Monday, August 15, 2011


New week thread.


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Ms Bookworm said...

Linda, sorry you weren't feeling 100% today. Prayers for you and Dennis! Hope he's feeling better. (((HUGS)))!

Irene, thanks for sharing your story of the 7/2 visit to the Sycamore Palace! BTW, I like your avatar!

Lynn, I'm glad your shoulder is doing better tonight. Prayers for you! Don't overdo it--it's not worth the pain!

Lynne2, hope that Daisy has survived all the storms today. Emma is more afraid of the trash truck, and the street sweeper truck.

Hmmm....I think the sandman may have caught Judie tonight, so I am going to turn on the night light for her. Don't want anyone clunking their shins on the furniture!

I think I am going to call it a night and go watch some TV or read a book.
Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Shirley, Pix PA is still Pix PA for me.....not Pete's Pond....????

hedgie said...

Lolly, what's a burr??? So Joey's hair isn't really that dark? Or normally that long??

hedgie said...

Thanks for the info, Paula! Definitely ut of our price range!!

Andy, guess you are wise to go ahead and accept the drs. offer---for now!! Are you still doing the police reports??
Know you are getting excited for Jay's visit!

Okay, we at least know that Judie and Andy are okay. Guess I'll take concern about the other MIA's to bed with me for prayer.

See you all tomorrow! Peace.

hedgie said...

Sweet Bear report


magpie said...

Good Night Everyone...
My Grandson is here for another night, and we just did a little of this and a little of that. We were looking up lots of bird pictures and opening up bird sounds on the computer.
We were along the river in Shepherdstown and it wasn't muddy so maybe the fishing WAS good for the Eagles.
I'm sorry I didn't have any time to read older posts ... so I hope everyone is okay.
I hope to catch up...well, I am not sure when..
Good Night Eagle Pals
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

MARGY checked in and how GLORIOUS that JAMES stayed another night.Good to read your post MARGY and thank you for checking in.

I am sure LORI must be fast asleep by now because she wakes up so early. She will let us know about the vultures tomorrow I hope.

Since most seem to have already signed off I will wish you all sweet dreams and a goodnight. God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

How Sweet It Is, Margy, to have James once again, overnight. I know he is a happy camper:) Tell him Capt. Gene and First Mate Wanda say Hi! (((Hugs)))


Lori O. said...

Hello Eagle Family!

My apologies for not getting on the blog yesterday.

Lori O. said...

The injured black vulture chick did not make it, I'm sad to say.

I think I told you how there were so many flies on it Sunday evening though it was trying to move and shaking them off. I didn't see any blood where he had been sitting at that time. So maybe it was internal injuries that got him and the flies were attracted by more blood that I couldn't see because of his dark feathers.

I went looking for them and checked their regular spot and only the uninjured chick was there. Not a good sign. But, the other one had made it to the stall next door and I found him lying in a dry spot in the far corner, nearest his regular roost.

I am having overnighted some repellant from Bonine, a good name manufacturer, that should be here today. LOLLY, I don't know if there's coyote urine in it, but it's supposed to put a fear into armadillos, raccoons, even squirrels and such, with the scent that a bigger, more ferocious predator, was there. It should arrive today, so I will spray it around in hopes of protecting the remaining vulture. Probably time for a real name being as there's no more difficulty telling them apart.

I still have not seen the parents, but they come in from the back side trees. I've checked the trees everytime I've been out for weeks and haven't seen them in probably a month.

Lori O. said...

Oh, I have not seen, or heard, any sign of the raccoon. The trapper said he could be long gone and asked if I really wanted to invite him back here - NO! That was only the second time in 9 yrs that I had seen a raccoon here...hoping it's the last, but I will call and report it just in case.

Have a good day all! The weather improves today so maybe we will be blessed with a visit this morning. There's always hope.

Lori O. said...

OOOpppps. I see both cams are still out, or unchanged from yesterday, so if we have a visit we won't see it.

Lori O. said...

LYNN, I'm so appalled I can't wait until later to write this. Just saw where you said the house you all agreed on isn't going to happen because Frank's gang doesn't approve of the location. Here goes my bottom line, tell it like it is thinking: What's wrong with this picture? The guy who isn't going to put any money in to purchase the home is the one who says no? Something is wrong with HIS thinking to disapprove knowing he'll have nothing to do with the funding. Secondly, if you all really like the house, get it.
And, seriously, who is Frank?

