Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Evening thread.  More press.


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Bob Quinn said...

Just in time for the new thread I have to head out for grocery shopping.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Thanks for the call over, Bob ! And, thanks to you for the new thread, Steve !

Momsters n' Dadsters, if this is your first time on today, be sure to back to the old thread and read afternoon posts at least---much to catch up on.

glo said...

I think the trickiest part is Dad has 3 that are still 1 week too young to feed themselves. Think the concern is how he can hunt, fish and feed all by himself and yet They can not feed themselves at like a hack tower either and surely aren't used to any puppet kind of feed to avoid imprinting them etc. How to nourish 3 eaglets a week to young to feed themselves. Can dad get this done . MTBR and prayers for sure. He has to be in shock himself right now. yes I do know that animals do have feelings.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening All in Eagleland!!
Hear intermittent wind at nest~~~windy here. In fact, one stretch of road on way home was blinded by maple key blizzard!
After work naturalist, Stephanie, & I checked one trail known for pink lady slippers. Saw a few of the leaves & only one had a bud, but it was droopy :>(.
BBL--din din & then will read earlier posts----

Liz said...

Question, I've watched the Norfolk nest, but not as closely as Decorah or Shep. Did the Norfolk dad sit on the nest much? or feed the chicks much? The Decorah dad loves to sit on the nest, and I've seen him sit 5 hrs while mom was on her morning shopping spree. I've seen Decorah dad feed the chicks many many times. So I'm just wondering about Norfolk dad's activity in the nest.

Kay said...

Glo, I agree. They may not have the emotional level we have,but they have some. Look how the Maine mom reacted to the trauma they suffered at that nest---how the dad valiently tried to take care of the eggs, etc.. I've read some accounts of the NBG female losing her first mate and how she seemed to mourn a while in the area and then moved on to find her new mate. It seemed clear that Belle had a mourning period over Paddy O'Joy as well and perhaps over losing Lib, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the article link, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

If they were placed in hack tower, their food would be cut and served to them. That's how they fed the CRC eaglet, Noah, last year.

Liz said...

Norfolik dad just flew in, no food.

Kay said...

Liz, yes, the NBG male loved to feed and nurture the chicks--he even fed Mom at times and he very much liked family meals for the last meal of the day. He'd tear off pieces of meat, pass them to Mom and she'd feed the chicks. Very sweet ! He also put in many hours on eggs and with young eaglets. The moderators say he was very dependent on her and she did rule the roost, but he was very attentive.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO NBG Dad is at the nest

Liz said...

Kay, aw, yes, I remember seeing him feed mom, forgot it was Norfolk nest.

Liz said...

Norfolks dads mouth is open, is he vocalizing? no sound at this nest due to airport noise.

paula eagleholic said...

Also, in the CRC hack tower, the food was placed in a tray and "drawered" into the nest, the eaglet did not see humans....so there are ways

Kay said...

It's a relief he's back---I'll bet he goes for food soon. According to the moderators they only really need one feeding a day at this age and Mom fed them right before the accident. So, if he just goes hunting in the morning and gets them fed by 8 or so, they should be okay.

Mema Jo said...

There is some food - small fish maybe

Liz said...

He did bring a fish!

Liz said...

It's been 10 hrs since the place accident.

glo said...

Bless his heart. Then he has been sitting in the tree with that fish all day 2 trees from the eaglets for hours. Probably waiting and hoping but sort of knowing he would need that fish for his young.

Kay said...

He does have a fish ! Yeah !!!!!

Liz said...

eaglet on left and in the back do not seem interested in eating.

FuzzleMT said...

Norfolk male did have a fish and is feeding -

Kay said...

Earlier when a couple of them were doing a little strutting around it looked like their crops were full, so they shouldn't be overly hungry.

Liz said...

OMG, the eaglet on left, appeared to be leaning into dad, for a hug, wasn't interested in eating, then dad turned to feed it, and eaglet turned his back to the food!

Mema Jo said...

