Wednesday, April 06, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Thanks for the call over, Paula and thanks for the new thread, Steve !

Guela Daddy Norfolk is already gorgeous and the firing will make him even more "handsome-y" ! You have a lot of talent !

Costume Lady said...


Thank you Kay and Lynn for posting the link to the Soup Kitchen article. I didn't remember so many errors in the info. Mainly, I was and am not a VOLUNTEER at NCTC and as our Pastor said,
"It will be a simple meal, with simple food served in a simple manner", Our food is not SIMPLE, we have found a way to make SPECIAL meals from very little money. If we are going to cook for someone, we want it to be very good, not simple!
We did have a good meal last evening, although HOT DOGS are simple, Gene made a wonderful meat sauce to put on them.

Kay said...

Hmmmm, good, you're making me hungry, Wanda ! Just in time, too. I'm signing off now so I can get ready to meet an old friend of 45 years for lunch. She's just back after wintering in Florida and we have some catchin' up to do. See you all later !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wanda, it was fun to read the article again. I remember you said there were mistakes, but it was fun to read
Gene's history again.☺

I really do wish they would stop the time limitation on the cam. I get busy reading the blog and forget the cam stops. I am going to miss action IF there ever is any.

Very impressed with Geula's Norfolk Daddy. She has done a great job. When it is all finished she will have to build him a nest to sit in. LOL

magpie said...

Thanks Steve !
and Thanks Paula for the Alert!

just before the split, but we kept yakking over there !

Yummy Menu Wanda and Gene, as always !!

I will treat blog readers today & will not run up the posts !
Have all of 2009 pics offloaded...lots more to go but what a long-awaited project, and I think the Dinosaur agrees, long past time to do so!

Best wishes for a Good Day everyone ! xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

The cherry pies were made by the lady whom I asked you all to pray for some time ago. She had to have a cancerous kidney removed and a tumor removed from the other one. She is doing very well. Wish I had taken a photo. She made lattice strips on the top and they were beautiful.

Lolly said...

Going to mow this morning. I better get moving.

Going to spend the entire day in the yard. Will try not to over do!!

Jack is getting all fired up at building a new gazebo out over the back patio. We will see what developes. It would look really great!

Lolly said...

How many cherry pies did she make, Wanda? That is a labor of love!

Lolly said...

Oak pollen is turning the world yellow around here. Yuk! The oak tassels are starting to fall. I call them oak worms and I really dislike when this happens. They get tracked into the house. Annie rolls in them and then is just covered. What a mess!

hedgie said...

Great adage to live by, Kay!

Wanda, if there is a spouse, the home cannot be used at all....nor can "income" of the spouse.....the 5 yr. rule also applies to things like monetary exchanges, too----for example CD's, stocks, bonds, etc. What a crock.
All of t his garbage is one of the reasons that I am willing to cash in my 401K and put it into a beach house in co-ownership with unrelated people......I don't think they could touch it that way from what I've been told.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

glo said...

Good morning everyone.
Capt and Wanda I so love your ministry. Superb job indeed. If i ever run out of money for food I am coming to dinner :-)

Hmmm as far as my kids being responsible I guess I need to get educated. That is the very last thing I would ever want to do to them. Not sure what steps to take or where in the world to even being to find out. Maybe my local Senior Citizens Center.

Lolly said...

have checked on fb, now to get with it! Jack is already out working!

Later Gators!

hedgie said...

That would be an excellent place to start, Glo. They may have an elder-care specialist on staff, and may even have access to an attorney who specializes in elder-law.

Costume Lady said...

Thank you Glo, you know how much pleasure we get out of feeding our hungry jests. I never realized just what a LABOR OF LOVE was, until we started the Soup Kitchen. The Clothes Closet is equally satisfying to me. When our folks leave with bags of clothing, I feel a sense of warmth, knowing that they have clean and presentable clothes to wear and may in some way, change their lives. Perhaps, make them feel better about themselves and encourage them to do more with their lives, if possible.
I could go on and on about how some of these people have changed in the year that has passed, but this isn't the venue for it. Maybe I will start a book:)

hedgie said...

