Thursday, April 14, 2011



There is a new update up on the NCTC Eaglecam site.

Yesterday we were contacted by the National Park Service at Antietam.  They recently found a dead bald eagle near the Burnside Bridge parking lot and wanted to let NCTC know.  We went over and examined the bird, which had been dead for about two weeks , they are estimating.  We took a series of measurements, and those show that this could very well be a male bird.  Final identification is not possible without a necropsy.  The standard procedure for this type of thing is to transfer the bird to the FWS Eagle Repository in Denver.  This will happen very soon.

We will never know if this bird is our missing male, but it could be.  I will post more as we get more info.


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Red said...

Thanks Steve, So sad. I'll call the others.

GrannieKay said...

Thank you Steve for posting the update. I'm just praying it is not our Liberty.

JudyEddy said...

Such sad news I hopes its not Lib
Thanks for new thread

Red said...

Live cam has gone wanky too Paula.

GrannieKay said...

I wonder if anyone got a picture. Didn't lib have just one small black feather?

paula eagleholic said...

REd, the live cam has been wonky, and I think the still cam is as well. There is more info on the update than Steve posted on the front page of the blog.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Lib didn't have any dark feathers mixed in with his white ones. I wonder if they took any pictures?

PammySue said...

Oh no. Please don't let it be Liberty.

Liz said...

Is it possible to identify if this male had a brood patch? Would Lib still have had a brood patch?

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GrannieKay said...

I'm sure you girls would know if you seen him.

GrannieKay said...

I found some info at this URL

paula eagleholic said...

Excellent question, Liz.

I sent an email to Steve, and when he replies, I will ask him that question.

paula eagleholic said...

Steve put the link on the front page of the blog, but here it is.

April 14th update from NCTC

PammySue said...

Brought over from the other link:

I finally watched that PBS documentary about eagles that someone (I think it was Christine) gave the link for. I loved it. And guess who was in it? Bob Anderson.

I knew there was competition for food amongst the eaglets, but I did not realize that the stronger one would sometimes attack the smaller one. :(

Thank you, Christine (I think). :)


I was in such a good mood after watching this. :(

PammySue said...

I'm assuming they will be able to determine the age of the eagle. If the approximate age does not match, we will know it is not Lib.

Mema Jo said...

This may be closure but it certainly is NOT the kind I wanted.

Steve - Try to find out if this
male eagle had a brood spot. Liberty would have had one from the incubation.

Just read that Liz asked the same and
yes Paula that is probably our best way
to ID.

paula eagleholic said...

I did email Steve that question.

I think the only thing they can determine by DNA analysis is the sex of the bird, not the age.

Christine said...

I found the post, thanks Paula. Sounds like someone is sitting on and pecking at the camera.

paula eagleholic said...

The dead eagle did NOT have a brood patch! They thought the eagle may have been dead for 2 was not pretty, according to Steve.

I feel better now.

PammySue said...

Paula, that is good news. I'm glad you guys knew to look for a brood patch. So smart. :)

Kay said...

Oh, no, what a depressing message we've received. If it is Lib, we can begin to forgive Belle for her behavior where Truder is concerned. It's disturbing to realize, "We will never know if this bird is our missing male, but it could be. I will post more as we get more info.", per Steve's message.

I guess we're left to hope and pray it isn't our beloved eagle. Hope the experts in Denver can figure out just "who" it is and the cause of death. There'll be nothing but heavy hearts til' we know more. GrannieKay raises a good point "you girls would know if you could see him". I wish that were possible as hard as it would be for any of us to look.

I'm not familiar enough with the area. How far is the site Steve mentioned from the nest ?

Hope you all have a good supply of tissues on hand, I'm already making a dent in mine.

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...

OMGosh! That is unreal! I bet it is our "Liberty" So sad, I pray that it is not, I hope we hear soon.

Kay said...

Thanks, Paula ! The fact that there is no brood patch is significant and cause for hope ! I'm somewhat relieved already.

GrannieKay, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experience with, and knowledge of, birds ! We're lucky to have our own Momster bird expert !

PammySue said...

Paula, would Liberty have definitely still had a brood patch?

Lori O. said...

Paula - Lib had a brood patch the last day we saw him at NCTC!

