Tuesday, April 12, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Wow! The wind if howling around here in the valley.
Good morning Steve and thank you for the fresh thread.

Red said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

I've just finished making dinner. Today we're having crockpot corned beef and cabbage. Just got everything into the crockpot. This will be my first time making corned beef in a crockpot.

Mema Jo said...

No reason why it won't turn out for you, Red and be delicious. I love crock pot cooking.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly that was a great link to the
Decorah Owl Attack - loved the way the
2 adults stuck together to feign off
the owl.

Leona said...

Reposting for new thread

Oh my Lolly thanks for sharing I am almost in tears. Don't know if I could handle anything happening to another eaglet.

Ok why is Trouble out of the cup... Did I miss something?

Christine said...

Hey Ladies, I'm starting to think this is more than an owl coming after their nest. Whatever it is has been pretty persistent, and papa is in the nest right now looking pretty stressed.

Leona said...

Has all 3 Decorah eaglets been seen today?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to All and Lurkers.

Thanks for posting that video of Decorah on the other thread. So glad Mom and Dad were able to keep the owl away. Good turn out, don't like sad endings anymore.

Been watching NBG.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

My delete double post.

Leona said...

I see all 3 now. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Leona all three eaglets are there in the Decorah nest. Just the oldest is outside the eggs cup again.

Leona said...

That oldest is going to drive his parents crazy... He is TROUBLE big time. :)

Mema Jo said...

Leona - yes all 3 are there. Of course the one wanderer is in front of the adult out of the egg cup. Each time he/she gets out, the adult seems to try
to dig the egg cup deeper and wider to
keep the eaglet in tact.

wvgal_dana said...

It is ashame we can't have the good color on the "live feed" when he sound is on.

wvgal_dana said...

There he/she goes heading back towards Mom. Its head is in with the other chicks. It is moving its body towards Mom.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Dana Hope all is well - quite the rainfall we have had.

Red said...

I was watching some video clips of the Decorah eagles at night. Seems like the owl has been coming close more than once. Great Horned owls can be agressive toward bald eagles and the owl wins most encounters because of the size of their talons which are much bigger than the eagles. I read that somewhere.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo!
Sure thankful that the owl did not get one of the eaglets.....mom and pop better be on high alert at night time!

My daughter/SIL does corned beef in the crockpot, Red. They say it's excellent. I've always used th epressure cooker. Enjoy---yum!!

Leona.....Trouble is always getting out of the cup!!
Sure hope they aren't going to be under assault all day AND all night...argh!

hedgie said...

Check out this clip that Lynne2 posted on FB:

Eagle and Conan

hedgie said...

Phoebe has laid a 2nd egg!

JudyEddy said...

Checking the email box again

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I was going to change my avatar to a pic of a lilac and I cannot make myself take Team Liberty off yet. Anyway, I posted it on Facebook.

Mema Jo said...

Phobee sure beats the record set by Isla I bet. She just keeps going and going and going.

Christine - Great Horned Owls disrupted the NBG nest one year and they really are a big threat to the
eagles. I think Red described it very well as to why. One of the viewers on
Decorah says she has heard the hooting of the owl earlier than last night. We have had one at our nest over the years.

hedgie said...

Sue Maxwell posted this:
Jason Sawyer and Jim Stroner will dismantle the den cam equipment today while there is still have enough snow pack to sled it out of the woods. It's a huge job and the snow will make it easier. -- SM

Bye, bye bears...:(

Christine said...

Greeaaattt, now I'm gonna worry! Not a good year for eagletts :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Have been watching Decorah this morning. Sure hope they continue to keep the owl away! That little wanderer of theirs is Trouble, indeed!
What a rascal!

Keeping Shirley in prayer--not sure what the trouble is, but God certainly knows! (((HUGS)))

Have a lot of errands to run today, so better get ready and hit the road. Hope everyone has a good day. I'll check back in later. :o]

Mema Jo said...

Christine what's the update on Dad?

Christine said...

Dad is in a private room and is doing very well! They made him walk around and exercise a little yesterday which wore him out. They're not letting him eat yet and the man is skin and bones as it is. You can still hear him gasp once in a while, but that may be habit. He said they have him on lower oxygen which is really really good to hear!!

Thanks for asking :)

movin said...

A Very GooD MorninG

tO you aLL.


[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Finny's place is very wintry looking yet, although the nest itself is clear of snow...

