thank you so much...I am still not giving up...lots of stories at work yesterday about cats "disappearing" for days and weeks and then showing up like nothing ever happened!
Shoot...Michael's not coming down to the beach this weekend. Long story short, he lost his phone last night, when he had to stop his vehicle in a residential neighborhood. He and another staff member had residents in their vehicles, and they had a problem with one of them. They had to restrain her, and he lost his phone in the scuffle.
The good news is that a good samaritan found the phone and called "Mom" on the phone. So Michael got in touch w/ the good samaritan, but has to wait until probably tonight to get his phone back. Hopefully he can come down next weekend!
Paula, the story of the lost phone is incredible really...I had a similar experience as Batch's, oldest son of my American family, phone was lost and I had phoned and left a message not knowing he did not have his phone. I got a phone call from this chap who wanted a 100 dollars for the return of the phone and gave me a landline number to phone!!! DUH not too smart I thought. Batch disconnected the service and bought a new phone on one of those "wonderful american deals" where you pay very little for an item...he keeps telling me he pays somewhere along the line for those "wonderful american deals" as I call them. So do you see how terrific it is that Michael's phone was found?
John Edwards was indicted today. I feel sad about it. So much promise he had,yet he fouled out...
Paula - you can always convince Lori to ride along -especially in the shotgun seat! lol
Lynne - this is a foolish question but I assume you have checked around the outside of your house and any outside buildings. Brother just may be stuck somewhere.
There was a woman in Hardee's parking lot this morning wanting to know if she could use my cell phone. Told her it was dead, didn't charge it last night. I have an iPhone and I don't want anybody stealing it and you never know who they are calling and what they are doing.
Hi SHARON - Hope you and THELMA are getting the house put together and are able to relax a bit now. Give Buddy a treat for me ... and ((BIG hugs)) for you and Thelma.
LYNNE - UGH - CATS! They have a mind of their own. Think there was something, a noise, person, whatever that just scared the crap out of him and he's cowering somewhere? They say cats have a 5 house radius from their home, and when you ask neighbors if you can look in their yard or garage for him, make sure YOU look, EVERYWHERE, under this, above that, all over. The neighbor isn't going to look for a cat like his mommy will. And, they could scare him worse. Just keep trying to think of things. ((BIG hug))
Just had an encounter with one of my students. She presented me with a note from an administrator that she will not be back to school and that I need to furnish her with any make-up work she is eligible to do.
Just love it when that happens. Kid showed up late yesterday and said that she needed her work. I asked if she expected me to have the class wait while I got her stuff ready and she said, "Yes. Can't you just get me the papers?" I told her no and went on teaching. Of course, she went to the adm and complained that she could not do her work because I refused to give it to her.
This kid has had numerous unexcused absences, class cuts, days of suspension, etc. Sad, but I can only do so much. Unfortunately, she is unlikely to pass in any case.
GOOD AFTERNOON... Shirley, you school days caper reminds me of one that Capt. Gene tells. 2nd or 3rd grade, a young girl with very long braids, kept swishing her head back and forth, making her braids flail all over his desk,so, one day, he put her pig tail in the ink well. Can't remember what kind of punishment he got, but the girl never swished he pigtails on his desk after that:)
Breakfast was great. Spent a little time with sweet Wanda and Gene when I dropped off the puppy food. Wanda was wrapped in boas!!! I'll let her explain that!
Relayed nice b-day wishes to Jessica! She says thanks, a nd forgot to say that Jenn did, too this Tues.!
I know that Margy is gone....and she will learn it at work...but great newspaper story informing that Central Dispatch and Sheriff's department will be moving to "new" digs in the near future!!! Old Martin's store across from the judicial center---county has owned the building for many years and used it for storage!! They will have so much more room, LOTS of parking space, etc.!!!
Loretta, pics are great! Sweet to think that mom osprey was cooling the chicks with a shower!!! And thank goodness the blogger cop LET me comment!! Yes, I want to see a termite swarm!
Hoda, what a scam that was! Glad Batch didn't fall for it! Yes, Edwards held promise....and he blew it big time. I still feel so bad for what poor Elizabeth had to go through---as if being terminally ill wasn't bad enough.
Shirley, I think what you did to that kid was very appropriate....only one thing would have been better----standing up and pushing the seat up into position and holding it there!!
Saw that about Dr. Kevorkian as I was logging in, Lynne.....wondering if had assistance? Everyone has their own opinion....but I will say that I had no problem with what he did! More power to him. Many drs. do it, but not in a blatant way that becomes publicly known!
Hoda, is the SUN still SHINING???? What's your temp?? Still only 69° here.....perfect!
Yes, Hoda...there are pics of Liesl on my blog. Scroll down to second entry...they were taken the first week.....have not been able to get her to hold still long enough to get anymore good ones---but she still looks the same!
Thanks, Jo! I thought Michael was one living in Jersey.....and working for the clothier, and that John was married with the kiddoes! Guess I am all confused!
Lynne, that office is cute as can be! Looks like a storybook house. Anything more on how the dr. is doing???
Wanda.....did they really still have inkwells in the desks when Gene was in school?????? He's not old enough!! They already had fillable fountain pens then!
Just a quick Hi!! Meat patties are made, onions sliced, beans cooking, brats smoking....we are getting ready!!! Going to be a wild party. LOL As wild as a bunch of old engineers can be. ☺
Lynne, you just keep hoping and praying for Bro Cat to come home and all of us will do the same. I know it is probably hard to sleep at night thinking of him out there somewhere.
Wanda, I think my brother did the same kind of prank as Gene. The Hendrick girls were sweet, good girls and then here came Larry. Teachers always wondered what hit them! He is still the same! I personally think he is ADHD! LOL
Liesl, Oh So Cute!!! Those Eyes my oh my, she would get anything she wants with just one of those looks with those adorable eyes. I am glad I saw her and she is a good student too...Arf Arf Liesl...Hugs
Okay, I got my first set of test scores. Only one kid failed, but several who would likely fail did not show up. I did not expect the one who failed to pass.
MICROWAVE IS PROBLEM I thought they were working on the camera no wonder it doesn't work it they are working on the microwave LOL not for sure what it means but I guess they know what they are doing I dont BBL again
There was sun earlier the morning and now it is clouding up. We have 57 degrees F and no rain...manageable. Tomorrow is the important day for good weather as the Grans to Grans have a National Walk for a fund raiser and I signed up to walk in it...we have three thousand dollars already pledged for the Stephen Lewis Foundation to fight AIDS in it will be good if it does not rain. The forcast for three days of sun has been down graded to partly cloudy.
I am afraid the cold weather got my basil and I will have to find something eles to replace it in my herb garden...the other herbs seem to be OK for now...I bring the container garden in at night time now and put it out in the morning for the day...
I am off to yoga in a little while.I had so much respect for the dignity with which Elizabeth Edwards lived and died. Yes indeed it is part of the sadness I have that he squandered so much, it is almost as if he did not really appreciate what he had...power got to his head I would say, I think of the children and how smart she was to give guardianship to her daughter...they will have a tough time ahead of them...I feel the same about Maria Shriver and the mess her husband created too...
Lynn, John is married to Ajay w/ the kiddos and works for the clothier!!
Michael works for a group home in NJ...they take the residents to the library, shopping, etc. Not sure if he was in the group home van or his vehicle...sometimes he uses his car as well.
I wish he could visit too, but he has to leave around 7pm tomorrow, as he works Sunday morning....too long a drive for just a 24 hour visit! He was hoping to be there around noon today!
Thanks, Hoda...she is an absolute sweetheart! I love her to pieces, and she loves me!!!
Jo....well, then I was right about John!! And I know he lives local.....never knew what he did for a living....Michael graduated and I thought he had obtained the good job with the clothier before he graduated..... WHO's ON FIRST??
