Friday, June 24, 2011


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day also

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


FuzzleMT said...

Oh, Hedgie, I missed you post!!!! I've been packing furiously this past week, but I have been packing for at least the past month. It's a big job!

FuzzleMT said...

Fog and snow in June - yes, I do like snow and plan on cross country skiing - wonder how long it will take before my legs feel like they are NOT falling off - hmmmmm?

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Lovers! I am really pooped--don't know if I'll get a 2nd wind or not.
Thanks, Lynn, for putting up the Park osprey cam. They are not changing the address, just putting access to it still thru Ustream on the front page of the site. TY also for the great eagle-Teddy link!! They've done it again--maybe since it's so cool there, juvies need something to snuggle!!
I was not at Park today, so not able to check out Loony! I hope Greg took camera! Wouldn't it be neat if it swam in front of the osprey cam??! ☺

To PA Lynn (I think)~~we didn't train cat to fetch--she trained us!Probably the first mousie we got was thrown to her & she brought it back to Dad's lounge chair & crouched on the floor waiting for him to throw it back into the kitchen!And the chase/retrieval was on!!
Sounds like Sharon, Sissy, T-Bird & Gang are having a wonderful weekend & Paula , too at the B---H!!May be a sidekick with her next week! ☺
Great to read Lolly & Jack are on the road--will have to find her post.
Prayers for Glo's daughter & Tori & Lynn.

Hoda said...

Well I do not think we are going to get a visit tonight...Still cam says 9:23 PM EDT and while it is still daylight I think it is late for them...

NatureNut said...

I probably missed JudyE, but thanks for vulture pics! I go past that old house often now, but haven't seen any there--probably too late. But we often see them floating or in a tree, or on ground. Then you know something's perished.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Just wanted to pop in to say and goodnight....we are headed back to MILs early in the AM again this weekend.

LINDA!!!!! YAY, welcome back!!

IRENE!!! So sorry I won't be in the area to meet up with you too!

Read back only far enough to see these couple of things. I'll never get caught up....sigh. If only I didn't have to work for a living!

hedgie said...

Here we go again.....when I click on that link, JudyE, it takes me to my own FB page!!!! That has happened before. Weird!

Lynne2 said...

on the other hand, we should be breezing through Hagerstown at around 9am (if I wake up early enough!)

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn you have to be logged in to your facebook page then click on her link on the blog here in the comment.

wvgal_dana said...

Safe travels for Lynne2 and Steve.

Hoda said...

I am off to watch a Harry Potter movie...I watched the first two...can not find the third, but found the fourth, fifth and sixth at the library...Talk to you all later...

Hoda said...

Safe travel to Lynne and long will you be gone and tell me again where are you going? I missed it somehow...

hedgie said...

Hey DanaWV---check this out:
Win a Canon Power Shot

hedgie said...

Wow, Loretta, I didn't know that TV's floated in the water! Cool.

hedgie said...

Dana, I AM logged into FB---it's always on when computer is on.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, we are heading to Terra Alta, WV and will be back on Sunday evening. My Mother in Law and her hubby live there. We are going again this weekend to help finish up the last of the little "big" things, some patching, some light painting, in order for them to finally get the house up on the market. We'll take some side jaunts, to our fav campground (where I WISH we we going for the weekend!) and look for some nature.

hedgie said... case Lynne walked away---her in-laws live in Terra Alta, WV. She lives outside Baltimore, MD----probably a good 4 hr. trip for them....right, Lynne?

Lynne2 said...

We were thinking of going camping next weekend, but it's the holiday, and I 'm not sure if we'd get a spot or not....but we could go for 2 nights!

Lynne2 said...

I'll be hugging all of you "westerners" on our way out 70....Lynn, Jo, Megan, DanaWV, DanaMo, Margie. Uh oh....who am I forgetting????

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, it takes up about 3 and half if we don't dilly dally at Sidling too long! Or if we don't stop at the campground forest on the way. And if traffic on 70 isn't obnoxious....It's so much nicer to drive on 68

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn I signed up for the Canon camera. Fingers crossed!!

hedgie said...

Yep, Lynne, 68 is THE way to go to all points west! I will never take 70 again through that stupid mess at Breezewood.

Kay said...

LINDA, Kim Shienbaum is Chair at Rutgers Camden campus and my dil, Beth Leech, is at the main campus in New Brunswick. I would imagine they have intercampus (is that a word or is it intracampus or none of the above ?) meetings and events and have probably met. I will ask Beth.

Linda said...

Hi Lynne!!!! Great to see you, if only for a few minutes before you head off for some sleep!!

Thanks again for your FB notes asking how I was and letting me know the momsters were praying for me!!

It's so great to be back. I've only said this a gazillion times today!!

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Lynne, honk as you fly by 81!! I'll be watching the trial!

Linda said...

