned food with the dry food, but we still sometimes end up with leftovers, and still have to remove the dish. Flash is one of those dogs who likes to scatter food everywhere and it all has to be cleaned up quickly.

Animal feeding just requires supervision around here.

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

The last entry I see from PAULA is Sunday at 11:08 PM. Is this not unusual? LYNN would you be able to phone her just to know that all is OK at her roost? I ask you because I think you are close to where she lives, you met up to go get NICK...

hedgie said...

Strategic planning AND supervision, Shirley!!! Dogs are not typical grazers.....they tend to be wolfers! My sister keeps a gate across the laundry room and that is where the cats eat. Dogs can't get in, but the cats can. She has 4 cats inside and 2 dogs. Also has 4 outdoor cats. UGH! Even when I relented and let the kids have a cat, it was only ONE!! I hate going to her house!

Hoda said...

The last entry from PAULA on FB is Sunday at 2:51 PM...I am going to put her in my prayers and hope we hear from her soon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I just called Paula and left a message. Hopefully we will hear from her soon!

Mema Jo said...

Did you call her business or private number, Sharon?

BTW JudyE I call and left message
for Steve to answer my email. Will be in touch whenever I hear (Hopefully today before you leave tomorrow

hedgie said...

Hoda, I'm not close to Paula.....Jo and Lori are. Paula traveled up here and then we went further into WV to get Nick! But, yes, I'll give her a holler!

hedgie said...

No answer----but I don't know if it was home phone or cell phone! Left her a message!

movin said...


Good Morning to you.
Hope everyone is OK.


They're saying it going to top 90° today, but so far it's pretty cool inside, even though the W. Channel says it's 75 and I have the window open.

I'm going to shut it and turn on the A/C very soon though "before" it gets too hot.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

I was looking for Paula's business phone BUT since the store changed hands I cannot find # in phone book. I have a home and a cell, but I think that she will get Lynn or Sharon's voice mail.
I am going to pray she will be on line

hedgie said...

Wow....BFF in CA's son just posted this about his 6th grader: 6th grade science camp on Catalina Island for three days this weekend. LUCKY kids! Asked if he is going with them, and to watch for EAGLES!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lucky kid, I'll say. Bet he will see some of the foxes on the island too.

I just received from a granddaughter a
beautiful bouquet! Stunning fall colors and quite a variety of flowers. Makes me
feel loved..... :) also brings a tear.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! Sure wish it was 90 here!!!! If it hits that and it's too much for you, send it here, please!!!

Hoda said...

My mistake LYNN. Thank you for phoning and leaving a message LYNN and SHARON.

I am off to Yoga nad to do some errands. made an appointment to have the tires changed on the car and for an oil change. They could not fit me in before the 24th!!! He said it was a HUGE rush there for snow tires change...Just as well as next week I have to go to the dentist and the optometrist and I have my writing group, so I was thinking it is a bit too busy. My conditioning class starts next week also.Gracious me The Canadian Federation of University Women meet next week also!!!Better focua on today and see what I can get done...BBL


Hoda said...

To start with I had better FOCUS on today not focua!!! LOL

hedgie said...

Completely forgot to say Happy Columbus Day on this REAL one. Oct 12, 1492 was the day that the watcher on the Pinta actually spotted Land in the Americas.

stronghunter said...

Oct. 12--Columbus Day--It is also my brother Jim's birthday.

Didn't take my cell phone with me, so I missed the call from the doctor's office, but they left a voice mail and my pathology report did not show any serious problems, thank goodness. But I have to have another colonscopy next year. Yuck.

stronghunter said...

66 degrees and raining here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I called Paula's work, got her voicemail, went back to the operator to make sure she was at work today and she is and fine! YAY!

hedgie said...

Rain, rain, go away......it's been pouring ever since I got home.

movin said...

Hey, I have a feeling I'm missing somebody's B-Day today, but I can't find my "saved" list of Oct. B-days on gmail.

So, to Columbus and whoever's B-Day it is...


I'm wishing you a


C(°?°)3 Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I got a text from Paula too, that she was on the blog Monday evening. She is all good and loves us! I told her that some of us were gun shy after losing Deb.

hedgie said...