[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Finished my walking and getting ready to head out shopping. Yes, I am a slow mover...that is what retirement is all about.

Had fun watching the Decorah nest while walking. As a lot of you saw, Trouble was way out of the cup. Watched him inch his way back. Once he got his head in the cup, I think he went to sleep for a while. LOL When he did finally get back into the cup, he turned around, looked out, and then back to sleep. Silly eagle. Whoops out of the egg cup again!

Lolly said...

LOL Just saw a little poop shoot. Forgot how cute that is!

Lolly said...

Mom is out in front. Probably saying get your tail back in that egg cup....pronto!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and good morning one and all So good to hear your dad is doing great and Paula I loved the pictures of your special day I loved what your son did SOO Sweet of him You have raised a good kid Pat yourself on your back Here is a link that LynnMarie posted on facebook from the Norfolk nest this is just tooo funny didn't know if anyone has seen it


Getting ready to have lunch with my daughter today -I love vacations but almost over so sad LOL BBL

Lolly said...

No, she is feeding two out of the egg cup. I thought she could use food to lure them back to the nest.

Red said...

Hey, I bet I can get my head skinned today. What do you think?
Ha Ha!

Red said...

Of course I was kidding. ☺

Red said...

Guess I'll go hide for a couple of hours and take a nap.
See ya later, gators

hedgie said...

Ha, Red.....it wouldn't take much, would it?? LOL!

JudyE--I posted the link a few messages back!! Sorry your vacation is almost over.

Lolly, do you and Jack have twin treadmills or do you take turns?

JudyEddy said...

Have a good nap Red I just got out of bed a little bit ago I love ot sleep in on vacation I feel so rested I love it BBL off I go

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie thats what I get for not reading total blog I just do a quick skim of it - I loved it so cute I reposted on my face book feed BBL

paula eagleholic said...

IWS got the color fixed on the Sauces Canyon nest....parent feeding chick now...


go the interactive, eagle nest cams

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Red!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh yeah, Red is begging for a skinnin'!

Christine said...

I have a question. Do eagles pant?

Kay said...

Christine, yes, eagles pant. According to NBG moderators that is their cooling system.

Kay said...

Lolly, thanks for the Decorah owl attack video. My heart was racing throughtout ! Red commented on the owls having an advantage with their larger talons. They also have the night vision advantage. I understand eagles have night vision just about equivalent to ours. I kept hoping one of them would just cover the eaglets or Mombrella them, but then, that's human thought and I'm sure they know what they're doing.

Kay said...

Red, too bad you didn't come up with that creative avatar on April 1st ! You'd have had us all going for a while !

Kay said...

Hedgie, having to give google your phone number ? I don't like that !

I'm surprised I didn't comment on my lifelong allegience to GM when I first learned of your past affiliation. Guess I was focused on Nascar at the time. My dad was a GM fan. My first car was a 49' Chevy, then to a 55' yellow convertible (sigh)and then my husband and I bought a brand new Impala in 58'. Red and with triple carburators, what a car ! I could go on and on, but yes, I've always driven GM cars and trucks. My kids are a different story, not one has ever owned a US made vehicle :o(.

My Envoy is a 2006 with 27,000 miles on it. That includes the trip to move from AZ to Columbus and a trip to Rochester, Mn. and back. I drive it to Grand Rapids, MI several times a year, but fly out of here for other trips. Someone, someday, will get a gonga deal when they get this "little ol' lady from Pasadena car" ! It's garaged and still looks like new.

Kay said...

Conan and the eagle ! What a hoot ! It was fun seeing a couple of NBG employees, too.

Kay said...

No nest action right now, not even a blackbird. BBL

hedgie said...

Getting ready to head out for some errands. Hope the rain stays stopped!!!


Later, gators!

Mema Jo said...

Well I faded out for a couple hours due
to Daughter being here visiting.
Looks like it's getting ready to pour again.

No one in our nest to get wet anyhow

hedgie said...

Oh....P.S. KAY IM: My kids/SIL's have a mixed bag of vehicles, but at least one GM in each household!
Thanks for your loyalty! I've never bought anything but except when I graduated from college and got a Mercury Cougar! But it's been all GM after that!!
When I got the truck, I had to measure my small garage to make sure it would fit! I put it in in '05 when I got an Equinox----didn't keep it for TOO long....too small for travel comfort!! BYE!

Bommy said...

I may have missed a post--but what is that black thing in the nest. It isn't what I think that it might be, is it? I have been seeing it for a few days.

