Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Fresh rainy day thread.


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Lori O. said...

Good Morning Steve!

Thanks for the fresh Wednesday Thread.

It's much appreciated!

I will go and holler (lol) for the others to come on over.

Lori O. said...

WOW, a new thread and some rain today!

Healing thoughts and prayers for THELMA's sister Beth who is having back surgery today...

...and for LINDA & Dennis who should have arrived in Florida last night for Billy's funeral. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with you LINDA,

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve, and thanks for the call over Lori!

Kay said...

Good morning and many thanks to you, Steve !

LORI thanks for the call over.

Trust most will go back for a look at the last page of the old thread. We heard from a couple of Momster's who haven't been posting much lately and there is great news about June, the dear bear !

You'll also want to know about LYNNE's overnight adventure ! The Canacians had something to do with it !☺

Kay said...

Okay, this is Miss Johnnie come lately here. I finally see the man, thanks to LORI's description of this morning. I don't see an Adonis, but he is Lincolnesque, I agree. I can now go forward into the day feeling better about myself !☺

Lori O. said...

KAY and MARGY, look at my avatar.

I've found new shoes for you! Keds with bright yellow flowers. :))

Costume Lady said...

76 wonderful degrees here in Nestville, going up to 89degrees. Not too bad.

LORI never too late to start a water garden. You have 2 months of growing season left and October doesn't usually bring frost anymore. Get a head start on next year. Buy your container...anything that holds water and is pleasing to you. Fill with water...go to Lowes or a nursery and buy a few aquatic plants, I love the water hyacinth because it is so prolific and azolla, which are tiny floating plants that quickly cover the top if the water and keep algae out.
In years past, I did not clean out the tub, just added more water and everything flourished. This year, I dumped all the water and soil out and put just fresh water soil. Plants are not doing well and water hyacinths have not bloomed. They need nourishment from the water, which comes from the soil in the bottom. You can buy aquatic soil(as a matter of fact, I have some downstairs...just to busy and lazy to go get it) I have had fish in the past and it adds a whole new interest to the tub garden. But, you may have to bring them in, along with the plants during the winter months.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Update on Woodpecker Story

stronghunter said...

Got the update from Rus on FB. Have not seen any local news about the woodpecker story.

Lori O. said...

WANDA, Thank you soooo very much for the water container garden advice. I never knew there was aquatic soil - (and I call myself a gardener).

Still waiting on words from LINDA since she's hopefully arrived in Florida. And from LOLLY who will hopefully have some news on Jack's MRI.

Kay said...

LORI, those shoes are tooooo cute ! Can't imagine what, at least in my wardrobe, they'd go with, but they are cute !

hedgie said...

Found you---before I posted!

Lolly, agree with you that the sports and band practices should not occur if temp (and humidity in someplaces) is high. Heard about the coach on the news. :(

Kay--so glad you saw Nestman. Nope, we'll reserve the Adonis label for Q!!!!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, thanks for the update on the woodpecker rescue. Thank goodness the error was corrected, but a shame the girl and her mother were put through the wringer first.

hedgie said...

Shirley, heard on the news last night that the citation to woody mom had been rescinded. All kinds of blah-blah-blah about it being a mistake. DUH! Like someone said on FB, it would not have been taken back if it hadn't made national news!

Kay said...

See y'all later in the day. Things to do, people to see.....BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle friends and lurkers.

Thanks Steve for the new thread.
Hope you find a cool spot to work in.

Prayers for Linda and Dennis.

Judie so glad your meatballs
were a hit. I knew if it was
something you fixed. It would
be gone right away. So glad the
event turned out very well.

LOL I can't find the bearded man
either. Although Margy I do see
Kay's beautiful yellow flower
avatar sticking its tongue out.LOL

NCSuzan it was so good to see you
dropped in. Always good to hear
from you lady. Glad things have
improved. Thought you would be
staying inside with this weather
like it has been. Always know
you are thought of. ( :

Wanda I have never ate shark
before. Thanks for the pictures.

Well now I am seeing things in
the nest. the branch at the
bottom right corner.. There is
a man with white hair and glasses.
The top of his white hair is
sticking up.

Andy glad Emma is ok and that
the vet took precautions anyhow.

Oh Hoda I so love hearing you seen
an eagle. Too bad you had to get
back into paddling. That you
couldn't keep watching to see if
the eagle flew down and got a fish.
Although just seeing an eagle is
so very exciting!!!!

I rained here some early this morning.
Now it is very humid out.

On Wanda's pictures of the catching
of the shark. There are pictures of
them cutting up the shark for the
meat. So shark must be tasty.

Thelma your sister Beth has my
prayers for her back surgery to
be successful and then for
the healing process. Prayers
for you too Thelma because I
know you are worried. ((HUGS))

Well that is good news about June. Hope she does regain the eyesight. I liked that all radio bears doing good. ( :
Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for posting that.

hedgie said...

Yahoo mail was/is SO messed up. Couldn't log in for several hours.....and now when I close a mail it says that inbox is MT. Stupid!

Lori O. said...

For those of us who did
not get any of JUDIE'S meatballs yesterday, here's a
whole plate of them,
though I'm sure they are
not as good as Judie makes! But I'm not picky! Be sure you get some of these JO!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning WV DANA! Hope you're going to enjoy this cloudy and cooler day inside. Waiting for rain this afternoon!

LYNN, thanks for the JUNE update. DUH, at first I didn't realize June was the bear.

Have a beautiful day everyone. Prayers for LINDA, THELMA's sister Beth, Jack's neck, PAULA's ankle and NICK's tummy, and SHARON's friend Karen who wants to quit smoking - uh, mention my name on that one, too. ♥

You're a beautiful family. Happy to call you mine! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lori for the call over to the new thread.

When I went to the woodpecker link the other day. What is written there now. About the officer tried
to stop the ticket. It was written there then when I click on the link. I just thought everyone else seen it too. Sorry I didn't say anything.

T-Bird said...

