Thursday, August 25, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Kay said...

Hey, JO, I'm happy to be in such good company for this milestone event ! ☺

Got a kick outta the stories about bath resistant boys. I raised one and have helped with 3 grandsons without encountering that. However I once knew a 9 yr. old kid whose parents sent him to church camp for a week. He came home with his unwrapped bar of soap ! Perhaps shy about showering around others, but he took some ribbing for it, after he'd had a long cleansing shower !

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay! Good to see you again!
I will try the scramble without the milk the next time!! Don't understand it because french toast doesn't turn out watery and I mix them both the same way!!

Jo....Bob can GET OVER IT!!!! Remind me never to order sausage at their restaurant! I DO still love their mashed taters in the dairy case, tho'!

Kay said...

JUDIE n' DANAMO, thinking of you as you prepare for the first day of school ! Most Columbus schools started last week, but I'm guessing there are thousands upon thousands of teachers and students engaged in those last minute details today.

Son and DIL, report Irene was greatly weakened before it hit Highland Park, NJ. They lost a big limb from the huge tree in the backyard. No damage done. They have a dry basement as well as gallons and gallons of water in jugs that won't be needed ! Better safe than sorry. Had a very brief power outage only. They live on a hill above the Raritan River and it's way out of it's banks, flooding the community park. They can still see the tops of the picnic tables and there have been storms in the past where that was not possible. Big sigh of relief !

stronghunter said...

Kay, maybe the boy took showers, just without soap. Someone might have told him to shower, but not to use soap.

stronghunter said...

I mean they did not say "use soap."

hedgie said...

Kay, funny story about the camper!
Can't help you about your tree....didn't you buy it at a nursery? Any guarentee? Bet someone here can give you good advice.

DanaMo said...

OMGosh over a 1,000 comments

hedgie said...

Kay, glad the NJ kids are okay!
We still haven't heard from Lowreeda.....suspect they may be out of power from didn't areas mentioned on news.

hedgie said...

Duh---DIFFERENT areas'd I do that typo??

Mema Jo said...

Kay I hope you can save your tree..
Hopefully some of these green thumbers will have suggestions.

I LOVE Jimmy Dean Sausages! (Sorry Bob)

Good to hear from you Judie.. I am hoping you have exceptional students in your classes this year - you deserve them and they deserve you! ♥

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, you could be right about the camper, but judging by his oily head, smelly bod and lack of denial, I'd say he'd not even been close to a shower! ☺ Plus I'm sure he knew what the bar of soap in his pack was for and he used soap at home ! He is, today, a fine well groomed and socially acceptable young man. ☺

movin said...




I was up earlier ( a lot earlier), but the INet cable was down, and after a while my back started hurting. So I laid down for a few to rest my was past 11 when I next opened my eyes......

[:~D] Jim

Kay said...

JIM, sorry we left you hanging there after such a nice greeting. Glad you got some more rest !!!

I've been going back over posts looking for when DANAMO changed hers and hoping to find an explanation of who is in the pic with her and what is the occasion ????

Reading back over our posts of Friday brought back that RED FRIDAY that turned BLACK for me ! Started thinking, hey, it wasn't a total loss. I spent 90 minutes in rocking chairs on the Cracker Barrel front porch, greeting each person who approached with a smile and sometimes having a little chat. Some of them looked like it may have been a while since they cracked a smile, but without exception they returned mine. I'd like to think I made a few of them happy if only briefly. Love, Pollyanna LOL

Kay said...

When DANAMO changed her Avatar, that is ! Duh !

stronghunter said...

Greetings, Jim. So nice to see you on here. Hoping that your back is much better now.

stronghunter said...

Kay, I expect Hunter to grow up to be well-groomed and socially acceptable, too. It will take awhile, though.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, Hunter most certainly will ! It's only a matter of time before his heart begins to flutter over some pretty little girl. That's when you'll wonder, "why can't he take shorter showers" and "gosh we're going through bath soap fast these days !" ;o)

DanaMo said...