Another thing that can't wait, LINDA I hope you're feeling better today. Thinking of and praying for you to feel better, in every way.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. The coffee is on, what can I get ya!

DanaMo said...

Looks like I'm all by myself!

DanaMo said...

Lynn-I agree with Lori. Bottom line is that if you are paying the money and the other guy isn't then he really doesn't have a say on what you purchase. I say go for it if it's what you want!

Gonna take this opportunity to try and catch up on some of the posts.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO!

I've already had too much coffee, but thanks for asking. :)

Have you heard from Aric?

DanaMo said...

Alrighty...gonna try to comment on comments.
Linda-hope you are feeling better and got some sleep. Thanks for the best wishes for Aric, I'm sure he joins you in messed up sleep.

Lolly-Sounds like fun looking through catalogs with your grandson. My kids still go through and circle things. Now they are more expensive and different kinds of catalogs. Think Geek is a favorite in this house.

Hedgie-I hate how medicine makes us woozy. It does it to me too.

Kay-Thanks again for the prayers and support for Aric. I'm sure all the prayers are following him over there as he experiences this great once in a lifetime opportunity. Opening Mass is today, televised on EWTN at 1:30. I got an email from him last night which sent me over the moon happy!

FuzzleMT-Don't think we've "met", but I am sure jealous that you saw an eagle on your visit Lucky you! WOW. I always look up and wonder when I am close to the river, but never quite sure how to know if it's an eagle overhead. I really want to see one somewhere other than the zoo!!

Oh and has anyone heard how the baby giraffe is doing at the Catactin Zoo?

DanaMo said...

YES!!! Lori got an email last night! So happy to hear from him! Landed safely and is now trying to adjust to the time change and the fact that everything closes down for siesta in Madrid in the afternoon. They went about the town but everything was closed!

Lori O. said...

YEAH, an email from Aric. You probably hit the moon, DANA MO!
Sounds like he's having a good time, except for that darned Siesta! Wish we had that here. :)

Lori O. said...

6:00AM and both cams are still down.

DanaMo said...

I would love to have siesta here! And yes I was over the moon! When Andrew went to Australia I never heard from him the entire time. I was ready to ring his neck! I miss him already and boy Frisbee misses him too. It's going to be a tough year for poor Frizz.

DanaMo said...

I wish my phone had a blogger app. so I could keep up with this during the day, although I guess I wouldn't get anything done if I did.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning LORI and DANAMO and any other lurker out there- Coffee is excellent this morning Danamo sure do need it this am

DanaMo said...

Good morning JudyE!

Lori O. said...

Hi JUDY E! Today is your Thursday, Judy!

I'm still waiting for you the video princess to remotely fix these cams!

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Well I guess I'm off too. Had my coffee and my breakfast. Time to get ready to head down to the classroom.
Bye for now everyone!

Lori O. said...

Have a great day DANA MO! You're working on something very special -shaping little minds. What an honor!

Lori O. said...

Anybody out there?


Costume Lady said...

LORI, Good Morning...don't know where all our friends are this morning?

Costume Lady said...

It's a pleasant 73°, sunny morning...maybe some of us are outside tending flowers and grass mowing. Going up to 83°...beautiful weather!

Costume Lady said...

LORI, sorry that the vulture babe didn't make it. They are valuable critters, in that they clean up the carion and such...not very pretty birds, but one of the GOOD GUYS!

Costume Lady said...

I don't think I have mentioned this, but, there is now a MOTHER & DAUGHTER ambulance team in Berryville, now. Karla has finished her training, passed her tests, and can now assist on ambulance calls. Thus, we have Jillian driving the ambulance and Karla assisting on calls:) What a team!

Lori O. said...

Hi WANDA! Oh, thanks so much for popping in early. {{HUG}}

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the weather forecast, too, WANDA. Guess, I forgot that.

Very cool about the Mom and Daughter Ambulance Team. How's the Father Captain Gene doing?

Costume Lady said...

Well, Father Capt. Gene is doing much better, this morning...his twisted back is untwisting to about 90%:)

Costume Lady said...

Lori, you asked, a while back, about my other daughter, Denise and which end of the camera she was on. She is trying to establish a photography business and, I must say, she is pretty talented.
Her name-Denise was in my head from my pre-teen days. Babysat a toddler named the same, and I loved the name...decided that would be my child's name if I ever had a girl. Well, it seems that GENE's name is DENNIS, so it was so appropriate to use the name, Denise.