Good seeing you folks. I'll catch up with you later and let you know how my sister's surgery went.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon STEVE and thanks for the fresh thread Home for lunch off to reading

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Thelma we will be praying and waiting to hear from you.

hedgie said...

Busy couple of days ahead....of course, puppy class tonight; tomorrow hair apptmt. and Carolyn is going to help me get grosseries; Fri. is retiree breakfast and routine O2 service call. And I THINK we are heading for the beach will have to take Liesl to vet on Sat. since they don't have Sun. receiving hours.

JudyEddy said...

Well I read all the comments I am caught up almost in time to go to work I have to return a hello kitty jacket I got Jordyn to small can't go by sizes anymore bought a 4T and is to small she is 3yrs old so I got a 5T in its place as I said can't go by sizes anymore I got her 4/5 pj and they just fit
Ok talk at ya later got to go stand in the return line YUK HAGD

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Just returned from a visit
to Dracula - routine blood work. Then
went over across the hgwy to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and Egg/cheese
croissant as I had been fasting. Yummy

I will take that plate of meatballs!!
Thanks Lori!

Shirley - ...confirming that ticket should never have been issued. Thank
goodness and so glad you posted that
article's follow-up!

I like those shoes! Keds are my favorites.

I love the weather of today!

Bob Quinn said...

Hey! Just checking in. Nothing new to report.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, I sure hope that tropical storm won't be bothering the Carolina coast by then!

Hi Bob!

Mema Jo said...

I haven't read early morning comments but just in case no one brought this over from FB from Candy, here is her reply to Lynn "Absolutely, I can see so much better, that I finally realized how many wrinkles are in my face and body! :) I am looking pretty old. :) So far, everything looks good. I am totally blind in my one eye, so this had to work in the other. I have been blessed by God and a very great surgeon, Dr. Kim at Duke. I go for my first check up this Friday and hope to see him smile at his skill. Still can't lift over 5 lbs or bend, exercise, swim, but I'll take it. I am a very lucky and grateful person. Thanks for caring and asking. Hugs <3" :

Mema Jo said...

Just another example as to how powerful our prayers can be! ((hugs)) ♥

DanaMo said...

I agree Lori, every year you hear of deaths from the heat at football and band practice. It's not worth it!!

DanaMo said...

oops, that was Lolly's comment, not Lori's? About the practices being held? I forgot between leaving one thread and coming over to the new one! Geez...

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break...... BBILW

hedgie said...

Lynne, thanks for bringing over Candy's comment---I missed it!!!
Wonderful news!

Well, excuse me but DAMN---just lost a filling! Now have to squeeze a dental visit in to the schedule. ARGH!

Mema Jo said...

I hope you get an appointment quickly and hope it isn't too sensitive....

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for a while

Lynne2 said...

LynnEllen, it was JoEllen bringing the good news over!

Lynne2 said...

OH NO....I just read about your filling......CAN WE PLEASE HAVE NO MORE DENTAL ISSUES, OR STRAINS/SPRAINS/BREAKS!!! Hope it's not hurting you Lynn!

hedgie said...

Dental apptmt. 10:30 in the morning.

Lynne2 said...

Speaking of all of this nonsense about not cancelling sporting and band stuff in the extreme heat....An Eagle's football player had a seizure during practice and they are not sure if it was something heat related. MTBR. It was only 80 during this mornings practice....still, with the humidity....

Lynne2 said...

I saw your link about the bird houses that GM has been putting up...ROCK ON GM!!!

hedgie said...

Now an optical migraine.....and it is pouring! But no STORM!! Hope the water sinks in.

Lynne2 said...

oh no Lynn! You are having a bad day!

hedgie said...

Oops--thanks JoEllen!!! And you, too, Lynne for correcting me!

Nope, no pain.....guess I'll know about sensitivity when I eat dinner.

Heading for sofa to close eyes--not that it helps, but at least I won't be TRYING to see. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

Glad it's hopefully beneficial rain. As mentioned earlier, I think the chance of severe weather has been greatly decreased due to lack of sun today.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Boy, a lot is going on here today! Took me a while to catch up.

It's really good to hear from Megan! Been missing you! Certainly realize how very busy you've been, though. Hope the weather will be kind to your flowers!

NC Suzan, it's so good to hear from you, too! Glad the physical therapy is helping, and that you are feeling so much better! Take care, and don't be a stranger!

Thelma, been praying for your sister Beth. Anxious to hear updates from you.

Lynn, thanks for posting about June the bear! WOW!! Prayers of gratitude that her eye is healing. Hopeful prayers that she will regain most of her sight in that eye!

Prayers continue for Linda & Dennis and family. Asking for a large portion of God's grace for all of them. They are certainly on my mind today.

Lynne2, glad those Canacians decided to send you back to us! What an adventure!

Lori, thanks for the PetDophilus & pumpkin info! Good news--Emma actually ran to the kitchen and BEGGED for some breakfast this morning, and ate it with no coaxing needed--meds and all! Her poop is normal today, too! Got a call from the vet's, and they said to continue with the meds, even though her stool sample came back negative. Guess this Giardia stuff can be sneaky. Better to be safe than sorry.
Hoping that all our other doggies are feeling good today, too.

Extremely happy to see that the woodpecker mom will NOT be prosecuted!
Thank GOD they came to their senses!

Absolutely thrilled that Candy is doing so well! Prayers for a complete recovery continue!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

It IS a rainy day...has rained a couple of times here, albeit lightly, it is certainly welcome. Hope Megan gets some!

Barkman!! Yeah!

T-Bird said...

Just wanted to let you all know that my sister's surgery went well. The doctor said there were no surprises. It took 3 1/2 hours.
Thank you for your prayers. I know she will have a tough time recovering, continue prayers please. : ) She will spend one night in the hospital and be home tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Great news Thelma!

Lynne2 said...

OMG two 16 year olds in GA died during football practices this morning.....just tragic.

Lynne2 said...

OK, back to summer avatar...this is a bee on one of my sunflowers from last year!

Lori O. said...