Haven't heard what type of injury has occurred, but there is a traumatic injry to a hiker on the Appalachian Trail in Jefferson Co. Muscle is showing, but haven't heard where! No way to get emergency vehicles in to the patient.....hiking in...trying now to use ATV's ....helicopter standing by.
Wouldn't it be something if it was a bear attack? They say the patient is laying behind the shelter at the campsite....they've just reached him. Maybe more info soon.....

Costume Lady said...

Just lost a comment to a conflicting comment. Didn't copy it:(

movin said...


Good Morning,


Phoebe's little hummers apparently fledged last evening and returned this morning. They are both lying in the nest and huddled together now. Phoebe just flew in breakfast for them.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

How awful...could he have fallen on some rocks?

Costume Lady said...

Hey Jim...wish someone would fly breakfast in to me! Gene had a dental appointment and I'm waiting on him to get home to eat. Don't like to eat alone:(

Costume Lady said...

I did eat half of a chicken you know how much meat is in HALF a chicken leg?...not even enough to satisfy Phoebe's babies!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda....nope....not much meat on chicken legs.
Unless he made it back to camp form someplace else, Wanda, don't think the campsites are rocky.....and they are right along the edge of the coming through now....

hedgie said...

33 y.o. male, slightly disoriented....he is down a rocky hill below the apparently a fall....1" hole on ankle showing bone and tendons....

movin said...

Boy, I don't have the "don't like to eat alone" thing, believe me, Wanda. Hahahaha.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

ATV nearing scene...think they are going to release the chopper....

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo, Lolly, and Jim ( :

Oppps sounds like hiker really did a number on hisself. Ouch!!

Wanda What time was you doing the Soup Kitchen? Did they change the time?

NatureNut said...

How's this? Tried something in a new photo program I know nothing about. It said invert colors & my favorite turquoise was there! If it's too loud, I'll try to make it black & white.

Thx for new thread!
I must go back & find Geula's eagle!!!I kind of like this working at home! Finished one project--2 more small ones & then maybe I will go in to work!Hopefully the techies will have come & fixed stuff! LOL

hedgie said...

DID YOU KNOW for the day:
"The temperature an egg experiences during incubation determines whether a baby alligator will be a boy or girl, and they have an "egg tooth" that helps them break through the shell when it's time to hatch."
Hey, hatch just like raptors!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, love it with the turquoise!!!! You are so creative!!

Costume Lady said...

WVDANA, yes, we did change the time to 4o'clock instead of 4:30. We had our folks coming in at 4o'clock and just sitting around until, we thought we would try 4o'clock, and it has worked better.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is almost good afternoon time.
Really late today - emails, FB, brunch
and trying to read and catch up.

Hair do in a little while and then
Dr appointment for blood work results.

I'm still reading......... BBILW

Costume Lady said...

I guess I'll have to join the crowd with the new LIBERTY avatar. My little furry friends from my woodland will have to go back into the woods.

Mema Jo said...

These avatars are beautiful..
I'll stick with the Sycamore Palace.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, avatar colors were an accident! I had nothing to do w/it but push a command button!!
Found Geula on older thread & her gorgeous eagle!!!!
Anyhow, need coffee, then maybe lunch & finish work!

Costume Lady said...

Nothing better to represent LIBERTY, Jo, than the Sycamore Tree!

wvgal_dana said...

I am loving these different Liberty Team avatars. They are really neat!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I tried joining in with Team Liberty and I do "support Team Libety"!!!!!!

I just had to have my eagle up because I miss Lib so much.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Newspaper say's 4:30 to 6:30. So what will the time be. I seen you comment but I'm still a little confused?

Costume Lady said...

Something funny to tell. Gene just got back from the Dentist and Dr. Bill always give little gifts. Toothbrushes, floss, etc. Gene takes his toothbrush and offers me his floss, because he uses the 'pick floss'. Turns out that the floss is a pack of razor blades!! Some kind of subliminal message from Dr. Bill??:)

Costume Lady said...

