Thursday, August 25, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Linda said... Eagle Family!! I'm finally back and hopefully to stay for a while!! I don't know where to start catching up from being away for almost a whole week!

Mema Jo said...

Hello there Linda - Hope all the others come over for you. I am headed in to
watch a DVD movie and also keep an eye
on The GAME!


Judie said...

Loretta, so very sorry about the neighbor. His life will be paid forward and there are nice memories of his life.

Judie said...

Hi Jo, enjoy the movie and the game.

Hi Linda, hope life is beginning to smooth out for you.

Hoda said...

THANKS STEVE for the new thread

LINDA great to see you

Loretta sorry again about the death of the gentleman.

Enjoy the football everyone see you when I come back.

NatureNut said...

NatureNut said...
TY, Hoda & Judie about Mike.

Well time to get ready for watching the Redskins!

I've been wanting so say this for awhile--there was a song from 1950 called
"Goodnight, Irene, Goodnight"!!
She should just fall asleep & go away!

Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:10:00 PM

hedgie said...



Linda said...

Hi to you, too, JO and JUDIE! I feel like my life has been on a roller coaster that won't stop.....and I can't get off.

Still struggling with "after effects" and other family problems that have resurfaced. I can honestly say that I am so glad I don't live in South Florida where much of the problems and "problem family members" are.

My oldest brother who was so ill in the hospital in June, continues to be a huge drain on the rest of us. He is a recovering (we hope) addict and is constantly asking for financial help. Ugh!

Then there is my Mom, who is full of problems, too. She is pretty ill with pulmonary fibrosis and fibromyalgia, but she NEVER follows doctor's orders, she thinks everyone else should wait on her hand and foot (she has always been that way), whe is constantly overdosing herself on pain meds, which makes her sick, she can't get along with her husband (who is her 5th...), and nothing ANYONE does for her is enough. It really makes it difficult for us to deal with her!

Okay.......that is my venting.....which has been much of what has taken me away and does take me away from my life.

I hate feeling guilty for not helping my Mom more, but she EXPECTS it and she always to convince you she is sicker than she is.

Whoops........I said I was done venting. Sorry.........

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, are you also a Steelers fan?

Hello, Linda!

hedgie said...

Loretta, so sorry to hear about the young former neighbor. Such a shame. An dos nice of you to help his sister. What an awful way for his daughter to spend her birthday. :( Prayers for all.

Hoda, Paula's place is a wee bit protected I hope by being up a little inlet rather than directly on the Bay, if I remember correctly.

hedgie said...

Hi, Linda! Are you recuperated and back into the swing of work, etc.?

Costume Lady said...

Linda, vent all you want...we still are here for you. Family dealings can be so very frustrating and difficult to make them right.

Linda said...

So.....can anyone catch me up on the important things I've missed.....I want to read back, but know I will never be able to get all that done.

Did anyone have damage from the earthquake? That was crazy.

LORI So glad to hear your Mom was able to visit. I was watching for news on Friday that she was okay before I disappeared. I hope you had a fun weekend! It must be great to have a "wonderful Mom" that you love spending time with and love caring for.

LORETTA So sorry to hear about your neighbor. Prayers for his family and you, his friends.

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda.....too, too much drama for you to try to carry on your shoulders. I sure hope that you haven't given in to the requests for money, or to the guilt that people like your brother and mother try to foist on those who love them. It's so hard to admit that almost all families are dysfunctional.....but it is true. There are so few that are whole, healthy and good to and for each other. Vent anytime....and don't mind our comments/advice.

Costume Lady said...

Wish everyone would decide to be an organ donor! Hooray for that young "BOY NEXT DOOR" A life will go on because of his generosity~

Linda said...

WANDA Thanks so much!! And thanks for your genuine concern for me while away. I don't like leaving without notice. I know when one of our "family" here isn't here for a day or so we worry, which I know you did. It's so nice to me loved and missed!

LYNN Thanks to you, too! I know you are all so concerned, and I am so appreciative. I have spent much of this week (between family problem phone calls) trying to get caught up and I am making progress. My work outside the house is caught up, too, so that is a good feeling.

HODA Thanks for the FB message checking on me. It's so nice to be a part of such an amazing group of "sisters" here that care and look out for one another. You have such a kind heart!

Lynne2 said...

Foot's Forecast
‎7:55 PM 8/25/11: A mandatory evacuation for ALL RESIDENTS AND VISITORS of Ocean City, Maryland will commence at midnight tonight. All residents and visitors are required to begin leaving the city starting after midnight tonight*. All incoming vehicles, other than emergency personnel, will be turned away. Only emergency personnel are permitted to remain. *Given how Ocean city traffic on a normal day, the earlier that you depart the city, the more effective your departure will be.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just in from is everyone? haven't read back, trying to get the latest info on the storm.

Lolly said...

Help...I am lost!☺

Posted this on old thread:

Lolly said...
Jack thinks he wants to eat. Guess I should go exploring in the kitchen. lol Have no plans, surely there is something out there!


Ha! I typed this over an hour ago and did not hit publish. lol

Dinner is over...grilled pork chops and had baked potato, salad, and cantaloupe with it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:27:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

Yeah a new fresh thread Thanks Steve Had a nice evening with the kids now I need a shower and time to relax last nite going to be after one has made me sleepy

Linda said...