ANDY that is great news about EMMA! I know how upsetting it is when our "babies" are not feeling well and can't tell us what's wrong. Boy, that would sure make Lynne's job a lot easier, huh?

DanaMo said...

Just up from a nap on this rainy day. Off and on, not a lot, but hopefully it helps.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, you have NO idea how much easier it would be if they could talk!

Love that avatar! LOL!

How are the buzzards? Any new pictures?

Hoda said...

Good afternoon.
Good new THELMA glad the surgery went well.

Also glad that you all are getting some rain...It is upper seventies here and it feels too hot!!!

LYNN sorry about the tooth and am gld you were able to have an appointment for tomorrow.Lime drink is simply squeezing a lime on some ice and add water. It is something from my childhood. Sometimes people mix mint water,boiled and coole dowan water that has seeped in some mint,add a teaspoon of honey, and then squeeze the lime.I like the simple lime and it quenches my thurst without the honey added.

It is the fourth anniversary of my Mama's passing today so I am having a bit of a reflective day...I will keep checking in with the blog as it is very healthy for me to read all of your comments and to share in the love and gratitude that comes through this blog.

stronghunter said...

Pouring rain here. Good, beneficial rain. It has been so hot and dry.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, did you find a place at the OBX to check out?

Nice rain here in Frederick, hope it's raining at home too.

Thanks for the update from Candy

Prayers for your Sis, Tbird

Lori O. said...

I have been such a good girl today - LYNN, MARGY and KAY you would be proud of me. I actually began a massive culling of my "ah, just put it upstairs in the room" room! I'm by no means done, but it's taking shape.

I haven't had the ambition to do a project like that in a few years!

I haven't mowed the yard since the Yellow Jacket attack so I jumped on the mower before it began raining and got enough done before the tractor ran out of gas. DANG! It still looks better and the dogs appreciate it.

Lori O. said...

Thelma, prayers continue for your sister but it's very encouraging when docs say there were no surprises. How long will Beth's recovery take? Will you be helping her?

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the lost filling, Lynn.

Lynne2 said...

Oh doubt a reflective day for you. I hope you have many happy memories to think of on this day! (((HUGS)))

Lynne2 said...

I have to go dust and vacuum. BLAH.

stronghunter said...

Thelma, prayers and best wishes for your sister.

Lori O. said...

Ah, HODA. I'm glad you're taking a reflective view on this day you honor your mother's life and the woman she was...certainly wonderful to have had you and your beautiful mind.

Wish we would hear from LINDA so we know she arrived okay. Living so far away, her family must be so happy at her arrival. Prayers continue Linda for your family and Billy's family. The pictures of Billy on the funeral home's website are a very nice touch. We're with you Linda, tagging along as God leads you through the next few days. Please send word if there's anything you need.

stronghunter said...

Got George's food and medicine this morning at the vet's. Also got Flash re-checked for his anal gland problem. Now he is limping. At this point, he has now been lame at one time or the other on all four legs. Got medication for that.

Need to feed and medicate animals and fix supper.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thelma, that's fantastic news about your sister! Prayers continue from this roost!

Gosh, you guys, I am absolutely reeling from a phone call I just took from our daughter! Our Son-in-law, Marq, was in an accident last night, and was miraculously spared! No other cars were involved. His truck flipped over, landed upside down on a cattle fence, then rolled off the fence. The truck is totaled. Marq spent a few hours in the hospital last night, had a CAT scan, and was released. He has a huge headache, stitches on his face, bruises too, and is pretty banged up all over, but they say he will be OK. Jen says he doesn't remember anything about the accident, and probably won't. She said that when they saw the truck, they couldn't believe that he got out of it alive! Every square inch of the truck is either smashed in, or scraped up. Good thing it was NOT his work truck!
THANK GOD HE'S OKAY!!!! When he left the hospital, they didn't even tell him not to go back to work, so he's planning on returning to work tomorrow! I told Jen I hope he re-thinks that. Thank GOD he had his seatbelt on! Will call and talk to him later tonight. I think he's resting right now. Will let you know more, when I do! Boy, talk about grateful prayers!!! Poor Jen! When she got to the hospital and went to his room, the bed was empty. She let out a huge gasp, thinking she had lost him! One of the nurses saw her reaction, and came running to let her know he was just downstairs having a CAT scan! Phew!....Darn, I wish the kids didn't live SO far away! SOOO glad Marq is OK!

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, Andy. So thankful he is okay. I can understand how you feel about not being there with them.

stronghunter said...

I expect he is going to be pretty sore tomorrow. Car accidents bang you around a lot. He will probably really need to take a little time off.

Mema Jo said...

Andy, I know what you mean about why the kids can't be 'just down the street"
It is hard not being nearer but they were brought up well and do handle the
situations! But to be closer to give hugs would be nice.

Hoda, it is a very loving daughter to take her thoughts of her mother and
cherish the time she was with her.
((hugs)) ♥

hedgie said...

Heading out soon. See y'all later this evening.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I love this kind of rain not that we have had enough of it yet.

Ms Bookworm said...

(((HUGS))) for you. I'm sure your Mom is proud of you for the woman you have become. Having gotten to know you, I am sure your Mom was quite an amazing woman. I lost my Mom 15 years ago, and I still miss her so much, too. Isn't it wonderful that we can both look forward to seeing our Moms again someday?

Lolly said...

I am back. Posted this morning and then was called away. Laurel and the boys left around 11, then had to go to the store, and after that go it the trailer and take it to it's home. All repaired and ready to go in October.

Jack has not heard about his MRI. He did call the office and the phone answerer said that they would call. We wait......!

Please tell me something funny! Please tell me something good! It is so d___ hot and dry. Presently 106.5 in the shade. I just came in from watering as I could not do it this morning. I just turned the hose on myself and soaked myself occasionally. Losing lots of plants in the heat...they are cooking. Trying so hard to stay "up", but it is so hard.

DanaMo said...

OMGosh so glad your SIL is okay Bookworm! What in the world caused the truck to flip? When I hear sirens I do a house count! I especially worry about the one's who drive and thankfully mine are still close to home, but who knows for how long. I'm sure you and your family are saying many prayers of thanks. He should probably not go to work after getting so banged around!