KAY - Small world, huh?

Lynne2 said...

you ain't kidding Lynn....we used to take 70 to Breezewood and then get on the Fuster Cluck of the PA turnpike to get home back in the day.

Kay said...

WV DANA, go back to Delta 2 and scroll down through the pics, you'll see a little white bear in a couple of them. Very cute.

Lynne2 said...

aw, come on....everyone go to their closest on ramps to 70 and hold up signs and wave as we go by!!

hedgie said...

Linda, isn't it great to know that so many people care about you???!!!
♫ ♪ We are F-a-m-i-l-y!!! ♪ ♫

Kay said...

MARGY,LOL, for a minute there I thought you were reliving April Fool's Day, you rascal, you !

hedgie said...

Lynne---you've got that right. I have traveled that turnpike section several times since I was a kid---and it NEVER gets any better!!!! It's not the traffic so much as it is the stupid construction, and jersey walls and the mountain that is in such poor repair.....argh! Haven't done it in probably 5 years! Guess since Christie told me about 68!

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 You are great...I think youo and Steve are great because of helping out your Mom in Law....I still laugh at how funny you were about being on the blog and Steve wanting you to tend to packing the last time you went...I wish you both well and a safe journey for sure...look forward to hearing from you on Sunday...

Linda said...

They just moved my Mom from the hospital she was in to a place called Kindred Care Hospital. They specialize in pulmonary rehabilitation and complex medical care, which she needs.

I don't think the pnemonia was as bad as they originally thought, but they think she may need to stay there for about a month to try and get her lungs to work better and to manage her pain. Her lungs are in really bad shape (pulmonary fibrosis), but the doctors have been trying for months to get her to do this rehabilitation to improve her quality of life. She also has poly-rhumatica fibromyalgia.

She'll be a tough patient for them, that is for sure. She just doesn't want to do what it takes to feel better. She just wants to take drugs for pain and stay still so as not to lose her breath. It's so sad, yet it is very serious, too.

Hoda said...

Thanks Hedgie for catching me up on Lynne2 news.

Linda said...

Yes, Lynn!!! ♪♪I got all my sistas with me ♪♪ ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Pa Lynn Linda Prayers to your Mom and to give you courage to deal with it all...

Linda said...

It's so hard to understand when someone just wants to give up on life......

Linda said...

Thanks, Hoda!

Linda said...

I do know that it is hard to understand things before you hit that time in your life.

I look back at times when I didn't understand why my Mom was the way she was and now that I am that age now, I understand better. Same goes for my son, when he thinks I can keep pace with him at the ripe ole age of 23!! This ole bird can't do what she used to!!

I just hope that if I get sick or if I get much older that I don't just give up because it is easy.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for you mom, Lynn. Tough situation. My former mother has polymyalgia rheumatica as well. Never heard of it before that, or of anyone else having it until now with your mom.

Linda said...

God can use is in so many ways at ANY age and until He says it's time, I want to do His Will!!

Lynne2 said...

I am quite sure Lynn, that should we ever get the time to get to McKeesport to see my step mom, we'll take the SCENIC route and avoid that turnpike. Geesh, they've been doing construction there since the good Lord was in diapers!

Linda said...

It's so hard to measure someone elses pain, too. We all have different tolerances.

Kay said...

HODA, I love the "Fill in the States" puzzle !

Lynne2 said...

LOL Hoda! We are way ahead of the game and all packed and ready to go, and Steve is chillin' in front of the TV instead of being the "Travel Dictator" tonight!

Lynne2 said...

well, something that sounded like thunder just boomed outside. but there is nothing on the radar anywhere near us. Daisy is freaking out.

hedgie said...

BTW---someone said something about the other teddy bear (that I said was out in the west somewhere) being in an osprey nest in Connecticut.....nope, it was Delta 1 nest at Hancock. 2009:
"2010: If you recall last year, this is the famous "Teddy-bear" nest. The adults brought a teddy bear into the nest thinking it was something good for the eaglets."

NatureNut said...

OK, Lynn~~next TV I see will be told to Honk when it floats over your house!! ☺

Need more food--bought a frozen shrimp cocktail & left them out to thaw!Hoped to keep them cool, so didn't put in microwave.

Lynne2 said...

Hey it's good to be back home again....sometimes, this old blog feels like a long lost friend....

Lynne2 said...

OK, more booming. Neighbor's dog barking like crazy now....creepy. Oh yay, now the State Police helicopter just flew over. Maybe someone is bombing Randallstown?

hedgie said...

Linda, your poor Mom wanting to give up is not unusual for someone with such a debilitating disease. When every move you make takes more breath than you have, it is very scary and depressing. Indeed, the Lord will do HIS will in HIS time....and she is just waiting for that. I can't say that I blame her....I know how difficult it is for me sometimes.....

magpie said...

didn't mean to disappear, phone call from one of my sisters,
sometimes takes awhile

Lynn, knew about the A/C's at Bill's place,
generally I think the metal dealers are cooperating with police pretty nicely

hedgie said...

Another song, Lynne! We are full of them lately!!!! John Denver was one of the best!!!

magpie said...

I thought the same thing:
weather, bad at the nest?
But realized Nilla was a few miles away and further SouthEast...and probably had just that much difference in the weather at her place

magpie said...

ISS comes around near midnight hours, don't think I will be up for that one tonight

hedgie said...

I think it's time for some ice cream in this roost!

magpie said...

the SPLIT can really sneak in sometimes

Linda, am sorry to read of your mother's medical conditions,
and will pray for wellness and comfort

hedgie said...

From Robyn:

I am home for the next few days and Tori is slowly improving. She ate her first food in 5 days, pudding and was told she may be able to get a regular diet tomorrow. Thank you all for your support and prayers once again, miracles do happen and the power of prayer can be very strong...

hedgie said...

Isn't that great news?????!!!!

Linda said...

Oh geeze, LYNNE, here we go again with the songs!!!! And John Denver again, too!! I love it!!

LYNN - I know you're right, but I just don't want to see her give up and suffer. She is so young looking that it is hard to imagine this is taking her down.

Lynn - are you on oxygen, too?

magpie said...

Enjoy the ice cream, Lynn
Best wishes for a good week-end, Lynne and Steve

I am, suddenly,
voraciously tired....if there is such a match up of this adverb and adjective

So, signing off for the night. Maybe I can outwit the alarm clock again in the morning

Best wishes for Sweet Sleep and I will look forward to reading the rest of the the night time posts, in the morning

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

My children post the darnedest things on FB. This from Will:

so a customer walks into the store this evening and asks "what's the best liquor to drink off a woman's body?"

Lynne2 said...

I got an email from my mother's sister, my Aunt Donna today. She wanted to let me know the my great Aunt Cassie, the youngest of my Grandmother's sisters, passed away a few days ago at age 91. She was very healthy and active until recently, although she had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My grandmother, and all 4 of her sisters had Alzheimer's. Their only brother, my Uncle John, died at 65 of a heart attack.

Linda said...

Thanks for the prayers and comforting words, Margy!

I feel badly because I was there for a little over a week and spent very little time with my Mom. Every time I was there she fell asleep on me or was complaining about things and it was just so hard to keep hearing the negative comments. I wish I had more time while I was there to spend with her.

Guess I will be making another trip soon!

magpie said...

Good News from Robyn, Lynn
Thank You for posting !

Lynne2 said...

It's the sweetest thing I know of, just spending time with you.
It's the little things that make this blog a home.....

LOL Linda....been waiting for you to SING!

Linda said...

Will certainly be keeping Tori and Robyn in my prayers. From the little bit I know, that poor child has had a rough go of it. She's so young to have to deal with all her illness.

stronghunter said...

Meanwhile, Susan, who lives in an apartment in the city is posting the cries of a fox in the woods behind her building.

hedgie said...

Margy, so is sheriff's dept. handling Eagle Plaza cases rather than state??

Linda said...

LOL Lynne - I love singing with you, too!!!! ☺☺☺

Happy songs in my heart....keep me going!!

I love singing to the Lord,too!! Don't know how He feels about it!!

Linda said...

Actually it was Lynn that starting the singing earlier today, if I remember correctly!!

Linda said...

Sorry about your grandmother's sister, Lynne...... She lived a long life, though. Hope it was a happy one. She is surely in a better place now.....I hope!

Lynne2 said...

I really can't sing. I mean, I REALLY can't sing. I am SO not able to carry a tune. I sing in the car when no one can hear me! I make a Joyful Noise! But it ain't singing! My mother's people...oh they ALL can sing, and it was a regular thing at family gatherings, around the piano! I lip synced.

Today, on the way home from work (a 40 minute drive) I spent most of it belting out Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show with Neil Diamond!


Lynne2 said...

I haven't seen Aunt Cassie in many, many years. I was unable to make it to the last family reunion in Ohio. But she was a pistol! She made the most of life. Six kids (her younger son, Michael, was killed at 16 on his bike by a school bus), many grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren!

Linda said...

Sweet Dreams, Margy! May God Bless You ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Lynne, there have been a couple of times when I have had my cell phone on and my children have heard what is going on in my car. Just saying . . .

Linda said...

I really do love to sing.....or as you say....make a joyful noise.

It's been a number of years since my solo days, but I used to be pretty good at carrying a tune! I love harmony in songs!!

I sang in church for many years in my younger days.

When I was young, I wanted to be a professional singer! Ha Ha!!

Linda said...

God Speed, Aunt Cassie!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley!!!! Lucky for me that my cell closes up and can't accidentally dial while being bounced around in my purse!

stronghunter said...