LOL- Wanda----that thought crossed my mind! WAY behind! In 1971 when I came here, you all didn't even have push-button phone capabilities!! And still had party-lines!!!!
Hey, wonder if John is in a position to put a good word in for Steve for any warehouse openings?
I think we need a Family/Pet Tree cheat sheet!
Shirley, ROFLMAOAO about the toe thing! You little devil! And DUH, ya think the teacher shoulda questioned the REASON for the toe to be where it was in the first place!
Lynn, Dr Baker has been diagnosed with Bartonella, likely contracted from the cat bite that hurt her nerves in her hand so badly. She saw an infectious disease and research Dr. Treatment will begin soon. Will take 18 months to 2 years to complete. It's all very complicated. Poor thing, yesterday morning she had to go and get 130 tubes of blood drawn. Yesterday afternoon, they called to tell her that the truck carrying the samples was in and accident and 80 of her vial were destroyed! Can you believe it?? SO, back in a couple of days to have it done again.
Lynne....kind of out of the way, but Lenox is hiring for summer to Christmas temp's in Hagerstown. The new place here that I couldn't remember is a USPS sorting facility of some kind---not sure if civil service or contracted. And, of course, MACY's distribution center will open fall of '12. Cost of living is lower here!
On Face Book they have put the Loon Blog on it here is the link poor babies gonna experience their first thunderstorm according to it Loon Update Storm a comming
OMG-----Marshall Matt Dillon AKA James Arness passed away today. Great actor!! Did you know---I'm sure you did---that he and Peter Graves were brothers??
Lynn2 I had a cat that looked just like yours sort of my cat It was a stray that I took in didn't have front claws and I felt bad for him living outside no way to defend himself I think I was wrong with that though because he would always bring me dead things and live things he had no problems catching things with no claws I always thought that was odd I use to get snakes, birds, and yes rats YUK I hated that part but it showed he loved me He had extra toes on his front feet he always looked funny when he walked I waiting for Jordyn to wake up Sleeping beauty needs her rest I love it that she still takes naps I'm sure that is why she is such a happy child get enough rest
Ok my fellow eagle buds another stupid question comin at ya I know that the female owns to say the nest Now what is going to happen to the NBG nest will the male take it over or will it be up for grabs by another female Some one needs to write a rule book on eagle laws LOL
On face book they said the male was sited in the area by people taking a tour on a boat Eagle at Norfolk Botanical Gardens reported it
I remember desks with holes for inkwells. We had bottles of ink and staff pens we used for penmanship exercises. The pen points were often bent and sometimes they caught in the cheap paper and spattered ink.
Had a nice little nap with Liesl. 6AM is way too early to get up in my book!! I think we would have kept on napping if house hadn't gotten a bit too warm!
Hey, Jim! Sorry I missed you! How's everything with you?
JudyE---a rule book for eagles would be good! LOL....don't know the answer to your question about NBG nest.
All set for the party! Rodney is so funny. He really wants to help and he has been helping. I was out putting table cloths on all the tables and he asked where to move a pot of caladiums. I have them on the back patio and he thought they should be moved. LOL I told him I thought they were not in the way. He has been very opinionated on where the tables should go, etc. I think it cute!
That's funny, Shirley!!! Wonder how they ever decided to use that name? School supplies is the last thing I would suspect they sell! I remember when even regular fountain pens would tear the paper. And remember old ink eradicator long before white-out ever came along?! It just bleached a hole in the paper if we weren't careful!
For Candy, Shirley, Judie, DanaMo....and even retired teacher is your end of the joke: A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!'
...After a few seconds, Little Larry stood up.
The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Larry?'
'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!'
Interesting choice of words, for sure, Hoda. I know there IS a difference, but not sure that he is right in this situation! If the money was personal gifts, wonder if it's considered taxable??? If so, then it IS illegal because I bet he never claimed it!
Hey guys here is a link to our Fox 13 Hurricane page. Check out the page really neat so many different maps and also our live weather cams in the area I just saw rain in Tampa Hmmm didn't know it was gonna rain MY FOX TAMPABAY HURRICANE.COM
Hi, Everyone, Dropping in to say howdy before heading out to do the rest of our grossery shopping. Just got home from Walmart a little while ago. Emma is currently keeping Hubby entertained so I can use the computer.
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY to Lynn's gd JESSICA!!! Enjoy the day to the max!
Well, gotta run. Will be back later to say goodnight! Have a great evening! :o]
Hello JO, JUDY, Lynne, Lynn and all who may be lurking.
Dang, dang, dang no camera for the weekend. UGH. Someone is going to have to take me in for whatever they give you for Eagle withdrawls! Hmmmm. What would that be? Come on LYNN and KAY, I know you can give it a name. :)
Seriously LYNNE - 130 vials of blood? That must have been brutal. Then to do it again. Give that woman some OJ and cookies. Amazing! Any leads on Brother Cat? KAY, DANA, JUDYE, MARGY, MEGAN - I'll be going to the Komen Race in DC tomorrow morning - early - so I won't get to "see" you. I'm wishing & hoping for cams by Tuesday! Crossing fingers and toes.
PAULA & NUGZ - Safe travels and send pictures!
SHIRLEY I haven't seen - where are you in the big countdown to retirement?
HODA - I'd give something big to have half your exercise energy!
Lori, are you walking or reporting tomorrow??? Will you be the gal on the street on-air ?? Weather will be delightful! Well, since it is withdrawl you are suffering from, we can send or take you deeper in the south so that you can develop that drawl better! Just remember, you start with "all y'all" and never "you guys!!!"
It has really cooled down tempwise Tomorrow should be good weather but crazy weatherman is saying rain either Sat or Sun - Like DUH..... be more specific!
TV not good for tonight. Watching some taped shows.......
don't have to Lynn... she is quick as a whistle and sharp as a tack ☺
been here almost one year already !!! well, not all at once, we do let her go home once in awhile... xxo Back later on Happy Friday Night to you, All.....
WhooHoo!!!! Way to go, Bro Cat----scare your mom to death! Sure hope you had a good time, bad boy! Lynne, is he okay???? Know you wish he could talk and tell you just what he's been up to! So happy for you!
sorry to keep you waiting on details....we took the dogs for a walk, calling out....nothing. Heard what I believe was coyotes and my heart sank. We came back and we were sitting on the patio with the dogs, watching the new baby moon setting in the west...just beautiful. And all of a sudden, there he was. Just walked around the corner on to the patio. He is not so great....a bit dehydrated, but his gums are pink and not tacky. He refused food. He is filthy, and smells like dirt. No wounds anywhere. Right now he is sleeping in Daisy's bed.
I am so happy for you Lynne - Being a cat person it is still like Lori said - they are very independent creatures with a mind all their own. Happy Happy Happy
thank you all again so much for your prayers and well wishes!
Meanwhile, we have been listening to coyote vs fox sounds. We have coyotes apparently. I've NEVER heard them in all my years here. The sound was coming from the direction where no one lives, back over the hill on the property of the quarry over there. There were two of them howling. As we approached the top of the steep hill, they stopped.
I should say that we were very certain it wasn't dogs. Steve has heard them before in western MD mountains. And we were fairly certain it wasn't foxes. Kinda creepy....My friend Gail has actually SEEN coyotes up where she lives in Hampstead, near work. It's up by the PA line.
Oh, he's had a drink. Already up to his old tricks...Steve said he was drinking out of the toilet. Yep, the cat who will drink from anywhere but his own water bowl!
Coyotes--Will said he saw one in Fredericksburg. According to him, the coyote was being chased by a deer. He figured the deer was protecting its young, then he found a dead fawn.
Lynn I think my thoughts would be to keep Brother more in the house then what is normal... BUT he probably won't stay out like that for another year! Hopefully he got his fill of the 'wild side' of comfort! Just very happy...