Leona said...

Sorry I disappeared like that. My daughters car died and I had to go get her.

JudyEddy said...

someone zoomed on it and can't figure out what it is Bommy-- Had lunch with daughter now home and ready to head out again BBL

Mema Jo said...

Passing along the link to Osprey nest in Milford CT

Bommy - we are referring to it as the
blob since we have not a clue what it
is. They seem to keep digging it up
out of the nest. It could be flooring of the nest or some kind of food that
had been brought in.

Bommy said...

You don't think that it is POJ do you? I certainly hope not!!

JudyEddy said...

LOL funny Pinellas Co Animal control and its story is on tv on Nancy Grace Swift Justice show I know him

glo said...

Hi folks Chicken blogger here I just couldn't come and follow even the Decorah Cam on a daily basis until eaglet number 3 at least had a few days survival. Has one very mean and another learned to be mean to survive sibs to deal with but wouldn't be with us if it wasn't managing to get some food. And then of course there was the weekend storms I live in the midwest and now the owl or whatever. Geeesh what a nest indeed.
and being a long term blogger here I knew the info was being Blogged. You are up to speed on most of the wildlife cams out there

So Dex and I are back from a great trip to the Marina this morning and now gorgeous weather this pm so going out to work in the yard.
sounds like that Trouble is still living life on the edge too. Goodness me. Will be Alpha Eagle for sure IF it manages to stay in the nest until time to fledge anyway.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bommy, I think everyone wants to believe that is not POJ.

Leona said...

I don't think thats POJ.

Leona said...

I don't remember seeing it written today.. Was Belle or T in the nest today?

Christine said...

JudyE, Why is animal control on CNN?

JudyEddy said...

no visit today that I could see either

JudyEddy said...

has to do with a hording animal its on the show that she is as a judge Swift Justice on the Fox channel- the animal control was testifying about the filth that part is over and the people lost has to pay 5 thousand the max allowed to clean up the mess left the co took the animals

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

Neither of them showed up this morning for their early morning 6:30 visit - Nest was empty till at least 8AM.

Liz said...

Why does Decorah mom have a cockeyed feather?

Lolly said...

Lynn.....we do not use a tread mill. We got rid of it. Jack and I "walk" in place. It is great excercise. DVD's are available for doing so. It involves side steps, kicking, knee lifts as well as arm excercises with a stretchy band. Hey it works!

DanaMo said...

Hey everyone Good afternoon. Back from Baltimore. Terrible ride down this morning in the pouring rain and don't you know some of my chicks hatched while I was gone today! We have 3 so far. My aide sent me pics by phone! I will go to school in a couple of hours and see them and take pictures to post to my blog.

DanaMo said...

I need a nap after all that stressful driving. Between the rain and driving in Baltimore! None of that bothered me years ago now I get so stressed out!

Red said...

Has anyone noticed how difficult it is to buy something thats NOT made in China. I'm so glad we can still buy American made automobiles. I have been buying Chrysler products for years because my brother in law worked for them and we can get the employee discount. I drive a Dodge Dakota pickup and Diane drives a Jeep Grand Cherokee which is still a Chrysler product. We both have had Chrysler products for at least 30 years.

Lori O. said...

Hey DanaMO, Congrats on the chicks. They're so cute. Your students will be thrilled!

I'm not a city driver either, sorry you had a rough ride.

Red, I have noticed there's hardly anything MADE IN THE USA anymore, but I always look. Half the things out there I don't need anyway! :)

Kay said...

Red, you are SO right ! Every now and then I vow to buy only "Made in USA", but never succeed. You can't even shop in our grocery or drugstores without coming home with something made in a foreign country.

Kay said...

Oh, DanaMo, sorry it was a stressful day ! You didn't miss any nestcapades today---where are they ??? Looking forward to seeing the chick pics !

Kay said...

Lolly, please share the name of you favorite "walking dvd". I love walking, but live in a neighborhood with no sidewalks and often drive to one of several metro parks for walking. Weather in Columbus doesn't make for year round walking and I really got out of shape during this last rough winter.

Kay said...

That is, the name of "your favorite...", Lolly !

Red said...

Well I sure hope some of the importing countries are buying American. I would buy all American here too but like you say, it's hard to find anything made in the USA anymore.
I believe I can see something wrong with this. Something to do with union made products. lol

movin said...

Red, CA is terrible for being difficult to find and buy American goods anymore. I hate it that way, and it sure wasn't anything like that out here when I was growing up....