I have to admit, I have been known to lip sync, too. And, I have never admitted it before, but I sometimes fingered my clarinet without blowing when I was at band practice. I couldn't even make music with an instrument.

Lynne2 said...

oh, I can sing harmony when I sing with the Statler Brothers! NOT!

Lynne2 said...

Funny Shirley! I never had the opportunity to take any instrument lessons save for a couple of guitar lessons and that didn't go well. I've heard that kids who do well in music also do well in math.....well, my math skills are POOR, like my music skills!

Linda said...

I'm thinking it's time to head upstairs for the night.......but I just love being back with all of you!!!

I guess I could say good night like Lynne does and then come back a bunch of times......Ha Ha

Lynne2 said...

well, the dryer is finished so I must fold and then hit the hay. The Dictator is stirring on the couch so I better get moving!

Lolly said...

Omg. Omg omg. We just saw a bear!!!! We are sitting outside and a dog in a close site started barking. Owner called out to us that there was a bear. He was huge! About 100 yds away, yep, no picture but forever planted in my mind!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


I'm so jealous!!!! WOW!!!! Was it a Black Bear or a Griz???

Linda said...

Hi Lolly!!! Wow you saw a bear!! Just what you always wanted!! Stay safe!

Lynne - Hope you have safe travels in the morning and don't work too hard this weekend. You're a great dil!! Will miss you!!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOOOO if someone else sees one, then maybe I will this weekend in the mountains! You know how things happen in THREES!

Linda said...

Well our black bear is back, too. I missed him the other night, but he made a mess licking the seeds from the window feeder on my office window!! His claw marks are everywhere!

Oh and Lynne and others....We had a BEAUTIFUL MOURNING WARBLER on our back porch last week. Look it up. They are absolutely beautiful. I will post a picture in a day or so.

Kay said...

Doing an end of day prayer needs check. Will remember all those we've been praying for prior to today and adding....

Comfort and easing of pain for LINDA's mother.

Healing for GLO's daughter.

Safe travels for all heading out for weekend fun and/or work. Thanks for watching over LOLLY & JACK, please keep dem bears away !
Thanks for granting TORI a more rapid recovery than we thought possible !

A good night's rest for all my precious Eagle Buds ! I♥them !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Linda said...

That was the first time I ever saw a mourning warbler. I thought it was some sort of tropical bird that excaped from his cage!!

Linda said...

Night, KAY!! Blessings to you!

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Kathryn and Hunter went out to visit friends. Kathryn said they'd pick up dog poop in the yard when they return. I didn't think so then, now I really don't think so!!!

hedgie said...

WooHoo----Lolly saw a bear!!

Linda said...

Okay, it's time for me to sign off for the night. I had a wonderful day, thanks to you, all my dear eagle friends. Thanks for making me feel so loved and cared for!! I missed you all so much and in case I didn't say it....IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK HOME AGAIN!!!

Blessings to each and every one of you. Special prayers for Tori, Glo's daughter, little Jet, my Mom and brother, many of you on the road this weekend and any others that want or need it.

Thanks for welcoming me back with open arms. You're all so wonderful here!!

♥♥♥ Night ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Linda--Oh, wow, a mourning warbler. That is a beautiful bird. I see why you might think it is tropical.

hedgie said...

Linda, I am on O2 at bedtime only---so far!!! Jo usses it all of the time, as does Red and NC Suzan. Lots of us are respiratorily compromised.

Linda said...

I was so amazed when my husband sent me that picture. I was in FL at the time and couldn't believe it!!

stronghunter said...

A bear, how exciting!

I would be a little nervous, though.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Linda.

Lynne2 said...

ooooo a Morning Warbler, how cool!

OK, hitting the hay...good night and prayers for everyone. Hope to catch you all Sunday evening!

Kay said...

"Ahhh, there's just one more thing...", she said in her best Columbo impersonation, which actually wasn't very good !

MARGY, thanks for the heads up on the Goshawk. I'm going to fool with that site tomorrow and see if I can get the cam back.

And, OMG, I was just mentioning LOLLY n' JACK while they were watching a bear. Almost too close for comfort.

Years ago, about 1951, when my family was camping at Yellowstone, the camp got all stirred up one night. There was a lot of clamoring and banging which brought all the menfolk out of their tents with flashlights. As women and children peered out of tent flaps a Mama Bear and two cubs appeared. Going from picnic table to picnic table in search of food. We'd secured ours, but I guess it was good some had not because they weren't interested in humans, just their food ! They scurried off when they tired of about 20 flashlights aiming at them. I don't think any of us slept well the rest of the night.

One day there several adults and some cubs had traffic stopped on one of the park roads. They went from car to car, seeming to check for open windows, pretty fascinating, but scary for my little sis n' me !

Linda said...

Lynn - Sorry to hear that. I thought some of you had respiratory problems. I worry about it myself although I'm a bit young for it yet. My brother who is 53 (1.5 years older than me) is on oxygen at night, too. He still smokes!!!

So both of my older brothers have pretty bad lungs too. At least I am not a smoker. I just get winded when I go up the stairs or walk around too much. I think taking off weight will solve my problem.

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda---I used to sing, too! School and church choirs....I even sang descant! My maternal grandmother and her sister were both trained operatically, tho' they never used it except for church. But smoking ruined my voice---:( But I still sing for ME!!! And I guess some of the time I'm not TOO bad---friend Frank complimented me in church on Christmas Eve---there were only aabout 15 people present for MN service, so guess I could be heard! ARGH!

Linda said...

Okay, now I'm really going to bed.

((((Hugs to all))))

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Hope your tomorrows are all filled with fun things!
See on FB that DanaWV entered the camera contest!

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry about your great Aunt. She sure had a full life.

Linda said...

Well, Lynn, you know they say you have to use your voice or you'll lose it when it comes to singing.

My BIL is a voice teacher and choir director. He has a beautiful voice and is so talented. I have such an appreciation for music and singing.

It just brings me JOY!!

Linda said...

Night again...... Ha Ha!!

Kay said...

PA-Lynn (Linda) said...
Okay, now I'm really going to bed.

((((Hugs to all))))

Friday, June 24, 2011 11:15:00 PM

Ditto all that for me !!!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK, now I'm really going to bed.

Halle Hallelujah!

Lynne2 said...

I wonder if someone who knew how could teach me to sing?

hedgie said...

Linda, if you didn't SEE your bear, then maybe both Lynne and I have a shot at seeing one!!!! That would make three!! Haven't seen "my" bear in 3 or 4 yrs. I do so want to get a pic of him!

And welcome home---to your roost and here!!!

Lynne, have a good weekend. Be safe.

Shirley---I never had any instrument luck except for piano/organ. Guitar was hopeless---I always blamed it on being left handed--everyone's instrument was WRONG! Your kids are all giving you a fit tonight, aren't they???

stronghunter said...

Nah, not really. My children are fine.

Lynne2 said...

it's so cool outside, but we cannot open the windows in the bedroom. The neighbor's dog has been barking for HOURS now. So we have to leave the AC on. And it's pointless to say anything. We told them last week she barks the whole time they are gone. They won't do anything about it. UGH.

REALLY REALLY going to bed you guys! And I aim to see me a BEAR tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Lynne-ie: a good voice can be trained! But it's not easy!!

Heading for the saying my goodnights, too. Thanks for updating the prayer list, Kay!
BTW---I've discovered what Jo is doing with her spare time: she is playing FB games! I am surprised!!! WE are better than those games!

See you all tomorrow. Love to all.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter just got home. I am falling asleep. See you tomorrow.

PA Nana said...

Goodnight everyone. God bless.

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, you sing beautifully;)

We had a nice Family get-together. My S-I-L got off work early and joined us.
Gene cooked a pot of Frogmore Stew (all sorts of seafood, potatoes, smoked sausage and corn), chicken on the grill...practicing for 4th of July picnic:)


Costume Lady said...

One more tid-bit...GG LOVES her Wheely Walker. She was able to push it through the grass and down to her garden. She says it will go ANYWHERE! Hope she doesn't try to go to Wal Mart:)

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Got here safe and sound...John's bil got my ac working

The bil has already caught a couple of fish! He likes to nightfish

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I fell asleep.

Caught up on few comments I missed.

Lolly seen her BEAR I see!!! How exciting.

Bedtime for me.

Prayers for all those that need them.

God Bless All Of You

Judie said...

Home. The night light is on. Restful sleep for everyone, myself included.

Hoda said...

I just finished the Harry Potter movie I watched and read up on the blog. Prayers to Lynn's aunt; to Pa Lynn Linda that she not take on her mother's suffering but rather release it all to God's Light. HE is always there to help us carry our burdens.

LOLLY a bear, did you remember to say "Its me bear" pleased for you all and I hope you stowed away the food. I can not wiat to hear more stories...

I am glad you made a safe trip Paula...remember to not work all the weekend and get out to see some of your little heaven on earth...

I did not see any entries from Mema Jo???

Sending you all {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}.

Goodnight all and God Bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here VERY late again! Gosh, I guess I've missed just about everyone. Have had a busy, busy day today. Got all the grossery shopping done for the week, though. Hubby & I are meeting Sis-in-law for breakfast tomorrow morning, then hope to go see a movie. Hopefully it won't be as busy this week.

WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOG, PA-LYNN(LINDA)! Good to have you back again! Prayers continue for you, your brother, and your Mom!

Glo, I have added Becky to my prayer list, for sure!

Lynne2, sorry to hear of the passing of your Great Aunt Cassie. ((HUGS))!!

Paula, I love the pictures you posted of Nick! He is just beautiful! Hope you two hit it off, and you can bring him home with you.

I really need to try reading the blog at a reasonable pace, and not speed read. My eyes are protesting! Think I will call it a day. Prayers being said for everyone, especially those in need of healing. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Kay said...

Good Morning Anyone !??

I was prepared for no live cam, but there it is, leaves blowing and looking good !

DanaMo said...

Good morning Kay. I was just going to post that it looked like I was the only one here from the coffee club.

magpie said...

Just got here myself Kay
and got live feed up also

now...the's almost ready

Good Morning !!

magpie said...

Hey There Dana!!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning, Margy.

Glad the cam is back to working. I think this time it was the website. Just my opinion. Now for a visit. I've been earlier the past couple of days hoping to see one or both of our friends. I only got to see Truder for a second, was that yesterday? LOL. WOW with school out I have no sense as to the days of the week.

Kay said...

Hope you night owls are waking up with a song in your heart ! You were very entertaining last night !

Hoping,too, that all those on the prayer list will be waking up today with a good measure of improvement ! Be assured we're all pulling for you.

WANDA, hmmm, Gene's "stew" sounds great---I'd even go for some of that for breakfast ! So glad you had such a nice family evening !

Kay said...

Hey, DANA n' MARGY, good to "see" you !

Okay, Belle and Truder, we now have a quorem, so you can put in an appearance anytime now !

Kay said...

The cam timed out at 14:29, wouldn't respond to "Play" for about a minute. Had me worried !

I imagine JUDYE is lurking as she gets ready for work. It's her Monday, ugh !!!

DanaMo said...

We got the color, now we need some eagles!

Kay said...

Glorious Color bathes the nest !

Kay said...

I've gotta step away a minute. With any luck that will bring our birds in !

magpie said...

color seemed a little late arriving

It's entirely possible, that the Birds are already out fishing

didn't really want to type that :(

my computer is already freezing up !

funny Kay, I did not the the stop at 14-- mins today and haven't for quite awhile now

Kay said...

Nope, guess I didn't fool them into thinking it was okay to come home.:(

Kay said...

MARGY, I hope you're entering any contest you run across where the prize is a new puter ! You DO need a new one !!! ♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

Thinking about taking Boomer and going for a run. Just can't seem to get motivated. Even with a new dress bought that's a little snug for an upcoming wedding. Why can't I get motivated? I thought if I put the dress on every day it would help me not eat all the junk food and would help me get out and exercise. So far this method isn't working.

Kay said...

No sound, doggone it. That is so helpful, but at least we have a good pic.

Kay said...

Oh, DANA, the weight thing is sooo hard. Especially when you're keeping snack items on hand for four voracious teens. Take a picture of the dress and put it on the fridge or pantry door to remind you.

magpie said...

walking is good, DanaMo
and lots of water
and swimming
keep your hopes up, you WILL fit into that dress !

now would be a good time of the morning to do it...

checked Goshawk nest
the info page: refers to the bigger chick as Miss Goss, and the smaller one as Master Goss.
big item of food in the nest has been there since yesterday mid-day
seems to be some concern as to whether Master Goss was really ready to go....and if he is okay
so they are waiting on birds thre too!

magpie said...

going to work on the computer some tonight, Kay
I thnk if I culd get Java to update, that would help a lot

I had to turn live feed off just to type and open a few other websites

does not look like any work was done on the nest ..
will look forward to seeing that Big T stick moved somewhere else

Kay said...

Cute names for those dear Goshawks ! Did they band them or are they perhaps just going by size to determine gender ? Hope Master Goss is okay !

magpie said...

wondering the same thing, Kay...there is talk on the info page about banding...not sure I understood it, especially since I was speed-reading it ...
trying to get back to view our nest

magpie said...

they do report that the youngsters and the Mom will stay around the nest and be there sometimes until migration time

DanaMo said...

Good idea Kay. It's not that I'm really overweight, just a few pounds, and I swear they change dress sizes. I can wear my size in one dress and not in another. Drives me nuts!

Okay off I go, if I don't check in in an hour come looking for me and Boomer. He'll be the one dragging me around! LOL! He is excited as soon as I put sneaks on! Then I have to come back and do at least one lap with Java. She'll cry the whole time I'm gone.

magpie said...

* just a reminder *
Mema Jo had reported two days ago that her PC crashed and that her hubby would be trying to reconfigure it
and that typing blog posts on the laptop was cumbersome, so we might not see her on here until PC is up and running again

magpie said...

How about the Bear Sighting that Jack and Lolly had last night at the campsite !!

And Yay, Paula is roosted at Paula's Paradise with family, and the AC is up and running !

magpie said...