Megan & I both commented on what was gleaming or different colored on his chest.

AND - thank you Paula for being such a good leader and having it so together.

paula eagleholic said...

He had one on March 20th...if this eagle was dead for 2 weeks, that would be around March 30th...I can't imagine a brood patch disappearing in 10 days time.

Lori O. said...

You're such a good detective Paula.

I would stake everything that he had a brood patch that day, March 20. It couldn't have been our Lib they found...tho I am sad for whoever he was.

DanaMo said...

OK so I'm showing my newbie status. What is a brood patch? And does this mean that it's not Lib?

"Not pretty" as in how?

Kay Antietam Battlefield is just across the river. Our next is on one side and the battlefield is on the MD side. Less than I couple of miles and by the way a bird flies probably even less.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Per Steve... they did NOT see a brood patch when they examined the the eagle...Steve has asked that they reconfirm whether or not there was a brood patch.

DanaMo said...

Darn.,..I would like to stay around and hear what everyone has to say, but I have a class tonight.

The chick is drinking water. I'm a little concerned about his one wing, and unless someone here advises me otherwise I'm going to keep it in the incubator until morning. I'm afraid the others will attack it since it is weak.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just have to tell you that my emotions are really sucking these days.

DanaMo said...

Also any word on why the cam is all messed up?

paula eagleholic said...

Steve said the bird was not in the best of shape...

Mema Jo said...

Liberty did not really have any marks that we could ID him. The brood patch
wasn't there so - not Lib I say.
The area where he was found is not too
far - Megan will probably give us mileage as it is near her area. No, the way a bird flies it's only a short distance. We have to remember that there are many Eagle nests around that
our area.

paula eagleholic said...

No answer on the cam, I did tell him it was a mess!

Kay said...

Thank you DanaMO, that is in very close proximity. I think "not pretty" would apply to any being that had been lying dead for a couple of weeks. So sad, no matter if it's Lib or not.

paula eagleholic said...

It looks to be about 3 miles from the nest....of course, it's longer in a vehicle. The eagle was found in Sharpsburg, MD.

PammySue said...

Well, I feel better knowing that there were no visible signs of a brood patch.
I am grateful to Paula, Lori, and Steve for their knowledge. ♥

Red said...

If the deceased eagle has been decomposing for two weeks the brood patch might not be recognizable and might have been overlooked. Just a thought.

movin said...

I tried to post this a couple of hours ago, but it wouldn't go through:

It appears that Pete's Pond will be back on the air soon. Combining with another cam in S. Africa to finance the satellite transmissions.

I miss that site, and I'll be glad to see it again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

Dana the brood patch is a good sized area on the eagles chest that clears itself of feathers in preparation for brooding duties. It allows the eggs and eaglets, while in the nest cup, to be up close and warmed by the parents. This is far from a scientific definition ! You can find pictures and explanations by touring the NBG site, perhaps going over past comments. Questions about the brood patch come up several times a week there.

paula eagleholic said...

Red, they are going to recheck the eagle, but you're right...we don't know how decomposed the eagle may be...we will find out soon whether they could determine that or not.

movin said...

I also hope that the eagle in the NCTC report was not Liberty. Belle and he formed the perfect Bald Eagle pair.

I don't think that there is any way they can tell definitely in the absence of bands.

How far away would this site that the report described be from our nest territory??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

GrannieKay said...

Note from Iris
I just emailed with Iris. She can't get on the blog or E_M right now but wanted you all to know she is thinking of you all with this sad news.

DanaMo said...

Steve's comment says "we will never know" if it's our resident male. Oh I hope we can determine it somehow. We will have to start being nice towards Turd...he may be the new resident male :(

DanaMo said...

Gotta go...don't talk to much I won't be able to catch up! Ha Ha :)

movin said...

Is anyone else having troubles with the pic on the live feed??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

Sharon, you are not alone ! We're all feeling the pain. My opinion is, no matter what is learned we are still TEAM LIBERTY!!!. We can get strength through sticking together ! ♥♥♥♥

{{{{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}}}}

paula eagleholic said...

I think the brood patch would be a telltale sign...and apparently Steve does as well, since he is asking them to recheck the eagle. I hope they can say yes or no to that fact.

movin said...

