Thursday, August 11, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

WOW, DANAMO, major haul! I'm happy it was a happy day for you.

magpie said...

SPLIT occurred

sounds Great, DanaMo ☺ ♥

The Eagles are overdue...might be fishing already

Linda, very dear that you can be there for your sister-in-law Billy's wife ♥, and she, for you also.
and Yes, talk to your Mom about family history...your children will cherish those memories of "The Old Times".
I have a cousin who has done an extensive geneology on the maternal side of my family -
I can't follow it all but have learned many interesting things
including that one of the grandmothers had a Bird Pet Store in Brooklyn NY

Lori O. said...

ANDY, this avatar is for YOU!

We're celebrating YOU today. All your hard work has paid off and you deserve a huge round of applause and as MARGY said many pats on the back.

CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!

magpie said...

XOXO ♥ ☺

(And, best wishes on relief for that aching foot...glad you don't have to type with your feetsies ! )

Lori O. said...

DANA MO are you back in school already?

magpie said...

wow the Daytime Bandit is lurking...
need to cyber-connect with some family and start facing the work guillotine

will be back just before I leave

Best Wishes to Everyone for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Sure is nice to hear your voice, Morning GLori
I see that WASH-FM plays lots of BeeGees and Michael Jackson
okay in my book ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪
and lots of other good music ☺

Lori O. said...

Thank you MARGY! Very happy you approve. :)

magpie said...

Oooooh Yes L☺ri !

Glad I don't have any morning commute traffic problems!

Oh what a pleasant experience, watering my Megan Plants and Flowers at the top o'the morning ♥
Miss You nicotiana plants are lush! And the lisianthus, still popping out beautiful lavendar blooms, and the Stella D'Oro, still cranking out yellow blooms ☺
Love You, and Thank You !!

Okay better say So Long Now!
Will try to peek in from work
Going, finally, to see the Grandson James the Wise after work!
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Those are some of my very favorite flowers MARGY!

MEGAN we miss you!

T-Bird said...

I'm having computer problems this morning.

T-Bird said...

How is everyone?

T-Bird said...

With these problems this morning I realize I really need to save my pictures on a disc or flash drive. I would hate to loose them all!!

magpie said...

Hi T ☺
Hi Buddy ☺
Oh computer problems, I can relate!

I am on my 3rd "thumb drive" on pics, T, and have a looong way to go!

Best of Lovin' wishes to you, and Hope Sharon is getting all healed up! (( Hugs to you Both, all the dogs, well scratches and pats for them ♥ ♥ ))

Okay, time to switch to the car radio for WASH

xoxo Bye !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Up and out the door to get Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

Blogger wanted me to sign in I wonder how we get signed out if we don't do it Its
blogger controlling us LOL

Lori O. said...

Happy Morning THELMA and JUDYE!

T-Bird, I have added my home computer to the list of Dinosaur computers in need of replacement. By all means, back up everything, especially your pictures...put them on a drive or a disc, anything. Other than your dinosaur, I hope all is great for you, SHARON and Buddy this morning!

JUDYE - have a great day with Jordyn. For Grandparents day, next month, I think all of you terrific Grandparents should put pics of your grandkids for your avatar, or better yet, your blogs. I'll have to go find some of my former horses' babies and get their pics to post.

DanaMo said...

Just back from a 4 mile "walk with a hop".

School is not back until the 20th for the kids. Teacher work week is the 22nd, but I will be in Dayton getting my son settled in, hence the reason I have been going into the classroom now.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Congratulations, Andy!! You have worked so hard and so long.

No eagles again this morning. But they are most likely down by the river.

stronghunter said...

Need to check my Scrabble games this morning. I have several going. I started playing Scrabble on Facebook awhile back.

DanaMo said...

Hey Shirley, can I get to the river if I continue on the road where we go to view the nest? I know how to get down to the river from the MD side near the bridge and going towards Harpers Ferry but can I get there from close to the nest?

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, way to go! A 4 mile walk is impressive!

SHIRLEY, FB Scrabble sounds fun, I love the game! How do you know the other person (you can't see them) isn't cheating? LOL, or is it an honor system?

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T-Bird said...

Thanks Linda but it isn't my birthday today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hope all is well in your world! This mouth healing is a slow process for sure but getting better I guess.

hedgie said...

Morning all!

ANDY, I am so proud of your wonderful accomplishment!!!! Congratulations and a big Yippee!!!! When is graduation?? Want to see a pic of that degree!!
Will you continue to do the work for the Dr. and the police----and get paid??? the saying "good on you"----never heard it before. North of sixty meaning...???
Sounds like you will be quite busy with the Senior Games!!

Lolly, wonderful that Joey is doing so well. Tell him the Momsters are cheering him on!!!

Linda said...

Well Happy Day to you, Thelma and JUDYE......

I read back a bit and saw Lori's post that said Happy Day and something in my caffeine deprived brain saw Happy Birthday!!

Oh well......

hedgie said...

Loretta, is Sherry coming "home" or are you heading out west for your field trip? Hope you've heard something about Danny this morning.

Paula, are you heading to the beach this evening?

SO cool that Laurel's school has a dog!!

DanaMo, is the Airport Inn still as good as it used to be??? Yum! And great that you got a zoom lens!!!!

Linda said...

SHARON - Do they have you rinsing with warm salt water? Hopefully that helps with the healing.

Hoping it heals quickly as the days pass!

Morning to you and to Lynn!

I'm wishing people Happy Birthday because I can't read! Not trying to age anyone sooner than necessary, but certainly do wish everyone a gLORIous day today. The weather here is just beautiful.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, they didn't tell me to but I started it this morning.

NatureNut said...

Dear Friends, Have an email from friend Jeanne. Will try to copy some of what she said~~~~~
"The surgical nurse came out first and said Danny made it through the surgery "OK". I immediately said, "JUST OK"?? She then said, "HE'S WONDERFUL!! AMAZING!!! HE DID SO GREAT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT"!!! So, we had a good laugh.
The nurse, Linda, said there have been studies that show, if people are prayed for -- or sent positive feelings and love -- it is proven. SO, you ALL had a big part in Danny's getting through this that, no matter what the religion, their recovery is better than those who didn't have that support. Thank you, Jeanne"

Great to know!!!
Gotta go--Have a Great Day ☺♥

hedgie said...

Margy, speaking of the Bee Gees.....heard a great song by them last week. Went to iTunes yesterday to ssee if they had it...not only DID they, but it was on an album of SO MANY of their greatest hits that I downloaded the whole album!!

Linda said...

Deleted my incorrect "birthday" post so as not to create a domino effect of misinformation!

Congratulations Andy!! Lots of hard work on your part has now paid off and we're all so proud of you!! ♥

NatureNut said...

Left out part of sentence about praying------

.."it is proven that, no matter what the religion, their (patient's) recovery is better than those who didn't have that support."

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma! How you be?? Yes, it would be wise to save the pics....AND delete from your puter----they take SO much memory that it's bound to bog down the system!

Linda said...


LORETTA - Great news on Danny and we will, of course, keep those prayers going for him. ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning!

First off /Congratulations, Andy! You have worked so hard! What an are to be admired! Time to celebrate!!!

Margy, have put your name down for Camp Hawkwood! LOL You can come as a Camp Counselor...the early morening one. LOL Yep, they are early risers!!

On my agenda today is grossery shopping and it is going to be really gross. Laurel is happy it is me and not her this week. LOL Those boys eat and eat and eat! Anyone read Zits cartoon? Well, today was Joseph. Eating a snack of a 10ft sandwich. LOL They go through almost a gallon of milk a day!!!

Lolly said...

Whoops, posted without looking for typos. Geeeesh!☺

Lolly said...

Good morning, Linda. So glad that you were able to help your SIL yesterday. I am sure she is having a rough time. (((Hugs)))

stronghunter said...

On FB Scrabble, you don't really know what the other person might be doing, Lori. They give you a dictionary and a list of two-letter words, so I use them.

I already know almost all of the two-letter words anyway, but this dictionary is a little different from the one I have been using.

I know there are Scrabble cheat links you can find online, but I do not look at those. I do not know what my opponent might be doing. I wouldn't get any satisfaction from doing that, but what my opponent does is up to him or her.

I like to find someone who is a challenging opponent so I can hone my own skills. If someone just demolished me every game, I probably would not want to play with them anymore, though. That hasn't happened so far. I did have one opponent who seemed to be a good player, but he resigned when I beat him! Too bad, I wanted to play again, but there are plenty of others willing to play, so I moved on.

hedgie said...

Great news, Loretta! Momster prayers are awesome once again!!
Please keep us posted as Danny wends his way through the recvery process!

Shar---are the sutures dissolvable or do you go back for removal in a day or two?

Lolly said...

Neighbor had exterminators recently for termites. Man recommended coyote urine to chase away the armadillos. He is going to get some. Hmmmm??? Should be interesting.

hedgie said...

Linda....not to worry! We all make those little gaffe's!! No big deal!

T-Bird said...

I'll catch you all on the flip side.

Lolly said...

Jack is getting ready to leave for his therapy.

Lynn, read back where Liesl was a bit miffed with you going off and leaving here. Back to normal?

Linda said...

Good Morning to you, too, Lolly!

Sounds like you have a busy day leading up to a busier week. You and Jack are such amazing parents and awesome grandparents!! Kudos to you for raising such a loving family and for always supporting and enjoying them!

hedgie said...

DanaMo-----it is not COLD! It is delightfully, pleasantly cooler!!!!

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, I know the river is nearby, but I am not sure about where the roads go. Others know more than I do about that.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Linda! We are so very proud of our two, both outstanding adults. Now, to help raise these grandboys to be the same. It is a rough world out there!

Joseph we know is going to be okay. Recently on the boardwalk over the sand dunes, a lady lost a chair off the back of her golf cart. Without hesitation, Joseph said, "Here, Mommy" and handed her his boogie board and went to help the lady. LOL She was so impressed with Joseph that they got a ride on her golf cart.

Now, Jacob is having problems with handling disappointments. We gotta work on that.

stronghunter said...

Loretta, so nice to see the good news about Danny.

Lolly said...

First you talk about your rain, now you are talking about your cooler weather. I just might have to leave this blog. (I would really never do that!!☺) I am trying to accept the fact that I may soon be living in the desert. I should show you how some of my plants look. And, now the trees are loosing their leaves.

stronghunter said...

I hear children playing. The daycare kids must be outdoors enjoying the nice weather at NCTC.

stronghunter said...

I have been watering my trees, Lolly. They have looked dry.

Lolly said...

Missed Loweeda's post. Went back to find it. Fantastic report on Danny. Wishing him the best and prayers still going up!

hedgie said...

Hoda, see that Egypt plans to lift the "emergency law" before the election later this year.....will that make things better?

JudyEddy said...

Hey my birthday is not today it was July 15 maybe you have me cornfused with someone else Jordyn and I are playing

hedgie said...


This is the fire that we could smell smoke and see heavy haze from on Monday before we crossed the bridge over to the OBX. By Mon. evening it had consumed 1000 over 5000. :(

hedgie said...

DanaMo, if you stay on Shepherd Grade Rd. toward S'town... turn left onto 480 and the bridge across the river is right there.

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope that gallon of milk the boys drink is low-fat!

Leaves are coming down here in significant proportions, too--I assume because of the heat.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends and Lurkers ( :

Andy so happy for you that school
is FINISHED!!!!! WOW along the way
all the prayers. You really made the grades too. That was long and hard but YOU DID IT LADY ((HUGS))

Linda it is so good of you to help
Billy's wife. It has to be a very
hard time for her too. She knows
how much you love Billy. You are
a WONDERFUL person. (((HUGS)))

I tell you some of you on this blog
are such good artist Paula love your
Happy Birthday to DanaMo. Then I
remember some on back there.

Prayers starting now for GG's 3 injections. Praying that they will help her next week.

Cute avatar Lori for Andy ( :

Jo is getting her Ft. Bragg family
this afternoon...FUN FUN and many
hugs and laughter about to come.
So glad things went so well at
doctors ( :

Sharon glad mouth in slowly healing.

Good Morning Thelma ( :

Mema Jo said...

Good Beautiful Morning - I am headed out
to meet my Bragg Bunch for lunch and then some school shoe shopping. I am very excited and that is why I just
skimmed over the comments of the morning

Loretta - I am so happy for Danny's
surgery and will continue to pray for
his complete recovery. Jeanne's remarks about Praying make my heart very
grateful that we helped again.


Linda said...

Good Morning WV Dana! Hope you're doing well this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Comments of last evening to Andy
Andy - I and every blogger on here are busting with Pride for all you have
done - from day one when you decided to do this and all of us were right there with you praying at every test!! What memories! So I'd really like to see you
kicking up your heels BUT no can do!
Enjoy your sugar free ice cream bar!!
In fact Have 2 and elevate that foot
Love ya!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, that fire made the DC news this week because smoke was drifting up the East Coast.

Linda said...

Jo - Enjoy your Bragg Bunch today and this beautiful weather. ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Loretta for the update on Danny fromJeanne. Will continue prayrs for recovery.

What type of disc is best to save pictures from comuter on?

Lolly when you said a man said coyote urine to chase awy armadillos."He" is goint to get some. Is the "he" Jack or that man?

stronghunter said...

It is so very nice outdoors today.

Lolly, just remember the days when we had monster snow storms and you were spared. It works out.

stronghunter said...

Susan and Hunter are at the National Zoo today. I expect he slept in this morning. He was so tired last night when we had dinner. He had a blast at Kings Dominion.

hedgie said...

Shirley, Mits said that it was evident at Ocean City, too......just the right (or WRONG) wind direction!

hedgie said...

DanaWV---just a CD-R disc to put your pics on.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn ( : Give a hug to Liesl for me please.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to run some errand.

Everyone have a good day. ( :

Kay said...

ANDY, Congratulations ! This Avatar's for you !!! Well done !!!

LYNN, Liesl will soon recall just who is the Alpha Dog in the household.☺ Yes, all the kids call me Grandmother. Karen and I called our mom Mother and my husband's family called their mom Mama. So when our kids came along we designated mine as Grandmother and his as Grandma. Then when Eileen had Max, she started him off calling me Grandmother and it stuck for all. It does sound formal to some, but it's music to my ears ! They have Grandma's and Nana's on the other sides of their trees, but it's Grandmother on mine.

LINDA, it's good that you and Lil have a close relationship---God knew you'd need each other ! Wow, I'm in awe of the way you can fix your mom's puter from afar.

LOLLY, neat that Laurel's school has a therapy Lab ! That would be a great idea in all schools and it would give retired therapy dogs something to do ! Can guarantee you Perry will never get my vote. Never ! Camp Hawkwood sounds like a lot of fun for campers and counselors alike !

LORI, sorry I wasn't up late last night nor early this a.m. to enjoy your company ! Fresh air and cooler temps made for good sleeping ! But, here is a late hug, {{{{{{L♥RI}}}}}

Kay said...

And, for the second chapter of my book....

WANDA, Good News for GG ! More help for the pain is a very good thing !

DANAMO, happy to hear you had a RED LETTER DAY ! You deserved all the goodies !

LORETTA, huge sigh of relief ! So happy Danny is "OK" and please let Jeanne know we're all still on it. Praying for a text book recuperation !

HMMM, Coyote urine. Good luck with that collection process JACK n' LOLLY ! But, hey, if it will rid Hawkwood of armadillo's it may be worth the effort ! LOL

SHARON, it's good to know your mouth is healing well !

And time for my mouth to have a rest ! Had a busy morning out and about, now have finished my blog novelette and time to accomplish something around this house. BBL


Lori O. said...

KAY isn't it wonderful how the fresh air and sunshine plus a little walking will relax you to sleep? I saw that you bid good night early and were headed to bed.

I am so glad these past two weeks are over! It's been too busy and not enough sleep for me. I couldn't win a game of Scrabble now if I had a full dictionairy in front of me. That is fascinating, SHIRLEY. I'll have to check that out on FB.

Did I miss JUDIE this morning or has she not been on yet?

stronghunter said...

You can set the game so that you make only one or two plays a day if you wish. I have played in games before in which you have only two minutes to play. That is too fast for me. I like to have more time to think.

Lori O. said...

Think I'll go feed the Black Vulture chicks then take a nap...but first:

Congratulations ANDY! I liked JO's post. She summed it up well for all of us.

JO, have fun with the family AND CHLOE!

LOLLY, when does Camp Hawk begin? Monday? Linda is right about you raising such a nice family. Very fortunate for all of you.

LINDA! Blessings for helping your SIL. I know it's not easy for you either, but for some reason God has you two going through this together, which is definitely better than alone. ♥

DANA WV, love your red flower avatar. Is it a hibiscus? In your yard?

Healing thoughts & prayers for SHARON, Danny, LINDA and TORI.

OH LYNN, what was the name of the BeeGee's album you got? Love the BG's!
Did you know they wrote Kenny and Dolly's "Islands in the Stream"? Oh, that's another one I want to download. :)

hedgie said...

Kay, I made it clear from the beginning that I would NOT be called Nana!!!! But my Mom told Carolyn to have the greats call her that!!!! She and my MIL were both Grandma---but the kids put their own distinctions on it as they got older: my Mom was "Grandma Miss Lorraine" (because they sometimes went to the daycare center where she worked & where she was called Miss Lorraine) and "Grandma at Granddaddie's House" (since he was the only living Granddad).

hedgie said...

Shirley, do I understand that the Scrabble game you play is only 2-letter words? Seems like that would make for a fast game! can't extend out on board very far!!

Judie said...

Good 28 minutes into afternoon.

Loretta, thank you for the report on Danny. Momsters rock. Wish them the best, please.

Congratulations Andy. Everyone is so happy for you. It has been a true pleasure to travel down the road with you. Be proud of your accomplishment. Hard to believe we don't have to type: Another A?

Hoda, so generous of you to volunteer your time and energy. Don't forget to let us know all about the events.

Linda, Lillian is most fortunate to have your support. She will be fine. You will be fine.

Lolly, in advance, enjoy Camp Hawkwood week. Sure hope Jack's neck won't be a distraction.

Kay, congratulations on the long walk.

Judie said...

Wow, almost slipped past me. Jo, know you're at lunch so hope it is good food and tons and tons of fun with the Bragg Brigade.

hedgie said...

LORI---album is simply titled "Love Songs"....and, no I DIDN'T know that they wrote Islands in the Stream!!!! Great song for sure!

hedgie said...

Judie, Judie, Judie! Good to see you!!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon, Judie.

Lolly said...

Worked in the yard a wee while, but then it got too hot.

We go to Denton tomorrow evening for Elvis on the Square and we bring the boys home with us. Camp Hawkwood is from tomorrow evening until next Friday. We take them home to "Meet the Teacher" night at their school. I get to go too, to meet the teachers.

Jack has decided to let the neighbor try the coyote urine first. Let him give it a try. We had a thought. Laurel and Joey's neighbor has a big exterminator company and he is having trouble getting rid of armadillos. He set out three traps that did not work. If he does not know about the urine, then I am guessing it is an old wives tale.

Lolly said...

Off now to get read to go to the grossery store! Yikes!

Lynn, I drink fat free skim milk, the boys and Laurel drink 1%.

Hoda said...

Good Morning, Good Afternoon everyone.

LYNN, North of sixty is up Norht in Canada.Canada is on the 49th Parallel with the USA and the latitude for way up North is sixty.
I do not know if it will make a difference lifting the emergency laws in Egypt. I see it as a measure that will allow those who like to cause problems to have a freer reign...I will watch and see what happens. I put them in my prayers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Have been up for a while, trying to catch up on housework, AND the blog.

So glad to hear of Danny's fantastic post op condition! Prayers for his SPEEDY recovery! Thank you, Lord Jesus!

Prayers for GG's doctor, and that the injections will find the perfect spot!

Prayers for Sharon for speedy healing!
(BTW, thanks again for getting me started with medical transcription!)
Lynn, you helped too with Gray's Anatomy (still using it!)...and EVERYONE here has literally prayed me through the last 2+ years, so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to EVERYONE! I so appreciate your kind congratulations!
My Sis-in-law, who graduated from Cal Poly in Pomona, CA (home of the Kellogg Arabians), said it well: It's like giving birth to an ELEPHANT, and unloading a ton of stress!

Lori, I love the Bee Gees (and WASH-FM) too!

Well, gotta go and get busy catching up on 2+ years of neglected housework! (one room at a time...) I'm starting with the room the computer's in--looks like a disaster!
Will be checking in later, though.
Happy Red Friday, everyone! TGIF! :o]
P.S.--Emma says "Woof!"

hedgie said...

Judge Belvin Perry has ordered Casey Anthony to return to Orlando to serve a year's probation!!!
Way to go, Judge!!!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY that is super that her class has a dog I have never heard of a dog mascot only gerbils or small rodents
Collecting the urine for a coyote may be a little hard to do I wouldn't want to be the person doing it I saw a ran over armadillo along the highway last nite going to Angies It was not a pretty site Vultures hadn't made it to it yet
I hope your weather get some better TX is always mentioned of the nightly news how hot it is there

ANDY Way to Go Congratulations on a job well done

LORETTA good to hear about Danny doing well

Jordyn is down for a nap we went and had lunch with Angie that really confused Jordyn she thought it was time to go home and kept wanting to give me hugs and kiss bye bye then she I got in the car with her she was surprised I didn't want to take her out to lunch were there is a play facility because when she get over excited she starts that terrible gagging cough So far today no cough attack like yesterday at McD
s or last nite Angies said she was up last nite coughing and spitting up mucus Ok I need to go back to reading while I can

I'll be back!!!

JudyEddy said...

Have you every heard of a Tarabyte that is what Angie had put in her puter for pictures instead in her puter they go on the tarabyte

I have most of mine on a CD R and still in puter I have lots of memory left If and when it get full I will dump all the pictures but for know they stay 126gb of
288gb is used in my C drive so I have a ways to go I have had the puter since 2007

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I hope Liesl has warmed up to you I remember those days with our dogs They would pee all over everything when we got back Pay back I guess

JudyEddy said...

Well I am officially caught up reading for the moment so I shall to go do something

hedgie said...

Judie---forgot to tell you: the Chesapeake Expressway toll is up to $6 on weekends! ARGH!

Judie said...

New thread. Y'all come on over.

hedgie said...

JudyE---Liesl is more herself but not 100% yet. She piddled in front of the kitchen sink last evening! :(
How is Jordyn's mouth???? Forgot to say that the antibiotic precipitates the fair! Cure for one thing causes another.....

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Just checking in to let you know I am heading to the beach!!!

Have a great evening!

Costume Lady said...

Back from Saturday Date Day. Such a fun day. Not relaxing, but fun!

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, you are correct, the tall yellow and orange plants are Bromiliads

They like bright light and they need to be watered in the leaf cup.

Small purple flower is an African Violet: bright east or north window...put water

in a saucer under the pot ...needs to suck up water for about an hour.

Red and orange plants, Kalanchoe: Bright light, but never direct sunlight...

Water when soil feels dry.

Green leaf with small white flower: Spathiphyllum: Bright light, no direst sun:

water when dry to the touch.

Azelea, should be planted outside...mine is planted in front of house/West.

Water as needed.

Costume Lady said...

It looks like a deluge of rain took place here. Pine needles washed down the driveway, along with gravel. It rained on our way to Charles Town, but not fiercely. Rain quit just as we got to the football stadium. They have artificial turf there, so there was no's a beautiful stadium (Washington High School in Charles Town...very new High School) No winners or losers...scrimmage. Dustin is the tallest player, so no problem seeing him:)
Karla, Donny and Jayden were there and Jayden was so good. He can be ornery at times!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...