Lori O. said...

WANDA, great story about Gene/Dennis and Denise! A story always makes a name more special.

Lori O. said...

Oh, when I was a little girl, playing dolls, I thought Karen was the greatest name... and I don't think we have an active Momster named Karen. Or do we?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lynn--I just meant that I found a link to Pete's Pond at Pax PA. I don't remember seeing that before, but it has been a long time since I looked there.

hedgie said...

Morning all!

Okay, Shirley, gotcha' now on the Pete's Pond thing!

Wanda, I had sent Lori a link to Denise's photos---don't know whether it worked for her or not.

Lori, so sorry about the poor chick. :( Sad. Sure wonder what the parents are up to---since the vulturettes hadn't fledged yet, seems strange that they would abandon them and not provide food. Hope the survivor makes it.

hedgie said...

Of interest....even tho' there's been no obit, word in the paper from his friend that Ralph Albertazzi has died. He was Nixon's AIr Force One pilot, and very active in our community after he retired from the AF.

hedgie said...

Wanda, was just reading a letter in The Herald----it mentioned a Brian Concovia who works at Hagerstown Ford.....any relation???

hedgie said...

Lori, I don't think we have any Karen's among us! My best friend in elementary school was a Karen!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, Brian is my nephew. What is the article about?

Lori O. said...

Hello LYNN and SHIRLEY. :)

Lynn, so what happened to your BF Karen? Did you keep in touch with her?

Time for me to get going. Meeting soon. It's the worst one of the week. They might as well as just send an email and let us read it ourselves, since they just read their notes verbatim. I know that because they pass out a copy of them first. So frustrating.

hedgie said...

As for the house situation....I guess it's the difference between guys and gals. Frank (who, Lori, is Bill's and my best friend) has two sons and 2 grandsons. I have 2 daughters amd 2 granddaughters. The boys lean toward the fishing/boating/kayaking interests. My girls lean toward the sun and surf and aesthetics of beach life. We ALL want a water view, but that seems to be unrealistic based on our means and the current availability. Even tho' market is depressed there, and there are lots of foreclosures, the banks are not dropping prices to a reasonable (marketable) level on the decent places. Realtor says that market remains overinflated by about 30%.

FuzzleMT said...

DanaMo: I'm sure we've "met" earlier this year when Paddy O'Joy hatched and Lib went missing. Coffee would have been nice, but it's too early for me to join everyone at 3:40 - I usually raise my cup to all of you later though!

paula eagleholic said...

Irene, is that a wolf or a coyote in your avatar?

Morning, all!

Lori, sorry to hear about the vulture chick :( Do you think the parents are coming around when you're not home?

stronghunter said...

So sorry about the little vulture, Lori.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the cam is still down :( Probably not much in the way of visits, anyhow...we'll be lucky to see them a couple of times this month.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lori---GM meetings and classes were ALWAYS that way! I hated them--big wastes of time!

No, lost touch with Karen when we moved and I went to a different high school.

hedgie said...

DanaMo---haven't heard anything more about the giraffe at Catoctin.

hedgie said...

Wanda, it was a thank you letter-to-the-editor from a stranded traveler. He was one of the people who assisted her in her time of need.
Scroll down to last one

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Lori, anxious to see if the urine repellent works! I have wondered if my neighbor has sprayed as we have not seen digging the last two days. Need to ask! And, so sorry about the baby vulture. What happened? Missed that.(I have missed a lot!) A raccoon got it??

Lynn, no, Joey's hair is light brown and he keeps it nice, not too short and NOT long. He has curly hair. A burr....cut really short to get rid of the black hair.

Have posted another video of Elvis on fb. Laurel posted it, I shared. He kisses my hand, but Laurel does not show me. Thank goodness!!

Going to go upload to my blog pictures of Laurel's two windows.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly, but we want to see you getting your hand kissed.

stronghunter said...

Your gov is making lots of news these days, Lolly.

Lolly said...

I am sorry he is my gov!!! He is fake and stuck on himself. Just please remember...he can be bought and he has ruined Texas education.

Have added another window picture
(3 now) to family pics blog.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, didn't Ralph Albertazzie have partnership in the I81 Truck Stop, here in Martinsburg? Maybe you hadn't moved here, yet~

Costume Lady said...

