Thursday, August 11, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


movin said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new page, and thanks to Wanda for the notice.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

DIANN...have you ever been to a pain management specialist?
They have helped GG tremendously!
She had an injection in the area of her pain and is now able to walk without her walker. Doctor said if they find the spot where the pain originates, they will 'Microwave' that area. Am not familiar with that, but, we have an appointment today to find out all about it.

JudyEddy said...


Costume Lady said...

Also, Diann, I had been asking for an extra pain pill for GG during the day, for 2 years now, but her previous doctor (retired) and present doctor said that she was getting all that was allowed.
Well, I asked the pain management doctor if it was possible to give her 1 extra pill during the day and she agreed that it may help. Praise the Lord!
To make a long story short...many days, I would walk into GG's house with her crying, saying she was in so much pain that she felt like she would rather be dead than to have to endure that pain, day after day. Since she has been getting the extra pain pill, she has not been in tears and is so much more joyful and happy to be alive!

hedgie said...

Geesh---missed new thread again. Will bring over my book......

Linda, glad that you are back posting. Work---boo! Know that you would much rather just relax for awhile.

Andy---are you FINISHED finished???? For good? Or for this term??? Congrats for whichever, but I sure hope you are now graduating!!

LOL---bet poor Dana can't run the risk of skinny dipping with 4 teenaged boys in the house!!!!

Not to worry---we are not rushing into anything with a house....frankly, that's how we've lost out a couple on a couple! We really do like the one place, and the 'hood---just don't like not being able to see the water year round! And, of course, we need a consensus from all 4 kids (heck with their spouses!) as to whether being a block from the water is acceptable to them!

hedgie said...

Bill was just here to work on the new garage sensor light----he brought a new one, and sure enough had to replace it. Don't know if first one was defective or if I messed it up when the wires hit the door the first go round! But it works now!!

Liesl slept really well last night, and I did, too, but woke up with a bad stiff neck. Finally starting to limber up some.

Andy, never heard of gout causing bruising.....did you maybe massage it too hard trying to relieve your pain?? Good that the x-ray was negative for a fracture.....if heel spur hasn't hurt you, then you are very fortunate!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, will be interested in hearing about this microwaving!!
Is this Dr. Gallagher?

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Rushing around as usual trying to get things done. Glad the car issue is resolved finally. I can get back to a more normal life now!

Laundy, Puddles bath, scrub bathroom....done.

Lynn, is Liesl being more her old self again today?

Lynne2 said...

yeah, what is this Microwaving????

Diann, so sorry about your back. I can relate, but I doubt my pain is as bad as yours. I refuse to take pain pills unless I really have to. The Tramadol doesn't quite work as well as the now discontinued Darvocet did, but it does help quite a bit. My weight, of course, is not helping. My ortho has been recommending a fusion for me for years. But I have never been able to fit the recovery time into a work schedule! And it's a big deal...I feel like if I don't have to take the pain meds every day, and as long as I am as functional as I am, I'll just wait. Seems like my knees are the bigger issue now!

When Steve wacked my "better" knee rolling over in bed the other night....WOW does it hurt. I haven't told him how much. Don't want him feeling bad about it.

Lynne2 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DANA MO!!! I hope you have a great day!

Did you ever figure out what the animal was in your pool? Maybe I missed the post?

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm off to get ready for work. Hope you all have a good day...It sure is BEAUTIFUL in these parts today!

hedgie said...

Email from Chrissy assuring us that she, Frank and Matt are okay, despite the violent chaos throughout Britain. They are on 4pm curfew----and even tho' Kidderminster appears to be unharmed, nearby Birmingham has also had severe rioting and mayhem.

hedgie said...

She also says that Isla migrated on the 8th, but the Laird is still at the Loch.

Praying that the journey is an easy one for the old gal....and for healing for England...

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, DanaMo.

Tried to read back, but have missed some posts.

stronghunter said...

I spent a good part of yesterday and last night reading a novel I picked up at the grocery store recently--The Lincoln Lawyer. Kathryn and I watched the movie, and I was curious about how different the book was. It is quite different.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, consider this: You just have to make lots and lots of trips to the shore to check out possible houses. Enjoy your research.

Lynne2 said...

wow Shirley, we watched that very movie at my MIL's this past weekend! Pretty good! I'll have to check out the book.


Lynne2 said...

oh my gosh Lynn....that's really close. I pray they all remain safe....thanks for letting us know!

hedgie said...

I watched the movie, too, Shirley, but haven't read the book yet. McConnaughey is NOT my favorite actor. Connelly is my current author of choice but I prefer his Harry Bosch series. I'm reading "The Reversal" now. Bosch is in it, a little correlation----he and Haller are actually half-brothers!

Lynne, sorry Steve-o whacked your knee. Hope you told him you are not a MOLE!

Liesl is still being a little stand-offish! Little rip!

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----lots of trips to the beach gets expensive! Can't waste too much of our money doing that!!

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good aftrnoon.


The Live Feed is up. OC warns that it is windy and it could go down anytime!!!

Hoda said...

There is sound on the live feed, but also periodic horizontal lines...I guess for as long as it lasts...

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda! Thanks for the heads up! Looking good! Rain has encouraged some new green growth in the nest, I see! I hear wind!

stronghunter said...

Just talked with Susan. She and Hunter are now arriving at Kings Dominion. Hunter sounded very excited. She figures they can meet us for dinner tonight on their way back north.

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Shirley, has Hunter been there before? Hope they have fun!

Hoda said...

This is a Wonderful Performance PAS DE DEUX

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hunter has been to KD before. Susan has taken him. I've been along with them a couple of times, as I recall.

JudyEddy said...

Oh I just saw that HODA told you I hadn't read anything just got Jordyn down for a nap only took her one min and she was out like a like Now I need to start doing something Watching the news right now BBL

JudyEddy said...

Hey if it is the wind doesn't that mean they go to the nest to fix the loose wire or something ?????

hedgie said...

Lovely performance----ballet, gymnastics, acrobatics all rolled into one! But the girl looks anorexic!

Hoda said...