Oh my avatar is Aric with the group of teens on WYD. They are in the stadium in Madrid.

I think a comment I tried to post earlier didn't post. Somehow I lost connection. I was saying to Shirley:
I never really thought about the washing hands before lunch, how awful!! We take a break in the morning and wash when we finish, and we go to the bathrooms after lunch/recess, but not before. I might have to adjust my schedule for a quick bathroom break before lunch so hands get washed!

DanaMo said...

It's kind of funny! Aric with the girls. He was the only guy, not including the one chaperone who was the father of 2 of the girls and Fr. Marty our Pastor. He was the only guy teen and everyone asked him if the girls were driving him crazy? LOL!

Linda said...

Hello All! Just reporting in to say we arestill without power since just before 9am this morning. Still getting light rain and wind, but not nearly as bad as earlier this morning!

We do have a generator and we fire it up every couple hours to keep the fridge and freezer cooling and to get the water pump to give us some water. Right now we are running the water heater so we can take showers!

We're both exhausted from being up most of last night and I'm sick to my stomach whether I eat or not! Probably due to stress and being over tired. We should sleep good tonight with cooler temps forcasted.

Over 10K in surrounding area without power here, so I don't expect it to come on any time soon.

Hope most of you still have power and are doing okay. Will check in later when Dennis has the generator on. I don't know what is powered on when and he's a little cranky today!!

Love and ((((Hugs)))) ♥

Kay said...

My maternal grandfather, who was a dating man back in about 1910-1916, used to tell a story about going to the home to pick a girl up for dinner. Her mother said she isn't quite ready and that we could sit in the parlor for a few minutes. It was clear my date did not know I was downstairs when she called down to her mom. "What dress do you have laid out for me ?" The mom told her and she replied, "okay, I just wanted to know how much of my arms I need to wash." He swore it was true and that he never saw the girl again after that evening !

Kay said...

DANAMO, I should have put on my glasses before asking about the avatar ! Wow, the only guy teen in the group ! I'll bet he has some tales to tell !

LINDA, what a pain power outages are. Several years ago when Leo hit LA, he went hogwild and wreaked havoc all the way up here. I was without power for 2 days and Julie, just 3 miles south, for 3 full days. Whole Foods began to give ice away, but we lost a lot of food before it was over. We had gas and water, so coped. It was worse for those with all electric homes ! So glad you have a generator ! You'll feel way better after that hot bath. Bathing seems to be the theme running though here today ! LOL

Kay said...

Well, I've more than made up for the time I was w/o computer ! Will give your eyes a resat and BBL !

stronghunter said...

After Isabel, some people were without power for a long time. Homes on wells were also without water, and some local governments provided showers for people.

Kathryn filled baggies with water and froze them for her sister in law. I fixed a few bags of ice that way the other day.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so sorry about the water damage hope insurance will cover love the moose link I got to see lots of them in New Hampshire when we went every night that we were up there we drove out to this one spot and saw them amazing animals
I have some pictures on the blog under the east vacation They were so huge they came so close to the car I have so much video tape of them

OH I don't think I ever told you but when we went out west one year and then another out east for three weeks I video taped every day the whole way It is amazing I love just to pop it in and watch my vacation all over again I use to do my exercise cycle watching them as if I was biking LOL

We are in out third bout of rain today at work two and now one here I know I didn't get a lot here but at work got pounded twice I want to buy a rain gauge and put a work just to see the difference in a little over a mile

Now I want to go buy some sausage to make SOS talking about sausage has made me hungry and I also us JD

Still reading but I want to here what the pres has to say BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

Brought this over from FB Nilla aka Janet

Well i finally got home awhile ago.. wearing this heart monitor for 30 days..dont understand it.. docs said everythings ok and in next breath saying everything was abnormal...Go figure.. last time they said everything was ok i ended up with 3 stents... Vasovagal syncope is their best guess... Fainting for some reason but dont know why... anyways im home seen my GGrandson and waiting for Jazzy to come home.. Thanks for all the prayers

stronghunter said...