Here's one good link to a place on.line where I've bought stuff and am happy with it. There are more, and I think I have some more links myself, which I don't see right now.... Google will find them for you.


movin said...

There's one place that makes clothing, where I bought a couple of excellent (X-large sizes too), waterproof jackets for a very reasonable price (approximately, $60, which likely beats the imports pricewise too).

I've always been a happy soul with American made stuff. I don't know why the compulsion to produce everything overseas...don't imagine it has anything to do with slave labor wages, do you.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Now I had time-out with our son visiting.

DanaMO anxious to see the chicks/eggs.

Red said...

Thanks for the link Jim.

Mema Jo said...

I am taking a break - BBILW

Judie said...

Good very late afternoon or early evening, if you prefer.

Home from school. End is almost here. Mostly office hours now. One more day of lecture.

Christine, sounds like good news about your Dad. Hope he continues to improve.

JudyE, nice you could have lunch with your daughter. Hope you two enjoyed some time together.

Red, don't forget to let us know how your dinner turns out.

DanaMo, congratulations on the chicks but sorry you had so much driving stress. Sounds a lot like D.C.

Andy, how's school? Did you decide to ease off and use another semester? How's Emma?

Jim, I try to catch a glimpse of two of Phoebe's nest. Just looked a few minutes ago. Could only see one egg and each time I look, it is unattended. Normal or just my bad timing?

Need to read back to see about Shirley. Hope she's okay.

Hi Jo, and Lynn, and Sharon and any others I missed.


Kay said...

I latched on to it, too, Jim. Thanks !

movin said...

Texas Jeans is another one that is making it here.

I'll see you guys later. Got to go now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Well, checked back on posts. So:

Shirley, hope whatever had you not so chipper this morning is all gone by now. Will be looking for an update. Hugs!

stronghunter said...


Just came from a departmental meeting. Almost forgot because I had a student who wanted to make up a test, and I took the time to accommodate her.

I will be okay. The day went better than I expected.

Liz said...

Judee, I've been watching Phoebees nest for 2 days and I have only seen one egg. She's darling isn't she?

Red said...

My crockpot full of corned beef and cabbage is starting to smell so goooooooooooooooood and I have two or three hours to wait.

Red said...

Here's whats cooking.

1 medium onion, cut into wedges
4 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered
1 pound baby carrots
3 cups water
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 (3 pound) corned beef brisket with spice packet, cut in half
1 small head cabbage, cut into wedges
1.Place the onion, potatoes and carrots in a 5-qt. slow cooker. Combine water, garlic, bay leaf, sugar, vinegar, pepper and contents of spice packet; pour over vegetables. Top with brisket and cabbage. Cover and cook on low for 8-9 hours or until meat and vegetables are tender. Remove bay leaf before serving.

Liz said...

Red, what's your address? I'll be there.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a link to a story about a nest on a crane Osprey nest they are trying to relocate it but the feds won't let them


JudyEddy said...

they just took the three eggs out of the nest and give to the Audubon in Fl

JudyEddy said...

they crane owner is willing to pay a 4,000 fine instead of loosing 8,000 a day So he had someone remove it Poor osprey are flying around looking for their eggs

hedgie said...

Back from my errands---and it started raining two minutes after I left the house!!! But not downpours....so could have been worse! And at least it wasn't doing it when I loaded two grocery bags into truck and then brought them in the house!

Red....I'll allow the Chrysler products!!! That's acceptable!
Jim gave me the Made in USA link before, and I've gotten stuff from them---mostly for the grands. Thumbs up!

Shirley, glad that you are in a better spirit. (((HUGS)))

DanaMo....so sorry you missed your first hatchings. I can sure sympathize about your Baltimore trip....frankly, I'll take DC any day over Balt. Have nenver been lost in DC (of course, I gre up there!) and have been badly lost in Balt. more than once!!

Glo, hope you didn't overdo in the yard!

hedgie said...

Judie, whatcha' planning for dinner tonight? Good one for soup here!!

Jo, nice that you had a big kid day!

Red said...

In that situation I kinda agree with the crane owner. The ospreys will recover and the eggs will probably be incubated.

JudyEddy said...

They had an area about 150 yd away from the crane that they made for the nest a pedestal of sort and they were going to move the nest and all but then trouble so he did it fast and I also agree with it

hedgie said...