Great news, Sharon! Guess we cancel blond alert!!!

Shirley, good to hear that biopsy was fine!!

It will be at least Fri. I guess before I know anything about my scan.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jim, it is MEMA JO'S BIRTHDAY!!!!

hedgie said...

Jim--it is Mema Jo's birthday!!!

Mema Jo said...

Who is having a birthday?????? lol
Jim - I forgive your memory!

Thanks for locating Paula!!
I feel better now!

stronghunter said...

Good to hear that Paula is fine.

Not fun to wait for the results of medical tests, Lynn. I will be thinking about you.

Still raining here. I would say that I am glad Hunter has a jacket in his bookbag, since he said he did. But that does not mean he will bother to put it on if it is indeed there.

I have watched him hop off the bus and happily walk home in the pouring rain while carrying the jacket in the bag. He is, after all, a boy.

movin said...





C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Jim ♥

Kay said...

Here to report on the CAT Scan of October 4th. Still waiting for the specialists office to respond, but my primary physician just called. She says there was, on that date, fluid aka infection scattered about the right kidney. However, it is greatly reduced and she believes it's well on the way toward complete healing. Told me to continue with the antibiotic and see Dr. G. as scheduled on the 26th. So, I consider it good news. Big sigh of relief ! Thanks to all of you concerned Momster's and I will, of course, keep you posted.

SHARON, thanks for tracking PAULA down--good to know she's fine---guess she's just been busy. We sure get spoiled when people who are daily posters skip a day or so !

Lolly said...

Hi all!

Great to hear your report, Kay! Continue what you are doing...sounds like each day is a little better.

We are back early to day. We drove to Pagosa Springs to check out the Saint Andrew Lodge, our house for Thanksgiving. It is out of town and in the woods. Hear that there is a bear. LOL Peeked in the garage and saw a large grill. That was one of our questions...we grill a lot, even in winter. Anyway, it looks like a great place! Checked out the grocery store in town. It is new, large and very nice...great deli. Checked out the bars to see if they will be open for the guys to watch football. LOL I have decided to go ahead and cook a turkey and make dressing. That is easy enough. We will buy pies, rolls, etc. Anyway, it looks like a great place to spend a week...just beautiful!!! Family fun with no TV nor computers. LOL

Lolly said...

The house has two decks..and peeking through the trees you can see the snow covered peeks.

stronghunter said...

Another Aftershock Today


Just heard about it on the news.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEMA JO!!! Hope it's a wonderful, special day for you!

And...HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY TO JAY, our granddaughter! We love you, kiddo!

Happy 47th Anniversary, Diann & Jim! Wishing you many, many more!

Praying for even more improvement for Dennis, and prayers for Linda, too.

Been praying today for Margy's Dr. appt. Hope the finger is an easy fix! Waiting for a good report.

Asking for prayers, please, for our son-in-law Marq's dad, Don. We just found out that he is in the hospital since last week, because of a brain bleed. The doctors have him in a drug-induced coma while they decide what to do next.
(Nobody wanted to ruin our vacation by telling us last week! Wish they had!) All prayers are much appreciated.

Well, gotta run. Kubby is on the way home from work, and I still have a LOT of transcription to do!
They sent at least 2 weeks worth, and I need to send it back by Friday. Yikes! Will check back in later.

Mema Jo said...

That is news to me, Shirley and I am glad you didn't feel anything.

Kay - I think that is very encouraging news - I think you can feel yourself getting better cause we Momsters can tell you are by being here as an Early Bird chatting with us!!!

Just finished dinner with gs & Alexis
We are now waiting as my grown children should be arriving with the b-day cake!

I'll be back when it's over! ♥

Hoda said...

Well I am back Yoga was very good with a lot of young people who are Teacher Trainees and full of life and enthusiasm.It felt crowded in there and yet I was able to focus and stay with my own practice on the mat...there are 18 Teacher Trainees who will be here for a month.

I got my flu shot and they were friendly and rather efficient about it all. I had not been to this clinic before and it is in a very convenient location.

