Tuesday, August 30, 2011


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to Everyone.

Thank you Steve for the new Thread. I'll go get the others or maybe someone seen this before me will.

Have a Good Day! ( :

stronghunter said...

Thanks, DanaWV. Hope you are well today.

stronghunter said...

And, of course, thanks for the new thread, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hoo Dana you are #1

Costume Lady said...

Wishing a good FIRST DAY BACK to all our wonderful teachers, children and to our Margy, who has had a pretty nice staycation. Lots of lovin James time, is perfect!

I so hope that Kate has had someting simple to take care of (like indigestion) and not a heart problem. It's good that Lori was there when her pain began, to help her. Asprin, YES! Good going, Lori!
Prayers for Kate and Kris~

I've been working on Capt. Gene's lap top all morning...it is so screwed up. I think I finally got his facebook cleaned up...it was very weird. I would try to get my facebook page and after a moment or two, it would jump over to Gene's facebook page???

I just go onto my facbook page and found this message from Karla:

Karla Wright Adams
We are here. A very nice state trooper id'd us, checked our pass and let us thru. Even though a 10-5 curfew is in affect. Things look good.

I thought she would go back down, to OBX, but not this soon. Hope she finds some sea treasures. She and Denise love 'Sea Glass', green, blue and red...hard to find.
I don't even know who is with her!
I'm sure she will be sending some photos, soon.

DANAMO, looking forward to hearing some stories from your little jokster (one liner)!

JUDIE, looking forward to your experiences this year from your wannabe adults:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning wonderful folks!! I realized I ain't been over here to say Hi in a long time! How the heck are ya'll?? I see you survived the storm and I am so grateful. Everything is good here in Southern West Virginia. Back to school, winding up the summer (against my will). As most of ya know from Facebook, me and Tom are at the camper every time we get a chance. Love you guys bunches and just wanted to check in with my peeps!!

Seen any eagles lately???

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

So, it looks like NX and KS were released this morning, huh? No live feed of it though. Bummer. I miss eagles so bad! I want our nest back like it was, have had a real hard time adjusting to all of these changes!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy only eagle I have seen are my statues and stuffed animal eagles.

Hope everyone is recovering fine.

Neat Karla got through. I know she so much wanted to check for treasures along the shore. ( :

Hoping all goes well Wanda for working on Gene's laptop....he owes you a kiss ( :

Hope Kay is feeling better.

Hoda said...

Good morning to all.

LORI how is Kate related to you? Sorry for the ignorance I missed it somewhere? Prayers to her and good action on your part, well done.

LINDA still no power and it is GRAND that you check in when ever you have the generator on.

Still Cam is up is very good news. Thanks PAULA.

LOLLY glad Annie is herself again.

HUNTER took the new bus and maybe that will put space between him and the bully 4th grader.

Hoda said...

THANKS DANA for the call over.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn just called. She has talked to the vice principal who will check things out and talk with the bus driver.

It is entirely possible that we are not dealing with a bully here, but just with a feisty little kid who needs to learn not to say such threatening things.

Maybe a future bully if he isn't dealt with, though. He is a neighbor and we are going to have to deal with him here, too.

I do appreciate everyone's support. Best to get these things fixed ASAP.

I am quite happy to let Kathryn take care of things. She is a strong woman.

Kathryn thinks she has probably met this little boy, but doesn't really recall which one he is.

I keep thinking that this is only elementary school. Middle school will be a whole different thing. Best to get things under control now.

Hoda said...

I read, someweher that they were going to take a video of NX release and post it on their site later...I am glad she was released on the same plantation as her siblings. Seems to be a good place.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is still on the same bus, Hoda. Just a different pick-up location. Hard to believe it was so complicated to get that changed.

Hoda said...

Glad to see that the nest is no worse for wear from the storm...
Spoke to a friend from Vermont, she is 92 years old and was a good friend of Mom and Dad Batchelder, she survived the storm OK and spoke of another she went through in the thirties...

SHIRLEY, I am glad Kathryn spoke to the VP and that they will keep an eye on it.

Hoda said...

My mistake SHIRLEY.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, Kate is Lori's roommate.

stronghunter said...

Thinking back to my school days--

In North Carolina, buses were driven by high school students.

I almost never rode the bus. I walked or rode with my parents who taught at my school during many of my school years.

When I was a senior, the bus stopped fairly near the house and I caught it when I was running late if the bus still had not come mostly because it gave me an official excuse for being late, not that anyone seemed to worry if I was a little after the bell.

I do not remember any paperwork being necessary.

And, sometimes, my homeroom teacher picked me up if I was walking when she passed by. Her husband was our minister at the local Methodist Church.

Getting a ride from my teacher was an incentive to get out there early in the morning.

Things were simpler then.

JudyEddy said...

Nice surprise home for lunch and the still cam is up but not the live and a new thread


Hoda said...

THANKS PAULA. LORI'S help to Kate was very precise and very efficient action. Thanks for bringing me up to date. Are you at work today PAULA? Unusual to see you on the blog this time of the day...glad you are on.

JudyEddy said...

SISSY We had a visit by our eagles the other day I have video on the Nest Video blog 8-27 6am both was the last time we saw them when the cam was working I also have video on the Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Facebook page

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad that Karla made it back down and in.....our realtor said the traffic back-up going that way was on THIS side of the bridge!

stronghunter said...

Just for the heck of it, I have posted a picture of the bus drivers for my school in 1960 on my blog.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't know that I will ever get used to the changes at our nest. So hard to deal with the loss of Liberty. Makes things feel so different.

stronghunter said...