Lolly said...

Andy, just read about the accident. Any idea about what happened? I know you are terribly frustrated being so far from them. (((Hugs)))

Hoda said...

"August 1 update

NX will be falling back into a routine on August 2 — the bi-weekly weigh-in. Since it’s been two weeks since her last weigh-in, and the veterinary team would like to closely examine her two broken primary feathers, Dr. Miranda and team will be weighing her and doing a foot and feather check around 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. on August 2.

NX has been flying very well in the flight pen since her return on Wednesday afternoon. After careful consideration, the staff have opted to keep her a little bit longer for further observation rather than releasing her this week.

Dr. Miranda has noted that NX makes slightly different noises than her siblings — more of a younger “cheeping” distress call rather than the angry “adult” eagle calls that NV and NZ were using prior to release. To be on the safe side, knowing that not all eagles leave the nest at the same time, NX will remain at the Center just a bit longer to mature. "

The above quote is from the WCV web page. I thought I would bring it over as it states clearly why they are keeping NX longer than they had thought.

It is sweet to read the comments about my day of reflection and I say thank yoiu. All is indeed wel and I am blessed.Thanks ANDY and JO.

ANDY I am relieved that your SIL got out of the accident in tact.Thanks be to God.

DanaMo said...

Awww...Rocket the giraffe needs $60,000 by November to stay at the Catoctin Zoo! But the news didn't say where to send donations!

Hoda said...

From the look of the nest there is a good downpour happening in your part of the world.
I hope all other parts which need rain soon get some too. I read your post today LOLLY about the 106.5 temperatures and the state of the plants...Thank you for updating us as to Jack's communications in regards the MRI...Prayers continue to come your way.

I did the vacuuming and now to clean the bathroom and dust and file papers...

Mema Jo said...

It's spaghetti/meatball time!
Alexis is coming through the door


Mema Jo said...

Dana it is in my Frederick News - front page We all need a road trip up to
the zoo...... I look after dinner.

JudyEddy said...

MEMA JO thanks for bringing over the CANDY news that is just dandy that she can see out of one eye Modern science is amazing I say ..

NC SUSAN Hi to ya..

BOB Q Hi to you also.

JIM I see you buzzed in earlier.

MEGAN Here is a hi for you also.

LYNN I bet those Canacians knocked your filling out when you weren't lookin

HODA try to keep those Canacians up in your area they seem to be causing havoc here in blog land LOL
there was something on the news last night about dragon boat racing down here again Darn it I don't remember exactly what it was I hate that when that happens CRS

LORI is is business or pleasure that bring you to Orlando?? I have to work the weekend It's a shame I didn't know sooner I could have asked for it off just to say hey to ya.

THELMA your sister is lucky to have you.So glad her surgery when well.

LINDA I hope the family is healing and remembering all the good in his life to get through this.

ANDY Thank goodness he was wearing his seat belt otherwise he would have been hurt for sure He will be sore tomorrow if always takes a day to show up on the body I think He should take something before he gets sore. Advil i.e.

LORI AND KAY now can see the man in the tree Mr. Branch he looks different in the rain again like this morning Did you all find the gingerbread man When the leaves aren't covering it he is on the branch in the top right corner of the frame of the screen two feet one arm and is head the other arm is hugging the tree LOL

Yeah I'm caught up was on facebook for a while and got two points playing Glo work scrabble the one was easy two picture were mine Ok I'm going to watch the news

DanaMo said...

I would love to go Mema Jo, let's make arrangements.

Lynne2 said...

OK Lolly, this is for YOU!

The Blackfeet asked their Chief in autumn, if the winter was going to be cold or not. Not really knowing the answer, the chief replies that the winter was going to be cold and that the members of the village were to collect wood to be prepared.
Being a good leader, he then went to the nearest phone booth and called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is this winter to be cold?" The man on the phone responded, "This winter was going to be quite cold indeed."
So the Chief went back to speed up his people to collect even more wood to be prepared. A week later he called the National Weather Service again, "Is it going to be a very cold winter?"
"Yes," the man replied, "its going to be a very cold winter."
So the Chief goes back to his people and orders them to go and find
every scrap of wood they can find. Two weeks later he calls the National Weather Service again and asks "Are you absolutely sure, that the winter is going to be very cold?"
"Absolutely" the man replies, "the Blackfeet are collecting wood like crazy!"

Lynne2 said...

oh my Lord awful about your son in law but I'm so very thankful he is OK!! What a horrifying experience. Prayers that he is truly OK. And I sure hope he takes a day or more off to make sure......

Hoda said...

That's pretty funny LYNNE 2!!!

JudyEddy said...

you got to check this out I love it Robin Nest to cool I got in email form so I will also email out Enjoy I sure did I am watching right now as I type so cool

stronghunter said...

Nice video, Judy.

I miss my mother, too, Hoda. It is good to be able to spend a day reflecting as you have.

Hoda said...

Shirley, I wonder about the stories I remember and I laugh at how much they affected me. The Mother/Daughter relationship is complex and it holds many lessons...Mostly I am grateful she was my Mama and I pray that God received her soul in HIS Grace.

Hoda said...

I much enjoyed the video JUDYE.Thanks for posting it.

JudyEddy said...

WOW I just watch the video slide show that someone did for LINDA brother What a beautiful tribute to him I loved all the pictures They did a fantastic job Pictures of Linda when she was a baby and little It wasn't on the link the other day when I signed the guest book thank you for mentioning the pictures someone did earlier in the blog and my memories fails me I don't remember who said it May be I should get a memory pillow I need to know more about it Exactly what is it? I have never heard of it till mentioned here Do tell!

Lynne2 said...

LOLLY LOLLY LOLLY where are you I posted a funny for you earlier!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 I loved your joke to cute

Hoda said...

JUDYE where did you go to watch the tribute to LINDA's brother? FB Bill Chochran has several of them and the page I checked out a few days ago is not this where you are looking?

