Monday, August 15, 2011


New week thread.


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stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Lynne.
Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Bringing this over:

Good morning,

Hope everyone is having a good morning.

Things are plenty busy around here.

Aric is in Spain! Wow!

Thanks for the blimp info, Kay. I am trying to remember those places. It has been so many years.

Monday, August 15, 2011 9:15:00 AM

Linda said...

Good Morning! I see this is a fresh thread. Thanks Steve!

I'll have to go back and catch up.

I'm moving slow this morning. Fighting a headache, a possible cold coming on and still not sleeping well at night since I got home. Hmmmmm

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Mema Jo said...

This new Monday thread is fantastic, Steve. Thank you very much!

I am just up and about so I too need to
go backwards before going forward...

BBILW Have not had coffee yet!
I will give you all a big Good Morning!

Linda said...

LORI - Hoping the vultures are okay this morning and you can get them some help if needed.

Linda said...

DANAMO - So happy to hear Aric has landed in Spain! I am sure you're relieved he is there and safe! Hope he has a wonderful time there.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Now picture this....instead of Annie, I have Jacob sitting on the arm of the chair, leaning on my right arm and shoulder. He has a costume catalog and saying "I want this, Grandmommy and this and this and this!" LOL

Oh, the boy loves to dress up and Laurel plans on giving him a new costume for his birthday. He will then have it for Halloween, too. He wants the Gold Ninja...with swords, of course.

We are off to Sea Life Aquarium right after an early lunch.

Have a great week! I am!

hedgie said...

Stupid blogger cop is not letting me post. Trying again.....

hedgie said...

Geesh!!! I posted over an hour ago....and it just kept giving me an error message.....looks like it's okay now!

What is originally said was:

♫ Monday, Monday....♫
♫ Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....♫

I had to break down and take a real pain pill for my stupid shoulder blade. Hoping that a single dose will break the pain cycle like it did a few weeks ago.
So then I went to the sofa for a while as it kicked in. Still a bit woozy, but feeling much better.

hedgie said...

Quiet on here since the cafe closed!

Glad that Aric arrived safely.

Anxious to hear a morning report on the vulture babies. Lori.....???

Lolly, can Wanda get the costume for you at a better price??

Jo, are you feeling better this morning?

hedgie said...

The national news/weather showed that Martinsburg got 1.67" of rain yesterday.....not much compared to some places----I think someplace in NY got 10"!!!

Linda said...

LYNN - Sorry you're still in pain today, but glad the pain pill is working.

That is so weird that you were thinking of that song. I was too! I'm not feeling well and am really feeling blue today. Guess things hit you on days you least expect them to. I think if my mind would rest when I sleep I wouldn't wake up so tired.

I wanted to try and get my daily routine back on track today, but I don't think that is going to happen today! :(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Friends

I need to finish last night thread.

Want to know more about Lori's vultures.

Kay happy Aric has landed.

Linda I pray you can get some sleep. If you can take a nap. I know you probably don't usually. These are different times right now. It will take awhile for things to come together. (((HUGS)))

Kay said...

Jus' checkin' back in after a nice long nap and a few household chores. Hmmmm, I guess MARGY, JAMES
"The Kidster" and THELMA all slept in today. They've usually made an appearance by now.

Oh, and STEVE, I was delighted to see a new thread ! Thank you !

LYNN, I think you need an appt. with GG's pain management doc. A good injection in that shoulder might be just the ticket.

LINDA, hope you're just having sympathy for Dennis symptoms and not coming down with a cold ! Although, after the stress of the last couple of weeks you may both have low resistence. Bah humbug !

LOLLY, sounds like Camp Hawkwood is off to a great start ! No need to say "Enjoy"--you can't miss !

DANAMO, s'wonderful, s'marvelous that Aric has arrived safely in Spain ! Kind of heart wrenching to think of his dog puzzling over his absence. They just can't understand their humans sometimes !

A belated G☼☼d M☺rning to you J♥ ! Hope you're feeling good this a.m. !

Kay said...

And, WVgal DANA checks in ! H☺wdy ! I know you meant DANAMO regarding Aric's safe arrival in Madrid---though I'm sure my prayers, yours and those of a lot of Momster's helped !

Going into LM....

HAGD All !


hedgie said...

ON THIS DAY in began on the Berlin Wall......seems like it was so much longer ago than that!

FuzzleMT said...

Finally a report on my Saturday trip to the Sycamore Palace on July 2nd. My daughter Nikki and I met Lynn and Wanda in Shepherdstown and I can NEVER thank you two enough! It really IS precious meeting Momsters!! We were having a fun and peaceful visit when after about 40 minutes when we were just thinking of heading out, Nikki looked up and said, “That’s a hawk right?” We all turned and looked up and Lynn suggested that it might be an eagle. Wanda tossed her binoculars to Nikki and the three of us grabbed cameras and started shooting the sky hoping Nikki could confirm (with binoculars) that she saw white wing tips. Then all h*ll broke loose and Nikki and I fumbled back and forth exchanging camera and binoculars after Nikki said, “That’s an eagle!” We all discussed whether it was Truder or Belle and Lynn said she was pretty sure that it was Belle. I described the markings I could see and suspected as I watched the slow graceful controlled movements that it had to be Belle! We watched her soar for about ten minutes before she headed toward the river. It was an exciting, memorable and beautiful excursion to begin with and having Belle grace the visit with her presence was more than I could ever have imagined!! It’s something I will never forget! I do have pix and finally a blog where you can see them. Maybe someone with more experience can work on them to get a clearer and bigger shot. The closest one I have happens to be blurry and the others are sometimes merely dots. We just had a digital camera and had to guess where Belle was in the sky – I have to say we did pretty good getting what we did!
Thanks for all your “best wishes” and “safe travels” on our trip to Montana - WV Dana, I missed seeing you and wish you could have been there too!