I have not read back so will do so after I post this, I hope everyone had a great morning and afternoon...I have French Canadian Peas soup on again today...Love it yum yum yum!!!

Hoda said...

Glad you heard from PAULA SHARON.

At the clinic they are so grateful for the volunteers that they also had tea and coffee with cookies in case we had to wait!!! It is a free injection, on my Health Insurance Card because I volunteer...Life is Good.

It is also my American Mom's Birthday today. She would have been 92 years old...she crossed in 1996 from cancer. She was a kind and gracious lady and oh such a GREAT cook...she loved music and she taught Greek Mythology.

Hoda said...

Jo Did not feel the after shock...did anybody else here feel it in your area?

hedgie said...

KAY----scan results sound good. Probably even more clear now than when you had it done! Do you have enough a/b's to last til the 26th?

Happy birthday to Shirley's bro Jim and to Andy's gd Jay!!

Lolly, don't forget some Bob Evan's mashed taters for your TG feast! They are very good!!

hedgie said...

Andy, prayers for your SIL's father. How old a fellow is he??

Gee----go on vacay and have 2 weeks worth of work to do in less than one?? What's wrong with this picture??? You'll need another trip!!

hedgie said...

JO------what KIND of cake are you getting????

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to your American Mom, too, Hoda. Mrs. Batchelder, right? May she RIP. My Momma is 92....and still with us!

hedgie said...

Good on you for getting your flu shot!!! But I must say---you can keep your soup!!! :(

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....reading back at the speed of light....

Happy Birthday Jo!
Happy Anniversary Diann!
Messages for you both on FB!

Great news on the scan Kay!

Prayers for Marq's father, Andy.

Prayers and (((HUGS)) for you Hoda on you American mother's birthday!

Lynne2 said...

Hope to get a good report on Dennis this evening from Linda! And prayers that you headache goes away, and that Riley is hanging in there with the rain, poor guy. Bet he misses his Daddy, too.

And hoping and praying for Margy and her finger!

Lynne2 said...

Gotta run and squeeze in a bath for Puddles before dinner....OH, one of my Monarch emerged today! Another chrysalis is just about ready to open!

Lolly said...

Lynn, I meant to send a birthday card to our Norma. I have a late postcard ready to send. But need a confirmation...I have

9th 652 7th St. All the rest I have but questioned this.?????

magpie said...

If I do it quick I think I can remember them all:

Happy Birthday to...

Mema Jo, of course !
Shirley's brother Jim
Hoda's American Mother
Andrea's great granddaughter Jay

did I miss any?
Oh, I have a great paramedic friend nicknamed "Bear" whose birthday is today also ☺

What in the world was going on in January of these birthday years...??? Late celebrations of the New Year ☺ ♥

Good Evening Eagle Pals..and yes, glad to hear Paula is okay !
Busy Busy Momster she is !

magpie said...

Good reports from Shirley and Kay on their doctor things,
also....sounds cautious but optimistic for Dennis...
and hoping for good results for Lynn also !

Daggone those headaches, Linda !!!
You can share, I'll take 'em from you !!!

magpie said...

the 9th is for her birthday, don't put that on the address line,
you have the rest, right ?

hedgie said...

Yes, Lolly, Norma's addy is correct.

hedgie said...

LOLLY---9th is the date of her birthday, not part of the addy!

magpie said...

Diann Pa Nana is going through some recipes you have shared with us....for her reunion on the 22nd...neat huh?

Sounds purely joyful, your vacation, and sounds like any ailments you and Jack HAD have not given you any problems.

magpie said...

Besides, Lynne, a late birthday card is a good way to keep the birthday glow glowin'

Do It !!

hedgie said...

Margy, what did Dr. say about your finger?
I wish Loretta would get hers checked, too. :( I seriously doubt that cutting it cured the problem!!

magpie said...

I'm picturing the Joy and the Birthday Cake at Mema Jo's right now !!
I've been there, so I can picture it in my mind's eye ☺

magpie said...

