Friday, June 17, 2011


Night thread.


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JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Our Mattie is in the ER with a lacerated finger.....Sharon says not bad, but they are getting ready to explore it---maybe that means glass??

hedgie said...

JudyE---I think you should just plan on sleeping in as late as you can....seriously doubt the cam will be working!

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo....that doesn't sound good....too bad about the swing set....hope that it can be repaired. So Christine and Patrick didn't go to the concert? Wonder if it was outdoors? Yikes!

magpie said...

Before I forget, yes I did get pictures of Belle...kind of teeny tiny and I will post on Sunday sometime...but it definitely is Belle!
James commented how amazed he was that he could see the Eagle with his Naked Eye!
JudyE - James is 11 1/2 exactly

back in a misbehaving...

Happy 92nd Birthday to Lynn's Mom...
are she and GG the same age?
Wow, Wanda - James and I saw the very same rainbow last night. We were at Wendy's on Foxcroft Ave.
James said it is the first rainbow he has ever seen...
that last night, and The Eagles, today!

magpie said...

looks like Starry Starry night at the still cam now

Judie said...

Falling asleep. I think sleepy is a symptom of needing more invalid time. Recovery could be very, very slow. A broken tooth can be a real pain.

Lori, thank you for the compliment on the avatar. Monarch is pretty. I see Wanda has two Monarch eggs on milkweed. Hope to see some on mine.

Lynn, I believe gutsy women must run in your family. Nice to still have that zest for living.

Jo, sorry about the playhouse. Hopefully what is broken can be repaired with little or no expense.

Prayers for Mattie. Sharon, give her hugs, please and thank you.

Well, just to be consistent with my invalid status, I am heading to bed. No need for the sandperson tonight.

The night light is on for those headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, to the recliner, or stumbling in from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

oh sorry about the broken swingset...
Jo, hope that is the only damage they had to endure...
poor little girls....having to lose that

Costume Lady said...

Those Bluefield girls sure do spend a lot of time in the ER and Hospital:( Hope Mattie's cut isn't into a tendon or anything serious.

Wanted to let you all know that TICKS are alive and well, here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...had one crawling on my ear today. I was not in the woods...just on my deck and back patio. Need to get a good outdoor spray and put it around the whole house.
Hey, where did the stink bugs go? Haven't seen one in ages!

magpie said...

I saw some well developed specimens of your WEED today at NCTC
and sorry about the broken tooth - Woof !!

saw a spike buck in velvet tonight in Morgan County!

Hoda said...

hedgie/Lynn, so sorry about Mattie's finger. Keep us posted as to what Sharon says is going on. I'll add him to my prayer list...

Goodnight to all who are turning in God's Blessings go with you.

Hoda said...

that would be her not him Lynn...Mattie...sorry

hedgie said...

Margy, no, Mom is older than GG---by 4 years, I think.

Wanda---the ticks drop down out of trees, too....spraying would be almost pointless! SB's are now busy living their lives outdoors, I guess. Suits me fine! Sure owuld be nice if they didn't come back in the fall!

Costume Lady said...

Margy, how special for James to see that lovely rainbow and at the same time as the Capt. and First Mate:) We were very close to each other:)

magpie said...

I know in my heart that the Eagle sightings James and I had today, were a direct result of all the Many Well-Wishes
from this Fine Group of Friends here....
Thank You !!
And that phone call, Jo, was Boss !!
I think the Eagles must have flown INTO the nest after 0930 once our group had cleared that area and were heading towards the river based on your nest reports from about that time
The Main Building Bldg was open for some kind of conference there today
Of the group, James, 11
another couple in their late 20's
one gal in her 30's
and the rest of us well over 40 !
It was rigorous...believe me!

hedgie said...

Wanda is right----those Bluefield girls (and even Tom) keep their local ER in business!

hedgie said...

Saw lightening a little while ago and now hearing a few raindrops on the sunroom roof....

magpie said...

A truly touching and loving report of your activities today with the Dragon Boaters Arch
Prayers for your sister Sammia...
and am sorry once again about the losses in your family
and for all amongst us with those kinds of losses, and illnesses
Prayers, all around

and for Mattie, and for Sharon's friend Dana.....

magpie said...

trying to get caught up just on THIS thread still have Friday afternoon's to complete

Oh ticks, yeah, better think about them after today I guess
We were in some high grasses in some areas

Oh yes, I'd take a flight over Sleepy Creek !

stronghunter said...

Hmmm, Kathryn is still out. Her kitty is complaining. I fed him and gave him a little love, but he wants Kathryn to come home.

I hope Kathryn is having a good time. She deserves some time for herself.

stronghunter said...

I see the stars on the still cam.

magpie said...

Love Lori's black vulture baby pics, yeah, homely does sort of come to mind but they are so unusual looking! Imagine a nest on the floor of an old barn, does NOT sound very cozy

Lynn thanks for the update on Shannon your son-in-law's condition, hope it is comfortably treatable
and also, glad your Quinine is working ☺

magpie said...

I had NO idea we had a storm overnight .....
must have been a real one at Paula's Paradise to blow those screens in !
hope that turns out okay

magpie said...

wherever you are tonight

a lovely picture on your avatar, of you, your Father, and
Toby ♥ ♥ ♥ and stories of you and your Dad's time together
And that Car! That's a beauty
Hope the Water Play is/was fun...

magpie said...

reaad your post about losing a long email

do you have an UNDO button on your email program?
I have had that happen before, Grrrrr, but then rrealize I have that undo button and it restores it...
just an idea

stronghunter said...

Must have been quite a storm on the coast.

magpie said...

don't mind my typos please
computer is being unkind

New clothes? nice, Shirley
and Hunter....has he fessed up yet ? Ref: The Deodorant Caper.
Question, do cats have FOUR underarms ?
And the yelling....
sounds like a very interesting couple of days for you !
I think we should get James and Hunter together

hedgie said...