That feeding was one of a kind.
I was so concerned with the one on the left and by golly he got the last remaining mouthful.

Red said...

I think dad was good, giving each on some. I'm not sure there was enough but some is better than none.

DanaMo said...

WOW...the drama. Can't believe what is going on in the eagle world.

Thanks Steve for the link to the article.

Well back to the cabinets. Then I think I need an adult beverage while everything dries overnight!

hedgie said...

So glad that dad brought in food and fed the eaglets. Shows that life goes on...it's been a long day for him and them....and hot....they need the hydration and the comfort.

Kay said...

Dana, enjoy that beverage ! You've earned it. I'm giving Belle and t. about 15 more minutes to show up. After that I need to move around, eat something and settle in for some TV. This has been a very tense few hours !

Mema Jo said...

One bit of amusement - Perhaps in the back of your minds as is in mine is the thought that we could
send our Belle down there to be their Nanny! Wouldn't that be
lovely! Tears for both adults :(

Mema Jo said...

Kay must shows tonight are reruns :(

Mema Jo said...

mOst not mUst..... like all of them

Kay said...

Your right, Jo, so I'm thinking DWTS Result Show is about all there is. I have Netflix and will resort to something on instant play if all else fails. I need some brain candy !

Kay said...

Sorry English teachers, I should have said, You're right Jo...☺

Hoda said...

I do not know what to say but feel I have to say something. Heart breaking about the Norfolk Mom. Was very glad to watch Dad do a feeding; and once more observing several eagle web cams I am learning that an eagle's life is not very easy and there are many perils. Hang in there every one, I say that because I need to remind myself to hang in there and not let the sadness overwhelm me

glo said...

Yes I did have that thought.

One bit of amusement - Perhaps in the back of your minds as is in mine is the thought that we could
send our Belle down there to be their Nanny! Wouldn't that be
lovely! Tears for both adults :(

hedgie said...

Just spent a moment visiting with my hummer....but he still didn;t go to feeder. He seemed more interested in my royal blue shirt. Deepest ruby throat I have ever seen here. Had a turkey--all by herself--scratching near the MT corn feeder. Gotta go get some tomorrow.
Talked to a GHO last night....he was calling out and getting no answer from a mate for quite some time, so I called to him and he answered me! Probably just coincidence, LOL!!!
Sofa time for Jeopardy.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

So glad to read that Dad fed the eaglets and so grateful to know we won't have to watch them die like we did POJ!

JudyEddy said...

TBird arrives

Mema Jo said...

Thanks JudyE

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie are you trying to upstage Greg with the owl hoots?

Mema Jo said...

Truder - you could go ahead and pick up that stray stick in front of you!

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Truder did go poof after being there close to 10 mins.

Mema Jo said...

I am taking a TV MOVIE TAPED break.

Maybe Belle will come in......


Hoda said...

In light of the Norfolk news I was almost glad to see Truder at the nest this evening.The nest is a mess though, and it seems to me he is dismantling and not doing much in terms of nestoration.Do stay well everyone, I feel insecure because of the Norfolk news...

Judie said...

I am saddened by the tragic event at NBG, especially as that is my home town. I hope the male will be able to sustain the three eaglets or, if all else fails, the eaglets can be moved to a location such as CRC.

The night light is set for an automatic 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Robyn said...

Mom called and informed me the male was feeding the eaglets, how sad I still shed a tear every now and then but my nephews stopped by for dinner so I was able to forget for a bit.

Hedgie we had no rain down here in mtbg but I saw there is a thunderstorm warning with hail and 70 mph winds, hard to tell if the sky is getting dark due to clouds or the night approaching.

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Belle had dawned us with her presence

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert our nest

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Over to the Y branch on the right

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear that NBG Dad fed the eaglets tonight....that's a very good sign.

glo said...

