Thursday, April 14, 2011



There is a new update up on the NCTC Eaglecam site.

Yesterday we were contacted by the National Park Service at Antietam.  They recently found a dead bald eagle near the Burnside Bridge parking lot and wanted to let NCTC know.  We went over and examined the bird, which had been dead for about two weeks , they are estimating.  We took a series of measurements, and those show that this could very well be a male bird.  Final identification is not possible without a necropsy.  The standard procedure for this type of thing is to transfer the bird to the FWS Eagle Repository in Denver.  This will happen very soon.

We will never know if this bird is our missing male, but it could be.  I will post more as we get more info.


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hedgie said...

Another painless split!!!

NatureNut said...

Very sad events in a little less than a month. I think we have maybe been spoiled in the past by such promising successes at our nest and many of the other cams we watch. As it's been said before, we're seeing nature at it's best and worst."It is what it is and we don't have to like it!"
I agree w/Glo's sentiments posted earlier this afternoon about caring for all eagles.
Saw that Granny Kay gave swome good tips for DanaMO's egg/chick. I hope he/she makes it!

KayIM, so sorry to hear about your friend. I have heard many say that they got support and caring friendship thru difficult times from our blog. It is the truth---this is a great family. ☺♥

hedgie said...

Okay, the Oxycontin only at night? Then during the day she should be taking either Tylenol or Advil if she is allowed to take them.

hedgie said...

I sure hope that Margy's dinosaur isn't giving her trouble tonight....she should be checking in about now.

Kay said...

Ha, so much for my leaving just now. Had to read the posts that have just come in, after all !

Robyn,sorry about your loss--he went way too early. Hope the Remicade does wonders--it's a rough regimen, but some report great results !

Shirley I enjoyed our Columbus chat, too and will be watching for any news you might find of interest !

And, so, again, Goodnight !

stronghunter said...

So sorry to learn of the loss of your friend, Kay.

Kay said...

I feel like Lynn and Margy tonight with a long goodbye.

Loretta thanks for your sweet words, too. I don't believe we "talked", but I enjoy every word you write about the Garden of Eden where you work. I think you have one of the most wonderful jobs in the world !

Goodnight, maybe !!!

stronghunter said...

I need to think of a lesson plan for tomorrow. I am going to stay home and finish up some more things that need to be done.

Costume Lady said...

While I was in the Xray dept. with GG, Gene stayed in the waiting room with both our pocketbooks. A lady came in and sat down and said to Gene, "Oh, you have a pocketbook just like mine"...Gene said, "I go mine at Bon Ton", she said, "I did too", Gene said, "I got mine on sale, it was $100 and I got it for $20", she said, "I did too...why do you have 2 pocketbooks", Gene said, "I steal them"! Same place...a little girl got a magazine to look at and asked her mother why it was torn up and Gene told her, "It has a bookworm"...she said, "Mommy what's a bookworm?"
So glad they didn't call security!:)

paula eagleholic said...

Here is tonight's nest video

An Attempt at Mating

Robyn said...

Thanks Kay, my best friend is also on the same infusion so we will be there together in the morning at the rheumatologists, will sure make it easier. So far she is doing wonderful with her treatments luckily other then the psoriatic arthritis I am very healthy, whereas my friend has several health issues so I am optimistic.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Gene is too funny!

Costume Lady said...

Kay, Loretta's place of work IS a garden of Eden...a group of us went there two years ago, just about this time of the year and it was soooo much fun. I'll direct you to the pictures I have on my blog from that Road Trip, maybe tomorrow:)

stronghunter said...

Gene is a hoot. I would like to have seen those conversations.

Costume Lady said...

That he is, Paula. It is a wonder he has never been thrown in jail.
So many funny stories come to mind:)

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, nearly everyone was laughing when GG and I came out of Xray:)

Costume Lady said...

Robyn, I used to go with GG to the hospital when she got IVs for Osteoporsis...3hrs, too. We went once a month for several years. Enjoyed it and looked forward to it. We went in the morning and they served us both breakfast and then lunch as we sat at the table in the sun room. We talked and talked without interruption...just a special mother-daughter time:)
Praying that this treatment will work for you AND your friend!

Robyn said...

Wanda was that City Hosp? Tori and I sit in the sunroom, there is a nurse from the Bronx we talk with if we get three after 4pm. My doctor is in Hagerstown so I will be in his office in a back room I am guessing, not quite as nice as the sunroom but my friend who also moved here from NY where I lived will help make the time go faster.

Judie said...

Wanda, sending a big hug to GG and hope she sleeps quietly. Try to get some rest also. If all else fails, try some SOS.

Robyn, good luck tomorrow with the IV treatment. The Harry Potter marathon should lift your spirits.

Lynn, she rejected the areas that were not specific to Mary Todd Lincoln saying she wanted to focus on the woman not the husband/assassination. I thought it strange but sort of understand.

Hi Lowreeda.

Shirley, tomorrow's lesson plan: ♫♫PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ
Thinking of a retirement

Well, never mind. I concede the humor department to the Capt.

By-the-way, Wanda please tell the Capt. I would love to have a black purse with a gold chain strap if he happens to "find" one.