Steady rain now. Sure hope Megan is getting it, too.

stronghunter said...

I did not ask Kathryn how the deodorant thing worked out.

Hunter is into drama big time. He had a lot of fun yelling and carrying on putting on a performance for us.

magpie said...

hope to see a picture of DanaWV's flag...

am really liking seeing all the Father's avatars here
sure wish I could put one up
I'll leave James's up as a tribute to HIS father and his two grandfathers ♥

Lori O. said...

Hey gals, still here. Started playing with the new i-Pad and got caught up in "settings."

I forgot to tell you - and I'm so excited I could dance - we are getting two 6 wk old kittens in the morning to foster for about 6 wks before they can be placed. Animal Welfare League called yesterday and asked if we could take these two, black and white - they were found in a field! Guess they are feral. We've had pretty good success socializing several other feral fosters so here they come! Kittens are a blast!

I'll be busy keeping the blog up to date with kitten and BV chicks pictures!

Just checked the cams - still cam is very distorted with lines. Live cam is down. GRRRRRRrrrr.

I've got the West End nest on. Nice to have the time difference so it's still light there on Catalina.

magpie said...

It was very thoughtful of Lynne2 to check in on PA Linda - -
that's our Lynne !
and give us that report;
Prayers for wellness for Linda's brother, and for her to be able to return to her Roost soon also

magpie said...

Lots and lots of pets reports here in the last two days...
want to say, am asking Saint Francies to look out for all of them
including your two new kittens, Lori

Need to disappear for a little while, want to check back to Friday's posts and need to try to thaw out this Dinosaur !

If I miss anyone in the meantime
headed to bed:
Good Sweet Night to you

hedgie said...

Jo, I'm watching Our Town: Hagerstown....pretty good....but the sound is not too great.....hard to hear some of it.

hedgie said...

Shirley, guess it's a good thing you raised two boys! Don't know how I would handle a gs! I prayed so hard for girls of my own, and then for gd's, too---and I was blessed!!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter's teachers say he is 100% boy. And, yes, boys and girls are different. Hunter will be a challenge. He can be a real character.

My brain has quit for the day. I must head upstairs. Good night all. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley. Sleep well. I'll be heading for the tub soon, so will go ahead and bid you all a good night. Prayers for all. No update from Sharon about Mattie....
See you in the morning!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Had a ball this afternoon and evening with the boys. Oh, you would know what to do with boys, Lynn. You would figure it out fast. We watched them on the slip and slide, played a game of Trouble, I wrestled with them, they really love that, and they both helped make pizza. Jacob helped with the mixing of the dough. They each got to "slug" down abowl of yeast dough, then Joseph helped put on the peperoni. They also played games on the computers.

I am now totally exhausted. I do think the heat is getting to us. Another day over 100 and it is now at 10:00 92 degrees. It is awful!

No, the trailer is not loaded. Will work on that slowly all week.

Lolly said...

Margy, I do think we "willed" those eagles to the nest mid day just for you! How fantastic that your got to see them.

On the drive here today Laurel called 911. There was a fire just starting in the median on the interstate. It was very windy and she said it was spreading fast and the smoke was awful.

Lolly said...

Okay, those of you on here. Need prayer right now. There is a little storm out there. I just heard thunder. Want it to reach us!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Time to call it a day! Time to rest my eyes. After church tomorrow it should be a nice quiet day.

Laurel brought her dad a book today as well as a lemon cake with lemon icing. He loves it! He also got his home made pizza that he requested. So, we have had father's day around here.

Rain did not happen. Going to bed and pout. LOL

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

I am here and ready to check out for bed.
Lynn - hubby did tape the Hagerstown documentary for me but I
haven't watched it yet.

Mattie Jane - I am so unhappy to hear you are in the ER with a
finger problem. I sure hope the dr
gets it fixed up so it can get all

Lynn - the concert was in the
town of Fayetteville and not on base at Ft Bragg. I guess Josh got tickets for Candy/Jim as a

Lori, Two 6wks old littens - So much fun! Also lots of little
scratches so wear gloves lol..

Hoda said...

Goodnight Lolly. I am glad you all had a Happy Father's day today and that your time with the Grand Kids was Grand.
In Oklahoma it was a 104 degrees F today!!! I think I should send cold weather to Texas and to Oklahoma. I am sorry the rain missed you.

Goodnight to all who have signed off for the night...sweet dreams

PA Nana said...

HELLO!!! Checking in from dry, but hot PA.

Sounds like Margy and James had a great day at NCTC. Lucky!

Lolly, will do a rain dance for you. I'm back on my arthritis med now and begining to almost feel like kickin' up my heels. ☺

Shirley, your animal stories are funny. How is lucky kitty? Boys can be little devils with smiles on their face. Had 2 that kept me stepping to be ahead of their crazy ideas. Whew, glad those days are over.

Lori's going to "peopleize" 2 kittens. What fun that'll be. Keep us informed of their antics. I love kitties.

Andy, Rats?! Not good. Hope you get them taken care of. I was pregnant with our 2nd and the place we were renting had rats. One night I was out on the back porch waiting for Jim to get home from work and one walked across right below me. I took the snow shovel and almost decapitated him, but he was a dead rat. I was so afraid with a toddler.

Mema Jo said...

I have some rain drops out on the deck - No thunder/lightening.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers were said for all of you in Mass tonight
Hugs for all - Sleep well & rest

PA Nana said...

Looks lilke most are clocking off to bed, so I'll say goodnight and peaceful dreams.

Prayers for all needs and rain for Lolly & Megan.

See you tomorrow, Lord willing.
God bless!

Hoda said...

OK I am headed off to sleep. Goodnight one and all...Prayers to all of our blog and our families and friends...

Kay said...