JudyEddy said...

HODA the video is on the right side LINDA Brother I cried and laughed at the same time The Crazies was cute with their horned hats

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE posted it the other day and I still have the emial saved in my email Remember I get the blog emailed to me so it is easy to save thing that way and I also can forward in a email tooo

JudyEddy said...

HODA I also just sent you a email with the link attached if you want to keep it for a day of so to refer back also sign the guest book that they have

JudyEddy said...

How was rowing today HODA and I would love your weather

JudyEddy said...

EWW if anyone is there look at the still cam our man has some coloring to his face has to be the camera I think to look redsih

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE for the link. I did not go paddling today. Went last evening and that was good. The weather right now is 86 degrees!!!OOOUUUUFFF too hot!!! No rain and it promises to be warmer tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

HODA do you see the man face in the still cam check it out do you see red spots I did grab a picture

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody! Just thought I would check in and see how my eagle budlets are!

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE I see the still cam with the red dots on the face of the man!!!
Earlier on the live feed his profile was red and it looked like he was blushing.
I go to the site for Bill Cochran and downloaded the video and it does not play on my computer...very frustrating indeed. I will try again...could be the security system. I get the page with the download stripes and then it does not do anything as I sit and wait...

Mema Jo said...

Glad you checked in! I am doing very well and I'm thinking you are too! All
of these photos of Andrew and Kelsey
are so loving! They are all great.
Your last hair do is one you should always wear... glamorous!
Love you! ♥

JudyEddy said...

HODA It may not download because its a slideshow sometimes that makes a difference The real player doesn't pick it up either only the music

Mema Jo said...

Hoda have you viewed the pictures on the left of Bill's life?

JudyEddy said...

HI SHARON I also loved the picture I love the train tracks one so cool
The slide show is the 47 pictures set to music so it is in two places on that page

JudyEddy said...

I love how they made it as he was presenting the video in present tense

JudyEddy said...

Looks like its starting to get dark already at the nest little earlier each nite now looks misty also

JudyEddy said...

DARN IT the colors went and I didn't notice it you know what that means no visit AH hockey sticks!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I am going to go watch some mind numbing TV You watch being I will be sleepin in they will show up in the am


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


NatureNut said...

Good RAINY evening to everyone!
We got to go on a work/field trip today! All 3 of us went to College Park Airport Museum to work on new exhibits in one room. As you go thru one of the entrance rooms, Orville Wright comes to life and is polishing a wooden propeller and tells flight stories!He chatted a lot today with us going back & forth!
I am really tired---all that flying ☺, and was konking out in front of TV.
Have to read back some more, but see prayers are needed for Thelma's sister, Beth & all of Linda's family.
I want to read about June. I never saw the original update but read enough to be saddened and appalled by this kind of behavior. If it was juvenile delinquents, I hope some parents will know about their kid's guns and take them away.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thelma's sister, Beth, had surgery on her C-spine today and it all went well. T-Bird talked to her earlier and she had been up walking already. Going home tomorrow I think.

JudyEddy said...

NATURE NUT I am amazed of your work what exactly do you do I don't think I have ever asked I only know of a few peeps work form mentioning on the blog but I don't recall what exactly you job entails beside being able to enjoy GODS country

NatureNut said...

Wow, Sharon! What fantastic news!Spine surgery & home tomorrow!!!!

Miracle, too, I just read about sweet June bear.Boy, I'd like to be a camping patrolman out there keeping an eye on those bears!And Judie should go ,too w/ her criminolgy background! LOL

Just saw a tidbit about the fainting goats that I & maybe some of the rest of us can use.The goats have a genetic defect that causes all their muscles to stiffen when they're frightened, hence the tipping. I now have a name for my collapsible knee problem~~~Fainting Goat Syndrome!!

hedgie said...

Good evening/night! Slowly catching up with you!
Liesl was a star pupil tonight!!

Just finished eating pain! Of course, I was VERY cautious.

THelma, so glad that Beth made it through the surgery without problems! Will pray that her recovery is easy and quick.

Andy, WOW----Marq must have had a whole host of angels riding with him. AMEN!! Do they know what caused the accident? Might he have fallen asleep?? May be best that he can't remember what happened. How very frightening.
Praying that he won't be TOO sore, but more importantly I hope the ER didn't miss anything.

Hoda, thanks for lime drink info. Straight up for me---no honey---yuck!

JudyEddy said...

I think that would be a great thing to do You how we did the middle name thing and some did the age thing Well how about your occupation?? Whatcha thing? I will start of course LOL

WAITING FOR 9 for something to watch got bored and came up with this idea after I realized I didn't know what everyone does ok call me snoopy LOL Wanna play?

I JudyE am a Price Coordinator at Walmart Supercenter

hedgie said...

Lori, I hope you fit some sleep into the mowing and room cleaning!

Hoda, know that you enjoying your memories today....that is so precious to us when we have lost a dear one. I hope that it has given you a sense of peace today.

hedgie said...

I am getting a bit of a concert----I can hear the high school band practice going on at band camp!!! It isn't TOO far from here, and when the air conditions are right, I can hear the drums!!! Our kids get a week of "live-in" band camp at the 4-H camp. Thump, thump, thump!

JudyEddy said...

That sounds neat hearing the band I loved band was sort of a band mom Angie did guard no musical talent twirling the rifle and flags but I always loved watching the kids perform Ok my Criminal Minds at 9 is on I didn't watch this season something was on the opposite of it and I just then have something to watch on the off season good planing I say HUH nite nite AGAIN

NatureNut said...