LYNN You are so right about dysfunctional families. Ours is obviously no different. Everyone knows I'm a "sucker" who can't say NO and I do have a compassionate heart that wants to help. Problem with that is it only does good when you're helping someone who is helping themselves.

I am know that my Mom and brother both are so much alike. They are so manipulative and deceitful. It is SO HARD for me to say NO.

Fortunately, I have another brother down there close by them who can help and sort out the truth from the lies. He is helping, but I feel badly putting so much on his shoulders.

I guess I just have to stay away from their calls and requests, because their stories are amazing. You'd feel really bad for them if the stories were believable. There is always a major hardship that is "out of their control." It just never ends.

Linda said...

LOLLY How is Jack's neck feeling? Did they ever find out what is going on with it? I surely hope hi is feeling better.

hedgie said...


wvgal_dana said...

I was in earlier today was hoping to see the eagles at nest this evening. Not going to happen :(

Hi Linda so nice to see you lady (:

Lynne I am so very sorry that the landlord did Steve like that. Steve is such a very nice guy. When I met you two I knew you to was suppose to be together!! I sit here wondering what type of work could Steve do?

Thanks Hedgie for that wonderful video of the disable eagles at the river...that did my heart GOOD ( :

Judy thanks for posting those videos on the blog of the eagles at the nest earlier this am. I know that took a lot of time.

Shirley did you find out if the 2nd bus is the one for Hunter to ride?

hedgie said...

I had left a message on Crunch Bob's FB to tell Doris Happy Birthday from the Momsters....he replied "I told her." A man of few words!!!

Lolly said...

Hi Linda! So sorry for all your woes. Vent away! That is what we are here help each other. (And watch the eagles!) LOL

Jack is doing great! His neck is due to old age, normal deterioration. He has been getting therapy and it has helped tremendously. Tomorrow is his last day. Saturday he leaves for his Grand Canyon trip, white water rafting with our son, Michael. This trip is Michael's gift to his day.

Linda said...

WV Dana Thanks.....nice to see you here, too! It's good to be back. I just wish I didn't have these episodes of "time away." I miss my eagle buds!

Lolly said...

Oh, and for those who do not gift(from Michael) was a long weekend in NYC the weekend before Christmas a couple years ago. It was fantabulous!!!!

Linda said...

LOLLY - Glad to hear it isn't anything too serious, but learning it is normal degeneration is kind of discouraging sometimes, too. Then you know you have to live with it!! A miracle cure would be nice! I am glad the therapy has helped. I also hope the rowing isn't too much for his neck muscles. Hope he has a wonderful trip!

Linda said...

LOLLY Glad that trip to NYC isn't THIS weekend!!

Lolly said...

Loweeeeeda! What a shame about your young friend. Great that he was a donor, but he was so young.

Lolly said...

I was thinking glad we are not in New England like we were last fall. Yikes! My sister and her hubby were in Bar Harbor when there was one hurricane up that way. Do not want to be in any kind of RV in weather like that!

wvgal_dana said...

Linda honey the family phone calls from your Mom or the one brother asking for money can be such a burden to carry. Of wondering what do they truly need. Glad there is one brother you can talk to that can tell you the truth. That!!! Is what you are going to have to go on. Oh I know you with your good heart care so much for both of them. You just want Mother to take her meds and get stable there. Then with your one brother you want him to get help for his condition and if he did you would feel better. Linda He has to be the one to do that. You can tell him 10000 times go get help and until he is ready it isn't going to happen. Your STRENGTH can only come from trying not to fix them....Honey you CAN'T....

How is Billy's wife doing?

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Back after hair appt and Wally world.

Loretta, sorry to hear about the former neighbor, poor kids....glad he did organ donation...but such a didn't have to be.

My place at the beach should be safe from any storm's the wind I fear.

I called my neighbor, and she is headed down...she retires tomorrow, and they are headed down for a week. She knows her property is safe from the water, and knows she won't be able to get out for a couple of days after the storm. She has a gas stove, so she can cook OK.

I am going to make a trek down Friday night, and come back Saturday afternoon. I want to make sure everything is secure, and try to help neighbor with her boats and outside stuff....btw neighbors name is Sue Ellen. I will not be staying, because I know the road will flood and I won't be able to get out...I personally wouldn't mind that, but I have to get back for work on Monday.

I am north of Crisfield...if you google map Rumbley, MD, you will see we are the next peninsula up from Crisfield. We are off the bay, on the Manokin River, and are somewhat protected.

Linda said...

Oh yeah.....and with all these family problems, my brother Billy was the one who was such a great help. Many times he was the one to straighten things out, thought much like I did, and had overcome many of his own problems from the past as well. I miss him!!

You know what? I am so thankful God has blessed me with the discipline and heart I do have. I could have faced many demons like my Mom and some of my brothers have.

God protected me in my life from those sort of things. I am so thankful I said, "Yes'" when he called my name as a young teenager and that He is my Savior, Reedemer, Councelor, and Everlasting Father!! With all I see in my family, I truly feel blessed to have been sealed by God!

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, Vent away! We are here for you!

gotta go grab some grub!

Lolly said...

For those of you not on fb, Candy and hubby are riding out the storm, not leaving!

She just posted this on fb...Candy Norrell
We just got back in after gassing up the cars. Still a bit of traffic heading north. Josh just called to see if we were coming down to Ft. Bragg to stay with them.
I feel a lot better this storm, as I am not responsible for him sitting here with me. He will be safe where he is. I just hope James gets back from his County Van service runs so I am not sitting here alone. Oh well, whatever. You all stay safe and hopefully all will pass by quickly.