You can get a good look at the relative size and development of all three chicks at BWE now... Female, Male and small, small male.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I don't know whether to poop or wind my watch!! (that is a TomRiffeism!!) This is such a roller coaster. So much sadness and heartache this year! I am praying this is not Liberty. I love you all so much and am grateful to have such wonderful friends to share our grief with.

I am feeling better and better every day. Still most stuff I eat bothers me and causes me pain, so I am staying with the really soft diet.

Magpie, where ever you are, thanks so much for my card and post cards. They are wonderful! Our Magpie is such a thoughtful person!!!

floralgirl said...

Darn:( not far from my house

Red said...

Yes Jim, The live cam is all messed up and we believe the still cam is not updating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is like a fogged up spot on the cam now.

Red said...

still cam may be updating now but looks like spidey might be involved. lol

FuzzleMT said...

Well, I'm lookin' for Liberty to land in the nest some day, look into the cam and say, "hi, what's up!"

Red said...

well bothe cams are working now but looks like something on the lens..

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It appears to be dissipating.

Judie said...

Paula, you have mail.

Thank you Steve for the new new thread and for the update regarding the eagle found near Antietam. Sad about the eagle but holding out hope it is not Liberty.

Lynn, thank you for the link regarding Jason.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey the cam is back up...looks like some condensation on the lens?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks NCTC for getting the cam back on

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That condensation represents all our tears and is now drying up since we have some hope it is not Lib.


PA Nana said...

Good afternoon and thanks for the update Steve.

Realize this may be just as disturbing to NCTC. I, along with the momsters and dadsters, appreciate all you do to keep us informed and online.

Paula, appreciate your knowledge and help you give us to try and understand this situation. A dead animal is always traumatic and this week has been full of nature's cruelty.

Looks like the nest is in a cloud.
Or... is Boris or his brother back?

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if that is caused by the nest drying out? Moisture evaporating off the nest?

JudyEddy said...

ok what is a brood patch and I'm assuming that Lib had one

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A brood patch is a patch of featherless skin that is visible on the underside of birds during the nesting season. This patch of skin is well supplied with blood vessels at the surface making it possible for the birds to transfer heat to their eggs when incubating.

Kay said...

Left turn here. Does anyone know where Guela is ? Haven't seen a post from her in days. She was so warm and welcoming when I joined you here. I miss her ! You were all welcoming, of course, but I'm sure we each remember the first person who acknowledged us.

Ah, that's better ! The cam has dried out.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a picture

NBG male Eagle brood patch

paula eagleholic said...

That's the female from NBG

Kay said...

Thank you, Paula !

JudyEddy said...

Looks like she got ahold of wax LOL thanks for the pic and answer

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

Paula, I see we think alike. I'll remove mine.

glo said...

Well as far as I'm concerned NCTC is the home of Lib and Belle. No matter what; that will never change in my heart and, We will never know. If there are many nests then there are many eagles with brood patches in the area. We will never know. Lib will soar in my heart forever and as far as I am concerned no one can ever definitely say where or how he is. Unless he shows at the nest this year I will never know for sure what male is in residence on our nest BUT in my heart it will always be the home of Lib and Belle.

I am no sadder now than I have been for the past 3 weeks. Its the same. No Lib to enjoy no PJ to enjoy. A healthy young male who has for whatever reason at least this season sent this nest into a royal spin :-(. And even if the bird is a male with a brood patch it does not prove it is Lib. Of course we would all be VERY RELIEVED if it is not a male or no brood patch. Sad for the eagle though of course and I certainly hope it did not suffer. Have had my fill of suffering this year too.

I am also not angry at any eagles for being eagles. BUT it has been a lesson in many ways that yep I did not really want to learn.

Liz said...

Movin, I've been watching BWE for years, and I agree that eaglet #3 is very small! Though early on, due to its fiesty behavior, I thought it was a female.

FuzzleMT said...

Amen, Glo . . .

Liz said...

On the subject of brood patches, it is interesting that males get the brood patch through osmosis.....proximity..... to the female getting ready to lay eggs.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is a beautiful spring day here in Bluefield today. We are finally getting to put our boat in the water tomorrow!! Pics will be on FB for sure!

hedgie said...