Jo, he will NOT be going out ever again if I can help it! Maybe just for our evening walks with dogs. But you are right, I think he'll not be asking to go out any time soon!
I asked Kathryn and she was not sure. But since he is scooting, I think he needs to keep it on for now.
Luna had a real problem with the cone. She has so many folds and so much loose skin that her neck got very irritated. It was impossible to protect her skin. She is also very drooly.
This tired chick is going tosay goodnight. I know someone who will finally rest well=Lynne2. So happy for you all. Prayers for all, and I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks to God and St. Anthony for Brother's return.
This sleepy head is also going to hit the sack-- Paula so glad you made it safely and now relax and enjoy yourself. Hoda - with Velcro straps on childrens' shoes some will never learn how to tie their shoes.
Good night everyone and prayers and praises being offered up. Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Just sitting here smiling and thinking about Bro Cat!!! Yep, Momster prayer is powerful!!! Lynne, I am just so happy for you! Now don't you wish he could talk and tell you all about where he has been?!!
Party was a success except it was just so darn hot and the flies were horrible. After eating we moved inside to get away from the flies!!! Could stand the heat but not the flies.
I am exhausted and heading to the shower. Have only read back a little tonight. If there is something I should know you can tell me tomorrow. I am not going back and trying to catch up!!LOL
Night all! Sweet dreams! So thankful that Brother is home!!
Lolly, so glad that the party went well and I am sure the food was delicious...Sleep well. We were all very happy that Bro Cat came back.
Paula, I am not paddling this Saturday morning. There is a preregistered work shop, for which I did not sign up in time, and I had a prior committment to walk with the Grans to Grans for the National Walkathon...the Nelson Grans raised 3 thousand dollars in pledges and I had promised I would join in the 10 KM walk a month or so ago...So this is my Saturday morning activity and then we go to the open air market for presentations and then I go to yoga in the is a busy Saturday tomorrow...I am not sure when I will come back to the blog but probably tomorrow after noon, four in the afternoon my time, seven in the evening your time...I hope you all have a GRAND day and I will see you all later. Goodnight and God Bless.
Good Night Everyone... It is Tomorrow already ! Best wishes to everyone on their Saturday doings, sounds like a lot of time being spent with dear fund-raisers Glad your party went well, Lolly, sorry to read of the Fly Problem And once again, so grateful to know that Brother Cat is back in his Roost with Lynne and Steve and Daisy and Puddles...and, any other family pets there?
It's late, I'm tired, not sure what getting up time is in the morning for me - But Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One
Prayers for Wellness... and Grateful Prayers for Gifts Received God Bless This (yet-not-visible) Nest and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
LORI, oh, no, now I'm going to have Lori withdrawl, as in, "Sweetie piee, I meeus yew sooo much to-dye !" But, seriously we're all proud of you as you do your part for the great Komen charity today !
HODA, we're equally pleased that you are "oot and aboot" on the Grans to Grans Walkathon today. We hope your shoes are properly tied, eh ?
On this day in 1919 Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Less than 100 years ago !
LOLLY, what a shame you had those durn party crashing flies last night ! Sounds like you made the best of it and am sure your guests had a great time and pleasantly full bellies !
PAULA, what a great weekend, fun at the beach with Nugz and then winding it up with some family time !
LYNN, you are, IMHO, spot on where Krevokian is concerned and so right in "Many drs. do it, but not in a blatant way that becomes publicly known!" I've witnessed it in my own family, and with gratitude in my heart.
LOL, JUDYE, do you suppose Steve et al are zapping the ants in the Microwave ?
Okay, no cam, BOO HOO, so no chance of seeing our Belle and her beau. Everyone enjoying a sleep in and rightfully so. Therefore, it's back to bed for more zzzzz's for me. See some of you later today !
Good Morning Eagle Buds in eagle cam land without an eagle cam Was at my daughters till late Got to hop on facebook there to see Brother Cat is back I said something on FB so glad he is back and hope he gets a good vet visit I wonder if he was trying to stay or get away from the coyotes and foxes
I should sit here and start working on final progress reports. I wonder if the parents would mind if I just wrote that everything was great and have a wonderful summer! My progress reports are so out of date they don't even show what we learn in kindergarten! I hate it, but they come from the Archdiocese and it makes it very hard to fill them out.
Good morning! Another busy day ahead. Jack and Rodney are going up to Lockheed/Martin for a tour and then Rodney is going to spend a couple of days with anothe friend before heading home.
Laurel is coming here around noon and then we are heading to Glen Rose, about an hour away, for a baby shower. A nephew of mine married a girl from Glen Rose and they have come up for a baby shower. So, it will be fun to see them, to see Jana pregnant. Jack made a name train for the expected baby...Reece. I am going to make more burp cloths probably next week.
DanaMo, I am sure the parents appreciate the personalized progress reports written out by hand. They probably will not see many more of them. Mine are computerized. But I can write individual comments, which is nice.
Shirley, I have lost track. Are you through? Guess maybe you have a few more days.
Laurel is through and she texted us a picture of all her "stuff" she has boxed up and ready to move to her new school. Helping her to move Monday, but actually thinking about disowning her. LOL A lot of "stuff" to move, including 10 bookcases and a rocking chair. Yikes!
I am glad Laurel got to go to the school she wanted. I hope she will like it there. Sounds like it was a trade-off for her to get to be with the adults she wanted to be with. But I think you said it is the school the boys go to as well. That would be more convenient.
High school here has only the class sponsors march with the seniors. However, all others are invited to march, kindergarten teachers up. It is amazing that so few do this. I have marched many a time and still could. I still have kids graduating. I love doing it.
In the past, we have had administrators from the middle schools and I think from the elementary schools. They carry in the banners from the different schools.
We get to sit around the graduates in a kind of horseshoe fashion. It comes in handy for crowd control. We get to grab the beachballs, etc., that they bounce around. Of course, we give them back at the end of the ceremony and let them have their fun.
It is always nice to get together with everyone at the end of the year, but it is always very hot sitting out there.
I'll be taking Brother to the vet around 11....they are closed on Saturdays, so I was prepared to drive to the Drs house, but as it turn out, the new digital x-ray came and they'll be there today.
He ate a tiny bit of canned food mixed with some water this morning, and he has put his paw in the water bowl and licked it. But far from normal. He looks at the water, though. We'll take a better look in his mouth than I was able to do to see if there are any problems there.
Well, the stinkbug trap was in place last night. But the only SBs we saw all day were....on my pillow at bedtime, and on the bed starting at me at 2am. Then I felt an itch on the back of my neck....TICK. UGH.
I really do think the SBs fried in the walls when it was so hot out.
We had a near-crisis at our school this week. The Scantron machine had broken down. They called in a retired librarian who was able to fix it. He even found the old one that had been shoved into a closet because it was broken and fixed it, too.
We really miss John. He can fix all kinds of stuff. He has always been the man to call when the video machine quits in the middle of a movie during class.
He can figure out how to connect wires, splice together an old videotape that has broken, or substitute a machine that works for one that does not.
For those who do not know, a Scantron machine grades multiple-choice tests that students take on those bubble sheets. It is a necessity when we have such a short turn-around time between exams and due dates for grades.
It is especially frustrating when you have the students take the test on the bubble sheets and then find out that the machine is broken. (Yeah, I know a way around it, but I am not sure everyone does.)
I think there is a chick at said so this AM, but pic they showed didn't prove it to my eye!!! But now cam has not updated for 8 mins. and it shows what sure looks like a wee one to me! What do you think?
Good morning - I lost my long comment just a minute ago. Here I go again. Shirley - you try to keep one of the beach balls this year! You deserve one - do any of the under graduates know you are retiring?
Just watched the link Lynn has on Da Bears! Now that is so real life viewing - glad you found it Lynn - That little Faith is a spunky one.
Oh yes, it is tick season and here I need to comb my long hair cat out before he comes into the house.
Lori and Hoda I am proud to know you dedicated gals for such good causes.
Kathryn and Hunter have left for a baseball game. I feel guilty not going, but I just need a little time to myself, and I really must grade some research papers. I hope Tommy will be there.
I will be meeting a couple of my long-time teacher friends for dinner on Tuesday night.
As far as I know, my students are not aware I am retiring. I decided to keep it that way.
My senior exam was on Thursday, so I will not have another class with them. I sometimes have a few that show up anyway, but I will probably just ask them to help me move things, etc. Their grades are due on Tuesday. I had thought it was Monday, so it is nice to see I have one more day.
It still makes me wonder . . . Students will say how ridiculous they think it is that they have an exam on the last day of school. They think they are supposed to be able to come in and just hang out on that day. Many will say that they will not even be at school, that they think things are over.
WHAT A GREAT SONG FOR BROTHER CAT KAY!!! You also have the "CANADIAN LINGO" down pact...;^)... Great to hear from those who checked in and I will see you again in the afternoon/evening. Thanks for the good wishes for the day and I think we are all involved with good causes, the hands on experiences with the Momsters Grand Kids on a daily basis is inspiring and never enough said about the food bank/soup kitchen and I can go on and on...then of course there is the involvement with the eagles and other wild life...God Bless one and all...Have a GREAT DAY...
All is quiet around here. Jack and Rodney have left. Great to have company, but so nice to really relax again! Know what I mean?
Turns out Joey and the boys are going with us to Glen Rose. They are going to the house and hang with my nephew Blaine while Laurel and I are at the shower. Then we are all invited to Blaine's inlaws for hamburgers afterward. Will not be home until late this evening. Michael, Ashley, and Zacharoo will be there too. All but Jack and he is going to be enjoying the quiet that I am enjoying.
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»Thanks Steve.
PSF Sharon!
Thanks Steve for the new thread and update! sign of Brother yet. I took it especially hard this morning that he wasn't here because I was really SO sure I heard him last night....
Thanks Steve for the new thread and the update...I hope it is not too frustrating for those who are working on it...good cheer and much gratitude.
Lynne2, my thoughts and prayers have been with you.
Lynne 2 I am so sorry Bro Cat was not there today especially since you had thought you heard him last night...{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and Bro Cat...
thank you so much...I am still not giving up...lots of stories at work yesterday about cats "disappearing" for days and weeks and then showing up like nothing ever happened!
Shoot...Michael's not coming down to the beach this weekend. Long story short, he lost his phone last night, when he had to stop his vehicle in a residential neighborhood. He and another staff member had residents in their vehicles, and they had a problem with one of them. They had to restrain her, and he lost his phone in the scuffle.
The good news is that a good samaritan found the phone and called "Mom" on the phone. So Michael got in touch w/ the good samaritan, but has to wait until probably tonight to get his phone back. Hopefully he can come down next weekend!
Thanks for the info Steve...hope they can get it worked out soon!
Lynne, sure hoping Brother Cat finds his way home soon!
Hi Everyone! Busy at work but wanted to mention finally got Park pics from Tuesday on the Nook ☺ Enjoy. BBL
Let me know if you want to see a termite swarm video!!!!
Paula, the story of the lost phone is incredible really...I had a similar experience as Batch's, oldest son of my American family, phone was lost and I had phoned and left a message not knowing he did not have his phone. I got a phone call from this chap who wanted a 100 dollars for the return of the phone and gave me a landline number to phone!!! DUH not too smart I thought. Batch disconnected the service and bought a new phone on one of those "wonderful american deals" where you pay very little for an item...he keeps telling me he pays somewhere along the line for those "wonderful american deals" as I call them. So do you see how terrific it is that Michael's phone was found?
John Edwards was indicted today. I feel sad about it. So much promise he had,yet he fouled out...
I would not give up hope either Lynne 2.Cats DO have a mind of their own and I hope he comes back...
Yes, I think Michael was lucky too! John lost his awhile back, but he got his back, too. Michael's really lucky, cuz his is an iphone.
Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and updating us on the cam situation. STEVE - has anyone at
NCTC seen the eagle pair?
Paula - you can always convince Lori to ride along -especially in the shotgun seat! lol
Lynne - this is a foolish question but I assume you have checked around the outside of your house and any outside buildings. Brother just may be
stuck somewhere.
There was a woman in Hardee's parking lot this morning wanting to know if she could use my cell phone. Told her it was dead, didn't charge it last night. I have an iPhone and I don't want anybody stealing it and you never know who they are calling and what they are doing.
Hi SHARON - Hope you and THELMA are getting the house put together and are able to relax a bit now.
Give Buddy a treat for me ... and ((BIG hugs)) for you and Thelma.
LYNNE - UGH - CATS! They have a mind of their own.
Think there was something, a noise, person, whatever that just scared the crap out of him and he's cowering somewhere? They say cats have a 5 house radius from their home, and when you ask neighbors if you can look in their yard or garage for him, make sure YOU look, EVERYWHERE, under this, above that, all over. The neighbor isn't going to look for a cat like his mommy will. And, they could scare him worse. Just keep trying to think of things. ((BIG hug))
Jo it sure would be nice if Steve's updates included some info about the birds too.
And yes, we've checked the sheds and the garage for Brother.
Glad Michael got his phone back but too bad he can't make it to the beach.
Really is shame about John Edwards. What a doo doo head! Arnie, too....hope it was all worth it for them.
Dr Kevorkian died this morning.
anyone on FB who wants to see where I work, they have just started activity. Manchester Vet Services.
Read the John Edwards stuff. What a mess!!
Just had an encounter with one of my students. She presented me with a note from an administrator that she will not be back to school and that I need to furnish her with any make-up work she is eligible to do.
Just love it when that happens. Kid showed up late yesterday and said that she needed her work. I asked if she expected me to have the class wait while I got her stuff ready and she said, "Yes. Can't you just get me the papers?" I told her no and went on teaching. Of course, she went to the adm and complained that she could not do her work because I refused to give it to her.
This kid has had numerous unexcused absences, class cuts, days of suspension, etc. Sad, but I can only do so much. Unfortunately, she is unlikely to pass in any case.
Sorry about the complaints.
Shirley, you school days caper reminds me of one that Capt. Gene tells. 2nd or 3rd grade, a young girl with very long braids, kept swishing her head back and forth, making her braids flail all over his desk,so, one day, he put her pig tail in the ink well. Can't remember what kind of punishment he got, but the girl never swished he pigtails on his desk after that:)
In pre-school Susan liked to flail little boys with her pigtails.
Lynne 2 Larry is a VERY GOOD writer...Thanks for the link to the report.
Hi again on a beautiful Friday!
Perfect weather!!
Breakfast was great. Spent a little time with sweet Wanda and Gene when I dropped off the puppy food. Wanda was wrapped in boas!!! I'll let her explain that!
Relayed nice b-day wishes to Jessica! She says thanks, a nd forgot to say that Jenn did, too this Tues.!
I know that Margy is gone....and she will learn it at work...but great newspaper story informing that Central Dispatch and Sheriff's department will be moving to "new" digs in the near future!!! Old Martin's store across from the judicial center---county has owned the building for many years and used it for storage!! They will have so much more room, LOTS of parking space, etc.!!!
So sorry, heart aches for you more than ever....:( (((HUGS)))
Paula, don't understand about residents in vehicles? I thought Michael worked for the clothier!!! He should still come see his Momma tomorrow!!!
Liesl is going crazy over the Beggin' Strips commercial again!
And she is starting to learn how to climb the steps!!!! Hurray!
hedgie,do you have a picure of Liesl?
that would be PICTURE for Liesl...I do not have a delete on my entries not sure why...
Loretta, pics are great! Sweet to think that mom osprey was cooling the chicks with a shower!!! And thank goodness the blogger cop LET me comment!!