AH, Lolly, I thought you said you weren't happy with Gov. Perry. It's good to hear about these candidates from their constituents

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Jim...what's happening in sunny California?

movin said...

Hi, Wanda. About the same thing here, except that after an overcast morning, it should get up to the 80° range.

How about for you guys? Guess somebody had rain since the BW computer equipment was rained on.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Lolly said...

Off to get ready for Dallas. Later Gators!

hedgie said...

Lolly, so it's the same as a buzz cut??
Looked like you also got a scarf, huh?? Did you have to give it back??!!

FuzzleMT said...

My avatar is a wolf - I love wolves and there is a lot of controversy over here. I can understand the farmers concerns, but there has to be another way to protect these beautiful creatures!! But that doesn't change the "open season" that's in force right now . . .

hedgie said...

Yes, Wanda, Ralph along with Ed Stout. Ed bought our first house on Ridge Rd. for his stepdaughter after she got a divorce.

hedgie said...

Irene, the whole wolf situation is sickening. Suz and I follow it very closely....want me to forward the email stuff to you as we get it??

FuzzleMT said...

I'm leaning toward Rick Perry - Lolly, fill me in!! Mitt Romney was my gov and he is to be avoided at all costs - AND I VOTED FOR THE WORM!!

FuzzleMT said...

Hedgie: YES please!

hedgie said...

Okay, Irene. Will do! I'll go back and send the ones from this morning.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh, Irene----email came back as invalid address!!! I used the gmail.....please send me your new addy !!!!

hedgie said...

Let me try again.....think I may have left out an "s"......

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Shirley, thank you for turning the night light on for the East coast and Andy for the West coast. I went to sleep and slept straight through. Jo, thanks for letting everyone know I was still alive.

Lolly, prayer of healing for Reece.

Hoda, I'm sure that whatever is on your elbow will be dealt with quickly and effectively.

Several weeks ago Doug Carrick posted a notice that he is "retired" and the camera would not be active again. I am sad and hope he will change his mind as nesting time approaches.

Andy, find out what the going pay scale is for new transcribers. If necessary, check with your school.

DanaMo, glad Aric arrived safely.

FuzzleMT said...

Good Morning, Lynn! Ok, I did receive your e-mails - thanks! Will check in later - off to the apt.

Hoda said...

Good morning /Good afternoon everyone...
Busy day today with yoga, Autobiography group and Dragone Baoting. I wanted to check in and wish everyone a GREAT day and to say I will check in between activities I hope.

LORI Thanks for updatng us about the vultures and I am sorry oe is gone...

LOLLY thanks for the Elvis video on FB

Judie said...

Wanda, congratulations to Karla. What a team, indeed, with Karla and Jillian working together. Glad the Capt. is feeling better.

Lori, I'm sorry about the young vulture. Hope the other does well.

Judie said...


Darth wants to go to Asbury-Soloman's Island retirement community this Thursday for a look-about. Does anyone know what Solomon's Island is like, the type of people who live on the Island, attractions, unattractions, the retirement community itself? Any information will be helpful. Please and thank you.

JudyEddy said...

Just home for lunch blub blub blub stop the rain we got a little over 2" in a half a hour my road of course is under water I had to come in another way I was tooo skered to drive through it I know I have a truck with big wheel but I still skered LOL should drain quickly off to reading some blog

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie-----haven't been to Solomon's in eons, but it is lovely! Typical old time fishing village atmosphere from what I remember, with simple folks who are the salt of the earth types......of course, it may have changed. Definitely worth a look-see!!! Lucky you!!

hedgie said...

Judie, thanks for the info about Doug Carrick. Didn't know that he had made the final decision. Can't blame him one bit.

Did the big schoolhouse wear you out yesterday?? :(

JudyE----best not to ever drive through deep water, no matter how big your vehicle!!

JudyEddy said...

was just out side looking at the road and the retention ditch has overflows to the max and a stupid car drove through it so stupid when there are other ways in the this development 4 ways to be exact two don't flood at all I tood a small video with my old old camera Angie has kidnapped my new one

hedgie said... cool about Karla! Didn't know she was pursuing an EMT career!!!! Congrats to Mother/daughter team!!!

Judie said...

Thanks, Lynn. Just want to know what the place is really like not the sales pitch glossy cover page. Maybe someone else has something to add. It's an island -- does it flood?

