Tuesday, August 30, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Leaves are visible now on the still cam! Woooohoooo!

DanaMo said...

I'll take the blueberry muffins with my coffee please Lori.
I'm checking in to the cafe! Good morning!

DanaMo said...

Can really see that leaf now!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO...ready for Day 3 with your new group?

DanaMo said...

I'm exhausted from smiling! LOL! The life of a kindergarten teacher!

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼orning one and all I just got up I forgot to set the clock earlier looks like no ealge yer

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDYE. Have a blueberry muffin!

JudyEddy said...

I will take a banana nut one please with butter

JudyEddy said...

LORI Love the new avatar is it for LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

Last nite my still cam was stuck some how it is now working don't know what happened must have done something to it

JudyEddy said...

Looks like my normal time of getting up is gonna be a good time from now on till next years LOL

JudyEddy said...

Oh my I was just sitting here reading last nite blog and a SPIDER came down his web in front of my face in front of my screen Yep he is a dead one now He was just little but not where he should have been Sorry Spidey

JudyEddy said...

OH and I smashed him with my juror summons LOL

JudyEddy said...

just reading of the wonderful temps you all are haveing 83 here now and getting in hight 90's

JudyEddy said...

poop colors arrive and no eagle come one eagles

JudyEddy said...

I just realized it I don't see the man in the tree any longer I wonder why I keep looking and he is not there Now the gingerbread man is The nest looks wet right now maybe the man hides in the rain LOL

HODA praying for a good outcome with your dr appt

LORI I hope Kate will be ok untill she is able to see the doctor Praying for her

JudyEddy said...

Well its time for me to head out the door HAGD OAA

DanaMo said...

Early morning for me. Have an appointment to get squished this morning! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

oh you have an appt to take the girls out LOL

DanaMo said...

Oh yeah...long past due. I'm not so good with it, but since I'm having everything else done I might as well!

Lori O. said...

Dang no Eagles yet. Maybe they're sleeping in?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

This blog went nearly 24-hours non-stop, with late nighters and early risers ☺

Lori, sure hoping these tests for Kate go well today and you will both know more, soon....

Hoda - and Best wishses on your tests also....

The sooner the better, for both you and Kate....so you know what you are each dealing with

DanaMo -I like that ! You are exhausted from smiling ☺
Best wishes on the Squishy routine today, those tests are not much fun either, but very important

magpie said...

I am sure you will get your sleeping and waking routine down to a science soon....
takes awhile to adjust to retirement and being on your OWN (and well, Hunter's also) schedule

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

So you have an appointment for a boob sandwich, DanaMo?

Cartoons going here again.

magpie said...

Great new cheerful avatar,
Morning GLori
am sure Lolly will appreciate that !

Okay, last day of August is upon us !
Need an Eagle Visit sometime today to add just one or two more pictures to our E-M album !

Enjoy your "day between classroom days" today

I didn't leave a whole lot of time to play around and talk it up on all the comments....

but I can say
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone

See you...sometime after worktime today

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Hope that all of Kate's tests are good, Lori. So far it sounds good.

Lori O. said...

Helllllooooo Miss MARGY and SHIRLEY!

Well, if only the avatar reminds us to pray for rain for Texas, and Lolly, that would be great!

Cringing and shrinking at the thought of a boob sandwhich, Shirley.

stronghunter said...

From Bill Wigley on FB:

Heading for the hospital in a few minutes for an angioplasty test on my heart. Should be home tomorrow at the latest. If no stents, I'll be home this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

Morning, Lori, Margy, DanaMo, and Judy.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, is that Bill your ex? Or I'm I thinking of Lynn's ex?

stronghunter said...

Bill is a Dadster from Huntsville, Alabama,Lori. I have not had the pleasure of meeting him. Remember when we were worried about him and his wife when they had the tornado down there?

stronghunter said...

I believe Lynn has a friend named Bill, too.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Shirley. I do remember now.

stronghunter said...

Think I heard something at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Picture breaking up.

Lori O. said...

Looks pretty windy out there at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is on the bus. Cartoons have been turned off. I think I will make up for some missed sleep.

See you later.

stronghunter said...

Not too windy at the moment. But I saw lots of line awhile ago. Maybe wind caused that.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Hoda comes first.

Hoda, an echocardiogram is easy. Like a sonogram (gel and rotation of mouse thingy) but the heart activity is recorded and comes out as a chart-type graph. While the technicians cannot tell you anything, if there is a problem you should not be released from that test until you see a cardiologist.

The nuclear stress test involves injection of radio active dye which lights up and shows actual pictures of heart/artery function as you walk a treadmill or are injected with something that makes the heart work harder and harder (as it would with a treadmill). This test would show a blockage for example. I had a choice. Treadmill or I.V. Since I have femoral artery blockages, I had to go I.V. My experience with the I.V. was scary as the heart is forced to work harder and harder and I felt as if I were in cardiac arrest. Was told this is a common reaction. Not to worry. You should be asked to remain in a room drinking lots of cold water (to wash the dye out)and to make sure there are no post-test reactions.

Sorry for going on for so long but wish someone had given me some information.

You will be just fine. My thoughts will be with you all day.

Judie said...

So sorry. Need coffee. The cardiac test information was for LORI AND HODA. My thoughts are with you both today.