I'm back. Caught up on old thread.
Now to comment......
Welcome, Donald.

So glad that the little chicken is doing better. Granniekay, great that you knew what to tell DanaMo to do!! You've had some real experience!

Thanks for explaining Decorah Bob to Red....I didn't have time!

I think that the DNR is intentionally messing with Dr, Lynn, and it stinks.

Shirley, hope you SIGNED THE PAPERS!!!

As for the Update.....there is no way that they can determine if this was Liberty. With decomposition, and no biological markers to go by, it could be any of the many eagles that they claim are in the area. While Antietam is not far away, an attack would have taken place close to the home nest....and if wounds were lethal, I don't believe that Lib would have been able to fly even that far. That is JMHO, but I just don't believe it. Scientific proof required.

hedgie said...

Okay, so went to mail after seeing Paula's post of we KNOW it's not Lib. Good verification!

Red said...

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Red, I needed that.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody pointed this out to me and I think it is so funny. *WINK*

The resident female eagle and the new eagle have been observed mating; behavior which indicates the new bird is almost certainly male.

Almost certainly male? Ya think? ROFL.

PammySue said...

I did not get an email from Momsters. ?

Red said...

I chuckled at that too Sharon

Red said...

Taking a break to start dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

That gave me a chuckle too!

hedgie said...

Jim, LOL here.....your announcement about Pete's Pond HAS posted everytime!! 4 at last count but I'm only up to that point!!
I, too, hope that it comes back as I enjoyed it,too. Chrissy liked it VERY much!

Liz said...

Poor Bri dad, still incubating the egg with no help from mom. I've only seen mom once in 3 days.

Kay said...

Pammy Sue, I didn't get that e-mail either. Strange thing about that. One day I got about 90 messages--all duplications of posts on this blog ? I received Lynn's mailing of the cheat sheet, though I've not yet been able to open it. Since then, nothing. Anyone have a clue ?

Kay said...

Lynn, I was waiting for you to get home ! Appreciate and value your input !

Red, those are wise words to live by !

paula eagleholic said...

I was referring to Kay's email.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Starling alert, our nest.

hedgie said...

That's why she's Eagle-Eyed Sharon! ROFL....right on!!!!!

Sorry, but more sad news in the Wild Kingdom, from Mits:

Giraffe Zoe dies at Aquarium

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love what you said Red. I may have to steal that and put it on Facebook!!

hedgie said...

On the other hand, here is a lovely YouTube of Isla and the Egg!

paula eagleholic said...

Kay...check which email address you used form Momsters.

As for the blog comments, there is a box to check or uncheck to get blog comments emailed to you....that is different than momster mail

hedgie said...

The email from Paula came through on Yahoo Momster mail.

If you got blog posts via email, that means you clicked on the box here that says "Email follow-up comments to....and your email address showing."

Kay, re: cheat sheet. SAVE (to your document file) instead of opening. Then locate it, right click and choose Open With and pick your word processing program.

Kay said...

Thanks for responding, Paula ! I don't think I ever checked such a box and I only had that "blog" mail one day, about two weeks ago.

I only have one e-mail address.

Red said...

KayIM, I just emailed you a Word Document version of the Momsters and Dadsters Cheat Sheet. Maybe it will open for you.

Kay said...

Thanks to you, too, Hedgie ! I have "open office 2.2" and can usually open everything that comes in. It won't open the cheat sheet. I've saved it to "documents" and am waiting for an opportune time to ask my SIL aka computer guru, to see what he can do. He's an environmental biologist and now that the snow and ice have cleared and Spring has sprung, he's putting in very long days.

NatureNut said...

Just came back & read the update on earlier TH thread!
OMG, it is sad no matter who it is. I wionder if the have enough info recorded about Lib to do an ID.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, i don't think you are in the momster group, on the link on the front of the eaglet group and ask for an invite....I can't find your email in the group list.

Kay said...

Red, thank you soooo much ! That did it ! Wahoo !

Paula, I was under the impression that I did that weeks ago, but will have another go at it. I thought you and I covered that when you e-mailed me the time I was locked out. By the way, that same thing has happened several more times, but it always clears when I delete "browsing history". Thanks again for that !

hedgie said...