WVDANA, the time is now 4pm til 6pm.

hedgie said...

Dana, the newspaper article is from last year when the soup kitchen first started.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Thanks got the time right now. Hugs

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda.....I always throw the floss away----they don't give out waxed, flavored floss! But did Bill give Gene the blades??? That would be dangerous if given to a child !

Costume Lady said...

WVDANA...what I meant was that our dinner folks were coming in at 4o'clock (they knew the food wouldn't be served til 4:30 but for some reason, they came at 4o'clock), so, we decided to go on and feed them and 4o'clock instead of them sitting there for a half hour with hungry faces:)
They are starting to come in with clean clothes, warm coats, hair combed and SMILES on their faces!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I think Bill did tell Gene they were blades, but Gene just assumed they were a floss pack...too funny. Should have seen the look on his face when I told him they were blades. Need to confirmed this GIFT with Dr. Bill!

wvgal_dana said...

For everyone I just got the information about Ed's ex-bother in law who Ed and me are friends with. George has been diagnoised with prostate cancer. He is having a test to see if it is in his bones. Will be getting a call later to tell me what the news is on the test. For now he starts for 2 1/2 years a pill that is for radiation and a shot that is for chemo. Please add George to your prayer list with his wife and his grandchildren. He is a wonderful grandfather especially to 2 boys and 1 girl. He has been trying to teach the boys had to tie "a tie to wear to church". Thank you.

Costume Lady said...

I also prefer the 'floss picks', I use it more regularly than the string floss. Like the mint...

Costume Lady said...

GG has an appointment to get her do done, this afternoon...need to get with it!

Oh, I did have a bit of good news, yesterday. The estimate to build our new porch is $1,000 less than what I have saved!! Wahoo! Gonna get me a new bowed window in front, I think!:)

Mema Jo said...

I just looked at Geula's blog and saw
the beautiful work of her artistic
hands. Wonderful looking Norfolk Daddy

JudyEddy said...

Checking in during lunch to say hey

movin said...

tHE little hummers are getting warmed up and ready to fly off again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Leona said...

Just added some captures from Decorah.

Decorah Eagles Update

Leona said...

By the way morning everyone.

hedgie said...

Hi Leona and Jim!
Lots of motorcycle activity in Phoebe's neighborhood!!!

Dana, adding your friends to my prayer list. If caught early, prognosis should be very good.

Wanda, cool news about the porch cost! Is it the front porch you are replacing?

movin said...

I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but the PH camera, which had been transferred from that abandoned nest to the Sauces nest (also on Santa Cruz Island), is finally on-line today.

Excellent picture, but as far as I can see so far it is black and white.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jim, it may stay B&W----there won't be any sound. It's just a basic research cam. We got that info yesterday.

Judie said...

Happy early afternoon.

Thank you, Steve.

Been working to get 5 heartbeats ahead of the end-of-semester stresses. Will try to keep up over the next 3 weeks.

Wanda, soup kitchen menu reads as delish, simply delish. So nice the "pie" lady is doing well. Good news on the porch replacement price. Have fun with beautiful GG.

Dana, prayers for George. Hope you're doing well these days.

Jo will be dazzling her dracula blood sucker after she gets her "do" did. Have a nice afternoon, Jo.

Sorry about the man that is injured. Ankle? Boy do I feel sorry for him!

Lowreeda, like the colors in the Team Liberty avatar.

Decorah quiet, Phoebe's babes still together, our nest MT. Lily, Hope and babes may be moving on. Will miss watching them.

Okay, need to get back to work. Later

wvgal_dana said...

Leona looked at the beautiful picture of Decorah that you added to your blog. I left a comment...I seen the pip in one of the pictures ( : ty

wvgal_dana said...

Got to head out

Leona said...

I will check it the comment out wvgal_dana

I have had a day. Been trying to get things changed and turned out making another stupid google account. errrr

Didn't want to do that.

movin said...

