Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Here's a rather grainy and dark snapshot of the injured eagle yesterday.

New thread.

Update:  The bird was sent to the Vet last night. No news today on it; the folks at Trego said "no news is good news."


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floralgirl said...

Wow- thanks, Steve!
Have a great day everybody! Off to sow seeds.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Great picture Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Makes it look like a painting!

Thanks, Steve. Hope the eagle has a good recovery!

paula eagleholic said...

What bird is blue-ish gray with black and white on the head...the black goes down the center?

Was checking out the nest and its underparts!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Was it the nuthatch Paula?

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread. The picture of the eagle is terrific. Hope it can make a full recovery.

Brought over from old thread:

Quick scan and some coffee before I leave for school.

Megan, sure hope the rain stops over your way so you can take care of flowers AND get some relief for your knees.

Sharon, again, please give Sissy my best wishes for quick treatment and recovery. So sorry.

On a more positive note, congratulations Shirley. Nice time of year to begin the transition when the weather is nice and you can enjoy being outside instead of cooped up in a classroom.

Wanda, what's on the menu for tonight? Glad GG is going to talk with her doctor. Likely arthritis. Going to see someone myself in a couple of weeks. Fat and very painful thumb.

Lowreeda, hi! Some of my most fun times were "playing" with my Koko and Lily as they "assisted" me with changing bed sheets. Brought back lots of memories.

Well, need to try to make myself less scary so I go out into the world. Hope everyone has a good day.

paula eagleholic said...

It's back...don't know what a nuthatch looks like!

paula eagleholic said...

White breast

Little sucker keeps flying off before I can get video....it's another flugg thief!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that's it, Sharon! Pretty bird!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have them all the time Paula. They are tree huggers like woodpeckers.

Costume Lady said...

I was reading the report on little cub Jason. How awful, if he died from 'love bites' from his mamma and big sister (probably Hope...not good at love bites, yet). As I recall, Hope did play with Jason most often and made him yelp. So sad to have this happen to that little cutie:(

Costume Lady said...

Those little nuthatches are like little thieves...they grab a sunflower seed and fly up on a favorite limb and peck at it til it is gone, then fly down and grab another so quickly that you can hardly see what kind of bird it is:) One of our favorites at our feeders.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, I'm sooo glad you are making the decision to retire. You will never be sorry! Retirement will give you more time for Hunter's needs and yours:)
Now, it's Judie's turn!

Judie asked what our Soup Kitchen menu is today. I am doing the main dish today...baked chicken.


Judie said...

I'm on my way, Wanda!

Judie said...

Okay, this time I really am leaving for school. I mean it! Really! Bye!

Costume Lady said...


Robyn said...

The eagle is beautiful!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Love that picture of the eagle. I was thinking the same thing as Paula, it looks like a painting.

Menu sounds wonderful, Wanda. That should certainly make some tummies happy.

Poor Jason! I think big sister, Hope, played too rough. I remember them saying she preferred playing with Jason.

Lolly said...

So, now we are luring and not lurking? Love it!

Lolly said...

Poor Sissy! I am so sorry she is feeling discouraged! Hope the doctor can give her some encouraging news this morning.

Going to read the paper now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My friend Gail, who the heart attack, is okay. She just had a small attack, no surgery needed.

Lolly said...

Sharon, did you see the eagle picture on my Eagle pic blog?

Lolly said...

Glad Gail is okay. This should serve as a warning to her and she can make life style changes if needed.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Hoping for some good news for Sissy today. Its kind of dreary and actually I am all wet here in IL. I would rather have it snowing on those eagles in Decorah right now than how hard it is raining here. They won't get quite as wet so fast. We have a rough several days water wise in the area.

Prayers for all needs. I need something to perk me up this morning for sure.

glo said...

I just saw your Eagle Picture Lolly super. Can I borrow it too?

Wanda Tonight's meal sounds wonderful. I am sure many folks look forward to tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, the soup kitchen dinner sounds great.

Glad Gail is OK

Shirley...RETIREMENT...whoo hooo!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder when we are going to get sound back on the cam?

Lolly said...

Sure you can borrow it! I was going to use it as my avatar but just love the one I have.

I am now off to eat breakfast and start my day.

Have a great day everyone. Thinking of Wanda cooking today, and special prayers once again for Sissy!

Kay said...

So, today's PSF recepient is Megan ! Congrats !

Hope they figure out how to help Sissy easily and quickly, Sharon. Glad Gail's attack was mild, a gentle warning perhaps.

Hmmmm good Wanda ! There will be some satisfied tummies there tonight !

Lolly, are you pain free this morning ? Have the fires been conquered ? I just took my mile walk and feelin' good. Off the to shower soon.

What a beautiful Eagle, Steve. Here's hoping for a complete recovery and return to the wild.

Kay said...
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Kay said...
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Kay said...


Okay, here it is !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, latest update on Sissy. They are going to do an esophagram. If it is okay, they will send her home on meds for this. She still has to be very careful about what she eats and her activities.

Kay said...

Sort a made a mess outta bringing the Botany link over from old thread. My delete as I tried to work with it. Sorry, but hope some of you Master Gardeners will enjoy that site.