LYNN I thought the same thing, and it makes me wonder about the regime she must be on...

JudyEddy said...

Don't know how old this is I see no date but check it out

hedgie said...

Just went through my receipts---trip cost $700! $200 in gas (2 1/2 tanks worth), $200 in lodging, and almost $300 in meals!
Think I'll ask my pilot friend how much it would cost to fly down for a day in his plane! Realtor could pick us up at the airstrip!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, to hear the stories about ballet dancers' health is very scary and sad.......pure physical torture and bodily abuse!

Judie said...

Wanda, isn't it nice when a doctor can actually evaluate the needs of the individual patient? At GG's age, she needed additional medication not a one-size-fits-all approach. Maybe we can convince Diann to seek a "what's good for the individual patient" doctor. Diann, are you listening?

Thank you Lynn for posting the update on Chrissy. Sure is sad. Reminds me of US riots in the 60s. Glad the new garage sensor light is installed and working.

JudyE, how's Jordyn feeling today?

Hi Hoda.

Shirley, glad Hunter is excited about his day out and sure hope you can enjoy your day of whatever you feel like doing or not doing.

Where's Jo?


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE She is doing good we stayed in and she had no issues until we went to eat at McD's and she started to play on the slide and she started getting excited and getting the phlegm going I guess and started coughing so hard I felt so sorry for her she didn't want to go home in middle of her coughing she keep say go play go play We came home and she settled the cough down and she is now taking a nap She otherwise acts normal and her old goofy self

JudyEddy said...

Im watching the video I just posted I got it from the OC page

JudyEddy said...

I love the view up there Oh so pretty I love the mtns

JudyEddy said...

For some reason in the middle of the interview the sound is gone 14 min in to it then it comes back on because I fast forwaded it and heard sound so I sit here and watch without sound waiting for it to come back

NatureNut said...

Hello, Everyone! Got an on the spot report from Chrissy about the rioting in UK.If no one has passed it on t6o E_M Yahoo, I'll be glad to do it. My SIL is working in Leicester, 2 hrs. North of London, & there's trouble there, too.
She also said Isla migrated on the 8th!!!!! YAY!!!

No word on Danny's surgery, yet. I'm sure the family will be at Hosp. all day, so we won't hear for awhile. They thank you so much for the prayers! ^j^

JudyEddy said...

Its sort of scary thinking the roots to the tree is exposed on the banks and they are surprised the tree is still standing

JudyEddy said...

OH it seems that was an intentionally no sound they were on break showing the three eaglets now they are so pretty 9 1/2weeks old

JudyEddy said...

This was just on face book and the video did come back with sound abour 23 in to it in case you wonder about it

Wildlife Center of Virginia
Another Bald Eagle was admitted to the Wildlife Center yesterday -- this bird was seen fighting with another Bald Eagle in Shenandoah County. The eagle has an open fracture of its left wing -- a pretty severe injury, but there is still hope! Dr. Miranda will hopefully take this bird to surgery tomorrow. Click on the link to get all the details.
Wildlife Center of Virginia » Blog Archive » Shenandoah County Bald Eagle

NatureNut said...

I sent Chrissy's letter to Momsters, if you haven't seen it.

hedgie said...

Another injured eagle at WCV

NatureNut said...


After reading back, I see Lynn informed everyone of Chrissy's message. I had just checked my email first, so that's why I posted. Thx, Lynn. Hope Liesl settles in soon♥

Hoda said...

JUDYE thanks for posting the link to Dave Hancock at Lafarge.I can only take him in small dosages I am afraid. I watched for about five minutes and then had to shut it off. The Scenery around Vancouver is stunning and there is lots of wild life out there, close to city limits. This year they have been having problems with black bears and they have had to put a few down. Thanks again for posting it.

Lolly said...

Helloooo! Have been really busy this morning. We went early to church to water. Came home and watered...busy busy busy trying to keep plants living!

Now I need to clean up and head out have several things I need to do. Elvis on the Square is Saturday evening and we bring the boys home for the week of Camp Hawkwood. Yikes! I have not bought groceries or made our camp t-shirts. I will not be on too often. Will check in when I can.

Love and (((Hugs))) for all!

Hoda said...

JUDYE I think the video on the eagles you posted must be three to four weeks old. Most eaglets here have already fledged.

JudyEddy said...

HODA I said I didn't know when it was that I just saw it on the front of the OC forum so I just checked it out and I think it is odd how they have a nest in all that construction and no other trees around HOpe they go to the man made pole next year and they also said that there are no other eagles in the area and if something happens to one of them that the possibility of finding a new mate would be hard pretty interesting little piece just wish they had a date on it

JudyEddy said...

Camera is starting to get those odd lines in it again

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Had to turn sound down loud train

JudyEddy said...

OH NO the cam is acting up again on and off

wvgal_dana said...

Before I start reading this thread I better put comments from other threads.


I have been reading and catching up on comments.

Kay hoping you, Seth and Malcolm have a wonderful picnic at the lake today.

JudyE I was drinking coffee when I clicked on that blue link you put up "hard to kiss the lips
at night" and so I wouldn't spit all over my computer I about CHOCKED TO DEATH I got tears
and coffee coming out my nose !!! LOL LOL LOL

Judie you are funny about the female officer to taze Darth as needed ( :

Sad about the wreck prayers for all families involved.

Diann I think Wanda or Megan (someone did) mentioned
some other types of plants that OTHER TYPES OF BUTTERLFIES
lay their eggs on. I can't remember the names of the
butterflies. Maybe someone else will remember. I just remember Monarch lays on milkweed and needs milkweed to eat. Hope I got that right?????

Diann so glad you don't need a hip replacement!!!!
Yes some of those hip replacement go very well.
Others for some reason go haywire. Don't know if it is the product they are using or what. Prayers
for you back and the MRI (((HUGS))) We are here for you to talk about your health problems ANYTIME!! Vent here if you need too.
That is why we are all like a BIG FAMILY ( :

Linda good to see you dropping in here. ((HUGS))

Andy hoping Hedgie-Lynn can help about the bruise on side of foot.

Good Morning Jim and Thelma.

Margy last night I had a nice big ripe tomato fresh out of someone's garden on oat bread so GOOD!!

Loretta- The Gymkana group is the kids with the ladders right?
They made it through no wild card needed!!!
I love your pictures on put on your blog. Thank you for sharing ( :

Lolly so glad things are shaping up for Laurel. She certainly deserves it!!!! You are so special in Laurel's book I know!!! ♥

Andy prayers continue for your foot. I know being at the computer it is hard to have foot up for
swelling. I pray you get transcription done and get it turned into school. So it is done and out of the way. Must be hard enough when you get Drs. work and foot has to be down. (((HUGS)))

Paula Nick just sounds so wonderful. I am so happy when you share things like those moths and he went chasing after them---it had me laughing. ( : Thanks!

Hedgie-Lynn sure hope you find your "Beach Paradise".
I truly believe you will KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT!!!
I didn't know that sea air is better for lungs.
Learn something new all the time.
Sound like the food was great yummy...

Yes that was the School Team all dressed in black. They were really good. Glad Susan used her Wild Card.

When we were trying for Florida the humidity was just too much for Ed. He really wanted to go live

Mema Jo I got Ed Clark in my favorites and our GREAT DR. SHARPE separate in my favorites so I can VOTE FOR BOTH.
Praying all comes out good with blood work.

Loretta-I worded prayers differently since time is tomorrow
for Danny's heart surgery. Prayer for Doctors and nurses and for Jeanne.

hedgie said...

Judie, Jo had her routine drs. apptmt. today.
JudyE----how is Jordyn's thrush? I'm sure that's what it is!
Your Eagle video won't play for me....starts and stops with ad appearing every few seconds....argh!

hedgie said...

Time to blow off the decks.....and I have a phone call to return that I really don't want to do! Former co-worker who is bi-polar and he mumbles SO badly that I can barely understand him on the phone.....seems to think that I am his personal nurse. ARGH!

NatureNut said...

Dana, you mentioned U of MD Gymkana. Yes, they have a trick with ladders that's probably been going on for 50 years. I'm so glad they made it thru---didn't see beginning of show. When I went out there several years ago to pick up a Gymkana Alumni jacket I ordered, I told the new Coach to inform the kids to be CAREFUL about their knees!!!!I was only in it for about a year & 1/2, but was sort of doing back handsprings, like Carl Edwards does, balance beam, p-bars, lots of tumbling and balancing acts. I never got real good, but always loved that stuff.
Also thx again everyone for prayers for Danny. He is probably out of surgery now. Hope to get an update soon. ☺

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Thanks too for the article about the injured eagle. Very interesting. I guess we've heard that we will see more of these encounters, eagle vs eagle, with the growing population.

Spent a good part of the day at school decorating my classroom, which also involved cutting lots of things out after they were laminated. Time consuming, but it's looking pretty good. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda so glad the pain management Dr. agreed that GG needed that other pill. Makes me very HAPPY to
hear she is doing as good as she is. No fun being in pain all the time.

YES ME TOO...WANTS TO KNOW WHAT THE END RESULT was of the animal in DanaMo swimming pool????? Thanks
for positing that Lynne2.

So glad to hear our family across the pond is ok from the violence.♥♥♥

Well everyone will be watching next season to see if Isla makes the long trip to and from. Wow she
is getting older.

Hoda beautiful video thanks for posting. ( :

JudyE beautiful nest and 3 eaglets with David Hancock.
They are in Vancouver. Kids at school named them.
They are 9 1/2 weeks old now. They are going into schools. The lady plant manager Harbor Plant likes
that they go into the schools.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok not a 2nd injured eagle that is the one JudyE posted about...Hedgie-Lynn helped out by putting the blue link. Thanks both of you ladies. Sounds good about the wing. Wondering what it is about the eagles eye???

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly do you ever tape Elvis on the square. If so I loved to see a video of him doing his act.

Judie said...

JudyE, be careful using the t___n word. It gets "you know who" waaaaay too excited.

The person who caused the double fatality accident was one of the two transported to heaven. Had a very bad driver operator record. Seems no one is sad to see him off the roads.

Right, Lynn. I forgot about Jo and the dr. She'll be here sometime soon. Sorry about the coworker. Um, maybe you have to be really brief because you have to take Liesl outside?


wvgal_dana said...

David Hancock said the eaglets were 9 1/2 weeks old now.

Judie said...

I think Isla will be 28 years when she returns to Lock of Lowes.

wvgal_dana said...

It shows the new "Buddy" enclosure on wildlife cener. There is going to be a webcam for Buddy oh goodie ( : WOW nice looking place for sweet Buddy.


DanaMo said...

I did not end up taking it to the extension office. So the best guess so far is still muskrat. Comparing pictures of baby muskrats and even wet ones, it appears that is what was in my pool. Maybe if I catch another one, I will make it to the extension office.

NatureNut said...

Thx for the new info, Dana & Dana ☺
Wonderful that Buddy is getting his own special place!
DanaMo, hope your swimmer is a muskrat. I just put adult I saw at Park on as avatar. I thought your rodent had a rather rounded nose/head unlike a mouse.Cool!!

hedgie said...

Reprieve, Judie! He wasn't home!!

LOL----Buddy's new enclosure looks like it's a greenhouse!!!

hedgie said...

Judie, just a shame that the bad driver had to take another life beside his own. :(

hedgie said...

Cam gone again......

Hoda said...

it seems we are having and on again off again affair today!!! You might wonder, "what is she talking about?" Any Guesses???

Yep you got it, the live feed is back on again with the same problems of horizonatal lines!!!

I keep humming "where have all the eagles gone?" Pete Seeger

words and music by Pete Seeger
performed by Pete Seeger and Tao Rodriguez-Seeger

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

©1961 (Renewed) Fall River Music Inc
All Rights Reserved.

Hoda said...

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind!!!

Bob Dylan Blowing in the Wind

How many roads must a man walk down
Before they call him a man
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they are forever banned
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

How many years must a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea
How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky
How many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry
How many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

Hoda said...

OK I had better go find something to do to pull me out of the sixties and back into the 2011 era...It all started with the Swinging Bridge pictures on LYNN"S Blog, so blame her!!!LOL!!!I understand the music more from the sixties than I do now. Half of what I hear now sounds very angry to me!!!

Hoda said...

It continues to be very windy in the nest, in case you wondered...

hedgie said...

Cam is back!

hedgie said...

Oh, are so right! Love those 60's songs....peace, love, hippies, etc.! We came of age in a great time---except for Nam.

hedgie said...

I wasn't really a hippie----but my sister sure was!!

Kay said...

Hey, y'all ! Thanks so much for all the good wishes. Julie, Seth, Malcolm and I had a picture perfect day on the best weather day we've had all summer. Malcolm turned out to be a good travler and he loved exploring Buckeye Lake State Park. We saw a Red Tailed Hawk, a flock of Purple Martyns, many small birds, geese, ducks and, of course, squirrels. No ants or flies joined our picnic, yeah ! Oh, and the Algae warnings were down--didn't matter none of us cared to go in the water and we thought it wise to keep the dog away from it anyway. Yep, it was a wonderful day !!!!

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Sorry about burdening you all with my mid night stress and depression.

I appreciate all the comforting words. You'll never know how much.

Yes, I was listening Judie, and you are so right. Been going to the same PCP since '89 and he should know me by now. I think I reached him when he was very busy; at least I hope that's all it was.

Wanda, check your email.

Lynne, don't wait any longer than you need. I've been waiting 6 years and hope it's not too late.

must stir our quick meal and catch up.


PA Nana said...

ohh... Howdy Hoda and thanks for the notice re the cam.

Kay said...

I saw a neat bumper sticker today. "God Bless the World, No Exceptions."

WANDA, such good news about GG's getting such relief from "pain management" and an additional pain pill. Why in the world should she have to suffer when such aids are safe and available.

Happy to see the Birthday Girl checked in ! DANA, if you responded to my message re:your trip to Dayton falling right on my family reunion week and weekend, I missed it. Again, I'm so sorry about the timing and do hope you can stop by or we can meet on I70 someplace on another trip. Perhaps when you take Aric over after his big trip ????

Hoda said...

Well LYNN I was not a hippie either, not a real one...As much as an AFS student could be and one who went to a College Preparatory High School. I thought I was in dream land when I landed in the States in the summer of 1966. A month later I TOTALLY EMBARRASSED MY AMERICAN FAMILY. We were sailing in a regatta and Dad quielty mentioned that Senator Bobby Kennedy and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy were sailing in the Wianno Sr. next to us!!! Well remember I was from Egypt and a recently arrived one at that...I could not control myself, I stood up and waved my hands and in a very loud voice jumping up and down screamed" Senator Kennedy I am from Egypt and I love you very much!!!" Well all around me on our boat hit the deck and the Senator smiled and waved, with Mrs. Kennedy also smiling!!! Well I thought I died and went to heaven and I could not figure out why they were so embarrassed. Well then we went to a cocktail party and Batch came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders and in a very calm voice said do not scream or get excited stay calm. OK I said not knowing what was happening. He pointed out Senator Ted Kennedy was standing behind me!!! Very unreasonable demand to not get excited but I managed to not scream or jump up and down and we went to him and I asked for his autograph!!! I hope you all can see how it was too much!!! Who really comes to the USA and as if that was not enough, I just happened to see the Kennedys...What???Say What???It continues to be dream world for me even in 2011...This is not helping me leave the sixties so I had better go do some meditation practices for a while...OH MY!!!

Kay said...

DI, I hear what you're saying about the PCP who knows you so well. Just a thought, however. It might be time to seek another opinion as he/she might take way too much for granted based on the long term relationship. Might be overlooking something a new doc would zero in on ????

Kay said...

HODA, what a great story ! Thanks for sharing the experience with us !

PA Nana said...

I heard a mourning dove on the cam.


hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda...I think that's a very cute story!!! The "Batch" family ran in some high society circles!
I'm sure that the Kennedy clan did not mind the attention at all!!!

Kay, so glad you had a wonderful day! Weather has been perfect here, too!

Diann, many of the older doctors are way too reticent about prescribing effective pain relief. They all need to take a course in Pain Management. Heck, we nurses have had to take it as a mandatory continuing education course for years.

hedgie said...

Just heard that the postal service is cutting 180,000 jobs......and making benefit adjustments......not good. Wonder what the Letter Carriers Union is going to do????

Lolly said...

Ran a lot of errands today. Bought t-shirts for Camp Hawkwood. Need to work on the design tonight and iron it on the t-shirts. Then I found posters for Laurel. Her classroom is in the basement. She has hung some curtains and going to make fake windows. LOL I found two posters for her views.

Happy Birthday DanaMo...hope you have had a good day.

hedgie said...

BTW----Robyn and Tori and gang are on their way home. Didn't know if anyone else had mentioned that or not. Hope and pray that that is good news!

magpie said...

Heloooo Eagle Pals
Wanted to say HI
and I have to also say I have not caught up on posts...
But I see it was a Stellar Day at the Park for Kay and the Gang, and that GG is a Walking Miracle

I am working on the email address change, find that frontier does NOT offer forwarding, boo hiss, so I have some work to do here

I'll send around the address on the E-M page in awhile, and have to contact family too.
Hope I can do this AND watch the cam! Want to hear that mourning dove that Diann mentioned
Wow, What a Wonderful West Virginia Day we have had here !

Hope to be back soon unless I crumple from technical glitches

xoxox ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda are limes when ripe suppose to be green and yellow?

Hoda said...

LYNN, Mom and Dad Batchelder were both simple folks. Mom Betty was from Iowa and Dad was from Massachusetts, Cape Cod. They were both school teachers and they were frtunate enough to inherit the Cape House from Grandpa Batchelder.He was a Head Master of Loomis/Chaffee School in Connecticut.I do not think they would think of themselves as mixing with high society so to speak.They were comfortabe and yet they earned their money...This is why it is so incredible that I just happened to see the Kennedys. They were good people honest and hard working.I know much gratitude for them in my life and for the opportunities they provided for me.

Hoda said...

WVGAL-DANA, when I buy limes I usually go by the smoothness of the skin. I choose the green ones with the smoother skin as it tells me they are juicy. When a lime starts its journey towards over ripe it starts to have a yellow hue with the green, even then I go by the smoothness of the skin.This is how I saw Mama choose them and this is what I do too.

Lolly said...

That is how we select limes, too, Hoda. ☺ The smoother ones are juicier.

magpie said...

I see you are back in your Roost Lolly
How is Jack ?

Great stories, Hoda, keep 'em coming !

magpie said...

The Birthday Girl checks in
school work okay
but remember, no dishes or dirty laundry for you today

Happy Birthday Again, DanaMo xoxo

magpie said...

Hoping to hear more about how Robyn and Tori's trip to Denver went and thanks for posting that they are returning but forgive me I don't remember who posted it...

Lynne - hope all the car problems and headaches are a thing of the past now !

magpie said...

I'm stalling on what I am supposed to be working on
ttfn back to the project :(

It sure is nice to have the cam AND sound back


Hoda said...

I think LOLLY'S Jack is going to go on his Canoe trip this weekend...??? Am I right Lolly?

Hoda said...

In fifteen minutes I will go for my Dragon Boat Practice...i still hope Belle and Truder show up. See you all when I come back...

Hoda said...

What a striking bronze colour on one of the leafs...

Linda said...

Checking in to say Good Evening to my Dear Eagle Friends!!

Hope all are doing well today.

hedgie said...

Kids school clothes came in today, so Carolyn and they just left. Jess had a friend with her---whoo brought her new Australian Blue Heeler with her---wee puppy. SO cute, beautiful markings, and PUPPY BREATH!!!!! Liesl was a bit jealous! But now she can't "find" him and keeps looking!

hedgie said...

Hi Margy! I was wondering about the email address situation. Hope your address book all transfers well....

Linda, good to see you again. Hope your work day wasn't too bad.

hedgie said...

Hoda is in the boat-a....hope she sees an eagle!

Kay said...

LINDA, good evening to you ! We're so pleased to have you "home" !

LYNN, did the girls try their new clothes on ? It's so nostaligic to think of the start of school each Fall and how special the new clothes Mother made were ! Then on to my own kids---their mother is not a seamstress, but shopping for new duds with them was always a kick. You are such a good grandma !

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn. It took three partial days to catch up. Seems to be a busy time for my employer. I'm caught up now. I just wish he wasn't so bad at filling out his paperwork. It would make my job so much easier. Oh well.

We made a trip to Sam's after work and stocked up on meats and such so hopefully tomorrow I can have a day at my desk to catch up there.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, I hear the wind :)

Linda said...

Hi, Kay! And thank you! It's good to be home!

How was your outing today? I hope you had a wonderful time!

Kay said...

LINDA, thanks and yes, I described our perfect day in a post at 6:34, so won't repeat. Seth just called to say, "Grandmother, wasn't this the most wonderful day of the summer ?" Oh, yeah, that's what I like to hear ! ☺

Next big thrill and the thing that will keep me busy for the next 6 days is that my other children and grandchildren will begin to arrive on Thursday, the 18th and will stay until the 22nd. Most activities will revolve around Julie's place since they have a pool and a large house. Although my eldest daughter and both 20 year old granddaughters will spend their nights here at my place. I'm thrilled ! Lots of girl talk ahead !

Linda said...

HODA - LOL on your sailing story where you saw Senator Kennedy!!! Too funny. Loved reading through the words of Where Have All the Flowers Gone and Blowing in the Wind, too!

Get grandmother used to play bridge with Rose Kennedy! I didn't know that until I was an adult, but thought it was pretty neat.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay is Julie's place far from you? Who is Julie?

Linda said...

KAY - Glad to hear it was such a picture perfect day and that you have more family time to look forward in a couple weeks!

Kay said...

LOLLY, see that your guv has thrown his hat in the ring. Somehow judging from comments you've made, I don't think you are jumping up and down for joy ! I'll be sick and tired of them all within a few months. Our campaigns are way to long and way too negative these days. JMHO

Linda said...

Hi WV Dana!! Your kind words of support have meant so much to me! Thank you!

And to the rest of you that have posted here, at my brother's virtual memorial website, cards, emails, and of course the beautiful heartfelt thanks again!

magpie said...

Well, those rascally eagles gave us the slip again tonight!
A nice cool morning coming up, maybe they will be here for us !
If I get up to see ISS, I will stay up to watch for the eagles

The Moon sure looks good tonight!
Doesn't it ALWAYS look good !

Hello More Eagle Pals...
got half of my email stuff done, still trying to add a "magpie" account

Hello More Eagle Pals !
Including Linda ! ♥

Kay, upcoming days sound wonderful!
and you got a nice "kick start" today....

Lynn, sounds like lots of girl fun at your Roost tonight! Has Liesl stopped looking for her new little pal?

Kay said...

WV DANA, Julie is my middle child and second daughter. Her home is just 3 miles down the street from me. Perfect distance. Too far for me to walk, but an easy drive for either of us. The girls were born in 56' and 58' and their brother came along in 61'. Great kids ! Do you think I might be just a tad biased ? LOL

Linda said...

Hello to you, too, Margy! ♥

Kay said...

Tired tonight, with a delicious kind of tired, so will bid you all a fond goodnight.

Hope we get word about Danny from LORETTA tonight. And, thinking of ROBYN, Tori and friends on that long car ride home. Oh, yes, there are those knees, backs, necks, feet, hearts, lungs, the healing mouth and healing souls... I will be remembering all in my prayers !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Kay.

Prayers for Roybn driving Tori and the girls home safely. Will be good to hear the good news.

Prayers for Danny and Jeannie and family.

Prayers for Andy and her gout.

Prayers for those that need them still keeping you in prayer Linda, Diann for pain and others plus Gods creatures.

See you maybe tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Home for Angie gonna get caught up on reading and then to bed But I wanted to tell ya all nite nite
Cam looks like it has a nite lite shining on it right now a flashlite of sort ODD newver was like that before


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

I see where ISS schedule has updated from when I checked it last night, there will be some evening flyovers in a few days, and on one or two days, one in the morning and the evening...

Shirley: seems like this was a perfect weather day for Susan and Hunter to go to King's they rode the roller coasters quite a few times!

Lori O. said...

Oh LORETTA, I miss your HIDEY avatar already, but the muskrat is pretty cute, :)

KAY, what a sweet call that was from Seth. You are going to have so much fun with your granddaughters at your house. Wish I could be a fly on the wall!

HODA, I loved your story about the Kennedy's and your exuberance! I'm sure they thought you were adorable. We do!

I'm still catching up on posts, but just got back - another hotel tonight after a late work dinner. It's right next to the studio and it's late for me, so just easier to stay here. I probably won't be on my super early check-in at 1:30.

LOLLY, Laurel is so lucky to have you, but I'm sure she knows that. What's on the posters for the fake windows?

MARGY, haven't heard much from you today. My computer at home is getting slow and dangerous sounding. In fact, I referred to it as "the dinosaur" today. Wonder where I heard that ?!!!

LYNN, so jealous you got to smell puppy breath and play with the baby! So sweet. So funny that Leisl is still looking for it!

Judie said...

The sandperson has arrived quite early tonight. I will try to catch up in the morning.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark or for anyone coming in from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

hedgie said...

Kay's having a slumber party soon!!! Bet that will be a blast!
Know you must be excited, Kay!
Does Seth really call you Grandmother? SO grown up!

Linda, glad you got caught up a nd can get back to a regular routine. Hope you can teach that guy to do his end of the work properly!!!

Girls didn't try on clothes here. Carolyn wanted to get to the grocery store.

Lori O. said...

Goodnight JUDIE, KAY, JUDY E.

LINDA, I'm loving that you're beginning to check in like your old self again. I have really missed you!

magpie said...

It's late
I'm computered out for the day.

Tomorrow: RED Friday, please try to wear some RED as tribute for all our Military Personnel, active, retired, and those gone before us

The Governor of Virginia has declared Friday a Day of Mourning for the lost soldiers, including the SEALs and the other military support members who died, and this includes one military dog, Bart...
he and his handler both died in the crash

I am looking to see if other states are joining in, but cannot find that now. Maybe someone else here would know

Prayers for ALL here, for wellness, healing, and comfort,
and for all our Momsters' and Dadsters' pets as well

Good Night for now, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Cool, Linda!!! Does your family hail from Massachusettes?

Linda said...

Thanks, Lori! You're so sweet!

hedgie said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Kay, about the candidates/race......they shouldn't be allowed to start any of it until at least Jan. of the actual election year---and only that early because some states have those dumb Feb. primaries!

Linda said...

I'm actually on the phone with Billy's wife. She's having a bad night so we're talking through it.

She's getting better now that we've talked for a while. I'm glad I can help her!

Linda said...

Yep, Lynn! Born in Boston. My grandparents used to spend summers on Cape Cod. I remember some of those summers.

Linda said...

My grandmother was born in Ireland.
Mom and Dad and three of us kids were born there, too.

magpie said...

Yeah, I agree, the Hidey Avatar was Great, Loretta....

I see you there Lori, I could feel your vibes!

Home away from home...hope you sleep well. Hope to See You in the morning.

Hedgie, tell Carolyn the new schedules are OUT for Sept and October....guess who gets some daytime hours with your precious one ☺

hedgie said...

Yep, Margy....she stopped looking!
She's been upset about some noises----I have no idea what they are....just occasional mid-level clunks coming from somewhere.....outside.

magpie said...

Wow, Linda, that is way cool!
I have Flynn and Sweeney ancestors...
on my mother's side...☺

magpie said...

"copy that" Lynn
hope things get quiet soon.
Upstairs 4 yoa is clunking around here!
don't think Liesl would like that!

magpie said...

okay, must go
Gooooood Night xo ♥

Linda said...

My brother's wife is really hurting. I wish there was more I could do, but I know it will take time.

We went from tears to smiles and laughter as we talked about her day and about Billy. Hopefully she can get some sleep now.

I'm still exhausted, too! Lots of travel, stress, family battles, etc will do that to you.

Had to fix Mom's computer again tonight, too. She is always messing something up!

hedgie said...

Margy, I suspect that only Virginia will be having that special day of honoring the SEALS. Their home base is Virginia Beach.....

Goodnight to all heading for pillows, books, TV, etc. Peaceful nights for you all!

Linda said...

We should get the Irish ancestry talk going one day. That would be fun. I need to get some of that information from my Mom before she forgets.

Well, I'm going to take a long hot shower and try to unwind. And then I'll probably call it a night.

For those I have missed - Hope your day was a wonderful one and that we get the chance to chat again soon.

May God Bless and protect us all and the critters we love ♥ Hugs and Love to Each of You xoxo ♥♥♥

Will continue to pray for all needs here in this wonderful group of loving caring people!

hedgie said...

Linda, cape summers were always SO romantic in movies!!! Swoon!!!!
Remember Troy Donahue in A Summer Place??? S-i-g-h!!!!
So good that you can give Lillian some comfort.

stronghunter said...

Did a quick read of the posts this evening.

We met Susan and Hunter at Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, then Hunter went on with Susan so he can go to visit Rus and Rebecca tomorrow.

Going to read for awhile.

Might not get back, so I'll say good night now.

hedgie said...

Don't know much about my Irish heritage, Linda....but keep trying to find more. The Scottish part is about as exhaustive as we can stand-----it has gotten SO hugely burdensome. I have no desire to go back any further, but my cousin keeps on digging!!! Unfortunately, too many records were lost if they ever not enough proof to go muh past the early 1700's.

paula eagleholic said...


..★。Happy 。★..
★。 Birthday 。★
..★。Dana 。★..


Lori O. said...

Hi PAULA! I wanted to thank you for the referral of the guy to fix my table - it's fantastic now. Thanks for your help! Hugs for you and an extra cookie for Nick, or should I say Good Boy Nick?

I think everyone has gone to bed...but I know WANDA is lurking somewhere for her post midnight post.

Wish I could wind down.

LINDA, so very nice of you to take the time with your SIL. Being a good listener and willing to go through all the old stories will help you both. Does she have a pet?

Lolly said...

Margy....Jack is doing okay. His neck has bothered him a little today. He is going to therapy 3 times a week. It is not stopping him from doing anything.

Hoda....Jack does not leave for his rafting trip until the 27th.

This next week is "Camp Hawkwood". Laurel started back to school today. The boys do not start until the 29th. So, the boys come home with us Saturday and we will have them all week. We plan on going swimming, going to the museum, the planitarium, Omni, an aquarium and a trip to Dallas on the train to have lunch in downtown Dallas with Uncle Michael. Also, the boys will love seeing U. Michael's 43rd floor office. We do this every year and we make matching t-shirts. I just designed them. No picture of a hawk this year, just a saying.

Camp Hawkwood
No Way!
It's 107 out there!

Lori O. said...

OH, and thanks DANA WV - I think it was you who posted about the new BUDDY CAM at Wildlife Center Virginia. What wonderful news! I don't think there will ever be enough eagle cams in the world.

Goodnight my fabulous eagle family. I love you all dearly.

Hey, great idea, maybe ... if we ever need to raise money we could have an Avatar Auction! I would pay for LORETTA's HIDEY, or KAY's yellow hibiscus, or LOLLY's sunshine, MARGY's angel cloud, DANAWV's cardinal or any other of the beautiful ones we have on here!

Guess I've been coveting avatars all this time and didn't realize it!

Lolly said...

Elvis on the square is this weekend. For those of you who do not know about this, here is an article.

SIL as Elvis

That is Joey's picture.

Lori O. said...

Cute shirts LOLLY! I hope you'll post a group photo.

No hawk? How about a thermometer?

Hoda said...

Well, LYNN No Eagles and two Osprey flew by. Good paddle and we worked hard this evening, race drills!!! But I am not racing I kept thinking but the drills got better.

LINDA Cool that you come from Boston, I loved visiting the sights there and ate some wonderful beans and oysters another time while I was there. I read aboutr Mrs. Rose Kennedy's faith and how she brought up all her kids...a determined and strong woman as I am sure so was your Grandmother.

I will wear something red tomorrow in rememberance of your Armed Forces and those who were lost in Afghanistan.I think Lynn is right MARGY that it might be because they were based in Virginia that the state is declaring a Day of Mourning.

Lolly said...

LOL Lori...good idea, but I have already printed out the transers. Designed it on the computer and then will iron it on to the shirts.

Lolly said...

Yes, our gov did toss his hat into the ring today. Can not stand the fake!! He has ruined Texas education. Will not say more but if it ever comes to voting and you vote for him....PLEASE do not tell me!!

Lolly said...

Lori...the posters for Laurel's fake windows. Had a hard time finding the right pictures. Had to be "landscape" shape, not portrait. (had a better selection there) Anyway, one is palm trees, beach, water and sky. A hammock is strung between the palm trees. LOL The other is a dirt country road and trees. Very pretty! Wanted to get mountains but did not find one. Maybe I'll get a poster made of one of our Colorado pictures.

hedgie said...

Lolly, is Joey still on the diet? Is he still losing??

Hoda, glad you had a pleasant row.

My time is up....I thank you for yours. Who said that???!!!
Tub time here as soon as the weather is over. Then I am heading for my wonderful bed, and hoping that I sleep as well as I did last night!!! Sweet dreams for all y'all, and prayers for everyone. Hope Loretta has an update on Danny soon.

NatureNut said...

Hidey is back!
Was on phone and email w/daughter. She's in Albuquerque again! We're sort of planning a field trip.

Haven't gotten any emails yet from Danny's family, so called hospital to at least ask about his condition. They transferred me to Cardiac Care Unit & "can't tell you anything. You'll have to call his wife"!!! DUH At least I wormed out of them that she had left the hospital. Sure family is exhausted, so I'm certainly not calling!!! I guess that's how it is these days.

Hoda said...

Things are heating up for the BC SENIORS GAMES next week. I volunteered and they just phoned wondering if I could step up to fill some other times and I said yes. I will work Dragon Boat events, twice launching the boats and another time looking after food in the Beer Garden. I like the energy of the organizers and they are ever so polite when they ask...

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you. Laurel says her school has a dog, a yellow Lab named Clay. He has his own school ID complete with picture on his collar. He is a retired seeing eye dog. He now works as a "counselor". LOL They use him with children who are having emotional problems. Today he was sleeping under a table but would occasionally get up and walk around. Laurel said she had to go meet him, so she did.

Lolly said...

Joey went off the diet for a couple of weeks, but is now back on it. He has lost a total of 46 pounds. Plans to loose about 40 more. That would be fantastic!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

It's been a run around evening, Radio Shack, friends kitty, grocery store, making zucchini bread. Where has the week gone?

Yay tomorrow is Friday!

Lori, glad your chairs are all fixed and you like them again! My pleasure! Wish you had said something sooner!

Hoda, love all your volunteering efforts!

LOL, love the shirts, Lolly! Sorry Jack's neck is bothering him today, hope the therapy starts to help!

paula eagleholic said...

Good for Joey, Lolly!

PA Nana said...

Just stopping by to wish all a good night.

God bless you all. Prayers for health & peace.


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, love the story about you jumping up and down in the boat and yelling at the Kennedys!

Kay, do enjoy your daughter and granddaughters this week!

Hoda said...

LOLLY WOW!!! Good for JOEY. Incredible.
I loved hearing about the posters for the fake windows also.

NatureNut said...

Getting Late & IE keeps wanting to close on AOL, so no messages readable!

Some great stories tonight--Hoda & the Kennedys!
Thx, Lolly, for the tip on the Gov. All Sherry's said about him is he's ultra-conservative & not many people will like that. The good thing in TX is balanced budget.
Well politics is a deep subject we don't have to persue,
So, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Good Health ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Yes sir! I have been AWOL today.
Had the doc appointment and my report
was very good concerning diabetes..
I am a borderline patient with a 6.5
A1C. Go back in 4 months (Dec) for

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Dana ♪♪♫♪♪
I hope your day was special and maybe all your wishes came true ♥

Mema Jo said...