JudyE, I think I saw that episode of Swift Justice.....think it's a repeat, but I'll tape it and see! Guide says it aired in Sept.

hedgie said...

Oh, JudyE----that is sad........how unfair to those parents. Bet he's gonna be in more trouble than a fine! If the crane was idle long enough for them to build a nest, then it's his tough luck---it obviously wasn't needed; so how can he figure NOW that he's losing so much money? A nest doesn't happen overnight!

hedgie said...

Red, you can always sneak a chef's taste!!!! Bet it will be delicious!

Red said...

I'm afraid I would mess up the cabbage wedges. They are on top. I can wait. Maybe!

DanaMo said...

@Red-You are so right. After Good Morning America did a segment on buying American I have been trying so hard to do that. I've had to purchase a couple of items recently and was unable to buy American. It really is upsetting. I am making an effort, but finding it difficult to find things that are American products.

Red said...

I know DanaMo, I usually buy my clothes from LL Bean but recently noticed they are all imported too. I guess its hard to blame the manufactures as the labor is so much cheaper in other countries. I'm not sure who's to blame but I don't believe the unions here have helped matters. Just my opinion.

Red said...

I think I'll take a break and watch the local news and weather.

magpie said...

Congratulations on the three successful hatches, DanaMo... sorry you had to miss it and also had to deal with rainy city traffic...
but glad you are home !

Ha Ha, by shopping at Goodwill often, I can find lots of things made in the USA - - they are sometimes, older products

Good Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

it is soooo neat that so many of your family members are close by enough to visit often !

magpie said...

we - my workplace - passed the police communications audit...
good for another 3 years unless we mess up...
nice, they took my word to a lot of the questions they asked...
didn't have to dig through a bunch of paper files to prove it

they were headed to Romney tonight, the auditors,(who are based out of Charleston WV) to stay at the famous Cool Wink Motel...and check on some other agencies in that area

magpie said...

was wearing my POW/MIA t-shirt yesterday. Two of the people behind the counter, at McDonald's - asked me what it meant....explained what the letters stood for...then had to explain it more explictly....
I think they might have understood it a little better after that
A couple of other customers, clearly understood what it was all about....
they acknowledged, more or less, just with making eye contact with me...

magpie said...

So, it was a Great Horned Owl at Decorah I understand from posts?

I was listening to owl sounds to try to identify what that one haunting single hoot was on the video, around the 4:30 min mark and at the very end....
and, I can't find just a single hoot. Would appreciate an education on that if anyone can help me out.

Kay said...

This from NBG:

Banding of the eaglets has been set for April 21 at 9:00 AM EDT. A satellite transmitter will not be fitted on an eaglet this year.

I imagine most of you have watched this intersting process in the past. For those who haven't, you'll find it fascinating !

Margy ! Glad the audit is done and the results positive !

No sign of our fine feathered friend, Belle and/or T today, huh ?

hedgie said...

Please go to this link and VOTE against Michael Vick:


magpie said...

I need to disappear and be in the horizontal for awhile...
tiring day....will be back, but if there is a visit I might miss it.

RED - I can smell your corned beef and cabbage all the way up here in West Virginia !

Good to see Glo pop on for a minute or two ..

Best wishes for a good evening, everyone.

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Hi Kay
nope, no visit, unless they snuck in when no one was watching...
Okay, bye and see you later

Glad Shirley's day ended up better than she expected !!

hedgie said...

Margy, I've never heard of that motel......??????
And I can't believe that people don't know what POW/MIA means. Have they been living under a rock??
Congrats on the audit results!!!

Yes, Kay, we have watched NBG banding!!!

Kay said...

Hedgie, google "cool wink motel" and you'll find it's in Romney and there is one site that gives it's history. Also known as the Koolwink. Maybe I didn't read closely enough, but I didn't see how it got that name.

Yes, Hedgie, I know all you "oldies" have seen the banding, but thought maybe a few newbies haven't.

I'm thinkin' the same thing about the POW-MIA thing, unless there is another meaning that has escaped me. Maybe there are some very young people amongst us who don't know this term ??????

JudyEddy said...

magpie are those lilac If so I'm so jealous my mom use to have bushes I love the aroma I wish we could grow in Fl but no luck Looks like no visit tonight Camera on tripod waiting and I want to remember to mute the camera also this time Lets hope for a late visit Lurking and watch the news

JudyEddy said...

I can see the rain on the camera big drops

magpie said...