Yes, Lynne, thanks for that reminder to pray for Andrea's son-in-law Marq's dad....hope that the bleed corrects itself without a whole lot of major intervention...
Prayer, that is the BEST intervention

magpie said...

finger problem is most likely tendonitis, or like trigger finger, NOT that I have shot any guns lately!
Had it before on left hand ring finger, not nearly so bothersome as right hand index finger!
Have a prescription getting filled for a topical analgesic, like a gel motrin...and a referral to an orthopedist for that AND the foot problem, in November.
THANKS for all the well wishes and prayers for the ailment
I can type, but writing is really difficult, and so are a lot of other things...but it is minor compared to some of what is going on here...

Lolly said...

Thanks for the address correction. I thought it looked funny.

Margy...what is this about your finger? What's up? I have missed a lot!

magpie said...

maybe I did too many snail mail cardings last week ☺

magpie said...

sorry, well not sorry, but I got you confused with Lynne with the address question about Norma..

finger is sore and swollen, thought it might be gout, but my uric acid readings are ok, so it is either arthritis or..the tendonitis or both

Lolly said...

Okay....you answered my questiong just before I asked! Great minds!♥U

magpie said...

I did NOT confront upstairs tenants last night about the noise...just waiting for a more opportune time ...
I just didn't have the energy for it last night
it won't be long though

magpie said...

I have to apologize..can't stay on too long to type...
think it might be safe to take a shower, and Lynn:
I will keep my eyes closed!

So many pet tales and stories here...I think I am missing out by not having any pets...

DANAMO: Are you okay tonight ?

hedgie said...

Well, Margy, trigger finger is different from tendonitis! If you bend it and then can''t straighten it, and it snaps when you force it, that's trigger finger! I had it with a ring finger, too----right hand, I think! Can't even see the scar from the surgery anymore! And a word to the wise, if you don't mind.....DON'T let an ortho operate on your foot!!! Go to Dr. Mollica if it's a surgical issue----did we think a Morton's neuroma??
Mits said that their boil water advisory after that huge River Rd. main break didn't mention boiling bath water!!! Guess Martinsburg has cruddier water or ground??? LOL!

Lolly said...

The bowling ball giving you fits, Margy? Do say something to them. They may not even realize the noise they are conflicting on you...unless you say something. If they do not correct it...then you have a serious problem.

magpie said...

No Full Moon Sightings hereabouts!
But I will be thinking of the
Full Mema Jo-Hunter-Columbus Moon !!

I'll be back later on...
Best wishes for a good evening, wet as it is hereabouts!

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks Lynn, will take all that into account...
can you tell me a little more about trigger finger?
Please and thanks...

magpie said...

and thanks Lolly, good advice, and I WILL address it....the upstairs thing ..
When "mom" is not home, as she is not in the evenings because she works, "dad" is not much in control...qutie obviously

Lolly said...

Moon has been absolutely gorgeous here. Thought of all of you...thinking you could see the moon, too. Sorry about the rain!

Hoda said...

HA HA HA HA !!! OK LYNN No French Canadian Pea Soup for you!!!I'll eat your share... :^)

magpie said...

I'll take Lynn's helping of the Canadian Pea Soup, Hoda ☺

Lynn - I quit being lazy and googled trigger finger..most of the characteristics fit what I have...
Thanks for your wise counsel !
cute graphics on Google by the way
Art Clokey's 90th B-day...Gumby creator

ha ha I had tennis elbow once too, and I never play tennis

okay, now to the showers...

Hoda said...

A large bowl of soup is on its way to your flat MARGY. Bon Appétit...

Lolly said...

Hoda, I will share in your soup. I do think that Lynn is our resident "pickie eater". Maybe that is why she keeps her figure. I eat and enjoy way too much!

Lolly said...

Just put a potato in our oven and have two steaks rubbed with a marinade. Jack is going to grill them. Rubbed them with garlic, rosemary, s & P, and olive oil. Yummy! Did I ever tell you about the time we snitched rosemary from the monks in Italy? Yep, I confess. we pinched rosemary from the monks!

Lolly said...

We brought fresh rosemary with us. However, the rv park we are at has a herb garden and a sign that says "Help Yourself". I think that is really cool!!