Linda said...

Irene - Thanks for sharing your story of the magical day you saw Belle soaring above and for sharing the pictures. So glad she put on a show for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Pelican's Paula are they the brown
pelicans? Oh Boy!! Can't wait till
you can snap a picture of one of them.
Neat that they built that place for

Thanks for posting what our Candy
wrote on facebook. It is so very
true. God Bless our teachers and
their aids and the ones that work
with Special Needs Children.

Oh Lynne and Steve so thankful God
brought you through that storm to
the safety of your home.

Lynne there is always a crisis of
some type we don't do well in. So
the lighting was yours. Don't sell
yourself so short. Look at all the
wildlife and animal help you have
given on the blog during crisis.
You are Special ( : ((HUGS))

Linda saying prayers for Dennis
having a fun in this
weather...poor two do
take care of one another. I
remember a guy that did that too
and she for him (Ed & me) ( :

Mema Jo said...

Belle is quite a Lady! She has done
this before and it is as if she knows
how important she is to all of us!
Irene thanks for telling us of your
Eagle Highlight! I can still remember my
very first time seeing them.

I am not too motivated (yet) today
Yep it could be the weather because I
do feel very well

Lynn I think you did too much scrubbing at on the deck to have your
shoulder pain. Praying it goes away &
doesn't come back.

Mema Jo said...

Redskin Fans - The Bragg bunch made it
bright and early to the training camp.
So early in fact that they were the 1st to get 2 VIP passes! Patrick has already
begun to get his helmet autographed and
so far has Superbowl champ Joe Theisman.
They are sending Mobile pics over to FB He is one happy camper! Christine said their VIP passes places them under tent with table set ups and Food set ups. She is hoping the girls get to go into the Kids area. My Bragg Bunch are remarkable when it comes to taking advantage of offers.
Of course their leader is my Granddaughter.

hedgie said...

Linda, so sorry that it's a bummer day for you. You will find that it happens when you least expect is part of the grieving process, unfortunately. Just roll with it, and do what you feel up to, and try to find distraction if you can. (((HUGS)))

Kay said...

IRENE, what a nice essay and pics commemorating your nest visit ! We can put all that together, with what WANDA and LYNN reported, and have a clear image of just how glorious that day was for all of you ! Many of us out here are a wee bit jealous and hope we can have such an experience ourselves someday !

hedgie said...

Kay, my oncologist injected it and it gave me such great relief for a couple of years. GP doesn't seem to want guess my ortho soon. I have two strange conditions: lordosis which is a front-to-back curvature of the spine, and scapular winging, which I guess may be a result of the muscles pull very strangely back there. LOL----leave it to me to have something weird!!!

Kay said...

JO, what a day the Bragg Bunch is having ! Gives me goosebumps !

stronghunter said...

What a story, Irene. I really enjoyed reading it and looking at all of your pictures. Thanks so much for sharing.

Kay said...

LYNN, hope you'll see the Oncologist or the Orthopedist soon. It was grand that you got a couple of pain free years out of that first injection. How can the GP argue with that experience ? No need to continue suffering when you know what will bring relief !

hedgie said...

WHooHoo, Irene!!!! So glad you checked in and told the story of our visit! AND got your blog up and running!!!! I looked at the Belle pics (better than mine!) and now will look at your others. What's happening with the mover???? Are you getting any satisfaction?? Even tho' nothing can replace many of your dear items, some recompense HAS to be made.

Thunderimg here....may have to shut down...:(

hedgie said... the font you are using on your blog! So cool! Even my comment came out like that!

wvgal_dana said...

lol I bet that lady that had
the blimp land was scared..
911 call "There is a blimp
in my yard". Now would they
think she was serious...or
ask a few more questions.

Linda I am sorry you and Dennis are sharing the cold. May God place HIS hands upon the both of you and rid you of this cold.

Lori I am hoping to get to comments about the vultures on this new thread. Which STEVE THANK YOU FOR IT and have a good day.

hedgie said...

Oh, see you haven't posted any pics to the other blog pages yet!

hedgie said...

Jo, what in the world is Theissman doing there??? What a publicity hound. Not one of my favoirte people....always dislike when he's calling a game (like Friday night!). Of course, he WAS a good QB....but a sneaky husband and always a bit selfish!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


C(°?°)3 Jim

Kay said...

LINDA, so many of us know what you're going through as you adjust to Billy's promotion. I lost Mother in 65',Daddy in 85', sister in 95' and precious hubby in 07'. There are still times when something triggers a memory of one of them and I shed a few tears. We never forget. I try to focus on the good times we shared and on the terrific fact that they've earned their wings. I am looking forward to a grand reunion someday, but for now, dwell on my kids, grands and dear friends who keep the sunshine in my life ! Continue to share those feelings with us here--many can understand what you are experiencing and we're backing you up with daily prayers ! ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Oh, good grief....caution out with only 5 laps to go in the race. My guy (Jr.) is way back, tho', so guess it's a moot point. He had been in 4th at one point, but a pit stop threw him way back. HAte road course races!

Thunder sounds like it's following the river....which is about 3-4 miles from me.

hedgie said...

Jo, I agree that my scrubbing work aggravated my discomfort. Reaching and stretching does it.

hedgie said...

Kay, onc retired. Said I no longer needed one, so went back to GP as my only caregiver. He does not seem too interested in doing many procedures. I was surprised that he removed an irritating mole on my neck a year or so ago! Was sure he would send me to a dermatologist for it!!

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, the dear "blimp lady" hadn't even discovered it when police knocked on her door to say, "we've spotted a runaway blimp in your back yard". It must have been a surreal moment. The blimp was one used to advertise a Vodka. She said, "if I were a drinking woman I'd ask for a strong one right now !"

wvgal_dana said...