Both cams are down at BW owing to construction.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

There are good videos of the WE, TH, SC nests on the "Islands" site this A.M., and also there is at least one video of the older Hummer chick fledging yesterday on that site.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I'll talk to you later. Got to do some more mundane stuff.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

How does this bode as a possibility for a beach house? EAGLE PASS ROAD?????? I mean, seriously, is that an omen or what?? Is it possible that the eagles pass over the area there? It's very close to the Hatteras Light! Think it will be #1 on the places-to-see list!

DanaMo said...

Back from our field trip to Renfrew. All that fresh air and I'm EXHAUSTED! Ready for a nap.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Lynn...are you going house hunting again?

DanaMo said...

This pretty bird greeted us at Renfrew this morning. Wish I could have gotten closer, but parents maybe would have wondered where I was going. :)

Liz said...

Hows the Maine nest doing? Has mom returned? I lost the link, does someone have it?

Red said...

All this talk about food and I'm trying out a new recipe for dinner. Its starting to smell good already. Lima Bean Casserole in a crockpot with diced ham and tomatoes.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon!

Lynn--Eagle Pass Road. Wow! You must check that one out.

I see we have two eagles busy in the nest. Belle and Romeo boy, it seems.

Liz said...

Truder just left. I think Belle is eating something.

stronghunter said...

Romeo just poofed. Belle still in nest. It seems that she is eating. I just noticed that. Did he bring her a fish? Is he learning about eagle courtship?

stronghunter said...

And Romeo (Truder) returned.

Liz said...

Truder is back, and Belle is eating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is eating, did Jerk supply the food? And OMG, he is at Lib's spot!

stronghunter said...

Belle calling.

Liz said...

Whatever she ate, musta been small, she's done and there are no nestovers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What a beautiful girl she is.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

3:41 - Belle poofed at 3 o'clock.

Liz said...


NatureNut said...

Back~~for awhile!
Wow, Red's got another good recipe!!I have all those items, but am defrosting a steak.Might make that tomorrow!
DanaMO, beautiful bluebird!
WVDana, will certainly add George to my list. My Uncle Lew who is 90 has been diagnosed w/that & has spread. He is mentally sharp as a tack, but is in a rehab near Boston. We've been sending cards for my cousin to take.Very sad.He's the Uncle who worked w/Gen. Chenault after WWII in Formosa & met my Aunt there. She was sent by State Dept. & they lived in Tokyo, Manilla also before retiring to VT.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, there are several properties for sale on Eagle Pass Road. Must be a pretty long road. I see one big place with an elevator. Tell me that is the one you are interested in.

Red said...

NatureNut heres my recipe.

Lima Bean Casserole

1 pound of dried lima beans
28 oz can of diced tomatoes
2 cups of diced ham or turkey ham
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
3 smashed and chopped garlic cloves
½ tsp black pepper
1 T dried mustard
1 cup water


Soak the beans overnight in a bunch of cold water. They will expand, so use enough water to cover them at least 4 inches.

In the morning, drain and rinse the beans. Dump into a 4 quart or larger crockpot. Add a fresh cup of water.

Add diced ham, tomatoes, onion, garlic and spices then stir.

Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours. If you cook it too long the only harm is the beans will start to fall apart.


stronghunter said...

Time to hit the road. BBL.

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula, we are. Lots of new listings. We are probably going to make a quick trip down next week.

Shirley, my dreams!! Nope, we can't afford anything like that! We've also found one close to Manteo that is 110 yrs. old--Victorian on almost 5 acres on Stumpy Point Bay....hmmmmm.....MTBR!!!
There's soemthing reassuring about the old homes---they've withstood the test of time as far as the 'canes go!

GrannieKay said...

I didn't see it but someone on the blog said Belle brought in her own fish. Sounds like she ate it all too. Good for her.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

One of Phoebe's babes has fledged again. Been gone almost an hour. NBG triplets are out and looking around. Adult on Maine nest. Decorah little ones trying to escape. I missed Belle and interloper.

Red, thanks for the recipe. You are a good dadster.

Making a Paula Deen cassarole. Chicken, broccoli, mushroom sauce with cheese. Diet food it is not. But then, Paula (Deen) isn't a diet kinda person.