I came back...
Yes it might be spelled differently from what I posted Kay... an older motel...I will check it out when I come back later...thanks for the research !

One of the attendants was in high school, and the other was foreign....
that might explain it I guess...but that's still not really okay...

magpie said...

HiI JudyE -
these are a wildflower, called Dame's Rockets, but my grandson, James, now 11 yoa) - when I told him two years ago what this wilflower was,
thought I was saying James Rockets, so that is what we call them now !

PA Nana said...

Good evening!

This is Terrific Tuesday TV so most will be glued to the tv.

magpie said...

yup, rain coming down pretty good here now...I am about 10 miles or so from the nest at most

You all might have seen an earlier post...there was info on the NCTC website that all the classes scheduled for this week were canceled...due to the threat of the government shutdown late last week...
would be a bummer to have had to miss out on classes ... it's a great campus for learning !

might be nice...if we could get sound back on now

ttfn for real now...

Kay said...

Okay, Mr. Koolwink it the cute little guy with top hat who is on their sign, ads, etc.. It isn't posh, but it might be nostalgic and fun to stay there ! I reckon those auditors are on a restricted budget or they'd be staying somewhere a bit more prestigious !!
You weren't wrong on the name Margy, it's listed both ways. Get some rest !!!

PA Nana said...

Well, this one posted. When I tried this afternoon I got a strange message from Google. Can't remember the exact message but I didn't follow through.

Finally visited my family doctor today. Was frustrated with the increased back pain and general malaise. Geez... a bladder/kidney infection. Who knew? I did. 10 days of Cipro and I should be good as new (?old). This getting old(er) sux!

hedgie said...

Check out this juvie!

JudyEddy said...

I love the color of the nest this time of the day sooo pretty They did a great job with the camera

Kay said...

PA Nana, glad they zeroed in on the problem. I second that emotion about growing old !

In an earlier post Hedgie mentioned a weird google message today, asking for her phone number ???

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann---so sorry about that. But you should start feeling a lot better soon!!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Was surprised we didn't get the predicted off & on again heavy rain. Had some, but not bad, only wind got stronger later.
Saw nest eagles twice today. In AM, both adults standing, but one flew away before I could stop car.
In PM, Mom was busy. A few little leaves in front of nest, but not real bad yet.One of the new redbud trees looked pretty good today.
Speaking of GHO's, they have attacked our ospreys several times. They knock female usually right off nest at night & sometimes get chicks, too. Think we mostly lose Moms.Sometimes chicks are big enough to survive --Dad brings food, but won't sit in nest w/young.

NatureNut said...

I think I'll toddle on down to Red's!!! Might get there for leftovers!! LOL

NatureNut said...

Lynn, clicked on your juvie eagle link. The very next pic is a bear family!!!!
Hope Dr. Rogers and crew get some good pics & videos of our faves during spring & summer.

Kay said...

Hedgie, great picture of that Juvie !

I'm betting the message PA Nana got from google was the same as yours. Still think it weird for them to require phone numbers.

Mema Jo said...

Our dinner is finished and I am going to sit for awhile until I lose these
hiccups that are exploding within my
body. BBL

DanaMo said...

I now have 4 chicks! And another egg is starting to pip. Posted pictures. If you click on my name, then on my blog "DanaMo's pics.

Kay said...

What's for dinner, Jo ?

Hedgie, I just spent some time viewing the gallery on the Juvie site and have added it to my favorites. Great pictures of eagles, bears, bobcats, hawks...

paula eagleholic said...

Margy & Lynn...must have been some "youngsters" who didn't know what POW/MIA meant

Trying to get caught up on chores here since I've been at the beach the last 2 weekends....not going this weekend...Gianni's 1 year old birthday party is Saturday! Can't believe she is 1 year old already!

Have to go shopping for a present, too! Michael and hopefully his GF Laura are coming down Friday night.

Next weekend, my brother and Michael are going to the beach with me...they are going to help paint, rake, etc. No Easter dinner for me this year, due to trying to whip the house in shape.

paula eagleholic said...

The phone number is in case you get locked out of your account, they can call or send you a text message. FB has it too.

DanaMo, great news about your chicks!

Kay said...

DanaMo ! Aren't you proud ? The chicks are adorable. Good job !

paula eagleholic said...

Oh DanaMo, the chicks are so cute!

Is your dog helping someone with their homework? lol

Kay said...

Okay, I understand about the phone number request. I guess all with Google accounts will be receiving that message. So now, we know.

Red said...