On the crabs--Susan couldn't find live ones.

Lori O. said...

I'm all caught up and glad we all survived! I would have hated losing power and being unable to shower - very funny stories ladies.

Kay, your grandfather sounds like a character. For your Dwarf Alberta Spruce, all conifers do best in cooler weather so I'm sure the heat did not help it. They are also acid loving trees, so look for a fertilizer that says "FOR EVERGREENS" like HollyTone. The sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon is perfect for almost all plants except for the hardiest full sun plants. ♥

Mema Jo said...

It is really warm (hot) outside but at
least there is a breeze.
Headed out for a little while.....


Hoda said...

Well I am so touched and so impressed by how much humour and cheer come forth on this blog. I am glad it has mostly passed you all and that it is downgraded to a tropical storm. Still requires vigilence but mostly it will pass into the history books now. GRAND how you all got ready for it...

JudyEddy said...

KAY yep that was the same nest as the snake If you are on face book the page I get this from is Eagle Cam Addict If you join as a member remember to go to the page and on the right is EDIT SETTINGs if you don't change it you will get all the comments in email form or you can just go and change the edit to no emails Eagle Cam Addict Facebook link

on the story of the showering maybe he used their soap Possible!

Lori O. said...


LYNN, I'm reading the article now. SEPTEMBER 3rd is INTERNATIONAL VULTURE AWARENESS DAY! How cool is that?

Next is a big salad for dinner. Hold the Bob Evan's Sausage, please. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Taking the kids and gkids out to Chubby's BBQ for dinner...later

JudyEddy said...

I laugh my butt off when I longed on it says FRESH THREAD was fresh then but not now wow we are going to BLOW 1034 and I know why I am always cornfused on the days of the week Its Thursday LOL

hedgie said...

Catching up again!!

Kay and Shirley....we don't want Hunter getting those girly flutterings anytime soon!!

Kay, LOL about your granddad. I can remember in the Villager clothes days of high school....only ironing the part of my Oxford shirt that showed outside the sweater!!! Bet we all did that!!

DanaMo, I suspected that was a group pic from Madrid but glad you clarified!

hedgie said...

Linda....PLEASE try to de-stress and get some food into your stomach. Hope the power is back on before the evening is out! And be glad you have the generator----and even a cranky Dennis!!

hedgie said...

Jim, sure hope your back is feeling much better!

JudyEddy said...

KAY AWWW what a nice story at Cracker Barrel greeting their customers you were the official people greeter !!! I love their Uncle Hershel breakfast to eat that what I always get and with country ham my fav Hmm that sound might good about now I think I just may go or not maybe tomorrow I can go after work

Gonna step away and give neck a rest haven't got to many more to read gonna go see if I can find some news to watch BBL INLW

Hoda said...

Audio only, funny to some I hope...
Lutheran Airlines

hedgie said...

JudyE----?????No water damage here....????

Hoda said...

According to CBS weather program, " We HAVE to have a hurricane!!! It is a HEAT release."
So I hope the temperatures improve back east...and TEXAS NEEDS RAIN...No hurricane there please GOD...

hedgie said...

Guess who I just saw on Facebook??!! Darth!!! Didn't know he was on there! Of course, I won't bother him! He doesn't need or want all of my stuff!

Lori O. said...

Amazing what the rain does for plants. I was out popping and spreading all the seed pods on my flowers that just seemed to grow crazily today.

Kay said...

JUDYE, you sent me off on a wild goose chase ! LOL I went racing back to LYNN's posts searching for "water damage". All I found is the reference to "watery" scrambled eggs and I don't think insurance covers that !

Lori O. said...

Lynn, I'm sure DARTH would love to "see you."

I saw this LYNN, and it reminded me of something YOU would remember.