We have enjoyed the afternoon being lazy. We have been on the go so much! I straightened the car, packed things away and we are set to go...early in the morn!

hedgie said...

Re: tennis elbow.....did you know that it's only "tennis" elbow when the pain is on the outside---lateral epicondylitis. If it's on the inside---medial epicondylitis----is is "golfer's elbow"......so now you all know more about that ailment. And the tennis elbow braces/bands ONLY work for lateral pain!!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh----Lolly's an herb thief!!! But bet it sure tasted good---did you make it through customs coming home with it???!!!

Oh, Lolly----not picky about fattening things!! Just not much on veggies!!!!

Wonder where Judie is today? Busy with the panthers, maybe??

Hoda said...

GREAT supper you are having LOLLY and JACK. I like the help yourself of the herb garden. Drive safely as you head out tomorrow.
Only two fires in TEXAS one is three acres and unkown how much it is contained and the other is four acres and it is a hundred percent contained. Both were new today.One near Lufkin and Kisatchie National Forest and the other is near McKinney.

stronghunter said...

Susan had a lot of trouble with her thumb. As I recall, she was diagnosed with trigger thumb. She went to a hand specialist and had surgery. I haven't heard her complain since, so it must have worked.

Lolly said...

Lynn...did not bring the rosemary home. We were cooking. We had an apartment in Italy, we went to grocery stores...and snitched herbs. lol

stronghunter said...

Canadian pea soup--sounds yummy!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Hoda! Jack is a very good driver. We toodle down the road very carefully!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly. I am glad you weren't caught. Would not have wanted you to be subjected to their legal system. Who knows? You might still be there.

hedgie said...

How right you are, Shirley!!!

Cool that you had an apartment there, Lolly. How long did you stay?

Lolly said...

We were there for two weeks. We were in Tuscany and had an apartment on a farm...they made wine and cheese!

stronghunter said...

Sounds great, Lolly.

Hoda said...

Did th emonks run the grocery store? you said you tokk herbs from the monks and then you said from the grocery store...Hmmmm???Ten Hail Mary's each with two glasses of wine!!! {No Offence intended anyone just being light hearted)

hedgie said...

That must have been a great experience, Lolly.

Kay said...

LYNN, I have enough antibiotic, Ceftin 500 mg., 2 a day, to last til' the 29th. Plus there is one refill if called in before the 28th. Had no idea one could be on a.b.'s as long as that implies. What do you know about them ? Oh, I know some folks are on prophylactic antibiotics for years and wonder if that is what's ahead for me.

HODA, you are never going to have to share pea soup with me. The Exorcist comes to mind. ☺ Is is Canadian Pea Soup because the peas are grown there, or because it is pea soup with a Canadian twist. Maybe it's tastier than USA pea soup !?

MARGY, hope you find relief soon and glad they aren't making assumptions, but sending you to a specialist or two.

JO, can't wait to hear about the cake ! I remember 72 as a very good year !

hedgie said...

Almost time for Criminal Minds. Liesl is already prancing for sofa time again! 1/2 hr. of Jeopardy wasn't enough for her!! But she's also been to the playpen once, so guess she's wearing down for the day!! BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

The Blonde is Back!

(though I wasn't really gone!)☺

Thanks for thinking about me and checking up on me...ya'll are the best!

Love you all ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome back Paula!!! You have been gone for days! :)

magpie said...

Hellooooo Blondie..!

It takes one (the best) to know one (the best ) ☺

Good to see you...

Lynn: any scanner traffic from City PD ? Cops are up and down the street with their spotlights..

Lolly said...

Noooooooooo! Shopped at the grocery store, snitched rosemary from the monks at a monestary. They had a lot, only pinched a wee bit.

magpie said...

wow, Shirley...Susan's trigger thumb... surgery...recovery....
Amazing when you realize how important one single digit can be!
ttfn xo
couple of phone calls to make

Mema Jo said...

Don't go out the door, Margy!!!

magpie said...

thanks for rounding Paula up,
Sharon - You Rock ! ♥

magpie said...

nope, got 'em both locked, Jo...
tried to call City PD, rang several times...guess I'll find out...later
How was the cake ????
And what kind ??