Yes, I want to see a termite swarm!
Hoda, what a scam that was! Glad Batch didn't fall for it!
Yes, Edwards held promise....and he blew it big time. I still feel so bad for what poor Elizabeth had to go through---as if being terminally ill wasn't bad enough.
Shirley, I think what you did to that kid was very appropriate....only one thing would have been better----standing up and pushing the seat up into position and holding it there!!
Hedgie - Paula will tell you that John works for the clothier. Michael works with group homes
Saw that about Dr. Kevorkian as I was logging in, Lynne.....wondering if had assistance? Everyone has their own opinion....but I will say that I had no problem with what he did! More power to him. Many drs. do it, but not in a blatant way that becomes publicly known!
Hoda, is the SUN still SHINING????
What's your temp?? Still only 69° here.....perfect!
Yes, Hoda...there are pics of Liesl on my blog. Scroll down to second entry...they were taken the first week.....have not been able to get her to hold still long enough to get anymore good ones---but she still looks the same!
Thanks, Jo! I thought Michael was one living in Jersey.....and working for the clothier, and that John was married with the kiddoes! Guess I am all confused!
Lynne, that office is cute as can be! Looks like a storybook house.
Anything more on how the dr. is doing???
Wanda.....did they really still have inkwells in the desks when Gene was in school?????? He's not old enough!! They already had fillable fountain pens then!
Just a quick Hi!! Meat patties are made, onions sliced, beans cooking, brats smoking....we are getting ready!!! Going to be a wild party. LOL As wild as a bunch of old engineers can be. ☺
Yes, Lynn, inkwells, in the old Hogie Street School. This is WV, remember...alittle behind the times, always:)
Lynne, you just keep hoping and praying for Bro Cat to come home and all of us will do the same. I know it is probably hard to sleep at night thinking of him out there somewhere.
Wanda, I think my brother did the same kind of prank as Gene. The Hendrick girls were sweet, good girls and then here came Larry. Teachers always wondered what hit them! He is still the same! I personally think he is ADHD! LOL
Okay...back to work. (((Hugs))) to all!
Liesl, Oh So Cute!!! Those Eyes my oh my, she would get anything she wants with just one of those looks with those adorable eyes. I am glad I saw her and she is a good student too...Arf Arf Liesl...Hugs
Okay, I got my first set of test scores. Only one kid failed, but several who would likely fail did not show up. I did not expect the one who failed to pass.
Back from park and lunch just noticed new thread gonna get a quick nap in BBL
MICROWAVE IS PROBLEM I thought they were working on the camera no wonder it doesn't work it they are working on the microwave LOL not for sure what it means but I guess they know what they are doing I dont BBL again
Lynn - not to confuse you more but John is married to AJ and they have the 2 sons and 1 cute little daughter. They live closer to Paula
There was sun earlier the morning and now it is clouding up. We have 57 degrees F and no rain...manageable.
Tomorrow is the important day for good weather as the Grans to Grans have a National Walk for a fund raiser and I signed up to walk in it...we have three thousand dollars already pledged for the Stephen Lewis Foundation to fight AIDS in it will be good if it does not rain. The forcast for three days of sun has been down graded to partly cloudy.
I am afraid the cold weather got my basil and I will have to find something eles to replace it in my herb garden...the other herbs seem to be OK for now...I bring the container garden in at night time now and put it out in the morning for the day...
I am off to yoga in a little while.I had so much respect for the dignity with which Elizabeth Edwards lived and died. Yes indeed it is part of the sadness I have that he squandered so much, it is almost as if he did not really appreciate what he had...power got to his head I would say, I think of the children and how smart she was to give guardianship to her daughter...they will have a tough time ahead of them...I feel the same about Maria Shriver and the mess her husband created too...
Lynn, John is married to Ajay w/ the kiddos and works for the clothier!!
Michael works for a group home in NJ...they take the residents to the library, shopping, etc. Not sure if he was in the group home van or his vehicle...sometimes he uses his car as well.
I wish he could visit too, but he has to leave around 7pm tomorrow, as he works Sunday morning....too long a drive for just a 24 hour visit! He was hoping to be there around noon today!
All Finnish cams working fine today!
Thanks, Hoda...she is an absolute sweetheart! I love her to pieces, and she loves me!!!
Jo....well, then I was right about John!! And I know he lives local.....never knew what he did for a living....Michael graduated and I thought he had obtained the good job with the clothier before he graduated..... WHO's ON FIRST??
LOL- Wanda----that thought crossed my mind! WAY behind! In 1971 when I came here, you all didn't even have push-button phone capabilities!! And still had party-lines!!!!
Hey, wonder if John is in a position to put a good word in for Steve for any warehouse openings?
I think we need a Family/Pet Tree cheat sheet!
Shirley, ROFLMAOAO about the toe thing! You little devil! And DUH, ya think the teacher shoulda questioned the REASON for the toe to be where it was in the first place!
Okay, Paula---gotcha on Michael's job----and too bad his schedule doesn't jive! Has he ever been to the beach house yet??
Lynn, Dr Baker has been diagnosed with Bartonella, likely contracted from the cat bite that hurt her nerves in her hand so badly. She saw an infectious disease and research Dr. Treatment will begin soon. Will take 18 months to 2 years to complete. It's all very complicated. Poor thing, yesterday morning she had to go and get 130 tubes of blood drawn. Yesterday afternoon, they called to tell her that the truck carrying the samples was in and accident and 80 of her vial were destroyed! Can you believe it?? SO, back in a couple of days to have it done again.
Lynne....kind of out of the way, but Lenox is hiring for summer to Christmas temp's in Hagerstown. The new place here that I couldn't remember is a USPS sorting facility of some kind---not sure if civil service or contracted. And, of course, MACY's distribution center will open fall of '12. Cost of living is lower here!
Glad you like our little clinic! I took pictures of all of the employees and hopefully they'll be posted on there soon.
I'm trying to discuss moving with Steve at this very moment. Our lease is up Sept. 1 not that we have to move or anything. But a change would be nice.
Need small place that allows 2 dogs and 2 cats to live.
Check out the triplet new home in the making Construction on the pen
On Face Book they have put the Loon Blog on it here is the link poor babies gonna experience their first thunderstorm according to it
Loon Update Storm a comming
JudyE, thanks for posting all the great videos...espically since we don't have our own birds to watch just yet!
No problem I love doing it and if I ever get too intrusive let me know OTAY
I sure was hoping for a cam today Still can hope HUH
OMG-----Marshall Matt Dillon AKA James Arness passed away today. Great actor!! Did you know---I'm sure you did---that he and Peter Graves were brothers??
Lynn2 I had a cat that looked just like yours sort of my cat It was a stray that I took in didn't have front claws and I felt bad for him living outside no way to defend himself I think I was wrong with that though because he would always bring me dead things and live things he had no problems catching things with no claws I always thought that was odd I use to get snakes, birds, and yes rats YUK I hated that part but it showed he loved me He had extra toes on his front feet he always looked funny when he walked
I waiting for Jordyn to wake up Sleeping beauty needs her rest I love it that she still takes naps I'm sure that is why she is such a happy child get enough rest
They are brother with different last names I never knew that I always like him as a actor RIP
Ok my fellow eagle buds another stupid question comin at ya I know that the female owns to say the nest Now what is going to happen to the NBG nest will the male take it over or will it be up for grabs by another female Some one needs to write a rule book on eagle laws LOL
On face book they said the male was sited in the area by people taking a tour on a boat Eagle at Norfolk Botanical Gardens reported it
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Lynne----that is awful. I have never heard of drawing that many tubes of blood! Wow....poor gal will need a transfusion. :(
My stinkbug trap is ready to go, finally! However, we haven't seen many at all since it was really hot out.
Daggone, Lynne, poor Dr Baker...does she even had any blood left???
I'll find out from John if they have any warehouse openings...
I remember desks with holes for inkwells. We had bottles of ink and staff pens we used for penmanship exercises. The pen points were often bent and sometimes they caught in the cheap paper and spattered ink.
Pigtails 'n Inkwells
How about this for a teachers' supply store?
Had a nice little nap with Liesl. 6AM is way too early to get up in my book!! I think we would have kept on napping if house hadn't gotten a bit too warm!
Hey, Jim! Sorry I missed you! How's everything with you?
JudyE---a rule book for eagles would be good! LOL....don't know the answer to your question about NBG nest.
All set for the party! Rodney is so funny. He really wants to help and he has been helping. I was out putting table cloths on all the tables and he asked where to move a pot of caladiums. I have them on the back patio and he thought they should be moved. LOL I told him I thought they were not in the way. He has been very opinionated on where the tables should go, etc. I think it cute!
See you later on this evening!
That's funny, Shirley!!! Wonder how they ever decided to use that name? School supplies is the last thing I would suspect they sell!
I remember when even regular fountain pens would tear the paper. And remember old ink eradicator long before white-out ever came along?! It just bleached a hole in the paper if we weren't careful!
Took at short nap - heading out
the door with hubby - Red Lobster.
Whoo hoo, outta here for the day!
Will check in later tonight from the beach!
Rats, no cam for the weekend :(
For Candy, Shirley, Judie, DanaMo....and even retired teacher is your end of the joke:
A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses.
She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!'
...After a few seconds, Little Larry stood up.
The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Larry?'
'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!'
Enjoy your evening, Lolly!!! Tell Rodney to chill!!
Bye, Paula! Drive safely.
Jo, I hope your dinner is as good as Carolyn and my lunch was a week ago at Red Lobster!!
Very funny Hedgie! I love it!
dang bloogger cop....
Have a safe drive Paula! and thanks...Steve actually filled out an app for JosB about a year ago but never heard anything.
HEDGIE I love the stupid story I wonder how she felt after his answer Smooth move that was
John Edwards via The Telegraph of London
John Edwards with regrets and position on breaking the law. I thought his wording was curious.
Safe trip Paula and Nugz. Enjoy the weekend at the beach.
Interesting choice of words, for sure, Hoda. I know there IS a difference, but not sure that he is right in this situation! If the money was personal gifts, wonder if it's considered taxable??? If so, then it IS illegal because I bet he never claimed it!
Hey guys here is a link to our Fox 13 Hurricane page. Check out the page really neat so many different maps and also our live weather cams in the area
I just saw rain in Tampa Hmmm didn't know it was gonna rain
also the page has a live chat Last year I did chat a lot was pretty neat
Jack Kevorkian has died the Dr that assisted in suicide
I see Jim stopped in to say hey HEY back at ya JIM
Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say howdy before heading out to do the rest of our grossery shopping. Just got home from Walmart a little while ago. Emma is currently keeping Hubby entertained so I can use the computer.
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY to Lynn's gd JESSICA!!! Enjoy the day to the max!
Well, gotta run. Will be back later to say goodnight! Have a great evening! :o]
Hi, Andy. Bye, Andy! I envy you your energy!!!!
hi to hear about your west coast bird paradise! Hope you get some more great pics soon!
I probably won't be around later I'll see ya in the am
if I don't come back
Home again! Had shrimp fixed all
different ways tonight! Yummy!
Going to watch FlashPoint...
David Hancock speakes DAVID TALKS before I leave wanted to post this
Good night Judy E and stay well.Thanks for all the video postings today...much appreciated.
Welcome home Mema Jo and a shrimp supper sounds delicious.
Hello JO, JUDY, Lynne, Lynn and all who may be lurking.
Dang, dang, dang no camera for the weekend. UGH. Someone is going to have to take me in for whatever they give you for Eagle withdrawls! Hmmmm. What would that be? Come on LYNN and KAY, I know you can give it a name. :)
Seriously LYNNE - 130 vials of blood? That must have been brutal. Then to do it again. Give that woman some OJ and cookies. Amazing!
Any leads on Brother Cat?
KAY, DANA, JUDYE, MARGY, MEGAN - I'll be going to the Komen Race in DC tomorrow morning - early - so I won't get to "see" you. I'm wishing & hoping for cams by Tuesday! Crossing fingers and toes.
PAULA & NUGZ - Safe travels and send pictures!
SHIRLEY I haven't seen - where are you in the big countdown to retirement?
HODA - I'd give something big to have half your exercise energy!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (7 ♥'s for LIBERTY's name). I Miss him.
Lori, are you walking or reporting tomorrow??? Will you be the gal on the street on-air ?? Weather will be delightful!
Well, since it is withdrawl you are suffering from, we can send or take you deeper in the south so that you can develop that drawl better! Just remember, you start with "all y'all" and never "you guys!!!"
Goodnight, JudyE. Thanks for the link to Dave's video.
Mom said it was 104° in her area outside t. Louis today....ugh!
Six days, Lori.
Yay, Will came over and mowed the grass. It was getting awful. He let Hunter help him.
Will had hurt his back earlier in the week and couldn't mow.
Newborn Moon out in the exquisite little grin....
trying to check blog posts...finally...
I am letting Lynn's daughter do all the work here ☺
make that a sideways grin
less than three transient freedom for 16 hours...
not quite the same as Shirley's 6 days to retirement
It has really cooled down tempwise
Tomorrow should be good weather but
crazy weatherman is saying rain
either Sat or Sun - Like DUH.....
be more specific!
TV not good for tonight.
Watching some taped shows.......
I taped Flashpoint, Jo---wasn't it any good?? Strange....
Margy, crack that whip on that gal!!!
don't have to Lynn...
she is quick as a whistle and sharp as a tack ☺
been here almost one year already !!!
well, not all at once, we do let her go home once in awhile...
Back later on
Happy Friday Night to you, All.....
HE'S BACK....BROTHER IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is he Okay ???
DANCING,smiling, wooooo-whooo!
Brother CAT is back!
LYNNE - is he ok?
What a relief and a happy night for you!
Welcome home, Brother Cat.
Oh LYNN - I will be announcing the runners and groups as they cross the finish line and general annoucements.
I forget an "A" in withdrawal and whammo! You are good! lol
WhooHoo!!!! Way to go, Bro Cat----scare your mom to death! Sure hope you had a good time, bad boy!
Lynne, is he okay???? Know you wish he could talk and tell you just what he's been up to! So happy for you!
LOL, Lori!!! Gotcha!
sorry to keep you waiting on details....we took the dogs for a walk, calling out....nothing. Heard what I believe was coyotes and my heart sank. We came back and we were sitting on the patio with the dogs, watching the new baby moon setting in the west...just beautiful. And all of a sudden, there he was. Just walked around the corner on to the patio. He is not so great....a bit dehydrated, but his gums are pink and not tacky. He refused food. He is filthy, and smells like dirt. No wounds anywhere. Right now he is sleeping in Daisy's bed.
Goodnight all!
LYNNE I bet you sleep with a smile on your face tonight.
Prayers for all needs, humans and pets. See you tomorrow.
Hello ANDY & EMMA.
Hope LOLLY'S party is going great!
That is just grand, Lynne....
ooops, BC's Mom, LYNNE.
Momster prayers worked AGAIN!!!!
I am so happy for you Lynne - Being a cat person it is still like Lori said - they are very
independent creatures with a mind
all their own. Happy Happy Happy
Hedgie - Flashpoint was very good.
I love that crew!
HURRAH on FB Lynne 2 says Brother Cat is BACK!!! HURRAH
Congratulations Lynne and Steve I am glad he is back and not the worse for wear...
thank you all again so much for your prayers and well wishes!
Meanwhile, we have been listening to coyote vs fox sounds. We have coyotes apparently. I've NEVER heard them in all my years here. The sound was coming from the direction where no one lives, back over the hill on the property of the quarry over there. There were two of them howling. As we approached the top of the steep hill, they stopped.
Well I do believe Brother Cat has made our day!!!
I should say that we were very certain it wasn't dogs. Steve has heard them before in western MD mountains. And we were fairly certain it wasn't foxes. Kinda creepy....My friend Gail has actually SEEN coyotes up where she lives in Hampstead, near work. It's up by the PA line.
he sure has made my day Sharon!
that little &^%$%^&&*^#@@@
I sure wish I knew what happened to him.
Oh, he's had a drink. Already up to his old tricks...Steve said he was drinking out of the toilet. Yep, the cat who will drink from anywhere but his own water bowl!
Coyotes--Will said he saw one in Fredericksburg. According to him, the coyote was being chased by a deer. He figured the deer was protecting its young, then he found a dead fawn.
wow Shirley, sorry to hear Will hurt his back...what happened? Hope it is really OK for him to be mowing.
and how is Kathryn's knee?
awwww....poor fawn. another nature sucks sometimes moment.
I think Will's back is okay. Kathryn's knee was doing better until Flash crashed into her with his cone and caused her to bend the knee backwards.
She has been trying to keep Flash in his crate more because he has been scooting on the carpet (yuck!!).
Always something going on around here.
oh no, poor Kathryn! Please tell her I hope she feels better.
Poor Flash...those cones are the worst!
Lynn I think my thoughts would be to keep Brother more in the house then what is normal... BUT he
probably won't stay out like that for another year! Hopefully he got his fill of the 'wild side' of
comfort! Just very happy...
Poor Flash has been crashing into many things with the cone.
does he have a clear cone or an opaque one?
We have to grab onto the cone and direct him from time to time.
He is better in the yard now since the grass has been mowed. Bassets have a problem because they are so low-slung.
Will got supper tonight after he finished mowing. And he gave Hunter grass-mowing lessons. Hunter has been very eager to mow grass for some time.
It is translucent. Light comes through, but you can't see clearly.
Jo, he will NOT be going out ever again if I can help it! Maybe just for our evening walks with dogs. But you are right, I think he'll not be asking to go out any time soon!
how long does he have to wear it?
I thought about Brother Cat this evening when George went dashing outdoors. I grabbed Georgie Boy and brought him right back in.
Late getting on here, but in time for the nighty-nite call! ☺
Congrats Lynne, on return of Brother Cat!!!!!!! Wonder what that rascal was doing??
Gotta get up early for work, so will be hitting the hay---
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
I'm going to hit the hay...I feel very tired all of a sudden, and so relieved! Good night and prayers for all!
I asked Kathryn and she was not sure. But since he is scooting, I think he needs to keep it on for now.
Luna had a real problem with the cone. She has so many folds and so much loose skin that her neck got very irritated. It was impossible to protect her skin. She is also very drooly.
Evening all..arrived safe and sound...bbl
Night to those turning in
This tired chick is going tosay goodnight. I know someone who will finally rest well=Lynne2. So happy for you all.
Prayers for all, and I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks to God and St. Anthony for Brother's return.
So glad to read that Brother Cat has returned to his roost. Lynne will probably never know where he was or why he was MIA for two days
I Bet You Did Not Know That
Or I was going to call it An Exciting Friday evening in Canada!!! ;^) !!!
I can't stay awake long enough to read all that has gone on today, so will check them out tomorrow.
Very tired tonight, too. I almost fell asleep in my car in the garage when I got home. Really must head upstairs.
Paula I am glad you and Nugz arrived safe and sound.
Wanda Good night sleep well and God Bless.
This sleepy head is also going to hit the sack--
Paula so glad you made it safely and now relax and enjoy yourself.
Hoda - with Velcro straps on childrens' shoes some will never learn how to tie their shoes.
Good night everyone and prayers and praises being offered up.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Just read the wonderful news that brother cat is back...yayayaay
Lori...hope you enjoy the race tomorrow
Hoda..have fun rowing!
Staying at the beach until Sunday morning, then hesding to my brother in waldorf for cookout and birthday party for my neice and nephews
Getting ready to hit it...see you in the morn...
(((Hugs for all)))
Good night Mema Jo, Stronghunter and Paula. Sleep well and God Bless.
Just sitting here smiling and thinking about Bro Cat!!! Yep, Momster prayer is powerful!!! Lynne, I am just so happy for you! Now don't you wish he could talk and tell you all about where he has been?!!
Party was a success except it was just so darn hot and the flies were horrible. After eating we moved inside to get away from the flies!!! Could stand the heat but not the flies.
I am exhausted and heading to the shower. Have only read back a little tonight. If there is something I should know you can tell me tomorrow. I am not going back and trying to catch up!!LOL
Night all! Sweet dreams! So thankful that Brother is home!!
Lolly, so glad that the party went well and I am sure the food was delicious...Sleep well.
We were all very happy that Bro Cat came back.
Paula, I am not paddling this Saturday morning. There is a preregistered work shop, for which I did not sign up in time, and I had a prior committment to walk with the Grans to Grans for the National Walkathon...the Nelson Grans raised 3 thousand dollars in pledges and I had promised I would join in the 10 KM walk a month or so ago...So this is my Saturday morning activity and then we go to the open air market for presentations and then I go to yoga in the is a busy Saturday tomorrow...I am not sure when I will come back to the blog but probably tomorrow after noon, four in the afternoon my time, seven in the evening your time...I hope you all have a GRAND day and I will see you all later.
Goodnight and God Bless.
Good Night Everyone...
It is Tomorrow already !
Best wishes to everyone on their Saturday doings, sounds like a lot of time being spent with dear fund-raisers
Glad your party went well, Lolly, sorry to read of the Fly Problem
And once again, so grateful to know that Brother Cat is back in his Roost with Lynne and Steve and Daisy and Puddles...and, any other family pets there?
It's late, I'm tired, not sure what getting up time is in the morning for me - But Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One
Prayers for Wellness...
and Grateful Prayers for Gifts Received
God Bless This (yet-not-visible) Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
♪♪♫ ♫♫♪♫
What's new Brother Cat ? Woah, Woah
Brother Cat, Brother Cat
Lynne loves you,
Steve does too.
You and your Brother Cat face !
Brother Cat, Brother Cat
You're so thrilling and
They're so willing to
Care for you.
So don't go away their place !
You and your Brother Cat face!
What's new Brother Cat? Woah, Woah
We all love you,
Oh,yes, we do !
You and your Brother Cat lips!
You and your Brother Cat eyes!
You and your Brother Cat nose!
♫♫ ♪♪ ♫♫
LORI, oh, no, now I'm going to have Lori withdrawl, as in, "Sweetie piee, I meeus yew sooo much to-dye !" But, seriously we're all proud of you as you do your part for the great Komen charity today !
HODA, we're equally pleased that you are "oot and aboot" on the Grans to Grans Walkathon today. We hope your shoes are properly tied, eh ?
On this day in 1919 Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Less than 100 years ago !
LOLLY, what a shame you had those durn party crashing flies last night ! Sounds like you made the best of it and am sure your guests had a great time and pleasantly full bellies !
PAULA, what a great weekend, fun at the beach with Nugz and then winding it up with some family time !
LYNN, you are, IMHO, spot on where Krevokian is concerned and so right in "Many drs. do it, but not in a blatant way that becomes publicly known!" I've witnessed it in my own family, and with gratitude in my heart.
LOL, JUDYE, do you suppose Steve et al are zapping the ants in the Microwave ?
Good morning!
Okay, no cam, BOO HOO, so no chance of seeing our Belle and her beau. Everyone enjoying a sleep in and rightfully so. Therefore, it's back to bed for more zzzzz's for me. See some of you later today !
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!