Irene thank you for coming on
the blog. So you could share
your visit to the nest with us.
I can just imagine you and Nikki
passing anxiously the binoculars
and camera back and forth with
excitement. I always feel our
Belle knows just like Liberty
when the Momsters are there.
She put on a beautiful show
for you!!! So happy she came
for you to see her-Our Belle ( :

Irene I loved your pictures I left
a comment. I wanted so badly
to meet you.

I always look on here what I am typing. Don't know why sometimes one word ends up on one line only.

Lynne2 said...

UGH. Storming here again. Poor Daisy. Her nerves must be just about shot by now.

((((HUGS))) Linda!

So glad you popped in with your story Irene! Hope you are managing to get settled as best you can and that SOMETHING will be done about that moving situation. GGGRRRRRRR!!! I'll be looking forward to seeing your Montana Meandering pictures as you post from your new world!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch Still no live cam and still is black and white

Kay said...

LYNN, I hate that you must go to a GP who seems oblivious to the miracles of modern medicine. Any chance you can switch to someone, possibly an Internist, for better care ? I realize medical services vary depending on region. OMG I did not realize just how bad they were in Bullhead City, til' I returned to Columbus !

wvgal_dana said...

Kay Read your comment about the police knocking on the ladies door. I loved what she said. You have me chuckling out loud. SMILES!!

Lynne2 said...

very bad storm here...need to go check on Daisy. I'm unplugged but as long as battery works and power stays on I'm connected. Windows are rattling.......YIKES!!!!!!

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals...
Happy to see New Thread, sorry to see both cams down

I was watching the weather maps for Europe, Wow, Hot Hot Hot in Spain this week...glad to hear Aric is there and getting settled in, what a Wonderful Endeavor...

I know there are Beau Coup aka lots of comments I want to and should make, but....James is here and we are getting ready to get ready to head out..

God Bless Your Respective Days....
hope all aches, pains, sniffles, coughs, and associated discomforts will disappear Tout de Suite!
aka QUICKLY !!!

xoxo ttfn ☺ ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim hope things are going well with you and your computer.

Thanks you Kay yes I did mean that comment about Aric for DanaMo.

Kay what city did you live in before you moved back to Columbus? You probably already said but I just can't remember it?

Margy I think it was great by the way that you took James. To see how the creek can rise from the rain. He needs these lessons and I am thankful for all you teach him. It will be things that will come back to him at different times in his life growing up.

Kay said...

DANA, I moved here from Bullhead City, AZ--90 miles southeast of Vegas on the Colorado River. 300 ft. above sea level, so hot, hot, hot except for Dec.,Jan. and Feb..

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD I for got to say the other was about to pop it was so full LOL

LORI how are the vultures

DANAMO does the rain in spain stay mainly on the plain LOL Glad to here they arrived safely Don't forget we like picture tooo.

PAULA or anyone else the picture of the eagle nest and the barn of the Eagle Momsters Blog which eagle is in the nest do we know I had put that picture on Glo Glimpese as part of my bucket list of place I want to see and someone had asked which eagle is in nest so I am asking Thanks in advance ♥♥♥♥♥♥!

IRENE loved your story thanks for sharing

hedgie said...

From Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Assoc. on FB: First raptor of the autumn migration season was an Osprey followed by two juvenile Bald Eagles. All three before 8 am.
That's in PA.

JudyEddy said...

See ya later gator of to work I go

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - you sure know your players!
Sammy got a nose bled while standing in
the autograph line and went with her mom
to the first aid stand. She was very
upset that she lost her place in line but she did get a lot of autographs.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, the birds have started their
migration! Lots of little ones at
my feeding station on the deck.


Hoda said...

GREAT blogging everyone.
IRENE thanks for your journal on the visit and for the pictures. I see why you will never forget it.I, like LYNN want to know if the movers are being a bit more reasonable?

LINDA be patient with yourself, you have gone through a lot. Prayers come your way and to DENNIS too.

LORI it must be very difficult to watch the vulture not able to move and yet when the time is right you will take action...Gete some help in capturing it. I AM SO GLAD your MOM is coming to visit.

LYNN take care of that shoulder, don't push yourself too hard.

I was very happy to read MARGY'S entries on your time with JAMES. I think he is one lucky lad and I agree time with Grandma serves as a terrific character foundation.

Jo I am glad you are feeling better and don't push it too hard today either since you said you do not have much energy...

I am off to yoga and to prepare for this week....a friend I have not seen for over twenty five years is coming to visit her brother, who lives in Nelson, and we will visit each other too. It is a full week for me with the volunteering for the BC Senior Games, my Yoga my paddling and now the visit with DAWN. BBL HAGD

hedgie said...

Kay, I really like my doc.....he's one of the few young ones who truly respects my experience and opinions. And he never rushes any patient....takes as long as needed with everyone---and has signs in all rooms that say so!

hedgie said...

:( The GHO at WCV didn't make it.

FuzzleMT said...

Prayers for all the ailments - rain doesn't help! So it's raining, huh? Can't wait for my first thunder bumper here in the "bowl" although I'm actually located higher on the mountain. No, no pix in my other two blogs as yet - just got around to putting my trip across the country and Belle on a stick external. So much to do - so little time. And this won't be my last move! I did find a nice place to rent here in Missoula in the Moose Can Gully area over near the Blue Mtn in the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mtns. I will put pix of my view on my "Meanders" blog next. Any Momsters over here in my backyard??? I know Geula is somewhere, but in Canada, right? Any lurkers out there that we don't know yet? Chime in!! Would be glad to hear from you. Oh, and I sadly don't have any eagles in my backyard - but I understand lots of deer and maybe a bear will pass thru, but the bear would have to be plenty hungry! OK must get busy -

hedgie said...