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back to the blog, Paula.
I thought I was going to be talked into
driving up to Emmitsburg and hunt you down. lol

Kay said...

LOLLY, you n' Jack seem all sweet, like sugar n' spice. Now we know you have ♥'s as black as pepper. Stealin' Rosemary from monks ! You could have been charged with a salt and still be doing thyme rather than cummin home. Some sage advice, don't get caraway like that again, if you know what I mint. Er, if you know what I mean, that is.

Lynne2 said...

LOL KAY!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Lovely puns, Kay!

Mema Jo said...

B-day party was great - Lynn you will be happy knowing that Kristen made me the peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing from your recipe. Soooooo
good! There were other finger goodies and apples slices with caramel dip, Trail Mix & cider. There were 3 of the 5 children here with 6 of the grandkids and 6 great grandkids. Houseful of
loving fun!

Off to watch Criminal Minds

paula eagleholic said...


.•*"˜˜"*°•. ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ .•°*"˜˜"*°•.
**♥**♫ ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ ♫**♥**
.•°*"˜.•°*"˜ ♫ JO ♫ ˜"*°•.˜"*°•.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, are they really tossing a bowling ball around, or is that what you equate the sound to be?

Hoda said...

Welcome Back PAULA...You were missed.

Lolly, Its OK then since you only pinched a little bit!!!! LOL!!!

YES JO what kind of a cake did you get?

Pea soup is delicious and very nutricious. The French Canadians use ham for stock and with basil and onion and celery it is yummy.
I make a vegeterian pea soup however...The first time I tried it I also tried a tortièrre and it was heavenly. They make the best meat pie ever...

stronghunter said...

About ready to head upstairs. I have bowling practice tomorrow.

Margy, I promise I have not been throwing bowling balls above your apartment. I don't even bring a ball home yet. Still have not decided what weight I want. But I know It will not weigh 25 pounds!

Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

Pea soup is a nice comfort food. I still remember having it after I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Comfort without having to do much chewing.

Kay said...

HODA, I know you aren't alone in loving pea soup and I also know it is nutricious. It's something about texture for me I think.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Belated Anniversary Diann and Jim!!

Hoda said...

OK Tomorrow I will have lentil curry soup...

KAY the hilarious comment was because of the note you wrote LOLLY about pinching from the monks!!!

Kay said...

It's been a long day for me--time to head for bed. Will be saying a prayer for ANDY's sil, LINDA's dubby and all with aching digets n' joints. Saying thanks for birthdays well celebrated, gorgeous sights seen and that beautiful moon up above !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kay said...

HODA, I gotcha' !☺ I don't know about hilarious, but I am a bit silly, especially when I get tired ! Have a good night all !

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO the other butterfly emerged! 2 of the other chrysalis don't look too good. 2 more DO look good and 2 are questionable. But with some warm temps and no rain tomorrow too early, I think these first two beauties will be heading to Mexico~I've told them to head to Lolly and Jack's Oasis on the way!

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from Angies I bought NORTON to download my sub expires in 3 days PIA I had to take it back would not download I tried several hours and gave up I had to exchange it so I am asking Carl to come over while I am gone to download it I hope he will You have 14 days to install and right now I am frustrated with it and don't want to mess with it I went online also to norton help NO HELP it is a virtual person not a real person and I couldn't get them to understand my problem so I just took it back it has to be defective I have down loaded in past and no issue this wouldn't even come up with the box to enter the key card or to accept their terms PIA I skimmed the blog while I was playing with norton before I went to Angies I see Mema Jo has not heard from STEVE You all have my cell phone number you can text me the answer if you want to when you get it I will be waiting all week you all know that on pins and needles hoping he lets us in Ok I still have 125 comments to read I read the ones from JO that is how I know Ok I will try to check in in a bit still

paula eagleholic said...

Kay and Shirley, glad your Dr reports came back good!

Hoda said...