It is hard to get used to, Sharon. e Harder for Belle, probably. We just have to wait and see what happens next.

Lolly said...

Back inside, 93 now and going up. I got a lot done. Really so far behind in maintenance outside but it is just so dog gone hot!! Can only do a little in the mornings. Pulled grass runners out of flower beds and cut back some flowers that had seen better days. Did a lot of work around the lower pond. Let's see if Jack notices. ha!

Think I am going to eat a bite, clean up, and venture out. Might do some shopping.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!
Dropping in quickly to say howdy.

Oh, Lori! Prayers indeed for Kate, and for you! Pray that the Dr. will find the problem and provide the right treatment immediately!

Sharon, prayers for Kris Anderson and his family.

Judie & DanaMO, wishing both of you, and your students, a wonderful back-to-school day!

Margy, wishing a good back-to-work day for you. Hoping & praying for no major incidents!

Well, gotta go get some stuff done around here. Will check back in later. HAGD, everyone! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Hey, good to see you here, Sissy! Been missing you! Hope all is well with you. Don't be such a stranger!

hedgie said...

Heading out to run some errands. BBL!

Hoda said...

I am off to yoga, to lunch, to the doctors for a clarification on some health questions and will be back in before Dragon Boating. Enjoy your afternoon.{{{{HUGS}}}} to all.

Judie said...

Thank goodness everyone obeyed the speed limit and I can catch up.

Thank you, Steve.

Shar, wishing the best for Kris. A difficult time for all.

Linda, sorry you are still without power. May Mr. Edison smile upon your abode today.

Shirley, nice to know Hunter was looking forward to school today. Tried to send you an email but it bounced back. Don't have a new one for you.

Wow, Kay's gonna get a new "do" to go with her new computer. Sure hope the "do" didn't have to come from Peggy.

Mema Jo said...

I am so so late getting on today. Daughter just left a few minutes ago and grandson was here for lunch. Busy house today.
Now that all is quiet I just may put my feet up.

Lolly, remember that when you drink hot coffee and go outside where it is hot - you are not to mind the heat so much due to your body temp being as high as the outside weather temp. I believe this is true.

Kris in your battle of cancer
Chris in your battle against infection
Kate in your battle to find answers

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for this new thread -

DanaMo - I would have loved to have gone
on your Safari.

Linda - I want so much, but not as much as you do, for your electric to be on!!

I am going to put my feet up


Judie said...

Wanda, not sure if you know what Capt. Gene's been up to but he wants me to be his friend. Tell him I adore him but don't do FB.

Safe travels for Karla.

Hi Sissy. Hi Paula.

Hoda, do you use roller skates or a high-speed scooter?

Hope Lori stops by to give us an update on Kate.

Judie said...

First day for the wannabe adults seemed to go well. Did a little critical thinking exercise in class on how to minimize the number of hate crimes. Students participated and it was fun.

Lolly, take it easy. The yard is important but you take priority in such heat.

Okay, tired after my first day back. Class is cutting into my cooking programs.


Mema Jo said...

Shirley - The young man's comment to Hunter surely tells all about the TV he apparently gets to watch. So Sad and I
hope this situation can be addressed so
to help him know some do's and don'ts.
Hunter deserves to be really happy in
going to school and I am thankful for the bus stop change - now he should have more new friends. ♥

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up!!!

stronghunter said...

Judie, you have e-mail.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Everyone! Got to sleep late on a TU!!!!!Been folling around outside, baked some turnovers this AM, think I FINALLY got another whole pic of a vireo!!Have to plug in camera---it's been awhile.
I don't know if any power at Chelsea yet, but I will go Wed, Lots of stuff I can do w/out power.

Judie, I'm glad you wrote about Father Capt. Gene! He asked me to be his friend, too!!!Thought we already were!! LOL

movin said...


Good morninG, PeoplE.


OOPs. I just noticed that I hadn't posted this comment, which I wrote about 10 A.M. PDT this morning. Don't even recall what commanded my attention away.

Could that be classified as a "senior moment"??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

DanaMo said...

Home and exhausted!

stronghunter said...

Hi DanaMo!!

Hope it was a good day.

stronghunter said...

I recently became FB friends with Captain Gene.

Judie said...

Hi Jim. Not a senior moment. A maturity moment.lol Hope you're doing well.

Well, Lowreeda, we may need to have a chat with Wanda about Father Capt. Gene trying to entice so many ladies into his electronic playground. Have a good day at Chelsea.

Hi Jo. Glad you are joining me in putting feet up. Hope DanaMo can do the same. She's tired, also.

Headed to the cookery in a few. Something easy. Spaghetti, maybe. Can make garlic bread and salad.


Judie said...

Oh good grief, now we find out Shirley is involved. What fun.

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Now to figure out what to have for supper.

Need to upload pictures to Picasa for my kinder parents. They love getting pictures of what we do during the day!

stronghunter said...

I don't think Shirley did anything. I suddenly got a message that Captain Gene had accepted my request. I didn't know I had made one, but I was just fine with it anyway.

He has claimed possible kinship to Orville and Wilbur Wright.

DanaMo said...

I might need a nap.

Lolly said...

I have just become friends with Capt Father Gene....or is it Father Capt Gene? I am sooo confused!☺ Well, Wanda did say she was messing with his laptop, maybe she decided FCG needed more women friends??????

Lolly said...