Yes, I did a fair amount of walking yesterday so was in some pain. However, the training/overview session was for technology used for teaching. I'll be obsolete in another year.

I was really serious about Hornby Island. Used Phoenix as a password after the little guy died. So, really hope the Carricks will relent come December.


DanaMo said...

Whatcha learning Judie? I have a SMART board in my room this year.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all!

JUDIE, LYNN: Is Doug Carrick the guy who lives in the house where the nest tree is located / next to NCTC?

Good news! I was out to feed the remaining vulture chick and saw a parent vulture fly overhead to another tree! So, someone is watching the huge little guy. Where were they when the raccoon came by?

LOLLY, sprayed the repellent stuff and you are supposed to spray it on plants or perimeters to keep nuisance critters out. Hope it works. It's made by Bonine and lists amadillos as something it works on/against. I got it on Amazon - my favorite shopping place. Sorry, JudyE.

stronghunter said...

Lori, Doug Carrick lives on the property where the Hornby nest is located. Not NCTC. Different cam.

stronghunter said...

Hornby Island is in British Columbia.

Kay said...

LORI, sorry the injured chick didn't make it--glad you've seen a parent and hope the repellant does the trick ! Karen is a favorite name for me as it was my dear sister's name. Do you know Whoopee Goldbergs real name is Karen ?

DANAMO, so happy you've heard from Aric ! You 21st century parents are soooo lucky. Back in the 70's when my kids were exchange students and teen European travelers we had to wait for snail mail. Once in a blue moon we got a brief phone call. No computers, no cell phones---they weren't the good ol' days !

LYNN, LOL you question about burr haircuts ! Can tell you didn't have boys. Burrs are just barely longer than the typical military recruit cut.

Kay said...

Need to do a few things toward readiness for the family reunion. My sil is away a couple of days on biz so Julie, Seth and Malcolm will join me for dinner here tonight. Hugh is allergic to fish, so am going to give J & S their fish fix. Have a good afternoon everyone ! BBL

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay----yep, just ask me about girls!!!
I DID know that Whoopie's real name is Karen!

Judie, I bet Loretta could tell you the scoop on Solomon's, too!!

You, obsolete?? Not hardly!!! Yu've kept up with the technology so far!!
DanaMo---what's a SMART board?

Costume Lady said...

Dearest Gene just came home from the grocery store with large RED peppers from Wal-Mart...2/$1.00! They are beautiful...I may go and get some more. If you know of a Wal-Mart near Canada, it would pay you to drive there and get some;)

Costume Lady said...

Late getting motivated today...GG will think I forgot her.

Costume Lady said...


DanaMo said...

hedgie- an "interactive" white board.
You can do really cool things with it. It's like a chalkboard that moves and has sound and can be manipulated. Not sure how else to explain it.

DanaMo said...

Well Mass is getting ready to start in Madrid. I'm moving over to the couch to watch it. I may not be able to "see" Aric, but it will make me feel "connected".

Judie said...

DanaMo, don't use a Smart Board but do have really high-tech equipment. Quite a challenge. Classroom techs have a folder with my name and a huge red I believe those who choose, can use Smart Board through online technology such as Blackboard.

I'll wait to see if Lowreeda chimes in later tonight.

Have a great fishy night, Kay. Hi to Julie, Seth, and Malcolm.

JudyE, please send some rain to TX.

How's Liesl?

Huge red pepper, 2/$1, great price.


Judie said...

Good explanation, DanaMo. It's an electronic chalk board except it is white and you don't use

DanaMo said...

Too funny Judie! Hey red flag or no, you are trying! Good for you!

Mass is on...bfn

magpie said...

Good Day Eagle Pals

This is about the best I can do...I read as far as the sad post from Lori about the black vulture chick not making it
(( Hugs Lori ♥ ))
I am glad the baby could make it back to near his home roost and the other one also....and I hope to catch up later on how things are going today

Linda and Dennis
I hope the ailments are disappearing for you both, and we continue to gather you up in our Hugs..

hope YOU are feeling better today work too hard! xoxo ♥

continued on nest post....

magpie said...

My prayers for the spot on Hoda's elbow...and pray for a good outcome there

Lolly, I have read about Reece and hope things will improve immediately, if not sooner. Sounds like a wonderful time you and the boys are having, today should be fun with Michael also !