From a local near the Gardens

"I just left the garden, and was happy to see the male eagle flying above me with a fish in his claws headed towards the nest..Still very saddened by the lose of the beautiful mother eagle, but im glad to see the father eagle feeding the babies"

Like 30 secs aog. So Dad has gone fishing and is bringing more food. My heart is breaking for this adult. Prayers for him indeed.

JudyEddy said...

TBird Retuns

hedgie said...

Truder in

FuzzleMT said...

Haven't caught up reading this blog - sorry if a repeat. Group is NBG -

paula eagleholic said...

Truder is back...looks like slo mo cam is back too

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Judie....quick visit.....how is your grading going??? Missing you!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think there are 2 different candle groups....eagle and NBG

These are the bleeding hearts in my yard.

Hoda said...

The bleeding hearts in your yerd are beautiful Paula...the buds are just beginning to come out on the trees here and very few flowers yet.

Robyn said...

With all that has gone on this past season at different nests including NCTC I am personally accepting intruder, we need to be grateful for all of God's creations regardless if we agree with the mate for Belle or not, we need to be grateful the eagle population will continue. With what happened in Norfolk that affected me more then Belle losing her eaglet, it is a tragedy and I deal with enough uncertainty with my own child not knowing if she will see adulthood or not that I try not to take much for granted, each day I awake and see my daughter I am happy we have another day.

hedgie said...

Well said, Robyn.

Pretty flowers, Paula.....home or beach house?

JudyEddy said...

the one with eagle is over 2 thousand and 18 countries

Hoda said...

The Norfolk Dad, who usually roosts in a tree near by, flew in to the nest and is sitting to the right of the eaglets. The camera is still on and while it is hard to see it is possible to see his head and tail feathers.

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda, that is sweet. He knows that his kids need his presence...and he needs them. Crying again....

Mema Jo said...

I guess I lit the candle on "Eagle"

Anyone have the url for "NBG"

I'll do them both

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - thanks so much for that info on NBG dad. I just checked
the cam but too dark off to the
right to see him. No one should ever try to tell me that eagles don't have feelings...........

JudyEddy said...

Just go back on to that link and just type in NBG I alo posted on facebook

JudyEddy said...

NBG candle

NatureNut said...

Hello my friends. I am now aware of the terrible happenings in Norfolk. After reading articles, just checked the NBG cam & if you stand up, you can see Dad in the nest on the chicks.What a wonderful bird. Reminds me of Isla osprey's mate, Laird, last summer when she was sick & he stepped up to the plate.

JudyEddy said...

I can't function tonight so I out of her God Bless this nest and all whom watch it and Please help dad eagle with his long days ahead and I know they will help if he struggles Good nite I can't stop crying I'm going to look like S--t in the morning

Mema Jo said...

Prayers and peace to you Robyn and Tori! ♥ ♥

Robyn said...

Thank you Hedgie and Jo, we have accepted what we deal with we only wish for one thing... a cure

Hoda said...

Mema Jo in the Norfolk moderated chat, they also confirmed that the Dad is on the nest, I agree with you it is dark and I saw the motion of flying in and then the light feathers...was very glad to get the confirmation from them though

magpie said...

I thought the very same thing, Jo.. Belle could relocate to Norfolk...though I know we would all rather she stay at NCTC and reunite with Liberty one fine day

Beautiful thoughts, Robyn... touching and profound, God Bless You and Tori both

Geula's ceramic eagle is named
Norfolk Daddy, I believe.
Now, more than ever, Norfolk Daddy.
Hello Eagle Pals...xox ♥
My heart is with yours

thanks for the posts from Norfolk, Glo... let us hear about it and stay together here with each other at the same time

magpie said...

the bleeding hearts Paula... this is the day to share those with us ♥
Thank you, and I think Pa Nana has them on her avatar also

magpie said...

eight hour day turned into a 12-hour day for me...
two regulars called off sick, so I filled part of the gap from 4-8 pm

otherwise I would have been here with my friends

hedgie said...