Wow.....just noticed attention to your robins and see if their tails twitch every time they call out or sing. Mine do!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

WOW the end of an era One Life to Live and All My Children going off the air I haven't seen them in 20 some years but I use to watch along with Dark Shadows What a shock

stronghunter said...


I am home and reading all of the new information about the eagle that was found. I guess we just have to sit by and watch what takes place. I very much hope it is not our Lib.

Lynn, I did not sign the papers yet; I have to make a decision about the PLOP. It looks promising. And, yes, I expect to get the buy-out.

I took today off and plan to take tomorrow off as well. I need a couple of sanity days.

Interestingly, I get twenty dollars for each sick day I do not use, but I can pass up a few dollars for a bit of sanity time.

It turns out that I am eligible for full retirement because I worked beyond age 65. That was one of my questions.

I think the knot in my stomach has loosened up a bit now.

hedgie said...

On this date in 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre, where the Pres. and Mrs. were watching "Our American Cousin". He died in the early morning hours of the 15th. A new movie about the prosecution of the conspirators opens tomorrow...The Conspirator, produced by Robert Redford, apparently focuses primarily on Mary Surratt.

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening Everyone. I am very grateful to Steve for sharing that update with us. I do hope that it is not Lib but the timeline surely fits.
And poor little Jason.
that one really grabs the heartstrings, doesn't it?

Lynn, What is a cheat sheet? Where are they? Can I download one?

Hope everyone is doing well and recovering.

JudyEddy said...

Call me crazy but look at the nest can you see a smily face?????

Kay said...

Paula, I dood it ! Hopefully right this time ! Also hope I pass muster as an applicant for membership. I'm not good at concise, so 200 words was hard ! Actually, what I haven't told you all is that on March 14th I lost one of my dearest old friends to cancer. Lois was the kind of friend who could finish your sentences, a true soulmate. In our 25 years of friendship we supported each other when we each lost a younger sister and again when we each lost our beloved husband. We had a major adjustment to make when I moved back to Columbus, leaving her behind in AZ. We talked frequently on the phone and she moved on into the 21st Century by buying a computer so we could talk daily. Just when I was reeling over losing her, I found you wonderful people ! I am so enjoying getting to know you all and having others to share my enthusiasm for Eagles with !

Kay said...

JudyE, if you're crazy, I am, too ! I see that Smilie Face. Hope it's a good omen. ☺

PA Nana said...

Hi again.
Just finished supper - creamed dried beef on toast and now waiting for Jim to warm up the bathroom for me to get a shower.

Got my do did today and I'm itchy from the haircut. I drove myself. ☺ Haven't driven for quite a while but it's just like riding a bike (which I wish I could)! Am now suffering with my hip again.

when I get finished with this infection my doctor wants me to get a x-ray. Thinks, because of back problems, I may have a compressed vertebrae. CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!

Shirley, retire while you still can do things you like!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I think you'll pass, KayIM ☺

I do see the smiley face....with an offcenter smile

Gotta go throw the ball for the dogn...

Kay said...

Lynn, did you also see that Spielberg has chosen Sally Fields and Daniel Day Lewis to play the Lincolns in an upcoming movie ?

paula eagleholic said...

You're in, Kay ☺

Lori O. said...

Liz, the male eagle gets a brood patch because he too sits on the eggs and must keep them warm just like the female does.

Kay said...

Hmmmm, creamed dried beef, or as I call it, chipped beef gravy on toast ! Love it and haven't had it in ages. Thanks for mentioning it PA Nana. Sorry you're suffering with that infection, a hip and back---too much. I'm adding you to my prayer list !

Kay said...

Thank you, Paula ! I feel honored !

Red said...

I saw a smiley face in the nest a week or so ago. This one is much better.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Kay. I can use all the help that's available.

I see the smiley face too.

Almost time for Jeopardy and then Big bang.

Before I go, would someone please send me the wax story. It was on the old computer and I didn't save it. Thanks & TY

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Smiley face with tongue sticking out.

hedgie said...

NC Suzan, I need your email address in order to send you the cheat sheet, please!

Diann, will send you the wax story in a minute. Yippee for driving! Bet you're glad you did! Now get that hip feeling better!