NatureNut said...

As I sit on hold again w/Verizon, snuck into a 'puter at Park to say we have NO communication skills at home. Fubby called here yesterday at 4 PM to say lightening hit a telephone pole one or two houses down from us. Power had been on, but had no phone. Pepco came, assessed the damage and turned off the power. He said then they left!I replied, they must have gone for duct tape! 2 top cables from pole in our yard were hanging low, but about one or two houses down there were at least four cut cables in trees and on road. I had to park a block away from house, as barriers were erected.A mean policeman was in front of our house & had given a young man a ticket.(He may have pulled out of a driveway & didn't know road was closed.) The car stayed parked at curb. Fubby thought they took boy away, but he checked car & found him sitting there crying.
At 7:30 PM, 5 bucket trucks came and worked 'til midnight. Two buckets were up on pole next door. A new pole on a trailer came, too! Couldn't see if that was erected.
Power came on at 3:30 AM--duh.No phone, internet or TV. At least we had one good show last night. Verizon just took me off hold---they can come out the 18TH. This AM, they told Fubby 19th!! I wasn't going to stand for that as now his cell phone has no ring!!!!! Verizon is having a strike!! Taa Daa

BTW, Sunday night I got a couple captures of the little Aussie sea eagle chicks--put in Nook.
Happy Trails

magpie said...

I know there are things in the posts I have not read that I will try to absorb and comment on later..

Would like to tell Jo, that James and I were out watching ISS dart through the clouds last night, it was a pretty good flyover.
Sounds like the fun keeps happening with and FOR the Bragg Bunch

Shirley, I had a dead battery last night also at James's other grandmother's - - family pal guy got things all squared for me...I have jumper cables and so did he...
I accidentally had left keys in the ignition switch "on" when I was rolling up the windows...
careless oversight on my part !

I have to work tonight, so need to grab some z's

but finally, [Wanda and Capt Gene and others ] James says Hello Back!
Kay, I told him about your calling him a "Kidster..."
And to all of you: James says he enjoys being included!
Thank you ALL from all parts of my heart for your kind encouragement of my efforts with him.

Good Night for now
Prayers on the Wing, for "all that I know of and do not know of," as DanaWV says
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Just heard some tragic news...a young WVu student from Shepherdstown who was spending a year studying in Australia has been found dead in her dorm....foul play is suspected. So sad for her family and friends.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta.../.as soon as you said you were on with Verizon, I knew things couldn't be good. So sorry for what you all are ging through. :( I'm surprised that there has been no news info about the status of the negotiations or lack thereof with CWA and Verizon....18th is better than 19th but still not acceptable. Make sure you get credit on your bill!!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, was your shift tonight scheduled or an emergency fill-in (for a non-emergency, of course!)? Poor girl.....hope it didn't mess up any plans you had.

Hoda said...

LYNN Very sad about the Shepherdtown student who died in Australia, foul play, OMG!!! Her family must be shocked, this is a worst case nightmare scenario. Do keep us posted as you hear more. Prayers for her soul and for her family.

Judie said...

Loretta, so sorry about all the mess at your house. Sure hope all is repaired and life can return to normal. Also feel bad about the boy across the street. Hope he appeals.

Very sad news about the young WVU student. Really is so upsetting when we lose a young student. Have had to cope with several which were all suicides. Sure hope the bad person is captured.

stronghunter said...

So sad about the Shepherdstown student from UWV. Prayers for her and her family.

Oh my gosh, Loretta. What a mess.

I'm thinking that Kathryn is due for a new battery. She said she has never bought one for this car. Would not want to have her get stranded somewhere.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, never did have a smart board. Hunter talks about having one in the class he was in. He takes such things for granted.

stronghunter said...

It does sound like the boy across the street has grounds for an appeal, Loretta.

stronghunter said...

Sent Hunter out to walk the dogs. They love it when he walks them.

hedgie said...

CRIPES.....I was doing a little examining outside and saw a black widow on the house!!! ARGH!!! You KNOW how much I HATE 8-leggeds!
It is now dead thanks to my trusty stick!
I also saw an albino walking there such a thing?? Maybe they are white/pale when newly hatched??? Strange!

hedgie said...

Shirley, does Hunter just walk them in the backyard?
A new batt for Kat is probaby wise.