Hey, whaddya know ! Hi, DANA ! The dogs must have rousted you outta bed ! What's up ?
Guess that was just a quick DANAMO hello. I'm going to put my puter through it's anti-virus and mahlware paces now and take a cat nap. HAGD, all. BBL.
Good Morning Eagle Buds in eagle cam land without an eagle cam Was at my daughters till late Got to hop on facebook there to see Brother Cat is back I said something on FB so glad he is back and hope he gets a good vet visit I wonder if he was trying to stay or get away from the coyotes and foxes
Hey Kay, I'm still here! Got sucked into Facebook! The Flying Labs always get me up!
I should sit here and start working on final progress reports. I wonder if the parents would mind if I just wrote that everything was great and have a wonderful summer! My progress reports are so out of date they don't even show what we learn in kindergarten! I hate it, but they come from the Archdiocese and it makes it very hard to fill them out.
Glad to hear that Brother is back! Awesome news.
Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.
Good Morning!
Brother is a bit more alert this morning but far from himself. We'll head to the vet shortly. He needs some fluids for sure.
KAY.....LOL!!! Thank you for the SONG!!!
I've got to run to Walmart....BBL
Gone to go get ready for a haircut. I hope everyone makes a good day.
Can't wait to hear the vet report Lynne.
Morning all!
Just saw this marvelous video of the bears from yesterday---not only fun but beautiful clarity!
Da Bears
Good morning! Another busy day ahead. Jack and Rodney are going up to Lockheed/Martin for a tour and then Rodney is going to spend a couple of days with anothe friend before heading home.
Laurel is coming here around noon and then we are heading to Glen Rose, about an hour away, for a baby shower. A nephew of mine married a girl from Glen Rose and they have come up for a baby shower. So, it will be fun to see them, to see Jana pregnant. Jack made a name train for the expected baby...Reece. I am going to make more burp cloths probably next week.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Lynne, how is Bro Cat this morning?
Good morning,
DanaMo, I am sure the parents appreciate the personalized progress reports written out by hand. They probably will not see many more of them. Mine are computerized. But I can write individual comments, which is nice.
Waiting to hear about Brother Cat's vet visit.
The videos they get of the bears are just beautiful. They have a great camera! And, isn't it fun to watch them play?
Shirley, I have lost track. Are you through? Guess maybe you have a few more days.
Laurel is through and she texted us a picture of all her "stuff" she has boxed up and ready to move to her new school. Helping her to move Monday, but actually thinking about disowning her. LOL A lot of "stuff" to move, including 10 bookcases and a rocking chair. Yikes!
6 days Lolly
7 days counting Saturday. I have to go to graduation. We march with the graduates. It is considered a work day for us.
I am glad Laurel got to go to the school she wanted. I hope she will like it there. Sounds like it was a trade-off for her to get to be with the adults she wanted to be with. But I think you said it is the school the boys go to as well. That would be more convenient.
High school here has only the class sponsors march with the seniors. However, all others are invited to march, kindergarten teachers up. It is amazing that so few do this. I have marched many a time and still could. I still have kids graduating. I love doing it.
Kay, great rendition of the song!!
Very creative.
Lynne, please let us know about Bro Cat as soon as you get back from the vet.
Hoda, have a great day!
You, too, Lori and Paula and everyone with special adventures.
Thelma, ask your gal to cut my hair while you're there, please!!!
Wish it was that easy!!
In the past, we have had administrators from the middle schools and I think from the elementary schools. They carry in the banners from the different schools.
We get to sit around the graduates in a kind of horseshoe fashion. It comes in handy for crowd control. We get to grab the beachballs, etc., that they bounce around. Of course, we give them back at the end of the ceremony and let them have their fun.
It is always nice to get together with everyone at the end of the year, but it is always very hot sitting out there.
Loved the Brother-Cat song, Kay.
Nice that you can march with the graduates, Lolly.
Hmmm, I just remembered that I need to get my gown out of the car trunk and make sure it is decent.
I'll be taking Brother to the vet around 11....they are closed on Saturdays, so I was prepared to drive to the Drs house, but as it turn out, the new digital x-ray came and they'll be there today.
He ate a tiny bit of canned food mixed with some water this morning, and he has put his paw in the water bowl and licked it. But far from normal. He looks at the water, though. We'll take a better look in his mouth than I was able to do to see if there are any problems there.
Sure is cool this morning...I had to put a sweatshirt on to walk the dogs!
Well, the stinkbug trap was in place last night. But the only SBs we saw all day were....on my pillow at bedtime, and on the bed starting at me at 2am. Then I felt an itch on the back of my neck....TICK. UGH.
I really do think the SBs fried in the walls when it was so hot out.
We had a near-crisis at our school this week. The Scantron machine had broken down. They called in a retired librarian who was able to fix it. He even found the old one that had been shoved into a closet because it was broken and fixed it, too.
We really miss John. He can fix all kinds of stuff. He has always been the man to call when the video machine quits in the middle of a movie during class.
He can figure out how to connect wires, splice together an old videotape that has broken, or substitute a machine that works for one that does not.
For those who do not know, a Scantron machine grades multiple-choice tests that students take on those bubble sheets. It is a necessity when we have such a short turn-around time between exams and due dates for grades.
It is especially frustrating when you have the students take the test on the bubble sheets and then find out that the machine is broken. (Yeah, I know a way around it, but I am not sure everyone does.)
I think there is a chick at said so this AM, but pic they showed didn't prove it to my eye!!! But now cam has not updated for 8 mins. and it shows what sure looks like a wee one to me! What do you think?
Good morning - I lost my long comment just a minute ago. Here I go again.
Shirley - you try to keep one of the beach balls this year! You
deserve one - do any of the under graduates know you are retiring?
Just watched the link Lynn has on
Da Bears! Now that is so real life
viewing - glad you found it Lynn -
That little Faith is a spunky one.
Oh yes, it is tick season and here
I need to comb my long hair cat out before he comes into the house.
Lori and Hoda I am proud to know
you dedicated gals for such good
OK, we are heading to the vet.....I'll check back in in a couple of hours with the update!
Hope everyone has a good day.....
Kathryn and Hunter have left for a baseball game. I feel guilty not going, but I just need a little time to myself, and I really must grade some research papers. I hope Tommy will be there.
I will be meeting a couple of my long-time teacher friends for dinner on Tuesday night.
As far as I know, my students are not aware I am retiring. I decided to keep it that way.
Best wishes for you and Brother Cat, Lynne.
My senior exam was on Thursday, so I will not have another class with them. I sometimes have a few that show up anyway, but I will probably just ask them to help me move things, etc. Their grades are due on Tuesday. I had thought it was Monday, so it is nice to see I have one more day.
It still makes me wonder . . . Students will say how ridiculous they think it is that they have an exam on the last day of school. They think they are supposed to be able to come in and just hang out on that day. Many will say that they will not even be at school, that they think things are over.
You also have the "CANADIAN LINGO" down pact...;^)...
Great to hear from those who checked in and I will see you again in the afternoon/evening. Thanks for the good wishes for the day and I think we are all involved with good causes, the hands on experiences with the Momsters Grand Kids on a daily basis is inspiring and never enough said about the food bank/soup kitchen and I can go on and on...then of course there is the involvement with the eagles and other wild life...God Bless one and all...Have a GREAT DAY...
Heads up!!! Split coming this is post 198...
All is quiet around here. Jack and Rodney have left. Great to have company, but so nice to really relax again! Know what I mean?
Turns out Joey and the boys are going with us to Glen Rose. They are going to the house and hang with my nephew Blaine while Laurel and I are at the shower. Then we are all invited to Blaine's inlaws for hamburgers afterward. Will not be home until late this evening. Michael, Ashley, and Zacharoo will be there too. All but Jack and he is going to be enjoying the quiet that I am enjoying.
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