Wednesday, April 06, 2011


New thread.


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Lynne2 said..., no Stephen King books lately!

DanaMo said...

I'm off...have a great day everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Have a good day DanaMO

Christine said...

Mama just woke up at Decorah. We should be able to see e3 this morning :).

I checked on our nest and didn't see anyone, missed it all. People on the OD blog still insist this is Liberty. OY!!

Lynne2 said...

aww, just saw a Decorah eaglet poop shoot!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

They do know how to keep us guessing!

Lynne2 said...

that's kinda crazy that OD folks still think this is Lib.....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I feel sorry for them...then I laugh at those thinking that...they haven't a clue...I'm sorry, is that bad?

Lynne2 said...

no, not bad. Much. LOL!

I wonder WHY they are so convinced?

magpie said...

blackbird in our nest
make that TWO

magpie said...

make that NONE

magpie said...

they seem to like that 7 o'clock spot

Christine said...

Maybe most of them are new to the nest? I don't read all their chat, but glance down once in a while and it's the same everytime. I haven't seen Hans though, wonder if he got booted? Teehee, that would be cool!!

Have you seen how much food Decorah papa has piled on that nest? LOL, he dropped 2 fish within 5 minutes last night!

magpie said...

Morning Paula...
sent you a nest report
going to put one on here in a few minutes, pull the comments together since 6 am

magpie said...

put five pics on the E-M album, got one of Truder leaving, can only see his tail !

magpie said...

and Good Morning ALL Morning Eagle Peeps

Lynne2 said...

I haven't followed OD posts. I have read some comments here about Hans though!

Yes, they need some clean up at it smells so pretty in there. YUK!

Lynne2 said...

Curious if anyone has noticed the Redbuds progress out west of me.

OR, has anyone heard a Wood Thrush yet?

magpie said...

Morning Nest Review :
first of all, it appears that Belle was in the nest all night,
since Truder left at 8:30 or so pm.
Many folks posted before midnight, and
Both Sharon and Lynne2 had posts about that in the wee hours

6:03 Belle visible high in top of nest fluff area, sat still like a statue, looking out to her left mostly and to the right,
6:17 Belle is up, stretches, backs up to top of nest,
6:20 Belle flies out 5 o'clock spot
nothing showing in nest cup
6:21 Truder arrives, moves sticks at top of nest near 12
6:31 Truder has been burying beak in nest fluff, then crouches with tail at the rails at 12
6:34 Truder flies up and out @11 spot
6:36 Truder returns, did he bring fluff? because he starts flinging some around
6:41 Truder lying straight across the nest, head towards 9 tail @3
6:45 Truder stands up, turns himself around, takes off straight up and out at the 3
6:47 Truder returns, and leaves again almost right away

The End

This is a compilations of others' comments and mine...which posted half a minute late at times 'cause live feed was choppy and posts published slowly..if I am off on times a wee bit, I apologize

magpie said...

Negative and negative Lynne, but I have been sort of confined this week and not out in the woods since the both are out there though !!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the compilation, Margy!

Lynne, redbuds aren't blooming here yet...

Lynne2 said...

My little tree out back that got planted in fall of 2009 has about 4 buds on it! Well, that's 4 more than last year!! Lots of leaf buds, though.

magpie said...

four is four more than my little tree which does not exist, has !

going to disappear for awhile
ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

friend of mine here who lives near a quarry lake, thinks he saw a cormorant flying through Wednesday evening...neat !

magpie said...

Wanda I enjoyed your posts about the Soup Kitchen and the Clothes Closet, and about GG talking to the little pup through the car window

DanaWV prayers for your friend George

Hope everyone on here with aches and pains will feel better soon

Red said...

Good morning everyone. A beautiful day in north Alabama today. Temps approaching 80 and will be mid 80's for the weekend. I can't believe those people on OC are still saying Lib is here. Is Hans still leading them astray? What a dork!!!
I hope all have a wonderful day.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Thanks for running commentary during the night.....I had looked at 2:30 and saw nothing but inkiness....didn't think to pull up still cam.
Lots of fun and pun from all of your nightowls and morning birds!!
No redbuds blooming here yet, Lynne.
Well, almost time for me to head out. Talk to you sometime this afternoon,
Enjoy your day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Sorry to say that I didn't make it here after school last night. I was SO tired I just hit the hay! Looks like I missed a lot, too! Thanks for the overnight updates, y'all!