So here it is 9:51 and I am exhausted. Sure remember the days when my night was just beginning at this time. Distant memories.

I have to go to school tomorrow so will be up early. The sandperson is nearby so I have set the night light for 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, have you decided to retire? I caught a comment on the other side that sounded like that may be in the making. I hope so, it will be the best thing you've ever done, beside having children!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Robyn, City Hospital. GG lives just down the road from there, on Old Mill Rd. Very convenient...I didn't have to drive very far:)

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Judie♥

sunseeker2 said...

Just me, checking in on all of you wonderful folks. Sorry I was gone all afternoon, was out helping some folks.Anyway, thought I would stay here for awhile, and just hang out. After reading the posts, my heart is wondering, like your hearts. I had silently watched, your pair, my second year, just watching, these eagles, so survive, all they have been through. I live in Iowa, camp each year, minutes from the Decorah eagles nest. Have watched them as long as the eagles have been there.

hedgie said...

Judie...I got one of those pocketbooks with the chain handle thingy----threw it away (Goodwill acutally). The stink of metal on my hands was atrocious!!!

Good night to all turning in, and wishes for a great day tomorrow.

Gene reminds me of my late Uncle Kenny with the constant subtle joking!!!

Wanda, the osteo infusion now only takes 15 mins!!!

Lynne2 said...

well, so much for today being better.

Evening all. Just caught up on the news. I think I read they took measurements on the eagle and think it's a of the big wig eagle experts (can't think of the name at the moment) found a pretty reliable way to tell male from female by measuring the beak dept and the length of the talon on the rear toe. Wonder if that's what they did.

Lynne2 said...

I hate to think this, because I have been so hopeful that Lib will return for the next breeding season...but I have to echo Wanda's thoughts. Too much coincidence given the last time anyone has reported seeing Lib, the close proximity to the area, etc. I know that it might not be him. But despite my hopes, it has never really made sense to me why this intruder was allowed to "win", unless there was something terribly wrong with Liberty. I know from working at the vet who did birds that they can be in very poor health before showing signs of such. The fact that he was seen and appeared healthy is no guarantee that he really was. Given the decomposition, it may be very hard to know for sure if there is or was a brood patch. It will be interesting to see what the necropsy reveals.

Lynne2 said...

Meanwhile, I will continue to hope that Lib will resurface when the time is right!

Good grief, that Gene it too much! Hope GG is OK.

Robyn, good luck with your infusion tomorrow!

Shirley, glad you are PLOPing out tomorrow!

Kay, so very sorry about the loss of you friend. My prayers are with you.

There are pictures on my blog, from recently....of the place where Loretta works. My hubby and I were there about a month or 2 ago.

Sunseeker, hope all is well in your parts. Guess you'll sleep well tonight after all that sandbagging!

paula eagleholic said...

Sunseeker, you certainly sound like us....a lot of us have visited the nest since we found the cam and blog....we have thought about camping out there, but can't do that on federal property ☺

magpie said...

Been reading and contemplating as the rest of you are.
I am thinking, NOT Liberty.
Appreciate all the information on both Thursday threads.
sunseeker2 thanks for the links you posted, spent a lot of time reading what they included.
God Bless You for your help with the sandbagging.

And Kay, if you are still saying good night and coming back, am very sorry for your loss of your dear friend Lois, and we are so happy to have you with us ♥

magpie said...

Prayers for a good outcome, hope no broken anythings when the x-ray results come back for GG

and what information GrannieKay has shared, and helping out with DanaMo's chick !

Red said...

Goodnight everyone, it's my bedtime here. Tomorrow is supposed to be stormy again.

Lynne2 said...

OH, glad you've got the bluebirds! I have pics on my blog from our first clutch last year, and they also raised a second! They are trying to decide between TWO of the houses now...wish they'd hurry up!

Robyn said...

I have a weird feeling but a strong one that it isn't Lib, not sure why but it is a weird feeling

magpie said...

have you ever seen a red-winged blackbird puff out its wings when it sings? Spectacular to behold....see a lot of them in a little swampy area near the Food Lion in Berkeley Springs...James and I always check it out !
I read Lynn's tail-wagging Robin comments and thought of this.

Bommy said...

Costume Lady--I assume that Gene is your husband. Anyhow--he is a hoot!! It reminds me when my husband had surgery in February. He had returned to his room from the Recovery Room and the nurse was asking him all of the usual questions. Then she asked him if there was anyone that he didn't want to visit him. He thought momentarily and said "the undertaker". The nurse, my daughter and I all got a laugh out of that.

magpie said...

Bob Quinn posted picutres he took at an Audubon site in Pickering...
brilliant colors, swallows I guess, some eagles, a water creature maybe beaver or muskrat, a blue heron, AND, a red fox !
Nice pics...from the prior thread
Thanks Bob !

Lynne2 said...

Grannie, so cool the info on the bird eggs!

We sure do learn a lot from each other here!

I'm heading to bed and will pray that Lib returns!!!

magpie said...

Sounds like you are getting closer to GO for it !
Best wishes on all the research and decision-making, and glad you are taking some Sanity Days!

sunseeker2 said...