Did anyone ever figure out what the black item is thats in the nest. I can zoom in but it gets too blurry to identify. Must be a toy as they keep playing with it. lol

JudyEddy said...

DanaMo Chick pics are soo cute Love it

PA Nana said...

Sorry, had to take a phone call from daughter.

No,KayIM, the Google message did not ask for a phone number and even if it did I wouldn't have given it.

Now, must get ready for Jeopardy and then my Tuesday tv favorites.

Should I not get back after these shows, please know you are in my prayers. Have a good night.

DanaMo said...

Paula-Yes, Boomer was doing Spanish! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, glad you got some meds! You should be feeling better in no time!

Kay said...

Paula, I saw Gianni's pics in "Paula's Prints". What a doll !

Sounds like things are going to move right along at the Beach House with all that good help !

paula eagleholic said...

It's a blob, Red, LOL

Lowreeda, nice pics from the park.

glo said...

Hi Magpie Thanks for the blog back. I have read and followed some today. I have no nests opened right now. Its been a beautiful day here. Got the back yard mowed and trimmed since the gardening out front didn't quite work out as planned.

Hope everyone enjoys their evening. I will watch results for DWTS. I always enjoy that.

Kay said...

I'm following PA Nana's lead and heading for the TV room. I may not get back this evening, but will try to join the early birds in the morning.

I♥YOU EagleBuds!

hedgie said...

Okay---looked up the Koolwink Motel! Neat-o!!!

Time for Jeopardy. Just finished talking to my girls! So good to spend "time" with them---their schedules are SO hard to keep up with!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula so hard to believe a year for her already.

Paula that is better anyhow to get the beach place in shape. It will be hot soon enough and you and the family will want to be there.

Lynn that "Eagle and Conan" video was a funny one.
Thanks for posting lol

I think I'm going to be a very happy camper this year. I came home today and seen a Bluebird
sitting near the Bluebird nesting box. I have been praying for one this year. So I'll keep watch and let you know. Fingers crossed ( :

Margy fabulous on the audit ( :

Christine great news about your Dad. Continuing prayers for him.

Wow JudyE that nest sure is costing a pretty penny. So he is going to get a $4,000 fine for removing the Osprey eggs. He might be paying more when it all comes out.

Oh no pain for that long. So glad you went to doctor. Diann I don't know if getting "older" sux but all this pain--between what we've talked about and not being able to do normal things--now that sux. Prayers for fast healing Hugs.

DanaMo great going on your hatchlings ( :

Thanks for posting all the different links.

DanaMo said...

Well no eagles...guess I will sign off. Good night everyone. "See" you in the morning.

JudyEddy said...

I won't give up it was late last night and the night before when they showed up 750 last night

JudyEddy said...

802 was last night visit I just looked on the video I posted on face book so they still could show

wvgal_dana said...

I'll be checking in...tonight is a good tv night.

Got live feed and still cam up

Leona said...

See my new avatar. I just ordered seeds.

JudyEddy said...

what kind of flower is it?? really pretty

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Truder in nest.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

He must of used the nest like a trampoline because he wasn't there
when I just looked, Shirley

JudyEddy said...

I got a video of it In and Out visit

Mema Jo said...

The flower is beautiful Leona

Mema Jo said...

Maybe he'll return. Or maybe Belle will drop in. Night light should be on. It is very very overcast here.

I will be leaving for TV in a few

Leona said...

It's called "Black Currant Swirl Datura".

Red said...

NCIS time. I'm outta here.

JudyEddy said...

The video I just posted on the Nctc and the NCTC page there are still two face book pages the one all caps doesn't post on our news feeds but the other does

JudyEddy said...

and I muted the camera so it is silent

stronghunter said...

Only one minute between the time I recorded his arrival until I recorded his departure, Jo, so your description is pretty good.

stronghunter said...

Need to take care of some stuff. BBL>

Leona said...

TV time BBL

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I think our sound is still off...

wvgal_dana said...

Live feed sound is suppose to be off until the 18th. I don't have sound.

JudyEddy said...

I know the sound is off but this this camera the mic picks up everything me keying in and chair squeaking so I just muted it If you check out the first one from last nite you can here all the stuff and the music I had playing LOL

JudyEddy said...

Off to watch the boob tube BBL maybe if not God Bless this nest and all whom watch it

Mema Jo said...

Yes, JudyE I was hearing music on
the video from last night! I knew we
were going to party hardy for Paula's
b-day - but not under the tree! lol

Mema Jo said...