It sounds like a full day JUDYE. Sorry about the computer problems.
Exciting that you start your journey tomorrow and you will be missed on the blog...I hope JO hears from STEVE so you can get to see NCTC and the Sycamour Palace and with any good fortune Belle and Truder.

Lynne2 said...

oh JudyE, I sure hope Steve responds...geesh. Maybe Jo, try his FB wall?

I guess you'll be heading out tomorrow! Hope you have a safe trip and I sure wish I could meet up on Monday!

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed...good night and prayers for all!

wvgal_dana said...

I read up to date the comments. See there are more birthdays for today.

Also see prayers for Don.

See where Kay got answer from her doctor about CT Scan.

Keeping Hedgie-Lynn/e and Margy in prayers.

Oh no I got to get me a piece of that CHOC. CAKE PEANUT BUTTER ICING

Keeping prayer list up to date for people and God's creatures.

JudyEddy said...

I see we are talking about fences
See Dennis has to stay another day
I see a alert was almost sent out for Paula
KAY so glad you are getting stronger each day and glad you got some results back
LINDA sounds odd but massage your big toe I believe in reflexology and where your toe bends massage it deeply couldn't hurt your toe is your head and neck

Still doing some reading I am so excited about going on this vacation and finally getting to put faces with names I can't wait for the week to fly by Oh by the way I put video on YouTube of june and terrys river view from their porch

the view I have to put up with in NC

JudyEddy said...

There are two videos of it the other is below on the left side recently added videos

Lolly said...

LOL Kay!!! You are one sharp cookie! Read it to Jack...he laughed. He is also trying to think of a come back, but he is watching the Rangers play ball and do not think his brain is up to it tonight. I know mine isn't!

magpie said...

Happy Trails JudyE...
Hope everyone you meet up with along the way....treats you like royalty ♥

JudyEddy said...

Hey Do you think I should say something on Face book to Steve ???? or is that being to pushy????

JudyEddy said...

Peanutbutter cake I haven't had that since I left home

magpie said...

it just sounds like bowling balls being dropped and rolled around
sometimes there are two kids up there,
throw in a little screaming...
well...that's what it's like.
I promise to stop talking about it, until I take care of it sensibly and sensitively;
I don't think it's meanness or overt rudeness, but as someone kind on here mentioned, Lolly I think...they probably can't realize how noisy it is down here

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay, you are so good with the puns!!! Love it!!!
Ceftin is a good a/b----hope you aren't going to have to take it for too long, tho'. If it works, you don't want to become immune to it's benefits!

There's PAULA!!!! Glad you made it in the door!

Margy.....duh! I had scanner of outlet earlier when I was downstairs. Plugged it back in and apparently it didn't start scanning! Didn't even realize it! Back on now....not hearing anything significant at the moment.

JudyEddy said...

boy is the blog odd tonight after I make a comment everyone avatars aren't there then they show up I wonder if it has anything to do with me upsetting Norton LOL I am just to frustrated to try to download the disc I texted Angie and haven't heard back if Carl will do for me I'm sure he will ok back to reading I am catching up

magpie said...

Huzza Huzza what a Birthday Party Jo...fit for a Queen ♥

JudyEddy said...

boy is the blog odd tonight after I make a comment everyone avatars aren't there then they show up I wonder if it has anything to do with me upsetting Norton LOL I am just to frustrated to try to download the disc I texted Angie and haven't heard back if Carl will do for me I'm sure he will ok back to reading I am catching up

magpie said...

Kay is "right on" with the puns tonight! Hilarious and very clever!

hedgie said...

Jo-----save me a piece of cake!!!
Yum, yum!!!! Kristen was a very good daughter!

Hoda, now I need to look up tortierre!

JudyEddy said...

I am so hungry for Pea Soup now guys that is not far You all talk of food makes me hungry then I realized I didn't eat dinner was so busy with Norton and Angies

magpie said...

Someone is going to land on the SPLIT here very shortly!
Be Ready!

JudyEddy said...

If the hotel I stay at tommorrow has IE I will log on ok I wish I remember where I stayed at last year they did it was in SC somewhere

JudyEddy said...

I opened another IE and it works better Yeah odd how that change would make a difference

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...