Hi, JudyE. I work part time for (bi-county) Park and Planning Commission at two different facilities. I am at the Pax River Park Visitor's Center 1 or 2 days a week in Upper Marlboro, MD (office work-yuck, but try to get involved w/as many nature programs as I can) and at the Division's Exhibit Office 2 days a week. It is known as Chelsea in Largo, MD, but I usually call it the farmhouse office. The Park Visitor's Center was an old tobacco barn & had an attic. That upstairs was our first little art/exhibit shop for just our Park.
When the barn was renovated about 10 years ago, high ceiling made & no upstairs, so exhibit part moved to farm property purchased by Park & Planning. We have now been doing all the signs, banners, framing, exhibits for whole division which includes all the nature centers, and historic museums. We will eventually merge with the only other (huge) Exhibit Shop that works for all the county Rec. Ctrs.,etc. in Park and Recreation.
I do the hands-on fabrication of signs, banners, panels, etc. that are designed and cut by the graphic artists.I am not an artist--was zoo. major, but it's like arts and crafts & we get $$$$.
I'll try to find a couple pics of out finished projects.

Lolly said...

Lynne....I am here!!! Thanks for the funny, it was a good one.☺

Judy, I am a retired Kindergarten teacher. Taught in the public schools. Loved it, could not have been a better job, but I am so happy to be retired.

stronghunter said...

I am a retired English teacher.

NatureNut said...

sp. "our"

Lolly said...

So, Liesl was a star pupil tonight. Yea for Liesl!!

We are not letting Annie go outside and she is not protesting too much. I let her out about 6 AM and let her back in around 7:30 and that is all the outside time she gets. Way too hot!

Jack is going armadillo hunting tonight.

hedgie said...

DanaMO, you can donate for Rocket here:

or their mailing address shows at the top of the page.

Of course, you are close enough that you and the kids could visit!!!

Lolly said...

Yea, Shirley!!!! Are you beginning to feel it what with teachers starting to get ready?

I am going to Laurel's next Monday and will work with her in her room Monday and Tuesday. She has a lot of unpacking and setting up to do at her new school and they would not let her in this week. Grrrr! She reports officially a week from tomorrow. She is having 7 days of inservice. Yikes!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you liked the joke Lolly!

JudyE, I've been in the veterinary business for the past 16 years. Started as a kennel attendant, then became a vet assistant. Back, then knee problems make me a rather unreliable person for lifting and restraining animals, so I moved into receptionist.

Lolly said...

Lynne, how are you doing with the weight loss and the smoking?

Lynne2 said...

Well Lolly, uh, how can I put this....FAIL! I'll be trying again very soon. Everyone at work is going on a better eating and exercise program together for support!

stronghunter said...

Lynne, what do you know about "puppy limp"? Flash has been limping off and on for a couple of years. It moves from one leg to another. Vet mentioned puppy limp, but also other things. Today, she mentioned lyme disease.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne--I remember the Indian/winter story!!! Love it!

Judy, got your e-mail! Good ones!

Sharon, Thelma kept us updated, but hadn't relayed the walking part! The miracles of "modern" thinking----so many less post-op deaths sincre they started getting patients out of the bed!!!

LORETTA: do you know??? Have they ever re-opened The Squadron????

hedgie said...

JudyE----I am a retired Occupational Health Registered Nurse!

hedgie said...

I, too, was a bamd mom, JudyE---Carolyn played the flute and the piccolo in the Marching Band!

Kay said...

LYNN, no surprise that Liesl is a prize student ! She's the best ! Sorry you had a bad afternoon with the optical migraine and the loss of a filling. Glad the dentist could get you right in tomorrow. It's so exciting to think of your trip to the OBX--sure hope it winds up with a property in escrow !!!

THELMA, so happy to hear our prayers for Beth were answered. Going home tomorrow---amazing !

HODA, God Bless you as you remember the good times with your beloved Mama !

LORI, you've had energy + today--what vitamin did you take ? Mama Kay is pleased with your report !☺

ANDY, Marq is one lucky guy ! God and his guardian angel were working overtime ! Hallelujah !

JUDY, I agree the video of Billy is very touching. I hope Linda can feel all the love we're sending her way. Oh, no, I haven't seen the Gingerbread Man yet, will keep working on that one. I love robins and enjoyed that video---the music was great, too !

LYNNE, good joke ! Glad LOLLY thought so, too. It's so sad to hear about her beautiful plants burning up in the heat. The drought causes more devastation every day all across the mid section of our country.

LOLLY, I'm really curious what one must do when hunting down an armadillo. They are so protected with their armor. Good luck, Jack !

Lolly said...

Not good about the "fail" but good about the group support. That will certainly help. It is hard, but you can do it. Jack and I have not been walking because of his neck. I may have to get started back on my own. I weigh every morning and that is keeping me on track. Remember to drink lots of water ande eat lots of veggies. It really helps.
Also, I use spray butter. It is good.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, "puppy limp" is something that happens when usually larger breed dogs long bones in the legs grow faster than normal. I am not all that familiar with how long it lasts, how it's treated, etc. but I can find out for you.

Most often, limping on different legs is an indicator of possible Lyme disease. Has Flash had a Lyme test? Different testing is needed for dogs who have had a Lyme vaccination.

Lolly said...

Kay, Jack is not a hunter. He does not like the killing, however it is really necessary. He uses a shot gun and it usually works.

Lynne2 said...

I know bassets can be prone to ELBOW dysplasia and luxating patellas which could cause on again off again limping. Has she ever had any x-rays done?

Lolly said...

Joey and his neighbor have started armadillo hunting, but they are within the city. Hope they do not get reported. His neighbor tried traps. He had several traps set up in his yard. They do not work and one time we got a skunk. That is NOT good!

Kay said...

I don't want to hear about a bullet richocheting off the plated armor and coming back at Jack ! Am I mistaken in thinking that is possible ? I'm not at all familiar with the creatures even though I have relatives all over Texas where they are so common.

hedgie said...

Drum line is sounding good for only 3rd day! These kids this first week haven't had any time together since school let out in early June--and, of course, they lost their Srs. Bad thing about being the kids at this week's camp is that they miss the County Youth Fair. Hope none of them were in 4-h!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had to work late, then went to pickup the chest of drawers that went with the bunkbed...couldn't fit it all in the truck on the first go round. Going to leave the chest here at home, so it worked out well.

Nick is doing good today...#2 looks good.