Let's all keep Candy and Jim in our prayers.

wvgal_dana said...

AMEN TO THAT LINDA!!!!! ( : ( : ^j^

hedgie said...


wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Candy and Jim.

Just complete prayers for anyone and everyone and all the animals too.

Loretta so about your neighbor. He is giving a gift to someone or more that one.

Hedgie-LynnIf you get "Help" book from Margy and you finish it. I would like to read it please.

Linda said...

WV Dana Such good advice and what you said is so very true. I know that in my head, but it is still hard in my heart.

Billy's wife, Lil, is doing much better. I do make a point of calling her every day or two and she seems to be trying to get her things in order, to be doing the things she needs to do, and is back working, which is good.

She has quite a lot of flexibility in her job in that she can work from home or in the office. Some days she goes in to the office and other days she stays home. She hopes to go home to W. Virginia where her Mom and brother live in another week or so to check in on her Mom who has been ill. She's 92!

She is talking about visiting friends and even coming up here in the coming months, so that is great. I'm so encouraged by her progress and continue to pray for her as she learns to cope and begin a life without Billy.

paula eagleholic said...

My grub is microwave french bread pizza!

Lolly said...

Oh, Paula! Your place is right in line with the storm, right? Yes, the wind could be very bad. Do you have what you need to board up the windows?

Linda said...

PAULA Thanks!! You be careful going to your beach house to secure things. Traffic will undoubtedly be busy, too.

I prepared for and have been through many hurricanes while in South Florida and pray that any of those in the path of this storm stay safe and make wise decisions for themselves and their families.

Linda said...

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who
would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.

That's my Eagle Family!! I love you....each and every one!

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda...we are all with you, behind you, beside you as you deal with all the issues. You said "There is always a major hardship that is "out of their control." " Such a well-worn excuse so many people use for not taking responsibility for their own actions.....usual pattern for addicts and rhe put-upon "martyrs." Don't let it drag you down, girlfriend. Know your own limit of tolerance and then just back away, as hard aas that is to do. (((HUGS)))

hedgie said...

TD will be a tied game momentarily. Start all over!

JudyEddy said...

This song has been in my head all week it is time for me to share with you all and maybe it will leave my head LOL
Irene what have you done to my head

JudyEddy said...

This song has been stuck in my head all week and I want someone else to have it in their heads beside me so I am sharing it with you all the lyrics

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

Sometimes I live in the country
Sometimes I live in town
Sometimes I have a great notion
To jump into the river and drown

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

Quit ramblin' and quit gamblin'
Quit stayin' out late at night
Stay home with your wife and family
Sit down by the fireside bright

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

I asked your mother for you
She told me you was too young
I wished to God I'd never seen your face
I's sorry you ever was born

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

I love Irene, God knows I do
I'll love her till the seas run dry
And if Irene turns her back on me
I'd take morphine and die

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

You cause me to weep, you cause me to mourn
You cause me to leave my home
But the very last words I heard her say
Was "Please sing me one more song"

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

Lynne2 said...

Paula, would you have time to board up your windows??

Mema Jo said...

Keeping tabs on the game - still
watching the movie.....

What's this talk I see about heading
into the storm - Paula.....

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Linda said...

LYNN ♥ Thanks so much for the support......again. Seems like I've needed more than my share lately!! You're so right about those "age old" excuses that always come from those "types." I have heard this from my brother Bobby for over 7 years now and have lived with so much of it my whole life with my Mom.

Those type of people never take ownership of their own problems - many of which are self-inflicted. Today my brother, Bobby, was complaining about the conditions in the Half Way House he lives in. I just quietly said to him, "Bobby, what you're dealing with is what happens when you spend 7 years self destructing your life and your body. It won't turn around overnight and it surely won't be an easy road back."

Every time there is a problem with my Mom - many times something she stirs up and creates - she never takes ownership or admits to her wrongs.

Through all this, I continue to thank God for His strong hold on me, asking him to keep me honest and humble all the days of my life.

You're so right about knowing your limits and backing off. That is what I decided to do this afternoon. I just can't take Bobby's calls. He wears me out!

hedgie said...

LOL---any other Irene songs we can remember??!!! ♫♪♫♪

Linda, very well said! We may not be able to choose our birth/blood family, but we sure can choose our family of friends!

hedgie said...

DanaWV, I'm sure Margy will say that is okay but I'll ask.

hedgie said...

Well, even tho' I WISH Candy and Jim would high-tail it outta Dodge, they have been there a long time, and I'm sure that Jim is confident that they can ride it out safely. At least they aren't on the ocean side.....and even tho' close to the sound, I don't think they are soundfront.We will just pray really hard....and trust in Him to keep them safe.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

21-14, 1st half almost over.

Linda, I often don't know whether it's easier to cope from a distance or close-up! But it IS easier to remove myself better from a distance. Maybe it's a self-protection mechanism that helps me minimize the guilt....I am mostly thankful that my Mom and sister do NOT live nearby.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie ( :

I want to see the movie after I read the book.