I am on a commercial break......
shut down my cams........
Will check on Decorah next break

Lolly said...

Good evening! Gardening won out the debate this morning and now, here I sit with ice on my hurting back. Groan.....!

Definitely shopping tomorrow. No yard work for my back.

Kay...the walking DVD is..
Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds Ultimate Collection. It has on it a 1, 2, 3, or 4 mile walk. You choose! We do the 2 mile walk. I have seen the DVD at Target as well as Walmart.

Lolly said...

I can just see Red explaining to his wife who all the women at his house are and why they are there. Red you are the greatest cooling dinner for your wife!!!

Lolly said...

Make that "vooking". LOL

magpie said...

I think I can cool much better than I can vook
good one, Lolly
hope your ice packs help with the gardening stiffies

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I also have Decorah nest up.

magpie said...

well sure sounds a like a quickie visit from the Truder, thanks for that nest news JudyE and Shirley...

just wonder, why in and out and not stay...mystery behavior for sure

magpie said...

my eyeballs are in protest, wish they could keep up with the rest of my body
back later on...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL...gotcha JudyE

Judie said...

Shirley, glad you checked in and happy the day wasn't as bad as you anticipated. Hope the evening is better.

Liz, nice to know I'm not alone thinking Phoebe's nest appears to have one egg. Yes, I really like to watch her. The babies grow so quickly.

Red, hope you have some leftovers. Liz and I will be there soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Dinner at the Darth residence was fried chicken tenders with honey mustard dipping sauce and broccoli. Sorry Lynn -- a vegetable.

Lynn, happy to know you got the groceries in before the rain.

Congratulations Margie. Three more years of heaven only knows what hours you'll be working. We love ya for what you do.

JudyE, lilacs may not survive in FL, don't know. Do know they take years to bloom. I think I remember about 7 years. Megan would know.

Hi Diann, so happy you have finally got something that will give you relief. Looking forward to have the new old you back again.

Paula, I agree it's hard to believe Gianni will be one year. Hope you get caught up on chores. Yep, Kay, Paula could only have an adorable granddaughter.

Well, the "item" in the nest certainly isn't a teddy bear.

Need to put my feet up. Have to keep up with Mema Jo.


hedgie said...

Margy, are you due for an eye exam???

Sure glad I got mine done---things are much better now with even just a minor change. Carolyn and the girls both go tomorrow.

Lolly, sorry your back worked too hard. Hope it's fine by morning.

Glo...what happened in the front yard?

wvgal_dana said...

Mom is getting sleepy at Decorah. Head came up real fast!!! She is looking at something-like she is ready to attack if needed. Chicks are partly under her and partly out.

paula eagleholic said...

Snapped a couple of pics of the grandkids and put them on my blog.

back to laundry...

wvgal_dana said...

I really like the athletic shoes I had. Fit so good and so comfortable when at the Wellness Center at Winchester. I went back and brought another pair of New Balance 576. Now they don't make that number anymore. I have tried different brands. Taking shoes back, and back.

It makes my feet, legs and back hurt so badly.

Have a pair now and they seem to be it. After wearing off an on. They are bothering my back terribly. Don't know what I'm going to do.

Well back to tv

hedgie said...

Missed Jeopardy. SIL showed up to fix a piece of the fence that he hadn't done the way I wanted. Ended up talking for half an hour. Taped it, so guess I'll catch it later. NCIS was interesting......the masks were unreal!!!
Wonder if we are going to get shocked by the results of DWTS?
Hope not!

glo said...

Hedgie Wheel barrow has flat tire. Top soil and mulch are too heavy for me to carry so I mowed outback instead today. Have to revise tomorrows plan I guess. Got a trunk full of mulch and a garage that needs some top soil removed soon.

hedgie said...

Your ordered flower is lovely, Leona!! Never heard of it. But then since I don't have a green thumb, I don't really know much about flowers!!

hedgie said...

Shirley....hope everything is okay. (((HUG))) if you need it!

hedgie said...

It is pouring.....don't know if it's heading your way, Loretta, or not....I think the radar showed more northeast direction.

Can't believe that Gianni is going to be 1 y.o. already, either! What a darlin'!

Yeah, I bet Mrs. Red Diane would be shocked to know that we all want to come to dinner at her house!!

JudyEddy said...


Check it out

magpie said...

We're SPLITTING soon

Mema Jo said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 419   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...