Tbird, glad your Sis's surgery went well! Tell her to follow the Dr's orders! Very important!

Hoda, the anniversary day of our loved one's passing can certainly be rough. Think Happy thoughts!(((Hugs)))

Didn't get very much rain here at home, but some is better than none.

Andy, glad Emma is feeling better! Sounds like Marq was very lucky! Same thing happened to my eldest son when he was younger. Truck was all smashed in and totaled, and he was OK. Amazing how that happenes sometimes!

Jo, bet Alexis will be happy with the meatballs!

Howdy Bob!

stronghunter said...

Didn't do any testing today. I was not sure what vaccinations and tests Flash has already had because Kathryn has had some of them done at a different location. Has some pain medication we are trying now.

He has also been moody recently. I have noticed that he has been growling at Luna sometimes. He has sometimes play-growled, but recently his growls haven't sounded playful.

Lolly said...

Kay, he is usually far enough away for it to not be a problem. I worry about he gun jerking him and bothering his neck. He said tonight he has decided it is not a muscle spasm problem as it has lasted too long. Oh, I do hope the doctor calls tomorrow. The technician said maybe up to 48 hours and we have reached that, for sure.

Lynne2 said...

what is the medication shirley?

Lynne2 said...

So annoying Lolly, when you know darn good and well that the results are ready. Crazy making people wait so long to find out what's going on.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, how many places are you going to check out on your trip??

Lynne2 said...

Is Flash the one who has been having the skin issues?

Lolly said...

Lynn, I have missed a lot on the blog. You have a trip planned to the coast?

hedgie said...

Lynne, puppy limp sounds like Osgood-Shlatter's in teenaged boys.
Isn't there also a problem with subluxation in the "knee" joints in long dogs with short legs?

hedgie said...

Oh..I was also an AFJROTC Mom! Christie was in ROTC for three years---she was the first-ever female commander in our county schools!

Kay said...

Oh, LOLLY, I know how hard it is to wait for test results. Wish the medics would think about the angst they put patients and their families through when they delay calling. I always try to think "no news is good news" and "they'd have called if it was something demanding immediate attention". I'm going to pray for his safety as he hunts tonight and for a call from the doc early tomorrow !!!!!

Will be praying for all the needs we've talked about today whether amongst we mortals or our four legged friends.

Have a good night with sweet dreams and I'll "see" you on the morrow.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

yes Lynn, that can happen as well.

I'm concerned about the growling. I would highly recommend a complete blood work up including a thyroid panel and a Lyme test.

hedgie said...

We have a list of about 10 places to look at, Paula. We expanded our search area a bit....we have 5 or 6 north of the OBX in Jarvisburg/Grandy area---either on the canal with a view of the sound or of the Intercoastal Waterway. Only 30 mins. from Kitty Hawk, so not too bad--easy enough to make a trip on down the islands.

Lynne2 said...

He could be growling because he's painful, and also thyroid problems can cause some temperament issues, and skin problems. IF ONLY THEY COULD TALK TO US!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Deramaxx, Lynne. For pain.

Lynne2 said...

I've got to get to bed....Let me know more details if you want to Shirley, like if any blood tests have been done, rads, what the medication is.

Good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

He was very contrite when Kathryn scolded him for the growling and went to his bed.

But it isn't the first time it has happened.

Lolly said...

Amen, to that, Lynne! I wish I could understand Annie's meows. You would not believe the awful cry she does at times. However, we do not think she is in pain. Laurel heard it last night. She said she was thankful I had warned her or she would have thought she was dying!

Nite Kay! See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

And thanks, Lynn.

Lolly said...

I think I am going to read for a while.


Lolly said...

Whoops! Nite Lynne! (((Hugs)))

Lynne2 said...

still here! Lolly, she isn't likely in any pain from the hyperthyroidism, but because everything in the body is working "overtime" so to speak, she may just get anxious at times.

Shirley, Deramxx is a pretty good and safe NSAID for dogs. Hopefully it'll work for Flash.

Lynne2 said...

OK, good night again!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, that sounds great. How many days are you going to be there? Are you going to look at the house under contract, too?

stronghunter said...

Thanks again, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

It was Luna with the skin problems, by the way.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Shirley I heard you! You said it!
"I am a retired English teacher."
It is finally sinking in - right?
You are a 'free bird' ((hugs))

Thanks Lynn for the link for DanaMO about Rocket. He made the front page
of our newspaper.

hedgie said...

Shirley, the growling could also be because he just doesn't want to play because of the pain.

hedgie said...

Yes, Lolly....quick trip---leave Sunday, come back late Tues.

Mema Jo said...

ROFL - I just got Junk Mail titled
Hair Removal ..... No More Waxing

What do they know! lol

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, it is August. I would be thinking about going back by now.

The thing about Luna is that she does not really initiate play with Flash. She is blind.

We will see what the medicine does and take it from there.

NatureNut said...

Back for little while! Day off tomorrow, so that means appt!!!!
What else is new? So will try not to be night owl.

Lolly, don't know if you saw comment I did last night about TX. SIL Jimmy was not hunting for armadillos, but following cutter ant trail to their hole & using his blow torch!They have stripped gardenia & other shrubs!

Lynn, I think your talking about 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant.? It is still not reopened. And I wanted to do lunch there!I hope it's open soon. Don't know why there were any problems--it's so popular.You know what's also closed in that area??? One of the last Little Taverns on Rte.1 near U of MD! BOOOO Every time I was in College Park area, I had to buy at least a dozen.
Gonna see news, etc., so if I'm not back, Please have Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

Ready to close things down here and go upstairs. I will see you tomorrow. Good night. Rest well, everyone.

magpie said...

Hello, late, ....have missed many Good Night in a whisper as you hit the pillows...

just trying to catch up

Hoda, special thoughts on this day for you, the 4th anniversary of your dear Mother's dying
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Shirley, hope both Luna and Flash will be okay...always sorry to read of discomfort with the pets here

magpie said...