Went to bed too early and now wide awake at this ungodly hour.:(

Changed my avatar for today in honor of the dear father I loved so much. Stan Irick, 9/25/1914-10/20/1985, shown here with sweet mother, Eileen 7/15/1919-2/25/1965. Pic taken on what would be our last Easter with Mother. (Yes, my dad and my second husband were both Stan's and a lot alike, too.)

LORI, I share your excitement over the kittens ! Nothing cuter kitten antics ! What wonderful things you and Kate do for rescue animals as well as those in the wild around you.

JUDIE, hope all that tooth needs is a little filing to smooth it out. I've had that happen a couple of times. Say, just what kind of WEED is MARGY referring to ? Hmmm, your arthritis pain has eased up, huh ? Whatever helps ! ☺

Well, no nest cam, so will proceed to my online newspapers, e-mail, etc.. Hopefully my eyelids will get heavy again and I'll get some more zzzzz's.

Will be praying for the Southern Delegation's MATTIE, Hoda's SAMMIA, Lynn's SHANNON and all others in need. That need to include easing of pain, peace of minds, drought reducing rain and woes of all kinds.♥♥♥♥

Happy Father's Day to our Dadster's, have a relaxing day !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY if you're stil awake.

What a lovely picture of you dear Mom & Dad. And, two Stans in your like. I was a bit confused at first.

You're home!

Lori O. said...


Today: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a high near 83. Calm wind. Chance of precipitation is 50%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Tonight: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 62. Calm wind. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

Lori O. said...

I'm sure I'm not the only one looking at the nest on this Father's Day and thinking of LIBERTY.

Happpy Father's Day to our Dadsters, (men men - not sure of kids in your life): BOB, JIM, RED. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Color in the nest now! Much easier to see if eagles appear. :)

Lori O. said...

I heard about this on the news last night and wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the video. An eagle, really? Drops a deer carcas on a powerline!


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Helllooooo JUDYE!

Lori O. said...

Now if we can get KAY, MARGY, MEGAN and DANA MO up and over here we would be fully staffed this morning.

Going for more coffee - BBIAFM.

JudyEddy said...

LORI Great piece on the deer and eagle Wow the weight of the deer unbelievable and poor eagle didn't get her deer

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Is everyone still here? I've got my coffee and I'm finally able to join you.

Back after a week long mission trip in the City of Philadelphia with 25 teenagers from St. Maria Goretti. We had a great week, but wow was it exhausting!

DanaMo said...

Pulled up OC website and it says the cam is off line :( my first day back. Boo hoo.

Lori O. said...

WELCOME Home DANAMO!!! So happy to have you back. We missed you.

How was the trip?

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺

and Best Wishes for a Special Father's Day to all...

For every one of us and all our Special People, there was a DAD who made it all possible...

Happy Father's Day to All our Dadsters ☺

and as Lori mentioned....special thoughts of the Very Best Eagle Dad : ...LIBERTY ♥


Lori O. said...

Good Morning MARGY.

CHEERS! Here's to LIBERTY on this Father's Day.

magpie said...

Welcome home DanaMo...
Good to See You Again...
We have missed you...
God Bless You for your Week's Ministry ♥

DanaMo said...

The trip was amazing. Lots of hard work, but the people were so grateful and appreciative. It was so good to see the joy on their face as we worked in their homes and neighborhoods.

DanaMo said...

It's Frisbee's birthday today! He is 7!

magpie said...

I am hoping and praying that any unfriendly weather does not interfere with any Father's Day Plans....
sounds like Lolly 's Jack
has had a nice celebration already now, how about a break in the heat for Texas ! And anywhere else where it is going on

magpie said...

Bravo on a week well-spent and so very devoted with your beloved "Grand-Dog" Malcolm.
I loved your post about when the family returned...and Malcolm brought his excitement straight to you about it .... so cute ☺ !

And a lovely portrait of your parents....

We are glad to have you back with us ♥

magpie said...

Happy 7th Birthday to Frisbee...hope he gets a lot of frisbee-tossing time today, DanaMo

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if the still cam is working after all the fuzzy ness last night on it Ok I need to get ready for work I did post the fuzzy pictures of Truder visit last night

I had a good laugh go over to the OC and read some of their comments quite entertaining and apparently they come in here and peeks also One made a mention of reading our blog on morning and saw the eagles were here some one thought that there might be four eagles on the nest DUH that is as bad as that it is still Lib with feathers pulled out and that it takes along time for them to grow back in BUT THEY never mentioned no brood patch on this male in March they have no CLUE at all do they Just was curious so I went to read I heard HODA mention them I really don't like the way there format is set up on the forum either

magpie said...

remember the Eagles showed up at 6:39 am Saturday..maybe they will do that again today ☺

JudyE - hope your work day goes well...I will be on the clock also
and to anyone "out" in the workforce today...hope it will be pleasant, and swift

magpie said...

At the bird walk yesterday, we were near that Water Treatment plant where the deceased eagle was found

magpie said...

About Judie's Weed
one of her friends has brought her a cutting with a little dirt ball and roots and some leaves...thinking it was going to be Milkweed or Butterfly weed...
we had a look at some pictures of it, think it was actually one of the giant pink thistles....
of which I saw many fine examples on Saturday at NCTC -
AND, some real Milkweed Plants...
I can't recall whether Judie actually planted it or not, but I think so...

magpie said...

Happy Father's Day to NCTC Steve ♥

magpie said...

did not see some good night sign-offs from several..including Paula...hope all is well at Paula's Paradise...
and that she is seeing lots of neat wildlife there this week-end

magpie said...

I'll try to get some pictures from the NCTC bird walk later on, computer was not cooperating last night
Got a few of the Nest, with Belle in it, but no other birds, did get a nice couple of shots of a Zebra Swallowtail, and some wildflowers

I need to start getting ready for work..will check in before checking out for the day...