Got a pic of the smiley face nest for album!!

Shirley, sounds excellent!!!! Go for it.

hedgie said...

We always called Diann's dinner "creamed chipped beef"---and always had it on black bread! Yum. Also had Welsh Rarebit on black bread a lot, too. Love them both. Haven't had either one in a long time. Gotta plan on it!

paula eagleholic said...



Costume Lady said...

I was just checking in on my family on facebook and read something about a dead eagle found at Antietam.
Question, is this an official NCTC site or is this Pammy Sue's, whatever she calls it??
Is the information directly from Steve? This NCTC site confuses me, don't know if it is real or hear-say!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jerk in the nest.

Kay said...

Poof at 7:47---caught sight of him just as he flew off to our right.

glo said...

Its from Steve Wanda Link to the post is on the main page of the blog you are blogging on. BUT having said that no one really knows anything except they found a dead eagle which of course is always sad.

JudyEddy said...

he made the smile look like a O

hedgie said...

Just impressed myself! Got 4 out of 5 Jeopardy questions in an art category! I usually flop in that department!!

Costume Lady said...

Thank You, Glo. I wish it was hea-say. I guess the site that I read is the official one:( I need to read some more about it.

paula eagleholic said...

Flugg thief was back too ☺

hedgie said...

Wanda, read back!! Also NCTC page. And Momster mail!

paula eagleholic said...

KayIM, so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

Costume Lady said...

Well, sounds unlikely that the eagle was brood patch.
They didn't say whether or not it looked to have been in a fight. I guess, after two weeks, it would be hard to tell. Results of the Necropsy will be interesting.

Thanks Lynn.

hedgie said...

Belle back!

paula eagleholic said...

belle in the nest!

hedgie said...

And turd bird.

paula eagleholic said...

Truder in.

uh oh, HP

Very clumsy, LOL

he didn't even make it on top...tried climbing on with one talon

NCSuzan said...

Was that an HP attempt???

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, they are going to double check on the brood patch.

Truder moving a stick, Belle grabs it, T grabs it back and sorta places it

JudyEddy said...

fight over stick LOL

paula eagleholic said...

belle digging while T fiddles w/ the stick, she grabs it again

Night light on

She takes the stick to the back of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

She places it while he watches

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jez and Jerk in the nest.

hedgie said...

More stick movement. Got some pics.

hedgie said...

And light just came on.

paula eagleholic said...

He is fiddling with another stick.

I can see white on her feathers where he was digging into her, trying to get on top...on her left

hedgie said...

Belle poofed.

paula eagleholic said...

Off she went at the 12, and now he follows

hedgie said...

And so did turd.

hedgie said...

Smiley face gone.
Saw someone circling on right....

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, did you see one of them swing around and come to the treetop on the right....missed that on the video

paula eagleholic said...

That HP attempt was too funny...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I saw where he had messed up her feathers. Jerk.

Lori O. said...

Dang I just missed them.

Well, didn't really want to see HP!
Not tonight Truder, I have a headache! LOL

Off to bed to get up "dark and early." Prayers for Lib's health and safety and for everyones needs.

Night all. ♥ dreams.

hedgie said...

Kay, so sorry about your losing your dear friend. I think many of us came here having suffered something in some way.....and found just what we needed. The friendship, compassion, humor, faith and love has saved many of us from Lord only knows what. We are family!! ((((HUGS))))

hedgie said...

Kay---I hadn't heard about the Spielberg movie.....wonder how soon it's coming? It should be great. Good cast!

GrannieKay said...

I don't care how good of a husband the "Jerk" LOL turns out to be or how good of a provider or father I just know you girls will never think he is good enough for your Belle. LOL It so reminds me of my parents.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, the wax story is the cheat sheet? LOL I read that story a couple of years ago and thought it too funny. This time I will keep it!

hedgie said...

Stinkbug just attacked me. Got him!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from an Alexis evening.
She is something else - sharp as a tack
1st grade next year.
Oh and the soon to be 3yr old down at
Ft Bragg sang the abc song to me today.
Such small happenings that make me so

JudyE is your vacation winding down

KayIM - there are many many stories
similar to yours as to those of us being so thankful for finding this blog at a certain time in our lives.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley Very happy for you and
for the new life you will soon be able
to enjoy! You deserved another day off whether it costs you $20 because it will be worth it.