Linda you are doing good..keep doing just what you wrote. God will continue to KEEP HIS ARMS AROUND YOU ((((HUGS))))

I am going to the recline night for everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Linda, I just read back on all the drama with the family. I can SO relate, as we've discussed before. Take care of YOU. Right or wrong or for the better or the worse, I had to remove myself from the drama that is largely created by my mother. It was so toxic. Your mother sounds so similar to my own it's scary! We are here for you, vent away as needed!

Lynne2 said...

We have lightning bugs out tonight. This is very strange goings ons. We haven't seen any for at least 3 weeks or so. Very unusual for them to be out now....

JudyEddy said...

Ok I download a video from Angies house tonight We are in the process of potty training Jordyn well she will pee on the potty but not poop She has taken a interest in poop Angie was letting the dog out to go poop and Jordyn ran after her in the back yard of course I always have my camera on me and got to capture the moment FYI she did try to poop

Jordyn watching Sabari poop and she get sand all over her in the end also

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Last evening I had about 30 baby stink bugs on the outside of the sliding door. Guess it was the cool
temp -

Lynne2 said...

oh Jo....we had big'uns all over the outside wall where the light is. The yellow anti bug light no less! And I got 5 in the bathroom. UGH. Thinking of leaving the light on at night now, and getting some fly paper for them to land on and get stuck....

Lolly said...

Lynne, did that trap ever work? Do not remember reading about your using it.?????

Linda said...

LYNNE Yes, we do seem to share very similar stories when it comes to our mothers. It is so hard, and you are so right about it being toxic. I know I have to be really careful around my mother.

She can suck you in without your even realizing it, even in her somewhat fragile state. I do love her because she is my mother, but she makes it so difficult. It has NEVER been a good relationship because I was a pawn in her life. I helped her raise and care for my younger brothers in my young teen years. I can only hope that under the age of 8 she loved me and it was better!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Whoa Close score! TIED !

paula eagleholic said...

these 2 cams looks pretty good, one is Kill Devil Hills.

Outerbanks cams

Linda said...

LYNN It is much better for me from a distance, too. Otherwise my Mom and brother would be calling me to come to the rescue all the time and I'd only be 30 minutes away.

I can not answer the phone when it really starts to get to me. I believe that is what i will do in the next few days. I need the break!

Mema Jo said...

My sil and gs are at the football game
I think Helen said that her hubby was going. They are getting their money's
worth out of this game!

Mema Jo said...

Kill Devil Hills is Candy's address....

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Went to Joe's Crab Shack with Will this evening. I had promised him a dinner out when he came and mowed my grass.

Lots of places are closed this evening because of the violent thunderstorm that came through this afternoon. Power is out in many places.

stronghunter said...

Watching the Redskins game tonight. Very sleepy. Did not sleep much last night.

hedgie said...

Rasvens tied it up again while I was on the sofa with Liesl. She's in bed now. Skins are marching down the field again, 3/4's through the 3rd qtr.

stronghunter said...

Really wish Candy and hubby would get off that island. Worried about them.

hedgie said...

Lynne---I thought I saw lightening bugs when I let Liesl out....dismissed it as being my imagination! Glad I'm not the only one!!!, too: book first, then the movie!

hedgie said...

Oops----wrong way---MEANT to say I want to see movie first, then read the book. Not paying attention....Skins just scored again! 28-21!!!
I always end up being very disappointed in a movie when I see it after I've read the book.

Linda said...

Hi Shirley! Hope you get better rest tonight!

Made me think of my continuous nights without good sleep after my brother died. It took almost 3 weeks, but I did start sleeping through the night normally again last weekend. Another blessing to be thankful. I sure appreciate and love my sleep!!

Judie said...

Good late evening everyone.

The sandperson is due to arrive momentarily. The night light is on and I wish everyone restful sleep. May hurricane Irene decide to spare us all.

Go Skins.

hedgie said...

I was watching a dozen OBX cams before it got dark. Now just the traffic cam on the north end.

Lynne---you mean leave the outside light on? Might help! Speaking of yellow bulbs...Lowe's didn;/t have any the other day. I prefer them on the garage.

hedgie said...

Shirley, did you get crabs??

hedgie said...

Considering the fact that they said there are 800,000 tourists on the OBX and that they have ordered residents to leave....traffic out seems to have been quite light all day and evening.

hedgie said...


Linda said...

Well, it sure was good to be back and I once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me vent, for you love and unending support!

Missed seeing Margy, Lori, Kay, DanaMO, Sharon, Thelma, Andy and who else? tonight. I know we're on at different times, but wanted to say Hi and send my love to those I've missed tonight.

I hope KAY and DANA MO have a wonderful visit tomorrow! How exciting.

I think it is time for me to say my good nights to all. It's been a tiring and stressful day today!

Wishing you all restful sleep and sweet dreams!

May God Bless and Protect Us All and the Critters we love ♥♥♥


stronghunter said...

Good night, Linda. Have been reading posts, watching football, and snoozing.

Hoda said...

Well I see the football game is close and PAULA is to go to her beach house Friday and come back sunday because she has a big heart and wants to help neighbours.I think the do that you did get done today will probably need a scarf to protect it from the wind!!! ;^)!!! I saw on a map where PARADISE HOUSE is in a Peninsula and I trust your judgement Paula and your very reasonable commomn sense, having said that I will put you and NICK in my prayers that you make a safe trip back and forth...