Kay said...

Here's hoping it works for Sissy, Sharon ! Glad to get update.

Lolly said...

Low back is still hurting but I will continue on. Just sitting does not help, I get stiff!

Getting ready to walk. Waiting for Jack to come into the room. He, along with all those on the DVD, is my walking buddy. LOL

Not a Master Gardener here...just LOVE gardening. Kay, have you looked at our Hawkwood Gardens blog? Keep clicking on Older posts at the bottom as I have many pages on there. Right now we have pholox, petunias, larkspur, columbine (yellow and red, hibiscus, moss rose, roses, begonias, zennias, impatients, cone flowers, poppies, iris, and roses in bloom. The daffodils, tulips and red bud trees have already bloomed.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I got caught up on the blog and it's still morning. Good morning Eagle buddies.

Thanks Steve for the picture of the eagle.

JudyE hope your not catching a cold-prayers for your sniffles.

Oh hate that squeeze but yep do that yearly Judy.

Kay IM hope you and guest have an very nice dinner this evening. How true that that eagle only has one thing on his mind and he can't
even get that right lol

Poor Megan prayers for sunshine and her arthritic knees ouch!!

Shirley your going ahead and retiring. I see you are retiring end of this year. Well good
for you !!!!

Oh dear Sissy reading in comments how miserable she is. Hoping her doctor can help give her
some relief. Sharon give her a "HUG" from us.

So sorry about your friend Gail L. Sharon may prayers go with her and prayers for you too.

Hoping GG's doctors appointment brings some answers. I know your worried Wanda.

I can't bring myself to think of Jason other than he is playing and healthy at Rainbow Bridge.

I love watching the nuthatches at my feeder. Other birds gulp their food. They will take one like Wanda
said. I get to watch the peck and peck until they get the seed. Then they fly down for another--not
a watesful bird.

Sharon just read on down in comments about your friend Gail thank God. I mean sorry she even
suffered a small heart attack. Just happy she doesn't need surgery and these weren't worse.

Wanda the Soup Kitchen meal sounds like some people are going to be very happy eating.

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Another nice warm day before the storms come tomorrow. Seems like we have more bad weather than good lately.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the picture of the wounded Eagle Steve...I hope it makes a good recovery and is able to go back to the wild.

movin said...


Good Morning,


Back to on-shore winds, partially cloudy skies and moderate temperatures today in So Cal.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Lori Thank you for much for you kindness and your offers. I do have my own doctor. I thought it was ok to cut back on the med he had given me. I was doing ok until I started into Ed's clothing......still to early for that for me. Mom and I talked and I felt better when she ask me why was I trying to do it??? I told her I wanted to give some to Wanda's closet and some to his nephews. When I started it just threw me backwards. Mom said it took her 5 years before she was ready to do stuff with Dad's cloths. She said not to push myself on that. I felt better after I put them back. I know the time will come. When God will have me ready. Through HIM I can do all things.

I am going to take the meds 3xs a day like I was doing instead of going to 2. Doctor put me on 3 times a day. Don't know why I thought I could change to only 2 times. That should also help a lot like it did before.

I do get out of this house to do things. I enjoy Mom and me running around together.

I have some friends we go out to eat sometimes. They too have lost loved ones.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I too thought we were to get our sound back today.

wvgal_dana said...

I see rain at the nest.

I like to do those Sudoku puzzles when I get bored.

Still haven't found my camea.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, hope you find your camera! Wish you could call it like a phone for sure! And Ed's clothes...all in good time, when you are ready. (((Hugs)))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, so glad to see you and your mom enjoying each other. That makes me happy!

Take it easy on you. (((((HUGS)))))

Liz said...

It is snowing so heavy at Decorah that the camera is white out'd. The forum has some photos of mom and dad sitting on chicks, together, covered in snow.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and a shower to get ready to go for appt BBL Thanks Steve for the new thread and the picture of the eagle

Hoda said...

Dana WV-Gal, It is with a great deal of respect and admiration that I read your story and the courage it takes to be present with it and take action to make sure that you stay well...I like your connection to knowing God and that He always extends a hand and is there to sustain us...You seem to have it all under control and I wanted to add my voice in support and appreciation. (((HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

Another flood watch in effect...1 to 2" of rain....UGH

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread, and for the picture of the injured eagle. Sure hope it will recover completely and be able to be released!

Have tried to catch up on the blog. Yes, you guessed correctly--I fell asleep in front of the TV again last night!

Glad to read that GG doesn't have any fractures! Hope the Dr. can figure out what's causing her pain, and fix it! Prayers!

Sharon, SOOO sorry to hear that Sissy is back in the hospital! Prayers for her, and her doctors! Sorry, too, to hear about your friend Gail L.! Glad the MI wasn't a bad one. Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. Prayers for you, too, Sharon! Wow, sometimes it all hits at once! ((HUGS))!!

Shirley, glad you're making progress on your retirement. I'm sure you won't miss the stress from dealing with some of your more "challenging" students!

WV Dana, you are, as always, in my prayers. Hope restoring the dosage on the meds will be a big help. Take your time--there is no deadline for this sort of thing. (((HUGE HUGS)))!!!! Hang in there!

Well, gotta go get busy on the schoolwork again. Will try to check back this afternoon. Gosh, just looked outside, and think we are in for at least some drizzles soon, if not sprinkles! Mighty grey today. Much cooler, too--about 62. Hope everyone has a good day! BBL :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Cam lens at Decorah has cleared up...big tenting going on

DanaMo said...

Rain, Rain, go away...

My chicks left today... :(

Missed the new thread, had to repost.

DanaMo said...

Oh DanaWV I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes for you! Like I said earlier, I can't even imagine. Prayers and hugs...

hedgie said...

I am playing catch-up again!!! DIdn;t go home until after 12:30.....ate, got through emails, and a couple of phone calls. Have finished the old thread.

Judie, perhaps your thumb is gout...???? Please don't put off seeing dr. for a couple of weeks.

Megan: your report said:
Today's nest weather-Showers and thunderstorms...mainly this morning. Highs in the upper 60s. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90 percent.

It has been POURING since 10am on this side of the river, along with thunderstorming. Now past 2:30---flash flood watch in effect (AGAIN!) until 6. UGH!
You're terribly young to be having arthritis in your knees..:(

Shar----have you heard anything else about Sissy? Ha, gotcha on the aircraft carrier!!! Punny, indeed.

Shirley, SO happy that the paperwork is in the pipeline for your retirement!!!

Mention made last night of open house....hoping so many of you will plan a trip to come!! It will be either the 2nd or 3rd weekend of OCt. We'll let you know as soon as NCTC announces!

Nest is looking lovely this afternoon. SO much green---my fav color!

hedgie said...

The injured eagle looks healthy....praying that the injury is not severe.

Lori, your offers to Dana were so sweet.....she may well miss it on the blog.....you might want to email her. If you don't have addy, let me know!

hedgie said...

Paula, I have a kazillion nuthatches, too! They are real clowns!

I had 2 turkey this
...looked like a juvie, tho' bigger than I expected this early, and a hen.

hedgie said...

Truck is still sitting out front, full of all the stuff I got on my errands....including my cell phone which I managed to fling into the back somewhere when I opened the console!

Baby black bear on The Talk!!!!!!! NOW!!

hedgie said...

5 mos. old! Jack Hanna on.

hedgie said...

Mama bears can run 50-60 mph!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Dana did see Lori's message and replied to her.

hedgie said...

Cute baby mountain lions, too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sissy is going home. They gave her Bentyl and Flexeril to take, told her to be really careful with her food, cut everything up in small bites and chew, chew, chew, so hopefully it is going to be all good.

hedgie said...

These women are a bunch of wimps.

hedgie said...

Jason's report makes me very sad. Poor little fellow. :(
The injured eagle really is lovely.
Praying that is injuries are not too serious.

hedgie said...

Feel like I'm repeating myself. Sorry, if so. Mind is going in too many directions!

Wanda, meal sounds great!! DOn't work too hard.

There's DanaWV's flamingos!!

hedgie said...

Sharon, glad that Gail is okay. Big wake-up call, I guess.....very scary.

hedgie said...

DanaMO....waht kind of turtle is your Myrtle??? I have a Myrtle in the wild....she has come every year for 5. Look on my blog and go to Oct. of '09 and then I think Aug. of '10. Do you know that a box turtle habitat consists of only about aa 500' radius? Still do not know where she nests for the winter.

hedgie said...

Now Jo's barn owl-----lovely!!
You can't hear it 2" from you when flying!

hedgie said...

Sure hope the test tells them something definitive, Sharon. I've been really worried.

hedgie said...

Dana, glad that you are feeling better. Don't cut back on meds again until Dr. says to!!

Wish I had seen the two adults sitting on the squirm worms at Decorah! Great parenting!!! Tag-team for protection---smart birds!

hedgie said...

That's a relief, Sharon! Being my usual nurse self, I was fearing the worst!! But gotta say that I have thought she was over-doing it!!! Praying that the meds will work and that she WILL slow down!

Rain stopped!!!! Better go retrieve my stuff and get the truck in the garage.

Looks like I drove everyone off!!

hedgie said...

P.S. I am not surprised that sound isn't back. And, like I said, now that we have no chicks, I'd sacrifice sound for the great pic.

hedgie said...

Got the stuff in, but now pouring again before I got the truck put away...:(

Going to read papers.

DanaMo said...

My turtle is from Myrtle Beach and is a red eared slider, the kind they are not allowed to sell so they sell you everything else and give you the turtle. I always wanted one so last year I got him/her. The kids are not allowed to handle it, but we do get a lot of entertainment out of it. I really want a hamster for my room but I can't seem to get my principal to give me permission. I ask every year. Our class fish died, he was 4 years old.

glo said...

Dex and I dodging very cold rain all day today too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sun is shining and 77° in Bedford! :)

Kay said...

Aw, DanaMO it had to be hard saying goodbye to the chicks ! But, job well done. Interesting to hear how "they" get around the no sale allowed on certain wild critters. Glad you got what you always wanted ! Have you ever had a guinea pig in the classroom. Coincidentally, though not all in the same State or Kindergarten, each of my 5 grandkids had a g.p. in their class. My son had one as a kid, too. They're pretty easy for a kid to handle.

DanaMo said...

Kay I love guinea pigs, but unfortunately I am highly allergic to them! My kids had them and I would suffer through cleaning the cages and trying to get my kids to do it. I love animals of all kinds but now that we don't have any I probably shouldn't expose myself to them. They are very sweet though and easy to care for, I guess their fur doesn't agree with me!

Kay said...

Sharon, I envy you ! The rain has been pouring in Columbus all day and no end in sight. Predictions are for possible violent storms late tonight. Sorry to say they'll probably head eastward toward many of you Momsters. So glad Sissy went home and hope she'll follow the doc's orders to the tee.

Kay said...

Dana, that's a shame, but I understand allergies to animals very well. Every one of my kids is allergic to cats and some dogs. They've all found dogs that are non-allergenic, or close to it, but that's hard to do with cats, guinea pigs, etc..

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, glad that Sissy can be helped with meds...she'd better rest up if she wants to see Bob Seger! Guess she's been overdoing it...hard not to at times.

Kay said...

Lynn, were you calling the women on "Talk" wimps ? I can't stand that group and can just imagine them acting squimish over Jack Hanna's animals. I like the more fiesty and controversial women of "The View". I catch them a couple of times a week, but turn it off after they finish with Hot Topics, most of the time.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoppy Easter!!

Red said...

It's very windy here today and its trash day. I planned ahead and brought in my trash can as soon at the truck emptied it. Others in the neighborhood are out looking for theirs. Most are piled up at the end of the street.

Red said...

Paula, I love your bunny.

Kay said...

Paula, your bunny rabbit is adorable ! Hoppy Easter right back at cha' !

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, yours is cute too! Seeing yours reminded me to change my avatar for Easter!

Kay said...

Paula, yours shows up a lot better, being light in color. They do make a cute pair though !

Red said...

Here's mine.

Linda said...


Only have a few moments before I have to go, but wanted to check in and say Hi. Have read some of the posts since I was last here.........LOTS OF READING......and want so many of you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers.

I love how this group loves and cares for one another and even if I'm not here, I'm praying for all of you, too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Kay said...

Red, your little bunny is cute as can be ! Eggzactly right for the occasion !

JudyEddy said...

Back from running around and to the Dr. New Dr lets hope this one doesn't quit on me also I had two other Dr that just up and decided to quit so this was my first visit and I like her from the start which is more than I can say about the others I have seen No blood work with this one yeah My insurance disallowed anyway and no pushing other test so I saved moeny lots of money. Yeah got my prescription and am happy for a year This is the Dr that delivered my granddaughter also How cool is that
BBL going to watch news at 5

Linda said...

KayIM I love how you are so caring and encouraging!! What a blessing you are to this group!

Sharon So sorry to hear of Tara's father's passing, but we knew this was going to happen. Our prayers were answered in that he went peacefully! Continued prayers for Sissy as she recovers at home once again. That flexeril KNOCKS me out for DAYS!! Can't take that stuff!!
And your friend Gail - thankful she is going to be okay. Life is fragile!

Lolly Take care of yourself. Maybe you've been working too hard. Glad you're getting better a little at a time, at least. Beautiful pics on your blog. Loved the cedar waxwings!

Lynn (hedgie) Thanks for not thinking me too talkative when I'm here!! So sorry to hear about little Jason. Thanks for the Bear Reports!

Paula We just love those nuthatches. Wanda is right on describing how the fly in, take a seed and leave to open it. The chickadees and titmice do the same thing. They have to hold the seed between their feet and use their beak to crack open the seed. Amazing. Then the finches just hang out on the feeder forever doing all that with their larger beaks!!

Bev I know you don't have time to read on the blog, but CONGRATULATIONS on your new grandson. Glad Kristy delevered without any serious problems. What a tiny grandson you have!!

Wanda Soup Kitchen dinner sounds wonderful. Don't overdo it. I remember you weren't feeling too well when you were working on the clothes closet a few days back. God Bless you for all you do!

Lynne2 Two Bluebird eggs!! Yeah!

Shirley Glad you got those retirement papers filled out. You deserve it!!

WVDana Know that you're in my prayers as you continue to deal with your loss. In God's time, you will heal. Trust Him, as I know you do!

Lori What an awesome friend you are to offer to help as you did. That is what friends are for, but we just don't see it as much these days. I don't get to chat with you because I'm never up at the crack of dawn as you are. Not a morning person!!

Kay said...

JudyE, love your bunny with colorful eggs ! Glad you're happy with the doctor---did she give you a referral for the "Big Squeeze" ? The best gift we can give our loved ones and friends is that of taking care of ourselves !

Kay said...

Oh, PA Lynn, what a sweet thing to say ! We have a mutual admiration, for I feel the same way about you and the blessing you are to the group ! I love you all more with every passing day and thank God for bringing us all together.

Linda said...

Thanks, Kay! I was telling my husband just last night that the best thing about this group is that I really feel God brought us together.

Thank you for the kind words!! I love you, too!

JudyEddy said...

Commercial on Weather man my cutie Paul said that it reached 90 today When I was sitting at the Dr the Walgreen thermometer went from 88 when I got there at 115 and went to 92 by 215 I just don't thinks it feels that hot Possible storms later because of the heat and the sea breeze and land breeze love to make storms that it makes- they also said that there may be other storms because of the drastic heat in the S like TX and the snow and cold else where I just hope it spares anyone that has been affected by this last storms Now back to my boob tube for the news and KayMYes I do have a pres for the smashing of my girls Poor thing LOL

Kay said...

Time to refresh my face, fluff up my hair and boogie on over to my daughter's house for dinner. May be back later this evening--if not I'll see you early birds in the morning !

Red said...

I was just reading where three kindergartners were wounded in Houston when a gun fell out of a students pocket and discharged.
Can someone tell me what going on in our schools. Do parents not care enough about their kids than to leave a loaded gun where one can find it.

hedgie said...

Wow, just heard that there were two tornado touchdowns in Mt. Airy, MD on Sat.

Linda said...

Kay IM - Have a wonderful dinner and visit!

Red....we live in a FALLEN world and it is getting worse by the day! So sad!

Linda said...

Gotta run, too! Have a good evening - ALL!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I heard there was a touchdown on Saturday too, wasn't sure where it was, but saw video last night of the damage. Ripped the roof off of Linganore Winery.

paula eagleholic said...

Red, looks like your bunny is all ready for Easter!

Awful about those kids in TX

JudyEddy said...

This is so sad Yep a sad world we live in when this happens this is local

I'm trying the blue link Here goes crossing finger and toes LOL

hedgie said...

OMG, KayIM.....we are on the same page. Only reason I watched The Talk was because I heard that Jack was going to be on....I can't stand them---cannot understand why Julie Chen would hook up with that bunch. I like The View, too, but also usually turn it off after they finish the hot topics! We must be twins!!

hedgie said...

What a cute bunny, Paula! Was it in your yard??

JudyEddy said...

That didn't work here is the link


So sad

paula eagleholic said...

Yup JudyE, your bunny is ready for easter too.

DanaMo said...

OMGosh How does a kindergartner get a gun??? Where is the supervision?

JudyEddy said...

this!SAD WORLD We Live in when this happens

Trying the blue link till I get it right LOL

JudyEddy said...

Only the word this show blue like the last time Odd I give up if you click on the word this it goes there

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula, it was at the winery!

Red, how awful for those children. No place is safe anymore. It is, indeed, a very sad world we live in.

If no one mentioned it---don
't recall if maybe Lynne2 did last night---Maryland's most flamboyant public servant died yesterday. Former Gov. and comptroller and Baltimore mayor Wm. Donald Schaeffer was a fuuny old coot, but I always liked him and enjoyed his eccentricity. He was 89.
Always liked comptroller Louis Goldstein, too!

hedgie said...

Kay and Linda----so glad that you feel so comfortable with us! Very nice words you shared!

Red said...

Trying a new Easter avatar. I think I like this one better.

Red said...

JudyE, Thats so sad. How can a time out be that bad. Must be more to the story.

Red said...

Oops, time has slipped up on me. Must stop and start fixing dinner.
Later people!

glo said...

For your viewing pleasure

Judie said...

Home again but Darth is treating me to dinner at Olive Garden.

Heard the report about the six-year-old with a loaded gun. I do hope the parent(s) will be charged with child negligence and parents of the injured children will also file charges.

So horribly sad that a ten-year-old would commit suicide. Much more to that situation.

The report on Jason is sad if he died from play injuries. Well, I guess I'm sad no matter the cause.

On a happier note:

Glad Sissy could go home and prayers for a very, very quick recovery.

Also happy to hear that Gail's heart attack was mild. May she do what is necessary to prevent another.

I really like the new bunny avatars. Need to look for something new for mine.

Not meaning to ignore others. Just have time for a quick speed read. Hungry and not passing up an opportunity for someone else to cook and clean up.


JudyEddy said...

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
was my best friends favorite sayings

hedgie said...

Another storm on the horizon. Grrrr.

Can't believe that it was 16 yrs. ago today that the Murra building waas bombed in Oklahoma City. I remember that I was sitting here reading the paper and Christie was doing her hair----I hollered for her to come see. (I was on 2nd shift in those days.)

wvgal_dana said...

I need to re-catch up again lol

hedgie said...

Think I better shut down...this one is close! BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

First of all I have to see if this avatar is going to work???

wvgal_dana said...

See which one I like better.

Dang I hear thunder..

wvgal_dana said...

Think I'll keep this one.

I was thinking any way Sissy can grind her meat up so will would go down easier??? She is in my prayers.

Thinking today a lot about a 3lb 3oz little boy. ( : Special prayers there too.

WV sUSAn said...

FYI. Lady laid #3 at 7:13p and EJ laid her third egg at 11:13p nest time this evening. What a day!!!

Hello to everybody in Eagle Land.

Saw Steves post at top and need to go catch up on reading updates. Will be back later, my pretties!

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go forage for grub!! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

WVSusan I hope EJ and Lady Isla aren't in a competition.

Closing down bad bad thunder

Hoda said...

Just got back home from Yoga and Learning in Retirement Writing group. It was a good day for me and I much enjoy this group of people...we share our life stories as we write them and some think they will publish!!! I am not at that stage yet, but I enjoy reflecting and writing my life story and then sharing it.
I like the Bunnies you all have chosen and HOPPY EASTER to you all.
Sissy is better and that is a good thing, Wanda the entree sounded great the whole menu actually...snow in Iowa in April I am not surprised...I hope you are all safe with the new floods that Paula mentioned...stay dry.I am off to prepare lunch as hav enot had a chance to do so yet today...

Liz said...

Susan and Dana, I think Lady and EJ have been in competition. I say they both win!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just checking in quickly. Hubby is home from work, and dinner's almost ready.

Judie, enjoy Olive Garden! I LOVE that place!

Glo, the eagle video is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Well, gotta run. Emma wants to play a bit, before dinnertime! Hope I don't fall asleep too early tonight!
Tell you what--I'll set the porch light and both security systems to come on automatically tonight, just in case! Hate to miss talking to all of you, though. Hope I make it back here! BBL... :o]

glo said...

Hope you will see and follow this link
Special little eaglet story indeed

Lolly said...

Good evening! Thunder rolling all around. Storms headed towards us. Report of golf ball hail. Certainly want the rain but not the hail. Was talking with Laurel earlier as she was on her way home. She got caught in a hail storm. She got off the road and under a tree in a parking lot. She was scared and we kept on talking. Sounded awful! However, it looks like her car made it okay.

glo said...

Hi Lolly. I am not liking this "spring" weather at all. Of course we are having rain turning to snow here but just also had thunder and hail. Its in the mid 30's here but 2 hours south of me in the upper 70's. No wonder its storming.

Lolly said...

Glo, I have been off reading your eaglet story. That is a fantastic story. They are taking wonderful care of Peeps. Love the name.

Lolly said...

Well, the storms we are having now will be heading to Ark, and the rest of the south. Probably more tornadoes in the news.

It is the fire that is most distressing. It is horrible. More home destroyed today. Whole towns having to evacuate and it is headed east. Still a ways from us but very frightening.

glo said...

Isn't that a fantastic story Lolly right down to the pilot who also donated the flight because a car trip would have taken too long. Lucky little Peeps. Did my heart good indeed.

glo said...

I know the fires a very bad too. And i hear the winds are still causing major problems trying to fight them :-(

Lolly said...

It is really dark here now. Has not started raining, but oh, my it is dark! Please....no hail!!!

hedgie said...

Was just on phone with Mom....tornado warnings around St. Louis. ARGH!

Love the Peeps story, Glo.

Time for Jeopardy! To sofa I go!

Lolly said...

Jack and I did maybe half of the mulch today. Good to devide it up for two days work. Then I just sat on the ground and pulled weeds.

Back is okay. Think rain is starting. Going out on the patio to check it out

glo said...

Yes Hedgie In the 80's there and 3 with rain and snow in forecast here. Warm and cold fronts meeting and causing problems indeed.

Lolly said...

Up to 90 here today but it has presently dropped to 83 and going lower. Rain has cooled every thing off. It is raining but not pouring and saw just a few pea sized hail stones.

Lolly said...

We were going to run the sprinkler system tonight. ☺ Wish the rain was on the fire it not going that far west.

Lolly said...

Dinner is ready. Off to eat!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I loved the story of peeps. How can we follow him to see what happens with him?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

Raptor Education Group, Inc.
Peeps the update is on this facebook page If you look at the right side to the bottom is a blog area I don't know for sure being a newbie how to join you might just want to click back on her link and look down in that area I tried to leave a comment and it has to be approved and I liked the facebook page also the badge is on the same area of the link she posted

magpie said...

and Jerk has departed

JudyEddy said...

Wow that was another quickie by the turd bird Ok off to watch the tube again God Bless if I don't check back in and everyone stay safe and check in to let us know you all are ok

magpie said...

Do you think we were the only ones who saw that Sharon ?
You, Sees a Lot
Me, Gabs a Lot

magpie said...

I just missed seeing him arrive but saw him fly out at the 4 o'clock spot

bye bye beautiful color at the nest

JudyEddy said...

Just check the time before I left he was on the nest only three min Ok now I'm history for real No really LOL

magpie said...

Yep JudyE it was a quickie, reminds of the other quickie things he is infamous for
Have a good evening everyone...
skies are clearing up, beautiful sunset, it was like heaven...
very wet hereabouts though

magpie said...

the show might not be over though...still a little lighttime for some visiting

mariadangeloart said...

I saw him but I haven't been piping in much lately!

magpie said...

aaah my mockingbird is serenading ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ love it !
wren, cardinal, blue jay, ....sure wish he would chirp an eagle call or two

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone in Eagleland!
What an artistic pic of eagle on front page. It doesn't look too bad. Hope it can be released.
I never heard anything about injured eagle from Park area that went to rehab. Hope I can hook up w/the right Park Rangers on phone.
See I missed Turd tonight. Has Belle been around? (If I get to read early posts, I might find out!)
Lolly, glad to hear you're getting some rain.Hope it keeps fires away.
Map on our news tonight looked like whole top half of TX had fires!!

Lolly said...

I really need to check my posts more carefully. I think better than I can type. Duh!

Rain is over. We got four tenths of an inch. Beggars can not be choosers. Happy with that!

While eating dinner we got a little more hail. Interesting that it came at the end of the storm. Not much hail and about marble size. Funny to watch it hopping around in the grass.

Lolly said...

It is bad, Loweeda! It is about 60 miles west of us and headed our way. It just keeps getting worse. I think of all the folks that are loosing their homes. Also, wildlife and cattle. Sad!

magpie said...

Pipe away, Maria-d....the more the merrier !

don't be shy
you can tell I am not shy...

Very very tough nature year for so many this year...

hedgie said...

Wonderful news about Isla and EJ!!! Scotland nests are gonna be FULL!!!!

magpie said...

Yes great about the Scottish nests...and GREAT to see Susan on here being celebratory!
I think those nests just might be close to being her favorites !

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
trying to clear the debris field here...back to work

Shirley ! Congratulations on your decision about retirement ☺

hedgie said...

We got almost an other inch of rain today, and could get 2more tomorrow......ridicuolous. Lolly, the fires were just too awful to look at on the news.....wish I could send this rain your way--sans lightening!

I am beat....want to go to tub....but still waiting for Christie to call (or answer the phone!).

glo said...

Well the weather outside is frightful in so very many places but
This is beautiful Take 3 mins you will be glad you did.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I know you left but I want to thank you. I'm happy got the little fellow "Peeps" on my facebook page. Adding my name to their facebook page as a follower.
Thanks again.

Lolly so sad what those fires have done. I think if it is getting that close to you. I need to put it more "special prayers for you and Jack and other in your area"......will do that!!!

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I know you left but I want to thank you. I'm happy got the little fellow "Peeps" on my facebook page. Adding my name to their facebook page as a follower.
Thanks again.

Lolly so sad what those fires have done. I think if it is getting that close to you. I need to put it more "special prayers for you and Jack and other in your area"......will do that!!!

NatureNut said...

Oh, Lol, that's just awful! Are those small planes dropping water on the fires like we see them do in CA?
Prayers for TX & all others w/devastating weather.

Glo, what a beautiful video--will sent that to many folks! ☺

hedgie said...

Bear Report

Judie said...

Oh my, Glo. Wwhat a story. Sure will be wishing the best outcome for baby Peeps.

Bev, sending well wishes for the little grandson. May he grow rapidly and thrive.

Lolly, so sorry about the fires in TX and sure hope you and Jack and family will not be directly affected. Maybe keep the rain coming.

Congratulations to Isla and EJ. Given Chrissy description of Isla difficult labors, I think we should look forward to enjoying these babies and wishing Isla a blessed retirement.

Hoda, tell us more about your writing group. Sounds awesome. Bet Shirley could give you some pointers.

Dana, I like both your avatars but I like the flowers best, I think. Very colorful.

Ah yes, Timothy McVeigh. Talk about him every semester. Technique of Neutralization > rationalization = appeal to a higher loyalty, i.e., political belief.

Olive Garden: second time same location, second time entree immediately followed delivery of salad, entree returned to kitchen, entree returned dried out. Decided to have a word with the manager when leaving. Waited enough tables to have a few suggestions. Darth and I agree, if we wanted fast food we could have gone to McDonald's for a whole lot less money.

Okay, in honor of Mema Jo, I am off to watch a little First 48.

wvgal_dana said...

ok Judie You talked me into it ha ha Happy Easter !!

stronghunter said...


Home from teaching my SAT class. Funny experience, going from a class that won't stop talking to one that is too quiet. (I will take the quiet one.)

Tired now, and I have bridge tomorrow night, but then it's spring break--I have Thursday, Friday, and Monday.

Talked to my department chair and confirmed that I've decided to retire. She already knew I was considering it. In fact, the whole school thinks they already knew even before I did. It is funny how rumors get started.

Beautiful video, Glo. I haven't had time to read everything.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of your kind words about my retirement. I can taste the freedom already.

It was nice to have someone help me with the paperwork. I took it in partially completed and Shelly in the central office helped me with some parts of it. I still have a couple of loose ends to tie together. I have to get hold of my birth certificate. I think it is somewhere around here, but I may just have to get another copy.

NatureNut said...

Finally got on LOtL and Isla (Lady) was standing,doing a wing flap, so got to see the 3 eggs!

Got to work on very poor picture~~~~

stronghunter said...

I am going yo say good night to everyone. I will see you tomorrow. Soon I will be able to blog to my heart's content, though I know Hunter and the critters will occupy a lot of my time as well.

hedgie said...

This is hysterical!

Penquin Gets Tickled

hedgie said...

OMG..almost completely forgot.....

And many more!!!

So sorry I forgot---that's what happens when I send cards days in advance!! Please forgive me, dear friend!

hedgie said...