Costume Lady said...

It is my belief that the Lord led us all here for a purpose...that being to have someone to bond with and to talk to in a time of joy and a time of need.
we are all believers in a Superior Being and that is why He led us here♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to look for 2 TV shows tonight
to help take my mind off of things.

Decorah mom trying her best to bury
the chicks to protect from the dipping
temps. Remarkable actions.

NCSuzan said...

Just posted the bluebird nest and eggs. check it out. We are so excited!

paula eagleholic said...

Faithful Maine Dad still tending the nest and egg...Mom had been on the egg a couple of times, but hasn't wiggled in.... She does guard the egg for awhile, then flies off, then Dad returns and sad. Don't think the egg will hatch.

hedgie said...

Oops, Suzan.....sent you the wrong thing!!!! Sorry---trying again!
Could have sworn someone said they needed it!

NCSuzan said...

Paula, has dad eaten? Does she stay long enough for that?

NCSuzan said...

Thanks Lynn. I thought that was strange but also thought there may be more humor that i did not know about! LOL!

Kay said...

Lynn, I didn't see any date for release of the Spielberg film, but since they are just now announcing the cast members it will probably be a while. It should be an epic film with that cast and that director !

Thanks for your kind words about the loss of my friend, Lynn, Paula and Mema Jo. I just wanted you to know how much I needed this blog and to understand why I sometimes get too chatty. Living alone and not having that other person to bounce ideas off of has turned me into a real Chatty Cathy at times. Thanks for your patience with me !!!!

It also helps to know there are others out there going through their own trials and tribulations. Our goal is to support and enjoy the Eagles, but we wind up with a great personal support group as well.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, I was thinking that, if the eagles body is decomposed, it may be difficult to see a brood patch. I just really don't feel good about this...too much of a coincidence and too close to home:(

Costume Lady said...

Kay, we love having you as a new friend and there is no such thing as being too chatty!

Judie said...

So, dinner is over and I return to find: Red and Kay are not so secretly emailing each other, Diann is headed for a Big Bang, Lynn's robins have twitchy tail disorder, Shirley is thinking about a PLOP and several bloggers are experiencing visual hallucinations in the form of smiley faces. Well, perhaps a little humor will help us.

Diann, hope you get past that infection.

Sally Fields in town yesterday doing research on Mary Todd Lincoln. Chose not to visit the President's box or view Lincoln's assassination exhibit.

Kay, hoping you will soon remember only the good times with Lois. My sympathy.

Ah, Dark Shadows- sigh! Absolutely loved that silly show. Believe a revival did not work out. Just wasn't the same.

Creamed chipped beef. Wanda, ask the Capt. about S.O.S.

Okay, it has been a long day so going to put my swollen ankle up for a while. First 48 Mema Jo.

hedgie said...

Your bluebird eggs are beautiful, Suzan! Have you had that many before???

Paula, sad that the Maine dad is exerting so many energy for a fruitless venture. :(

Wanda and Jo, you also stated things perfectly!

Kay said...

Paula, does the Maine mom bring any food to the nest ? It's a shame she was so traumatized. We are told not to humanize their experiences, but this sure seems like something some human moms go through, too, according to what we hear through the media, etc.

stronghunter said...

Ah, it is good to see Judie back in form again.

Kay, I am happy to find someone from Columbus. I will gladly chat with you, and I hope to have more time for that soon.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, We had to take GG to the hospital today for x-rays. May have a broken hip from the fall she had a while back. She was in a good deal of pain in that area and said she didn't think she could stand it any longer. I tried to google some info and it told me NOTHING!
Her doctor is not in office tomorrow, so I probably won't hear anything til Monday. I guess all I can do is to tell her to stay off her feet as much as possible. I did talk her into using her cane (which she has had for 2 years and NEVER used). Anything else that I can do to make her more comfortable?

stronghunter said...

Oh, Wanda, I hope GG is okay.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda there are probably lots of other eagles' nest in the area that we are not aware of their existence.