Lynn, I sure wish you had time to stop by on your way to/from NC. Maybe this will be the lucky visit for house-finding. If not, well, enjoy the weather and the water.

Lowreeda, prayers for your Uncle Lew. Has he left anything to document his experiences? That would be so nice.

Never did get to this mornings paper. Will try now.


hedgie said...

Judie, we don't go through that way....:( We take 81 to 17 to 95.

Red and Judie, you both don't need to save me any dinner........I don't do limas or broccolli!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Just popping in...been lurking today.
I caught the visit earlier. But not doing too well at catching up on the blog....

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for George, DanaWV, and for your Uncle Lew Loretta.

Lynn, how exciting...another house hunting jaunt!

Kay said...

WV Dana and Loretta, add me to the list of people partnering with you in prayer !

Speaking of which, has there been any word from Robyn today ? If so I don't spot it and I'm concerned about Tori.

DanaMo, love that bluebird ! Were there any cute little kiddie observations today ?

Red, I've copied the lima bean recipe. My "kids" love such dishes and I'll spring this one on them one day soon.

Red said...

You can sub frozen limas for dried one and not have to soak overnight. Just boil them for a few minutes first.

Robyn said...

Kay IM, I'm here and Tori is doing rather well, a tad sore but she has not coughed once since they were extracted...hmmm. (good thing)

Just getting housework done and soon to take tori's friend home. So my computer time has been slow today and it actually feels good...

Hope everyone is having a nice day

Costume Lady said...

ROBYN, glad Tori is holding her own and it is good that she has had her friend with her:)

Costume Lady said...

RED, I have made a dish, similar to yours and love it on slices of bread, like a roast beef sandwich.
So wonderful that you like to cook...I know Mrs. Red really appreciates that (sorry, can't remember her name).

Costume Lady said...

Kay, parked beside a car today that had a lady and a dog that looked like yours...GG stood there for the longest time talking to the dog through the window. He was so excited to have her paying attention to him, but didn't bark, just ran back and forth and climbed up on the window. I thought those little fellas yipped a lot. We both fell in love with him.
I would love for her to have a little dog like that, but think it might be a burden for her to take care of him.

Mema Jo said...

Hello All - I've been out and about and here and there seems like all day
My hair cut is to my liking..dr visit
went well.
Wanda I love porches - I will come and hope you will have a swing.
Ealge Pass Road would be right up your alley, Lynn.
Prayers will be included for George (Dana) and Lew (Loretta) and Grey's Mom

Mema Jo said...

We love lurkers, Lynne.... I am going to become one right now for a little while........ BBL

DanaMo said...

Well one of the boys dug up a worm and there was a dead skunk, and the beautiful bluebird. We heard a woodpecker but couldn't spot him! The kids and the grown ups all had a great time.

Does anyone know if you have to be registered for the race to get into NCTC on Saturday. I was going to do the walk but didn't have time. My partner in Eagle watching wants to drive over early Saturday morning to see if we can catch the morning visit. I'm wondering if we will have to look from the road or if we will be able to get onto campus.

DanaMo said...

What time was the visit today? Has there been a visit since this morning?

wvgal_dana said...

Judie What is your receipe?

hedgie said...

Don't know answer to your question, DanaMo, but Paula probably will!

DanaMo said...

Sorry...found the post looks like a visit at 3:30! How'd I miss that? I was home! Darn! Maybe they will show up again.

Christine said...

Decorah hatching!!!!!

Christine said...

Decorah hatching!!!!!

DanaMo said...

I wish I could just sit on my kids sometimes like the eagles do! LOL!

hedgie said...

DanaMo, the eagles were in the nest around 3:30 this afternoon.

Christine said...

How is everyone this evening? Just saw an awsome sight on Decorah. The baby is hatching :) Bob got the camera in for a perfect view!!!

Kay said...

Got a phone call right after my last post---see that I haven't missed an evening visit to the nest as I feared I might.

Robyn, I'm so pleased to hear how well Tori is doing !