LINDA your writing touches my heart. It is because you love your Mom and Billy and your birth family that you have to establish a sense where they do not overwhelm you and drag you down. It is the most wonderful expression of love to not step up to fill BILLY'S shoes with his relation to your older brother or your MOM.It is not your burden to carry your mother's health and neither is your older brother. You helped your MOM through your teen age years and beyond. You helped her raise her family and you have paid your dues.You have a BEAUTIFUL life in knowing God's Grace, and in your commitment to your marriage and in the knowing of your friends. Keep your focus on that and start by shortening the conversations and then move away from daily contact. When they see you moving on with your life out of your love for Billy they will know they could not hook you in and will whine and complain and play the guilt trip and then give it all a rest.You have my respect and my admiration for raising your brothers and for helping your mother and for knowing GOD in your life and for standing by your love for your each other, you and your husband, and focus on your own daily life...don't get hooked in.
I write the above out of respect and admiration for you and in celebration of Billy's memory...PRAYERS AND HUGS TO YOU LINDA.

hedgie said...

Field Goal...31-24.

Hoda said...

I think the still cam is not working as it is still day light there!!!The time says 10:47 PM and it is daylight...

Mema Jo said...

31-24 Redskins

stronghunter said...

I am trying to stay awake, but I don't know how much longer I can last.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - don't make it too much longer if you need to get up to meet that School Bus on the corner!

Lynne2 said...

yes Lynn, the OUTSIDE light on! BTW, did you find the LED light at Food Lion? I was there yesterday and they didn't have them anymore.

hedgie said...

31-27. 6:11 left in game. Our ball.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, Judie's sandperson has me big time.

Hoda said...

WOW CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE!!! RAh RAh REE kick them in the knee RAH RAH REE Kick them in the other knee!!! LOL!!!I do not know football cheers, so I offer this!!! DO let me know the score as it is very close

Lynne2 said...

LOL Hoda!

they are saying on the weather channel that this storm has the potential to be the worst storm any of us have ever seen on the east coast. Sure wish Candy would get the hell outa Dodge....

It has now made it's expected turn to the north.

stronghunter said...

Lol, Hoda. You are some cheerleader.

hedgie said...

Shoot...big mistake.....Raven's intercepted and took it way down inside the 20......hope we can hold them.

Lynne2 said...

well, we have our "electrical outage" plan in effect. Camp stove ready, Luggable Loo ready, making plenty of ice, will fill water buckets Sat. AM, and secure the outside stuff....

Going to be now...good night and prayers for all. I'll try to pop in from work tomorrow!

Way to cheer Hoda!

stronghunter said...

I keep remembering how my mother said they wished they had left when they sat out that storm in the 1930s.

We were in this house for Isabel, and the walls were shaking. Water was coming in over the front door, even though there is a porch. The door between the laundry room and the garage kept blowing open because there was so much wind getting into the garage even with the door closed.

Transformers were going out with loud explosions and sparks were flying.

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 and SHIRLEY more than likely I still should not quit my day job, if I had one that is!!! I do not think they will keep me on the cheer leading squad !!!

hedgie said...

HELD THEM to 0!!!!!! Ha, ha!!!

2:11 if we don't do anything else stupid, it's ours!

stronghunter said...

An awful lot can happen in two minutes, though, Lynn.

PA Nana said...

Hello dear friends. Can't stay. Tomorrow is a busy day. We'll batten down the hatches and hope that Irene makes a right turn.

Lost my original post but hope this one works. God bless everyone. (((hugs))) ♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

OH LYNN you are so cute: Held them to 0 HA HA you wrote!!!
That would be 0 yards right???
It is a joy to see your excitement!!!

Hoda said...

Is this of interest to anyone: The Yankees have hit three grand slams in a game!!! Say what is it football AND baseball season at the same time??? Help us...

I pray IRENE takes a right turn and heads out to sea...

Costume Lady said...

HODA, Lynn talks in shorthand, sometimes:)

hedgie said...


PA Nana said...

SHOOT! Baltimore is driving down the field. Skins stop those Ravens - nevermore!!

Goodnight everyone.

Hoda said...

OK OK the two minutes must be up...what is going on should we all stand up and sing HAIL TO THE CHIEFS? Do chime it someone...

Hoda said...

Do chime IN someone not it!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Phew! It's taken me a while to get caught up here!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DORIS AND MM! Hope your day has been a terrific one!

Loretta, saying prayers for your neighbor Michael's family. So sorry! What a shame to lose him at such a young age!

Prayers of protection for Candy & Jim!
For all those evacuating ahead of Irene, too!

Linda, welcome back! Missed you! Prayers for you and your family. Vent away--we're with you through everything! (((HUGS)))!!

Shirley, love the 1st day of school pictures! Tell Flash that Emma says "WOOF!" Hope you are able to sleep better tonight.

I'm so glad that Belle and Truder showed up for a bit this morning! Sorry I missed seeing them, though.

Eeewww! It has been SO hot here today! It's still 85 in my kitchen. Got up to 90+ with high humidity here today. Lolly, I don't know how you have survived the weather in Texas!

hedgie said...

Not good.....they just scored a TD....22 seconds left....DARN.

stronghunter said...

Touchdown for the Ravens. That is it. My goodness.

Mema Jo said...

With a little coaching and a lot a practice Hoda , we all may be able to
get you up to snuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Been watching the weather news and doing general pick up around here...gotta hit the hay, see you tomorrow!

Love the cheer, Hoda!

((Hugs and safety for all♥))

hedgie said...