DanaMo said...

looks like I missed some "action". I
will have to catch up in the morning, I just bought another new book...problem with the Kindle. Finish one and the next one is right at your fingertips. My husband said it's the gift that keeps on giving (or taking) LOL
Night all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, DanaMo.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, sure hope GG is OK.

Maine Dad brings food and Mom snags it....I assume he is eating while off the nest...he may have eaten something on the nest, but I may have missed that....been skimming the posts.

NCSuzan said...

Where we lived before we never saw a bluebird though they were arouind in small quantities. My daughter's father in law gave us the birdhouse so we put it up not really expecting a bluebird. even though they are in bigger numbers here. So yes. our first bluebird and we are nervous. Just like new parents!!

paula eagleholic said... 5 eggs! They are very robin's eggs!

Costume Lady said...

Judie, my dad was very familiar with SOS. GG made it many times:)
Gene, being mess Sgt. was involved with making it often.
He said they used to make chip beef gravy and called it Slippery SOS:)

Robyn said...

Good evening everyone, finally got to log in after some running around today.

Wanda I hope GG is comfortable and doing OK.

Kay sorry to hear about your friend, I lost a very dear friend May 7 last year one week after his 52 birthday to cancer and it still hurts, he was like a brother to me.

I am glad there is a good chance the eagle they recovered may not be Liberty.

I start my remicade treatment tomorrow, was informed it was a 3 hr IV that I will need in 2 more weeks then 4 weeks after that and so on until it hits 8 weeks. Not sure how I will feel after but hopefully good as I have all the kids coming over tomorrow for a Harry Potter marathon since the latest Potter movie is released tomorrow on DVD/Blue ray.

Enjoying this beautiful weather, my bearded iris's grew 5 inches over night it appears and hopefully soon to bloom...

Costume Lady said...

Suzan, can't think of anything I'd rather have in my birdhouse than a pair of bluebirds...except, maybe a Bird of Paradise:)

Mema Jo said...

Off to my shows

BBBC (Be back between commercials)

paula eagleholic said...

Ah yes, forgot to mention I know What SOS is too!

paula eagleholic said...

Watch out for the split coming up!

Kay said...

Oh, Judie you put the first big grin on my face since we received since the sad news came through this afternoon ! The loss of any eagle is a sad thing and we have to hope it isn't Lib, of course. You are right--without a sense of humor we're lost--thanks for all your witticisms !

Aye, Aye, SOS was what my sailor boy called it, too !

Lynn, that's pretty good ! Why don't you try out for Jeopardy ? I never get four right in that catagory !!!

Mema Jo, Wanda thanks to you for the kind words, too. I always worry about leaving someone out--hope I didn't !

I haven't been in the mood for TV tonight, but think I'll shower and then watch The Mentalist while my hair dries. I love Simon Baker--always was attracted to guys with blondish hair and blue, blue eyes !

Goodnight and prayers for all in need, including Lib.


hedgie said...

The moon is loverly tonight!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Robyn. GG is probably asleep now, and hopefully, comfortably. I gave her her bedtime pills before I left and that consists of 2 oxycontins.
I will go in to check on her in the morning...she will call me if she needs me. Never wants to come home with me or have me stay there, unless Gene stays too:)
What to do, what to do...

JudyEddy said...

I did post both video on the Nctc eagle cam face book page I think I'm going to get a Youtube acct Right now I have the realplayer downloaded and it will let you post to the IE Well nite nite to all God Bless the Nest and all whom watch it I have Jordyn tomorrow and then I go back to work on Sat YUK I had a nice peaceful restful vacation I didn't get to go see the eagles at my friend house her dad passed away

hedgie said...

Kay, The Mentalist is a is everything tonight.

Wanda, sorry to hear about GG. I would doubt that her hip is fractured if she's been able to get around all this time. Pelvis perhaps. Have you been able to notice any outward rotation of that leg when she lies down? If not, then even more unlikely. What did the ER advise? I would think at least stabilizing that leg with a pillow when she's lying down. And she's already on pain meds, so would need to know what it is and the schedule before suggesting supplemental meds.

hedgie said...

Judie, you are BACK in all your glory!!!
Well, that really stinks that Sally wouldn't immerse herself more in the history for the role. :(

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...