Friday, June 24, 2011


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I check my schedule for the next one in three weeks and two days they have me working not 7-4

JudyEddy said...

Don't know if I should complain one day is 8-5 and the other 9:30-6:30 I think they may be start to mess with me just when I said they weren't I can live with those hours since my availability is only 7-7 I think I just might mention it to my assistant to see if was a mistake or what Ok I need to get back to work I guess BBL HAGD

hedgie said...

JudyE---I proved doc wrong, too! He said 2 months without treatment, 1-2 yrs. with....and here I am 6+ yrs. later with no evidence of the lung cancer! Surgery wasn't an option...but I did chemo and radiation---with great success apparently!!!!

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE didn't some one say you could rent a camera I have never heard of that down here at all I hope you get some great shots

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE didn't some one say you could rent a camera I have never heard of that down here at all I hope you get some great shots

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

SO GLAD you did that HEDGIE They don't know all Well I got to go as I said BBL Crossing fingers and toes and legs that you get some good picture BBL

JudyEddy said...

wow I got blogger cop again

JudyEddy said...

testing Had to sign back in after I tried to deleted the double double post then my trash cans went away and had to log in two times

magpie said...

Well Lynn
I am glad you actually COULD say more than WOW WOW WOW - because now we know the exciting information!!

this will great to get a complete report!

Hello Jo - - welcome back to blogger land
and hope you have a nice time at Columbia ...Oui Madame? S'il vous plait??
Je t'aime.....xoxo

hedgie said...

Jo, hope you have a great French dinner!! I'm sure the kids will be overflowing with wonderful stories to tell from the city of lights!

hedgie said...

Got the decks blown off.....time for lunch...and then to mow---if it doesn't rain anymore!

hedgie said...

This is Beautiful

So beautiful it will bring tears to your eyes. Isn't motherly love wonderful?

Hoda said...

Well we did not go out on the lake this morning...A strong wind with a chop on the water, white caps and the steer person called it for not going out. It is funny I feel sad about it and look forward to Tuesday's paddle.

Hedgie I am glad your doctor was proven wrong...keep on being strong and healthy.

Judy E Changing the schedule could be a bit confusing but at least it is within your 7 to 7 comfort zone. I am sure you will observe and keep watching as you said earlier sometimes big companies do things to unsettle the senior staff.

MEMA JO have a GREAT DAY and thank you for checking in...French Restaurant...yum yum yum...we have many nationality and ethnic foods resataurants here but we do not have French...

It was 39 degrees when I woke up this morning and while the sun is out, the wind is strong and the clouds are clearing, yet it is cold.It is supposed to go up to 55 degrees F will have a way to go...yet there is SUN...

hedgie said...

Bye, JudyE----can't hurt to at least ask about that schedule change!

Margie----isn't it wonderful?? Want to come???

Hoda said...

Hedgie, I wished I was going with you to see the eagles and the Sycamour Tree Palace. Enjoy and post pictures, and let us know if you see Miss Belle and Truder.

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda!!! Sorry your row was cancelled. But better to be safe!!

Mowing half-done. Despite all the rain we've had, it stirs/blows up so much dust. Had to come in to guzzle some iced tea!

hedgie said...

Hoda, I don't believe we have any French offerings here, either. We HAVE gotten a couple of Indian places recently, but haven't tried them out yet....anxious to do so if my youngest could get some time to hook up with me!! She works with several middle-eastern gals, so has sampled many of their cuisine (Iranian, Iraqi, Saudi)....but I don't think there are any Indians at her hospital. But I LOVE curry!!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda...tomorrow's trip isn't to our nest. This is a large state park up on the mountain to the west of me.....Sleepy Creek Wildlife Management Area----they are on FB----check it out!!! It is quite remote and rough...but the lake is man-made and stocked for fishing.
A Forest Ranger had told Margie that there were eagles up there....but no one has been able to tell us WHERE the nest(s) is/are. So now I will see at least one!!! May still arrange for pilot friend to take us up come late fall to search for more!

magpie said...


GET SET ......

GO !!!!!


hedgie said...

Done!!!! Now to get a little renewed energy---and strip bed. Hate that job!!

hedgie said...

Found the cutest little gray tree-frog snuggled in on the bark of an oak tree----got a good pic. Will download pics off camera later and then post it and Liesl's graduation pic!!!

Lolly said...

We are here! Do not know if I can use phone in park or not! We shall see'

DanaMo said...

Can't wait to see that graduation picture! :)

DanaMo said...

Lynn-that was my dad too! Stage 3 lung cancer, surgery not an option, lymph node involvement. He had radiation and chemo. He is 9 years in remission.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...