Oh, I know how tired you are, Dana! Not a moments rest when you have the children in your classroom.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

they have put 2 eagle hawks into the enclosure that NX called home for the last month..

JudyEddy said...

another release

hedgie said...

Home again....and realized that I forgot one of the main objectives to my trip! ARGH! CRS disease...and I even had a list!

See that the live cam is back up now! Yippee!

JudyEddy said...

Those are two nice video of the release tooo cool

JudyEddy said...

HI LYNN I sent a email to all and posted on FB we are up and running now we just need two eagles I would settle for one too

JudyEddy said...

Eagles at Norfolk Botanical Garden
Boat tour staff report that the primary perch on the male eagle's hunting tree was broken off during the storm. His second favorite perch is still intact and the hurricane has cleared ivy from another branch that may serve as a good perch. It is easily seen from the boat. Cross your fingers that he likes that perch.
215 ·UnlikeLike ·

hedgie said...

Funny, Shirley, to see all those young guys as bus drivers! I know that it was that way here back then, too, but not at home!!! Some of ours were teachers, tho'---but always men!

Shar---I know what you mean....it's just not the same...but we just have to make the best of it.....and see how it all plays out. :(

Lolly, wise to only do a little in the AM's....you all will get caught up after it cools off.

stronghunter said...

I know about the tiredness too, even thought I did not have small students. When I was a young teacher and dating my future husband, I would crash across my bed with my phone beside me so that I did not have to move very much when he called.

hedgie said...

LOL, Jim, I think we've all done that from time-to-time. Sometimes the cursor just isn't in the exact spot, too!

DanaMo...hope it's a good exhaustion! Hope your new students have shown promise for a good year ahead.

Judie, glad your day went well, too.

Oh-oh.....ambulance headed for Margy's quad---NOT for her, probably Bowling Ball's mommy. Wonder if she's gotten home yet and is helping out??

stronghunter said...

Two girls among the guys there--Joyce and Geraldine.

hedgie said...

I, too, got a friend request from Father Capt. Gene---I thought we already were! New question when I confirmed: "Are you friends with Gene outside of FB??" Weird.

hedgie said...

AHA!!! Now Gene has two FB accounts. I KNEW I had sent birthday wishes to him on there!! Now he's really going to be confused on the puter! One FB page is enough to deal with!!!
Old one has just his pic. New one has him with Denise!

I'm sure the NBG male will be fine with a new perch!

hedgie said...

Jo, hope your busy day didn't wear you out too much for Miss Meatball tomorrow!!!

Judie--I am cheating on dinner....got a pre-made chef's salad and some pre-shucked corn. Easy!!!

Sorry---think I missed saying hi to Sissy, DanaWV and Andy today! Hi ya', gals!!

hedgie said...

I was not treated very nicely at the PO today. Clerk was mad because no one had small bills. When she saw I only had a $20, she said "this is ridiculous!" I said "so tell that guy back there to go to the bank" and pointed to the postmaster who wasn't doing anything except standing around while she alone clerked a long line of people.

hedgie said...

That's one problem with ATM's---they seem to only dispense 20's!

hedgie said...

JudyE--showing you my priorities---I came to the blog before email!!!

Kay said...

Hi y'all ! Back after the do, errands and the feeding of my pathetic little spruce. It will be a miracle if it makes it. :(

LYNN, Grrrrr. Can't understand getting clobbered for whatever you had to say re: dog on freeway. Were the detractors talking about a safety hazard or what ?

SHIRLEY, good for Kathryn ! Wonder what the home life is like for that boy. Very sad for such a young boy to be so evil minded.

HODA, sounds like your 92 year old friend can take anything in stride and with grace ! Glad you found that she is safe !

WVgal DANA, thanks for thinking of me, but I'm not ailing this week. Had some kind of bug for a few days last week, but all is well now !

Kay said...

JUDYE, thanks for the release video ! Makes my heart pound to see eaglets take flight. Seems NX was good n' ready this time and that she was reveling in her new found freedom.

DANAMO, you'll soon hit your stride and so will the kids ! I imagine they are mighty tired at the end of their school day. Such a new experience. God bless you for getting "our future" off to a good start !

SHARON, there will always be that little hole in the heart for Liberty ! I'm ready to accept whatever works for Belle, but will continue to sign off each evening with my seven hearts for Liberty--gone, perhaps, but never forgotten. I don't think it's inappropriate to dedicate our blogging to his memory ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

LYNN, that PO clerk was out of line ! Good on you for what you told her. They are open for biz 6 days a week--it can't come as a surprise that folks are going to show up with 20's !

I'm not worried about Norfolk Daddy either. All the eagles we watch seem far better at adapting to change than we who love to watch them do ! I just wish he'd develop a route of travel that does not include that airport !

magpie said...

Plain UNAmerican for you to be treated badly twice in as many days, Lynn

Grrrrrrrrrrr on your behalf !
I've always had pretty fortune with the postal service

hedgie said...

Yep, Kay----safety factor. Well, I say, what if it had been a child?
And what if all rescue personnel didn't do their jobs because they can be unsafe??

Margy, we've lost all our nice people at the 'ville PO. :(

Lolly said...

Big prayer concern!!!! Another fire in the same area where there was one not long ago. Homes and animals threatened. It is 100 here but 108 where they are fighting the fire. It is big and spreading fast!

hedgie said...

Corn kernels are not terribly full but it has excellent flavor! My first of the season!
Got very sad when I drove by the orchard and saw the apple boxes stacked around. Picking will start in a week.....a sign that the growing season is almost over for all goodies.

hedgie said...