The smart board sounds interesting....assuming that it eliminates chalk boards?? No more teeth-on-edge squeaks! Hurray!!

hedgie said...

Megan shared this from NCTC on FB:
Our eagle cam is about to go green! NCTC is in the final stages setting up our eagle camera to run on solar power.

CAM IS currently running......with interference....

stronghunter said...

Hunter walks them in the yard if the street is too hot for them, but he usually walks them on the street. We live on a very quiet street that ends in a cul de sac.

Mema Jo said...

I was about to publish a comment right after lunch and the door opened with
the Bragg Bunch. My oldest daughter was
here also - so I just forgot to 'publish' and ggd got on to use 'word'
and lost it.

Sorry about the one vulture of Lori's and sure hope the other one survives and
flies off to wherever adults are roosting.

Kids had just left - my feet need to go up for a few...... Take care....

stronghunter said...

Your Bragg Bunch has had plenty of adventures, Jo.

Judie said...

Correct, the sound of screeching nails on the board is a thing of the past these days. Now the sound is just grinding of teeth when the technology refuses to cooperate!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn can probably get a good deal on a battery considering where she works.

stronghunter said...

Or the complaints of kids who do not like the smell of the dry-erase markers on the white board. I haven't used chalk on a regular blackboard in a long time.

hedgie said...

Latest report says that the student's death does not appear suspicious or suicide. She was found in the shower.....autopsy results pending.....

JudyEddy said...

♫♫ Oh happy days Oh happy days our still cam are back♫

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie and Shirley---someone is always going to complain about something!!! White boards are so much easier to see tho'.....stupid green chalkboards were AWFUL!!

hedgie said...

Judy---so is the live cam!

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, you must have the patience of JOB! Phone companies, namely Verizon, have to be the worst to deal with. Had to call Comcast over the weekend because I couldn't access the DVR, said they could come out Monday, yesterday! I was shocked! My sympathy for you and fubby. :(

Thanks ALL for your kind thoughts and words about the late vulture chick. The survivor is now protected by a critter repellent and I'm relieved to have seen a vulture parent.

KAY, I'm so excited for you and your reunion - that the girls will be staying with you will just be too much fun for all of you. I bet you're counting the hours.

Lori O. said...


Cams are back and we're celebrating. DANAMO will you make the coffee again? It was so good today.

Lori O. said...

MARGY, the banner that trails off your halo that says "Grandmother of the Century" was the biggest tip off that you're doing swell with James! Really. He's a very blessed little boy.

ANDY, any job offers you're thrilled about yet? Oh, give Emma an extra cookie for me. She's still celebrating for you. :)

LYNN, JUDIE, SHIRLEY, thanks for straightening me out on Mr. Carrick. That could have been a barn burner rumor. YIKES!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! A vulture parent has been sighted! Lori are you still feeding the
meat pieces to the survivor?

hedgie said...

Cam down again......

Mema Jo said...

Shirley They don't need to leave until
Sunday - so they have had a very nice
visit and I am just so very happy that
I have seen them as much as I have. They
are always on a schedule most of the time. There anniversary is tomorrow so
I am able to have all 3 ggd for
spaghetti/Meatballs! Wish me luck.. ♥

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you don't have to apologize for your Gov we have a crappy one also and he was just elected. and I didn't vote for him either A rich man bought his way in to the office. so sad!! as a matter of fact someone set up a robot phone line and all kinds of peeps even kids are calling and leaving messages for him How schools are suffering because of his cuts etc Some not so nice messages but all are true!

Lolly I turned my screen sideways to watch the video instead of my head was easier LOL

JIM was movin along I see again Hey there JIM

LORI so sad about the one baby I hope the other one is ok were there only 2? have you seen the mom? Could you set up a trail cam to watch them? I am full of ?? LOL

JudyEddy said...

National Conservation Training Center
Our eagle cam is about to go green! NCTC is in the final stages setting up our eagle camera to run on solar power. Learn more about our eagles


DanaMo said...

What a roller coaster. I was all set to have to coffee ready in the morning and now I see the cam is not actually up :( I'll be here with my brew in hand though!

DanaMo said...

Well it's not up yet, I just checked.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Meatballs here tonight, Jo! Yummy meatballs!

What a great day we had today. The visit to Michael's office was a complete success. The boys loved it. You should have seen Jacob's face as he was outside looking up at Michael's office building. Not only is his office on the 44th floor, he parks his car six floors below the building. They were thrilled to see the Dallas Cowboy Stadium about 16 miles away. No vultures outside his window this time of year. We should go back for that!!