Thanks for the report on the outing DanaMo. I'm not surprised, but am glad to hear it went so well and was great fun.

DanaMo said...

Well James Patterson and my Kindle are calling me. I'm off to snuggle with the Flying Labs (Lori's name for my pups) and do some reading. BBL

Leona said...

Did the third egg hatch at Decorah? Man did I miss it. :(

Red said...

Wanda, I never said I liked to cook. I just feel it's my duty since Diane is still working and I'm sitting here at home. She is 12 years younger than me so she still has a few years to work.

Kay said...

Couldn't see the 3rd Decorah eaglet as mom fed the older two. Viewer count rose to over 151,000 until she settled back down after the feeding. Still running over 149,000 !

wvgal_dana said...

Went out an brought a new bird feeder. Tired of all my good seed going to gackles. So I'll see if cardinals and my red belly woodpecker can eat from this. It does have the wire slots around it. Although it is the biggest slots I have ever seen. So far gackles are pee-oed.

wvgal_dana said...

Red does that man you an "old man" or "wife a young woman"????? You know me I'm just kidding with you. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I think a "FRESH FISH" was just brought into Decorah.

hedgie said...

There sure is a nestful of garbage in Decorah.....she's sitting we have a 3rd yet?

Time for Jeopardy.

Kay said...

Christine said, "Decorah hatching", but when mom moved around I could only see the two she was feeding. Didn't see an egg either ???

Kay said...

Okay, Jeopardy it is, Hedgie ! I'm giving up on Belle and Truder the Marauder for now.

Leona said...

Kay IM there was an egg this morning. I posted it to the blog... It had a nice pip hole in it.

Leona said...

The 3rd has hatched at Decorah.

mariadangeloart said...

What an incredible shot of the baby hatching in Decorah!!!!

mariadangeloart said...

Still not completely free of egg shell.

Judie said...

Looks as if the Decorah third eaglet is in the process of joining the world.

Leona said...

I really wish they would not zoom in so much.

Christine said...

I think Decorah's e3 out!! What an awsome thing being able to watch it hatch!

Leona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Heading into recliner and American Idol.

Christine said...

Last view we got I saw both halves of the shell, both looked empty

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Lynn, glad you found some more properties to investigate!

DanaMo, sounds like an interesting day at the park!

Totally missed the afternoon visit..

paula eagleholic said...

Happy to hear about the 3rd chick at Decorah! Someone wrote that the Decorah cam is the Shiba Inu puppy cam of 2011

paula eagleholic said...

Checking out the pantry at Decorah, least they keep it all in one place!

Leona said...

Sorry about that. Put the picture in the wrong blog.

Here's the new link to the newest Decorah Eaglet

Newest Eaglet

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, last time they checked people in at the building for the race, not at the gate. Don't know if that's changed or not...I would give it a whirl! Park at the lot at the first stop sign and walk over to the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like no visit tonight
** Some happenings on our St Petersburg Eagle Nest at Ft Desoto Park
The eaglet took his first solo sight was a sight to see was on news I'm going to try to put the link here I hope it works

Its also on Face Book .!/pages/MyFoxTampaBay/159207208524

JudyEddy said...

that would be solo flight not sight

Judie said...

Third Decorah eaglet being well-hidden and flugg being tucked around.

Anyone else see on the news the story about the young girl who, unable to have a horse, trained a cow to saddle and jump? So cool!

Dinner over, kitchen cleaned up, laundry finished, checked the cams, now time to elevate my seriously swollen ankle.


JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert...Belle in and then Truder

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Got slo mo video

paula eagleholic said...

Truder looks like he is mantling food

paula eagleholic said...

He appears to be eating at the 11 spot...Belle down to the middle of the nest, looking off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Trduer is up at Lib's spot, Belle now in the nest facing him, he still looks like he is eating.

paula eagleholic said...

She is standing at the 3 spot, looking to the right, he is still at the back, eating

paula eagleholic said...

She's standing in the middle, facing Truder

PammySue said...

This slo-mo feed is awful and annoying.

hedgie said...