Corn kernels are not terribly full but it has excellent flavor! My first of the season!
Got very sad when I drove by the orchard and saw the apple boxes stacked around. Picking will start in a week.....a sign that the growing season is almost over for all goodies.

hedgie said...

Margy...any word on your neighbor gal?

JudyEddy said...

I did a quicky video of my living room with all my eagle plates from my parents I thought I would share I had one of the eagle pictures on in the back ground with gull noises and waves to set the mood LOL

My living room with eagle plates bordering the ceiling

magpie said...

pretty good fortune, that is.

got interrupted
ambulance went for upstairs neighbors' friend, middle age lady ... stomach problems for week poor thing... she is there a lot, like a foster grandmother

ambulance crew driver said
Wow it is really noisy up there

Mema Jo said...

I need to catch up to you all - but first I am going over to son's to get a front brake job and visit while he is
doing it.

Everyone stay cool............ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Lolly....sure pray that they get it out quickly and safely for all.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Jo---if your brakes are bad, please get it done STAT!!!! Good that your son can do that for you!!

hedgie said...

Noisy up there because of Bowling Ball, Margy? Or rap music??

magpie said...

I've been through a lot of brakes with the Blazer...might be those up and down roads at Park's Gap...have rear rotors job coming up in a few thousand miles
sometimes warranties help

Lolly said...

Wahoooooooo! My sweetie just called me!!!! They are back in Las Vegas. Had a fabulous but very rustic time. First thing they did was run the thermostat down to 60, then bathed, then made a run for beer. lol

Said the wrong lake before...the fire is at Possum Kingdom Lake. It is really bad and some fabulous homes going up in flames. They were rounding up horse trailers and attempting to rescue some horses.

Lolly said...

They are staying at the Bellagio. Michael got them a suite. Jack say it is quite luxurious. Jack will be there tonight and tomorrow and come home Thursday. And, Ashley is flying out and joining Michael for the weekend in Las Vegas.

hedgie said...

I've looked at all the links and blogs!

The release is great---Ed Clark reminds me of our minister carrying my girls throughout the church to show to the congregation before he baptized them!!
Successful releases--hurray!
When you watch them sailing out over the river, stop and think what it was probably like for John Smith and his group of English settlers sailing up that river, The James, and seeing eagles everywhere while they looked for a place to set up the Jamestown settlement!!!

Margy, your pics are fantabulous. Even the butterfly poop shoot.
Which reminds me: Wanda's Denise found a video of the Corolla area damage (not much!) with some great shots of the wild horses: the egrets were settling on their backs--and their backs were covered with poop shoots!!!

I told Judy in comments that she better not let any of us come visit her house----we would leave her "picked clean" of her nice eagle things!!!

hedgie said...

JudyE---sure hope you do't get an earthquake!!! Would sure hate to see/hear those lovely plates, etc. come crashing down. I have an anniversary clock like yours....it was my Grandma's. But it won't run anymore...:( Guess I should find a trustworthy clocksmith.

Hoda said...

JUDIE You are funny. Home for a little spell and I wished I had had a scooter today!!!LOL
Will head out to Dragon Boating in an hour so need to be still for a while.

Saw KS release thanks for posting. I missed NX's release, what time was it posted? I hope someone could let me know.I would like to see her take off.

I need something cold to drink...lemonade perhaps...lime water would do too.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I have given about 100 eagle statues away at work They were all my inexpensive pieces they were in the hall for years which has a lots of shelves Now all is on it is Jordyn pictures lots of cool frames with her pictures

My bathroom is eagle and well as my bed room the spare ones aren't eagles at all I have a nice curio cabinet with better pieces was so nice to make Nancy happy with them

hedgie said...

That is really cool, Judy. How come it took so long for you to find us??

Lolly, surely hope the horses are rescued....wild ones???

When Michael does something, he does it right, doesn't he? Know you are proud that he is so successful. ;)

hedgie said...

Here is the house that burned in Hatteras.....it can take a little while to load sometimes. I had to do a refresh on it. Maybe lots of people are looking at it---scroll down to check out the rates!!! Guess we Momsters could all have gone in together and afforded it for a week IN season!
So sad.

magpie said...

Whew Lolly, the fire sounds very serious and dangerous
Nice news about Jack ane Michael though.

Judy - saw your video, and in one word: WOW

Glad to read that both Judie's and DanaMo's days went okay in the classroom today, and hope to hear that Hunter had a good day also,
and all the school children amongst us for that matter !

disappearing for awhile, things I must do here...laundry, bills, etc

Sure Hope the Eagles make a Visit!

ttfn xo

magpie said...

maybe infant crescent moon will make an appearance in the West after dark...
it would be its first night back after being New -
New and Invisible that is

stronghunter said...

Lynn, where is the house that burned in Hatteras?

magpie said...

Enjoy the Stillness before the Paddling, Hoda

stronghunter said...

Hunter did have a good day at school.

hedgie said...

Sorry---Liesl distracted me! Here's the link:

JudyEddy said...

WOW WHAT A HOUSE Yep that would have been a nice vaca spot

Hoda said...

Found the two releases in emails JUDYE sent today. Thank you JUDYE. NICE Eagles around your house...

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

tried to keep up!

Any word from Lori about Kate yet?

Lolly, so sorry to read about Annie earlier...how is she now?

stronghunter said...

I think that place would heave accommodated a whole bunch of Momsters.

Hmm, spell check wants to change Momsters to monsters or mobsters. I need to add the correct word to my dictionary.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, prayers for those Texans in danger from the fires.

JudyEddy said...


is going down on the nest

and the

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

are shining on a empty nest

another nite of being stood up LOL

JudyEddy said...

LIGHT ON and the still cam is still green

Lynne2 said...

Good news for me today...one of the other receptionists, who I think has been there the longest, is cutting back her hours and I was offered her Wednesdays!! Now I am 4 days a week permanently!

hedgie said...

OMG---awful story....if you can help, please do. This is in our nest county.
Amazing Grace

JudyEddy said...

I just niticed the clock on the still cam is stuck on 542 that didn't last long lets hope the live cam stays up

JudyEddy said...

We had a dog just like that here in Pinellas Co I think they called him Ghost because he was white and thats all that was left of him but he looks so good now That is so sad

JudyEddy said...

that should have been noticed LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

Off to paddling...wish me luck!!! See you when I come back.

Mema Jo said...

I'm home & we brought a DVD over from
our son's.


stronghunter said...

Enjoy your dragonboat paddling, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Lynne, that IS good news!!! Cheers!!!!

hedgie said...

Seems so strange to know that Hoda is out on the water in the sunshine and we are totally dark at 8:30 now. :(
Days are getting shorter fast.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I hate it when I forget things on my list! And I have the list! LOL

Eating Chubby's leftovers while I get caught up.

Hoda, I manage to post every once in awhile during the day.

Happy the live feed is up, too bad we didn't get a visit. I checked on it while I was mowing tonight.

So, did Wanda forget Capt Gene's FB info and set him up with a new account???

Sharon, I know the changes are hard to accept, but I am grateful that Belle is still with us.

Lolly, glad to hear Jack is back! Well, sort of!

I am still not caught up on everyone's pictures...I'll get there!

DanaMo said...

Just jumped in to say good-night. I probably go to bed earlier than my students!! LOL!

hedgie said...

Saw my lame doe tonight---and BOTH fawns were with her. Whew!
But feeder is not dispensing corn....can't believe that it could have spun out 150# in 11 days.....will go and check it tomorrow. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, wonderful news! Whoo Hoo!!!

The stil cam is updating.

Lynne, poor Amazing Grace. Makes me sick to my stomach to see an animal like that, and more so the cause was from humans!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, rest well. How nice of you to share the pics with your parents.

paula eagleholic said...

Nick was really making me LOL tonight, he was playing with his rope toy. I throw it for him, then he runs around the yard with it, slinging it around and shaking it while running. He just looked like a big goofy puppy.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, thanks for sending around the release videos!

magpie said...

He IS a big G☺☺fy Puppy, Paula
what a wonderful home he has found with you ♥

Lynn, very sad about Grace. hope that she can be saved and can recover, and find a happy home as well

magpie said...

Congratulations Lynee!
One happy day today, followed your sad one yesterday
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

new name
of course I mean Lynne

Kay said...

SIL and Malcolm just left. Hugh installed Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. Tried to get the files I want off the old laptop, but no go. You can see them, but it has no power to open them up. We'll be taking it to an expert later this week. I should have run back up discs more frequently ! Malcolm and I played tug of war while Hugh slaved. Julie and Seth were at home laboring over a math assignment.

LYNN, pooh on those critics, can't believe the consensus isn't on your side.:( Poor Grace. Glad she's where she can get some TLC now.

LOLLY, sorry to hear about the fire. Hope they get it under control soon ! Glad you heard from Jack and Michael--what a great father/son week !

JUDY, like LYNN, I'm hoping a quake never hits there. Would hate to see such a beautiful collection come tumbling down. Please e-mail me one of your power point with sound pieces. I think I'm in business to receive them properly now ! Thanks !

MARGY, does Tom Sweetie live across the hall from the upstairs "bowlers" ? If so, I bet they bug him, too !

LYNNE, Hallelujah ! It's about time you got some good luck ! Will it be 4 eight hour days or 4 tens ?

stronghunter said...

Paula the Weather Channel streaker was featured on CNN this evening.

hedgie said...

Here is probably the best jukebox you will ever OWN! Save it to your Favs. Anytime you need your soul soothed on a busy day, play it and you will feel better. I promise!

hedgie said...

Did it again! Sorry.


stronghunter said...

Lynne, good things do happen. Congratulations on getting another day.

magpie said...

not as much bother for Tom, who IS across the hall from the Bowlers...but he also tends to play his music VERY LOUD on his days off, so they must cancel each other out

Toddler starts Headstart Wednesday, things might quiet down then....

Good luck with the computer, Kay
I keep needing to back up files too...and have not.

magpie said...

Have not seen an update regarding Kate yet from Lori....
hoping AND PRAYING that the doctor appt which I think was around 11:45 am ?? went well, and that Lori was able to regain some sleep !

magpie said...

Pretty cool ♪ ♫ Lynn, thanks!
That the BeeGees, and I should be set !

magpie said...

that and the BeeGees...darn i did it again left out words

better quit while I am behind!
Hitting the sack early, want to do some reading....
One neat book I got for $1 yesterday is entitled
The Wildlife Detectives, How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature

magpie said...

but I am actually trying to read more of The Help... really finding it be very well written, and captivating...

Prayers for Wellness, and that all things of a bothersome nature....aches, pains, worries, NO POWER! and all that, will start to improve right away!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Kay said...

LYNN, 73 beautiful pieces of music ! Can't get this thing to let me save the link in favorites. What the heck ????