Judie said...

Lolly, so sorry about the fires and for the land and people affected. Frightening, to be sure. Hope Annie is on the upswing.

Shirley, glad Hunter is off to school and you are getting some extra snooze time.

I'm headed for coffee and newspaper then prep for tomorrow.

Sorry I forgot to turn the night light on. Fell asleep after dinner.


Lori O. said...

JUDIE, thank you so much for the excellent description of the tests for HODA and Kate. I was clueless so my gratitude is enormous! Thank you.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, we are all kinda waiting up on a report on Kate...her sypmtoms WERE scary. Prayers that something minor has caused her discomfort!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends! I'll be thinking of Kate and Hoda as they undergo testing
I am living proof that you can make it
through these tests and come out a winner - even the boob tube is in your
favor! I have to schedule mine soon.

As Margy said 'it's the last day of the month' - hope we have a visit and get a few pics to close out our album. Just noticed we only have 42 photos for this album - I am going to extend it a month.

Mema Jo said...

I have a lunch date with past co-workers
Need to get my morning in order so I
am not late... Their lunch hours are
really 1/2 hr so I need to be on time.

hedgie said...

Enjoy, Jo---hardly seems fair for them to onlky get 1/2 hr. when it's a group gathering with YOU!!!!

Morning all.

Must say I am a little perplexed. Apparently when I went to get the papers, a phone call came in. No message left. It was a Columbus #....looked and it's NOT Kay's #...I surely pray that everything is well with her, and it wasn't kin trying to get in touch for any bad reason. Think I'll try a reverse-look-up.

hedgie said...

hmmm...no info other than that it's a landline #.

Costume Lady said...


Strange things are happening on our blog. First, our "hearts" are not showing up as HEARTS, just some weird scribbles. I'm going to try a few now and see what happens:
♥♥♥ Now, lets see if they disappear into something else.

Also, I posted a comment last night (or this morning) at 1:33am and it suddenly popped up agan at 9:30! Also, getting weird messages from pop-up screens, such as "Sorry I'm confused"!

I see my 'hearts' are still ok, but check out Margy's comment at
DanaMo -I like that ! You are exhausted from smiling â˜Âº
WEIRD Maybe I need to go back to bed...or maybe I slept too long. I slept straight through til 9:15 am and wasn't up really late as usual, last night! Felt good!

hedgie said...

Hoda and Lori for Kate: Judie gave you correct info about the tests. I'm sorry that the docs feel they are necessary, but always better to be proactive, just in case!!! Not everyone experiencing the reaction to the nuclear stress test that Judie had, tho'---my SIL Charlie didn't.

Lori, Bill is my best friend and ex-bf. My ex-husband is named Carroll.

Costume Lady said...

Another comment from previous page:


Well I'm calling it a day (JudyE.
I think.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - ♥♥♥

I think I am ok
Are you at your computer or Capt Gene's
I hope you work it out..... ♥

This message contains a total of 4

Judie said...

Lynn, thanks for reminding everyone that some people react more strongly to the nuclear test. My reaction may have been intensified because I was really fearful to begin with.

Wanda, I suspect your computer has been infected with a virus. Seriously. Is there a computer stress test? Maybe a call to your local computer geeks.

Costume Lady said...

GG had one about a year or two ago, and she said that she wished someone had told her what to expect...she was frightened as the test was taking place because she wasn't told of some of the feelings she would be having! Her cardiologist stayed with her and held her hand:)

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Lori...love your avatar!! Thank you!☺ Chance of rain this weekend, so any prayers, dances, avatars are deeply appreciated!

Any typos I am blaming on Annie. She is here on the arm of my chair, demanding to be petted. lol
Can I blame grammar errors on her too? Just typed hear instead of here, but I caught it!!!☺

Today is the day we can run the sprinklers. Jack had it set up and they started at midnight. Can only run til 10 this morning, but will start back up tonight.

Hoda.....thinking of you today and keeping you in thought and prayers. (((Hugs))) I do think you will be just fine!! You row, girl, you row! Wish I had an activity like that!

Prayers for Kate, too. It is scary and (((hugs)) for her!

Judie said...

Y'all come on over. Steve has provided us with a first day of September thread.

Lolly said...

Fires are still going. 30 homes now up in flames, but thankfully only one injury, so far. A man was burned and broke some ribs trying to help save a neighbors home. It was destroyed. They approx 30 people had to escape by boat. Some sat in their boats and watched their homes burn.

There is a man there ready to rescue horses, (not wild), cattle and any wild creatures that have been injured. Lots of deer in that area around the lake.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Judie!!!!!!




hedgie said...

Wanda...your hearts showed up fine. I don't see anything weird about Margy's 7:07 post...???
If you are getting pop-up messages like that, I think you better run your virus program pronto!!! And then reboot!!!

hedgie said...

Nope, Wanda...nothing like that showing up for me!!! Assuming that you copied and pasted it, right??

JudyEddy said...

WOW WANDA did you get the blog issues straight mine look of Odd I say I hope you get it fixed
I also get the comments emailed to me and they all look ok except for the one that you put the weird stuff on to show us Its beyond my realm of thinking

JudyEddy said...

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do you see 7 hearts

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...