Good night, RETIREE-to-be!!! Rest with an easy mind!!!

Loretta, glad you got to see all three eggs!!

hedgie said...

I am feeling just awful about not posting birthday greetings to Diann earlier today. Getting up so early and leaving when I normally get up threw me SO off balance!

Christie got ALL of her $700 credited back to her bank account! Bank told h er this scamming stuff happens ALL the time, and is particularly bad around Christmastime. She doesn't even have to file a police report. They have a fraud company who will do all of the investigation.

Hoda said...

Judie, The autobiography writing group started over a year ago with a course that we took with Learning In Retirement through the local college here. We have been meeting regularly since then on our own. We write a story and read it to the group and they critique it and I learn a lot. Is Shirley a writer...I can not get myself to think of publishing anything and I think I write to help my own memory of the events in my life.
Hedgie I loved the Penquin tickle video I laughed...Thanks..Where is Mema Jo I have not seen her entries and am wondering where she is...do you all know?

Hoda said...

Stronghunter CONGRATULATIONS. A big decision and it is indeed curious how people seem to know something before you yourself know it!!! There were many like that in the school where I taught...Oh well I wish them all well and I still figure it out for myself...and hold to my right to announce my decisions...its a fun process.

hedgie said...

Went to Lowe's today and got my little electric sander with the vacuum attachment to use on the deck rails. Started stocking up (?hoarding) on regular lightbulbs, too!!! I WILL not use those stupid CFR's or whatever they're called.

hedgie said...

Hoda, Jo is at the beach, getting the house ready for summer!!!! She only has dia;-up internet there, so she doesn't do much surfing!!

hedgie said...

Judie, I have many complaints whenever we go to Olive Garden...haven't had a really good meal there in several years. Sorry yours was a diappointment. Hope they gave you a break on the bill.

glo said...

LOL Cute video Hedgie

Judie said...

Love the tickled penguin. Wouldn't that be fun to have around? Maybe?

Hoda, what a great idea. It really is nice you have a group that keeps together and shares. Shirley is an English teacher -- well, an almost retired English teacher. She sometimes helps us with grammar issues. Will your memory stories be kept for younger family members as a family history or journal?

Congrats Ms. Shirley. You have a great time of life coming up.

Lynn thanks! Happy Birthday, Diann. I also am sorry you were overlooked. Hope the day was especially nice for you.

Well Dana, I am liking the avatar but hope it was to please yourself most of all. No matter, love ya lots.

Okay, need my beauty sleep so I'll look not-so-scary when I get my "do" did tomorrow morning.

Night light is set for 11pm. Andy has pre-set the alarm system for us. We should be safe through the night. Restful sleep everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Wasn't sure if ya'll had seen this update on the blog page...

Update: The bird was sent to the Vet last night. No news today on it; the folks at Trego said "no news is good news."

Been out running around to Lowe's and Wally world tonight...

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot Diann's birthday too!

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Diann ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

PA Nana said...

Before everyone leaves for the night, hello. Thanks for the b-day wishes.

Jim took me to Olive Garden (my favorite restaurant) and I listened to a recent CD of Celtic Thunder. Love those guys.

Judy, sorry you didn't have a nice experience at the O Garden. Ours was very good.

Glo, loved the videos and story. Haven't been able to see our nest or Decorah because of the time and bad weather.

Will be going to bed here soon too.

Prayers for all wants and needs, especially those in pain of body or soul.

God bless everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The video won me over as soon as I heard Kenny G. That is a great video but I still get sad in my heart.

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, thanks for the peeps story and the eagle video. IF you watch the video, you can see how the eagles use their tails in flight....saw the eagles doing that down at the beach.

NatureNut said...


Sorry so late w/greetings!

Re:Chrissy's acct. of Lady's 3rd egg arrival---awful. I wrote her back asking if they could put birth control meds in the fish L eats!?? That poor bird doesn't need anymore stress!
Good night to some people at the B---H!!
Getting late & I go early in AM to Park, I think,(duh) so to all
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

I'm starting to get email FB comments, too.....hope it's better tomorrow----may have to get Carolyn to work om my settings again or something!

hedgie said...

Email from Jo---they'll be coming home tomorrow. WhooHoo!

hedgie said...

Good grief....wish Steve would post a regular comment within the blog....how would we see late additions unless we had logged off and come back for some reason??

Wonder where the vet is located?

Robyn said...

EJ had her third egg also, they are keeping up with each other

hedgie said...

Diann, glad your meal was a good one! And hurray for Jim taking oyu out!!! Hope you sleep well tonight! I love Celtic Thunder, too!

Loretta, hope your park activities tomorrow are INDOORS!!!!

Shar---I also love Kenny G. Did you know that he played to his wife's belly when she was pregnant??!! Hope the kid follows in his Dad's footsteps!

magpie said...

Just missed you Diann
Pardon my manners! We are all akimbo this year with this crazy nest situation...at the Sycamore Palace....I can't keep my days or nights or anytime straight !

Sure hope you can feel our Momster L♥ve in your dreams tonight

xoxoxo Happy Birthday ! xo ♥

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...