Lunch was yummy and then we went to the Dallas World Aquarium. Wow, it is great! Much better than the aquarium we went to yesterday. They have two mannatees. The boys loved it!

JudyEddy said...

still reading gonna step away for a few and catch some news BBL

JudyEddy said...

I just got to the comment I still can't get Live cam I get the mssge Does everyone else have live cam up

DanaMo said...

Kindergarten open house is over and was a huge success. I may have it at my house every year! Great chance to see the kids, meet the parents and an opportunity for all of them to meet each other. Our school priest was here as well as our principal. I like it!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN you said you had live cam no matter what I do NO LIVE CAM I WONDER WHY?????

DanaMo said...

I do not have live cam either.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks DANAMO Lynn said she had it earlier maybe it went down again I am so glad it was not just me LOL

JudyEddy said...

Now I need to go to the news

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, could I qualify for membership
in the Hawkwood Camp. I really think
I would love it - pretty good with a bow/arrow. Make my T-shirt XXLG ♥

Lolly said...

No cam here, either. Off to prepare dinner!

Lolly said...

Will do, Jo!

Lolly said...

Tomorrow we go to the Planatarium and the children's museum. LOL Next week I will do NOTHING!

hedgie said...

Read back, gals! I posted it was up! Then a couple of hours later I posted it was back down!

hedgie said...

On at 4:31.....Down at 6:09.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

Sorry to hear that Lori's vulture chick didn't make it but glad parent is back for the other one!

sorry about your mess Loretta....UGH.
No progress with the Verizon strike. My co=worker Claudia's hubby is on strike.

Sad about the student...OMG. Prayers for the family and hope they figure out what happened.

Going GREEN? WOW, this ought to be interesting.

WOW, Karla and Jillian on the same team....that's awesome!

Glad you had a great open house DanaMO and that you heard from Aric!

Sounds like lots of fun goings ons for Lolly and Jo and families this week....I'm jealous!

Hope Linda and Dennis are feeling better today!

Lynn, how is your shoulder doing?

Lynne2 said...

Judie, I 've never been to Solomon's Island but I've heard it's very beautiful. I love the eastern shore anyway!

Kay, what fun you'll have with your reunion! Are you and DanaMO going to be able to hook up, too?

Lynn, maybe the walking stick was just fresh from a molt? Or more likely getting ready to molt. EEEWWWWWW on the BLACK WIDOW!!

JudyE, Hope your street isn't under water by now.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I am done and I see we were up and then we were down maybe I need to read the entire blog before I comment I see I also double posted the solar cam thing

stronghunter said...

Came back from delivering Hunter to practice and finished off the left-over salad from last night. I have two Cornish game hens to cook for tonight. About time to put them in. These late dinners are something else.

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sure about just "going Green"
We have had solar panels for some time to my knowledge. In fact a group of
us Momsters were there when they placed them down by the nest.... I hope Paula can confirm what I am saying or at least
straighten me out!

stronghunter said...

It will be interesting to see what "going green" means. I hope it will mean that there will be nest viewing after the sun goes down.

hedgie said...

DanaMo---glad your meet-and-greet went well!! How many do you have this year?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Wanda, know you are proud of Karla and Jillian. How nice that they can work together like that.

stronghunter said...




hedgie said...

Lynne, shoulder blade is doing very well. thank you! But I haven't done hardly anything today!!

Shirley, I love Cornish game hens! Haven't had any in a long time. Late dinners can be problematic.....I endure it whenever I visit my mom and sister!

Jo, you're right about the solar panels...I thought this year was solar, too----we've all seen how well that's worked out...LOL!

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Lynn, glad the shoulder is better.

Lolly, if Jo gets to go to Camp Hawkwood, I wanna go too. Not fair if Jo gets to go and I don't ):

Jo, so happy the Bragg Brigade was all there and everyone had a great time with dinner. You are so rightfully blessed.

Good thing about late dinners, Shirley, is you don't have to worry about what to do between after dinner and bed time.

DanaMo, glad the kindergarten meet-and-greet went well. Always a good beginning.

Off to watch some mindless tv and put my ankle up. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I just watched 2 hrs of reruns (never seen before) so my evening has gotten
away from me.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...