MARGY, that sounds like a very interesting book ! Let me know what you think--if good, I'll look for it at the Library.

I wish we'd hear from LORI, too ! Hope no word means she's getting some sound sleep. Kate may not have results immediately or today's tests may have led to more. It' so hard to wait for word !

Hoda said...

Well!!! There were 12 of us that went out and we needed 16 minimum to safely take the boat out. The steers person and the coach apologized I do not know how many times, but we all have a great deal of respect for the lake and the weather and the wind can pick up and change so fast. We already had a good breeze and this is why they said minimum 16 women...We have gone out with 12 other times but not with as strong a breeze...

CONGRATULATIONS LYNNE such good news and may there be more openings for both you and STEVE. Very pleased for you with the extra day at the good work place.Prayers do continue.

Kay said...

DANAMO, you get up with the birds, quite literally, so it's understandable if you go to bed with them, too ! Sleep tight !♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Sorry you couldn't take the boat out, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Kay, at least put the email in your saved file so that you can go back to it there! Maybe Hugh can figure out your favs.

Goodnight, Margy. Sounds like another good book!

I, too, wish Lori would chime in with some news about Kate.

Hoda, sorry you couldn't go out...:( but better safe than sorry!

Sofa time with Liesl. BBIALW.

Lynne2 said...

Kay, it's only a 7, and 8.5, a 6 and a 9.5. Not quite 40...yet! And once a month, I'll work an 8 hour Monday, too.

Taking my body to bed. Sure wish we'd hear from Lori...I know she knows we are waiting. Makes me nervous that she hasn't checked in yet.

Kay said...

Hmmmm. I've started to rebuild my "Favorites" and having no problem. The right click on this music link doesn't bring up that option. I will ask Hugh what to do.

Time for me to hit the hay, too. Prayers to be said for all on our list and all in need !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Kate and Lori.

Good night all. God bless.

Lolly said...

Lynne, that is fantastic news. Hope more good news will be coming for Steve.

They said on the last news brief that 25 homes have burned. It is so scary....so sad!

Annie is doing okay. In fact just a little while ago she jumped up on the arm of my chair and we had a big love fest with her purring and saying pet me, pet me!

stronghunter said...

How close to you are the fires, Lolly?

hedgie said...

Good night, Lynne and Kay. Rest well!

Loretta---if you're lurking....Gymkana had a really dangerous mistake. Did you see it?? Whew---thank goodness it turned out okay.

Hoda said...

The area where the houses are burning is not near you LOLLY am I right?
I am glad you heard from Jack.
Annie is also her old self...good.

Lolly said...

No, the fires are not near me. I am south of Fort Worth and the fires are west. I would guess maybe 50 miles. I will check.

Lolly said...

Wrong.....87 miles!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, we missed Gymkana, but a clip for News said something about it--so will be on soon.I was browsing thru PG Co. Historical Sites and found an old school that is the twin of one the graphics gals are working on for a nhew exhibit. They don't need power down! Our gal in charge stayed until 10 PM Fri. Good/bad thing!

Lolly, prayers for the fires! Glad you heard from Jack. Sounds like a great time!

hedgie said...

Great video----do you remember when the song was a hit?
Out of Africa

Hoda said...

Good thing the fires are not close to you LOLLY 87 miles is even better than 50 miles...I do hope Jack notices all the gardening work you did this morning.

Hoda said...

It is 68 degrees right now and tomorrow's high is 63!!! OH BLISS OH JOY about time.

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, we are currently 63°, going down to 58°These cool nights are good for the flowers and veggie garden. Our pepper plants are just FULL of half grown peppers...Yea!

Latest message from Karla who is still at OBX:

Karla Wright Adams
It has been a gorgeous day here. Didn't get many pics, just soaking up the ocean air. Back at house grabbing a bite then back out. May go over to sound side and look at damage over there since they were hit hardest. Be home early tomorrow =(

Granddaghter, Jillian and her gentleman friend are both with Karla. Thankful she isn't there along!
Glad she is coming home...GG couldn't survive another Friday without Jayden! She says she misses him soooo much:) (I do too).

Hoda said...

Tonight we go down to 55 WANDA...It is true I feel better with the cooler temperatures so do the flowers and plants. I might come to your place and raid your garden for some of those peppers!!!LOL!!! Enjoy them...I did not buy cucumber from the co-op on sunday as each one was worth 6.5 dollars!!!They were US grown. I went to the other health food store that has locally grown cucumber and it was 1.29 each so I vbought them from there.

hedgie said...

Hoda....you have me chuckling. I think you WANT to pull out those socks!!!

Currently 60 here. I don't like it!!

Here is the answer to my question:
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight", also known as "Wimoweh" and originally as "Mbube" is a song recorded by Solomon Linda and his group The Evening Birds for the South African Gallo Record Company in 1939. It was covered internationally by many 1950s pop and folk revival artists, including The Weavers, Jimmy Dorsey, Yma Sumac, Miriam Makeba, and The Kingston Trio. In 1961, it became a number one hit in the U.S. as adapted by the doo-wop group The Tokens. It went on to earn at least 15 million US dollars in royalties from covers and film licensing. Then, in the mid-nineties, it became a pop "supernova" (in the words of South African writer Rian Malan) when licensed to Walt Disney for use in the film The Lion King, its spin-off TV series and live musical, prompting a lawsuit on behalf of the impoverished descendants of Solomon Linda.

Lolly said...