JudyE....great video and article!!!
Monday must have been very tense for the onlookers, not to mention the juvie! And you have 43 fledglings in the area???? How cool is that???!!!!

Pinellas Fledge

hedgie said...

Judie, sorry your ankle has swelled up again....get out the frozen peas!

paula eagleholic said...

He went down into the bowl, now at the 9 facing out, now back over to the bowl.

paula eagleholic said...

Now she's standing at the two facing sorta towards the back and he is at the 5 facing that way

paula eagleholic said...

Picture quality deterioting fast

paula eagleholic said...

Now he's moved up next to digging or fluffing tonight, just standing and looking

JudyEddy said...

Poof Turd

paula eagleholic said...

Truder off to the right, Belle still in the nest.

PammySue said...

Picture is getting bad.

paula eagleholic said...

Decorah facing away from us now...

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder what Belle is thinking?

Christine said...

I know it's just the lighting etc. but Belle looks sad :(

PammySue said...

I think she is saying, "I miss my Liberty."

paula eagleholic said...

I think so too :(

Christine said...

and Paddy :( Has she been sleeping in the nest?

Lori O. said...

Just lurking before going back to bed. Poor Belle. Too bad she can't just have a glass of wine and forget everything for the night. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, she could probably use one! Truder wouldn't share dinner.

Lori O. said...

Why would he not share?!? Truder gets ruder!

That is just one melancholy picture of Belle.

Christine said...

Watching her makes me sad all over again

JudyEddy said...

She so pretty and magnificent even in the dark Bright white head glows

Lori O. said...

Heading back to bed - I'll send Belle some sweet dreams.

Night Paula, Christine, Pammy, Lynn and JudyE!

Christine said...

Night Lori

hedgie said...

So turd bird is still in the nest, I think....

NatureNut said...

Wow, Belle still in nest! Was watching AI & heard somebody holler!

JudyEddy said...

nite nite sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite LOL

hedgie said...

Oh....see you all are saying it's Belle.....guess it's night-cam blur that made me think I saw black,,,,

JudyEddy said...

It was lighter when Turd left and he was on the bottom of nest

paula eagleholic said...

She hasn't moved in 25 minutes...except her head now and again.

hedgie said...

She is probably reminiscing about happier days...Lib, and their families....and mourning the loss of her lover and her little eaglet. :(

mariadangeloart said...

Maybe she's going to spend the night there. It does seem like a sad image a bit.

JudyEddy said...

Is she down in the egg cup?? that what it looks like

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why the camera was in slo mo are they still working on it? I thought it was fixed

PammySue said...

I can't believe how quickly the picture quality deteriorated.

paula eagleholic said...

decorah is up, going to feed chicks

paula eagleholic said...

Decorah has view blocked

paula eagleholic said...

Slo mo is due to lack of light.

We don't have an egg cup that I can see...we do have fluff in the bowl.

paula eagleholic said...

She is standing next to the sticks

paula eagleholic said...

Nite light on at Decorah

Leona said...

Looking a Belle makes me so sad I want to cry.

JudyEddy said...

Nctc just posted pictures on face book of tonights visit Thanks PammySue cool pics

paula eagleholic said...

Nitey nite at Decorah, chicks are all snugged in

Lynne2 said...

Hmmmmm....isn't this interesting. I'm tilking but can't tell, is she laying down?

Christine said...

Ok, I think the camera froze.

PammySue said...

I'm afraid to start watching Decorah . . or NBG . . or any other cams. I will never get anything done.

JudyEddy said...

is it storming looks like lightening

Christine said...

never mind

JudyEddy said...

are my eyes failing me or did anyone else see the branch lighten up???

PammySue said...


Christine said...

I saw it too.

PammySue said...

Those were some bright lights. Someone must have had their high beams on.
Judy, the nest is very close to a road.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, thanks for the Pinellas eagle story...really nice pics if you check out Kathy's photos

JudyEddy said...

ok someone need to drive over there and shine their headlights on the nest so we can see better anyone live close enough just head on over HA HA

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED