Saturday, April 23, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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Kay said...

Thank you Steve for the nice new thread ! I've called the rest of the Momsters and Dadsters over. They should be here shortly !

Hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend !

Kay said...

I have to go back to the old thread to catch up on what's been happening since I was here in the wee small hours of the morning.

Guess I'll have to take the zoo in smaller segments in the future. Hard to pace myself and realize I have limitations my old brain hasn't acknowledged yet. Today I feel like I was run over by a truck.:o( Sorry I let you down, Early Birds !

Heading back for a look at the morning posts now.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks Steve, and have a great weekend!

Hi Kay! Love your report of your world travels yesterday. I am with the children, but isn't fun to go to the zoo when it is not crowded!!

Kay said...

hedgie said...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNE MARIE, wherever you are!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011 9:11:00 AM

Brought over from the old thread. Anne-Marie, I'm new since you were here last, but I'm pleased to join the others in wishing a very Happy Birthday !!!!

Kay said...

Hi, Lolly, sounds like you have a nice outing in store for you today. Enjoy !

hedgie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNE-MARIE, wherever you are!!!

Good morning all! I do believe the sun is TRYING to peek through!

Kay said...

Thanks loads to JudyE, Megan and Margy for recording the nestcapades of this morning ! Had no idea that HP goes on and on and on. My impression from past years and mostly through the NBG moderators was that is was only a pre-laying and brooding behavior. Belle and Truder are providing quite the learning experience !

Lolly said...

Leaving shortly but wanted to say good morning!

Happy Birthday Anne Marie! We really, really miss you and hope you are well and happy!

As for the work putting in the caladium bulbs. I have day lilies, but not many as they require sun and I have mostly shade. Caladiums provide color all summer and into the fall and they go in shade. It would not be so much work except we have a HUGE yard and many flower beds and it is our own doing! LOL We will have to change "some day", but not yet!!!

Lynn.....the 94 year old mayor lives in Denton County and is mayor of a much smaller town, Shady Shores, than Denton. It is very close to Denton on Lake Lewisville.

Kay said...

Morning, Lynn ! What time do you take off for McLean ?

hedgie said...

Judie, does Jerk work better than Turd Bird?? LOL!! Rest your eyes occassionally while reading!

Sharon...reminder!!! Shirt, please!!

Hope Megan has a great day at market!

All walls at St. Louis airport are floor-to-ceiling glass...50% blew out/in! What a mess. Remains closed until at least Mon.

Lolly said...

Kay, Anne Marie lives in California. She has been to several open houses at NCTC. I met her in 2008 at my first open house. She is another eagle fanatic and does well with her camera.

Kay said...

Judie, I have to agree with you on the interloper's name. I haven't been able to use the "t" word, myself. Can't say something I wouldn't want to touch with my hands, as my dear ol' dad used to say ! Looks like we'll have to come up with something a bit more dignified since our Belle is quite clearly accepting him. Even "Meathead" as in Archie Bunker, would befit a less than desirable new family member !

Lolly said...

I got my first giggle of the day reading Sharon's "Jerk!" LOL

Okay, guys, I am off we will be leaving soon for this infamous soccer game. Michael played soccer from the time he was little though high school. This is something new to him for his son to be playing. He might coach next year. Time will tell. And, Zach has enough problems to not concentrate on the game. Should be interesting.

Kay said...

Lolly, thanks ! I can tell Anne-Marie is someone near and dear to those of you who've been around a while. I do hope she'll check in again soon !

hedgie said...

I hear dogs barking on the mike.

Kay said...

Maybe those dogs are barking at eagles flying overhead !

Lolly said...

LOL Kay, know what you mean about t birds name.

I have come up in my own head with American Truder cause he will always be Truder to me, though sometimes the T Bird name comes out! I am just so upset with the loss of our Lib who was so beautiful and such a great partner for Belle.


magpie said...

The Trespasser
is a term I have used...
not all that original or classy

Lynn, glad your mom is okay in St Louis but what a mess

KaY - sounds like a great international tour at the zoo ☺ Friday

magpie said...

and before I sign off since I AM at work:

Happy Birthday Beautiful Anne-Marie....Hope this is your Best Birthday Ever ! xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Okay, I really have to go.

Have a great day! Later Gators!

Will be back this afternoon sometime!

hedgie said...

Thanks for bringing me over, Kay!!
Missed that before I reposted!

We leave for the party at 2pm. Carolyn is riding with me. LOL---her dad called her yesterday asking her to ride with him. Thank goodness I had dibs!

Lolly, guess I skimmed and only saw the "dateline" that said Denton! Regardless of where, 94 is a mighty spunky age to be serving!
Enjoy the game!
Yep, I ,too, was thinking that you will need to scale back on the gardening one of these years!

Kay, sorry you are aching....hope it passes quickly. Know you had a good time, tho'!

hedgie said...

Just noticed that the cam forum still has people asserting that the Intruder is Lib. Geesh!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


glo said...

Brought over from old thread.

Good morning everyone. Make it a good day.

I agree we have lots of new folks who are wanting to enjoy the birds who stop by our nest. Some are blogging BUT some are lurking only. A new name given Spring and a sense of newness of life might be in order.

This does not mean in our hearts many of us still see the nest as the home of Lib and Belle. To be honest there might be one :-) or some who will choose to always see it that way. That's great. But there is a new young male right now who is courting our Belle whether or not it plays out as seasonal or final. We need to celebrate the thriving of Bald Eagles. We do love them all whether or not some of us have some holes in our hearts for right now.

Happy Birthday Anne Marie

Kay said...

Lynn, thanks, the bod is already loosing up and responding to it's daily dose of Meloxicam. A nice hot shower will help.

It pained me to have to skip North America. I always check on the eagles. Will have to start there on the next trip out.

Glad you had that first dibs on Carolyn's company ! So, your ex lives in the same vicinity, I guess. Ugh. When I left my 1st husband I returned to AZ and only had to see him once since. He wasn't around for the kids weddings, the birth of grandbabies or anything. None of us are complaining about that. He and the wife, a woman younger than any of our children, live in S.C.. They've been married for about 15 years and only my son has met her. Again, I'm not complaining---makes life ever so much easier without him in the picture !

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Will need to get ready for the family tomorrow. Just got word from Susan that she can come, so it looks like they will all be here. Hunter goes today to be with Tom and his family for a cookout. I think he will be back to be with us.

I see that the nest is empty now; I did read of the visit earlier this morning. I was still in bed then.

Very quiet here now. Hunter and Kathryn are at baseball practice. Lolly, I took my children to soccer when they were young, but they weren't interested in continuing with sports.

I think Hunter is going to keep going. He plays sports year round, and was interested in playing with balls when he was very small. My parents would approve. They enjoyed sports.

Rus would wander off the soccer field to inspect a drainage ditch. Three of my four were into drama, and Kathryn might have been the best actor, though she never participated officially.

Pardon the reminiscing. I hope you are all having a good day.

magpie said...

thanks Steve for the New Thread and Kay for the call over

Best wishes for a good day, hope the weather cooperates "at least enough" for what you have planned

Lynn - - Happy Trails and
Safe Travels to the Birthday party this afternoon - Happy birthday to SIL Shannon

Missed a couple birthdays yesterdy:
Lolly's Mom who would have been 95 and Jo's son Michael who turned 47 on Earth Day ☺ ♥

Kay said...

Beautifully said, Glo ! "Celebrate the thriving of Bald Eagles"--that's the goal !

Blackbirds are enjoying the nest this morning ! Those dogs are mighty upset over something.

Judie said...

About the name, thank you for not going for my jugular. I just think we're better than using turd. Belle seems to have accepted the situation and I think we should also. JMHO

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, the "ex." Mine is far enough away that I do not encounter him often, which is just as well. He is in the life of my eldest son, but that's all for now at least.

Mixed feelings. I am sorry that the other children have been hurt, but there are some things that I can't control. There are many good things to enjoy and some better left alone.

Kay said...

Aha, a vehicle back up alarm sounds. A clue to the barking dogs emerges.

stronghunter said...

On a name for Belle's new partner. Yes, we need to think about it.

stronghunter said...

If the new bird stays, I hope we see enough of him over the summer to be able to identify him.

stronghunter said...

Some things we can't control . . . that applies to Belle's choices too, doesn't it?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am not ready to make nice!


stronghunter said...

Now I hear the barking dogs. My cam was not working. When I started it up, George jumped to attention, and decided he did not approve of barking dogs.

Kay said...

Shirley, I enjoy your "reminiscing" ! When it comes right down to it my kids and I enjoy memoriers of good times we all shared years ago and just don't dwell on negatives. I didn't leave until the three were grown, determined to make sure they were all well schooled and well traveled. Will never know what would have happened had the marriage ended sooner. As it is, they are all wonderfully healthy, happy, fun loving and delightful adults. God is Good !

stronghunter said...

So be that way, Sharon!

I understand how you feel, though.

Kay said...

"memoriers", what's that Kay ? ☺ You know what I meant !

stronghunter said...

Perhaps Liberty has found a cute young eagle by now.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and Kathryn are back.

Kay said...

No combo will ever have quite the same ring to it as Liberty and Belle. :o(

Belle and Howl, Taco and Belle--we'll have to do some long hard thinking over this one, if we become convinced Truder is here to stay. If this is to be, I'm hoping, like you, Shirley, that Lib has found a nice young girl that will be loyal and true. We'll always be TEAM LIBERTY !!!!, because we ARE loyal and true. However, Belle and her nest are near and dear to our hearts and we need to cut her some slack for the actions she's taken. JMHO

stronghunter said...

Practice was called off. They went to yard sales.

Kay said...

Time to do some things around here. Hoping all is well with each of you as you prepare for Easter Day. Safe travels to those hitting the highway ! BBL

stronghunter said...

It has been interesting. Belle did not welcome the intruder with open arms. She fought him off at first. We are learning about the ways of eagles.

glo said...

Well its the toughest eagle season I have ever seen. The young eagle has no clue what is happening in the hearts of the old or new humans who watch It is what it is both in the nest and on the blog. MTBR over time.

hedgie said...

Judie, you have email!

hedgie said...

What a mess around St. Louis. Amazing to see one house obliterated but the one next to it basically untouched......

glo said...

HedgieThought of your Mom right away. How are things in her neighborhood?

Judie said...

Okay, Sharon.

Why not just call him "boy"? He's a young male and maybe over the Summer and Fall he will provide us with something specific -- he may just name himself. No, it won't be as significant as Liberty and Belle but then they aren't Liberty and Belle. Okay, I'm not saying anything more about this. I've tried to make my case for something more dignified.

Seems Shirley and Kay made good decisions and were successful in raising good children into better adults. Not easy, I'm sure.

Back to papers.

stronghunter said...

Just got a phone call from Bette. You remember Bette? She is one of my bridge buddies who had a heart problem in February. I mentioned at bridge on Wednesday that my blog buddies had prayed for her. She called to tell me how touched she was.

Bette is a retired kindergarten teacher. She taught in our local Catholic school for years.

stronghunter said...

Belle and our young suitor are just doing what comes naturally in the eagle world, I am sure. We have to sit back and watch and learn. Not easy.

I am interested to learn that she is now telling him a thing or two about stick placement.

glo said...

From what I have read our young suitor has more to learn than just about where to place the stick. Belle has her talons full indeed.

stronghunter said...

Suitor--Truder--in Nest.

hedgie said...

Truder is in nest.

stronghunter said...

Oh, meant to do bold.

It seems he is watching something. Belle?

stronghunter said...

Yes, he has much more to learn. Importantly, he must be able to tend eggs and young eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Perhaps Liberty is preparing to teach a young female eagle how to raise young. Maybe that is the way eagles do things.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Glo....all is well with Mom. They are about 70 mi. NW of city in Warrenton.....closest hit area to them that I've heard of is Ferguson, which is probably about 30-35 miles form them.

I waited until my girls were basically grown....Carolyn was 20 and Christie was 17.
Someone asked if he was in area...Kay???...oh, yeah. Three miles away! Before you joined us, had an incident where I ran into him at the grocery store and DID NOT recognize him!! Aging very badly.

Shirley, tell Bette that she is welcome to our prayers anytime, but hope that she won't need urgent ones again!!

hedgie said...

Sissy posted videos of Andrew and Kelsey performances on FB....but no link because it was with her cell-phone, I guess. THey both did VERY well!!!

stronghunter said...

Glad that your mom is okay, Lynn.

And, yes, I am glad that my ex and his wife are okay as well. The tornado in Deltaville came very close to them, five hundred feet, I believe is what Rus said.

This has been a tough season for tornadoes.

hedgie said...

Learned a lesson this morning...white cake mix box says okay to use yolks...since I was going to color the cake, I thought okay---easier than seperating and wasting the yolks.....wanted to do cake blue (for the grands)....well, 3 egg yolks + blue coloring = green cake!!! No big deal, but thought it was funny!

stronghunter said...

Just remembered something. Someone had mentioned seeing a hummingbird the other day. We were sitting at the kitchen table--Kathryn and I--when a hummer flew by the window and tried to get to some pink flowers blooming in a pot inside the window. If the window had been opened, we might have had a hummer in the kitchen.

stronghunter said...

I am sure it will taste wonderful, Lynn, regardless of color.

hedgie said...

Long visit.....and poof.

stronghunter said...

Poof Truder.

hedgie said...

Woo---glad window wasn't open, Shirley! Might have been hard to get him out! Do you have your feeder out yet?

stronghunter said...

St. Louis--we visited the arch there when it was very windy. The only time I have ever had trouble walking because the floor was moving in a building on solid ground.

stronghunter said...

Not yet, but I have one. Need to put it out.

Lynne2 said...

HELLO FROM TERRA ALTA where the wind is HOWLING!!!!!!

OK, haven't read back but there weres some tough storms again last night....Lynn, are you mom and sister OK? Kay, did you guys get hit?

stronghunter said...

Probably need to wait until the house washers come before I attach the hummingbird feeder to a window. They were supposed to come yesterday, but postponed. They live in the neighborhood, so they sometimes come at off-hours for my convenience or theirs. They give discounts to neighbors.

I like to be here when they come. They did kill my butterfly bush one year, so I want to keep an eye on things.

stronghunter said...

Tornadoes in St, Louis, Lynne, but Lynn's family is okay.

stronghunter said...

How are you, Lynne?

Lynne2 said...

Good, thanks Shirley! Have you trimmed your butterfly bushes back? You can trim them all the way back to 6-12 inches.

We are going to go to a place called Cathedral State Park today...they have a stand of virgin hemlocks there.

Lynne2 said...

TIRED Shirley, poor Daisy, we had a storm at 2am and she totally freaked out on us! I think storm plus not being home made her very axious. BUt we are having a really nice time! How you guys doing?

hedgie said...

Raining again here.

stronghunter said...

I did not trim butterfly bushes. Maybe I will do better with such things when I get time to think about it after I finish the school year and I am officially free.

One friend who quit last year said that she would not feel truly free until August when everyone went back and she did not. I will have to see about that.

My butterfly bushes have sometimes died all the way back over the winter. The ones I have now are quite new.

hedgie said...

Hi, Lynne!!! Glad you are having a nice visit. Poor Daisy...:( How is your KNEE???
I love hemlocks! Get some pics!
Thanks for concern for Mom and sis....all is well,a s Shirley said.

Lynne2 said...

See ya later

stronghunter said...

We are fine. Kathryn is snoring a bit on the sofa. I need to vacuum and shampoo carpets but don't want to disturb her now. Hunter kept her awake last night. No storms or anything, just a restless kid. If he can't sleep, he goes into her room to tell her about it.

hedgie said...

500 homes damaged or destroyed. Shelters opening. Gov. declared disaster.
I was shocked to see the carnage remianing one year later after the last time they got hit so hard near the city.

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen the news about the tornadoes this morning. I do not keep up so well on outside news since I share the house.

Red said...

When the Kent eagle intruder came he was immediately given a nice name. The older male was named Patriot and the new one was immediately named Spirit in honor of his fighting spirit. I don't like Turd for a name either. Truder would be better and I would really go for "Champion" as he won the fight and the lady. lol

Red said...

I think he will do just fine next year too. It's all instint. Belle and he are bonding now. I don't think she is teaching him a thing.

stronghunter said...

"Champion" or "Champ" is a nice name, Red.

Red said...

Instinct that is.

stronghunter said...

I have been thinking, but haven't come up with a good name myself. You have a good idea. Giving him a respectful name would help us to move on.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon one and all Home for lunch and when I went to click on the the Sat it came up with that stupid cookie message again, So I just exited and tried again and didn't get the message again I let me right on here YEAH BBL

hedgie said...

Did you say Chump???

Hi, Red!!

JudyEddy said...

No sound again Whats up

stronghunter said...

This is gonna be a tough group, Red.

Kay said...

Lynne2, so good to hear from you. We had severe thunder storms and heavy rain, but haven't heard of any tornadoes close by. Cathedral State Park, sounds lovely and such an appropriate place to visit on Easter weekend !

Red, the voice of reason ! Your thoughts on the name and ways of eagles are sound. I know I haven't yet met the male I could teach a thing ! LOL I've told some young folks along the say, "If there is something you don't like about your girlfriend/boyfriend, think twice. You'll like it even less as time goes on and you won't be able to change another person. Marrying someone you hope to change is a lost cause. Don't even try."

Missed the second visit of the day. Sounds like "someone" is clacking around near the cam/mike.

stronghunter said...

I think the loss of Paddy and the egg is making it harder for us.

stronghunter said...

Good to have Dadsters on here to contribute the male point of view.

Kay said...

Shirley, I agree. I don't think we mortals would have understood no matter what, but watching Belle try to keep Paddy nourished and then losing the precious little eaglet was so tough. It seemed directly attributal (is that a word?) to Truders actions and it's tough to move on.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I was watching when Belle brought the fish too late to save Paddy. It was heartbreaking.

Costume Lady said...


RED, I think it is too soon to give Truder a NICE name. We are still 'smarting' from losing Lib.
I think that when we feel that there is no chance of Lib coming back to this nest, which will be late Fall, then, we may give Truder a decent name...maybe:)

JudyEddy said...

This dumb butt had the sound turned off and I thought it wasn't working until I read someone said they heard something clunking and I then check and it was off I guess I forgot that I turned it down BBL

stronghunter said...

We lost both Paddy and Lib. And we associate the new eagle with both of those losses. I think that it is probably the way of eagles, even though it is not easy for us.

Costume Lady said...

You are right, Shirley...the loss of Paddy and then Lib leaving, has left two big holes in our hearts. Until those holes have healed over, we can't think of a kind name for Truder.

Yes, it is good to have a Male's point of view on here, even if we don't like it!;) JK, Red & Jim♥♥

stronghunter said...

I have to turn the sound down so the commercial does not yell at me, then I sometimes forget to turn it back on.

Kay said...

Hmmm, Champion..Champ..Rocky. We got off to a Rocky start with this young intruder, but if, as Wanda says, he's still Belle's choice come Fall, we should be ready with a new moniker. Like Judie, I've said my piece and am dropping out of name speculation !

JudyEddy said...

It off to work I go again BBL

stronghunter said...

Truder is not far from looking like any other adult eagle.

Kay said...

HAGO, JudyE ! Looking forward to your return.

stronghunter said...

Hey, we can't all drop out of speculating. We need everyone's input.

Costume Lady said...

JudyE...same thing happened to me with the sound. My sound was off, but I couldn't get it turned on and my computer time, which is always perfect, said 11am when it was 10:35am, so I rebooted and everythingis Hunky Dory now:)

Red said...

Hey, look at it this way.
Its all Gods plan

Kay said...

But, Shirley, there is plenty of time left til' all are ready to move on this, so I'm just saying, my thoughts are in the mix and nuff' said by me ! Until and unless we see Truder tending eggs and nurturing chicks, I don't think he'll have won us over.

stronghunter said...

Good point, Kay. He needs to prove himself.

Red said...

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Doris Day

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

So true, Red.

I think the plan is to have a vote regarding the name later on if Truder is still with us. I think that's a good idea.

Red said...

What we have viewed this year probably happens all over North America at 100's of eagle nests. I don't blame the young male at all. It's bred into him to do exactly what he did. We just put on our human emotions and thought it was awful. Get over it. It's nature!

Red said...

With that said, I'm taking a nap.
See ya later!!

Kay said...

Nice musical interlude, Red ! I get the message. Truder on nest

stronghunter said...

We have thought eagles mate for life. They don't always. That much we know. Neither do humans. I found that out the hard way.

Truder is back.

hedgie said...

The Boy is back.

Kay said...

He does a little picking, goes from 3 spot to 12, sitting on rail as if poised to fly.

Kay said...

Belle joins him

stronghunter said...


Kay said...

Both picking at flugg, nest cup, was that beaking ?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am sticking with Jerk for now although I have thought of Richard or some variation there of.

Kay said...

Oh,oh, Truder gets nasty, Belle backs him off ! Yeah, Belle !

Kay said...

Peace reigns again, she's at 12 and he's at the cup

Kay said...

He moves on down to 6 spot, she poofs

stronghunter said...

Poof, Belle.

Kay said...

Truder moving twigs,looking around

stronghunter said...

Hey, was there any sound when Truder was hollering at Belle? I did not hear anything.

stronghunter said...

Hunter heading out to visit with Tom and family.

Truder poofed.

Kay said...

He flew out at 9, same direction as Belle and then right back in over the 3.

Kay said...

I must have turned the volume down while listening to Doris Day---did not hear any sound when T. and Belle were arguing. I have to have setting at the nest and at my puter up at full blast to catch sound at the nest.

hedgie said...

He's sure seems to be spending a lot of ALONE time in the nest.

Hey, Red, you left too soon! Your boy is here!!
Love Doris singing Que Sera! Oldie but goodie.

Sun in and out here. Would rather it stay in....decreases chances of bad storms this evening!

Wanda, have you been sitting on the new porch??!! How waas your early Easter dinner? And how is GG?


Kay said...

Poof Truder

stronghunter said...

Got back just in time to see him leave. I was on FB.

Kay said...

He took off over 9 or 10 again

stronghunter said...

Just keep sitting here and wishing I could retire effective immediately. Can't do that, though. It will come soon enough.

Kay said...

Shadow of eagle over left side of nest briefly, no landing.

LOL, Shirley, you are defintely in a retirement frame of mind ! You have so much joy ahead of you !

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I do not want to grade those research papers, Kay.

Kay said...

Sorry if I get carried away when an eagle lands. I swing into Early Bird mode, as trained to do by Margy. ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley, Kay, and Lynn!

Dropping in for a quick visit before we take Emma to the dog park.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNE MARIE!!!! Hope your day is just spectacular!!!!!!!

Have only read a bit of the blog--can't seem to keep up lately. I know that if Truder stays we have to find a more respectable name for him, but my heart just isn't in it yet. I still hope that Lib will return. I know that Truder is just going by instinct, BUT, his actions are still directly responsible for the loss of POJ. NOT a positive thing for the species. And I object to the way he treats Belle. If he does indeed ever become the permanent resident male, I hope I can overcome my feelings for him and accept the situation, but I'm just not there yet. I really feel sorry for Belle and all she's been through. Guess it's just too soon right now.

hedgie said...

Oh, see that I missed Belle. :(
Well, last minutes things to do. Carolyn should be here soon.
See you all late this evening.
Be safe!

Hoda said...

Good Morning everyone, it is still morning here. Three visits today so far to the nest...Good to read everyone's comments and Stronghunter how I do UNDERSTAND about not wanting to grade papers on the weekends. It was one of the ways I knew it was time for me to leave and I am glad you are doing so...hang in there and I wish you luck with the papers.

hedgie said...

P.S. Check this out!!

$ chick-nest!

Mits had it on FB!\


stronghunter said...

Wow! Thanks for the link, Lynn.

Kay said...

Lynn, wow, a 4 egg nest ! Fantastic ! Be safe as travel back and forth ! Hoping it's a joyous occasion in spite of the ex ! Looking forward to hearing all about it !!!

Hoda said...

Lynne, thanks for the link...Sidney seems to think they have four eggs, yet only three have hatched so far. It is indeed very rare to have four in a clutch.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andy, the southern delegation, i.e. T-bird, EE Sissy and myself all say ditto to your post.

Kay said...

Just walked back in the room to find Belle on the nest at the 12 spot, anyone know when she arrived ?

Hoda said...

She came in at 1:52 PM EDT at three o'clcok

Kay said...

I hope we're not breaking up into "delegations" !


Kay said...

Hoda, thanks ! Isn't it amazing to see how much time they're spending there ?

DanaMo said...

What a nice surprise. I decided to take a break from work and found Belle. I'm so happy!

Kay said...

She is sooo beautiful in that light !

Hoda said...

I noticed her then I did not actually see her fly in, but the time is very close as I had seen the nest shortly before and it was empty.

Kay said...

Hey, DanaMo ! Good to "see" you ! I've been running my little electric broom around the place and checking in between each room. True addiction !!!

DanaMo said...

Yes, she is beautiful! I wish I had time to drive over today. The sun is finally out!

DanaMo said...

I'm prepping my kitchen to redo my cabinets. Found a product that I am going to try to use to refinish them. I'm hoping I will be happy with the finished product but it has taken me all morning to take all the knobs out and screws and cleaning the draws in the process. Now they need to be washed down before I can start the real work. Trying to get the preliminary work done and then will start the real work Monday. I'm cooking dinner tomorrow so I can't have my kitchen torn apart for that!

Kay said...

Dana, that's an ambitious project !I wish you luck with it ! Are you having guests as well as family tomorrow ?

Kay said...

Belle poofed at 12:15, out over the 10 spot.

Kay said...

Durrrr, 2:15 !!!!!

DanaMo said...

Just family. We invited some friends too but I don't think they are coming. They don't have family nearby but may take a trip up to Deep Creek instead. So there are only 8 for dinner! We are 6 plus my parents.

Kay said...

Well, 8 is a very nice number, when all are near and dear to each other. You are so blessed to have your parents living close by. I recall your saying your Dad is the kids driving instructor. That's pretty special !

Kay said...

Wonder where our precioius Lori is today ? Did I miss something in my skim of the posts earlier ?

Kay said...

"Precious Lori" that is. Back to the Bissell, 2 more rooms to go.

DanaMo said...

Yes, it is wonderful living in the same town. I love when I run into them in the grocery store!! My dad has helped all 3 boys "clock" their driving hours. I can walk to my parents house from where I live.

DanaMo said...

I don't think I've "seen" Lori all day!

floralgirl said...

Truder is all I'll ever call this new eagle, it's a fine name. He was an intruder upon this nest, and since it appears he's staying, Truder sounds better.

DanaMo said...

Back to work for me. BBL

Hoda said...

I like Truder as a name for the male eagle for the history it brings with it...intruder, Trudy, when we thought it was a female eagle, and now also a recognition that Liberty is not around...this is the meaning of Truder for me. I however think it is most important that we not have discord and form camps on this issue. Our blog is way to precious for that...

Red said...

Truder would be fine with me to. Turd and Jerk are not good names for our national bird.

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Home from all the running around. Time now to prepare the house and some of the dinner preparations.

I am really missing out on the visits.
I do feel the intruder needs a name..
I know the loss I feel for Liberty and Paddy O'Joy saddens me. But I am ready to vote on a name in the near future.

Now off to catch that Easter Bunny!

FuzzleMT said...

Reading back on the blog - haven't posted because it's rather crowded and takes forever to read up! But I must comment on one thing. I know y'all like Red, but his suggestion of the name "Champion" hopefully meets resistance from you old timers. This new bird is NOT a champion in my opinion. He chased away a remarkable resident eagle and is responsible for an eaglet dying. It was excruciating watching Paddy die. I cried for days. Yes, I KNOW it is nature, but I will not award this new bird with such a name.

Hoda said...

FuzzleMa, I think at issue here is what is a name suitable for the National Symbol of the USA. I am from Canada,and for me the eagles are very regal. It is the same idea...what is a name befitting the USA National symbol full of Majesty and which could reflect the eagle's reign over the skies...maybe we should all not consider turd and jerk as names when it comes to the voting process...just ideas out there...

Judie said...

Okay, I said I would back off but I am going to say this one final bit: I sincerely hope something like a name will not create tension and discord among our bloggers. I began this issue because I sincerely feel that the word "turd" is beneath the dignity of our blog and its members. We are better than that.