I have MUCH to do today--lots and lots of transcription, must run to school to double-check that my student loan repackaging info has been submitted, and need to go to the GROSSery store. Geez, it never stops!

Miss Emma is in rare form--she is back to running around at 60 mph again! That is one happy pup! We plan to give her a bath this weekend--that should be a hoot!

Notice that there are some more people to add to the prayer list. Consider it done!

Leona said...

Update the Decorah Eagles blog

Decorah Eagles

Leona said...

Is anyone else have trouble with the Decorah feed?

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--forgot to mention--TEAM LIBERTY!!!

Better run now. Homework is calling my name!!!

Oops--almost forgot a prayer request. My friend at school, Evelyn, got a reply to one of her resumes. The transcription company sends out most of its work to India, but when it comes back to them, they need someone REALLY GOOD with English to straighten it out. Evelyn (and I) might have a chance at this job! We would edit "Peggy's" work!

OK--later, gators! Hope you all have a fantastic Thursday! :o]

Lynne2 said...

Hi Andy....geesh, when do you REST!!

Glad Emma is back to normal!

Leona, my Deco. feed has been hanging up, it's stuck now.

Leona said...

Thanks Lynne2

Leona said...

I hear geese.

Leona said...

Went off air.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Ms. Belle sure did keep us guessing last night, didn't she? As you know, she stays overnight in the nest a day or two before she lays an egg...during normal season. Nothing NORMAL going on now! No one has witnessed HP, so there probably are no eggs on the way. Maybe Belle is grieving and having a FALSE PREGNANCY:)

kickngbird said...

I'm mainly a lurker, but wanted to toss out a theory -

I watched last night and was scratching my head. I'd be amazed if there's an egg coming, so I really don't think that's it - that would mean a total shift in the schedule for eagles at this latitude.

But I think Belle may be - to use human terms - torn. She "knows" she's supposed to be sitting on this nest and tending to something at this time of year, but there's nothing there to tend to. The biological pull of the sights and sounds of her own eaglet are missing, but maybe there is some other pull after all these seasons, a vague sense of "this is what I should be doing now."

Of course, it might be a random behavior with no meaning. But it certainly was different!

Lynne2 said...

K'bird, very possible. I had that same thought.

Need to head to work....have a good day all!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, KB...could very well be. Someone else on another forum thought maybe she was defending her territory...or maybe she was just tired!

movin said...


gooD morninG,


We are at 59° with the Weather Channel showing a high of 60° in So Cal today. I'll be surprised if that high holds up though.

Could be some showers today and tomorrow too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

It is 490 here in Nestville, going up to 66°.
LYNN, the Redbuds in GG's yard are showing deep pink now, which means they will be in bloom in about a week:)

Lynne2 said...

Yay THANKS Wanda! That'll have them blooming when we go to Terra Alta next weekend!!

OMG this day is so beautiful....sure wish I could stay home and enjoy the great outdoors!!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Off to try to impart some wisdom to my wannabe adults.

Wishing a lovely day for all.

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, whe is Spring Break for you? When are you going to retire?

Lolly said...

Good morning! K'bird had a good thought. I thought it very interesting that Belle flew out when Truder flew in this morning. It was like she was avoiding him. Wishful thinking!

Well, as for Redbuds, mine are through blooming and leafed out! Bloom poppies and larkspur are starting to bloom. The world is yellow from oak pollen. My car goes in the garage but Jack's truck is a mess.

The humming bird or birds we see every day, the mocking bird is still nesting in the Jasmine, we hear the hawks all the time, but most interesting have been the Cedar Waxwings. I love watching them. I love the way they flock all together! Do not know what they are eating this time of year but they love our stream and birdbaths!

Christine said...