We went on stricter water restrictions Monday. The fight I have battled all summer is about to do me in. More plants and the lawn is about to give up, curl up, and die. Noticed today a pretty Japanese Maple I have in front has a lot of dry, brown, and curled leaves. Not good!

I think I am going to call it a night. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Dry, hot, fires...has me down!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

NO NO NO LYNN NOT socks!!!LOL too early yet...remind me of this in the middle of winter when we get the minus zero temperatures and the ice and the snow, and how much I thought 90 degrees was too much!!!LOL!!!

I need to let you know that tomorrow I will have an ECG and also a BNP test...I spoke to my doctor today about some symptoms and she said better be safe than sorry and ordered the tests right away. So after yoga I will go to the hospital and they can get them done.I feel confident that I do not have Heart Failure, but wonder what the symptoms are about...So I will ask for MOMSTERS POWERFUL PRAYERS PLEASE.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late tonight. It's cooler here today, almost comfortable. Getting down to the low 60s tonight!

Margy, prayers for your upstairs neighbor's friend. Hope she's better soon.

Lolly, prayers about the fire, the folks with homes & animals threatened, and the firefighters!

DanaMO, can understand your weariness. Hope you took a nap!

Judie, glad your day at the big schoolhouse went well.

Lynn, sorry your P.O. trip was such a bummer. There's NO excuse for the way you were treated!...Glad your corn was yummy!

Kay, prayers for your little spruce tree. Hope it recovers!

Hoda said...

LOLLY so sorry about the water restrictions...and the plants which are affected by it all...
You often remind me of Scarlette O'Hara when you illlude to tomorrow being another day...Like she did you will persevere...and your TARA will thrive...I liked that movie very much.
Goodnight and sweet dreams to all who have already gone to bed. God Bless.

Hoda said...

I have to read back, I missed something, LYNN was not treated well at the P.O.??? How Rude!!! That's not right...What time was this entry ANDY?

Ms Bookworm said...

JudyE, fantastic collection of eagle plates!

Lynn, such a shame that beautiful house is gone. Hope they rebuild!

Lynne2, HALLELUJAH!!! SO glad you've been given more work hours!

Lynn, thank you for the FANTASTIC music link! I was able to save a shortcut to it on my desktop, so I'm all set!...God bless dear Amazing Grace! Prayers that she will recover and find a forever home!

Lolly, glad you were able to talk to Jack. I'm still praying that you will get some rain, SOON! Still praying for Annie. Glad she's acting more like herself.

Hoda, prayers indeed for you, and for your tests tomorrow! Hoping for a good report!

hedgie said...

Lolly, please don't give up on your plants, trees and gardens....one good rain could bring them all back! You KNOW we keep dancing for you.

Hoda, surely praying that the tests come back normal. You haven't said what the symptoms are that you are experiencing...but good the rowing exertion perhaps account for them? Just a thought.
Praying for you, most surely!

Calling it a day and night. Love you all, my dear friends!!
This is going around on Facebook, and it seems very appropriate for us:
Copy and paste if you have enjoyed the blessing of meeting people online that you never would have met any other way. This is my shout out to the many friends who have inspired, amused, comforted, encouraged, and touched me in so many ways. (Oh Yes! Many good friends live in my computer)♥ Love and appreciate you all~ ♥

Hoda said...

OK I found it 5:28 and a post office person complaining about large bills. I liked your come back LYNN...tell this guy to go to the bank!!! LOL!!! Assertive and matter of fact. It is true ATM do despense 20 dollar bills so what are we to do???

hedgie said...

P.S. Hoda, I posted at 5:28 about the PO!
Hi, Andy! Enjoy the music!!!! And your cool night!
Ta ta!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hoping that we hear from Lori in the morning with news of Kate. Prayers continue!

Well, I'm pretty tired, so think I will go spend some time with Emma. She has been even more sweet than usual today!

Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

LYNN the symptoms are swelling of my feet and ankles, tightness in my chest off and on, when I lie down it feels I am in a boat, and I felt dizzy this week so this is why I made the appointment, I did not like being dizzy.Periodically my heart jumps in my chest and settles back again having skipped a beat...

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN I found the entry...
Goodnight LYNN and ANDY sweet dreams and God Bless.

I will wait up a bit longer as I am not sleepy and maybe LORI will check in...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for waiting up Hoda - I almost didn't get back in... Evening went well

Prayers for Kate and hope Lori will come
in this early am hour.
I've read backwards and think I missed
a good deal of conversation.
Hoda here's praying the results from
your test will show you very healthy and
not give you any concerns.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all & God Bless you &
Prayers that wellness will prevail.
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...


Can't sleep. Glad to see that the fires are not too close, Lolly, but even 87 miles is closer than a person might like.

I am still hoping and praying for rain for Texas.

Hoda said...

Good night JO Sweet dreams and God Bless. Your day sounded wonderful today. I am glad you checked in before heading to bed. I am pretty sure I am healthy and I do not have heart problems. My doctor likes to be thorough and so I do not resist her suggestions as the lab work affirms that I do not have whatever it is she suspects.She was encouraging as I left today and as I said she said bettr be safe than sorry. I do not want to worry any of you, I look for your prayers as I believe in the healing power of prayers. THANK YOU ALL.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY why can you not sleep? Are you worried about something? Did the cats wake you up?

stronghunter said...

Hi Hoda,

Don't really know why I can't sleep, but think I need to be more active. I probably should find a dragonboat to paddle.

Hope all is well with you and that you get good reports from your tests.

Costume Lady said...