DanaMo please have a nice dinner tomorrow and let us know how the cabinets turn out.

Shirley, if you need to get revved up for papers, I can send about 75 your way.

Hoda said...

OK I am off to yoga and you all watch over the nest...may you have Easter Bunnies too...;););)!!! See you all when I come back. I think I will go cast my vote in the National Election.I will go to the Advanced Poles...Maybe it will contribute to the change of Prime Minister of Canada. The regular election date is May second...Stay well and see you all later.

glo said...

Just wanted to say Happy Easter everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Great message on FB
Anne-Marie Larsen
Just got in from Southern Cal. I cant get into my account from there. All is well. Im working hard for my retirement and it will be well worth it in the end. Wh I were thirty and not 70. Hugs to you all and thank you for the well wishes.

stronghunter said...

Oh Lordy, Judie, seventy-five papers? I am supposed to get nineteen research papers this coming week and then get two other classes to work on theirs. I hope the seventy-five papers aren't long ones. That is a load.

stronghunter said...

I offered 5 points extra credit for papers that come in on Wednesday. The due date is Friday. Someone wanted two and one-half for Tuesday. Can't do that.

Linda said...

Hello Eagle Friends!

Once again it took me FOREVER to read from where I left off last night until now. Geeeze!!! I can't keep up!

On the name for the Eagle we know as the Intruder, I am with Sharon, Sissy, Andy, T-Bird and FuzzleMA! I'm a newbie, so I really don't think I have a right to say much, but certainly a name like Champion doesn't sit well with me. That would always remind me he championed over Lib. Okay if you want to give him a name if he is back with Belle next fall or whenever they mate next year, but it isn't out of the question for Belle and Lib to return to the nest next year without this Intruder around. Just my two cents worth!

Sharon - I can't help but laugh at your short, but perfect remarks just at the right times!! Love the Richard or some variation thereof comment!! I know where your heart is!!

The emotions we have as humans is why we love watching these eagles in the first place. Sure it is nature, but our emotions are ALL OVER IT, as they should be. We're human and we love watching nature. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be here.

stronghunter said...

I think we can come up with a name that is acceptable to everyone. I also think the events at our nest is adding quite a bit to knowledge about wildlife.

We came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships we have made. Both the eagles and the friendships are valuable.

FuzzleMT said...

I really don't think "turd" or "jerk" will make it into the naming process. That is our "pet" name for an intruder while we work out our "human" feelings. I admit to having them.

Linda said...

Lynn - Amazing story on those four eaglets! They all look healthy, too!! Thanks for sharing!

stronghunter said...

. . .events are adding, I mean.

Linda said...

EXACTLY RIGHT, Shirley!! The friendships are more important than bickering over a name. I think we're all on the same page there.

We need time to heal from the events of last month and it's going to take some time. So many of you have bonded with Lib for quite a long time. You don't just "get over it" that quickly!!

Linda said...

Feeding the little bobbleheads at White Rock right now.

Red said...

I think some of you will be mighty disappointed next year when Liberty is still missing. Yes it would be nice to see him again but.......

Red said...

OK the grumpy old man has spoken.


Linda said...

Red - We can still HOPE, but with the understanding of the fact that Lib may not be back next year!! Nothing wrong with having hope, right??

Either way, Belle has to have a CAPABLE mate next year. This eagle doesn't cut the mustard in that department yet!!

FuzzleMT said...

Yeah, like we aren't disappointed now with an empty nest. We are very much aware that Liberty may not appear in this nest again just as we are also very aware that Liberty may just come back and kick ass! If I never see Liberty again I will still be

Linda said...

It sure would be nice to know where he is and if he is okay!

stronghunter said...

It hurts to see the empty nest every day. I wasn't here when you had the empty nest before, but that was caused by the weather.

stronghunter said...

It would be nice to know that Lib is okay, Linda.

stronghunter said...

Well, golly, I suddenly was required to sign in. Didn't know I had signed out.

JudyEddy said...

T Bird on Nest

stronghunter said...

Both there now.

JudyEddy said...

each in their own corners-they seem to be ignoring each other

stronghunter said...

BBL. Going to go shopping with Kathryn.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 592   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...