That e1 over at Decorah is a BRAT!!!! He's attacking the other 2 :(

Lolly said...

And, both my WV columbines are blooming! Wanda, their blooms are so different from the yellow columbine. Did not expect them to be so different. You did give me a picture, but had forgotten.

Aimeecat said...

I sure do miss Liberty~
I am hoping that he is still alive and well somewhere.If he is, what does this do to the philosophy that eagles mate for life? I am so confused since I am a newbie to the eagle world. And sad. I like fairytale endings. :)

Christine said...

@Aimee -- when I spoke with the people at the Raptor Center, they said that a lot of researchers believe that the eagle is committed to the nest more than the mate. The PBS special showed that a little bit too.

Lolly said...

I can not get on Decorah cam. Get the message that it is temporarily unavailable. I bet that it has been on the news so much that it is now over loaded! Grrrr!

mariadangeloart said...

We have our first baby in the Duke Farms NJ nest! Started hatching yesterday afternoon. Two more to go now......

mariadangeloart said...

Lolly, I've been having a problem with the Decorah cam all morning. On, freezing, off, on.......

Christine said...

Lolly keep trying, I've got it up and yes, it has been said that they're way overloaded!!

Aimeecat said...

Christine: Thanks for the info. That would explain Belle's behavior then!

Christine said...

I can't get the maine nest

wvgal_dana said...

Decorah eagle cam

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to All don't want to try to name. I know I will miss someone.

Boy that oldest chick at Decorah is mean.
I hear you Christine!!! Smack its fanny!!
I told him/her to stop pecking he other two.
We have a pecker here one like Pecking Pearl was.

K'bird that is a good thought. One I think we too have thought about. Nothing with this mess has been a sure thing. With not being able to
see what goes on off camera. Leaves a "BIG AREA" to make a person wonder.

Red said...

I know this blog is for eagle comments but you have to check this out. It's twim boys having a conversation. Very cute


wvgal_dana said...

I want to thank "all that was up late giving reports on Belle in the nest. Thank you.

Andrea good to see you in here. I hope you get "Peggy's work" someone has to straighten that
mess out. Who better than our hard working at going to school trascription person YOU. ( :

Prayers for Tara's father, George, Grey's Mother plus prayers for Susan and Grey.

Lolly said...

I finally got into Decorah through the back door. Now Mom is blocking my view of the triplets.

Lolly said...

I am off to read the paper.


Mema Jo said...

Hello Just finished reading comments

NewFlash - A tsunami alert has been issued for Japan's ravaged northeastern coast after a
magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit off Japan.

Mema Jo said...

I am up on Decorah but it may be frozen I am anxious to see the newest
chick that hatched yesterday. That nest
is going to be quite full!

Costume Lady said...

RED, we have seen that on TV, but only a few seconds...this was a lot longer...and...sooo cute. I'd like to see more of these fellas!:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Tara about her dad:

We took a step backwards - a fever. No chance of the tube coming out today. We are praying that God sees it's time for that tube to come out soon.

Prayers continue - please!

Mema Jo said...

Update for Mason's Progress

For all newcomers,this is a progress report for Mason Ellsworth who is a
local Shepherstown's youth and he is
close to our hearts since his accident occurred in July 2008.

Christine said...

I wouldn't mind a few prayers coming my family's way if you can. My dad is in surgery now getting a double lung transplant. He has COPD really bad and finally got the call yesterday evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Christine...that's major..sending positive thoughts for your Dad

Mema Jo said...

Red Wouldn't you love to know what the twins are saying?

Sharon For sure my prayers are
being said for Tara and for her Dad's health to return if it is God's will

I have a pic on the Decorah Cam but it has to be frozen. I know that because never for this length of time would that little guy stay still.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Christine - what a day for you and for your dad. Speaking as a person with COPD I will be praying for his
successful surgery.
Christine - could you tell me the age
of you dad and in which state he resides? Thank you so much - The lung
transplants really do work! ((hugs))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Christine, will definitely be praying for your dad! Eaglet momster prayers go a long way!

NatureNut said...