Man I almost missed that birthday by 7


Tomorrow is probably my Bragg Bunch day
They arrived in Frederick late this
afternoon. I'll give you all the details tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
God Bless and Protect you and yours
Prayers for all & Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Shouting some prayers of gratitude here! Lynn (and everyone else, too), I've FINISHED SCHOOL!!!! FINISHED finished! I've met all my grad requirements!!! Turned in the last of my transcription for my Externship tonight! PHEW!!!! The weight of the world is officially of my shoulders!

While I'm at it, I'm thanking God that Chrissy and family are all OK. Saying prayers for their continued safety! Wow, prayers for Isla on her journey--the saga continues....

Hoda, thank you for the incredible Pas de Deux link! Amazing! I too, though, think the poor girl should eat more! TOO skinny!

Lynn, that rascal Liesl sure is being a little stinker! Hope she warms up to you really soon!

Well, I think I'm going to shut down here soon. Just ate dinner about 20 minutes ago. Worked long and hard to finish everything today, and my foot is yelling at me! Need to go elevate it. Hmmm.... think I'll get a sugar free ice cream bar to celebrate! Making sure the porch light is on. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures. Enabling both security systems. Hope everyone sleeps like a baby tonight! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

WAY TO GO ANDY. Congratulations...Proud of you

Mema Jo said...

Andy - I and every blogger on here are busting with Pride for all you have
done - from day one when you decided to do this and all of us were right there with you praying at every test!! What memories! So I'd really like to see you
kicking up your heels BUT no can do!
Enjoy your sugar free ice cream bar!!
In fact Have 2 and elevate that foot
Love ya!

Lolly said...

Loweeda, there may be a balanced budget for Texas but they have cut way back on funding schools. Schools have had to let teachers go, cut out great programs, increase class size, some have stopped buses. Education in Texas is taking a giant step back.

Also, Perry vetoed a law against texting while driving. Come to Texas you can text and drive! Wonderful!!! He can be bought!

Heading to bed. Night all!

Hoda said...

JO I am so pleased yur medical went well...I understand about border line diabetes. It runs in my family. I have never tipped the scale but am checked frequently. as they say North of sixty: Good on you!!!

Hoda said...

Goodnight and God Bless to all. Sweet dreams.

Costume Lady said...

Almost time for, waaay past time for bed! I'm headed there, very shortly.

GG's doctor is pleased with the outome from her injection and is ready to work on her spine, which she fractured many years ago, trying to push my dad up a wheel chair ramp.
She is going to give an injection in the lower 3 discs, next week
Still not sure what microwaving entails

I'm outta here...

Lori O. said...

oKAY ♥ Early Birds, a group prayer for a visit from Belle and T is needed. We're in for a rainy weekend, Saturday night and Sunday looks like a sure bet so we won't see them Sunday.

Lori O. said...

Congratulations ANDY!

I'm so proud of you. Way to go gurl! My avatar is in YOUR honor!
You are an inspiration to us all.

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, thank you for the return of the Hidey avatar!
I hope you get good news this morning from Danny's wife. Keeping positive thoughts and prayers for his quick recovery.

Lori O. said...


Today: Sunny, with a high near 86.

Tonight: Partly cloudy. Low near 60

Saturday/tomorrow: A 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms after noon. Partly sunny, with a high near 88. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Saturday Night: 70% chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms could produce heavy rain.
Low around 69. New rainfall amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.

magpie said...

G☼☼D Morning Eagle Pals
and that includes YOU
Morning Glori

Okay, I am ready for Belle, and I guess Truder also...
it's a perfect morning for them to make a visit

magpie said...

at least we might hear some morning birds at the nest

Congratulations to Andy
You worked your little fingers (and other parts of your anatomy) off for months, pat yourself on the back many times !!
We're proud of you !

and what a neat avatar, Lori ☺
You are very creative, what a funny idea about an avatar auction !

and welcome back, to Loretta's Hidey !

magpie said...

I would like to make a reservation to go to Camp Hawkwood 2012 please, Lolly and Jack...

Lori O. said...

Good Soon to be Sunny Morning Margy!


magpie said...

GREAT doctor's report, Jo,
and some exciting things coming up for GG also ☺

Okay Bragg Bunch in the afternoon for Jo ! Yay !

Lori O. said...

MARGY I found that story about making donations this morning and thought you would want to know. Certainly nice of the Gov to do that. Flags are to be flown at half staff from dawn to dusk today.

magpie said...

God Bless All Who Lost Their Lives in the Helicopter Crash, including Bart, the Military Dog ♥
And God Bless and Bring Peace and Comfort to All The Families

Thanks for that post, Lori...

RED FRIDAY today, for all our Military Personnel

magpie said...

THe Pentagon listed all the names yesterday of those who died, they are from many parts of the country, their hometowns that is

magpie said...

Nine or fewer posts away from a SPLIT
stay on your toes, don't get lost !

magpie said...

time to bring up WASH-FM ♪ ♫

magpie said...

That GEICO Woodchuck Ad is very funny!

magpie said...

Had to hit the GO arrow at 15:01 seconds on the live cam
things are slowing down, with blogging and the live feed
but I'm here

Lori O. said...

Color on the gorgeous nest! But, no eagles.

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the split warning MARGY...or I'd be sitting here thinking everyone had left. ♥

DanaMo said...

OMGosh it's cold out this morning LOL! In the 60's!

Good morning!

Lori O. said...


How was your birthday celebration?

What did the flying labs get their Mom? :)

DanaMo said...

I was a wonderful birthday! The flying labs gave me the usual unconditional love! My husband gave me an awesome zoom lens for my Nikon camera. Now maybe when I sit on the curve by the nest I will get better pictures! We also went to the Airport Inn for dinner, which was nice.

DanaMo said...

"It" was a wonderful birthday!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 302   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...