Severe storm warning until 10....lightening, and now big thunder. Gonna shut down. Later.....stay safe! 70 mph winds possible.

magpie said...

fried potatoes and ramps were a FEAST earlier in the day, didn't notice anyone shying away from me
of course I didn't cook them at work, just warmed the dish up in the oven
someone else did all the cooking and was nice enough to share ☺

magpie said...

We have surely experienced and shared a great deal of wildlife sadness over the years, from eagles nests to ospreys, bears to storks.....

Mema Jo said...

I have lit candles on both sites

NBG 7 countries and 814 candles
Eagle 19 countries and 3084 candles

We also want to reassure all of our viewers and eagle cam followers that we are actively monitoring this situation.

We can sleep easier knowing this.

magpie said...

and people sadnesses as well

magpie said...

Happy Birthday one day in advance to Red's Diane...
nice to see you sharing with us today, Red...sorry I was not around to send some (( hugs )) while you were posting.
My birthday is July 1.
Want to come to West Virginia? I like birthday cake !

Lynne2 said...

what happened at NBG????

magpie said...

My prayers are most definitely with the Norfolk Botanical Gardens Staff tonight, and the little Eagle Family and Norfolk Daddy

magpie said...

the Mother Eagle was struck by an airplane and died around 0900 this date
There are many posts of it on the old thread, and earlier on here

magpie said...

There is a link on Blackwater Eagle cam about Norfolk

glo said...

From MeMa Jo
We also want to reassure all of our viewers and eagle cam followers that we are actively monitoring this situation.

I so respect how much they care for those who are hurting and very concerned over the happenings today. It won't change a thing BUT it does help to know they hear and understand and they care too. And to know the monitoring will be to preserve lives as needed.

Lolly said...

Okay, my heart is HEAVY! Dad blast! Curses! I got on just before we ate dinner and read the first comment by Liz. Jack was so sweet as I was in tears and he was so understanding.

Have read all comments now and caught up with all the news. We can deal with this knowing that they will care for the eaglets if Dad can not.

Carpet is in and looks great. Jack is putting the entertainment center back together, but everything else is back in place. Also, got a lot of work done in the yard as I was staying out of the way.

magpie said...

Thundering here now in Martinsburg

Lolly said...

We have had bad weather here again, but it was all south of us. We are in a tornado watch now, but there is novithing developing.

stronghunter said...


Home from teaching the evening SAT class. Very tired. I have laundry going. It will be nice when my life is less complicated.

We had at least three AP prep classes going on in addition to the SAT class tonight. Busy time at school.

Heartbreaking situation in Norfolk. I have read most of the messages and checked their site as well. Prayers.

Take care, everybody. God bless and good night. It has been a difficult day in the eagle world.

stronghunter said...

I kind of ran ahead of a storm on the way home tonight. It is very good to be home. Clouds and lightning behind me. I kept remembering the night I got caught in the really awful storm a couple of weeks ago.

NatureNut said...

Went to NBG Candles awhile ago, & got bleary-eyed after writing message :>(

Need to get soothed w/some choc. moosetracks ice cream before hitting the hay.

If I don't make it back, know I'm with you in thoughts and prayers for all ;>)

Lynne2 said...

well, this is sure terrible news to come home to this evening.

Hoda said...

I need to make a correction. The camera at Norfolk became clear for a short period of time and Dad is NOT in the nest with the eaglets. They are sleeping well.

Lynne2 said...

I thought it was the dad at first too Hoda.

Well, I'm going to bed. Good night and prayers for all.

hedgie said...

Storm passed quickly--dry. Then it rained about half-an-hour later. GO figure!

Glad that all our OUR chicks have returned to the nest....sorry that you had to come home to the sadness we've had today. :(

magpie said...

As tragic and traumatic as the death of the Norfolk Female Parent Eagle is....I am thinking, at least she did not just disappear, whereabouts unknown, and, she could be gathered up and given a respectful laying to rest by her NBG family in whatever manner they would to in this kind of situation.
Maybe we will learn if they have a burial place for a fallen eagle.

Good Night Everyone...sad day, too sad.