Somehow I am feeling, what the rest of you are feeling. So many unanswered questions right now. Sort of the same feeling when we all loose a dog, cat, long time friend. Sort of the same feeling here, but still no answers. It is so hard, to loose what we love so dearly, and so much more difficult, when there is no closure. Nature brings to us so much, guess that is why we keep coming back.

Lynne2 said...


Margy, I LOVE to see those RWBB show off there's like the robins, with the "come be my wife" song and display. And Lynn, I just noticed that about the twitchy tails when those robins sing too! Too adorable! We have zillions of them here right now and walking the dogs in the morning early is so cool!

magpie said...

lots of education on here today, for sure, from shared links, pictures, and all that.
Thanks to everyone, for all of that !
I saw that crazy stuff on the nest cams around a slime...wonder if it is gone for good.
Beautiful clear cool spring night here in this part of West Virginia, still hoping to catch a view of ISS flying over Friday morning

Lynne2 said...

Hi Bommy.....that's pretty funny!

I would just bet that recovery room nurses here many interesting things. I had a minor procedure right after I started dating Steve. When I was fully awake, the nurses asked me who was Steve? And I said, why?? They told me that I said I was going to yes just as soon as he asked me to marry him and that I was going on and on about him!

Lynne2 said...

Sunseeker, the hardest part is not being able to know FOR SURE what has happened. I really hate that.

sunseeker2 said...

There is a beautiful state park, a stones throw from this site, go there each year, and if that don't please you...all welcome at my place, 2 acres of paradise.

magpie said...

best wishes with your treatment Friday...

good to see that Pa Nana Diann went cruising in her buggy and hope her recovery continues with no new unwelcome developments

been missing Pa-Lynn? hope I did not overlook a post if she was here

magpie said...

have a mockingbird in the neighborhood, so this morning I heard blue jays, cardinals, peewees, and killdeer, all wrapped up in one bird ♪ ♫ ♪

Happy Sailing (or motorboating) Sissy....hope you see some loons !

stronghunter said...

Finished the lesson plans and am about to head upstairs. I slept until 10 this morning, but I am tired now.

God bless this group and those that we love.

See you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

OH! I saw 2 more kinds of butterflies today...a Blue Azure, and a Meadow Fritillary!!! I thought it too early for the MFs but apparently I was wrong!

magpie said...

I like that Bob Anderson !

Lynne2 said...

Sunseeker, maybe when you get time you can make a blog and post some pictures of you camping spot and your paradise!

Liz said...

I'm sorry, but that Turd bird is the homeliest eagle I have ever seen. Actually, he is the ONLY homely eagle I have ever seen. And the attempt at HP?!?!?! Pulease!

sunseeker2 said...

Wish I was closer, would have really looked close at this eagle, but the lab at least can identify the sex, and you may want to contact your local Audubon folks, as to where nests are located on the other side of the river. Local birders on the other side, may be able to help you, as far as other eagle nests.

magpie said...

so much I would like to comment on, as usual...everyone has made some very touching, and insightful comments about many things, in particular what is going on in their own lives (Jo's kid tales for example) and our thoughts about the poor eagle that lost its life somehow

Best to say, I care about what all of you care about...

headed to bed....I'm computered out !
Prayers for all needs, for restful sleep, and grateful prayers for many gifts given
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

LOL Liz!!! He is a gangling teenager for sure! I'm sure he'll be quite the looker once he get FULLY grown up!

That's a good idea Sunseeker. Wonder if the DNR would know of other nests in the area.

magpie said...

by the way, Liz, (and also Jo) good call on bringing up the Brood Patch investigation question and thanks to Paula for going back and forth with the communications with Steve !

Lynne, wonderful butterfly have a keen eye and know what you like !
xoxo ♥ Good Night Now ....

Lynne2 said...

Bear Update

I sure hope the DNR there will help Dr Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I certainly would have liked a look, too.

Margy, thanks for mentioning Bob's pics....I have to check them out. Next thing on my wish list is a better camera...and classes! Have to get the beach house in shape first.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Going to bed now. I have made the determination that Mother Nature must either be in menopause or a constant state of PMS. She is killing me this year.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! ♥ and (((((HUGS))))



paula eagleholic said...

Yes, missing PA Lynne and DanaWV, too.

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading to bed too. Goodnight and prayers for all!

GrannieKay said...

Lynne2, I will pack up all these robbins and ship them to you. For some reason they seem to be in love with my SUV. Setting on the side mirrors or hanging onto the door handles and pooping up a storm between songs. Oh and they love the neighbors cars too. I was to busy looking at the poop running down the side of the doors to notice twitching tails.

I complained to hubby about stiff neck reading book so he got us a whole bunch of Anne McCaffreys books on Perm for the Kendal today. I like to read on the puter. Just read today that they are going to make a movie about Perm. Goes into production next spring. YEA ! ! !

sunseeker2 said...

Have some nice pics, maybe I can share them with you all sometime. Never been much at all this internet stuff, although I am very active in local DNR, and Natural Resource projects, I love my peace now here. Sometimes, it is just nice to enjoy, what we have to enjoy.

glo said...

sunseeker I live in IL on the MIssissippi. Quad Cities area. I so want to make a trip up near Decorah at some point with my Camera and try to get some photos. Are you on facebook. I would love to message you there or send me an email.Its on my profile page here I think :-).

hedgie said...

Good to see you made it, Margy!

I thought it was cute that we had new guy Donald, Jim, Red and Bob all blogging within a short time of each other this afternoon!

Lynne, glad to know that my twitching robins aren't the only ones!

PA Nana said...

Wanda, thanks for the chuckle via Gene. Hope GG has nothing seriously wrong with her hip.

Good luck tomorrow Robyn.

My daddy was a navy cook and he's mentioned SOS. He was a good baker too. My mother worked full-time hwen we were little and he worked 24/24 at the Army fire depot so he cooked a lot of the family meals and baked a lot of our cakes.

Paula, thanks for the video of tonight's visit. Had to laugh at his trying to rearrange the furniture and lame attempt at hp.

My computer is attempting a scan so I'll close for tonight and wish all a restful sleep and a happy sunrise.

Goodnight and God bless!

hedgie said...

Lynne...your link to the Bear report takes me to my FB page.....???????????

hedgie said...

We're also missing wv sUSAn and Bev....but Susan did email on Momsters. Grey's Mom is doing fairly well after first few chemo treatments.
And where did Lolly go???

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

PA Nana - my daddy was a cook on a ship in the Navy too. Awesome cook and awesome baker!

hedgie said...

Lynne, you are feeling more generous of spirit toward the Minnesota DNR than I am. I think what they have done is an intentional slap in the face to Dr. Lynn. JMHO.

hedgie said...

Bear Report

If Lynne's link takes you to my FB page,'s the right one!

paula eagleholic said...

I have run out of steam tonight.

Hitting the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I didn't have any problem with either links...

Costume Lady said...

Was it today that Lolly was going shopping for her grandboys?

Lynn, I think you are right about GG's hip. I don't know anything about a broken hip, but my common sense tells me that she wouldn't be able to walk at all if it was broken...maybe fractured? Anyway, I thought it would make both of us feel better to have the X-Ray done.
Didn't go to the ER...nurse faxed Dr. Que's request for the X-Ray...just went to D. McCormack Clinic. Wasn't there very long, just long enough for Gene to steal 2 pocketbooks:)

sunseeker2 said...

We all watch these cams, because of our love for nature,it's simpleness, beauty, peace. I must say at times, it hurts, like loosing that 4 footed long time friend, a faithful dog, a special cat, a heartfelt ache, that some don't understand. It is that peace we find, unconditional love, love we can feel, without complications. So far, no one really knows where Liberty is, but he has not been seen for some time. Time will bring answers. When our long time Decorah female was found dead up here years ago, we all were very sad, not knowing, if a nest would ever be again. A new nest was built, the male, somehow, found a way to go on, and a new season came to be,for us Decorah followers. Tears, then cheers, it was very hard. I so understand your thoughts and feelings here. It has been a long 2 seasons for you. Hope I can help, somehow.

Costume Lady said...

BOMMY, I think your husband and my Gene would get along just fine!:)

Where did you go Margy...are you in bed already?

Good Night, DIANE♥ Rest easy!

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Sunseeker, those are our feelings, exactly!
Did your male find a new mate?

hedgie said...

Good words, Sunseeker.

Wanda....there's no difference between a fracture and a break.

Well, Paula...that is really weird! Must be my puter!!! I'll close my FB window and see what happens when I try Lynne's link!

hedgie said...

Nope---still the same.......oh, oh....she hi-jacked me!! LOL!

Tub and book time for me. Wishing all a night of sweet sleep. Positive thoughts will help with that. Prayers for all and peace.

Mema Jo said...

What a grand group of Momsters/Dadsters
I did watch some TV and then the news
Chilling down for tomorrow... I think
it is Sun that we'll go open the
summer home in DE. Oldest daughter will
come with us and help out - I'll take my oxygen and do a lot of watching &
monitoring! lol I sure do wish I could jump right in there with them.

I don't think is will turn out to be Lib but I sure wish we would have some
active ground spotters. Don't know what our chances are that he will return at some point in time but I pray it will happen.

sunseeker2 said...

Anyone have contact names for Minn. DNR, that were involved in the bear incident? Just a state away, and I attend Midwest meetings, every 3 months. Get me the notes on this.

PammySue said...

I've been lurking off and on all evening. I should have taken notes about what to comment on . . .
I missed the visit, but saw Judy's video of the HP attempt. Poor little boy does not seem to know what he is doing.
I hope GG does not have a broken hip. And Gene is so funny. I love funny men--guess that is why I am with Craig.
Robyn, good luck tomorrow. I hope you feel OK afterward.
Kay, sorry about the loss of your friend, and I am so happy that the blog makes you feel better and gives you someone to talk to. ☺

Sweet dreams to those turning in.

Mema Jo said...

I sure want to compliment all of our newbies for staying with us... You have
brought a freshness to our blog.

Now it is time to hit the pillows
Good Night friends
Prayers and hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Pulling a had to go out.

Wanda, the Decorah male found a new mate...that is the new female on the nest with him this season...and the last one or two I believe...sunseeker2, how many seasons for the new pair now?

Costume Lady said...

Didn't know that, Lynn...thought a fracture was a crack in a bone and a break was all the way through. GG has a fracture in her lower back...does that mean she has a broken back? I wish I was a doctor or a nurse so I would know more about these things.
Nite Lynn...hope it's a good book!♥

Costume Lady said...

Amazing how these eagles find new mates so quickly!

Need to answer some emails and check out messages on facebook.


glo said...

Sunseeker 2 Did you see my note to you at 10:57 I really need a contact with you.

Costume Lady said...

AGREE JO, about all our newbies. They are just like the rest of us, informative, comical, chatty, caring...yep, fit right in. Hope they all stay:)

PammySue said...

Hello to Bommy. Sounds like your husband is quite the character too. :)

sunseeker, what a great idea to contact local bird watchers. They may very well know if a male is missing from another nest. How bad is the flooding in your area?

I think Lolly was going shopping today. She said something about a store holding jackets for her.

NCSuzan said...

Sunseeker2,Dr. Lynn is trying to get protection for the radio collared bears during hunting season so I think this was one way to step on his toes a little. He said in the past he has been able to call DNR and they send him a permit. He did not mention names for the other day but I will reread the upddate to check behind myself. Maybe someone here has more info.

Lolly said...

Hello all! Have quickly read through the blog. ( I first typed "bog".) Feeling really really down, but I am going with the thought that the eagle was not our Lib. With the body in poor shape they might not be able to tell if there was a brood patch or not. We will just never know, but like to think of him flying free.

It is time like this that we really need that group hug.


Wanda, so so sorry that GG is having a problem. She may be just badly bruised. Hope that is all! Bless her! Bless you, as you make decisions on what to do.

Read the story about Father Capt Gene! Had a good laugh!

Has Leona been on this evening? OK has been having some rough weather. We are getting a little rain.

Lolly said...

Kay....I am so glad you found us too! So, sorry about the loss of your good friend. Now you have us! We are here for tears, gripes, whines, and are good at giving hugs!

Lolly said...

Robyn, will be thinking of you tomorrow with your new treatment. Hope goes well!

sunseeker2 said...

Hey Glo, would love to help you out. Do alot of photography, but not much of a facebook person, or really a chatter. Sheperdstown struck a feeling in me, because it so reminded me of Decorah, real surviviors, have watched quite awhile, guess I am coming out of my shell. Lots of great sites to shoot photos here, actually was out last 10 days, shooting pics! Anyway hope you all can hang in there tonight, and keep faith in tomorrow. Prayers for all, to keep you safe, and strong. Iowa sends their best! Have to find my pillow, my dog seems to have taken it upstairs,and I still have sand to shower off! Home all day tomorrow!! Hopefully. Never know. Goodnight.

Lolly said...

I did go and pick up the two navy blazers for my boys. Had a trip to Ft Worth to get them. Came home and worked in the yard and had to hurry to church right after eating. I stayed outside too long!

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and then to bed. I'll be back to say good night.

glo said...

OK Sunseeker2 will watch for your email so we can connect. My dog definitely has my pillow. Off to bed for me too.

Good night all. AOYP (((((((group hug))))

NCSuzan said...

Sunseeker2, sorry but no names were mentioned.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Am trying to catch up on the blog.

KayIM, it's really good to have you here, and don't worry about being too chatty! Remember, our motto here is: "I came for the eagles, but I stayed for the friendships I have made."

Shirley, sounds like you're accomplishing a lot. Prayers that you will be led to the right decision.
(((HUGS))) for you! Please give George and the dogs some hugs for me!

sunseeker2 said...

Before my dog packs its suitcase, headed to who knows where...just wanted to say one thought. You are all a wonderful group of people. Great things will happen here. See ya tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Yes, Sunseeker, there are some really wonderful people on here.
Good night!

Going to put my feet up and read for a short while before heading to bed. Also, need to check fb.

Prayers for all needs. God bless all God's creatures!

Sweet, comforting dreams, my friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Thought I was going to bed earlier but ended up watching Biography about Charlie Sheen. What a tortured soul he is.

I had to wash dishes and now Hairy is waiting on me to go to bed. Going to play Angry Birds until I fall asleep. I, too, am so grateful that our newbies have stuck around. We spread love and hope around, that is for sure!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, Margy here! :)

One last thing. How many that are on here now have been on since 2006? Years seem to have run together on me.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, prayers for GG, and I hope that she will be OK. Capt. Gene is quite the comedian! Bet he makes a great batch of SOS, too!

Robyn, sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend. He certainly was way too young! (((HUGS))) and prayers!
Hope your treatment tomorrow goes smoothly.

Judie, hope you get an especially restful night's sleep tonight. I know what you mean--I used to be quite the night owl myself, but it catches up to me far too soon now!

Bommy, your husband's undertaker comment has me ROFLMBO!! TOO funny!!

Glo, SO good to see you here! I've missed you and Dex! It's been a rough couple of days, but hope that the poor dead eagle turns out to NOT be our Lib! I think there's a good chance that it isn't Lib.

Lolly, I'm glad you were able to pick up the blazers for the boys!

Can't remember who, but someone mentioned earlier that Geula hasn't posted here in a while. Was she here today? Prayers for her, and hope we hear from her soon!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm getting a bit kinked up from sitting at the computer. Think I'll head for TV land for a while.
Judie, thanks for the night light!
I'm checking to be sure the porch light is on. Prayers said for everyone, especially those in need of healing. The eye-scanner security and WV Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers that they will be able to give us the answers we want regarding Lib! Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Robyn said...

Thank you everyone, I hope it works fast, I want to feel better NOW lol. I am grateful the Dr decided to allow me to move forward, only took 3 yrs of different treatments to get to this part.

I have been here since late 06 as a lurker then early 07 I joined. I remember when we could post anon but glad those days are over.

Have a wonderful night all, I am going to get thru my FB stuff and quick peek at Isla and EJ then off to bed

sunseeker2 said...

Ready to fall into bed, tired. Paula, this female has been with us since 2007, late summer, fall. The other female, was found dead, under the tree they nested in, after a bad Spring storm in the Spring of 2007. They lost it all that year, it was terrible to watch. She was the one eyed female, in the PBS American Eagle doc., and now look, here we are today. The new female has done well here. 1st. brood of two, followed by 2 more of 3! Here we are with these 3 now, it has been an experience, we will all remember. I guess sometimes after heartache, heartbreak, the sun shines once again. Sorry I missed your post earlier, so-oooo tired. Bless ya and goodnight!!!!!!

PammySue said...

Hey, sunseeker, I just watched that PBS documentary today! I loved it. ☺

magpie said...

Up and At 'Em !
Light is approaching the nest
ISS already did its flyover it was brilliant

Forgot to say last night:

Wear some Red today, for the Military ♥

Good Morning Eagle Pals !! ☺

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

I read so much this morning that I was late getting in the shower. So much going on for everyone.

Have I told you all how wonderful you are and how much I love YOU & being part of this fabulous group of such giving people? It's true.

(((( big hug ))))

KAY, Bless your heart - you're such a doll. I fell in love with Lois just hearing about her. Sorry you had to go through that. You must come & visit.
I didn't have time to talk the other morning but you asked where I am in MD. That would be just outside Frederick, so make a map & come on down!

Lori O. said...

HI Margy! Together again!

Did you feed the dinosaur yet? :)

magpie said...

You nailed it right on the head, Lori... about this group...
and yes, yesterday, lots and lots of good reads...we held each together through it ☺
Hope you have a good day ! TGIF ??

Just got through the first hit the arrow routine on live feed, should be good to go for any nest activity now ☺

magpie said...

I'm stroking the dinosaur, Lori...
think I should drape it in RED for the day also

remember I "can't hardly" blog and watch live feed so if it seems that I am not answering, I will get back to you and others...

Lori O. said...

MARGY- what is your Eaglet Momsters title? Treasurer, Secretary? Because we can find someone to donate a computer to a non profit group that needs it.

magpie said...

good thing about this old dinosaur pal and the situation, Lori, is that I am making myself learn more about computers ! ☺

magpie said...

my title is
"yacks a lot "

magpie said...

I'm gonna find me some RED Jeans, Lori...I want to be just like you on Fridays !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Good morning Early Birds !

Ready for action Birdies !

No way to list all who welcomed me and all newbies so beautifully last night and this morning. I didn't intend to set off a whole string of posts, but wanted you all to know how much being a part of this group means to me and why. Guess it gave everyone a chance to be reminded of how much we care, not only for the Eagles, but for each other.

Lori O. said...

No, you don't wanna be like me because I forgot today.

That's what happens when you have to make critical decisions at 2:30AM with no coffee.

Lori O. said...

Very well said Kay.

A good morning hug for you! SQUEEZE.

DanaMo said...

Trying to catch up!
Wanda that is too funny about Gene and the pocketbooks! Love it!

Paula thanks for the video...I think...Ha Ha!

Hoping my little guy is okay when I get to the classroom this morning.

Shirley, lesson plans are good. LOL! I need to take care of that too!

Good morning to the early risers.

Kay said...

Thanks Lori, that felt good !

magpie said...

G☺☺d Morning, Kay ♥

mockingbird outside is fired up today !

sorry Lori, "my bad" I forgot to post the RED alert last night !

Kay said...

Eagle in nest

magpie said...

and G☺☺d Morning DanaMo !

I be quiet now, and watch...

DanaMo said...


Kay said...

Truder, immediatly nosing around near old nest cup. Looking around and picking at fluff.

DanaMo said...

I guess this is our new pair. I just hope Liberty is happy somewhere and can find new love and isn't in eagle heaven.

Kay said...

Looking up and around, perhaps watching Belle ?

DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...

sorry -- working

Kay said...

Carrying small limb across to 6 o'clock postition and working it in. Guess she has him in Nesting Building 101. He looks around as if to say, "was that the right way, teacher ?

DanaMo said...

Too funny Kay. He was having trouble with that branch!

Lori O. said...

You really have to admit you like Truder, cause he's just so akward, odd, or HOMELY as LIZ said!

Lori O. said...

I think he's just at that gangly growing in between stage.