Best wishes for a Good Day to Everyone in all our Eagle Corners ...


magpie said...

cute grahic on Google Home Page

Juvie Eagle at BWE - not sure if one from this year's brood or a visitor
chicks at BWO getting BIG

time for me to go

Will have you all in my thoughts and prayers today....everyday....
maybe I will See You ☺ from work

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Early Birds Kay, Lori, JudyE, DanaMo, Margy, and Lurkers.

As I will quote Margy's-Magpie's comment from 6:23am this morning. Due to the fact I think it is the BEST I have ever hear "Happy Fathers Day- For every one of us and all our Special People, there was a DAD who made it all possible..."

Happy Fathers Day to our special Eagle LIBERTY.

Happy Fathers Day to Steve at NCTC.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Quite a story about the eagle dropping the fawn on the power line. I would think that it would be too much for the eagle to carry very far. Ambitious eagle.

stronghunter said...

Happy Fathers' Day to all our dads out there.

stronghunter said...

And to our dadsters, whether they have human children or not.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley ( :

I haven't gotten to the comment about an eagle dropping a fawn on a power line...hummm

Oh no Judie you didn't. I just read your comment. That say's you "broke a tooth".
On Sweetie there goes that money you had saved for taking Darth Vader someplace special. Darn! (kidding)

Hedgie-Lynn I just love the story about your Grams exciting 85 year old ladies spunky weekend. WOW!! Love it !!

JudyE I don't own a camera anymore. I have never found the one. So I guess I must have laid it down in a resturant and someone stole it. I have looked all over
this house for it. Even called upon St. Anthony.

Mema Jo reading comment about Christine's wooden swing set. That must have been a pretty bad wind to
have broken it. Yes I do hope Candy and Jim are ok at the (this is for Hedgie-
Lynn Kenney Rogers concert) hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

I just love this blog. I sometime gives me the smiles and laughter for my day.

Margy's comment at 10:21pm:" Shirley and Hunter....has he fessed up yet ? Ref: The Deodorant Caper.
Question, do cats have FOUR underarms ? lmbo

hedgie said...

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all Dads and Dadster's!!! Right---someone mentioned: don't know if Bob, Red or Jim have any kids or not...????
I'm sure many of us are wishing our Dad's were still here.

Morning all!

Strange, sad story about the fawn...Kay had posted story link om Momster mail, too.

DanaMo---welcome home! Glad your mission was a success. How did the homefront manage without you??!!! Birthday wishes to Frisbee!

stronghunter said...

The Mystery Continues . . .

I confess that I misheard.

There was not cat hair in the deodorant. Kathryn was trying to get Hunter to tell her what happened. She said, "What if I find cat hair in the deodorant?" I overheard that part. Oh, the dangers of hearing part of a conversation.

When I asked her about it, she said that the cat just smelled perfumy, and a bit like her deodorant, but it might have been something else.

So, we do not know . . .

Maybe it is just as well that Hunter is with his dad this weekend.

hedgie said...

After Judy's comments about OC forum, I had to go take a peek. Those people are just plain delusional!!

Just opened up paper...oh, so sad---local 13 y.o. boy killed in a target practice incident---by his father......kid had never handled a gun before....errant shot: father thought intentional and shot the boy. Charged with murder.

stronghunter said...

No, I do not think cats have four underarms, though.

Two underarms only.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Hedgie-Lynn ( :

Story you read in paper, that is so sad 13 yrs. old.

Looked everywhere on the blog.
Prayers for Mattie. Sharon had
to take her to the ER last night.
Can't find any update.

Diann what is your arthritis med
is making you feel a lot better.
What is the name of the medication?

Lori thanks for the posting of the video on the blog. Wow that eagle almost got that fawn to the nest.

Happy Birthday to DanaMo's Frisbee
she said he is 7 today. Your mission trip sounds like they did a lot of home improvements in Philadelphia.

wvgal_dana said...

So as far as our Still Cam if it is working right. No eagles have shown up yet. Like I said "if the still cam is working right".

wvgal_dana said...

I don't see the leaves moving now. They were earlier.

stronghunter said...

Oh, what a tragic story, Lynn.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning. Happy Father's Day to all dads and Dadsters...Father Capt Gene, Darth, Steve..all the fubby's and the jubby's!!!☺

Have a great Sunday all! Fell asleep listening to the frogs. They are sooo loud this summer. They love the stream and ponds.

Going out for a short while to water pots and then getting ready for church.

BBL....after church!

wvgal_dana said...

This is the new flag that I hung. It is on one of the things you would put in your yard. I don't have it in my yard. The bar in into my railing on porch facing road. The flag flies from there.

hedgie said...

Just saw my first fawn of the year! With it's mama, walking across the back of my lot.....wish they'd been closer so I could have seen the pretty spots!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

My delete nope would not let you in to see it. darn

Costume Lady said...

Last night, I typed my final thoughts of the day and wished everyone a good night.
Turned on the 'puter just now and the comment was still sitting here...forgot to "publish" it!


Have a blessed Sunday♥

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Happy Father's Day!

Nice rain down here looks like it will last awhile...they really need it as they already have instituted an outdoor burning ban

Heading to the shower and then to Lowes to pickup a cabinet they delivered wrong and to exchange one

Was caught up on posts last each and every one :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thought I had better report about Mattie. She was at Sissy's cleaning house yesterday. She just ran her hand across a little plastic shelf, felt like she got an electric shock and the next thing she knew, there was blood everywhere. She was there by herself. I was home watching a movie when I heard her outside screaming. When I got to her, she had blood squirting from her little finger. So I took her to the ER and it was just a little bit bigger than a pinhole. There was no foreign object still in it so they put ointment and a Band-Aid on it and sent her home. The trauma of it all was so scary for her. I think she was afraid she was going to bleed to death.

wvgal_dana said...