Iam about to go to bed, but first, wanted to try to ease your mind a bit, Miss Hoda. It is my opinion (if that means anything) that you must have a strong, well functionig heart, or else, it would be painful and breathtakin for you when you push and pull your oars!
BIGTIME prayers that you just have anxiety attacks or something of that nature!


stronghunter said...

I do need to sleep, though. I have to get up for Hunter in a few hours.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, we are all kinda waiting up on a report on Kate...her sypmtoms WERE scary. Prayers that something minor has caused her discomfort!

Hoda said...

I know what you mean SHIRLEy when you wake up for no reason, yet know you must get to bed because you will wake up early.

WNADA sweet dreams. I am not sure I am even anxious. I observed the symptoms and went to the doctor's so I would not second guess myself as to what might be going on...

Thank you both for your wishes. I appreciate it.

stronghunter said...

I will check on Kate first thing when I get up. I do have to take care of getting Hunter off to school very soon.

Good night again.

stronghunter said...

See you later Wanda and Hoda.

Hoda said...

Definite prayers for KATE. LORI catchus up when you have a chance.

Lori O. said...

HODA, if you're still there, 'm here, but worried about you know and your symptoms.

Lori O. said...

There's too much of this cardiac scary stuff happening. It may be a good thing that we've finally learned warning signs and to take them seriously. HODA, a big huge hug for you. I know Kate has been anxious and I'm sure you are too. Very understandable. Prayers, of course, and good thoughts, HODA, will carry you through...plus all the Eaglet Momsters who love you so much!

Lori O. said...

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting on the Kate update. I slept, ate, and went back to bed. Her Cardiologist was encouraging, I think, in saying that just because the hospital didn't find anything that does not mean there isn't something happening. She's very scared of it happening again. Today, she has an ECHO cardiogram followed by a 4 hour nuclear stress test. I don't know what either is, but hopefully will reveal something.

I'm furious at her Pulmonologist who can't get her in until Sept. 6. They say if it's an emergency to go to the hospital. And this is a very reputable doctor! Well, how the heck to you keep someone from going into the hospital or returning there? UGH!

Hoda said...

LORI Thanks for checking in. Stay calm so KATE can pick on your own healthy positive energy.
It sounds to me you are doing all what needs to be done and there is an excellent medical team around her. Sorry about the September 6th delay, with the GRACE OF GOD that will not turn out to be a problem.
I am sorry it was stressful at the time it happened.

Lori O. said...

LYNN, an extra day of pay for you! CHEERS! Love that you have a little good news for a change! ♥

KAY, Yay for Super SIL Hugh and his help getting your computer squared away. Hope your happy with it all, can't wait to hear more. Malcolm sure is benefitting greatly from your sessions with Hugh! ♥

JUDIE, it's Day two and I hope it's a great one, that they get better every day. Just put on some bright dragon red lipstick and they won't even notice your hair or your face! lol

Hoda said...

LORI you are so wise in saying that we are all more aware now and the medical system has so many tests to run. I do not think there are more cases I think, in my case anyway, I was quick to ask what might be going on...I am fortunate that I did not have to wait. I phoned Monday saw the Doctor Tuesday and could have gone for the exams this afternoon but the day was already too full, so I will go Wednesday after Yoga...

Are you going to work today? Remember to BREATHE and be well with your own busy.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, LYNN, that shoulda been LynnE above.

But, LYNN, do you know what a nuclear stress test is? How about an Echo cardiogram - not even sure of my spelling on that one.

Hoda said...

Echocardiogram is an ultrasound for the heart LORI. My Doctor thought if there was any indication of a problem it would be advisable to have one.

Lori O. said...

So exited to have cams back this morning. That will
make for some more wide-awake
and happy Early Birds.
Just harder to get going without those cams!

I love you all so much! Thank you, everyone, for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

Prayers for DanaWV, Sharon's friend Kris, Linda who needs POWER restored and any other health problems I missed. God love you all and have a blessed day!

Lori O. said...

Thanks HODA!

A ((((BIG Faith Hope Lilly HUG))) and many prayers for speedy results and a quick resolution. XXOO

Lori O. said...

HODA, I'll let you go to sleep after this. Just had to say I LOVE that "Be well wih your own busy!" That's great advice for me. You are a wise woman.
There may be miles between us, but all the Momsters will be there in spirit and humble prayer today with you. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (the 7 ♥'s of LIBERTY)

Getting ready for the day now and will check back in in a few hours.

Hoda said...

...and I will take the seven hearts of LIBERTY with me L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y♥ tomorrow. Thanks MORNING gLORI.

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone God Bless.

Lori O. said...

I've check the cams which don't look like they're working, or it could just be that it's soooo dark that the white static lines are showing up very well. Hmmm.

Lori O. said...

I take that back...I can't see anything yet, but I'm betting that it's just so dark those static lines are all that's visable on the black, black background. I think the cams are working. Sorry for any panic!

Lori O. said...

The SPCC, Sycamore Palace Cyber Cafe is open for all early risers and EARLY BIRDS!

I'll hold off on making
the coffee until I know JUDYE and DANAMO will be checking in,
but I also baked (NOT) some blueberry muffins and we have a fruit plate without all the melon that tends to pollute all the other fruit. LOL!

Lori O. said...

As the cams start to suck up more light, there's much less white static lines visable on cams. YAY!

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, sorry about your new, tougher water restrictions. As a gardener I understand you being bummed.

My avatar is for you and all of TEXAS, hoping you get rain and cooler temps, and those fires extinguished very soon.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 261   Newer› Newest»

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