Oh, marvelous that you will be having a reunion with a dear friend!!! Hope you have plenty of time to catch up!!! When does she arrive?

hedgie said...

JO----any chance that Patrick got a Cooley signature for me???
Think I told you before that Frank and Irene got me a Cooley jersey at an auction awhile back---first real jersey I've ever had!

FuzzleMT said...

Oh, stupid me - it's HODA over here and Geula is in Israel or Egypt??

FuzzleMT said...

No recompense on my move as yet - waiting to hear what they intend to do about it, but so many advise getting an attorney so the moving company will not have wiggle room to get out of their responsibility. I just want that driver FIRED at the very least.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I haven't heard about your requested autograph. It would be wonderful if they did! My message to them wasn't acknowledged so I'm not
too hopeful.

hedgie said...

Speaking of Pelicans!

Always love watching them at the beach!

hedgie said...

Another DID YOU KNOW? 66 yrs. ago today, Japan surrendered to the Allies!

Hoda said...

LYNN DAWN arrives Thursday and will be here till Saturday afternoon. We worked together in a school in 1980 and she and her then husband were expecting the twins. He had an affair with a Japanese woman and their marriage fell apart and he later married the Japanese woman and Dawn never remarried. I think Kevin was the love of her life...she had several relationships and nothing came of them. She continues to teach in a wonderful resort in BC called WHISTLER...

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I hope you and Dawn have a great time in catching up on life.
She sounds like a wonderful lady. I am so glad this meeting is going to be taking place for YOU ( : HUGS

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn about the news of the Pelicans. Great they will be leaving to a better area.

Irene I pray your place you found to rent. Is the perfect place for you. I would guess it is not too far from your daughter is it?

hedgie said...

Irene, Geula is in Israel.
I agree about getting an attorney. Having the guy fired isn't enough!

hedgie said...

Is the new place you found to rent a house, Irene? Can't wait to see pics of the area. Not aware of anyone else out in that area. Suspect that Hoda is the closest to you!! Check the map---she's in Nelson, BC. Not REAL far!

hedgie said...

Looks like the one possible house in NC is a kids were okay with the location (1 block from the sound) but Frank&Irene's kids aren't. I'm giving up! :(
Seems to me beggars shouldn't be choosers; since they aren't putting up any of the $$$......I'm just sayin'!

Lynne2 said...

wow Lynn, that sucks. I think you are right if they aren't putting up any money then how much say should they have. Especially if the 3 putting up the bucks really love the place. Hmmmmmmm

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - sorry about that part of the house deal. Not sure why the input was necessary at this time because once it is purchased everyone will be there to
enjoy it!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home for the day and guess who left a message on my machine Pat Boone Oh my and it sounds just like him it was a recorded political message so I did not listen and just hit erase but was it nice to have his sultry voice on my machine Going out to eat with Tommy RL is his favorite place and he will have to twist my arm LOL

I looked on the OC site to see if there was anything about both cams but nothing The still cam looks to be updating the leaves are always in a different postions when it resfeshing just like like crap

FuzzleMT said...

I am 9 minutes away from my daughter. Housing in Missoula is peculiar! There are BEAUTIFUL houses w/yards sitting right next to what I would call a "shack" BUT if you catch a glimpse inside they too are quite nice! Makes me wonder if it's taxes or weather that drives the building of these abodes - windows are usually only on two sides - front and back. Just not the housing I am used to! So my rental is in a quadplex which is the norm. In my area, there are singles, duplexes, quads and the bigger units. What I like is the panaramic VIEW and the deck to enjoy the sunset and maybe the sunrise - I haven't stayed overnite yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Irene can't wait to see your pictures of your place. I was looking online at the area you said.

So glad you daughter does live close. ( : Happy for you!!!

hedgie said...

That sounds great, Irene!!! You probably will miss being with Nikki, but also appreciate your privacy again!

Well, we all had agreed that the kids will be the inheritors, so.....guess that gives them the right to their opinions, after a fashion. But I sure didn't think it would be a big determining factor. :( Two against two seems like a I guess that equals NYET!

hedgie said...

Thundering heavily here.....but nothing happening---yet!

Time to lower the checkbook balance---ugh!!!! Real estate and personal property taxes due by end of month....double ugh!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I've been hearing thunder most of the day. A few sprinkles that was all. I'm still hearing thunder though.

JudyEddy said...

IRENE I would think the people buying it would have the say not children or relatives that my inherit it JMO

Also I have a sort of legal question my parent left their property to us three girls Well if my sister doesn't sell it and just say all three of us girls dye does our family get it I told Connie that probably not just to get her to do something with the property Why hold on to it it is just costing money taxes , insurance, etc Anyone one want to by a house with almost 3 acres in Radcliff Ky LOL so I hope I'm not fibbing

PAULA are you administrator to the facebook page I think I recall that The reason is If you would put the live and still cam links on the page this way other peeps will have it There have been several peeps ask and I have posted it on the profile but would be nice to have it right below the picture where the ABOUT information is--- Just a thought

JudyEddy said...

JUDYE here as if you didn't know This was just on our weather Paul Dellegatto (cutie he is) was talking about the winds at the concert in Ind He said that he did not like the way that they said "a sudden gust of wind came up" He said that is not so that they were under severe weather reports (6pm-10pm) (60mph winds) or higher is considered severe warning and sky was black if you look on the video and the said that the structure acted like a big sail and well we know what happened. I just wanted to tell you all that
He just showed the radar from that area and a big squall line was moving in


JudyEddy said...

LYNN I love the Pelican story tooo cool I love pelicans We have some cool ones in Fl

hedgie said...

I heard the mayor say this morning that the leading odge of the storm was 30 mins. away per the report they had received, Judy.

If all three of you own an equal part of the house,Judy, and if one of you dies, the other two will either have to buy out your share and the money would go into your estate, or they will have to sell(and your third of the proceeds would go into your estate).

hedgie said...