"Many people mistakenly call vultures "buzzards." This misnomer dates back to the 1600s when Europeans began colonizing the New World. In Europe, large hawks were (and still are) called buzzards. When colonists saw vultures soaring overhead, they naturally called them "buzzards.""

Thank you PAULA for correcting my thought that the cat's meow nest was TH...hope you had a great time with the family at Chubby's.

Kay said...

HODA, isn't the Lutheran Airline schtick by Tim Conway ? Reminds me of "Prairie Home Companion" humor. ☺

Lori O. said...

KAY, so happy that Irene disintegrated and left your son's family in NJ alone. ♥

ANDY, I love your avatar! It's so eye catching. What beach?

LOLLY, thinking about your back as mine says it needs a hot tub! I hope you're doing better and having a fun Jack-less week. Minus the armadillos, of course.

LINDA! I hope your power is back. Thank God you have a generator! De-stress, my friend. Whatever it takes. ((((BIG SQUEEZY HUG)))

JudyEddy said...

Ok where did or what did I read about some one saying the roofer didn't do such a good job and the center had leaks I will go back

I was watching the news and started dozing in the chair must be the ibuprofen I took don't take but once in a blue moon and it s blue have a pain in my butt cheek yep I said butt cheek like some one kicked me hard sort of like a charile horse happened when I was at work went to sit in chair and ouch! some one said it sounds like the sciatic nerve

LINDA hope you get power on soon I'm back to reading after eating and tv news

Kay said...

LORI, thanks for the DASpruce advice ! This week I'm going to drop acid ! On the tree, of course !

So, Saturday, Sept.3rd is International Vulture Awareness Week, eh ? Any party suggestions ? Should we all wear black clothes, yellow shoes and mousse our hair up some crazy way ?

hedgie said...

Kay, it was so sweet of you to be a greeter for C.B.!!!! Bet you brightened people's day! clause or rider to cover flooded eggs!!!

Lori, I saw that about the buzzards! Big difference!!

Hoda, the airline thing is so funny. I had sent it to my youngest when she flying back a nd forth to Minnesota last year!! She didn't see much humor in it at the time!!

hedgie said...

Laundry is done. Dinner is over....just need to clean up the kitchen. Have been looking at lots of pics of the OBX damage.....worse than newscasters have been leading us to believe.

hedgie said...

LOL---no, Darth wouldn't want me a friend on FB. He's friends with Congressman Connelly. I can't compete with him!!

hedgie said...

Geesh....some guy up on the roof of our old courthouse....police en route.....

Kay said...

LYNN, sorry to hear there is more damage at the OBX than we've heard. Strange for the media to play a story down !

JudyEddy said...

10:38am this was post by Hedgie Actually, contractors goofed in their roof protection, and rain came in and ruined all of the center's computers, etc.

as you can see this is why I thought there was damage OOPS

JudyEddy said...

the week of the 10th my schedule was done by the computer not by my boss who is now a overnight manager so I have no manager at present so the schedule went on its own I think I can live with the schedule and won't ask for it to be changed Sun&Sat 8:30-4:30 Mon,Tue,Wed 8:30 - 5:30 has me cut two hours I don't like that part of it

hedgie said...

Oh, Judy, that was Blackwater!!!! The visitor's center!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA had a good point how did that cat get up in the nest Isn't it quite a hike up the mtn or cliff

JudyEddy said...

I figured it out after your post

JudyEddy said...

I'm heading out gonna go watch the sunset stopped raining and should be a nice one BBL

hedgie said...

Oh-oh, Judy...that doesn't sound good. Protest!!! We'll back you!

hedgie said...

JudyE--it does sound like irritation of the sciatic nerve=sciatica. NSAID should help. Also sit in recliner with pillows high under your knees. That takes the pressure off.

hedgie said...

Yep, it is a high hike! Of course, cats are SO nimblefooted....and too brave!

Kay said...



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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...