Trying one more time:

Scorll down page just a little. One right are the flags mind is first row 2nd flag-Amercian flag, hummingbird, red, white and blue flowers, bright green leaves on a dark green background
I hope this works I think it might have before but I didn't have you scroll down.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Father's Day. Not too keen about Father's Day. It just makes me sad.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sharon although I know what you mean about this being a "sad day". I can relate- I miss mine so badly.

Sharon I bet Mattie was scared to death. With all that blood!!! Give her a BIG HUG from all of us please.

Lolly see you dropped in and heading for church.

Paula nice to see you from you "Paradise Beach House". Sorry they delivered a wrong cabinet.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda- well I guess
that comment was mean't to be on
today's thread ( :

Hedgie-Lynn bet the Momma and fawn
were beautiful.
By the way I left you a comment at
the bottom of comment today's thread time 8:32am hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

They had a beautiful eagle flag a the store. Two eagles on it and under the eagles it said UNITED WE STAND. It is not on the link I gave you. Might have been a different distrubtor.

wvgal_dana said...

Is anybody's still can working?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and a very Happy
Fathers Day to all! I have to say Amen to Lori's thought this morning: I'm sure I'm not the only one looking at the nest on this Father's Day and thinking of LIBERTY.

I have a busy day planned and hopes of taking hubby, father of 5, out to OutBack this late afternoon. If too crowded and can't get on the waiting list we'll do it another day!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Still cam up but don't know if it is running. Very hard to tell unless an eagle comes in.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I bet that sent a good feeling to you all over to see the
mother and her fawn. New Life!

Need to get my street clothes on


hedgie said...

Pretty flag, Dana! far do you have to go to get to Lowe's?? Hope it's close enough for convenience, but far enough not to intrude on your Paradise!

So Wanda, does that mean you only turn off your monitor at night??
Really need to shut it down completely---that way updates get installed, and can help protect from storm damage and well as hackers, per my puter nerd!

hedgie said...

Jo, when you watch the Our Town show, as usual w/ MPT, it's a fundraiser----you can fast-forward through a lot!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Good morning from work ☺

Hello More Morning Eagle Pals

two juvies at BWE..probably the original nest eagles

magpie said...

working one short, Lynn, until your daughter gets here at noon
sure is nice when she walks in the door ☺

magpie said...

James could see that big blob of leaves in the nest...sometimes we thought it was an eagle but then knew it was the clump of leaves

magpie said...

ok two underarms for cats
so the back legs, would be underlegs I guess

and deodorant NOT the suspect irritant
sorry didn't mean to place Hunter unfairly at the place and means of the "mischief"

Hope there is seating with NO waiting for Jo and Ed and the Lennox clan attending OutBack today

hedgie said...

Just posted two new captures to my blog---FinFerry and Storchencam!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I just messed up and sent the eagle loses deer on powerline out for Goodwill gets a surprise. Duh me!!!! Sorry some people aren't going to want to see that video!!! EEEKKKS I'm in trouble--on somebodies don't like list now. Please forgive me, I am truly sorry.

wvgal_dana said...

Here is the correct link to the eaglet-momster mail I re-sent:


hedgie said...

Hang in, Margy---she'll be there soon! Any update on Tina?

hedgie said...

Sharon, glad that Mattie's injury turned out to be minor. Might be a good warning to Mattie to wear gloves when cleaning!! I know that electric jolt feeling from a puncture wound---no fun!

wvgal_dana said...

Sening up PRAYERS that Mema Jo and family can get Dad "Ed" into Outback for Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

In the process of conditioning Liesl to tooth-brushing, I found out that not only does she have two extra teeth on top, but on bottom, too!! Vet didn't mention them. It looks like they are all baby teeth that haven't come out---guess we've all seen kids with that happen....know Christie had to have a few extracted.

Need to mix up more hummer nectar---they sure go through it fast!

magpie said...

nice flag, DanaWV thanks

hope Paula gets a little work break and can see lots of wildlife

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I am glad for you that you are getting hummers up there.

I have been watching all morning today. Still haven't seen the one. I had seen it the other day. I did make new mix and hung out yesterday evening. No red food coloring.

Kay said...

LORI, sorry I didn't make it back, but I did get more sleep. Still wearing a lounging robe at this hour and may not bother dressing today. Had to be fully clad from 6 to 10 for the last week--today I'm rebeling. ☺

DANAMO, happy b.d. to Frisbee ! How old are his cohorts ? Kudoes to you for giving of yourself with aid to that Philly neighborhood !

LYNN, what a horrendous story and on Father's Day weekend, too. Keep us posted on this---"thought intentional" and "1st degree murder" ??? Poor, poor boy, may he RIP.

SHIRLEY and MARGY, sure hope we Momsters can meet your precious grandsons when we visit the area. Hunter and James have become a beloved part of our lives, too !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I'm thinking cats have 2 armpits and 2 groinpits. ☺

MARGY, thanks for the enlightenment on JUDIE's "WEED" ! Couldn't pass on the teasing op !

WVgal DANA, Beautiful flag ! My "still can" is definitely not working today ! Like JO says, hard to tell about the nest still cam, until an Eagle changes the picture.
That comic book donor is a real life Super Hero !

LYNN, wonderful shots of FinFerry and the storks nest. "Who is the parent?", indeed. No 5 year wait for a mature look with dem boids !

hedgie said...

Hi Kay---right you are! Wonder how long before they are mature enough to reproduce? Guess I'll need to look that up! Go ahead and stay comfy today, gal! You deserve that luxury! I haven't been able to do it for 2 years...ever since I got neighbors TOO CLOSE!

hedgie said...

Seek and ye shall find----isn't the internet amazing?