Kay said...

Long period of sitting at 6, looking around and up as if following her or something in flight

DanaMo said...

He seems so goofy!

Lori O. said...

He is - he's GOOFY! Good word DanaMO.

Hey how is the chick?

Kay said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

He flew out toward 9 o'clock

Kay said...

If he settles in as a part of our life maybe Goofy would be a good name for him. She has so much to do to get him ready for fatherhood, if that's whats happening. Has he ever brought a fish or eats to the nest ?

Lori O. said...

Margy is your dinosaur still alive?

Kay said...

Color returns for the day.

Lori O. said...

That's why I thought of calling him Urkel. He's a goofball.
I don't know about him bringing any food to the nest Kay, but I think he has, just not on a regular basis. Paula, Margy, Jo, Sharon, Lynn - all the oldtimers (LOL) could tell you. They see everything.

magpie said...

did you all see the brave little blackbird messing underneath the "eaves" at the 8 o'clock spot when Truder was hanging out at the 5-6 spot ?
I think the starlings are setting up housekeeping
Neat flyout - wonder if he was following Belle out somewhere

saw the tree "shake " at 6:19 was expecting something that never occurred

daylight color came on at 6:26

Lori O. said...

...and they seem to remember everything. I'll have to find out what vitamins they're taking. :)

magpie said...

Truder likes to tug at that immovable sticklet-branchlet at the 5:30 spot on the nest...
think it is attached to tree somehow

magpie said...

he was moving his beak like he was chirping or something, maybe just fussing with morning mouth

Kay said...

Dana, I hope you find that little chick hale n' hearty--ready to join his family !

Lori, thanks for the invite ! My daughter, SIL and Seth will do a D.C./Philadelphia historic tour in June. Too bad I can't hitch a ride, but I'm going to stay home with Malcolm, their dog, this time. I think they need a little family time without him or me.

Lori O. said...

I missed it Margy.


A few weeks ago I noticed a new hole in one of the trees in the woods just past my deck. Then yesterday I saw a pileated woodpecker and after hopping around to a few trees, guess where he settled? IN MY TREE!
I am so excited!

DanaMo said...

I'll check on the chick as soon as I get to school. I hope he made it through the night okay.

Urkel is a good name! LOL

Well glad I got to see him. I have a DVD to watch today, thanks to Steve. Apparently it chronicles Liberty and Belle. One of the parents at my school works at NCTC or on the campus (I'm not sure completely of the connection) and knew that the kindergarteners were following and requested information for us. I am so excited to watch the DVD and see what we can learn especially after the season that we have had.

magpie said...

after seeing Truder's attempt
at H-P last evening
(GREAT Video by the way Paula - thanks ! )
I am not so sure she wanted to be in the nest with Truder this mroning !

DanaMo said...

I'll update the chick status in an hour or so...bye for now. Have a great day if I don't catch up with everyone until later.

Lori O. said...

Well Kay, you and Malcolm are always welcome at my house with my 2 bulldogs and 5 cats. Anytime. ☺
What's one more dog?

magpie said...

"she", meaning Belle...

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Today's nest weather-Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. East winds 15 to 20 mph.

Kay said...

Paula, Margy is right, the video of last nights, almost comical attempt at HP, was good ! Thanks !

magpie said...

See you later DanaMo !

That's a great DVD you are referring to...

You are probable referring to "When Eagles Dream"

will be interested in learning what the NCTC connection is with your person at school

Kay said...

Good morning and thanks, Megan. Looks like a nice day at the nest.

I saw that "litte" blackbid, too. Pretty cheeky of him to come around with Big Bird on the nest !

Kay said...

Make that "little" blackbird. They really aren't very small, but they sure appear to be in that nest.

magpie said...

ah yes, the Blackbid

welcome to the comedy club of typos, Kay Love it !

Thanks Megan
how does your garden grow after a day like Thursday ??

Kay said...

Took a tour of Loretta's Patuxent River Park, via her blog and that of Lynne2. As my old Okie Uncle, Clifford, would have said, "it's plumb beautotius and picturesqee!".

floralgirl said...

Pretty morning, here , all the birds are singing.
Just my two cents on the deceased bald eagle found- the location is minutes from my house, we have seen bald eagles fly over here many times in the past several years. There are many in the area, so while it's possible it could be Liberty, it's also very possible it was another eagle. They have made quite a comeback around here, as we have seen. I am curious to know if the eagle died from natural causes.

magpie said...

Enjoy that Pileated, Lori!
Should make for some great photo-ops
wonder how your five cats will feel about the new kid in the neighborhood...

going to try to catch up on a few family emails

back later but watching in the meantime

Best wishes for a good day, everyone
xoxo ♥

Kay said...

Andrea, I'm the one who asked about Guela. I've missed her and wonder how the firing of her beautiful ceramic eagle went.

magpie said...

See your post, Megan,
and agree....
I know of an eagles' nest that I cannot see.....not far from where Nu lives I think...along the Potomac across from the towpath -
the autopsy report will be most revealing...wonder how long it will take

magpie said...

at least DNR is not seizing the bird and messing with the process !
(ref: cublet Jason )

Costume Lady said...

TOO early to be up, but neighbor's dog is barking his tail off!

Margy, how did you find where Nu lives?

magpie said...

can you access the E-M album pages?

Check out page two,
next to last row, 3rd from left

"2009 April 21"
It's a great photo diary of the trip to must see Snappy the Turtle !

floralgirl said...

I'm surprised that the eagle could lay there for almost two weeks, that is a busy location, maybe it was not in plain sight.

Costume Lady said...

Kay, I guess we will have to email Geula about her finished product (eagle). Surely it's done by now.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Wanda...

James's other grandmother, his "real maternal" grandmother, lives along the river in Shepherdstown, and she and her boyfriend are friends with Nu -

magpie said...

any towhees Megan ?

Lori O. said...

Shirley - wanted to wish you another happy day off!

Just think, soon you'll have a lot of those - deservedly so!

floralgirl said...

Haven't seen any towhees, Margy, we usually have a pair, missed them this year. There is a large flock of cedar waxwings camping out in the yard for a week or so now. They pass through here all the time, love the holly trees. The mockingbird is having a fit.
Have not seen my phoebe yet, either:(

Kay said...

Margy, "The E-M album ? Where do I go for that ?

Wanda, I took new look at your "Celebration Visit of Susan and Grey". More meaningful now that I can put names and faces together ! Margy's "clowning around" pic is priceless ! Sure hope GG is feeling better today !Let us know.

magpie said...

Here's my Red-Winged Blackbird pic from Berkeley Springs...
Congareeeee ♪ ♫
but I need to get one of him spreading his wings when he chirps

way at the top right of the live feed view, I think there is a "sycamore ball" swaying in the breeze

Kay said...

I'm going to have to get some things done. Have a routine 9:15 dr. appt.. After that I'll pick Malcolm up, spend the day playing tug of war and chase the ball games and then pick Seth up at school. When they go home I'll check back in, catch up with day's news and hope to be in on an evening visit at the nest.

Have a wonderful day everyone !!!!

magpie said...

some things are just off-schedule this year Megan...
they shall arrive, I am certain !

if you go the home page, for E-M
along the left, there are links, go to the photos
you have to "sign in" to access the links, should be your E-M password thing
someone else might do a better job at explaining this....
so much to see there, from all the links !

Kay said...

Got it Margy ! I'll check it out later today. I haven't yet explored the E-M home page fully. Need to do that. Thanks !

magpie said...

Here's something you might enjoy:

from the Roger Tory Peterson institute in New York, where my naturalist friends works...
the current exhibit

The Mad Bluebird Photographer and his story

Lori O. said...

The Mad Bluebird Photog lives around here doesn't he?

Lori O. said...

Have a great day Kay & we'll see you this afternoon. Big hug!

magpie said...

not sure, Lori, was just googling some things, one site said he is now in Guatemala !
but yes, I think Maryland was his home base...will have to do some more research....later...
oh boy, the websites with his work are plentiful !

Lori O. said...

I do love that picture - the cutest bluebird.

Lori O. said...

Enjoy your last weekend before your new schedule begins Margy.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, we saw our first Towhee, yesterday...I feel that Spring has sprung when he arrives here. Love to watch him as he hippity hops on the ground:)

Costume Lady said...

Margy, we need to find that PHOTO of Nu so our newbies can see our tree climber;)

magpie said...

Yes, Wanda !!

wonder if he's a bachelor ? ☺
(guess I can find out )

okay guess I better get crackin'
have a lot on the to-do list...

ttfn xoxox

Costume Lady said...

Good shot of the RWB, Margy. We had a few who stuck around here one year and their song was so pretty...didn't know they were so talented! Gone now. Waiting for our phoebes too...they nest under our deck. I alway put a cover on the deck floor so the water doesn't get in the nest. Sweet looking little bird:)

Lori O. said...

Who is NU? I haven't seen that name around here. Of course, I still don't know the WAX story either. :)

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Yep, Spring has definitely sprung here, there's been a daffodil explosion in my yard!
I'll keep watching for phoebe and the towhees. And of course, the hummingbirds.
Gotta get moving, have a great day everybody!

Costume Lady said...

Don't work too hard, Megan.
Your daffydills are beautiful!

Costume Lady said...

Lori, Nu climbs into the Sycamore tree when adjustments are needed on our cam and he installed this new cam. I'll seach for his pic and let you know when I find him:)

Lori O. said...

Thanks Wanda.

Lori O. said...

I could probably fall in love with him if he has a bucket truck!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Took a long lovely walk with the dogs this morning. So pretty out there!

My sly little bluebirds who have been courting at the house out front were also seen near the house they used last year. I haven't seen them in 3 days out here, so I checked out the other house and sure enough there is a nest now! First egg of the first clutch last year was April 18.

Lori how exciting about your pileated! Is the actually in the hole in the tree?

I hear the phoebes and the towhees here, but haven't seen them yet. Almost never see the towhees. Only 2 or 3 times since living here and one of those was during last years blizzards.

magpie said...


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6/10/23 update

 Camera 1 came up, but as a close up camera about 6 o'clock. Or something like that, but at 950 something it froze. So they're still...