God Bless ALL Nests, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ♥

Kay said...

Just had to have one more look at the NGB nest before calling it a day. The infrared light has not worked this season, but Julien of Nuckles Tree Service adjusted it last Thursday on banding day. Amazing how these things work out.

Robyn, your thoughts were so well put and touched my heart. My prayers are with you and Tori.♥♥♥♥

May God bless and protect Norfolk dad and his precious triplets. And, may He comfort and bless our group and eagle lovers around the world as we mourn the loss of a beautiful mother.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hello, Everyone,
Oh, no! I just read back on the blog, and found out what happened to the Norfolk female eagle! What a heartbreak! This has been the WORST year for eagles! I will be back later to say goodnight. Gotta go find some kleenex. I still can't believe it!
I am glad to hear that they may intervene if necessary, though. :o{

hedgie said...

Leona didn't come back to tell us about her purple cast, did she??

hedgie said...

Margy, all fallen eagles have to go to the Denver depository. From there, feathers and talons and such are distributed to the Native Americans as requested for their ceremonies.

Lynne2 said...

OK, I'm back. Just had to report that the crazy Mockingbird is singing again tonight! A very joyful noise....especially right now!

Leona said...

Evening all. Just stopped in to report on the cast. The doctor didn't give me one. He says I can just were the boot thing. I so wanted a cast. Oh well. I am going to bed night all.

Lynne2 said...

aw, poor Lori, she's going to have to read this bad news first thing in the wee hours before work. That sucks.

(((((HUGS LORI)))))

and I don't remember seeing Wanda either. UGH. Or Diann....UGH UGH here is a big group (((((HUG))))

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, read the bear report earlier, didn't comment. Don't even want to hear Lily is acting strange.

Maybe I'll just go back to watching cartoons......

Lynne2 said...

and where the heck is BEagle????? I really hate when regulars just disappear.

Hoda said...

(((((((Group Hug)))))))Lynne2 HANG IN THERE

hedgie said...

Leona, so sorry. Guess there are advantages to the boot over the cast, but I still don't think it gives the same stabilization that a good ol' cast does! Hope you rest well.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, it would be nice if she could be buried...but I am guessing she will not...as much as it hurts, I would think they have to send her to the eagle repository in Denver.

hedgie said...

Right you are, Lynne.....still a few in for a sad read.
Paula sent BEagle email yesterday...guess she hasn't heard back.

Calling it a night. Noot much sleep last night. SIL's bro is coming tomorrow to do some work, so have to be up a bit early.

Group (((hug)))for sure.....thanks for sending them, all! Hope that all heavy hearts feel eased after prayers and sleep.
Love you all.

Lynne2 said...

Puddles is barking and growling at something outside. Maybe I better go get "Buford" and check it out! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

oh, Linda too....and I think I am forgetting someone. Glad Paula emailed BEagle and I hope she hears back soon.

I'm glad the Mockingbird is carrying on....it's so comical! He's just FULL of himself out there!

Lynne2 said...

You too Hoda....we'll all hang in there together, through thick and thin!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Poplar Bluff.....I realize now where I recognize that name from! That's where Charlene from Designing Women was from! Glad your kin are safe!

Lolly said...

I am ready for bed. Time to read for a while. (((hugs))) for all!

Prayers for all God's creatures and a special prayer for NBG Daddy and triplets.

paula eagleholic said...

No rain here tonight...did see some lightening, but it missed us.

Gotta hit the hay...

Big Group Hug to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Once again we have proven that we
are a very bonded group of Momsters/Dadsters and that together
we can get each other through any
thing that comes our way!
((((((((((( hugs for all )))))))))

Good night friends and prayers for
all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight to all who are signing off...Much gratitude and much love come your way as I put you all in my prayers. Sleep well and in God's Light and Grace.

Mema Jo said...

The midnight hour is here and it is April 27.........

Happy Birthday Donna - hoping you enjoy your special day

My daughter, Susan is going to join you on this date with her
birthday and we have the pleasure of having Red's wife, Diann joining in too!