Most White Storks form loose colonies during the breeding season. They usually nest on the roofs of buildings, sometimes using trees instead. The nest is a large platform of sticks. Many pairs return to the same nest each year, adding more material each year and eventually forming a huge platform up to 10 feet deep. They usually lay 4-5 eggs per clutch, and incubate for 33-34 days. The hatchlings have white down and black beaks. Both parents help to feed the chicks, regurgitating food onto the floor of the nest. The chicks fledge after about 2 months, and usually begin breeding when they are 3-5 years old. They can live more than 30 years.

DanaMo said...

@Kay-the "puppies" are 2 years old.

Thinking of going to lie down before having everyone over this afternoon! Have a great Father's Day all the dads out there! Missing Liberty :(

Haven't had many stink bugs here either. Treated the dogs for ticks a couple of weeks ago but haven't seen any at all around my yard. Thank Goodness! I don't really have any trees for them to dive bomb from.

hedgie said...

The cuckoos are really vocal today at the Estonia black stork nest (that is inhabited by a lesser spotted eagle)!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn did it say anything about the stork chicks at a certain age might migrate to another area? Like eagles and osprey do.

NatureNut said...

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads and Dadsters out there!!!!

Fubby went to annual car show they hold at a church & they serve lots of free food! Reminds me of Wanda and Capt. Father Gene's kitchen!!!

Never got on here yesterday, but on way to Park in AM saw lots of strong storm evidence from Fri. night! It started before Park closed at 8PM and one tree fell right at front gate. Mnt. Mgr. had to come back and get out chain saws. They had really strong winds.
Sat. AM, turned on osprey cam and it was showing rice protection fencing and water--all a little south of the nest. Wind must have blown cam! Greg K. fixed when he came by in AM. He had been out in boat Fri. PM & he showed me soaked back of his shorts! His car windows had been down! DUH ☺

JudyEddy said...

46 email to read when I get home. HOME for lunch and now leaving
No cam yet so sad SEE YA LATER

WVGALDANA Hey I thought I would tell you that there are retail stores that sell camera to replace the one you lost or misplaced HA HA As much as you love critters I'm shocked you haven't replace it yet I would be lost without my camera SO GO BUY ONE this was we can see more pictures Ok walk around with your trail cam strapped to you LOL

HEDGIE I thought you all would get a kick out of the forum I have only gone there two or three times now and laughed each time I been there one time was when Jim said something about leaving it also Did you notice that a day or so ago that one of them had said that they were visiting or blog KIM maybe huh

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks for the Stork data--interesting. Mother nature has provided the proper habits and habitats for all God's creatures !

Just received an invite I can't refuse. A grilled chicken sausage dinner, poolside, at Julie's. That's worth getting dressed for later !

Did I tell you they brought me a beautiful, large white platter with gorgeous birds decorating it ? I have it on display, but can pull it into service when an extra platter is needed.

Oh, oh, sudden power surge/quick outage---now to reset the clocks, grrrrr. Woman's work is never done. LOL

Haven't even touched the Sunday paper. BBL ♥♥♥

FuzzleMT said...

Hi, all! I will post again later to catch more people because I know this is a busy day, but I have decided that I am moving to Montana at the beginning of next month. Driving cross country, taking in the sites, moving van taking responsibility for possessions - except my cats!! My sister lives in Hagerstown so I want to take a side trip to the nest. Can someone e-mail (profile or momster page) the directions and tips and hints as to the best way to approach the area? It will just be a drive by with my camera ready, but I really don't expect to see Belle as it won't be early a.m. or late evening. BUT I WILL see the sycamore and nest! Thanks, guys!

NatureNut said...

Saw a couple ?? on old house pic Blog. I would guess that the original house was probably shingle. But I will have to ask Peter B., our expert when I see him. I've never tasted pawpaws, but understand you can get them at some veggie stands. I'm told they are sweet and only stay ripe for a few days. I would have to have a long pole lasso to reach any of those! Actually the pawpaw pic quest is what led to those sets of pictures!I had made a scrapbook in '03 of the old farmer's house & was able to scan them in--knew they were somewhere!
The big barn was repaired last summer and is in use still.

magpie said...

Irene: that is awesome, what a move you have scheduled !!!
am SURE you will get all the info you need regarding the directions and particulars to the nest
would be nice o see you wen you are in the area also !!!!

Lynn - great pics,cannot comment on all of them right now
but your Lynn's Lair photos are wonderful !

magpie said...

Loretta, sorry to hear of the cam problems at PRP but glad to hear it is on the mend
poor Greg - is that Greg the Pontoon Boat Driver Owl-calling Naturalist ?

will check the cam later on from home, don't have it here

Key, sounds like a great picnic coming up and a great "thanks for taking car of Malcolm " gift

have to get back to rwork now
bye !!
Our 4th person is here now, will help out, things have been pretty busy but nothing too serious

FuzzleMT said...

Margie: I hope I can make it thru this PACKING!! I will post to the blog when I know my plans and pinpoint the time I will be there. Hope to meet as many of you as possible as your schedules permit!

Judie said...

Lolly, so nice you all had an early Father's day. Hope the rain reached your place.

Watched Our Town Hagerstown. Really interesting. Might like to make a side-trip there sometime when I head to nestville.

Lori, congrats on the two foster kittens. I know what the outcome would be for me -- keeper furrever. So wish I could have more. Sigh!

Lowreeda, not sure if you are referring to the same thing but learned last weekend that Black Swallowtail butterflies are attracted to PawPaw trees.

Need a quick break. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

13 or 14 yr. old Ed's neice lives below me. Just ask me yesterday if I wanted litter box trained about 4week old kittens. She is going to have to find a home for them. Her Dad is allergic terribly.

Anyone want litter box trained kitten/s??????

hedgie said...

No, Dana, it didn't say anything about where the young go. There is not a lot of migration, tho', so they probably stay in close proximity. They are also a species that mates for life.

hedgie said...