34-31 Ravens. :(
Congrats to you fans.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Babe! That is just the biggest
touch of fate that the Ravens ever will

Hoda said...

LYNN BEARS??? I thought it was RAVENS and REDSKINS??? WHAT A CONFUSION!!! LOL I see a report about bears...I'll go read it since you all aree keeping the endo of the game a secret...CBS will probably tell me in a little while!!! I am not sulking or anything like it don't think!!!;^)

stronghunter said...

I think I will sleep well tonight. Just hoping that we are without aftershocks and thunder.

They sound a lot alike.

We had a wicked thunderstorm this afternoon. There is damage. Will said that if the hurricane doesn't hurry up there will be nothing left to blow down.

NatureNut said...

BOO HISS! Oh well, close, exciting
game anyway.
Prayers and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

That's OK I like Edgar Alan Poe's poem,The Raven, sorry the Chiefs lost when it was so close.

Hoda said...

JO I am working on it and it is so much fun to see you all so caught up in the game...WANDA short hand indeed, it takes deciphering to understand!!!

stronghunter said...

Good game. Exciting. Too bad about the ending.

stronghunter said...

Good night.

NatureNut said...

P.S. Just talked to daughter and in her area-near Austin-they had their 70th day in a row over 100°
and more to come. I told we were getting shovels out for trench to TX!!


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Shirley - may you sleep soundly!

Gal Friends - I am also heading to
the pillows. Prayers for all and
praying for safety from the storm.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Here's a new photo of Hubby & Jay on the pier at Huntington Beach. We were heading to the end of the pier to eat lunch at Ruby's.

Well, think I'm going to adjourn to the living room to watch some mindless TV in front of the fan. Have said prayers for everyone here, and for all creatures. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Battening down the hatches in preparation for Irene. Sleep well, everyone! God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Great cheer, Hoda!!! I love it! Very appropriate!

Lynne, haven't been to FL to check!
Sure will on next trip. Daughter said maybe $ General, too.

hedgie said...

Lynne...luggable loo? It's much easier just to fill the tub with water and flush with a bucket!

hedgie said...

Hoda, when I said we held them to 0, I meant 0 points in that possession! Final score Baltimore Ravens 34, Washington (DC) Redskins 31.
Don't think the Chiefs (Kansas City0 played tonight!

Hoda said...

Well Goodnight to all those who are headed to bed...I HOPE YOU DO NOT SEE IRENE IN YOUR SLEEP.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, and football seaasons overlap!

hedgie said...

Shirley, wow---that's very concerning that you had that much trouble with Isabel. UGH! Have you done anything to prevent it from happening again?

Hi, Andy! I just hate thinking of you out there without A/C---don't know how you stand it.
Pic is too small to make out----is that Jay and Ken with their backs to you??

Hoda said...

LYNN because your AVATAR says HAIL my eyes said Chiefs, but it says YEAH!!!LOL!!! I hope you are as amused by all my foul uop as I am by trying to understand what is going on!!!LOL!!! It is all in good fun.

Hoda said...

There is also a chief's head on your avatar LYNN!!! I am Laughing!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, we will have you so indoctrinated before long that you will be rooting and cheering for everyone's teams!!

Wanda....shorthand is it??? LOL--just score-talk!

Diann...short visit from you! Hope all is well.

Time for my bath. Think I'll go ahead and log off for tonight.
Sleep well. See you in the AM. God bless.

hedgie said...

P.S. Hoda.....the Hail Yeah with the Indian (Redskin) head is another way of rooting --- Hell Yes! Ssssshhhhh---hush my mouth!

Lolly said...

I decided to read tonight and finished my book. Just read The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks. Good book!

I am heading to the shower. Time to go to bed. Have been getting up so early lately that I run out of steam much earlier.

Loweeda! Yea! Appreciate you are helping to dig that trench to channel the excess water to Texas. Wahoooo!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

LYNN I understand the intricacies of the English football language...Hail Yeah!!!;^)

I reread SHIRLEY'S entry abpout a previous hurricane experience. God Bless you that you do not have a repeat experience.STAY SAFE SHIRLEY.

magpie said...

It's tomorrow, RED FRIDAY already

at least here on the East Coast

I think I am caught up...

Can I just say "Ditto" regarding all the positive and encouraging words to those in need of comfort tonight?
Everyone has worded it better than I could at this late hour "anyways"

xo ♥ Hello Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

two days of rescheduled times for court appearance, for a ten-minute stint, but I AM DONE on that detail...
trial continues Friday...and who knows how much longer

Thanks for the encouragement on that folks, and Yes Shirley, the case you read about in the Journal

magpie said...

I admire the bravery of Candy and Jim at Kill Devil Hills, and Paula's resolution to make a quick trip down and back...
I believe in your three's knowledge and caution, and will pray for safe outcomes

magpie said...

my grandson James says he talks about his three grandmothers with his school pals, and said
"It is Like Blogging at School"

I was soooo happy to get up to see him Thursday evening after high-tailing it out of the courthouse !

On that note, I bid farewell and a Sweet Sleepful night for all,
and special thoughts to Loretta regarding old-time neighbor Michael's death,and for all his family,
and to Linda, for the continuing difficult challenges with family

(( Big Comforting Hugs to DanaMo ♥ ))

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Yes, DanaWV, you can borrow the book after Hedgie finishes
"The Help"

Costume Lady said...