Enjoy the day and have fun

Costume Lady said...

Came on to say good night and discovered the sad news:(

As I was reading about what the biologists were to do (keep a close watch over the eaglets), I thought it would be a good idea to let Dad try to keep them fed, but, on the other hand, we don't want him to jeopardise his health by over-working himself. I have no doubt that NBG will do what they think is best, and I'm sure we will all agree with whatever they decide to do, as a good decision!

Long, hot day...


kickngbird said...

I'm a lurker - married to someone who is half Native American, and wanted to assure everyone that there are no people who treat eagle feathers with greater reverence.

There is always sadness when a great creature passes, but they have a different way of seeing it - I can't fully explain it, but they do see the oneness of nature and have such respect for it. She will indeed be honored.

Hoda said...

Good night one and all...God Bless you all and keep you in his Light and Grace. I am signing off and will see you tomorrow to share our love for life and for the EAGLES...

Lori O. said...

Lynne, thanks for the hug. I need it.

I just read the news on CNN and saw the NBG story there. OMG!
My heart breaks for all the NBG workers and watchers. What a cruel year for our beautiful birds.

This makes me very very grateful that NCTC has done so much to make sure fallen eagles in our area are NOT Liberty.

Thank heavens they have a camera on the NBG nest and there are so many experts nearby to make sure the babies are okay. Many prayers that the eaglets will be heartily fed and healthy.

Lori O. said...

Okay here's a little something to be happy about, not that a smile is even possible at the moment. Just an FYI:


Lori O. said...

Wanted to say sorry I haven't been on as much - have been off computer with pain in wrist that shoots up my elbow - no numbness, so don't know if it's a ganglion cyst or carpal tunnel.

Still, I couldn't not recognize the pain of the NBG Eagle Family and all who loved and watched them so my avatar has a candle for each member of the Eagle Nest Family including the mother who will live on forever in the hearts of so many.


Lori O. said...

Just read in Hampton Roads paper they think the Female NBG eagle was bringing back food to the nest because a fish was found near the remains.

Hampton Roads Newspaper NBG Eagle Story

Lori O. said...

Above mentioned article also says:

...a decision could be made as early as today whether it will be necessary to take the baby eagles to the Wildlife Center of Virginia near Waynesboro until they're able to live independently.

Kay said...

Lori, you aren't alone ! Just tuned in to the sound of Belle or Truder sounding off. Shouldn't be long til' one of the other lands on the nest. We'll talk after the visit.

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

Hes Back

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Good, but sad, morning Kay!

(((A big extra special hug for you!)))

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

He fiddles with that same branch at the 6 spot daily. One of these days he'll succeed in sending it overboard, I imagine !

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends....
Lori, Kay, JudyE - and any invisible folks at the moment
I'll be watching with you and back to talk afterwards

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


magpie said...

sound, no sound
bird, no bird

Lori O. said...

Good morning Margy.

Lori O. said...

Hi there JudyE!

magpie said...

Good Morning Lori
That is the Perfect Avatar,
very very special, and heartwarming
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Kay said...

Thanks for the hug, Lori and hi to JudyE ! Don't know what the coffee flavor is this morning, but it's mighty good and much needed !

Lori, the avatar is a beautiful tribute to Norfolk Daddy, his triplets and their dear depart Mommy as well ! I appreciate the info you came up with this morning. I've seen the CA Condor flock that lives at the Grand Canyon. Awesome.

JudyEddy said...

Hazelnut is the only coffee I drink so make sure the cafe never runs out color on nest

Kay said...

We have color !

magpie said...

♥ ☺ Happy Birthday Wishes to Dear Donna, aka Mauley ☺ ♥

May the day be as special as you are....some day...
I hope to meet you in person

Lori O. said...

Sorry ladies. I was so bummed after waking up and reading the NBG news I didn't even feel like opening the Sunrise Sycamore Cafe.
We'll be open tomorrow.

magpie said...

It's okay, Lori...
we knew this would be a tough morning to open up with

am sorry to read your wrist/s are hurting, hope that gets better soon...
I left a heart out on an earlier post...

five hearts, for the NBG Eaglet Family
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Kay said...

Hi Margy, good to "see" you this morning ! So many of us went to bed with heavy hearts last night--hope all got a good restorative nights sleep !

Kicknbird, thank you for reminding us of the Native American philosophy of life. We know they treat all fallen eagles with great respect and it's a wonderful thing.

♫ Happy Birthday to YOU, and YOU and YOU, Donna, Mrs. Red and Jo's Susan ! ♫

magpie said...

going to visit a few sites, including Norfolk,
will be back in a little while

Best wishes for a good day, everyone...if I miss you before I come back

magpie said...

almost forgot to hit the go arrow on the stopped cam

JudyEddy said...

I like like I've been slapped around my eyes are so swollen and I still cry Will be good going to work maybe won't have to think about it So sad

Kay said...

Not to worry, Lori, we'll look forward to the reopening of the SSCC, when you are up to it ! Sorry you are suffering with a wrist problem and hope it heals soon !

Lori O. said...

Thanks Margy.

Five ♥'s is a very nice touch.

Lori O. said...

I hear ya Judy,


Kay said...

JudyE, lovely avatar ! Hope you have a good day at work, check in with us at noon ! Guess it's not quite time for you leave yet. I keep expecting another nest visit as that one by Truder was so short.

Lori O. said...

JUDY-E, very nice avatar. Nice tribute and the added rainbow.

Kay, I do love your sunny sunflower, too...and always Lolly's smiling sun.

magpie said...

That IS a beautiful avatar JudyE -

babies are restless at Norfolk right now
doing their morning poop shoots
bless their little hearts

Lori O. said...

Of course we want whatever is best for the NBG eaglets and Dad, but my God, it'll rip hearts out to NOT SEE those babies anymore either, and just the lonely Dad.
Still whatever is best to help them I can live with.

JudyEddy said...

6 Coyote pups were found in the Belleview Baltimore hotel -funny huh- no mom around- in Clearwater,Fl

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the NBG update Margy.

I still have to finish my shift before I can go there, so I truly appreciate the information.

Kay said...

Lori, I agree wholeheartedly ! I do hope Dad can get them through the next week. Then they'll be able to feed themselves and he can just drop food by. Yesterday one of the moderators said they only need one good feeding a day at this point. However, the experts there will know what's best, both for the eaglets and Dad.

magpie said...

the cam is panned out a little now,at Norfolk
hoping to see a view of Dad
prayers for good weather there...not too hot, not too cold, not too wet, but just right while tough decisions are being made there

magpie said...

Dad is at Norfolk !!

magpie said...

And he brought breakfast !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Dad just brought a big ole fish at NBG but he is not feeding them. The babies are kinda picking at it but not quite sure what to do with it.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now it looks like he is feeding them, thank God. I hope he can raise them without human intervention. That would definitely be best for the babies!!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Today's nest weather-Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of showers in the morning... then a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Some thunderstorms may be severe. Highs in the lower 80s. South winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.

Glad to see NBG male arrive with breakfast, looks like he's feeding his rowdy bunch of eaglets.

Kay said...

He's a dedicated Dad ! Beautiful !

Kay said...

Hi Sissy and Megan ! Thanks for the weather report !

magpie said...

a bite for you, and you, and you, and maybe a little snack for me too
gotta keep my strength up !

Lori O. said...

AWESOME news! Way to go NBG Daddy!

magpie said...

Thank you Megan...
Now I can pick out my clothes for the day
even though I will be stuck indoors for much of it

magpie said...

It was a nice long slender silvery fish....

Lori O. said...


Areas of drizzle before 11am, then scattered showers between 11am and noon, then isolated showers and thunderstorms after noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 84. Breezy, with a south wind between 11 and 20 mph, with gusts as high as 30 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Lori O. said...

It's not a personally forecast update like Megan does - I just copied & pasted from the Natl Weather Service.

Kay said...

Blackbirds frolicking at our nest, so the big birds must not be within eyesight.

Going into LM, while reading newspapers and keeping an eye on Norfolk, too.

Do have a good day Early Birds !

I♥U !

floralgirl said...

Uh yeah, don't be fooled, I usually copy and paste mine from weather underground.

magpie said...

time to get ready for work :(
though I am grateful to have a job

Best wishes for a Good Day, everyone...and especially the Norfolk Eaglet Family
xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Update on Tom's mom: She is out in a regular room and doing much better. She has had a lot of confusion, more than normal, so they have decreased some of her pain meds. Hopefully, she will be released by the end of the week. She had acquired MRSA after surgery but that is cleared now. She knew Tom and ate a good supper.

All of the Riffe men are heading to Buggs Island down in Virginia for the annual Riffe He-Man fishing trip!! LOL! Mattie is at Sharon's, so I am gonna be alone all weekend. Trying to decide whether to go to the lake or not. Don't know how much fun that would be all by my lonesome with 4 roudy doxies!!

glo said...

Good morning all. Have been up for quite sometime, but eyes hurt toady. Reading through NBG quickly and out Blog. Glad to see Dad had brought breakfast. Watchful eyes, thoughtful minds and caring hearts will most likely at some point today make an awfully big decision that will effect 4 eagles and 100's of thousands of people. My prayers are for them this morning. I must then find peace in their decision. If I were there I would plop a huge fish close by that tree every morning. Most of you already knew that.

Catch ya later. More rain for us. Days of rain. but not severe storms.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning! Well, you know what I mean....

SO, guess who's wonderful song I've been hearing since early this morning......WOOD THRUSH!!!!! Live and in person and couldn't have picked a better day to put a smile on my face!

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, look at this....a FOAL cam! Mom ready to deliver!

Live Foal Cam

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That horse appears quite uncomfortable!!!

Lynne2 said...

well, she just gave birth to some fertilizer!

Lynne2 said...

Poop usually precedes birth

Lori O. said...

LOL Lynne - "birth to fertilizer!"

Thanks so much for the link. I foaled out dozens of mares when I lived in Calif and it was always the happiest of times.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sissy, so nice that Granny Riffe is showing improvement. Hope she continues to heal.

Happy birthday to Donna, Diane, and Susan.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

glo said...

Its "sounding a lot like they" are going to be taking the eaglets from NBG today. Statement from Ed Clark: Asking for no reaction until all the pieces have been made public but a shared thought from

Ed Clark

One thing to keep in mind Dixie, and I hope you will share this with the group, is that while the male may be able to feed the babies for now, those chicks will triple in size (and appetite) over the next two months. There can be no reduct...ion in nutritional intake during this rapid growth period or the babies could suffer developmentally. If there is not enough food to go around, the stronger chicks will either push the weaker out of the nest, or even kill it and eat it. So, as romantic as it may be for us to watch the male step and and become Mr. Mom, that job is going to get steadily more difficult.

But I am neither confirming nor denying the information about what is to happen to the chicks. I'm just pointing out that the decision is extremely complicated and will certainly be controversial, regardless of what happens or when.

DanaMo said...

I don't know...watching nature is just too sad right now. I guess I never realized what goes on until logged into all these live cams.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Glo. I have suspected they will remove them. Whatever it takes for them to thrive and be released, I say. This year with the wildlife cams has really taken a toll, to say the least. So much heartache!!!!

glo said...

And another request to us all

Today is going to be another emotionally challenging day for everyone....including the people involved in making decisions they know are best for the eaglets. I don't want to let go of "our" babies....but I do have confidence in whatever decision is made. Be considerate today in sharing thoughts...it's a day to be of gentle spirit.

Lynne2 said...

I can't get on the the NBG cam at all. Glo, where'd ya get the message from Ed Clark?

glo said...

under Live Cam Discussions"

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...