I sure hope you all are renting it out, and not just burdened with all the costs of taxes, etc.

hedgie said...

Rained a little here and still thundering, but nothing to write home about!

JudyEddy said...

Paul talked about out flow boundaries caused the winds the temp dropped dramatically because of it also that spectators said it felt cold

hedgie said...

JudyE---what is RL?
Did you know that I am distantly related to Pat Boone??

JudyEddy said...

LYNN there is a long story to that the renting of it My sister let some people live there friends of her kids and she felt sorry for them so they didn't pay rent She kept saying they are keeping the property mowed and the up keep of it I told her she was stupid and that I will not send her any money to the taxes and insurance that she should at least make them pay those and she should not have to pay anything Break even if you feel sorry for them Not hand it to them on a sliver platter so both other sister have not sent a red cent to her Told you it was a long story

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

And I can't get ahold of the turkey to go and eat keeps going to his voice mail so I am going to go get something to eat now Catch you on the flip flop BBL

JudyEddy said...

Oh I am jealous I love Pat Boone I love his voice

Costume Lady said...

We had a lot of rain here...looked like a river running down our drive-way. Pine needles and gravel and anything else in the rain's way! (about 45 minutes ago)

Costume Lady said...

JUDYE...are you going to RED LOBSTER and have TURKEY?

Hoda said...

Very good yoga practice and the day is going well for me. We are now getting lots of Thunder and my are the skies dark. I think the heavens are about to bless us with rain.
This evening is the last practice for the Dragon Boat Team that is entering the Seniors Games. We were all supposed to go there and cheer them on, I wonder if this practice will still happen.
It is raining and the water is pelting off the roof of the car and the drive way!!!It sounds wonderful.

JUDYE thanks for the emails, lots of interesting information and the Funeral for the American Indian Warrior was touching to me.

Costume Lady said...

We are having LOLLY'S Sausage & Peppers on Parmesan Grits...left overs.
Lolly, did you buy Parmesan grits already prepared or did you make it yourself? I made a recipe and found it VERY salty. Threw away the grits and cooked some rice in it's place. Also, added some fresh patio tomatoes.

Lolly said...

Home from the Sea Life Aquarium, watched Marmaduke DVD and now preparing Bacon Pasta for dinner.

I am pooped already! LOL Tomorrow we go to Dallas to visit Uncle Michael's office and to eat lunch with him.

Great to hear from Irene!!! Loved the Belle sighting report. Nothing like seeing our eagles for real!!!!

DanaMo said...

Okay so Boomer just had some cashews. He helped himself.What am I going to do with him?

Hoda said...

WOW!!! What poor quality the still cam is!!! No colour and horizontal lines and a fog type aura in it. yet inspite of all that I think it is still working!!! The imge changes on refresh and the clock is working.

LYNN I have a shiny dark brown, smooth surface scab like on my left elbow. Strange becasue I did not have a reason to develop the scab. I made a doctor's appointment for Wednesday as I do not know what it is...have you got any ideas as to what it might around it is dry and it is not exaclty a circle, but more round shape than not...what could it be I wonder???

DanaMo said...

WOW still image isn't very good tonight at all!

Hoda said...

DANAMO_ Boomer is ARIC's dog right??? I think he is missing ARIC.

hedgie said...

Oh, JudyE----I love RL.....did your son stand you up? After you had your mouth watering?? No fair!

Sounds to me like you and one sister need an attorney to address the house issue with your other sister.

Wanda----nothing here that could legally be called rain!!

DanaMo said...

Nope...Frisbee is Aric's dog.

Boomer is always mischievous so there really are no excuses good for him!

DanaMo said...

Boomer is who is snuggling with me in my avatar

hedgie said...

Hoda, dear....I don't want to scare you, but it is possible that it's a melanoma. SO very glad you found it now and that you made an apptmt. right away. Please keep us posted....praying that it's not anything serious.

Hoda said...

Oh my !!! and at the price of Cashews...NO NO NO BOOMER!!!

DanaMo said...

A little cloudy here now, but poured and thundered and lightening earlier today. Because of the weather, I postponed a pool party I was suppose to have tonight. Of course after I postponed the sun came out!

DanaMo said...

@Hedgie and Hoda, I thought the same thing. I'm glad you are getting it checked out! Let us know what the doctor says.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, I'm glad you are getting your "thing" checked much better to be safe than sorry!

Hoda said...

LYNN, OH my Oh My Oh double MY MY!!! that would not be a good thing at all so I will hold on to the thought that it is something minor. It surprised me when I discovered it in Yoga class...we did a pose where we grabbed a hold of our elbows and I was surprised by the feel of it.Did a similar pose on Friday and I did not feel it then...Thanks LYNN, and yes I will keep you posted.

Hoda said...

DANAMO and LYNNE 2 and LYNN do not worry please. When I found it one of my first thoughts was I must ask LYNN.I made the doctor's appointment and will keep an eye on it...I want to put an anti-biotic cream on it but then think it is best to leave it on its own till the doctor sees it after tomorrow. Lets not all worry and thank you for caring.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I know DanaMo, Lynn and Lynne have already started prayer I just know they have. I have put that spot on your elbow in God's HANDS. May HE take care of it. So glad your appointment is soon. Even if it isn't at least it will be taken care of. (((HUGS)))

stronghunter said...

Fixing spaghetti sauce and waiting for football practice. Might have to take Kathryn a jumper cable if no one there has one, as she has killed her battery.

Oh, Hoda, glad you are getting your strange skin thing looked at. But it sounds like it just appeared if you did not notice it before.

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, did you bump your elbow...think about it and hope it is only a bruise. I always have round bruises on my elbow due to using it so much. My right hand holds items throughout the day and my left hand holds my eagle cane...therefore, I have to use my elbow to close doors, etc.:)
GG had a pre-cancerous lesion removed from her cheek, earlier in the Spring. Numbed it, removed it and all is good, now. She said it didn't hurt at all.
Prayers for a good outcome for you♥

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, calling upon your expertise.
When GG has her injections on Wednesday, her doctor wants me to go into the operating room so that I may be GG's ears. Doc said I would have to wear a Bunny Suit...what in the world is a Bunny Suit?

JudyEddy said...

Farewell Hornby Island Bald Eagle 2011

check this out too cool

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my avatar is of Jayden watching Sponge Bob with his "Sponge Bob" bucket hat on:) He has loved Sponge Bob since he was old enough to sit up and watch TV:) You may recall a video of him when he was 6 mo. old, watching SB at GG's.

Hoda said...

Thanks DANA, SHIRLEY and WANDA...In God's hands we are all well. I agree with Shirley that since I did not notice it on Friday I got it early and I trust my doctor, so all is indeed well. I am glad GG's lesion was removed no problem and if this is the same thing I presume they will do that here too...I know gratitude for you all and your caring...

Mema Jo said...

Don't worry Wanda you will look 'cute' in your blue/green bunny suit - hat and shoes too! NO TAIL - tell them NO TAIL.

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE for the Hornby Island 2011 Fledges...They might not have their camera on next year because of the disagreements they had this year...I am glad I saw the fledging

Hoda said...

JO I LAUGHED at your last are a torment you are!!!that is you like to tease!!!;^) !!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, bunny suit is just a set a disposable scrub outfit! No biggie!!

What GG had was a basal cell. Melanoma can appear almost overnight. But we are going to think positivily: that it's NOT or even if it is, it has been caught VERY early!

hedgie said...

Shirley, was Kat still at work or at a ball practice? Sure hope you didn't have to run out! Spaghetti sounds good!

Hoda said...

Should he get the money???HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY

JudyEddy said...

Interesting piece HODA
I hope all goes well at your Dr appt tomorrow It just may be nothing you will be in my thoughts and prayers

hedgie said...

Wonderful video from Hornby. Kind of sad, but sweet, too---since we never got to see any fledges from our nest. I agree, Judy--I think it's highly unlikely that cam will be up next year. Dave may even decide to take down the tree. Almost can't blame him.

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Saw the hockey thing on the news this morning.....I think the father did the right thing in th elong run.....but who sent the wrong kid out to begin with??? I think I would have said---"he's in the restroom---he'll be right there!"

JudyEddy said...

LYNN what actually happen I don't recall

wvgal_dana said...

Going to catch some tv

Prayers for those that need them; which are many. Lord rememeber those that I said I would pray for when meeting them in a store, or an evelator. You remember all I have said I will pray for so please carry those prayers for me. Thank You Lord.

Costume Lady said...

Do you think the father was trying to be honest for his son's sake or was he afraid someone was going to snitch on him...I felt troubled by the whole scenario??!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 9:00 TV show
The Closer and see what Brenda is up
to tonight. Then I'll BRB

hedgie said...

JudyE---Dave got a lot of criticism---and he I think he was banned from a blog, maybe-- after he publicly named people who had trespassed on HIS property during the drama of the fishing line episode. So he turned the cam off. He re-thought and turned it back on....but I'm sure the whole thing left a very sour taste in his mouth.

Hoda said...

LYNN My recollection is slightly different in regards the HORNBY ISLAND NEST PROBLEMS. Doug Carrick owns the camera and the land. Some on the island thought the eaglets were not getting enough to eat, and inspite of Doug saying he will let nature run its course, a man left food in under the nest tree. Doug criticised the action and named the person on the blog. Legal issues came up and he was told he could not post and then he shut the camera. They entered into more discussions and he restarted the live feed. He believes in nature running its course the others did not. From what I hear there are still bad feelings about.

Lolly said...

Just scanned the blog really quickly. Prayers for you, Hoda, that it is just a scab and nothing serious!

Do need to ask prayers for my new great nephew who was born Saturday. He apparently has pneumothorax. Need to talk to them to find out the details.

Putting the boys to bed! I am pooped. LOL Know clearly why the young have children. But, they are fun! Joseph is a sweetheart, Jacob is very trying! LOL It is his age...6. He has no patience.

Hoda said...

WANDA I think the father was truly simply being honest.I have respect for him and I do not know why the right twin did not go out to shoot the puck, but it is admiralble that he thought it was worth the money to tell the boys about honesty and doing the right thing sometiems cost.

Thanks JUDYE. I will let you all know what the Doctor says on Wednesday after my yoga class.I am trusting and accepting that what ever it is I will be able to know inner strength and God's Guidance.

Hoda said...

Prayers of REECE and his family. Thanks for telling us LOLLY. I do not know what it is but will google it. I am glad you had a great day with Jacob and Joseph...yes they take energy...

Hoda said...

Pneumothorax means collapsed lung!!! Prayers for BABY REECE and family LOLLY.

Lolly said...

Hornby has been one of my favorites. Would love to visit there. I do not think people should have tresspassed on his property. He has been very generous in sharing his cam.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Hoda! I have tried calling my brother but could not reach him. Need to know the details.

Lolly said...

Talked with my brother. Reece's breathing was just a little raspy at birth and they did an x-ray and saw that one lung had not inflated. The doctors say it should inflate on it's own though if they have to, they will insert tubes to withdraw the air in the cavity. So, another x-ray tomorrow. Larry told me the doctors are not worried and neither is Blaine, the daddy. He is a chiropractor as well as a nurse practioner. He got his nursing so he could write prescriptions.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the Hornby link, Judy. I enjoyed it.

stronghunter said...

Good news, Lolly. I would not have known how serious that situation would be with a newborn.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Kathryn was at ball practice. If she had been at work, I am sure someone would have been able to help her since she works in a body shop and there are repair shops around as well.

Unfortunately, no one at the practice had jumper cables, so I took her mine. After she had called me, one of her friends walked by and offered to come back and bring cables if necessary.

They were at a large park with lots of people around. I am surprised that no one had jumper cables. I keep mine in the trunk. I think we need to buy a set for Kathryn.

stronghunter said...

When I got there, Hunter's coach and his family were still there. I am sure they were waiting to make sure Kathryn was going to be okay.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound...see our live feed is down, got the funky lines

stronghunter said...

Thunderstorm just rumbled through here. It is moving out of the area now.

stronghunter said...

Hi Paula!

Welcome home.

Costume Lady said...

Glad baby Reece will be OK. Kind of scary when a newborn has something wrong. They look so fragile and helpless, but in reality, they are tough little fellas!

LYNN, thanks for the info on the Bunny Suit:) Thought it might be something like Body Armour. I'm thinking I will have to have something to protect me from the X-Ray machine.

stronghunter said...

Football practice makes for a late dinner. Kathryn goes directly from work, so we eat really late.

paula eagleholic said...

Is the still cam looping?

How is everyone?

How are Lori's vultures?

hedgie said...

Okay, Hoda---I got the feeding issue and the tangled issue confused!

hedgie said...

And it's Doug not Dave! Oops!

Costume Lady said...

PAULA, did it rain at you beach house? It rained tons, here!

Costume Lady said...

Still one injured vulture and no help yet. Vet said to let them be for least, that is the last I heard.

hedgie said...

No idea about the vultures, Paula.....Lori hasn't checked in since she got home from work....:( Glad you are home safe and sound.

Wanda, if they are using any radiation per se, they'll give you a lead apron to wear!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I didn't know but what Kat might be the last one closing up the shop....and didn't have another vehicle to jump from!
Nice that the coach waited to make sure all was well.

hedgie said...

I'm sure little Reece will be fine, Lolly. It's not really terribly unusual.
Wow---TX laws must be different than here. NP's can only prescribe under the auspices of an MD.

Hoda said...

LYNN I do that all the time. I think we are all watching so very many cameras and follow so many stories that it is very easy for me to get confused with it all.

Welcome home PAULA.

Good news LOLLY.MARGY has not checked in tonight yet...I wonder what is up???

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, the pic of the barn on the Eaglet Momsters blog is from that would be Tiny in the nest! He was the last to fledge. The 2 other juvies were above the nest, Pecking Pearl and Middy. And I believe Lib is in the tree as well...on the left side.

Hoda, glad you are getting your elbow thingy looked at!

JudyE, I will try to remeber to put the cam links on the FB page.

Lynn...Frank & Irene's kids don't agree with the house...I guess now you know that their opinion counts with Frank & Irene.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, glad the Bragg bunch got some autographs! How cool!

Irene, good to hear from you and glad you are getting your own place. Hope you can get some resolution on the move...I vote for getting a lawyer as well!

DanaMo, have you heard from ARic?

Ran into some rain on the way home, but it wasn't too bad. Had 3 inches in my rain gauge here at home.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, sounds like you are fun at Camp! Tomorrow will be an easy day!

Oh, we did get some rain this evening at the beach before I left.

Linda, Hope you have a better day tomorrow. (((Hugs)))

NJ got dumped on with the rain...heard parts of the state got 11". Michael said is rained up there all day yesterday...and this morning as well!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, forgot to tell you I love your avatar!

Today, we fished around lunchtime...then we cleaned out the "lean-to"...there was a bunch of old wood and junk in there, but some good crab pots and tools as well. Looks really good now!

We also watched them felling trees in the neighbors lot. My neighbor to the south has 2 lots...he is 82 and a very nice man. His wife is probably about the same. They are building a smaller house on their second lot, then they are going to sell the larger house.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, hope little Reece will recover quickly!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

OH LOLLY... I bought a quart of pecans at the fruit stand for $3...of course, I have to shell them.

got the windows open here tonight, it's 77°

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops it is 68° here, not 77

Lolly said...

No pecans here this year, Paula. Oh, there are a few but the squirrels will probably get them. The drought has done the damage and the pecans have not filled out. Very, very sad!

Tomorrow we are going to Dallas. Going to have lunch with Michael after visiting his office on the
44th floor of his downtown building.

Lolly said...

89 here!

Lolly said...

And, no windows open!!! For sure!

hedgie said...

Paula, what is the elderly couple's current house like?? Any idea about market value there?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, is that what happens to them...wasn't sure if the nuts even formed.

Enjoy your day in Dallas tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Sure glad you didn't find any surprises clesaning out the shed---spooky!! Are there crabs in your water???!!!

Lolly said...

Paula....just told Jack about your temp and the fact you have your windows open. He said "Tell Paula....May be bird of paradise fly up her nose." LOL Can you tell he is jealous?

hedgie said...

Lolly, tell Jack that Paula spent the whole weekend with birds in paradise!!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for baby Reese Lolly.
Hope your spaghetti wasn't too overcooked, Shirley. A set of jumper cables is a good and safe idea for all
of us to have in the trunk.

Wish we would hear about the vultures..
Maybe Lori is very busy with the neighbor trying to catch them or transport them to the vet. Hoping for the best.

Hoda - hoping your visit with your life long friend will be enjoyable. I
love having friends like that.

Lynn - hope your shoulder is better.

Wanda - if it is for xray/radiation you will just need to get behind that thingy when they turn it on.... GG will be so glad you are there with her. Great the Dr suggested it.

Hoda said...

I am listening to Warren Buffett argue, on Charlie Rose, that he should be taxed more, that the elite rich should be taxed more. He sounds sincere...Interesting view on the financial situation in the world and the USA.

Mema Jo said...

ISS went over this evening but I missed
it and I'm not even sure others saw it.
I think it was 8:45pm.

Hoda said...

It is 64 degrees here right now promises to go down to 58 tonight.

stronghunter said...

Love your response to Jack, Lynn!!

Mema Jo said...

Hawkwood sounds great this year!
Your grandsons are so fortunate to
have you and Jack and be able to do so
much for them. Have they called Laurel
yet this week - or better yet has
Laurel called them???

Mema Jo said...

Shirley do you still have your bridge club evening with your friends..?

stronghunter said...

I think it was the first summer that I was on the blog that everybody was watching Pix Pa with all of the raccoons and deer. I went back to see what was there. They have a connection to Pete's Pond there now.

Pix Pa Cam

Hoda said...

PAULA thanks for the information about the picture with the "barn" and the eaglets and LIB.

stronghunter said...

Yes. It is this Wednesday, Jo.

stronghunter said...

I also have to go to Culpeper on Wednesday. They will be giving insurance info to retirees then. It looks like Hunter will get to accompany me.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo----it is feeling much better. Hoping that my morning it will be 100%.

News is almost over.....down to the tub I go. Hope Judie or Andy show up to turn on the nightlight!! Margy and Lynne and Diann (Max may have her worn out!!!).
I'll check back before I log off for the night to see if if all chicks are in their roosts! Prayers for all going or gone!

Lolly said...

The boys have not asked to speak to Laurel and Laurel has not asked to speak to them. However, Laurel and I have talked each night and I am texting pictures to her during the day.☺

Lolly said...

Elvis gets his long hair cut off tomorrow! Last night for Laurel to run her fingers through his long locks. LOL Tomorrow a burr to get rid of the black hair. LOL

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn....good come back to Jack's comment!

Kay said...

Hi all ! Meet my beautiful "Tufted Poppy", today's pic on my Botany site--couldn't resist a purty yeller flower !

Great Hornby video. If Doug follows through and takes the cam down I will sure miss it. It's been an interesting nest to watch, especially since Mom and Pop Hornby have been a pair for something like a phenomenol 28 years. HODA, I believe you have the scenario down pat. I think Doug has grown tired of an often contentuous bunch of chatters and of local do gooder trespassers !

WANDA, your avatar is priceless !☺ I dare you, Costume Lady, to show up in a Bugs Bunny suit for the test. LOL Wishing GG well !

HODA, wishing you well, too. Glad you are going to the doctor immediately and hope it's nothing to be concerned about.

Spent part of the afternoon at the metro park where our Columbus eagles reside. A gorgeous day, but not an eagle or juvie in sight. They're playing hard to get just like Belle and Truder these days !

PAULA, glad you're safely home and that you feel good about the accomplishments out there in Paradise.

LORI, you've got us on tenterhooks over those vultures. What's up ?

Will be remembering all on our prayer list tonight, including dear little baby Reece.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Lolly said...

Nite, Lynn!

Mema Jo said...

Judie had emailed me and she had a super busy day - she had hoped to get on
here but if not, know that all is well.

stronghunter said...

Well, I will turn on the night light for Judie tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Now my day is going to end!
Tomorrow my oldest daughter will be here
and I am hoping we can put some fall
flowers out in the pots on the deck.

Good night my bestest friends!
God Bless you and keep you safe from all
Hugs ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, it is a 2 story with a basement, pretty good size, older (Like in way older) home. My guess would be over $300,000.

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, poor Jack! I was LOL, Lolly! and Yes, I was with Birds in Paradise!

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs myself, now. Might take a little time to read before I sleep.

See you later, friends.

stronghunter said...

I have been watching Pete's Pond. Lots of insects. There was some kind of duck making noises earlier.

Lolly said...

We are laughing here, too, Paula! Yes, you are in paradise for sure when at your new abode!

I am going to say good night. Need to head to the shower. Talked with Michael. Meeting him at noon then off to eat pizza. He is also trying to get up to go to the Dallas World Aquarium tomorrow. Might staying indoors is a big priority. BIG!

Night all! Sweet dreams! See you tomorrow!

Hoda said...

Well I would like to listen to Warren Buffett more often. I certainly think he makes a lot of sense and I am more optimistic about the state of the global economy as well as the US economy.He makes sense to me.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here pretty late. Hubby and I were watching "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," a 1923 silent movie with Lon Chaney as Quasimodo. Gosh, when that movie came out, my parents were only 7 years old!

Well, this morning I called the doctor I've been doing transcription for, and we are in the process of negotiating a salary for me. He wants to pay me much less than I had hoped for, but I may do it anyway for a while. That way when I send out a resume, I can truthfully say that I am currently gainfully employed. Told him I'd think about it and call him back in a couple of days. Please say some prayers about the situation if you are prompted.

Oh, my, prayers for Hoda! The spot may not be anything serious, but even if it is, you're getting it checked out right away, which can only be good. Prayers for you, and (((HUGS)))!

Lolly, prayers for Reece and family, too. Hope the doctors get him fixed up right away!

Whew, it's humid here today! Not terribly hot right now, thank God, but pretty sticky out. Hope decent weather holds for Jay's visit later this week!

Have been trying to get the house in shape. Hoping to get the floors in the bathroom, entry, and kitchen/dining room steamed tomorrow.
Getting kind of tired, so don't know how long I'll last tonight. Just in case, I'm saying prayers for everyone, making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Hope I don't do a face plant!

Paula, glad you and Nick made it home safely. Gee, you saw some great birds at the b---h house!

Hoda said...

The next post after this is the split...I am glad SHIRLEY said JUDIE was well, I look forward to hearing from MARGY

paula eagleholic said...

OK, we are over the split now...

Gotta hit the hay...

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...