Things sound pretty encouraging for T-Bird's sister Beth's surgery, hope Thursday is a good day, without too much soreness or discomfort

And what a wreck Andy's son-in-law had, agree with Hedgie, must have been a squadron of Guardian Angels on Board !
Prayers that Marq really IS okay and is not too sore Thursday

magpie said...

Wanted to get a bigger view of Lori's Yellow Keds and they had transformed into Meatballs !!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, Hubby and Emma are both down for the night.

We called and talked to Jen tonight. Marq was really sore and was trying to rest, so we will talk to him soon, hopefully tomorrow. He has a bad headache. He is taking Ibuprofen for the headache and all the aches & pains. We don't know yet what caused the accident. Marq remembers nothing. We are all grateful indeed that nobody else was involved in the accident. Lynn, I, too, hope that they didn't miss anything on the CAT scan, and that he really will be OK. God truly was watching out for him--Jen says the truck is so messed up you find it hard to believe that anyone got out of it alive! Marq is SO grateful to still be with us!

magpie said...

GREAT NEWS about Candy's eye surgery, thanks so much Jo for posting

And glad the pups' #2's are getting back to normal, that goes for Nick and Emma...

magpie said...

heard my first Eastern screech owl EVER tonight driving away from the grandson's in Morgan County on a very rural road, thought it was Common Loon at first !

Ms Bookworm said...

Shirley, I hope you are able to find out what's bothering Flash. Golly, how I wish our pets could talk! Hope that the meds make him feel better and improve his grumpiness. Poor little guy!

Lynn, sorry to hear that you've lost a filling! Good that you could get an appt. for tomorrow! Extra scratches and belly rubs for Liesl the star pupil, please!

magpie said...

I'll try to tell JudyE about the Memory Pillow in the morning
IF I don't forget !

Bravo for your little Liesl's performance at puppy class tonight, Lynn, and sorry about that lost filling!

Jo, bet you had a great time with Alexis...could it be any other way ♥

I guess some of the dancing we did for Megan worked...we got some good soaking rains hereabouts, hope she did also !

magpie said...

It's late
The night bandit has struck!
I'm sure it's a guy !
And the Sandman is lurking, oh these men in our lives !!!

Prayers for all the many things we bring to each other's attention here

Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Loretta---Squadron closed after a bursted water pipe winter of 2009! They had like 3 ft. of water inside. Such a that place. Had many huge family gatherings there, and I loved taking people to it!
My grandparent's post-funeral dinners were there, as well as Grandma's 90th birthday party. Their beer-cheese soup was to die for!!!! There are 7 others, I think, scattered throughout the country, but none closeby!!

hedgie said...

Yep, we are going to look at the house that has the contract on it....just in case!!!! Realtor got okay from the selling agent.

Lolly said...

Sitting here eating ice cream. mmmmm yummy!

No, Loweeda, missed that comment about your SIL. Have never had that problem with ants.

Megan told me she got about 1/4 inch rain, not much but rain!

Lynn, enjoy the quick trip and I do hope you find something that you all just absolutely love!

Lolly said...

Is Liesl going with you?

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Glad you had some more good James time!!
I heard the cuckoo (whatever kind it is! CRS disease) earlier, just as it got dark. Think he waas trying to join in with the band!!

Well, dear ones, calling it a day. Sweet dreams. Prayers for all.....and especially for Linda and her family as they struggle to get through tomorrow. Amen.

hedgie said...

No, Lolly....Liesl not going. Too hard to find a motel that allows a dog. They all say can't stay in room alone.....Vet is filled up for the weekend.....trying to find alternate arrangements....hate using a kennel......

Lolly said...

Wish I lived close. I would doggie sit!☺

Lolly said...

Time to call it a night. Up early tomorrow to go to church to water my garden. Then up really early Friday to mow.

Night all! Sweet dreams! (((Hugs)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy!
Wow, a screech owl! I love the little cuties! My uncle, who was a veterinarian, had one that he rehabbed, long ago. It was beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to hit the pillows at least
that is what my memory told me..

Lynn - I hope you get some loving
caregiver for Liesl while you are gone.
You and going to miss her and visa versa

Good night everyone - Prayers for all
our momsters/dadsters and their families
and friends.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. God's blessings to all.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Loretta...Little Tavern hamburgers were the BEST! The buns were so soft that they melted in your mouth...mmmmm:)

Unloading Soup Kitchen food from the truck, tomorrow...need some rest now.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning EAGLE FAMILY!

You all were pretty active last night!

LORETTA, your job sounds fun. I want to be paid for crafting. Just starting to organize projects in the works: quilting, fabric baskets, fleece braids for the bully rescue fundraisers, and something else...where's that darn Memory Pillow?

OH- DON'T get me going on making patients wait (usuallly 2 wks) when those results are ready right away, though to be read may take a little longer. Still, any doc who is a specialist in his field can read them him/herself. I'd call LOLLY.

LYNN, I love marching bands! Growing up in So Calif we had "Band Reviews" which were parades with nothing but bands and drill/flag teams. The Rose Parade and several others would use the band reviews as auditions. It was awesome. It's my favorite part of announcing parades now - bands AND the horses!

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I too, just realized that I still had MEATBALLS up, so I'll switch back to the Yellow Flower KEDS - they are adorable! MEMA JO - I picture you iin red ones! Vroom vroom!

Lori O. said...

Thank you LORD for the rain! It's still showering here. We really need it - so grateful!

JUDIE, weather was perfect timing for your NWatch party!

HODA, just occured to me that if there's an inexpensive waterproof camera, you should take it rowing if they'll allow you a second to take a picture of a passing eagle.

ANDY, I'm so happy your SIL wasn't hurt. He was blessed. And, yes, good thing he was wearing a seatbelt. Hope the stiffies go away soon for him.

Prayers for THELMA's sister Beth as she goes home from the hospital today to recover from her back surgery.

Lifting up LINDA and family as they say a physical farewell to Billy today. Website said the viewing begins at 1 followed by the funeral at 3pm, so we'll be praying for all of you, Linda. May God hold you and your family especially close during this time.

I love you all dearly!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...