Well, Karla said that it was very hot and muggy in OBX . She says that she will call in the morning to let us know that she is alright and what Irene is up to.


Hoda said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. LORI will soon be up so I will say Goodmorning LORI, I hope you have a GREAT day and that you stay safe from the storms.

PAULA and NICK will travel Friday and be back Saturday not sunday like I wrote in one of my posts. Sorry about the mistake PAULA.

Prayers to all creatures great and small. God's Blessings to one and ALL.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning HODA! That was so nice to have a greeting this morning.

You're right. I was up, catching up and chasing my wireless mouse up and down the computer screen...needs new batteries (again). Don't think I'll ever do a wireless mouse again. What's the point?

Prayers for everyone in the way of the storm...hoping everyone keeps their power/electricity. SHIRLEY, good advivce about buying the ice like you did for Isabelle.

Very happy to read that they have postponed Sunday's MLK Jr Memorial dedication. It will be in Sept or Oct now. I would have hated to see such a glorious event wiped out by the storm. 250,000 people expected to attend ceremony.

LINDA, it is so great to see your smiling, beautiful face back on here. It was such a thrill coming to the new thread and there you were, right at the top! I was like "Hi Linda! Hi Billy!"

LYNN, I think it was you who said almost all families are dysfunctional, and your are so right. Most people don't talk about it so those going through it think they're the only one!

LINDA, my younger brother is an alcoholic. I finally just learned to not ask what happened and other questions when he says something like "I was in court the other day..." I won't even go there. I truly love him, but know I will never change him and that's okay. We're all here for a different journey...and I don't have to know/feel everything that happens as he travels down his bumpy road. This is so long, but remind me and I'll tell you the story of how God knows when they really need you and he will put you there at the right time.


Lori O. said...

Today is the day the KAY and DANAMO get together in OHIO! I'm so excited for you two I can hardly stand it!

DANAMO, you're good with taking and posting pictures so I hope you will take lots...or your husband will. ♥

magpie said...

Have a good day, Morning GLori ♥

I'l try to get up and hear your voice and some tunes before 10 ☺

Hoda said...

Goodmorning, I woke up thinking of you all on the East Coast and was worried about the hurricane. I found this link in the New York Times so I will share.
Hurricane Irene Tracker
God Bless you all and keep you and your families safe.

Lori O. said...

Thanks HODA! I'll check out the tracker link. That could be very helpful.
CRAZY CRAZY morning here...don't know if I'll be on much.

I did want to let everyone know that I just checked both cams.

BOTH CAMS ARE DOWN -- still cam is showing bright daylight with those lines across the top of the screen, so it's probably frozen.

The LIVE CAM is just lines all across the cam screen. BUMMER!

Hoda said...

LORI in all the CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY schedule remember to BREATHE

Lori O. said...

Thanks HODA! ((BIG HUG)))

Really, the crazier things get, the calmer I become. I just refuse to get involved in the chaos of the moment... then when it's over I take a nap. Drama drains me!!!

Lori O. said...

Speaking of a nap (already looking forward to that today) YOU, HODA, should be sleeping. I hope everything is okay. Please don't stress about us. ♥

DanaMo said...

Visit yesterday and no cam today!!! :(

DanaMo said...

On schedule to meet Kay today. Yes, I will have my husband take some pictures and I will post them!

Lori O. said...

Yay! Thanks DANAMO. There's so many Momsters I would love to meet in person, (gee, can't think of one I would NOT want to meet)... Oh look! I suddenly have green eyes! ♥

DanaMo said...

LOL! Lori! What are the hurricane predictions at home?

DanaMo said...

You are closer to the DC area, right? I forget where you are, past Frederick?

DanaMo said...

signing off!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

About time for me to get Hunter moving. I hear the television upstairs, but I think he is still unconscious.

Tom and Kathryn have made arrangements for him to spend only Saturday with Tommy. He will be better off here in a scary storm.

stronghunter said...

I need to finish my coffee. I was sound asleep when Kathryn got up this morning. I could not tell you about any aftershocks this time.

JudyEddy said...


This was on facebook from NILLA

Janet L Kolb
here I. am sleepless in the. hospital theY. just came in an got morE blood. the chest pains have. stopped. for now thanks to nitrO which gi ves me migrain. more too be revealed Yawnnn

JudyEddy said...

OH Lip update I no longer have to sore spots in corners of mouth Now is it from using Vit E oil of is it from me taking two days of VitB Complex and Multi Vit I did go and by some on Wed nite when I had to go get gas I had forgotten to get and this may be TMI My pee is soooooo yellow LOL

Lori O. said...

LOL JudyE...yellow urine is from the vitamins...

JudyEddy said...

Need to get ready to go pick up Jordyn She said last nite she wanted to go to Davis Field Park that is the one right around the corner from my house Its the one she has always gone too I am surprised she didn't say LargoCentral again We will see if she changes her mind this morning when I pick her up It is so neat how she is finally starting to talk. Speech therapy at school seems to be helping
She has such a low voice also so quite not like her OMA LOL

JudyEddy said...

Yep I knew that Lori just wanted to share LOL

JudyEddy said...

Funny Jordyn after I went p she wanted to flush the toliet and she said OMA Big YELLOW I guess she was surprised there was color HA HA

Lori O. said...

Have fun at the park with Jordyn, JUDY. See you at naptime. :)

stronghunter said...

Sent Hunter out for his bus about five minutes before it was due. It was just arriving as he started down the street and he had to run to catch it. I will hear about that.

I was more concerned about the fact that he probably did not look for traffic before he ran across the street than whether the bus would wait for him.

So, the bus just might come early. Okay.

I will tell Hunter that he needs to keep an eye on the clock, too, and we need to get him out there just a bit earlier, for sure.

I still think the bus is making a pass down our street on its way back out of the neighborhood. I will have to watch for that. He would not need to cross a street if he can catch it there.

wvgal_dana said...

Moring everyone and Lurkers ( :

I see Judy and Jordyn are going to the park. Have Fun!

Today is the day DanaMo and Kay meet up.....that will be lots of hugs and fun.

Going to read comments.

Hi Lori ( :

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

I think you are now, but thank you for posting about Nilla...
have her in my prayers RIGHT NOW for resolution of the chest pains...

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

I guess you could find out from the bus driver or the Board of Transportation just what the bus times are all about

Sounds like a good, sound plan for the Hurricane and where Hunter will be

magpie said...

Wanda ???

Not sure I understand your numeric message...are you with us this morning ??

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird
remember your "cryptic" post about a year or so ago...when I think you fell asleep at the keyboard?
Then Sharon found that you were OK but we were kinda worried about it

magpie said...

sometimes this computer screen seems to hiccup..or sneeze... the whole image seems to jump at me !

magpie said...

BIGGEST Best wishes for Kay's meet-up with DanaMo and Monte!
What a joyful event it will be...

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Shirley either check his bus schedule with school board or go talk to the bus driver.

Morning Margy, Thelma and morse code Wanda.

Linda I am so glad (prayer answered) that you are back to sleeping at night.

Thanks Hoda that is a good hurrican tracker. I like this one. Thank you for posting it!!! HUGS

Lynn if Food Lion doesn't have the LED light then Boltz's or that hardware store in small shopping center on Winchester Ave. Across from Old Lowes-Food Lion-KMart.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy do you like reading the book THEN seeing the MOVIE? Or the other way around????

magpie said...

'Morning DanaWv

reading the book, then will see the movie...
I am pretty slow at getting to movies except with James


hedgie said...

Morning all!

Okay, Wanda.....are we supposed to understand that post???!!!! LOL! Explain, please!

Shirley, just ask the bus driver....Jess & Jenn's bus goes up the road and then back down. She will pick them up at the end of the driveway either direction.

Hope Nilla is okay.

Kay and DanaMo---can't wait to hear your reports!!! Monte may wish he WASN'T present!!! He doesn't know us Momsters!!! I find it totally amazing how close a bond we form and how much fun we have together....and yep, love the hugs and kisses, too!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, I DO remember that incident with Thelma!!!

I also remember strange email postings by a friend in Myrtle Beach....I started questioning her answers....and encouraged her to seek medical attention STAT. She had had a brain bleed. Very scary.

Lolly said...

Good morning!! See that Wanda is talking in code. She has us all wondering what's up! Too funny!

Definitely book before movie for me! We go to so few movies.

Stricter watering starts Monday. Sure hope I can deal with this. You might have to take me to the loony bin.

Have fun Dana and Kay...bunch of envious momsters on here. Lori's eyes have turned green!!!☺

magpie said...


Mother Margaret mode kicked in, called Wanda....
she was cleaning her eyeglasses THEN keyboard, and is fine... she is on line with Karla, and checking out pictures of the Outer Banks and will be on in a bit

She said to "tell the girls I'm Okay" and will be on later...

xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Too funny!

Lolly said...

I am off for a bit. Must repair armadillo holes in the lawn.


magpie said...

Yeah, I was ready to change out of my leopard print pj buttoms and head on down there !! ☺

Karla is down in NC as Wanda mentioned she was last night

magpie said...

SPLIT is not too far ahead of us...
but I have to SPLIT before then

way behind after playing yo-yo on the court appearance times...

going to look in the mirror and bet I find my eyes have turned green also !

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy! Thanks for checking.
Wanda....don't clean keyboard when computer is ON! How "lucky" that it even posted the errant keystrokes!

magpie said...

just called the hospital,
Nilla has been admitted...City Hospital going to swing by there in a little bit and see how she is doing
will carry Momster Hugs and Love to her

Let's get our prayers going, folks...

magpie said...

I sent you an email but it is from my new email it will be a comcast thing...

wvgal_dana said...

Margy please give Nilla a HUG from me PLEASE!!! She is in my prayers!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Calm Morning here in the valley but
I guess it will change soon. Thanks
Judy for bringing over Janet's aka Nilla
comments... I was looking for her last evening over on FB game but she wasn't
playing. Margy, thanks for
stopping by to see her & letting her know we are praying for her.
Wanda can't you get Karla Home???
Any other family with her?

Meds are done and I need something to eat - Cheerios!

Mema Jo said...

I am very excited for DanaMo and Kay!
I love it when Momsters get together!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Chris, Mattie and Justin's daddy, is in surgery to repair a broken arm/shoulder. Please pray for him!

magpie said...

Man oh Man, Sharon...OUCH!
Yes, you have my prayers for Justin's and Mattie's father

busy prayer days these days

red shirt and bibs on...
out the door...
have a LOAD of Momster Love and Hugs for Nilla...


magpie said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...