Irene, you are an adventurous spirit!!!! My sis and BIL are planning that kind of move when he retires! They made it from mid-Atlantic area to Missouri with his job. Are you doing it alone????
Most definitely keep us posted as to your schedule!!! Will give you details then...but for early planning purposes....I-81 south past Hagerstown, MD, across Potomac River into WV. You will want Exit 16E to get to the nest. Probably easiest and best for one of us to meet you near there and take you to nest, but if that doesn't work for you, I'll give you exact directions later!!! So hope we get to meet you in person!!!

hedgie said...

JudyE---no, I didn't see anything about KIM or Jim on OC forums. I hardly ever look.

Judie---how are you feeling today?

Kay,, enjoy your cookout! Platter sounds nice!

Margy, glad my kid is there to help out!

Loretta---wow, had no idea storm was that bad! Glad that the cam wasn't destroyed! Were people trapped INSIDE the gate?? Poor Greg....that will teach him a lesson---especially when his car starts smelling like mildew!

Judie said...

Hi Diann, glad you're feeling better and have stopped by to visit.

Hi Kay, well the "weed" is just that - weed. We are referring to a clump of green stuff a friend brought over claiming it was milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies. NOT! I finally purchased swamp milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies to lay eggs on. HOWEVER...

Tooth will require capping. It is an old, very old tooth. Poor thing. Just gave up, I guess.

Welcome home, DanaMo. Glad the week was worthwhile even if exhausting.


movin said...



C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

I feel so badly right now but yet I feel good too. I know I got you all mixed up.

Ed's neice that has the kittens. Well the dog people was telling me about 4-5 days ago. She found and brought him to me. No one has put up missing papers. Nor has anyone been looking for this dog. He is like a beagle but not. He is rusty color and black on his back. He is an older fellow; whitish around mouth area. Had a green collar on of course no tag. Had a chain that was not broken but he was stepping on it. Man does he need a bath!!!

I usually can find owners in here or see them looking. Ask them what they are looking for an help. God has given me a gift of "finding them". This guy has been out for too long. So I called Animal Control after giving him some water. He is old and friendly. I am praying that someone better will adopt him. Due to the fact I don't think his real own gave a s--- and must have had him chained out a lot. I just pray he gets a better person to finish out his life with. ok yes I've had tears....

I sent an email to the leader of the group that Hedgie-Lynn belongs to. I had gone to a meeting before but wasn't sure it was for me. I like finding their homes. Please say a prayer for "Bobby". Don't ask me why I gave him that name.

Kay said...

Just did a sweeping run by all the nests I keep an eye on. Wishing all Eagle Father's represented A Happy Day !

NBG trio @WCV, all sitting on swing and hard to see, but all seems well.

Decorah, just see 2 of 3,via wide view, sitting on branch. Does anyone know when their banding is/was ? Unlike others we've seen they capture them on the ground shortly after they fledge. One is to have GPS packet.

Hornby, two eaglets pretty much filling up the nest now. Pre-branching.

Hancock/Sidney 3 @ same stage as Hornby, camera view difficult due to pink/purplish hue.

TH, saw lone eaglet fly from nest to ____? Branching off cam.

WE, quiet threesome, but look good.

Santa Cruz, eaglet alone on nest, surveying countryside.

Hopefully all drama is over at each of the nests and it's smooth sailing from this point on !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y we♥u and wish you well wherever you are ! You gave us some beautiful eaglets to watch and we wish them well on this day, too.

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, how sweet of you to work at finding a home for Bobby. I hope someone kind will find him appealing and want to see him through the rest of his days. It's usually hard to place older dogs, but they are perfect for someone who can't keep up with an energetic puppy.

magpie said...

headed out..workday over for me soon
taking James and his father out for pizza in berkeley springs

Happy Father's Day Evening to everyone
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

headed out..workday over for me soon
taking James and his father out for pizza in berkeley springs

Happy Father's Day Evening to everyone
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Dana, posted on FB, and Ginnie sent out email to all on roster. Thanks!!!

Judie said...

Irene, just remember you are still a momster when you get to Montana. In advance, wishing you a safe and problem-free move and the good fortune to see the eagles at the Sycamore Palace.

Kay, thank you for all the nest updates. Decorah eaglet has fledged. One gone two remain. Don't know about their banding procedures. Enjoy the cookout at Julies.

Hi Jim. How are you this Sunday? Phoebe's babes are lookin good.

Margy, have fun with James the Wise and his daddy.

Well, this has been a lazy day. Been doing some odds'n'ends and trying to read a crime book. Tomorrow, unless I get an appt with the dentist, I hope to start throwing out old lecture notes, organizing those I want to keep, and then I can concentrate on adding new material. However, as Scarlet said -- tomarrah is anutha day.

Oh, wow, just had a email alert from local tv station -- bomb threat at Reagan Natl. Sorry Kay but the bad guy is from nearby Dayton.


Judie said...

Back to ask Dana if she might like to be Bobby's new mom. Could be nice to have a companion to give lots of attention and love. Just a thought.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie as much as I do care what happens to Bobby. I am just not ready since Little Man passed to get another dog yet.

Like I said I am really really PRAYING Bobby gets adopted by a good person. So he can live out his life in better conditions. Lord I am PRAYING he does not get put down. If he does then I will feel I did him WRONG. Dear God don't let that happen PLEASE !!

Ok got to stop. I'm crying.

Kay said...

JUDIE, I'm sure Dayton is glad the nut left town, but it's a shame he wound up in D.C.. Heading for some news outlets to see if I can learn more. It's only by the grace of God that we make it through each day. Seems there are way too many crazies among us, usually seeking fame and recognition. Is this a by product of modern life and tough economic times ? A rhetorical question, you don't have to answer. ♥

Kay said...

JUDIE, I misunderstood. The person who placed the bomb threat call was apprehended in Dayton. The flight was Dayton to D.C.. Wonder if he has a tie to anyone on the passenger list ? Will follow the story.