I just revisited Goshawk site
it is NOT the goshawks they are talking about banding, but ospreys at another nest...
and the goshawks do not remain around the nest....sorry
here is the website address for that:

Kay said...

Glad you updated Meme JO's situation. I was planning to let HODA know before I bow out today. Apparently JO is playing games on FB and she sent a message on our Yahoo mail last night. So not quite sure what's up ! Maybe she does all that with a Blackberry or.....

magpie said...

here's a blue link instead, that did not copy well:

New Forest Home Page

magpie said...

I don't get to the E-M page as often as I should...try to check it twice a day....

Kay said...

Thanks for that link, MARGY ! You read my mind. I was just about to ask where you go for all that info. I've saved it in Favorites.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all I didn't get up early due to no cam Had a hard time getting puter to wake the storm last night must have been the guilty culprit but I'm up now and almost time to go to work

magpie said...

with it being a week-end with less activity, maybe the Eagles will make some daytime appearances today like they did last Saturday...

well, going to throw together my packed lunch for the day...sure wish I had a bowl of that soup that the Captain brewed up last night for Wanda, GG and the Family Fun gang!

will check back in before heading our for work today

JudyE - - have a good work day, if you are in LM

JudyEddy said...

And yet I see we have a camer when did it come back

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & Margy --
Haven't even read anything yet, Took down my big old desk last night and couldn't get th monitor to work this morning so U've grabbed my ipad and came out on the deck. Excuse the typos - it's an i-pad keyoard and pretty small.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & Margy --
Haven't even read anything yet, Took down my big old desk last night and couldn't get th monitor to work this morning so U've grabbed my ipad and came out on the deck. Excuse the typos - it's an i-pad keyoard and pretty small.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & Margy --
Haven't even read anything yet, Took down my big old desk last night and couldn't get th monitor to work this morning so U've grabbed my ipad and came out on the deck. Excuse the typos - it's an i-pad keyoard and pretty small.

Kay said...

Hey, JUDY ! The cam surprised us all this morning. Our eagles stood up us last night and are playing hard to get this morning.:(

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & Margy --
Haven't even read anything yet, Took down my big old desk last night and couldn't get th monitor to work this morning so U've grabbed my ipad and came out on the deck. Excuse the typos - it's an i-pad keyoard and pretty small.

magpie said...


No Bold, equals No Eagles this morning :(

we might have missed them

magpie said...

well hello hello hello hello Morning GLori ☺

Kay said...

Good Morning, gLORI ! Your Ipad is working overtime ! Glad you have a back up system to go to. So, did those workmen show up yesterday and if so, did they get a lot done ?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay & Margy --
Haven't even read anything yet, Took down my big old desk last night and couldn't get th monitor to work this morning so U've grabbed my ipad and came out on the deck. Excuse the typos - it's an i-pad keyoard and pretty small.

magpie said...

ruh roh, think Lori's iPad is stuck !!

Kay said...

LORI, scroll up ! Your Ipad has a one track mind !☺

JudyEddy said...

Out the door I go BBL HAGD

Kay said...

Oh, my, I keep nodding off ! I just have to go back to bed for a while ! HAGD all, I♥U ! BBl...zzzzz.....

magpie said...

leave myself a big note

did I see it ? not until it was almost too late !

But I did see the note that said Jo so I took care of that message I wanted to send

Okay, Momsters and Dadsters....
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day

off to work I go soon
See you later, maybe from work...

Prayers for all our big and little ones that need them

xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

I'm back...

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters! Had "Good Morning , Angels" stuck in my mind after seeing some footage of Farrah Fawcett on Piers Morgan last night---Ryan O'Neal was on--can you believe he's 70?

Poor Lori---iPad stuck???

The fact that our cam came back up sometime during the night verifies to me that it WAS an OC problem. No one at NCTC overnight to fix anything!

Hope everyone has a good day!

DanaMo--who walked who??? You mentioned two of the guys---did #3 get his exercise, too?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Quiet here this morning. I am the only one up.

I see the cam is back.

DanaMo said...

No Frisbee gets his playing ball in the yard, he is not good on the leash, never really worked with him. The puppies get to go, and Boomer actually goes about 3 miles because he is really good and jogs with me, Java, not so much so I come home with Boomer and take her once around the block which is my "cool down" only .6 mile.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh---sprinkling here.... :( I need to MOW this afternoon...sure hoping it blows away!

Lolly said...

Good morning! 51 this morning, I Am.happy! We are heading out soon on the last leg of the trip to the camp. Laurel' family was in Co Springs at a motel, swimming and having fun. Michael's fam was in Denver doing the same. We will all get to the park mid afternoon. Gotta go ! Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

Good Morning Peeps!!

Having coffee in bed and listening to all the beautiful bird songs outside. How glorious is that?

Hope you all are well rested and refreshed this morning!

Hoda said...

Have a safe trip Lolly and Jack...


No Eagles this morning from what I gather. Thank you for keeping a watch to the early morning crew...MARGY, KAY, DANAMO, JUDYE...

Margy. Thanks for the reminder of Mema Jo's post that lap top was acting up and hubby was going to fix it...

Linda said...

HODA - Thanks for your beautiful and comforting words last night!

I am so blessed to be held in the arms of Jesus and He carries me so much more than I can carry myself.

My Mom, though, just can't seem to find that peace. She came close to having it once, but so many problems in her life have turned her away instead of toward God. She constantly complains about everyone else not doing enough for her, her condition and how unhappy she is. Yet she brings on so much of it herself. If only she could Wait on the Lord and let Him do his magnificant work, HE would renew her strenght and she would fly on wings like Eagles as it says in Isiah 40:31!! She is too impatient.

I just pray that she finds that peace again and remembers who is in control here! He won't let her suffer as long as she believes and depends on HIM!

Okay, I'm ranting.....sorry!

Linda said...

When you find that peace that surpasses all understanding, you can get through anything!!

hedgie said... court today....everyone excused for recess til Mon. No real explanation--just "a legal issue has arisen"--LOL, isn't the whole thing legal issues???

Still sprinkling....think I'll get Liesl in my lap and take a nap!

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda, I feel your pain and confusion about your Mom.....I, too, pray that she will find the peace she needs.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn!

I just read up a bit on oxygen and wonder if my mothr's fear of not getting enough oxygen is causing her more problems.

She is constantly turning up the concentrator or demanding for one that has higher settings, when in fact too much oxygen can be a dangerous thing as well. Her headaches and fatigue could be from too much oxygen, too. They had problems with her in the hospital last night wanting more oxygen than the doctor said she could have. It must be awful, but she won't listen to anybody. Makes it even tougher. I think she is in panic mode.

Linda said...

I read that too much oxygen can cause your brain to slow your breathing. That is amazing and scary!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds home for lunch WOW I GOT 2 3/4 inches of rain last night and should be a repeat performance today our summer thunder showers heat of the day and sea breeze collision

hedgie said...

Linda, that is a definite concern. Some people think that if some is okay, more is better....NOT!!! In lung disease, too much O2 can cause serious damage. We were always taught that if you didn't know someone's medical history, to never administer more than 4L's. I would be curious to know what her pulse ox is....

JudyEddy said...

Odd that the judge made a point out of it this week that they were going to work a full day on SAT and now no trial today HMMMM

JudyEddy said...

I see from last night we have phones dialing in purses Well that has happend to my daughter several times and I could hear everything that they were saying finally when the connection got disconnected I called her and mentioned all that she said and she was shocked that I knew I ended up telling her I had overheard her conversation But it was fun playing with he head for awhile

JudyEddy said...

I only have about 80 comments to read since last night not to bad Back to reading I just want to make sure that I am not late going back I need to get a timer and set it Times flies while you are on the puter reading I noticed

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and how about it that I made it here before the SPLIT !
I am still having computer problems but
should be fixed soon. I am happy that the cams are up running and wish for some visitors today.
Very very good news concerning Tori. I
hope now for a few days that Robyn can
have peace of mind. I'll continue to
pray for Tori's recovery.

So everyone is up at the Bluefield Lake site. Thelma's photos are so
serene! Keep thinking about the hammock.

Everyone take care in your journeys over this weekend. I am headed towards
Columbia this late afternoon for dinner and to see my France tourist (family) Would you know that they picked a French restaurant LOL They miss their crepes!

I'll try to be back this evening.
((hugs to all))

JudyEddy said...

WLECOME BACK MEMAJO Puter up and running I see hope all is ok

JudyEddy said...

In conversation yesterday was mentioned people giving up at the end of their life Well my Mom did just that sort of when she was diagnosed with lung cancer immediately after my dad passed (she was sick at the same time my dad was didn't realize how sick she shared the staph infection also with dad) Well she was given 6months without treatment and up to a additional year with treatment MY MOM told the dr you show me one person that gets out of this world alive and I will fight after all I am 78 she said and we all die and at least I know what I will die off and most people don't so she did not get treatments at all and did live longer that with treatments she was diag in Jan 06
and passed in Oct 07 so she showed the dr wrong

JudyEddy said...

Looks like everyone is either LM or doing stuff today

hedgie said...

WOW!!! WOW!!! All I can say is WOW!!! Frank was fishing at Sleepy Creek yesterday....saw the EAGLES there....adults and juvies...AND he could see the nest! He, Irene and I are going tomorrow!!!! Got my extra batteries charging! SO hoping I can get some good shots!! WIsh I had a great camera like Glo, or Scott have!!!! WHooHoo!! Nest is on far side of dam---right across lake from the handicapped ramp!!!!

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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...