Hello to Everyone. Hope it is a good day, & Prayers for Christine & Tara's Dads & Grey's Mom.

I put 2 of last night's nest pics in album, but they are out of order a little. Sorry ,Jo! I'm not fast enought!!
I have been checking for redbuds, and we had new trees planted by Park Admin. Office a couple years ago & this week I did see some buds!! If they're open by Sat., I'll take a pic.
Hope to get some pics on here today.
During TU terrible rainstorm, our cam osprey was flat as a pancake on her eggs & edge of baggy was flapping in the wind. Maybe it helped part of the nest stay dry!There was so much rain on cam lens, couldn't get a decent pic.

Mema Jo said...

I just tried to get Decorah and It Worked. Adult is over the egg cup.
No peeps showing.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers going up for Christine's Dad and the doctors that are caring for him.

wvgal_dana said...

This link for Decorah has been working for hours

Decorah cam works great

Costume Lady said...

Getting ready to leave now to pick up our Food Bank supplies...excited to find out what they send me/us. Think I told you that you don't know exactly what you are getting. eg...I order MEAT and I get anything that they have available. Burger, chicken, casseroles/meat, ribs, etc.
Before I leave, I have said a prayer for Christine's dad to have a successful surgery and recovery and for Chris to feel BIG arms around her♥

NatureNut said...

Just got Decorah on & it says 137,000+ viewers!!!

Robyn said...

Christine, hoping for a smooth recovery after surgery for your dad. I second what Jo said, my cousins SIL had a lung transplant 20 years ago and she is doing great today.

My dad also has COPD and Tori has her own version.

I am surprised Belle spent time in the nest, all night too. At least she had peace from intruder. If Belle does lay an egg will intruder get a name? I thought it was late in the season to have an egg, hmmm these eagles need to stop changing the rules...

Red said...

Jo, I have COPD too and have recently been reading about endobronchial valves (EBV). Sounds like something I want to try as soon as they become available.

Robyn said...

Thanks for postng that Red, medical technology has really come a long way.

Mema Jo said...

Government - GOP seeking 1 week extension...... All I know personally
is that my gd, an Army wife as well as is all other military is freaking out over this. This Shut Down is going to
create so much havoc - Even a brief shutdown could affect a wide range of Americans, from troops fighting abroad who are awaiting their pay to tourists planning trips to national parks.
I just wish as others that our government would think of the American people and not think Democrat or Republican.

wvgal_dana said...

Heading in to try to get hair cut


PammySue said...

Good afternoon all.

I hope all goes well for Christine's and Tara's Dad. ♥

Thanks to those who were able to report on Belle throughout the night and early morning.

Mema Jo said...

Here's is an update on the Bear Family's progress...

Lily, Hope, Faith and Jason

Mema Jo said...

Red I'll make it a point to read up on the subject. Thanks for mentioning it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm taking a quick coffee break and trying to get my eyes to focus on something other than mid-range (computer screen) distance!

Christine, am definitely sending up prayers for your Dad, and the doctors who are taking care of him! Wow, a double lung transplant! That should give him a new lease on life! Praise God! (((HUGS))) for you, too!

Well, better get back to work here. Be back later, I hope! :o]

Mema Jo said...

145,000+ viewers on the Ustream TV
Decorah Eagles. That cam is the
utmost! Awesome as are all the Ustream

Last evening we really could have used a bright night light... even the baby
moon couldn't help out

Taking a break


Mema Jo said...



JudyEddy said...

T Bird on Nest

JudyEddy said...

T Bird on Nest

JudyEddy said...

really busy with the fluff Bell is really tugging on it

JudyEddy said...

belle looks up at camera maybe picking at old egg cup turd on other end of nest now he is joing her at old egg cup

JudyEddy said...

turd seens to be purning her underneat of her chest area

JudyEddy said...

preening not pruning Belle gone

JudyEddy said...

turd bird gone

JudyEddy said...

Breif visit I wonder if its the last for the night or will Belle spend the night turd back

JudyEddy said...

Turd Bird POOF

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 497 of 497   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...