JudyEddy said...

WVGAL DANA That is a pretty flag I must
WANDA love it that you didn't post the comment that to cute
I agree with everyone about this being a sad day indeed My dad passed away in 2005 I sure do miss him

STILL CAM is fuzzy not 5:00pm

NEW WORD SENING up prayers

I am sening you all my regards
I sort of like the way it sounds LOL (spell check doesn't like the word but I added it to my dictionary)

OK I need to re read something Judie is doing Weed now I hope she has a prescription for it LOL Just kidding

LORETTA You have a osprey cam did I read correctly if so to cool

KAY I have the perfect song for you if is one of my favorite songs I sing it all the time out loud Its called the LAZY SONG by Bruno Mars I LOVE IT THE LAZY SONG
and I love days that you don't have to get dressed I only get those when I'm on vacation

IRENE I am so jealous you get to see the nest I hope you have a great trip and take in the sights of the good ole USA on the way

Going to take a neck break and watch some of the trail while I rest the nest still have some more to read

Oh I told the eagle fawn story at work and some peeps looked at me like I was fibbing so when I came home for lunch I printed it and showed the doubting Thomas Ha HA

hedgie said...

I was thinking the same thing, Judie!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Great pictures Where is this at? Is it your nest? I think I did ask that earlier on the blog and the picture Wow they are big as big as parents huh to cool Now I step away from the puter I mean it this time

JudyEddy said...

FYI The cam look like it did last night and it worked so I do think it is working

hedgie said...

Cute song, JudyE---never heard it before!

JudyEddy said...

I would take the kitten if I lived there I am thinking about getting a cat this month after all everything is free, mirco chip, spaying or neutering and all the shots FREE OK bye

I GOT 503 a sec ago

hedgie said...

We haven't heard from Jo today, have we??
Lynne should be getting home soon---can't wait to hear of her weekend adventures!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Yes we heard from Mema Jo remember she is going to OUTBACK this evening. Taking Ed for Father's Day if they can get in.

JudyEddy said...

Bruno Mars is a good artist I have is CD there are some good songs on there. I know you may have heard of a few of them Just the Way You Are I LOVE THAT ONE and Gernade you can check the others out on the same link of the Lazy song

wvgal_dana said...

I JUST HAD A HUMMER !!!!! It drank a lot hee hee happy camper I am..hee hee

JudyEddy said...

I don't think the cam is working those leaves have been the same way for hours and we all know that it is usually windy and they should have moved somewhat

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo was on blog today at these times

10:18am "I have a busy day planned and hopes of taking hubby, father of 5, out to OutBack this late afternoon. If too crowded and can't get on the waiting list we'll do it another day!"

10:20am she was on
10:21am last time she was on

hedgie said...

UNBELIEVABLE....the end of the shuttle program has already cost 4300 people their jobs, and another 2300 after July. These people have loyally worked for NASA for a long time....they aren't spring chickens. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone know are hummingbirds afraid of regular birds?

JudyE I had never heard that song before either.

Irene do you have family in Montana??

hedgie said...

Oops---Dana, I missed Jo's posts! How did I do that?? Too busy, I guess!

hedgie said...

JudyE--the stork nest is in Scandinavia or Germany somewhere!

Hoda said...

Good afternoon everyone...The Blogger cop would not let me on today...

Happy Father's Day to all our WONDERFUL DADS and the Dadsters on this blog.

A day of doing chores and balancing cheque book...All is indeed well.

IT IS COLD here today...barely made the 50 degrees F and I keep drinking hot drinks and I am still feeling chilled.

Spent some time on the phone with family and friends. My sister in Egypt told me her daughter got engaged and she is pleased with the young man.She had a few visits with his family before she agreed to the engagement and all seems indeed well with them.They will have the official engagement party when her husband recovers from the cancer surgery he just had.

I keep checking on the still cam and no visits yet today. It surprises me how long thirty seconds seem to be to me!!! A lot can happen in thirty seconds actually.

The White Rock chicks are growing and I like it when I am able to see the parents perched on one of the branches viewing through the wide angled cam.

hedgie said...

Bavaria, Germany, JudyE!

If anyone needs links to the stork cams, I have them!

hedgie said...

SUN is out!!! First time all day!

Time to eat---chicken and dumplings...yummmmm!

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda, what nice news to get!! Congrats to the young couple!
Hope you warm up---how about a nice hot bath??

hedgie said...

It was a WOMAN who made the bomb threat!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda Contragulations on your sister in Egypt's engagement.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE here is the link to the stork site that Hedgie-Lynn had on her blog. Which was hard to tell the parents from the chicks.

Storchencam Storks in Germany

Hoda said...

Thanks Hedgie and WV_GAL DANA. My sister is very happy for her daughter's engagement and five months ago her oldest daughter had a baby...her first grandson.Both of her daughters chose men with the same first name and there is lots of laughter in the family about that...they are both fine young men from what she tells me.

I can not find anything on the news about a bomb threat, a woman made it did she phone it in???...what is that all about? When I was teachig at school we had a young man phone a bomb threat from the phone across the halway from the office. We had security cameras in the building so it was not too hard to figure out who it was as the RCMP told us that the call came from within the building and the security video showed date and time. It turned out he had an exam which he was not ready for so he thought to have school dismissed for the afternoon!!!

Hoda said...

Found the entry on CBS about the Bomb threat...plane landed in Reagan International Airport from Ohio, everyone safe, no bomb, airport was shut down for twenty minutes...I wonder what prompted her to make a fake threat???

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. I have to say that I haven't had the heart to watch the storks since precious little Hugo. I have thought about Liberty today too but I think of him everyday.

Hoda said...

This is a picture of my Papa. He is my birth father. He died in 1967when I was an AFS student living with my American family. I took a photo of a photo I have of him. He was a kind and loving Papa.

Hoda said...


«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 586 of 586   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...